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11-14 13:07:27.

331 1408 1438 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:

30555,uid: 10164
11-14 13:28:10.685 1408 1438 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
5550,uid: 10164
11-14 13:30:32.555 1408 1438 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
8082,uid: 10171
11-14 14:03:36.555 1408 1655 E _V_SarPowerStateService: sarcode 222222222
11-14 14:03:36.555 1408 1655 E _V_SarPowerStateService: SAR_ForceNear!
11-14 14:51:50.652 1408 1438 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
24555,uid: 10204
11-14 16:26:44.555 1408 11954 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-14 19:05:10.504 1408 1438 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
5557,uid: 1000
11-14 19:21:58.555 1408 1655 E _V_SarPowerStateService: sarcode 222222222
11-14 19:21:58.555 1408 1655 E _V_SarPowerStateService: SAR_ForceNear!
11-14 19:54:26.555 1408 1655 E _V_SarPowerStateService: sarcode 222222222
11-14 19:54:26.555 1408 1655 E _V_SarPowerStateService: SAR_ForceNear!
11-14 21:02:27.555 1408 1467 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-14 21:14:36.555 1408 1438 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
29625,uid: 10232
11-14 21:37:02.555 1408 4069 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-14 21:45:18.555 1408 1426 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.059522137
11-14 22:04:58.220 18555 18555 E _V_ANRManager: mPackageName = com.android.camera,
Get anr service = com.vivo.app.anr.IANRManager$Stub$Proxy@2e13f17
11-14 22:13:24.864 555 690 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setParameters(): flag 6,
11-14 22:13:24.866 555 690 D AudioMTKGainController: setNormalVolume(),
mSceneIndex = 0, stream 3, devices 0x4, index 11, mode 0x0, gainDevice 0x1
11-14 22:13:24.866 555 690 D AudioALSAStreamManager: setVolumeIndex() stream=
3, device= 4, index= b
11-14 22:20:12.555 597 597 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:572872,
11-14 22:22:54.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: 1160: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 1000000
-1 1000000 -1
11-14 22:22:54.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1160 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-14 22:22:54.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1160 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-14 22:22:54.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1160 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-14 22:23:57.464 920 22555 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_GET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
11-14 22:23:57.465 920 22555 E BWC : fail to open mem_bw_ctrl driver file
11-14 22:23:57.465 920 22555 E BWC : Failed to switch EMI profile, error: -1
11-14 22:23:57.465 920 22555 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_SET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
11-14 22:23:59.429 555 12153 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
11-14 22:23:59.547 555 690 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 22:23:59.547 555 690 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 22:23:59.549 555 22614 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
11-14 22:23:59.624 555 24124 E [Awinic]: get file size failed !
11-14 22:23:59.624 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
11-14 22:24:11.555 600 32566 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setAppState(portId:9901,
11-14 22:24:52.433 555 690 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
11-14 22:24:56.077 1408 1438 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
18555,uid: 10136
11-14 22:26:14.053 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:573555
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:573555
11-14 22:26:14.054 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:573555 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 22:26:14.120 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:573555, idx:1
11-14 22:26:14.120 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:573555 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 22:27:23.495 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -239, -31, 697 ts 1067843265558
11-14 22:27:35.781 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_mag(uT) 22.950001, 17.700001, -256.200012 ts 1067855551940
11-14 22:28:53.520 25551 25551 E earchbox:searc: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
11-14 22:28:55.178 1408 1438 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
25551,uid: 10164
11-14 22:30:48.785 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -631, -100, 304 ts 1068048555907
11-14 22:30:55.780 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_mag(uT) 8.400001, 20.850000, -275.250000 ts 1068055551930
11-14 22:31:07.085 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -232, -104, 671 ts 1068066855563
11-14 22:32:45.248 555 32569 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
11-14 22:32:45.304 555 12153 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 22:32:45.304 555 12153 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 22:32:45.306 555 27133 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
11-14 22:32:48.555 26613 26690 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 22:35:11.005 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -652, -84, 272 ts 1068310775557
11-14 22:35:33.555 28133 28156 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 22:35:50.555 578 669 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
11-14 22:35:50.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:573947, idx:1
11-14 22:35:50.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:573947 hint:1157
comm:[email protected] pid:597
11-14 22:36:37.555 600 31387 I chatty : uid=1041(audioserver) Binder:600_10
identical 1 line
11-14 22:37:18.923 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
-getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag
= 0x6
11-14 22:37:18.929 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
-getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag
= 0x6
11-14 22:37:18.930 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
-getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag
= 0x6
11-14 22:37:19.178 555 30867 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
11-14 22:37:19.323 555 30867 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 22:37:19.323 555 30867 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 22:37:19.336 555 29326 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
11-14 22:37:35.761 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_mag(uT) 24.900002, 6.600000, -207.000015 ts 1068455531938
11-14 22:37:51.555 600 30995 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
device {type:0x4,@:}, activeDevices {type:0x4,@:}
11-14 22:38:45.781 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_mag(uT) 25.800001, 10.800000, -209.700012 ts 1068525551932
11-14 22:39:09.964 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
-getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag
= 0x6
11-14 22:39:10.102 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
-getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag
= 0x6
11-14 22:39:10.108 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
-getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag
= 0x6
11-14 22:39:16.014 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -659, -67, 241 ts 1068555784249
11-14 22:39:16.161 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_mag(uT) 28.650002, 11.700001, -210.600006 ts 1068555931926
11-14 22:39:41.555 597 32216 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:574208,
11-14 22:39:48.832 32472 32555 E appstatelogger2: Can't run on P or newer
11-14 22:42:02.555 3959 3983 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 22:42:35.740 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_mag(uT) 27.900002, 11.400001, -209.250015 ts 1068755511920
11-14 22:43:37.555 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -663, -83, 248 ts 1068817325452
11-14 22:44:47.734 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:574555
hint:1157 pid:597 duration:80 => ret_hdl:574555
11-14 22:44:47.734 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:1 hdl:574555 hint:1157
comm:[email protected] pid:597
11-14 22:44:47.816 578 669 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
11-14 22:44:47.817 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:574555, idx:1
11-14 22:44:47.817 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:1 hdl:574555 hint:1157
comm:[email protected] pid:597
11-14 22:44:47.838 597 6622 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:574555,
11-14 22:44:47.840 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:574555, idx:-1
11-14 22:45:48.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
11-14 22:45:52.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:574655
hint:1157 pid:597 duration:80 => ret_hdl:574655
11-14 22:45:52.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:574655 hint:1157
comm:[email protected] pid:597
11-14 22:45:57.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:574676, idx:-1
11-14 22:46:57.821 10530 10555 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 22:46:57.985 10530 10555 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 22:46:58.004 10530 10555 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 22:46:58.025 10530 10555 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 22:46:58.044 10530 10555 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 22:46:58.050 10530 10555 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 22:47:14.739 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
-getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag
= 0x6
11-14 22:47:14.745 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
-getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag
= 0x6
11-14 22:47:14.746 555 24124 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerBase:
-getHardwareBufferInfo(), pcm_get_htimestamp fail, ret = -1, pcm_get_error = flag
= 0x6
11-14 22:47:28.555 597 11554 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:574789,
11-14 22:47:29.204 597 11555 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:574791,
11-14 22:48:01.391 555 690 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
11-14 22:48:01.449 555 30867 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 22:48:01.450 555 30867 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 22:48:01.453 555 11946 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
11-14 22:48:01.555 600 1514 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: listAudioPorts() got 16
ports needed 16
11-14 22:48:03.384 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -666, -74, 237 ts 1069083155509
11-14 22:49:26.555 451 457 E [email protected]: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup29: Permission denied
11-14 22:54:12.555 451 457 E [email protected]: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup27: Permission denied
11-14 22:54:22.555 451 457 E [email protected]: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup22: Permission denied
11-14 23:01:17.555 451 457 E [email protected]: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup30: Permission denied
11-14 23:07:00.126 555 30867 D AudioALSAHardware: +setParameters():
11-14 23:07:00.128 555 30867 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 6,
mode 1
11-14 23:07:00.133 555 30867 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 8,
mode 1
11-14 23:07:00.133 555 30867 D AudioALSAStreamOut: +setScreenState(), flag 65536,
mode 1
11-14 23:07:00.133 555 30867 D AudioALSACaptureHandlerBase:
getCaptureHandlerType(), mCaptureHandlerType = 80
11-14 23:07:00.133 555 30867 D AudioALSAHardware: -setParameters():
11-14 23:07:01.555 565 880 I hwcomposer: [DEV] DispDevice::frameConfig isHBM:0
11-14 23:13:43.555 451 457 E [email protected]: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup27: Permission denied
11-14 23:35:31.432 12598 15552 E msgr.OneTraceIdSampleRate: No sample rate defined
for trace type
