Newnes - Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology, 2nd Ed - 2003 - (By Laxxuss)
Newnes - Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology, 2nd Ed - 2003 - (By Laxxuss)
Newnes - Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology, 2nd Ed - 2003 - (By Laxxuss)
To Sue
Electrical and Electronic Principles
and Technology
Second edition
An imprint of Elsevier Science
Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP
200 Wheeler Rd, Burlington MA 01803
Previously published as Electrical Principles and Technology for Engineering
Reprinted 2001
Second edition 2003
Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technol- and measurements, semiconductors diodes and
ogy, 2nd edition introduces the principles which transistors.
describe the operation of d.c. and a.c. circuits, cov- Part 2, comprising chapters 13 to 19, involves
ering both steady and transient states, and applies Further Electrical and Electronic Principles, with
these principles to filter networks (which is new for chapters on d.c. circuit theorems, alternating volt-
this edition), operational amplifiers, three-phase sup- ages and currents, single-phase series and parallel
plies, transformers, d.c. machines and three-phase networks, filter networks, d.c. transients and opera-
induction motors. tional amplifiers.
This second edition of the textbook provides Part 3, comprising chapters 20 to 23, involves
coverage of the following: Electrical Power Technology, with chapters on
three-phase systems, transformers, d.c. machines
(i) ‘Electrical and Electronic Principles (National and three-phase induction motors.
Certificate and National Diploma unit 6) Each topic considered in the text is presented
(ii) ‘Further Electrical and Electronic Principles’ in a way that assumes in the reader little previ-
(National Certificate and National Diploma ous knowledge of that topic. Theory is introduced
unit 17) in each chapter by a reasonably brief outline of
(iii) ‘Electrical and Electronic Principles’ (Advan- essential information, definitions, formulae, proce-
ced GNVQ unit 7) dures, etc. The theory is kept to a minimum, for
problem solving is extensively used to establish and
(iv) ‘Further Electrical and Electronic Principles’ exemplify the theory. It is intended that readers will
(Advanced GNVQ unit 13) gain real understanding through seeing problems
(v) ‘Electrical Power Technology’ (Advanced solved and then through solving similar problems
GNVQ unit 27) themselves.
(vi) Electricity content of ‘Applied Science and ‘Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technol-
Mathematics for Engineering’ (Intermediate ogy’ contains over 400 worked problems, together
GNVQ unit 4) with 340 multi-choice questions (with answers at
the back of the book). Also included are over 420
(vii) The theory within ‘Electrical Principles and short answer questions, the answers for which can
Applications’ (Intermediate GNVQ unit 6) be determined from the preceding material in that
(viii) ‘Telecommunication Principles’ (City & particular chapter, and some 560 further questions,
Guilds Technician Diploma in Telecommuni- arranged in 142 Exercises, all with answers, in
cations and Electronics Engineering) brackets, immediately following each question; the
(ix) Any introductory/Access/Foundation course Exercises appear at regular intervals - every 3 or 4
involving Electrical and Electronic Engineer- pages - throughout the text. 500 line diagrams fur-
ing ther enhance the understanding of the theory. All of
the problems - multi-choice, short answer and fur-
The text is set out in three main sections: ther questions - mirror practical situations found in
Part 1, comprising chapters 1 to 12, involves electrical and electronic engineering.
essential Basic Electrical and Electronic Engi- At regular intervals throughout the text are seven
neering Principles, with chapters on electrical units Assignments to check understanding. For example,
and quantities, introduction to electric circuits, resis- Assignment 1 covers material contained in chapters
tance variation, chemical effects of electricity, series 1 to 4, Assignment 2 covers the material contained
and parallel networks, capacitors and capacitance, in chapters 5 to 7, and so on. These Assignments
magnetic circuits, electromagnetism, electromag- do not have answers given since it is envisaged that
netic induction, electrical measuring instruments lecturers could set the Assignments for students to
Electrical and Electronic Principles and
Section 1
Basic Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Principles
Units associated with basic electrical
6.24 ð 1018 electrons). The coulomb is defined as Mass D 200 g D 0.2 kg and acceleration due to
the quantity of electricity which flows past a given gravity, g D 9.81 m/s2
point in an electric circuit when a current of one
ampere is maintained for one second. Thus, Force acting
D weight
D mass ð acceleration
charge, in coulombs Q = It
D 0.2 kg ð 9.81 m/s2
where I is the current in amperes and t is the time D 1.962 N
in seconds.
1.4 Work
Problem 1. If a current of 5 A flows for
2 minutes, find the quantity of electricity The unit of work or energy is the joule (J) where
transferred. one joule is one newton metre. The joule is defined
as the work done or energy transferred when a force
of one newton is exerted through a distance of one
Quantity of electricity Q D It coulombs metre in the direction of the force. Thus
I D 5 A, t D 2 ð 60 D 120 s work done on a body, in joules, W = Fs
Hence Q D 5 ð 120 D 600 C
where F is the force in newtons and s is the distance
in metres moved by the body in the direction of the
force. Energy is the capacity for doing work.
1.3 Force
The unit of force is the newton (N) where one 1.5 Power
newton is one kilogram metre per second squared.
The newton is defined as the force which, when The unit of power is the watt (W) where one watt
applied to a mass of one kilogram, gives it an is one joule per second. Power is defined as the rate
acceleration of one metre per second squared. Thus, of doing work or transferring energy. Thus,
force, in newtons F = ma W
power, in watts, P=
where m is the mass in kilograms and a is the accel-
eration in metres per second squared. Gravitational where W is the work done or energy transferred, in
force, or weight, is mg, where g D 9.81 m/s2 joules, and t is the time, in seconds. Thus,
energy, in joules, W = Pt
Problem 2. A mass of 5000 g is accelerated
at 2 m/s2 by a force. Determine the force
needed. Problem 4. A portable machine requires a
force of 200 N to move it. How much work
is done if the machine is moved 20 m and
what average power is utilized if the
Force D mass ð acceleration movement takes 25 s?
D 5 kg ð 2 m/s2 D 10 kg m/s2 D 10 N
Problem 3. Find the force acting vertically Work done D force ð distance
downwards on a mass of 200 g attached to a D 200 N ð 20 m
D 4000 Nm or 4 kJ
Now try the following exercise The unit of electric potential is the volt (V), where
one volt is one joule per coulomb. One volt is
defined as the difference in potential between two
points in a conductor which, when carrying a cur-
Exercise 1 Further problems on charge, rent of one ampere, dissipates a power of one
force, work and power watt, i.e.
(Take g D 9.81 m/s2 where appropriate) watts joules/second
volts D D
1 What quantity of electricity is carried by amperes amperes
6.24 ð 1021 electrons? [1000 C] joules joules
2 In what time would a current of 1 A transfer ampere seconds coulombs
a charge of 30 C? [30 s]
A change in electric potential between two points in
3 A current of 3 A flows for 5 minutes. What an electric circuit is called a potential difference.
charge is transferred? [900 C] The electromotive force (e.m.f.) provided by a
4 How long must a current of 0.1 A flow so as source of energy such as a battery or a generator
to transfer a charge of 30 C? [5 minutes] is measured in volts.
5 What force is required to give a mass of 20 kg
an acceleration of 30 m/s2 ? [600 N]
6 Find the accelerating force when a car having 1.7 Resistance and conductance
a mass of 1.7 Mg increases its speed with a
constant acceleration of 3 m/s2 [5.1 kN] The unit of electric resistance is the ohm.Z/,
where one ohm is one volt per ampere. It is defined
7 A force of 40 N accelerates a mass at 5 m/s2 . as the resistance between two points in a conductor
Determine the mass. [8 kg] when a constant electric potential of one volt applied
6 A battery of e.m.f. 12 V supplies a current 4 Define electric current in terms of charge and
of 5 A for 2 minutes. How much energy is time
supplied in this time? [7.2 kJ] 5 Name the units used to measure:
7 A d.c. electric motor consumes 36 MJ when (a) the quantity of electricity
connected to a 250 V supply for 1 hour. Find (b) resistance
the power rating of the motor and the current (c) conductance
taken from the supply. [10 kW, 40 A] 6 Define the coulomb
7 Define electrical energy and state its unit
8 Define electrical power and state its unit
1.9 Summary of terms, units and 9 What is electromotive force?
their symbols 10 Write down a formula for calculating the
power in a d.c. circuit
Quantity Quantity Unit Unit 11 Write down the symbols for the following
Symbol Symbol quantities:
(a) electric charge (b) work
Length l metre m
(c) e.m.f. (d) p.d.
Mass m kilogram kg
Time t second s 12 State which units the following abbreviations
Velocity v metres per m/s or refer to:
second m s1 (a) A (b) C (c) J (d) N (e) m
Acceleration a metres per m/s2 or
second m s2
Force F newton N Exercise 4 Multi-choice questions on units
Electrical Q coulomb C associated with basic electrical quantities
charge or (Answers on page 375)
Electric current I ampere A 1 A resistance of 50 k has a conductance of:
Resistance R ohm (a) 20 S (b) 0.02 S
Conductance G siemen S (c) 0.02 mS (d) 20 kS
Electromotive E volt V
force 2 Which of the following statements is incor-
Potential V volt V rect?
difference (a) 1 N D 1 kg m/s2 (b) 1 V D 1 J/C
Work W joule J (c) 30 mA D 0.03 A (d) 1 J D 1 N/m
Energy E (or W) joule J 3 The power dissipated by a resistor of 10
Power P watt W when a current of 2 A passes through it is:
(a) 0.4 W (b) 20 W (c) 40 W (d) 200 W
Now try the following exercises
4 A mass of 1200 g is accelerated at 200 cm/s2
by a force. The value of the force required
Exercise 3 Short answer questions on is:
units associated with basic electrical (a) 2.4 N (b) 2400 N
quantities (c) 240 kN (d) 0.24 N
1 What does ‘SI units’ mean? 5 A charge of 240 C is transferred in 2 minutes.
The current flowing is:
2 Complete the following:
(a) 120 A (b) 480 A (c) 2 A (d) 8 A
Force D . . . . . . ð . . . . . .
6 A current of 2 A flows for 10 h through a
3 What do you understand by the term ‘poten- 100 resistor. The energy consumed by the
tial difference’? resistor is:
An introduction to electric circuits
Q = I × t coulombs
Figure 2.5
2.6 Linear and non-linear devices
Figure 2.6 shows a circuit in which current I can
The flow of electric current is subject to friction. be varied by the variable resistor R2 . For various
This friction, or opposition, is called resistance R settings of R2 , the current flowing in resistor R1 ,
and is the property of a conductor that limits current. displayed on the ammeter, and the p.d. across R1 ,
The unit of resistance is the ohm; 1 ohm is defined displayed on the voltmeter, are noted and a graph
as the resistance which will have a current of 1 is plotted of p.d. against current. The result is
ampere flowing through it when 1 volt is connected shown in Fig. 2.7(a) where the straight line graph
across it, passing through the origin indicates that current is
directly proportional to the p.d. Since the gradient,
Potential difference i.e. p.d.
/ current
is constant, resistance R1 is
i.e. resistance R = constant. A resistor is thus an example of a linear
Table 2.1
m milli divide by 1000 25 mA D A
i.e. ð 103
D 0.025 amperes
µ micro divide by 1 000 000 50 µV D V
1 000 000
i.e. ð 106
D 0.000 05 volts
D 16 ð 106 ð 5 ð 103
D 80 ð 103
2.10 Electrical power and energy
D 0.08 W or 80 mW
Electrical power
Alternatively, since I D 4 ð 103 and R D 5 ð 103
Power P in an electrical circuit is given by the then from Ohm’s law, voltage
product of potential difference V and current I,
as stated in Chapter 1. The unit of power is the V D IR D 4 ð 103 ð 5 ð 103 D 20 V
watt, W.
Hence P = V × I watts 1
power P D V ð I D 20 ð 4 ð 103
From Ohm’s law, V D IR. Substituting for V in D 80 mW
equation (1) gives:
ð I Problem 11. An electric kettle has a
resistance of 30 . What current will flow
i.e. P = I 2 R watts when it is connected to a 240 V supply? Find
also the power rating of the kettle.
Also, from Ohm’s law, I D V/R. Substituting for I
in equation (1) gives: V 240
Current, I D D D 8A
V R 30
R Power, P D VI D 240 ð 8 D 1920 W
D 1.92 kW D power rating of kettle
i.e. P= watts
Problem 12. A current of 5 A flows in the
There are thus three possible formulae which may winding of an electric motor, the resistance
be used for calculating power. of the winding being 100 . Determine
(a) the p.d. across the winding, and (b) the
power dissipated by the coil.
Problem 9. A 100 W electric light bulb is
connected to a 250 V supply. Determine
(a) the current flowing in the bulb, and (a) Potential difference across winding,
(b) the resistance of the bulb.
V D IR D 5 ð 100 D 500 V
I 0.4 4
Problem 13. The hot resistance of a 240 V Problem 16. Electrical equipment in an
filament lamp is 960 . Find the current office takes a current of 13 A from a 240 V
taken by the lamp and its power rating. supply. Estimate the cost per week of
electricity if the equipment is used for
30 hours each week and 1 kWh of energy
From Ohm’s law, costs 6p.
V 240
current I D D
R 960
Power D VI watts D 240 ð 13
24 1
D D A or 0.25 A D 3120 W D 3.12 kW
96 4
Power rating P D VI D 240
14 D 60 W Energy used per week D power ð time
D 3.12 kW
ð 30 h
D 93.6 kWh
Electrical energy
Cost at 6p per kWh D 93.6 ð 6 D 561.6p. Hence
Electrical energy = power × time weekly cost of electricity = £5.62
5 85.5 J of energy are converted into heat in Some practical applications of the effects of an
9 s. What power is dissipated? [9.5 W] electric current include:
13 State two units used for electrical energy (d) An electrical insulator has a high resis-
14 State the three main effects of an electric
current and give two examples of each 7 A current of 3 A flows for 50 h through a 6
resistor. The energy consumed by the resistor
15 What is the function of a fuse in an electrical is:
circuit? (a) 0.9 kWh (b) 2.7 kWh
(c) 9 kWh (d) 27 kWh
8 What must be known in order to calculate the
energy used by an electrical appliance?
Exercise 10 Multi-choice problems on the (a) voltage and current
introduction to electric circuits (Answers on (b) current and time of operation
page 375) (c) power and time of operation
1 60 µs is equivalent to: (d) current and resistance
(a) 0.06 s (b) 0.00006 s 9 Voltage drop is the:
(c) 1000 minutes (d) 0.6 s (a) maximum potential
(b) difference in potential between two points
2 The current which flows when 0.1 coulomb
(c) voltage produced by a source
is transferred in 10 ms is:
(d) voltage at the end of a circuit
(a) 1 A (b) 10 A
(c) 10 mA (d) 100 mA 10 A 240 V, 60 W lamp has a working resistance
3 The p.d. applied to a 1 k resistance in order (a) 1400 ohm (b) 60 ohm
that a current of 100 µA may flow is:
(c) 960 ohm (d) 325 ohm
(a) 1 V (b) 100 V (c) 0.1 V (d) 10 V
11 The largest number of 100 W electric light
4 Which of the following formulae for electri-
bulbs which can be operated from a 240 V
cal power is incorrect?
supply fitted with a 13 A fuse is:
V V2 (a) 2 (b) 7 (c) 31 (d) 18
(a) VI (b) (c) I2 R (d)
12 The energy used by a 1.5 kW heater in
5 The power dissipated by a resistor of 4 5 minutes is:
when a current of 5 A passes through it is: (a) 5 J (b) 450 J
(a) 6.25 W (b) 20 W
(c) 7500 J (d) 450 000 J
(c) 80 W (d) 100 W
13 When an atom loses an electron, the atom:
6 Which of the following statements is true? (a) becomes positively charged
(a) Electric current is measured in volts (b) disintegrates
(b) 200 k resistance is equivalent to 2 M (c) experiences no effect at all
(c) An ammeter has a low resistance and (d) becomes negatively charged
must be connected in parallel with a
Resistance variation
ž determine the resistance and tolerance of a fixed resistor from its colour code
ž determine the resistance and tolerance of a fixed resistor from its letter and digit
Glass 1 ð 1010
m (or 104 µ
m (b) When the resistance is 750
Mica 1 ð 1013
m (or 107 µ
m 1
750 D k
Note that good conductors of electricity have a low from which
value of resistivity and good insulators have a high
value of resistivity. k 600
cross-sectional area, a D D
750 750
Problem 1. The resistance of a 5 m length D 0.8 mm2
of wire is 600
. Determine (a) the
resistance of an 8 m length of the same wire, Problem 3. A wire of length 8 m and
and (b) the length of the same wire when the cross-sectional area 3 mm2 has a resistance
resistance is 420
. of 0.16
. If the wire is drawn out until its
cross-sectional area is 1 mm2 , determine the
resistance of the wire.
(a) Resistance, R, is directly proportional to length,
l, i.e. R / l. Hence, 600
/ 5 m or Resistance R is directly proportional to length l, and
600 D k 5 , where k is the coefficient of inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area, a,
proportionality. i.e.
600 R / l/a or R D kl/a , where k is the coefficient
Hence, k D D 120 of proportionality.
5 Since R D 0.16, l D 8 and a D 3, then 0.16 D
When the length l is 8 m, then resistance k 8/3 , from which k D 0.16 ð 3/8 D 0.06
R D kl D 120 8 D 960 Z If the cross-sectional area is reduced to 1/3 of its
(b) When the resistance is 420
, 420 D kl, from original area then the length must be tripled to 3ð8,
which, i.e. 24 m
420 420 l 24
length l D D D 3.5 m New resistance R D k D 0.06
k 120 a 1
D 1.44 Z
Problem 2. A piece of wire of
Problem 4. Calculate the resistance of a
cross-sectional area 2 mm2 has a resistance
2 km length of aluminium overhead power
of 300
. Find (a) the resistance of a wire of
cable if the cross-sectional area of the cable
the same length and material if the
is 100 mm2 . Take the resistivity of
cross-sectional area is 5 mm2 , (b) the
aluminium to be 0.03 ð 106
cross-sectional area of a wire of the same
length and material of resistance 750
Length l D 2 km D 2000 m, area a D 100 mm2 D
100 ð 106 m2 and resistivity D 0.03 ð 106
Resistance R is inversely proportional to cross- l
sectional area, a, i.e. R / l/a Resistance R D
Hence 300
/ 12 mm2 or 300 D k 12 , 0.03 ð 106
m 2000 m
from which, the coefficient of proportionality, k D 100 ð 106 m2
300 ð 2 D 600 0.03 ð 2000
D 0.6 Z
(a) When the cross-sectional area a D 5 mm then 2 100
Problem 6. The resistance of 1.5 km of 2 Some wire of cross-sectional area 1 mm2 has
wire of cross-sectional area 0.17 mm2 is a resistance of 20
. Determine the resistivity of the wire. Determine (a) the resistance of a wire of the
same length and material if the cross-sectional
area is 4 mm2 , and (b) the cross-sectional area
of a wire of the same length and material if
Resistance, R D l/a hence the resistance is 32
[(a) 5
(b) 0.625 mm2 ]
Ra 3 Some wire of length 5 m and cross-sectional
resistivity D
l area 2 mm2 has a resistance of 0.08
. If the
0.17 ð 106 m2 wire is drawn out until its cross-sectional area
D is 1 mm2 , determine the resistance of the wire.
1500 m [0.32
D 0.017 × 10−6 Z m 4 Find the resistance of 800 m of copper cable
or 0.017 mZ m of cross-sectional area 20 mm2 . Take the resis-
tivity of copper as 0.02 µ
m [0.8
5 Calculate the cross-sectional area, in mm2 , of
Problem 7. Determine the resistance of a piece of aluminium wire 100 m long and
1200 m of copper cable having a diameter of having a resistance of 2
. Take the resistivity
12 mm if the resistivity of copper is of aluminium as 0.03 ð 106
m [1.5 mm2 ]
1.7 ð 108
6 The resistance of 500 m of wire of cross-
sectional area 2.6 mm2 is 5
. Determine the
Cross-sectional area of cable, resistivity of the wire in µ
[0.026 µ
12 7 Find the resistance of 1 km of copper cable
a D r 2 D
2 having a diameter of 10 mm if the resistivity
of copper is 0.017 ð 106
m [0.216
D 36 mm2 D 36 ð 106 m2
Resistance R D
1.7 ð 108
m 1200 m 3.2 Temperature coefficient of
36 ð 106 m2 resistance
1.7 ð 1200 ð 106
In general, as the temperature of a material
108 ð 36
increases, most conductors increase in resistance,
1.7 ð 12 insulators decrease in resistance, whilst the
D 0.180 Z
36 resistance of some special alloys remain almost
The temperature coefficient of resistance of a
Now try the following exercise material is the increase in the resistance of a 1
Hence the temperature of the coil increases to Exercise 12 Further problems on the
69.28° C temperature coefficient of resistance
1 A coil of aluminium wire has a resistance of
If the resistance at 0° C is not known, but is known 50
when its temperature is 0° C. Determine
at some other temperature 1 , then the resistance at its resistance at 100° C if the temperature coef-
any temperature can be found as follows: ficient of resistance of aluminium at 0° C is
0.0038/° C [69
R1 D R0 1 C ˛0 1 2 A copper cable has a resistance of 30
and R2 D R0 1 C ˛0 2 a temperature of 50° C. Determine its resis-
tance at 0° C. Take the temperature coefficient
Dividing one equation by the other gives: of resistance of copper at 0° C as 0.0043/° C
R1 1 + a0 q1 3 The temperature coefficient of resistance for
= carbon at 0° C is 0.00048/° C. What is the
R2 1 + a0 q2 significance of the minus sign? A carbon resis-
tor has a resistance of 500
at 0° C. Determine
where R2 D resistance at temperature 2 its resistance at 50° C. [488
(i) For a four-band fixed resistor (i.e. resistance The first two bands, i.e. brown-black, give 10 from
values with two significant figures): Table 3.1
The third band, brown, indicates a multiplier of
yellow-violet-orange-red indicates 47 k
10 from Table 3.1, which means that the value of
a tolerance of š2% the resistor is 10 ð 10 D 100
(Note that the first band is the one nearest the There is no fourth band colour in this case; hence,
end of the resistor) from Table 3.1, the tolerance is š20% Hence a
colour coding of brown-black-brown represents a
(ii) For a five-band fixed resistor (i.e. resistance resistor of value 100 Z with a tolerance of ±20%
values with three significant figures): red-
yellow-white-orange-brown indicates 249 k
Problem 16. Between what two values
with a tolerance of š1% should a resistor with colour coding
(Note that the fifth band is 1.5 to 2 times wider brown-black-brown-silver lie?
than the other bands)
10 M
10 M resistor having a tolerance of š2%
[6 M8 M] (c) 50
(d) 400
resistance variation
(c) 0.02 m
(d) 200
8 A colour coding of red-violet-black on a resis- 9 A resistor marked as 4K7G indicates a value of:
tor indicates a value of: (a) 47
š 20% (b) 4.7 k
š 20%
(a) 27
š 20% (b) 270
(c) 0.47
š 10% (d) 4.7 k
š 2%
(c) 270
š 20% (d) 27
š 10%
Chemical effects of electricity
When two copper wires connected to a battery are Table 4.1 Part of the
placed in a beaker containing a salt water solution, electrochemical series
current will flow through the solution. Air bubbles
appear around the wires as the water is changed into Potassium
hydrogen and oxygen by electrolysis. sodium
4.3 Electroplating lead
Electroplating uses the principle of electrolysis to copper
apply a thin coat of one metal to another metal. silver
Some practical applications include the tin-plating of carbon
steel, silver-plating of nickel alloys and chromium-
plating of steel. If two copper electrodes connected
to a battery are placed in a beaker containing copper In a simple cell two faults exist – those due to
sulphate as the electrolyte it is found that the cathode polarisation and local action.
(i.e. the electrode connected to the negative terminal
of the battery) gains copper whilst the anode loses Polarisation
If the simple cell shown in Fig. 4.1 is left connected
for some time, the current I decreases fairly rapidly.
This is because of the formation of a film of hydro-
4.4 The simple cell gen bubbles on the copper anode. This effect is
known as the polarisation of the cell. The hydrogen
The purpose of an electric cell is to convert chem- prevents full contact between the copper electrode
ical energy into electrical energy. and the electrolyte and this increases the internal
A simple cell comprises two dissimilar conduc- resistance of the cell. The effect can be overcome by
tors (electrodes) in an electrolyte. Such a cell is using a chemical depolarising agent or depolariser,
shown in Fig. 4.1, comprising copper and zinc elec- such as potassium dichromate which removes the
trodes. An electric current is found to flow between hydrogen bubbles as they form. This allows the cell
the electrodes. Other possible electrode pairs exist, to deliver a steady current.
including zinc–lead and zinc–iron. The electrode
potential (i.e. the p.d. measured between the elec- Local action
trodes) varies for each pair of metals. By knowing
the e.m.f. of each metal with respect to some stan- When commercial zinc is placed in dilute sulphuric
dard electrode, the e.m.f. of any pair of metals may acid, hydrogen gas is liberated from it and the zinc
be determined. The standard used is the hydrogen dissolves. The reason for this is that impurities, such
electrode. The electrochemical series is a way of as traces of iron, are present in the zinc which set up
listing elements in order of electrical potential, and small primary cells with the zinc. These small cells
Table 4.1 shows a number of elements in such a are short-circuited by the electrolyte, with the result
series. that localised currents flow causing corrosion. This
action is known as local action of the cell. This may
be prevented by rubbing a small amount of mercury
on the zinc surface, which forms a protective layer
on the surface of the electrode.
When two metals are used in a simple cell the
electrochemical series may be used to predict the
behaviour of the cell:
(ii) The greater the separation in the series between i.e. approximately 1 M, hence no current flows and
the two metals the greater is the e.m.f. produced the cell is not loaded.
by the cell. The voltage available at the terminals of a cell
falls when a load is connected. This is caused by
The electrochemical series is representative of the internal resistance of the cell which is the
the order of reactivity of the metals and their opposition of the material of the cell to the flow of
compounds: current. The internal resistance acts in series with
other resistances in the circuit. Figure 4.2 shows a
cell of e.m.f. E volts and internal resistance, r, and
(i) The higher metals in the series react more
XY represents the terminals of the cell.
readily with oxygen and vice-versa.
(ii) When two metal electrodes are used in a simple
cell the one that is higher in the series tends to
dissolve in the electrolyte.
4.5 Corrosion
Corrosion is the gradual destruction of a metal in a Figure 4.2
damp atmosphere by means of simple cell action.
In addition to the presence of moisture and air
required for rusting, an electrolyte, an anode and When a load (shown as resistance R) is not
a cathode are required for corrosion. Thus, if metals connected, no current flows and the terminal p.d.,
widely spaced in the electrochemical series, are used V D E. When R is connected a current I flows
in contact with each other in the presence of an which causes a voltage drop in the cell, given by
electrolyte, corrosion will occur. For example, if a Ir. The p.d. available at the cell terminals is less
brass valve is fitted to a heating system made of than the e.m.f. of the cell and is given by:
steel, corrosion will occur.
The effects of corrosion include the weakening V = E − Ir
of structures, the reduction of the life of components
and materials, the wastage of materials and the Thus if a battery of e.m.f. 12 volts and internal
expense of replacement. resistance 0.01 delivers a current of 100 A, the
Corrosion may be prevented by coating with terminal p.d.,
paint, grease, plastic coatings and enamels, or by
plating with tin or chromium. Also, iron may be V D 12
galvanised, i.e., plated with zinc, the layer of zinc D 12 1 D 11 V
helping to prevent the iron from corroding.
When different values of potential difference V
across a cell or power supply are measured for
different values of current I, a graph may be plotted
4.6 E.m.f. and internal resistance of a as shown in Fig. 4.3 Since the e.m.f. E of the cell
cell or power supply is the p.d. across its terminals on
no load (i.e. when I D 0), then E is as shown by
The electromotive force (e.m.f.), E, of a cell is the the broken line.
p.d. between its terminals when it is not connected Since V D E Ir then the internal resistance may
to a load (i.e. the cell is on ‘no load’). be calculated from
The e.m.f. of a cell is measured by using a high
resistance voltmeter connected in parallel with the E −V
cell. The voltmeter must have a high resistance I
otherwise it will pass current and the cell will not
be on ‘no-load’. For example, if the resistance of a When a current is flowing in the direction shown
cell is 1 and that of a voltmeter 1 M then the in Fig. 4.2 the cell is said to be discharging
equivalent resistance of the circuit is 1 M C 1 , (E > V).
D ð 0.2 D 0.025 Z
V 8
When a current flows in the opposite direction to (a) Terminal p.d. V D E Ir where E D e.m.f.
that shown in Fig. 4.2 the cell is said to be charging of cell, I D current flowing and r D internal
(V > E). resistance of cell
A battery is a combination of more than one cell. E D 2.0 V, I D 5 A and r D 0.02
The cells in a battery may be connected in series or
in parallel. Hence terminal p.d.
V D 2.0
0.02 D 2.0 0.1 D 1.9 V
(i) For cells connected in series:
Total e.m.f. D sum of cell’s e.m.f.s (b) When the current is 50 A, terminal p.d.,
Total internal resistance D sum of cell’s internal
resistances V D E Ir D 2.0 50
(ii) For cells connected in parallel: i.e. V D 2.0 1.0 D 1.0 V
If each cell has the same e.m.f. and internal
resistance: Thus the terminal p.d. decreases as the current
Total e.m.f. D e.m.f. of one cell drawn increases.
Total internal resistance of n cells
D ð internal resistance of one cell Problem 3. The p.d. at the terminals of a
battery is 25 V when no load is connected
and 24 V when a load taking 10 A is
Problem 1. Eight cells, each with an connected. Determine the internal resistance
internal resistance of 0.2 and an e.m.f. of of the battery.
2.2 V are connected (a) in series, (b) in
parallel. Determine the e.m.f. and the internal
resistance of the batteries so formed.
When no load is connected the e.m.f. of the battery,
E, is equal to the terminal p.d., V, i.e. E D 25 V
(a) When connected in series, total e.m.f When current I D 10 A and terminal p.d.
D sum of cell’s e.m.f. V D 24 V, then V D E Ir
D 2.2 ð 8 D 17.6 V i.e. 24 D 25
Total internal resistance
Hence, rearranging, gives
D sum of cell’s internal resistance
D 0.2 ð 8 D 1.6 Z 10r D 25 24 D 1
(b) When connected in parallel, total e.m.f and the internal resistance,
D e.m.f. of one cell 1
rD D 0.1 Z
D 2.2 V 10
Figure 4.4
Separators Container
Negative plate
Positive plate
Figure 4.6 (cathode)
Mercury cell
A typical mercury cell is shown in Fig. 4.7 Such
a cell has an e.m.f. of about 1.3 V which remains Figure 4.8
When a cell supplies current to a load it is said are separated by insulating rods and assembled in
to be discharging. During discharge: steel containers which are then enclosed in a non-
metallic crate to insulate the cells from one another.
(i) the lead peroxide (positive plate) and the spongy The average discharge p.d. of an alkaline cell is
lead (negative plate) are converted into lead about 1.2 V.
sulphate, and Advantages of an alkaline cell (for example, a
nickel–cadmium cell or a nickel–iron cell) over a
(ii) the oxygen in the lead peroxide combines with lead–acid cell include:
hydrogen in the electrolyte to form water.
The electrolyte is therefore weakened and the (i) More robust construction
relative density falls.
(ii) Capable of withstanding heavy charging and
The terminal p.d. of a lead–acid cell when fully discharging currents without damage
discharged is about 1.8 V. A cell is charged by
connecting a d.c. supply to its terminals, the pos- (iii) Has a longer life
itive terminal of the cell being connected to the (iv) For a given capacity is lighter in weight
positive terminal of the supply. The charging cur-
rent flows in the reverse direction to the discharge (v) Can be left indefinitely in any state of charge or
current and the chemical action is reversed. During discharge without damage
(vi) Is not self-discharging
(i) the lead sulphate on the positive and negative
plates is converted back to lead peroxide and Disadvantages of an alkaline cell over a lead–acid
lead respectively, and cell include:
(ii) the water content of the electrolyte decreases (i) Is relatively more expensive
as the oxygen released from the electrolyte (ii) Requires more cells for a given e.m.f.
combines with the lead of the positive plate. The (iii) Has a higher internal resistance
relative density of the electrolyte thus increases. (iv) Must be kept sealed
(v) Has a lower efficiency
The colour of the positive plate when fully charged
is dark brown and when discharged is light brown. Alkaline cells may be used in extremes of temper-
The colour of the negative plate when fully charged ature, in conditions where vibration is experienced
is grey and when discharged is light grey. or where duties require long idle periods or heavy
discharge currents. Practical examples include trac-
tion and marine work, lighting in railway carriages,
Alkaline cell military portable radios and for starting diesel and
There are two main types of alkaline cell – the petrol engines.
nickel–iron cell and the nickel–cadmium cell. In However, the lead–acid cell is the most common
both types the positive plate is made of nickel one in practical use.
hydroxide enclosed in finely perforated steel tubes,
the resistance being reduced by the addition of pure
nickel or graphite. The tubes are assembled into
nickel–steel plates. 4.9 Cell capacity
In the nickel–iron cell, (sometimes called the
Edison cell or nife cell), the negative plate is made The capacity of a cell is measured in ampere-hours
of iron oxide, with the resistance being reduced by (Ah). A fully charged 50 Ah battery rated for 10 h
a little mercuric oxide, the whole being enclosed in discharge can be discharged at a steady current of
perforated steel tubes and assembled in steel plates. 5 A for 10 h, but if the load current is increased to
In the nickel–cadmium cell the negative plate is 10 A then the battery is discharged in 3–4 h, since
made of cadmium. The electrolyte in each type of the higher the discharge current, the lower is the
cell is a solution of potassium hydroxide which effective capacity of the battery. Typical discharge
does not undergo any chemical change and thus the characteristics for a lead–acid cell are shown in
quantity can be reduced to a minimum. The plates Fig. 4.9
2.2 cells
19 State three typical applications of secondary
1.8 Discharge at cells
Discharge at
twice 10 h rate 10h rate
20 In what unit is the capacity of a cell mea-
0 2 4 6 8 10 sured?
Discharge time (hours)
Figure 4.9
Exercise 18 Multi-choice questions on the
chemical effects of electricity (Answers on
page 375)
Now try the following exercises
1 A battery consists of:
(a) a cell (b) a circuit
Exercise 17 Short answer questions on the (c) a generator (d) a number of cells
chemical effects of electricity
2 The terminal p.d. of a cell of e.m.f. 2 V and
1 What is electrolysis? internal resistance 0.1 when supplying a
2 What is an electrolyte? current of 5 A will be:
(a) 1.5 V (b) 2 V
3 Conduction in electrolytes is due to . . . . . .
(c) 1.9 V (d) 2.5 V
4 A positive-connected electrode is called the
. . . . . . and the negative-connected electrode 3 Five cells, each with an e.m.f. of 2 V and
the . . . . . . internal resistance 0.5 are connected in
series. The resulting battery will have:
5 State two practical applications of electro- (a) an e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal resistance
lysis of 0.5
6 The purpose of an electric cell is to convert (b) an e.m.f. of 10 V and an internal resis-
. . . . . . to . . . . . . tance of 2.5
(c) an e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal resistance
7 Make a labelled sketch of a simple cell of 0.1
8 What is the electrochemical series? (d) an e.m.f. of 10 V and an internal resis-
tance of 0.1
9 With reference to a simple cell, explain
briefly what is meant by 4 If the five cells of question 2 are connected
(a) polarisation (b) local action in parallel the resulting battery will have:
10 What is corrosion? Name two effects of cor- (a) an e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal resistance
rosion and state how they may be prevented of 0.5
(b) an e.m.f. of 10 V and an internal resis-
11 What is meant by the e.m.f. of a cell? How tance of 2.5
may the e.m.f. of a cell be measured? (c) an e.m.f. of 2 V and an internal resistance
12 Define internal resistance of 0.1
(d) an e.m.f. of 10 V and an internal resis-
13 If a cell has an e.m.f. of E volts, an internal tance of 0.1
resistance of r ohms and supplies a current I
amperes to a load, the terminal p.d. V volts 5 Which of the following statements is false?
is given by: V D . . . . . . (a) A Leclanché cell is suitable for use in
14 Name the two main types of cells
(b) A nickel–cadnium cell is an example of
15 Explain briefly the difference between pri- a primary cell
mary and secondary cells (c) When a cell is being charged its terminal
16 Name two types of primary cells p.d. exceeds the cell e.m.f.
(d) A secondary cell may be recharged
17 Name two types of secondary cells after use
6 Which of the following statements is false? (c) Galvanising iron helps to prevent corr-
When two metal electrodes are used in a osion
simple cell, the one that is higher in the (d) A positive electrode is termed the cat-
electrochemical series: hode
(a) tends to dissolve in the electrolyte
(b) is always the negative electrode 10 The greater the internal resistance of a cell:
(c) reacts most readily with oxygen (a) the greater the terminal p.d.
(d) acts an an anode (b) the less the e.m.f.
(c) the greater the e.m.f.
7 Five 2 V cells, each having an internal resis- (d) the less the terminal p.d.
tance of 0.2 are connected in series to a
load of resistance 14 . The current flowing 11 The negative pole of a dry cell is made of:
in the circuit is: (a) carbon
(a) 10 A (b) 1.4 A (c) 1.5 A (d) 23 A (b) copper
(c) zinc
8 For the circuit of question 7, the p.d. at the (d) mercury
battery terminals is: 12 The energy of a secondary cell is usually
(a) 10 V (b) 9 13 V (c) 0 V (d) 10 23 V renewed:
(a) by passing a current through it
9 Which of the following statements is true?
(b) it cannot be renewed at all
(a) The capacity of a cell is measured in
(c) by renewing its chemicals
(d) by heating it
(b) A primary cell converts electrical energy
into chemical energy
Assignment 1
The marks for each question are shown in brackets at the end of each question.
1 An electromagnet exerts a force of 15 N and 6 Calculate the resistance of 1200 m of copper cable
moves a soft iron armature through a distance of of cross-sectional area 15 mm2 . Take the resistiv-
12 mm in 50 ms. Determine the power consumed. ity of copper as 0.02 µ m (5)
7 At a temperature of 40° C, an aluminium cable has
2 A d.c. motor consumes 47.25 MJ when connected a resistance of 25 . If the temperature coefficient
to a 250 V supply for 1 hour 45 minutes. Deter- of resistance at 0° C is 0.0038/° C, calculate its
mine the power rating of the motor and the current resistance at 0° C (5)
taken from the supply. (5)
8 (a) Determine the values of the resistors with the
3 A 100 W electric light bulb is connected to a following colour coding:
200 V supply. Calculate (a) the current flowing (i) red-red-orange-silver
in the bulb, and (b) the resistance of the bulb. (ii) orange-orange-black-blue-green
(4) (b) What is the value of a resistor marked as
47 KK? (6)
4 Determine the charge transferred when a current
of 5 mA flows for 10 minutes. (4) 9 Four cells, each with an internal resistance of
0.40 and an e.m.f. of 2.5 V are connected in
5 A current of 12 A flows in the element of an series to a load of 38.4 . (a) Determine the
electric fire of resistance 10 . Determine the current flowing in the circuit and the p.d. at the
power dissipated by the element. If the fire is on battery terminals. (b) If the cells are connected in
for 5 hours every day, calculate for a one week parallel instead of in series, determine the current
period (a) the energy used, and (b) cost of using flowing and the p.d. at the battery terminals.
the fire if electricity cost 7p per unit. (6) (10)
Series and parallel networks
Figure 5.1
In a series circuit
(a) the current I is the same in all parts of the circuit
and hence the same reading is found on each of
the ammeters shown, and
Figure 5.2
(b) the sum of the voltages V1 , V2 and V3 is equal
to the total applied voltage, V,
(a) Battery voltage V D V1 C V2 C V3
i.e. V = V1 + V2 + V3 D 5 C 2 C 6 D 13 V
V 13
(b) Total circuit resistance R D D D 3.25 Z
I 4
V1 5
(c) Resistance R1 D D D 1.25 Z
I 4
V2 2
Resistance R2 D D D 0.5 Z Figure 5.4
I 4
V3 6 which is the current in the 9 resistor.
