TATA Consultancy Services Limited

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May 19, 2020

National Stock Exchange of India Limited BSE Limited

Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, P. J. Towers, Dalal Street,
Mumbai-400051 Mumbai-400001
Symbol: TCS Scrip Code No. 532540

Sub: Annual General Meeting- Annual Report 2019-20 and Intimation of Record Date

Dear Sirs,

The twenty-fifth Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Company will be held on
Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 3.30 p.m. IST through Video Conferencing / Other Audio Visual

Pursuant to Regulation 34(1) of Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“SEBI Listing Regulations”), we are submitting
herewith the Annual Report of the Company along with the Notice of AGM for the financial
year 2019-20 which is being sent through electronic mode to the Members.

The Directors have recommended a final dividend of `6 per equity share of `1 each of the
Company for approval by the shareholders at the AGM.

Pursuant to Regulation 42 of the SEBI Listing Regulations, the Company has fixed
Thursday, June 4, 2020 as the Record Date for determining entitlement of members to final
dividend for the financial year ended March 31, 2020. If the final dividend as recommended
by the Board of Directors is approved at the AGM, payment of such dividend, subject to
deduction of tax at source, will be made on Monday, June 15, 2020 as under:

a) To all Beneficial Owners in respect of shares held in dematerialized form as per the data
as may be made available by the National Securities Depository Limited and the
Central Depository Services (India) Limited as of the close of business hours on
Thursday, June 4, 2020;

TATA Consultancy Services Limited

9th Floor Nirmal Building Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021
Tel. 91 22 6778 9595 Fax 91 22 6778 9660 e-mail [email protected] website www.tcs.com
Registered Office 9th Floor Nirmal Building Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021.
Corporate identification No. (CIN): L22210MH1995PLC084781
b) To all Members in respect of shares held in physical form after giving effect to valid
transmission or transposition requests lodged with the Company as of the close of
business hours on Thursday, June 4, 2020.

The Annual Report containing the Notice is also uploaded on the Company’s website

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Tata Consultancy Services Limited

Rajendra Moholkar
Company Secretary


1. National Securities Depository Limited 2. Central Depository Services (India) Limited

Trade World, 4th Floor, Marathon Futurex, A-Wing, 25th floor,

Kamala Mills Compound, NM Joshi Marg, Lower Parel,
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.
Mumbai 400 013.


(formerly known as TSR Darashaw Limited)
6, Haji Moosa Patrawala Industrial Estate,
20, Dr. E. Moses Road, Mahalaxmi,
Mumbai 400 011.

TATA Consultancy Services Limited

9th Floor Nirmal Building Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021
Tel. 91 22 6778 9595 Fax 91 22 6778 9660 e-mail [email protected] website www.tcs.com
Registered Office 9th Floor Nirmal Building Nariman Point Mumbai 400 021.
Corporate identification No. (CIN): L22210MH1995PLC084781
Notice is hereby given that the twenty-fifth Annual General Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) through VC / OAVM,
Meeting of Tata Consultancy Services Limited will be held without the physical presence of the Members at a
on Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. IST through Video common venue. In compliance with the provisions
Conferencing (“VC”) / Other Audio Visual Means (“OAVM”) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”), SEBI (Listing
to transact the following business: Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015 (“SEBI Listing Regulations”) and MCA Circulars,
1. To receive, consider and adopt:
the AGM of the Company is being held
a. the Audited Financial Statements of the Company through VC / OAVM.
for the financial year ended March 31, 2020,
2. The relevant details, pursuant to Regulations 26(4) and
together with the Reports of the Board of Directors
36(3) of the SEBI Listing Regulations and Secretarial
and the Auditors thereon; and
Standard on General Meetings issued by the Institute
b. the Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of of Company Secretaries of India, in respect of Director
the Company for the financial year ended seeking re-appointment at this AGM is annexed.
March 31, 2020, together with the Report of the
3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Act, a Member
Auditors thereon.
entitled to attend and vote at the AGM is entitled to
2. To confirm the payment of Interim Dividends (including appoint a proxy to attend and vote on his/her behalf
a special dividend) on Equity Shares and to declare a and the proxy need not be a Member of the Company.
Final Dividend on Equity Shares for the financial year Since this AGM is being held pursuant to the MCA
2019-20. Circulars through VC / OAVM, physical attendance of
Members has been dispensed with. Accordingly, the
3. To appoint a Director in place of Aarthi Subramanian
facility for appointment of proxies by the Members will
(DIN 07121802) who retires by rotation and, being
not be available for the AGM and hence the Proxy Form
eligible, offers herself for re-appointment.
and Attendance Slip are not annexed to this Notice.
4. Institutional / Corporate Shareholders (i.e. other
1. In view of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, the than individuals / HUF, NRI, etc.) are required to
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (“MCA”) has vide its send a scanned copy (PDF/JPG Format) of its Board
circular dated May 5, 2020 read with circulars dated or governing body Resolution/Authorization etc.,
April 8, 2020 and April 13, 2020 (collectively referred authorizing its representative to attend the AGM
to as “MCA Circulars”) permitted the holding of the through VC / OAVM on its behalf and to vote through

