(Integrative Performance Task) : Music and PE
(Integrative Performance Task) : Music and PE
(Integrative Performance Task) : Music and PE
Section: ________________________
Music and PE
(Integrative Performance Task)
1. For online class, this will be a group performance. (3-5 members in a group)
2. The groupings will be discussed and decided in our 1st synchronous class.
3. The performance of each group must contain only 1 genre. The teacher will assign the genre
for each group.
4. Genres are: HipHop Exercise, Aerobics, Zumba, Jive-Latin or Modern Dance Exercise.
5. Music must be upbeat with the influence of African music. (Music which involves percussion
instruments or festival music)
6. This will be a video performance. Time limit for presentation is minimum of 3 and maximum
of 5 minutes. With proper stretching and cool down.
8. All members must be present in the video. Grading will be individual. (see attached rubrics)