Soil Sci Reviewer
Soil Sci Reviewer
Soil Sci Reviewer
1. It is a natural dynamic body on the surface of the earth which supports plants and
a. soil b. Land
c. Minerals d. Air
2. It is primarily derived from plants and animal residues composed of at least 12%
organic carbon if the soil has no clay or at least 18% organic carbon if the soil has 60%
or more clay.
a. Organic soil b. Minerals
c. Pore spaces d. Soil water
3. It is derived from weathering of rocks and minerals and has definite composition and
a. Organic matter b. Inorganic soil
c. Pore spaces d. Air
7. It is the mode of origin of the soil with special reference to the processes of soil
forming factors responsible for the development of the solum or true soil from the
unconsolidated parent material.
a. Soil genesis b. Soil development
c. Soil profile d. orogenesis
8. It is the mechanical breakdown of rocks and minerals into smaller bits or the
unconsolidated materials.
a. Physical weathering b. Chemical weathering
c. Exfoliation d. Abrasion
9. It is the decomposition of rocks and minerals forming new products or the synthesis of
new minerals.
a. Physical weathering b. Chemical weathering
c. Exfoliation d. Abrasion
10. It is a weathering process where water is the principal agent dissolving potash feldspar
producing aluminosolicates or the precursors of clays.
a. Physical weathering b. Chemical weathering
c. hydrolysis d. hydration
11. These are rocks formed from the cooling and solidification of magma and that has not
been changed appreciably since its formation.
a. Igneous b. Sedimentary
c. Metamorphic d. Salt Rock
12. These are formed from materials deposited from suspension or precipitated from
solution and usually being more or less consolidated.
a. Igneous Rock b. Sedimentary Rock
c. Metamorphic Rock d. Salt Rock
13. These have been greatly altered from their previous conditions through the combined
action of heat and pressure.
a. Igneous Rock b. Sedimentary Rock
c. Metamorphic Rock d. Salt Rock
18. It means the true soil or the A, E & B horizons of the soil profile
a. Soil b. Solum
c. Regolith d. Soil Profile
20. A process in soil genesis which includes mineral weathering or organic matter
breakdown by which soil constitutions are modified and destroyed and others are
synthesized is called
a. transformation b. translocation
c. decomposition d. disintegration
21. A process in soil genesis where movements of inorganic and organic materials from
one horizon up or down to another, the materials being moved mostly by water but also
by soil organisms is called
a. transformation b. translocation
c. additions d. losses
22. Organic deposits generally contain two or more kinds of peat. If the residues are
sufficiently intact to permit the plant fibers to be identified is called
a. peat b. muck
c. biotic d. bionic
23. An organic material with most of the material decomposed sufficiently so that little
fiber remains
a. peat b. muck
c. biotic d. bionic
24. It is made up of poorly sorted rock fragments detached from the heights above and
carried downslope mostly by gravity.
a. Colluvium b. Alluvium
c. Residuum d. Lacustrine
25. The alluvial deposits that is part of a river valley that is inundated during floods is
a. floodplain b. alluvial
c. deltas d. lacustrine
26. The alluvial deposits that leave a narrow valley in an upland area and suddenly descend
to a much broader valley below deposit sediment in a shape of a fan.
a. alluvial fan b. alluvium
c. deltas d. lacustine
27. Suspended sediments carried by streams that settle near the mouth of the river.
a. deltas b. floodplain
c. alluvium d. moraine
28. It is the landform built by the deposits of alluvium in the low lying areas where streams
and river flow.
a. Alluvial soil b. Colluvial
c. Residual soil d. none of the above
30. Is the mineral horizon formed on the surface or below the O horizon
a. O b. B
c. A d. E
33. Is the horizon of unconsolidated material underlying the solum. It often retains some
of the structural features of the parent rock or geologic deposits from which it formed.
