How To Use This Book: This Book Consists of 9 Units. Each Unit Consists of The Following Section
How To Use This Book: This Book Consists of 9 Units. Each Unit Consists of The Following Section
How To Use This Book: This Book Consists of 9 Units. Each Unit Consists of The Following Section
This book consists of 9 units. Each unit consists of the following section.
In This Unit
Objectives and functions to learn in each
unit are presented in ‘In This Unit’.
Warm up
It presents pictures with questions that
are related to the topic of the unit to moti-
vate learners to get ready for studying.
New vocabulary words that appear in each
unit are presented in this section.
Collocational expressions are categorized
separately by ‘Words that go together’.
This ‘Vocabulary’ section will function as a
dictionary for learners while studying each
Key Expressions
Various exemplary dialogues or statements
which introduce the topic and related situa-
tions of each unit are presented in this sec-
Check it
‘Check it’ enhances learners’ comprehen-
sion of the dialogue or statement.
Grammar Points
Key explanations on the new grammar
points of each unit are presented. More
explanations on the grammar are present-
ed in ‘Grammar Reference’ at the end of
this book.
Basic explanations on the essential vocab-
ulary and expressions used in the given
text are presented.
Various forms of exercises to check and
review what learners have learned are pro-
vided in this section. The last excercise in
each section provides learners not just a
simple grammar practice but a chance to
practice the grammar in practical situations
by reorganizing the exemplary dialogues or
statements using the given information.
How to Use This Book 일러두기
This is a listening exercise covering grammar,
vocabulary and expressions that are carried
throughout each unit. The contents of listen-
ing materials in this section are using authen-
tic language in a wide range of settings to
help learners prepare for real-life listening
This section introduces interesting Korean cul-
ture related to the topic of each unit. Using sim-
ple grammar structures, explanations are easy
to understand for Korean language learners.
English translations are also available at the
back of the book.
Now I can
Each unit ends with the opportunity for learners
to wrap up what they have learned and assess
their achievement of learning objectives.
Additional Expressions
Extended vocabulary words and expres-
sions are presented with illustrations and
photos. Although they are a little beyond
the level of each unit, they are useful
expressions for daily life.
Grammar Reference
This section at the end of the book pre-
sents detailed explanations of ‘Grammar
Points’ in each unit. Further explanations
on grammar structures will be helpful for
learners as well as instructors.
How to Use This Book 일러두기
Grammar Glossary
The list of all the grammar points are pre-
sented here so the learners can easily look
for an explanation of a certain grammar
It lists all the vocabulary words presented
throughout the textbook and‘Grammar
Reference’with the meanings, and indicates
the unit where they first appear.‘R’next to
the number of unit indicates that the word is
first appeared in‘Reading & Writing’.
N noun A adjective
V verb S sentence
Contents 차례
Preface 머리말
UNIT 6 Company 회사 80
Glossary 단어 색인 161
Scope and Sequence 교재 구성표
•Listening to a description of •Reading about the appear- •Fish-shaped bun •Colloquial expressions
the appearance and finding a ance and personality of (Two peas in a related to personality
person someone pod)
•Listening to a mistake related •Writing about the appearance
to appearance and personality of someone
•Listening to and understanding who you like
the reason of the breakup
•Listening to and understanding •Reading about the merits •Emoticon •Expressions related to
an opinion about the Internet and demerits of a cell phone subscribing for member-
•Listening to and understanding •Writing about what I think of ship on a Web site
a conversation about purchas- the best invention of the
ing a cell phone 20th century
•Listening to and understanding
ways to get to work
•Listening to a description of a •Reading a notice about a lost •Emergency call •Expressions related to
room laptop incidents and accidents
•Listening to and talking about •Writing a notice on finding a
an accident lost item
•Listening to a conversation
reporting on a lost bag
•Listening to and finding reasons •Reading an article about •Housewarming •Expressions showing
why something couldn’t be reports on the most regretful party emotions
done moment
•Listening to a conversation •Writing an article about the
about why someone didn’t most regretful moment
bring an umbrella
•Listening to a conversation
about why someone couldn’t
attend a birthday party
Scope and Sequence 교재 구성표
•Listening to a conversation and •Reading an in-house notice •Titles at work •Company life
understanding sequence •Writing a notice about some-
•Listening to a telephone talk thing to announce
with the person in charge
•Listening to and understanding
an interview
•Listening to and understanding •Reading a logical essay •Korean money •Expressions related to
a conversation related to shop- about one’s opinion using ATM
ping •Determining one’s stand-
•Listening to and understanding point and writing a logical
a conversation related to open- essay about one’s opinion
ing a credit card account
•Listening to and understanding
a conversation related to dona-
•Listening about a special shop •Reading an essay introducing •History of Korea •Korean national holidays
and understanding it Seoul and memorial days
•Listening to and understand- •Writing an introduction of a
ing an experience in Korea city in one’s country
•Listening to and understand-
ing company life in Korea
•Listening to and understand- •Reading information about a •Jeju Island •Places worth visiting in
ing travel agency advertise- recommended destination Korea
ments •Writing information about a
•Listening to and understand- recommended destination
ing information about planning
to visit Korea
•Listening to and understand-
ing an interview related to
1 Appearance and Personality
외모와 성격
In This Unit Describing outfits 옷차림 표현하기
16 UNIT 1
Vo c a b u l a r y 어 휘
Dressing verbs
신다 to wear (shoes) 끼다 to wear (gloves, glasses, etc.) 차다 to wear (a watch)
하다 to wear (earrings, a necklace, etc.) 들다 to hold (a bag) 메다 to carry (on shoulder)
Color adjectives
노랗다 yellow 빨갛다 red 파랗다 blue
까맣다 black 하얗다 white
창문 window 대구 Daegu 속 inside
복사기 copier
싸우다 to have a quarrel / to fight 사과하다 to apologize 서두르다 to be in a hurry
도와주다 to help 닮다 to resemble 찾다 to find
지내다 to spend time doing something
좁다 narrow 세다 strong 다르다 different
비슷하다 similar 동그랗다 round 짙다 dark
연하다 soft / light 얇다 thin 두껍다 thick
항상 always 혹시 perhaps 조용히 quietly
Check it
A Excuse me. Is Minsu Kim here?