TCS Annual Report 2019-20 Notice I 1

remote e-voting. The said Resolution/Authorization for transmission or transposition of securities. are requested to register the same by submitting Form
shall be sent to the Scrutinizer by email through its In view of this and to eliminate all risks associated with No. SH-13. The said form can be downloaded from the
registered email address to [email protected] physical shares and for ease of portfolio management, Company’s website https://on.tcs.com/form-sh-13.
with a copy marked to [email protected] members holding shares in physical form are requested Members are requested to submit the said details
to consider converting their holdings to dematerialized to their DP in case the shares are held by them in
5. The Company has fixed Thursday, June 4, 2020 as the
form. Members can contact the Company or Company’s electronic form and to TCPL in case the shares are held
‘Record Date’ for determining entitlement of
Registrars and Transfer Agents, TSR DARASHAW in physical form.
members to final dividend for the financial year ended
Consultants Private Limited (“TCPL”) for assistance
March 31, 2020, if approved at the AGM. 11. Members holding shares in physical form, in identical
in this regard. Members may also refer to Frequently
order of names, in more than one folio are requested to
6. If the final dividend, as recommended by the Board of Asked Questions (“FAQs”) on Company’s website
send to the Company or TCPL, the details of such folios
Directors, is approved at the AGM, payment of such https://on.tcs.com/demat-faq.
together with the share certificates for consolidating
dividend subject to deduction of tax at source will be
8. To support the ‘Green Initiative’, Members who have not their holdings in one folio. A consolidated share
made on Monday, June 15, 2020 as under:
yet registered their email addresses are requested to certificate will be issued to such Members after making
i. To all Beneficial Owners in respect of shares held register the same with their DPs in case the shares are requisite changes.
in dematerialized form as per the data as may held by them in electronic form and with TCPL in case
12. In case of joint holders, the Member whose name
be made available by the National Securities the shares are held by them in physical form.
appears as the first holder in the order of names as
Depository Limited (“NSDL”) and the Central
9. Members are requested to intimate changes, if any, per the Register of Members of the Company will be
Depository Services (India) Limited (“CDSL”),
pertaining to their name, postal address, email address, entitled to vote at the AGM.
collectively “Depositories”, as of the close of
telephone/ mobile numbers, Permanent Account
business hours on Thursday, June 4, 2020. 13. Members seeking any information with regard to the
Number (PAN), mandates, nominations, power of
accounts or any matter to be placed at the
ii. To all Members in respect of shares held in attorney, bank details such as, name of the bank and
AGM, are requested to write to the Company on or
physical form after giving effect to valid transfer, branch details, bank account number, MICR code, IFSC
before June 10, 2020 through email on
transmission or transposition requests lodged with code, etc., to their DPs in case the shares are held by
[email protected]. The same will be replied by
the Company as of the close of business hours on them in electronic form and to TCPL in case the shares
the Company suitably.
Thursday, June 4, 2020. are held by them in physical form.
14. Members are requested to note that, dividends if not
7. As per Regulation 40 of SEBI Listing Regulations, 10. As per the provisions of Section 72 of the Act, the
encashed for a consecutive period of 7 years from the
as amended, securities of listed companies can be facility for making nomination is available for the
date of transfer to Unpaid Dividend Account of the
transferred only in dematerialized form with effect Members in respect of the shares held by them.
Company, are liable to be transferred to the Investor
from, April 1, 2019, except in case of request received Members who have not yet registered their nomination

