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International Quality Regulations

For The Coating of Building Components


GSB AL 631

Edition April 2017

Effective: 11.12.2017

GSB International e. V.
Am Bonneshof 5
D-40474 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (0) 211 / 4796-450
Fax: +49 (0) 211 / 4796-410
E-Mail: info@gsb-international.de
Internet: www.gsb-international.de

© 2017 GSB International

The GSB holds all copy rights inclusive of any translation
1 Foreword
The quality guidelines have been revised and re-structured. One of the objectives was to harmonise
QR AL 631 and QR ST 663. Until now both sets of guidelines had the same formal procedures for
coating businesses, galvanisation businesses and pre-treatment and coating material manufacturers.
However, the structure and formulations were different. This made it more difficult in practice for
coating businesses and material manufacturers who wanted to hold both quality labels.
Revision involved re-writing every section to achieve a uniform structure, and regulations that are
relevant or applicable to both quality labels were summarised in one section where appropriate.
To keep the guidelines clear, cross references have been avoided as far as possible or only refer to
the same section.
There are different requirements for aluminium, steel and galvanised steel, which have been taken
from the previous quality guidelines.
Here is an overview of the individual parts which are valid for the aluminium range and are contained
in this edition:

Part I: General
Regulations that apply to all businesses and material
manufacturers irrespective of the quality label, licences and
Part II: Pre-treatment chemicals
Material licence for alternative chemicals used for the pre-
treatment of aluminium, steel and galvanised steel
Part IV: Coating materials
Material licence for powder and liquid paint for aluminium,
steel and galvanised steel
Part V: Aluminium coating business
Requirements of aluminium coating businesses

Part VII: Measurement and test procedures

Part VIII: Standards and guidelines

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Edition: April 2017; Effective: 11.12.2017
Part I – General

Part I – General
1 Scope of application
These quality guidelines apply to the coating of the following types of construction components:
• Aluminium and its alloys
• Steel

− Ungalvanised steel surfaces

− Pre-galvanised steel surfaces (EN 10346)
− Hot-dip galvanised steel surfaces (ISO 1461, single-piece galvanisation)
Coatings are applied to semi-finished products, finished products and prefabricated constructions for
structures before their installation. Products checked and approved in accordance with these quality
guidelines are used to pre-treat surfaces and produce coatings.
These quality guidelines do not provide regulations on selecting coating materials; they only make
recommendations (section 7). The client should make the final decision or at least be consulted
regarding the materials, depending on the weathering and corrosive conditions.
These guidelines do not apply to individual coatings produced on-site and coil coating.
These quality guidelines do not apply to maintaining and cleaning coated components. For this
information, please refer to the RAL RG 632 quality and test specifications.

2 Amendments to the quality guidelines

Amendments and updates to these quality guidelines to conform to new standards will be suggested
by the quality committee and require the approval of the board to be effective.
Important technical amendments require the consent of members. They come into force after a
minimum period of four weeks after publication or on the date stated.
The new version or amendment replaces all previous editions. The current version printed and
published on behalf of GSB International is legally valid.

3 Standards and guidelines

As a rule, the underlying standards are European standards which have been drawn up by the
European Committee for Standardization (CEN). They are uniformly identified by the abbreviation
EN and a number. For standards which have been adopted by national standards institutes, the
abbreviation of the national institute is placed in front. As a rule, no changes are made to the
European standard. The standard is merely translated.
Example: EN 12206-1: Paints and varnishes - Coating of aluminium and aluminium alloys
for architectural purposes.
Part 1: Coatings prepared from coating powder
The standard was adopted by many national standards institutes in Europe, e.g.:
DIN EN 12206-1 Deutsche Institut für Normung (German Industrial Standard -
BS EN 12206-1 British Standard (BS)
SN EN 12206-1 Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (Swiss Association for
Standardization - SNV)
ÖNorm EN 12206-1 Austrian Standards Institute

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Edition: April 2017; Effective: 11.12.2017
Part I – General

International standards drawn up by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) are
identified by the abbreviation ISO and a number. For standards which have been adopted by CEN,
the abbreviation EN is placed in front. If standards are adopted by national standards institutes, the
abbreviation of the national standards institute is placed in front (see above):
ISO 2360 Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive
basis materials - Measurement of coating thickness - Amplitude-
sensitive eddy current method
Adopted by:
EN ISO 2360 European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
DIN EN ISO 2360 German Industrial Standard (DIN)

4 Legal regulations
The holder of the quality label and/or material licence must observe local laws and regulations. These
quality guidelines do not cover inspections by GSB International.

5 General procedural regulations

5.1 General
The award of the quality label and the licence for pre-treatment chemicals and coating materials is
conditional upon full membership of GSB International. To become a member, the membership
application has to be completed and signed with legal effect (section 8).
The quality label, the licence for pre-treatment chemicals and coating materials, and the approval by
GSB International only apply to products for which user rights or approval have been granted in
accordance with the quality guidelines AL 631 and ST 663.
The holder of the quality label or the licence for pre-treatment chemicals and coating materials is
responsible for complying with these quality guidelines and must make regular quality checks.
GSB International is entitled and obligated to check and monitor compliance with GSB AL 631 and
GSB ST 663.

5.2 Right of use

To ensure fair competition and avoid misuse, the board can issue special regulations on the use of the
quality label and the licence for pre-treatment chemicals and coating materials in standard and joint
advertising material. This must not impede individual advertising. The same principle on fair
competition applies here.

5.3 Holder of the quality label

GSB International is the only body permitted to have equipment produced for depicting the quality
label (metal stamps, punches, printing blocks, seals, rubber stamps, etc.) and to define their uses.
A coating company granted the right to use the respective quality label is permitted to put it on
business documents and printed materials.
A coating company which has had its quality label withdrawn must return the corresponding certificate
immediately. They are not entitled to payments being reimbursed. The same applies if the quality label
has been discontinued in another way.
The coating company must immediately inform its customers that the quality label has been

5.4 Holder of the material licence

Manufacturers of pre-treatment chemicals and coating materials are only permitted to use the licence
number for products that meet the requirements of these quality guidelines and have been approved.

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Part I – General

Manufacturers who have had their licence for pre-treatment chemicals and coating materials
withdrawn must return the appropriate certificate immediately. They are not entitled to payments being
reimbursed. The same applies if the material licence has been discontinued in any other way.
Manufacturers of pre-treatment chemicals and coating materials must immediately inform their
customers that they no longer have a licence.

5.5 Expiry of a right of use

The right to use the quality label and/or the licence will expire when the membership ends in
accordance with the membership rules.
The right of use also expires if:
• GSB International ceases activity in the field(s) in which the quality label applied
• It was cancelled in accordance with the statutes and if all financial and other obligations of the
holder of the quality label in respect of GSB International are met
• After insolvency proceedings have begun, the meeting of creditors decides against the holder of
the quality label or licence for pre-treatment chemicals and coating materials continuing to trade in
accordance with sections 156 and 157 of the German Insolvency Order
• Insolvency proceedings are not opened due to insufficient assets
• Insolvency proceedings cease due to insufficient assets
• There are comparable insolvency conditions in other jurisdictions
• The holder of the quality label or licence enters into liquidation voluntarily
• The quality label or the licence has been withdrawn in accordance with these quality guidelines

5.6 Monitoring compliance with the quality guidelines

5.6.1 General
GSB International either assigns the monitoring of and compliance with the quality guidelines to a test
institute accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC17025 or such work is carried out by experts trained
and approved by GSB.

5.6.2 Test and monitoring costs

The coating company or material manufacturer must bear all the costs to test and monitor the quality
label as well as the licence for pre-treatment chemicals and coating materials.
The current fee regulations of GSB International apply.

5.7 Objection
Members have a right to object to any decision made by the quality committee and the board on the
basis of these quality guidelines.
The objection must be made in writing within four weeks of receipt of the decision to the offices of
GSB. Reasons must be given for the objection.
If an objection is made, the decision will only become effective after the end of the objection
No other legal recourse is permitted after the objection proceedings.

5.8 Publications
GSB International is entitled to publish the following information for members in newsletters and/or the

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Part I – General

• Award of the quality seal and material licence

• Suspension of the material licence
• Expiry of the material licence and the right to use the quality label
• Colours which are no longer approved with information on the year they were disallowed
GSB News is only for internal use and must not be passed to third parties.

5.9 Correspondence
All correspondence with the offices of GSB must be in writing. E-mails and faxes are only valid if the
offices of GSB have confirmed their receipt.

6 Training
6.1 Training course
Every two years the holder of the quality label and the material licence must send at least one member
of their technical staff on a training course held by GSB International. The training courses are
concluded with a written examination.
New members have to go on the next training course. A certificate is issued to prove participation.

Other interested parties are also permitted to take part in training courses.
6.2 Internal training
All employees of GSB International are advised to train their employees on the quality guidelines at
regular intervals.

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Part I – General

7 Recommendations on the coating of components

7.1 General
When selecting the coating for a component, consider the atmospheric conditions so you can
prevent corrosion in the long term and maintain the desired appearance.
The choice of pre-treatment process and coating should be made according to the location of the

GSB coater with the additional labels GSB Seaproof (C 4) and GSB Sea Proof Plus (C 5) documents
the currently highest level of corrosion protection for coated aluminum components.

7.2 Aluminium
Years of practical experience have shown that a broad range of approved pre-treatment processes
and coating materials can be used. This permits the introduction of weather classes to choose a
coating according to the state of the art.
According to what we currently know, filiform corrosion could occur in certain areas (maritime climates
with high relative humidity). Pre-anodising (anodically generated conversion layer) has proven
particularly good as the pre-treatment in such circumstances.

Classic rinse yellow chromating, green chromating and alternative chromate-free or chromium-free
procedures are practical alternatives if – when degreasing, pickling with an alkali and post-treating the
component with acid – precautionary measures are taken to remove the microcrystalline deformation
layer that triggers filiform corrosion.

Table 1: Classes for GSB – coating materials

Coating material UV exposure Climate zone Range of colours

Standard Normal Continental climate All RAL and many special
Master High Mediterranean climate Limited in accordance with
information given by
Premium Very high Middle East Very limited in accordance with
information given by

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Part I – General

Table 2: Weather classes

Corrosion test GSB Recommended

Impact of Recommended
Weathering class Ambient conditions coating cleaning
corrosion pre-treatment
classes interval

GSB - Countryside Dry or cold areas,
Cromate-free/ Condensation –
Low Countryside/small towns Approved Annually
Containing constant
(C2) with low pollution
chromate* atmosphere

Urban area with medium

GSB - Industrial pollution or som effect of
Medium chlorides. Master Annually
Containing AASS
(C3) Coastal areas with low
deposition of chlorides

Urban areas, industrial

areas with high pollution Chromium-free/ Master
GSB - Sea Proof or substantial effect of Chromate-free with Filiform
High chlorides. documented process corrosion test Annually
(C4) Coastal areas with Containing (< 0.3)
medium deposition of chromate* and AASS Premium
Areas with very high
pollution and significant
GSB - Sea Proof effect of chlorides. Pre-anodising Master /
Very high corrosion test 2 x per year
Plus Coastal areas/coast lines Premium
(< 0.10)
(C5) with high impact of
and AASS

*Due to the REACH-Regulation (EU 348/2013) the use of Cr-VI containing solutions will be banned at September 21th, 2017 if
no application for a certificate of exemption

Terms in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9223

Weathering behaviour and corrosion protection of aluminium see EN 1999-1-1 and EN 1090-3

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Part I – General

7.3 Steel and galvanised steel

When choosing the surface pre-treatment and the coating composition, the corrosion categories and
the expected term of protection (ISO 12944-1, DIN 55633, DIN 55634) have to be taken into account.
Table 3: Examples for powder coating systems for single-piece galvanisation (duplex systems)

EP and EP/SP do not fulfill the requirements of the UV resistance of the natural weathering

Table 4: Examples for liquid paint systems for single-piece galvanisation (duplex systems)

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Part I – General

8 Membership application

Membership application

The undersigned company hereby applies to GSB International to become a:

[ ] Full member – coater *
[ ] Full member – galvaniser*
[ ] Full member – manufacturer of coating materials*
[ ] Full member – manufacturer of pre-treatment chemicals*
[ ] Associate member*

The undersigned company confirms to have understood the following and agrees to them without

• The international quality guidelines for coating components including accompanying data

• The club rules of the GSB International e.V.

• The fee regulations

Company : ______________________ Telephone : ______________________

Road : ______________________ Fax : ______________________
Postcode, Town/City: _________________ E-mail : ______________________
Country : ______________________ Internet : ______________________
Tax ID : ______________________

Person responsible:
Surname : ______________________
First name : ______________________

…………………………………………. …........................................................................
Place/date Signature and company stamp

Please place a cross in the relevant box

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

Part II – Pretreatment chemicals 2
1 Granting and renewing the licence for pretreatment chemicals 2
1.1 General 2
1.2 Labelling of products 3
1.3 Making an application and product information 3
1.3.1 General 3
2 Granting of the material licence 4
2.1 Qualifying test 4
2.1.1 Stage 1 4
2.1.2 Stage 2 4
2.1.3 Stage 3 – Provisional material licence 5
2.1.4 Stage 4 – Full material licence 5
3 Monitoring the material licence for pretreatment chemicals 6
3.1 General 6
3.2 Sample taking 6
3.3 Extension of the licence 6
3.4 Expiry of the material licence 7
4 Requirements and tests for pretreatment chemicals 8
5 Licence application for pretreatment chemicals 9
6 Sample material licence certificate for pretreatment chemicals 10

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

1 Granting and renewing the licence for pretreatment chemicals
1.1 General
GSB International will grant the licence to the manufacturer of pretreatment chemicals if the quality
guidelines are fulfilled. The following quality labels can be granted:

QR AL 631

QR ST 663

If a material is produced at several locations, then the licence or revocation thereof covers all
production locations, which are members of GSB International. This requires the licence of the pre-
treatment chemicals to be applied for as well as written confirmation of the chemicals sold.
The quality committee is permitted to inspect the production locations and material samples and
request the documents cited in the quality guidelines.

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

1.2 Labelling of products

The licence for pretreatment chemicals has to include the licence number and follow the following

Licence No. 000 Licence No. 000

Licence No. 000 Licence No. 000

1.3 Making an application and product information

1.3.1 General
The application for a material licence has to be made in writing to GSB International (see section 5).

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

2 Granting of the material licence

2.1 Qualifying test
There are several stages to a new pre-treatment chemical being approved.
If manufacturers pass the individual stages, they will receive a certificate (see section 6).
2.1.1 Stage 1
The following evidence must be submitted:
• Presentation of company’s own test results, based on GSB AL 631 or GSB ST 663
• Presentation of tested sample sheets
• Presentation of product and safety data sheets
• Process parameters
• Designation of reference objects (if possible)
• Evidence of product being suitable for immersion systems and/or spray systems
• Evidence of suitability for liquid and/or powder paint
• Practical regulation on determining the coating layer.
2.1.2 Stage 2
Pretreatment, coating and testing of samples takes place at a test institute or laboratory to be named
by the quality committee.
• Samples for the “Aluminium” licence
Predominantly the following aluminium alloys are used for the samples:

Profile sections: EN AW-6060 T 66 [AlMgSi]/EN AW-6063 T 6 or T 66 [AlMg0.7Si]

Sheets: EN AW-5005a H 24 [AlMg1(B)] mill finish
The sample size is chosen in accordance with the specifications of the
respective test (preferably 70x140x 0.7-0.8 mm).
• Samples for the “Steel and galvanized steel” licence
The sample sheets have to be made from the following material:
- Technological properties
Continuously galvanized steel sheet of type
DX 51 D+ Z in accordance with DIN EN 10143
Size min. 70 x 140 x 0.5 mm
- Corrosion-prevention properties
Hot Dip galvanized steel sheet of type
DC01-A in accordance with DIN EN 10130
material no. 1.0244, size min. 70 x 140 x 1,5 mm and galvanized in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 1461, Zn >= 99,5%
- Technological and corrosion-prevention properties
Raw (black) steel sheet of type
DC01-A in accordance with DIN EN 10130
material no. 1.0244, size min. 70 x 140 x 0.5 mm
A surface pretreatment already approved by GSB serves as a reference. The pretreated samples are
coated and tested in the same way.
A reference powder paint chosen by the quality committee is used as the coating material. If the
manufacturer of the pretreatment chemical requires a licence for liquid paint, then they have to cite a
On request, pretreatment and coating can be carried out at the manufacturer’s laboratory at their own
risk. The tests remain with the test institute named by GSB.