Resistance R3 D D D 1.5 Z
I 4 P.d. across the 9 resistor,
(Check: R1 C R2 C R3 D 1.25 C 0.5 C 1.5
D 3.25 D R V1 D I ð 9 D 0.5 ð 9 D 4.5 V
P.d. across R3 , V3 D 25 10 4 D 11 V
V 25
Current I D D D 0.25 A,
R 100
which is the current flowing in each resistor
V2 4
Resistance R2 D D D 16 Z
I 0.25
Figure 5.5
The circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 5.4
R1 + R2 Figure 5.8
V1 D IR1 D 3 ð 2 D 6 V
Figure 5.9
Figure 5.12
In a parallel circuit:
(a) the sum of the currents I1 , I2 and I3 is equal to
Figure 5.10
the total circuit current, I,
V 5Ω V V V V
72 V I1 D , I2 D , I3 D and I D
R1 R2 R3 R
1 1 1 1 3
Problem 9. Given four 1 resistors, state D C C D ,
R 1 1 1 1
how they must be connected to give an 1 1
overall resistance of (a) 14 (b) 1 (c) 1 13 i.e. R D 3 and 3 in series with 1 gives
(d) 2 12 , all four resistors being connected
in each case. (d) Two in parallel, in series with two in series
(see Fig. 5.19), since for the two in parallel
1 1 1 1 1 4 1
D C C C D i.e. R D
R 1 1 1 1 1 4 Figure 5.19
1ð1 1
RD D ,
1C1 2
and 2 , 1 and 1 in series gives 2 12
Figure 5.16
Figure 5.23
R1 R2
and V D IRT D I
R1 C R2
V I R1 R2
Current I1 D D
R1 R1 R1 C R2
Figure 5.22
D .I/
1 1 1 1 6C3C2 11 R1 + R2
RT 10 20 30 60 60 Similarly,
60 V I R1 R2
hence RT D current I2 D D
11 R2 R2 R1 C R2
Supply current R1
D .I/
R1 + R2
V 240 240 ð 11
ID D D D 44 A Summarising, with reference to Fig. 5.23
RT 60 60
(Check: I1 = .I/
R1 + R2
V 240
I1 D D D 24 A,
R1 10 R1
and I2 = .I/
R1 + R2
V 240
I2 D D D 12 A
R2 20
Problem 12. For the series-parallel
V 240 arrangement shown in Fig. 5.24, find (a) the
and I3 D D D 8A
R3 30 supply current, (b) the current flowing
through each resistor and (c) the p.d. across
For a parallel circuit I D I1 C I2 C I3 each resistor.
D 24 C 12 C 8 D 44 A, as above)
V 200
ID D D 25 A
RT 8
(b) The current flowing through R1 and R4 is 25 A.
The current flowing through
R3 2
R2 D ID 25
R2 C R3 6C2
D 6.25 A
Figure 5.26
The current flowing through
R2 (a) Power dissipated P D VI watts, hence
R3 D I 2500 D 250 I
R2 C R3
6 2500
D 25 D 18.75 A i.e. I D D 10 A
6C2 250
From Ohm’s law,
(Note that the currents flowing through R2 and
R3 must add up to the total current flowing into V 250
the parallel arrangement, i.e. 25 A) RT D D D 25 ,
I 10
(c) The equivalent circuit of Fig. 5.24 is shown in where RT is the equivalent circuit resistance.
Fig. 5.25 The equivalent resistance of R1 and R2 in par-
allel is
15 ð 10 150
D D 6
15 C 10 25
The equivalent resistance of resistors R3 and Rx
Figure 5.25 in parallel is equal to 25 6 , i.e. 19 .
There are three methods whereby Rx can be R1 15
determined. Current I2 D ID 10
R1 C R2 15 C 10
Method 1 3
D 10 D 6 A
The voltage V1 D IR, where R is 6 , from above,
i.e. V1 D 10 6 D 60 V. Hence From part (a), method 1, I3 = I4 = 5 A
V2 D 250 V 60 V D 190 V
Problem 14. For the arrangement shown in
D p.d. across R3
Fig. 5.27, find the current Ix .
D p.d. across Rx
V2 190
I3 D D D 5 A.
R3 38
Thus I4 D 5 A also, since I D 10 A. Thus
V2 190
Rx D D D 38 Z
I4 5
Figure 5.27
Method 2
Commencing at the right-hand side of the arrange-
Since the equivalent resistance of R3 and Rx in ment shown in Fig. 5.27, the circuit is gradually
parallel is 19 , reduced in stages as shown in Fig. 5.28(a)–(d).
38Rx product
19 D i.e.
38 C Rx sum
19 38 C Rx D 38Rx
722 C 19Rx D 38Rx
722 D 38Rx 19Rx D 19Rx
D 19Rx
Thus Rx D D 38 Z
Figure 5.28
Method 3
When two resistors having the same value are con- From Fig. 5.28(d),
nected in parallel the equivalent resistance is always
half the value of one of the resistors. Thus, in 17
this case, since RT D 19 and R3 D 38 , then ID D 4A
Rx D 38 could have been deduced on sight.
From Fig. 5.28(b),
(b) Current I1 D
9 9
R1 C R2 I1 D I D 4 D 3 A
9C3 12
D 10 From Fig. 5.27
15 C 10
2 2 2
D 10 D 4 A Ix D I1 D 3 D 0.6 A
5 2C8 10
9 Determine the currents and voltages indicated now has 240/4 V, i.e. 60 V across it and each
in the circuit shown in Fig. 5.33 now glows even more dimly.
[I1 D 5 A, I2 D 2.5 A, I3 D 1 23 A, I4 D 56 A (iii) If a lamp is removed from the circuit or if a
I5 D 3 A, I6 D 2 A, V1 D 20 V, V2 D 5 V, lamp develops a fault (i.e. an open circuit) or if
V3 D 6 V] the switch is opened, then the circuit is broken,
10 Find the current I in Fig. 5.34 [1.8 A] no current flows, and the remaining lamps will
not light up.
(iv) Less cable is required for a series connection
than for a parallel one.
Parallel connection
Figure 5.36 shows three similar lamps, each rated at
240 V, connected in parallel across a 240 V supply.
Figure 5.33
Figure 5.34
Figure 5.36
5.5 Wiring lamps in series and in (i) Each lamp has 240 V across it and thus each
parallel will glow brilliantly at their rated voltage.
(ii) If any lamp is removed from the circuit or
Series connection develops a fault (open circuit) or a switch is
Figure 5.35 shows three lamps, each rated at 240 V, opened, the remaining lamps are unaffected.
connected in series across a 240 V supply. (iii) The addition of further similar lamps in parallel
(i) Each lamp has only 240/3 V, i.e. 80 V across does not affect the brightness of the other
it and thus each lamp glows dimly. lamps.
(ii) If another lamp of similar rating is added in (iv) More cable is required for parallel connection
series with the other three lamps then each lamp than for a series one.
switch closed the ammeter reading will indi- 10 The total resistance of two resistors R1 and
cate: R2 when connected in parallel is given by:
(a) 34 A (b) 4 A (c) 14 A (d) 1 13 A
1 1
(a) R1 C R2 (b) C
R1 R2
2Ω 6Ω 10 Ω
R1 C R2 R1 R2
(c) (d)
R1 R2 R1 C R2
11 If in the circuit shown in Fig. 5.39, the read-
ing on the voltmeter is 5 V and the reading
on the ammeter is 25 mA, the resistance of
resistor R is:
(a) 0.005 (b) 5
(c) 125 (d) 200
Figure 5.38 R
8 A 10 resistor is connected in parallel with
a 15 resistor and the combination in series V
with a 12 resistor. The equivalent resis-
tance of the circuit is:
(a) 37 (b) 18 (c) 27 (d) 4
9 When three 3 resistors are connected in
parallel, the total resistance is:
(a) 3 (b) 9 Figure 5.39
(c) 1 (d) 0.333
Capacitors and capacitance
Electric field strength, E = volts/metre
Figure 6.2
Q Q Q 5 ð 103
capacitance C = Since C D then V D D
V V C 4 ð 106
5 ð 106 5000
The unit of capacitance is the farad F (or more D D
4 ð 103 4
usually µF D 106 F or pF D 1012 F), which is
Hence p.d. V D 1250 V or 1.25 kV
defined as the capacitance when a p.d. of one volt
appears across the plates when charged with one (b) C D 50 pF D 50 ð 1012 F and
coulomb. V D 2 kV D 2000 V
Q D CV D 50 ð 1012 ð 2000
6.4 Capacitors 5ð2
D D 0.1 ð 106
Every system of electrical conductors possesses
capacitance. For example, there is capacitance Hence, charge Q D 0.1 mC
between the conductors of overhead transmission
lines and also between the wires of a telephone Problem 2. A direct current of 4 A flows
cable. In these examples the capacitance is into a previously uncharged 20 µF capacitor
undesirable but has to be accepted, minimized or for 3 ms. Determine the p.d. between
compensated for. There are other situations where the plates.
capacitance is a desirable property.
Devices specially constructed to possess capaci-
tance are called capacitors (or condensers, as they I D 4 A, C D 20 µF D 20 ð 106 F and t D 3 ms D
used to be called). In its simplest form a capaci- 3 ð 103 s. Q D It D 4 ð 3 ð 103 C.
tor consists of two plates which are separated by
an insulating material known as a dielectric. A Q 4 ð 3 ð 103
capacitor has the ability to store a quantity of static C 20 ð 106
The symbols for a fixed capacitor and a variable 12 ð 106
D D 0.6 ð 103 D 600 V
capacitor used in electrical circuit diagrams are 20 ð 103
shown in Fig. 6.4
Hence, the p.d. between the plates is 600 V
Hence, the capacitor can provide an average Electric flux density is also called charge den-
discharge current of 2 mA for 2 s. sity, .
Figure 6.5
e0 er A
Capacitance, C = farads
d (a) Area A D 4 cm2 D 4 ð 104 m2 ,
d D 0.1 mm D 0.1 ð 103 m,
ε0 D 8.85 ð 1012 F/m and εr D 100
where ε0 D 8.85 ð 1012 F/m (constant)
εr D relative permittivity Capacitance,
Figure 6.7
i.e. the equivalent capacitance of a group of parallel- i.e. for series-connected capacitors, the reciprocal
connected capacitors is the sum of the capacitances
of the equivalent capacitance is equal to the sum of
of the individual capacitors. (Note that this for-
the reciprocals of the individual capacitances. (Note
mula is similar to that used for resistors connected
in series). that this formula is similar to that used for resistors
connected in parallel).
For the special case of two capacitors in series:
(b) Capacitors connected in series
Figure 6.7 shows three capacitors, C1 , C2 and C3 , 1 1 1 C 2 C C1
connected in series across a supply voltage V. Let D C D
C C1 C2 C1 C2
Hence C D C1 C C 2 C C 3 C C 4
i.e. C D 1 C 3 C 5 C 6 D 15 mF
C1 C2 product
C = i.e. (b) Total charge QT D CV where C is the equiva-
C1 + C2 sum
lent circuit capacitance i.e.
Now try the following exercise charge on each capacitor and (c) the p.d.
across each capacitor.
[(a) 4 µF (b) 3 mC (c) 250 V]
Exercise 27 Further problems on
capacitors in parallel and series 8 If two capacitors having capacitances of
3 µF and 5 µF respectively are connected
1 Capacitors of 2 µF and 6 µF are connected in series across a 240 V supply, determine
(a) in parallel and (b) in series. Determine the (a) the p.d. across each capacitor and (b) the
equivalent capacitance in each case. charge on each capacitor.
[(a) 8 µF (b) 1.5 µF] [(a) 150 V, 90 V (b) 0.45 mC on each]
2 Find the capacitance to be connected in series 9 In Fig. 6.12 capacitors P, Q and R are iden-
with a 10 µF capacitor for the equivalent tical and the total equivalent capacitance of
capacitance to be 6 µF [15 µF] the circuit is 3 µF. Determine the values of
P, Q and R [4.2 µF each]
3 What value of capacitance would be obtained
if capacitors of 0.15 µF and 0.10 µF are con-
nected (a) in series and (b) in parallel
[(a) 0.06 µF (b) 0.25 µF]
4 Two 6 µF capacitors are connected in series
with one having a capacitance of 12 µF. Find
the total equivalent circuit capacitance. What
capacitance must be added in series to obtain
a capacitance of 1.2 µF? [2.4 µF, 2.4 µF]
Figure 6.12
5 Determine the equivalent capacitance when
the following capacitors are connected (a) in 10 Capacitances of 4 µF, 8 µF and 16 µF are
parallel and (b) in series: connected in parallel across a 200 V supply.
(i) 2 µF, 4 µF and 8 µF Determine (a) the equivalent capacitance,
(ii) 0.02 µF, 0.05 µF and 0.10 µF (b) the total charge and (c) the charge on
(iii) 50 pF and 450 pF each capacitor.
(iv) 0.01 µF and 200 pF [(a) 28 µF (b) 5.6 mC
[(a) (i) 14 µF (ii) 0.17 µF (c) 0.8 mC, 1.6 mC, 3.2 mC]
(iii) 500 pF (iv) 0.0102 µF 11 A circuit consists of two capacitors P and Q
(b) (i) 1.143 µF (ii) 0.0125 µF in parallel, connected in series with another
capacitor R. The capacitances of P, Q and R
(iii) 45 pF (iv) 196.1 pF] are 4 µF, 12 µF and 8 µF respectively. When
6 For the arrangement shown in Fig. 6.11 find the circuit is connected across a 300 V d.c.
(a) the equivalent circuit capacitance and supply find (a) the total capacitance of the
(b) the voltage across a 4.5 µF capacitor. circuit, (b) the p.d. across each capacitor
[(a) 1.2 µF (b) 100 V] and (c) the charge on each capacitor.
[(a) 5.33 µF (b) 100 V across P, 100 V across
Q, 200 V across R (c) 0.4 mC on P, 1.2 mC
on Q, 1.6 mC on R]
energy 0.24
Problem 15. A capacitor is to be (b) Power D D W D 24 kW
constructed so that its capacitance is 0.2 µF time 10 ð 106
and to take a p.d. of 1.25 kV across its
terminals. The dielectric is to be mica which, Problem 17. A 12 µF capacitor is required
after allowing a safety factor of 2, has a to store 4 J of energy. Find the p.d. to which
dielectric strength of 50 MV/m. Find (a) the the capacitor must be charged.
thickness of the mica needed, and (b) the
area of a plate assuming a two-plate
construction. (Assume εr for mica to be 6). Energy stored
(a) Dielectric strength, 2
V hence V2 D
V 1.25 ð 103 2W 2ð4
i.e. dD D m and p.d. V D D
E 50 ð 106 c 12 ð 106
D 0.025 mm
2 ð 106
(b) Capacitance, D D 816.5 V
ε0 εr A
CD Problem 18. A capacitor is charged with
10 mC. If the energy stored is 1.2 J find
(a) the voltage and (b) the capacitance.
Cd 0.2 ð 106 ð 0.025 ð 103 2
area A D D m
ε0 εr 8.85 ð 1012 ð 6
Energy stored W D 12 CV2 and C D Q/V. Hence
2 2
D 0.09416 m D 941.6 cm
1 Q
2 V
6.10 Energy stored in capacitors
D 12 QV from which
The energy, W, stored by a capacitor is given by
W = CV 2 joules Q D 10 mC D 10 ð 103 C
and W D 1.2 J
1 Q 10 ð 103 10 ð 106
W D CV2 joules D 12 ð 3 ð 106 ð 4002 V 240 240 ð 103
3 D 41.67 mF
D ð 16 ð 102 D 0.24 J
Now try the following exercise plates rotate on a spindle as shown by the end
view of Fig. 6.13.
As the moving plates are rotated through half a
Exercise 28 Further problems on energy revolution, the meshing, and therefore the capac-
stored in capacitors itance, varies from a minimum to a maximum
value. Variable air capacitors are used in radio
(Assume ε0 D 8.85 ð 1012 F/m) and electronic circuits where very low losses
are required, or where a variable capacitance is
1 When a capacitor is connected across a 200 V needed. The maximum value of such capacitors
supply the charge is 4 µC. Find (a) the capac- is between 500 pF and 1000 pF.
itance and (b) the energy stored
[(a) 0.02 µF (b) 0.4 mJ]
2 Find the energy stored in a 10 µF capacitor
when charged to 2 kV [20 J]
3 A 3300 pF capacitor is required to store 0.5 mJ
of energy. Find the p.d. to which the capacitor
must be charged. [550 V] Figure 6.13
4 A capacitor is charged with 8 mC. If the energy
stored is 0.4 J find (a) the voltage and (b) the 2. Mica capacitors. A typical older type construc-
capacitance. [(a) 100 V (b) 80 µF] tion is shown in Fig. 6.14.
5 A capacitor, consisting of two metal plates
each of area 50 cm2 and spaced 0.2 mm apart
in air, is connected across a 120 V supply.
Calculate (a) the energy stored, (b) the electric
flux density and (c) the potential gradient
[(a) 1.593 µJ (b) 5.31 µC/m2 (c) 600 kV/m]
6 A bakelite capacitor is to be constructed to
have a capacitance of 0.04 µF and to have
a steady working potential of 1 kV maxi- Figure 6.14
mum. Allowing a safe value of field stress
of 25 MV/m find (a) the thickness of bakelite
required, (b) the area of plate required if the Usually the whole capacitor is impregnated with
relative permittivity of bakelite is 5, (c) the wax and placed in a bakelite case. Mica is easily
maximum energy stored by the capacitor and obtained in thin sheets and is a good insulator.
(d) the average power developed if this energy However, mica is expensive and is not used in
is dissipated in a time of 20 µs. capacitors above about 0.2 µF. A modified form
[(a) 0.04 mm (b) 361.6 cm2 of mica capacitor is the silvered mica type. The
mica is coated on both sides with a thin layer
(c) 0.02 J (d) 1 kW] of silver which forms the plates. Capacitance
is stable and less likely to change with age.
Such capacitors have a constant capacitance with
change of temperature, a high working voltage
6.11 Practical types of capacitor rating and a long service life and are used in high
frequency circuits with fixed values of capaci-
Practical types of capacitor are characterized by the tance up to about 1000 pF.
material used for their dielectric. The main types
include: variable air, mica, paper, ceramic, plastic, 3. Paper capacitors. A typical paper capacitor is
titanium oxide and electrolytic. shown in Fig. 6.15 where the length of the roll
corresponds to the capacitance required.
1. Variable air capacitors. These usually consist The whole is usually impregnated with oil or
of two sets of metal plates (such as aluminium), wax to exclude moisture, and then placed in a
one fixed, the other variable. The set of moving plastic or aluminium container for protection.
Figure 6.17
Figure 6.15
2 The capacitance of a capacitor is the ratio (d) is proportional to the relative permittivity
(a) charge to p.d. between plates of the dielectric
(b) p.d. between plates to plate spacing 8 Which of the following statement is false?
(c) p.d. between plates to thickness of dielec- (a) An air capacitor is normally a vari-
tric able type
(d) p.d. between plates to charge (b) A paper capacitor generally has a shorter
3 The p.d. across a 10 µF capacitor to charge it service life than most other types of
with 10 mC is capacitor
(a) 10 V (b) 1 kV (c) An electrolytic capacitor must be used
only on a.c. supplies
(c) 1 V (d) 10 V (d) Plastic capacitors generally operate sat-
4 The charge on a 10 pF capacitor when the isfactorily under conditions of high tem-
voltage applied to it is 10 kV is perature
(a) 100 µC (b) 0.1 C 9 The energy stored in a 10 µF capacitor when
charged to 500 V is
(c) 0.1 µC (d) 0.01 µC
(a) 1.25 mJ (b) 0.025 µJ
5 Four 2 µF capacitors are connected in paral- (c) 1.25 J (d) 1.25 C
lel. The equivalent capacitance is
10 The capacitance of a variable air capacitor is
(a) 8 µF (b) 0.5 µF at maximum when
(c) 2 µF (d) 6 µF (a) the movable plates half overlap the fixed
6 Four 2 µF capacitors are connected in series. (b) the movable plates are most widely sep-
The equivalent capacitance is arated from the fixed plates
(a) 8 µF (b) 0.5 µF (c) both sets of plates are exactly meshed
(d) the movable plates are closer to one side
(c) 2 µF (d) 6 µF
of the fixed plate than to the other
7 State which of the following is false. 11 When a voltage of 1 kV is applied to a capac-
The capacitance of a capacitor itor, the charge on the capacitor is 500 nC.
(a) is proportional to the cross-sectional area The capacitance of the capacitor is:
of the plates
(b) is proportional to the distance between (a) 2 ð 109 F (b) 0.5 pF
the plates (c) 0.5 mF (d) 0.5 nF
(c) depends on the number of plates
Magnetic circuits
Figure 7.2
= m0
= m 0 mr
Ring Cast iron 0.3 ð 103 10 ð 104 0.3 1000 0.2 200
Table 2
T 0.04 0.13 0.17 0.30 0.41 0.49 0.60 0.68 0.73 0.76 0.79
H A/m 200 400 500 1000 1500 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
107 B
r D ð 159 259 271 239 218 195 159 135 116 101 90
4 H
r is plotted against H as shown in Fig. 7.4. 5 Find the relative permeability of a piece of
The curve demonstrates the change that occurs in silicon iron if a flux density of 1.3 T is pro-
the relative permeability as the magnetising force duced by a magnetic field strength of 700 A/m
increases. [1478]
6 A steel ring of mean diameter 120 mm is
uniformly wound with 1 500 turns of wire.
When a current of 0.30 A is passed through
the coil a flux density of 1.5 T is set up in
the steel. Find the relative permeability of the
steel under these conditions. [1000]
7 A uniform ring of cast steel has a cross-
sectional area of 5 cm2 and a mean circum-
ference of 15 cm. Find the current required
in a coil of 1200 turns wound on the ring to
produce a flux of 0.8 mWb. (Use the magneti-
sation curve for cast steel shown on page 71)
[0.60 A]
8 (a) A uniform mild steel ring has a diameter
of 50 mm and a cross-sectional area of 1 cm2 .
Determine the m.m.f. necessary to produce a
Figure 7.4
flux of 50 µWb in the ring. (Use the B–H
curve for mild steel shown on page 71) (b)
If a coil of 440 turns is wound uniformly
around the ring in Part (a) what current would
Now try the following exercise
be required to produce the flux?
[(a) 110 A (b) 0.25 A]
Exercise 32 Further problems on 9 From the magnetisation curve for mild steel
magnetic circuits shown on page 71, derive the curve of relative
permeability against magnetic field strength.
(Where appropriate, assume
0 D 4ð 107 H/m) From your graph determine (a) the value of
when the magnetic field strength is 1200 A/m,
1 Find the magnetic field strength and the mag- and (b) the value of the magnetic field strength
netomotive force needed to produce a flux den- when
r is 500 [(a) 590–600 (b) 2000]
sity of 0.33 T in an air-gap of length 15 mm.
[(a) 262 600 A/m (b) 3939 A]
2 An air-gap between two pole pieces is 20 mm
in length and the area of the flux path across
the gap is 5 cm2 . If the flux required in the 7.5 Reluctance
air-gap is 0.75 mWb find the m.m.f. necessary.
[23 870 A]
Reluctance S (or RM ) is the ‘magnetic resistance’ of
3 (a) Determine the flux density produced in an a magnetic circuit to the presence of magnetic flux.
air-cored solenoid due to a uniform magnetic Reluctance,
field strength of 8000 A/m (b) Iron having a
relative permeability of 150 at 8000 A/m is FM NI Hl l l
inserted into the solenoid of part (a). Find the S D D D D D
B/HA m0 mr A
flux density now in the solenoid.
[(a) 10.05 mT (b) 1.508 T]
The unit of reluctance is 1/H
or H1 or A/Wb.
4 Find the relative permeability of a material if Ferromagnetic materials have a low reluctance
the absolute permeability is 4.084ð104 H/m. and can be used as magnetic screens to prevent
[325] magnetic fields affecting materials within the screen.
Ring Silicon iron 0.7 ð 103 5 ð 104 1.4 1650 0.4 660
(from graph)
Air-gap Air 0.7 ð 103 5 ð 104 1.4 2 ð 103 2228
4 ð 107
D 1 114 000
Total: 2888 A
A Mild steel 500 ð 106 500 ð 106 1.0 1400 400 ð 103 560
B Cast steel 500 ð 106 312.5 ð 106 1.6 4800 300 ð 103 1440
Total: 2000 A
carrying 2 A, find the value of flux existing in 6 Figure 7.8 shows the magnetic circuit of a
the circuit. [0.195 mWb] relay. When each of the air gaps are 1.5 mm
wide find the mmf required to produce a flux
2 (a) A cast steel ring has a cross-sectional area density of 0.75 T in the air gaps. Use the B–H
of 600 mm2 and a radius of 25 mm. Deter- curves shown on page 71. [2970 A]
mine the mmf necessary to establish a flux of
0.8 mWb in the ring. Use the B–H curve for
cast steel shown on page 71. (b) If a radial air
gap 1.5 mm wide is cut in the ring of part (a)
find the m.m.f. now necessary to maintain the
same flux in the ring. [(a) 270 A (b)1860 A]
3 A closed magnetic circuit made of silicon
iron consists of a 40 mm long path of cross-
sectional area 90 mm2 and a 15 mm long path
of cross-sectional area 70 mm2 . A coil of 50
turns is wound around the 40 mm length of
the circuit and a current of 0.39 A flows. Find
the flux density in the 15 mm length path if
the relative permeability of the silicon iron
at this value of magnetising force is 3 000.
[1.59 T]
Figure 7.8
4 For the magnetic circuit shown in Fig. 7.7 find
the current I in the coil needed to produce a
flux of 0.45 mWb in the air-gap. The silicon
iron magnetic circuit has a uniform cross-
sectional area of 3 cm2 and its magnetisation
curve is as shown on page 71. [0.83 A]
7.7 Comparison between electrical and
magnetic quantities
particular value of H, shown as Oy, it becomes The area of a hysteresis loop varies with the type
difficult to increase the flux density any further. of material. The area, and thus the energy loss,
The material is said to be saturated. Thus by is the is much greater for hard materials than for soft
saturation flux density. materials.
Figure 7.10 shows typical hysteresis loops for:
Figure 7.9
Hysteresis loss
For a.c.-excited devices the hysteresis loop is
A disturbance in the alignment of the domains (i.e. repeated every cycle of alternating current. Thus
groups of atoms) of a ferromagnetic material causes a hysteresis loop with a large area (as with hard
energy to be expended in taking it through a cycle steel) is often unsuitable since the energy loss
of magnetisation. This energy appears as heat in the would be considerable. Silicon steel has a narrow
specimen and is called the hysteresis loss hysteresis loop, and thus small hysteresis loss, and is
The energy loss associated with hysteresis is suitable for transformer cores and rotating machine
proportional to the area of the hysteresis loop. armatures.
(d) Absolute permeability is measured in 12 The effect of an air gap in a magnetic circuit
henrys per metre is to:
10 The current flowing in a 500 turn coil wound (a) increase the reluctance
on an iron ring is 4 A. The reluctance of the (b) reduce the flux density
circuit is 2 ð 106 H. The flux produced is: (c) divide the flux
(d) reduce the magnetomotive force
(a) 1 Wb (b) 1000 Wb
13 Two bar magnets are placed parallel to each
(c) 1 mWb (d) 62.5 µWb other and about 2 cm apart, such that the
11 A comparison can be made between magnetic south pole of one magnet is adjacent to the
and electrical quantities. From the following north pole of the other. With this arrange-
list, match the magnetic quantities with their ment, the magnets will:
equivalent electrical quantities. (a) attract each other
(b) have no effect on each other
(a) current (b) reluctance (c) repel each other
(c) e.m.f. (d) flux (d) lose their magnetism
(e) m.m.f. (f) resistance
Assignment 2
The marks for each question are shown in brackets at the end of each question.
Figure A2.1
If the current direction is reversed, the direction of When dealing with magnetic fields formed by
the lines of flux is also reversed. The effect on both electric current it is usual to portray the effect as
the iron filings and the compass needle disappears shown in Fig. 8.3 The convention adopted is:
when the current is switched off. The magnetic
field is thus produced by the electric current. The (i) Current flowing away from the viewer, i.e. into
magnetic flux produced has the same properties the paper, is indicated by ý. This may be
as the flux produced by a permanent magnet. If thought of as the feathered end of the shaft of
the current is increased the strength of the field an arrow. See Fig. 8.3(a).
increases and, as for the permanent magnet, the
field strength decreases as we move away from the (ii) Current flowing towards the viewer, i.e. out
current-carrying conductor. of the paper, is indicated by þ. This may
In Fig. 8.1, the effect of only a small part of be thought of as the point of an arrow. See
the magnetic field is shown. If the whole length of Fig. 8.3(b).
the conductor is similarly investigated it is found
that the magnetic field round a straight conductor
is in the form of concentric cylinders as shown
in Fig. 8.2, the field direction depending on the
direction of the current flow.
Figure 8.3
Figure 8.4
becoming magnetised and behaving like a perma- The magnetic field associated with the solenoid in
nent magnet. The direction of the magnetic field Fig. 8.5 is similar to the field associated with a bar
produced by the current I in the solenoid may be magnet and is as shown in Fig. 8.6 The polarity of
found by either of two methods, i.e. the screw rule the field is determined either by the screw rule or by
or the grip rule. the grip rule. Thus the north pole is at the bottom
and the south pole at the top.
(a) The screw rule states that if a normal right-
hand thread screw is placed along the axis of the
solenoid and is screwed in the direction of the
current it moves in the direction of the magnetic 8.2 Electromagnets
field inside the solenoid. The direction of the
magnetic field inside the solenoid is from south The solenoid is very important in electromagnetic
to north. Thus in Figures 4(a) and (b) the north theory since the magnetic field inside the solenoid
pole is to the right. is practically uniform for a particular current, and
is also versatile, inasmuch that a variation of the
(b) The grip rule states that if the coil is gripped current can alter the strength of the magnetic field.
with the right hand, with the fingers pointing An electromagnet, based on the solenoid, provides
in the direction of the current, then the thumb, the basis of many items of electrical equipment,
outstretched parallel to the axis of the solenoid, examples of which include electric bells, relays,
points in the direction of the magnetic field lifting magnets and telephone receivers.
inside the solenoid.
Figure 8.8
When the conductor and the field are at an angle ° B D 0.9 T, I D 20 A and l D 30 cm D 0.30 m
to each other then: Force F D BIl D 0.9200.30 newtons when the
conductor is at right-angles to the field, as shown in
Force F = BIl sin q newtons Fig. 8.12(a), i.e. F = 5.4 N.
Figure 8.11
Figure 8.13
Problem 2. A conductor carries a current of
20 A and is at right-angles to a magnetic
field having a flux density of 0.9 T. If the The direction of the force exerted on a conductor
length of the conductor in the field is 30 cm, can be pre-determined by using Fleming’s left-hand
calculate the force acting on the conductor. rule (often called the motor rule) which states:
Determine also the value of the force if the Let the thumb, first finger and second finger of the
conductor is inclined at an angle of 30° to left hand be extended such that they are all at right-
the direction of the field. angles to each other, (as shown in Fig. 8.14) If the
first finger points in the direction of the magnetic
Force F D BIl, and B D hence
force F D Il
0.5 ð 103
D 100.35 newtons
i.e. force D 0.155 N
Figure 8.14
Problem 5. With reference to Fig. 8.15
determine (a) the direction of the force on
Problem 3. Determine the current required the conductor in Fig. 8.15(a), (b) the
in a 400 mm length of conductor of an direction of the force on the conductor in
electric motor, when the conductor is situated Fig. 8.15(b), (c) the direction of the current
at right-angles to a magnetic field of flux in Fig. 8.15(c), (d) the polarity of the
density 1.2 T, if a force of 1.92 N is to be magnetic system in Fig. 8.15(d).
exerted on the conductor. If the conductor is
vertical, the current flowing downwards and
the direction of the magnetic field is from left
to right, what is the direction of the force?
current I D D 4A (a) The direction of the main magnetic field is from
north to south, i.e. left to right. The current is
If the current flows downwards, the direction of flowing towards the viewer, and using the screw
its magnetic field due to the current alone will rule, the direction of the field is anticlockwise.
be clockwise when viewed from above. The lines Hence either by Fleming’s left-hand rule, or
of flux will reinforce (i.e. strengthen) the main by sketching the interacting magnetic field as
magnetic field at the back of the conductor and shown in Fig. 8.16(a), the direction of the force
will be in opposition in the front (i.e. weaken the on the conductor is seen to be upward.
field). Hence the force on the conductor will
be from back to front (i.e. toward the viewer). (b) Using a similar method to part (a) it is seen that
This direction may also have been deduced using the force on the conductor is to the right – see
Fleming’s left-hand rule. Fig. 8.16(b).
flux density 0.75 T, the axis being perpendicular reversed and the coil rotates past this position the
to the field. If the coil carries a current of forces acting on it change direction and it rotates in
120 mA, determine the force exerted on each the opposite direction thus never making more than
coil side, (a) for a single-turn coil, (b) for a coil half a revolution. The current direction is reversed
wound with 400 turns. every time the coil swings through the vertical
[(a) 2.25 ð 103 N (b) 0.9 N] position and thus the coil rotates anti-clockwise for
as long as the current flows. This is the principle
of operation of a d.c. motor which is thus a device
that takes in electrical energy and converts it into
mechanical energy.
Figure 8.18
6 The direction of the force on a conductor in 4 For the current-carrying conductor lying in
a magnetic field may be predetermined using the magnetic field shown in Fig. 8.20(b), the
Fleming’s . . . . . . rule. direction of the current in the conductor is:
7 State three applications of the force on a (a) towards the viewer
current-carrying conductor. (b) away from the viewer
8 Figure 8.19 shows a simplified diagram of
a section through the coil of a moving-coil
instrument. For the direction of current flow
shown in the coil determine the direction that
the pointer will move.
Figure 8.20
Electromagnetic induction
In a generator, conductors forming an electric cir- (a) If the ends of the conductor are open circuited
cuit are made to move through a magnetic field. By no current will flow even though 1.5 V has been
Faraday’s law an e.m.f. is induced in the conductors induced.
and thus a source of e.m.f. is created. A generator (b) From Ohm’s law,
converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
(The action of a simple a.c. generator is described E 1.5
ID D D 0.075 A or 75 mA
in Chapter 14). R 20
The induced e.m.f. E set up between the ends of
the conductor shown in Fig. 9.3 is given by:
Problem 2. At what velocity must a
conductor 75 mm long cut a magnetic field
E = Blv volts of flux density 0.6 T if an e.m.f. of 9 V is to
be induced in it? Assume the conductor, the
field and the direction of motion are
mutually perpendicular.
where B, the flux density, is measured in teslas, Problem 3. A conductor moves with a
l, the length of conductor in the magnetic field, is velocity of 15 m/s at an angle of (a) 90°
measured in metres, and v, the conductor velocity, (b) 60° and (c) 30° to a magnetic field
is measured in metres per second. produced between two square-faced poles of
If the conductor moves at an angle ° to the mag- side length 2 cm. If the flux leaving a pole
netic field (instead of at 90° as assumed above) then face is 5 µWb, find the magnitude of the
induced e.m.f. in each case.
Now try the following exercise called self inductance, L When the e.m.f. is induced
in a circuit by a change of flux due to current
changing in an adjacent circuit, the property is called
Exercise 41 Further problems on induced mutual inductance, M. The unit of inductance is
e.m.f. the henry, H.
1 A conductor of length 15 cm is moved at A circuit has an inductance of one henry when
750 mm/s at right-angles to a uniform flux an e.m.f. of one volt is induced in it by a cur-
density of 1.2 T. Determine the e.m.f. induced rent changing at the rate of one ampere per second
in the conductor. [0.135 V] Induced e.m.f. in a coil of N turns,
2 Find the speed that a conductor of length
120 mm must be moved at right angles to a d8
E = −N volts
magnetic field of flux density 0.6 T to induce dt
in it an e.m.f. of 1.8 V [25 m/s]
3 A 25 cm long conductor moves at a uniform where d is the change in flux in Webers, and dt is
speed of 8 m/s through a uniform magnetic the time taken for the flux to change in seconds (i.e.
field of flux density 1.2 T. Determine the cur- dt
is the rate of change of flux).
rent flowing in the conductor when (a) its ends Induced e.m.f. in a coil of inductance L henrys,
are open-circuited, (b) its ends are connected
to a load of 15 ohms resistance.
[(a) 0 (b) 0.16 A] dI
E = −L volts
4 A straight conductor 500 mm long is moved
with constant velocity at right angles both to
its length and to a uniform magnetic field. where dI is the change in current in amperes and dt
Given that the e.m.f. induced in the conductor is the time taken for the current to change in seconds
is 2.5 V and the velocity is 5 m/s, calculate (i.e. dI
dt is the rate of change of current). The minus
the flux density of the magnetic field. If the sign in each of the above two equations remind us
conductor forms part of a closed circuit of total of its direction (given by Lenz’s law)
resistance 5 ohms, calculate the force on the
conductor. [1 T, 0.25 N]
Problem 6. Determine the e.m.f. induced in
5 A car is travelling at 80 km/h. Assuming the a coil of 200 turns when there is a change of
back axle of the car is 1.76 m in length and flux of 25 mWb linking with it in 50 ms.
the vertical component of the earth’s magnetic
field is 40 µT, find the e.m.f. generated in the
axle due to motion. [1.56 mV] d
Induced e.m.f. E D N
6 A conductor moves with a velocity of 20 m/s dt
at an angle of (a) 90° (b) 45° (c) 30° , to a
magnetic field produced between two square- 25 ð 103
faced poles of side length 2.5 cm. If the flux on 50 ð 103
the pole face is 60 mWb, find the magnitude D 100 volts
of the induced e.m.f. in each case.
[(a) 48 V (b) 33.9 V (c) 24 V]
Problem 7. A flux of 400 µWb passing
through a 150-turn coil is reversed in 40 ms.
Find the average e.m.f. induced.
9.3 Inductance
Inductance is the name given to the property of a Since the flux reverses, the flux changes from
circuit whereby there is an e.m.f. induced into the C400 µWb to 400 µWb, a total change of flux of
circuit by the change of flux linkages produced by 800 µWb.
a current change.
When the e.m.f. is induced in the same circuit as d
that in which the current is changing, the property is Induced e.m.f. E D N
800 ð 106 LdI
150 time dt D D
40 ð 103 jEj 40
150 ð 800 ð 103 D 0.045 s or 45 ms
40 ð 106
Now try the following exercise
Hence, the average e.m.f. induced, E D 3 volts
Iron iron core
W = 12 LI 2 joules
L= henrys
Figure 9.8
Problem 12. Calculate the coil inductance Problem 15. A 750 turn coil of inductance
when a current of 4 A in a coil of 800 turns 3 H carries a current of 2 A. Calculate the
produces a flux of 5 mWb linking with the flux linking the coil and the e.m.f. induced in
coil. the coil when the current collapses to zero in
20 ms.
For a coil, inductance
5 ð 103 Coil inductance, L D from which, flux
I 4
D D D 8 ð 103 D 8 mWb
Problem 13. A flux of 25 mWb links with a N 750
1500 turn coil when a current of 3 A passes Induced e.m.f.
through the coil. Calculate (a) the inductance
of the coil, (b) the energy stored in the dI 20
magnetic field, and (c) the average e.m.f. dt 20 ð 103
induced if the current falls to zero in 150 ms.
D 300 V
5 Calculate the coil inductance when a current Induced e.m.f. jE2 j D MdI1 /dt, i.e. 1.5 D M
of 5 A in a coil of 1000 turns produces a flux Thus mutual inductance,
of 8 mWb linking with the coil. [1.6 H]
6 A coil is wound with 600 turns and has a self M D D 0.0075 H or 7.5 mH
inductance of 2.5 H. What current must flow 200
to set up a flux of 20 mWb ? [4.8 A]
7 When a current of 2 A flows in a coil, the Problem 17. The mutual inductance
flux linking with the coil is 80 µWb. If the between two coils is 18 mH. Calculate the
coil inductance is 0.5 H, calculate the number steady rate of change of current in one coil
of turns of the coil. [12 500] to induce an e.m.f. of 0.72 V in the other.
8 A coil of 1200 turns has a flux of 15 mWb
linking with it when carrying a current of 4 A. dI1
Calculate the coil inductance and the e.m.f. Induced e.m.f. jE2 j D M
induced in the coil when the current collapses Hence rate of change of current,
to zero in 25 ms [4.5 H, 720 V]
dI1 jE2 j 0.72
9 A coil has 300 turns and an inductance of D D D 40 A=s
4.5 mH. How many turns would be needed dt M 0.018
to produce a 0.72 mH coil assuming the same
core is used ? [48 turns] Problem 18. Two coils have a mutual
10 A steady current of 5 A when flowing in a inductance of 0.2 H. If the current in one coil
coil of 1000 turns produces a magnetic flux is changed from 10 A to 4 A in 10 ms,
of 500 µWb. Calculate the inductance of the calculate (a) the average induced e.m.f. in
coil. The current of 5 A is then reversed in the second coil, (b) the change of flux linked
12.5 ms. Calculate the e.m.f. induced in the with the second coil if it is wound with
coil. [0.1 H, 80 V] 500 turns.
induced in one coil when the current in the 10 If a current of I amperes flowing in a coil of
other is increasing at a rate of 30 A/s. N turns produces a flux of webers, the coil
[4.5 V] inductance L is given by L D . . . . . . henrys
2 Determine the mutual inductance between two 11 The energy W stored by an inductor is given
coils when a current changing at 50 A/s in one by W D . . . . . . joules
coil induces an e.m.f. of 80 mV in the other. 12 What is mutual inductance ? State its symbol
[1.6 mH]
13 The mutual inductance between two coils is
3 Two coils have a mutual inductance of 0.75 H. M. The e.m.f. E2 induced in one coil by the
Calculate the magnitude of the e.m.f. induced current changing at
dI1 /dt in the other is
in one coil when a current of 2.5 A in the other given by E2 D . . . . . . volts
coil is reversed in 15 ms [250 V]
4 The mutual inductance between two coils is
240 mH. If the current in one coil changes
from 15 A to 6 A in 12 ms, calculate (a) the Exercise 47 Multi-choice questions on
average e.m.f. induced in the other coil, (b) the electromagnetic induction (Answers on
change of flux linked with the other coil if it page 375)
is wound with 400 turns. 1 A current changing at a rate of 5 A/s in a coil
[(a) 180 V (b) 5.4 mWb] of inductance 5 H induces an e.m.f. of:
5 A mutual inductance of 0.06 H exists between (a) 25 V in the same direction as the applied
two coils. If a current of 6 A in one coil voltage
is reversed in 0.8 s calculate (a) the average (b) 1 V in the same direction as the applied
e.m.f. induced in the other coil, (b) the number voltage
of turns on the other coil if the flux change (c) 25 V in the opposite direction to the
linking with the other coil is 5 mWb applied voltage
[(a) 0.9 V (b) 144] (d) 1 V in the opposite direction to the applied
2 A bar magnet is moved at a steady speed
of 1.0 m/s towards a coil of wire which is
Exercise 46 Short answer questions on connected to a centre-zero galvanometer. The
electromagnetic induction magnet is now withdrawn along the same
path at 0.5 m/s. The deflection of the gal-
1 What is electromagnetic induction? vanometer is in the:
2 State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic (a) same direction as previously, with the
induction magnitude of the deflection doubled
(b) opposite direction as previously, with the
3 State Lenz’s law magnitude of the deflection halved
4 Explain briefly the principle of the generator (c) same direction as previously, with the
magnitude of the deflection halved
5 The direction of an induced e.m.f. in a gen- (d) opposite direction as previously, with the
erator may be determined using Fleming’s magnitude of the deflection doubled
. . . . . . rule
3 When a magnetic flux of 10 Wb links with a
6 The e.m.f. E induced in a moving conduc- circuit of 20 turns in 2 s, the induced e.m.f. is:
tor may be calculated using the formula (a) 1 V (b) 4 V (c) 100 V (d) 400 V
E D Blv. Name the quantities represented
and their units 4 A current of 10 A in a coil of 1000 turns
produces a flux of 10 mWb linking with the
7 What is self-inductance? State its symbol coil. The coil inductance is:
8 State and define the unit of inductance (a) 106 H (b) 1 H
9 When a circuit has an inductance L and the (c) 1 µH (d) 1 mH
current changes at a rate of
di/dt then the 5 An e.m.f. of 1 V is induced in a conductor
induced e.m.f. E is given by E D . . . . . . volts moving at 10 cm/s in a magnetic field of
0.5 T. The effective length of the conductor in (c) as the number of turns increases
the magnetic field is: (d) as the cross-sectional area of the coil
(a) 20 cm (b) 5 m decreases
(c) 20 m (d) 50 m 9 The mutual inductance between two coils,
when a current changing at 20 A/s in one coil
6 Which of the following is false ? induces an e.m.f. of 10 mV in the other, is:
(a) Fleming’s left-hand rule or Lenz’s law (a) 0.5 H (b) 200 mH
may be used to determine the direction (c) 0.5 mH (d) 2 H
of an induced e.m.f.
