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U . S . Patent Oct. 23, 2018 Sheet 3 of 4 US 10, 105,548 B2
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Fig . 3
U . S . Patent Oct. 23, 2018 Sheet 4 of 4 US 10 ,105 ,548 B2
Electromagnetism Therapy
Pulse Generator
Control Panel
Fig . 4
US 10 , 105,548 B2
DEVICE FOR FACIAL TREATMENT BASED ery of said mask base . The LEDs and the at least one
ON LIGHT EMISSION AND INDUCED electromagnetic field producing unit allow combining facial
MAGNETIC FIELD , AND A SYSTEM light therapy with electromagnetic based therapy to an
INCLUDING SAME individual by operating at least one LED in combination
5 with operation of the at least one electromagnetic field
APPLICATIONS According to some embodiments , the at least one elec
tromagnetic field producing unit comprises at least one
This application claims priority from provisional patent induction coil involuted over the perimeter of the mask unit.
application No. 62 /086 , 960 filed on Dec . 3 . 2014 , which is 10 According to some embodiments , the LEDs are config
incorporated herein by reference in its entirety . ured to emit light in at least one wavelength in the visible
spectrum .
FIELD OF THE INVENTION Optionally , at least some of said LEDs are configured for
emitting light in the infrared or ultraviolet wavelength range.
This invention generally relates to treatment masks and 15 According to some embodiments, the facial treatment
systems thereof and more particularly to treatment masks device further comprises at least one connector for connect
and systems thereof configured for magnetic field induction ing the LEDs and the at least one electromagnetic field
and light radiation based facial treatments. producing unit to a power supply .
The at least one connectormay further be configured for
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 20 communication between the facial treatment device and a
control unit for controlling operation of the LEDs and the at
Phototherapy is well known and practiced for a very long least one electromagnetic field producing unit.
time. For instance , short wavelengths light were used to treat According to some embodiments , the LEDs are located
skin infection , such as lupus vulgaris ; and red light was used over the inner side of the mask base such that they are
(~ 1900 ) to treat smallpox lesions. Today , light is used to treat 25 clustered in areas that correspond to predefined facial areas
various diseases and conditions , including pain manage - of at least one of: forehead, cheeks, chin , nose .
ment, hair growth , and skin conditions ( e. g . psoriasis, acne , According to some embodiments, the mask base com
acne vulgaris , eczema, neonatal jaundice , atopic dermatitis , prises at least two layers: a first base layer over which the
etc . ). For each therapy , it is costumed to use a different type LEDs are disposed and a protective layer covering the
of light, e. g. laser, red light, near- infrared and ultraviolet 30 LEDs.
lights , etc . Certain phototherapy treatments can be per - The protective layer may be transparent or semi-transpar
formed at home, but others, which uses high -power or ent to allow light from the LEDs to pass therethrough .
harmful rays (e . g . UV ) are typically performed by well According to some embodiments , the facial treatment
trained professionals, which expose only the treated skin device further comprises at least one disposable protective
area to the rays and avoid exposure of healthy skin to such 35 sheet configured for attaching to the mask base from the
rays . inner side thereof for protecting the LEDs, wherein the
Magnetic energy is also widely used for therapeutic and disposable protective sheet is transparent or semitransparent.
restorative treatments to various inner organs as well as to The present invention further provides a system for com
the skin . For instance , magnetic fields have been shown tobining facial light therapy with electromagnetic based
improve blood flow and to help in skin renewal. 40 therapy comprising: a facial treatment device comprising a
However, the known devices utilizing light and magnetic mask base , a plurality of LEDs disposed over an inner side
energies for skin therapy suffer from significant structural of the mask base and at least one electromagnetic field
and functional shortcomings. For instance , certain devices producing unit configured for producing an electromagnetic
either emits only but not electromagnetic field (e.g . U .S . Pat. field , the electromagnetic field producing unit being located
No. 5, 913,883 ), or emits only electromagnetic field but not 45 at in the periphery of the mask base; a control unit config
light (U .S . Pat. No . 6 ,293 ,900 ). ured for controlling operations of the LEDs and the at least
Other known devices which emit both light and electro one electromagnetic field producing unit ; one or more power
magnetic field have their own disadvantages. For instance , supply means for supplying power to the LEDs, controlunit
U .S . Pat. No. 6 ,520 , 903 discloses an electromagnetic device and the at least one electromagnetic field producing unit; and
that generates plasma to simultaneously discharge light and 50 communication means for allowing signal transmission
magnetic energy pulses for energy promotion and pain between the communication unit and the facial treatment
relief. However, this device lacks the control of the emitted device .
