Barratt Ar2020

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The key takeaways are that Barratt Developments PLC is a UK housebuilding company committed to putting customers at the heart of everything they do and leading the industry in build quality and customer service. They aim to build homes Britain needs while supporting economic growth.

The company's purpose is to lead the future of housebuilding by putting customers at the heart of everything they do.

An integrated report demonstrates the connection between economic, environmental, social and governance matters and how this creates and preserves value for stakeholders. The company is committed to integrated reporting to deliver long term value for stakeholders responsibly.

Barratt Developments PLC Annual Report and Accounts 2020



Annual Report and Accounts 2020

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Our purpose is to lead the
future of housebuilding by
putting customers at the
heart of everything we do.
We are very proud to lead the industry in both build
quality and customer service. We are building homes
Britain needs, creating jobs and supporting economic
growth whilst delivering for our shareholders and
other stakeholders.
Read more on our purpose, strategic priorities, principles and culture on pages 32 to 35

Our second integrated report

We are committed to being a sustainable and responsible business.
We believe that integrating this approach into every aspect of our activities
enables us to deliver long term value for our stakeholders, whilst doing
the right thing. This integrated Annual Report demonstrates our focus on
the connection between economic, environmental, social and governance
matters and how this creates and preserves value for our stakeholders.
For a detailed description of our approach to integrated reporting, go to the Appendix on page 241

Notice regarding limitations on Directors’ liability under English law

Under the Companies Act 2006, a safe harbour limits the liability of Directors in respect of statements in,
and omissions from, the Strategic Report contained on pages 2 to 79 and the Directors’ Report contained on
pages 80 to 155. Under English Law, the Directors would be liable to the Company (but not to any third party)
if the Strategic Report and/or the Directors’ Report contains errors as a result of recklessness or knowing
misstatement or dishonest concealment of a material fact, but would not otherwise be liable.
Strategic Report and Directors’ Report
Pages 2 to 79 inclusive, and the Non-financial information statement on page 1, comprise the Strategic Report,
and pages 80 to 155 inclusive comprise the Directors’ Report, both of which have been drawn up and presented
in accordance with, and in reliance on, English Company Law. The liabilities of the Directors in connection with
the reports shall be subject to the limitations and restrictions provided by such law.
Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements
The Group’s reports including this document and written information released, or oral statements made, to
the public in future by or on behalf of the Group, may contain forward-looking statements. Although the Group
believes that its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, any statements about future outlook
may be influenced by factors that could cause actual outcomes and results to be materially different. Nothing
contained in this Annual Report or on the Group’s website should be construed as a profit forecast or an
invitation to deal in the securities of the Company.
Alternative performance measures
In addition to the Group using a variety of statutory performance measures it also measures performance
using alternative performance measures (APMs). Definitions of the APMs and reconciliations to the equivalent
statutory measures are detailed on pages 237 and 238. The definition of net cash is included in Note 5.1 of the
Financial Statements.

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

What you will find inside

30-31 36-37
Strategic Report

Strategic Report
Our business in summary 02
Key performance indicators 04
Chairman’s statement 08
Our business Sustainability Chief Executive’s statement 12

model focus areas Chief Financial Officer's review 20

Marketplace 28
More information on how our More information on how we are Business model 30
business model enables us to connecting social, environmental Aligning our purpose, strategic
create long term value for our and economic value across our priorities, principles and culture 32
How our strategic priorities and principles
stakeholders. business. support our purpose and culture 34

Sustainability focus areas 36
Impact of COVID-19
Section 172 (1) statement 38
Throughout the Annual Report Stakeholder engagement 39
and Accounts we have discussed Our priorities and principles 50
how COVID-19 has impacted our Risk management 71
business. Principal risks 72
Stakeholder Viability statement 79

engagement Governance
More information on how engaging Board of Directors 80
with our stakeholders helps us make Executive Committee 83
Regional Managing Directors 84
better long term decisions.
Corporate governance report 86
Nomination Committee report 100
Non-financial information statement Audit Committee report 109
The table below, and the information it refers to, is intended to help stakeholders understand Safety, Health and
our position on these key non-financial matters. We have considered these non-financial Environment Committee report 120
matters and disclosed in the relevant sections, when determining what information should be Remuneration report 123
included in the Annual Report and Accounts, the information needs of different stakeholders Other statutory disclosures 152
and their relative importance as well as the relevant time horizons in each matter. The
Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities 155
following aligns to the non-financial reporting requirements contained in sections 414CA and
414CB of the Companies Act 2006.
Financial Statements
Description of the Anti-bribery and corruption Financial Statements contents 156
business model Anti-bribery and corruption 61 Independent Auditor’s Report 157
Our business summary 02 Anti-bribery and corruption working Consolidated Income Statement 166
Our business model 30 with suppliers 65 Consolidated Statement of
Comprehensive Income 167
Social matters Environmental matters
Market review 28 Waste 56 Statement of Changes
in Shareholders’ Equity – Group 168
Our sustainability focus areas 36 Safeguarding the environment 68
Statement of Changes in
Affordability 51 Greenhouse gas emissions
Shareholders’ Equity – Company 169
disclosure 234
Employees Balance Sheets 170
Development and training 58 Policy, due diligence Cash Flow Statements 171
Diversity 60 and outcomes Notes to the Financial Statements 173
Wellbeing 60 Risk management 71
Employee engagement 60 Principal risks 72 Other Information
Gender pay gap 61 Long term viability statement 79 Greenhouse gas emissions disclosure 234
Board diversity 102 Audit Committee Report 109 Five year record and alternative
performance measures 237
Human rights Our policies
All of our public policies, codes and Glossary 239
Human rights 61
standards are available on Integrated reporting approach 241
Third parties 65 Group advisers and
Company information 242 01

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Barratt Developments PLC

Our business in summary

12,604 Our home completions (including JVs)

Developing homes across Britain where people want to live

Total home completions¹
(2019: 17,856)


366 (2019: 1,862)

Average active sales outlets2

(2019: 379)


27 2,240
(2019: 3,156)

Housebuilding divisions
(2019: 27)
80,324 (2019: 3,130)
(2019: 3,755)

Owned and controlled

land bank plots
(2019: 80,022)

Employees3 (2019: 2,016)
London and


(2019: 3,937)
(2019: 6,504) Our brands

We have three housebuilding brands – Barratt Homes,

1 Total home completions, including JVs, were David Wilson Homes and Barratt London. Commercial
12,604 (2019: 17,856) for the year. Private home
completions were 9,568 (2019: 13,533). Affordable developments are delivered by Wilson Bowden Developments.
home completions were 2,466 (2019: 3,578) and
JV home completions in which the Group has an
interest were 570 (2019: 745).
2 Including JVs.
3 Employee numbers, excluding sub-contractors,
taken at 30 June.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Our homes Our customers

Strategic Report
We are committed to building high quality homes and have been We put our customers first and have a long standing commitment
awarded 92 NHBC Pride in the Job Awards on our sites in 2020, more to quality and service.
than any other housebuilder for 16 consecutive years.
Completions by unit type 2020 2019 Completions by deal type 2020 2019
1 and 2 bedroom
12% 13% Help to Buy 35% 36%
3 bedroom
35% 35% Part-exchange 11% 11%
4 bedroom
34% 30% Other private 30% 27%
5 and 6 bedroom
3% 4% Investor 4% 5%

Flats London 5% 5% Affordable 20% 21%

Flats non-
11% 13%

Investment proposition

We have clear differentiators that underpin our investment proposition:

• We operate a fast build and sell model and • Quality and customer service are These differentiators drive delivery for our
are proud to lead the industry in both build fundamental to our business operations. shareholders and our wider stakeholders.
quality and customer service. Over the We are the only major housebuilder to be
Following the significant disruption to our
medium term, we aim to run one of the awarded a HBF 5 Star rating for customer
business created by COVID-19, our focus is
shortest land banks in the industry. satisfaction for 11 consecutive years.
to rebuild completion volumes towards our
• We maintain a resilient balance sheet, • We operate across Britain diversifying our medium term target of 20,000 wholly owned
with a clearly defined and embedded business, managing risk. completions. This, combined with disciplined
operating framework, and a clear focus on • We aim to be the leading national land acquisition and optimising our
cash generation. sustainable housebuilder with ambitious performance across build and sales will drive
• We have a strong and experienced targets set around safeguarding the margin improvement and, over the medium
workforce who deliver quality homes. environment, leading construction and term, a minimum 25% ROCE.
investing in our people.

Shorter Strong Highly Quality and Nationally Leading

owned land balance sheet experienced service diversified sustainability
bank and cash build and sales
generation teams

Rebuilding volumes Delivering margin improvement Attractive returns

Disciplined growth in wholly owned Land acquisition at a minimum 23% gross 2.5 times dividend cover
completions towards 20,000 over the margin and optimising performance
medium term

Rebuilding to achieve a targeted minimum ROCE of 25% 03

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Barratt Developments PLC

Key performance indicators

We had a strong first half performance and started our second half well.
COVID-19, however, has had a significant impact on our KPIs and operating
framework for the year ended 30 June 2020.
Operational targets
Why we Further
Measure Target Status Progress Definition measure information
Total home 3–5% growth 29.7% 18,000
Total home Reflects  ee pages
completions per annum decline in completions are activity and 12 to 19


in wholly wholly owned 16,000
legally completed growth.

owned home completions 14,000 homes during the Method by
completions to 12,034 with year including which business
Growing over the total home
100% of JV homes capacity is
volumes medium term completions 10,000
legally completed monitored




at 12,604 in which the Group
Present has an interest
capacity of
20,000 per

Gross margin New land Adjusted Gross profit divided Key internal  ee pages
25 22.8
(%) acquisitions gross margin 20 18.9
20.0 20.7 by total revenue, metric for 20 to 27
at minimum of 18.5% expressed as a assessing site
23% gross (2019: 22.8%). percentage profitability.
margin Gross margin Enables
of 18.0% consistent
(2019: 22.8%) comparison





of land

Operating Driving further Adjusted £m Profit from Demonstrates  ee pages

profit (£m) improvements profit from 862.6 901.1 operations profitability 20 to 27
operations 668.4 before finance
of £507.3m 493.4 costs, share
(2019: 400
of profits
£904.3m). 200
from JVs and
Operating 0 associates and





profit of tax. Assesses

£493.4m the efficiency
(2019: of our





£901.1m) operations
margin Operating Driving further Adjusted Profit from Demonstrates  ee pages
margin (%) improvements operating operations divided profitability 20 to 27
improvement margin of
17.2 17.7
by total revenue, before finance
15 14.4
14.8% (2019: expressed as a costs, share
19.0%). 10 percentage of profits
Operating 5 from JVs and
margin of associates and
14.4% (2019: tax. Assesses
2016 2016

2017 2017

2018 2018

2019 2019


18.9%) the efficiency


of our

Profit before In line with Consensus £m The Group’s profit Shows the  ee pages
tax consensus at profit before 1000
909.8 before tax including profitability 20 to 27
the start of the tax at the 800 682.3 its share of profits of the Group
financial year start of the 600 491.8 from JVs and relative
year was 400 associates to market
£898m. Profit 200 expectations.
before tax 0 Key metric





for FY20 of for assessing

£491.8m performance
for Executive


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Strategic Report




Why we Further
Measure Target Status Progress Definition measure information

ROCE (%) Minimum 25% ROCE of % Calculated as Ensures  ee pages

29.8 29.6 29.7
15.6% for 12 27.1 earnings before efficient and 20 to 27
months to 30 20
amortisation, effective use of
June 2020 15.6 interest, tax, capital.
(2019: 29.7% 10 operating charges Key metric
for the 12 relating to the for assessing
months to 30 0 defined benefit performance




June 2019) pension scheme for Executive
and adjusted items, Directors’
Delivering divided by average remuneration
ROCE net assets adjusted
for goodwill and
intangibles, tax,
cash, loans and
benefit assets/
obligations and





derivative financial

Earnings per In line with Consensus 80 73.2 Calculated by Shows profit  ee pages
share (pence) consensus at earnings 70 55.1
61.3 66.5 dividing the attributable 20 to 27
the start of the per share profit for the to each share
60 39.4
financial year at the start year attributable and used to
of the year to ordinary calculate the
was 72.7p. shareholders amount of
Earnings per by the weighted dividend per





share for average number share.

FY20 of 39.4p of ordinary shares Key metric
in issue during the for assessing
year, excluding performance
those held by the for Executive
EBT on which no Directors’
dividend is paid remuneration
Attractive cash

Total TSR FTSE 19.35% of a TSR is a measure Shows the  ee page
shareholder (50+/50-) potential 40% of the performance appreciation 145
return Threshold of the 2017/18 of the Group’s and income a
-12.2% LTPP award share price over shareholder
Maximum 25.8% vesting a period of three receives from
for the three years financial years. It holding each
TSR ended 30 June 2020 combines share share.
Housebuilders price appreciation Key metric
Threshold 4.8% (2019: 36.8% for the and dividends for assessing
Maximum 30.8% three years ended 30 paid to show the performance
June 2019) total return to for Executive
the shareholders Directors’
expressed as a remuneration
percentage 05

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Barratt Developments PLC

Key performance indicators CONTINUED

Operational targets
Why we Further
Measure Target Status Definition measure information

94% The percentage of Demonstrates See pages
internal inspections compliance with safety 62 and 63
Health which are compliant standards on our
and safety with SHE guidelines sites. Lead indicator
(SHE audit highlighting areas of SHE
compliance) (2019: 96%) focus. Key metric for
assessing performance
for Executive Directors’

18,000–22,000 plots The number of plots Monitors whether the See pages
approved for purchase approved for purchase Group is approving 52 and 53
Land enough land for
approvals purchase to support
(plots) future business activity.
(2019: 18,448) Ensures land is approved
at minimum hurdle rates

HBF 5 Star customer The percentage of Customer satisfaction See pages

satisfaction homebuyers who is a strategic priority 50 and 51
would recommend us and fundamental to our
to family and friends business.
taken from the HBF HBF Homebuilder Survey
Homebuilder Survey is an industry recognised
independently measured
service indicator of our customer
service and build quality.
Key metric for assessing
performance for
Executive Directors’

Upper quartile The percentage level To gain an insight of, See pages
Employee engagement of satisfaction of our and provide a forum 58 to 61
engagement people measured for, employee views. To
using an annual retain and invest in the
independently best people and focus on





(2019: 84.5%) conducted survey their development and


Reduce construction Tonnes per 100 sq.m. Tonnes of waste To maximise operating See pages
waste intensity (tonnes 8
generated from above efficiency and use 54 to 57
6.18 6.06
Waste per 100 sq.m. of legally 6 ground construction materials as efficiently
intensity completed build area) to 4
for every 100 sq.m. of as possible in the
5.67 by 2025 legally completed build construction process