a. O b. B
c. C d. E
35. The master horizons in the soil profile are designated using
a. capital letters b. small letters
c. vowels only d. consonants only
36. Because the outer surface of a rock is often warmer or colder than the inner, more
protected portions, some rocks may weather causing the peeling away of outer layers
and is referred to as
a. exfoliation b. abrasion
c. hydrolysis d. carbonation
37. When loaded with sediment, water has tremendous cutting power; the rounding or
riverbed rocks and beach sand grains is further evidence of
a. exfoliation b. abrasion
c. hydrolysis d. carbonation
38. This influences soil formation by their different rates of weathering, the nutrients they
contain for plant use, and particle sizes they contain.
a. Parent material b. climate
c. Biota d. Topography
39. It is an increasingly dominant factor in soil formation with increased time mainly
because of the effects of precipitation and temperature.
a. parent material b. climate
c. topography d. time
40. When a soil begins to undergo profile changes because of weathering and leaching, the
original material in which the changes are happening is called
a. parent material b. climate
c. topography d. time
41. A set of soils where parent material is the dominant influence on soil formation is
referred to as
a. lithosequence b. climosequence
c. biosequence d. topsequence
44. A square meter of land dug to a depth that nearly touches the bedrock.
a. Profile b. Parent material
c. Pedon d. Aquifer
48. The regolith is composed of these horizons:
a. AB b. BC
c. ABC d. ABCR
51. The relative distribution of soil separates in a soil mass is called soil texture
a. Sand, silt and clay are soil separates
b. Soil texture changes easily with poor methods of cultivation
c. Soil texture is improved by adding organic fertilizer
d. All of the above
52. In a viscous medium, the rate of settling is affected by particle size and temperature of
a. At the same temperature, the rate of settling of silt particles is faster than the sand
b. At the same temperature, the rate of settling of silt particles is faster than the clay
c. The rate of settling of sand particles is faster at lower than at higher temperature
d. The rate of settling of clay particles is slower at higher than at lower temperature
53. Which of these factors does not affect the rate of fall of particles in a liquid medium
a. density of the particle b. gravity
c. size of the particle d. chemical composition
55. Many soil properties and characteristics are affected by soil texture
a. Sandy soil is more porous than clay soil
b. Loamy soils are rich in silt
c. Clay soil is chemically more reactive than sandy soil
d. Clay soils are rich in silt
56. Soil texture influences property that directly affects plant growth
a. Coarse-textured soils have higher nutrient supplying capacity than fine-textured
b. Fine-textured soils have lower water holding capacity than coarse-textured soils
