Pardon My Turkey Rubric

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Pardon My Turkey

Your group will be assigned a turkey who you will represent in your appeal. As you argue for
your turkey’s life, you will need to pay attention to the president’s speech to ensure you
appeal to his interest. You must have at least 1 form of evidence from President Trump’s
speech to support your appeal. Students will work in groups assigned by the teacher. Once
your group has created their speech (at least 12 sentences in length), your group will
create a Prezi presentation to present to your fellow classmates. Each group will present
their plea. Everyone must contribute to the assignment.

Written Speech Rubric

Criteria Possible Points Total
Students provide background 10
information for their turkey
At least three reasons are listed 10

Students utilize at least 1 piece of 10

evidence from President Trump’s
Students demonstrate an 10
understanding of argumentative
Speech is appropriate length. (5 5
paragraphs, 3-4 Sentences per
There are no punctuation and 5
spelling errors.


Prezi Rubric
Criteria Possible Points Total
Presentation displays originality, is 10
unique and interesting.
Information is presented structurally, 10
organized and all required
information is included.
Transitions between slides are 10
smooth. Animation features are
utilized to enhance presentation.
Students use graphics, images, 10
sounds and videos in their
presentation in a way that enhances
the presentation. Images are clear
There are no punctuation and 5
spelling errors.

Student has at least 5 slides 5


Criteria Possible Points Total
Presenter is confident, 10
knowledgeable, and prepared
Presenter makes eye contact 10

Presenter uses clear voice level and 10

appropriate volume level

Presenter engages audience 10

All group members participate in 10

presenting their plea


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