Mock Board Exam in Biochemistry: Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Nutrition
Mock Board Exam in Biochemistry: Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Nutrition
Mock Board Exam in Biochemistry: Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Nutrition
1. Which of the statement is correct about 4. In his desire to lose weight fast, Orli
lipid digestion and absorption? decided to take a drug that inhibits
A. The emulsification of dietary lipids pancreatic Lipase. Which of the following
starts in the stomach would most probably lead to a deficiency in
B. Mixed micelles are primarily supply to the cells?
composed of fatty acids larger than 12 A. Cholesterol
carbons B. Saturated Fats
C. The pancreas produces lipases C. Fat Soluble Vitamins
responsible for breaking down D. Monounsaturated Fats
Triacylglycerols ANSWER KEY: C
D. Lipid-soluble vitamins do not require
emulsification by bile salts 5. Which of the statement correctly
ANSWER KEY: C describes regulation of the synthesis and
uptake of
2. Which statement is NOT correct cholesterol?
regarding the reciprocal regulation of fatty A. Insulin activates HMG-CoA reductase
acid synthesis and beta-oxidation? via a phosphatase.
A. Insulin stimulates acetyl CoA B. Cholesterol increases HMG-CoA
carboxylase by dephoshophorylation. reductase gene expression.
B. Carnitine acyl transferase I (CAT I) C. Cholesterol synthesized de novo will
is activated by malonyl CoA. increase the expression of LDL
C. Glucagon preferentially stimulates receptors.
beta-oxidation of fatty acids. D. Cholesterol will decrease the rate of
D. Palmitoyl CoA is an inhibitor of fatty breakdown of HMG CoA reductase.
acid synthesis. ANSWER KEY: A
6. Which of statement regarding ketone
3. Activation of Acetyl CoA carboxylase, the bodies is correct?
rate limiting enzyme of fatty acid synthesis, A. The ketone body, β-hydroxybutyrate
is carried out by: can spontaneously decarboxylate to
A. Palmitoyl CoA form acetone.
B. insulin-activated phosphoprotein B. Tissues can utilize acetone and β-
phosphatase hydroxybutyrate as fuel sources.
C. cAMP dependent protein kinase C. The reduction of acetoacetate to β-
D. Hormone sensitive lipase hydroxybutyrate in the liver is
ANSWER KEY: B coupled to the formation of NADP+.
D. HMG-CoA lyase produces
acetoacetate, the first ketone body
7. In the storage of fatty acids as 10. What is the correct formula depicting-
components of TAGs stored in the adipose: Oleic Acid, an 18 Carbon monounsaturated
A. Glycerol PO4 is formed by fatty acid?
phosphorylation of glycerol by A. C 18:0
glycerol kinase active in this tissue. B. C18: 1 (9)
B. ATP is required in the transfer of C. C18: 2 ( 9,12)
free fatty acids (FFA) to glycerol D. C18: 3 ( 9,12,15)
C. Free Fatty Acids released from TAGs ANSWER KEY: B
are transported to the liver, skeletal
muscle and brain where they are 11. Which of the following is true of the
used as sources of energy during physical and chemical properties of fatty
fasting acids?
D. FFA are released from TAGs by the A. increasing the number of carbons
action of Desnutrin, Hormone- increases solubility in water
sensitive lipase and MAG Lipase. B. increasing chain length decreases
ANSWER KEY: D melting points
C. increasing degree of unsaturation
8. Which is not a product of the complete decreases melting point
hydrolysis of Sphingomyelin? D. increasing number of double bonds
A. Glycerol increases melting point
B. Phosphate ANSWER KEY: C
C. Ceramide
D. Choline 12. Insulin-mediated activation of Acetyl
ANSWER KEY: A CoA carboxylase produces this metabolic
9. Aspirin-induced bronchoconstriction is a A. Inhibition of the rate-limiting step
severe reaction to nonsteroidal anti- of lipogenesis
inflammatory drugs (NSAID) that occurs 30 B. Activation of the fatty acid
minutes to several hours after ingestion. oxidation through enhanced CPT-1
Which of the following statements best (carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1)
explains the symptoms? activity.
