Course Outline For Law On Obligations and Contracts
Course Outline For Law On Obligations and Contracts
Course Outline For Law On Obligations and Contracts
7, 8, 9 -Mastery Learning 100% of the total
10 CLO2 a-I a EXTINGUISHMENT OF -Learner-centered number of
OBLIGATIONS Activities that develop 1. Formative Assessments students are
b-I b communication expected to attain
1. Effects of Payment Collaboration a rating not lower
2. Learning Assessments
and Performance
c-P c Creativity Critical than 71%
2. Tender of Payment
and Consignation Thinking skills 3. GECA (optional)
d-D d 3. Dation In Payment -Interactive learning
and Payment By -Collaborative work 4. Mastery tests
e-D e Cession -Peer mentoring
4. Payment In Foreign -Demonstration 5. Summative test
Currency -Case analysis
5. Payment by Coins -Design thinking
6. Conduct of Research Study
-Research Analysis (group work) /Term Paper
6. Effects of Payment
and performance
7. Tender of Payment 7. Long examination
and Consignation
8. Dation In Payment
and Payment By
9. Payment In Foreign
10. Payment by Coins
12, a-P a CONTRACTS -Mastery Learning On Final examination 100% of the total
13, 1. Elements of -Learner-centered 1. Explanation Application and number of
and b-P d Contracts Activities that develop Reflection
2. Kinds of Contracts students are
14 CLO3 communication 2. Six Facets of Understanding
3. Forms of Contracts expected to
c-D e Collaboration 3. Formative Assessments
4. Reformations of attain a rating
Contracts Creativity Critical 4. Learning Assessments
d-D Thinking skills 5. GECAb (optional) not lower than
5. Interpretation of
Contracts -Interactive learning 6. Performance tasks- 71%
e-D -Collaborative work students display deep
15 and Defective Contracts -Peer mentoring knowledge of the content,
16 1. Rescissible contracts -Demonstration creativity, thinking,
2. Unenforceable -Case analysis applying the concepts
contracts -Design thinking effectively to new
3. Voidable contracts -Project presentation situations in authentic way
-Research Analysis as transfer of learning
4. Void or Inexistent
7. Authentic assessment
8. Rubrics for performance
tasks and authentic
Contract Preparations
1. Contract of Sale assessments
2. Contract of Lease 9. Mastery tests
3. Contract of Antichresis 10. Summative test
4. Contract of 11. Research Presentation
Employment (group work)/Term Paper
5. Contract of Lease 12. Final Examination
6. Contract of Donation
7. Contract of Mortgage
11. Textbook/References :