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

2.1.3 Stage 3 – Provisional material licence

If stage 2 is passed successfully, a pilot experiment is carried out at a coating company (member of
GSB International).
Stage 3 has to be carried out at a production facility and at least 500 m² of material surface has to be
pre-treated. 25 m² from the middle and 25 m² from the end of the pretreatment batch have to be
inspected and exposed to natural weathering like a building.
The approval of the quality committee regarding the property and the coating company is required.
The report on the trial coating should contain the following:
Products used
 Process parameters
 Concentrations
 pH values
 Bath temperatures
 Exposure times
 Application procedure
 Details of throughput rate and chemical consumption
 Determination of the coating layer and analysis monitoring
 Variation from the normal standard has to be recorded.
An observer assigned the task by the quality committee accompanies and documents stage 3.
The following test material has to be supplied from products made:
6 cont. m profile = 12 profile lengths of 1 m or corresponding formats,
2 x 1 m² sheet or corresponding formats

The samples are tested at a test institute to be named by the quality committee.
If the requirements in section 4 are met, then the material will receive a provisional licence. A
corresponding certificate is issued.

2.1.4 Stage 4 – Full material licence

The sample material in stage 3 is moved outside into an industrial environment close to the sea
(preferably Hoek van Holland) and the pretreatment chemicals are used in a GSB certified coating
• Natural weathering positive
After the results of the natural weathering are available, and if they are positive, a full licence
for the pretreatment system can be granted.
A corresponding certificate is issued.
• Natural weathering negative
If natural weathering produces negative results, then stage 4 has not been passed.
A positive result in the prolongation test cannot make up for a negative natural weathering
GSB International withdraws the temporary licence from the material manufacturer.

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

3 Monitoring the material licence for pretreatment chemicals

3.1 General
A monitoring test is carried out annually.
For alternative pretreatment processes, once the results of stage 3 are available, and this processes
are not used by an GSB coater the pretreatment manufacturer can decide whether they would like a
fee-based prolongation test or whether they wish to withdraw their system. The offices of GSB have to
be informed in writing.

3.2 Sample taking

The material samples required for the prolongation test are taken from current production by the
inspector for the monitoring tests of the GSB coaters.
The samples are tested at a test institute to be named by the quality committee.
The prolongation test is performed in the same way as 2.1.2. The chemicals required to perform the
test have to be made available by the test institute cited by the quality committee.

3.3 Extension of the licence

The material licence is extended if all requirements are met in accordance with section 4 – without
natural weathering.
Principal workflow for prolongation test:

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

3.4 Expiry of the material licence

If just one part of the monitoring test is unsuccessful, then the whole test is unsuccessful. The GSB
office will inform the chemical supplier on the negative result as soon as possible. The chemical
supplier shall inform the coater immediately. The GSB office shall be informed otherwise the GSB will
inform the coater directly.
The manufacturer can make a re-test request to the offices of GSB International within four weeks.
The re-test is carried out at the same coating plant (incl. a 8D-report containing deviation and
If the first re-test is negative it is possible to carry out a second re-test at another GSB coating plant
where the process is used.
If an application is not made or if the second re-test is also unsuccessful, then GSB will withdraw the
material licence from the respective manufacturer of pretreatment chemicals.
The certificate has to be sent back to the offices of GSB International without delay.

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

4 Requirements and tests for pretreatment chemicals

Tests Re-licensing and monitoring Re-licensing and monitoring
test test
Aluminium Steel/Galvanized steel
Determination of the coating layer Procedure and value Procedure and value
in accordance with the in accordance with the
guidelines of the manufacturer guidelines of the manufacturer
Layer thickness In accordance with the coating In accordance with the coating
used used
Gloss In accordance with the coating In accordance with the coating
used used
Cross cut GT 0 GT 0
Mandrel bending test ≤ 500 mm ≤ 500 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Not permitted
Cupping test ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Not permitted
Ball impact test (only for powder coatings) 20 inch/pound 20 inch/pound
Cracking of coating Not permitted Not permitted
Cross linking test for liquid paints OK OK
Drilling, sawing No spalling of coating No spalling of coating
(naked eye assessment)
Condensation constant atmosphere:
Test period 1000 hours 1000 hours
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm

Condensation variable atmosphere

(0.2l SO 2 ) 30 30
Cycles 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Blistering d max . ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm

Pressure cooker test*

Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Cross-cut and adhesive tape removal GT 0 / GT 1 GT 0 / GT 1
Resistance to salt water spray
Test period AASS NSS
Infiltration at cross-section 1000 hours 480 h
Degree of blistering d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 5 mm
0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Filiform corrosion test
Test period 1000 hours
Thread length l max ≤ 2 mm
Thread frequency H 1//10 mm
Mean key figure F=HxI ≤ 0.3
No extensive infiltration
Natural weathering, Hook of Holland
Test period 36 months 36 months
Infiltration d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 5 mm
Thread length l max ≤ 2 mm
Mean key figure F=HxI ≤ 0.4
No extensive infiltration No extensive infiltration

Note: Requirements and tests for pretreatment chemicals for steel are currently being developed.

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

5 Licence application for pretreatment chemicals

Licence application

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Powder paint
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Liquid paint
( ) ( ) Steel
( ) ( ) Galvanized steel
Please place a cross in the relevant box!

for the pretreatment:_________________________________________________________________

(Product name)

The following documents are enclosed with the application:

 Presentation of the company’s own test results based on GSB AL 631 and/or GSB
ST 663
 Presentation of tested sample sheets
 Presentation of product and safety data sheets
 If necessary the designation of reference objects
 Process parameters
 Evidence of product being suitable for immersion systems and/or spray systems
 Evidence of suitability for liquid and/or powder paint
 Practical regulation on determining the coating layer

…………………………………………. ...........................................................................
Place and date Signature and company stamp

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Part II – Pretreatment chemicals

6 Sample material licence certificate for pretreatment chemicals

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Part IV - Coating Materials

Part IV – Coating Materials 2
1 Granting and confirmation of licence for coating material 2
1.1 General 2
1.2 Labelling of products 2
1.3 Making an application and product information 3
1.3.1 General 3
1.3.2 Gloss 3
1.3.3 Curing conditions 3
1.3.4 Licence only for specific colour groups 3
1.3.5 Coating material with restricted properties 3
1.3.6 Coating material with special properties 3
2 Granting of the material licence 4
2.1 Sample material 4
2.1.1 General 4
2.1.2 Top Coat 4
2.1.3 Primer for multi-layer-coatings 5
2.1.4 Licence only for one colour group 5
2.2 Sample production 5
2.2.1 Sample sheets 5
2.2.2 Surface pretreatment 5
2.2.3 Application 5
2.3 Qualifying test 6
2.3.1 General 6
2.3.2 Principal workflow for qualifying test 6
2.3.3 Provisional material licence 6
2.3.4 Full material licence 7
3 Monitoring of material licence for coating material 7
3.1 General 7
3.2 Sampling 7
3.3 Production of samples 7
3.4 Extension of the licence 8
3.5 Cancelation of an approval 8
3.6 Principal workflow for prolongation test 8
3.7 Expiry of licence for material or individual colours 8
3.7.1 Prolongation test - without accelerated weathering and
natural weathering - negative 8
3.7.2 Accelerated weathering - negative 9
3.7.3 Natural weathering - negative 9
3.7.4 Negative results in different partial tests 10
3.7.5 Repeated denial of licence for individual colours in prolongation test 10
3.8 Depleting time for blocked materials 10
3.9 Renewed licence for material or individual colours 10
4 Requirements for coating materials 11
4.1 General 11
4.2 Aluminium - Powder coating materials 11
4.3 Aluminium - Liquid coating materials 12
4.4 Steel - Powder coating materials 13
4.5 Steel - Liquid coating materials 14
4.6 Steel 15
4.7 Colour differences ΔL*, ΔC* after weathering 16
4.8 Permissible colour tolerances 17
5 Licence application for coating material 18
6 Specimen material licence certificate for "Master" coating material 19

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Part IV - Coating Materials

Part IV – Coating Materials

1 Granting and confirmation of licence for coating material

1.1 General
Upon the request of the manufacturer, GSB International shall issue the material manufacturer with
the licence for the coating material, subject to the quality guidelines being fulfilled.
Coating materials can be licenced for aluminium – in the Standard, Master and Premium classes – as
well as for steel, and then obtain the following quality label:

If a material is produced at several locations, then the licence or revocation thereof covers all
production locations, which are members of GSB International. This requires the licence of the coating
materials to be applied for as well as written confirmation of the coating materials sold.
The quality committee is permitted to inspect the production locations and material samples and
request the documents cited in the quality guidelines.

1.2 Labelling of products

Quality labels attached directly onto coated components also have to include the company number
shown here (example):

Licence No. 000

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1.3 Making an application and product information

1.3.1 General
The application for a material licence has to be made in writing to GSB International (see section 5).
Coating material with effect pigments (metallics) is only licenced if a suitable sample material has
been submitted for approval.
If the licence is only valid for uniform colours a clear advice has to be in the technical data sheet.

1.3.2 Gloss
For gloss measured at an angle of 60°, the material licence for a system allows for a nominal range of:

+ 10 E at < 40 E (matt)

+ 15 E at > 40 E (from satin finish)



The material licence is valid for gloss within the nominal range.

The permitted delivery tolerances for individual products of a licenced coating material must be + 5 E.

Separate agreements should be made for metallic effect powders.

For coating materials with a structural effect, the gloss group (matt, satin finish, gloss finish) must be
specified. The gloss tolerance is communicated by the material manufacturer (reflectometer value).
Every structural effect require a separately approval.

1.3.3 Curing conditions

If the curing conditions are subsequently changed, the offices of GSB International must be informed
immediately and an application will need to be made for a new licence for the coating material.

1.3.4 Licence only for specific colour groups

The material manufacturer can apply for a licence for selected colour groups. In this case, a report
must be filled out for each colour group.
The technical datasheet must make clear reference to this.

1.3.5 Coating material with restricted properties

If a coating material is submitted for a licence and it does not fulfil the quality guidelines for specific
colours, the material manufacturer must indicate this in writing.
The material manufacturer is obligated to provide clear labelling if this material is delivered to GSB
GSB International will inform its members of this.

1.3.6 Coating material with special properties

The material manufacturer can apply for a special licence for coating substances with special
properties different from section 0. In this case, the quality committee shall decide upon the
appropriate test procedure.

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2 Granting of the material licence

2.1 Sample material
2.1.1 General
The applicant must make the following available for the licence:
− The completed report (see section 5),

− the valid technical datasheet,

− the processing guidelines which clearly explain the curing conditions,

− the relevant safety data sheet,

− the coating material (2,5 kg each) in accordance with the following sections.

If no licence for effect paints (metallics) or specific other colours have been applied for, this must be
clearly stated on the technical data sheet.

2.1.2 Top Coat

• Powder paints
− Class - Standard:
RAL colours 3016, 8014 and 9001
So far as the licence should also be valid for metallic effect powders, an metallic effect
paint sample (RAL 9006 or RAL 9007) instead of RAL 9001

− Class - Master and Premium:

RAL colours 3009, 5003 and 9001
So far as the licence should also be valid for effect powders, an additional metallic effect
paint sample (RAL 9006 or RAL 9007)

• Liquid paints
− Class - Standard:
RAL colours 3016, 8014 and 9001
So far as the licence should also be valid for metallic effect powders, an metallic effect
paint sample (RAL 9006 or RAL 9007) instead of RAL 9001
With basic lacquer, hardener and thinner

− Class - Master and Premium:

RAL colours 3009, 5003 and 9001
So far as the licence should also be valid for effect powders, an additional metallic effect
paint sample (RAL 9006 or RAL 9007)
With basic lacquer, hardener and thinner

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2.1.3 Primer for multi-layer-coatings

2.1.4 Licence only for one colour group
• For every 2.5 kg in any three colours of the colour group applied for, as well as a technical
datasheet, safety datasheet and report

2.2 Sample production

2.2.1 Sample sheets
• Base material: Aluminium
Predominantly the following aluminium alloys are used:
− Sheets: EN AW-5005a H 24 [AlMg1(B)] mill finish
The sample size is chosen in accordance with the rules of the respective tests
Preferably 70 x 140 x 0.7-0.8 mm
• Base material: Steel and galvanized steel

• Technological properties
Continuously galvanized steel sheet of type
DX 51 D+ Z in accordance with DIN EN 10143
Size min. 70 x 140 x 0.5 mm
• Corrosion-prevention properties
Hot Dip galvanized steel sheet of type
DC01-A in accordance with DIN EN 10130
material no. 1.0244, size min. 70 x 140 x 1,5 mm and galvanized in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 1461, Zn >= 99,5%
• Technological and corrosion-prevention properties
Raw (black) steel sheet of type
DC01-A in accordance with DIN EN 10130
material no. 1.0244, size min. 70 x 140 x 0.5 mm
2.2.2 Surface pretreatment
The chemical or electrochemical pretreatment and testing thereof is carried out in accordance with the
relevant regulations. The sample sheets or profile sections must be pretreated in accordance with the
following standard:
• Aluminium and aluminium alloys: Chromating in accordance with DIN EN 12487

• Steel and galvanized steel: Chromating based on DIN EN 12487

• With an alternative procedure approved by GSB

2.2.3 Application
The coating material must be processed in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer.
The layer thickness of the sample sheets to be tested must be 50 µm to 80 µm unless otherwise
stated by the material manufacturer.
For liquid paints on a silicone polyester or PVDF base, the minimum layer thickness on the visible
surfaces exposed to weathering must not fall below the specifications of the material manufacturer
submitted with the registration.
The samples must be produced in sufficient numbers in accordance with the minimum curing
conditions specified (object temperature and dwell time); for two-component paints plus 60 minutes
ageing at 120 °C or in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer.
The processing parameters must be recorded in writing.

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2.3 Qualifying test

2.3.1 General
The material licence (Standard, Master and Premium) is issued if all requirements of the coating
materials are met in accordance with section 0 during the qualifying test.
The material manufacturer will receive a certificate for the licence (see section 6).
Where materials are only submitted for approval for one colour group, with restrictions or with special
properties, this will be specified on the certificate.
If a approval is requested for both base materials, the following tests are carried out on samples of
one base material:
• Resistance to exposure to moisture
• Resistance to alkaline substances
• Adhesion of sealing compounds
• Accelerated weathering
• Natural weathering

2.3.2 Principal workflow for qualifying test

2.3.3 Provisional material licence

• Granting of provisional licence
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If all the test results for the colours submitted are positive except for natural weathering, the
provisional licence is issued for the coating material tested.
A corresponding certificate is issued.
Instead of accelerated weathering, the material manufacturer may present positive results for
the colours submitted from natural weathering performed in advance in accordance with
sections 4.2 and 4.3 by an independent, accredited weathering station in Florida.
The results must not be more than one year old.
• Non-issue of licence
A negative test result for any of the colours submitted - before completion of the natural
weathering - shall result in the entire qualifying test being unsuccessful.
The material manufacturer will be notified in writing.
A new qualifying test can be applied for at the earliest 3 months after receipt of this

2.3.4 Full material licence

• Granting of the full material licence
To receive the final licence, a positive result is required for the natural weathering in Florida for
the colours submitted.
• Non-issue of licence
A negative test result for any of the colours submitted - before completion of the natural
weathering - shall result in the entire qualifying test being unsuccessful.
The material manufacturer will be notified in writing.
The provisional licence and certificate must be returned immediately to the offices of GSB.

A new qualifying test can be applied for after receipt of this notification.

3 Monitoring of material licence for coating material

3.1 General
The approved coating material is checked annually.
The first prolongation test will be in the first year after the provisional licence was issued. A successful
prolongation test cannot replace a negative result for natural weathering in the qualifying test.
The prolongation test will check whether the coating materials meet requirements. Contrary to the
qualifying test, any two colours will be checked here. If the approval includes metal effect paints one of
the both colours have to be a metal effect colour.