energy and the ability to direct it to specific areas over the According to some embodiments, the control unit com
skin . WO 2004 /096343 provides a facial mask which pro - prises a light therapy hardware unit configured for control
duces pulsed light and electromagnetic field in a controlled 55 ling operation and control of the LEDs and an electromag
manner for therapy . netism control hardware unit , configured for operation and
control of the at least one electromagnetic field producing
The control unit optionally further comprises a pulsed
The present invention provides a facial treatment device 60 generator operatively associated with the electromagnetism
comprising: a mask base shaped to be worn as a mask over control hardware unit for generating pulses of current for
an individual's face ; a plurality of light emitting diodes producing pulsed electromagnetic filed via the at least one
(LEDs) disposed across the facial treatment device such that electromagnetic field producing unit .
they emit light towards an inner side of themask base ; and The pulse generator may be configured for generating DC
at least one electromagnetic field producing unit configured 65 pulses or AC pulses.
for producing an electromagnetic field , wherein the electro - According to some embodiments, the pulse generator is
magnetic field producing unit being located at in the periph - configured for generating DC pulses peaking at 12 Volts at
US 10 , 105 ,548 B2
a pulse frequency of 15 Hz for producing a magnetic field mask base , and at least one electromagnetic element located
within the face area of the treated individual peaking at 20 over the periphery of the mask base for inducing or applying
Gauss . a magnetic field therefrom .
According to some embodiments , at least one of the at The present invention further provides a system for facial
least one electromagnetic field producing unit comprises an 5 treatment including the facial treatment device and a control
electric coil involuted over the perimeter of themask base unit enabling to communicate and control the operational
for inducing a magnetic field by conducting a current elements of the facial treatment device i.e. the magnetic
therethrough . elements and the LEDs for each treatment for each indi
According to some embodiments , the control unit com 10 is configuredtreated by the system . For example , the control unit
prises a user interface for allowing an operator user to and their operational for controlling the specific LEDs to be used
operate thereof for operating the facial treatment device . parameters such as the frequency /
The controlunit is optionally also configured for allowing such as pulses timing (omitted
wavelength of the light
thereby , pulses parameters
and intervals ) and pulse
an operator user, using its interface to set operational prop shape etc ., as well as intensity, attenuation and the like. The
erties of the LEDs and the at least one electromagnetic field 15 elen re co
producing unit. For example, the operational properties of improving and personalizing treatment.
the LEDS comprise at least one of: LEDs selection allowing Reference is now made to FIGS. 1 and 2 showing a facial
a user to select the LEDs to be operated in the treatment; treatment device 100 , according to some embodiments of
LEDs wavelength ; Light intensity from each LED or for the present invention . The device 100 includes a mask base
each LEDs group; and/or pulsation option for allowing 20 110 ; multiple LEDs 20 ; an electromagnetic field producing
pulsating light from said LEDs or some thereof, and the unit including, for example , an induction coil 10 for induc
operational properties of the at least one electromagnetic ing a magnetic field over the face area by conducting an
field producing unit comprise at least one of: current prop electric current through the induction coil 10 for creating an
erties such as current value determining field intensity ; pulse induced magnetic field ; and a connecting element or device
properties including pulse intensity , duration and frequency ; 25 such as connector 50 for connecting the facial treatment
field direction by controlling current direction through said device 100 to a control unit for controlling operational
induction coil, wherein each operational property of the properties of each of the elements i.e . the LEDs 20 and the
LEDs and of the induction coil is controllable by the control induction coil 10 .