c. Percolation rate is faster in coarse-textured than in fine-textured soils
d. Infiltration rate is slower in coarse-textured than in fine-textured soils
57. The physicist who formulated the law governing the rate of settling of particles in a
viscous medium
a. Aristotle b. Dokuchaev
c. Stoke d. Ross
58. Soil texture can be determined by:
a. Feel method b. Pipette method
c. Hydrometer method d. All of the above
59. The soil textural class wherein the coarseness of sand, the smoothness of silt and the
stickiness of clay are manifested in almost equal proportion in a soil mass
a. sand b. silt
c. clay d. laom
66. Many soil properties and characteristics are affected by soil structure
a. Crumb is the best soil structure that most crops prefer
b. Dispersed clay soil possess good soil structure
c. Compacted soil structure allows free movement of air in the soil
d. Good water movement in platy soil structure
70. Soil densities and porosities are affected by soil texture and soil structure
a. Porosity increases with increasing bulk density
b. Soil compaction increases bulk density
c. Soil aggregation increases bulk density
d. Organic matter increases bulk density
74. Particle density is a stable soil property. Most agricultural soils would have particle
densities close to this value
a. 1.65 g/cm3 b. 2.65 g/cm3
c. 3.65 g/cm3 d. 4.65 g/cm3
75. The particle density is affected by some factors.
a. Particle density does not change with poor soil cultivation practices
b. Increasing particle density indicates deteriorating soil physical condition
c. Decreasing particle density indicates high soil porosity
d. None of the above
76. A soil with bulk density of 1.35 g/cm3 and a particle density of 2.6 g/cm3 has a solid
fraction of
a. 44% b. 48%
c. 52% d. 60%
77. A soil with bulk density of 1.35 g/cm3 and a particle density of 2.6 g/cm3 has a porosity
a. 44% b. 48%
c. 52% d. 60%
78. Void ratio is the ratio of the volume of voids or pore spaces to the volume of solids.
a. A void ratio of <1.0 indicates that the soil is porous
b. A void ratio of >1.0 indicates that the soil is compact
c. A void ratio of >1.0 indicates that the soil is porous
d. All of the above
79. Pore-size distribution affects movement and retention of water and air in the soil
a. Micro-pores do not retain water
b. Macro-pores are important in drainage and root respiration
c. Micro-pores and macro-pores are equally important to root growth
d. Macro-pores retain water
80. Desirable pore size distribution for crop production is one where\
a. Total porosity is dominated by macro-pores
b. Total porosity is dominated by micro-pores
c. Total porosity is dominated by medium pores
d. Total porosity is comprised of more or less equal proportion of the classes of pore
81. Soil grown to corn is best cultivated when the soil consistency is
a. hard b. friable
c. plastic d. viscous
82. Property of water which causes it to behave as if its surface were covered with a
stretched elastic membrane
a. cohesion b. polarity
c. surface tension d. adhesion
83. A method of soil water content determination that involves weighing of the soil before
and after oven drying.
a. paraffin method b. gravimetric method
c. resistance method d. suction method
84. Calculate the gravimetric moisture content of the soil sample if its fresh weight (FW) is
25 g and its oven dried weight (ODW) is 20 g
a. 15% b. 20%
c. 25% d. 30%
85. A soil was found to contain 30% moisture (m) which corresponds to 30 g of water.
The mass of the dry soil or the oven dried weight of soil is
a. 30 g b. 60 g
c. 100 g d. 130 g
86. The soil water suction if the soil is at its field capacity is
a. 0 bar b. 1/3 bar
c. 1 bar d. 15 bars
89. A soil moisture condition wherein all pore spaces in the soil are filled up with water
a. hygroscopic coefficient b. field capacity
c. maximum water holding capacity d. wilting coefficient
90. If the soil moisture content is 35%, field capacity is 40% and permanent wilting point
is 20%, the available water in the soil is
a. 5% b. 10%
c. 15% d. 20%
91. If the soil moisture content is 50%, field capacity is 40% and permanent wilting point
is 20%, the available water in the soil is
a. 10% b. 20%
c. 30% d. 40%
92. The relationship between soil water suction and soil water content is referred to as:
a. soil water capacity b. soil water characteristic curve
c. soil water behavior d. soil water potential
93. The physicist who formulated the law governing the movement of water in the soil
a. Stoke b. Dokuchaev
c. Darcy d. Aristotle
99. The favorable soil temperature for seed germination and plant growth is
a. 0-5oC b. 6-15 oC
c. 13-38 oC d. 20-45 oC
100. Most biological activities would cease and basically inactive at this temperature
a. 0-5oC b. 6-15 oC
c. 13-38 C d. 20-45 oC
c. Humus d. allophane
107. Dissociation of H+ ions from carboxyl (-COOH) and/or phenolic functional groups
give this colloid negative charges.
a. Humus b. Montmorillonite
c. Allophane d. oxides of Fe / Al
108. Assuming that ions are of similar size, which of these ions can be easily leached
a. H+ b. Al+++
c. Fe d. K+
109. The optimum or ideal soil pH for growing of most crops is:
a. pH 6.0 b. pH 6.5
c. pH 7.5 d. pH 5.5
116. Soils with high buffering capacity are generally those which
a. Are sandy or coarse
b. Have high organic matter and/or clay content
c. Have low organic matter content
d. Have high bulk density
117. Soils that usually need to be limed are those with:
a. pH less than 5.0 b. pH greater than 5.0
c. pH 7.0 d. pH >7.5
121. Sodic soils have high exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and are
a. Well aggregated b. Highly dispersed
c. Highly fertile d. Highly eroded
Cation me/100 gm
Ca++ 20
Mg++ 10
K+ 2
Na+ 4
H+ 3
Al+++ 1
128. What type of charge would arise from the protonation/deprotonation of weakly acidic
-OH groups?
