Data Conversion, Migration and Interface ..Why Important: June 9th, 2007
Data Conversion, Migration and Interface ..Why Important: June 9th, 2007
Data Conversion, Migration and Interface ..Why Important: June 9th, 2007
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Do you know how many ways; we can enter the data into oracle application. Most
of us can guess three different ways as:
But those who works in some complex business environment may figure out some of
more like:
And there are many more, but most of these are used for master data, and few cases for
transaction data via Open interface if available.
1. The Customer is running there some home grown IT application which cater most
of the company need. Now management has decided to go for any ERP solutions,
then the question what will happen for data which is already in the existing
2. Another situation is already using ERP
a. They want to upgrade to higher version…presuming the structure of some table
get changed? Lets say 10.7 to 11i
b. The company is acquired or merged with some other company, and the whole
data need to move into the parent or child company .
c. They want to enable some additional modules within existing application.
3. There are few data interacting with both the cases irrespective of database
technology for where data is coming and going based out of need.
The answer of the 1 is data migration and 2 is more pronounced as data conversion where
as thirds is popularly known as Interface. The ways these are working haven't much
difference but it is more important to understand definition and need. I never found any
big difference between migration/conversion unless there is huge transformation of data,
the only things figure out is conversion might required some less steps to perform, as
assumption is that set up related stuff been already been taken care before execution of
Let's understand like this: Data Migration as a process of moving required (and most
often very large) volumes of data from our clients' existing systems to new systems.
Existing systems can be anything from custom-built IT infrastructures to
spreadsheets and standalone databases. Data conversion can be defined as a process
of converting data from one structural form to another to suit the requirements of
the system to which it is migrated.
Before Go-Live in the production environment the required master data, the open
transaction data and the historical transaction data need to be imported from the old
legacy applications to Oracle Applications. Since data structure and data design in legacy
systems are different from those of Oracle Applications, data need to be messaged/
converted satisfying the business rules to suite the Oracle requirement. Initial data can be
migrated by any other means as discussed above depending upon cetain paramater like
Volumn, usage, complexity , business rule etc..
• Process where existing data from the client's old system is extracted, cleansed,
formatted, and installed into a new system.
• These can be manual or automated.
• The big difference is that these are One-time only process that requires extensive
testing and preparation.
• They must be executed and performed before a system goes into production.
Yes, they have, because they have a significant efforts required in development and
design and implementation
• Functional Designer works with business owners to determine the data mapping
and complete the functional design using the Design Templates.
• If the interface/conversion is automated, the Technical Designer converts
functional requirements into technical specs for the construction of the interface
• The developer uses the functional and technical designs to build and test the
interface/conversion programs.
• More rounds of testing are done until the interface/conversion is migrated to the
production environment for deployment.
Conversion is assumed as one time activity but never looks like small activity which
can be performed with couple of days.
• Frequency
o conversions are a one time event
o interfaces are ongoing
• Occurrence in the project timeline
o conversions executed before production
o interfaces executed during production
• Manner of execution
o conversions are batch
o interfaces may be batch or real time
• Complexity
o Conversion does have very complex, its totally depends upon the data
mapping activity.
o coordinating with other systems make interfaces more complex
• Maintenance
o Maintence of interface is bit cost intensive task.
Interface Type
You have learned how interface is differ from Conversion/Migration. Now lets take few
types of interfaces:
Normally in any system , there are two kinds of interface as:
Inbound Interfaces
• An inbound interface receives data from one system (legacy) and inserts into
Oracle open interface tables.
• A typical inbound interface would follow these steps:
1. Extract data from legacy system into a flat file.
2. Use SQL*Loader or equivalent tool to upload information into a
temporary table.
3. Write a PL/SQL program to take data from the temp table and insert into
the Open Interface Tables.
4. Through the concurrent manager in Oracle Applications, run the standard
Oracle Interface program to transform interface tables into Oracle data.
Outbound Interfaces
o An outbound interface takes data from Oracle tables and inserts it into an external
system (via tables or flat file).
o A typical outbound interface would follow these steps:
- Write a PL/SQL program to extract data from Oracle base tables into a flat file.
- Use a custom program to read that data and post it into the legacy system
• For inbound interfaces, the interface table is the intermediary table where data
from the source application temporarily resides until it is validated and processed
into an Oracle base table through a standard import concurrent program.
• Open Interface Tables are standard Oracle tables.
o Oracle uses OITs to provide a simple interface to Oracle base tables.
o Oracle has list of all the open interface that oracle offered in there product.