(b) An induced e.m.f. is set up whenever 10 A strong permanent magnet is plunged into
the magnetic field linking that circuit a coil and left in the coil. What is the effect
changes produced on the coil after a short time?
(c) The direction of an induced e.m.f. is (a) There is no effect
always such as to oppose the effect pro- (b) The insulation of the coil burns out
ducing it (c) A high voltage is induced
(d) The induced e.m.f. in any circuit is pro- (d) The coil winding becomes hot
portional to the rate of change of the 11 Self-inductance occurs when:
magnetic flux linking the circuit (a) the current is changing
(b) the circuit is changing
7 The effect of inductance occurs in an electri-
(c) the flux is changing
cal circuit when:
(d) the resistance is changing
(a) the resistance is changing
(b) the flux is changing 12 Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction
(c) the current is changing are related to:
(a) the e.m.f. of a chemical cell
8 Which of the following statements is false? (b) the e.m.f. of a generator
The inductance of an inductor increases: (c) the current flowing in a conductor
(a) with a short, thick coil (d) the strength of a magnetic field
(b) when wound on an iron core
Electrical measuring instruments and
Suitable for Direct current and Direct and alternating Alternating current
measuring voltage currents and voltage and voltage (reads
(reading in rms value) average value but
scale is adjusted to
give rms value for
sinusoidal waveforms)
Scale Linear Non-linear Linear
Method of control Hairsprings Hairsprings Hairsprings
Method of damping Eddy current Air Eddy current
Frequency limits 20–200 Hz 20–100 kHz
Advantages 1 Linear scale 1 Robust construction 1 Linear scale
2 High sensitivity 2 Relatively cheap 2 High sensitivity
3 Well shielded 3 Measures dc and ac 3 Well shielded from
from stray 4 In frequency range stray magnetic fields
magnetic fields 20–100 Hz reads 4 Lower power
4 Low power rms correctly consumption
consumption regardless of supply 5 Good frequency
wave-form range
Disadvantages 1 Only suitable for 1 Non-linear scale 1 More expensive
dc 2 Affected by stray than moving iron
2 More expensive magnetic fields type
than moving iron 3 Hysteresis errors in 2 Errors caused when
type dc circuits supply is
3 Easily damaged 4 Liable to non-sinusoidal
temperature errors
5 Due to the
inductance of the
solenoid, readings
can be affected by
variation of
Figure 10.3
values. For sinusoidal quantities the indication is 10.6 Shunts and multipliers
0.707Im /0.637Im i.e. 1.11 times the mean value.
Rectifier instruments have scales calibrated in r.m.s. An ammeter, which measures current, has a low
quantities and it is assumed by the manufacturer that resistance (ideally zero) and must be connected in
the a.c. is sinusoidal. series with the circuit.
Ia ra V D Ia ra D Is Rs , hence
RS = ohms Ia ra 0.0425
IS Rs D D D 0.02002
IS 49.96
The milliammeter is converted into a voltmeter by = 20.02 mZ
connecting a high value resistance (called a mul-
tiplier) in series with it as shown in Fig. 10.4(b). Thus for the moving-coil instrument to be used as
From Fig. 10.4(b), an ammeter with a range 0–50 A, a resistance of
value 20.02 m needs to be connected in parallel
V D Va C VM D Ira C IRM with the instrument.
Hence for the moving-coil instrument to be used as input resistance (some as high as 1000 M ) and can
a voltmeter with a range 0–100 V, a resistance of handle a much wider range of frequency (from d.c.
value 12.49 k needs to be connected in series with up to MHz).
the instrument. The digital voltmeter (DVM) is one which
provides a digital display of the voltage being mea-
sured. Advantages of a DVM over analogue instru-
Now try the following exercise ments include higher accuracy and resolution, no
observational or parallex errors (see section 10.20)
and a very high input resistance, constant on all
Exercise 48 Further problems on shunts ranges.
and multipliers A digital multimeter is a DVM with additional
circuitry which makes it capable of measuring a.c.
1 A moving-coil instrument gives f.s.d. for a voltage, d.c. and a.c. current and resistance.
current of 10 mA. Neglecting the resistance Instruments for a.c. measurements are generally
of the instrument, calculate the approximate calibrated with a sinusoidal alternating waveform to
value of series resistance needed to enable the indicate r.m.s. values when a sinusoidal signal is
instrument to measure up to (a) 20 V (b) 100 V applied to the instrument. Some instruments, such
(c) 250 V [(a) 2 k (b) 10 k (c) 25 k ] as the moving-iron and electro-dynamic instruments,
2 A meter of resistance 50 has a f.s.d. of give a true r.m.s. indication. With other instruments
4 mA. Determine the value of shunt resis- the indication is either scaled up from the mean
tance required in order that f.s.d. should be value (such as with the rectified moving-coil instru-
(a) 15 mA (b) 20 A (c) 100 A ment) or scaled down from the peak value.
[(a) 18.18 (b) 10.00 m (c) 2.00 m ] Sometimes quantities to be measured have com-
3 A moving-coil instrument having a resistance plex waveforms (see section 10.13), and whenever a
of 20 , gives a f.s.d. when the current is quantity is non-sinusoidal, errors in instrument read-
ings can occur if the instrument has been calibrated
5 mA. Calculate the value of the multiplier to
for sine waves only. Such waveform errors can be
be connected in series with the instrument so
largely eliminated by using electronic instruments.
that it can be used as a voltmeter for measuring
p.d.’s up to 200 V [39.98 k ]
4 A moving-coil instrument has a f.s.d. of 20 mA
and a resistance of 25 . Calculate the val- 10.8 The ohmmeter
ues of resistance required to enable the instru-
ment to be used (a) as a 0–10 A ammeter, An ohmmeter is an instrument for measuring
and (b) as a 0–100 V voltmeter. State the electrical resistance. A simple ohmmeter circuit
mode of resistance connection in each case. is shown in Fig. 10.7(a). Unlike the ammeter or
[(a) 50.10 m in parallel voltmeter, the ohmmeter circuit does not receive the
(b) 4.975 k in series] energy necessary for its operation from the circuit
under test. In the ohmmeter this energy is supplied
5 A meter has a resistance of 40 and reg- by a self-contained source of voltage, such as a
isters a maximum deflection when a cur- battery. Initially, terminals XX are short-circuited
rent of 15 mA flows. Calculate the value of
resistance that converts the movement into
(a) an ammeter with a maximum deflection of
50 A (b) a voltmeter with a range 0–250 V
[(a) 12.00 m in parallel
(b) 16.63 k in series]
and R adjusted to give f.s.d. on the milliammeter. If supplied to a load. The instrument has two coils:
current I is at a maximum value and voltage E is
constant, then resistance R D E/I is at a minimum (i) a current coil, which is connected in series with
value. Thus f.s.d. on the milliammeter is made zero the load, like an ammeter, and
on the resistance scale. When terminals XX are
(ii) a voltage coil, which is connected in parallel
open circuited no current flows and R D E/O is
with the load, like a voltmeter.
infinity, 1.
The milliammeter can thus be calibrated directly
in ohms. A cramped (non-linear) scale results and is
‘back to front’, as shown in Fig. 10.7(b). When cal- 10.11 Instrument ‘loading’ effect
ibrated, an unknown resistance is placed between
terminals XX and its value determined from the Some measuring instruments depend for their oper-
position of the pointer on the scale. An ohmme- ation on power taken from the circuit in which
ter designed for measuring low values of resis- measurements are being made. Depending on the
tance is called a continuity tester. An ohmmeter ‘loading’ effect of the instrument (i.e. the current
designed for measuring high values of resistance taken to enable it to operate), the prevailing circuit
(i.e. megohms) is called an insulation resistance conditions may change.
tester (e.g. ‘Megger’). The resistance of voltmeters may be calculated
since each have a stated sensitivity (or ‘figure of
merit’), often stated in ‘k per volt’ of f.s.d. A volt-
meter should have as high a resistance as possible
10.9 Multimeters (– ideally infinite). In a.c. circuits the impedance of
the instrument varies with frequency and thus the
Instruments are manufactured that combine a loading effect of the instrument can change.
moving-coil meter with a number of shunts and
series multipliers, to provide a range of readings
on a single scale graduated to read current and Problem 3. Calculate the power dissipated
voltage. If a battery is incorporated then resistance by the voltmeter and by resistor R in
can also be measured. Such instruments are Fig. 10.9 when (a) R D 250
called multimeters or universal instruments or (b) R D 2 M . Assume that the voltmeter
multirange instruments. An ‘Avometer’ is a typical sensitivity (sometimes called figure of merit)
example. A particular range may be selected either is 10 k /V
by the use of separate terminals or by a selector
switch. Only one measurement can be performed at
a time. Often such instruments can be used in a.c. as
well as d.c. circuits when a rectifier is incorporated
in the instrument.
(a) expected ammeter reading D V/R D 10/500 D A considerable error is thus caused by the load-
20 mA. ing effect of the voltmeter on the circuit. The error
is reduced by using a voltmeter with a higher
(b) Actual ammeter reading D V/R C ra D sensitivity.
10/500 C 50 D 18.18 mA. Thus the ammeter
itself has caused the circuit conditions to change
from 20 mA to 18.18 mA.
Exercise 49 Further problems on (i) With direct voltage measurements, only the
instrument ‘loading’ effects Y amplifier ‘volts/cm’ switch on the c.r.o. is
1 A 0–1 A ammeter having a resistance of 50 used. With no voltage applied to the Y plates
is used to measure the current flowing in a the position of the spot trace on the screen is
1 k resistor when the supply voltage is 250 V. noted. When a direct voltage is applied to the
Calculate: (a) the approximate value of current Y plates the new position of the spot trace is
(neglecting the ammeter resistance), (b) the an indication of the magnitude of the voltage.
actual current in the circuit, (c) the power For example, in Fig. 10.14(a), with no voltage
dissipated in the ammeter, (d) the power dis- applied to the Y plates, the spot trace is in the
sipated in the 1 k resistor. centre of the screen (initial position) and then
[(a) 0.250 A (b) 0.238 A the spot trace moves 2.5 cm to the final position
(c) 2.83 W (d) 56.64 W] shown, on application of a d.c. voltage. With the
‘volts/cm’ switch on 10 volts/cm the magnitude
2 (a) A current of 15 A flows through a load of the direct voltage is 2.5 cm ð 10 volts/cm, i.e.
having a resistance of 4 . Determine the 25 volts.
power dissipated in the load. (b) A wattmeter,
whose current coil has a resistance of 0.02 is (ii) With alternating voltage measurements, let a
connected (as shown in Fig. 10.13) to measure sinusoidal waveform be displayed on a c.r.o.
the power in the load. Determine the wattmeter screen as shown in Fig. 10.14(b). If the time/cm
reading assuming the current in the load is still switch is on, say, 5 ms/cm then the periodic
15 A. time T of the sinewave is 5 ms/cm ð 4 cm, i.e.
[(a) 900 W (b) 904.5 W] 20 ms or 0.02 s. Since frequency
(c) The peak-to-peak height of the display is 3.6 cm, (a) The width of one complete cycle is 4 cm. Hence
hence the peak-to-peak voltage the periodic time, T is 4 cm ð 500 µs/cm, i.e.
2 ms.
D 3.6 cm ð 20 V/cm D 72 V 1 1
Frequency, f D D D 500 Hz
T 2 ð 103
Problem 9. For the c.r.o. display of a pulse (b) The peak-to-peak height of the waveform is
waveform shown in Fig. 10.16 the ‘time/cm’ 5 cm. Hence the peak-to-peak voltage
switch is on 50 ms/cm and the ‘volts/cm’ D 5 cm ð 5 V/cm D 25 V.
switch is on 0.2 V/cm. Determine (a) the
periodic time, (b) the frequency, (c) the (c) Amplitude D 2 ð 25 V D 12.5 V
magnitude of the pulse voltage.
(d) The peak value of voltage is the amplitude, i.e.
12.5 V, and r.m.s.
peak voltage 12.5
voltage D p D p D 8.84 V
2 2
(c) Since 5 cm represents 1 cycle, then 5 cm rep- 3 For the sinusoidal waveform shown in
resents 360° , i.e. 1 cm represents 360/5 D 72° . Fig. 10.21, determine (a) its frequency, (b) the
The phase angle D 0.5 cm peak-to-peak voltage, (c) the r.m.s. voltage
D 0.5 cm ð 72° /cm D 36° . [(a) 7.14 Hz (b) 220 V (c) 77.78 V]
Hence waveform A leads waveform B by 36°
and negative half cycles of each of the com- a mirror image of the positive cycle about
plex waveforms shown in Figures 10.22(a) and point B. In Fig. 10.22(f), a complex wave-
(b) are identical in shape, and this is a feature form comprising the sum of the fundamen-
of waveforms containing the fundamental and tal, a second harmonic and a third harmonic
only odd harmonics. are shown with initial phase displacement. The
positive and negative half cycles are seen to be
X = 10 lg dB 1
i.e. X = 20 lg dB
or X = 20 lg dB
Figure 10.23
(from the laws of logarithms).
From equation (1), X decibels is a logarithmic
ratio of two similar quantities and is not an absolute From above, the power ratio in decibels, X, is given
unit of measurement. It is therefore necessary to by: X D 10 lg P2 /P1
state a reference level to measure a number of
decibels above or below that reference. The most P2
widely used reference level for power is 1 mW, and (a) When D 3,
when power levels are expressed in decibels, above
or below the 1 mW reference level, the unit given X D 10 lg 3 D 100.477
to the new power level is dBm. D 4.77 dB
A voltmeter can be re-scaled to indicate the power
level directly in decibels. The scale is generally cal- P2
ibrated by taking a reference level of 0 dB when a (b) When D 20,
power of 1 mW is dissipated in a 600 resistor (this
being the natural impedance of a simple transmis- X D 10 lg 20 D 101.30
sion line). The reference voltage V is then obtained D 13.0 dB
V2 (c) When D 400,
PD , P1
X D 10 lg 400 D 102.60
3 V2
i.e. 1 ð 10 D D 26.0 dB
from which, V D 0.775 volts. In general, the number P2 1
(d) When D D 0.05,
of dBm, P1 20
V X D 10 lg 0.05 D 101.30
X D 20 lg
0.775 D −13.0 dB
(a), (b) and (c) represent power gains and (d) repre-
Thus V D 0.20 V corresponds to 20 lg sents a power loss or attenuation.
D 11.77 dBm and
Problem 13. The current input to a system
0.90 is 5 mA and the current output is 20 mA.
V D 0.90 V corresponds to 20 lg
0.775 Find the decibel current ratio assuming the
input and load resistances of the system are
D C1.3 dBm, and so on.
A typical decibelmeter, or dB meter, scale is shown
in Fig. 10.23. Errors are introduced with dB meters
From above, the decibel current ratio is
when the circuit impedance is not 600 .
I2 20
20 lg D 20 lg
Problem 12. The ratio of two powers is I1 5
(a) 3 (b) 20 (c) 4 (d) 1/20. Determine the D 20 lg 4 D 200.60
decibel power ratio in each case.
D 12 dB gain
Decibel power ratio D 10 lg P2 /P1 where P1 D Similarly for the second stage,
input power D 8 mW, and P2 D output power.
Hence D 31.62
14 D 10 lg and for the third stage,
from which P2
D 0.1585
1.4 D lg The overall power ratio is thus
15.85 ð 31.62 ð 0.1585 D 79.4]
P2 from the definition
and 101.4 D
P1 of a logarithm
Problem 17. The output voltage from an
P2 amplifier is 4 V. If the voltage gain is 27 dB,
i.e. 25.12 D
P1 calculate the value of the input voltage
assuming that the amplifier input resistance
Output power, P2 D 25.12 P1 D 25.128 D and load resistance are equal.
201 mW or 0.201 W
Hence the input voltage V1 is 0.179 V. 9 The scale of a voltmeter has a decibel scale
added to it, which is calibrated by taking a
reference level of 0 dB when a power of 1 mW
Now try the following exercise is dissipated in a 600 resistor. Determine
the voltage at (a) 0 dB (b) 1.5 dB (c) 15 dB
(d) What decibel reading corresponds to
0.5 V?
[(a) 0.775 V (b) 0.921 V
Exercise 51 Further problems on (c) 0.138 V (d) 3.807 dB]
logarithmic ratios
1 The ratio of two powers is (a) 3 (b) 10 (c) 20
(d) 10 000. Determine the decibel power ratio
for each.
[(a) 4.77 dB (b) 10 dB (c) 13 dB (d) 40 dB] 10.15 Null method of measurement
1 1 1
2 The ratio of two powers is (a) 10 (b) (c)
3 40
1 A null method of measurement is a simple, accu-
(d) 100 . Determine the decibel power ratio for rate and widely used method which depends on an
each. instrument reading being adjusted to read zero cur-
[(a) 10 dB (b) 4.77 dB
(c) 16.02 dB (d) 20 dB] rent only. The method assumes:
3 The input and output currents of a system are (i) if there is any deflection at all, then some current
2 mA and 10 mA respectively. Determine the is flowing;
decibel current ratio of output to input current
assuming input and output resistances of the (ii) if there is no deflection, then no current flows
system are equal. [13.98 dB] (i.e. a null condition).
4 5% of the power supplied to a cable appears
at the output terminals. Determine the power Hence it is unnecessary for a meter sensing current
loss in decibels. [13 dB] flow to be calibrated when used in this way. A sensi-
tive milliammeter or microammeter with centre zero
5 An amplifier has a gain of 24 dB and its input position setting is called a galvanometer. Examples
power is 10 mW. Find its output power. where the method is used are in the Wheatstone
[2.51 W] bridge (see section 10.16), in the d.c. potentiometer
(see section 10.17) and with a.c. bridges (see sec-
6 Determine, in decibels, the ratio of the output tion 10.18)
power to input power of a four stage system,
the stages having gains of 10 dB, 8 dB, 5 dB
and 7 dB. Find also the overall power gain.
[20 dB, 100]
10.16 Wheatstone bridge
7 The output voltage from an amplifier is 7 mV.
If the voltage gain is 25 dB calculate the value Figure 10.24 shows a Wheatstone bridge circuit
of the input voltage assuming that the amplifier which compares an unknown resistance Rx with
input resistance and load resistance are equal. others of known values, i.e. R1 and R2 , which have
[0.39 mV] fixed values, and R3 , which is variable. R3 is varied
until zero deflection is obtained on the galvanometer
8 The voltage gain of a number of cascaded G. No current then flows through the meter, VA D
amplifiers are 23 dB, 5.8 dB, 12.5 dB and VB , and the bridge is said to be ‘balanced’. At
10.17 D.C. potentiometer
R2 R3 The d.c. potentiometer is a null-balance instru-
R1 Rx D R2 R3 i.e. Rx = ohms
R1 ment used for determining values of e.m.f.’s and
p.d.s. by comparison with a known e.m.f. or p.d. In
Fig. 10.26(a), using a standard cell of known e.m.f.
E1 , the slider S is moved along the slide wire until
balance is obtained (i.e. the galvanometer deflection
is zero), shown as length l1 .
Figure 10.24
With reference to Fig. 10.26, When the potential differences across Z3 and
Zx (or across Z1 and Z2 ) are equal in magnitude
E1 l1 and phase, then the current flowing through the
E2 l2 galvanometer, G, is zero. At balance, Z1 Zx D Z2 Z3
from which
from which,
Z2 Z3
l2 650 Zx = Z
E 2 D E1 D 1.0186 Z1
l1 400
D 1.655 volts There are many forms of a.c. bridge, and these
include: the Maxwell, Hay, Owen and Heaviside
bridges for measuring inductance, and the De Sauty,
Now try the following exercise Schering and Wien bridges for measuring capaci-
tance. A commercial or universal bridge is one
which can be used to measure resistance, inductance
Exercise 52 Further problems on the or capacitance. A.c. bridges require a knowledge
p of
Wheatstone bridge and d.c. potentiometer complex numbers (i.e. j notation, where j D 1).
A Maxwell-Wien bridge for measuring the induc-
1 In a Wheatstone bridge PQRS, a galvanometer
tance L and resistance r of an inductor is shown in
is connected between Q and S and a voltage
Fig. 10.28
source between P and R. An unknown resistor
Rx is connected between P and Q. When the
bridge is balanced, the resistance between Q
and R is 200 , that between R and S is 10
and that between S and P is 150 . Calculate
the value of Rx [3 k ]
2 Balance is obtained in a d.c. potentiometer at a
length of 31.2 cm when using a standard cell of
1.0186 volts. Calculate the e.m.f. of a dry cell
if balance is obtained with a length of 46.7 cm
[1.525 V]
Figure 10.29
Figure 10.31
Figure 10.32
Exercise 56 Short answer questions on
The maximum relative error of Rx is given by the electrical measuring instruments and
sum of the three individual errors, i.e. 1.0%C0.5%C measurements
0.2% D 1.7%. Hence 1 What is the main difference between an ana-
logue and a digital type of measuring instru-
Rx D 43.25 Z ± 1.7% ment?
1.7% of 43.25 D 0.74 (rounding off). Thus Rx 2 Name the three essential devices for all ana-
may also be expressed as logue electrical indicating instruments
3 Complete the following statements:
Rx D 43.25 ± 0.74 Z (a) An ammeter has a . . . . . . resistance and
is connected . . . . . . with the circuit
(b) A voltmeter has a . . . . . . resistance and
Now try the following exercises is connected . . . . . . with the circuit
4 State two advantages and two disadvantages
of a moving coil instrument
Exercise 55 Further problems on 5 What effect does the connection of (a) a
measurement errors shunt (b) a multiplier have on a milliamme-
1 The p.d. across a resistor is measured as 37.5 V
with an accuracy of š0.5%. The value of the 6 State two advantages and two disadvantages
resistor is 6 k š 0.8%. Determine the current of a moving coil instrument
Semiconductor diodes
11.1 Types of materials
Glass ½ 1010 m
Materials may be classified as conductors, Mica ½ 1011 m
semiconductors or insulators. The classification PVC ½ 1013 m
depends on the value of resistivity of the material. Rubber (pure) 1012 to 1014 m
Good conductors are usually metals and have
resistivities in the order of 107 to 108 m. In general, over a limited range of temperatures,
Semiconductors have resistivities in the order the resistance of a conductor increases with temper-
of 103 to 3 ð 103 m. The resistivities of ature increase. The resistance of insulators remains
insulators are in the order of 104 to 1014 m. approximately constant with variation of temper-
Some typical approximate values at normal room ature. The resistance of semiconductor materials
temperatures are: decreases as the temperature increases. For a spec-
imen of each of these materials, having the same
resistance (and thus completely different dimen-
Conductors: sions), at say, 15° C, the variation for a small increase
in temperature to t ° C is as shown in Fig. 11.1
Aluminium 2.7 ð 108 m
Brass (70 Cu/30 Zn) 8 ð 108 m
Copper (pure annealed) 1.7 ð 108 m
Steel (mild) 15 ð 108 m 11.2 Silicon and germanium
The most important semiconductors used in the elec-
Semiconductors: tronics industry are silicon and germanium. As the
temperature of these materials is raised above room
Silicon 2.3 ð 103 m at 27° C temperature, the resistivity is reduced and ultimately
Germanium 0.45 m a point is reached where they effectively become
Ge Ge Ge
Resistance Ω
Ge Ge Ge
Ge Ge Ge
15 t
Temperature °C
Free electron
conductors. For this reason, silicon should not oper-
ate at a working temperature in excess of 150° C
to 200° C, depending on its purity, and germanium Ge Ge Ge
Figure 11.3
11.3 n-type and p-type materials
Adding extremely small amounts of impurities to atom has replaced one of the germanium atoms.
pure semiconductors in a controlled manner is The resulting material is called n-type material, and
called doping. Antimony, arsenic and phosphorus contains free electrons.
are called n-type impurities and form an n-type Indium, aluminium and boron have three valency
electrons and when a semiconductor is doped with
material when any of these impurities are added
one of these substances some of the semiconductor
to silicon or germanium. The amount of impurity
atoms are replaced by impurity atoms. One of the
added usually varies from 1 part impurity in 105 four bonds associated with the semiconductor mate-
parts semiconductor material to 1 part impurity to rial is deficient by one electron and this deficiency
108 parts semiconductor material, depending on the is called a hole.
resistivity required. Indium, aluminium and boron Holes give rise to conduction when a potential
are called p-type impurities and form a p-type mate- difference exists across the semiconductor material
rial when any of these impurities are added to a due to movement of electrons from one hole to
semiconductor. another, as shown in Fig. 11.4. In this figure, an
In semiconductor materials, there are very few
charge carriers per unit volume free to conduct. This is
because the ‘four electron structure’ in the outer shell
of the atoms (called valency electrons), form strong Ge A Ge Ge
covalent bonds with neighbouring atoms, resulting in Hole
B 1 3 4
a tetrahedral structure with the electrons held fairly (missing 2
C Possible
rigidly in place. A two-dimensional diagram depicting electron)
this is shown for germanium in Fig. 11.2 A Ge Ge of electrons
Arsenic, antimony and phosphorus have five
valency electrons and when a semiconductor is
doped with one of these substances, some impurity
atoms are incorporated in the tetrahedral structure. Ge Ge Ge
The ‘fifth’ valency electron is not rigidly bonded
and is free to conduct, the impurity atom donating a
charge carrier. A two-dimensional diagram depicting
this is shown in Fig. 11.3, in which a phosphorus Figure 11.4
p-type n-type
material material
11.5 Forward and reverse bias
Holes When, an external voltage is applied to a p-n junc-
Electron tion making the p-type material positive with respect
(mobile to the n-type material, as shown in Fig. 11.7, the
p-n junction is forward biased. The applied voltage
opposes the contact potential, and, in effect, closes
p-type n-type
Impurity atoms material material
Figure 11.5
the depletion layer. Holes and electrons can now at normal room temperature certain electrons in the
cross the junction and a current flows. covalent bond lattice acquire sufficient energy from
An increase in the applied voltage above that the heat available to leave the lattice, generating
required to narrow the depletion layer (about 0.2 V mobile electrons and holes. This process is called
for germanium and 0.6 V for silicon), results in a electron-hole generation by thermal excitation.
rapid rise in the current flow. Graphs depicting the The electrons in the p-type material and holes in
current-voltage relationship for forward biased p-n the n-type material caused by thermal excitation, are
junctions, for both germanium and silicon, called the called minority carriers and these will be attracted
forward characteristics, are shown in Fig. 11.8 by the applied voltage. Thus, in practice, a small
current of a few microamperes for germanium and
Current less than one microampere for silicon, at normal
room temperature, flows under reverse bias condi-
40 tions. Typical reverse characteristics are shown in
Fig. 11.10 for both germanium and silicon.
Silicon Voltage (V)
−100 −75 −50 −25
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Voltage (V)
p-type n-type
material material
11.6 Semiconductor diodes
A semiconductor diode is a device having a p-n
junction mounted in a container, suitable for con-
ducting and dissipating the heat generated in oper-
ation and having connecting leads. Its operating
characteristics are as shown in Figs. 11.8 and 11.10.
Two circuit diagram symbols for semiconductor
diodes are in common use and are as shown in
Fig. 11.11. Sometimes the symbols are encircled as
in Fig. 11.13 on page 132.
Depletion layer
Figure 11.11
(a) Silicon or germanium with no doping atoms a rectifying property, that is, current passes more
added are called intrinsic semiconductors. At easily in one direction than the other.
room temperature, some of the electrons acquire An n-type material can be considered to be a
sufficient energy for them to break the covalent stationary crystal matrix of fixed positive charges
bond between atoms and become free mobile together with a number of mobile negative charge
electrons. This is called thermal generation of carriers (electrons). The total number of positive and
electron-hole pairs. Electrons generated ther- negative charges are equal. A p-type material can
mally create a gap in the crystal structure called be considered to be a number of stationary nega-
a hole, the atom associated with the hole being tive charges together with mobile positive charge
positively charged, since it has lost an electron. carriers (holes). Again, the total number of positive
This positive charge may attract another elec- and negative charges are equal and the material is
tron released from another atom, creating a hole neither positively nor negatively charged. When the
elsewhere. materials are brought together, some of the mobile
When a potential is applied across the semicon- electrons in the n-type material diffuse into the p-
ductor material, holes drift towards the negative type material. Also, some of the mobile holes in the
terminal (unlike charges attract), and electrons p-type material diffuse into the n-type material.
towards the positive terminal, and hence a small Many of the majority carriers in the region of
current flows. the junction combine with the opposite carriers to
complete covalent bonds and create a region on
(b) When additional mobile electrons are introduced either side of the junction with very few carriers.
by doping a semiconductor material with pen- This region, called the depletion layer, acts as an
tavalent atoms (atoms having five valency elec- insulator and is in the order of 0.5 µm thick. Since
trons), these mobile electrons are called majority the n-type material has lost electrons, it becomes
carriers. The relatively few holes in the n-type positively charged. Also, the p-type material has lost
material produced by intrinsic action are called holes and becomes negatively charged, creating a
minority carriers. potential across the junction, called the barrier or
For p-type materials, the additional holes are contact potential.
introduced by doping with trivalent atoms
(atoms having three valency electrons). The
holes are positive mobile charges and are Problem 3. Sketch the forward and reverse
majority carriers in the p-type material. The characteristics of a silicon p-n junction diode
relatively few mobile electrons in the p-type and describe the shapes of the characteristics
material produced by intrinsic action are called drawn.
minority carriers.
(c) Mobile holes and electrons wander freely within A typical characteristic for a silicon p-n junction
the crystal lattice of a semiconductor material. having a forward bias is shown in Fig. 11.8 and hav-
There are more free electrons in n-type material ing a reverse bias in Fig. 11.10. When the positive
than holes and more holes in p-type material terminal of the battery is connected to the p-type
than electrons. Thus, in their random wander- material and the negative terminal to the n-type
ings, on average, holes pass into the n-type material, the diode is forward biased. Due to like
material and electrons into the p-type material. charges repelling, the holes in the p-type material
This process is called diffusion. drift towards the junction. Similarly the electrons
in the n-type material are repelled by the negative
bias voltage and also drift towards the junction. The
Problem 2. Explain briefly why a junction width of the depletion layer and size of the contact
between p-type and n-type materials creates potential are reduced. For applied voltages from 0 to
a contact potential. about 0.6 V, very little current flows. At about 0.6 V,
majority carriers begin to cross the junction in large
numbers and current starts to flow. As the applied
Intrinsic semiconductors have resistive properties, in voltage is raised above 0.6 V, the current increases
that when an applied voltage across the material is exponentially (see Fig. 11.8) When the negative ter-
reversed in polarity, a current of the same magnitude minal of the battery is connected to the p-type
flows in the opposite direction. When a p-n junction material and the positive terminal to the n-type
is formed, the resistive property is replaced by material the diode is reverse biased. The holes in the
p-type material are attracted towards the negative is switched on and current i flows. When P is
terminal and the electrons in the n-type material negative with respect to Q, diode D is switched off.
are attracted towards the positive terminal (unlike Transformer T isolates the equipment from direct
charges attract). This drift increases the magnitude connection with the mains supply and enables the
of both the contact potential and the thickness of the mains voltage to be changed. Two diodes may be
depletion layer, so that only very few majority carri- used as shown in Fig. 11.14 to obtain full wave
ers have sufficient energy to surmount the junction. rectification. A centre-tapped transformer T is used.
The thermally excited minority carriers, however, When P is sufficiently positive with respect to Q,
can cross the junction since it is, in effect, forward diode D1 conducts and current flows (shown by the
biased for these carriers. The movement of minority broken line in Fig. 11.14). When S is positive with
carriers results in a small constant current flowing. respect to Q, diode D2 conducts and current flows
As the magnitude of the reverse voltage is increased (shown by the continuous line in Fig. 11.14). The
a point will be reached where a large current sud- current flowing in R is in the same direction for
denly starts to flow. The voltage at which this occurs both half cycles of the input. The output waveform
is called the breakdown voltage. This current is due is thus as shown in Fig. 11.14
to two effects:
Figure 11.15
(d) diffusion
(e) minority carrier conduction.
6 (a) The resistance of an insulator remains 9 When a germanium p-n junction diode is
approximately constant with increase of forward biased:
temperature (a) current starts to flow in an apprecia-
(b) The resistivity of a good conductor is ble amount when. the applied voltage is
about 107 to 108 ohm metres about 600 mV
(c) The resistivity of a conductor increases (b) the thickness or width of the depletion
with increase of temperature layer is reduced
(d) The resistance of a semiconductor de- (c) the curve representing the current flow is
creases with increase of temperature exponential
(d) the positive terminal of the battery is
7 Trivalent impurities: connected to the p-type material
(a) have three valeney electrons
(b) introduce holes when added to a semicon- 10 When a silicon p-n junction diode is reverse
ductor material biased:
(c) can be introduced to a semiconductor (a) a constant current flows over a large
material by adding antimony atoms to it range of voltages
(d) increase the conductivity of a semiconduc- (b) current flow is due to electrons in the
tor material when added to it n-type material
(c) current type is due to minority carriers
(d) the magnitude of the reverse current flow
8 Free electrons in an n-type material: is usually less than 1 µA
(a) are majority carriers
(b) diffuse into the p-type material when a p-n 11 A rectifier conducts:
junction is formed (a) direct currents in one direction
(c) as a result of the diffusion process leave (b) alternating currents in both directions
the n-type material positively charged (c) direct currents in both directions
(d) exist in the same numbers as the holes in (d) alternating currents in one direction
the n-type material
p-type p-type
12.1 The bipolar junction transistor material material
Collector Collector
The bipolar junction transistor consists of three
regions of semiconductor material. One type is
called a p-n-p transistor, in which two regions of
p-type material sandwich a very thin layer of n-type Emitter Emitter
material. A second type is called an n-p-n transistor,
in which two regions of n-type material sandwich a
very thin layer of p-type material. Both of these
Base Base
types of transistors consist of two p-n junctions n-type n-type
placed very close to one another in a back-to-back material material
arrangement on a single piece of semiconductor p-n-p transistor n-p-n transistor
material. Diagrams depicting these two types of
transistors are shown in Fig. 12.1 Figure 12.1
The two p-type material regions of the p-n-p tran-
sistor are called the emitter and collector and the operation is achieved by appropriately biasing the
n-type material is called the base. Similarly, the two two internal p-n junctions. When batteries and
n-type material regions of the n-p-n transistor are resistors are connected to a p-n-p transistor, as
called the emitter and collector and the p-type mate- shown in Fig. 12.2(a) the base-emitter junction is
rial region is called the base, as shown in Fig. 12.1 forward biased and the base-collector junction is
Transistors have three connecting leads and reverse biased.
in operation an electrical input to one pair of Similarly, an n-p-n transistor has its base-emitter
connections, say the emitter and base connections junction forward biased and its base-collector junc-
can control the output from another pair, say the tion reverse biased when the batteries are connected
collector and emitter connections. This type of as shown in Fig. 12.2(b).
Emitter Base Collector Emitter Base Collector (a) The majority carriers in the emitter p-type mate-
p n p n p n rial are holes
+ − − +
(b) The base-emitter junction is forward biased to
the majority carriers and the holes cross the
junction and appear in the base region
Emitter Load Emitter Load (c) The base region is very thin and is only lightly
resistor resistor resistor resistor doped with electrons so although some electron-
hole pairs are formed, many holes are left in the
base region
(d) The base-collector junction is reverse biased to
+ − + − − + − +
electrons in the base region and holes in the
(a) p-n-p transistor (b) n-p-n transistor collector region, but forward biased to holes in
Figure 12.2 the base region; these holes are attracted by the
negative potential at the collector terminal
For a silicon p-n-p transistor, biased as shown in (e) A large proportion of the holes in the base
Fig. 12.2(a), if the base-emitter junction is consid- region cross the base-collector junction into the
ered on its own, it is forward biased and a current collector region, creating a collector current;
flows. This is depicted in Fig. 12.3(a). For example, conventional current flow is in the direction of
if RE is 1000 , the battery is 4.5 V and the voltage hole movement
drop across the junction is taken as 0.7 V, the cur-
rent flowing is given by 4.50.7/1000 D 3.8 mA. The transistor action is shown diagrammatically
When the base-collector junction is considered on its in Fig. 12.4. For transistors having very thin base
own, as shown in Fig. 12.3(b), it is reverse biased regions, up to 99.5 per cent of the holes leaving the
and the collector current is something less than 1 µA. emitter cross the base collector junction.
Emitter Base Base Collector
Emitter Base Collector
p n n p
p n p
0.7 V
RE = 1000 Ω RL IB
Figure 12.4
4.5 V
the collector region, but is forward biased to carriers, but a small leakage current, ICBO flows
electrons in the base region; these electrons are from the collector to the base due to thermally
attracted by the positive potential at the collector generated minority carriers (holes in the collector
terminal and elections in the base), being present. The base-
collector junction is forward biased to these minority
(e) A large proportion of the electrons in the base
carriers. If a proportion, ˛, of the electrons passing
region cross the base-collector junction into the
through the base-emitter junction also pass through
collector region, creating a collector current
the base-collector junction then the currents flowing
in an n-p-n transistor are as shown in Fig. 12.6(b).
The transistor action is shown diagrammatically in
Fig. 12.5 As stated in Section 12.1, conventional
current flow is taken to be in the direction of hole
flow, that is, in the opposite direction to electron Problem 1. With reference to a p-n-p
flow, hence the directions of the conventional cur- transistor, explain briefly what is meant by
rent flow are as shown in Fig. 12.5 the term transistor action and why a bipolar
junction transistor is so named.
(0.6 V) b e (c)
(0 V) Figure 12.8
n-p-n transistor
These configurations are for an n-p-n transistor. The
Figure 12.7 current flows shown are all reversed for a p-n-p
The voltage of 0.6 V across the base and emitter
is that required to reduce the potential barrier and if Problem 2. The basic construction of an
it is raised slightly to, say, 0.62 V, it is likely that the n-p-n transistor makes it appear that the
collector current will double to about 2 mA. Thus a emitter and collector can be interchanged.
small change of voltage between the emitter and the Explain why this is not usually done.
base can give a relatively large change of current in
the emitter circuit; because of this, transistors can
be used as amplifiers (see Section 12.6). In principle, a bipolar junction transistor will work
equally well with either the emitter or collector act-
ing as the emitter. However, the conventional emit-
ter current largely flows from the collector through
12.4 Transistor connections the base to the emitter, hence the emitter region
is far more heavily doped with donor atoms (elec-
There are three ways of connecting a transistor, trons) than the base is with acceptor atoms (holes).
depending on the use to which it is being put. Also, the base-collector junction is normally reverse
The ways are classified by the electrode which is biased and in general, doping density increases the
common to both the input and the output. They are electric field in the junction and so lowers the break-
called: down voltage. Thus, to achieve a high breakdown
voltage, the collector region is relatively lightly
(a) common-base configuration, shown in Fig. doped.
