100 Syllogism With Solutions
100 Syllogism With Solutions
100 Syllogism With Solutions
Direction (1-5): In the questions below there are II) All dogs are birds is a possibility.
three statements followed by two conclusions I and A.Only conclusion I follow
II. You have to take the three given statements to be B.Only conclusion II follows
true if they seem to be at variance with commonly C.Both the conclusion I and II follow
known facts and then decide which of the given D.Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
conclusions logically follows from the three given E.Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
statements disregarding commonly known facts. 4) Statements:
1) Statements: 1). No parks are offices
1). Only a few buds are flowers. 2). Only a few news is parks
2). No flower is lily 3). Some trees are news
3). All flowers are roses. Conclusions:
Conclusions: I) Some offices being tress is a possibility
I) Some lilies are roses II) Some tree not being parks is a possibility
II) All roses being buds is a possibility A.Only conclusion I follow
A.Both conclusion I and II follow B.Only conclusion II follows
B.Only conclusions II follow C.Both the conclusion I and II follow
C.Only conclusions I follow D.Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows E.Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E.Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows 5) Statements:
2) Statements: 1). No village is city
1). Some bags are bottles 2). All cities are towns
2). All bottles are buds 3). Some countries are towns
3). No buds are balls. Conclusions:
Conclusions: I) All towns are cities
I) Most of the bags are buds II) Some towns are not cities
II) Some bottles are not bags is a possibility A.Only conclusion I follows
A.Both conclusion I and II follow B.Only conclusion II follows
B.Only conclusions II follow C.Both the conclusion I and II follows
C.Only conclusions I follow D.Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
D.Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows E.Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
E.Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows Direction (6-10): Some statements are followed by
3) Statements: certain conclusions. Study the following information
1). All birds are animals. carefully and mark the option which follows the
2). Only a few animals are dogs. statements as your answer.
3). No dogs are camels. 6) Statements:
Conclusions: Only a few Bikes are Cruz.
I) Some birds are Camels is a possibility All Cruz are Black.
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follows from the given statements disregarding I). Some public can be merged
commonly known facts. II). Some private are not public
Give Answer: A.a
a) If Only conclusion I follows. B.b
b) If Only conclusion II follows. C.c
c) If either conclusion I or II follows. D.d
d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows. E.e
e) If both conclusions I and II follow. Direction (37-39): Read both the conclusions and
34) Statements: then decide which of the given conclusions logically
Only few trees are benches follows from the given statements disregarding
Few trees are flower commonly known facts.
Some fruits are flower Give Answer:
Conclusions: a) If Only conclusion I follows.
I). Few fruits can be benches b) If Only conclusion II follows.
II). Some fruits are trees c) If either conclusion I or II follows.
A.a d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows.
B.b e) If both conclusions I and II follow.
C.c 37) Statements:
D.d All watches are time.
E.e No watch is mobile.
Only conclusion II follows. Only a few mobiles are tab.
35) Statements: Conclusions:
Only few TV are fan I). Some time is mobiles.
All fan are radio II). Some Tab can be Time.
Only few radio are A/C A.a
Conclusion B.b
I) No radio is TV. C.c
II) No A/C is fan. D.d
A.a E.e
B.b 38) Statements:
C.c All good is bad.
D.d Only a few good are nice.
E.e No nice is better.
36) Only a few banks are merged Conclusions:
Some banks are private I). Few bad are nice.
No banks is public II). All good is better is a possibility.
Conclusions: A.a
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B.b E.e
C.c 41) statements:
D.d Only a few aeroplanes are boat
E.e All boat are train
39) Statements: Only few train are bus
All rich are men. Conclusion:
Only a few rich are poor. I). All bus are train is possibility
Only a few men are child. II). All boat can be aeroplane
Conclusions: A.a
I). Few poor are men. B.b
II). Few rich can never be child C.c
A.a D.d
B.b E.e
C.c 42) Statements:
D.d Only a few air are fire.
E.e All fire are burn.
Direction (40-43): Read both the conclusions and No water is air.
then decide which of the given conclusions logically Conclusions:
follows from the given statements disregarding I). few fires are not waters.
commonly known facts. II). Only a few waters are fires.
Give Answer: A.a
a) If Only conclusion I follows. B.b
b) If Only conclusion II follows. C.c
c) If either conclusion I or II follows. D.d
d) If Neither conclusion I nor II follows. E.e
e) If both conclusions I and II follow. 43) Statements:
40) Statements: Only a few phone are charger
Only a few month are date No charger is headphone
Only a few date are week Some headphone is Simcard
All weeks are day Some simcard is watch
Conclusion: Conclusion:
I). All month are date I). Some charger can be simcard
II). All month are week is possibility II). All phone can be watch
A.a A.If Only conclusion I follows.
B.b B.If Only conclusion II follows.
C.c C.If either I or II follows.
D.d D.If neither I nor II follows.
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B.b B.b
C.c C.c
D.d D.d
E.e E.e
68)Statements: So, both the conclusion I and II are not follows.