B Yes. He’s the one next to the window. 1. 김민수 씨는 창문 옆에 있다.
A Is he the person wearing the blue shirt? T F
B No. That’s not him. Minsu Kim is the person wearing the black shirt.
2. 김민수 씨는 파란색 셔츠를 입었다.
A Oh, I see. Thank you.
2. F Answer 1. T
Grammar Points
V-고 있다
‘-고 있다’is usually combined with verbs related to wearing clothes and ornaments, such as‘입다, 쓰다, 신다, 끼다, 벗다’
. A verb
followed by‘-고 있다’denotes that the result of the last action continues until present.
Grammar Reference p.136
N이/가 아니다
Dressing verbs differ depending on the clothes and ornaments in Korean.‘입다’is used for clothes‘
, 신다’is used for shoes,
and‘쓰다’is used for hats.
입다 매다 하다
치마 바지 셔츠 스카프 넥타이 귀걸이 목걸이 머리띠
신다 끼다 들다
구두 운동화 양말 안경 반지
쓰다 차다 메다
모자 안경 우산 시계
18 UNIT 1
Key Expressions 본문
미나 재민
수지 애니
2. F Answer 1. T
Grammar Points
A-아/어 보이다
‘-아/어 보이다’is used to guess or express the perception of a person or a thing at a glance.
S-(으)ㄴ/는데 S’
The combination of‘너’and subject particle‘이/가’is not‘너가’but‘네가’
20 UNIT 1
Key Expressions 본문
재민 마이클 애니 수지
나는 김치를 좋아해요. + 언니는 김치를 안 좋아해요. → 나는 김치를 좋아하는데 언니는 김치를 안 좋아해요 .
1) 민수 씨는 자요. + 재민 씨는 공부해요. → ・
2) 오늘은 바빠요. + 내일은 시간이 많아요. → ・
3) 경제학 공부는 좀 어려워요. + 경제학 공부는 재미있어요. → ・
4) 공부를 많이 했어요. + 시험을 잘 못 봤어요. → ・
3 Read the following and fill in the blank using the expressions in the box.
마이클 → 민수 →
애니 → 웨이 →
A 애니, 이 노란 옷 입고 있는 사람 누구야?
B 아니, 우리 언니야.
A 그래? 언니하고 안 닮았네.
B 응. 그런 얘기 많이 들어. 언니는 눈도 크고
입도 큰데 나는 눈도 작고 입도 작아.
A 성격도 달라?
B 성격은 비슷해.
Grammar Points
‘ㅎ’irregular adjectives
For some adjectives with stems ending with‘ㅎ’ ,‘ㅎ’is deleted when an ending starting with‘-아/어’is added.
The last vowel of the stem‘-아/어’
, is changed to‘-애’ , and‘-야’is changed to‘-얘’ .
노랗다 + -아요 → 노래요
When an ending starting with‘-으-’is added,‘ㅎ’is deleted and the‘-으-’in the ending is also deleted.
노랗다 + -(으)ㄴ → 노란 Grammar Reference p.137
‘닮다’is used to express resemblance. It is used as in‘-하고 닮았어요’
마이클은 형하고 닮았어요.
22 UNIT 1
Key Expressions 본문
어머니 아버지
이마가 넓다 이마가 좁다
1. Listen carefully and write the number of the person who is being
described in each question.
② ③
① ④ ⑤
① 성격이 너무 달라서
② 남자 친구가 너무 조용해서
Answer 1. 1) ① 2) ⑥ 3) ⑦ 2. ③ 3. 1) ① 2) ① O ② X
24 UNIT 1
읽기와 쓰기
1) 맞는 것에 O 하세요.
① 수지는 내 (언니 / 친구)(이)다. ② 수지와 나는 (외모 / 성격)이/가 비슷하다.
2) 위의 내용과 같은 것을 고르세요.
① 수지는 말이 없는 사람이다.
② 수지와 나는 같은 학교에 다닌다.
③ 수지는 다른 사람을 잘 도와준다.
왜 그 사람을 좋아합니까?
Answer 1. 1) ① 친구 ② 외모 2) ③
왜 그 사람을 좋아합니까?
4. Write about the person who you like using what you’ve written above.
describe outfits
describe status
express feelings or guessing
express negatives
express contrasts
in Korean.
26 UNIT 1
Key Expressions 핵심 대화
Additional Expressions 추가 표현
눈이 높다 눈이 낮다 입이 가볍다 입이 무겁다
picky easy to please to have a big mouth reticent
손이 크다 손이 작다 마음이 넓다 속이 좁다
generous close-fisted broad-minded narrow-minded
입이 짧다 콧대가 높다 귀가 얇다
to have a small appetite arrogant easily convinced
27 UNIT 1 Change 27