Newsletter Jan-Mar 2011
Newsletter Jan-Mar 2011
Newsletter Jan-Mar 2011
AIMS India Foundation
501 (3) C - Non-Profit Organization working for Village Empowerment in India Email: [email protected]
Dear friends
AIMS India Foundation is an organization that seeks to bring about a social transformation in India through the collective efforts of
like-minded people and organizations. Our mission is to bring people together for the lofty purpose of bringing about a positive
transformation, to achieve a vision of an economically self-sufficient and a socially harmonious society.
In this issue, we have covered a few ongoing and recent projects that AIMS has supported.
AIMS India Foundation thanks Mr. Nat Kumar for his generous
donation to purchase 25 milking buffaloes.
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AIMS has donated medical equipment (Biochemistry Analyzer, ECG equipment and pulse oxymeter) for Payir’s Community Care
Center to address the first level curative health care needs of Thennur and its surrounding villages covering about 20,000 people.
This serves as a center for first Aid, Primary Health Care and a Referral center.
Nutrition Supplements for 100 children and 20 pregnant women is provided through Payir’s Anemia Intervention Program. The
total cost spent on the above is Rs 2.5 lakhs.
Micro loans to the tune of Rs. 2 lakhs for 100 goats have been given to 100 rural, poor wom-
en identified by the RWDT TRUST at Tharamangalam, Salem District. These goats help these
women get some income on a daily basis.
AIMS has provided micro loans to the tune of Rs 2.4 lakhs to 120 families for goat rearing through the LAFTI Foundation. The repay-
ment is revolved within LAFTI to make additional loans.
AIMS has also donated 10 tailoring machines to LAFTI.
A local NGO named, KOODU SERD TRUST is conducting a vocational training center consist-
ing of a free computer center and free tailoring center in Kolappally village, Nilgiris district
for the tribal community. AIMS supports by paying the teachers and coordinator salaries,
vocational training center's monthly rent, and advance for the building in which the training
center is functioning. Around 100 students are benefiting from this project.
Volume 4 Issue 3 Page 3
Before After
This project was started in 2007 to provide assistant teachers to eight Govt elemen-
tary/middle schools in the district of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. An honorarium is
provided to each teacher. There are 16 teachers in 14 schools currently working in
this project. Around 2,000 Government school rural children are benefiting each year
through this project.
AIMS projects are supported by individuals like you. Please donate generously. The donations are tax-deductible.
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Address: ________________________________________________________