90 Days Challenge

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Structured thinking
Our mind is buzzing with thoughts.
But when we start speaking, we fail to
structure them. What is needed, is a way
to pace our thoughts.

That is where writing helps.

Writing is the slowest form of expression.
When we write, we are not just thinking
about what we wish to communicate, we
are also selecting the most important
thought from all other thoughts.

Write every day for 90-days.

And always conclude with a
"This tells me that ________"

02. Confident speaking
We get conscious when it comes to
public speaking. Even if we are confident
of the content.

Record a video of yours for 90-days, on

ANY topic.

Do not share it with anyone.

Review it, identify improvements and
correct them the next day.

03. Sugar craving
Whenever you feel like having sugar,
drink a glass of water and then have
sugar-free chewing gum.

Water fills your stomach.

Gum satiates your sugar craving.
Because you are chewing it, you can't
have anything else.

90 days and you won't crave sugar


04. Reading
Pick up a book you wish to read, not a
book that you think you should read.
And read for 10 minutes every day,
for 90 days.

Do not share the name of the book with

anyone or the fact that you are reading it.
Do it for yourself. If the book doesn't
interest you, drop it and pick another one.
But read everyday for 10 mins.

"It is as much the book’s responsibility to

hold my attention as it is my
responsibility to give it attention."

05. Meditation
Put on a nature sound (beach, rain, birds
etc,). Sit straight (on the floor, or a chair).
Close your eyes. And just observe your
thoughts. For 10 mins.

Don't try to stop any thought.

Don't try to record any thought.
Don't try to go deep into any thought.
Just observe them, as if you were
observing cars passing by on the road.
You are not attached to any car.
You at best observe the colour, the driver,
admire the make model. And then it's
gone. And you move to the next car.
90 days, you will be changed!

06. Getting rejected
We all hate rejection.
We fear it, in fact.
We fear it so much, that we do not even
start anything, for the fear of being

Rejection though is like a muscle.

That can be built.
For us to get "comfortable" with it.

Every day, for 90 days, pick up a small,

immaterial harmless task where we have
a high chance of getting rejected.

Asking a stranger for a favour.
Sending a cold email.
Saying hi to a random person.
Asking parents for permission.
Asking manager for a new assignment.

Then, reflect upon 3 things

1. How did I feel?
2. Why did I feel what I felt?
3. What could I have done, to be
accepted instead of rejected?

Attempt the same task again, with this

reflection. In 90 days, you would have a
very different, meaningful relationship
with rejection.

07. Resisting the obvious
If we do what everyone does, we will end
up more or less where everyone else

To have a shot at changing our orbit, we

have to look beyond the obvious.
And consider it, if not follow it.

But we are not trained to think beyond

the obvious.

For 90 days, when faced with any

decision, ask yourself, "What would most
people in my situation do?"

And then for some time, ignore that
As if it doesn't exist.
And force yourself to consider other
As crazy as they sound.

And for each of those options, ask

yourself these two questions:
1. What's the worst thing that can
2. What's the best thing that can happen?

This simple exercise for 90 days, will

change the way you look at decisions.

08. Waking up on time
If you get up at 8 AM today and wish to
get up at 6 AM, it won't happen by just
setting up an alarm. You might win 2-3
days, maybe even a week. Post which,
your body will crave to go back to

The key is to trick the body into waking

up early. Whatever time you get up
today, set the alarm for 10 mins earlier.

So 8 AM becomes 7:50 AM.

Get up at 7:50 AM.
No snoozing!
Do that for 10 straight days.

Your body won't even notice the
difference. Again 10 mins earlier.
10 days.
10 mins earlier.
10 days.
By the 90th day, you are waking up 1.5hrs
earlier than you were.

Of course, this will only happen if your

body doesn't feel sleep-deprived.
So ideally, you should have slept on time
as well.

"The key to waking up early is not waking

up early. The key to waking up early is
sleeping on time!"

09. Over-thinking
Our mind is our best friend, for it has the
power to imagine.

And our worst enemy, because it is

trained to imagine the worst more than
anything else.

Our mind focuses on possibilities.

Not probabilities. Each time we step out,
there is a possibility of getting hit by a

But we still step out fearlessly, right?


Because we have told our brain, that the
probability of that is low.

For 90 days, assign probabilities to EVERY

POSSIBILITY your mind comes up with.

At the end of this, you would have trained

your mind and thus tricked it, to not
overpower you with its possibilities.

Because you now know the probabilities


10. Procrastination
Here is the simple reason we
procrastinate: We think we still have
That's it.

So the way to deal with procrastination is

to realize that we do not, in fact, have

If I ask you to clap every second, you will

do a near-perfect job.
If I ask you to clap every 5 seconds, you
will begin to falter.
If I ask you to clap every 17 seconds, you
will be out of sync instantly!

The goal then, is to break down every
task into a "1-second clap"

For 90 days, pick a task you would

otherwise procrastinate, and break it
down into smaller tasks.

Really small tasks.

And then estimate the time it would take
you to accomplish that small task.

Add up the individual times.

You will have your answer.

Isn't it fascinating that just 90 days can
change your life if you commit to it?

Just 3-months to a whole new mindset?

That is all it takes.

Don't pick all of them in one go.

The key is to train your mind, be patient

with it, be calm with it and keep
challenging it.

If someone told you that in less than
three years, you could think in a
structured manner, speak confidently,
reject sugar, read regularly, meditate
every day, handle rejection, think laterally,
wake up early, not overthink and not
procrastinate, you would laugh at that

That person is me today!

I share these 90-day challenges not as

an expert, instead, as someone who has
tried each one of them and has
witnessed the powerful outcomes.

Give your life 30 odd months, just 30
months, and you could potentially
change your life forever!

A life comprising 900+ months!

Would you spend 5% of your life, trying

to make the remaining 95% better?

We are the outcome of
the habits we keep,
the thoughts we store,
the lesson we choose to

And the pain we

agree to endure.


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