A. inhibit cyclooxygenase but not C. Mobilization of fatty acids through
lipoxygenase, directing the flow of enhanced hormone-sensitive lipase
arachidonic acid to leukotriene action.
synthesis. D. Increased synthesis of malonyl CoA
B. Activate the cyclooxygenase activity necessary for fatty acid synthesis.
of prostaglandin H2 synthase resulting ANSWER KEY: D
in vasodilatation
C. Activate Phospholipase A2 leading to
decreased amounts of Arachidonic
D. Inhibit Phospholipase A2 action on
membrane phosphoglycerides
13. Which statement is not true regarding 17. Inherited defects in fatty acid oxidation
Low Density Lipoproteins? such as defect in medium-chain acyl CoA
A. Formed from the metabolism of dehydrogenase (MCAD) frequently lead to
VLDL and IDL fasting hypoglycemia. This is due to:
B. Blood levels are commensurate with A. decreased availability of acetyl CoA,
increased risk for Coronary Artery a precursor of glucose
Disease B. increased production of acetyl CoA
C. Transports cholesterol from the which stimulates the Krebs Cycle
peripheral tissues to the liver for C. insufficient substrates for
disposal gluconeogenesis
D. Binds to the liver and other tissues D. insufficient energy available for
through receptor mediated endocytosis gluconeogenesis
14. Medium-chain fatty acids are 18. Cellulose from our diet cannot
nutritionally beneficial in Lipid contribute to energy production because
malabsorption because they: cellulose:
A. provide more fuel than long-chain A. constitutes a very small percentage
fatty acids of the average diet
B. enter directly into the portal blood, B. is highly branched molecule
and can be metabolized by the liver composed of glucose
C. are activators of lipoprotein lipase C. is a heteropolymer composed of
D. are more efficiently packed into fructose and galactose
serum lipoproteins D. is hydrolyzed by beta-glucosidase,
ANSWER KEY: B an enzyme that is absent in humans
15. The second messengers IP3 and DAG
are derived from this phosphoglyceride: 19. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) plays an
A. phosphatidylcholine essential role in an exercising muscle,
B. phosphatidylinositol during intense physical activity because this
C. phosphatidylethanolamine enzyme:
D. phosphatidylserine A. Maintains the physiologic pH in the
ANSWER KEY: B muscle
B. Produces NADH while converting
16. Niemann-Pick Disease is a lipid storage pyruvate to lactate
disease resulting from a deficiency of this C. Utilizes the substrate shuttle system
enzyme: to generate more ATPs
A. sphingomyelinase D. Resupplies NAD+ to Glyceraldehyde
B. hexosaminidase A 3-PO4 dehydrogenase
C. beta-galactosidase ANSWER KEY: D
D. glucocerebrosidase
20. A molecule of glucose when metabolized 24. This reaction of the TCA Cycle is closely
via the Embden Meyerhoff pathway associated with Complex II of the Electron
generates 2 molecules of pyruvate because Transport Chain:
of the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by: A. Malate dehydrogenase
A. phosphofructokinase-1 B. Succinate dehydrogenase
B. aldolase b C. alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
C. phosphotriose isomerase D. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
D. pyruvate kinase ANSWER KEY: B
25. Which enzyme catalyzes the major
21. These cells cannot obtain energy from anaplerotic reaction and the initial reaction
the Electron Transport Chain and the TCA for gluconeogenesis?
Cycle: A. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
A. Brain B. Pyruvate carboxylase
B. Liver C. Lactate dehydrogenase
C. Adipocytes D. Pyruvate transaminase
D. Erythrocytes ANSWER KEY: B
26. During fasting, Gluconeogenesis derives
22. The pathways of carbohydrate its energy from:
metabolism are initiated by this metabolite A. ATP formed during post-prandial
in the cell: Glycolysis
A. Glycogen B. Synthesis of structural proteins from
B. Fructose 1,6 bisPO4 amino acids
C. Glucose 6-PO4 C. Breakdown of Fatty Acids by beta-
D. Phosphoenolpyruvate oxidation
ANSWER KEY: C D. Anaplerotic reactions of the Krebs
23. All the following statements pertain to ANSWER KEY: C
the Citric Acid Cycle, EXCEPT:
A. generates reducing coenzymes 27. All the following can contribute to
NADH and FADH2 for oxidative gluconeogenesis, EXCEPT:
phosphorylation A. Glycerol
B. commences with the oxidative B. AcetylCoA
decarboxylation of pyruvate to C. Lactic acid
AcetylCoA D. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate
C. generates a molecule of ATP thru ANSWER KEY: B
substrate level phosphorylation
D. final common pathway of
intermediary metabolism
51. Substrates donate electrons to the 55. The Salvage pathway of nucleotide
electron transport chain via which complex? synthesis differs from that of the De Novo
A. Complex I Pathway in that:
B. Complex I and Complex III A. the source of the sugar and