unit and may be adjusted by an operator user via the control According to some embodiments , the induction coil 10 is
panel. 30 involuted in the periphery area of the mask base 110 over a
perimeter of the mask base 110 . The electric current directed
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS through the induction coil 10 along the mask base 110
perimeter may be connected to a direct current (DC ) power
supply or to an alternating current (AC ) generator , where the
FIG . 1 shows an inner side of a facial treatment device ?, 35 electric current supply can be controlled and optionally also
according to some embodiments of the invention ; varied to fit a desired treatment scheme. For instance , the
FIG . 2 shows an external side of a facial treatment device . induction coil 10 connects to a pulse generator that generates
FIG . 3 shows a system for facial treatment having the DC pulses for peaking at 12 Volts at a pulse frequency of 15
mask like treatment device and a control unit connected Hz for producing a magnetic field within the face area of the
thereto for controlling operational functions of the treatment 40 treated individual peaking at 20 Gauss. According to some
device 's elements , according to some embodiments of the embodiments the pulse can be controlled and changed to fit
invention . the desired treatment or treatment stage for each individual
FIG . 4 is a block diagram illustrating the hardware being treated by using a control unit configured to adapt and
architecture of the control unit of the system for facial adjust the current properties ( intensity pulse duration and
treatment, according to some embodiments of the invention . 45 frequency and the like) via an control panel including input
and optionally also display means.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF SOME According to other embodiments the current properties
EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION and characteristics such as pulse intensity and frequency or
AC /DC constant non - pulsed current are predefined allow
In the following detailed description of various embodi- 50 ing .
ments , reference ismade to the accompanying drawings that In case of using a DC current the magnetic field will alter
form a part thereof, and in which are shown by way of in directions .
illustration specific embodiments in which the invention Other electromagnetic field applying means and methods
may be practiced . It is understood that other embodiments can be used such as for example moving or stationary
may be utilized and structural changes may be made without 55 magnets positioned and optionally moved along the perim
departing from the scope of the present invention . eter of the mask base 110 .
The present invention provides a facial treatment device According to some embodiments, the mask base 110 or
that uses elements such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) and part thereof has human facial curvatures for fitting to be
magnetic elements such as induction electric coils or mag - worn over an individual's face including for example
nets in a controlled manner for treating facial and neck skin 60 recesses or openings for the eyes , nose and /or mouth such as
or other facial and/ or neck tissue and/ or the eye region , for eyes openings 31a and 31b , nose recess 32 and mouth
one or more therapeutic or treatment purposes such as for opening 33.
beauty treatments , medical treatments and the like . As shown in FIG . 1, the LEDs 20 can be located over an
The present invention , in some embodiments thereof, inner side of themask base 110 or inserted through openings
provides a facial treatment device comprising: (a ) a mask 65 over the mask base 110 positioned over the facial area and
base shaped to fit human facial curvature ; a plurality of light installed thereover to engage or to be in proximity to the face
emitting diodes (LEDs) disposed over an inner side of the skin of the individual once the facial treatment device 100 is
US 10 , 105,548 B2
worn by the individual. This allows emitting the light from The device of the invention may be portable or fixed to the
the LEDs 20 in an optimal manner for achieving the best wall or floor. The device of the invention is simple to use and
treatment results . The magnetic elements 10 are located in can be easily operated by the unskilled individual after brief
the periphery of the mask base 110 encircling and framing instructions .
the LEDs 20 and engage or in proximity to the facial framing 5 The device 100 of the present invention may include the
area for optimal blood flow improvement. control unit and panel integrated therewith along with its
This special configuration both saves costs in terms of power supply or power supply connection . Alternatively or
production and use since there is no need to use many field additionally
, the device 100 may be able to communicate via
communication wire or wirelessly via a transceiver unit
emitting elements to cover themask . In addition, it improves 10 thereof with an external
the effectiveness of the treatment: instead of spreading and optionally also for itscontrol power
unit for controlling thereof
supply and power control.
magnets all around the mask and generating non -specific The mask base 110 of the device 100 may be made of any
magnetic fields all over the facial area , the device 100 of the rigid or semi rigid suitable material, such as plastic ( s ),
present invention generates an electromagnetic field solely polymer based material, silicone based materials, wood ,
in the perimeter of the individual's face
Tace ,, thereby
thereby improving
improving 1515 glas
glass, etc . and may be of any color or transparency level. The
facial blood flow . mask base 110 may bemade of a single unitary layer or from
It is known that the blood flowing to the face and nerves multiple parts or layers . In certain embodiments , the inner
therein passes through the sides of the face , i.e . near the jaws side of the mask is transparent whereas the outer side is not .