2018 2018

2019 2019




Reduce greenhouse gas Tonnes per 100 sq.m. Tonnes of greenhouse Environmental impact of See pages
intensity per 100 sq.m. of 2.5
2.1 2.04 1.92 gas emissions our business activities. 68 to 70
1.82 1.75
legally completed build 2.0
associated with
area for scope 1 and 2 1.5
our scope 1 and 2
Carbon greenhouse gas emissions. 1.0
emissions, which
intensity We have set a target to 0.5
includes energy and
reduce absolute scope 0
fuel use on our sites





1 and 2 greenhouse gas and in our offices, for

emissions by 29% by 2025 every 100 sq.m. of
from 2018 levels legally completed build


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Operating framework
Why we Further

Strategic Report
Measure Target Progress Definition measure information
Land bank Owned and c. 3.5 years 8
The number of years Drives the ownership of  ee pages
controlled land owned / c. 1.0 supply of owned the optimum amount 20 to 27
bank (years) year controlled 4.5 4.5
4.8 4.7 and controlled land. of land to support
4 Land bank years are business activities. Key
2 calculated as the metric for assessing
number of plots in our performance for
land bank divided by the Executive Directors’





last 12 months of home remuneration

Land creditors Land creditors Reduce usage %

Calculated as land Shows the  ee pages
40 37
as a percentage to 34
creditors as a indebtedness related 20 to 27
of owned land 15–25% of the 30
25 percentage of owned to the owned land bank
bank land bank over 20 land bank
medium term






Net cash To be cash Modest average Average net cash of Calculated as the sum Shows the Group’s  ee pages
positive, net cash over £348.3m of the daily borrowings, liquidity. Helps assess 20 to 27
on average, the financial (2019: £298.3m) deposits and current our ability to fund our
throughout the year account balances ongoing operational
financial year divided by the number commitments
of days in the financial
Year end Year end 800 791.3 765.7 Calculated as cash and Shows the Group’s  ee pages
net cash net cash cash equivalents, less liquidity. Helps assess 20 to 27
total borrowings being our ability to fund our
total drawn debt, plus ongoing operational
prepaid fees commitments





Total The total of net Minimal year 2020: total Calculated as net Shows the Group’s  ee pages
indebtedness cash/(debt) and end total indebtedness of cash/(debt) less land liquidity. Helps assess 20 to 27
land creditors indebtedness £483.7m (2019: total creditors at the year end our ability to fund our
in the medium indebtedness of ongoing operational
term £195.0m) commitments

Treasury Level and Appropriate £700.0m RCF No more than 80% of Reduces refinancing  ee pages
duration of financing expiring in 2024 committed facilities risk. If the financial 20 to 27
committed facilities £200.0m USPP notes are to mature within markets were in crisis,
financing expiring in 2027 a two-year period and all debt maturing
facilities the weighted average in a short period of
maturity is a minimum time would create a
of two years. The RCF significant risk to the
refinancing is to be Group
completed a minimum
of 12 months prior to

Dividend Ordinary 2.5x dividend No dividend Dividend cover is Shows the income a  ee pages
policy dividend is 2.5 cover payments proposed calculated as the ratio shareholder receives 20 to 27
times cover (at the in respect of of the Group’s profit in relation to the
appropriate FY20 (2019: 46.4p or loss for the period Group’s profit or loss
time) representing 2.5x attributable to the
cover and special owners of the Company
return) to total ordinary
dividend. 07

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Barratt Developments PLC

Chairman’s statement

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we were delivering

strong progress against our medium term targets.
The onset of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown
has caused significant disruption to our business
and had a substantial impact on our financial
performance. Nevertheless, our business has
demonstrated its resilience and operational strength
delivering 12,604 high quality new homes (including
JVs) across Britain in FY20 (FY19: 17,856 homes).
“Our Senior Management
team has shown tireless
commitment towards Handling the COVID-19 crisis I would like to take this opportunity to thank
the Senior Management team for their
addressing all of the The health and safety of all individuals
tireless commitment to address all of the
who work for or with us is of fundamental
challenges relating to importance to the Board. Prior to the Prime challenges relating to COVID-19 and the
Minister’s lockdown announcement on 23 way in which they led the business through
COVID-19 and to the way in this difficult period. It is a testament to their
March 2020 to try to control the spread of
which they led the business COVID-19, the Board, together with the leadership and resilience that our business
Senior Management team, acted quickly has emerged in good shape.
through this difficult and decisively to commence the temporary Our employees
period. It is a testament closure of all of our construction sites, sales
It is our employees that deliver our
centres and offices. This was completed by
to their leadership 27 March 2020. Throughout the lockdown success, and our performance is due to
period, the Board worked closely with the dedication and ability of our skilled
and resilience that the and experienced team. I am especially
the Senior Management team and held
business has emerged in a number of additional virtual Board proud of the way in which our entire
meetings to ensure that key decisions such workforce adapted to changes in working
good shape.” as those relating to furloughing, payment arrangements as we temporarily closed
of dividends, workforce remuneration and our construction sites, sales centres and
John Allan offices, through the lockdown period and
our liquidity were made in a timely manner.
Chairman Further details of the decisions made to their subsequent reopening. All of our
manage the Group’s cost base and cash employees have risen to the challenges
flows and ensure resilience can be found brought by COVID-19 and pulled together
on page 12. to get our business back up and running. I
would like to take this opportunity to thank
As the lockdown restrictions eased, the them for the support and commitment that
Board monitored the phased reopening they have shown to our business.
of our construction sites in England and
Wales from 11 May 2020 and in Scotland The views of our employees are important
from 1 June 2020. By 30 June 2020, all of to the Board and they are at the heart of
our construction sites were operational and our operations. Our Workforce Forum has
our employees, other than those shielding, played a vital role in our engagement with
had returned to work. our employees during FY20, and continues
to inform our actions and decisions. David
To safeguard the jobs of the c. 85% of Thomas, our Chief Executive, sent out
employees that we furloughed, we initially weekly updates throughout the lockdown
participated in the Government's CJRS. period to all employees to keep them
However, given that our financial position informed on matters such as the reopening
has remained resilient, the Board made the of construction sites, sales centres and
decision in July 2020 to return the CJRS offices, pay, holiday policy, and health and
funds received of £26.0m. wellbeing. In addition, our intranet was
regularly updated with information on
corporate and government policy, and a
dedicated COVID-19 email address was
established to enable employees (including
those on furlough) to ask questions or send
 or more information, go to the
Corporate Governance Report
on pages 86 to 99


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

in comments or suggestions relating to the Sustainability To further strengthen the capability of our
impact of COVID-19 on our business. We We believe that at the core of quality Group Sustainability team we appointed
also undertook a pulse survey following an experienced Group Sustainability

Strategic Report
housebuilding is a commitment to create
the return to work by all employees, other a positive environmental, social and Director who is working with the Executive
than those shielding, which showed that economic legacy for future generations. Committee to determine how we can
employees were very positive about the This is embedded in our business enhance, both operationally and through
way in which management had dealt with through our purpose to lead the future of increased reporting, our position as the
COVID-19 related matters, particularly in housebuilding by putting our customers at country’s leading sustainable national
respect of pay and communication. the heart of everything we do. housebuilder. Engagement with our
stakeholders will play a key role in the
Safety, Health and Environment By doing business sustainably we create development of our strategy in this area.
Our SHE team played a vital role value for our stakeholders.
throughout the whole lockdown period. Quality and service
Good governance of these activities and
They ensured the safe temporary closure In FY20 we continued to demonstrate
connecting social, environmental and
of our construction sites, sales centres our industry leading credentials for
economic value across our business leads
and offices, and continued to regularly quality and service. Through our Leading
to better long term decisions. Consequently,
check that our closed construction sites construction priority, we are committed to
in January 2020, we published our science-
remained safe throughout lockdown. They excellence in all aspects of our construction
based targets to show our commitment to
were also instrumental in the reopening of operations, and to building the highest
reducing carbon emissions, both our direct
our construction sites, helping us establish quality homes. We achieved a 5 Star rating
emissions (scope 1 and 2 by 29% from
and implement extensive COVID-19 working in the HBF customer satisfaction survey
2018 levels by 2025) and indirect emissions
practices and protocols to enable those for the 11th year in a row, a record that is
(scope 3 by 11% from 2018 levels by 2030).
returning to site to do so safely and in unprecedented for a major housebuilder.
We also commenced work during FY20 on
compliance with the Government’s social Our 5 Star rating means that over 90% of
our programme to achieve compliance with
distancing measures. Further details can our customers would recommend us to
the recommendations of the TCFD.
be found on page 62. their family and friends, and is the leading
I am also pleased to report that we industry benchmark of quality and service.
performed well in the key indices
FTSE4Good, NextGeneration and in CDP
↓ David Wilson Homes at Grange
View, Hugglescote, Leicestershire. 09

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Barratt Developments PLC

Chairman’s statement CONTINUED

In addition, our site managers achieved

92 NHBC Pride in the Job Awards for
excellence in site management this year,
more than any other housebuilder for the
16th year in a row, and our highest number
of awards for seven years.
Winning these awards underlines the high
standard of work that our site managers
and their teams deliver on a daily basis.
It also highlights our high standards and
quality to our customers.

Political and economic environment

COVID-19 and the global response to it
has damaged the UK economy, and it
is likely that there will be an increase in
unemployment in the coming months as
businesses continue to be impacted. The full
extent of the economic impact being caused
by COVID-19 is yet to become fully clear,
and there remains uncertainty regarding
the outcome of the ongoing negotiations
regarding the UK leaving the EU.
However, the underlying drivers of the
UK housing market remain strong. Home
ownership is still the tenure of choice for
the majority of people, and this combined
with the long term undersupply of new
housing means that there remains a good
level of underlying demand. The industry
has seen encouraging levels of interest
and sales as lockdown was eased and
sales centres reopened, and we believe
that the long term impact of the pandemic
on people’s choices and priorities will be
an increase in demand for the high quality
homes that we provide as consumers look
for more space both indoors and outdoors.
The Government recognises the importance
of housebuilding in achieving their ‘levelling
up’ agenda. The Stamp Duty holiday is an
important intervention that will save many
of our customers thousands of pounds
↑ Enhanced COVID-19 working which they can put towards the deposit for
practices and protocols are their new home. The proposed reforms
in place across all of our to the planning system demonstrate a
construction sites. commitment to speeding up the planning
process, offering transparency and certainty
to local communities and ensuring we can
“All of our employees have build the homes the country needs. We
risen to the challenges also need the planning system to ensure
that quality, design and sustainability are
brought by COVID-19 and at the heart of new development. We hope
pulled together to get the forthcoming Future Homes Standard
will give the industry the certainty required
our business back up and to invest in building the low carbon homes
needed to combat climate change.
John Allan


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Low interest rates continue to keep Board appointments, Looking forward

mortgages at historically affordable levels. succession and evaluation We have an experienced and committed
However, there has been a reduction in

Strategic Report
The Nomination Committee continues Board who are focused on promoting the
the high LTV lending that many people success and long term sustainable value of
require to get onto the housing ladder. This to oversee Board appointments and
succession of Board members, and the Group. We will continue to review our
has arisen post COVID-19 and reflects a composition and ensure that it aligns with
response to a perceived increase in risk assesses the composition of the Board
and its Committees annually. No new our strategy as we move forward.
and high levels of demand. The restriction
and removal of Help to Buy will exacerbate appointments were made to the Board or The last few months of FY20 were
this. It is important that lenders and the any of the Committees during the year. unprecedented but our employees have
Government consider what further options The Board effectiveness review, which was shown great strength and commitment
are available to help potential first time this year facilitated internally with support to getting our business restarted. We
buyers who want to purchase their own from Lintstock (see page 107 for more start FY21 with a continued focus on our
home. details), confirmed that the Board currently operational and financial performance
comprises the appropriate skills and including our medium term targets.
Culture experience to drive our strategy forward. On behalf of the Board, I thank you for
In order to remain successful, it is We will continue to assess the composition the confidence that you have shown in
important that we create and embed a of the Board and focus on identifying any the business during FY20, especially
positive culture throughout our business. skills, knowledge or experience that will throughout the lockdown period and for
The Board is mindful of the need to set the further strengthen the Board’s capabilities. your continued support.
tone from the top. A review of the culture
of our business was undertaken during Dividend John Allan
FY20. Our business has a strong culture Going forward, the Board believes that it is Chairman
of ‘doing the right thing’ and taking pride in the best interests of shareholders to have
in the work that we do whilst remaining a long term predictable dividend income 1 September 2020
focused on the needs of our customers stream and this is best achieved through an
and other stakeholders. We will continue ordinary dividend policy with a defined level
to develop the culture of our business and of ordinary dividend cover. In addition, it
make further improvements where there is believes that the Company should continue
scope to do so. Details of the work that we to maintain its disciplined approach both

5 Star
have undertaken on culture and how we will growing completion volumes and investing
look to monitor and measure culture going in attractive land opportunities that meet
forward can be found on pages 92 to 95. our hurdle rates whilst reducing gearing.
When the Board believes the time is right it
The New Code will implement a dividend policy based on a
Last year I highlighted that we had dividend cover of 2.5 times. HBF customer satisfaction
early adopted a number of provisions of
the New Code and Guidance on Board The Board has previously announced that survey for the 11th year in
Effectiveness issued by the FRC in July given the uncertainties caused by the a row
2018. These related to Section 172 of the impact of COVID-19, the interim dividend of
Act: Duty to promote the long term success 9.8 pence per share, equating to c. £100m, (2019: 5 Star)
of the Company (page 38); Stakeholder would be cancelled, and that it would not
engagement (pages 39 to 49); Chief propose an ordinary dividend in respect of
Executive pay ratio (page 150); malus FY20 or the intended special dividend of
and clawback (page 132) and pension £175m in respect of FY20.
contributions (page 124). This year we have
further developed these disclosures in light The Board continues to recognise
of evolving best practice and guidance from the importance of dividends to all its
our advisers. shareholders. The Board however, also
feels that given the unprecedented impact
I am pleased to confirm that we have fully of COVID-19 and the importance of a
complied with all of the provisions of the resilient balance sheet, it will no longer
New Code. The requirements of the Code propose the FY21 special dividend of
are described throughout the Governance £175m which would have been payable in
Report on pages 80 to 155, together with November 2021.
explanations as to how we have complied
with these requirements and the various AGM
provisions. Our 2020 AGM will be held on Wednesday
14 October 2020. We are closely monitoring
the ongoing impact of COVID-19, and
developments in UK regulation in relation
to how AGMs may be held during this
period. Further details about the AGM will
be provided in the Notice of AGM. 11

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 11 07-Sep-20 4:54:24 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Chief Executive’s statement

We acted quickly at the outset of the pandemic and, in

line with our commitment to health and safety, took the
decision to temporarily close all of our construction
sites, sales centres and offices by 27 March 2020.

