Hero Kids - GM Screen
Hero Kids - GM Screen
Hero Kids - GM Screen
0 to 3 dice per Attribute Each side rolls 1d6 initiative, highest die wins
3 = Best, 2 = Good, 1 = Mediocre, X = None o In a tie, Heroes win
Melee (Strength) = close combat attacks, strength ability tests
Ranged (Dex) = distance attacks (6 sq, penalty if adjacent), dexterity ability tests
Magic (Int) = magical attacks (4 sq), intelligence ability tests Normal movement is 4 sq in any direction
Armor = defense vs Attack rolls Terrain/obstacles can cost 1 or more extra squares
CREATION Can move through allies, but not enemies
4 dice divided among attributes May not move diagonally around corners / through doors
The first die in ranged and magic costs 2 dice instead of 1. Must end in an empty square
Define Normal and Special Attacks with GM consent KO characters are prone, standing costs 2 sq of movement
Define Bonus Ability (triggered/automatic) with GM consent ACTIONS
Define Skills (lore, tracking, infravision, etc.) with GM consent
All characters on the winning side take their turn (they choose order):
INVENTORY In a turn you may, in any order, move 4 sq AND:
Unlimited number of items & equipment
o Use a Normal or Special Attack
Items are typically one-use consumables, counts as an Action during combat
o OR Use an Item, Potion, or other Action
Equipment can be used one at a time, cannot switch during combat
Some items/equipment can affect Ability tests if relevant (e.g. rope for climbing)
o OR Move 4 sq more
If prone, Actions use one less die, character gains 1 armor die against
BOONS Ranged/Magic attacks but Melee attacks against them gain 1 die
Special favors earned from adventuring
Can be used any time (as an interrupt, even during enemy turn) Improvised Actions: players can improvise actions at GM discretion
Boons: can be used at any time, even during enemy turn
ADVENTURING Attacker rolls attack dice, defender rolls Armor dice, highest single die wins
ABILITY TESTS o In a tie, attacker wins
Base Die + Relevant Attribute Di[c]e + Inventory/Skill Di[c]e vs Difficulty Normal Attacks: hits deal 1 point of damage
Difficulty: Easy: 4, Normal: 5, Hard: 6 o Melee: adjacent foe
Each Hero can test abilities separately or up to 3 characters (if it makes sense o Ranged: Up to 6 sq (including diagonally) with LoS, -1 die if adjacent
for the task) can add 1 die each to “help” another character via teamwork o Magic: Up to 4 sq (including diagonally) with LoS
Attribute Examples: Line of Sight: If a target has “cover”, the defender gains one extra Armor die
o Strength: Bash door, lift something heavy HEALTH & DAMAGE
o Dexterity: climb tree, hide/sneak, pick lock Damage: Normal hits deal 1 point of damage
o Intelligence: decode a message, break magic lock, tracking Health: Grazed > Bruised > Hurt > Knocked Out (KO = 0 Health)
Example: Climb = 1 base die + 2 Dex dice + 1die for rope = 4d6 o No Actions when KO until healed or Rest (encounter ends)
PUSH/PULL o KO characters are prone which costs 2 sq to stand after being healed
In a straight line and through empty squares only Magic, Potions, and Rest can heal a KO character
o Rest restores 1 damage (out of combat)
INVENTORY o Potions and Magic can restore full damage (counts as Action in combat)
Heroes can hold any number of items & equipment
Using inventory counts as an Action in combat. RESOLUTION
Consumable: Potions, Food, Gold, Herbs, some items Combat ends when all members of a side are KO or fled
Equipment: Rope, Armor/Weapons, etc. Appropriate gold, food, potions, equipment, or other items may be given as
Typically not combat related, but do apply to adventuring and role-playing
o History & Lore o Tracking
o Disguises & Sneaking o Persuasion
o Night Vision o Flying
Version 0.1.15 Hero Kids is a trademark of Justin Halliday and is Compliments of WispsOfTime.com
used with permission. No challenge is intended.