and the ears . Accordingly , exposing the perimeter area of the In certain embodiments , the LEDs 20 of the device 100
face , and especially the jaws and ears areas, to a magnetic 20 are disposed over the inner side of the mask base 110 facing
field ( s ) improves the natural blood flow to the facial area . In the individual' s face when worn thereby, where the inner
addition, it will provide the individual a relaxation feeling . side of the base 110 also includes a protective layer 111 that
The LEDs 20 may be controllable by for example , con - is transparent or at least semi-transparent. The protective
trolling: (i) the LEDs to be operated from the available layer 111 enables all light wavelengths of the LEDs 20 to
device LEDs 20 according to specific one or more facial 25 pass therethrough for reaching the facial skin of the treated
areas /points to be treated ; (ii) the wavelength ( color ) of the individual and may also be made of materials that allow
light omitted from each LED or from each areal group protecting the LEDs from moisture and dirt. The protective
thereof; ( ii ) the exposure duration i.e. the operation timing of layer 111 also prevents direct contact between the LEDs and
each LED or group thereof; ( iv ) light pulsing frequencies the individual's skin , and can be cleaned by standard clean
(duration of emitting plus duration of intervals between een 3030 ing cloth or other means. In certain embodiments, the
emissions ; (v ) intensities of the light emitted from each LED and interior section or the protective layer covering thereof
or group thereof and the like . The controlling of a user over a pleasant /or the edge perimeter area are made of or covered with
-to -touch material/ sheet so as to create a pleasant
any one ormore of these properties may be carried out using sensation when the mask device 100 is used . In certain
a control unit having a user interface 19(e.g8 .. control
control panel
panel)).. 35 emembodiments , a disposable transparent covering sheetmay
It should be understood that the term “ LED ” refers to any be used as the protective laver 111 or in addition thereto .
light emitting diode that emits in any wavelength or several which may be disposable for improved hygiene.
wavelengths. The LED may emit any light and at any In certain embodiments , the facial treatment device 100 is
intensity . The LEDs include white diodes , blue diodes , ruby worn over the individual 's face such that the surrounding
red diodes, infra -red diodes, etc. to provide various treat- 40 edges holding the electromagnetic unit are in direct contact
ments to different facial skin areas . with the individual' s skin . In certain embodiments , the inner
Phototherapy, also known as light-therapy, photo -modu - section of the mask base 110 holding the LEDs is also in
lation and photo -stimulation light- therapy, is based on the direct contact with the individual's facial skin . Alternatively,
exposure of skin to lightby, e . g . LEDs placed throughout the the inner section of the mask base 110 holding the LEDs is
mask base 110 . Phototherapy can be used for various con - 45 spaced from the individual's facial skin , thus creating a
ditions, including hard -to -heal wounds as a result of, e. g. small spacing between the LEDs and the skin . This spacing
diabetic skin ulcers or sores due to chemotherapy and may vary for example from 0 . 1 to 1. 5 cm .
radiation . Phototherapy activates skin cells, which results in The number ofLEDs in device 100 may vary from as little
skin renewal. as 50 to as many as needed . In addition , the LEDs 20 may
In certain embodiments, the facial treatment device 100 50 be either spread evenly across the mask 100 or may be
combines the advantages of both light and magnetism : the clustered in specific areas , e. g . around the nose , in the
defined and area specific electromagnetic field improves forehead area , cheek area etc .
blood flow to the facial area while the LEDs emit therapeutic The facial treatment device 100 may have LEDs 20 that
light to the treated facial area . The improved blood circu 55 are located in LED clusters 20a - 20c where the induction coil
10 may be hidden within a protective cover 111 circum
lation / flow is also required for skin rejuvenation . The LEDs
are specifically designed to emit light at the desired wave scribing the mask base 110 . The LED clusters 20a- 20c
emitting light in three different colors each cluster of LEDs
length and intensity , dependent on the desired treatment: is located at a different facial area . For example , the LEDs
acne , anti-aging, skin rejuvenation , cell renewal, whitening cluster 20b surrounds the eyes area and its LEDs 20 emit in
balancing skin tune, redness reduction, revitalization , sooth - 60 light green ; the LEDs cluster 20c is located around the nose
ing, cell rejuvenation, skin booster, etc . area and its LEDs 20 emit in blue; and the other LEDs 20a
In certain embodiments, each facial area receives a dif - emit red and /or white light and may be scattered around
ferent treatment, i.e. by exposing it to a different light and/or other facial areas .