3.2 Sampling
The inspector takes the material samples required for the prolongation test as part of third-party
monitoring at the site of a holder of the quality seal. If this was not possible in the last six months of
the previous year, then an inspector commissioned by GSB International can remove the required
material samples from one of the manufacturer's warehouses. If this is not possible, the offices of GSB
can request that the material manufacturer provides the required material samples within a period of 4
weeks. If a licenced coating material is produced at different production locations, the annual
prolongation test will use material samples from one of the named production locations.

3.3 Production of samples

Samples are produced for the prolongation test in accordance with section 2.2.

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3.4 Extension of the licence

The material licence is extended until December 31 of the following year if all requirements for the
coating materials are met in accordance with section 0 during the prolongation test.
If the material manufacturer omits the prolongation test or cancels the coating material the licence is
valid until December 31 of the current year.

3.5 Cancelation of an approval

A licence of a coating material has to be cancelled until June 30 of the current year.

3.6 Principal workflow for prolongation test

3.7 Expiry of licence for material or individual colours

3.7.1 Prolongation test - without accelerated weathering and natural weathering - negative
• One colour does not meet requirements

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In the event of negative results, a re-test can be applied for within a period of 4 weeks after
receipt of the information.
If no application is made or if the re-test for this colour is also negative, then GSB International
will withdraw the material licence for this colour from the material manufacturer in question.
The colour concerned must be labelled as "non-GSB-licenced colour for coating material".
Other colours for the material are not affected and remain licenced.

• Neither colour meets requirements

If both colours suffer a negative test result, then the entire prolongation test is deemed
In the event of negative results, a re-test can be applied for within a period of 4 weeks after
receipt of the information.
If no application is made or if the re-test for both colours is also negative, then GSB
International will withdraw the material licence for this colour from the material manufacturer in
The certificate for the material must be returned immediately to the offices of GSB

3.7.2 Accelerated weathering - negative

• One colour does not meet requirements
If any accelerated weathering result is negative for a colour, then this colour has failed this
part of the prolongation test.
These colours are no longer licenced until positive results from the natural weathering in
Florida are presented.
The colour concerned must be labelled as "non-GSB-licenced colour for coating material".
All other colours continue to be licenced.

• Neither colour meets requirements

If any accelerated weathering result is negative for both colours, then this part of the
prolongation test is deemed unsuccessful.
Neither colour is licenced until positive results from the natural weathering in Florida are
The colours in question must be labelled as "non-GSB-approved colours for coating material".
All other colours continue to be licenced.

3.7.3 Natural weathering - negative

• One colour does not meet requirements
If any natural weathering result is negative for a colour, then this colour has failed the
prolongation test.
GSB International will withdraw the material licence for this colour.
The colour concerned must be labelled as "non-GSB-licenced colour for coating material".
The colours for the material not affected remain licenced.
• Neither colour meets requirements

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If any natural weathering result is negative for both colours, then the entire prolongation test is
deemed unsuccessful.
GSB International will revoke the material licence for the material manufacturer in question.
The certificate for the material must be returned immediately to the offices of GSB

3.7.4 Negative results in different partial tests

If, during a prolongation test, the requirements for both colours are not met in different partial tests in
each case, then GSB International will revoke the licence for this material for the material
manufacturer concerned.
The certificate for the material must be returned immediately to the offices of GSB International.

3.7.5 Repeated denial of licence for individual colours in prolongation test

If the licence for a colour is denied for three successive prolongation tests, the material manufacturer
in question will then lose the licence for this material.
The certificate for the material must be returned immediately to the offices of GSB International.

3.8 Depleting time for blocked materials

After the licence has been withdrawn for a coating material, the material manufacturer can use up/sell
existing stocks of the coating material affected by the withdrawal of the licence within a period of 6
months after the withdrawal of the licence.
The material manufacturer have to inform the GSB coater concerned.
The coater can use up the within 3 month after the end of the depleting time.
The evidence concerning the deadlines is approved based on the invoice.
However, the coating material to be used up must - apart from the material licence - meet all the
requirements of the quality guidelines relating to this material; it is the responsibility of the material
manufacturer to check this for each individual batch of the coating material to be used up before they
bring coating material from this batch onto the market. The manufacturer must document these checks
and present them to their customer and/or GSB upon request.

3.9 Renewed licence for material or individual colours

A renewed licence for the material or colour that is no longer licenced can be applied for immediately.
The licence will be renewed upon successful completion of the qualifying test.

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4 Requirements for coating materials

4.1 General
The coating materials may not contain TGIC (triglycidyl isocyanurate) or pigments that require
4.2 Aluminium - Powder coating materials
Test Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium
Standard Master Premium
Layer thickness
Thin-film powder
Normal powder - colour-dependent 20 ≤ 40 µm 20 ≤ 40 µm 20 ≤ 40 µm
Average layer thickness > 60 µm - ≤ 120 µm > 60 µm - ≤ 120 µm > 60 µm - ≤ 120 µm
50 – 120 µm 50 – 120 µm 50 – 120 µm
Cross-cut GT 0 GT 0 GT 0
Mandrel bending test ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Cupping test ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Ball impact test 20 inch/pound 20 inch/pound 20 inch/pound
Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Cutting, drilling, sawing No spalling of coating No spalling of coating No spalling of coating
(naked eye assessment at distance of
20 – 30 cm)
Gloss 60°
Nominal range for system approval ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E
± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E

Delivery tolerance ± 5E ± 5E ±5E

Condensation constant atmosphere*

Test period 1000h 1000h 1000h
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Condensation variable atmosphere
(0.2l SOB 2B )*
Cycles 30 30 30
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Pressure cooker test
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Cross-cut and adhesive tape Gt 0/Gt 1 (with adhesive Gt 0/Gt 1 (with adhesive Gt 0/Gt 1 (with adhesive
removal tape removal) tape removal) tape removal)

Resistance to exposure to moisture Max. ΔL* 4 Max. ΔL* 4 Max. ΔL* 3

Resistance to salt water spray AASS AASS AASS
Test period 1000 h 1000 h 1000 h
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Degree of cross-linking
Resistance to alkaline substances
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Adhesion of sealing compounds
Adhesive failure Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
Cohesive failure Permitted Permitted Permitted
Accelerated weathering UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm)
Test duration 300h 600h 1000h
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %
Natural weathering - Florida
Approx. test period (months) 12 36 60
UV energy (MJ/m²) Max. 300 Max. 840 Max 1.400
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50%
Colour difference ΔL*, ΔC* Section 4.7 Section 4.7 Section 4.7
* This test is carried out only at the initial licence test.

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4.3 Aluminium - Liquid coating materials

Test Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium
Standard Master Premium
Layer thickness In accordance with In accordance with In accordance with
manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer specifications
specifications specifications
Cross-cut GT 0 GT 0 GT 0
Mandrel bending test
Thermally cured paints ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm
2-component liquid paints ≤ 12 mm ≤ 12 mm ≤ 12 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating

Cupping test
Thermally cured paints ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm
2-component liquid paints ≥ 3 mm ≥ 3 mm ≥ 3 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Cross-linking test
Buchholz hardness min.
MEK – test (only applies to baking Buchholz hardness min. 80 Buchholz hardness min. 80
enamel and two-component liquid
Cutting, drilling, sawing No spalling of coating No spalling of coating No spalling of coating
(naked eye assessment)

Gloss 60°
Nominal range for system approval ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E
± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E
± 15 E at > 40 E
± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E
Delivery tolerance ± 5E
± 5E ± 5E
Condensation constant atmosphere
Test period 1000h 1000h 1000h
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Condensation variable atmosphere (0.2l
SOB 2B )*
Cycles 30 30 30
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2

Pressure cooker test

Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Cross-cut + adhesive tape removal GT 0/GT 1 (with adhesive GT 0/GT 1 (with adhesive GT 0/GT 1 (with adhesive
tape removal) tape removal) tape removal)
Resistance to exposure to moisture
ΔL* Max. ΔL* 4 Max. ΔL* 4 Max. ΔL* 3
Resistance to salt water spray ASS ASS ASS
Test period 500 h 750 h 1000 h
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Resistance to alkaline substances
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Adhesion of sealing compounds
Adhesive failure Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
Cohesive failure Permitted Permitted Permitted

Accelerated weathering UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm)

Test duration 300h 600h 1000h
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %
Natural weathering - Florida
Approx. test period (months); 12 36 60
UV energy (MJ/m²) max 300 max. 840 max. 1400
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %
Colour difference ΔL*, ΔC* Section 4.7 Section 4.7 Section 4.7
* This test is carried out only at the initial licence test.

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4.4 Steel - Powder coating materials

Test Galvanized steel Galvanized steel Galvanized steel
Standard Master Premium
Layer thickness
Thin-film powder
Normal powder - colour-dependent 80 – 130 µm 80 – 130 µm 80 – 130 µm
Average layer thickness > 80 µm > 80 µm > 80 µm
Twin-layer system Twin-layer system Twin-layer system
> 130 µm > 130 µm > 130 µm

Cross-cut GT 0 GT 0 GT 0
Mandrel bending test ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm
Cracking of coating Permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Cupping test ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm
Cracking of coating Permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Cross-linking test Aceton TEST Aceton TEST Aceton TEST
No matting, no smudging No matting, no smudging No matting, no smudging

Ball impact test 10 inch/pound twin-layer 10 inch/pound twin-layer 10 inch/pound twin-layer

system system system
20 inch/pound 20 inch/pound 20 inch/pound
Single-layer system Single-layer system Single-layer system
Cracking of coating Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Scratch resistance No penetration until the No penetration until the No penetration until the
substrate substrate substrate
Gloss 60°
Nominal range for system approval ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E
± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E

Delivery tolerance ±5E ±5E ±5E

Condensation constant atmosphere*
Test period 1000h 1000h 1000h
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Condensation variable atmosphere
(0.2l SOB 2B )*
Cycles 30 30 30
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Pressure cooker test
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Cross-cut and adhesive tape Gt 0/Gt 1 Gt 0/Gt 1 Gt 0/Gt 1
removal (with adhesive tape (with adhesive tape (with adhesive tape
removal) removal) removal)
Resistance to exposure to moisture max. ΔL* 4 max. ΔL* 4 max. ΔL* 4
Resistance to salt water spray NSS NSS NSS
Test period 480 h 480 h 480 h
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 5 mm d max ≤ 5 mm d max ≤ 5 mm
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
No matting, no smudging No matting, no smudging No matting, no smudging
Resistance to alkaline substances
Colour and effect changes max. level 1 max. level 1 max. level 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Adhesion of sealing compounds
Adhesive failure Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
Cohesive failure Permitted Permitted Permitted

Accelerated weathering UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm)

Test duration 300 600 1000h
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %
Natural weathering - Florida
Approx. test period (months) 12 36 60
UV energy (MJ/m²) max. 300 max. 840 max. 140
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %
Colour difference ΔL*, ΔC* Section 4.7 Section 4.7 Section 4.7
Note: For galvanized steel, as of the condensation constant atmosphere test, all further tests are carried out on a single
* This test is carried out only at the initial licence test.

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4.5 Steel - Liquid coating materials

Test Galvanized steel Galvanized steel Galvanized steel
Standard Master Premium
Layer thickness In accordance with In accordance with In accordance with
manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer
specifications specifications specifications
Cross-cut GT 0 GT 0 GT 0
Mandrel bending test
Thermally cured paints ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm
2-component liquid paints ≤ 12 mm ≤ 12 mm ≤ 12 mm
Cracking of coating Permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of No removal of No removal of
coating coating coating
Cupping test
Thermally cured paints ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm
2-component liquid paints ≥ 3 mm ≥ 3 mm ≥ 3 mm
Cracking of coating Permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of No removal of No removal of
coating coating coating
Cross-linking test
MEK – test (only applies to baking
No matting, no No matting, no No matting, no
enamel and two-component liquid
smudging smudging smudging
Scratch resistance No penetration until the No penetration until No penetration until the
substrate the substrate substrate
Gloss 60°
Nominal range for system approval ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E
± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E

Delivery tolerance ±5E ±5E ±5E

Condensation constant atmosphere*

Test period 1000h 1000h 1000h
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 2 max. level 2 max. level 2
Condensation variable atmosphere (0.2l
SOB 2B )*
Cycles 30 30 30
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm d max ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2

Pressure cooker test

Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Cross-cut + adhesive tape removal Gt 0/Gt 1 Gt 0/Gt 1 Gt 0/Gt 1
(with adhesive tape (with adhesive tape (with adhesive tape
removal) removal) removal)
Resistance to exposure to moisture
ΔL* max. ΔL* 4 max. ΔL* 4 max. ΔL* 4
Resistance to salt water spray NSS NSS NSS
Test period 480 h 480 h 480 h
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 5 mm d max ≤ 5 mm d max ≤ 5 mm
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Resistance to alkaline substances
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Adhesion of sealing compounds
Adhesive failure max. level 1 max. level 1 max. level 1
Cohesive failure max. level 3 max. level 2 max. level 2
Accelerated weathering UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm)
Test duration 300 h 600 h 1000 h
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %

Natural weathering - Florida

Approx. test period (months); 12 36 48
UV energy (MJ/m²) max. 300 max. 600 max. 1.400
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %
Colour difference ΔL*, ΔC* Section 4.74.7 Section 4.7 Section 4.7
Note: For galvanized steel, as of the condensation constant atmosphere test, all further tests are carried out
on a single layer.
* This test is carried out only at the initial licence test.

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Part IV - Coating Materials

4.6 Steel
The coating systems for steel shall meet the requirements of 4.4 or 0 except the NSS test:
Resistance to salt water spray NSS
Test period 1000 h
Infiltration at cross-section d max ≤ 1 mm
Degree of blistering 0 (S0)

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4.7 Colour differences ΔL*, ΔC* after weathering

Colour is measured in accordance with DIN EN ISO 11664-4, illuminant: D65/10° standard observer;
measurement geometry 45/0.
RAL ΔL* ΔC* from RAL ΔL* ΔC* from RAL ΔL* from RAL ΔL* from
1000 ±1 ±2 3003 ±2 ±6 5013 ±6 ±1 6034 ±2 ±2
1001 ±1 ±2 3004 ±4 ±4 5014 ±3 ±3 6035* ±3 ±5
1002 ±1 ±2 3005 ±4 ±4 5015 ±3 ±3 6036* ±3 ±5
1003 ±2 ±3 3007 ±4 ±4 5017 ±3 ±3
1004 ±2 ±5 3009 ±4 ±4 5018 ±3 ±5 7000 ±2 ±1
1005 ±2 ±5 3011 ±2 ±6 5019 ±3 ±3 7001 ±2 ±1
1006 ±2 ±7 3012 ±2 ±7 5020 ±3 ±5 7002 ±2 ±1
1007 ±2 ±7 3013 ±2 ±6 5021 ±3 ±3 7003 ±2 ±1
1011 ±1 ±3 3014 ±3 ±5 5022 ±4 ±5 7004 ±2 ±1
1012 ±1 ±3 3015 ±3 ±7 5023 ±3 ±3 7005 ±2 ±1
1013 ±1 ±1 3016 ±2 ±6 5024 ±3 ±3 7006 ±2 ±1
1014 ±1 ±2 3017 ±2 ±8 5025* ±2 ±6 7008 ±3 ±3
1015 ±1 ±1 3018 ±2 ±8 5026* ±2 ±6 7009 ±2 ±2
1016 ±2 ±7 3020 ±2 ±7 7010 ±2 ±2
1017 ±1 ±3 3022 ±2 ±7 6000 ±3 ±4 7011 ±2 ±1
1018 ±2 ±7 3027 ±2 ±7 6001 ±3 ±4 7012 ±2 ±1
1019 ±1 ±2 3031 ±2 ±7 6002 ±3 ±4 7013 ±2 ±1
1020 ±1 ±2 3032* ±2 ±6 6003 ±3 ±4 7015 ±2 ±1
1021 ±2 ±7 3033* ±2 ±6 6004 ±4 ±4 7016 ±3 ±3
1023 ±2 ±7 6005 ±4 ±4 7021 ±5 ±3
1024 ±1 ±2 4001 ±3 ±5 6006 ±4 ±4 7022 ±3 ±2
1027 ±1 ±3 4002 ±3 ±5 6007 ±4 ±4 7023 ±2 ±1
1028 ±2 ±8 4003 ±2 ±7 6008 ±4 ±4 7024 ±3 ±3
1032 ±2 ±5 4004 ±4 ±4 6009 ±4 ±4 7026 ±3 ±3
1033 ±2 ±7 4005 ±3 ±5 6010 ±3 ±6 7030 ±1 ±1
1034 ±2 ±7 4006 ±3 ±5 6011 ±2 ±3 7031 ±2 ±1
1035* ±2 ±2 4007 ±4 ±5 6012 ±4 ±4 7032 ±1 ±1
1036* ±2 ±4 4008 ±3 ±5 6013 ±2 ±3 7033 ±2 ±1
1037 ±2 ±7 4009 ±3 ±5 6014 ±4 ±4 7034 ±2 ±1
4010 ±3 ±5 6015 ±4 ±4 7035 ±1 ±1
2000 ±2 ±6 4011* ±2 ±7 6016 ±3 ±5 7036 ±2 ±1
2001 ±2 ±6 4012* ±2 ±6 6017 ±3 ±5 7037 ±2 ±1
2002 ±2 ±7 6018 ±2 ±3 7038 ±1 ±1
2003 ±2 ±6 5000 ±3 ±3 6019 ±2 ±2 7039 ±2 ±1
2004 ±2 ±6 5001 ±3 ±3 6020 ±3 ±4 7040 ±1 ±1
2008 ±2 ±7 5002 ±3 ±4 6021 ±2 ±3 7042 ±1 ±1
2009 ±2 ±7 5003 ±3 ±3 6022 ±4 ±4 7043 ±3 ±3
2010 ±2 ±6 5004 ±6 ±1 6024 ±3 ±5 7044 ±1 ±1
2011 ±2 ±7 5005 ±3 ±3 6025 ±3 ±4 7045 ±1 ±1
2012 ±2 ±6 5007 ±3 ±3 6026 ±3 ±4 7046 ±1 ±1
2013* ±2 ±4 5008 ±3 ±2 6027 ±2 ±2 7047 ±1 ±1
5009 ±3 ±3 6028 ±4 ±4 7048* ±3 ±1
3000 ±2 ±6 5010 ±4 ±5 6029 ±3 ±5
3001 ±2 ±6 5011 ±6 ±1 6032 ±3 ±5 8000 ±2 ±2
3002 ±2 ±6 5012 ±3 ±3 6033 ±2 ±2 8001 ±2 ±2