In response to COVID-19, the Board also We have delivered a resilient operational

implemented immediate measures to and financial performance this year against
manage the Group's cost base and cash the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19
flows to ensure resilience, including: pandemic, and the resulting lockdown on
• Suspending all land buying activity; our operations. Prior to the pandemic we
“We have delivered a • Ceasing all recruitment activity;
were delivering strong progress against our
medium term targets, with an operating
resilient operational and • Postponing non-essential capital margin of 18.9% in 2019 (2018: 17.7%) and
financial performance a ROCE for the 12 months to 31 December
• Actively managing cash flows while 2019 of 29.3% (2018: 29.5%). However, the
this year against the ensuring that we continued to pay our lockdown period had a significant impact
on our financial performance this year.
unprecedented impact of suppliers and sub-contractors on time;
Our business model is resilient, with both
• Cancelling the interim dividend, which
the COVID-19 pandemic, was due to be paid on 11 May 2020;
operational and financial strength, and we
remain dedicated to the delivery of the high
and the resulting lockdown, • Furloughing a proportion of our quality homes the country needs.
employees at their normal pay; and
on our operations. We Housing market fundamentals
• A voluntary 20% reduction in base
enter FY21 focused salary and fees for the Board, the The Government has a target of 300,000
wider Executive and the Regional homes to be built per year by the mid-2020s
on rebuilding both our Managing Director team for the period to meet existing demand. Updates to the
completion volumes and our sites were closed. In addition, they NPPF, to ensure that local authorities plan
also agreed to waive any salary or fee positively for housing and are accountable
our financial performance increase for FY21. for under-delivery, provide further support to
towards our unchanged In addition, in May 2020, the Remuneration
housing growth. We welcome too the latest
White Paper on planning reform and we
medium term targets.” Committee agreed with the recommendation
will play an active part in the consultation
of the Executive Directors that there would
process over the coming months.
David Thomas be no payments to any Director or employee
Chief Executive under the FY20 annual bonus scheme. The lending environment, positive up until
the pandemic, has become less certain.
Following our establishment of extensive
Whilst mortgage rates remain attractive,
COVID-19 working practices and protocols,
reflecting greater competition in the
we gradually restarted our site operations
mortgage market and a broad spread of
from 11 May 2020 in England and Wales
lenders supporting homebuyers, there
and from 1 June 2020 in Scotland. As a
has been a material change in LTV
result, all of our construction sites were
lending criteria.
operational at the end of the financial
year and our employees, other than those Prior to the pandemic the availability of
shielding, had returned to the business. both 95% LTV lending and the Government’s
Help to Buy scheme provided invaluable
Through the temporary closure of the
help for those seeking to get onto the
business, where around 85% of our
housing ladder. Today there are no
employees were placed on furlough, we used
mainstream mortgage lenders providing
the Government’s CJRS. Our employees,
mortgages at 95% LTV for new build
other than those shielding, had returned
homebuyers, increasing the current
from furlough by 1 July 2020. We are
reliance of purchasers on Help to Buy.
grateful for the support that the Government
provided to UK businesses through the The Government has confirmed that Help
CJRS, which allowed us to safeguard the to Buy will only continue in its current form
jobs of our c. 6,700 employees during until March 2021. Thereafter a new scheme
the height of the pandemic. Our financial will be in place for two further years,
position remained resilient through year limited to first time buyers with regional
end and accordingly, in early July, the Board price caps. We have been planning for the
decided to repay all furlough funds received. changes to the Help to Buy scheme in our
land acquisition since the new scheme
was announced.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Up to March 2020, 272,852 homes had been safety costs, non-productive site costs and
bought using the scheme, 82% of these by site-based employee costs and £29.1m
first time buyers, (source: MHCLG, Help to related to the expected increase in site

Strategic Report
Buy (equity loan scheme) statistics: April durations due to COVID-19. After charging
2013 to March 2020). Although Help to Buy this £74.3m, we made an adjusted profit
continues for first time buyers through from operations of £507.3m (2019: £904.3m) Total home completions
to 31 March 2023, the regional price caps at an adjusted operating margin of 14.8%
will prove restrictive for many, particularly (2019: 19.0%). (2019: 17,856)
those looking to purchase new homes in
In total, we incurred net adjusted items
parts of the North and the Midlands where
of £13.9m comprising £26.0m of CJRS
the price caps create significant limitations ↓ David Thomas, Chief Executive, visited Filwood
grant income, which we have repaid since
on the choice of new housing available Park where he met Hilary Jones, a volunteer
the year end, offset by, as previously
within the new scheme. During FY20, 46% at Victoria Park Baptist Church Foodbank,
announced, £39.9m of costs associated with following our £1,000 Community Fund
of our purchasers who used Help to Buy
legacy properties, including Citiscape and donation. Pictured with Russell Glimstead,
would not qualify for the new Help to Buy
the associated review, and developments Managing Director, Barratt Bristol.
scheme, but they would qualify for other
mortgage products or be able to use our
part-exchange schemes.

Performance overview
Our purpose is to lead the future of
housebuilding by putting customers at the
heart of everything we do. We are very proud
to lead the industry in both build quality
and customer service. We are committed to
playing our part in addressing the housing
shortage and helping to rebuild Britain’s
economic activity after the disruption
created by COVID-19.
Prior to the lockdown, we were delivering
strong progress against our medium term
targets including increasing completion
volumes while maintaining our industry
leading quality and service. As at 22 March
2020, we had delivered 10,364 total home
completions including 484 joint venture
completions, up 9.8% on the prior year
equivalent period (2019: 9,437 homes). The
lockdown halted construction activity and
meant the closure of our sales centres until
21 May 2020 in England, 11 June 2020 in
Scotland and 25 June 2020 in Wales. As a
result, wholly owned completions declined
29.7% to 12,034 homes in the year ended
30 June 2020 (2019: 17,111 homes). In
addition, we delivered 570 homes through
our joint ventures in the year (2019: 745
homes). Total home completions including
JVs for the year were therefore 12,604
homes (2019: 17,856 homes).
The significant progress on our gross
margin targets and resulting profitability,
as demonstrated by our half year results,
was, understandably, severely impacted by
the COVID-19 pandemic. At the half year,
we had delivered a profit from operations
of £421.7m (H1 FY19: £409.7m) and a profit
before tax of £423.0m (H1 FY19: £408.0m).
As well as causing the significant
reduction in completion volumes with
the associated impact on our profitability
this year, COVID-19 has resulted in
significant additional costs. During the
lockdown period and in preparation for site
recommencement we incurred £45.2m of 13

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 13 07-Sep-20 4:54:26 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Chief Executive’s statement CONTINUED

where cladding has needed to be removed The health and safety of our employees,
and replaced. After these adjusted items sub-contractors and customers remains
we delivered a profit from operations for a fundamental priority. We have continued
the year of £493.4m (2019: £901.1m) at an to rebuild productivity levels and have seen
operating margin of 14.4% (2019: 18.9%). our production levels continue to improve,
Total shareholder return As a result, we experienced a decline in
benefiting from the return of additional
sub-contractors, extended operating hours
for the three years ended profit before tax for the year to £491.8m on many of our sites and with delayed
(2019: £909.8m).
30 June 2020 new sites commencing construction. As
The closure of all of our construction we continue to build our capacity this
(2019: 36.8% for the three years ended will provide the foundation for increasing
sites by 27 March 2020 came at our peak
30 June 2019) volumes following the COVID-19 disruption,
point for work in progress. Prior to the
pandemic we had been expecting to achieve whilst maintaining our industry leading
completions ahead of the 17,856 homes we quality.

achieved last year, and had been investing
Whilst land buying was temporarily
in work in progress to deliver a substantial
suspended, we remained active in the
number of homes in our fourth quarter.
land market, negotiating attractive fully
As a result of this and the decrease in our
conditional options. We have now re-
profit for the year, our ROCE, which had
entered the market selectively, maintaining
NHBC Pride in the grown from 23.9% in FY15 to 29.7% in FY19,
our disciplined approach, where we see
Jobs Awards reduced to 15.6% in FY20.
attractive opportunities.
(2019: 84) Our balance sheet remains strong, with year
Our operating framework and appropriate
end net cash of £308.2m (2019: £765.7m),
capital structure have served us well
land creditors of £791.9m (2019: £960.7m)
over the last three years. The resilience
and therefore a modest total gearing
they have created was demonstrated in
(including land creditors) of 12.3% (2019:
FY20 given the unprecedented impact
4.9%). At 30 June 2020 our net tangible
of COVID-19. Reflecting the changed
assets were £3,933.3m (2019: £3,960.8m).
economic and trading backdrop we
Throughout the year we have maintained have adjusted our operating framework
a disciplined approach across our to reflect our dividend policy, include a
operations and this combined with our new target range for land creditor usage
strong balance sheet will enable us to and introduced a target for minimal total
keep investing in our business as market indebtedness in the medium term.
conditions become clearer.
We enter FY21 focused on rebuilding both
our completion volumes and our financial
performance towards our unchanged
medium term targets.

FY20 Areas of focus for FY21 Medium term targets

Wholly 12,034 • Driving site based construction Disciplined growth in

owned homes activity wholly owned home
completions • Maximising sales for customers who completions
will not qualify under the new Help to
Buy scheme
• Wholly owned home completion
growth to 14,500 - 15,000 homes in

Gross 18.0% • Rebuilding site based construction Land acquisition at a

margin activity to improve fixed cost recovery minimum 23% gross
• Controlling materials and labour margin and optimising
cost inflation performance

ROCE 15.6% • Tight control of working capital with Minimum of 25%

build release aligned with home delivered through
completion cash generation improving margin and
• Focus on cash with selective return to operating
land spend beyond land creditor framework


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 14 07-Sep-20 4:54:26 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Sustainability sustainability focus areas that matter most Sustainability is embedded in our business
We are committed to creating a positive to our stakeholders. Each of these areas through our purpose to lead the future of
has set targets and KPIs, with a member of housebuilding by putting our customers

Strategic Report
environmental, social and economic legacy
for future generations. This goes to the core the Board accountable for specific actions at the heart of everything we do. This is
of quality housebuilding – creating high to ensure delivery. delivered through our strategic priorities
quality homes and communities in great of customer first, great places, leading
We have also put in place new sector
places, and ensuring we provide a positive construction and investing in our people,
leading targets:
legacy that helps local communities thrive. and our principles of keeping people safe,
• Earlier this year we became the first being a trusted partner, building strong
Providing confidence to our customers that
national housebuilder to publish community relationships, safeguarding the
their homes are designed and built to meet
science-based targets for reducing environment and ensuring the financial
the challenges of the future is vital, and
carbon emissions, and the new net health of our business.
underpins our business.
zero goal extends this sustainability
The protection and enhancement of the roadmap further; Customer first: Leadership in
resources on which our business relies, quality and service
• Commitment to purchase 100% of our
our people, the communities in which operational electricity from renewable We have a long term commitment to quality
we operate, our partners and the planet sources by 2025; and customer service and we believe
require that we do business sustainably our industry leadership in these areas is
• Committed to delivering low carbon
and create value for our stakeholders. fundamental to maintaining the strength and
homes for customers, we set a target to
Good governance of these activities and resilience of our business. This enduring
ensure new standard housetypes will be
connecting social, environmental and commitment to quality and customer
net zero carbon in use from 2030; and
economic value across our business leads service has been evidenced through external
to better long term decisions. • By 2040 we will become a net zero benchmarking. We are the only major
greenhouse gas emissions business housebuilder to be awarded the maximum
From keeping people safe and healthy 5 Star rating by our customers in the HBF
to ensuring sustainable and responsible across all of our direct operations.
customer satisfaction survey for 11 years in
sourcing, our Sustainability Framework a row and our customer satisfaction rating is
2020+ ensures we continually progress the consistently above 90%.

↑ Barratt Homes at The Spires, St Ives, Cambridgeshire. 15

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Barratt Developments PLC

Chief Executive’s statement CONTINUED

Great places: We remain committed to support all of our employees throughout our
building more high quality homes period of hibernation on their normal pay.
We remain committed to playing our part We are building a diverse and inclusive
in addressing the housing shortage. We workforce that reflects the communities in
design attractive developments that meet which we operate, delivering excellence for
our high quality standards and through our customers by drawing on a broad range
effective place making, will enhance local of talents, skills and experience.
communities for years to come. 93 of our
sites received Built for Life accreditations, We are investing for the future and
23 of which were rated outstanding. continue to develop award winning
schemes including those for graduates,
Leading construction: Construction apprentices and former Armed Forces
excellence and modern methods of personnel, alongside our own Degree
construction Apprenticeship in Residential Development
We seek to achieve excellence across all and Construction run in conjunction with
aspects of construction. Our people take Sheffield Hallam University.
pride in what they do and this helps us We also continue to collaborate with the
put customers first by delivering industry wider housebuilding industry. We actively
leading quality homes. This commitment participate in the Home Building Skills
has once again been recognised through Partnership, which aims to attract new
the NHBC Pride in the Job Awards where entrants to the industry, provide the skills
in June 2020 our site managers were for today and the future, and support the
awarded 92 awards, more than any other supply chain in developing the skills they
housebuilder for the 16th consecutive year. need to support our industry.
We are also committed to increasing the We seek to create a great place to work
number of homes we build using MMC to founded on an open and honest culture.
increase efficiency and to help mitigate the We engage with our employees on a
challenges posed by the shortage of skilled regular basis so we can understand their
workers within the industry. We continue to issues and concerns and address them.
develop, trial and implement MMC. In 2020 We carry out an annual engagement
we constructed 2,652 homes (21% of our survey, further surveys throughout the
home completions) using MMC including year and consult with our Workforce
timber frame, large format block and offsite Forum. The feedback received is used to
manufactured ground floor solutions and drive continual improvements. Employee
roof cassettes. Our target is to use MMC engagement remains a key measure of
in the construction of 25% of our homes our success and we are pleased to have calculated higher hourly rate of pay that is
by 2025. maintained UK upper quartile performance based on the actual cost of living. Receiving
Timber frame construction is a sustainable, in our engagement survey for the seventh this accreditation demonstrates our
low energy method of build and is consecutive year. commitment to our employees as well as
assembled in factories to high standards. our suppliers and sub-contractors.
We value everyone for who they are and the
Over the last three years, we have unique contribution they bring. We seek Keeping people safe
built 6,035 homes using timber frame, to represent the communities in which we A fundamental priority is to provide a safe
the majority in Scotland. We are also operate and we know that a diverse team working environment for all our employees
increasing its use across England and means a stronger business, is better for our and sub-contractors. We are committed to
Wales. Last year, we acquired Oregon, a UK customers and makes us a more attractive achieving the highest industry health and
manufacturer of timber frames. Oregon, employer. Through our Diversity and safety standard and the wellbeing of our
which was already one of our key timber Inclusion strategy we remain committed people is paramount to us.
frame suppliers providing high quality to creating an inclusive environment for
products and excellent customer service, everyone. We have identified targets for Prior to COVID-19, increased activity
has continued to expand and has opened gender and ethnicity representation, our levels across the industry in terms of
an additional factory as we look to expand leaders have completed Diversity and site openings and production volumes
further our use of timber frame. Inclusion training and all of our employees combined with shortages of skilled
complete mandatory diversity e-learning as employees and sub-contractors to
Investing in our people
part of their induction. We have expanded contribute to an increased risk of accidents
Our employees have reacted in a resilient on sites.
our career development program for female
and adaptable way during the challenges
leaders and are committed to supporting Following the outbreak of COVID-19 the
posed by COVID-19, both those who worked
underrepresented groups, to ensure risk profile of our sites was fundamentally
hard to get us ready to restart on site, and
everyone reaches their potential. reassessed, particularly around the
those who were not able to work during the
period of temporary closure, many of whom We are now an accredited Living Wage demands for social distancing. Our
were inspirational as volunteers in their Employer, making us one of the first major sites are operating safely with COVID-19
local communities. I would like to take this housebuilders to receive the accreditation. working practices and protocols that
opportunity to thank them for the support The real Living Wage is different to the have been established in line with the
and commitment that they have shown to Government’s National Minimum and latest guidance from Government, Public
our business. We were pleased to be able to Living Wage, as it is an independently Health Authorities and the Construction


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 16 07-Sep-20 4:54:32 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

← Steven Luemba who purchased a Barratt

London apartment at New Mill Quarter,
Hackbridge Road, Wallington, London.

