(Integrative Performance Task) : Music and PE

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Name: _________________________ Date:_______________________

Section: ________________________

Music and PE
(Integrative Performance Task)


1. For online class, this will be a group performance. (3-5 members in a group)

For Digital and printed, this will be an individual activity.

2. The groupings will be discussed and decided in our 1st synchronous class.

3. The performance of each group must contain only 1 genre. The teacher will assign the genre
for each group.

For individual performances, students are free to choose their genre.

4. Genres are: HipHop Exercise, Aerobics, Zumba, Jive-Latin or Modern Dance Exercise.

5. Music must be upbeat with the influence of African music. (Music which involves percussion
instruments or festival music)

6. This will be a video performance. Time limit for presentation is minimum of 3 and maximum
of 5 minutes. With proper stretching and cool down.

7. Students must wear their proper PE uniform during the performance.

8. All members must be present in the video. Grading will be individual. (see attached rubrics)

9. 4 weeks will be given for each group.

10. Only the link will be turned in in our Google Classroom.

11. Posting of your video publicly is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!

Grading Rubrics
Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Needs
Level Level Level Improvement
25 points 20 points 15 points Level
10 point
Warm up and
Movements Movements Warm-up was too Warm-up was too
were low were low high impact for high-impact for the
impact and impact and the varying varying fitness
rhythmic to rhythmic to fitness levels of levels of the
safely increase safely increase the participants, participants. Utilized
blood flow. blood flow. Proper form of ballistic stretching,
Proper form of Proper form of static stretching and did not identify
static static stretching was exhibited, applicable muscles.
stretching was was exhibited, but applicable
exhibited, and but applicable muscles were not
applicable muscles were identified.
muscles not identified.
Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates no
Choreograph excellent knowledge of some knowledge knowledge of
y knowledge of movement and of movement, movement.
choreography performs with and performance
and performs few errors. has many errors.
free of errors.
Musicality Shows a full Shows Has some
understanding understanding knowledge of Dancer speed up/
of rhythm and of rhythm and rhythm and and or falls behind
timing by timing by timing, but often throughout
staying on staying on beat speeds up/and the dance.
beat for the throughout or slows down
entire dance. most of the many time
dance. throughout

Effort Shows great Shows effort Shows little Shows no effort

effort while when effort while while performing
performing performing performing the choreography.
choreography. choreography choreography

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