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RAL ΔL* ΔC* from RAL ΔL* ΔC* from RAL ΔL* from RAL ΔL* from
8002 ±3 ±3 8019 ±3 ±4 9004 ±4 ±1
8003 ±3 ±3 8022 ±4 ±4 9005 ±4 ±1
8004 ±3 ±3 8023 ±2 ±2 9006* ±1 ±1
8007 ±3 ±4 8024 ±2 ±2 9007* ±2 ±1
8008 ±3 ±4 8025 ±2 ±2 9010 ±1 ±1
8011 ±3 ±4 8028 ±4 ±4 9011 ±4 ±1
8012 ±3 ±4 8029* ±2 ±4 9016 ±1 ±1
8014 ±3 ±4 9017 ±4 ±1
8015 ±3 ±4 9001 ±1 ±1 9018 ±1 ±1
8016 ±3 ±4 9002 ±1 ±1 9022* ±1 ±1
8017 ±3 ±4 9003 ±1 ±1 9023* ±2 ±1

Note: Colours marked with an asterisk * are not part of the RAL 841 GL register. Colour charts for these colours
are contained in the main RAL register RAL 840 HR. However, these should not be used as a model for
decorative coatings.

4.8 Permissible colour tolerances

To define permissible tolerances for RAL colour charts, it is recommended to observe and adhere to
guideline VdL-RL 10 "Permissible colour tolerances" in the relevant issue. This guideline details
reference samples, test methods and permissible colour tolerances for differences between charts and
delivery, as well as between two deliveries. This guideline does not apply to the assessment of end-
coated objects and components. It only relates to sample sheets produced under standard laboratory

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5 Licence application for coating material

Licence application

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Please place a cross in the relevant box!

for the coating material:______________________________________________________________

(Product name)

Coating material Licence Stoving Object Dwell time at object

No.* conditions temperature temperature
Minimum Maximum
Gloss nominal range
Minimum ............................ ....................... .......................
..............units ⃰
......... Average ............................ ....................... .......................
( ) Metallic effect
Maximum ............................ ...................... .......................
Gloss nominal range ............................ ....................... .......................
...............units ⃰ ............................ ....................... .......................
......... Average
( ) Metallic effect ............................ ...................... .......................
Gloss nominal range ............................ ....................... .......................
............... units ⃰ ............................ ....................... .......................
......... Average
( ) Metallic effect ............................ ...................... .......................
Gloss nominal range ............................ ....................... .......................
............... units ⃰ ............................ ....................... .......................
......... Average
( ) Metallic effect ............................ ...................... .......................
Gloss nominal range ............................ ....................... .......................
............... units ⃰ ............................ ....................... .......................
......... Average
( ) Metallic effect ............................ ...................... .......................
Particular details of the material manufacturer:
Minimum layer thickness: …………. ………….
Recommended sealant …………. ………….
Recommended pretreatment: …………. ………….
*is awarded by GSB

…………………………………………. ...........................................................................
Place and date Signature and company stamp

* Please ensure that you specify the gloss (reflectometer value) in units and not as a percentage.

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Part IV - Coating Materials

6 Specimen material licence certificate for "Master" coating material

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium

Part V – Coaters Aluminium 3
1 Being granted and holding the quality label for coaters aluminium 3
1.1 General 3
1.1.1 Quality labels 3
1.1.2 Additional label 3
1.1.3 Additional label 3
1.2 Labelling of components 4
1.3 Application 4
2 Granting the quality label and the additional label 4
2.1 General 4
2.2 Qualifying test 4
2.3 Categorisation in a higher quality class and/or application for an additional label 5
3 Monitoring the quality label 5
3.1 General 5
3.2 Negative monitoring test 5
3.3 Re-award 6
4 Implementation of the monitoring tests 6
4.1 General 6
4.2 Plants 7
4.2.1 General 7
4.2.2 Additional requirements for GSB Premium Coaters 7
4.3 Test of the coating company 7
4.4 Test of finished products 7
5 Requirements of the coating company 8
5.1 General 8
5.2 Surface pretreatment 9
5.2.1 General 9
5.2.2 Additional requirement for GSB Premium Coaters 9
5.2.3 Suspension or positioning 10
5.2.4 Pickling process 10
5.2.5 Yellow and green chromating 10
5.2.6 Alternative pretreatment procedures 10
5.2.7 Layer weight 12
5.2.8 Final rinse 12
5.2.9 Pre-anodising 12
5.2.10 Drying of residual water 14
5.3 Interim transport 14
5.3.1 General 14
5.3.2 GSB Premium Coater 14
5.3.3 Pre-anodised components 14
5.4 Cleanliness and handling 14
5.5 Application and thermal cross-linking or accelerated drying 14
5.5.1 General 14
5.6 Technical laboratory equipment 15
5.6.1 General 15
5.6.2 Standard equipment 15
5.6.3 Additional equipment for GSB Premium Coaters 15
5.7 Product and coating material store
(GSB Master Coater / GSB Premium Coater) 15
5.7.1 Product store 15
5.7.2 Coating material store 15
5.8 Product-characteristic and safety data sheets 16
5.9 Quality assurance 16
5.9.1 Incoming goods check 16
5.9.2 Factory production control (FPC) 16

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5.9.3 Additional requirement for GSB Premium Coaters 16

5.9.4 Scope of factory production control 17
5.9.5 Requirements of finished parts and test sheets 20
6 Application 23
7 Sample certificate for coaters 24

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium

Part V – Coaters Aluminium

1 Being granted and holding the quality label for coaters aluminium
1.1 General
GSB International will grant three classes of quality label and two additional labels to coaters
aluminium who apply for them if the respective requirements in the quality guidelines are met.

1.1.1 Quality labels

Coating companies can obtain the quality label in the classes: GSB Approved Coater, GSB
Master Coater and GSB Premium Coater.

1.1.2 Additional label

If the requirements in the quality guidelines are met, then GSB Master Coaters can acquire
the labels “Sea Proof” in addition to the quality label.
GSB Premium Coaters are automatically entitled to the additional label “Sea Proof” as they
already meet its requirements.

1.1.3 Additional label

If the requirements in the quality guidelines are met, then Coaters can acquire the label “Sea
Proof Plus” for pre-anodisation in addition to the label “Sea Proof”.

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1.2 Labelling of components

Quality labels attached directly onto coated components also have to include the company number
shown here:

Company No.: 000 Company No.: 000 Company No.: 000

“Premium Quality”, however, can only be applied to components that have been coated by a GSB
Premium Coater with coating materials of the “Master” class.

1.3 Application
The coating business will inform the offices of GSB about the quality labels and/or additional labels for
which it has applied. The application has to be made in writing to GSB International (see section 6).
The application will be checked by the quality committee.

2 Granting the quality label and the additional label

2.1 General
The coating business must meet the requirements of the quality label and additional label
(see section 5).

2.2 Qualifying test

Two independent tests (qualifying test part 1 and part 2) are carried out.
At least three months must pass between qualifying test part 1 and part 2.
Part 1 is by appointment. All additional tests are without appointment.
The qualifying test is carried out in accordance with section 4.
If the qualifying test is passed, the board will grant the applicant the desired quality label and
additional label on the quality committee’s recommendation. A certificate is issued (see section 7).
If the qualifying test is failed, the quality committee will reject the application giving reasons in writing.
However, the applicant can apply for a re-test of the failed part.
If the re-test is also failed, then the applicant can re-apply after at least three months have passed.

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2.3 Categorisation in a higher quality class and/or application for an additional label
If the coating business applies for a quality label of a higher quality class, then two unannounced
monitoring tests will be carried out.
If both monitoring tests are passed, then the board will grant the applicant the desired quality label on
the quality committee’s recommendation. A certificate is issued.
If any part of the monitoring test is failed, then the tests are assessed as monitoring tests based on the
requirements of the previous quality label and additional label.

3 Monitoring the quality label

3.1 General
The monitoring test in section 4 is performed at least twice a year for each coating business without
If the business passes the monitoring test, then it continues to have the right to hold the quality label
and the additional label. Special notification will not be given.

3.2 Negative monitoring test

If the quality committee finds problems with quality assurance, it will suggest punitive action to the
board of GSB International.
The action to be taken depends on the severity of the violation:
1. Additional requirements within the scope of factory production control
2. Increased, fee-based monitoring
3. Repeat check
4. Contractual penalty of up to € 1,500
5. Reversion to a lower quality stage
6. Temporary or permanent withdrawal of the quality label and/or additional label

The first four punitive measures can be combined.

If the result of a re-test is negative, the holder will have their quality label withdrawn immediately.

If a holder of the quality label repeatedly or seriously breaches GSB AL 631, they will have their quality
label withdrawn temporarily or permanently. The same applies to holders of quality labels who delay
tests or prevent them.

GSB AL 631 also applies to deliveries already made if they clearly exhibit a poor coating quality and
the origin of the deficient delivery is clear.
If up to 10 % of the tested parts have a fault, additional factory production control regulations will be
If more than 10 % of the tested parts have a fault, there could be a fine, fee-based third-party
monitoring or a temporary or permanent withdrawal of the quality label.
The holder of the quality label must hear the transgressions before 6 is effected and has the option to
have the delivery checked by a test institute that works for GSB International. If the test institute finds
the complaint to be justified, then the costs for this test will be borne by the holder of the quality label.
If the complaint was unjustified, the complainant must bear the costs of the test.
The punitive action in this section becomes effective when it comes into legal force.
In urgent cases the chairman of GSB International can withdraw the quality label with immediate effect
upon consultation with the chairman of the quality committee. This has to be confirmed by the board
and quality committee within 14 days.

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3.3 Re-award
If the right to use the quality label has been withdrawn, it can be re-applied for no earlier than three
months hence.
The board of GSB International could, however, impose additional conditions.

4 Implementation of the monitoring tests

4.1 General
The coating business and the finished products are tested.
The inspector produces a test log and the coater and offices of GSB International each receive a copy.
Complaints must be supported with illustrations or be confirmed in writing by the coating business.
The inspector can request or take samples from the coating business at any time. Such samples can
also be taken in trading environments or from the recipient. Samples requested must be handed over
without delay. The inspector can have a test performed on any running system of the coating business
at any time.

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4.2 Plants
4.2.1 General
In these quality guidelines a plant consists of many stages of pretreatment including a retained water
dryer, application unit(s) and curing oven. The number of plants is determined by the number of pre-
treatments and/or curing ovens.
1 plant: 1 pretreatment, 1 curing oven
2 plants: 2 pretreatments, 1 curing oven
1 pretreatment, 2 curing oven
2 pretreatments, 2 curing oven
If a coating business has several plants, then all of them are tested during the initial test. The
inspector will decide which plant is to be tested in the monitoring test.

4.2.2 Additional requirements for GSB Premium Coaters

GSB International has to be informed of the number of coating systems and be given information on
which ones should be used for GSB Premium coating.

If the coater has a vertical system, then at least one horizontal system has to be named which must
comply with the requirements of a Premium Coater. The systems named are tested regularly.

4.3 Test of the coating company

The following equipment is tested:
• Fabrication facility
• Laboratory equipment
• Factoy production control

4.4 Test of finished products

This test should only cover parts which the coating company has already checked and approved.
Sufficient material has to be kept available for the test.
All batches in the coating business that are ready for dispatch, have been prepared or are in storage
have to be made accessible to the inspector upon request so that additional random samples (see
part VII) can be taken.

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium

5 Requirements of the coating company

5.1 General
The following table shows what is required of the coating company at each quality stage. Detailed
requirements on the pre-treatment of surfaces, application and thermal cross-linking or accelerated
drying, organisation and training are explained in more detail in the following sections.
Requirements Quality stages
Approved Coater Master Coater Premium Coater
Surface pre-treatment
Process sequence Cr-VI-free pretreatment documented X X
Process sequence documented and stored with GSB X
Approved surface pre-treatment procedure with annual
monitoring test X
Contact points on visible surfaces < 2 mm X
Final rinse X X X
Drying of residual water X X X
Immediate coating < 24 h X X
Immediate coating < 12 h X
Coating immediately < 72 h only for pre-anodising X X X
Cleanliness and handling – pretreatment X X X
Only touch pretreated parts with gloves X X X
Application and thermal cross-linking or accelerated drying
Coating cleanliness and handling X X X
Monitoring curing conditions X X X
Standard equipment X X X
Additional equipment X
Product and coating material storage
Defined storage conditions for the material to be coated X X
Defined storage conditions for the coating material X X
Quality check
Documented quality management system X
Provision of the product-characteristic and safety data sheets X X X
Factory production control X X X
Additional label
Holding the “Sea Proof” label
After the additional test FFC/AASS X X
Holding the “Sea Proof Plus” label
With pre-anodising after additional test FFC/AASS X X

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium

5.2 Surface pretreatment

5.2.1 General
The following procedures can be used:
• Yellow and green chromating in accordance with EN 12487 1
• Alternative pretreatment procedures – chromium-free and chromium(VI)-free
• Pre-anodising

Typical process flow chemical pre-treatment process flow:

The individual process flow should be tuned with the plant manufacturer and the chemical supplier.
The individual process flow shall be documented and presented to the inspector on demand.
5.2.2 Additional requirement for GSB Premium Coaters
The process sequence for pretreatment has to be documented independently of the procedure and
stored at the GSB offices.
An analysis certificate for the pretreatment chemicals has to be requested from the manufacturer and
documented for every order.

The process sequence of every pretreatment system is approved separately by taking one coated
product section during a monitoring test and having it tested by an accredited test institute for 1000 h
AASS and filiform corrosion test.

If different metals are regularly pretreated in the same pretreatment system, then the respective
process steps have to be carried out completely separately. The maximum content of foreign ions has
to be decided upon together with the pretreatment supplier and documented when storing the process
sequence. The concentration of these ions has to be determined and documented after every pre-
treatment of foreign substrates (production diary.)

Due to the REACH-Regulation (EU 348/2013) the use of Cr-VI containing solutions has been banned at
September 21th, 2017 if no application for a certificate of exemption.