Strategic Report
“We are committed
to creating a positive
environmental, social
and economic legacy for
future generations. This
goes to the core of quality
housebuilding – creating
high quality homes and
communities in great
places, and ensuring
we provide a positive
legacy that helps local
communities thrive.”
David Thomas
Chief Executive

Leadership Council. This includes changes Safeguarding the environment

to signage, site welfare facilities and Reducing carbon emissions
compounds, site access and walkways.
We recognise the contribution we can
We have also enhanced our induction,
make to the UK’s reduction of carbon
training and support for our employees and
emissions and in May 2019 we signed a
sub-contractors in response to COVID-19.
letter alongside 127 other businesses,
We have received an Assurance Statement
investors and business networks calling for
from the British Safety Council certifying
the Government to accept the Committee
that our COVID-19 workplace safety, health
on Climate Change’s proposed target and
and environmental arrangements are in
make Britain net zero carbon by 2050.
accordance with current guidance and best
practice, demonstrating our commitment to In January 2020 the Board approved our
providing a safe and healthy workplace. own new challenging science-based carbon
reduction targets. In our own operations
We have stringent standards and a
we will aim to reduce carbon emissions by
continuous focus on health and safety
29% from FY18 to FY25, through measures
throughout our business. In line with the
like reducing diesel used by generators
industry we are seeing pressures in this
on site, amending our vehicle policies
area but we continue to seek to reduce
and implementing energy efficiency
the number of injuries occurring. We are
opportunities across our offices, sites,
committed to improving our processes
sales centres and show homes. During
and procedures and challenging unsafe
the year our carbon intensity measure
behaviours. We also continue to focus on
increased by 9.7% mainly as a result of
ensuring workers do not suffer long term
delays between our construction activities
issues associated with their work activities
and home completions.
and are looking at ways we can further
improve standards. In the year ended In addition, we are focused on the
30 June 2020, our reportable injury incidence measurable steps that we can take to
rate was 256 (2019: 297) per 100,000 workers reduce both the embodied carbon in our
and our Health and Safety SHE audit supply chain and in-use carbon from
compliance rate was 96% (2019: 96%). our homes, including increasing the use 17

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 17 07-Sep-20 4:54:35 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Chief Executive’s statement CONTINUED

of timber frame in home construction,

which is a sustainable technology. We
have set a target to reduce indirect carbon
emissions by 11% from our supply chain
and our homes by 2030. Partnerships
with our suppliers and sub-contractors
are key to the delivery of our goals and we
continue to engage with them in respect
of this. In July this year we launched a
Sustainability Capability Matrix with our
suppliers, enabling our category managers
to work with our suppliers and together
drive progress against our sustainability
We are working with Innovate UK on
AIMCH, a research project to compare
issues such as embodied carbon in homes
and the generation of waste between offsite
and traditional build methods. We are
actively looking at how we can meet the
Future Homes Standard and design homes
which are not connected to the gas grid.
Biodiversity and water
We are aiming to create a net positive
impact for ecology and biodiversity across
all developments we are progressing
through planning from 2020. We hold a
strategic partnership with the RSPB and
released wildlife friendly show home garden
guidance in July 2019. This mandates newly
designed show home gardens to reach at
least ‘Bronze Level’ standard against RSPB
We have also published our 'Approach to
Water', which explains the ways in which
the business is mitigating the risks from
flooding and freshwater scarcity both to our
business and to the communities in which
we operate.
Waste ↑ Chloe Fitzgibbon, a sales adviser at our Wychwood Park, Haywards Heath, West Sussex.
We continue to focus on waste and resource
efficiencies and take practical steps in our
operations to reduce waste. Charitable giving In the early stages of the pandemic, we also
We are committed to creating a positive donated 5,000 medical standard facemasks
We have disappointingly seen a further rise
legacy in the communities in which we to the NHS and all 400 of our defibrillators
in waste intensity of 18% in FY20 (FY19:
live and work and we aim to be industry to St John Ambulance and St Andrew’s First
8% increase). This is an 8.6% increase
leading in our approach to charitable giving Aid. This is in addition to our Big Barratt
compared to the baseline in FY15 and puts
and social responsibility. We believe it is NHS Thank You, under which we provide a
our longer term target for waste reduction
important to support charitable causes deposit contribution to NHS workers trying
at risk. We have undertaken a review and
both locally and nationally and we actively to get onto the property ladder. To date the
identified that onsite segregation can be
promote charitable giving and volunteering NHS Thank You has funded over £10.0m of
improved. We commenced a back to basics
amongst our employees. In FY20 we raised deposit contributions.
campaign in order to reinforce monitoring
and tracking of waste reduction actions and donated £4.4m (FY19: £2.9m) for The Group has also entered into new
across our sites. charitable causes. partnerships with a number of charities
COVID-19 has made it all the more this year. In September 2019, we signed up
As part of our efforts to analyse and
important to do what we can to support our to a three year £1m partnership agreement
understand the root causes of waste, we
communities. We have donated £100,000 with Outward Bound Trust. The Trust uses
also conducted a survey of 72 suppliers to
to the NHS Charities Together directly and outdoor adventure programmes to help
investigate the extent and types of single
an additional £50,000 to NHS Charities young people access nature and build
use plastic packaging on site, identifying
Together through The Sun’s Who Cares Wins resilience and self-belief. Our partnership
opportunities to reduce it through further
campaign, as well as, £25,000 to The Big will help around 2,400 children, while 82 of
Issue to support vendors who were unable to our employees will get the opportunity to
sell the magazine during the lockdown. act as mentors on Outward Bound


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

courses. We also entered into a three year Dividend policy We are pleased that since the start of
partnership with HighGround to help fund We recognise the importance of dividends the new financial year we have seen our
horticultural therapy services for injured production increase, constructing the

Strategic Report
to our shareholders. Going forward, we
service personnel and became the official believe that it is in the best interests equivalent of 347 homes in the week ending
sponsors of the Whizz Kidz Kidz Board, a of shareholders to have a long term 23 August 2020 and we are on track to
group of young wheelchair users who meet predictable dividend income stream, deliver our planned output.
to discuss and develop recommendations through an ordinary dividend policy with Based on current market conditions,
around the issues facing disabled young a defined level of ordinary dividend cover. construction activity levels and assuming
people. These partnerships build on our When the Board believes the time is right it no further lockdowns, we expect to grow
existing partnerships with St Mungo’s, a will implement a dividend policy based on a wholly owned completions to between
homelessness charity, The Royal British dividend cover of 2.5 times. 14,500 and 15,000 homes in FY21, and in
Legion Industries (RBLI) helping build
addition around 650 completions from our
a Centenary Village for ex-servicemen Current trading and outlook joint ventures, whilst ensuring we maintain
and women, as well as our long term
We are focused on rebuilding our our industry leading standards of quality
commitment to the RSPB to improve
completion volumes to our medium term and service.
the sustainability of our developments,
target and capacity of 20,000 homes.
enhancing and improving habitats and Whilst there continues to be economic
We have acquired land in recent years
supporting wildlife. and political uncertainty, the Group is in a
at a minimum 23% gross margin, and
through our continued focus on operating strong position. We have a substantial net
Two of the Group’s five principles are
efficiencies and the rebuilding of cash balance, a well-capitalised balance
‘Being a trusted partner’ and ‘Building
completion volumes, we continue to target sheet, a healthy forward sales position, a
strong community relationships’ and we
a minimum 25% ROCE in the medium term. continued focus on delivery of operational
are committed to partnering with local
improvements across our business and
organisations to support and improve
The sales performance across all regions an ongoing commitment to deliver high
communities and leave a positive legacy
in the new financial year to date has been quality homes across the country. We have
in the areas in which we work. Through
encouraging, with net private reservations therefore now re-entered the land market
the Barratt & David Wilson Community
per average week of 314 (FY20: 250), selectively, maintaining our disciplined
Fund this year we have supported a range
resulting in net private reservations approach, where we see attractive
of different causes, from new equipment
per active outlet per average week of opportunities.
for a local sports club to playgroups at
0.94 (FY20: 0.68). We have also seen a
a children’s hospice, and from support Our experienced Board remains focused on
substantial increase in home completion
groups for cancer sufferers to library taking the actions necessary to safeguard
volumes in the eight weeks to 23 August
buses for local schools. A number of our the operational and financial strength of the
2020, which were up 62.4% compared to
divisions also supported the fight against business whilst our first priority remains
the prior period at 1,439 homes including
COVID-19, donating to Meals for the NHS the health and safety of our employees,
JVs (25 August 2019: 886 homes including
and St John Ambulance. sub-contractors and customers.
JVs). The increased activity levels are being
stimulated by a combination of pent-up The Board will continue to monitor the
demand, the Stamp Duty holiday and an market and economy and believes that
understanding that Help to Buy will only be our strong financial position provides us
available to first time buyers and regional with the resilience and flexibility to react to
home price caps will exist from April 2021. changes in the operating environment in
Our total forward sales, including JVs as at FY21 and beyond.
23 August 2020 stood at 15,660 homes (25
August 2019: 13,064 homes) at a value of
£3,706.5m (25 August 2019: £3,037.5m). David Thomas
Chief Executive
23 August 2020 25 August 2019 Variance % 1 September 2020
£m Homes £m Homes £m Homes
Private 2,143.7 6,577 1,583.5 5,088 35.4 29.3
Affordable 1,277.6 8,249 1,133.9 7,089 12.7 16.4
Wholly owned 3,421.3 14,826 2,717.4 12,177 25.9 21.8
JV 285.2 834 320.1 887 (10.9) (6.0)
Total 3,706.5 15,660 3,037.5 13,064 22.0 19.9 19

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 19 07-Sep-20 4:54:35 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Chief Financial Officer’s review

Our financial performance this year is substantially

lower than our expectations after our half year
performance due to the significant impact of
COVID-19. The strength of our balance sheet, the
resilience embedded in our business model and the
immediate actions taken by the Board positioned us
well for the challenges arising from COVID-19.

“Our operating framework Results for the year ended 30 June 2020
and appropriate capital Profitability
We delivered a resilient performance on home reservations in the year given that COVID-19
structure has served us resulted in the physical closure of our sales centres from 23 March until 21 May in England,
well over the last three 11 June in Scotland and 25 June in Wales. Our overall net private reservation rate for the
year was 0.60 (2019: 0.70) per active outlet per average week.
years. The resilience
We had three distinct periods for reservations in the year as follows:
they have created was
Pre lockdown Lockdown Post lockdown
demonstrated in FY20 given 38 Weeks 8 Weeks 6 Weeks Full Year
the unprecedented impact (1 July to (23 March to (18 May to (1 July to
22 March) 17 May) 30 June) 30 June)
of COVID-19.” 2020 0.73 (0.10) 0.63 0.60
Jessica White 2019* 0.68 0.82 0.69 0.70
Chief Financial Officer Variance % 7.4% n/m (8.7%) (14.3%)
* 2019 is equivalent period.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Following the reopening of our sales
market was stable with a net reservation centres and our controlled restart of
rate of 0.73 per active outlet per average construction activities, we achieved a net
week, 7.4% up on the 0.68 achieved in the reservation rate of 0.63 per active outlet
prior year equivalent period (‘PYEP’). per average week for the last six weeks
of our financial year. Whilst this was 8.7%
Whilst we kept our sales centres open
below the PYEP, this rate included all of our
virtually throughout the pandemic, and
active outlets in a period where our sales
implemented new selling techniques centres gradually reopened. We also saw
using technology, during the lockdown
our cancellation rate return to more normal
period we experienced a lower level of levels in this period.
reservations as most customers prefer to
visit our sales centres before reserving. We During the year, we operated from an
also experienced a relatively high level of average of 366 active outlets (2019: 379
cancellations in this period, a reflection of outlets) including JVs. We launched 75
build-related delays to completion dates new outlets (2019: 163 outlets) including
and employment uncertainty for some JVs in the year with the lockdown severely
customers. This resulted in a net negative curtailing new outlet openings in the final
reservation rate of 0.10 per active outlet per quarter. In FY21 we expect to operate
average week. This period is normally the from a slightly lower number of active
height of the spring selling season with 0.82 outlets reflecting delays to new site
net private reservations secured in the PYEP. commencements created by the impact of
the period of lockdown on our operations.
We expect to legally complete a similar
proportion of affordable homes at c. 20% of
total home completions in FY21.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 20 07-Sep-20 4:54:36 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Strategic Report
Following the disruption to build from the site closure, lockdown and restart process, completion volumes substantially declined year on
year as follows:

Completions (homes) FY20 FY19 Change

Private 9,568 13,533 (29.3%)
Affordable 2,466 3,578 (31.1%)
JV 570 745 (23.5%)
Total (including JVs) 12,604 17,856 (29.4%)

Selling prices have remained resilient pandemic due to a material reduction This year, we delivered an adjusted
throughout the year, with no discernible in completion volumes and substantial operating profit of £507.3m (2019: £904.3m)
change in pricing levels post COVID-19. additional costs. at an adjusted operating margin of 14.8%
Our total average selling price ('ASP') (2019: 19.0%). The decline reflected
Our adjusted gross margin in FY20 was
was £280.3k (2019: £274.4k), with private the reduction in adjusted gross margin
18.5% (2019: 22.8%), with the decline
ASP at £310.6k (2019: £312.0k), reflecting partly offset by a significant reduction in
primarily reflecting the reduction in
changes in mix with a lower proportion administrative expenses primarily due
completion volumes coupled with additional
of completions from London. Outside of to the effect of COVID-19 on incentive
costs associated with expected extended
London, our private ASP increased by 2.2% schemes. Operating margin was 14.4%
site durations. Adjusted gross margin also
to £303.6k (2019: £297.2k), mainly driven by (2019: 18.9%) again reflecting the costs
includes 150 bps of non-recurring costs,
geographical mix. Affordable ASP increased associated with legacy properties and CJRS
relating to non-productive site overheads
by 23.3% to £163.0k (2019: £132.2k) grant income.
during lockdown (£45.2m, 130 bps impact)
reflecting changes in mix, primarily the
and an inventory provision (£8.2m, 20 bps The chart details the movements in
proportion of completions from London.
impact). Including adjusted items from operating margin in FY20 with further detail
The significant progress against our legacy property costs and CJRS grant provided on page 22.
medium term targets and our profitability income, gross margin was 18.0%
was severely impacted by the COVID-19 (2019: 22.8%).