12.8(a) In addition, in most transistors, the method of
production is to diffuse acceptor and donor atoms
(b) common-emitter configuration, shown in Fig. onto the n-type semiconductor material, one after
12.8(b) the other, so that one overrides the other. When this
is done, the doping density in the base region is has little effect on the characteristic. A similar
not uniform but decreases from emitter to collector. characteristic can be obtained for a p-n-p transistor,
This results in increasing the effectiveness of the these having reversed polarities.
transistor. Thus, because of the doping densities in (ii) Output characteristics. The value of the col-
the three regions and the non-uniform density in lector current IC is very largely determined by the
the base, the collector and emitter terminals of a emitter current, IE . For a given value of IE the
transistor should not be interchanged when making collector-base voltage, VCB , can be varied and has
transistor connections. little effect on the value of IC . If VCB is made
slightly negative, the collector no longer attracts
the majority carriers leaving the emitter and IC
12.5 Transistor characteristics falls rapidly to zero. A family of curves for var-
ious values of IE are possible and some of these
The effect of changing one or more of the vari- are shown in Fig. 12.10. Figure 12.10 is called the
ous voltages and currents associated with a transistor output characteristics for an n-p-n transistor having
circuit can be shown graphically and these graphs common-base configuration. Similar characteristics
are called the characteristics of the transistor. As can be obtained for a p-n-p transistor, these having
there are five variables (collector, base and emit- reversed polarities.
ter currents, and voltages across the collector and
base and emitter and base) and also three configu-
rations, many characteristics are possible. Some of IC
the possible characteristics are given below.
I E = 30 mA
Collector current (mA)
(i) Input characteristic. In a common-emitter con-
Emitter current (mA)
Problem 3. With the aid of a circuit
diagram, explain how the input and output
300 characteristics of an n-p-n transistor having a
common-base configuration can be obtained.
Base current (µA)
A circuit diagram for obtaining the input and output
150 characteristics for an n-p-n transistor connected in
100 common-base configuration is shown in Fig. 12.13.
The input characteristic can be obtained by varying
50 R1 , which varies VEB , and noting the corresponding
values of IE . This is repeated for various values of
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 VCB . It will be found that the input characteristic is
Base-emitter voltage (V) almost independent of VCB and it is usual to give
only one characteristic, as shown in Fig. 12.9
Figure 12.11
(ii) Output characteristics. A family of curves
can be obtained, depending on the value of base +
R1 V R2
current IB and some of these for an n-p-n transistor VEB A I B V VCB −V2
are shown in Fig. 12.12. A similar set of character-
istics can be obtained for a p-n-p transistor, these − +
having reversed polarities. These characteristics dif-
fer from the common base output characteristics Figure 12.13
in two ways: the collector current reduces to zero
without having to reverse the collector voltage, and To obtain the output characteristics, as shown in
the characteristics slope upwards indicating a lower Fig. 12.10, IE is set to a suitable value by adjusting
output resistance (usually kilohms for a common- R1 . For various values of VCB , set by adjusting R2 ,
emitter configuration compared with megohms for a IC is noted. This procedure is repeated for various
common-base configuration). values of IE . To obtain the full characteristics, the
polarity of battery V2 has to be reversed to reduce
IC to zero. This must be done very carefully or
µA else values of IC will rapidly increase in the reverse
IC 300
IB = direction and burn out the transistor.
50 250
IB =
Now try the following exercise
20 0 µA
40 IB =
Collector current (mA)
µA Exercise 61 Further problems on
IB = transistors
µA 1 Explain with the aid of sketches, the oper-
IB =
20 ation of an n-p-n transistor and also explain
why the collector current is very nearly equal
I B = 50 to the emitter current.
2 Explain what is meant by the term ‘transistor
IB = 0 action’.
VCE 3 Describe the basic principle of operation of
0 2 4 6 8 10
a bipolar junction transistor including why
Collector-emitter voltage (V)
majority carriers crossing into the base from
Figure 12.12 the emitter pass to the collector and why the
collector current is almost unaffected by the then flows through a load resistance, a voltage is
collector potential. developed. This voltage can be many times greater
than the input voltage which caused the original
4 For a transistor connected in common- current flow.
emitter configuration, sketch the output
characteristics relating collector current and (a) Common-base amplifier
the collector-emitter voltage, for various
values of base current. Explain the shape of The basic circuit for a transistor is shown in
the characteristics. Fig. 12.14 where an n-p-n transistor is biased with
batteries b1 and b2 . A sinusoidal alternating input
5 Sketch the input characteristic relating emit- signal, ve , is placed in series with the input bias
ter current and the emitter-base voltage for a voltage, and a load resistor, RL , is placed in series
transistor connected in common-base config- with the collector bias voltage. The input sig-
uration, and explain its shape. nal is therefore the sinusoidal current ie resulting
from the application of the sinusoidal voltage ve
6 With the aid of a circuit diagram, explain superimposed on the direct current IE established
how the output characteristics of an n-p-n by the base-emitter voltage VBE .
transistor having common-base configuration
may be obtained and any special precautions
b1 RL
which should be taken.
7 Draw sketches to show the direction of the
flow of leakage current in both n-p-n and b2
ve ~
p-n-p transistors. Explain the effect of leak- I E + ie
age current on a transistor connected in
common-base configuration.
Figure 12.14
8 Using the circuit symbols for transistors show
how (a) common-base, and (b) common- Let the signal voltage ve be 100 mV and the base-
emitter configuration can be achieved. Mark emitter circuit resistance be 50 . Then the emitter
on the symbols the inputs, the outputs, signal current will be 100/50 D 2 mA. Let the load
polarities under normal operating conditions resistance RL D 2.5 k. About 0.99 of the emitter
to give correct biasing and current directions. current will flow in RL . Hence the collector signal
current will be about 0.99 ð 2 D 1.98 mA and the
9 Draw a diagram showing how a transistor signal voltage across the load will be 2500 ð 1.98 ð
can be used in common emitter configura- 103 D 4.95 V. Thus a signal voltage of 100 mV
tion. Mark on the sketch the input, output, at the emitter has produced a voltage of 4950 mV
polarities under normal operating conditions across the load. The voltage amplification or gain
and current directions. is therefore 4950/100 D 49.5 times. This example
10 Sketch the circuit symbols for (a) a p-n-p and illustrates the action of a common-base amplifier
(b) an n-p-n transistor. Mark on the emitter where the input signal is applied between emitter
electrodes the direction of conventional cur- and base and the output is taken from between
rent flow and explain why the current flows collector and base.
in the direction indicated.
(b) Common-emitter amplifier
The basic circuit arrangement of a common-emitter
amplifier is shown in Fig. 12.15. Although two bat-
teries are shown, it is more usual to employ only
12.6 The transistor as an amplifier one to supply all the necessary bias. The input sig-
nal is applied between base and emitter, and the
The amplifying properties of a transistor depend load resistor RL is connected between collector and
upon the fact that current flowing in a low-resistance emitter. Let the base bias battery provide a voltage
circuit is transferred to a high-resistance circuit which causes a base current IB of 0.1 mA to flow.
with negligible change in magnitude. If the current This value of base current determines the mean d.c.
level upon which the a.c. input signal will be super- I C(mA)
imposed. This is the d.c. base current operating
point. I B = 100µA
5 mA Y
RL 1 kΩ + collector
5 mA 7V
IB + ib −
0 5 10 15
VBB Collector 7 V mean collector
voltage voltage
~ variations
Figure 12.17
+ ib
0.1 mA
VCC instead. The simplest way to do this is to
− base d.c. connect a bias resistor RB between the positive
bias I B terminal of the VCC supply and the base as shown in
Fig. 12.18 The resistor must be of such a value that
Figure 12.15 it allows 0.1 mA to flow in the base-emitter diode.
I C (mA) ve
s iti
12 um Input current
ax variation is 0.1 mA
M s peak
10 E mA bia
I B = 0.2
se n
ba io
8 n urs
e a xc
M e
6 X tiv
8.75 mA A ga
pk−pk 4 IB = 0.1 m ne
2 M
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
8.5 V pk−pk
Figure 12.21
Thus the points A and B respectively are located vary š0.1 mA about the d.c. base bias of 0.1 mA.
on the axes of the IC /VCE characteristics. This line The result is IB changes from 0 mA to 0.2 mA and
is called the load line and it is dependent for its back again to 0 mA during the course of each input
position upon the value of VCC and for its gradient cycle. Hence the operating point moves up and down
upon RL . As the gradient is given by 1/RL , the the load line in phase with the input current and
slope of the line is negative. hence the input voltage. A sinusoidal input cycle is
For every value assigned to RL in a particular shown on Fig. 12.21
circuit there will be a corresponding (and different)
load line. If VCC is maintained constant, all the
possible lines will start at the same point (B) but will 12.8 Current and voltage gains
cut the IC axis at different points A. Increasing RL
will reduce the gradient of the line and vice-versa. The output signal voltage (VCE ) and current (iC )
Quite clearly the collector voltage can never exceed can be obtained by projecting vertically from the
VCC (point B) and equally the collector current can load line on to VCE and IC axes respectively. When
never be greater than that value which would make the input current ib varies sinusoidally as shown in
VCE zero (point A). Fig. 12.21, then VCE varies sinusoidally if the points
Using the circuit example of Fig. 12.15, we have E and F at the extremities of the input variations are
equally spaced on either side of X.
VCE D VCC D 12 V, when IC D 0 The peak-to-peak output voltage is seen to be
VCC 8.5 V, giving an r.m.s. value of 3 V (i.e. 0.707 ð
IC D 8.5/2). The peak-to-peak output current is 8.75 mA,
giving an r.m.s. value of 3.1 mA. From these
12 figures the voltage and current amplifications can
D D 12 mA, when VCE D 0
1000 be obtained.
The dynamic current gain Ai D ˛e as opposed
The load line is drawn on the characteristics shown to the static gain ˛E , is given by:
in Fig. 12.21 which we assume are characteristics
for the transistor used in the circuit of Fig. 12.15 change in collector current
earlier. Notice that the load line passes through the Ai =
operating point X as it should, since every position change in base current
on the line represents a relationship between VCE
and IC for the particular values of VCC and RL This always leads to a different figure from that
given. Suppose that the base current is caused to obtained by the direct division of IC /IB which
assumes that the collector load resistor is zero. From The characteristics are drawn in Fig. 12.22 The load
Fig. 12.21 the peak input current is 0.1 mA and the line equation is VCC D VCE C IC RL which enables
peak output current is 4.375 mA. Hence the extreme points of the line to be calculated.
4.375 ð 103 When IC D 0, VCE D VC D 7.0 V
Ai D D 43.75
0.1 ð 103 VCC 7
and when VCE D 0, IC D D
The voltage gain Av is given by: RL 1200
D 5.83 mA
change in collector voltage
Av =
change in base voltage
I c(mA)
This cannot be calculated from the data available, 6
but if we assume that the base current flows in 70µA
the input resistance, then the base voltage can be 5
determined. The input resistance can be determined 4 50µA
from an input characteristic such as was shown X
3.0 mA
earlier. pk−pk 3
When a transistor is used as an amplifier it is neces- Hence the collector current IC D ˛E IB will also fall
sary to ensure that it does not overheat. Overheating and compensate for the original increase.
can arise from causes outside of the transistor itself, A commonly used bias arrangement is shown in
such as the proximity of radiators or hot resistors, or Fig. 12.24. If the total resistance value of resistors
within the transistor as the result of dissipation by R1 and R2 is such that the current flowing through
the passage of current through it. Power dissipated the divider is large compared with the d.c. bias
within the transistor which is given approximately current IB , then the base voltage VBE will remain
by the product IC VCE is wasted power; it contributes substantially constant regardless of variations in
nothing to the signal output power and merely raises collector current. The emitter resistor RE in turn
the temperature of the transistor. Such overheating determines the value of emitter current which flows
can lead to very undesirable results. for a given base voltage at the junction of R1 and R2 .
The increase in the temperature of a transistor will Any increase in IC produces an increase in IE and
give rise to the production of hole electron pairs, a corresponding increase in the voltage drop across
hence an increase in leakage current represented RE . This reduces the forward bias voltage VBE and
by the additional minority carriers. In turn, this leads to a compensating reduction in IC .
leakage current leads to an increase in collector
current and this increases the product IC VCE . The + V cc
whole effect thus becomes self perpetuating and IC
results in thermal runaway. This rapidly leads to R1 RL
the destruction of the transistor.
Problem 5. Explain how thermal runaway VBE
might be prevented in a transistor R2
Method 1 Method 2
One approach is in the circuit design itself. The use A second method concerns some means of keeping
of a single biasing resistor RB as shown earlier in the transistor temperature down by external cooling.
Fig. 12.18 is not particularly good practice. If the For this purpose, a heat sink is employed, as shown
temperature of the transistor increases, the leakage in Fig. 12.25. If the transistor is clipped or bolted to
current also increases. The collector current, collec-
tor voltage and base current are thereby changed, the THICK ALUMINIUM
base current decreasing as IC increases. An alterna- OR COPPER PLATE
tive is shown in Fig. 12.23. Here the resistor RB is
returned, not to the VCC line, but to the collector POWER TRANSISTOR
If the collector current increases for any reason,
the collector voltage VCE will fall. Therefore, the
d.c. base current IB will fall, since IB D VCE /RB . Figure 12.25
a large conducting area of aluminium or copper plate 4 A transistor amplifier, supplied from a 9 V bat-
(which may have cooling fins), cooling is achieved tery, requires a d.c. bias current of 100 µA.
by convection and radiation. What value of bias resistor would be con-
Heat sinks are usually blackened to assist radia- nected from base to the VCC line (a) if VCE
tion and are normally used where large power dissi- is ignored (b) if VCE is 0.6 V?
pation’s are involved. With small transistors, heat [(a) 90 k (b) 84 k]
sinks are unnecessary. Silicon transistors particu-
larly have such small leakage currents that thermal 5 The output characteristics of a transistor in
problems rarely arise. common-emitter configuration can be regarded
as straight lines connecting the following
Now try the following exercises
IB D 20 µA 50 µA 80 µA
VCE (V) 1.0 8.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 8.0
Exercise 62 Further problems on the IC (mA) 1.2 1.4 3.4 4.2 6.1 8.1
transistor as an amplifier
1 State whether the following statements are true Plot the characteristics and superimpose the
or false: load line for a 1 k load, given that the supply
(a) The purpose of a transistor amplifier is to voltage is 9 V and the d.c. base bias is 50 µA.
increase the frequency of an input signal The signal input resistance is 800 . When a
(b) The gain of an amplifier is the ratio of the peak input current of 30 µA varies sinusoidally
output signal amplitude to the input signal about a mean bias of 50 µA, determine (a) the
amplitude quiescent collector current (b) the current gain
(c) The output characteristics of a transistor (c) the voltage gain (d) the power gain
relate the collector current to the base volt- [(a) 4 mA (b) 104 (c) 83 (d) 8632]
(d) The equation of the load line is
(e) If the load resistor value is increased the
load line gradient is reduced
(f) In a common-emitter amplifier, the output Exercise 63 Short answer questions on
voltage is shifted through 180° with refer- transistors
ence to the input voltage
(g) In a common-emitter amplifier, the input 1 In a p-n-p transistor the p-type material
and output currents are in phase regions are called the . . . . . . and . . . . . . , and
(h) If the temperature of a transistor increases, the n-type material region is called the . . . . . .
VBE , IC and ˛E all increase
(i) A heat sink operates by artificially increas- 2 In an n-p-n transistor, the p-type material
ing the surface area of a transistor region is called the . . . . . . and the n-type
(j) The dynamic current gain of a transistor is material regions are called the . . . . . . and the
always greater than the static current ......
[(a) false (b) true
3 In a p-n-p transistor, the base-emitter junc-
(c) false (d) true
tion is . . . . . . biased and the base-collector
(e) true (f) true junction is . . . . . . biased.
(g) true (h) false (VBE decreases)
(i) true (j) true] 4 In an n-p-n transistor, the base-collector junc-
tion is . . . . . . biased and the base-emitter
2 An amplifier has Ai D 40 and Av D 30. What
junction is . . . . . . biased.
is the power gain? [1200]
3 What will be the gradient of a load line for a 5 Majority charge carriers in the emitter of a
load resistor of value 4 k? What unit is the transistor pass into the base region. Most of
gradient measured in? them do not recombine because the base is
[1/4000 siemen] . . . . . . doped.
6 Majority carriers in the emitter region of 1 In normal operation, the junctions of a p-n-p
a transistor pass the base-collector junction transistor are:
because for these carriers it is . . . . . . biased. (a) both forward biased
(b) base-emitter forward biased and base-
7 Conventional current flow is in the direction collector reverse biased
of . . . . . . flow. (c) both reverse biased
(d) base-collector forward biased and base-
8 Leakage current flows from . . . . . . to . . . . . . emitter reverse biased.
in an n-p-n transistor.
2 In normal operation, the junctions of an n-p-n
9 The input characteristic of IE against VEB for transistor are:
a transistor in common-base configuration is (a) both forward biased
similar in shape to that of a . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) base-emitter forward biased and base-
collector reverse biased
10 The output resistance of a transistor con- (c) both reverse biased
nected in common-emitter configuration is (d) base-collector forward biased and base-
. . . . . . than that of a transistor connected in emitter reverse biased
common-base configuration.
3 The current flow across the base-emitter junc-
11 Complete the following statements that refer tion of a p-n-p transistor consists of
to a transistor amplifier: (a) mainly electrons
(a) An increase in base current causes col- (b) equal numbers of holes and electrons
lector current to . . . . . . (c) mainly holes
(b) When base current increases, the voltage (d) the leakage current
drop across the load resistor . . . . . .
(c) Under no-signal conditions the power 4 The current flow across the base-emitter junc-
supplied by the battery to an amplifier tion of an n-p-n transistor consists of
equals the power dissipated in the load (a) mainly electrons
plus the power dissipated in the . . . . . . (b) equal numbers of holes and electrons
(d) The load line has a . . . . . . gradient (c) mainly holes
(e) The gradient of the load line depends (d) the leakage current
upon the value of . . . . . . 5 In normal operation an n-p-n transistor con-
(f) The position of the load line depends nected in common-base configuration has
upon . . . . . . (a) the emitter at a lower potential than the
(g) The current gain of a common-emitter base
amplifier is always greater than . . . . . . (b) the collector at a lower potential than the
(h) The operating point is generally posi- base
tioned at the . . . . . . of the load line (c) the base at a lower potential than the
12 Draw a circuit diagram showing how a tran- emitter
sistor can be used as a common-emitter (d) the collector at a lower potential than the
amplifier. Explain briefly the purpose of all emitter
the components you show in your diagram. 6 In normal operation, a p-n-p transistor con-
nected in common-base configuration has
13 Explain briefly what is meant by ‘thermal (a) the emitter at a lower potential than the
runaway’. base
(b) the collector at a higher potential than the
(c) the base at a higher potential than the
Exercise 64 Multi-choice problems on (d) the collector at a lower potential than the
transistors (Answers on page 375) emitter.
In Problems 1 to 10 select the correct answer 7 If the per unit value of electrons which leave
from those given. the emitter and pass to the collector, ˛, is 0.9
17 The no-signal collector dissipation for the 19 The greatest possible peak output voltage
operating point marked P is would then be about
(a) 12 mW (b) 15 mW (a) 5.2 V (b) 6.5 V
(c) 18 mW (d) 21 mW (c) 8.8 V (d) 13 V
20 The power dissipated in the load resistor
18 The greatest permissible peak input current under no-signal conditions is:
would be about (a) 16 mW (b) 18 mW
(a) 30 µA (b) 35 µA (c) 20 mW (d) 22 mW
(c) 60 µA (d) 80 µA
Assignment 3
The marks for each question are shown in brackets at the end of each question.
Formulae for basic electrical and
electronic engineering principles
GENERAL: D ε0 εr An 1 1
D ε0 εr CD WD CV2
E d 2
Charge Q D It Force F D ma
Capacitors in parallel C D C1 C C2 C C3 C . . .
Work W D Fs Power P D 1 1 1 1
t Capacitors in series D C C C ...
C C1 C2 C3
Energy W D Pt
Ohm’s law V D IR or I D or R D NI B
R I BD Fm D NI HD D 0 r
A l H
Conductance G D Resistance R D mmf l
R a SD D
0 r A
Power P D VI D I2 R D
Series circuit R D R1 C R2 C R3 C . . . d dI
E D Blv sin
dt dt
1 1 1 1
Parallel network D C C C ... 1 2 N dI1
R R1 R2 R3 WD LI LD E2 D M
2 I dt
V Q Q Ia ra V Ira
ED CD Q D It DD Shunt Rs D Multiplier RM D
d V A Is I
P2 R 2 R3
Power in decibels D 10 log Wheatstone bridge RX D
P1 R1
D 20 log
I1 l2
Potentiometer E2 D E1
V2 l1
D 20 log
Section 2
Further Electrical and Electronic
D.C. circuit theory
Figure 13.4
Figure 13.3
1 Use Kirchhoff’s current law and label current
directions on the original circuit diagram. The
(a) Applying Kirchhoff’s current law: directions chosen are arbitrary, but it is usual,
For junction B: 50 D 20 C I1 . as a starting point, to assume that current flows
from the positive terminals of the batteries. This
Hence I1 D 30 A is shown in Fig. 13.5 where the three branch
For junction C: 20 C 15 D I2 . currents are expressed in terms of I1 and I2 only,
since the current through R is (I1 C I2 )
Hence I2 D 35 A
For junction D: I1 D I3 C 120
i.e. 30 D I3 C 120.
Hence I3 D −90 A
(i.e. in the opposite direction to that shown in
Fig. 13.3(a))
For junction E: I4 C I3 D 15
i.e. I4 D 15 90. Figure 13.5
Hence I4 D 105 A
2 Divide the circuit into two loops and apply
For junction F: 120 D I5 C 40.
Kirchhoff’s voltage law to each. From loop 1 of
Hence I5 D 80 A Fig. 13.5, and moving in a clockwise direction as
(i.e. I2 is flowing in the opposite direction to that 1 Currents, and their directions are shown labelled
shown in Fig. 13.5) in Fig. 13.8 following Kirchhoff’s current law. It
is usual, although not essential, to follow conven-
tional current flow with current flowing from the
From 1 6I1 C 40.286 D 4 positive terminal of the source
6I1 D 4 C 1.144
Hence I1 D D 0.857 A
For loop 2:
E2 D I2 R2 I1 I2 R3
Note that since loop 2 is in the opposite direction
to current I1 I2 , the volt drop across R3 (i.e.
I1 I2 R3 ) is by convention negative.
Thus 12 D 2I2 5I1 I2 Figure 13.10
i.e. 12 D 5I1 C 7I2 2
3 Solving Equations (1) and (2) to find I1 and I2 : Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law to loop 2 and
moving in a anticlockwise direction as shown in
10 ð 1 gives: 160 D 5I1 C 20I2 3 Fig. 13.10 gives:
2C3 gives: 172 D 27I2 0 D 2I1 C 32I2 14I I1
172 However I D 8A
hence I2 D D 6.37 A
Hence 0 D 2I1 C 32I2 148 I1
From (1): 16 D 0.5I1 C 26.37
i.e. 16I1 C 32I2 D 112 2
16 26.37
I1 D D 6.52 A Equations (1) and (2) are simultaneous equations
0.5 with two unknowns, I1 and I2 .
Current flowing in R3 D I1 I2 16 ð 1 gives: 208I1 176I2 D 864 3
D 6.52 6.37 D 0.15 A 13 ð 2 gives: 208I1 C 416I2 D 1456 4
4 3 gives: 592I2 D 592
Problem 4. For the bridge network shown
in Fig. 13.9 determine the currents in each of I2 D 1 A
the resistors.
Substituting for I2 in (1) gives:
13I1 11 D 54
I1 D D 5A
Hence, the current flowing in the 2 resistor
D I1 D 5 A
Figure 13.9 the current flowing in the 14 resistor
D I I1 D 8 5 D 3 A
Let the current in the 2 resistor be I1 , then by
Kirchhoff’s current law, the current in the 14 the current flowing in the 32 resistor
resistor is II1 . Let the current in the 32 resistor
be I2 as shown in Fig. 13.10. Then the current in the D I2 D 1 A
11 resistor is I1 I2 and that in the 3 resistor
is I I1 C I2 . Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law the current flowing in the 11 resistor
to loop 1 and moving in a clockwise direction as
shown in Fig. 13.10 gives: D I1 I2 D 5 1 D 4 A
Now try the following exercise 4 Find the current flowing in the 3 resistor for
the network shown in Fig. 13.14(a). Find also
the p.d. across the 10 and 2 resistors.
[2.715 A, 7.410 V, 3.948 V]
Exercise 65 Further problems on
Kirchhoff’s laws
1 Find currents I3 , I4 and I6 in Fig. 13.11
[I3 D 2 A, I4 D 1 A, I6 D 3 A]
Figure 13.14
Figure 13.11
Figure 13.12
4 4
Problem 5. Figure 13.15 shows a circuit and I3 D I1 D 1.429 D 1.143 A
containing two sources of e.m.f., each with 4C1 5
by current division
their internal resistance. Determine the
current in each branch of the network by 3 Redraw the original circuit with source E1
using the superposition theorem. removed, being replaced by r1 only, as shown
in Fig. 13.17(a)
Figure 13.15
Figure 13.17
1 Redraw the original circuit with source E2 4 Label the currents in each branch and their direc-
removed, being replaced by r2 only, as shown tions as shown in Fig. 13.17(a) and determine
in Fig. 13.16(a) their values.
r1 in parallel with R gives an equivalent resistance
of 2 ð 4/2 C 4 D 8/6 D 1.333
From the equivalent circuit of Fig. 13.17(b)
E2 2
I4 D D D 0.857 A
1.333 C r2 1.333 C 1
From Fig. 13.17(a),
2 2
I5 D I4 D 0.857 D 0.286 A
2C4 6
Figure 13.16
4 4
I6 D I4 D 0.857 D 0.571 A
2C4 6
2 Label the currents in each branch and their direc-
tions as shown in Fig. 13.16(a) and determine 5 Superimpose Fig. 13.17(a) on to Fig. 13.16(a) as
their values. (Note that the choice of current direc- shown in Fig. 13.18
tions depends on the battery polarity, which, by
convention is taken as flowing from the positive
battery terminal as shown)
R in parallel with r2 gives an equivalent resistance
of 4 ð 1/4 C 1 D 0.8
From the equivalent circuit of Fig. 13.16(b),
E1 4
I1 D D
r1 C 0.8 2 C 0.8
D 1.429 A
From Fig. 11.16(a), Figure 13.18
1 1 6 Determine the algebraic sum of the currents flow-
I2 D I1 D 1.429 D 0.286 A
4C1 5 ing in each branch.
Figure 13.19
Figure 13.22
3 3 2 Use the superposition theorem to find the cur-
I6 D I4 D 0.656 D 0.094 A
3 C 18 21 rent in the 8 resistor of Fig. 13.25
[0.385 A]
5 Superimposing Fig. 13.22(a) on to Fig. 13.21(a)
gives the circuit in Fig. 13.23
Figure 13.25
(i) The open-circuit voltage, E, across terminals (iv) The resistance ‘looking-in’ at terminals AB
AB in Fig. 13.28 is equal to 10 V, since no in Fig. 13.31(a) is obtained by reducing the
current flows through the 2 resistor and circuit in stages as shown in Figures 13.31(b)
hence no voltage drop occurs. to (d). Hence the equivalent resistance across
AB is 7 .
Figure 13.28
is then as shown in Fig. 13.32(d), which is (ix) In the worked problems in Sections 13.5
redrawn in Fig. 13.32(e). From Fig. 13.32(e), and 13.7 following, it may be considered
the equivalent resistance across AB, that Thévenin’s and Norton’s theorems have
6ð4 no obvious advantages compared with, say,
rD C 3 D 2.4 C 3 D 5.4 Z Kirchhoff’s laws. However, these theorems
6C4 can be used to analyse part of a circuit
(vii) To find the voltage across AB in Fig. 13.33: and in much more complicated networks the
Since the 20 V supply is across the 5 and principle of replacing the supply by a constant
15 resistors in series then, by voltage divi- voltage source in series with a resistance (or
sion, the voltage drop across AC, impedance) is very useful.
VAC D 20 D 5 V
5 C 15
13.5 Thévenin’s theorem
R3 = 5 Ω
A Figure 13.38
R1= 2 Ω R2 = 8 Ω
Following the procedure:
(i) The 0.8 resistor is removed from the circuit
I as shown in Fig. 13.39(a).
R = 10 Ω 5Ω
r = 6.6 Ω 5Ω A
B r
12 V
(c) 4Ω E 1Ω 4Ω
1Ω I1
Figure 13.37 B
(a) (b)
(ii) There is no current flowing in the 5 resistor I
and current I1 is given by A A
1Ω+5 Ω
10 10 = 6Ω 4 Ω r E =4.8 V
I1 D D D 1A R = 0.8 Ω
r =2.4 Ω
R1 C R2 2C8
P.d. across R2 D I1 R2 D 1 ð 8 D 8 V. Hence (c) (d)
p.d. across AB, i.e. the open-circuit voltage
across the break, E D 8 V Figure 13.39
12 12 A
(ii) Current I1 D D D 1.2 A
1C5C4 10 E1=4 V
E2=2 V E
P.d. across 4 resistor D 4I1 D 41.2 D I1
4.8 V. Hence p.d. across AB, i.e. the open- r1 =2 Ω r2 =1 Ω
circuit voltage across AB, E D 4.8 V B
(iii) Removing the source of e.m.f. gives the circuit
shown in Fig. 13.39(b). The equivalent circuit A
of Fig. 13.39(b) is shown in Fig. 13.39(c), from
which, resistance r
r1 =2 Ω r2 =1 Ω
4ð6 24
rD D D 2.4
4C6 10 B
(iv) The equivalent Thévenin’s circuit is shown in (b)
Fig. 13.39(d), from which, current
E 4.8 4.8 E =2 23 V A
rCR 2.4 C 0.8 3.2
R =4 Ω
D 1.5 A D current in the 0.8 Z resistor r = 32 Ω
Problem 9. Use Thévenin’s theorem to (c)
determine the current I flowing in the 4
resistor shown in Fig. 13.40. Find also the Figure 13.41
power dissipated in the 4 resistor.
(iv) The equivalent Thévenin’s circuit is shown in
Fig. 13.41(c), from which, current,
E1 = 4 V E2 =2 V R = 4Ω E 2 23 8/3 8
ID D 2
r1 = 2 Ω r2 =1Ω rCR 3
C4 14/3 14
D 0.571 A
Figure 13.40 D current in the 4 Z resistor
r2 = 2 Ω
(iii) Removing the sources of e.m.f. gives the circuit E1 = 4 V
shown in Fig. 13.41(b), from which, resistance
2ð1 2 Figure 13.42
rD D
2C1 3
(c) (d)
Figure 13.43
12 C 4 16 Figure 13.44
(ii) Current I1 D D D 6.4 A
0.5 C 2 2.5
P.d. across AB, (Note the symbol for an ideal voltage source in
Fig. 13.44 which may be used as an alternative to
E D E1 I1 r1 D 4 6.40.5 D 0.8 V the battery symbol.)
(see Section 13.4(iii)). (Alternatively, E D Following the procedure
E2 C I1 r1 D 12 C 6.42 D 0.8 V)
(i) The 3 resistance is removed from the circuit
(iii) Removing the sources of e.m.f. gives the circuit as shown in Fig. 13.45(a).
shown in Fig. 13.43(b), from which resistance
(ii) The 1 23 resistance now carries no current.
0.5 ð 2 1
rD D D 0.4 P.d. across 10 resistor
0.5 C 2 2.5
(iv) The equivalent Thévenin’s circuit is shown in D 24 D 16 V
Fig. 13.43(c), from which, current 10 C 5
E 0.8 0.8 (see Section 13.4(v)). Hence p.d. across AB,
ID D D D 0.148 A E D 16 V.
rCR 0.4 C 5 5.4
D current in the 5 Z resistor (iii) Removing the source of e.m.f. and replac-
ing it by its internal resistance means that
From Fig. 13.43(d), the 20 resistance is short-circuited as shown
in Fig. 13.45(b) since its internal resistance
voltage V D IR3 D 0.1485 D 0.74 V is zero. The 20 resistance may thus be
removed as shown in Fig. 13.45(c) (see Sec-
From Section 13.4(iii), tion 13.4 (vi)).
From Fig. 13.45(c), resistance,
V D E1 IA r1
2 10 ð 5 2 50
i.e. 0.74 D 4 IA 0.5 rD1 C D1 C D 5
3 10 C 5 3 15
123 Ω 5Ω
20 Ω
E 10 Ω 24 V 24 V
1 32 Ω 5Ω 1 32 Ω 5Ω
Figure 13.46
r r
10 Ω 20 Ω 10 Ω
R1= R2 =14 Ω
2Ω 14 Ω
R4= R3 = 3 Ω 11 Ω 3Ω
54 V
11 Ω
(a) (b)
2Ω C 14 Ω 2Ω 14 Ω
C 4.163 Ω
A B A B R5 =
32 Ω
11 Ω D 3 Ω 11 Ω 3Ω
36.16 V
(c) (d) (e)
Figure 13.47
Figure 13.54
(iv) From the Norton equivalent network shown in 2
Fig. 13.54(c) the current in the 10 resistance, ID 2
4 D 0.571 A,
by current division, is given by: 3 C4
1.6 as obtained previously in problems 2, 5 and
ID 5 D 0.482 A 9 using Kirchhoff’s laws and the theorems of
1.6 C 5 C 10
superposition and Thévenin
as obtained previously in Problem 7 using
Thévenin’s theorem.
Problem 15. Determine the current in the
Problem 14. Use Norton’s theorem to 5 resistance of the network shown in
determine the current I flowing in the 4 Fig. 13.57 using Norton’s theorem. Hence
resistance shown in Fig. 13.55 find the currents flowing in the other two
Figure 13.55
Figure 13.57
Following the procedure:
Following the procedure:
(i) The 4 branch is short-circuited as shown in
Fig. 13.56(a)
(i) The 5 branch is short-circuited as shown in
Fig. 13.58(a)
I1 I
4V I1 I
2V ISC = 4 A A
I SC r = 2/3 Ω 4Ω I2
12 V I SC = 2 A r = 0.4 Ω
2Ω 1Ω 0.5 Ω
(a) (b) 4V 2Ω
Figure 13.56
(a) (b)
5Ω 5Ω 5Ω
I SC 10 Ω 20 Ω 24 V I SC 24 V 20 Ω 24 V r 10 Ω 20 Ω
(a) (b) (c)
5Ω I A
ISC = 4.8 A 2
13 Ω
r 10 Ω 3 13 Ω
(d) (e)
Figure 13.60
4Ω A 8Ω 4Ω
15 A 15 A
Figure 13.63
6Ω 7Ω 6Ω I SC
(a) (b)
4Ω A 8Ω I
I SC = 9 A
13.8 Thévenin and Norton equivalent
6Ω 7Ω 2Ω
B B The Thévenin and Norton networks shown in
(c) (d) Fig. 13.64 are equivalent to each other. The
Figure 13.62 resistance ‘looking-in’ at terminals AB is the same
in each of the networks, i.e. r
(iii) If the 15 A current source is replaced by an
open-circuit then from Fig. 13.62(c) the resis-
tance ‘looking-in’ at a break made between A
and B is given by 6 C 4 in parallel with
8 C 7 , i.e.
1015 150
rD D D 6
10 C 15 25
(iv) From the Norton equivalent network shown in
Fig. 13.62(d) the current in the 2 resistance Figure 13.64
is given by:
6 If terminals AB in Fig. 13.64(a) are short-
I D 9 D 6.75 A circuited, the short-circuit current is given by E/r.
If terminals AB in Fig. 13.64(b) are short-circuited,
the short-circuit current is ISC . For the circuit shown
Now try the following exercise in Fig. 13.64(a) to be equivalent to the circuit in
Fig. 13.64(b) the same short-circuit current must
flow. Thus ISC D E/r.
Figure 13.65 shows a source of e.m.f. E in series
with a resistance r feeding a load resistance R
Exercise 68 Further problems on Norton’s From Fig. 13.65,
1 Repeat Problems 1–4 of Exercise 66, page E E/r r E
164, by using Norton’s theorem rCR r C R/r rCR r
2 Repeat Problems 1, 2, 4 and 5 of Exercise 67, r
page 171, by using Norton’s theorem i.e. ID ISC
Figure 13.65
Figure 13.66
Figure 13.69
Thus the two representations shown in Fig. 13.64
are equivalent. The open-circuit voltage E across terminals AB in
Fig. 13.69 is given by:
Problem 18. Convert the circuit shown in
Fig. 13.67 to an equivalent Norton network. E D ISC r D 43 D 12 V.
Figure 13.67
I flowing is given by
Problem 20. (a) Convert the circuit to the
left of terminals AB in Fig. 13.71 to an 19.2
I D D 6.4 A
equivalent Thévenin circuit by initially 1.2 C 1.8
converting to a Norton equivalent circuit.
(b) Determine the current flowing in the
1.8 resistor. Problem 21. Determine by successive
conversions between Thévenin and Norton
equivalent networks a Thévenin equivalent
circuit for terminals AB of Fig. 13.73. Hence
determine the current flowing in the 200
E1 = E2 = 24 V
12 V
r1 = 3 Ω 1.8 Ω
r2 = 2 Ω
Figure 13.71
(a) For the branch containing the 12 V source, con- Figure 13.73
verting to a Norton equivalent circuit gives
ISC D 12/3 D 4 A and r1 D 3 . For the branch
containing the 24 V source, converting to a Nor- For the branch containing the 10 V source,
ton equivalent circuit gives ISC2 D 24/2 D 12 A converting to a Norton equivalent network gives
and r2 D 2 . Thus Fig. 13.72(a) shows a net- ISC D 10/2000 D 5 mA and r1 D 2 k
work equivalent to Fig. 13.71 For the branch containing the 6 V source,
converting to a Norton equivalent network gives
A ISC D 6/3000 D 2 mA and r2 D 3 k
ISC1 = ISC2 = Thus the network of Fig. 13.73 converts to
4A 12 A
r2 = 2 Ω
Fig. 13.74(a). Combining the 5 mA and 2 mA
r1 = current sources gives the equivalent network of
Fig. 13.74(b) where the short-circuit current for the
(a) original two branches considered is 7 mA and the
resistance is 2 ð 3/2 C 3 D 1.2 k
A A Both of the Norton equivalent networks shown in
16 A Fig. 13.74(b) may be converted to Thévenin equiv-
19.2 V
1.2 Ω alent circuits. The open-circuit voltage across CD
1.2 Ω
(b) (c)
Figure 13.72
is 7 ð 103 1.2 ð 103 D 8.4 V and the resis- 3 (a) Convert the network to the left of terminals
tance ‘looking-in’ at CD is 1.2 k. The open-circuit AB in Fig. 13.77 to an equivalent Thévenin
voltage across EF is 1 ð 103 600 D 0.6 V and circuit by initially converting to a Norton
the resistance ‘looking-in’ at EF is 0.6 k. Thus equivalent network.
Fig. 13.74(b) converts to Fig. 13.74(c). Combining
the two Thévenin circuits gives E D 8.4 0.6 D
7.8 V and the resistance r D 1.2C0.6 k D 1.8 kZ
Thus the Thévenin equivalent circuit for terminals
AB of Fig. 13.73 is as shown in Fig. 13.74(d)
Hence the current I flowing in a 200 resistance
connected between A and B is given by
1800 C 200
Figure 13.77
D D 3.9 mA
2000 (b) Determine the current flowing in the 1.8
resistance connected between A and B in
Fig. 13.77
Now try the following exercise [(a) E D 18 V, r D 1.2 (b) 6 A]
4 Determine, by successive conversions between
Thévenin and Norton equivalent networks, a
Exercise 69 Further problems on Thévenin equivalent circuit for terminals AB
Thévenin and Norton equivalent networks of Fig. 13.78. Hence determine the current
1 Convert the circuits shown in Fig. 13.75 to flowing in a 6 resistor connected between
Norton equivalent networks. A and B. [E D 9 13 V, r D 1 , 1 13 A]
[(a) ISC D 25 A, r D 2 (b) ISC D 2 mA,
r D 5 ]
Figure 13.78
Figure 13.75
5 For the network shown in Fig. 13.79, convert
2 Convert the networks shown in Fig. 13.76 to each branch containing a voltage source to
Thévenin equivalent circuits its Norton equivalent and hence determine the
[(a) E D 20 V, r D 4 (b) E D 12 mV, current flowing in the 5 resistance. [1.22 A]
r D 3 ]
Figure 13.79
Figure 13.76
Figure 13.86
Figure 13.85
Exercise 71 Short answer questions on
(ii) The p.d. across AB is the same as the p.d. d.c. circuit theory
across the 12 resistor. Hence 1 Name two laws and three theorems which may
be used to find unknown currents and p.d.’s in
ED 15 D 12 V electrical circuits
12 C 3
2 State Kirchhoff’s current law
(iii) Removing the source of e.m.f. gives the circuit
of Fig. 13.85(b), from which, resistance, 3 State Kirchhoff’s voltage law
12 ð 3 36 4 State, in your own words, the superposition
rD D D 2.4 theorem
12 C 3 15
Figure 13.90
Figure 13.88
3 For the circuit shown in Fig. 13.89, the inter- Figure 13.91
nal resistance r is given by:
(a) (b) 8 With reference to Fig. 13.92, which of the
VE I following statements is correct?
