BPLAN 4 Food Processing
BPLAN 4 Food Processing
BPLAN 4 Food Processing
Prepared by:
Blossom Food Specialties LImited
1-2, Block LM, Industrial Park,
Owo/Benin Expressway, Akure,
Ondo State, Nigeria.
Telephone: 08036143238, 08054453085
E-mail: [email protected]
June, 2014
Chapter Page
Table of Content i
Executive Summary 2
2.8 Competition 16
2.9 Competitive Analysis Tables 18
Cost Assumptions 32
A. Concept
The management estimates that the underserved segment of the market will
generate N30 Million naira of sales and that our company will capture up to 15%
market share by the first year.
Company Description
Mission Statement
Blossom Foods is a creative maker of instant food products that offers
unparalleled quality of food products in its natural state. We value integrity,
creativity and respect our relationships with each other, our customers and
the world at large.
Industry Analysis
The food industry has expanded rapidly in the past several years, and growth is
expected to continue at higher rate with the increasing growth of Nigerian
population. USDA GRAIN report shows that Nigeria‘s retail food imports are
estimated at $750 million in 2010 and projected to increase by 20 percent in
subsequent years. Changing demographics and lifestyles are resulting in
increasing consumer demand and preference for packaged retail foods.
Blossom Foods’ main products are Instant Pounded Yam Flour (Iyan), Instant
Plantain Flour (Elubo Ogede) and Instant Yam Flour (Elubo Isu). The products
are of high quality, natural, free of artificial food additives and are produced with
the use of modern equipment.
Instant pounded yam flour is one of the food items that defy socio-economic
class, religious and ethnic boundaries. The average consumption rate of yam
and it by-products in Nigeria is estimated at 0.5 - 1.0 kg daily says Market
report Portal.
It contains carbohydrate as high as 75% of the nutrient in yam. When
prepared it can be eaten or served with various sauces.
Target Market
Blossom Foods’ marketing strategy is to represent its products as the best and
most logical solution to customers’ needs. We are positioning the company as
the highest quality producer of Instant Pounded Yam Flour (Iyan), Instant
Plantain Flour (Elubo Ogede) and Instant Yam Flour (Elubo Isu) in the market
place. The company will use a variety of marketing approaches and materials
including trade shows, seminars and distribution of handbills.
Our company faces competition from Ola-Ola pounded yam flour, Ayo-Ola
Poundo yam, Olu Iyan, Miller’s Poundi and Endy’s Poundo yam. These
companies specialize in instant pounded yam flour, and do not provide the same
quality and price that Blossom Foods does. Ayo-Ola and Miller also produce
plantain flour (Elubo Ogede) and yam flour (Elubo Isu) as we do but not of the
same quality, as our products contain 100% raw materials.
Mr. Ajayi, J. Tunde is company’s Managing Director. Mr. Ajayi has held
management positions with Blossom Investments Company Limited for 12 years.
His accomplishments include growing sales revenue and introducing new line of
business that brought the company to an enviable position.
Blossom Foods operates from 1-2, Block LM, Ondo state Industrial Park, Akure.
It makes its products from at this location. Key suppliers are Greenyard Ventures,
Aisida Yam Supplier and some local farmers.
By achieving its sales target, Blossom Foods will position itself for profitability
and self funded growth. Below is a brief summary of the company’s Profit and
Loss Statement for the next two years.
Sales = N66,152,500.00
Sources of Funds
Other significant uses of the funds being sought are for opening stock and
purchase of two medium size rotary dryers of 200kg capacity each.
Blossom Foods needs to sell 37,483 units to reach break-even point amounting
to N19,978,439.00 in the first year. In the same vein, we shall reach profitability
by selling 37,484 units. Due to our projected monthly sales of 5,060 units, we
shall begin to make profit from the middle of August in year 1.
Identified risks are financial risk, fire outbreak, employee accident and food
poisoning. To mitigate against the risks we shall seek for investors to reduce
financial risk; while insurance policy shall be obtained to take care of other risks.
Instant pounded yam flour is one of the food items that defy socio-economic
class, religious and ethnic boundaries. The average consumption rate of yam
and it by-products in Nigeria is estimated at 0.5 - 1.0 kg daily says Market
report Portal.
It contains carbohydrate as high as 75% of the nutrient in yam. When
prepared it can be eaten or served with various sauces.