a. ionic charge b. pH-dependent charge
c. electronic charge d. permanent charge
129. What is the ability of the soil to hold or exchange negatively charged ions?
a. Anion exchange b. Cation exchange
c. Anion exchange capacity d. Cation exchange capacity
133. It is a term indicating that the cation exchange reactions are chemically equivalent
a. Reversibility b. Isomorphous
c. Equivalence d. Stoichiometery
134. The kind of acidity that tells us how much lime to apply into the soil.
a. Active acidity b. Reserve acidity
c. Soil acidity d. Residual acidity
135. Assuming that ions are of similar size, which of these ions have the greatest relative
replacing power
a. Al+++ b. K+
c. Ca++ d. Na+
136. What is the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the soil called?
a. soil acidity b. soil alkalinity
c. soil reaction d. buffering capacity
140. Process whereby positively charged ions are exchanged between solid and liquid
phases of the soil.
a. Anion exchange b. Cation exchange
c. Anion exchange capacity d. Cation exchange capacity
142. The kind of acidity that tells when to lime the soil.
a. Active acidity b. Reserve acidity
c. Soil acidity d. Residual acidity
147. A soil has a CEC of 40 m.e./100g. If 22 m.e. of which are acidic cations, how much
bases the soil contain?
a. 12 me bases b. 14 me bases
c. 16 me bases d. 18 me bases
148. If 21 m.e./100g of the bases constitute 60% of the CEC of a soil, what is its CEC?
a. 25 m.e./100g b. 30 m.e./100g
c. 35 m.e./100g d. 40 m.e./100g
For items 149-150, refer to: A 50-g soil sample contains 0.024g Mg +, 0.003g H+, 0.08g Ca2+,
0.072g NH4+ and 0.018g Al3+
151. Individually, which among the following soil organisms have the greatest biomass?
a. actinomycetes b. fungi
c. bacteria d. protozoa
a. high pH b. high temperature
c. high CEC d. a & b
157. The available form of nitrogen which predominates under upland condition is
a. ammonium, b. nitrite,
c. nitrate, d. fixed nitrogen
158. The predominant available form of nitrogen under flooded soil condition is
a. NO3-N b organic N,
c. NH4-N, d. N02-N.
161. Microorganisms which require organic compounds as sources of carbon and energy
a. autotrophs b. heterotrophs
c. photoautotrophs d. none of the above
162. If the crop residue contains 60% organic carbon and 5 % total nitrogen, the C/N ratio
a. 60:5, b. 12:1,
c. 15:1, d. 25:1
164. Presence of this nutrient element will enable a legume and its microsymbiont to
perform nitrogen fixation.
a. boron b. phosphorus
c. molybdenum d. magnesium
165. The group of soil microorganisms which is responsible for decomposing organic
matter is the
a. heterotrophs b. autotrophs,
c. aprophytes, d. none of the above
166. The most efficient organic matter decomposer under acidic soil conditions are the
a. bacteria b. actinomycetes
c. Fungi, d. algae
168. Net mineralization of organic nitrogen in the soil will occur if the C/N ratio is lower
a. 20:1 b. 30:1
c. 40:1, d. 40:1
173. This is a substance produced by some organisms which inhibits growth of other
a. pesticide, b. antibiotic,
c. antigen, d. antibody
177. Once a soil has been placed under cultivation, the organic matter content usually
a. decreases, b. increases
c. remains relatively unchanged d. all of the above
179. It is a symbiotic N-fixing microsymbiont which is slow grower and do not produce
a. Rhizobium b. Bradyrhizobium
c. Azorhizobium, d. All of the above.
180. Free-living N2 fixing organisms which are dominant in anaerobic condition:
a. Azotobacter b. Beijerinckia
c. Clostridium d. Cyanobacteria.