different wavelength and intensity . For instance, the fore - According to some embodiments more than one induction
head , chin and checks may be treated for cell rejuvenation 65 coils can be used at least one of which being located over the
and / or balancing skin tune, whereas the nose area may be perimeter of the mask base for enabling: ( 1 ) to increase and
treated for acne. decrease the magnetic field produced by controlling the
US 10 , 105 ,548 B2
number of coils being operated , wherein each coil is con will also comprise a power source and optionally also an
nected to a single AC or DC intensity /current supply ; and/or operation hardware such as a microchip for activating and
( 2 ) to induce electromagnetic fields in different directions . controlling the electromagnetic field ( s ) induction and LEDs
Reference is now made to FIG . 3 showing a system 200 operation .
for facial treatment including the facial treatment device 1005 According to some embodiments, the mask base 110
and a control unit 210 connectable with the treatment device further comprises a fixing apparatus (not shown ) for fixating
100 via at least one connecting cable 101 connecting the the mask in place over the individual' s face such as one or
treatment device 100 via a connecting node 50 thereof that more elastic straps, a hood , elastic bands, string, rope(s ),
allows power supply and communication therethrough . Any frames , helmet, etc . In certain embodiments, the user or the
other power supplying and communication elements, system 10 operator of the device may fasten or loosen said fixing
and technologies can be used such as wireless radio fre apparatus in order to adjust the distance between the LEDs
quency based communication requiring the control unit 210 and the treated individual's facial skin .
and the device 100 to include transceivers therein capable of It should be noted that although the present application
transmitting signals for allowing the control unit to control
the LEDs and the electromagnetic field . 5 refers specifically to a mask -shaped apparatus for treating
The control unit 210 has a body 215 and includes one or facial and neck skin , the device of the invention may be
more hardware devices configured both for supplying power configured so that to fit any other area of interest of the body
to the LEDs 20 and induction coil(s ) 10 of the facial for employing thereon phototherapy.
treatment device 100 as well as control over operational According to some embodiments , the control unit of the
properties thereof such as LED operation areas , LED illu - 20 system further comprises an automatic shut off switch .
mination frequency and duration , intensity , wavelength and In certain embodiments, the device of the invention can be
the like and Coil 10 pulse properties such as pulse intensity, used together with other facial treatments , such as face
pulse frequency and the like. These operational properties serum -cream .
can be controlled via a designated user interface such as a According to some embodiments , the facial treatment
control panel 211 comprising display and input means for 25 device of the invention may include from 50 to 1000 LEDs.
allowing an operator user to set the desired LEDs and The LEDs may emit in white, blue , and /or red . All or some
electromagnetic field properties required for the treatment of the LEDs may also emit in wavelengths that are not
According to some embodiments , the control unit 210 within the visible spectrum such as in infrared (IR ) or
further includes wheels at a base hereof for easy transporting ultraviolet (UV ) . For example , the LEDs may emit wave
of the entire system 200 . 30 length from 400 to 900 nm .
The control unit 210 may further be configured to fit to The therapy that is achieved by using the device and
several types of facial treatment devices having different system of the present invention (combined light and elec
LEDs types and /or different type or number of electromag - tromagnetic therapy) may be adapted to the specific skin
netic field producing units. disease and/ or condition of the specific individual that is to
Reference is now made to FIG . 4 , which is a block 35 be treated . The electromagnetic pulsed field generated is set
diagram illustrating the hardware architecture of the control in order to maximize blood flow to the facial area and to
unit 210 of the system 200 for facial treatment, according to improve the specific effect of the light therapy , also adapted
some embodiments of the invention . The control unit 210 to the condition / disease if the individual. The induction of
includes : (i) a light therapy circuit board or card generally the pulsed electromagnetic field has additional beneficial
referred to herein as a light therapy hardware unit 500 40 effects such as improving growth , maturation and function
configured for operating and controlling the LEDs of the of various cells, especially skin cells, wherein the beneficial
device 100 ; ( ii ) an electromagnetism control hardware 600 effects work in synergism with the specific light effects as
e . g . card or circuit board for controlling operation of the exemplified herein below .
induction coil (s ) 10 of the device 100 optionally powered For instance , red light is used for treating acne and /or
and controlled by via a pulse generator 700 . The user control 45 other skin conditions; blue light is used to destroy bacteria ;
is done via the control panel 211 . All hardware is connect infrared light is used to renew skin ; and ultraviolet light is
able to one central power source or several power sources . used to correct skin coloring and for skin renewal.