All iphone are oneplus. Direction (71-73): In each of the following questions
Only a few oneplus are samsung. two statements are given and these statements are
All samsang are moto. followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You
Only a few moto are nokia. have to take the given two statements to be true
Conclusions: even if they seem to be at variance from commonly
I) All iphone can be samsung. known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide
II) Few oneplus are moto. which of the given conclusions logically follows from
A.a the two given statements, disregarding commonly
B.b known facts.
C.c Give answer:
D.d (a) If only I conclusion follows
E.e (b) If only II conclusion follows
69)Statements: (c) If either I or II follows
All sonatas are fastrack. (d) If neither I nor II follows and
All fastrack are titan. (e) If both I and II follow
Only a few titans are fossil. 71) Statements:
Conclusions: Only a few Monday are Tuesday
I) No sonata is a fossil. Only a few Tuesday are Wednesday
II) All fastrack can be fossil. All Wednesday are Thursday
A.a No Thursday is Friday
B.b Conclusions:
C.c I). All Tuesdaycannever be Friday
D.d II). Some Monday can be Thursday
E.e A.a
70) Statements: B.b
Only a few books are papers C.c
Only a few papers are test D.d
All test are pass E.e
Conclusions: 72) Statements:
I. All books are papers All HCL are TCS
II. No pass is books Only a few TCS are IBM
A.a No IBM is Wipro
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II) All Hindi can never be English which of the given conclusions logically follows from
A.a the two given statements, disregarding the
B.b commonly known facts.
C.c Give answer:
D.d (a) If only conclusion I follows
E.e (b) If only conclusion II follows
81) Statements: (c) If either conclusion I or II follows
All Pink are Grey (d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows and
Only a few Grey are Blue (e) If both conclusion I and II follow
Only a few Blue are Yellow 83) Statements:
No Yellow is Orange All April are May
Conclusions: No May is June
I) Some Grey can never be Orange All June are August
II) All Orange can be Blue Conclusions:
A.a I. All May can never be August
B.b II. Some April are not June
C.c A.a
D.d B.b
E.e C.c
82) Statements: D.d
Only a few Pens are Ink E.e
No Ink is scale 84) Statements:
No scale is eraser Only a few lily are lotus
Conclusions: Only a few lotus are aster
I) All Pens can never be scale No aster is begonia
II) Some erasers can be Ink All begonia are rose
A.a Conclusions:
B.b I. Only a few lily are begonia
C.c II. Only a few aster is rose
D.d A.a
E.e B.b
Direction (83-86): In each of the following questions C.c
two statements are given and these statements are D.d
followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You E.e
have to take the given two statements to be true 85) Statements:
even if they seem to be at variance from commonly Only a few Chinese are Bengali
known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide No Bengali is Hindi
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A.a D.d
B.b E.e
1) Answer: B
2) Answer: A
3) Answer: C
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4) Answers: C
5) Answer: D
6) Answer: E
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7) Answer: B
8) Answer: A
9) Answer: D
10) Answer: C
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11) Answer: A
12) Answer: B
13) Answer: A
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14) Answer: B
15) Answer: B
16) Answer: A
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17) Answer: B
18) Answer: E
Both follows
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19) Answer: B
20) Answer: E
21) Answer: E
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22) Answer: A
23) Answer: B
24) Answer: A
25) Answer: D
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26) Answer: E
27) Answer: E
28) Answer: D
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29) Answer: E
30) Answer: C
31) Answer: A
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32) Answer: B
33) Answer: D
34) Answer: A
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35) Answer: D
36) Answer: E
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37) Answer: B
38) Answer: A
39) Answer: A
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40) Answer: B
41) Answer: E
42) Answer: A
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43) Answer: E
44) Answer: E
45) Answer: A
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46) Answer : A
47) Answer :A
48) Answer: D
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49) Answer: E
50) Answer: B
51) Answer: C
52) Answer: A
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53) Answer: A
54) Answer: D
55) Answer: B
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56) Answer: E
57) Answer: D
58) Answer: B
59) Answer: E
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60) Answer: D
61) Answer: A
62) Answer: D
63) Answer: A
64) Answer: E
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65) Answer: A
66) Answer: A
67) Answer: A
68) Answer: E
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69) Answer: B
70) Answer: D
71) Answer: E
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72) Answer: B
73) Answer: B
74) Answer: B
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75) Answer: E
76) Answer: A
77) Answer: E
78) Answer: A
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79) Answer: B
80) Answer: A
81) Answer: B
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82) Answer: E
83) Answer: B
II) Clearly, there is no condition between April and June, so ‘Some April are not June’ is true.
84) Answer: D
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I) Clearly, there is no connection between lily and begonia, so ‘Only a few lily are begonia’ is false.
II) Clearly, all aster can be rose, so ‘Only a few aster is rose’ is false.
85) Answer: E
I) Clearly, some Chinese are not hindi, so ‘All Chinese can never be hindi’ is true.
86) Answer: D
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87) Answer: E
88) Answer: C
89) Answer: D
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90) Answer: B
91) Answer: E
92) Answer: A
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93) Answer: A
94) Answer: B
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95) Answer: B
96) Answer: B
97) Answer: E
98) Answer: B
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99) Answer: B
100) Answer: D
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