The peels of plantain are of economic importance. It constitutes valuable fodder for
goats and sheep. In addition, when the peels and the stalk are burnt, the resultant
ash is used to produce local black soap. Ready markets exist for this in the
The management has taken the following steps to protect these products:
a. Trademark registration
The trademark name is Blossom Foods.
b. National Agency for food and drug administration and control (NAFDAC)
registration numbers of the products are as shown below:
Blossom Instant Pounded Yam Flour (Iyan) No. 08-1190L.
Blossom Instant Plantain Flour (Elubo Ogede) No. 08-1234L.
Blossom Instant Yam Flour (Elubo Isu) No. 08-1191L
1.6 Future Products
The food industry has expanded rapidly in the past several years, and growth is
expected to continue at higher rate with the increasing growth of Nigerian
population. USDA GRAIN report shows that Nigeria‘s retail food imports are
estimated at $750 million in 2010 and projected to increase by 20 percent in
subsequent years. Changing demographics and lifestyles are resulting in
increasing consumer demand and preference for packaged retail foods.
Traditionally, the processed and packaged food industry has been heavily
impacted by economic trends. The industry depends solely on raw materials
that are seasonal – yam tubers and unripe plantain. In spite of this, sales are
expected to be consistent throughout the year.
iii. Opportunities
He has won seveal awards, among which are: Fellow of Science Association
of Nigeria, and the Distinguished Fellowship Platinum Award of the Institute
of Environmental Accountants, to mention just few.
2.3 Staffing
Blossom Foods currently runs its business with a staff of 10 full time and 4
part-time employees. Each is responsible for a different function, although
management has created a system of cross-functional training that will
keep its business running smoothly despite illness or casual leave.
He/she shall manage our laboratory. Ensures all samples of products are
analyzed for various quality parameters as well as meet specification of
government regulatory bodies. He/she must possess a B. Sc. in
Microbiology or Biochemistry with a minimum of two years experience.
Our Brands
By our brands, we intend to let our customers know that we are promise keepers.
They shall know our products by the natural taste, our colours, our logo and the
appearance of our marketing staff. Our company shall strive to be consistent in
what we claim to be all the time; so that we can continuously earn customers trust
and loyalty.
To achieve this, we shall carry all our employees and suppliers along to know
what we stand for.
ii. Economy
USDA GRAIN report that the economy recorded impressive growth of 7.85
percent in 2010 and 7.72 percent as of the second quarter of 2011 compared
to 5.2% forecast for sub-Sahara Africa and food inflation has been on a
downward trend from 14.1% in October 2010 to 9.7% in October 2011.
worthy to know that average Nigerian spends 72.97 percent of his or her
Generally we target young working class youths and the adults between the ages
of 25 and 55 years, working in both public and private sectors.
In addition, there are also several economic and cultural trends that have
contributed to the growing in demand for instant food products:
6. Supermarkets
Total 1,072,000 1,160,450 1,256,808 1,361,816 1,476,292
The above analysis shows the stability and the growth rate of the market.
Market Analysis
Public Servants Executive Businessmen Bankers
Students Eateries Supermarkets
19% 6%
We have different channels to sell our products to the customers; the best way to
get to them at minimal cost is a crucial decision. We have adopted the following
channels as shown in the diagram:
Distribution Channel
This company sells in large quantity to wholesalers, who in-turn sells to the
Another distribution channels is direct sales. There are some of the customers
among the public servants and the bankers who may not have the time to go the
market for shopping; we shall reach them through direct sales. They find this
more convenient and time saving.
3.4. Promotions
3.5 Competition
Advertis The use of handbills, They have Display of product Internet advert and
ement radio jingles and branded delivery in the market display of product in the
motor arcade carnival vehicles that places and market.
to create publicity create awareness through social
shall be our method. to the people. Also media networks.
In addition, we shall through internet
advertise through advertisement
social media
networks/internet. We
shall construct a small
branded display
stands for our dealers.
Packagi Our packaging shall Good packaging The packaging is The product is well
ng be design to be but they can very simple and packaged with double
attractive, inviting and improve on the transparently wraps. The design is
distinct. It shall stand design of the attractive. But it beautiful, it should be
out among others. packaging stands a chance ranked among the best.
material. to lose its identity
among other
We anticipate that our competitors will definitely react to our entry into the
market. They are likely going to react in one or all of the following ways:
Whatever their reactions, we are determined to establish our presence and share
the market with them.
Our advantage over others is the ability to deliver consistently high quality
instant food products.
