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LIVING IN THE IT ERA - Activity #2

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Republic of the Philippines

Northwest Samar State University

Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: [email protected]
Telefax: (055) 2093657
ISO 9001:2015


Living in the IT ERA

Activity #2
Test I
Instruction: Highlight in blue the word that corresponds to the right answer; and if you found
out that the answer is not correct you may add a note highlighted in yellow to correct it.

1) What was the name of first computer designed by Charles Babbage?

a. Analytical Engine
b. Difference Engine (*though all the essential ideas of modern computers are to
be found in Babbage’s Analytical Engine.)
c. Colossus

2) Which was the first electronics digital programmable computing device?

a. Analytical Engine
b. Difference Engine
c. Colossus
*Atanassof-Berry Computer (ABC)

3) EDVAC stands for __________.

a. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
b. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
c. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Calculator
d. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Computer

4) Which was the first commercial computer?

a. Mark 1
b. Analytical Engine
c. Difference Engine
d. Colossus
*The UNIVAC 1 (Universal Automatic Computer 1)

5) UNIVAC stands for __________.

a. Universal Automatic Calculator
b. Universal Native Input Automatic computer
c. Universal Native Input Automatic calculator
d. Universal Automatic Computer
6) ENIAC stands for __________.
a. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
b. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
c. Electronic Numerical Integrator Automatic Computer

7) John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert are the inventors of __________ computer.
d. Mark 1

8) Who invented the punch card?

a. Charles Babbage
b. Semen Korsakov
c. Herman Hollerith
d. Joseph Marie Jacquard

9) In the late __________, Herman Hollerith invented data storage on punched cards
that could then be read by a machine.
a. 1860
b. 1900
c. 1890
d. 1880

10) Which electronic components are used in First Generation Computers?

a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor

11) Which electronic components are used in Second Generation Computers?

a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor

12) Which electronic components are used in Third Generation Computers?

a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor

13) Which electronic components are used in Fourth Generation Computers?

a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
14) Which electronic components are used in Fifth Generation Computers?
a. Transistors
b. Integrated Circuits
c. Vacuum Tubes
d. Microprocessor
*Artificial Intelligence (AI)

15) ENIAC Computer belongs to __________.

a. First Generation Computers
b. Second Generation Computers
c. Third Generation Computers
d. Fourth Generation Computers

Test II
Instruction: Answer the following:
1. In your day to day life, based on your experience to what specific site you always visit?
Why and what was the purpose? (have screenshot for evidences)20 points.

In my daily life as a college student, I always tend to visit Facebook for information
and updates regarding our online classes especially now that we are in a new teaching-
learning system. We, all, are aware of the existence of this COVID-19 virus that had been
causing us dilemma for almost 3 years from now and that a limited face-to-face interaction
is prohibited to avoid further contamination. And with that, students from elementary up to
the college level are required to utilize online learning or blended learning as the new
means of education. Hence, we are obliged to always be active in our Facebook to catch
up with the lessons and activities from time to time since Facebook is currently the most
used communication site and almost all of students in Calbayog City has their very own
Facebook account. Why? For me, it is because Facebook is very much convenient to use
with a lot of beneficial features it offers and using it doesn’t require strong internet
connectivity. I also utilize Facebook not only for educational purposes but I also as a
platform for communicating with my peers, family, loved-ones and other people
concerning my life for the same reason stated above.

2. From the video/instructional materials uploaded what is the difference of internet and the
web.10 points.

From the video and instructional materials uploaded, the internet and the web or
the world wide web (www) indeed differs in variety of ways. The major difference of the two is
that the world wide web (www) is a subset of the internet. Wherein, the internet is a global network
of networks which is a group of interconnected computer systems where communication and
exchange of data takes place. The internet is simply the way computers connect to each other to
share information. The web, on the other hand, is where you can access those informations using
‘http’ protocols. It is one of the services which the internet supports. The web is essentially a
virtual space where all those informations are stored while the internet keeps them connected.
The web addresses “what are you specifically searching for” from the numerous information that
can be found in the internet and organizes them through ‘hyperlinks’. It is like the web is guiding
you in the ‘City of Informations’, with tons of Buildings of Knowledge, as to where destination or
what specific Building of Knowledge would you like to be at wherein every Building contains
different contents or informations from one another.

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