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium

5.2.3 Suspension or positioning Suspension or positioning (GSB Approved Coater)
The parts to be coated have to be suspended or positioned so that the contact points on a main
surface that will later be visible are < 2 mm. The customer must be notified of this. Suspension or positioning (GSB Master Coater and GSB Premium Coater)
The parts to be coated have to be suspended or positioned so that the contact points will not be on a
main surface that will later be visible. Contact points are only permitted when they cannot be avoided
and only if marked on the respective piece or on drawings (diagrams). The customer must be notified
of this.

5.2.4 Pickling process

The pickling process during chemical surface pre-treatment is greatly affected by the process
parameters of semi-finished aluminium production. Setting a threshold value with a minimal tolerance
is not worthwhile.

Recommended pickling rate for alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063: > 1 g/m².
A suitable pickling rate has to be determined and stipulated for other alloys.
5.2.5 Yellow and green chromating GSB Approved Coater and GSB Master Coater
Yellow and green chromating (rinse procedure) do not require a special licence.
Coating layer Yellow chromating: 0.4 – 1.0 g/m²
Green chromating: 0.4 – 1.2 g/m² Additional requirement for GSB Premium Coaters

Only approved procedures may be used.

If the product test for yellow and green chromating rinse procedures is passed, then it serves as an
approval criterion for the monitoring test provided that the GSB Premium Coater has used this
procedure to pre-treat their products.

No-rinse procedures containing chromium always have to be approved by GSB International.

Layer weight: Yellow chromating: 0.6 – 1.0 g/m²

Green chromating: 0.6 – 1.2 g/m²

5.2.6 Alternative pretreatment procedures General
Alternative pretreatment procedures have to be approved by GSB International.
This concerns non-system-specific product approvals. This is why every coating business is required
to test and document the compatibility of the pretreatment system with their particular system and the
respective coating material using a pressure cooker test with a subsequent cross cut and adhesive
tape removal for every production batch. The work regulations of the manufacturer of the pre-
treatment chemicals have to be complied with, e. g. rinsing with deionised water before application of
the pretreatment chemicals.
The chemical supplier decides upon and documents the layer thickness for alternative pretreatment
procedures, including tolerances and how to determine them. The test method to determine the layer
shall be available at the plant.

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium

If a coating business uses a new, alternative pretreatment system for series coating for the first time,
then they must inform the offices of GSB of this in writing so that an unannounced monitoring test can
be performed. They must do the same if a test operation exceeds four weeks.

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium

5.2.7 Layer weight

The layer weight has to be determined on the semi-finished product used for production.

5.2.8 Final rinse Rinse treatment
The products must be rinsed with deionised water so that the last water dripping off has a conductivity
of k 20 °C < 30.0 µS/cm.
Befogging of the passivated surface is not a final rinse. Nevertheless the conductivity shall be k 20 °C <
30.0 µS/cm. Final rinse or last rinse before the no-rinse treatment

It shall be possible to take a sample of the last water dripping off (inspection flap at a spray plant)
The products must be rinsed with deionised water so that the last water dripping off has a conductivity
of k 20 °C < 30.0 µS/cm.
5.2.9 Pre-anodising General
Pre-anodising does not require a special licence.

The quality committee has to be informed about the application of this procedure, which must be taken
into account for the monitoring tests of the coating business by carrying out corresponding
supplementary tests (see section 5.2.9).

Orders with pre-anodizing (pre-anodizing is carried out by a subcontractor) only GSB compliant if the
regular supplementary examinations can be detected in routine inspections.

Orders considered with pre-anodising are only GSB compliant if the executive GSB coater can verify
the required supplementary examinations of pre-anodising. The commissioned pre-anodiser must be a
GSB coater or the owner of the Qualanod quality label.

The inspection report of the commissioned pre-anodised sample sheets shall be available at the

Decorative oxide layers produced in accordance with the regulations of Qualanod do not always meet
the conditions required here (high elasticity and low hardness). Therefore, the process sequence
described in the next section is recommended to produce an oxide layer in the direct current sulphuric
acid process with layer thicknesses of 3–8 µm.
If a GSB coater has good pretreatment results using a modified treatment process, then they can
continue in this way provided the supplementary monitoring tests of the coating business have been

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium Process sequence and requirements of pre-anodising

The objects are immersed in an agitated bath solution to anodise them. A cooling facility has to be
provided and the solution has to be sufficiently mixed to obtain a uniform coating quality. The rectifier
has to be powerful enough to achieve the current density required.
The surfaces of the objects to be anodised have to be clean, i. e. free of all types of solid dirt such as
traces of metal, metal flakes, grinding dust, lubricant and oil carbon residue, products of corrosion and
contamination caused by greases, all types of oil and hand sweat.
Therefore, the objects have to be cleaned and pickled before anodising.
After anodising, the objects are rinsed, dried when not compacted, and coated in accordance with the
quality guidelines.
Consequently, anodising requires a certain sequence of treatment stages, depending on the surface
state of the workpieces to be treated.
1. Degreasing

2. Rinsing with water, temperature T ≥ 20 °C and ≤ 80 °C

3. Pickling

4. Rinsing with water, temperature T ≥ 20 °C and ≤ 80 °C

5. De-smutting

6. Rinsing with water, temperature T ≥ 20 °C and ≤ 80 °C

7. Anodising in accordance with the direct current sulphuric acid process

Electrolyte concentration: 180 – 200 g/l H 2 S0 4
Aluminium content: < 15 g/l
Temperature: 25–30 °C (with continual recording)
Current density: 0.8 – 2.0 A/dm
Layer thickness: 3 – 8 µm
8. Rinsing with water, temperature T ≥ 20 °C and ≤ 80 °C

9. Rinsing with purified water, temperature T ≥ 20 °C and ≤ 80 °C

The products must be rinsed with purified water so that the last water dripping off has a
conductivity of k 20°C < 30.0 µS/cm at 20 °C.
10. Drying under 100 °C

11. The dye spot test is recommended to prove the open porosity of the oxide layer. The dye spot
test is obligatory for anodising that is subcontracted.

12. Checking the thickness of the pre-anodising coating

a. Non-destructively and using the eddy current method in accordance with ISO 2360
b. A metallographic cross-section in accordance with ISO 1463 is carried out as an
arbitration procedure

13. Subsequent treatment possible

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium Additional requirements of holders of the additional label “Sea Proof Plus”
The coater must inform the offices of GSB in advance of the date on which they plan to perform the
pre-anodising treatment. The offices of GSB will inform the inspector, who will then decide whether to
carry out a routine inspection at that time. Final rinse or last rinse before the no-rinse treatment

The products must be rinsed with de-ionised water so that the last water dripping off has a conductivity
of k 20 °C < 30.0 µS/cm.

5.2.10 Drying of residual water

Immediately following chemical or electro-chemical pretreatment, the parts have to be dried in retained
water dryer. The temperature of the object must not exceed 100 °C unless the manufacturer of the
chemicals used for pretreatment of the surface has stipulated otherwise.

5.3 Interim transport

5.3.1 General
If the chemically pretreated parts are clean and dry, they should be coated immediately, though they
must be coated within 24 hours. If storage is unavoidable, then the parts have to be stored so that the
conversion film does not get dirty, e.g. dust and damp. They should also be protected, e.g. covered
with sheets.
5.3.2 GSB Premium Coater
The chemically pretreated parts have to be coated within 12 hours. Avoid interim storage.

5.3.3 Pre-anodised components

The pre-anodised parts have to be coated within 72 hours.

5.4 Cleanliness and handling

The parts should be suspended and positioned on hangers and uncoupled and transported during
manufacturing processes so that there can be no contamination with dust, sweat from hands, grease,
electrolyte residue, condensation, damage, etc. Only touch the pretreated parts with clean gloves.

5.5 Application and thermal cross-linking or accelerated drying

5.5.1 General
The parts have to be coated in a suitable system.
The coated parts have to be dried or cross-linked thermally in a curing oven in accordance with the
information provided by the material manufacturer (qualifying test).

Integrated gauges must constantly measure and record the circulating air temperature of the curing
oven for three stationary points at least.

The layer thickness on the visible surfaces exposed to weathering (= labeled surface) must not be less
than 50 µm and should not exceed 120 µm.

The measuring points have to be chosen so that the air temperature distribution of the curing oven can
be ascertained accurately.

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5.6 Technical laboratory equipment

5.6.1 General
A laboratory has to be available that is physically separate from the production facilities. It must be
possible to carry out all factory production control tests in the laboratory.
Devices in every production site have to be functional.
Device failures and the failure dates have to be documented.
Repair and maintenance jobs should be presented to the inspector on request.

5.6.2 Standard equipment

• Two-layer thickness measuring devices that work using the eddy current method in accordance
with ISO 2360
• Scales to determine the weight of the conversion / passivation layer and the pickling process to an
accuracy of 0.1 mg
• Cutting devices and accessories for the cross-cut test in accordance with ISO 2409
• A device for the mandrel bend test in accordance with ISO 1519
• A device for testing adhesion and elasticity in the case of deformation (cupping test) in accordance
with ISO 1520
• A device for the ball impact test in accordance with ASTM D 2794 (only required for powder
• Test equipment for the cross-linking test of the liquid paint coating (for coaters with liquid paint
• A device for measuring the gloss in accordance with ISO 2813
• A gauge to record the object and circulating air temperature with at least three measurement
• A conductivity gauge
• Devices for the boil test
• Devices for the layer detection of Cr-VI-pretreatments
• Devices for the quasi realtime pre-treatment monitoring (Introduction 1.1.2017)

5.6.3 Additional equipment for GSB Premium Coaters

• Colorimeter

5.7 Product and coating material store (GSB Master Coater / GSB Premium Coater)
5.7.1 Product store
The product to be coated (Al substrate) has to be stored so that the surface is not affected in a way
detrimental to the quality of the coating, such as pre-corrosion or mechanical damage.
The information provided by the manufacturer must be taken into account.

5.7.2 Coating material store

The coating materials have to be stored in accordance with the information provided by the
manufacturer. Any different storage conditions have to be arranged in writing with the manufacturer.

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5.8 Product-characteristic and safety data sheets

Up-to-date technical data sheets and safety data sheets for all media used have to be made available
for viewing at the relevant stages. Unobstructed access has to be ensured at all times. Checks on how
up-to-date the data sheets are should be made at least once a year.

5.9 Quality assurance

5.9.1 Incoming goods check
The coating company must check the following as part of its duty of care:
• Process-relevant chemicals
• The coating material upon delivery
• Obvious surface imperfections of the material supplied to be coated

5.9.2 Factory production control (FPC)

The coating business has to monitor its pretreatment and production processes, record its results and
store the test logs and the accompanying samples (which have been appropriately marked) for 5
years or in accordance with statutory provisions (this applies to production batches of over 100 m² or
at an interval of 2 hours).
These documents should be kept available to be viewed by the inspector. Where possible, instead of
test sheets, profile sections or other real products should be used.
It is advisable to produce at least one sample of every production batch. Before applying the coating
material, the coating business must also check whether the processing parameters correspond with
those of the qualifying test in accordance with the information in the list of approved systems (updated
on the Internet). If there are changes, then they have to be reported in writing to the offices of GSB
International without delay.

5.9.3 Additional requirement for GSB Premium Coaters

• Quality assurance system
Certification of the quality management system, preferably ISO 9001, is recommended.
If the Premium Coater is certified, they must submit a copy of the certificate to GSB.
• Colour measurement
o Plain colours
Measurement of the standard and individual batches of different production runs of
an object:
The results have to be recorded for Premium jobs.
It is advisable to comply with VdL-RL 10 “Richtlinie zulässige Farbtoleranzen für
unifarbene Pulverlacke bei Architekturanwendungen” (Guidelines on permissible
colour tolerances for plain-coloured powder paints used in architecture).
o Metallic and effect paints
Instead of a colour measurement, a visual assessment is performed on metallic and
effect paints using reference samples.
• Production journal
Premium Coaters have to keep a production journal (general documentation on production).
• Customer complaints
The inspector must be granted access to the list of customer complaints.

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5.9.4 Scope of factory production control Incoming goods check

GSB Approved Coater and GSB GSB Premium Coater

Master Coater
Test Minimum scope Documentation Minimum scope of the test Documentation
of the test
Coating material Delivery Every delivery Yes, on delivery Every delivery Yes, on delivery note
corresponds with note
delivery note
Coating substrate Delivery Every delivery Yes, on delivery Every delivery Yes, on delivery note
corresponds with note
delivery note
Chemicals Delivery Every delivery Yes, on delivery Every delivery Yes, on delivery note
corresponds with note Visual inspection for cloudiness Comparison of the analysis
delivery note and flocculation certificate with the previous

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium Process check

GSB Approved Coater and GSB GSB Premium Coater
Master Coater
Test Minimum scope Documentation Minimum scope of the Documentation
of the test test
Pretreatment baths
Immersion and spray Bath analysis (temperature, 1 x per day Yes 1 x per day Yes
pretreatment with concentration)
automatic dosing In accordance with manufacturer’s
Immersion and spray Bath analysis (temperature, 1 x per shift Yes 1 x per shift Yes
pretreatment with concentration) in accordance with
manual dosing information provided by the
Immersion and spray Pickling rate 1 x per week Yes 1 x per week Yes
Conversion film baths
containing chromium
Immersion and spray Bath analysis (temperature, 1 x per day Yes 1 x per day Yes
pretreatment with concentration) in accordance with
automatic dosing information provided by the
Immersion and spray Bath analysis (temperature, 1 x per shift Yes 1 x per shift Yes
pretreatment with concentration) in accordance with
manual dosing information provided by the
Conversion film Coating layer 1 x per week Yes 1 x per day Yes
Passive layer baths –
alternative pre-
Immersion and spray Bath analysis (temperature, 1 x per shift Yes 1 x per shift Yes
pretreatment with concentration)
automatic dosing
Passivation layer Coating layer In accordance with Yes In accordance with Yes
information information provided by
provided by the the manufacturer, at least
manufacturer, at daily
least daily
quasi realtime pre- Resting potential analysis 2 x per week Yes 2 x per week Yes
treatment monitoring
(valid from 1.1.2017)
Final rinse
Dripping water Conductivity 1 x per shift Yes 1 x per shift Yes

Retained water dryer

Object temperature Temperature with measuring strips 1 x per week Yes, with 3 x per week Yes, with
or measuring device temperature temperature
measuring strips measuring strips
Paint curing furnace
Object temperature Temperature with measuring 1 x per week Yes, with 3 x per week Yes, with
Retaining times and device with 3 object sensors temperature temperature
object temperatures in recording as recording as
accordance with evidence evidence
Alternatively: Temperature with measuring 1 x per week Yes, with 3 x per week Yes, with
Evaluation of the heat device with 3 object sensors temperature temperature
equivalent recording as recording as
evidence evidence

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium Testing finished parts and test sheets

GSB Approved Coater and GSB GSB Premium Coater
Master Coater
Test Minimum scope Documentation Minimum scope of the test Documentation
of the test
Layer thickness Layer thickness 2 x per hour Yes, minimum 2 x an hour Yes, minimum and
and maximum maximum value
Gloss Measurement of 4 x per day or Yes, minimum 4 x a day or upon every change Yes, minimum and
the gloss upon every change and maximum of colour > 100 m² maximum value
of colour > 100 m² value
Colour Visual comparison Upon every Yes Upon every change of colour Yes
with binding change of colour > 100 m²
template (if > 100 m² Measurement with colorimeter
(no metallics)
Adhesive strength Cross cut 2 x per shift Yes Twice a shift, on finished Yes
Mechanical resilience Drilling and sawing 2 x per shift Yes Twice a shift, on finished Yes
Quality of the pre- Boil test 2 x per shift Yes 2 x per shift Yes
(not for pre-anodising)
Deformability Cupping test 2 x per shift Yes 2 x per shift Yes
mandrel bending
Ball impact test
Degree of cross linking Heat equivalent 1 x per week Yes 3 x per week Yes
(powder paint)
Change of effect with Caustic soda test Each batch > 400 Yes Each batch > 400 kg Yes
metallics kg

Degree of cross linking MEK-Test 2 x per shift Yes 2 x per shift Yes
(liquid paint) Buchholz hardness Corrosion test (alternative pretreatment)

GSB master coater
Test Minimum scope Documentation
of the test
alternative pre- Acetic salt spray 1 x per year Yes
treatment test

The AASS test in the first half year are carried out as part of the first monitoring test. The
inspector takes samples for them. The tests are carried out in a test laboratory booked by
GSB. Holding the additional test for additional label / test sheets
GSB master coater GSB Premium Coater
Test Minimum scope Documentation Minimum scope of the test Documentation
of the test
Quality of the pre- Acetic salt spray Every six months Yes Every six months Yes
treatment test, FFC test
GSB - Sea Proof
Quality of the pre- Acetic salt spray Every six months Yes Every six months Yes
anodising test, FFC test
Sea Proof Plus
The AASS and FFC tests in the first half year are carried out as part of the first monitoring test. The inspector takes samples for them. The tests are carried out
in a test laboratory booked by GSB.
The coater can carry out the AASS and FFC tests in the second half of the year on their own initiative.