Non-recurring items Trading items Non-recurring items

40 bps 220 bps 190 bps
40 bps


190 bps

50 bps 50 bps

90 bps 20 bps
18.9% 18.5% 120 bps
60 bps 130 bps

120 bps
14.0% 80 bps

FY19 Remove FY19 Volume Transition Net Site Mix & Admin Inventory Non- FY20 Cost on Grant FY20
non- subtotal impact to new inflation extension other expenses provision productive adjusted legacy income
recurring sites charge site properties in respect
items overhead of COVID-19
Increase Decrease 21

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 21 07-Sep-20 4:54:36 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Chief Financial Officer’s review CONTINUED

The decline in adjusted operating margin • Mix and other items: changes in sales There were two adjusted items recognised
reflects a number of factors: mix and other smaller items combined during the year, being costs associated
• Completion volumes: the most to create a 60 bps negative impact. with legacy properties and grant income
significant impact related to the decline • Administrative expenses: following the received under the CJRS.
in wholly owned home completion onset of COVID-19 we took a number • Cost associated with legacy
volumes. The 29.7% or 5,077 reduction of actions to reduce costs, including properties: the Group incurred an
in wholly owned completions created a the cessation of all recruitment activity additional £39.9m (2019: £6.9m) of
190 bps negative impact. and the decision to make no payments costs in the year. Of this, £11.4m
• New sites: the benefit of the Group’s under the FY20 annual bonus scheme, related to legacy properties comprising
minimum 23% gross margin on which contributed to a significant costs related to developments where
incremental site openings as well as reduction in administrative expenses. cladding has needed to be removed
the improved build cost performance of This added 120 bps to the adjusted and replaced. The remaining £28.5m
our housing range generated a 50 bps operating margin. In FY21, we expect relates to Citiscape and the associated
positive impact. administrative expenses will revert to review. As previously announced, in
previous levels at c. £195m. July, in line with our commitment
• Net impact of build costs relative to
selling prices: modest sales price • Inventory provision charge: primarily to customers and recognising the
inflation across the year relative to resulting from changes in the expected responsibility we have for the work
underlying build cost inflation produced commercial revenues following the of our partners, we took the decision
a 50 bps negative impact. substantial deterioration in the retail to pay for required remedial action
and restaurant sector, reduced the on the reinforced concrete frame at
• Site extension costs: this arises from viability of a mixed use site and, as a Citiscape, a development designed for
an expected extension in site durations result, there was a net charge of £8.2m us in 2001 by a third-party structural
due to COVID-19 of approximately with a 20 bps reduction. engineering firm, which would
six months reflecting the recovery in otherwise fall on leaseholders. We
site efficiency through to year end. • Non-productive site overheads:
these costs, which would normally apologise unreservedly to affected
In line with our accounting policy, customers that the standards that we
which requires an equal margin to be be capitalised to WIP were instead
expensed due to the absence of activity set for ourselves and our partners were
recognised on all homes completed not met at these developments. While
in the financial year and future years, during the lockdown period and totalled
£45.2m. These costs related to safety we have no legal liability to cover the
there was a charge of £29.1m across costs of this work, as a responsible
all ongoing sites in 2020 and a 90 measures, non-productive site and
site-based employee costs and had a developer, we appointed independent
bps negative impact on the adjusted structural engineers to review the
operating margin. 130 bps negative impact on the adjusted
operating margin. other developments where reinforced
concrete frames were designed for us
↓ Our New Lubbesthorpe development in
Leicestershire, winner of the RTPI national by either the same original engineering
award for Excellence in Planning to Deliver firm or by other companies within the
Homes in Large Schemes.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 22 07-Sep-20 4:54:40 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

group of companies which has since As a result, profit before tax for the year Balance sheet
acquired it. The preliminary reviews declined to £491.8m (2019: £909.8m). The The Group’s net assets at 30 June 2020
of all of these developments have not tax charge for the year was £89.1m (2019:

Strategic Report
totalled £4,840.3m (2019: £4,869.0m) after
identified any issues as severe as those £170.4m) at an effective rate of 18.1% the payment of dividends totalling £373.2m
present at Citiscape. Engineers are now (2019: 18.7%). (2019: £452.3m).
undertaking more detailed reviews to
Basic earnings per share reduced to 39.4 At 30 June 2020, the Group had net cash
see if any remediation of the concrete
pence per share (2019: 73.2 pence per balances of £308.2m (2019: £765.7m).
frames is required and in line with our
share). As at 30 June 2020 land creditors had
commitment to put our customers first,
we will ensure that no costs associated With the substantial decline in Group reduced to £791.9m (2019: £960.7m) and
with these remedial works are borne profitability in FY20, our ROCE, which had equated to 25.4% (2019: 31.3%) of the
by leaseholders. The total costs for improved from 23.9% in FY15 to 29.7% in owned land bank, in line with our pre-
the required remedial programme at FY19 and was 29.3% in the 12 month period existing operating framework, but also
Citiscape, the structural engineering to 31 December 2019, reduced to 15.6% reflecting our suspension of land buying
reviews and remediation required at in FY20. activity from March through to August. Our
other buildings, is estimated to be total gearing, including land creditors, has
around £70m, of which, based on the Cash flow increased to 12.3% at 30 June 2020 (2019:
Group’s liability for works at 30 June, Net cash decreased to £308.2m at 30 June 4.9%) an increase of 740 bps. Whilst our
£22.1m was provided in H2 FY20. At 2020 (2019: £765.7m). The decline in net total gearing, including land creditors,
its meeting on 5 July 2020, the Board cash primarily reflected a £121.0m net cash has reduced by 360 bps since 2016, we are
committed to pay for other remedial outflow from operating activities (2019: focused on reducing it from the current
works including Citiscape, with a total £361.3m cash inflow), a net £41.0m cash level over the medium term.
estimated cost of £48m, which will be inflow from reduced investment in joint In FY21, we expect average net cash of
charged in FY21. ventures (2019: £15.9m cash inflow) and c. £300m across our financial year, and
• CJRS grant income: through the period £373.2m dividends paid to shareholders in net cash balance of around £550m at
of temporary closure of the business, the year (2019: £452.3m). 30 June 2021. Land creditors are expected
where around 85% of our employees The major drivers of the net cash outflow to further reduce, reflecting the suspension
were placed on furlough, we used the from operating activities in the year to of land buying in FY20 and the timing of
Government’s CJRS receiving £26.0m. 30 June 2020 were: payments due to existing land creditors,
With our employees, other than those with £492.9m falling due for payment in
shielding, having returned from • The reduced level of profit from
FY21. Land creditors due beyond FY21 total
furlough at the start of July and our operations, which declined to £493.4m
£299.0m at 30 June 2020 (2019: £385.6m due
financial position remaining resilient, (2019: £901.1m);
beyond FY20).
the Board decided on 5 July 2020 to • A cash outflow in respect of working
repay all furlough funds received. With capital and provisions of £428.1m (2019: Net tangible assets were £3,933.3m (386
the decision to repay CJRS funds taken £347.5m); and pence per share) at 30 June 2020 (2019:
after the year end, we have recognised £3,960.8m, 389 pence per share). Land,
• Interest and tax payments which
the total grant income received in FY20 net of land creditors, and work in progress
totalled £199.0m (2019: £171.8m).
as an adjusted item. In FY21 the return totalled £4,172.8m (410 pence per share) at
of this grant income will be recognised The £428.1m outflow in respect of working 30 June 2020 (2019: £3,743.7m, 368 pence
as an expense in adjusted items. capital and provisions consisted of: per share).
• A £211.8m increase in inventories
As a result, we delivered an operating profit
reflecting the additional construction
of £493.4m (2019: £901.1m).
work in progress carried at the end
Net finance charges were £29.9m (2019: of the year following the disruption
£28.8m). This £1.1m increase reflects the to completions caused by COVID-19,
cash phasing profile in the year, a £2.0m as well as a modest increase in land
finance charge on leased assets following investment;
the adoption of the new accounting • A £129.3m decrease in receivables
standard offset by a £1.6m reduction in which reflected the lower level of
the imputed interest on land creditors, construction and sales activity in the
which as a proportion of our owned land last quarter caused by COVID-19;
bank reduced in line with our operating
• A £373.8m decrease in respect of
framework. In FY21, finance costs are
payables. This consisted of a £168.8m
expected to be similar to FY20 at c. £30m,
reduction in land creditors and a
of which c. £10m is cash and c. £20m is
£216.7m decrease in trade payables
reflecting payments made to our
Joint ventures delivered a reduced profit for suppliers and sub-contractors, which
the year of £28.3m (2019: £37.5m) reflecting were not replaced at the same level due
reduced profit from land sales and the to the lower level of construction activity
impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on due to the impact of COVID-19 in our
both build activity and completions. In FY21, last quarter; and
we expect to deliver around 650 joint • A £28.2m increase in provisions as a
venture completions. result of additional costs associated
with legacy properties. 23

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 23 07-Sep-20 4:54:41 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Chief Financial Officer’s review CONTINUED

The key dimensions underpinning Our land bank at 30 June comprised:

delivery of our strategy
Our land bank 30 June 2020 30 June 2019
Land and planning
The land market prior to COVID-19 remained Owned and unconditional land bank (plots) 68,393 66,423
stable allowing our operations to secure Conditionally contracted land bank (plots) 11,931 13,599
plots on attractive terms at our minimum
23% gross margin and 25% ROCE hurdle Total owned and controlled land bank (plots) 80,324 80,022
rates. We acted quickly and decisively in Number of years’ supply 6.7 4.7
response to COVID-19, and in line with
our established action plan for significant JVs owned and controlled land bank (plots) 5,400 5,207
unexpected events, suspended land Strategic land (acres) 13,271 11,995
purchasing on 19 March 2020. As a result,
we approved the purchase of significantly Land bank carrying value 3,112.3 3,071.6
less land in FY20 than we had envisaged
earlier in the financial year with £368.1m
(2019: £859.8m) of operational land approved At 30 June 2020, the ASP of plots in We continue to make further refinements
for purchase, which we expect to equate to our owned land bank was £276,000 to our housing ranges in response to
9,441 plots (2019: 18,448 plots). (2019:£275,000). the changing costs of certain trades and
materials, without affecting our quality or
The suspension of land buying activity both During the year we delivered 2,929 (2019: design standards. As part of our continuous
protected our cash flows and enabled us to 4,374) completions from strategically review process, we have introduced hipped
assess the market and gain greater clarity sourced land, and we converted 3,137 plots roof designs to some of our standard
on the economic impact of the pandemic. (2019: 7,915 plots) of strategic land into our housetypes, which reduce the amount of
owned and controlled land bank. Around brickwork required, and optimised internal
We have a strong land bank and have 20% of our strategic land is allocated or floor plans to achieve more usable living
therefore recommenced land buying included in draft local plans. We continue space from the same house footprint and
selectively, maintaining our disciplined to target 30% of completions from strategic increase profitability.
approach, where we see attractive land in the medium term, which we believe
opportunities. Including the payment of is an appropriate level for our business. We have a robust and carefully managed
land creditors, we would expect to invest supply chain with around 90% of the
c.£850m in land during FY21. (FY20: £780m Following our success with planning over housebuild materials sourced by our
invested in land). the past 12 months we are well positioned, centralised procurement function being
with all of our expected FY21 completions manufactured or assembled in the UK. We
Our target remains to have a regionally (2019: all of our FY20 completions) are also improving construction efficiency
balanced land portfolio with a supply of
Improving efficiency and reducing costs and reducing demand on labour through
owned land of c. 3.5 years and a further
implementing the new housetype ranges,
c. 1.0 year of controlled land. The aim Improving the efficiency of our operations
which are easier and quicker to build, and
for a shorter than sector average land and controlling costs whilst maintaining our
through the use of MMC such as timber
bank reflects our focus on ROCE and focus on quality and customer satisfaction
frames, large format block and light gauge
our fast build and sell model. Reflecting remains a key focus for the Group, as both
steel frames.
our reduced completion volumes in FY20 will enhance our margin and improve
due to COVID-19, at 30 June 2020 we are business resilience. Our new housetype We have fixed price agreements in place for
above this target with 6.7 years land supply ranges maintain our high standards of 95% of these materials to December 2020
comprising 5.7 years owned land and 1.0 design whilst being faster to build, helping and 62% are fixed until June 2021.
year of controlled land, with the owned land us to reduce build cost and are more
bank including land with both outline and suitable for MMC. We delivered 60% of our We are currently seeing limited pressure
detailed planning consents. completions, including JVs, outside London on skilled labour supply given the impact of
from these ranges across the country in the COVID-19 with any shortages being location
year (2019: 36%). Of our outlets, including and trade specific. We are also improving
JVs, 79% (2019: 72%) now have the new construction efficiency and reducing
product ranges. demand on labour through the continued
roll-out of our new housetype ranges,
Over the next few years, we would expect which are easier and quicker to build, and
that c. 90% of our outlets would be suitable through the use of MMC. We anticipate
for our new product ranges equating to inflation of between 1% and 2% for FY21
c. 85% of our completions. Our new housing broadly in line with FY20.
ranges cover all segments of our market
providing us with the flexibility to replan
sites to suit market conditions and meet
consumer demands should the need arise.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 24 07-Sep-20 4:54:41 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Operating framework and

capital structure

Strategic Report
Our operating framework and appropriate
capital structure has served us well
over the last three years. The resilience
they have created was demonstrated in
FY20 given the unprecedented impact of
We will continue to maintain an appropriate
capital structure as part of our disciplined
operating framework. Shareholders’ funds
and land creditors fund the longer term
requirements of the business and term
loans and bank debt fund the shorter term
requirements for working capital.
Reflecting the changed economic and
trading backdrop we have adjusted our
operating framework to reflect our future
dividend policy, include a new target range
for land creditor usage and to introduce
a target of minimal total indebtedness in
the medium term. Our revised operating
framework is as follows:
↑ Lucy Hendricks and Ythan Rickards who purchased an apartment at Barratt Homes’ Wychwood Park
development in Haywards Heath, West Sussex, using their savings, the Government’s Help to Buy
scheme and Barratt’s own NHS Deposit Contribution Scheme.