185. One of the following microorganisms is not involved in the production of growth-
promoting hormones ( e.g. IAA, GA, cytokinins):
a. Azospirillum brasilense b. Pseudomonas sp .
c. Bacillus megatherium, d. yeasts.
187. Microorganisms used as biocontrol due to its ability to suppress or antagonize the
growth of other microorganisms:
a. Agrobacterium b. Pseudomonas sp.
c. Trichoderma sp d. All of the above.
193. Production of growth-promoting hormones which enhance plant growth ( e.g. IAA,
GA, cytokinins) is mediated by the following microorganisms except:
a. Azospirillum brasilense b. Pseudomonas sp.
c. Bacillus megatherium d. yeasts
195. A compost-fungus activator and used as biocontrol due to its ability to suppress or
antagonize the growth of other microorganisms :
a. Agrobacterium b. Pseudomonas sp.
c. Trichoderma sp. d. All of the above
200. Methemoglobinemia, also called blue baby syndrome occurs when certain bacteria
found in the guts of ruminants convert ingested
a. nitrate (NO3-) into nitrite (NO2-)
b. ammonium (NH4+) into nitrite (NO2-)
c. Hydrogen sulfides (H2S) into sulfates (SO4-2)
d. Sulfates (SO4-2) into H2S
201. The ability of the soil to replenish the amount of nutrients in the soil solution
a. Intensity factor b. Capacity factor
c. Buffering capacity d. Availability
203. What is the inherent capacity of the soil to supply nutrients to plants in adequate
amount and suitable proportion called?
a. Soil productivity b. Nutrient availability
c. Intensity factor d. Soil fertility
204. A method of soil fertility evaluation whereby concentration of nutrients in the soil are
known before a crop is planted
a. Biological test b. Soil analysis
c. Plant analysis d. Nutrient deficiency symptoms
207. This macroelement is a component of protein and chlorophyll and is most limiting
element in crop production except for legumes
a. Nitrogen b. Phosphorus
c. Potassium d. Calcium
213. A term that indicates excessive level of nutrient in the plant or soil
a. Sufficiency b. Toxicity
c. Deficiency d. Poverty adjustment
214. A soil chemical property which largely controls nutrient availability and microbial
a. Buffering capacity b. Cation exchange capacity
c. Soil pH d. Electrical conductivity
215. The most appropriate soil management which increases availability of adsorbed P in
acidic upland soil
a. Fertilizer application b. Prolonged anaerobic conditions
c. Organic matter application d. Liming
216. Nutrient deficiency symptoms is referred to as a language of the crop. What is the
term given to describe general yellowing of leaves as a result of the deficiency of
some nutrient elements?
a. Necrosis b. Chlorosis
c. Plasmolysis d. Defective
217. A term that indicates low level of nutrient elements in the plant or soil
a. Sufficiency b. Toxicity
c. Deficiency d. Poverty adjustment
218. The nutrient elements in organic matter and minerals are considered unavailable. The
most available form of nutrients are in
a. Fixed b. Occluded
c. Exchangeable d. Soil solution
221. These elements are micronutrients and are required by plants in small amounts
a. N, P and K b. Cu, Mn and S
c. Cu, Mg and S d. Zn, Co and Mn
223. When nutrients dissolved in water are transported to the root surface, the mechanism
a. Mass flow b. Diffusion
c. Contact exchange d. Root interception
224. When nutrients are mobile, deficiency symptoms will be observed first in
a. Younger leaves b. Older leaves
c. Stems d. Senescent leaves
a. Fixation b. Nitrification
c. Solubilization d. Ammonification
231. It is the amount of lime to be applied to the soil in order to increase its soil pH
a. Fertilizer recommendation b. Lime requirement
c. Analysis grade d. Relative neutralizing power
232. It is a mixture of animal excreta and soiled beddings that accumulates in stables or
a. Farm manure b. Compost
c. Green manure c. Poultry manure