C. Complex II and Complex IV phosphate is 5’ phosphoribosyl-1’
D. Complex V pyrophosphate (PRPP)
ANSWER KEY: A B. there are more sources of C and N in
the ring structure of the purine and
52. Which of the following is correct pyrimidine
regarding nucleic acids? C. the nucleotides are synthesized from
A. The Watson Crick model of DNA is preformed bases or nucleosides
also called the A form of DNA generated during degradation
B. Nucleosides are the basic building D. more energy is required to
blocks of RNA and DNA synthesize the nucleotides
C. The purine bases in DNA include ANSWER KEY: C
adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil
D. The DNA is right handed double 56. In man, uric acid is the final product of
stranded with 10 base pairs per helix purine catabolism because:
ANSWER KEY: D A. uric acid cannot be further degraded
into other simpler and excretable forms
53. True of RNA structure in eukaryotes in B. allopurinol inhibits xanthine oxidase
contrast to that of prokaryotes: C. uricase, the enzyme that converts
A. bound to basic proteins called uric acid to allantoin is downregulated
histones in man
B. presence of a 7- methyl guanosine D. uric acid is sparingly soluble and
cap at 5’ end and poly A tail at the 3’ tends to precipitate in soft tissues
end in the mRNA ANSWER KEY: A
C. uracil replaces thymine during
transcription 57. Which of the following statements is
D. rRNA is called the 70S with 50S and true of gene expression?
30S subunits A. the sense strand of DNA is
ANSWER KEY: B transcribed into RNA by RNA
54. The melting temperature of DNA is B. Replication is duplication of DNA by
dependent on : RNA polymerase
A. H bonding between bases C. Proteins are always the final
B. stability of the phosphodiester bonds products of gene expression
between nucleotides D. During translation, the anticodon of
C. glycosidic linkages between the base the mRNA binds to complementary
and sugar bases in the tRNA
D. sugar phosphate backbone ANSWER KEY: C.
58. Semi conservative replication means 61. Post transcriptional processing of the
that: mRNA is required in eukaryotes to:
A. each daughter DNA has one strand A. prolong the half-life of the proteins
from parent and one newly synthesized synthesized during translation
strand B. stabilize the mRNA as it travels from
B. one strand of parental DNA is copied the nucleus to the ribosome
in the 5’ to 3’ direction, while the other C. increase the solubility of the
strand is copied in the 3’ to 3’ direction. transcript
C. only one parental strand is replicated D. generate a more readable codon
into daughter DNA strand during translation
D. each daughter DNA will contain ANSWER KEY: B.
segments from parent and newly
synthesized DNA segments. 62. All of the following is correct regarding
ANSWER KEY: A. RT-PCR in detection of corona virus, e.g.
Covid 19, EXCEPT:
59. Which of the following characteristic of A. PCR directly amplifies the RNA
the genetic code states that no two amino genome of the virus using Taq
acids will have the same codon? polymerase
A. Commaless B. the viral genome is initially converted
B. Degenerate to DNA by reverse transcriptase prior to
C. Specific amplification
D. Universal C. A thermostable enzyme exponentially
ANSWER KEY: C. amplifies the DNA that is copied from
the virus
60. What happens if the codons UAG, UGA, D. Primers anneal to the 3’ end of the
UAA are encountered during gene template DNA to be amplified
expression? ANSWER KEY: A
A. transcription is terminated
B. a nonsense mutation producing a 63. This technique used in gene technology,
short or truncated protein detects patterns genetic variation among
C. three different amino acyl-tRNAs are individuals on specific chromosomal loci and
delivered to the ribosome for can be of use in DNA fingerprinting, as in
translation paternity testing
D. a translation- initiation complex is A. CODIS-STR amplification
formed B. Sanger method
ANSWER KEY: B. C. Southern Blotting
D. DNA microarray
64. The following are the different steps in 67. Which of the following statements is
cell based cloning, TRUE for insulin but NOT for glucagon?
1. ligation of DNA with vector A. It is a peptide hormone secreted by
2. cutting of gene of interest and pancreatic cells
vector by restriction enzymes B. Its actions are mediated by binding
3. propagation of host cells in to a receptor found on the cell
appropriate culture media by use of membrane of liver cells
selection markers C. Its effects include alterations in gene
of vector expression
4. selection and screening of D. Its secretion is inhibited by
recombinant clones and creation of gene catecholamines.
libraries ANSWER KEY: D
5. transformation of host cells with
recombinant DNA 68. Which is TRUE about allosteric
Which of the following steps are regulation of metabolism during the fasted
chronologically followed? state?
A. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 A. Increased acetyl CoA activates
B. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 pyruvate carboxylase
C. 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 B. Increased acetyl CoA inhibits
D. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 pyruvate dehydrogenase
ANSWER KEY: B. C. Increased long chain acyl CoA
inhibits acetyl CoA carboxylase
65. Which of the following component of D. All of the above
total energy expenditure contributes the ANSWER KEY: D
most to metabolism?
A. Thermic effect of food 69. Which is TRUE about covalent
B. Physical Activity modification in metabolic regulation?
C. Resting energy expenditure A. Insulin causes phosphorylation of
D. Thermogenesis enzymes.
ANSWER KEY: C B. Glucagon and epinephrine causes
dephosphorylation of enzymes
66. Which substrate serves as the central C. Physiologic stress and exercise
junction for all major macromolecules in the promote glycolysis and fatty acid
intermediary metabolism of carbohydrates, oxidation through AMP-dependent
lipids and proteins? protein kinase
A. Glucose-6-phosphate D. All of the above
B. Pyruvate ANSWER KEY: C
C. Acetyl CoA
D. Malonyl CoA
70. Which is TRUE about fuel use across the 73. Which is TRUE about the liver during
different stages of feed-fast cycle? absorptive and postabsorptive (fasting)
A. Hepatic gluconeogenesis is the sate?
predominant source of glucose after the A. In the absorptive state, glycogen
absorptive phase synthase is dephosphorylated favoring
B. After 2-3 days of fasting, ketone glycogenesis.
body becomes the predominant fuel of B. In the absorptive state,
the brain phosphofructokinase-1 activity is
C. Renal gluconeogenesis is most decreased.
evident after an overnight fast. C. During fasting, gluconeogenesis is
D. The preferred fuel of the renal favored by inactive fructose 2,6
medulla is glucose even after more bisphosphatase
than 2 weeks of fasting D. During fasting, ketogenesis is
ANSWER KEY: D favored when concentration of acetyl
CoA is low.
71. Which is TRUE about the liver during ANSWER KEY: A
fed and fasted sate?
A. In the absorptive state, glycogen 74. Which is TRUE about the adipose tissue
synthase is dephosphorylated favoring during absorptive and fasting sate?
glycogenesis. A. In the absorptive state, increased
B. In the absorptive state, acetyl CoA and NADPH favors fatty acid
phosphofructokinase-1 activity is synthesis
decreased. B. In the absorptive state, increased
C. During fasting, gluconeogenesis is malonyl CoA activates carnitine
favored by inactive fructose 2,6 palmitoyl transferase-1
bisphosphatase C. During fasting, glucagon is the
D. During fasting, ketogenesis is primary hormone that activates
favored when concentration of acetyl hormone sensitive lipase.
CoA is low. D. During fating, lipoprotein lipase
ANSWER KEY: A activity is high.
72. Which enzyme is activated by
epinephrine and cleaves triglyceride from 75. Which is TRUE about metabolism in
fat stores to make them available for fatty pregnancy?
acid oxidation? A. Hormones of pregnancy like human
A. Lipoprotein lipase placental lactogen promotes maternal
B. Hormone sensitive lipase glycogen and fatty acid synthesis
C. Acyltransferase B. There is a prolonged fed state
D. HMGCoA reductase because of enhanced insulin action
ANSWER KEY: B C. There is an accelerated time to
lipolysis and ketogenesis
D. All of the above
76. What is the primary defect in type 2 80. Which is TRUE about metabolism of
diabetes mellitus? cancer cells?
A. Absolute defect in insulin secretion A. Cancer cells rely heavily on oxidative
by pancreatic beta-cells. phosphorylation
B. Absence or mutation in the insulin B. Cancer cells have increased activity
receptor. of glycolytic enzymes.
C. Decreased ability of insulin to C. Cancer cells prefer fatty acids and
mediate its effect at the level of ketone bodies as fuels.
postreceptor signaling pathways. D. Cancer cells are still largely
D. All of the above responsive to hormonal regulation.
77. Which is correct regarding fuel 81. Which is TRUE about POMC/CART
utilization in the brain? neurons?