1. Blossom instant pounded yam flour, plantain flour and yam flour contain
100% raw food materials. The three products are free of food additives.
Similar products in the markets are unnecessarily coloured and flavoured.
2. Our company concentrates on the use of good and attractive packaging
materials that will make our products very distinct and noticeable among
others when displayed on shelves.
3. Our location is more accessible and convenient to our customers.
Management projects that Blossom Foods will achieve sales revenue of 32.3
million in year one. This figure will grow to 33.9 million in year two. The sales
chart below is drawn from the sales forecast.
Sales Chart
20000000 Sales
Gross Margin
15000000 Net Profit
Year 1 Yeaar 2
3.9 Actual Sales details: 24TH November, 2013 TO 16TH April, 2014.
Electronics 1 350,000 48
(Moisture meter, 350,000.00 7,291.67
PC, Tv, AC, etc)
Furniture and Two 1 161,000 60
Water Tanks 161,000.00 2,683.33
Rotary Dryers 2 650,000 60
1,300,000.00 21,666.67
Delivery Van 1 1,680,000 60
1,680,000.00 28,000.00
- -
8,808,000.00 128,450.00
Particulars Source Qty Unit Price Amount
Furniture & Fitting John Wood
Furniture, Industrial 1 set 65,000 65,000
Park, Akure
Air Conditioner LG Store,
2Hp Oyemekun Rd, 1 60,000 60,000
Carpet / Rug Nobel Carpet 20 1,500 30,000
36 Sqm Hospital Rd, Akure
LED TV Set 21” LG Stores 1 26,000 26,000
Desktop Pc Lasco Computers
Oba-Adesida Road, 1 70,000 70,000
Total 251,000
i. Parboiling
The yam slices are blanched in a boiling water for some minutes./
ii. Drying
The balanced yam slices are dried in a dryer at specified drying
temperature for few hours. The dried yam chips are stored in air-
light containers.
iii. Milling
The dried yam chips are pulverized directly into flour of uniform
particle size distribution.
iv. Packaging
The yam flour is packed into air-light, moisture proof packaging
4.6 Milestones
Table 3.7 Milestones
The following topics and tables outline our financial plan. We plan to turn a
significant profit, but we will structure the business so as to maintain a healthy
cash flow.
The financial plan depends upon important assumptions, most of which are
shown in the following table. The key underlying assumptions are:
We assume a slow-growth economy, without major recession.
We assume that there are no unforeseen changes in the expectancy in
the popularity of our products.
We assume access to investments and financing are sufficient to maintain
and fulfill our financial plan.
We also assume tax at 5% of net profit; and insurance at 5% of total
capita expense.
A total sale, for our company to reach break-even point is Nineteen Million,
Nine Hundred and Seventy-Eight Thousand, Four Hundred and Thirty-Nine
5.3 Profitability
Quantity of products to sell in order to make profit in the year is 37,484 units
amounting to N19,978,972.00.
Other significant uses of the funds being sought are for opening stock and
purchase of two medium size Charcoal Rotary Dryers of 200kg/day capacity
Table 5.3: Loan Repayment Schedule
Monthly Monthly Principal +
Month Principal Principal Interest Interest Cumulative
0 3,000,000.00
Profitability Ratios
i. Gross Profit Margin: Gross Profit divided by Sales multiply by 100%
Gross Profit Margin = 19,104983/66,152,500 *100% =
ii. Net Profit Margin: Net Profit divided by Sales multiply by 100%
Our track record is low compare to our Acceptability of the products will be
competitors. Raw materials are very slow. Our production may
seasonal, and we have low financial slow down due to lack of enough
WEAKNESS capability. We don’t have delivery vans capital to buy raw materials that
that can offer timely delivery of can last till next season. Marketing
products. and after-sales follow-up will be
hindered since we have to depend
on commercial vehicles.
Present political tension in Ondo state. Political instability may hinder cash
Inconsistent government policy on the flow in the system, which in turn
Industrial Park where our factory is may affect sales. Other threat
situated. Erratic power supply. Lack of factors listed will definitely increase
maintenance of the infrastructures and cost of production. Break-even will
available facilities in the Park. be under threat and net profit will
reduce drastically.
6.0 Business Risk and Mitigation Factor
v. Pilfering / Theft
The issue of stealing by workers is a challenge to us. Profit making begins
to fall short of projections if pilfering and theft are not curbed.