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5.9.5 Requirements of finished parts and test sheets Powder coating
Test Coating material Coating material Coating material
Standard Master Premium
Layer thickness
Thin layer powder 20 ≤ 40 µm 20 ≤ 40 µm 20 ≤ 40 µm
Normal powder – colour-dependent > 60 µm - ≤ 120 µm > 60 µm - ≤ 120 µm > 60 µm - ≤ 120 µm
Average coating thickness
GSB Approved Coater, GSB Master Coater 50 – 120 µm 50 – 120 µm 50 – 120 µm
GSB Premium Coater 60 – 120 µm 60 – 120 µm 60 – 120 µm
Cross cut GT0 GT0 GT0
Mandrel bending test ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Cupping test ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Ball impact test 20 inch/pound 20 inch/pound 20 inch/pound

Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted

Adhesive tape removal -- No removal of coating No removal of coating
Cutting, drilling, sawing No spalling of coating No spalling of coating No spalling of coating
(assessment with naked eye at distance of 20
– 30 cm)
Gloss 60°
Nominal range for system approval ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E
± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E

Delivery tolerance ± 5E ± 5E ± 5E

Condensation constant atmosphere:

Test period 1000 h 1000 h 1000 h
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max. ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with metallics max. stage 3 max. stage 2 max. stage 2
Condensation variable atmosphere
(0.2l SOB 2B )
Cycles 30 30 30
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with metallics max. stage 3 max. stage 2 max. stage 2
Pressure cooker test
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Cross-cut and adhesive tape removal Gt 0/Gt 1(with adhesive Gt 0/Gt 1(with adhesive Gt 0/Gt 1(with adhesive
tape removal) tape removal) tape removal)
Resistance to moisture max. ΔL* 4 max. ΔL* 4 max. ΔL* 3
Resistance to salt water spray AASS AASS AASS
Test period 1000 h 1000 h 1000 h
Infiltration at cross-section d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Degree of cross-linking
Resistance to alkaline substances
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with metallics max. stage 3 max. stage 2 max. stage 2
Adhesion of sealing compounds
Adhesive failure Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
Cohesive failure Permitted Permitted Permitted
Accelerated weathering UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm)
Test duration 300 h 600 h 1000 h
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %
Natural weathering - Florida
Approximate test period (months) 12 36 60
UV energy (MJ/m²) max. 300 max. 840 max 1,400
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50%
Colour difference ΔL*, ΔC* Part IV Part IV Part IV

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium Liquid paint

Test Aluminium Aluminium Aluminium
Standard Master Premium
Layer thickness In accordance with In accordance with In accordance with
manufacturer’s guidelines manufacturer’s guidelines manufacturer’s guidelines
Cross cut GT0 GT0 GT0
Mandrel bending test
Thermally cured paints ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm ≤ 5 mm
Two-component liquid paints ≤ 12 mm ≤ 12 mm ≤ 12 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating

Cupping test
Thermally cured paints ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm ≥ 5 mm
Two-component liquid paints ≥ 3 mm ≥ 3 mm ≥ 3 mm
Cracking of coating Not permitted Permitted Permitted
Adhesive tape removal No removal of coating No removal of coating No removal of coating
Cross-linking test
MEK – test (only applies to thermally Buchholz hardness min. 80 Buchholz hardness min. 80 Buchholz hardness min. 80
cured and two-component liquid
Cutting, drilling, sawing No spalling of coating No spalling of coating No spalling of coating
(naked eye assessment)

Gloss 60°
Nominal range for system approval ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E ± 10 E at ≤ 40 E
± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E ± 15 E at > 40 E

Delivery tolerance ± 5 E at ≤ 40 E ± 5 E at ≤ 40 E ± 5 E at ≤ 40 E
± 10 E at > 40 E ± 10 E at > 40 E ± 10 E at > 40 E
Condensation constant atmosphere:
Test period 1000 h 1000 h 1000 h
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. stage 3 max. stage 2 max. stage 2
Condensation variable atmosphere
(0.2l SOB 2B )
Cycles 30 30 30
Blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Infiltration at cross-section d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm
Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. stage 3 max. stage 2 max. stage 2

Pressure cooker test

Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Cross-cut + adhesive tape removal GT 0/GT 1(with adhesive GT 0/GT 1(with adhesive GT 0/GT 1(with adhesive
tape removal) tape removal) tape removal)
Resistance to exposure to moisture
ΔL* max. ΔL* 4 max. ΔL* 4 max. ΔL* 3
Resistance to salt water spray ASS ASS ASS
Test period 1000 h 1000 h 1000 h
Infiltration at cross-section d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Adhesion of sealing compounds
Adhesive failure Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
Cohesive failure Permitted Permitted Permitted

Resistance to alkaline substances

Colour and effect changes max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1 max. ΔL* 1
Change of colour and effect with max. stage 3 max. stage 2 max. stage 2
Accelerated weathering TP UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm) UV B (313 nm)
Test duration 300 h 600 h 1000 h
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %
Natural weathering - Florida
Approximate test period 12 36 60
UV energy (MJ/m²) max 300 max. 840 max 1,400
Residual gloss ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 % ≥ 50 %
Colour difference ΔL*, ΔC* Part IV Part IV Part IV
The tests marked blue are checked as
part of company and third-party

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Part V – Coaters Aluminium Additional labels for “Sea Proof” and “Sea Proof Plus”

Test Sea Proof Sea Proof Plus

Only with pre-
Resistance to salt water spray AASS AASS
Test period 1000 h 1000 h
Infiltration at cross-section d max . ≤ 1 mm d max . ≤ 1 mm
Degree of blistering 0 (S0) 0 (S0)
Filiform corrosion test (FFC)
Test period 1000 h 1000 h
Thread length l max ≤ 2 mm ≤ 2 mm
Thread frequency H 1/10 mm 1/10 mm
Mean Key figure F=HxI ≤ 0.3 ≤ 0.1
No extensive No extensive
infiltration infiltration

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6 Application

Application to obtain the quality label

Ο “Approved Coater Aluminium”*

Ο “Approved Coater Aluminium – MASTER”*

Ο “Approved Coater Aluminium – MASTER” and additional label “Sea Proof”*

Ο “Approved Coater Aluminium – MASTER” and additional label “Sea Proof Plus”*

Ο “Approved Coater Aluminium – PREMIUM” and additional label “Sea Proof”*

Ο “Approved Coater Aluminium – PREMIUM” and additional label “Sea Proof Plus”*

…………………………………………. ...........................................................................
Place and date Signature and company stamp

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7 Sample certificate for coaters

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

Part VII Measuring and Testing Methods 3
1 General 3
2 Random Samples to be taken at the Coating Plant 3
3 Film Thickness ISO 2360 3
3.1 Evaluation in the coating plant 3
4 Visual Surface Assessment of Finished Goods 4
5 Formability 5
5.1 Cross Cut Test ISO 2409 5
5.2 Mandrel Bending Test ISO 1519 5
5.3 Erichsen Cupping Test ISO 1520 5
5.4 Impact Test (Powders) ASTM D 2794 5
6 Scratching Test ISO 1518-1. 5
7 Cross-Linking Tests 5
7.1 MEK-Test (for Stoving and Two-Component Liquid Lacquers) 5
7.2 Aceton test 5
8 Adhesive Tape Removal 5
9 Milling and Drilling 5
10 Condensation Atmosphere with Constant Humidity ISO 6270-2 6
11 Condensation Atmosphere with Changing Humidity ISO 3231 (0.2 l SO 2 ). 6
12 Salt Spray Test 6
13 Filiform Corrosion Test (ISO 4623-2) 7
13.1 Procedure 7
13.2 Assessment 7
14 GSB-Boiling Water or Pressure Cooker Test 7
14.1 GSB-Boiling Water with Cross Cut and Adhesive Tape Removal Test 7
14.2 Steam Cooker Test EN 12206-1 with Cross Cut and Adhesive Tape Removal 7
15 Resistance to Moisture 8
15.1 Application and Purpose 8
15.2 Procedure 8
15.3 Assessment 8
16 Adhesion of Sealant 8
17 Resistance to alkaline substances 9
17.1 Mortar test 9
17.2 GSB-Caustic soda test (alternative) 9
18 Colour Measurement 10
18.1 General 10
18.2 Colour Difference ΔL*, ΔC* after Weathering 10
19 Gloss Measurement (Reflectometer Values) 10
20 Weathering 11
20.1 Accelerated Weathering QUV-B (313 nm) 11
20.2 Natural Weathering in Florida 11
20.3 Natural Weathering in Hoek van Holland 11

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21 Measuring Conductivity 12
22 Test Procedures to assess Etching Rate 12
23 Test Procedures for the Assessment of the Mass Loss per Unit Area 13
24 Assessment of Changes to the Metallic Effect 13
25 Dye Spot Test to detect the “Open Porosity” of the Oxide Layer 14

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

Part VII Measuring and Testing Methods

1 General
The relevant requirements are set out in the corresponding tables:
Pretreatment Part II section 4
Hot dip galvanizing Part III section 5
Coating material Part IV section 4
Requirements of finished parts and test sheets Aluminium Part V section 5.9.5
Requirements of finished parts and test sheets steel Part VI section 5.9.5
The instructions of the manufacturers have to be followed for installation and calibration the units.

2 Random Samples to be taken at the Coating Plant

The number of random samples to be taken during testing depends on the number of parts of the lot
as set out in the table below:

Number of parts of Number of samples taken at Permissible number of failed

the lot random samples
1- 10 all 0
11 - 200 10 1
201 - 300 15 1
301 - 500 20 2
501 - 800 30 3
> 800 40 3

A lot consists of an entire order or a part order (charge) that is with the coater at the time of testing.

3 Film Thickness ISO 2360

Effects on the measuring device that may be caused by the composition of the substrate must be
taken into account.

3.1 Evaluation in the coating plant

Each sample should be tested in a minimum of 5 places across the designated surface (1 cm²),
distributed over the designated surface, one measurement has to be made.

O Individual reading O


If one of the individual readings shows less than 80 % of the required film thickness, the sample must
be rejected as failed and recorded in the table in section 2 to the column 3.
The average reading taken at the 5 measuring points must correspond to the required film thickness
as a minimum. If the average reading is below the required film thickness, but above the 80 % limit,
the relevant sample must be rejected as failed and recorded in the above table in section 2 to the
column 3.

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The test result is deemed to be negative if the average reading taken from a sample is below 80 % of
the required film thickness.

The assessment should be carried out in line with the following examples:
Example 1: Measurement in µm: 58 64 70 64 60
Assessment This sample is entirely satisfactory.
Example 2: Measurement in µm: 58 52 54 50 48
Assessment This sample is satisfactory because the average film
thickness is above 50 µm and none of the
measurement taken falls below 40 µm (80 % of 50
Example 3 Measurement in µm: 48 42 44 46 48
Assessment This sample is unsatisfactory and is therefore
deemed as failed in line with section 2 in the table.
Example 4: Measurement in µm: 58 52 54 50 38
Assessment This sample is unsatisfactory despite the fact that
the average film thickness is above 50 µm, as the
measurement of 38 µm falls below the tolerance limit
of 80 % (40 µm). The sample is therefore deemed
as failed.
The above does not apply for parts, which need to meet specific requirements on account of their
geometric properties.
Specific requirements as specified by the client may also be excluded, provided these can be
substantiated by an appropriate written agreement.

4 Visual Surface Assessment of Finished Goods

A visual assessment of the decorative appearance of the industrial manufactured surfaces in terms of
the uniformity of colour, gloss and structure must be carried out without any measuring devices at a
range of > 3 m for exterior parts and > 2 m for internal components. As a rule, all samples must be
uniform in terms of gloss, colour and structure.
For the accurate evaluation of the overall uniformity in the appearance of building facades, it is
recommended to extend the visual assessment range, therefore see following data sheets:

VFF Merkblatt AL.02 Visuelle Beurteilung von organisch beschichteten (lackierten) Oberflächen auf
Visual assessment of organic surfaces on aluminium
VFF Merkblatt ST.02 Visuelle Beurteilung von organisch beschichteten (lackierten) Oberflächen auf
Visual assessment of organic coated surfaces on steel
VFF, Verband Fenster + Fassade, Frankfurt (www.window.de)

Any form of unevenness at the base of the surface such as scratches, drag marks and scars caused
by corrosion or welding seams are to be discounted in the assessment of the quality of the coating.
Alternative visual assessment ranges and criteria may be agreed between the relevant contract

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

5 Formability
5.1 Cross Cut Test ISO 2409
Cutter spacing: 2mm
5.2 Mandrel Bending Test ISO 1519
For coating materials of Master or Premium quality levels the assessment is concluded by an
adhesive tape removal test as set out in section 9.

5.3 Erichsen Cupping Test ISO 1520

The Erichsen Cupping test is carried out in accordance with ISO.
For coating materials of Master or Premium quality levels the assessment is concluded by an
adhesive tape removal test as set out in section 9.

5.4 Impact Test (Powders) ASTM D 2794

The impact test applies to powder coating materials only.
The test must be executed at 20 inch-pounds using a weight diameter of 15.9 mm, 70 µm +/- 10 µm of
film thickness one hour after coating at a temperature of 20 °C to 25 °C. The result must be assessed
by the naked eye.
For coating materials of Master or Premium quality levels the assessment is concluded by an
adhesive tape removal test as set out in section 9.
6 Scratching Test ISO 1518-1.
7 Cross-Linking Tests
7.1 MEK-Test (for Stoving and Two-Component Liquid Lacquers)
A 5 cm square 4-layer paper fleece is placed on the surface to be tested, then soaked with 1 ml MEK
(Methyl Ethyl Ketone) and covered immediately with a watch glass. Processing time: 2 min.
All residual solvent must be wiped away immediately on the removal of the paper.
Prior to hardness testing the sample must be aged artificially for 60 min. at 120 °C. The subsequently
measured Buchholz Hardness must be at least 80 (at a depression length of ≅ 1.25 mm). There must
be no disturbances to the surface (such as wrinkling, loss of gloss, gloss reduction, flaking etc.).
7.2 Aceton test
See 7.1. Instead of 1 ml MEK use 1ml Aceton.
8 Adhesive Tape Removal
The adhesive tape is placed firmly onto the coated surface of the sample sheet after mechanical
deformation in accordance with DIN EN ISO 2409, avoiding the formation of cavities or air pockets.
After one minute the adhesive tape is removed swiftly at a right angle to the surface. The result must
be assessed by the naked eye.