233. A method of fertilizer application whereby fertilizer materials are spread evenly on
the soil surface
a. Band method b. Broadcast
c. Ring method d. Foliar application
236. The most active agent of the soil erosion process in Philippines and other areas in the
humid tropics
a. wind b. ice
c. water d. glaciers
For items 240-242, refer to: Using urea (45-0-0), Solophos (0-20-0) and KCl (0-0-
60) to satisfy a fertilizer recommendation of 80-70-30 calculate the following:
240. The amount of urea (45-0-0) needed to satisfy the above recommendation is
a. 177.8 kg/ha b. 187.7 kg/ha
c. 200 kg/ha d. 400 kg/ha
244. A condition in which plants may absorb more nutrient than they need for maximum
growth is termed as
a. critical concentration b. luxury consumption
c. nutrient uptake d. nutrient removal
245. The movement of water together with dissolved ions through the soils is
a. root interception b. diffusion
c. contact exchange c. mass flow
252. A soil unit is a landscape usually consists of a group of very similar pedons closely
associated together in the field
a. pedon b. polypedon
c. ped d. particle
253. It is a diagnostic horizon that occurs at the soil surface which includes the upper part
of the soil darkened by organic matter, the upper eluvial horizons, or both:
a. pedon b. polypedon
c. ped d. epipedon
256. It is a thick dark-colored surface diagnostic horizon with high base saturation:
a. umbric b. mollic
c. ochric d. melanic
257. It is like the mollic epipedon except that it has low base saturation
a. umbric b. ochric
c. melanic d. histic
260. Soils with mollic epipedon and base saturation percentage (BSP>50%)
a. Oxisols b. Histosol
c. Mollisol d. Spodosol
261. Soil with a warm temperature regime, an argillic horizon and percent base saturation
(PBS) <35%
a. Entisols b. Ultisols
c. Inceptisols d. Espasols
262. A soil temperature regime wherein the mean annual soil temperature is 22 0C or
higher and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperature is less
than 50C
a. mesic b. thermi,
c. hyperthermic d. isohyperthermic
263. The most highly weathered soil characterized by the presence of an oxic subsurface
a. Ultisols b. Spodosols
c. Alfisols d. Oxisols
a. Inceptisols b. Entisols
c. Vertisols d. Andisols
268. The soil moisture regime characterized by sufficient moisture throughout the year
a. aquic b. udic
c. ustic d. aridic
271. A suborder Hemists means the soil falls under the order
a. Alfisols b. Oxisols
c. Ultisols d. Histosols
273. A soil unit in a landscape usually consists of a group of very similar pedons closely
associated together in the field
a. pedon b. polypedon
c. ped d. particle
274. A system of soil classification in the Philippines based on the concept of a precisely
defined, selected horizon for classifying soil profiles
a. soil morphology b. soil taxonomy
c. 5th approximation d. soil survey
275. It is a systematic arrangement of soils into groups or categories on the basis of their
a. soil survey b. soil classification
c. soil genesis d. soil taxonomy
278. A diagnostic horizon that is like argillic except for its high sodium content
a. spodic b. natric
c. cambic d. salic
279. A highly weathered subsurface horizon in intensively weathered soils of the tropics
consisting of an accumulation of Fe and oxides
a. argillic b. spodic
c. cambic d. oxic
280. Soils with mollic epipedon and base saturation percentage (BSP>50%)
a. Oxisols b. Histosol
c. Mollisol d. Spodosol
281. Soil with a warm temperature regime, an argillic horizon and percent base saturation
(PBS) >35%
a. Entisols b. Ultisols
c. Inceptisols d. Alfisols
282. The total number of soil orders classified under the soil taxonomy
a. 15 b. 10
c. 12 d. 11
283. A soil temperature regime wherein the mean annual soil temperature is 22 0C or
higher and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperature is less
than 50C.
