Why Asset Integrity Implementation Fails

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Why Asset Integrity Implementation

Often Fails
Stephen W. Ciaraldi, Senior Integrity Management Specialist, Velosi Asset Integrity

Compare the approaches of the top 10 production and who are going to get less
operating companies around the world 2. Losing sight of process, bonus because the integrity specialist is
to tackling the asset integrity chal- people, and plant. asking to do work on their facility.
lenge and you will find many similar- Having that production loss booked
ities. Whether in the models used to It may seem obvious, but an asset integ- in advance and everyone in agreement is
identify risks or the approaches used to rity plan is an extremely complex under- an important obstacle to overcome. Pro-
manage them, the industry thinking has taking with many moving parts and active companies motivate their staff on
evolved to a point at which most agree even more stakeholders involved in its the basis of operational safety as well as
on the fundamental elements of how to successful execution. Recognizing that asset productivity.
approach integrity management. there are many reasons why asset integ-
Look closer and you might find rity implementations do not achieve the 4. Failing to monitor progress
some more commonalities. The reasons results expected of them is an important once an implementation
asset integrity management strategies starting point. Problems are not con- plan is under way.
often fail to achieve the expected results fined to one particular area of an integ-
are also often the same from operator rity implementation and can just as eas- Many implementations fail because
to operator. ily emerge in either the process, the their architects fail to effectively moni-
So what are these reasons, and how people, or the plant components that tor their progress once the implemen-
can you ensure you are building them make up an integrated integrity man- tation moves from theory to reality. No
into your implementation strategy to agement program. Focus too narrowly plan is perfect, and once you finalize
ensure that you do not repeat them? on one area and you can be sure prob- an integrity plan it may change with-
There are 10 reasons why integrity man- lems will emerge elsewhere. The key to in an hour. So it is important to pre-
agement implementations often fail. implementation is the effective working pare for the fact that constant monitor-
together of these three components and ing will be required to ensure that your
1. Trying to tackle integrity ensuring that checks and balances exist plan stays on track. Successful integri-
in isolation. at every stage. ty strategies are always putting correc-
tive actions in place to ensure that you
Perhaps the most common reason asset 3. Not addressing the achieve at least your primary objective.
integrity strategies fail is integrity spe- competition between If you do not monitor, therefore, you will
cialists trying to achieve integrity in productivity and integrity. not achieve your objective. Expect it and
isolation. Integrity is not a subject that plan for it, but you will need to be flex-
thrives in a silo—it requires the entire Companies that fail to properly budget ible to achieve your goal. One technique
business to be aware, on board, and sup- for and book production deferrals are that can be applied is multiple-level key
porting of a unified effort. Staffers need also key reasons an implementation can performance indicator (KPI) monitoring
to know how integrity affects their daily fall down. It has been known for indi- using a wide range of KPIs. When things
job, and they need to be encouraged, viduals to go on site and say, “It is not go red, corrective actions need to be put
cajoled, instructed, and motivated to my job to maximize production; it is my in place.
ensure that they are working together. job to ensure integrity of facilities and to
Different groups have different goals, implement the asset integrity require- 5. Failing to realize that asset
but not caring about others’ goals and ments.” That naturally brings them into integrity management
complaining about having to do others’ conflict with those whose job it is to never actually ends.
work demonstrates a silo mentality. If maximize production. In practice, an
that type of silo mentality exists, there enormous amount of resistance is often We all know that asset integrity is a
will be problems in implementing integ- faced by integrity specialists from peo- cradle-to-grave process, right? Of course
rity management. ple whose primary goal is to maximize we do, and, yet, in too many cases,

64 JPT • JULY 2012

asset integrity advisors can approach a ly among the most common reasons
project with a mind-set of having been integrity rollouts fail. So how do we go 9. Not effectively balancing
brought into an operation to carry out about building a robust integrity cul- the experience levels of
some integrity work, and once that work ture? First, people need to know what site staff.
has been done and that asset integrity asset integrity is. Training is required in
advisor has been allocated elsewhere, the fundamentals of the subject and how Having too many new faces or raw
a perception remains that the job will they apply to the business. Contractors recruits working on the same project at
then be finished and go away. It does not should be included in this training, too. any one time increases the risk of integ-
work that way. Asset integrity requires Leaders must push the integrity agen- rity failure—it is important to make sure
constant monitoring and constant vigi- da. If leaders push, people will follow. there is a balance. Effective manage-
lance even when—especially when— Finally, encourage honesty. If staffers ment of contractors is key as well. The
responsibility shifts from one team to are afraid to report a hydrocarbon leak final manpower lesson to bear in mind is
another. In cases where things are going and fear it may affect their performance that, once the program is agreed and the
well, it is easy for a dangerous level of rank or pay, then you have a problem. funding is approved, the time to get the
complacency to creep in. People start to team together is typically longer. Good
accept risks that should not be accepted. 8. Failing to effectively engineers may not be integrity experts,
Asset integrity is a continuous process prioritize what needs and dedicated integrity teams take a
and needs constant vigilance. to be done. long time to assemble and get in place.

6. Not understanding the An essential element of implementing 10. Failing to get outside
economics of integrity a successful asset integrity strategy is perspectives.
management. making sure you are doing the right
work in the right place at the right time. We have all experienced situations where
An aging facility requires increasing Too many integrity strategies fail to pri- we have been so consumed by a prob-
levels of investment in asset integri- oritize the work that needs to be done lem that we fail to see potential solutions
ty, even though production levels—and, based on a clear understanding of where that others with the benefit of a differ-
therefore, profitability levels—might the most serious risk lies. Instead, they ent perspective might recognize imme-
be declining. Facilities get older, more prioritize based on financial consider- diately. The same applies to asset integri-
water is produced, and asset integri- ations or manpower availability. In a ty implementation. In addition, because
ty concerns rise. This might sound like large asset, your integrity strategy will implementations are such dynamic
common sense to integrity specialists, be complex, will contain a large number activities, there can often seem to be no
but many nontechnical people, includ- of moving parts, and will require lots of time to take a strategic view of where you
ing those in decision-making positions, manpower. So plan ahead, do not under- are. For this reason, a tactical review—
like to maintain constant lifting costs estimate the time and effort required, defined as a periodic assessment of a
in their field development planning. In start early, and make multiple passes at particular issue—needs to be carried
short, the need for integrity rises as the each problem you are tackling. Some- out regularly, ideally with the input of an
barrels produced decline. It is impor- times, it is not practical to do major external party with an independent eye.
tant that nontechnical people involved upgrades, which affects production, so An annual integrity review can help you
in planning understand that integrity planning on-the-job operational integ- see trends that you could not see if you
implementation costs are not produc- rity activities is the easier route to take. only looked at the daily metrics. JPT
tion-related, they are age-related and
need to be factored in accordingly to
avoid cutting corners down the line.

7. Lack of an integrity
awareness culture. Stephen W. Ciaraldi is a senior integrity management specialist with Velosi Asset
Integrity. He has more than 30 years of experience in asset integrity, having served
The best definition of culture describes in various integrity management leadership roles at major oil and gas production
it as “how we behave when no one is sites on five continents. The company has provided asset integrity management
looking.” Creating a culture of integri- services to several major oil and gas players, including BP, Shell, ExxonMobil,
ty awareness is often cited as the No.  1 Adnoc, Petronas, Petrobras, ONGC, and Chevron. Ciaraldi’s most recent role is as
objective for an asset integrity imple- asset integrity implementation trainer at www.oilandgasfundamentals.com/courses/
mentation. This, however, is actual- asset-integrity.

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