9 Milling and Drilling

The coated building components must be able to withstand treatment with conventional tools and
cutting equipment without showing any signs of flaking or splitting in the coating. These tests must be
carried out on suitable samples (i. e. profiled parts) that have been pretreated and coated

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10 Condensation Atmosphere with Constant Humidity ISO 6270-2

Prior to exposure the samples must be cross cut (Andreas Cross) using a scratching stylus according
to Sikkens (1 mm).
Assessment: Degree of blistering in accordance with ISO 4628-2
Infiltration at the cut in accordance with ISO 4628-8

11 Condensation Atmosphere with Changing Humidity ISO 3231 (0.2 l SO2).

The test is carried out in accordance with Prior to exposure the samples must be cross cut (Andreas
Cross) using a scratching stylus according to Sikkens (1 mm).
Assessment: Degree of blistering in accordance with ISO 4628-2
Infiltration at the cross cut in accordance with ISO 4628-8

12 Salt Spray Test

• Neutral Salt Spray Test
The test is carried out in accordance with ISO 9227 (NSS=SS). Prior to exposure the samples
must be cross cut (Andreas Cross) for steel sample plates using a scratching stylus according
to Sikkens (1 mm).
For aluminium panels, two scribe marks shall be made which are perpendicular to, but do not
intersect, each other. One scratch shall be parallel to the rolling direction and the other at right
Assessment: Degree of blistering in accordance with ISO 4628-2
Infiltration at the cross cut in accordance with ISO 4628-8

• Acid Salt Spray Test

The test is carried out in accordance with ISO 9227 (AASS=ESS). Prior to exposure the
samples must be cross cut (Andreas Cross) for steel sample plates using a scratching stylus
according to Sikkens (1 mm).
For aluminium panels, two scribe marks shall be made which are perpendicular to, but do not
intersect, each other. One scratch shall be parallel to the rolling direction and the other at right

Assessment: Degree of blistering in accordance with ISO 4628-2

Infiltration at the cross cut in accordance with ISO 4628-8

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

13 Filiform Corrosion Test (ISO 4623-2)

13.1 Procedure
The samples must be cut using a scratching stylus according to Sikkens (1 mm).

13.2 Assessment
The assessment is made by evaluating the relevant samples. If the fibrils are very fine or difficult to
detect, the samples should be stripped prior to their evaluation (the stripping solution must not interact
or attack the aluminium substrate). The fibril length is determined by measuring the distance between
the mechanical damage (drag / cut mark) and the head of the fibril below 90 °. Fibril curving is to be
discounted in the measurement. Counting the fibrils along the cut mark assesses the fibril frequency.
Fibril frequency (H) is evaluated to the left and right of the cut mark, whereby 5 mm at either end of the
mark are to be discounted.
All horizontal and vertical corrosion fibrils to the left and right of the cut mark must be examined,
whereby only the cut mark that shows the most obvious damage should be assessed on each sample.
At least 2 samples have to be tested.
The average fibril length I (mm) and fibril frequency is taken and used to determine the coefficient F of
the filiform corrosion.
H = Z/L F=l*H l= mean fibril length (mm)
Z= number of fibrils
L= length of the drag / cut mark (mm)
H= fibril frequency
F= coefficient denoting the level of filiform corrosion

14 GSB-Boiling Water or Pressure Cooker Test

If blistering occurs during either the boiling water or pressure cooker test, a further sample must be
coated using commercially available chromated aluminium sheeting and re-tested. If the blistering of
the coating recurs, the test result is deemed to be negative.

14.1 GSB-Boiling Water with Cross Cut and Adhesive Tape Removal Test
Two hours in boiling deionised water followed by the immediate assessment of the surface.
Subsequently the sample must be rested for one hour at room temperature prior to the execution of
the cross cut or the cross cut with adhesive tape removal test.

14.2 Steam Cooker Test EN 12206-1 with Cross Cut and Adhesive Tape Removal
The sample must be dipped in such a way that a maximum length of 25 mm is immersed in the water.
The sample must be tested in the steam cooker for one hour at an excess pressure of 100 + 10 kPa.
After cooling the sample is visually assessed.
Once the sample has been rested at room temperature for one hour, the cross cut test with adhesive
tape removal concludes the test.

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

15 Resistance to Moisture
15.1 Application and Purpose
This is to assess the suitability of coated aluminium building components for storage under the
influence of condensation and temperature in closed / wrapped conditions.
This process requires lower moisture levels than the constant condensation or boiling water tests at
increased temperatures.

15.2 Procedure
Five round filters Kat. Nr. 1001-055 with a diameter of 55 mm of the company Whatman are placed on
top of each other onto an appropriately coated sample and are then saturated with 1.5 ml + 0.1 ml of
fully demineralised water. The damp paper inserts are pressed down gently and are then covered with
a watch glass. The watch glass is taped to the sample using insulating tape (Scotch Super 33+ of 3M)
to ensure that no moisture can escape.
The so prepared sample is then stored for 4 hours + 5 min. in a drying cupboard at a sample
temperature (peak metal temperature) of TSample = 58 + 2 °C. After cooling for 15 minutes, the watch
glass and filter paper inserts are removed from the sample. The sample is conditioned at room
temperature (T= 23 + 2 °C) for a period t = 20 + 2 h.

15.3 Assessment
To assess any colour changes, the colour of both an exposed and unexposed reference sample must
be measured at three spots excluding gloss. The mean value is assessed. In addition the TC will
visually assess the samples.

16 Adhesion of Sealant
An appropriately coated sample is cleaned with a paper napkin soaked in Isopropanol. Vertical and
horizontal wiping must not cause any traces of lacquer to be detected on the napkin and the coated
surface must not show any damage.
After 5 minutes approx two 100 mm long tracks of the relevant sealant, which is pre-determined by the
TC (currently DC 791 Dow Corning) are applied. Alternative sealants may be used, provided the GSB
International has been pre-advised accordingly by the material manufacturer and the sealant is
recorded in the technical data sheet.
The sample is then stored at room temperature and 50 % relative moisture for a period of 7 days to
bond the sealant, after which the adhesion of the first sealant track is examined, whereby the track is
removed by hand, a small cut with a knife to the sealant as starting point is possible.
The sample is then stored in de-ionised water (conductivity < 10µS / cm²) for a period of 7 days, on
completion of which the second track of sealant is examined.
The applicability of the coating for structural glazing cannot be derived from this test.

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

17 Resistance to alkaline substances

17.1 Mortar test
Produce a mortar of 15 g of slaked lime, 41 g of cement and 244 g of sand with enough tap water, so
that a smooth paste results (EN 12206-1).
Then the wet mortar composition - to the extent of about 5 cm ∅ - apply to the coated samples at least
24 hours in advance. Then expose immediately the samples for 24 hours a 95-100 % relative humidity
at T = 40 °C.
After removal of the mortar an acid dip in accordance with AAMA 603-98 can be used to remove the
remaining acid lime scale. On the tested sample area a circular filter Cat. No. 1001-055, company
Whatman ∅ 55 mm, is placed. This is impregnated with 1.5 ml of a 10 % Hydrochloric Acid. After a
contact time of 15 min, the sample is thoroughly cleaned with de-ionized water and dried. After 24 h in
the cabinet the mortar has to be easy to remove without residue.
Let it dry and inspect the coating with normal or corrected eyesight.
Mechanical damage of the coating by sand particles is not taken into account. The evaluation of the
metallic effect change is made in accordance with section 24.
If effect lacquers are to be used, which show an effect modification after the mortar test (see section
23) > 3 this must be granted by the customer a written confirmation of acceptance. A mandatory
submission of in the mortar test audited specimen shall be initialed by all parties.
17.2 GSB-Caustic soda test (alternative)
1ml NaOH-solution (2N) is droppend on the coated surface and covered with a watch glas. After 60
min the watch is removed. The Solution have to be absorbed by using a soft vlies. The surface
should be rinsed by tap water and dried with a towel.
The evaluation must be carried out in accordance to Chapter 24.
Note: The test is not recommend for micaceous iron colours.

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

18 Colour Measurement
18.1 General
3 separate colour measurements are taken at different points at a minimum distance of 50 mm from
each other on both the exposed and unexposed reference sample.
The arithmetic average is then taken from the colour measurements.
The conditions for metric colour measuring are as follows:
• A spectrometer or tribasic measuring device should be used in accordance with DIN 5033 part 4
and part 6;
• The graduation applicable is d/8/Spex. under exclusion of gloss values or 45/0;
• The colour metric assessment must be carried out for the standard illuminant D65 and the 10-
degree standard observer in accordance with ISO 11664-2 and DIN 5033 part 7;
• The co-ordinates are calculated according to the CIELAB-colour graduation formula in accordance
with ISO 11664-4 for both the exposed and the reference sample and the difference ∆L* and ∆C*ab
must be documented accordingly.
The differences are rounded to integer numbers and must not exceed the limits (basic measuring
geometry 45/0). In case the thresholds are exceeded, the TC will visually assess the samples. If there
is no matching RAL colour, the limits for the most similar RAL-colour should be used as a reference.
The assignment may be done visually or using the colour metric method.
On application, the final decision and examination can be made by the “Bundesanstalt für
Materialforschung und -prüfung (Federal Institute of Material Research) (BAM)” in Berlin using a
spectrophotometer with a measuring geometry of d8/Spex. or 45/0.

18.2 Colour Difference ΔL*, ΔC* after Weathering

The colour measuring takes place according to ISO 116644-4, light type D65/10°, measuring
geometry 45/0.

19 Gloss Measurement (Reflectometer Values)

Measuring with a reflectometer must be carried out in accordance with. ISO 2813 (DIN 67 530) at a
radiation angle of 60° for all tests. Reflectometer values must be documented in units (E).
Exception: Matt lacquer surfaces with a reference value of ≤ 40 E (measured at 60°) may on
agreement be measured at a 85° geometry.

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

20 Weathering
20.1 Accelerated Weathering QUV-B (313 nm)
This test is carried out in accordance with ISO 16474-3, using accelerated weathering equipment
QUV/SE with Solar Eye adjustment.
Emitter: UVB-313 nm
Cycle: 4 h dewing, T = 40 °C +/- 2 °C
4 h radiation, T = 50 °C +/- 2 °C
Emission: 0,75 W/m²/nm
Alternative: Accelerated Weathering Equipment from Atlas „UV Test – UV Floureszenz lamp device”
20.2 Natural Weathering in Florida
The gloss and colour thresholds stipulated in the QR valid at the start of the natural weathering will be
used for assessment. Dimension of samples: 100 x 300 x 0.7-0.8 (mm) (samples thickness is no
binding). The gloss and colour threshold stipulated at the start of the natural weathering will be used
for assessment.
• Standard Coating Systems
For a period of approx. 12 months from April on, the samples must be exposed to natural
weather conditions in Florida at an inclination of 5° in a southerly direction until 300 MJ/m²
TUVR (total UV-radiation) is reached. Prior to measuring reflectometer values, the samples
should be cleaned applying gentle pressure, using a soft sponge with a 1 % aqueous solution
of a wetting agent and then rinsed with de-mineralized water. As far as possible, the surface
should be uniform and free from contamination.

• Master Coating Systems

For a period of approx. 36 months from April on, the samples must be exposed to natural
weather conditions in Florida at an inclination of 45° in a southerly direction until 840 MJ / m²
TUVR is reached.
Every 6 months, the samples should be cleaned applying gentle pressure using a soft sponge
with a 1 % aqueous solution of a wetting agent and then rinsed with de-mineralized water. As
far as possible, the surface should be uniform and free from contamination.

• Premium Coating Systems

For a period of approx. 60 months from April on, the samples must be exposed to natural
weather conditions in Florida at an inclination of 45° in a southerly direction until 1.400 MJ / m²
TUVR is reached. Every 6 months, the samples should be cleaned applying gentle pressure
using a soft sponge with a 1 aqueous solution of a wetting agent and then rinsed with de-
mineralized water. As far as possible, the surface should be uniform and free from
20.3 Natural Weathering in Hoek van Holland
Size of Samples: Sheets: Approx.10 x 20 cm
Profiles: Depending on the type of profiles used in the field trial, length
approx. 10-30 cm
Samples are exposed and assessed once annually in April / May. The total period of exposure is 10
years. Samples are positioned at an inclination of 45° in a southerly direction. Interim assessments are
carried out annually, whereby the samples should be cleaned with water prior to their assessment.
Assessed will be infiltration, fibril length and frequency.
After 3, 5 and 10 years an interim report has to be done for the pretreatment manufacturer and GSB

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

21 Measuring Conductivity
Measurements are taken of the conductivity of the water, which drips from the pre-treated objects that
have undergone the final rinse with de-ionised water. Additional measurements are taken at the spray
valves and in the storage vessel used for the final rinse.
The dripping water is gathered in a suitable vessel (glass beaker), which must be clean.
The device used to measure the conductivity must be tested with a suitable calibrating solution and
adjusted to the relevant range. For devices that work without temperature compensation, the water
temperature must be controlled and the device adjusted accordingly.

22 Test Procedures to assess Etching Rate

Samples of a minimum length of 10 cm must only be used once.
• Preparation of Samples
Surfaces must be cleaned with Acetone or Isopropanol.
Weighting of samples with the analytical balance (accuracy +/- 0.1 mg).
• Treatment of Samples
Samples must be handled in manufacturing conditions. Depending on the pretreatment plant,
samples should be taken as follows from the production process:
a. Pretreatment dip: Sample to be taken prior to chromate treatment / alternative
sample to be taken prior to the drying of adhering water,
removal of conversation / passivation coating by stripping the
conversion layer
(Nitric Acid 65 %, density 1.4g / cm , for 5-10 minutes at a
temperature of 25 °C)
b. Spray Installation
• Assessment of the Etching Rate
a. Samples to be dried at 80 °C
b. Weighting of samples with the analytical balance (accuracy +/- 0.1 mg)
c. Calculation of the etching rate (loss of weight / sample surface)

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23 Test Procedures for the Assessment of the Mass Loss per Unit Area
The thickness of the chemical pretreatment layer (chromate treatment or alternative pretreatment) is
evaluated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If there are no documented procedures,
the following applies, whereby it is a pre-condition that the relevant chemical pretreatment may be
removed with 65 % Nitric Acid at a temperature of 25 °C. This procedure can only be used for freshly
generated pretreatment films.
Samples of a minimum length of 10 cm must only be used once.
• Treatment of Samples
a. The samples must be pretreated in manufacturing conditions.
b. Samples to be taken after chromate treatment / alternative pretreatment once drying from
adhering water has taken place. Samples should be left to cool at 20 – 23 °C.
c. Weighting of samples with the analytical balance (accuracy +/- 0.1 mg).
d. Removal of conversation / passivation coating by stripping of the chemical pretreatment
layer with Nitric Acid 65 %, density 1.4 g/cm for 5 -10 minutes at a temperature of 25 °C.
• Calculating the Weight of the Chemical Pretreatment
a. Samples to be dried at 80 °C – Samples to be left to cool at 20-23 °C.
b. Weighting of samples with the analytical balance (accuracy +/- 0.1 mg).
c. Calculation of the etching rate (loss of weight / sample surface) in mg / m².

24 Assessment of Changes to the Metallic Effect

Any changes to the finish must be evaluated in accordance with ISO 4628 part 1 within the under
mentioned parameters:

Key figure Intensity of change

0 No change, no observable change
1 Very low, barely observable change
2 Low, obvious change
3 Middle, very obvious change
4 Strong, distinctive change
5 Very strong change

The samples are evaluated in accordance with a reference table, available at the GSB head office.

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Part VII – Measuring and Testing Methods

25 Dye Spot Test to detect the “Open Porosity” of the Oxide Layer
(In accordance to ISO 2143)

Prior to coating the dye spot test with Sanodal Blue 2 LW has to be applied to five different profile
areas at the batch with third party pre-anodizing.
The use of dry and clean gloves is compulsory during the test.
Apply one drop of the dye solution (5 g/l Sanodal Blue 2LW pH 5.7 +/- 0.5) to the pre-anodised and
properly rinsed surface of the sample profile for 1 minute and remove it using a soft cloth.
Is the result negative for the first time, repeat the test immediately.

As a reference for the “open porosity” of the oxide layer a specimen could be used treated with one
drop of an acid solution and properly rinsed with demineralised water prior to applying the test

(Acid solution: 25 ml/l H2SO4 (density: ρ20=1.84 g/ml) and 10 g/l KF).