New operating framework Positions at 30 June 2020 and 2019

c. 3.5 years owned and c. 1.0 year 2020: 5.7 years owned and 1.0 year controlled
Land bank
controlled (2019: 3.9 years owned and 0.8 years controlled)

Reduce usage to 15 - 25% of the Reduced to 25.4%

Land creditors land bank over medium term
(2019: 31.3%)

Modest average net cash over the FY20 average net cash of £348.3m (2019: £298.3m)
financial year
Net cash
Year end net cash 2020: £308.2m
(2019: £765.7m)

Minimal year end total indebtedness 2020: total indebtedness of £483.7m

Total indebtedness (net cash and land creditors) in the medium term
(2019: total indebtedness of £195.0m)

Appropriate financing facilities £700m RCF extended to November 2024

£200m USPP maturing 2027

2.5× dividend cover FY20 no dividend proposed

Dividend policy
(at the appropriate time) (2019: 46.4p per share) 25

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 25 07-Sep-20 4:54:43 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Chief Financial Officer’s review CONTINUED

Our operating framework provides Pensions Tax strategy

the strong financial foundation for The Group operates a funded defined The Group recognises its broader social
our business: benefit pension scheme, which, with responsibilities to pay the right amount of
• Land bank: our land bank framework effect from 30 June 2009, ceased to tax at the right time. All of the profits of the
is unchanged. We continue to target a offer future accrual of defined benefit Group are subject to full UK corporation tax
regionally balanced land portfolio with pensions. Alternative defined contribution and the tax charge for the year ended
a supply of owned land of c. 3.5 years pension arrangements are in place for 30 June 2020 was £89.1m (2019: £170.4m).
and a further c. 1.0 year of controlled current employees. The Group operates
The Group does not enter into business
land reflecting our focus on ROCE and the Scheme under the UK regulatory
transactions which are for the sole
our fast build and sell model. We are framework, with a legally separate fund
purpose of reducing potential tax liabilities.
above this framework level, reflecting that is Trustee administered. The Trustees
The Group’s tax strategy is to only take
the decline in our completions. Through are responsible for ensuring that the
advantage of any available reliefs and
our focus on rebuilding completion Scheme is sufficiently funded to meet
exemptions which have been set out in
volumes, we expect to gradually realign current and future benefit payments and
any current tax legislation to minimise its
with our operating framework. for the investment policy with regard to
tax liabilities. The Group does not have a
Scheme assets.
• Land creditors: following the reduction target effective tax rate. The rate for the
in land creditors to 25.4% of the land Over the years, the defined benefit section year ended 30 June 2020 was 18.1% (2019:
bank in FY20, and in order to reduce has been well funded due to the successful 18.7%) which is marginally lower (2019:
gearing and further strengthen our working relationship between the Trustee lower) than the standard effective rate of
balance sheet, we have revised the and the Company. During the course of tax of 19.0% (2019: 19.0%).
targeted range of land creditor usage to FY20, both parties worked together to
a 15 – 25% range. investigate options for insuring the defined In a strong financial
• Net cash: in order to preserve a benefit members’ benefits with a UK-based position entering FY21
resilient balance sheet, we continue to insurance company, with the objective of During the year we have demonstrated
seek to maintain a modest average net ensuring the financial security of those financial discipline across our operations,
cash position over the financial year. benefits for the long term. After a detailed showing the benefit of our clear, well
selection process, on 16 June 2020, the embedded operating framework. We closed
• Total indebtedness: in order to Trustees entered into a ‘buy-in’ using a bulk the year with a strong financial position
strengthen our balance sheet further, annuity insurance contract with an insurer comprising a substantial net cash balance
in the medium term, we will target in respect of the liabilities of the defined and a well-capitalised balance sheet,
achieving a minimal total indebtedness benefit scheme. The insurer will pay into positioning us well for FY21.
at year end, where total indebtedness the Scheme cash matching the benefits due
is the combination of net cash and land to members. Jessica White
• Treasury: we will continue to maintain The Company was supportive of the 1 September 2020
an appropriate capital structure as Trustee’s investment decision as it reduces
part of our disciplined operating the risks in the Scheme and provides
framework, with shareholders’ funds additional security for the benefits due to
and land creditors funding the longer members of the Scheme.
term requirements of the business and The buy-in has resulted in a
with term loans and bank debt funding re-measurement of the Scheme’s assets,
shorter term requirements for working with an acturial loss of £69.2m recognised
capital. in the Group and Company Statement of
• Dividend policy: when the Board Comprehensive Income. Following the
believes the time is right it will buy-in there is a defined benefit asset of
implement a dividend policy based on a £3.5m on the Balance Sheet reflecting the
dividend cover of 2.5 times. remaining assets held by the Scheme.

Relationships with banks and cash
management are coordinated centrally
as a Group function. This year our cash
balances and bank overdrafts have been
presented gross rather than net with no
change in our net cash. The Board sets
and approves Treasury Policy and Senior
Management control day-to-day operations.
The Treasury Policy is intended to maintain
an appropriate capital structure and provide
the right platform for the business to
manage its operating risks. More detail on
Treasury Policy is included in note 5.4 to the
Financial Statements.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 26 07-Sep-20 4:54:43 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

↓ Barratt Homes at Saviours

Place, Stretton, Warrington.

Strategic Report 27

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 27 07-Sep-20 4:54:48 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC


The last financial year Uncertainty at the start of the year reflected the lack of consensus regarding the
ongoing EU withdrawal negotiations, which resulted first in a new Prime Minister, and
has seen a great deal of subsequently in a General Election that returned the largest parliamentary majority in 15
years. Although the housing market and the wider economy began to gather momentum
political and economic in the early part of 2020, COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown have since had an
upheaval. enormous impact on both – the UK economy contracted by 19% in the three months
to May 20201. Government intervention in the economy, such as the furlough scheme
for employees, income support for the self-employed and forbearance measures on
household and corporate debt have insulated the UK against a more severe economic
shock, but the impact on the economy as these measures are withdrawn is unclear.

The UK housing market has rebounded well since lockdown restrictions were eased,
likely due to a release of pent-up demand and assisted by government support like the
Stamp Duty holiday. However, there has been a reduction in high LTV mortgage lending,
which will be exacerbated by the restriction of Help to Buy from April 2021. There is also
expected to be an increase in unemployment in the next 12 months.
New build completions in Despite these headwinds, we believe that the underlying conditions for housebuilders
England 2018–19 remain positive. The majority of people want to own their own home; there is a long term
undersupply of high quality new housing; and the Government has demonstrated its
(2019: 195,294 New build completions in
support for the housebuilding industry.
England 2017–18)

Housing supply Government policies and the

The most accurate available data suggests planning system
that in the year to March 2019, the number The Government remains supportive of the
of new homes built in England increased housebuilding industry, and has made it
by 9.5% to 213,859, part of 241,335 net clear that increasing housebuilding is an
additions – the highest figure for 30 years. important part of its overall policy agenda.
Housebuilding output has increased by 80%
There is a good supply of homes coming
since 20132.
through the planning system, with the
However, for a number of years, the country annual number of permissions being
has failed to build enough homes. Since consistently above 350,000 for the last three
the economic crisis of 2008, it is estimated years. Permissions have also increased
England has generated a shortfall of over a by 95% since the introduction of the NPPF
million new homes. in 20123, which has significantly boosted
To respond to this undersupply, we development land supply. In August 2020
increased its build volumes by 60% in the the Government unveiled a range of
eight years to June 2019. Our completion proposed reforms with a view to speeding
volumes have fallen this year, by virtue up the approval process, and we would
of our decision to close our construction cautiously welcome these proposals.
sites, sales centres and offices to protect From April 2021, Help to Buy will be
our employees and the general public in restricted to first time buyers and subject
response to COVID-19. Strong financial to regional price caps, before the scheme
management, including during the is removed in 2023. We welcome the
pandemic, and an optimised organisational Government’s extension of the build
structure mean we are well placed to complete deadline of December 2020,
regrow volumes, and we remain committed which threatened to unfairly exclude
to our medium term target of 20,000 wholly thousands of new home buyers. Help to Buy
owned completions per annum. is an important part of the housing market,
helping grow volumes and supporting home
ownership for over 250,000 families since it
was implemented in 20134. With the recent
withdrawal of high LTV mortgages, it is
especially important that the Government
considers further measures to support
home ownership, and we await the results
of the pilot First Homes.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 28 07-Sep-20 4:54:48 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Additions to housing stock, England Savills UK Greenfield Development Land % of lenders offering high-LTV mortgages
Index versus English Planning Consents pre- and post- COVID-19

England moving annual planning consents pa (‘000s)


Strategic Report
300,000 120 450

Savills UK Greenfield Development Land Index

400 80%
250,000 100
200,000 80 300

(100 = 2007 peak)

150,000 60 40%

100,000 40 150 20%

50,000 20 0%

March ‘20

July ‘20

March ‘20

July ‘20
0 0 0







New Build Second hand

New build dwellings Savills UK Greenfield Development 85% LTV

Net conversions/demolitions Land Index 90% LTV
Net additional dwellings England-Planning consents (‘000’s) 95% LTV
Government target

In July 2021 the Government announced a The mortgage market We continually review and adapt our
Stamp Duty holiday, raising the threshold Mortgage approvals remained steady product ranges to fit the requirements of
at which the tax becomes payable to during the early part of the financial year, a changing market, and to ensure they
£500,000, which will support demand in the but demand increased after the general are available to a wide range of incomes
coming months. The Government has also election, to the point that in February 2020 and lifestyles. The flexibility of our range
recognised the role that the housebuilding annualised mortgage approvals reached also means we are able to re-plan sites
industry can play in helping the UK reach over 800,000 for the first time since according to market conditions and
its target of being net zero carbon by 2050. 2017. COVID-19 then caused a significant consumer demand as the need arises. We
We have responded to the Government’s reduction, with approvals in May 2020 87% continue to work with building societies,
policies by engaging with policymakers at lower than in May 2019. Since then, the banks and other financial institutions
each stage of their development to ensure market has rebounded, with approvals for to both introduce more lenders to the
that the voices of the industry and of our the year to June of 653,5005. new build sector and to increase lender
customers are heard. We have planned understanding.
Low interest rates continue to make
for the forthcoming Help to Buy changes mortgage service costs relatively affordable
through our forward land-buying decisions, with some 28.2% of average disposable
as well as changes to both product design earnings required to service a typical
and to the mix of product on sites. We mortgage, still usefully below the long term
are promoting the Stamp Duty holiday to average of 32.9%6.
customers, so that they can take advantage Sources
of the reduced moving costs. However, mortgage qualification is 1. ONS, GDP Monthly Estimate,
becoming more challenging as mainstream
We contributed to the Government’s mortgage lenders withdraw their higher bulletins/gdpmonthlyestimateuk/may2020,
consultation on the Future Homes LTV products, particularly on new build July 2020.
Standard, and we have committed that all of properties. None of the mainstream 2. MHCLG, Table 120: components of housing
our new standard housetypes designs will mortgage lenders are currently offering supply; net additional dwellings,
be net zero carbon from 2030, alongside a mortgage of 95% LTV on a new build
other ambitious targets. You can read property. In particular, this will affect
about our science-based targets for carbon November 2019.
home movers looking to upsize who lack
emission reduction on page 234 to 236. significant equity in their existing home,
3. HBF and Glenigan, Housing pipeline report –
Q3 2019 report,
or first time buyers who are trying to buy housing-pipeline-report-q3-2019-report/,
homes above the Help to Buy regional February 2020.
price caps. 4. MHCLG, Help to Buy equity loan statistics,
July 2020.
5. Bank of England, A5.4 Approvals for
lending secured on dwellings,, July 2020.
6. “The mortgage payment to earnings ratio
is calculated using the Halifax standardised
average house price (seasonally adjusted),
average disposable earnings for all full time
employees and the Bank of England monthly
average rate for new advances to households.” 29

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 29 07-Sep-20 4:54:49 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Business model

Our purpose is to lead the future of housebuilding by putting

customers at the heart of everything we do.

Key resources Investment in the housebuilding value chain

Our key resources are what we utilise

to create value, and the outcomes
resulting from this value creation.

Financial health
• Financial capital
Construction and developments
• Building materials
Our people
• Employees and contractors
• Health and safety procedures
• Training of our employees
Strong community relationships,
our partners and supply chain
• Local government and engagement
• Landowner engagement
• Mortgage availability and Targeted land Construction
affordability buying and effective excellence,
• Community relations planning Outstanding design innovation and
• Supply chain partnerships We purchase land in We design outstanding efficiency
targeted locations in homes using We build quality
• Joint venture partnerships
line with our hurdle standardised house homes efficiently, with
• Planning permissions rates, which enables designs. Through centralised procurement
• Customer satisfaction us to satisfy the needs customer research we and sharing of best
of our customers and continually strive to practice, while ensuring
Design and innovation communities. innovate and develop high standards of
• Design of homes and developments these designs. We health and safety. Our
We work closely with
• Approaches to building homes using design 'Great places' experienced teams
local communities and
MMC that will stand the test ensure efficient delivery
authorities to deliver
of time. of our developments and
Land and environment effective planning
permissions that enable continue to work with
• Land bank suppliers to develop and
us to create sustainable
• Land approvals places for our customers test various forms of
• Energy to live. MMC and reduce carbon
emissions, waste and
• Water water use.
• Timber sourcing

Competitive advantages

Commitment to quality and Doing the right thing, customer

customer service focus and pride in what we do
We are the industry leaders in quality and Our business is founded on a culture of
customer service. We have made a significant doing the right thing, customer focus
investment over many years in our processes and pride in what we do. This culture is
and procedures to support this. Our quality and ingrained and guides the actions of our
service performance is key to the strength of employees to ensure our commitment to
our business, our reputation and our licence to quality and customer service is delivered
operate in communities across the country. across all areas of our business model.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 30 07-Sep-20 4:54:50 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

This purpose defines the way we do business and is incorporated within our
business model, enabling us to deliver value, create sustainable returns for

Strategic Report
shareholders and make a positive difference to stakeholders.

