Guna Milan and Reason

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Free Gun Milan Readings

Horoscope Matching or Kundli matching is very deep and

intensely rooted in Hindu society. Before entering in to
marriage relationship an astrologer is referred to for his
analysis of the horoscopes (match making) of boy and the girl.
It is done to ensure a harmonious, balanced and healthy
married relationship.
If we compare the success rate of marriages now a days as
compared to olden times say for example during the last 50 or
100 years or more especially in Hindu society, we will find out
that the percentage is decreasing drastically. Some would
attribute this to increasing ego problems and a feeling of
independence in human beings especially women. During
ancient time, our ancestors gave special attention towards the
match-making criterion (suggested in our Ancient Vedic
Astrology books) and always preferred to consult a good astrologer about married life of the
prospective couple. Gradually, many people started neglecting the given principles and many young
people started marrying their lovers without getting their charts checked from a good astrologer. The
result of this is unsuccessful marriages and marital discord. Now again, astrological consciousness
about match-making is increasing day by day. More and more people are consulting good astrologers
for match-making and usually it is done by referring to Melapak Chart given in any Panchang. This
Melapak Chart is calculated on the basis of eight factors. These eight factors are known as 'Kuta' and
considered in order to judge the stability of married life for the couple. These factors are explained in
detail below:

1. Varan: Varna gives contribution of one point out of thirty-six points in total. Varna suggests the
degree of spiritual development of both male and female and complete points will be granted if they
both belong to same kind of spiritual development. A Girl belonging to a higher Varan should not be
mated to a boy of a lesser Varan. Both belonging to the same grade or degree while determining the
Varan should be allowed.

2. Vasya: Vasya gives contribution of two points out of thirty-six points in total. Vasya suggests the
degree of magnetic control and amenability the wife or husband would be able to exercise on the other.
This is calculated as per Moon sign system mentioned in Vedic Astrology. Complete points will be
granted if both of their Moon signs will be friendly to each other.

3. Tara: Tara gives contribution of three points out of thirty six points in total. Tara suggests the
degree of auspiciousness and in- auspiciousness of both male and female for each other.

4. Yoni: Yoni gives contribution of four points out of thirty six points in total. Yoni means sex and this
aspect is implied sexual compatibility that has an important role in laying down the foundation for
marital happiness.

5. Grah Maitri: Grah Maitri gives contribution of five points out of thirty-six points in total. Grah
Maitri suggests the normal behavior, temperamental compatibility and matching of views and interests
of both male and female with each other. Grah Maitri is calculated on the basis of lord of sign in which
Moon is posited.

6. Gan: Gan gives contribution of six points out of thirty-six points in total. Gan has a bearing on the
temperament and character of the couple concerned. On the basis of Moon Nakshatra, the person is
categorized in any one among Dev ( Divine) , Manushya ( Human) and Rakshasha ( Daiabolica) Gan.
It is said if there is mismatch in Gan, there will be quarrels and disharmony in relationships.

7. Bhakoot: Bhakoot or Bhukta gives contribution of seven points out of thirty-six points in total.
Bhakoot suggests the pair will have capability of achieving health, agreement, happiness, longevity and
prosperity to live a happy life together or not. It is calculated by determining the position of one's
Moon Sign from other's Moon Sign.

8. Nadi: Nadi gives contribution of eight points out of thirty-six points in total. Nadi is considered the
most important among all other aspects. It is said that the couple having same Nadi will have to suffer
due to their child. Either there may be some progency related problems with the girl or the boy will not
able to aid completely in childbirth.

You can have complete analysis as per above-mentioned eight aspects and easily see through this
service whether the girl or boy is compatible with your chart or not?

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