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Part VIII – Standards and Guidelines

Part VIII Standards and Guidelines (informative)

AAMA 2603-02 Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for
Pigmented Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panel - 2002
ASTM D 2794 Prüfung von organischen Beschichtungen auf Beständigkeit gegen schnelle
Verformung; Schlagbeanspruchung, genehmigt: 2010
Standard test method for resistance of organic coatings to the effects of rapid
deformation (impact), edition 1993, reapproved: 2010
DIN 5033-7 Farbmessung; Messbedingungen für Körperfarben, Ausgabe: 2014-10
Colorimetry; Measuring conditions for object colors, edition: 2014-10
DIN 55633 Beschichtungsstoffe - Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten durch
Pulverbeschichtungssysteme - Bewertung der Pulverbeschichtungssysteme und
Ausführung der Beschichtung, Ausgabe: 2009-04
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by powder coating
systems - Assessment of powder coating systems and execution of coating,
edition 2009-04
DIN 55634 Beschichtungsstoffe und Überzüge - Korrosionsschutz von tragenden
dünnwandigen Bauteilen aus Stahl, Ausgabe: 2010-04
Paints, varnishes and coatings - Corrosion protection of supporting thin-walled
building components made of steel, edition: 2010-04
Nachfolge DIN 55928-8
Succession DIN 55928-8
EN 1090-3 Ausführung von Stahltragwerken und Aluminiumtragwerken - Teil 3: Technische
Regeln für die Ausführung von Aluminiumtragwerken; Deutsche Fassung
EN 1090-3:2008

Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 3: Technical

requirements for aluminium structures; German version EN 1090-3:2008
EN 1999-1-1 Eurocode 9: Bemessung und Konstruktion von Aluminiumtragwerken - Teil 1-1:
Allgemeine Bemessungsregeln; Deutsche Fassung EN 1999-1-1:2007 +
A1:2009 + A2:2013

Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures - Part 1-1: General structural rules;

German version EN 1999-1-1:2007 + A1:2009 + A2:2013
EN 10130 Kaltgewalzte Flacherzeugnisse aus weichen Stählen zum Kaltumformen -
Technische Lieferbedingungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 10130, Berichtigung zu
DIN EN 10130: 2007
Cold rolled low carbon steel flat products for cold forming Technical delivery
conditions; German version EN 10130, correction to Din EN 10130: 2007
EN 10143 Kontinuierlich schmelztauchveredeltes Blech und Band aus Stahl -
Grenzabmaße und Formtoleranzen; Deutsche Fassung EN 10143, Berichtigung
zu DIN EN 10143: 2006
Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip - Tolerances on dimensions
and shape; German version EN 10143, correction to DIN EN 10143: 2006

EN 10346 Kontinuierlich schmelztauchveredelte Flacherzeugnisse aus Stahl zum

Kaltumformen - Technische Lieferbedingungen; Deutsche Fassung
EN 10346:2015

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Part VIII – Standards and Guidelines

Continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products for cold forming - Technical
delivery conditions; German version EN 10346:2015
EN 12206-1 Beschichtungsstoffe - Beschichtungen auf Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen
für Bauzwecke – Teil 1: Beschichtungen aus Beschichtungspulvern; Deutsche
Fassung EN 12206-1:2004
Paints and varnishes - Coating of aluminium and aluminium alloys for
architectural purposes – Part 1: Coatings prepared from coating powder;
German version EN 12206-1:2004
EN 12487 Korrosionsschutz von Metallen - Gespülte und no-rinse Chromatierüberzüge auf
Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 12487:2007
Corrosion protection of metals - Rinsed and non-rinsed chromate conversion
coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys; German version EN 12487:2007
EN 13438 Beschichtungsstoffe – Pulverbeschichtung für feuerverzinkte und sherardisierte
Stahlerzeugnisse für Bauzwecke, Deutsche Fassung EN 13438:2013
Paint and varnishes – Powder organic coatings for hot dip galvanised or
sherardised steel products for cunstruction purposes;
German version EN 13438:2013
EN 15773 Industrielle Pulverbeschichtung von feuerverzinkten und sherardisierten
Gegenständen aus Stahl [Duplex-Systeme] - Spezifikationen, Empfehlungen
und Leitlinien; Deutsche Fassung EN 15773:2009
Industrial application of powder organic coatings to hot dip galvanized and
sherardized steel articles [duplex systems] - Specifications, recommendations
and guidelines; German version EN 15773:2009
ISO 1518-1 Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung der Kratzfestigkeit - Teil 1: Verfahren mit
konstanter Last, Ausgabe: 2011-06

Paints and varnishes - Determination of scratch resistance - Part 1: Constant-

loading method, edition: 2011-06
ISO 1520 Beschichtungsstoffe – Tiefungsprüfung (ISO 1520:2006); Deutsche Fassung EN
ISO 1520:2006
Paints and varnishes – Cupping test (ISO 1520:2006); German version EN ISO
ISO 1461 Durch Feuerverzinken auf Stahl aufgebrachte Zinküberzüge (Stückverzinken) –
Anforderungen und Prüfungen (ISO 1461:2009); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO
Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles – Specifications
and test methods (ISO 1461:2009); German version EN ISO 1461:2009
ISO 1463 Metall- und Oxidschichten - Schichtdickenmessung - Mikroskopisches Verfahren
(ISO 1463:2003); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 1463:2004, Ausgabe 2004-08
Metallic and oxide coatings - Coating thickness measurement - Microscopical
method (ISO 1463:2003); German version EN ISO 1463:2004, edition 2004-08

ISO 1519 Beschichtungsstoffe - Dornbiegeversuch (zylindrischer Dorn) (ISO 1519:2011);

Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 1519:2011
Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) (ISO 1519:2011); German
version EN ISO 1519:2011

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Part VIII – Standards and Guidelines

ISO 2143 Anodisieren von Aluminium und Aluminiumlegierungen - Abschätzung der

Anfärbbarkeit von anodisch erzeugten Oxidschichten nach dem Verdichten -
Farbtropfentest mit vorheriger Säurebehandlung (ISO 2143:2010); Deutsche
Fassung EN ISO 2143:2010

Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Estimation of loss of absorptive power of

anodic oxidation coatings after sealing - Dye-spot test with prior acid treatment
(ISO 2143:2010); German version EN ISO 2143:2010
ISO 2178 Nichtmagnetische Überzüge auf magnetischen Grundmetallen - Messen der
Schichtdicke - Magnetverfahren (ISO 2178:1982); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO
Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating
thickness - Magnetic method (ISO 2178:1982); German version EN ISO
ISO 2360 Nichtleitende Überzüge auf nichtmagnetischen metallischen Grundwerkstoffen -
Messen der Schichtdicke - Wirbelstromverfahren (ISO 2360:2003); Deutsche
Fassung EN ISO 2360:2004
Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive basis materials
- Measurement of coating thickness - Amplitude-sensitive eddy current method
(ISO 2360:2003); German version EN ISO 2360:2004
ISO 2409 Beschichtungsstoffe - Gitterschnittprüfung (ISO 2409:2013); Deutsche Fassung
EN ISO 2409:2013
Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test (ISO 2409:2013); German version EN ISO
ISO 2808 Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung der Schichtdicke (ISO 2808:2007); Deutsche
Fassung EN ISO 2808:2007
Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness (ISO 2808:2007); German
version EN ISO 2808:2007
ISO 2810 Beschichtungsstoffe - Freibewitterung von Beschichtungen - Bewitterung und
Bewertung (ISO 2810:2004); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 2810:2004
Paints and varnishes - Natural weathering of coatings - Exposure and
assessment (ISO 2810:2004); German version EN ISO 2810:2004
ISO 2813 Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung des Glanzwertes unter 20°, 60° und 85°,
Ausgabedatum: 2014-10, Deutsche Fassung DIN EN ISO 2813: 2015
Paints and varnishes - Determination of gloss value at 20 degrees, 60 degrees
and 85 degrees, edition: 2014-10, german version DIN EN ISO 2813: 2015
ISO 3231 Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung der Beständigkeit gegen feuchte,
Schwefeldioxid enthaltende Atmosphären (ISO 3231:1993); Deutsche Fassung
EN ISO 3231:1997
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humid atmospheres
containing sulfur dioxide (ISO 3231:1993); German version EN ISO 3231:1997
ISO 4623-2 Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung der Beständigkeit gegen Filiformkorrosion
Teil 2: Aluminium als Substrat, Ausgabe:2003-03, Deutsche Fassung EN ISO
4623-2: 2014

Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to filiform corrosion - Part 2:

Aluminium substrates, edition: 2003-03, german version EN ISO 4623-2: 2014

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Part VIII – Standards and Guidelines

ISO 4628-1 Beschichtungsstoffe - Beurteilung von Beschichtungsschäden - Bewertung der

Menge und der Größe von Schäden und der Intensität von gleichmäßigen
Veränderungen im Aussehen - Teil 1: Allgemeine Einführung und
Bewertungssystem (ISO 4628-1:2016); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 4628-1,
Ausgabe: 2014
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of
quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance -
Part 1: General introduction and designation system (ISO 4628-1:2016); German
version EN ISO 4628-1, edition: 2014
ISO 4628-2 Beschichtungsstoffe - Beurteilung von Beschichtungsschäden - Bewertung der
Menge und der Größe von Schäden und der Intensität von gleichmäßigen
Veränderungen im Aussehen – Teil 2: Bewertung des Blasengrades (ISO 4628-
2:2016); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 4628-2, Ausgabe: 2014
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of
quantity and size of defects and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance –
Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering (ISO 4628-2:2016); German version
EN ISO 4628-2, edition: 2014
ISO 4628-8 Beschichtungsstoffe - Beurteilung von Beschichtungsschäden - Beurteilung der
Menge und der Größe von Schäden und der Intensität von gleichmäßigen
Veränderungen im Aussehen – Teil 8: Bewertung der von einem Ritz oder einer
anderen künstlichen Verletzung ausgehenden Enthaftung und Korrosion (ISO
4628-8:2012); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 4628-8:2012
Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of coatings - Designation of
quantity and size of defects and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance –
Part 8: Assessment of degree of delamination and corrosion around a scribe or
other artificial defect (ISO 4628-8:2012); German version EN ISO 4628-8:2012
ISO 6270-1 Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung der Beständigkeit gegen Feuchtigkeit – Teil
1: Kontinuierliche Kondensation (ISO 6270-1:1998); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity – Part 1:
Continuous condensation (ISO 6270-1:1998); German version EN ISO 6270-
ISO 6270-2 Beschichtungsstoffe - Bestimmung der Beständigkeit gegen Feuchtigkeit – Teil
2: Verfahren zur Beanspruchung von Proben in Kondenswasserklimaten (ISO
6270-2:2005); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 6270-2:2005
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity – Part 2:
Procedure for exposing test specimens in condensation-water atmospheres (ISO
6270-2:2005); German version EN ISO 6270-2:2005
ISO 9001 Qualitätsmanagementsysteme - Anforderungen (ISO 9001:2008); Dreisprachige
Fassung EN ISO 9001:2008, Berichtigung zu DIN EN ISO 9001,Ausgabe 2015-
Quality management systems - Requirements (ISO 9001:2008); Trilingual
version EN ISO 9001:2008, corrigendum to DIN EN ISO 9001, edition 2015-09
ISO 9223 Korrosion von Metallen und Legierungen - Korrosivität von Atmosphären -
Klassifizierung, Bestimmung und Abschätzung (ISO 9223:2012); Deutsche
Fassung EN ISO 9223:2012
Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres - Classification,
determination and estimation (ISO 9223:2012); German version
EN ISO 9223:2012

ISO 9227 Korrosionsprüfungen in künstlichen Atmosphären - Salzsprühnebelprüfungen

(ISO 9227:2012); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 9227:2015

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Part VIII – Standards and Guidelines

Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests (ISO 9227:2012);

German version EN ISO 9227:2015
ISO 9717 Metallische und andere anorganische Überzüge - Phosphatierüberzüge auf
Metallen , Ausgabe 2010-12, Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 9717: 2013

Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Phosphate conversion coating of metals,

edition: 2010-12, german version EN ISO 9717: 2013
ISO 11124-1 Vorbereitung von Stahloberflächen vor dem Auftragen von Beschichtungsstoffen
- Anforderungen an metallische Strahlmittel – Teil 1: Allgemeine Einleitung und
Einteilung (ISO 11124-1:1993); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 11124-1:1997
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products
- Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – Part 1: General
introduction and classification (ISO 11124-1:1993); German version EN ISO
ISO 11126-1 Vorbereitung von Stahloberflächen vor dem Auftragen von Beschichtungsstoffen
– Anforderungen an nichtmetallische Strahlmittel – Teil 1: Allgemeine Einleitung
und Einteilung (ISO 11126-1:1993, einschließlich Technische Korrekturen
1:1997 und 2:1997); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 11126-1:1997
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products
– Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives – Part 1: General
introduction and classification (ISO 11126-1:1993, including technical corrigenda
1:1997 and 2:1997); German version EN ISO 11126-1:1997
ISO 11664-2 Farbmessung - Teil 2: CIE Normlichtarten, Ausgabe: 2007-10, Deutsche
Fassung EN ISO 11664-2: 2011
Colorimetry - Part 2: CIE standard illuminants, edition: 2007-10, german version
EN ISO 11664-2: 2011
ISO 11664-3 Farbmetrik - Teil 3: CIE-Farbwerte, Ausgabe 2012-04, Deutsche Fassung EN
ISO 11664-3: 2013

Colorimetry - Part 3: CIE tristimulus values, edition: 2012-04, german version EN

ISO 11664-3: 2013
ISO 11664-4 Farbmetrik - Teil 4: CIE 1976 L*a*b* Farbenraum (ISO 11664-4:2008); Deutsche
Fassung EN ISO 11664-4, Ausgabe: 2012-06
Colorimetry - Part 4: CIE 1976 L * a * b * color space (ISO 11664-4:2008);
German version EN ISO 11664-4, edition: 2012-06
ISO 12944-1 Beschichtungsstoffe - Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten durch
Beschichtungssysteme – Teil 1: Allgemeine Einleitung (ISO 12944-1:1998);
Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 12944-1:2016
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint
systems – Part 1: General introduction (ISO 12944-1:1998); German version EN
ISO 12944-1:2016
ISO 12944-4 Beschichtungsstoffe - Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten durch
Beschichtungssysteme – Teil 4: Arten von Oberflächen und
Oberflächenvorbereitung (ISO 12944-4:1998); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint
systems – Part 4: Types of surface and surface preparation (ISO 12944-4:1998);
German version EN ISO 12944-4:1998
ISO 12944-5 Beschichtungsstoffe - Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten durch
Beschichtungssysteme – Teil 5: Beschichtungssysteme (ISO 12944-5:2007);
Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 12944-5:2008
Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint

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Part VIII – Standards and Guidelines

systems – Part 5: Protective paint systems (ISO 12944-5:2007); German version

EN ISO 12944-5:2008

ISO 14713-1 Zinküberzüge - Leitfäden und Empfehlungen zum Schutz von Eisen- und
Stahlkonstruktionen vor Korrosion – Teil 1: Allgemeine Konstruktionsgrundsätze
und Korrosionsbeständigkeit (ISO 14713-1:2009); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO
Zinc coatings - Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against
corrosion of iron and steel in structures – Part 1: General principles of design
and corrosion resistance (ISO 14713-1:2009); German version EN ISO 14713-
ISO 16276-2 Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten durch Beschichtungssysteme - Beurteilung
der Adhäsion / Kohäsion (Haftfestigkeit) einer Beschichtung und Kriterien für
deren Annahme – Teil 2: Gitterschnitt- und Kreuzschnittprüfung (ISO 16276-
2:2007); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 16276-2:2007
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems -
Assessment of, and acceptance criteria for, the adhesion / cohesion (fracture
strength) of a coating – Part 2: Cross-cut testing and X-cut testing (ISO 16276-
2:2007); German version EN ISO 16276-2:2007
ISO 16474-3 Beschichtungsstoffe - Künstliches Bestrahlen oder Bewittern in Geräten - Teil 3:
UV-Fluoreszenzlampen, Ausgabe: 2013-11, Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 16474-
3; 2013
Paints and varnishes - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 3:
Fluorescent UV lamps, edition: 2013-11, german version EN ISO 16474-3, 2013
ISO/IEC 17025 Allgemeine Anforderungen an die Kompetenz von Prüf- und Kalibrierlaboratorien
(ISO/IEC 17025:2005); Deutsche und Englische Fassung EN ISO/IEC
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
(ISO/IEC 17025:2005); German and English version EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Qualanod Vorschriften für die Anodisierung von Aluminium auf Schwefelsäure-Basis zum
Führen des Qualanod Gütezeichens
Specification for the Qualanod Quality Label for Sulphuric Acid based anodizing
of Aluminium
VdL-RL 10 Richtlinie zulässige Farbtoleranzen für unifarbene Pulverlacke bei
Architekturanwendung, Ausgabe 2013-06
Guidance document permitted colour tolerances of plain-coloured powder
coatings in architectural applications, edition 2013-06

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Edition: April 2017, Effective: 11.12.2017

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