a. isomesic b. thermic
c. hyperthermic d. isohyperthermic
284. The most highly weathered soil characterized by the presence of an oxic subsurface
a. Ultisols b. Spodosols
c. Alfisols d. Oxisols
285. The 12th soil order covering all soils which are permanently frozen/covered with
a. Aridisols b. Spodosols
c. Gelisols d. Vertisols
287. A suborder Udults means the soil falls under the order
a. Alfisols b. Oxisols
c. Ultisols d. Mollisolls
288. A suborder Fibrists means the soil falls under the order
a. Alfisols b. Oxisols
c. Ultisols d. Histosols
289. A suborder Histels means the soil falls under the order
a. Gelisols b. Oxisols
c. Ultisols d. Histosols
290. A suborder Aquands means the soil falls under the order
a. Gelisols, b. Oxisols
c. Andisols d. Histosols
291. A suborder Arents means the soil falls under the order
a. Gelisols b. Entisols
c. Andisols d. Histosols
292. A suborder Udept means the soil falls under the order
a. Inceptisols b. Entisols
c. Andisols d. Histosols
295. These are the soils formed from volcanic ash and young volcanic materials:
a. Udepts b. Fluvents
c. Udands d. Ustalfs
296. The order of soils with organic soil materials extending down to an impermeable
layer or with an organic layer that is more than 40 cm thick
a. Gelisols b. Histosols
c. Andisols d. Mollisols
297. A soil with a nomenclature: fine loamy, mixed, non-acidic isophyperthermic Histic
Tropaquoll falls under the order
a. Mollisols b. Gelisols
c. Andisols d. Histosols
10. C 57. C 104. B 151. B
11. A 58. D 105. A 152. A
12. B 59. D 106. A 153. D
13. C 60. D 107. A 154. B
14. A 61. A 108. D 155. C
15. B 62. B 109. B 156. A
16. C 63. B 110. A 157. C
17. D 64. A 111. B 158. C
18. B 65. C 112. C 159. C
19. C 66. A 113. B 160. A
20. C 67. A 114. A 161. B
21. B 68. C 115. A 162. B
22. A 69. C 116. B 163. B
23. B 70. B 117. A 164. C
24. A 71. C 118. B 165. A
25. A 72. A 119. C 166. C
26. A 73. B 120. A 167. C
27. A 74. B 121. B 168. A
28. A 75. A 122. B 169. A
29. A 76. C 123. C 170. D
30. C 77. B 124. C 171. B
31. D 78. C 125. B 172. D
32. B 79. B 126. A 173. B
33. C 80. D 127. A 174. A
34. D 81. B 128. B 175. C
35. A 82. C 129. C 176. D
36. A 83. B 130. B 177. A
37. B 84. C 131. A 178. C
38. A 85. C 132. C 179. B
39. B 86. B 133. D 180. C
40. A 87. C 134. B 181. B
41. A 88. B 135. A 182. A
42. B 89. C 136. C 183. A
43. C 90. C 137. C 184. D
44. C 91. B 138. D 185. C
45. B 92. B 139. A 186. B
46. D 93. C 140. B 187. C
47. D 94. D 141. A 188. C
189. C 217. C 245. C 273. B
190. A 218. D 246. B 274. B
191. A 219. A 247. B 275. B
192. A 220. B 248. C 276. A
193. C 221. D 249. C 277. D
194. B 222. C 250. A 278. B
195. C 223. A 251. A 279. D
196. C 224. D 252. B 280. C
197. D 225. B 253. D 281. D
198. D 226. D 254. A 282. C
199. C 227. C 255. A 283. D
200. A 228. D 256. B 284. D
201. B 229. A 257. A 285. C
202. A 230. D 258. C 286. B
203. D 231. B 259. A 287. C
204. B 232. A 260. C 288. D
205. D 233. B 261. B 289. A
206. C 234. D 262. D 290. C
207. A 235. D 263. D 291. C
208. D 236. C 264. A 292. B
209. C 237. D 265. C 293. A
210. A 238. A 266. A 294. A
211. B 239. D 267. D 295. C
212. D 240. A 268. B 296. B
213. B 241. B 269. B 297. A
214. C 242. A 270. C 298. D
215. C 243. C 271. D 299. A
216. D 244. B 272. C 300. B