Makalah Bahasa Inggris
Makalah Bahasa Inggris
Makalah Bahasa Inggris
And we all hope that this paper is able to add to the experience and knowledge to the reader. So
that for the future could improve the shape and increase load the paper so that it becomes papers
have extensive knowledge and better again.
Because of the limitations of both science and our experience, we believe remain many
shortcomings in this paper, therefore we sincerely hope that suggestions and constructive
criticism coming from the reader for the perfection of this paper.
• B. Formulation of the Problem ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ……………….......1
• A. Conclusions …………..…………………………….………………..…… 8
• B. Suggestions …………..…………………………….………………..…… 8
REFERENCES …………..…………………………….………………..……. 9
A. Background
is a beach on the southern coast located on the edge of the Indonesian Ocean
administratively in the area of Sumber Jambe Hamlet, Srigonco Village, Bantur District, Malang
Regency, East Java and is one of the mainstays of Malang Regency since 1985 until now. The
main attraction of Balekambang is of course the natural panorama, the waves that extend nearly
two kilometers, and the vast expanse of sand. The white sand area looks clean from rubbish and
dirt so it is quite comfortable for visitors to play and exercise. In fact, not infrequently on this
beach is a training ground for a number of football clubs such as Arema and Persema.
This beach tour not only presents ordinary sea views. The main attraction of this beach
is the coastal sand that is comfortably trampled when you walk without using footwear. For
Balekambang beach, you can enjoy beautiful clean white sand. Playing on the sand, running
around, and of course taking pictures. In addition to white sand, you can also enjoy the beauty
of several small islands that line the west coast. Then if you are lucky, you can also enjoy the
religious charm that only happens at certain times. In addition, for those who want to enjoy
outbound activities, on this beach you can also enjoy the Fox Flyng facility. However, Fly Fox can
only be enjoyed on weekends, namely, Saturdays and Sundays. No need to worry, if you bring
small children, there are many other facilities on Balekambang Beach such as swings and some
animal sculptures. Then, there are also plans to add facilities such as ATV rental.
C. Accomodation
Villa Wisma Berbunga
Villa Wisma Berbunga is equipped with a spacious vehicle parking area, food stalls
that sell food, bathrooms, and rooms that are quite comfortable, both on the 1st and 2nd
floor. However, the guest recommends that you make a reservation or booking beforehand
stay at Wisma Wisma Bunga. Because the rooms at Wisma Wisma Berbunga are often full,
especially when entering the holiday season. To reserve Villa Wisma Berbunga, you can
contact the telephone number 08139405920.
Wibisono Hotel
The next choice for those of you who want to linger in the Balekambang Beach area
is to stay at the Hotel Wibisono. This one inn is located in Balekambang Beach Block C3
Srigonco, Bantur, Balaikambang, Malang, East Java, 65179. Wibisana Hotel offers several
accommodation options, namely Wibisono 1, whose tariff is set at Rp. 350 thousand per
night on weekday or Rp. 400 thousand per night on weekends. In the room Wibisono I is
equipped with facilities in the form of double beds, ensuite bathrooms, and free
breakfast for 4 people. Furthermore, for Wibisono II, it is pegged at Rp 250 thousand per
night (all season) and inside it is supported by single bed facilities and private
bathrooms .
D. Amenities
After knowing that there are so many attractions from this beach, you might want to
spend more than one day there, because the beauty of the natural scenery presented is not
enough if only enjoyed a day. Especially if you are from out of town, surely you need a resting
place. You don't need to worry, because there are some lodging facilities available at
Balekambang Beach. For the price range is not too high, which is Rp100,000-Rp500,000 per
night depending on the facility. You can also book beforehand so that you don't run out of
Flying fox
Photo Area
E. Advantages
Beautiful Scenery
Sea water stay clean
Affordable food prices
F. Weakness
- Ticket prices are expensive
- Beach cleanliness is poorly maintained
- incomplete facilities
A. Suggestion
In the future, the writer will be more focused and detailed in explaining the above
paper with more sources which can be accounted for. For suggestions can contain
criticisms or suggestions against the need to be able to oppose the conclusions of the
discussion of the paper that has been described. For the last part of the paper is the
bibliography. On another occasion I will explain about the bibliography of the paper.
B. Conclusion
we can know the whole about Balekambang beach tourism, both from the price of admission to
the facilities available there. That way readers will not hesitate to visit this beach.