A. Glycogen stores are adequate. A. POMC/CART neurons stimulate food
B. It takes up glucose even at 40mg/dl intake.
level of blood glucose. B. POMC/CART neurons are stimulated
C. Ketone bodies are resorted to during by leptin and insulin.
sleep. C. POMC/CART neurons are stimulated
D. The uptake of glucose requires by neuropeptide Y.
insulin. D. POMC/CART neurons are stimulated
ANSWER KEY: B by ghrelin.
78. What explains fatty liver in chronic
alcohol consumption? 82. The majority of free amino acid pool is
A. Lactate accumulation found here:
B. Acetaldehyde accumulation A. muscle
C. Inhibition of gluconeogenesis B. kidneys
D. Inhibition of fatty acid oxidation C. liver
ANSWER KEY: D D. bloodstream
79. Which is a characteristic of GLUT-2
transporter? 83. Which of the following is an essential,
A. It serves as a glucose sensor. hydroxylated, neutral, and polar amino
B. It does not respond to insulin. acid?
C. It has high Km. A. tyrosine
D. All of the above B. histidine
ANSWER KEY: D C. serine
D. threonine
84. Which of the following is TRUE 87. An amino acid that is involved in inter
regarding the ionic property of a tissue nitrogen transport and a very
polypeptide composed only of neutral amino important gluconeogenic signal:
acids: A. aspartate
A. at pH 13, the polypeptide will be B. glutamate
positively charged C. arginine
B. at pH 11, the polypeptide will D. alanine
migrate towards the anode ANSWER KEY: D
C. at neutral pH (pH 7), the polypeptide
will not migrate to either pole 88. TRUE of the rate-limiting step of the
D. at extreme pH, the polypeptide will Urea Cycle:
be broken down to free charged amino A. uses glutamine as its substrate
acids B. allosterically inhibited by N
ANSWER KEY: B acetylglutamate
C. gives rise to arginine
85. Which of the following is TRUE D. occurs in the mitochondria
regarding the digestion of proteins? ANSWER KEY: D
A. starts in the mouth
B. pepsin is active at low pH and is 89. Which of the following urea cycle
activated by trypsin enzymes when deficient will most probably
C. carboxypeptidases and cause severe hyperammonemia?
aminopeptidases are pancreatic A. arginosuccinate lyase
enzymes B. arginase
D. Chymotrypsin is an example of an C. carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I
endopeptidase D. carbamoyl phosphate synthetase II
86. Which of the following removes a 90. A 55-year-old man suffers from cirrhosis
nitrogen from amino acids? of the liver and has compromised his ability
A. transamination of lysine to detoxify ammonia. Which of the following
B. transamination of aspartate to amino acids can be used to fix ammonia
pyruvate and thus transport and store ammonia in a
C. deamidation of glutamine to nontoxic form?
glutamate A. aspartate
D. dehydrative deamination of B. glutamate
glutamate to α ketoglutarate C. serine
ANSWER KEY: C D. histidine
91. This metabolite links both the Krebs- 95. A 1 week old child is diagnosed to have
Henseileit and Krebs cycles: Maple syrup urine disease by newborn
A. a-ketoglutarate screening. Which of the following is true
B. malate regarding the metabolism of branched chain
C. arginine amino acids?
D. fumarate A. their carbon skeletons lead to
ANSWER KEY: D production of acetyl CoA and/or
succinyl CoA
92. Which amino acid can be synthesized B. accumulation of one of its
from phenylalanine metabolism? intermediate leads to production of
A. serine blackish urine upon standing
B. tyrosine C. isoleucine is degraded to acetyl co-A
C. aspartate only
D. arginine D. valine is degraded to HMG CoA
93. Which of the following amino acids 96. Carbon skeletons of asparagine and
when degraded will form fumarate: aspartate enter the TCA cycle via this
A. asparagine intermediate:
B. tyrosine A. a-ketoglutarate
C. aspartate B. fumarate
D. tryptophan C. oxaloacetate
ANSWER KEY: C D. succinyl CoA
94. TRUE of leucine metabolism EXCEPT for
this: 97. A folic acid deficiency would interfere
A. purely ketogenic with the synthesis of which of the following
B. an important precursor of succinyl amino acids from the indicated precursors?
co-A A. aspartate from oxaloacetate and
C. converted to acetoacetate and acetyl glutamate
co-A B. glycine from glucose and alanine
D. toxic to the brain when not degraded C. proline from glutamate
by branched chain alpha ketoacid D. methionine from homocysteine
dehydrogenase ANSWER KEY: D