I EV (a) VPQ D 2 V
(c) (d)
EV I (b) VPQ D 15 V
(c) When a load is connected between P and 12 The maximum power transferred by the
Q, current would flow from Q to P source in Fig. 13.95 is:
(d) VPQ D 20 V (a) 5 W (b) 200 W
(c) 40 W (d) 50 W
3Ω 11 Ω I
E = 20 V
15 V
2Ω 4Ω RL
r = 2Ω
Figure 13.92
Figure 13.95
4Ω V
10 Ω
R1=30 Ω R2
Figure 13.96
12 V
14 For the circuit shown in Fig. 13.96, current
Figure 13.93 I1 is:
(a) 25 A (b) 4 A
(c) 0 A (d) 20 A
11 The open-circuit voltage E across terminals
XY of Fig. 13.94 is: 15 For the circuit shown in Fig. 13.96, current
(a) 0 V (b) 20 V (c) 4 V (d) 16 V I2 is:
(a) 25 A (b) 4 A
(c) 0 A (d) 20 A
16 The current flowing in the branches of a d.c.
circuit may be determined using:
(a) Kirchhoff’s laws
(b) Lenz’s law
(c) Faraday’s laws
Figure 13.94 (d) Fleming’s left-hand rule
Alternating voltages and currents
14.1 Introduction
Electricity is produced by generators at power sta-
tions and then distributed by a vast network of
transmission lines (called the National Grid system)
to industry and for domestic use. It is easier and
cheaper to generate alternating current (a.c.) than
direct current (d.c.) and a.c. is more conveniently
distributed than d.c. since its voltage can be readily
altered using transformers. Whenever d.c. is needed
in preference to a.c., devices called rectifiers are Figure 14.1
used for conversion (see Section 14.7).
An e.m.f. is generated in the coil (from Faraday’s
laws) which varies in magnitude and reverses its
14.2 The a.c. generator direction at regular intervals. The reason for this is
shown in Fig. 14.2 In positions (a), (e) and (i) the
Let a single turn coil be free to rotate at constant conductors of the loop are effectively moving along
angular velocity symmetrically between the poles the magnetic field, no flux is cut and hence no e.m.f.
of a magnet system as shown in Fig. 14.1 is induced. In position (c) maximum flux is cut and
Figure 14.3
1 volt second
maximum value D
Peak factor = 10 ð 103 second
r.m.s. value
D D 100 V
For a sine wave, peak factor D 1.41. 10
The values of form and peak factors give an (iii) In Fig. 14.5(a), the first 1/4 cycle is divided
indication of the shape of waveforms. into 4 intervals. Thus
v21 C v22 C v23 C v24
Problem 4. For the periodic waveforms rms value D
shown in Fig. 14.5 determine for each:
(i) frequency (ii) average value over half a 252 C752 C1252 C1752
cycle (iii) r.m.s. value (iv) form factor and D
(v) peak factor. 4
D 114.6 V
(Note that the greater the number of inter-
vals chosen, the greater the accuracy of the
result. For example, if twice the number of
ordinates as that chosen above are used, the
r.m.s. value is found to be 115.6 V)
r.m.s. value
(iv) Form factor D
average value
D D 1.15
maximum value
(v) Peak factor D
r.m.s. value
D D 1.75
(b) Rectangular waveform (Fig. 14.5(b)).
(i) Time for 1 complete cycle D 16 ms D
periodic time, T. Hence
Figure 14.5
1 1 1000
frequency, f D D 3
(a) Triangular waveform (Fig. 14.5(a)). T 16 ð 10 16
(i) Time for 1 complete cycle D 20 ms D D 62.5 Hz
periodic time, T. Hence
area under curve
1 1 Average value over
frequency f D D (ii) D
T 20 ð 103 half a cycle length of base
1000 10 ð 8 ð 103
D D 50 Hz D
20 8 ð 103
(ii) Area under the triangular waveform for a D 10 A
half-cycle D 12 ð base ð height
i21 C i22 C i23 C i24
D 12 ð 10 ð 103 ð 200 D 1 volt second (iii) The r.m.s. value D
area under curve
Average value D 10 A, however many intervals are chosen,
of waveform length of base since the waveform is rectangular.
r.m.s. value 10
(iv) Form factor D D D1
average value 10
maximum value 10
(v) Peak factor D D D1
r.m.s. value 10
For a sine wave, r.m.s. value of voltage 2 For the waveforms shown in Fig. 14.7 deter-
V D 0.707 ð Vm . mine for each (i) the frequency (ii) the average
A 240 V mains supply means that 240 V is the r.m.s. value over half a cycle (iii) the r.m.s. value
value, hence (iv) the form factor (v) the peak factor.
[(a) (i) 100 Hz (ii) 2.50 A (iii) 2.88 A
V 240 (iv) 1.15 (v) 1.74
Vm D D D 339.5 V
0.707 0.707 (b) (i) 250 Hz (ii) 20 V (iii) 20 V
D peak value (iv) 1.0 (v) 1.0
(c) (i) 125 Hz (ii) 18 A (iii) 19.56 A
Mean value (iv) 1.09 (v) 1.23
(d) (i) 250 Hz (ii) 25 V (iii) 50 V
VAV D 0.637 Vm D 0.637 ð 339.5 D 216.3 V (iv) 2.0 (v) 2.0]
Figure 14.7
Now try the following exercise
The negative half cycle is identical in shape If all such vertical components are projected on to
to the positive half cycle. Plot the waveform a graph of y against angle ωt (in radians), a sine
and determine (a) the periodic time and fre- curve results of maximum value 0A. Any quantity
quency (b) the instantaneous value of voltage which varies sinusoidally can thus be represented as
at 3.75 ms (c) the times when the voltage is a phasor.
125 V (d) the mean value, and (e) the r.m.s. A sine curve may not always start at 0° . To
value show this a periodic function is represented by
[(a) 24 ms, 41.67 Hz (b) 115 V y D sinωt š , where is the phase (or angle) dif-
(c) 4 ms and 10.1 ms (d) 142 V ference compared with y D sin ωt. In Fig. 14.9(a),
(e) 171 V] y2 D sinωt C starts radians earlier than
5 Calculate the r.m.s. value of a sinusoidal curve y1 D sin ωt and is thus said to lead y1 by radians.
of maximum value 300 V [212.1 V] Phasors y1 and y2 are shown in Fig. 14.9(b) at the
time when t D 0.
6 Find the peak and mean values for a 200 V
mains supply [282.9 V, 180.2 V]
7 Plot a sine wave of peak value 10.0 A. Show
that the average value of the waveform is
6.37 A over half a cycle, and that the r.m.s.
value is 7.07 A
8 A sinusoidal voltage has a maximum value of
120 V. Calculate its r.m.s. and average values.
[84.8 V, 76.4 V]
9 A sinusoidal current has a mean value of
15.0 A. Determine its maximum and r.m.s.
values. [23.55 A, 16.65 A]
Figure 14.9
Comparing v D 75 sin200t 0.25 with the gen- Problem 12. The current in an a.c. circuit at
eral expression v D Vm sinωt š gives: any time t seconds is given by:
i D 120 sin100t C 0.36 amperes. Find:
(a) the peak value, the periodic time, the
(a) Amplitude, or peak value D 75 V frequency and phase angle relative to
(b) Peak-to-peak value D 2 ð 75 D 150 V 120 sin 100t (b) the value of the current
when t D 0 (c) the value of the current when
(c) The r.m.s. value D 0.707 ð maximum value t D 8 ms (d) the time when the current first
reaches 60 A, and (e) the time when the
D 0.707 ð 75 D 53 V current is first a maximum.
(d) Angular velocity, ω D 200 rad/s. Hence peri- (a) Peak value D 120 A
odic time,
Periodic time T D
2 2 1 ω
TD D D D 0.01 s or 10 ms
ω 200 100 2
D since ω D 100
1 1 100
(e) Frequency, f D D D 100 Hz
T 0.01 1
D D 0.02 s or 20 ms
(f) Phase angle, D 0.25 radians lagging
1 1
75 sin 200t Frequency, f D D D 50 Hz
T 0.02
Phase angle D 0.36 rads (in degrees) of the following alternating quan-
D 0.36 ð D 20.63° leading (a) v D 90 sin 400t volts
[90 V, 63.63 V, 5 ms, 200 Hz, 0° ]
(b) When t D 0, (b) i D 50 sin100t C 0.30 amperes
[50 A, 35.35 A, 0.02 s, 50 Hz, 17.19° lead]
i D 120 sin0 C 0.36 (c) e D 200 sin628.4 t 0.41 volts
[200 V, 141.4 V, 0.01 s, 100 Hz, 23.49°
D 120 sin 20.63° D 42.3 A lag]
(c) When t D 8 ms, 3 A sinusoidal current has a peak value of 30 A
and a frequency of 60 Hz. At time t D 0,
8 the current is zero. Express the instantaneous
i D 120 sin 100 C 0.36
103 current i in the form i D Im sin ωt
[i D 30 sin 120t]
D 120 sin 2.8733D 120 sin 164.63°
D 31.8 A 4 An alternating voltage v has a periodic time
of 20 ms and a maximum value of 200 V.
(d) When i D 60 A, 60 D 120 sin100t C 0.36 When time t D 0, v D 75 volts. Deduce
thus 60/120 D sin100t C 0.36 so that a sinusoidal expression for v and sketch one
100t C 0.36 D sin1 0.5 D 30° cycle of the voltage showing important points.
D /6 rads D 0.5236 rads. Hence time, [v D 200 sin100t 0.384 ]
(a) by plotting the periodic functions graphically The resultant waveform leads the curve i1 D
(see worked Problems 13 and 16), or 20 sin ωt by 19° i.e. 19 ð /180 rads D 0.332 rads
Hence the sinusoidal expression for the resultant
(b) by resolution of phasors by drawing or calcula- i1 C i2 is given by:
tion (see worked Problems 14 and 15)
iR = i1 + i2 = 26.5 sin.wt + 0.332/ A
Problem 13. The instantaneous values of
two alternating currents are given by Problem 14. Two alternating voltages are
i1 D 20 sin ωt amperes and represented by v1 D 50 sin ωt volts and
i2 D 10 sinωt C /3 amperes. By plotting v2 D 100 sinωt /6 V. Draw the phasor
i1 and i2 on the same axes, using the same diagram and find, by calculation, a sinusoidal
scale, over one cycle, and adding ordinates at expression to represent v1 C v2 .
intervals, obtain a sinusoidal expression for
i 1 C i2 .
Phasors are usually drawn at the instant when time
t D 0. Thus v1 is drawn horizontally 50 units
i1 D 20 sin ωt and i2 D 10 sinωt C /3 are shown long and v2 is drawn 100 units long lagging v1 by
plotted in Fig. 14.10. Ordinates of i1 and i2 are /6 rads, i.e. 30° . This is shown in Fig. 14.11(a)
added at, say, 15° intervals (a pair of dividers are where 0 is the point of rotation of the phasors.
useful for this). For example,
at 30° , i1 C i2 D 10 C 10 D 20 A
at 60° , i1 C i2 D 17.3 C 8.7 D 26 A
at 150° , i1 C i2 D 10 C 5 D 5 A, and so on.
Figure 14.11
and D sin1 0.3436 D 20.096° D 0.35 radians, (a) v1 D 120 sin ωt and v2 D 200 sinωt /4 are
and lags v1 . Hence
shown plotted in Fig. 14.13 Care must be taken
when subtracting values of ordinates especially
vR D v1 C v2 D 145.5 sin.wt − 0.35/ V when at least one of the ordinates is negative.
For example
Figure 14.12
3 What is the difference between an alternating 3 In Fig. 14.15, at the instant shown, the gen-
and a unidirectional waveform? erated e.m.f. will be:
(a) zero
4 The time to complete one cycle of a wave- (b) an r.m.s. value
form is called the . . . . . . (c) an average value
(d) a maximum value
5 What is frequency? Name its unit
6 The mains supply voltage has a special shape
of waveform called a . . . . . .
7 Define peak value
8 What is meant by the r.m.s. value?
9 The domestic mains electricity voltage in
Great Britain is . . . . . .
10 What is the mean value of a sinusoidal alter-
nating e.m.f. which has a maximum value of Figure 14.15
100 V?
11 The effective value of a sinusoidal waveform 4 The supply of electrical energy for a con-
is . . . . . . ð maximum value sumer is usually by a.c. because:
12 What is a phasor quantity? (a) transmission and distribution are more
easily effected
13 Complete the statement: (b) it is most suitable for variable speed
Form factor D . . . . . . ł . . . . . ., and for a sine motors
wave, form factor D . . . . . . (c) the volt drop in cables is minimal
14 Complete the statement: (d) cable power losses are negligible
Peak factor D . . . . . . ł . . . . . ., and for a sine 5 Which of the following statements is false?
wave, peak factor D . . . . . . (a) It is cheaper to use a.c. than d.c.
15 A sinusoidal current is given by i D (b) Distribution of a.c. is more convenient
Im sinωt š ˛ . What do the symbols Im , ω than with d.c. since voltages may be
and ˛ represent? readily altered using transformers
(c) An alternator is an a.c. generator
16 How is switching obtained when converting (d) A rectifier changes d.c. to a.c.
a.c. to d.c.?
6 An alternating voltage of maximum value
100 V is applied to a lamp. Which of the
following direct voltages, if applied to the
lamp, would cause the lamp to light with the
Exercise 78 Multi-choice questions on same brilliance?
alternating voltages and currents (Answers (a) 100 V (b) 63.7 V
on page 375) (c) 70.7 V (d) 141.4 V
1 The value of an alternating current at any 7 The value normally stated when referring to
given instant is: alternating currents and voltages is the:
Assignment 4
The marks for each question are shown in brackets at the end of each question.
1 Find the current flowing in the 5 resis- Find also the current flowing in each of the other
tor of the circuit shown in Fig. A4.1 using two branches of the circuit. (27)
(a) Kirchhoff’s laws, (b) the Superposition the- 2 A d.c. voltage source has an internal resistance
orem, (c) Thévenin’s theorem, (d) Norton’s of 2 and an open circuit voltage of 24 V. State
theorem. the value of load resistance that gives maximum
Demonstrate that the same answer results from power dissipation and determine the value of this
each method. power. (5)
3 A sinusoidal voltage has a mean value of 3.0 A.
Determine it’s maximum and r.m.s. values. (4)
4 The instantaneous value of current in an a.c.
circuit at any time t seconds is given by: i D
50 sin100t 0.45 mA. Determine
(a) the peak to peak current, the periodic time, the
frequency and the phase angle (in degrees)
(b) the current when t D 0
(c) the current when t D 8 ms
(d) the first time when the voltage is a maximum.
Sketch the current for one cycle showing relevant
Figure A4.1 points. (14)
Single-phase series a.c. circuits
ž draw phasor diagrams and current and voltage waveforms for (a) purely resistive
(b) purely inductive and (c) purely capacitive a.c. circuits
ž perform calculations involving XL D 2fL and XC D 1/2fC
ž draw circuit diagrams, phasor diagrams and voltage and impedance triangles
for R–L, R–C and R –L –C series a.c. circuits and perform calculations using
Pythagoras’ theorem, trigonometric ratios and Z D V/I
ž understand resonance
ž derive the formula for resonant frequency and use it in calculations
ž understand Q-factor and perform calculations using
VL or VC ωr L 1 1 L
or or or
V R ωr CR R C
ž understand bandwidth and half-power points
ž perform calculations involving f2 f1 D fr /Q
ž understand selectivity and typical values of Q-factor
ž appreciate that power P in an a.c. circuit is given by P D VI cos or I2R R and
perform calculations using these formulae
ž understand true, apparent and reactive power and power factor and perform calcu-
lations involving these quantities
Hence as the frequency is increased from 50 Hz to 2 A coil has a reactance of 120 in a circuit
20 kHz, XC decreases from 318.3 to 0.796 (see with a supply frequency of 4 kHz. Calculate
Fig. 15.5) the inductance of the coil. [4.77 mH]
3 A supply of 240 V, 50 Hz is connected across
Problem 4. A capacitor has a reactance of a pure inductance and the resulting current is
40 when operated on a 50 Hz supply. 1.2 A. Calculate the inductance of the coil.
Determine the value of its capacitance. [0.637 H]
Since 4 An e.m.f. of 200 V at a frequency of 2 kHz is
applied to a coil of pure inductance 50 mH.
XC D , Determine (a) the reactance of the coil, and
2fC (b) the current flowing in the coil.
capacitance [(a) 628 (b) 0.318 A]
9 A capacitor has a capacitive reactance of
400 when connected to a 100 V, 25 Hz For the R–L circuit: Z D R2 C X2L
supply. Determine its capacitance and the XL
current taken from the supply. tan D ,
[15.92 µF, 0.25 A] R
10 Two similar capacitors are connected in par- sin D
allel to a 200 V, 1 kHz supply. Find the value Z
of each capacitor if the circuit current is R
0.628 A. [0.25 µF] and cos D
(b) Impedance, known voltage, and then to repeat the process with
p an a.c. supply.
Z D R2 C X2L D 42 C 32 D 5 Z
(c) Current, Problem 9. A coil of inductance 318.3 mH
and negligible resistance is connected in
V 240 series with a 200 resistor to a 240 V, 50 Hz
ID D D 48 A supply. Calculate (a) the inductive reactance
Z 5
of the coil, (b) the impedance of the circuit,
The circuit and phasor diagrams and the voltage and (c) the current in the circuit, (d) the p.d.
impedance triangles are as shown in Fig. 15.6 across each component, and (e) the circuit
XL phase angle.
Since tan D ,
L D 318.3 mH D 0.3183 H, R D 200 ,
D tan V D 240 V and f D 50 Hz.
R The circuit diagram is as shown in Fig. 15.6
D tan1 (a) Inductive reactance
D 36.87 lagging XL D 2fL D 2500.3183 D 100 Z
(b) Impedance
Problem 8. A coil takes a current of 2 A
from a 12 V d.c. supply. When connected to Z D R2 C X2L
a 240 V, 50 Hz supply the current is 20 A. p
D 2002 C 1002 D 223.6 Z
Calculate the resistance, impedance,
inductive reactance and inductance of (c) Current
the coil. V 240
ID D D 1.073 A
Z 223.6
Resistance (d) The p.d. across the coil,
d.c. voltage 12 VL D IXL D 1.073 ð 100 D 107.3 V
RD D D 6
d.c. current 2 The p.d. across the resistor,
Impedance VR D IR D 1.073 ð 200 D 214.6 V
a.c. voltage 240 [Check: V2R C V2L D 214.62 C 107.32
ZD D D 12
a.c. current 20 D 240 V, the supply voltage]
Since (e) From the impedance triangle, angle
1 XL 1 100
Z D R2 C X2L , D tan D tan
R 200
inductive reactance, Hence the phase angle f = 26.57° lagging.
XL D Z2 R2 D 122 62 D 10.39 Problem 10. A coil consists of a resistance
of 100 and an inductance of 200 mH. If an
Since XL D 2fL, inductance, alternating voltage, v, given by
v D 200 sin 500 t volts is applied across the
XL 10.39
LD D D 33.1 mH coil, calculate (a) the circuit impedance,
2f 250 (b) the current flowing, (c) the p.d. across the
resistance, (d) the p.d. across the inductance
This problem indicates a simple method for finding and (e) the phase angle between voltage and
the inductance of a coil, i.e. firstly to measure the current.
current when the coil is connected to a d.c. supply of
Inductive reactance,
XL D 2fL Figure 15.7
D ωL D 500 ð 200 ð 10 D 100
Inductive reactance
(a) Impedance
XL D 2fL
Z D R2 C X2L
p D 25 ð 103 1.273 ð 103
D 1002 C 1002 D 141.4 Z D 40
(b) Current
V 141.4
Z 141.4 Z D R2 C X2L D 302 C 402 D 50
(c) P.d. across the resistance
VR D IR D 1 ð 100 D 100 V Supply voltage
Figure 15.9
Figure 15.13
V 300
(a) Current I D D D 38.91 A
Z 7.71
(b) Phase angle
D tan1
D tan1 D 49.58°
(c) Impedance of coil
Figure 15.14
D 52 C 37.72 D 38.03
Voltage across coil
D 38.9138.03 D 1480 V
Phase angle of coil
D tan1
1 37.7
D tan D 82.45° lagging
(d) Voltage across capacitor
VC D IXC D 38.9131.83 D 1239 V
The phasor diagram is shown in Fig. 15.14. The sup- Figure 15.15
ply voltage V is the phasor sum of VCOIL and VC .
Figure 15.16
Inductive reactance,
Figure 15.19
(i) VL = VC
Exercise 82 Further problems on R–L–C (ii) Z D R (i.e. the minimum circuit impedance
a.c. circuits
possible in an L–C–R circuit)
1 A 40 µF capacitor in series with a coil of (iii) I D V/R (i.e. the maximum current possible in
resistance 8 and inductance 80 mH is con- an L–C–R circuit)
nected to a 200 V, 100 Hz supply. Calculate
(a) the circuit impedance, (b) the current flow- (iv) Since XL D XC , then 2fr L D 1/2fr C from
ing, (c) the phase angle between voltage and which,
current, (d) the voltage across the coil, and 1
(e) the voltage across the capacitor. f2r D
22 LC
[(a) 13.18 (b) 15.17 A (c) 52.63°
(d) 772.1 V (e) 603.6 V] and
2 Three impedances are connected in series 1
across a 100 V, 2 kHz supply. The impedances fr = Hz
comprise: 2p LC
(i) an inductance of 0.45 mH and 2 resis-
tance, where fr is the resonant frequency.
(ii) an inductance of 570 µH and 5 resis- (v) The series resonant circuit is often described as
tance, and an acceptor circuit since it has its minimum
(iii) a capacitor of capacitance 10 µF and impedance, and thus maximum current, at the
resistance 3 resonant frequency.
Assuming no mutual inductive effects between
the two inductances calculate (a) the circuit (vi) Typical graphs of current I and impedance Z
impedance, (b) the circuit current, (c) the cir- against frequency are shown in Fig. 15.20
cuit phase angle and (d) the voltage across
each impedance. Draw the phasor diagram.
[(a) 11.12 (b) 8.99 A (c) 25.92° lagging
(d) 53.92 V, 78.53 V, 76.46 V]
3 For the circuit shown in Fig. 15.19 determine
the voltages V1 and V2 if the supply frequency
is 1 kHz. Draw the phasor diagram and hence
determine the supply voltage V and the circuit
phase angle.
[V1 D 26.0 V, V2 D 67.05 V,
V D 50 V, 53.13° leading] Figure 15.20
Problem 18. A coil having a resistance of D F
10 and an inductance of 125 mH is 2 ð 200 ð 103 2 50 ð 106
connected in series with a 60 µF capacitor 106 106
across a 120 V supply. At what frequency D µF
42 1010 50
does resonance occur? Find the current
flowing at the resonant frequency. D 0.0127 mF or 12.7 nF
Resonant frequency,
15.8 Q-factor
fr D Hz
2 LC At resonance, if R is small compared with XL and
1 XC , it is possible for VL and VC to have voltages
D many times greater than the supply voltage (see
125 60 Fig. 15.12(d), page 206)
103 106
D Voltage magnification at resonance
125 ð 6
2 voltage across L (or C /
108 =
supply voltage V
D p
2 This ratio is a measure of the quality of a circuit
(as a resonator or tuning device) and is called the
104 Q-factor. Hence
D p D 58.12 Hz
2 1256
Q-factor D D
At resonance, XL D XC and impedance Z D R. V IR
Hence current, I D V/R D 120/10 D 12 A
XL 2pfr L
Problem 19. The current at resonance in a
series L –C–R circuit is 100 µA. If the Alternatively,
applied voltage is 2 mV at a frequency of
200 kHz, and the circuit inductance is 50 µH, VC IXC
find (a) the circuit resistance, and (b) the Q-factor D D
circuit capacitance.
XC 1
R 2pfr CR
(a) I D 100 µA D 100 ð 106 A and V D 2 mV D
2 ð 103 V. At resonance, impedance Z D At resonance
resistance R. Hence
V 2 ð 103 2 ð 106 fr D
RD D D D 20 Z 2 LC
I 100 ð 106 100 ð 103
(b) At resonance XL D XC i.e. 1
i.e. 2fr D
1 LC
2fL D
Hence capacitance
1 2fr L 1 L 1 L
CD Q-factor D D D
2f2 L R LC R R C
At resonance,
Problem 20. A coil of inductance 80 mH
and negligible resistance is connected in 1 L 1 60 ð 103
series with a capacitance of 0.25 µF and a Q-factor D D
resistor of resistance 12.5 across a 100 V, R C 2 30 ð 106
variable frequency supply. Determine (a) the
resonant frequency, and (b) the current at 1 60 ð 106
resonance. How many times greater than the 2 30 ð 103
supply voltage is the voltage across the
reactance’s at resonance? 1p
D 2000 D 22.36
Figure 15.22
For sinusoidal voltages and currents, Problem 28. A load takes 90 kW at a power
factor of 0.5 lagging. Calculate the apparent
P VI cos power and the reactive power.
power factor D D
4Ω 400 mH
10 µF
84 V
V = 10 V
XL = 3 Ω
Figure 15.26
Single-phase parallel a.c. circuits
ž calculate unknown currents, impedances and circuit phase angle from phasor
diagrams for (a) R –L (b) R–C (c) L –C (d) LR–C parallel a.c. circuits
ž state the condition for parallel resonance in an LR–C circuit
ž derive the resonant frequency equation for an LR–C parallel a.c. circuit
ž determine the current and dynamic resistance at resonance in an LR–C parallel
ž understand and calculate Q-factor in an LR–C parallel circuit
ž understand how power factor may be improved
Problem 1. A 20
resistor is connected in branch, (b) the circuit current, (c) the circuit
parallel with an inductance of 2.387 mH phase angle, (d) the circuit impedance, (e) the
across a 60 V, 1 kHz supply. Calculate power consumed, and (f) the circuit power
(a) the current in each branch, (b) the supply factor.
current, (c) the circuit phase angle, (d) the [(a) IR D 3.67 A, IL D 2.92 A (b) 4.69 A
circuit impedance, and (e) the power (c) 38.51° lagging (d) 23.45
consumed. (e) 404 W (f) 0.783 lagging]
2 A 40
resistance is connected in parallel with
The circuit and phasor diagrams are as shown in a coil of inductance L and negligible resistance
Fig. 16.1 across a 200 V, 50 Hz supply and the supply
current is found to be 8 A. Draw a phasor
(a) Current flowing in the resistor,
diagram to scale and determine the inductance
V 60 of the coil. [102 mH]
R 20
Current flowing in the inductance,
IL D D 16.3 R –C parallel a.c. circuit
XL 2fL
60 In the two branch parallel circuit containing resis-
D D 4A
210002.387 ð 103 tance R and capacitance C shown in Fig. 16.2, IR is
(b) From the phasor diagram, supply current, in-phase with the supply voltage V and the current
flowing in the capacitor, IC , leads V by 90° . The
p supply current I is the phasor sum of IR and IC and
I D I2R C I2L D 32 C 42 D 5 A thus the current I leads the applied voltage V by an
(c) Circuit phase angle, angle lying between 0° and 90° (depending on the
values of IR and IC ), shown as angle ˛ in the phasor
IL 4 diagram.
f D tan1 D tan1 D 53.13° lagging
IR 3
(d) Circuit impedance,
V 60
Z D D D 12 Z
I 5
(e) Power consumed
Exercise 87 Further problems on R–L tan ˛ D , sin ˛ D and cos ˛ D
parallel a.c. circuits IR I I
(by trigonometric ratios)
1 A 30
resistor is connected in parallel with
a pure inductance of 3 mH across a 110 V, V
2 kHz supply. Calculate (a) the current in each Circuit impedance, Z D
V 240 I = 2A 53.13°
R 80 V = 120 V IR V = 120 V
200 Hz
Current in capacitor,
Figure 16.3
XC 1
Power factor D cos D 0.6 leading, hence
2fC D cos1 0.6 D 53.13° leading.
D 25030 ð 106 240 D 2.262 A From the phasor diagram shown in Fig. 16.3(b),
Now try the following exercise (i) IL > IC (giving a supply current, I D IL IC
lagging V by 90° )
(ii) IC > IL (giving a supply current, I D IC IL
Exercise 88 Further problems on R–C leading V by 90° )
parallel a.c. circuits
(iii) IL D IC (giving a supply current, I D 0).
1 A 1500 nF capacitor is connected in parallel
with a 16
resistor across a 10 V, 10 kHz The latter condition is not possible in practice due
supply. Calculate (a) the current in each to circuit resistance inevitably being present (as in
branch, (b) the supply current, (c) the circuit the circuit described in Section 16.5).
phase angle, (d) the circuit impedance, (e) the For the L –C parallel circuit,
power consumed, (f) the apparent power, and V V
(g) the circuit power factor. Draw the phasor IL D , IC D ,
diagram. XL XC
[(a) IR D 0.625 A, IC D 0.943 A (b) 1.13 A I D phasor difference between IL and IC , and
(c) 56.46° leading (d) 8.85
(e) 6.25 W
(f) 11.3 VA (g) 0.55 leading] V
2 A capacitor C is connected in parallel with a
resistance R across a 60 V, 100 Hz supply. The Problem 4. A pure inductance of 120 mH is
supply current is 0.6 A at a power factor of 0.8 connected in parallel with a 25 µF capacitor
leading. Calculate the value of R and C and the network is connected to a 100 V,
[R D 125
, C D 9.55 µF] 50 Hz supply. Determine (a) the branch
currents, (b) the supply current and its phase
angle, (c) the circuit impedance, and (d) the
power consumed.
16.4 L–C parallel circuit The circuit and phasor diagrams are as shown in
In the two branch parallel circuit containing Fig. 16.4
inductance L and capacitance C shown in Fig. 16.4,
IL lags V by 90° and IC leads V by 90° (a) Inductive reactance,
V 240
Problem 6. A coil of inductance 159.2 mH IC D D
and resistance 40
is connected in parallel XC 106.1
with a 30 µF capacitor across a 240 V, 50 Hz D 2.262 A leading the supply
supply. Calculate (a) the current in the coil
and its phase angle, (b) the current in the voltage by 90°
capacitor and its phase angle, (c) the supply (see phasor diagram of Fig. 16.6(b)).
current and its phase angle, (d) the circuit
impedance, (e) the power consumed, (f) the (c) The supply current I is the phasor sum of
apparent power, and (g) the reactive power. ILR and IC . This may be obtained by drawing
Draw the phasor diagram. the phasor diagram to scale and measuring the
current I and its phase angle relative to V.
(Current I will always be the diagonal of the
The circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 16.6(a). parallelogram formed as in Fig. 16.6(b)).
I D 2.3412 C 0.6652 D 2.434 A ILR C = 0.02 µF
0.665 IC
Angle D tan1 D 15.86° lagging I
V = 40 V
Hence the supply current I = 2.434 A V = 40V, 5 kHz 51.49°
I LR = 8.30mA
lagging V by 15.86°
Figure 16.8
I H = 2.341 A
f (a) Inductive reactance,
I V = 0.665 A
I XL D 2fL D 250000.12 D 3770
Impedance of coil,
Figure 16.7
Z1 D R2 C XL D 30002 C 37702
(d) Circuit impedance,
D 4818
V 240 Current in coil,
ZD D D 98.60 Z
I 2.434 V 40
(e) Power consumed, ILR D D D 8.30 mA
Z1 4818
P D VI cos D 2402.434 cos 15.86° Branch phase angle
D 562 W XL 3770
D tan1 D tan1
(Alternatively, P D I2R R
D I2LR R (in this case) R 3000
D 3.7482 40 D 562 W) °
D 51.49 lagging
D 206.7 mW
Resonant frequency
(Alternatively, P D I2R R When the quadrature component of ILR is equal to
D I2LR R IC then: IC D ILR sin 1 (see Fig. 16.9). Hence
D 8.30 ð 103 2 3000 V V XL
D (from Section 16.5)
D 206.7 mW) XC ZLR ZLR
from which,
Now try the following exercise
1 L
Z2LR D XL XC D 2fr L D
2fr C C
Exercise 90 Further problems on LR–C 1
parallel a.c. circuit Hence
1 A coil of resistance 60
and inductance L L
318.4 mH is connected in parallel with a R2 C X2L D and R2 C X2L D
Dynamic resistance
Since the current at resonance is in-phase with
the voltage the impedance of the circuit acts
as a resistance. This resistance is known as the
dynamic resistance, RD (or sometimes, the dynamic
From equation (2), impedance at resonance
Figure 16.9
Thus 2fr L2 D R2 and
C i.e. dynamic resistance,
2fr L D R2 L
C RD = ohms
1 L
and fr D R2
2L C
Rejector circuit
1 L R2
D The parallel resonant circuit is often described as
2 L 2 C L 2 a rejector circuit since it presents its maximum
impedance at the resonant frequency and the resul-
i.e. parallel resonant frequency, tant current is a minimum.
1 1 R2 Q-factor
fr = − 2
2p LC L Currents higher than the supply current can circu-
late within the parallel branches of a parallel res-
onant circuit, the current leaving the capacitor and
1 establishing the magnetic field of the inductor, this
(When R is negligible, then fr D p , which
2 LC then collapsing and recharging the capacitor, and so
is the same as for series resonance) on. The Q-factor of a parallel resonant circuit is
the ratio of the current circulating in the parallel
Current at resonance branches of the circuit to the supply current, i.e. the
current magnification.
Current at resonance,
Q-factor at resonance D current magnification
Ir D ILR cos 1 (from Fig. 16.9)
circulating current
D (from Section 16.5) supply current
IC ILR sin 1
D 2 Ir Ir
ILR sin 1
However, from equation (1), Z2LR D L/C hence ILR cos 1
sin 1
VR VRC D D tan 1
Ir D D 2 cos 1
The current is at a minimum at resonance. D
For a particular power supplied, a high power fac- ab D IM sin 53.13° D 500.8 D 40 A
tor reduces the current flowing in a supply system
Hence the capacitor current Ic must be 40 A
and therefore reduces the cost of cables, switch-
for the power factor to be unity.
gear, transformers and generators. Supply authorities
use tariffs which encourage electricity consumers to (b) Supply current I D IM cos 53.13° D 500.6 D
operate at a reasonably high power factor. Indus- 30 A.
trial loads such as a.c. motors are essentially induc-
tive (R–L) and may have a low power factor. One
V = 240 V
method of improving (or correcting) the power fac- M
tor of an inductive load is to connect a static capac- I M = 50 A IC C
itor C in parallel with the load (see Fig. 16.11(a)).
The supply current is reduced from ILR to I, the pha- I
IM = 50 A
sor sum of ILR and IC , and the circuit power factor
V = 240 V, 50 Hz
improves from cos 1 to cos 2 (see Fig. 16.11(b)).
(a) (b)
Figure 16.15
Hence capacitance
Figure 16.14
IC 7.168
CD D F D 91.27 mF
(a) The horizontal component of the currents 2fV 250250
D 10 cos 0° C 12 cos 36.87° C 8 cos 45.57° Thus to improve the power factor from 0.890 to
0.975 lagging a 91.27 µF capacitor is connected
D 10 C 9.6 C 5.6 D 25.2 A in parallel with the loads.
Now try the following exercises in parallel with the loads to improve the overall
power factor to 0.98 lagging.
[21.74 A, 0.966 lagging, 21.68 µF]
Exercise 92 Further problems on power
factor improvement
1 A 415 V alternator is supplying a load of
55 kW at a power factor of 0.65 lagging. Cal- Exercise 93 Short answer questions on
culate (a) the kVA loading and (b) the current single-phase parallel a.c. circuits
taken from the alternator. (c) If the power fac- 1 Draw a phasor diagram for a two-branch
tor is now raised to unity find the new kVA parallel circuit containing capacitance C in
loading. one branch and resistance R in the other,
[(a) 84.6 kVA (b) 203.9 A (c) 84.6 kVA] connected across a supply voltage V
2 A single phase motor takes 30 A at a power 2 Draw a phasor diagram for a two-branch
factor of 0.65 lagging from a 240 V, 50 Hz parallel circuit containing inductance L and
supply. Determine (a) the current taken by the resistance R in one branch and capacitance
capacitor connected in parallel to correct the C in the other, connected across a supply
power factor to unity, and (b) the value of the voltage V
supply current after power factor correction. 3 Draw a phasor diagram for a two-branch
[(a) 22.80 A (b) 19.5 A] parallel circuit containing inductance L in one
branch and capacitance C in the other for
3 A motor has an output of 6 kW, an efficiency the condition in which inductive reactance is
of 75% and a power factor of 0.64 lagging greater than capacitive reactance
when operated from a 250 V, 60 Hz supply.
It is required to raise the power factor to 4 State two methods of determining the phasor
0.925 lagging by connecting a capacitor in sum of two currents
parallel with the motor. Determine (a) the cur-
5 State two formulae which may be used to
rent taken by the motor, (b) the supply current
calculate power in a parallel circuit
after power factor correction, (c) the current
taken by the capacitor, (d) the capacitance of 6 State the condition for resonance for a two-
the capacitor and (e) the kvar rating of the branch circuit containing capacitance C in
capacitor. parallel with a coil of inductance L and
[(a) 50 A (b) 34.59 A (c) 25.28 A resistance R
(d) 268.2 µF (e) 6.32 kvar]
7 Develop a formula for the resonant frequency
4 A supply of 250 V, 80 Hz is connected across in an LR–C parallel circuit, in terms of
an inductive load and the power consumed resistance R, inductance L and capacitance C
is 2 kW, when the supply current is 10 A. 8 What does Q-factor of a parallel cir-
Determine the resistance and inductance of the cuit mean?
circuit. What value of capacitance connected
in parallel with the load is needed to improve 9 Develop a formula for the current at reso-
the overall power factor to unity? nance in an LR–C parallel circuit in terms
[R D 20
, L D 29.84 mH, C D 47.75 µF] of resistance R, inductance L, capacitance C
and supply voltage V
5 A 200 V, 50 Hz single-phase supply feeds the
following loads: (i) fluorescent lamps taking a 10 What is dynamic resistance? State a formula
current of 8 A at a power factor of 0.9 leading, for dynamic resistance
(ii) incandescent lamps taking a current of 11 Explain a simple method of improving the
6 A at unity power factor, (iii) a motor taking power factor of an inductive circuit
a current of 12 A at a power factor of 0.65
lagging. Determine the total current taken from 12 Why is it advantageous to improve power
the supply and the overall power factor. Find factor?
also the value of a static capacitor connected
3 The current flowing in the capacitor 11 Which of the following statements is false?
(a) The supply current is a minimum at res-
4 The supply current onance in a parallel circuit
(b) The Q-factor at resonance in a parallel
5 The supply phase angle circuit is the voltage magnification
6 The circuit impedance (c) Improving power factor reduces the cur-
rent flowing through a system
7 The power consumed by the circuit (d) The circuit impedance is a maximum at
resonance in a parallel circuit
8 The power factor of the circuit
12 An LR–C parallel circuit has the following
9 A two-branch parallel circuit consists of component values: R D 10
, L D 10 mH,
a 15 mH inductance in one branch and a C D 10 µF and V D 100 V. Which of the
50 µF capacitor in the other across a 120 V, following statements is false?
1/ kHz supply. The supply current is: (a) The resonant frequency fr is 1.5/ kHz
(b) The current at resonance is 1 A
(a) 8 A leading by rad (c) The dynamic resistance is 100
(d) The circuit Q-factor at resonance is 30
(b) 16 A lagging by 90°
13 The magnitude of the impedance of the cir-
(c) 8 A lagging by 90° cuit shown in Fig. 16.17 is:
(a) 7
(b) 5
(d) 16 A leading by rad (c) 2.4
(d) 1.71
(a) 17 A (b) 7 A
(c) 15 A (d) 23 A
Figure 16.17
Filter networks
(a) (b)
Figure 17.3
Pass-band band
Figure 17.2
0 Frequency
The input impedance of a network is the ratio fC
of voltage to current at the input terminals. With a
two-port network the input impedance often varies Figure 17.4
2 2
Figure 17.5 R0
C R0
Figure 17.7
fc = p 1
p LC
0 fC Frequency
When the frequency is very low, the character-
Pass-band Attenuation istic impedance is purely resistive. This value of
band characteristic impedance is known as the design
impedance or the nominal impedance of the sec-
Figure 17.6 tion and is often given the symbol R0 , where
Comparing Figure 17.8 with the low-pass section of From equation (2), nominal impedance,
Figure 17.7(a), shows that:
L L 0.4
D 100 mH, R0 D D D 31.62 kZ
2 C 400 ð 1012
i.e. inductance, L D 200 mH D 0.2 H,
and capacitance C D 0.2 µF D 0.2 ð 106 F.
To determine values of L and C given R0 and fc
From equation (1), cut-off frequency,
If the values of the nominal impedance R0 and the
fc D p cut-off frequency fc are known for a low-pass T-
LC or -section, it is possible to determine the values
1 103 of inductance and capacitance required to form the
D D section. It may be shown that:
0.2 ð 0.2 ð 106 0.2
i.e. fc = 1592 Hz or 1.592 kHz 1
capacitance C = 3
pR 0 fc
From equation (2), nominal impedance,
L 0.2 R0
R0 D D and inductance L = 4
C 0.2 ð 106 pfc
D 1000 Z or 1 kZ
106 pF
53 pF 53 pF
(a) (b)
Figure 17.10
(b) A low-pass -section filter is shown in low-pass T-section filter, and (b) a low-pass
Figure 17.10(b), where the shunt arm capac- -section filter to meet these requirements.
