This invoice from Sunburst Farms to Teleflora LLC details the sale and delivery of various flowers. It includes 23 boxes containing a total of 1515 flower stems and 85 bunches. The total amount due is $1,087.17 to be paid within 30 days by wire transfer. The flowers were delivered by FedEx to Teleflora in Los Angeles from Sunburst Farms in Miami.
This invoice from Sunburst Farms to Teleflora LLC details the sale and delivery of various flowers. It includes 23 boxes containing a total of 1515 flower stems and 85 bunches. The total amount due is $1,087.17 to be paid within 30 days by wire transfer. The flowers were delivered by FedEx to Teleflora in Los Angeles from Sunburst Farms in Miami.
This invoice from Sunburst Farms to Teleflora LLC details the sale and delivery of various flowers. It includes 23 boxes containing a total of 1515 flower stems and 85 bunches. The total amount due is $1,087.17 to be paid within 30 days by wire transfer. The flowers were delivered by FedEx to Teleflora in Los Angeles from Sunburst Farms in Miami.
This invoice from Sunburst Farms to Teleflora LLC details the sale and delivery of various flowers. It includes 23 boxes containing a total of 1515 flower stems and 85 bunches. The total amount due is $1,087.17 to be paid within 30 days by wire transfer. The flowers were delivered by FedEx to Teleflora in Los Angeles from Sunburst Farms in Miami.
Amount $1,087.17 PO # 4088 Tue Payment Information Terms Net 30 Please send Payments to: Sunburst Farms Warehouse #1 Sunburst Farms, Inc. Payment Method Wire Transfer 2200 NW 70 Ave 2200 NW 70 Ave Sales Rep Alex Rodriguez Miami, FL 33122 Miami, FL 33122 Account Number LET8379 Phone 305-594-4300 Email: [email protected] Way Bill / Ref # Fax 786-441-2116 Email [email protected]
Bill To Ship To Carrier
TELEFLORA LLC/FLOWERBUYER LLC TELEFLORA LLC/FLOWERBUYER LLC FEDEX CUST PAY 3737 NORTHWEST 34TH STREET 11444 OLYMPIC BLVD OKLAHOMA, OK 73112 LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 310-966-3692 Total Description Mark Code Boxes Units Unit Price Amount ALSTROEMERIA ASSORTED FANCY x 120 Stem 3302068 1 QB 120 $0.280 $33.60 Bi-weekly S/O ALSTROEMERIA FALL SELECT x 100 Stem 3301867 1 QB 100 $0.480 $48.00 33%RED/33%ORANGE/33%YELLOW ALSTROEMERIA FALL SELECT x 100 Stem 3301913 1 QB 100 $0.480 $48.00 33%RED/33%ORANGE/33%YELLOW ASTER BUTTERFLY ASSORTED 70CM x 120 Stem 3302156 1 EB 120 $0.240 $28.80 CARNATION FALL FANCY x 175 Stem 3302069 1 QB 175 $0.320 $56.00 33% Orange, 33% Yellow, 33% Red CARNATION WHITE MOONLIGHT SELECT x 150 Stem 3302150 1 QB 150 $0.390 $58.50 GERBERA ASSORTED SELECT x 80 Stem 3301951 1 QB 80 $0.600 $48.00 GERBERA FALL SELECT x 80 Stem 3302072 1 QB 80 $0.840 $67.20 33%RED/33%ORANGE/33%YELLOW HYDRANGEA BLUE SHOCKING SELECT x 40 Stem 3302174 1 QB 40 $1.360 $54.40 HYDRANGEA WHITE PREMIUM x 30 Stem 3299088 1 QB 30 $1.020 $30.60 LILY ORIENTAL ASSORTED 3/5 BL x 60 Stem 3301953 1 QB 60 $1.280 $76.80 MUM FOOTBALL BRONZE RED GRADE x 70 Stem 3302070 1 QB 70 $0.840 $58.80 MUM ROVER RED MORGAN 70CM x 90 Stem 3302071 1 QB 90 $0.573 $51.60 POMPON CDN ASSORTED 70CM x 12 Bunch 3301954 1 QB 12 $2.398 $28.78 POMPON CDN FALL 7 STEM 70CM x 13 Bunch 3301927 1 QB 13 $2.390 $31.07 POMPON CDN FALL 7 STEM 70CM x 13 Bunch 3301950 1 QB 13 $2.390 $31.07 POMPON CUSHION BRONZE CORRADO 70CM x 12 Bunch 3302144 1 QB 12 $2.490 $29.88 POMPON DAISY FALL 70CM x 13 Bunch 3301868 1 QB 13 $2.390 $31.07 ROSE FALL 50CM x 100 Stem 3299089 1 QB 100 $0.780 $78.00 ROSE RED FREEDOM 50CM x 100 Stem 3301930 1 QB 100 $0.560 $56.00 SOLIDAGO YELLOW GOLDEN GLORY 70CM x 10 Bunch 3299090 1 EB 10 $4.000 $40.00 SOLIDAGO YELLOW TARA 70CM x 12 Bunch 3301952 1 EB 12 $2.750 $33.00 SPRAY ROSE ORANGE BABE 40CM x 100 Stem 3263124 1 QB 100 $0.680 $68.00
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Invoice # 612179
Invoice Date 11/09/2021
Amount $1,087.17 PO # 4088 Tue Payment Information Terms Net 30 Please send Payments to: Sunburst Farms, Inc. Payment Method Wire Transfer 2200 NW 70 Ave 2200 NW 70 Ave Sales Rep Alex Rodriguez Miami, FL 33122 Miami, FL 33122 Account Number LET8379 Phone 305-594-4300 Email: [email protected] Way Bill / Ref # Fax 786-441-2116 Email [email protected]
Bill To Ship To Carrier
Total Boxes 23 Inv. Subtotal $1,087.17
Total Cubes 28.55 Totals $1,087.17
Total bunches: 85, Total stems: 1515, Box breakdown: 20 QB, 3 EB, FBE's: 5.38
Payments: Please make checks payable to: Sunburst Farms, Inc.
Credits: Please examine your flowers upon receipt. All quality issues must be reported by phone within 24 hours of receipt of flowers and then followed up with written request and pictures for credit. We are not responsible for carrier related issues or exposure to temperatures. Collections: A service charge of 1.5% per
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