Value for stakeholders Long term value creation

Customers Financial health

We are the only major national Shareholder returns:
housebuilder to achieve the maximum
• I n total £1.6bn returned to
5 Star HBF rating for customer
shareholders to November 2019.
satisfaction for 11 consecutive years.
We provide our customers with a • C
OVID-19 created unprecedented
positive home buying experience and uncertainty, resulting in no dividend
dedicated after-sales care. payments in respect of FY20.
Shareholders • 2
.5 times dividend cover policy.
Our revenue derives principally Construction and developments
from the sale of homes we build. • H
igh quality homes and
Maintaining a good level of sales developments that socially
of our homes leads to revenues and environmentally enhance
and returns to shareholders. We communities, and leave a lasting
continually focus on improving legacy for future generations.
our operations and their efficiency
through our medium term targets, Our people
which support sustainable • J ob creation and skills
Industry leading shareholder returns. enhancement, addressing the
industry’s skills shortage. Skilled
customer Employees and engaged employees protected
Innovative sales experience We aim to attract and retain the by high standards of health and
and marketing We focus on best people by investing in their safety.
We constantly maintaining the development to ensure they have the
very highest levels right skills. We create a great place to Strong community relationships,
innovate our sales
and marketing of quality, seeking work, founded on an open and honest our partners and supply chain
methods to to understand culture that embraces diversity and • D
elivery of quality homes while
customers and invest customer needs and inclusion. addressing the UK’s housing
in IT to help deliver provide a first-class shortage.
sales. customer experience • P
ositive legacy for local
throughout the home Local investment in infrastructure
and regeneration. communities from building great
Our strong, well buying process. places to live.
recognised brands We recognise that our suppliers and
– Barratt Homes, sub-contractors are critical to the • Taxation contribution.
David Wilson Homes delivery of our strategic objectives • D
esign and innovation.
and Barratt London – and we invest in our relationships • T
rusted reputation with sustainable
have carefully defined with them to make us the developer brand recognition.
market positions. of choice.
• C
ontinual improvement and
Communities innovative solutions developed in
We seek to create a positive legacy collaboration with supply chain.
that helps local communities to thrive. Land and environment
Wider society • Create a net positive impact for
We are building the homes the ecology and biodiversity across
Resilient, sustainable business country needs, creating jobs and all new developments that we
We are a resilient and adaptable business that supporting economic growth. progress through planning from
is built for long term growth while responding to 2020 onwards.
and embracing change across all areas of our • R
eduction in energy consumption,
operations. This is what enables us to deliver carbon emissions, waste
strong financial and operational performance generation and water.
and create long term value for our stakeholders. • I ncreased use of timber frames,
renewable materials that use
less energy than conventional
construction methods. 31

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 31 07-Sep-20 4:54:51 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Aligning our purpose, strategic priorities,

principles and culture
Our purpose is to lead the future of Our strategy is divided into four strategic which are embedded in our operations and
housebuilding by putting customers priorities: Customer first; Great places; the way we work. Underpinning all of these
at the heart of everything we do. This Leading construction; and Investing in activities is a culture, which demonstrates
defines our actions and the way we do our people, with sustainability embedded we do the right thing, we have a strong
business. We believe that high quality throughout our priorities. This helps us customer focus, we are resilient and
homes and excellent customer service to deliver our purpose. These strategic adaptable and have pride in what we do.
are fundamental to our ongoing success. priorities are supported by our principles,

Our purpose Strategic priorities

To lead the future Customer first

of housebuilding The quality of our homes and our high

standards of customer service are key to
our ongoing success

by putting  ead more on pages 50 to 51


customers at
the heart of
everything we do

Great places
We secure good value land and planning
consents and design great places where
people aspire to live
R ead more
more on
on pages
pages 52
•• to
to 53


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 32 07-Sep-20 4:54:55 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Strategic Report
Our principles Our culture

Doing the
Keeping people safe
 ead more on pages 62 to 63
right thing

Being a trusted partner Customer

Leading construction
 ead more on pages 64 to 65
R focus
We deliver the highest quality homes by
focusing on excellence across all
aspects of construction

Read more on pages 54 to 57

Building strong
community relationships Resilience
 ead more on pages 66 to 67
R and adaptability

Safeguarding the
 ead more on pages 68 to 70
Pride in
what we do

Investing in our people

Our people are the heart of our business
and we aim to attract and retain the best
people by investing in their development Ensuring the financial
and success health of the business
 ead more on pages 92 to 95
 ead more on pages 58 to 61
R  ead more on pages 16 to 21
R 33

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 33 07-Sep-20 4:54:57 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

How our strategic priorities and principles

support our purpose and culture
Our priorities Description Progress in FY20

The quality of our homes • HBF 5 Star status for the 11th
and our high standards of consecutive year, the only major
customer service are key to national housebuilder to achieve
supporting our purpose. Our this record.
culture of customer focus • Delivered 2,466 affordable
and doing the right thing help homes.
Customer first
us to continue to enhance
• Launched an NHS and Armed
our customer first strategic
Forces Deposit Contribution

We secure high quality land • RTPI national award for

and planning consents. Excellence in Planning.
Our people take pride in • 93 Built for Life accreditations,
what they do and design 23 of which are outstanding.
our developments with
• Land acquisition temporarily
customers at the heart of
Great places their decisions, making them
suspended from March to August
2020 in response to COVID-19.
places where people aspire
to live. • Owned and controlled land bank
of 6.7 years.
• Biodiversity Net Gain good
practice guide for technical,
commercial and construction
teams to be developed.

We seek to achieve • Supreme Winner in the Large

excellence across all aspects Builder category for the 2019
of construction. Our people NHBC Pride in the Job Awards.
take pride in what they • 92 Pride in the Job Awards, more
do and this helps us put than any other housebuilder for
customers first by delivering 16 consecutive years.
Leading industry leading quality
construction • Continue to focus on waste and
waste intensity as this important

Our people are our most • Upper quartile engagement

important asset. We aim to score of 84.2%.
attract and retain the best • 4.1 training days on average per
people by investing in their employee.
development and success.
• Due to our ongoing efforts in this
This investment enables our
Investing in people to meet the needs of
area, and the uncertainty created
our people by COVID-19, we have seen a
our customers, taking pride
decrease in employee turnover
in what they do, and deliver
of 6% to 10%.
the highest quality homes
and developments. • 7% of employees were from
BAME backgrounds, and 2.1% of
senior leadership positions held
by BAME employees.
• Women in 14% of leadership
roles. See pages 60 and 61 for
information on diversity and
• Health and wellbeing focus
recognised by being shortlisted
for the prestigious Personnel
Today Health and Wellbeing


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 34 07-Sep-20 4:54:59 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Our principles Description Progress in FY20

Strategic Report
We are committed to • 9
6% SHE audit compliance.
achieving the highest • 1
4% reduction in IIR rate to 256
industry health and safety per 100,000 persons employed
standards. This allows us (including sub-contractors).
to safely deliver high quality
• E
nhanced COVID-19 working
homes for our customers.
practices and protocols
Keeping people

We build long term • C

ontinued engagement with
relationships that make us suppliers.
the developer of choice for • S
cience-based target set during
our partners. Our partners the year, including a target to
and supply chain support our reduce carbon emissions from
delivery of quality homes. We our supply chain by 11% by 2030.
Being a trusted are adapting and innovating
partner • G
ood progress on our AIMCH
with our supply chain to
cross-stakeholder project with
drive efficiency and meet our
six advanced closed panel
customer needs.
timber frame homes completed.

We forge strong community • L

ess than 5% of the units we
relationships to ensure build require planning appeal at
we build high quality a local level.
developments where people • £
599m of local contributions and
aspire to live. We provide the physical works contributions.
facilities people need and
Building strong ensure we create a positive
• £
4.4m raised and donated to
community charities during the year.
legacy that helps local
relationships communities thrive.

We aim to be the leading • D

ue to the impact of COVID-19,
national sustainable we saw an absolute 23%
housebuilder, building a reduction in greenhouse gas
resilient business ready for emissions, but a 9.7% increase
the future. We seek to build in carbon intensity to 1.92
homes and places that are tonnes of CO2e per 100m2 of
adapted for climate change legally completed build area
the environment and seek to enhance local due to the resulting delay in
habitats and biodiversity. completions.

We maintain financial • N
et cash at 30 June 2020 of
discipline across all aspects £308.2m with average net cash
of our operations. This for FY20 of £348.3m.
enables us to deliver its • L
and creditors reduced to 25.4%
operational targets whilst of owned land bank, in line with
maintaining our industry our operating framework.
Ensuring the leading standards of
financial health • A
ppropriate financing facilities.
customer and build quality.
of our business

← Aimee Amos, a sales adviser at our Dickens

Gate development in Staplehurst Kent. Our
sales centres are operating with COVID-19
working practices and protocols. 35

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 35 07-Sep-20 4:55:01 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Sustainability focus areas

We are committed to creating a positive Providing confidence to our customers our partners, the natural environment
environmental, social and economic legacy that their homes are designed and built and the planet – require that we do
for future generations. This goes to the core to meet the challenges of the future is business sustainably and create value
of quality housebuilding – creating great vital, and underpins the ability of our for our stakeholders. Good governance
places, homes, and communities, which business to thrive and grow. The protection of these activities and connecting social,
stand the test of time, with life at the centre and enhancement of the resources on environmental and economic value
of it all. which our business relies – our people, across our business leads to better long
the communities in which we operate, term decisions.

Our purpose
To lead the future of housebuilding by putting customers at the heart of everything we do

Strategic priorities

Customer first Great places Leading construction Investing in our people

The delivery and success of our strategic priorities depends on our principles being implemented effectively throughout our business
and operations. Our core principles guide our culture and support us becoming a more successful and sustainable business.

Our principles

Keeping people Being a trusted Building strong Safeguarding the Ensuring the
safe partner community environment financial health of
relationships the business

Our principles are reflected in our sustainability focus areas. We identified key targets for each of our sustainability focus areas,
ensuring that we consistently drive forwards on the areas that matter most to our stakeholders.

Sustainability focus areas and key targets

Sustainable places Innovative, efficient Attracting, Keeping people Responsible
to live construction retaining and safe and healthy sourcing
inspiring people
Target for new standard 25% of homes built with 7% workforce on training Maintain annual injury 100% of centrally
housetype designs MMC by 2025 programmes incidence rate at below procured timber
to be net zero carbon 2015 levels sustainably sourced
from 2030 By 2040 Barratt will Maintain 30% female
become a net zero Board members Provide leading 11% reduction in indirect
Create a net positive greenhouse gas health and wellbeing emissions by 2030
impact for ecology and emissions business Maintain appropriate programmes
level of employee 50% of carbon intensive
biodiversity across all covering all of its direct
turnover trades to be Supply Chain
developments that operations, with a 29%
Sustainability School
we progress through reduction in direct 10% increase in BAME members by end of 2021.
planning from 2020 carbon emissions employees by end of See page 65 for more
onwards targeted by 2025 2021 information
100% of completed 100% of own electricity
developments to be renewable by 2025
silver standard or above
when assessed against 20% less construction
our own design initiative waste by 2025
Great Places which aligns
to Government endorsed
Building for Life


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 36 07-Sep-20 4:55:02 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

From keeping people safe and healthy As previously reported, to determine the More detail on our progress against our
to ensuring sustainable and responsible areas of focus, we held a full materiality sustainability focus areas and targets can
sourcing, our Sustainability Framework assessment in FY19. be found within our strategic priorities and

Strategic Report
2020+ ensures we continually progress the principles.
Alongside our materiality assessment we
sustainability focus areas that matter most
reviewed our strategy against the 17 United
to our stakeholders. Each of these has set
Nations Sustainability Development Goals
targets and KPIs, with a member of the
(UN SDGs). We carefully considered each
Board accountable for delivery.
one and its underlying indicators to discover
which are most relevant to our business and
where we can make the biggest contribution
to this global framework.

Sustainability Sustainable Read more about

focus area development goals Material issues Goal our progress Risks

The lifetime environmental Meet the expectations  ead more about

performance of our homes of customers and Great places on pages
and buildings we build communities by delivering 52 to 53 B
Sustainable sustainable places to live
 ead more about
places to live Affordability that satisfy the need for
Safeguarding the
further housing, whilst J
environment on pages
also providing a positive 68 to 70

Innovation (MMC) Minimise our use of  ead more about

materials and energy, Leading construction
Waste created by our D
reduce waste generation on pages 54 to 57
Innovative and maximise low carbon
 ead more about
efficient The energy we use and opportunities in all
Safeguarding the
construction carbon emissions of our aspects of our business F
operations through innovation and on pages 68 to 70
development. H

How we recruit and retain Continue to invest in and  ead more about
the best talent develop our people, and Investing in our people
to identify new pools of on pages 58 to 61 H
The development and
talent to help us deliver
training of our employees J
Attracting, ongoing growth.
inspiring and How we are creating
investing in opportunities for young
people people
How we are engaging with
our employees

Our approach to health Provide a safe and  ead more about

and safety healthy environment for Keeping people safe
our employees, sub- on pages 62 to 63 H
Promoting the physical
Keeping contractors, and people
and mental wellbeing J
living in the communities
people safe of our employees
where we build our homes
and operate our offices.

Having an energy Work in partnership with  ead more about

Sustainable efficient and low carbon our supply chain and sub- Great places on pages
supply chain contractors to operate 52 to 53 F
responsibly and use
responsible  ead more about
resources efficiently.
sourcing Trusted partner on
pages 64 to 65 J 37

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 37 07-Sep-20 4:55:04 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Section 172(1) statement

On the following pages We understand that it is important for

the business at all levels, including the
we have set out how the Board, to engage with its shareholders and
wider stakeholder groups. By engaging
Board has acted in a way with our stakeholders we gain a better
that promotes the success understanding of what areas they are
interested in or concerned about and
of the Company for the also how our decisions have impacted
benefit of its members as a them. Healthy engagement with our
stakeholders underpins our governance
whole, in accordance with framework, which is embedded throughout
our business and helps to ensure we
the requirements of the maintain high standards of business
Companies (Miscellaneous conduct. The Executive Directors update
the Board on a regular basis on stakeholder
Reporting) Regulations engagement and wherever possible,
2018, whilst having regard members of the Board will engage directly
with our stakeholders. Engagement with
to the following matters set shareholders and other stakeholders
supports the Board’s regard to the likely
out in s.172(1) of the Act: consequences of any decision in the long
• the likely consequences of any decision term, as explained further in the business
in the long term; model on pages 30 to 31, Key activities of
• the interests of the Group’s employees; the Board on pages 89 to 91, Sustainability
focus areas on pages 36 to 37, Safeguarding
• the need to foster the Group’s business our Environment pages 68 to 70 and
relationships with suppliers, customers throughout our Strategic priorities and
and others; principles on pages 50 to 70.
• the impact of the Group’s operations on
the community and the environment; The Board appreciates that there may
be situations where conflicts will arise
• the desirability of the Group maintaining between different stakeholder groups. In
a reputation for high standards of such circumstances, the Board will seek to
business conduct; and understand the needs and priorities of each
• the need to act fairly as between stakeholder group during its discussions
members of the Company. and as part of its decision making process.
It will manage any such conflicts by
This reporting requirement applies to
assessing shareholder and stakeholder
the Company for the first time this year.
interests from the perspective of the long
However, we did include a comprehensive
term sustainable success of the business.
section 172(1) statement and stakeholder
engagement disclosure in our Annual COVID-19, the associated lockdown and
Report and Accounts for FY19. subsequent business restart, required the
Board to act swiftly and decisively (see
pages 8 and 12 for more information). The
Board remained mindful of the implications
that their decisions would have on our
stakeholders. This highlighted the continual
need for regular clear and comprehensive
engagement with our stakeholders
throughout the decision making process.
The next few pages set out how we have
engaged with, and taken into consideration,
the interests and concerns of our
stakeholders who are material to the
long term success of the business. These
stakeholders continue to represent the key
resources and relationships that support
the generation and preservation of value
in the Group, as well as our culture of
openness and communication.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 38 07-Sep-20 4:55:04 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder engagement
plays an important