C [(a) Each series arm 79.6 mH,
itances are each (see Figure 17.7(b)), i.e. shunt arm 0.637 µF
106 (b) Series arm 159 mH, each
D 53 pF shunt arm 0.318 µF]
3. Determine the value of capacitance required
in the shunt arm of a low-pass T-section if
Now try the following exercise the inductance in each of the series arms is
40 mH and the cut-off frequency of the filter
is 2.5 kHz. [0.203 µF]
Exercise 95 Further problems on low-pass
filter sections 4. The nominal impedance of a low-pass -
section filter is 600 . If the capacitance in
1. Determine the cut-off frequency and the nom- each of the shunt arms is 0.1 µF determine the
inal impedance of each of the low-pass filter inductance in the series arm. [72 mH]
sections shown in Figure 17.11.
[(a) 1592 Hz; 5 k (b) 9545 Hz; 600 ]
27.8 nF 27.8 nF
band Pass-band
0 Frequency
fC fC
0 Frequency
Figure 17.14 fc = p 5
4p LC
i.e. capacitance, C D 0.1 µF D 0.1 ð 106 , From equation (6), nominal impedance,
and inductance, L D 100 mH D 0.1 H.
L 104
R0 D D
From equation (5), cut-off frequency, C 4 ð 109
1 D D 158 Z
fc D p 4
4 LC
1 103
4 0.1 ð 0.1 ð 106 40.1 To determine values of L and C given R0 and fc
i.e. fc = 796 Hz If the values of the nominal impedance R0 and the
cut-off frequency fc are known for a high-pass T-
From equation (6), nominal impedance, or -section, it is possible to determine the values
of inductance and capacitance required to form the
section. It may be shown that:
L 0.1
R0 D D
C 0.1 ð 106 1
capacitance C = 7
D 1000 Z or 1 kZ 4pR0 fc
Figure 17.20
5.305 nF
2. A filter section is required to pass all fre-
quencies above 4 kHz and to have a nominal
impedance 750 . Design (a) an appropriate
high-pass T section filter, and (b) an appro-
3.82 mH 3.82 mH
priate high-pass -section filter to meet these
[(a) Each series arm D 53.1 nF,
shunt arm D 14.92 mH
(b) Series arm D 26.5 nF, each
Figure 17.19 shunt arm D 29.84 mH]
a high-pass -section filter is 50 mH. If the characteristic
nominal impedance of the section is 600 , characteristic
determine the value of the capacitance in the
series arm. [69.44 nF]
4. Determine the value of inductance required
in the shunt arm of a high-pass T-section
filter if in each series arm it contains a 0.5 µF
capacitor. The cut-off frequency of the filter
section is 1500 Hz. [11.26 mH] 0 f cH f cL Frequency
Figure 17.23
17.5 Band-pass filters
A band-pass filter is one designed to pass signals where a precisely defined bandwidth must be main-
with frequencies between two specified cut-off tained for good performance.
frequencies. The characteristic of an ideal band-pass
filter is shown in Figure 17.21. Problem 7. A band-pass filter is comprised
of a low-pass T-section filter having a cut-off
frequency of 15 kHz, connected in series
26.6 nF 26.6 nF
6.37 mH 6.37 mH
35.4 nF 600 Ω
4.77 mH
Figure 17.24
for a band-stop filter fCH > fCL , the stop-band 4. Define characteristic impedance for a two-
being given by the difference between these values. port network.
The electrical circuit diagram symbol for a band- 5. A network designed to pass signals at fre-
stop filter is shown in Figure 17.26. quencies below a specified cut-off frequency
is called a . . . . . . filter.
6. A network designed to pass signals with all
frequencies except those between two spec-
ified cut-off frequencies is called a . . . . . .
Figure 17.26
7. A network designed to pass signals with
frequencies between two specified cut-off
A typical practical characteristic for a band-stop frequencies is called a . . . . . . filter.
filter is shown in Figure 17.27. 8. A network designed to pass signals at fre-
quencies above a specified cut-off frequency
is called a . . . . . . filter.
4. A network designed to pass signals with (d) 49.34 µH in each series arm, 128.4 pF in
frequencies between two specified cut-off shunt arm
frequencies is called a:
9. A high-pass T-connected symmetrical filter
(a) low-pass filter (b) high-pass filter section has capacitances of 400 nF in each of
(c) band-pass filter (d) band-stop filter its series arms and an inductance of 200 mH
in its shunt arm. The cut-off frequency of the
5. A low-pass T-connected symmetrical filter filter is:
section has an inductance of 200 mH in each
of its series arms and a capacitance of 0.5 µF (a) 1592 Hz (b) 1125 Hz
in its shunt arm. The cut-off frequency of the (c) 281 Hz (d) 398 Hz
filter is:
10. A high-pass -connected symmetrical filter
(a) 1007 Hz (b) 251.6 Hz section has a capacitance of 5000 pF in its
(c) 711.8 Hz (d) 177.9 Hz series arm and inductances of 500 µH in each
of its shunt arms. The cut-off frequency of
6. A low-pass -connected symmetrical filter the filter is:
section has an inductance of 200 mH in its
series arm and capacitances of 400 pF in (a) 201.3 kHz (b) 71.18 kHz
each of its shunt arms. The cut-off frequency (c) 50.33 kHz (d) 284.7 kHz
of the filter is:
The following refers to questions 11 and 12.
(a) 25.16 kHz (b) 6.29 kHz
A filter section is required to pass all fre-
(c) 17.79 kHz (d) 35.59 kHz quencies above 50 kHz and to have a nominal
impedance of 650 .
The following refers to questions 7 and 8.
11. A high-pass T-connected symmetrical filter
A filter section is to have a nominal impedance section is comprised of:
of 620 and a cut-off frequency of 2 MHz.
(a) Each series arm 2.45 nF, shunt arm
7. A low-pass T-connected symmetrical filter 1.03 mH
section is comprised of: (b) Each series arm 4.90 nF, shunt arm
(a) 98.68 µH in each series arm, 128.4 pF in 2.08 mH
shunt arm (c) Each series arm 2.45 nF, shunt arm
(b) 49.34 µH in each series arm, 256.7 pF in 2.08 mH
shunt arm (d) Each series arm 4.90 nF, shunt arm
(c) 98.68 µH in each series arm, 256.7 pF in 1.03 mH
shunt arm 12. A high-pass -connected symmetrical filter
(d) 49.34 µH in each series arm, 128.4 pF in section is comprised of:
shunt arm
(a) Series arm 4.90 nF, and each shunt arm
8. A low-pass -connected symmetrical filter 1.04 mH
section is comprised of: (b) Series arm 4.90 nF, and each shunt arm
(a) 98.68 µH in each series arm, 128.4 pF in 2.07 mH
shunt arm (c) Series arm 2.45 nF, and each shunt arm
(b) 49.34 µH in each series arm, 256.7 pF in 2.07 mH
shunt arm (d) Series arm 2.45 nF, and each shunt arm
(c) 98.68 µH in each series arm, 256.7 pF in 1.04 mH
shunt arm
D.C. transients
When a d.c. voltage is applied to a capacitor C and (a) The circuit diagram for a series connected C–R
resistor R connected in series, there is a short period circuit is shown in Fig. 18.1 When switch S is
of time immediately after the voltage is connected, closed then by Kirchhoff’s voltage law:
during which the current flowing in the circuit and V D vC C vR 1
voltages across C and R are changing.
Similarly, when a d.c. voltage is connected to (b) The battery voltage V is constant. The capacitor
a circuit having inductance L connected in series voltage vC is given by q/C, where q is the charge
with resistance R, there is a short period of time on the capacitor. The voltage drop across R is
immediately after the voltage is connected, during given by iR, where i is the current flowing in
which the current flowing in the circuit and the the circuit. Hence at all times:
voltages across L and R are changing. q
These changing values are called transients. V D C iR 2
Figure 18.1
the capacitor voltage, that is, from 0 to 120 V. A To draw the transient curves, the time constant of
broken line AB is drawn corresponding to the final the circuit and steady state values are needed.
value of vC .
Point C is measured along AB so that AC is Time constant, D CR
equal to 1, i.e. AC D 0.705 s. Straight line OC is D 4 ð 106 ð 220 ð 103
drawn. Assuming that about five intermediate points
are needed to draw the curve accurately, a point D D 0.88 s
is selected on OC corresponding to a vC value of
about 20 V. DE is drawn vertically. EF is made to Initially, capacitor voltage vC D vR D 24 V,
correspond to 1, i.e. EF D 0.705 s. A straight line
is drawn joining DF. This procedure of V 24
iD D
R 220 ð 103
(a) drawing a vertical line through point selected,
D 0.109 mA
(b) at the steady-state value, drawing a horizontal
line corresponding to 1, and Finally, vC D vR D i D 0.
(c) joining the first and last points,
is repeated for vC values of 40, 60, 80 and 100 V, (a) The exponential decay of capacitor voltage is
giving points G, H, I and J. from 24 V to 0 V in a time equal to five time
The capacitor voltage effectively reaches its constants, i.e. 5 ð 0.88 D 4.4 s. With reference
steady-state value of 120 V after a time equal to to Fig. 18.5, to construct the decay curve:
five time constants, shown as point K. Drawing a (i) the horizontal scale is made so that it spans
smooth curve through points O, D, G, H, I, J and at least five time constants, i.e. 4.4 s,
K gives the exponential growth curve of capacitor (ii) the vertical scale is made to span the
voltage. change in capacitor voltage, i.e. 0 to 24 V,
From the graph, the value of capacitor voltage at (iii) point A corresponds to the initial capacitor
a time equal to the time constant is about 75 V. It voltage, i.e. 24 V,
is a characteristic of all exponential growth curves, (iv) OB is made equal to one time constant and
that after a time equal to one time constant, the line AB is drawn; this gives the initial slope
value of the transient is 0.632 of its steady-state of the transient,
value. In this problem, 0.632 ð 120 D 75.84 V. Also (v) the value of the transient after a time equal
from the graph, when t is two seconds, vC is about to one time constant is 0.368 of the initial
115 Volts. [This value may be checked using the
equation vC D V1 et/ , where V D 120 V,
D 0.705 s and t D 2 s. This calculation gives
vC D 112.97 V].
The time for vC to rise to one half of its final
value, i.e. 60 V, can be determined from the graph
and is about 0.5 s. [This value may be checked using
vC D V1et/ where V D 120 V, vC D 60 V and
D 0.705 s, giving t D 0.489 s].
12 ð 103
0.5 ð 106
D 24 ð 103 D 24 kZ
decay of voltage,
18.5 Discharging a capacitor vC = vR = V e.−t =CR / = V e.−t =t/
When a capacitor is charged (i.e. with the switch decay of current, i = I e.−t =CR / = I e.−t =t/
in position A in Fig. 18.7), and the switch is then
moved to position B, the electrons stored in the
capacitor keep the current flowing for a short time. When a capacitor has been disconnected from the
Initially, at the instant of moving from A to B, the supply it may still be charged and it may retain this
current flow is such that the capacitor voltage vC is charge for some considerable time. Thus precautions
balanced by an equal and opposite voltage vR D iR. must be taken to ensure that the capacitor is auto-
Since initially vC D vR D V, then i D I D V/R. matically discharged after the supply is switched off.
During the transient decay, by applying Kirchhoff’s This is done by connecting a high value resistor
voltage law to Fig. 18.7, vC D vR . across the capacitor terminals.
Finally the transients decay exponentially to zero,
i.e. vC D vR D 0. The transient curves representing
the voltages and current are as shown in Fig. 18.8 Problem 5. A capacitor is charged to 100 V
The equations representing the transient curves and then discharged through a 50 k resistor.
during the discharge period of a series connected If the time constant of the circuit is 0.8 s.
C–R circuit are: Determine: (a) the value of the capacitor,
(b) the time for the capacitor voltage to fall
to 20 V, (c) the current flowing when the
capacitor has been discharging for 0.5 s, and
(d) the voltage drop across the resistor when
the capacitor has been discharging for one
Figure 18.9
vL is a maximum value initially (i.e. equal to V), Before the current/time characteristic can be drawn,
decaying exponentially to zero, whereas vR and the time constant and steady-state value of the
i grow exponentially from zero to their steady current have to be calculated.
state values of V and I D V/R respectively. Time constant,
L 10 ð 103
D D D 5 ms
18.7 Time constant for an L–R circuit R 20
With reference to Section 18.3, the time constant of Final value of current,
a series connected L –R circuit is defined in the same
way as the time constant for a series connected C–R V 60
circuit. Its value is given by: R 20
i = I .1 − e−Rt =L / = I .1 − e−t =t /
(c) At a time of 1 time constant, CD is 0.632 ð I D
0.632 ð 3 D 1.896 A.
At a time of 2.5 time constants, EF is 0.918ðI D
The application of these equations is shown in 0.918 ð 3 D 2.754 A.
Problem 9. At a time of 5 time constants, GH is I D 3 A.
Problem 7. A relay has an inductance of (d) A smooth curve is drawn through points 0,
100 mH and a resistance of 20 . It is D, F and H and this curve is the current/time
connected to a 60 V, d.c. supply. Use the characteristic.
‘initial slope and three point’ method to draw
the current/time characteristic and hence From the characteristic, when t D 2, i ³ 2.6 A.
determine the value of current flowing at a [This may be checked by calculation using i D
time equal to two time constants and the I1 et/ , where I D 3 and t D 2, giving
time for the current to grow to 1.5 A. i D 2.59 A]. Also, when the current is 1.5 A, the
corresponding time is about 3.6 ms. [Again, this may
be checked by calculation, using i D I1 et/ (c) The induced e.m.f., vL is given by vL D Vet/ .
where i D 1.5, I D 3 and D 5 ms, giving The d.c. voltage V is 120 V, t is 0.1 s and is
t D 3.466 ms]. 0.2 s, hence
vL D 120e0.1/0.2 D 120e0.5
Problem 8. A coil of inductance 0.04 H and
resistance 10 is connected to a 120 V, d.c. D 120 ð 0.6065 D 72.78 V
supply. Determine (a) the final value of (d) When the current is 85 per cent of its final value,
current, (b) the time constant of the circuit,
(c) the value of current after a time equal to i D 0.85 I. Also, i D I1 et/ , thus
the time constant from the instant the supply
voltage is connected, (d) the expected time 0.85I D I1 et/
for the current to rise to within 1 per cent of 0.85 D 1 et/
its final value.
D 0.2, hence
V 120 0.85 D 1 et/0.2
(a) Final steady current, I D D D 12 A
R 10
et/0.2 D 1 0.85 D 0.15
(b) Time constant of the circuit,
L 0.004 et/0.2 D D 6.6P
D D D 0.004 s or 4 ms 0.15
R 10 Taking natural logarithms of each side of this
(c) In the time s the current rises to 63.2 per cent equation gives:
of its final value of 12 A, i.e. in 4 ms the current
rises to 0.632 ð 12 D 7.58 A. ln et/0.2 D ln 6.6P
(d) The expected time for the current to rise to and by the laws of logarithms
within 1 per cent of its final value is given by
5 s, i.e. 5 ð 4 D 20 ms. ln e D ln 6.6P
decay of current, i = I e.−Rt =L/ = I e.−t =t/ (vi) Join points A, C, F, G, H and J with a
smooth curve. This curve is the current/time
(a) From the current/time characteristic, when
Problem 10. The field winding of a 110 V, t D 3 s, i D 1.3 A [This may be checked by
d.c. motor has a resistance of 15 and a P
calculation using i D Iet/ , where I D 7.3,
time constant of 2 s. Determine the t D 3 and D 2, giving i D 1.64 A] The
inductance and use the tangential method to discrepancy between the two results is due
draw the current/time characteristic when the to relatively few values, such as C, F, G
supply is removed and replaced by a shorting and H, being taken.
link. From the characteristic determine (b) From the characteristic, when i D 5 A,
(a) the current flowing in the winding 3 s t = 0.70 s [This may be checked by
after being shorted-out and (b) the time for calculation using i D Iet/ , where i D 5,
the current to decay to 5 A. P D 2, giving t D 0.766 s]. Again,
I D 7.3,
the discrepancy between the graphical and
calculated values is due to relatively few
Since the time constant, D L/R, L D R i.e. values such as C, F, G and H being taken.
inductance L D 15 ð 2 D 30 H
The current/time characteristic is constructed in a
similar way to that used in Problem 1
Problem 11. A coil having an inductance of
6 H and a resistance of R is connected in
(i) The scales should span at least five time series with a resistor of 10 to a 120 V, d.c.
constants horizontally, i.e. 10 s, and I D V/R D supply. The time constant of the circuit is
110/15 D 7.3P A vertically 300 ms. When steady-state conditions have
been reached, the supply is replaced
(ii) With reference to Fig. 18.13, the initial slope instantaneously by a short-circuit. Determine:
is obtained by making OB equal to 1 time (a) the resistance of the coil, (b) the current
constant, (i.e. 2 s), and joining AB flowing in the circuit one second after the
shorting link has been placed in the circuit,
(iii) At, say, i D 6 A, let C be the point on AB and (c) the time taken for the current to fall
corresponding to a current of 6 A. Make DE to 10 per cent of its initial value.
equal to 1 time constant, (i.e. 2 s), and join CE
(c) 10 per cent of the initial value of the current is When t D 2, vL D 24e2/ D 24e2
10/100 ð 6, i.e. 0.6 A Using the equation
D 3.248 V
i D Ie gives (c) The voltage drop across the resistor,
0.6 D 6e t/0.3 vR D V1 et/
i.e. D et/0.3 When t D 3, vR D 241 e3/
6 D 241 e3
or et/0.3 D D 10
0.6 D 22.81 V
Taking natural logarithms of each side of this
equation gives: Now try the following exercise
D ln 10
Exercise 101 Further problems on
from which, time, t = 0.3 ln 10 = 0.691 s transients in series L–R circuits
1 A coil has an inductance of 1.2 H and a resis-
Problem 12. An inductor has a negligible tance of 40 and is connected to a 200 V,
resistance and an inductance of 200 mH and d.c. supply. Draw the current/time characteris-
is connected in series with a 1 k resistor to tic and hence determine the approximate value
a 24 V, d.c. supply. Determine the time of the current flowing 60 ms after connecting
constant of the circuit and the steady-state the coil to the supply. [4.3 A]
value of the current flowing in the circuit.
Find (a) the current flowing in the circuit at a 2 A 25 V d.c. supply is connected to a coil
time equal to one time constant, (b) the of inductance 1 H and resistance 5 . Use
voltage drop across the inductor at a time a graphical method to draw the exponential
equal to two time constants and (c) the growth curve of current and hence determine
voltage drop across the resistor after a time the approximate value of the current flowing
equal to three time constants. 100 ms after being connected to the supply.
[2 A]
3 An inductor has a resistance of 20 and dissipated as heat in RD and R and arcing at the
an inductance of 4 H. It is connected to a switch contacts is avoided.
50 V d.c. supply. By drawing the appropriate
characteristic find (a) the approximate value of
current flowing after 0.1 s and (b) the time for 18.11 The effects of time constant on a
the current to grow to 1.5 A
[(a) 1 A (b) 0.18 s]
rectangular waveform
4 The field winding of a 200 V d.c. machine Integrator circuit
has a resistance of 20 and an inductance of
By varying the value of either C or R in a series
500 mH. Calculate:
connected C–R circuit, the time constant D CR,
(a) the time constant of the field winding,
of a circuit can be varied. If a rectangular waveform
(b) the value of current flow one time constant
varying from CE to E is applied to a C–R circuit
after being connected to the supply, and
as shown in Fig. 18.15, output waveforms of the
(c) the current flowing 50 ms after the supply
capacitor voltage have various shapes, depending
has been switched on
on the value of R. When R is small, D CR is
[(a) 25 ms (b) 6.32 A (c) 8.65 A]
small and an output waveform such as that shown
in Fig. 18.16(a) is obtained. As the value of R is
increased, the waveform changes to that shown in
Fig. 18.16(b). When R is large, the waveform is
as shown in Fig. 18.16(c), the circuit then being
described as an integrator circuit.
18.10 Switching inductive circuits
Figure 18.16
Differentiator circuit
If a rectangular waveform varying from CE to
Figure 18.14 E is applied to a series connected C–R circuit
Section 3
Electrical Power Technology
Three-phase systems
R 120°
Y1 B1
N S (a)
120° R1
Induced eR eY eB
e (b) Figure 20.3
0 90° 180° 270° 360°
120° 120° 120° connected to a load and the outlets from the
loads are joined together at N to form what is
Figure 20.2
termed the neutral point or the star point.
result is three independent supplies of equal voltages (ii) The voltages, VR , VY and VB are called phase
which are each displaced by 120° from each other voltages or line to neutral voltages. Phase volt-
as shown in Fig. 20.2(b). ages are generally denoted by Vp .
(iii) The voltages, VRY , VYB and VBR are called
(i) The convention adopted to identify each of the line voltages.
phase voltages is: R-red, Y-yellow, and B-blue,
as shown in Fig. 20.2 (iv) From Fig. 20.3 it can be seen that the phase
currents (generally denoted by Ip ) are equal to
(ii) The phase-sequence is given by the sequence their respective line currents IR , IY and IB , i.e.
in which the conductors pass the point initially for a star connection:
taken by the red conductor. The national stan-
dard phase sequence is R, Y, B. IL = Ip
A three-phase a.c. supply is carried by three con-
ductors, called ‘lines’ which are coloured red, yel- (v) For a balanced system:
low and blue. The currents in these conductors are
known as line currents IL and the p.d.’s between IR D IY D IB , VR D VY D VB
them are known as line voltages VL . A fourth con-
ductor, called the neutral (coloured black, and con- VRY D VYB D VBR , ZR D ZY D ZB
nected through protective devices to earth) is often and the current in the neutral conductor,
used with a three-phase supply. IN D 0 When a star-connected system is bal-
If the three-phase windings shown in Fig. 20.2 anced, then the neutral conductor is unneces-
are kept independent then six wires are needed to sary and is often omitted.
connect a supply source (such as a generator) to a (vi) The line voltage, VRY , shown in Fig. 20.4(a)
load (such as motor). To reduce the number of wires is given by VRY D VR VY (VY is neg-
it is usual to interconnect the three phases. There are ative since it is in the opposite direction to
two ways in which this can be done, these being: VRY ). In the phasor diagram of Fig. 20.4(b),
phasor VY is reversed (shown by the broken (a) For a star connection, VL pD 3 Vp . p
line) and then added phasorially to VR (i.e. phase voltage, Vp D VL / 3 D 415/ 3 D
VRY D VR C VY ). By p trigonometry, or by 239.6 V or 240 V, correct to 3 significant figures.
measurement, VRY D 3 VR , i.e. for a bal-
anced star connection: (b) Phase current, Ip D Vp /Rp D 240/30 D 8 A
(c) For a star connection, Ip D IL hence the line
p current, IL D 8 A
VL = 3 Vp
Problem 2. A star-connected load consists
of three identical coils each of resistance
(See Problem 3 following for a complete pha-
and inductance 127.3 mH. If the line
sor diagram of a star-connected system). current is 5.08 A, calculate the line voltage if
the supply frequency is 50 Hz.
(vii) The star connection of the three phases of
a supply, together with a neutral conductor,
allows the use of two voltages – the phase Inductive reactance
voltage and the line voltage. A 4-wire system
XL D 2fL D 250127.3 ð 103 D 40
Figure 20.5
Figure 20.7
(a) For a star-connected system VL D 3 Vp , hence
VL 415
Vp D p D p D 240 V
3 3
Since current I D power P/voltage V for a
resistive load then
PR 24 000
IR D D D 100 A
VR 240
PY 18 000
IY D D D 75 A
VY 240
PB 12 000
and IB D D D 50 A
Figure 20.6 VB 240
Procedure to construct the phasor diagram: (b) The three line currents are shown in the phasor
diagram of Fig. 20.8 Since each load is resistive
(i) Draw VR D VY D VB D 240 V and spaced the currents are in phase with the phase voltages
120° apart. (Note that VR is shown vertically and are hence mutually displaced by 120° . The
upwards – this however is immaterial for it current in the neutral conductor is given by
may be drawn in any direction). IN D IR C IY C IB phasorially.
(ii) Power factor D cos D 0.966 lagging. Hence
the load phase angle is given by cos1 0.966, Figure 20.9 shows the three line currents added
i.e. 15° lagging. Hence IR D IY D IB D 5 A, phasorially. oa represents IR in magnitude and direc-
lagging VR , VY and VB respectively by 15° . tion. From the nose of oa, ab is drawn representing
IY in magnitude and direction. From the nose of ab,
(iii) VRY D VR VY (phasorially). Hence VY
is reversed and added phasorially
p to VR . By
measurement, VRY D 415 V (i.e. 3ð240) and
leads VR by 30° . Similarly, VYB D VY VB
(i) For a star connection: ILDIp and VLD 3 Vp .
Problem 5. Three identical coils each of
resistance 30
and inductance 127.3 mH are (a) A 415 V, 3-phase supply means that the line
connected in delta to a 440 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase voltage, VL D 415 V
supply. Determine (a) the phase current, and
(b) the line current. Phase voltage,
VL 415
Vp D p D p D 240 V
Phase impedance, Zp D 50
(from Problem 2) and 3 3
for a delta connection, Vp D VL .
(b) Impedance per phase,
(a) Phase current, p
Vp VL 440 Zp D R2 C X2L D 32 C 42 D 5
Ip D D D D 8.8 A
Zp Zp 50
Phase current,
(b) For a delta connection,
p p
IL D 3 Ip D 38.8 D 15.24 A Ip D Vp /Zp D 240/5 D 48 A
Thus when the load is connected in delta, three times Line current,
the line current is taken from the supply than is taken
if connected in star. IL D Ip D 48 A
(ii) For apdelta connection: VL D Vp and
Problem 6. Three identical capacitors are IL D 3 Ip .
connected in delta to a 415 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
supply. If the line current is 15 A, determine (a) Line voltage, VL D 415 V
the capacitance of each of the capacitors. Phase voltage, Vp D VL D 415 V
p (b) Phase current,
For a delta connection IL D 3 Ip . Hence phase
current, Vp 415
Ip D D D 83 A
Zp 5
IL 15
Ip D p D p D 8.66 A
3 3 Line current,
p p
Capacitive reactance per phase, IL D 3 Ip D 383 D 144 A
Ip Ip
Now try the following exercise
(since for a delta connection VL D Vp ). Hence
XC D D 47.92
Exercise 109 Further problems on delta
XC D 1/2fC, from which capacitance,
1 Three loads, each of resistance 50
are con-
1 2 nected in delta to a 400 V, 3-phase supply.
CD D F D 66.43 mF
2fXC 25047.92 Determine (a) the phase voltage, (b) the phase
current and (c) the line current.
[(a) 400 V (b) 8 A (c) 13.86 A]
Problem 7. Three coils each having
resistance 3
and inductive reactance 4
2 Three inductive loads each of resistance 75
are connected (i) in star and (ii) in delta to a and inductance 318.4 mH are connected in
415 V, 3-phase supply. Calculate for each delta to a 415 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply. Deter-
connection (a) the line and phase voltages mine (a) the phase voltage, (b) the phase cur-
and (b) the phase and line currents. rent, and (c) the line current
[(a) 415 V (b) 3.32 A (c) 5.75 A]
3 Three identical capacitors are connected in Hence for either a star or a delta balanced connection
delta to a 400 V, 50 Hz 3-phase supply. If the the total power P is given by:
line current is 12 A determine the capacitance
of each of the capacitors. [55.13 µF]
4 Three coils each having resistance 6
and p
inductance L H are connected in delta, to a P= 3 VL IL cos f watts
415 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply. If the line cur- or P = 3Ip2 Rp watts
rent is 30 A, find the value of L
[73.84 mH]
5 A 3-phase, star-connected alternator delivers
a line current of 65 A to a balanced delta- Total volt-amperes
connected load at a line voltage of 380 V.
Calculate (a) the phase voltage of the alterna- p
tor, (b) the alternator phase current and (c) the S = 3 VL IL volt-amperes
load phase current.
[(a) 219.4 V (b) 65 A (c) 37.53 A]
6 Three 24 µF capacitors are connected in star Problem 8. Three 12
resistors are
across a 400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply. What connected in star to a 415 V, 3-phase supply.
value of capacitance must be connected in Determine the total power dissipated by the
delta in order to take the same line current? resistors.
[8 µF]
Power dissipated, P D 3 VL IL cos or P D 3I2p Rp
Line voltage, VL D 415 V and phase voltage
Problem 9. The input power to a 3-phase
a.c. motor is measured as 5 kW. If the P D 3I2p Rp D 314.502 10 D 6.3 kW
voltage and current to the motor are 400 V
and 8.6 A respectively, determine the power (b) Delta connection
factor of the system.
VL D Vp D 415 V,
(c) For a delta connection, IL D 3 Ip , hence (i) One-wattmeter method for a balanced load
phase current, Wattmeter connections for both star and delta
are shown in Fig. 20.12
IL 27.10
Ip D p D p D 15.65 A
3 3
p D (wattmeter 1 reading)
C (wattmeter 2 reading)
D p1 + p2
The moving systems of the wattmeters are
unable to follow the variations which take place
at normal frequencies and they indicate the mean
power taken over a cycle. Hence the total power,
P = P1 + P2 for balanced or unbalanced loads.
Dividing throughout by cos 30° cos gives: (a) Considering the load:
Phase current, Ip D Vp /Zp .
P1 1 C tan 30° tan Vp D VL for a delta connection,
P2 1 tan 30° tan
hence Vp D 400 V.
1C p1 tan
3 Phase impedance,
D ,
1 p1tan p
3 Zp D Rp2 C X2L D 302 C 402 D 50
since D tan Hence Ip D Vp /Zp D 400/50 D 8 A.
For a delta-connection, line current,
p p
Cross-multiplying gives: IL D 3 Ip D 38 D 13.86 A.
Hence 13.86 A is the current supplied by the
P1 P2 alternator.
P1 p tan D P2 C p tan
3 3 (b) Alternator output power is equal to the power
Hence dissipated by the load i.e.
tan p
P1 P2 D P1 C P2 p P D 3 VL IL cos ,
where cos D Rp /Zp D 30/50 D 0.6.
from which p
Hence P D 3 40013.860.6
p P1 − P2
tan f D 3 D 5.76 kW.
P1 + P2
Alternator output kVA,
, cos and thus power factor can be deter- p p
mined from this formula. S D 3 VL IL D 340013.86
D 9.60 kVA.
Problem 13. A 400 V, 3-phase star
connected alternator supplies a delta- Problem 14. Each phase of a
connected load, each phase of which has a delta-connected load comprises a resistance
resistance of 30
and inductive reactance of 30
and an 80 µF capacitor in series. The
. Calculate (a) the current supplied by load is connected to a 400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase
the alternator and (b) the output power and supply. Calculate (a) the phase current,
the kVA of the alternator, neglecting losses (b) the line current, (c) the total power
in the line between the alternator and load. dissipated and (d) the kVA rating of the load.
Draw the complete phasor diagram for the
A circuit diagram of the alternator and load is shown
in Fig. 20.17
(a) Capacitive reactance,
1 1
XC D D D 39.79
Phase impedance,
Zp D Rp2 C X2c D 302 C 39.792 D 49.83
2 8 kW is found by the two-wattmeter method (since power D 3I2p Rp ), hence the line current
to be the power input to a 3-phase motor. in the delta-connected system is greater than the
Determine the reading of each wattmeter if the line current in the corresponding star-connected
power factor of the system is 0.85 system. To achieve the same phase current in
[5.431 kW, 2.569 kW] a star-connected system as in a delta-connected
3 When the two-wattmeter method is used to system,
p the line voltage in the star system is
measure the input power of a balanced load, 3 times the line voltage in the delta system.
the readings on the wattmeters are 7.5 kW and Thus for a given power transfer, a delta system
2.5 kW, the connections to one of the coils is associated with larger line currents (and thus
on the meter reading 2.5 kW having to be larger conductor cross-sectional area) and a star
reversed. Determine (a) the total input power, system is associated with a larger line voltage
and (b) the load power factor (and thus greater insulation).
[(a) 5 kW (b) 0.277]
4 Three similar coils, each having a resistance
of 4.0
and an inductive reactance of 3.46
are connected (a) in star and (b) in delta 20.8 Advantages of three-phase
across a 400 V, 3-phase supply. Calculate for systems
each connection the readings on each of two
wattmeters connected to measure the power by Advantages of three-phase systems over single-
the two-wattmeter method. phase supplies include:
[(a) 17.15 kW, 5.73 kW
(b) 51.46 kW, 17.18 kW] (i) For a given amount of power transmitted
5 A 3-phase, star-connected alternator supplies a through a system, the three-phase system
delta connected load, each phase of which has requires conductors with a smaller cross-
a resistance of 15
and inductive reactance sectional area. This means a saving of copper
. If the line voltage is 400 V, calculate (or aluminium) and thus the original installation
(a) the current supplied by the alternator and costs are less.
(b) the output power and kVA rating of the
alternator, neglecting any losses in the line (ii) Two voltages are available (see Section 20.3
between the alternator and the load. (vii))
[(a) 27.71 A (b) 11.52 kW, 19.2 kVA]
(iii) Three-phase motors are very robust, relatively
6 Each phase of a delta-connected load cheap, generally smaller, have self-starting
comprises a resistance of 40
and a properties, provide a steadier output and require
40 µF capacitor in series. Determine, when little maintenance compared with single-phase
connected to a 415 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase supply motors.
(a) the phase current, (b) the line current,
(c) the total power dissipated, and (d) the kVA
rating of the load Now try the following exercises
[(a) 4.66 A (b) 8.07 A
(c) 2.605 kW (d) 5.80 kVA]
Exercise 112 Short answer questions on
three-phase systems
1 Explain briefly how a three-phase supply is
20.7 Comparison of star and delta generated
connections 2 State the national standard phase sequence
for a three-phase supply
(i) Loads connected in delta dissipate three times
more power than when connected in star to the 3 State the two ways in which phases of a
same supply. three-phase supply can be interconnected to
(ii) For the same power, the phase currents must reduce the number of conductors used com-
be the same for both delta and star connections pared with three single-phase systems
4 State the relationships between line and phase (a) For the same power, loads connected in
currents and line and phase voltages for a delta have a higher line voltage and a
star-connected system smaller line current than loads connected
in star
5 When may the neutral conductor of a star- (b) When using the two-wattmeter method
connected system be omitted? of power measurement the power factor
6 State the relationships between line and phase is unity when the wattmeter readings are
currents and line and phase voltages for a the same
delta-connected system (c) A.c. may be distributed using a single-
phase system with two wires, a three-
7 What is the standard electricity supply to phase system with three wires or a
domestic consumers in Great Britain? three-phase system with four wires
8 State two formulae for determining the power (d) The national standard phase sequence for
dissipated in the load of a three-phase bal- a three-phase supply is R, Y, B
anced system
Three loads, each of resistance 16
and induc-
9 By what methods may power be measured in tive reactance 12
are connected in delta to a
a three-phase system? 400 V, 3-phase supply. Determine the quantities
10 State a formula from which power factor may stated in questions 7 to 12, selecting the correct
be determined for a balanced system when answer from the following list:
p p
using the two-wattmeter method of power (a) 4
(b) 3400 V (c) 36.4 kW
measurement p
(d) 20 A (e) 6.4 kW (f) 320 A
11 Loads connected in star dissipate . . . . . . the
power dissipated when connected in delta and 20 400
(g) 20
(h) p V (i) p V
fed from the same supply 3 3
12 Name three advantages of three-phase sys- (j) 19.2 kW (k) 100 A (l) 400 V
tems over single-phase systems (m) 28
7 Phase impedance
Figure 21.1
primary winding which is connected to the supply transformer, the primary and secondary ampere-
of electricity, and the other the secondary winding, turns are equal
which may be connected to a load. A circuit diagram
symbol for a transformer is shown in Fig. 21.1(b) V1 I2
Thus D
V2 I1
Combining equations (1) and (2) gives:
21.2 Transformer principle of
V1 N1 I2
When the secondary is an open-circuit and an alter- = =
V2 N2 I1
nating voltage V1 is applied to the primary wind-
ing, a small current – called the no-load current
I0 – flows, which sets up a magnetic flux in the The rating of a transformer is stated in terms of the
core. This alternating flux links with both primary volt-amperes that it can transform without overheat-
and secondary coils and induces in them e.m.f.’s of ing. With reference to Fig. 21.1(a), the transformer
E1 and E2 respectively by mutual induction. rating is either V1 I1 or V2 I2 , where I2 is the full-load
The induced e.m.f. E in a coil of N turns is given secondary current.
by E D N
d/dt volts, where d dt is the rate
of change of flux. In an ideal transformer, the rate Problem 1. A transformer has 500 primary
of change of flux is the same for both primary turns and 3000 secondary turns. If the
and secondary and thus E1 /N1 D E2 /N2 i.e. the primary voltage is 240 V, determine the
induced e.m.f. per turn is constant. secondary voltage, assuming an ideal
Assuming no losses, E1 D V1 and E2 D V2 transformer.
N1 /N2 D
2/7. transformer whose secondary voltage is
For an ideal transformer,
N1 /N2 D
V1 /V2 120 V. Determine the primary voltage if the
2/7 D
240/V2 Thus the secondary voltage supply current is 4 A.
7 Secondary current I2 D
V2 /R2 D
120/12 D
V2 D D 840 V 10 A.
V1 /V2 D
I2 /I1 , from which the primary
Problem 3. An ideal transformer has a
I2 10
turns ratio of 8:1 and the primary current is V1 D V2 D 120 D 300 volts
3 A when it is supplied at 240 V. Calculate I1 4
the secondary voltage and current.
Problem 6. A 5 kVA single-phase
transformer has a turns ratio of 10 : 1 and is
A turns ratio of 8:1 means
N1 /N2 D
1/8 i.e. a fed from a 2.5 kV supply. Neglecting losses,
step-down transformer. determine (a) the full-load secondary current,
(b) the minimum load resistance which can
N1 V1 be connected across the secondary winding
D or secondary voltage to give full load kVA, (c) the primary current
N2 V2
at full load kVA.
N1 1
V2 D V1 D 240 D 30 volts (a) N1 /N2 D 10/1 and V1 D 2.5 kV D 2500 V.
N2 8
N1 V1
N1 I2 Since D , secondary voltage
Also, D hence secondary current N2 V2
N2 I1
N2 1
V2 D V1 D 2500 D 250 V
N1 8 N1 10
I2 D I1 D3 D 24 A The transformer rating in volt-amperes D V2 I2
N2 1
(at full load) i.e. 5000 D 250I2
Hence full load secondary current I2 D
Problem 4. An ideal transformer, connected
5000/250 D 20 A.
to a 240 V mains, supplies a 12 V, 150 W (b) Minimum value of load resistance,
lamp. Calculate the transformer turns ratio
V2 250
and the current taken from the supply. RL D D D 12.5 Z.
V1 20
N1 I2
V1 D 240 V, V2 D 12 V, I2 D
P/V2 D (c) D from which primary current
150/12 D 12.5 A. N2 I1
N1 1
N1 V1 240 I1 D I2 D 20 D 2A
Turns ratio D D D D 20 N2 10
N2 V2 12
V1 I2 Now try the following exercise
D , from which,
V2 I1
V2 12 Exercise 114 Further problems on the
I1 D I2 D 12.5
V1 240 transformer principle of operation
Hence current taken from the supply, 1 A transformer has 600 primary turns
connected to a 1.5 kV supply. Determine the
12.5 number of secondary turns for a 240 V output
I1 D D 0.625 A voltage, assuming no losses. [96]
2 An ideal transformer with a turns ratio of 2:9 21.3 Transformer no-load phasor
is fed from a 220 V supply. Determine its
output voltage. [990 V] diagram
3 A transformer has 800 primary turns and The core flux is common to both primary and
2000 secondary turns. If the primary voltage secondary windings in a transformer and is thus
is 160 V, determine the secondary voltage taken as the reference phasor in a phasor diagram.
assuming an ideal transformer. [400 V] On no-load the primary winding takes a small no-
load current I0 and since, with losses neglected, the
4 An ideal transformer with a turns ratio of 3:8 primary winding is a pure inductor, this current lags
is fed from a 240 V supply. Determine its the applied voltage V1 by 90° . In the phasor diagram
output voltage. [640 V] assuming no losses, shown in Fig. 21.2(a), current
I0 produces the flux and is drawn in phase with
5 An ideal transformer has a turns ratio of the flux. The primary induced e.m.f. E1 is in phase
12:1 and is supplied at 192 V. Calculate the opposition to V1 (by Lenz’s law) and is shown 180°
secondary voltage. [16 V] out of phase with V1 and equal in magnitude. The
secondary induced e.m.f. is shown for a 2:1 turns
6 A transformer primary winding connected ratio transformer.
across a 415 V supply has 750 turns. A no-load phasor diagram for a practical trans-
Determine how many turns must be wound former is shown in Fig. 21.2(b). If current flows
on the secondary side if an output of 1.66 kV then losses will occur. When losses are considered
is required. [3000 turns] then the no-load current I0 is the phasor sum of
two components – (i) IM , the magnetising compo-
7 An ideal transformer has a turns ratio of 12:1 nent, in phase with the flux, and (ii) IC , the core
and is supplied at 180 V when the primary loss component (supplying the hysteresis and eddy
current is 4 A. Calculate the secondary current losses). From Fig.21.2(b):
voltage and current. [15 V, 48 A]
No-load current, I0 D IM C IC2 where
8 A step-down transformer having a turns ratio IM D I0 sin f0 and IC D I0 cosf0 .
of 20:1 has a primary voltage of 4 kV and Power factor on no-load D cos 0 D
IC /I0 .
a load of 10 kW. Neglecting losses, calculate The total core losses (i.e. iron losses)
the value of the secondary current. [50 A] D V1 I0 cos 0
9 A transformer has a primary to secondary
turns ratio of 1:15. Calculate the primary Problem 7. A 2400 V/400 V single-phase
voltage necessary to supply a 240 V load. If transformer takes a no-load current of 0.5 A
the load current is 3 A determine the primary and the core loss is 400 W. Determine the
current. Neglect any losses. [16 V, 45 A] values of the magnetising and core loss
components of the no-load current. Draw to
10 A 10 kVA, single-phase transformer has a
scale the no-load phasor diagram for the
turns ratio of 12:1 and is supplied from a
2.4 kV supply. Neglecting losses, determine
(a) the full load secondary current, (b) the
minimum value of load resistance which can V1 D 2400V, V2 D 400V and I0 D 0.5 A Core loss
be connected across the secondary winding (i.e. iron loss) D 400 D V1 I0 cos 0 .
without the kVA rating being exceeded, and i.e. 400 D
0.5 cos 0
(c) the primary current.