According to some embodiments , the pulse generator 700 The average light output energy of the LEDs is adapted to
and/ or the electromagnetism control hardware 600 are inte - the specific treatment, and can vary from 1 to 10 Joules/ cm².
grated into the light therapy control unit 210 such that the 50 For instance , when using IR light, the light output energy
pulses of the coil( s ) controlled And operated via the elec - ranges from about 4 to about 8 Joules/cm ^ ; for red light, the
tromagnetism control hardware 600 are only operated once light output energy ranges from about 1 to about 4 Joules /
the LEDs or at least one group thereof is operated by the cm “ ; and for blue light, the light output energy is about 1
light therapy hardware 500 . Joules/cm².
In other embodiments, the control unit' s hardware com - 55 The average treatment time is adapted to the specific
ponents are designed such as to allow separate operation of treatment used and on the severity of the treated condition .
the light and electromagnetic therapy and optionally even to It may also be affected by the individual' s specific facial
allow at least three general operationalmodes : the firstmode skin ' s characteristics. In any case , a single treatment does
in which only the light therapy is operated ; a second mode not exceed 15 min , and may be repeated for up to three times
in which only the electromagnetic therapy is operated ; and 60 in each session .
a third mode allowing simultaneous or timed operation of LEDs and /or magnetic field properties such as intensity ,
both the light and electromagnetic therapy. Each mode emission and /or pulse duration and the like may be set to
allows several operational sub -modes of its respective gradually increase or decrease within the treatment session .
therapy elements i. e . modes for determining the operational The control unit of the system enables to control the
properties of the operated element (coil (s ) and /or LEDs). 65 intensity of the therapy chosen : (1 ) type of therapy, e .g .
The facial treatment device 100 may be completely sepa - general light therapy to the entire face region ; light therapy
rated from the control unit 210 , in which case the device 100 to specific region of the face ; different lights for different
US 10 , 105 ,548 B2
areas of the face ; etc ., (2 ) intensity of the therapy , (3 ) lently within the scope of the claims. Therefore, obvious
duration of therapy , (4 ) controlling the generated electro - substitutions now or later known to one with ordinary skill
magnetic fields, etc . in the art are defined to be within the scope of the defined
According to some embodiments a treatment protocol elements .
includes the following steps : first the operator user of the 5 The claims are thus to be understood to include what is
system determines the desired treatment and sets the treat- specifically illustrated and described above , what is concep
ment program via options in the controlpanel of the control; tually equivalent,what can be obviously substituted and also
then , the facial treatment device is placed onto the individu - what essentially incorporates the essential idea of the inven
al' s face , and optionally fastened thereto ; once in place , the tion .
facial treatment device is activated also via the control panel 10 Although the invention has been described in detail ,
options and operates independently according to the pro - nevertheless changes andmodifications,which do not depart
gram . from the teachings of the present invention , will be evident
According to some embodiments of the invention , the to those skilled in the art. Such changes and modifications
facial treatment device and control unit of the system are are deemed to come within the purview of the present
configured to cause magnetic resonance by applying AC or 15 invention and the appended claims.