TCS Annual Report 2019-20 Notice I 2

Education and Protection Fund (“IEPF”). The shares 17. At the twenty-second AGM held on June 16, 2017 on June 4, 2020. Shareholders are requested to note
in respect of such unclaimed dividends are also liable the Members approved appointment of B S R & Co that in case their PAN is not registered, the tax will be
to be transferred to the demat account of the IEPF LLP, Chartered Accountants (Firm Registration No. deducted at a higher rate of 20%.
Authority. In view of this, Members are requested to 101248W/W-100022) as Statutory Auditors of the
Non-resident shareholders can avail beneficial rates
claim their dividends from the Company, within the Company to hold office for a period of five years from
under tax treaty between India and their country of
stipulated timeline. The Members, whose unclaimed the conclusion of that AGM till the conclusion of the
residence, subject to providing necessary documents
dividends/shares have been transferred to IEPF, may twenty-seventh AGM, subject to ratification of their
appointment by Members at every AGM, if so required i.e. No Permanent Establishment and Beneficial
claim the same by making an online application to the
under the Act. The requirement to place the matter Ownership Declaration, Tax Residency Certificate,
IEPF Authority in web Form No. IEPF-5 available on
relating to appointment of auditors for ratification Form 10F, any other document which may be required
www.iepf.gov.in. For details, please refer to corporate
by Members at every AGM has been done away by to avail the tax treaty benefits by sending an email to
governance report which is a part of this Annual Report
the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 with effect [email protected]. The aforesaid
and FAQ of investor page on Company’s website
from May 7, 2018. Accordingly, no resolution is being declarations and documents need to be submitted by
proposed for ratification of appointment of statutory the shareholders by 11:59 p.m. IST on June 4, 2020.
15. In compliance with the aforesaid MCA Circulars and auditors at the twenty-fifth AGM. 19. Since the AGM will be held through VC / OAVM, the
SEBI Circular dated May 12, 2020, Notice of the AGM
18. Pursuant to Finance Act 2020, dividend income will be Route Map is not annexed in this Notice.
along with the Annual Report 2019-20 is being sent
only through electronic mode to those Members whose taxable in the hands of shareholders w.e.f. April 1, 2020 20. Instructions for e-voting and joining the AGM are as
email addresses are registered with the Company/ and the Company is required to deduct tax at source follows:
Depositories. Members may note that the Notice and from dividend paid to shareholders at the prescribed
rates. For the prescribed rates for various categories, A. VOTING THROUGH ELECTRONIC MEANS
Annual Report 2019-20 will also be available on the
the shareholders are requested to refer to the Finance
Company’s website www.tcs.com, websites of the i. In compliance with the provisions of Section 108
Act, 2020 and amendments thereof. The shareholders
Stock Exchanges i.e. BSE Limited and National Stock of the Act, read with Rule 20 of the Companies
are requested to update their PAN with the Company/
Exchange of India Limited at www.bseindia.com and (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014,
TCPL (in case of shares held in physical mode) and
www.nseindia.com respectively, and on the website of as amended from time to time, and Regulation
depositories (in case of shares held in demat mode).
NSDL https://www.evoting.nsdl.com 44 of the SEBI Listing Regulations, the Members
A Resident individual shareholder with PAN and who are provided with the facility to cast their vote
16. Members attending the AGM through VC / OAVM shall
is not liable to pay income tax can submit a yearly electronically, through the e-voting services
be counted for the purpose of reckoning the quorum
declaration in Form No. 15G/15H, to avail the benefit of provided by NSDL, on all the resolutions set forth in
under Section 103 of the Act.
non-deduction of tax at source by email to this Notice. The instructions for e-voting are given
[email protected] by 11:59 p.m. IST herein below.