[(a) 50 A (b) 4 (c) 4.17 A] 400
Hence cos 0 D D 0.3333
11 A 20 resistance is connected across the
secondary winding of a single-phase power 0 D cos1 0.3333 D 70.53°
transformer whose secondary voltage is The no-load phasor diagram is shown in Fig. 21.3
150 V. Calculate the primary voltage and Magnetising component,
the turns ratio if the supply current is 5 A, IM D I0 sin 0 D 0.5 sin 70.53° D 0.471 A.
neglecting losses. [225 V, 3:2] Core loss component, IC D I0 cos 0 D 0.5 cos 70.53°
D 0.167 A
Figure 21.2
IC 0.3
cos 0 D D D 0.375
I0 0.8
and r.m.s. value of e.m.f. induced in secondary, D 9.01 × 10−3 Wb or 9.01 mWb
50 ð 104 D 75 ð 104 Wb (b) the number of primary turns, and (c) the
Since E1 D 4.44 fm N1 then primary turns, maximum value of the flux
[(a) 37.5 A, 600 A (b) 800 (c) 9.0 mWb]
E1 500
N1 D D 2 A single-phase, 50 Hz transformer has 40 pri-
4.44 fm
75 ð 104
mary turns and 520 secondary turns. The
D 300 turns cross-sectional area of the core is 270 cm2 .
Since E2 D 4.4 fm N2 then secondary turns, When the primary winding is connected to a
E2 100 300 volt supply, determine (a) the maximum
N2 D D value of flux density in the core, and (b) the
4.44 fm
75 ð 104 voltage induced in the secondary winding
D 60 turns [(a) 1.25 T (b) 3.90 kV]
3 A single-phase 800 V/100 V, 50 Hz trans- However this does not happen since reduction of the
former has a maximum core flux density of core flux reduces E1 , hence a reflected increase in
1.294 T and an effective cross-sectional area primary current I01 occurs which provides a restoring
of 60 cm2 . Calculate the number of turns on m.m.f. Hence at all loads, primary and secondary
the primary and secondary windings. m.m.f.’s are equal, but in opposition, and the core
[464, 58] flux remains constant. I01 is sometimes called the
‘balancing’ current and is equal, but in the opposite
4 A 3.3 kV/110 V, 50 Hz, single-phase trans- direction, to current I2 as shown in Fig. 21.4. I0 ,
former is to have an approximate e.m.f. per shown at a phase angle 0 to V1 , is the no-load
turn of 22 V and operate with a maximum current of the transformer (see Section 21.3)
flux of 1.25 T. Calculate (a) the number of The phasor sum of I01 and I0 gives the supply
primary and secondary turns, and (b) the cross- current I1 and the phase angle between V1 and I1 is
sectional area of the core shown as 1
[(a) 150, 5 (b) 792.8 cm2 ]
I1 cos 1 D 0a C 0b
In the phasor diagram of Fig. 21.4, current I2
lags V2 by angle 2 . When a load is connected D I0 cos 0 C I01 cos 2
across the secondary winding a current I2 flows D
0.2 C
in the secondary winding. The resulting secondary
e.m.f. acts so as to tend to reduce the core flux. D 35.0 A
Figure 21.5
and I1 sin 1 D 0c C 0d
D I0 sin 0 C I01 sin 2
Figure 21.6
5 sin 78.5° C
40 sin 31.8°
D 25.98 A (ii) For power transformers, rated possibly at
p several MVA and operating at a frequency of
Hence the magnitude of I1 D 35.02
C 25.982
D 50 Hz in Great Britain, the core material used
43.59 A and tan 1 D
25.98/35.0 D 36.59° Hence the the laminations reducing eddy currents and
power factor of the primary D cos 1 D cos 36.59° D the silicon steel keeping hysteresis loss to a
0.80 minimum.
Large power transformers are used in the
Now try the following exercise main distribution system and in industrial
supply circuits. Small power transformers have
many applications, examples including welding
Exercise 117 A further problem on the and rectifier supplies, domestic bell circuits,
transformer on-load imported washing machines, and so on.
1 A single-phase transformer has 2400 turns on (iii) For audio frequency (a.f.) transformers, rated
the primary and 600 turns on the secondary. from a few mVA to no more than 20 VA, and
Its no-load current is 4 A at a power factor of operating at frequencies up to about 15 kHz, the
0.25 lagging. Assuming the volt drop in the small core is also made of laminated silicon
windings is negligible, calculate the primary steel. A typical application of a.f. transformers
current and power factor when the secondary is in an audio amplifier system.
current is 80 A at a power factor of 0.8 lagging.
[23.26 A, 0.73] (iv) Radio frequency (r.f.) transformers, operat-
ing in the MHz frequency region have either
an air core, a ferrite core or a dust core. Ferrite
is a ceramic material having magnetic proper-
ties similar to silicon steel, but having a high
21.6 Transformer construction resistivity. Dust cores consist of fine particles
of carbonyl iron or permalloy (i.e. nickel and
(i) There are broadly two types of single-phase iron), each particle of which is insulated from
double-wound transformer constructions – the its neighbour. Applications of r.f. transformers
core type and the shell type, as shown in are found in radio and television receivers.
(v) Transformer windings are usually of enamel- the transformer. Resistance R2 in Fig. 21.8 can be
insulated copper or aluminium. replaced by inserting an additional resistance R20 in
the primary circuit such that the power absorbed in
(vi) Cooling is achieved by air in small transform- R20 when carrying the primary current is equal to that
ers and oil in large transformers. in R2 due to the secondary current, i.e.
I21 R20 D I22 R2
2 2
21.7 Equivalent circuit of a 0 I2 V1
transformer from which, R2 D R2 D R2
I1 V2
Figure 21.7 shows an equivalent circuit of a trans- Then the total equivalent resistance in the primary
former. R1 and R2 represent the resistances of the circuit Re is equal to the primary and secondary
primary and secondary windings and X1 and X2 rep- resistances of the actual transformer.
resent the reactances of the primary and secondary Hence Re D R1 C R20
windings, due to leakage flux.
The core losses due to hysteresis and eddy cur- 2
rents are allowed for by resistance R which takes a i.e. Re = R1 + R2
current IC , the core loss component of the primary V2
current. Reactance X takes the magnetising compo-
nent Im . In a simplified equivalent circuit shown in By similar reasoning, the equivalent reactance in the
Fig. 21.8, R and X are omitted since the no-load primary circuit is given by Xe D X1 C X02
current I0 is normally only about 3–5 per cent of
the full load primary current. 2
It is often convenient to assume that all of the i.e. Xe = X1 + X2
resistance and reactance as being on one side of V2
Figure 21.7
Figure 21.8
The equivalent impedance Ze of the primary and (b) From equation (7), equivalent reactance,
secondary windings referred to the primary is 2
given by Xe D X1 C X2
Ze = Re2 + Xe2
8 600 2
i.e. Xe D 1.0 C 0.04 D 1.64 Z
If e is the phase angle between I1 and the volt drop (c) From equation (8), equivalent impedance,
I1 Ze then p
Ze D Re2 C X2e D 0.412 C 1.642 D 1.69 Z
Re (d) From equation (9),
cos fe =
Ze Re 0.41
cos e D D
Ze 1.69
The simplified equivalent circuit of a transformer is 0.41
shown in Fig. 21.9 Hence fe D cos1 D 75.96°
Figure 21.9
large power loss and excessive heating of the Half full-load power output D
core. Eddy current losses can be reduced by D 85 kW.
increasing the resistivity of the core mate- Copper loss (or I2 R loss) is proportional to cur-
rial or, more usually, by laminating the core rent squared. Hence the copper loss at half full-load
(i.e. splitting it into layers or leaves) when 2
is: 12
1500 D 375 W
very thin layers of insulating material can Iron loss D 1000 W (constant)
be inserted between each pair of laminations. Total losses D 375C1000 D 1375 W or 1.375 kW.
This increases the resistance of the eddy cur- Input power at half full-load
rent path, and reduces the value of the eddy D output power at half full-load C losses
current. D 85 C 1.375 D 86.375 kW. Hence
Transformer efficiency,
output power input power - losses efficiency D 1
D D input power
input power input power
D 1
losses 86.375
i.e. h=1−
input power D 1 0.01592
D 0.9841 or 98.41%
and is usually expressed as a percentage. It is not
uncommon for power transformers to have efficien-
cies of between 95% and 98% Problem 19. A 400 kVA transformer has
Output power D V2 I2 cos 2 . a primary winding resistance of 0.5 and
Total losses D copper loss C iron losses, a secondary winding resistance of 0.001 .
and input power D output power C losses The iron loss is 2.5 kW and the primary and
secondary voltages are 5 kV and 320 V respec-
Problem 17. A 200 kVA rated transformer tively. If the power factor of the load is 0.85,
has a full-load copper loss of 1.5 kW and an determine the efficiency of the transformer
iron loss of 1 kW. Determine the transformer (a) on full load, and (b) on half load.
efficiency at full load and 0.85 power factor.
(a) Rating D 400 kVA D V1 I1 D V2 I2 . Hence
output power primary current,
Efficiency, D
input power
400 ð 103 400 ð 103
input power losses I1 D D D 80 A
D V1 5000
input power
and secondary current,
input power 400 ð 103 400 ð 103
I2 D D D 1250 A
Full-load output power D VI cos D
0.85 V2 320
D 170 kW. Total copper loss D I21 R1 C I22 R2 , (where
Total losses D 1.5 C 1.0 D 2.5 kW R1 D 0.5 and R2 D 0.001
Input power D output power C losses
D 170 C 2.5 D 172.5 kW.
0.5 C
Hence efficiency D 1 D 1 0.01449 D 3200 C 1562.5 D 4762.5 watts
On full load, total loss D copper lossCiron loss
D 0.9855 or 98.55%
D 4762.5 C 2500 D 7262.5 W D 7.2625 kW
Problem 18. Determine the efficiency of
the transformer in Problem 17 at half Total output power on full load
full-load and 0.85 power factor.
D V2 I2 cos 2 D
400 ð 103
0.85 D 340 kW
Input power D output power C losses (b) Total loss at maximum efficiency
D 340 kW C 7.2625 kW D 347.2625 kW
D 2 ð 2.5 D 5 kW
losses Output power D 395.5 kVA ð p.f.
Efficiency, D 1 ð 100%
input power
D 395.5 ð 0.75 D 296.625 kW
D 1 ð 100% Input power D output power C losses
D 296.625 C 5 D 301.625 kW
D 97.91%
Maximum efficiency,
(b) Since the copper loss varies as the square of the
current, then total copper loss on half load losses
2 D 1 ð 100%
D 4762.5 ð 12 D 1190.625 W. Hence total input power
loss on half load D 1190.625 C 2500 D
3690.625 W or 3.691 kW. D 1 ð 100% D 98.34%
Output power on half full load D 12
340 301.625
D 170 kW.
Input power on half full load
D output power C losses Now try the following exercise
D 170 kW C 3.691 kW
Exercise 120 Further problems on losses
D 173.691 kW and efficiency
Hence efficiency at half full load, 1 A single-phase transformer has a voltage ratio
of 6:1 and the h.v. winding is supplied at
losses 540 V. The secondary winding provides a full
D 1 ð 100%
input power load current of 30 A at a power factor of 0.8
lagging. Neglecting losses, find (a) the rating
3.691 of the transformer, (b) the power supplied to
D 1 ð 100% D 97.87%
173.691 the load, (c) the primary current
[(a) 2.7 kVA (b) 2.16 kW (c) 5 A]
2 A single-phase transformer is rated at 40 kVA.
Maximum efficiency The transformer has full-load copper losses of
It may be shown that the efficiency of a transformer 800 W and iron losses of 500 W. Determine
is a maximum when the variable copper loss (i.e. the transformer efficiency at full load and 0.8
I21 R1 C I22 R2 ) is equal to the constant iron losses. power factor [96.10%]
3 Determine the efficiency of the transformer
Problem 20. A 500 kVA transformer has a in problem 2 at half full-load and 0.8 power
full load copper loss of 4 kW and an iron factor [95.81%]
loss of 2.5 kW. Determine (a) the output kVA 4 A 100 kVA, 2000 V/400 V, 50 Hz, single-phase
at which the efficiency of the transformer is a transformer has an iron loss of 600 W and a
maximum, and (b) the maximum efficiency, full-load copper loss of 1600 W. Calculate its
assuming the power factor of the load is 0.75 efficiency for a load of 60 kW at 0.8 power
factor. [97.56%]
(a) Let x be the fraction of full load kVA at which 5 Determine the efficiency of a 15 kVA trans-
the efficiency is a maximum. The correspond- former for the following conditions:
ing total copper loss D
4 kW
x 2 . At maxi- (i) full-load, unity power factor
mum efficiency, copper loss D iron loss. Hence (ii) 0.8 full-load, unity power factor
4x 2 D 2
p 2.5 from which x D 2.5/4 and
(iii) half full-load, 0.8 power factor
x D 2.5/4 D 0.791. Assume that iron losses are 200 W and the full-
Hence the output kVA at maximum load copper loss is 300 W
efficiency D 0.791 ð 500 D 395.5 kVA. [(a) 96.77% (ii) 96.84% (iii) 95.62%]
Figure 21.12
Figure 21.11
(a) Turns ratio
The circuit is shown in Fig. 21.11 N1 V1 220 1
The equivalent input resistance, R1 of the trans- D D D
N2 V2 1760 8
former needs to be 112 for maximum power
transfer. Equivalent input resistance of the transformer.
2 2
2 N1 1
N1 R1 D RL D
1.28 ð 103 D 20
R1 D RL N2 8
2 Total input resistance,
N1 R1 112
Hence D D D 16 RIN D R C R1 D 2 C 20 D 22
N2 RL 7
N1 p Primary current,
i.e. D 16 D 4
N2 V1 220
I1 D D D 10 A
RIN 22
Hence the optimum turns ratio is 4:1
(b) For an ideal transformer
V1 I2
Problem 23. Determine the optimum value D
of load resistance for maximum power V2 I1
transfer if the load is connected to an from which,
amplifier of output resistance 150 through
V1 220
a transformer with a turns ratio of 5:1 I2 D I1 D 10 D 1.25 A
V2 1760
The equivalent input resistance R1 of the transformer Power dissipated in load resistor RL ,
needs to be 150 for maximum power transfer. P D I22 RL D
1.28 ð 103
N1 D 2000 watts or 2 kW
N2 Problem 25. An a.c. source of 24 V and
from which, RL D R1
N1 internal resistance 15 k is matched to a
1 2 load by a 25:1 ideal transformer. Determine
D 150 5 D 6 Z (a) the value of the load resistance and
(b) the power dissipated in the load.
Problem 24. A single-phase, 220 V/1760 V
ideal transformer is supplied from a 220 V The circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 21.13
source through a cable of resistance 2 . If
the load across the secondary winding is (a) For maximum power transfer R1 needs to be
1.28 k determine (a) the primary current equal to 15 k.
flowing and (b) the power dissipated in the 2
load resistor. N1
The circuit diagram is shown in Fig. 21.12 from which, load resistance,
If, say, x D
4/5 then (volume of copper in auto
(volume of copper in a
D 1 45
double-wound transformer)
D 5
(volume in double-wound transformer)
Hence, (volume of copper in auto transformer) for interconnecting systems that are operating at
approximately the same voltage.
(volume of copper in
1 0.2
double-wound transformer)
0.8 (volume in double-wound transformer) 21.12 Isolating transformers
D 80% of copper in a double-wound transformer Transformers not only enable current or voltage
Hence the saving is 20%. to be transformed to some different magnitude
but provide a means of isolating electrically one
part of a circuit from another when there is
Now try the following exercise no electrical connection between primary and
secondary windings. An isolating transformer is
a 1:1 ratio transformer with several important
applications, including bathroom shaver-sockets,
Exercise 122 Further problems on the portable electric tools, model railways, and so on.
1 A single-phase auto transformer has a volt-
age ratio of 480 V:300 V and supplies a load 21.13 Three-phase transformers
of 30 kVA at 300 V. Assuming an ideal trans-
former, calculate the current in each section of Three-phase double-wound transformers are mainly
the winding. used in power transmission and are usually of the
[I1 D 62.5 A, I2 D 100 A, (I2 I1 D 37.5 A] core type. They basically consist of three pairs
of single-phase windings mounted on one core, as
2 Calculate the saving in the volume of shown in Fig. 21.17, which gives a considerable
copper used in an auto transformer compared saving in the amount of iron used. The primary and
with a double-wound transformer for (a) secondary windings in Fig. 21.17 are wound on top
a 300 V:240 V transformer, and (b) a of each other in the form of concentric cylinders,
400 V:100 V transformer [(a) 80% (b) 25%] similar to that shown in Fig. 21.6(a). The windings
may be with the primary delta-connected and the
secondary star-connected, or star-delta, star-star or
Advantages of auto transformers delta-delta, depending on its use.
A delta-connection is shown in Fig. 21.18(a) and
The advantages of auto transformers over double-
a star-connection in Fig. 21.18(b).
wound transformers include:
1 a saving in cost since less copper is needed (see Problem 28. A three-phase transformer has
above) 500 primary turns and 50 secondary turns. If
2 less volume, hence less weight the supply voltage is 2.4 kV find the
3 a higher efficiency, resulting from lower I2 R secondary line voltage on no-load when the
losses windings are connected (a) star-delta, (b)
4 a continuously variable output voltage is achiev-
able if a sliding contact is used p
(a) For a star-connection, VL D 3 Vp (see Chap-
5 a smaller percentage voltage regulation.
ter 20). Primary phase voltage,
Disadvantages of auto transformers VL1 2400
Vp D p D p D 1385.64 volts.
The primary and secondary windings are not electri- 3 3
cally separate, hence if an open-circuit occurs in the For a delta-connection, VL D Vp . N1 /N2 D
secondary winding the full primary voltage appears V1 /V2 from which, secondary phase voltage,
across the secondary.
N2 50
Uses of auto transformers Vp2 D Vp1 D
Auto transformers are used for reducing the voltage N1 500
when starting induction motors (see Chapter 23) and D 138.6 volts
Figure 21.17
Figure 21.18
260 turns. The secondary winding is connected Now try the following exercises
to an ammeter with a resistance of 0.2 .
The resistance of the secondary winding is
0.3 . If the current in the primary winding Exercise 125 Short answer questions on
is 650 A, determine (a) the reading on the transformers
ammeter, (b) the potential difference across 1 What is a transformer?
the ammeter, and (c) the total load in VA on
the secondary [(a) 5 A (b) 1 V (c) 7.5 VA] 2 Explain briefly how a voltage is induced in
the secondary winding of a transformer
3 Draw the circuit diagram symbol for a
21.15 Voltage transformers 4 State the relationship between turns and volt-
age ratios for a transformer
For measuring voltages in excess of about 500 V it 5 How is a transformer rated?
is often safer to use a voltage transformer. These
are normal double-wound transformers with a large 6 Briefly describe the principle of operation of
number of turns on the primary, which is connected a transformer
to a high voltage supply, and a small number of turns 7 Draw a phasor diagram for an ideal trans-
on the secondary. A typical arrangement is shown former on no-load
in Fig. 21.21
8 State the e.m.f. equation for a transformer
9 Draw an on-load phasor diagram for an ideal
transformer with an inductive load
10 Name two types of transformer construction
11 What core material is normally used for
power transformers
12 Name three core materials used in r.f. trans-
13 State a typical application for (a) a.f. trans-
formers (b) r.f. transformers
Figure 21.21 14 How is cooling achieved in transformers?
15 State the expressions for equivalent resis-
Since tance and reactance of a transformer, referred
to the primary
V1 N1
D 16 Define regulation of a transformer
V2 N2
the secondary voltage, 17 Name two sources of loss in a transformer
questions 10 to 16, select the correct answer (d) In transformers, eddy current loss is
from the following list: reduced by laminating the core
(a) 81.3 kW (b) 800 W (c) 97.32% 18 An ideal transformer has a turns ratio of 1:5
(d) 80 kW (e) 3 (f) 4800 and is supplied at 200 V when the primary
(g) 1.3 kW (h) 98.40% (i) 100 kW current is 3 A. Which of the following state-
(j) 98.28% (k) 200 W (l) 101.3 kW ments is false?
(m) 96.38% (n) 400 W (a) The turns ratio indicates a step-up trans-
10 The total full-load losses
(b) The secondary voltage is 40 V
11 The full-load output power at 0.8 power factor (c) The secondary current is 15 A
(d) The transformer rating is 0.6 kVA
12 The full-load input power at 0.8 power factor (e) The secondary voltage is 1 kV
13 The full-load efficiency at 0.8 power factor (f) The secondary current is 0.6 A
14 The half full-load copper loss 19 Iron losses in a transformer are due to:
(a) eddy currents only
15 The transformer efficiency at half full-load, (b) flux leakage
0.8 power factor (c) both eddy current and hysteresis losses
16 The number of secondary winding turns (d) the resistance of the primary and secondary
17 Which of the following statements is false?
(a) In an ideal transformer, the volts per turn 20 A load is to be matched to an amplifier
are constant for a given value of primary having an effective internal resistance of 10
voltage via a coupling transformer having a turns
(b) In a single-phase transformer, the hystere- ratio of 1:10. The value of the load resistance
sis loss is proportional to frequency for maximum power transfer is:
(c) A transformer whose secondary current is (a) 100 (b) 1 k
greater than the primary current is a step- (c) 100 m (d) 1 m
up transformer
Assignment 6
The marks for each question are shown in brackets at the end of each question.
1 Three identical coils each of resistance 40 and number of primary turns, and (c) the maximum
inductive reactance 30 are connected (i) in star, value of flux. (9)
and (ii) in delta to a 400 V, three-phase supply.
Calculate for each connection (a) the line and 5 Determine the regulation of an 8 kVA, 100 V/
phase voltages, (b) the phase and line currents, 200 V, single phase transformer when its
and (c) the total power dissipated. (12) secondary terminal voltage is 194 V when loaded.
2 Two wattmeters are connected to measure the 6 A 500 kVA rated transformer has a full-load cop-
input power to a balanced three-phase load by per loss of 4 kW and an iron loss of 3 kW. Deter-
the two-wattmeter method. If the instrument read- mine the transformer efficiency (a) at full load
ings are 10 kW and 6 kW, determine (a) the total and 0.80 power factor, and (b) at half full load
power input, and (b) the load power factor. (5) and 0.80 power factor. (10)
7 Determine the optimum value of load resistance
3 An ideal transformer connected to a 250 V mains, for maximum power transfer if the load is con-
supplies a 25 V, 200 W lamp. Calculate the trans- nected to an amplifier of output resistance 288
former turns ratio and the current taken from the through a transformer with a turns ratio 6:1 (3)
supply. (5) 8 A single-phase auto transformer has a voltage
ratio of 250 V:200 V and supplies a load of
4 A 200 kVA, 8000 V/320 V, 50 Hz single phase 15 kVA at 200 V. Assuming an ideal transformer,
transformer has 120 secondary turns. Determine determine the current in each section of
(a) the primary and secondary currents, (b) the the winding. (3)
D.C. machines
The principle of operation of a generator is the other acting vertically upwards due to the cur-
explained in Section 9.2, page 94. rent flowing from E to F (from Fleming’s left hand
rule). If the loop is free to rotate, then when it has
rotated through 180° , the conductors are as shown
in Fig. 22.1(b) For rotation to continue in the same
22.2 The action of a commutator direction, it is necessary for the current flow to be as
shown in Fig. 22.1(b), i.e. from D to C and from F to
In an electric motor, conductors rotate in a uniform E. This apparent reversal in the direction of current
magnetic field. A single-loop conductor mounted flow is achieved by a process called commutation.
between permanent magnets is shown in Fig. 22.1. With reference to Fig. 22.2(a), when a direct volt-
age is applied at A and B, then as the single-loop
A voltage is applied at points A and B in Fig. 22.1(a)
conductor rotates, current flow will always be away
from the commutator for the part of the conductor
adjacent to the N-pole and towards the commutator
for the part of the conductor adjacent to the S-pole.
Thus the forces act to give continuous rotation in an
anti-clockwise direction. The arrangement shown in
Fig. 22.2(a) is called a ‘two-segment’ commutator
and the voltage is applied to the rotating segments by
stationary brushes, (usually carbon blocks), which
slide on the commutator material, (usually copper),
when rotation takes place.
In practice, there are many conductors on the
rotating part of a d.c. machine and these are attached
to many commutator segments. A schematic dia-
gram of a multi-segment commutator is shown in
Fig. 22.2(b)
Poor commutation results in sparking at the trail-
ing edge of the brushes. This can be improved by
using interpoles (situated between each pair of main
poles), high resistance brushes, or using brushes
spanning several commutator segments.
Figure 22.1
A force, F, acts on the loop due to the interac- 22.3 D.C. machine construction
tion of the magnetic field of the permanent magnets
and the magnetic field created by the current flow- The basic parts of any d.c. machine are shown in
ing in the loop. This force is proportional to the flux Fig. 22.3, and comprise:
density, B, the current flowing, I, and the effective
length of the conductor, l, i.e. F D BIl. The force (a) a stationary part called the stator having,
is made up of two parts, one acting vertically down- (i) a steel ring called the yoke, to which are
wards due to the current flowing from C to D and attached
Figure 22.2
Figure 22.3
Figure 22.4
(ii) the magnetic poles, around which are the
(iii) field windings, i.e. many turns of a con- Depending on whether the electrical machine is
ductor wound round the pole core; current series wound, shunt wound or compound wound,
passing through this conductor creates an it behaves differently when a load is applied. The
electromagnet, (rather than the permanent behaviour of a d.c. machine under various conditions
magnets shown in Fig. 22.1 and 22.2), is shown by means of graphs, called characteristic
curves or just characteristics. The characteristics
(b) a rotating part called the armature mounted in
shown in the following sections are theoretical, since
bearings housed in the stator and having,
they neglect the effects of armature reaction.
(iv) a laminated cylinder of iron or steel called
Armature reaction is the effect that the magnetic
the core, on which teeth are cut to house
field produced by the armature current has on the
magnetic field produced by the field system. In a
(v) armature winding, i.e. a single or multi-
generator, armature reaction results in a reduced
loop conductor system, and
output voltage, and in a motor, armature reaction
(vi) the commutator, (see Section 22.2)
results in increased speed.
A way of overcoming the effect of armature
Armature windings can be divided into two reaction is to fit compensating windings, located in
groups, depending on how the wires are joined to slots in the pole face.
the commutator. These are called wave windings
and lap windings.
(a) In wave windings there are two paths in parallel 22.5 E.m.f. generated in an armature
irrespective of the number of poles, each path winding
supplying half the total current output. Wave
wound generators produce high voltage, low
current outputs. Let Z D number of armature conductors,
D useful flux per pole, in webers,
(b) In lap windings there are as many paths in
parallel as the machine has poles. The total p D number of pairs of poles
current output divides equally between them. and n D armature speed in rev/s
Lap wound generators produce high current, low
voltage output. The e.m.f. generated by the armature is equal to the
e.m.f. generated by one of the parallel paths. Each
conductor passes 2p poles per revolution and thus
cuts 2p webers of magnetic flux per revolution.
22.4 Shunt, series and compound Hence flux cut by one conductor per second D
windings 2pn Wb and so the average e.m.f. E generated
per conductor is given by:
When the field winding of a d.c. machine is con-
nected in parallel with the armature, as shown in E D 2pn volts
Fig. 22.4(a), the machine is said to be shunt wound. (since 1 volt D 1 Weber per second
If the field winding is connected in series with
the armature, as shown in Fig. 22.4(b), then the Let c D number of parallel paths
machine is said to be series wound. A compound through the winding between
wound machine has a combination of series and
shunt windings. positive and negative brushes
The generated e.m.f. E of a generator is proportional Hence the increase in flux per pole needs to be
to ω, i.e. is proportional to n, where is the 87.5 per cent
flux and n is the speed of rotation. It follows that
E D kn, where k is a constant.
Now try the following exercise
At speed n1 and flux 1 , E1 D k1 n1
At speed n2 and flux 2 , E2 D k2 n2
Exercise 127 Further problems on
Thus, by division: generator e.m.f.
D 200 9
D 191 volts Characteristics
The two principal generator characteristics are
Problem 8. A generator is connected to a the generated voltage/field current characteristics,
60 load and a current of 8 A flows. If the called the open-circuit characteristic and the
armature resistance is 1 determine (a) the terminal voltage/load current characteristic, called
terminal voltage, and (b) the generated e.m.f. the load characteristic. A typical separately-excited
generator open-circuit characteristic is shown in
(a) Terminal voltage, V D Ia RL D 860 D Fig. 22.6(a) and a typical load characteristic is
480 volts shown in Fig. 22.6(b)
Figure 22.6
Figure 22.10
The load characteristic is the terminal volt-
age/current characteristic. The generated e.m.f. E, is
proportional to ω and at constant speed ωD 2n Figure 22.12
is a constant. Thus E is proportional to . For values
of current below magnetic saturation of the yoke, Problem 11. A short-shunt compound
poles, air gaps and armature core, the flux is pro- generator supplies 80 A at 200 V. If the field
portional to the current, hence E / I. For values of resistance, Rf D 40 , the series resistance,
current above those required for magnetic saturation, RSe D 0.02 and the armature resistance,
the generated e.m.f. is approximately constant. The Ra D 0.04 , determine the e.m.f. generated.
values of field resistance and armature resistance in
a series wound machine are small, hence the termi-
nal voltage V is very nearly equal to E. A typical The circuit is shown in Fig. 22.13.
load characteristic for a series generator is shown in Volt drop in series winding D IRSe D 800.02 D
Fig. 22.11 1.6 V.
(c) at a speed of 1155 rev/min and a flux of is used to signify efficiency and since the units are,
132 mWb power/power, then efficiency has no units. Thus
[(a) 315 V (b) 175 V (c) 381.2 V]
6 A 250 V d.c. shunt-wound generator has an
armature resistance of 0.1 . Determine the output power
efficiency, h = × 100%
generated e.m.f. when the generator is supply- input power
ing 50 kW, neglecting the field current of the
generator. [270 V]
If the total resistance of the armature circuit (includ-
ing brush contact resistance) is Ra , then the total
loss in the armature circuit is Ia2 Ra
If the terminal voltage is V and the current in the
22.8 D.C. machine losses shunt circuit is If , then the loss in the shunt circuit
is If V
As stated in Section 22.1, a generator is a machine If the sum of the iron, friction and windage
for converting mechanical energy into electrical losses is C then the total losses is given by:
energy and a motor is a machine for converting Ia2 Ra + If V + C (I2a Ra C If V is, in fact, the ‘copper
electrical energy into mechanical energy. When such loss’).
conversions take place, certain losses occur which If the output current is I, then the output power
are dissipated in the form of heat. is VI. Total input power D VI C I2a Ra C If V C C.
The principal losses of machines are: Hence
(i) Copper loss, due to I2 R heat losses in the efficiency, h D , i.e.
armature and field windings.
(ii) Iron (or core) loss, due to hysteresis and eddy- VI
h= 2
× 100% 4
current losses in the armature. This loss can be VI + Ia Ra + If V + C
reduced by constructing the armature of silicon
steel laminations having a high resistivity and The efficiency of a generator is a maximum
low hysteresis loss. At constant speed, the iron when the load is such that:
loss is assumed constant.
Ia2 Ra = VIf + C
(iii) Friction and windage losses, due to bear-
ing and brush contact friction and losses due i.e. when the variable loss D the constant loss
to air resistance against moving parts (called
windage). At constant speed, these losses are Problem 12. A 10 kW shunt generator
assumed to be constant. having an armature circuit resistance of
(iv) Brush contact loss between the brushes and 0.75 and a field resistance of 125 ,
commutator. This loss is approximately propor- generates a terminal voltage of 250 V at full
tional to the load current. load. Determine the efficiency of the
generator at full load, assuming the iron,
friction and windage losses amount to 600 W.
The total losses of a machine can be quite significant
and operating efficiencies of between 80 per cent
and 90 per cent are common. The circuit is shown in Fig. 22.15
Output power D 10 000 W D VI from which, a back e.m.f., and the supply voltage, V is given by:
load current I D 10 000/V D 10 000/250 D 40 A.
Field current, If D V/Rf D 250/125 D 2 A.
Armature current, Ia D If C I D 2 C 40 D 42 A V = E + Ia Ra or E = V − Ia Ra (5)
Efficiency, D 2 ð 100% Problem 13. A d.c. motor operates from a
VI C Ia R 240 V supply. The armature resistance is
CIf V C C 0.2 . Determine the back e.m.f. when the
armature current is 50 A.
10 000
D 2 ð 100%
10 000 C 42 0.75
C2250 C 600 For a motor, V D E C Ia Ra hence back e.m.f.,
10 000 E D V Ia Ra
D ð 100%
12 423
D 240 500.2
D 80.50%
D 240 10 D 230 volts
2 The armature of a d.c. machine has a resis- 2pnZ
tance of 0.5 and is connected to a 200 V c
supply. Calculate the e.m.f. generated when it Hence torque T D Ia
is running (a) as a motor taking 50 A, and (b)
as a generator giving 70 A p 8ZIa
[(a) 175 volts (b) 235 volts] i.e. T = newton metres 7
3 Determine the generated e.m.f. of a d.c.
machine if the armature resistance is 0.1 For a given machine, Z, c and p are fixed values
and it (a) is running as a motor connected
to a 230 V supply, the armature current being Hence torque, T ∝ 8Ia 8
60 A, and (b) is running as a generator with a
terminal voltage of 230 V, the armature current
being 80 A [(a) 224 V (b) 238 V] Problem 15. An 8-pole d.c. motor has a
wave-wound armature with 900 conductors.
The useful flux per pole is 25 mWb.
Determine the torque exerted when a current
of 30 A flows in each armature conductor.
22.11 Torque of a d.c. motor
p D 4, c D 2 for a wave winding,
From Equation (5), for a d.c. motor, the supply D 25 ð 103 Wb, Z D 900 and Ia D 30 A.
voltage V is given by From Equation (7),
V D E C Ia Ra pZIa
torque, T D
Multiplying each term by current Ia gives: 425 ð 103 90030
VIa D EIa C I2a Ra
D 429.7 Nm
The term VIa is the total electrical power supplied
to the armature, the term Ia2 Ra is the loss due Problem 16. Determine the torque
to armature resistance, and the term EIa is the developed by a 350 V d.c. motor having an
mechanical power developed by the armature armature resistance of 0.5 and running at
If T is the torque, in newton metres, then the 15 rev/s. The armature current is 60 A.
mechanical power developed is given by Tω watts
(see ‘Science for Engineering’ )
V D 350 V, Ra D 0.5 , n D 15 rev/s and Ia D 60 A
Hence Tω D 2nT D EIa Back e.m.f. E D V Ia Ra D 350 600.5 D 320 V.
From Equation (6),
from which, EIa 32060
torque, T D D D 203.7 Nm
2n 215
torque T = newton metres 6
2pn Problem 17. A six-pole lap-wound motor is
connected to a 250 V d.c. supply. The
From Section 22.5, Equation (1), the e.m.f. E gen- armature has 500 conductors and a resistance
erated is given by of 1 . The flux per pole is 20 mWb.
Calculate (a) the speed and (b) the torque
2pnZ developed when the armature current is 40 A.
2pnZ V D 250 V, Z D 500, Ra D 1 , D 20ð103 Wb,
Hence 2nT D EIa D Ia
c Ia D 40 A and c D 2p for a lap winding
(a) Back e.m.f. E D V Ia Ra D 250 401 The output power is the electrical output, i.e.
VI watts. The input power to a generator is
D 210 V
the mechanical power in the shaft driving the
2pnZ generator, i.e. Tω or T2n watts, where T is
E.m.f. E D
c the torque in Nm and n is speed of rotation in
2p20 ð 103 n500 rev/s. Hence, for a generator,
i.e. 210 D D 10n
210 efficiency, D ð 100%
Hence speed n D D 21 rev=s or 21 ð 60 T2n
D 1260 rev=min D
EIa 21040 122
(b) Torque T D D D 63.66 Nm 60
2n 221
i.e. efficiency D 79.6%
increases to 35 Nm. Determine the armature D 122
current at this new value of torque. 60
From Equation (8), the shaft torque T of a generator i.e. power loss D 1885 1500 D 385 W
is proportional to Ia , where is the flux and Ia
is the armature current, or, T D kIa , where k is a
constant. Now try the following exercise
The torque at flux 1 and armature current Ia1 is
T1 D k1 Ia1 Similarly, T2 D k2 Ia2
Exercise 131 Further problems on losses,
T1 k1 Ia1 1 Ia1 efficiency, and torque
By division D D
T2 k2 Ia2 2 Ia2
1 The shaft torque required to drive a d.c.
25 1 ð 16 generator is 18.7 Nm when it is running at
Hence D
35 0.851 ð Ia2 1250 rev/min. If its efficiency is 87 per cent
under these conditions and the armature cur-
16 ð 35
i.e. Ia2 D D 26.35 A rent is 17.3 A, determine the voltage at the
0.85 ð 25 terminals of the generator [123.1 V]
That is, the armature current at the new value of 2 A 220 V, d.c. generator supplies a load of
torque is 26.35 A 37.5 A and runs at 1550 rev/min. Determine
the shaft torque of the diesel motor driving
the generator, if the generator efficiency is 78
Problem 19. A 100 V d.c. generator per cent [65.2 Nm]
supplies a current of 15 A when running at
1500 rev/min. If the torque on the shaft 3 A 4-pole d.c. motor has a wave-wound arma-
driving the generator is 12 Nm, determine ture with 800 conductors. The useful flux per
(a) the efficiency of the generator and (b) the pole is 20 mWb. Calculate the torque exerted
power loss in the generator. when a current of 40 A flows in each armature
conductor. [203.7 Nm]
(a) From Section 22.9, the efficiency of a generator 4 Calculate the torque developed by a 240 V
D output power/input power ð 100 per cent. d.c. motor whose armature current is 50 A,
The two principal characteristics are the torque
22.12 Types of d.c. motor and their /armature current and speed/armature current rela-
characteristics tionships. From these, the torque/speed relationship
can be derived.
(a) Shunt wound motor (i) The theoretical torque/armature current char-
acteristic can be derived from the expression
T / Ia , (see Section 22.11). For a shunt-
In the shunt wound motor the field winding is
wound motor, the field winding is connected
in parallel with the armature across the supply as
in parallel with the armature circuit and thus
shown in Fig. 22.16 the applied voltage gives a constant field cur-
rent, i.e. a shunt-wound motor is a constant flux
machine. Since is constant, it follows that
T / Ia , and the characteristic is as shown in
Fig. 22.17
Figure 22.16
Figure 22.17
Supply voltage, V D E C Ia Ra
or generated e.m.f., E D V Ia Ra (ii) The armature circuit of a d.c. motor has resis-
Supply current, I D Ia C If tance due to the armature winding and brushes,
Ra ohms, and when armature current Ia is flow-
ing through it, there is a voltage drop of Ia Ra
from Kirchhoff’s current law volts. In Fig. 22.16 the armature resistance is
25600 1036.8 2560 1500
D ð 100%
D ð 100%
D 80.1%
Hence efficiency,
I = 80A Ia
VI − Ia2 Ra − If V − C
h= × 100% 10
Ia2 Ra = If V + C Ra = 0.2 Ω
The efficiency of a motor D output power/input Exercise 132 Further problems on d.c.
power ð 100% motors
The output power of a motor is the power avail- 1 A 240 V shunt motor takes a total current of
able to do work at its shaft and is given by Tω or 80 A. If the field winding resistance is 120
T2n watts, where T is the torque in Nm and n and the armature resistance is 0.4 , determine
is the speed of rotation in rev/s. The input power is (a) the current in the armature, and (b) the
the electrical power in watts supplied to the motor, back e.m.f. [(a) 78 A (b) 208.8 V]
i.e. VI watts.
Thus for a motor, 2 A d.c. motor has a speed of 900 rev/min when
connected to a 460 V supply. Find the approx-
imate value of the speed of the motor when
efficiency, D ð 100% connected to a 200 V supply, assuming the flux
VI decreases by 30 per cent and neglecting the
1200 armature volt drop. [559 rev/min]
i.e. 80 D
ð 100
3 A series motor having a series field resis-
200I tance of 0.25 and an armature resistance of
0.15 , is connected to a 220 V supply and at
a particular load runs at 20 rev/s when drawing
Thus the current supplied, 20 A from the supply. Calculate the e.m.f. gen-
erated at this load. Determine also the speed
15220100 of the motor when the load is changed such
ID that the current increases to 25 A. Assume the
20080 flux increases by 25 per cent
D 11.8 A [212 V, 15.85 rev/s]
E3 D 500 600.2
D 500 12 D 488 volts
E1 1 n1
Now D
E3 3 n3
476 1 10
i.e. D since 3 D 0.8 1
488 0.81 n3
Figure 22.29 from which,
are obtained by increasing the resistance in the speed n3 D D 12.82 rev=s
armature circuit, as shown in Fig. 22.29(b), where
V Ia Ra C R
Series-wound motors
Since resistor R is in series with the armature, it
carries the full armature current and results in a large The speed control of series-wound motors is
power loss in large motors where a considerable achieved using either (a) field resistance, or
speed reduction is required for long periods. (b) armature resistance techniques.