DC pulsed current for producingmagnetic field of frequency
that may potentially be equal to the natural frequency of The invention claimed is:
atoms in the individual's skin . 1 . A system for combining facial light therapy with
Many alterations and modifications may bemade by those electromagnetic based therapy comprising:
having ordinary skill in the art without departing from the 20 a ) a facial treatment device comprising a mask base
spirit and scope of the invention . Therefore , it must be shaped to be worn as a mask over an individual 's face ,
understood that the illustrated embodiment has been set a plurality of LEDs disposed over an inner side of said
forth only for the purposes of example and that it should not mask base and at least one electromagnetic field pro
be taken as limiting the invention as defined by the following ducing unit configured for producing an electromag
invention and its various embodiments and /or by the fol- 25 netic field , said electromagnetic field producing unit
lowing claims. For example , notwithstanding the fact that being located all along the periphery of said mask base;
the elements of a claim are set forth below in a certain b ) a light therapy control unit that controls operations of
combination , it must be expressly understood that the inven said LEDs and said at least one electromagnetic field
tion includes other combinations of fewer, more or different producing unit;
elements, which are disclosed in above even when not 30 c ) a power supply to supply power to said LEDs, the light
initially claimed in such combinations . A teaching that two therapy control unit and said at least one electromag
elements are combined in a claimed combination is further netic field producing unit; and
to be understood as also allowing for a claimed combination d ) a communication wire for allowing signal transmission
in which the two elements are not combined with each other, between said communication wire and said facial treat
but may be used alone or combined in other combinations. 35 ment device
The excision of any disclosed element of the invention is wherein at least one of said at least one electromagnetic
explicitly contemplated as within the scope of the invention . field producing unit comprises an electric coil involuted
The words used in this specification to describe the all along the perimeter of the mask base for inducing a
invention and its various embodiments are to be understood magnetic field by conducting a current therethrough ,
not only in the sense of their commonly defined meanings , 40 encircling and framing the plurality of LEDS.
but to include by special definition in this specification 2 . The system according to claim 1 , wherein said light
structure , material or acts beyond the scope of the commonly therapy control unit comprises a light therapy hardware unit
defined meanings . Thus if an element can be understood in to control operation and control of said LEDs and an
the context of this specification as including more than one electromagnetism control hardware unit to operate and con
meaning , then its use in a claim must be understood as being 45 trol said at least one electromagnetic field producing unit .
generic to all possible meanings supported by the specifi- 3 . The system according to claim 2 , wherein said light
cation and by the word itself. therapy control unit further comprises a pulsed generator
The definitions of the words or elements of the following operatively associated with said electromagnetism control
claims are , therefore , defined in this specification to include hardware unit to generate pulses of current for producing
not only the combination of elements which are literally set 50 pulsed electromagnetic field via said at least one electro
forth , but all equivalent structure , material or acts for magnetic field producing unit .
performing substantially the same function in substantially 4 . The system according to claim 3 , wherein said pulse
the same way to obtain substantially the same result . In this generator generates DC pulses.
sense it is therefore contemplated that an equivalent substi- 5 . The system according to claim 4 , wherein said pulse
tution of two or more elements may be made for any one of 55 generator generates the DC pulses peaking at 12 Volts at a
the elements in the claims below or that a single element pulse frequency of 15 Hz for producing a magnetic field
may be substituted for two or more elements in a claim . within an area of the individual 's face , peaking at 20 Gauss .
Although elements may be described above as acting in 6 . The system according to claim 3 , wherein said pulse
certain combinations and even initially claimed as such , it is generator generates AC pulses.
to be expressly understood that one or more elements from 60 7 . The system according to claim 1 , wherein said light
a claimed combination can in some cases be excised from therapy control unit comprises a user interface through
the combination and that the claimed combination may be which an operator user operates said facial treatment device .
directed to a sub - combination or variation of a sub -combi- 8 . The system according to claim 7 , wherein said light
nation . therapy control unit is configured to allow an operator user,
Insubstantial changes from the claimed subject matter as 65 using said interface to set operational properties of said
viewed by a person with ordinary skill in the art , now known LEDs and said at least one electromagnetic field producing
or later devised , are expressly contemplated as being equiva - unit .
US 10 , 105,548 B2
9 . The system according to claim 8 , wherein said at least
one electromagnetic field producing unit comprises at least
one induction coil and wherein said operational properties of
said LEDS comprise at least one of:
LEDs selection allowing a user to select the LEDs to be 5
operated in the treatment;
LEDs wavelength ;
light intensity from each LED or for each LEDs group;
pulsation option for allowing pulsating light from said
LEDs or some thereof, and 10
wherein said operational properties of said at least one
electromagnetic field producing unit comprise at least
one of:
current properties including at least a current value deter
mining field intensity ; 15
pulse properties including pulse intensity , duration and
frequency ;
field direction by controlling current direction through
said induction coil ,
where each operational property of the LEDs and of the 20
induction coil is controllable by said light therapy
control unit.