TCS Annual Report 2019-20 Notice I 3

ii. The remote e-voting period commences on iv. The Members who have cast their vote by remote Details on Step 1 are mentioned below:
Monday, June 8, 2020 (9:00 a.m. IST) and ends e-voting prior to the AGM may also attend/
How to Log-in to NSDL e-voting website?
on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 (5:00 p.m. IST). participate in the AGM through VC / OAVM but
During this period, Members holding shares either shall not be entitled to cast their vote again. 1. Visit the e-voting website of NSDL. Open web
in physical form or in dematerialized form, as on browser by typing the following URL:
v. The voting rights of Members shall be in proportion
Thursday, June 4, 2020 i.e. cut-off date, may cast https://www.evoting. nsdl.com/ either on a
to their shares in the paid-up equity share capital
their vote electronically. The e-voting module shall personal computer or on a mobile.
of the Company as on the cut-off date.
be disabled by NSDL for voting thereafter. Those
Members, who will be present in the AGM through vi. Any person, who acquires shares of the Company 2. Once the home page of e-voting system is
VC / OAVM facility and have not cast their vote and becomes a Member of the Company after launched, click on the icon “Login” which is
on the Resolutions through remote e-voting and sending of the Notice and holding shares as of the available under “Shareholders” section.
are otherwise not barred from doing so, shall be cut-off date, may obtain the login ID and password
3. A new screen will open. You will have to enter
eligible to vote through e-voting system during the by sending a request at [email protected].
your User ID, your Password and a Verification
AGM. However, if he/she is already registered with NSDL
Code as shown on the screen. Alternatively, if
for remote e-voting then he/she can use his/her
iii. The Board of Directors has appointed P N Parikh you are registered for NSDL eservices
existing User ID and password for casting the vote.
(Membership No. FCS 327) and failing him Jigyasa i.e. IDEAS, you can log-in at
Ved (Membership No. FCS 6488) of Parikh & vii. The details of the process and manner for remote https://eservices.nsdl.com/ with your existing
Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries as e-voting are explained herein below: IDEAS login. Once you log-in to NSDL
the Scrutinizer to scrutinize the voting during the eservices after using your log-in credentials,
AGM and remote e-voting process in a fair and Step 1: Log-in to NSDL e-voting system at
click on e-voting and you can proceed to
transparent manner. https://www.evoting.nsdl.com/
Step 2 i.e. cast your vote electronically.
Step 2: Cast your vote electronically on NSDL
e-voting system.

TCS Annual Report 2019-20 Notice I 4

4. Your User ID details are given below: 5. Your password details are given below: ii) In case you have not registered your
email address with the Company/
Manner of Your User ID is: a) If you are already registered for e-voting, Depository, please follow instructions
holding shares then you can use your existing password mentioned below in this notice.
i.e. Demat to login and cast your vote.
(NSDL or CDSL) 6. If you are unable to retrieve or have not
or Physical b) If you are using NSDL e-voting system for
received the ‘initial password’ or have
the first time, you will need to retrieve the
A) For Members 8 Character DP ID followed by 8 forgotten your password:
‘initial password’ which was communicated
who hold Digit Client ID to you by NSDL. Once you retrieve your a) Click on “Forgot User Details/Password?”
shares in For example, if your DP ID ‘initial password’, you need to enter the
demat (If you are holding shares in your demat
is IN300*** and Client ID is ‘initial password’ and the system will force
account with account with NSDL or CDSL) option
12****** then your user ID is you to change your password.
NSDL. IN300***12****** available on www.evoting.nsdl.com.
c) How to retrieve your ‘initial password’?
B) For Members 16 Digit Beneficiary ID “Physical User Reset Password?” (If you
who hold For example, if your Beneficiary i) If your email ID is registered in are holding shares in physical mode)
shares in ID is 12************** then your your demat account or with the option available on www.evoting.nsdl.com.
demat user ID is 12************** company, your ‘initial password’ is
account with c) If you are still unable to get the password
communicated to you on your email
CDSL. by aforesaid two options, you can send a
ID. Trace the email sent to you from
request at [email protected] mentioning
c) For Members EVEN Number followed by Folio NSDL in your mailbox from
holding Number registered with the your demat account number/folio number,
[email protected]. Open the email
shares in company your PAN, your name and your registered
and open the attachment i.e. a .pdf
Physical For example, if EVEN is 123456 address.
file. Open the .pdf file. The password
Form. and folio number is 001*** then to open the .pdf file is your 8 digit d) Members can also use the one-time
user ID is 123456001*** client ID for NSDL account, last 8 digits password (OTP) based login for casting
of client ID for CDSL account or folio the votes on the e-Voting system of NSDL.
number for shares held in physical
form. The .pdf file contains your ‘User 7. After entering your password, click on Agree
ID’ and your ‘initial password’. to “Terms and Conditions” by selecting on the
check box.