These methods of speed control are demonstrated
in the following worked problem. (a) The speed of a d.c. series-wound motor is given
Problem 28. A 500 V shunt motor runs at V IR
its normal speed of 10 rev/s when the
armature current is 120 A. The armature
resistance is 0.2 . (a) Determine the speed where k is a constant, V is the terminal voltage,
when the current is 60 A and a resistance of R is the combined resistance of the armature and
0.5 is connected in series with the series field and is the flux. Thus, a reduction
armature, the shunt field remaining constant in flux results in an increase in speed. This
(b) Determine the speed when the current is is achieved by putting a variable resistance in
60 A and the shunt field is reduced to 80 per parallel with the field winding and reducing
cent of its normal value by increasing the field current, and hence flux, for a given
resistance in the field circuit. value of supply current. A circuit diagram of
this arrangement is shown in Fig. 22.30(a). A
(a) With reference to Fig. 22.29(b), back e.m.f. at variable resistor connected in parallel with the
120 A, E1 D V Ia Ra D 500 1200.2 D series-wound field to control speed is called
500 24 D 476 volts. When Ia D 60 A, a diverter. Speeds above those given with no
diverter are obtained by this method. Problem
E2 D 500 600.2 C 0.5 29 below demonstrates this method.
D 500 600.7
D 500 42 D 458 volts
E1 1 n1
Now D
E2 2 n2
476 1 10
i.e. D since 2 D 1
458 1 n2
from which,
speed n2 D D 9.62 rev=s Figure 22.30
Thus the addition of a series resistance of 3.85 has With a pipe-ventilated type, air is piped into the
reduced the speed from 800 rev/min to 600 rev/min. motor from a dust-free area, and an internally fitted
fan ensures the circulation of this cool air.
17 The equation relating the generated e.m.f., 33 At a large value of torque, the speed of a d.c.
E, terminal voltage, armature current and series-wound motor is . . . . . .
armature resistance for a d.c. motor is E D
...... 34 At a large value of field current, the generated
e.m.f. of a d.c. shunt-wound generator is
18 The torque T of a d.c. motor is given by approximately . . . . . .
T D pZIa /c newton metres. State what
p, , Z, I and c represent 35 In a series-wound generator, the terminal
voltage increases as the load current . . . . . .
19 Complete the following. In a d.c. machine
(a) generated e.m.f. / . . . . . . ð . . . . . . 36 One type of d.c. motor uses resistance in
(b) torque / . . . . . . ð . . . . . . series with the field winding to obtain speed
variations and another type uses resistance
20 Sketch typical characteristics of torque/arma- in parallel with the field winding for the
ture current for same purpose. Explain briefly why these two
(a) a shunt motor distinct methods are used and why the field
(b) a series motor current plays a significant part in controlling
(c) a compound motor the speed of a d.c. motor.
21 Sketch typical speed/torque characteristics
37 Name three types of motor enclosure
for a shunt and series motor
22 State two applications for each of the follow-
ing motors:
(a) shunt (b) series (c) compound Exercise 135 Multi-choice questions on
In questions 23 to 26, an electrical machine d.c. machines (Answers on page 376)
runs at n rev/s, has a shaft torque of T, and
takes a current of I from a supply volt-
1 Which of the following statements is false?
age V
(a) A d.c. motor converts electrical energy
23 The power input to a generator is . . . . . . watts to mechanical energy
(b) The efficiency of a d.c. motor is the ratio
24 The power input to a motor is . . . . . . watts input power to output power
25 The power output from a generator is . . . . . . (c) A d.c. generator converts mechanical
watts power to electrical power
(d) The efficiency of a d.c. generator is the
26 The power output from a motor is . . . . . . ratio output power to input power
watts A shunt-wound d.c. machine is running at
27 The generated e.m.f. of a d.c machine is n rev/s and has a shaft torque of T Nm.
proportional to . . . . . . volts The supply current is IA when connected to
d.c. bus-bars of voltage V volts. The arma-
28 The torque produced by a d.c. motor is pro- ture resistance of the machine is Ra ohms,
portional to . . . . . . Nm the armature current is Ia A and the gener-
ated voltage is E volts. Use this data to find
29 A starter is necessary for a d.c. motor because the formulae of the quantities stated in ques-
the generated e.m.f. is . . . . . . at low speeds tions 2 to 9, selecting the correct answer from
30 The speed of a d.c. shunt-wound motor will the following list:
. . . . . . if the value of resistance of the shunt (a) V Ia Ra (b) E C Ia Ra
field regulator is increased (c) VI (d) E Ia Ra
31 The speed of a d.c. motor will . . . . . . if the (e) T2n (f) V C Ia Ra
value of resistance in the armature circuit is
increased 2 The input power when running as a generator
32 The value of the speed of a d.c. shunt-wound 3 The output power when running as a motor
motor . . . . . . as the value of the armature
current increases 4 The input power when running as a motor
5 The output power when running as a gener- 16 Which of the following statements is false?
ator (a) A series-wound motor has a large starting
6 The generated voltage when running as a (b) A shunt-wound motor must be perma-
motor nently connected to its load
7 The terminal voltage when running as a gen- (c) The speed of a series-wound motor drops
erator considerably when load is applied
(d) A shunt-wound motor is essentially a
8 The generated voltage when running as a constant-speed machine
17 The speed of a d.c. motor may be increased by
9 The terminal voltage when running as a (a) increasing the armature current
motor (b) decreasing the field current
(c) decreasing the applied voltage
10 Which of the following statements is false? (d) increasing the field current
(a) A commutator is necessary as part of a
d.c. motor to keep the armature rotating 18 The armature resistance of a d.c. motor is
in the same direction 0.5 , the supply voltage is 200 V and the
(b) A commutator is necessary as part of a back e.m.f. is 196 V at full speed. The arma-
d.c. generator to produce unidirectional ture current is:
voltage at the terminals of the generator (a) 4 A (b) 8 A (c) 400 A (d) 392 A
(c) The field winding of a d.c. machine is
housed in slots on the armature 19 In d.c. generators iron losses are made up of:
(d) The brushes of a d.c. machine are usually (a) hysteresis and friction losses
made of carbon and do not rotate with the (b) hysteresis, eddy current and brush con-
armature tact losses
(c) hysteresis and eddy current losses
11 If the speed of a d.c. machine is doubled (d) hysteresis, eddy current and copper
and the flux remains constant, the generated losses
e.m.f. (a) remains the same (b) is doubled
(c) is halved 20 The effect of inserting a resistance in series
with the field winding of a shunt motor is to:
12 If the flux per pole of a shunt-wound d.c. (a) increase the magnetic field
generator is increased, and all other variables (b) increase the speed of the motor
are kept the same, the speed (c) decrease the armature current
(a) decreases (b) stays the same (c) increases (d) reduce the speed of the motor
13 If the flux per pole of a shunt-wound d.c.
generator is halved, the generated e.m.f. at 21 The supply voltage to a d.c. motor is 240 V.
constant speed (a) is doubled (b) is halved If the back e.m.f. is 230 V and the armature
(c) remains the same resistance is 0.25 , the armature current is:
(a) 10 A (b) 40 A (c) 960 A (d) 920 A
14 In a series-wound generator running at con-
stant speed, as the load current increases, the 22 With a d.c. motor, the starter resistor:
terminal voltage (a) limits the armature current to a safe start-
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) stays the same ing value
(b) controls the speed of the machine
15 Which of the following statements is false for (c) prevents the field current flowing through
a series-wound d.c. motor? and damaging the armature
(a) The speed decreases with increase of (d) limits the field current to a safe starting
resistance in the armature circuit value
(b) The speed increases as the flux decreases
(c) The speed can be controlled by a diverter 23 From Fig. 22.31, the expected characteristic
(d) The speed can be controlled by a shunt for a shunt-wound d.c. generator is:
field regulator (a) P (b) Q (c) R (d) S
Three-phase induction motors
This magnetic field is constant in magnitude and Fig. 23.1(a). If the value of current in a winding is
rotates at constant speed as shown below, and is positive, the assumption is made that it flows from
called the synchronous speed. start to finish of the winding, i.e. if it is the red
With reference to Fig. 23.1, the windings are phase, current flows from RS to RF , i.e. away from
represented by three single-loop conductors, one for the viewer in RS and towards the viewer in RF . When
each phase, marked RS RF , YS YF and BS BF , the S and the value of current is negative, the assumption is
F signifying start and finish. In practice, each phase made that it flows from finish to start, i.e. towards
winding comprises many turns and is distributed the viewer in an ‘S’ winding and away from the
around the stator; the single-loop approach is for viewer in an ‘F’ winding. At time, say t1 , shown in
clarity only. Fig. 23.1(a), the current flowing in the red phase is
When the stator windings are connected to a a maximum positive value. At the same time t1 , the
three-phase supply, the current flowing in each currents flowing in the yellow and blue phases are
winding varies with time and is as shown in both 0.5 times the maximum value and are negative.
The current distribution in the stator windings is
therefore as shown in Fig. 23.1(b), in which cur-
rent flows away from the viewer, (shown as )
in RS since it is positive, but towards the viewer
(shown as þ) in YS and BS , since these are neg-
ative. The resulting magnetic field is as shown,
due to the ‘solenoid’ action and application of the
corkscrew rule.
A short time later at time t2 , the current flowing
in the red phase has fallen to about 0.87 times its
maximum value and is positive, the current in the
yellow phase is zero and the current in the blue
phase is about 0.87 times its maximum value and is
negative. Hence the currents and resultant magnetic
field are as shown in Fig. 23.1(c). At time t3 , the
currents in the red and yellow phases are 0.5 of their
maximum values and the current in the blue phase
is a maximum negative value. The currents and
resultant magnetic field are as shown in Fig. 23.1(d).
Similar diagrams to Fig. 23.1(b), (c) and (d) can
be produced for all time values and these would
show that the magnetic field travels through one
revolution for each cycle of the supply voltage
applied to the stator windings.
By considering the flux values rather than the
current values, it is shown below that the rotating
magnetic field has a constant value of flux. The
three coils shown in Fig. 23.2(a), are connected
in star to a three-phase supply. Let the positive
directions of the fluxes produced by currents flowing
in the coils, be A , B and C respectively. The
directions of A , B and C do not alter, but their
magnitudes are proportional to the currents flowing
in the coils at any particular time. At time t1 , shown
in Fig. 23.2(b), the currents flowing in the coils are:
iB , a maximum positive value, i.e. the flux is
towards point P; iA and iC , half the maximum value
and negative, i.e. the flux is away from point P.
These currents give rise to the magnetic fluxes
A , B and C , whose magnitudes and directions
Figure 23.1 are as shown in Fig. 23.2(c). The resultant flux is
Figure 23.2
Figure 23.5
23.6 Slip
The force exerted by the rotor bars causes the rotor
to turn in the direction of the rotating magnetic field.
As the rotor speed increases, the rate at which the
rotating magnetic field cuts the rotor bars is less and
the frequency of the induced e.m.f.’s in the rotor
Figure 23.4 bars is less. If the rotor runs at the same speed as
the rotating magnetic field, no e.m.f.’s are induced
in the rotor, hence there is no force on them and no
The conductors are placed in slots in the lami- torque on the rotor. Thus the rotor slows down. For
nated iron rotor core. If the slots are skewed, better this reason the rotor can never run at synchronous
starting and quieter running is achieved. This type of speed.
rotor has no external connections which means that When there is no load on the rotor, the resistive
slip rings and brushes are not needed. The squirrel- forces due to windage and bearing friction are small
cage motor is cheap, reliable and efficient. Another and the rotor runs very nearly at synchronous speed.
type of rotor is the wound rotor. With this type As the rotor is loaded, the speed falls and this causes
there are phase windings in slots, similar to those in an increase in the frequency of the induced e.m.f.’s
the stator. The windings may be connected in star or in the rotor bars and hence the rotor current, force
delta and the connections made to three slip rings. and torque increase. The difference between the
The slip rings are used to add external resistance to rotor speed, nr , and the synchronous speed, ns , is
the rotor circuit, particularly for starting (see Sec- called the slip speed, i.e.
tion 23.13), but for normal running the slip rings
are short-circuited. slip speed = ns − nr rev=s
The principle of operation is the same for both
the squirrel cage and the wound rotor machines. The ratio ns nr /ns is called the fractional slip
or just the slip, s, and is usually expressed as a
percentage. Thus
23.5 Principle of operation of a ns − nr
slip, s = × 100%
three-phase induction motor ns
When a three-phase supply is connected to the stator Typical values of slip between no load and full
windings, a rotating magnetic field is produced. load are about 4 to 5 per cent for small motors and
As the magnetic flux cuts a bar on the rotor, an 1.5 to 2 per cent for large motors.
e.m.f. is induced in it and since it is joined, via the
end conducting rings, to another bar one pole pitch
away, a current flows in the bars. The magnetic Problem 4. The stator of a 3-phase, 4-pole
field associated with this current flowing in the induction motor is connected to a 50 Hz
bars interacts with the rotating magnetic field and supply. The rotor runs at 1455 rev/min at full
a force is produced, tending to turn the rotor in load. Determine (a) the synchronous speed
the same direction as the rotating magnetic field, and (b) the slip at full load.
(see Fig. 23.5). Similar forces are applied to all the
(a) The number of pairs of poles, p D 4/2 D 2 ns nr
The supply frequency f D 50 Hz The syn- Slip, s D ð 100%
chronous speed, ns D f/p D 50/2 D
25 rev=s. Rotor speed, nr D 1200/60 D 20 rev/s and s D 4.
(b) The rotor speed, nr D 1455/60 D 24.25 rev/s.
ns 20 ns 20
ns nr 4D ð 100% or 0.04 D
Slip, s D ð 100% ns ns
from which, ns 0.04 D ns 20 and
25 24.25
D ð 100% 20 D ns 0.04 ns D ns 1 0.04. Hence syn-
25 chronous speed,
D 3% 20
ns D D 20.83P rev/s
1 0.04
Problem 5. A 3-phase, 60 Hz induction
motor has 2 poles. If the slip is 2 per cent at D 20.83P ð 60 rev/min
a certain load, determine (a) the synchronous D 1250 rev=min
speed, (b) the speed of the rotor, and (c) the
frequency of the induced e.m.f.’s in the rotor.
Now try the following exercise
(a) f D 60 Hz and p D 2/2 D 1 Hence syn-
chronous speed, ns D f/p D 60/1 D Exercise 137 Further problems on slip
60 rev=s or 60 ð 60 D 3600 rev=min.
1 A 6-pole, 3-phase induction motor runs at
(b) Since slip,
970 rev/min at a certain load. If the stator is
connected to a 50 Hz supply, find the percent-
ns nr
sD ð 100% age slip at this load. [3%]
2 A 3-phase, 50 Hz induction motor has 8 poles.
60 nr If the full load slip is 2.5 per cent, determine
2D ð 100
60 (a) the synchronous speed,
(b) the rotor speed, and
Hence (c) the frequency of the rotor e.m.f.’s
2 ð 60 [(a) 750 rev/min (b) 731 rev/min (c) 1.25 Hz]
D 60 nr
100 3 A three-phase induction motor is supplied
i.e. from a 60 Hz supply and runs at 1710 rev/min
when the slip is 5 per cent. Determine the syn-
2 ð 60 chronous speed. [1800 rev/min]
nr D 60 D 58.8 rev/s
4 A 4-pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz induction motor runs
i.e. the rotor runs at 58.8 ð 60 D 3528 rev=min at 1440 rev/min at full load. Calculate
(c) Since the synchronous speed is 60 rev/s and (a) the synchronous speed,
that of the rotor is 58.8 rev/s, the rotating mag- (b) the slip and
netic field cuts the rotor bars at 60 58.8 D (c) the frequency of the rotor induced e.m.f.’s
1.2 rev/s. [(a) 1500 rev/min (b) 4% (c) 2 Hz]
Thus the frequency of the e.m.f.’s induced in
the rotor bars is 1.2 Hz.
23.7 Rotor e.m.f. and frequency
Problem 6. A three-phase induction motor
is supplied from a 50 Hz supply and runs at Rotor e.m.f.
1200 rev/min when the slip is 4 per cent. When an induction motor is stationary, the stator and
Determine the synchronous speed. rotor windings form the equivalent of a transformer
as shown in Fig. 23.6
P2 Pm
then TD D
2ns 2nr
P2 Pm Pm nr
from which, D or D
ns nr P2 ns
Pm nr
Hence 1 D1
P2 ns
Figure 23.7
P2 Pm n s nr
D Ds
P2 ns
Figure 23.7 represents the rotor circuit when
running. P2 Pm is the electrical or copper loss in the rotor,
i.e. P2 Pm D I2r R2 . Hence
Rotor impedance
rotor copper loss I 2 R2
Rotor impedance per phase, slip, s = = r 9
rotor input P2
Zr D R22 C sX2 2 5
or power input to the rotor,
At standstill, slip s D 1, then
Ir2 R2
P2 = 10
Z2 D R22 C X22 6 s
Rotor current
23.10 Induction motor losses and
From Fig. 23.6 and 23.7, at standstill, starting
Figure 23.8 summarises losses in induction motors.
N2 Motor efficiency,
E2 N1
I2 = = 7
output power Pm
Z2 R22 + X22 h= = × 100%
input power P1
Figure 23.8
Now try the following exercise If there are m phases then torque,
Exercise 139 Further problems on losses s 2
E 1 R2
m N1
and efficiency TD
2ns R22 C sX2 2
1 The power supplied to a three-phase induction
motor is 50 kW and the stator losses are 2 kW.
If the slip is 4 per cent, determine i.e.
(a) the rotor copper loss,
(b) the total mechanical power developed by 2
the rotor, N2
(c) the output power of the motor if friction m sE12 R2
and windage losses are 1 kW, and T = 11
2pns 2
R2 + .sX2 /2
(d) the efficiency of the motor, neglecting
rotor iron losses.
[(a) 1.92 kW (b) 46.08 kW (c) 45.08 kW
(d) 90.16%]
sE21 R2
2 By using external rotor resistance, the speed of Dk
R22 C sX2 2
the induction motor in Problem 1 is reduced
to 40 per cent of its synchronous speed. If
the torque and stator losses are unchanged, where k is a constant for a particular machine, i.e.
(a) the rotor copper loss, and
sE12 R2
(b) the efficiency of the motor. torque, T ∝ 2
[(a) 28.80 kW (b) 36.40%] R2 + .sX2 /2
(a) From Equation (8), rotor current, (b) Net power output D 11 kW from part (d), Prob-
lem 10. Hence efficiency,
s E1 output 11
Ir D D
ð 100% D
ð 100%
R22 C sX2 2
D 85.21%
0.040.85239.6 p
D (c) Power input, P1 D 3 VL IL cos (see Chap-
0.352 C 0.04 ð 3.52 ter 20) and cos D p.f. D 0.87 hence, supply
D D 21.61 A P1 12.91 ð 1000
0.37696 IL D p D p D 20.64 A
3 VL cos 34150.87
(b) Rotor copper
loss per phase D I2r R2 Problem 13. For the induction motor of
Problems 10 to 12, determine the resistance
D 21.612 0.35 of the rotor winding required for maximum
starting torque.
D 163.45 W
Total copper loss (for 3 phases) From Equation (4), rotor reactance Xr D sX2 At the
moment of starting, slip, s D 1. Maximum torque
D 3 ð 163.45 occurs when rotor reactance equals rotor resistance
D 490.35 W hence for maximum torque, R2 D Xr D sX2
D X2 D 3.5 Z.
(c) From Equation (7), starting current, Thus if the induction motor was a wound rotor
N2 type with slip rings then an external star-connected
E1 resistance of 3.5 0.35 D 3.15 per phase
N 0.85239.5
I2 D 1 Dp could be added to the rotor resistance to give max-
R22 C X22 0.352 C 3.52 imum torque at starting (see Section 23.13).
2 For the induction motor in Problem 1, calcu- The rotor resistance of an induction motor is usu-
late at full load ally small compared with its reactance (for example,
(a) the rotor current, R2 D 0.35 and X2 D 3.5 in the above Prob-
(b) the rotor copper loss, and lems), so that maximum torque occurs at a high
(c) the starting current. speed, typically about 80 per cent of synchronous
[(a) 10.62 A (b) 135.3 W (c) 45.96 A] speed.
Curve P in Fig. 23.9 is a typical characteristic for
3 If the stator losses for the induction motor in an induction motor. The curve P cuts the full-load
Problem 1 are 525 W, calculate at full load torque line at point X, showing that at full load the
(a) the power input, slip is about 4–5 per cent. The normal operating
(b) the efficiency of the motor and conditions are between 0 and X, thus it can be
(c) the current taken from the supply if the seen that for normal operation the speed variation
motor runs at a power factor of 0.84 with load is quite small – the induction motor is
[(a) 7.49 kW (b) 84.65% (c) 12.87 A] an almost constant-speed machine. Redrawing the
4 For the induction motor in Problem 1, speed-torque characteristic between 0 and X gives
determine the resistance of the rotor winding the characteristic shown in Fig. 23.10, which is
required for maximum starting torque [4.0 ] similar to a d.c. shunt motor as shown in Chapter 22.
Figure 23.9
Figure 23.12
Figure 23.13
(i) have a much higher starting torque Now try the following exercises
(ii) have a much lower starting current
(iii) have a means of varying speed by use of Exercise 141 Short answer questions on
external rotor resistance. three-phase induction motors
1 Name three advantages that a three-phase
induction motor has when compared with a
23.16 Double cage induction motor d.c. motor
The advantages of squirrel-cage and wound rotor 2 Name the principal disadvantage of a three-
induction motors are combined in the double cage phase induction motor when compared with
induction motor. This type of induction motor is a d.c. motor
specially constructed with the rotor having two
cages, one inside the other. The outer cage has high 3 Explain briefly, with the aid of sketches, the
resistance conductors so that maximum torque is principle of operation of a 3-phase induction
achieved at or near starting. The inner cage has motor.
normal low resistance copper conductors but high 4 Explain briefly how slip-frequency currents
reactance since it is embedded deep in the iron core. are set up in the rotor bars of a 3-phase induc-
The torque-speed characteristic of the inner cage tion motor and why this frequency varies
is that of a normal induction motor, as shown in with load.
Fig. 23.14. At starting, the outer cage produces the
torque, but when running the inner cage produces 5 Explain briefly why a 3-phase induction
the torque. The combined characteristic of inner and motor develops no torque when running at
outer cages is shown in Fig. 23.14 The double cage synchronous speed. Define the slip of an
induction motor is highly efficient when running. induction motor and explain why its value
depends on the load on the rotor.
6 Write down the two properties of the mag-
netic field produced by the stator of a three-
phase induction motor
7 The speed at which the magnetic field of a
three-phase induction motor rotates is called
the . . . . . . speed
8 The synchronous speed of a three-phase
induction motor is . . . . . . proportional to
supply frequency
9 The synchronous speed of a three-phase
induction motor is . . . . . . proportional to the
number of pairs of poles
Figure 23.14
10 The type of rotor most widely used in a three-
phase induction motor is called a . . . . . .
11 The slip of a three-phase
...... induction motor is
23.17 Uses of three-phase induction given by: s D ð 100%
motors ...
12 A typical value for the slip of a small three-
Three-phase induction motors are widely used in phase induction motor is . . . %
industry and constitute almost all industrial drives
where a nearly constant speed is required, from 13 As the load on the rotor of a three-phase
small workshops to the largest industrial enterprises. induction motor increases, the slip . . . . . .
Typical applications are with machine tools,
Rotor copper loss
pumps and mill motors. The squirrel cage rotor type 14 D ......
is the most widely used of all a.c. motors. Rotor input power
15 State the losses in an induction motor (a) The synchronous speed is half the supply
frequency when it has four poles
16 Maximum torque occurs when . . . . . . D (b) In a 2-pole machine, the synchronous
...... speed is equal to the supply frequency
17 Sketch a typical speed-torque characteristic (c) If the number of poles is increased, the
for an induction motor synchronous speed is reduced
(d) The synchronous speed is inversely pro-
18 State two methods of starting squirrel-cage portional to the number of poles
induction motors
4 A 4-pole three-phase induction motor has a
19 Which type of induction motor is used when synchronous speed of 25 rev/s. The frequency
starting on-load is necessary? of the supply to the stator is:
(a) 50 Hz (b) 100 Hz
20 Describe briefly a double cage induction (c) 25 Hz (d) 12.5 Hz
Questions 5 and 6 refer to a three-phase
21 State two advantages of cage rotor machines induction motor. Which statements are false?
compared with wound rotor machines
5 (a) The slip speed is the synchronous speed
22 State two advantages of wound rotor
minus the rotor speed
machines compared with cage rotor machines
(b) As the rotor is loaded, the slip decreases
23 Name any three applications of three-phase (c) The frequency of induced rotor e.m.f.’s
induction motors increases with load on the rotor
(d) The torque on the rotor is due to the
interaction of magnetic fields
6 (a) If the rotor is running at synchronous
Exercise 142 Multi-choice questions on speed, there is no torque on the rotor
three-phase induction motors (Answers on (b) If the number of poles on the stator is
page 376) doubled, the synchronous speed is halved
1 Which of the following statements about a (c) At no-load, the rotor speed is very nearly
three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor is equal to the synchronous speed
false? (d) The direction of rotation of the rotor is
(a) It has no external electrical connections opposite to the direction of rotation of the
to its rotor magnetic field to give maximum current
(b) A three-phase supply is connected to its induced in the rotor bars
A three-phase, 4-pole, 50 Hz induction motor
(c) A magnetic flux which alternates is pro-
runs at 1440 rev/min. In questions 7 to 10,
determine the correct answers for the quan-
(d) It is cheap, robust and requires little or
tities stated, selecting your answer from the
no skilled maintenance
list given below:
2 Which of the following statements about a (a) 12.5 rev/s (b) 25 rev/s (c) 1 rev/s
three-phase induction motor is false? (d) 50 rev/s (e) 1% (f) 4%
(a) The speed of rotation of the magnetic (g) 50% (h) 4 Hz (i) 50 Hz
field is called the synchronous speed (j) 2 Hz
(b) A three-phase supply connected to the
rotor produces a rotating magnetic field 7 The synchronous speed
(c) The rotating magnetic field has a constant
speed and constant magnitude 8 The slip speed
(d) It is essentially a constant speed type 9 The percentage slip
10 The frequency of induced e.m.f.’s in the rotor
3 Which of the following statements is false
when referring to a three-phase induction 11 The slip speed of an induction motor may be
motor? defined as the:
(a) number of pairs of poles ł frequency 15 A four-pole induction motor when supplied
(b) rotor speed synchronous speed from a 50 Hz supply experiences a 5 per cent
(c) rotor speed C synchronous speed slip. The rotor speed will be:
(d) synchronous speed rotor speed (a) 25 rev/s (b) 23.75 rev/s
12 The slip speed of an induction motor depends (c) 26.25 rev/s (d) 11.875 rev/s
upon: 16 A stator winding of an induction motor sup-
(a) armature current (b) supply voltage plied from a three-phase, 60 Hz system is
(c) mechanical load (d) eddy currents required to produce a magnetic flux rotating
13 The starting torque of a simple squirrel-cage at 900 rev/min. The number of poles is:
motor is: (a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 4
(a) low 17 The stator of a three-phase, 2-pole induction
(b) increases as rotor current rises motor is connected to a 50 Hz supply. The
(c) decreases as rotor current rises rotor runs at 2880 rev/min at full load. The
(d) high slip is:
14 The slip speed of an induction motor: (a) 4.17% (b) 92%
(a) is zero until the rotor moves and then (c) 4% (d) 96%
rises slightly
(b) is 100 per cent until the rotor moves and 18 An 8-pole induction motor, when fed from a
then decreases slightly 60 Hz supply, experiences a 5 per cent slip.
(c) is 100 per cent until the rotor moves and The rotor speed is:
then falls to a low value (a) 427.5 rev/min (b) 855 rev/min
(d) is zero until the rotor moves and then (c) 900 rev/min (d) 945 rev/min
rises to 100 per cent
Assignment 7
The marks for each question are shown in brackets at the end of each question.
1 A 6-pole armature has 1000 conductors and a flux speed, in rev/min when the current is 50 A and
per pole of 40 mWb. Determine the e.m.f. gener- a resistance of 0.40 is connected in series with
ated when running at 600 rev/min when (a) lap the armature, the shunt field remaining constant.
wound (b) wave wound. (6) (7)
2 The armature of a d.c. machine has a resistance 6 The stator of a three-phase, 6-pole induction
of 0.3 and is connected to a 200 V supply. motor is connected to a 60 Hz supply. The rotor
Calculate the e.m.f. generated when it is running runs at 1155 rev/min at full load. Determine
(a) as a generator giving 80 A (b) as a motor (a) the synchronous speed, and (b) the slip at full
taking 80 A (4) load. (6)
3 A 15 kW shunt generator having an armature cir- 7 The power supplied to a three-phase induction
cuit resistance of 1 and a field resistance of motor is 40 kW and the stator losses are 2 kW.
160 generates a terminal voltage of 240 V at If the slip is 4 per cent determine (a) the rotor
full-load. Determine the efficiency of the gener- copper loss, (b) the total mechanical power devel-
ator at full-load assuming the iron, friction and oped by the rotor, (c) the output power of the
windage losses amount to 500 W. (6) motor if frictional and windage losses are 1.48 kW,
and (d) the efficiency of the motor, neglecting
4 A 4-pole d.c. motor has a wave-wound armature rotor iron loss. (9)
with 1000 conductors. The useful flux per pole
is 40 mWb. Calculate the torque exerted when a 8 A 400 V, three-phase, 100 Hz, 8-pole induction
motor runs at 24.25 rev/s on full load. The rotor
current of 25 A flows in each armature conductor.
resistance and reactance per phase are 0.2
and 2 respectively and the effective rotor-
5 A 400 V shunt motor runs at its normal speed stator turns ratio is 0.80:1. Calculate (a) the syn-
of 20 rev/s when the armature current is 100 A. chronous speed, (b) the slip, and (c) the full load
The armature resistance is 0.25 . Calculate the torque. (8)
Formulae for electrical power
Generator: E D V C Ia Ra
V1 N1 I2 VI
Efficiency, D ð 100%
D D I0 D I2M C I2C VI C I2a Ra C If V C C
V2 N2 I1
Motor: E D V Ia Ra
IM D I0 sin 0 Ic D I0 cos 0
E D 4.44 fm N VI I2a Ra If V C
Efficiency, D ð 100%
E2 E1
Regulation D ð 100% EIa pZIa
E2 Torque D D / Ia
2n c
Equivalent circuit: Re D R1 C R2
V1 f ns nr
Xe D X1 C X2 Ze D Re2 C X2e nS D sD ð 100
V2 p ns
losses fr D sf Xr D sX2
Efficiency, D 1
input power
Output power D V2 I2 cos 2 s E1
Er N1 I2r R2
Ir D D sD
Zr [R22 C sX2 2 ] P2
Total loss D copper loss C iron loss
Efficiency, Torque,
input stator loss rotor copper loss N2 2
Pm friction & windage loss m sE21 R2 sE21 R2
D D N1
P1 input power T D 2 /
2ns R2 C sX2 2 2
R2 C sX2 2
Answers to multi-choice questions
CHAPTER 1. EXERCISE 4 (page 7) CHAPTER 8. EXERCISE 40 (page 91)
1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5 (c) 1 (d) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5 (b)
6 (b) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10 (a) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8 (a) 9 (a) 10 (b)
11 (b) 12 (d)
CHAPTER 9. EXERCISE 47 (page 102)
CHAPTER 2. EXERCISE 10 (page 19) 1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (b) 5 (c)
6 (a) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9 (c) 10 (a)
1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (b) 5 (d) 11 (a) 12 (b)
6 (d) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (b) 10 (c)
11 (c) 12 (d) 13 (a) CHAPTER 10. EXERCISE 57 (page 125)
1 (d) 2 (a) or (c) 3 (b) 4 (b)
CHAPTER 3. EXERCISE 15 (page 27) 5 (c) 6 (f) 7 (c) 8 (a)
9 (i) 10 (j) 11 (g) 12 (c)
1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5 (d)
13 (b) 14 (p) 15 (d) 16 (o)
6 (c) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d)
17 (n) 18 (b) 19 (d) 20 (a)
21 (d) 22 (c) 23 (a)
CHAPTER 4. EXERCISE 18 (page 36)
CHAPTER 11. EXERCISE 60 (page 134)
1 (d) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (b)
6 (d) 7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (d) 4 (c) 5 (b)
11 (c) 12 (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9 (a) 10 (b)
11 (d)
CHAPTER 5. EXERCISE 23 (page 50) CHAPTER 12. EXERCISE 64 (page 149)
1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (c) 4 (c) 5 (a) 1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5 (a)
6 (b) 7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (d) 6 (d) 7 (b) 8 (d) 9 (b) 10 (c)
11 (d) 11 (a) 12 (b) 13 (b) 14 (b) 15 (b)
16 (b) 17 (c) 18 (b) 19 (a) 20 (b)
CHAPTER 6. EXERCISE 30 (page 66)
CHAPTER 13. EXERCISE 72 (page 181)
1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (a)
1 (d) 2 (c) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (a)
6 (b) 7 (b) 8 (a) 9 (c) 10 (c)
6 (d) 7 (c) 8 (a) 9 (c) 10 (c)
11 (d)
11 (b) 12 (d) 13 (d) 14 (b) 15 (c)
16 (a)
CHAPTER 7. EXERCISE 36 (page 79)
CHAPTER 14. EXERCISE 78 (page 195)
1 (d) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (c)
6 (d) 7 (a) 8 (c) 9 (c) 10 (c) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5 (d)
11 (a) and (d), (b) and (f), (c) and (e) 12 (a) 6 (c) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (b) 10 (c)
13 (a) 11 (b)
CHAPTER 15. EXERCISE 86 (page 217) CHAPTER 20. EXERCISE 113 (page 301)
1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (a) 1 (g) 2 (c) 3 (a) 4 (a) 5 (f)
6 (b) 7 (a) 8 (d) 9 (d) 10 (d) 6 (a) 7 (g) 8 (l) 9 (l) 10 (d)
11 (b) 12 (c) 13 (b) 14 (c) 15 (b) 11 (f) 12 (j) 13 (d) 14 (b) 15 (c)
16 (b) 17 (c) 18 (a) 19 (d) 16 (b) 17 (c)
CHAPTER 16. EXERCISE 94 (page 234) CHAPTER 21. EXERCISE 126 (page 325)
1 (d) 2 (g) 3 (i) 4 (s) 1 (a) 2 (d) 3 (a) 4 (b) 5 (c)
5 (h) 6 (b) 7 (k) 8 (l) 6 (a) 7 (b) 8 (a) 9 (b) 10 (g)
9 (a) 10 (d), (g), (i) and (l) 11 (b) 11 (d) 12 (a) 13 (h) 14 (k) 15 (j)
12 (d) 13 (c) 14 (b) 16 (f) 17 (c) 18 (b) and (c) 19 (c)
20 (b)
CHAPTER 17. EXERCISE 99 (page 246)
CHAPTER 22. EXERCISE 135 (page 351)
1 (d) 2 (b) 3 (a) 4 (c)
5 (c) 6 (a) 7 (b) 8 (a) 1 (b) 2 (e) 3 (e) 4 (c) 5 (c)
9 (d) 10 (b) 11 (d) 12 (c) 6 (a) 7 (d) 8 (f) 9 (b) 10 (c)
11 (b) 12 (a) 13 (b) 14 (a) 15 (d)
16 (b) 17 (b) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (b)
CHAPTER 18. EXERCISE 103 (page 262)
21 (b) 22 (a) 23 (c) 24 (d)
1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (g) 5 (g)
6 (e) 7 (l) 8 (c) 9 (a) 10 (d)
11 (g) 12 (b) 13 (c) 14 (j) 15 (h) CHAPTER 23. EXERCISE 142 (page 370)
16 (c) 17 (a) 18 (a) 1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 (a) 5 (b)
6 (d) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (f) 10 (j)
CHAPTER 19. EXERCISE 107 (page 279) 11 (d) 12 (c) 13 (a) 14 (c) 15 (b)
16 (b) 17 (c) 18 (b)
1 (c) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5 (a)
6 (b) 7 (d) 8 (a) 9 (c) 10 (c)
Absolute permeability, 71 Brush contact loss, 337
Absolute permittivity, 55 Buffer amplifier, 270
A.c. bridges, 120
generator, 183
values, 185 Calibration accuracy, 122
Acceptor circuit, 209 Capacitance, 54
Active power, 214 Capacitive a.c. circuit, 199
Advantages of: reactance, 199
squirrel cage induction motor, 367 Capacitors, 54
three-phase systems, 300 charging, 248
wound rotor induction motor, 368 discharging, 66, 253
Air capacitors, 64 energy stored, 63
Alkaline cell, 35 in parallel and series, 59
Alternating voltages and currents, 183 parallel plate, 57
Ammeter, 12, 106 practical types, 64
Amplifier gain, 267, 269 Capacity of cell, 35
Amplifier, transistor, 142 Cathode, 29
Amplitude, 112, 185, 189 Cathode ray oscilloscope, 12, 111
Analogue instruments, 105 double beam, 112
to digital conversion, 276 Cell capacity, 35
Angular velocity, 189 primary, 34
Anode, 29 secondary, 34
Apparent power, 214 simple, 30
Armature, 330 Ceramic capacitor, 65
reaction, 330 Characteristic impedance, 236, 237
Asymmetrical network, 236 Characteristics, transistor, 140
Atoms, 10 Charge, 3, 54
Attenuation, 236 density, 55
bands, 236 force on, 90
Attraction-type m.i. instrument, 105 Charging a capacitor, 248
Audio frequency transformer, 311 of cell, 32
Auto transformer, 319 Chemical effects of current, 17, 18, 29
Avalanche effect, 132 Circuit diagram symbols, 10, 11
Average value, 185 Closed-loop gain, 268
Avometer, 12, 109 Coercive force, 78
Collector, 136
Colour coding of resistors, 25
Back e.m.f., 338 Combination of waveforms, 191
Balanced network, 236 Common-mode rejection ratio, 266
Band-pass filter, 236, 244 Commutation, 329
Band-stop filter, 236, 245 Commutator, 329, 330
Bandwidth, 212, 265 Comparison between electrical and magnetic
Base, 136 quantities, 77
Battery, 32 Complex wave, 114
B-H curves, 70, 71 Composite series magnetic circuits, 74
Bipolar junction transistor, 136 Compound winding, 330
Block diagram, electrical, 9, 10 Compound wound generator, 335
Bridge, a.c., 120 motor, 344
rectifier, 132 Conductance, 5, 6
Wheatstone, 118 Conductors, 11, 14, 127
Kilowatt hour, 6, 16
Galvanometer, 118 Kirchhoff’s laws, 157
a.c., 183
d.c., 328 Lamps in series and parallel, 49
Germanium, 127 Lap winding, 330
Grip rule, 84 Laws of electromagnetic induction, 94
L–C parallel circuit, 222
Lead acid cell, 34
Half-power points, 212 Leclanche cell, 34
Half-wave rectification, 132 Lenz’s law, 9
Harmonics, 114 Lifting magnet, 85
Heating effects of current, 17, 18 Linear device, 12
Henry, 97 Linear scale, 105
Hertz, 184 Lines of electric force, 52
High-pass filter, 236, 240 Lines of magnetic flux, 68
Hole, 128 Load line, 144, 145
Hysteresis, 77 Local action, 30
loop, 77, 78 Logarithmic ratios, 115
loss, 78, 302 Losses:
d.c. machines, 337
induction motors, 361
Impedance, 201, 205 transformers, 314
triangle, 201, 205 Loudspeaker, 86
Induced e.m.f., 95 Low-pass filter, 236, 237
Inductance, 97 LR–C a.c. circuit, 223
of a coil, 99
Induction motor, 354
construction, 357 Magnetic:
double cage, 369 circuits, 68, 74
losses and efficiency, 361 effects of current, 17, 18
principle of operation, 358 field due to electric current, 82
production of rotating field, 354 fields, 68
starting methods, 367 field strength, 70
torque equation, 363 flux, 69
-speed characteristic, 366 flux density, 69
uses of, 369 screens, 73
Inductive a.c. circuit, 198 Magnetisation curves, 71
switching, 260 Magnetising component, 306
reactance, 198 Magnetising force, 70
Inductors, 98 Magnetomotive force, 70
Initial slope and three point method, 250 Majority carriers, 129
Instantaneous values, 185 Matching, 317
Instrument loading effect, 109 Maximum power transfer theorem, 179
Insulation resistance tester, 109 value, 185, 189
Insulators, 11, 15, 127 Maxwell bridge, 120
Integrator circuit, 260 Mean value, 185
op amp, 272 Measurement errors, 122
Internal resistance of cell, 31 of power in 3 phase system, 183
Interpoles, 329 Megger, 109