11-14 23:35:32.269 597 15555 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:575251,
11-14 23:35:33.824 597 15558 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:575252,
11-14 23:35:33.829 597 15559 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:575253,
11-14 23:35:42.013 12598 15551 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
11-14 23:35:46.555 578 669 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
11-14 23:35:46.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575330, idx:10
11-14 23:35:46.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:10 hdl:575330 hint:1159
comm:[email protected] pid:597
11-14 23:36:33.555 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575404, idx:-1
11-14 23:36:37.351 555 690 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
11-14 23:37:33.769 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575550
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575550
11-14 23:37:33.769 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575550 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:33.853 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575550, idx:0
11-14 23:37:33.853 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575550 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:35.885 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575551
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575551
11-14 23:37:35.886 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575551 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:35.985 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575551, idx:0
11-14 23:37:35.985 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575551 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:40.218 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575552
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575552
11-14 23:37:40.218 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575552 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:40.301 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575552, idx:0
11-14 23:37:40.301 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575552 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:40.734 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575553
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575553
11-14 23:37:40.734 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575553 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:40.750 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575553, idx:0
11-14 23:37:40.750 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575553 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:42.100 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575554
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575554
11-14 23:37:42.100 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575554 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:42.200 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575554, idx:0
11-14 23:37:42.201 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575554 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:44.467 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575555
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575555
11-14 23:37:44.467 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575555 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:44.566 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575555, idx:0
11-14 23:37:44.567 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575555 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:45.317 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575556
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575556
11-14 23:37:45.317 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575556 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:45.416 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575556, idx:0
11-14 23:37:45.416 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575556 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:46.333 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575557
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575557
11-14 23:37:46.333 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575557 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:46.399 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575557, idx:0
11-14 23:37:46.400 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575557 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:51.508 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -692, -53, 181 ts 1072071279555
11-14 23:37:54.800 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575558
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575558
11-14 23:37:54.800 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575558 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:54.898 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575558, idx:0
11-14 23:37:54.898 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575558 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:58.799 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:575559
hint:25 pid:578 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:575559
11-14 23:37:58.799 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:575559 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:58.864 578 669 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:575559, idx:0
11-14 23:37:58.864 578 669 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:575559 hint:25
comm:[email protected] pid:578
11-14 23:37:59.002 555 2708 E AudioALSAStreamManager: -openInputStream(), set
fail, return NULL
11-14 23:37:59.077 555 2708 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 23:37:59.078 555 2708 E FMQ : grantorIdx must be less than 3
11-14 23:37:59.081 555 17470 E AudioALSAStreamManager: createCaptureHandler(),
ptr is NULL!!
11-14 23:38:02.685 923 979 E [email protected]:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -686, -132, 174 ts 1072082455570

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