TCS Annual Report 2019-20 Notice I 5

8. Now, you will have to click on “Login” button. the number of shares for which you wish to take utmost care to keep your password
cast your vote and click on “Submit” and also confidential. Login to the e-voting website will
9. After you click on the “Login” button, Home “Confirm” when prompted. be disabled upon five unsuccessful attempts to
page of e-voting will open. key in the correct password. In such an event,
6. Upon confirmation, the message “Vote cast you will need to go through the “Forgot User
Details on Step 2 are mentioned below: successfully” will be displayed. Details/Password?” or “Physical User Reset
How to cast your vote electronically on NSDL 7. You can also take the printout of the votes cast Password?” option available on
e-voting system? by you by clicking on the print option on the https://www.evoting.nsdl.com to reset the
confirmation page. password.
1. After successful login at Step 1, you will be able
to see the Home page of e-voting. Click on 8. Once you confirm your vote on the resolution, 3. In case of any queries relating to e-voting
e-voting. Then, click on Active Voting Cycles. you will not be allowed to modify your vote. you may refer to the FAQs for Shareholders
and e-voting user manual for Shareholders
2. After click on Active Voting Cycles, you will be General Guidelines for shareholders available at the download section of
able to see all the companies “EVEN” in which https://www.evoting.nsdl.com or call on toll
you are holding shares and whose voting cycle 1. Institutional / Corporate shareholders (i.e. free no.: 1800-222-990 or send a request at
is in active status. other than individuals, HUF, NRI, etc.) are [email protected].
required to send a scanned copy (PDF/JPG
3. Select “EVEN” of the Company, which is Format) of the relevant Board Resolution/ In case of any grievances connected with
112923. Authority letter etc., with attested specimen facility for e-voting, please contact
signature of the duly authorized signatory(ies) Ms. Pallavi Mhatre, Manager, NSDL,
4. Now you are ready for e-voting as the Voting who are authorized to vote, to the Scrutinizer 4th Floor, ‘A’ Wing, Trade World,
page opens by email to [email protected] with a Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg,
copy marked to [email protected] Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013.
5. Cast your vote by selecting appropriate
options i.e. assent or dissent, verify/modify Email: [email protected]/[email protected],
2. It is strongly recommended not to share
Tel: 91 22 2499 4545/ 1800-222-990
your password with any other person and

TCS Annual Report 2019-20 Notice I 6

Process for registration of email id for obtaining Annual Report and user id/password for e-voting and updation of bank B. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS FOR ATTENDING THE
account mandate for receipt of dividend: AGM THROUGH VC / OAVM ARE AS UNDER:

1. Members will be able to attend the AGM through

Physical Holding Send a request to the Registrar and Transfer Agents of the Company, TCPL at VC / OAVM or view the live webcast of AGM
[email protected] providing Folio No., Name of shareholder, scanned copy of the share provided by NSDL at https://www.evoting.nsdl.com
certificate (front and back), PAN (self attested scanned copy of PAN card), AADHAR (self attested by using their remote e-voting login credentials
scanned copy of Aadhar Card) for registering email address. and selecting the EVEN for Company’s AGM.
Following additional details need to be provided in case of updating Bank Account Details:
Members who do not have the User ID and
a) Name and Branch of the Bank in which you wish to receive the dividend,
Password for e-voting or have forgotten the
b) the Bank Account type, User ID and Password may retrieve the same
c) Bank Account Number allotted by their banks after implementation of Core Banking Solutions by following the remote e-voting instructions
mentioned in the Notice. Further Members can
d) 9 digit MICR Code Number, and
also use the OTP based login for logging into the
e) 11 digit IFSC Code e-voting system of NSDL.
f) a scanned copy of the cancelled cheque bearing the name of the first shareholder.
2. Facility of joining the AGM through VC / OAVM
shall open 30 minutes before the time scheduled
Demat Holding Please contact your Depository Participant (DP) and register your email address and bank account
for the AGM and will be available for Members on
details in your demat account, as per the process advised by your DP.
first come first served basis.

3. Members who need assistance before or during the

AGM, can contact NSDL on [email protected]/
1800-222-990 or contact Mr. Amit Vishal,
Senior Manager – NSDL at [email protected]/
022-24994360/ +91 9920264780 or
Mr. Sagar Ghosalkar, Assistant Manager- NSDL at
[email protected]/ 022-24994553/
+91 9326781467.

TCS Annual Report 2019-20 Notice I 7

4. Members who would like to express their views 2. The result declared along with the Scrutinizer’s Report
or ask questions during the AGM may register shall be placed on the Company’s website
themselves as a speaker by sending their request www.tcs.com and on the website of NSDL
from their registered email address mentioning https://www.evoting.nsdl.com immediately. The
their name, DP ID and Client ID/folio number, PAN, Company shall simultaneously forward the results to
mobile number at [email protected] from National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE
June 5, 2020 (9:00 a.m. IST) to June 7, 2020 Limited, where the shares of the Company are listed.
(5:00 p.m. IST). Those Members who have
registered themselves as a speaker will only be
allowed to express their views/ask questions  By Order of the Board of Directors
during the AGM. The Company reserves the right
to restrict the number of speakers depending on
the availability of time for the AGM.  RAJENDRA MOHOLKAR
 Company Secretary
Other Instructions  Membership No. ACS 8644
Mumbai, May 15, 2020
1. The Scrutinizer shall, immediately after the conclusion
of voting at the AGM, first count the votes cast during
the AGM, thereafter unblock the votes cast through
remote e-voting and make, not later than 48 hours of Registered Office:
conclusion of the AGM, a consolidated Scrutinizer’s 9th Floor, Nirmal Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021
Report of the total votes cast in favour or against, if CIN: L22210MH1995PLC084781
any, to the Chairman or a person authorised by him in Tel: 91 22 6778 9595
writing, who shall countersign the same.
Email: [email protected] Website: www.tcs.com

TCS Annual Report 2019-20 Notice I 8

 Annexure to the Notice

Details of Directors seeking re-appointment at the Annual General Meeting

Particulars Aarthi Subramanian

Date of Birth June 26, 1967
Date of Appointment March 12, 2015
Qualifications • B. Tech in Computer Science
• Master’s Degree in Engineering Management
Expertise in specific functional areas Wide experience in Information Technology
Directorships held in other companies • Tata Industries Limited
• Tata Capital Limited
• Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited
• Tata Digital Limited
• Tata Payments Limited
Memberships / Chairmanships of committees of Tata Capital Limited
other companies • Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee (Chairperson)
• Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
• Information Technology Strategy Committee
Number of shares held in the Company 5,600

For other details such as number of meetings of the board attended during the year, remuneration drawn and relationship with other directors and key managerial personnel in respect of
above directors, please refer to the corporate governance report which is a part of this Annual Report.

TCS Annual Report 2019-20 Notice I 9

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