Strategic Report
part of our day to day
operations. The Board
is kept appraised of
the feedback received
and takes this into Shareholders Employees
account when making  ead more on pages 40 to 41
R  ead more on pages 42 to 43

decisions that may

impact our stakeholders
either collectively or

Customers Sub-contractors and

 ead more on page 44
supply chain
 ead more on page 45

Local communities Banks and analysts

 ead more on page 46
R  ead more on page 47

Government and
 ead more on pages 48 to 49
R 39

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 39 07-Sep-20 4:55:05 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Stakeholder engagement CONTINUED


How we engage

Board updates Annual General Meeting

• Regular updates are provided to the Board by the Chief • On the assumption that we are able to hold a physical AGM
Financial Officer, the Company's brokers and the investor in 2020:
relations team on the Company’s investor relations activities −− the Chief Executive will update shareholders on the
and analyst feedback, to ensure that all Directors are Group’s performance and activities during the year
aware of, and have a clear understanding of, the views of including how the business responded to the impact of
major shareholders. COVID-19;
−− Shareholders will have the opportunity to meet Board
Investor meetings and consultations members and air any issues or queries they may have
about the business; and
• The Executive Directors and Investor Relations Team follow −− The Chairman and each Board Committee Chair will be
a comprehensive programme of investor meetings and calls, available throughout the AGM to answer any queries.
particularly following the release of annual and half year • The Notice of AGM will be circulated to all shareholders at
results and trading updates. least 20 business days prior to the meeting. All resolutions
• In FY20, we engaged with our shareholders as follows: will be voted on by way of a poll, which is more representative
−− The Executive Directors, supported by Senior of shareholder voting intentions.
Management, attended 135 investor meetings, (119 • Shareholders will be able to submit questions to the Board via
one-to-one meetings and 15 group meetings), along with email or post prior to the AGM
one site visit, engaging with around 30% of our current
shareholders (by shareholding value);
−− Investor roadshows were organised in London, Edinburgh, Website
Birmingham, New York and Boston;
• Our comprehensive investor website was updated and reviewed
−− The Remuneration Committee Chairman consulted with quarterly to ensure that information relating to matters such
major shareholders and proxy voting agencies on the as sustainability, governance and our response to COVID-19
Group’s Remuneration Policy and remuneration outcomes; remains relevant.
−− The Chairman, the Senior Independent Director and other
Non-Executive Directors were available to attend meetings Correspondence (email/letter/telephone/video conference)
with major shareholders at the request of either party to
gain an understanding of any issues and concerns. • The Company Secretarial team, together with the Company’s
Registrars, engaged with our retail shareholders to deal
with enquiries relating to their shareholdings or information
Regulatory announcements requests.
• The Company Secretary notifies the Chairman and the Chief
During the financial year, in addition to our usual trading Executive of any areas of concern or importance raised by
updates in May, July and October and the half and full year retail shareholders. No such queries were raised during
announcements, we updated shareholders and investors on the year.
the impact of COVID-19 on the business and our response. This • We participated in indices and benchmarks such as
included information relating to the temporary closure of our FTSE4Good and CDP surveys.
construction sites, sales centres and offices, furlough of the
majority of employees, cancellation of the interim dividend and
the final ordinary and special dividends, voluntary salary/fee
reductions by the Board and Senior Management, application for
CCFF funding and CJRS funding, return of the CJRS funding and
the phased business restart.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 40 07-Sep-20 4:55:05 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Strategic Report
Interests and concerns

• Medium term targets

(completion growth and
margin potential)

• Dilution of
• Land
• Housetype shareholding
• Dividend

• Housing market
• Cladding and
fire safety
• ESG • Land bank
• Directors' • Economy • Land buying
• Business remuneration suspension
response to • Health, safety
COVID-19 and wellbeing • Dividend
• Sales and reinstatement
build levels
• Order book • Cancellation rates
• Redundancies • Government
resilience • ROCE
• Liquidity funding
• Cash flow
• Resilience • Productivity • Cost
• CCFF and structure
CJRS funding • Completion
volume recovery

Lockdown ess restart

Outcomes from engagement

• Shareholders kept fully informed of the performance of
the Group.
• Full understanding of the Board’s decisions as a
consequence of COVID-19 and the subsequent business
restart and how this impacts them.
• Reassurance that the Group continues to be in a strong
position and remains a good investment opportunity.
• Better understanding of shareholder expectations in
respect of ESG matters particularly climate change risks
and opportunities and how we relate to the UN SDGs.

Effect of engagement with shareholders

on Board decisions
• Return of CJRS grant income.
• Review of future office space requirements.
• Cancelled the interim dividend scheduled for payment in
May 2020.
• Decided to not recommend a final ordinary or special dividend
for FY20 in order to conserve cash.
• Committed to science-based carbon emission targets and
disclosures in line with the TCFD.
• Satisfied share schemes via market purchase rather than
new issue.
↑ Barratt Homes at The Long Shoot, Nuneaton, Warwickshire. 41

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 41 07-Sep-20 4:55:08 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Stakeholder engagement CONTINUED


How we engage

Health, safety and wellbeing Internal communication

• Briefings, e-learning modules, screensavers, webinars, • Intranet, emails and newsletters used to keep employees
emails and videos explaining the new social distancing informed of developments and important issues.
measures, monitoring closed sites, reopening of sites, how
• Senior Management conference held twice a year to discuss
employees can protect themselves, what to do in the case
Group performance and key areas of focus and to share ideas
of a suspected case of COVID-19 and control measures for
and best practice. Key messages and actions are cascaded
completion of defect resolution works.
throughout the organisation. Due to COVID-19 the meeting
• Key SHE messages continue to be reiterated at the Workforce scheduled for March 2020 was rescheduled and took place
Forum meetings, and opinion sought on how to improve the virtually in July 2020.
safety, health and wellbeing of the workforce.
• Weekly updates to all employees, including those on furlough,
• Additional webinars and e-learning modules made available issued by the Chief Executive to inform them of matters such
to support employees physical and mental wellbeing whilst as pay and holiday policies, reopening of sites, FY20 bonus and
working from home or on furlough. share schemes.
• Views sought for development of an induction app and • Dedicated COVID-19 email established for employees to air any
improving our SHE Management system. queries, concerns, feedback or ideas. Each email was reviewed
by the Chief Executive, the Company Secretary and the relevant
member of the Executive team.
Engagement survey

• Annual employee engagement survey to gain insight into the Interim Pulse surveys
issues that matter most to our employees.
• Results shared with the teams and action plans developed to • Undertaken on an ad-hoc basis to measure progress against
maintain or enhance employee engagement levels. action plans as a result of the engagement survey and gain
feedback on our response to COVID-19.
• Additional support for those divisions/regions/functions that
scored low in the survey.
Workforce Forum
• Met twice during the year. Meeting scheduled in April
cancelled due to COVID-19.
• Information gathered to determine the culture of the business,
through, amongst other methods: • Provided their views on the outcomes of the engagement
survey, restarting the business, pay and holiday policies and
−− Divisional and site visits by members of the Executive
how well the business has communicated throughout the
Committee and the Board;
−− Site visits by divisional teams;
• Members remain engaged and asked for their term on the
−− New starter interviews to capture their initial thoughts on forum to be increased from two to three years.
the culture and the induction process;
• Richard Akers, our Designated NED, now attends each
−− Exit interviews completed internally and reasons for Workforce Forum meeting and has a dedicated email
leaving tracked via our HR system; address for members of the Workforce Forum to contact him
−− Focus groups; and directly on any matters relating to the workplace, including
−− Engagement Survey. remuneration, on a confidential basis.

More details on our culture can be found on pages 32 to 33 and More information on the Workforce Forum can be found on page 60.
92 to 95.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 42 07-Sep-20 4:55:08 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Strategic Report
“During FY20 I attended all of the Interests and concerns
Workforce Forum meetings. I have been
very impressed by the professionalism
and commitment of both the Executive
• Career
team and the workforce representatives. progression
Discussions are open and very much
a two-way communication, with the • Training and
• Succession

Workforce Forum providing numerous

ideas for the improvement of diversity and
• Reward and
inclusion, furthering our commitment to recognition
the health and wellbeing of employees, • Work/life balance • Agile
• Ongoing and flexible
and sustainability. The end of the year was relationship working
• Physical and
dominated by the impact of COVID-19. The • Reopening of mental wellbeing
Workforce Forum will be fundamental in sites, sales
• Prompt payment

assessing the impact of COVID-19 on our and offices

• Impact of new
employees in FY21 and how we can better • Holidays • Job security measures on ability to
carry out work
• Health and
adopt new ways of working.” safety
• Remuneration
Richard Akers (furloughed
Senior Independent Director employees)

Lockdown ess restart

Outcomes of engagement Effect of engagement with employees

on Board decisions
• Suggestions by the Workforce Forum on the uniforms for
our sales teams, reducing the amount employees have to • Continued commitment of the Board to our employees'
raise to receive match funding and the new intranet, have development, wellbeing and diversity and inclusion strategies.
all been adopted. • New flexible working policy introduced.
• All divisions/functions proactively agreed and delivered • Normal pay continued for all employees on furlough.
‘action plans’ in response to the engagement survey.
• Introduced a temporary holiday policy, increasing the number
• Held focused Divisional Leadership team sessions on: of days that employees could sell and carry forward to the
−− ownership of dysfunctional relationships where these following year. Policy extended to weekly paid employees so
exist and take steps to address; and that they were not disadvantaged.
−− team collaboration. • Introduced a mechanism to reward those who had continued
• Agile and flexible working policies updated. to work throughout the lockdown period.
• Further enhanced our Health and Wellbeing Strategy. • Introduced new social distancing measures on site to
protect those employees returning to work including, but not
• Employees returned to work following reassurance that
limited to, enhanced signage, handwashing facilities, acrylic
appropriate measures were in place to safeguard their
screens, PPE as well as social distancing marshals to ensure
health and safety and that of their families.
compliance and updated SHE policies to reflect the new
• The response from the employee survey demonstrated measures.
that 93% of respondents felt that the Company’s overall
response to the impact of COVID-19 was good or very good. 43

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 43 07-Sep-20 4:55:09 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Stakeholder engagement CONTINUED


How we engage Interests and concerns

Customer satisfaction Pre-lockdown

• We place customers at the heart of everything we do and focus • Choices

on delivering excellent build quality, robust policies, industry available
leading training and resolving any customer problems quickly
• Cost and • Energy
and efficiently. location of efficiency
• Our Customer Care team is available to answer queries property
throughout the customer journey.
• Customers are encouraged to complete the HBF Homeowner • Customer
Survey and/or give us feedback through Trustpilot to help us experience
understand their customer experience. • Defect • Help to Buy
resolution • Health and
• During the lockdown period, tailored email communications safety • Build
• Quality delays
were sent to prospective customers, those in the sales journey • Affordability
and homeowners to inform them of our response to the • Mortgage
lockdown and how to contact members of the team. • Completion availability • Flexible
of purchase living
• Customer Care continued to provide limited support to deal
with emergencies.
• Green
• Emails sent to all customers on the restart of the business • Ability space
to confirm the schedule and safety precautions in place, to to move
safeguard them and our teams on site, in our sales centres and home • Amenities
and location
our show homes.
• We regularly updated our websites to include the latest
COVID-19 guidance, to allow customers to book virtual Lockdown ness restart
appointments and personalised virtual show home tours.
• Customers advised on the types of works our Customer
Care teams could undertake in accordance with Government Outcomes of engagement
guidelines including the safety precautions needed to be taken
by both the customer and our customer care operative. • Improved our sales reservation process to ensure all
milestone updates are consistent.
• We continued to communicate via social media both reactively
to deal with specific customer requests, and proactively • Developed our new CRM system and customer portal to
to update customers on safety procedures, reopening of ensure that customers have a single source of information
construction sites and sales centres and charitable donations. and a central repository.
• Updated our sales schemes and incentives and launched
deposit contribution schemes for the Armed Forces and
Customer research NHS staff.
• During FY20, we worked with customers to understand their • Updated the design and layout of our smaller product range.
perceptions and preferences related to sales incentives,
and to gain input to our planning for enhancing our smaller
product range. Effect of engagement with customers
on Board decisions
Industry trends
• Defect resolution included as an element of the annual
• We contributed to an HBF consultation where customers, and bonus scheme for FY21 to increase focus on reducing the
their elected officials, provided feedback about a lack of redress number of outstanding defects.
for new build homeowners. The Government is keen to improve • Supported a review into a smaller product range and
this by developments to the Consumer Code and launching a gaining further insight into future ways of living including
New Homes Ombudsman in 2021 which we fully support. flexible use of internal space and more green space.
• Continue to take into account customer satisfaction when
making decisions that may impact our customers.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 44 07-Sep-20 4:55:09 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Sub-contractors and supply chain

Strategic Report
How we engage Interests and concerns
Annual supplier conference Pre-l

• Conference rescheduled as a virtual meeting from March • MMC

2020 to July 2020, due to the restrictions in place as a result • Ensuring
of COVID-19. This gave us the opportunity to reassure our • Completion adequate and
suppliers of our continued relationship, understand their of works to a continuation of
issues and challenges and to set out our objectives for the high standard supplies
financial year ahead and their role in helping us achieve them.
• Sustainability
• Ongoing
• Carbon
Ongoing supplier relations relationship
• Meeting
• We work closely with our MMC partners to ensure their • Prompt demand
• Own financial payment
products meet our needs and standards and that there is a resilience
smooth transition into our core business. • Restarting their
• We held a workshop around net zero carbon and electric • Reopening of sites own business
and return to work • SHE
only heating. We invited 22 suppliers to allow them to better
understand each other’s drivers and challenges. • Complying with
• Paying their new working
• We remain fully supportive and engaged with the SCSS employees protocols
and retained our own Gold status. Our focus with key
suppliers is to move from “education” to “implementation” of Bus
environmental initiatives. We have been working with SCSS Lockdown iness restart
to develop a performance assessment approach that will
promote implementation of initiatives. This will be rolled out Outcomes of engagement
to our supply chain in FY21.
• We undertook surveys to understand how we could support • Introduced the use of our innovative pre-cast insulated
our suppliers to reduce the use of plastic and ensure that the concrete floor solution form NuSpan and Spantherm into our
timber that we utilise is sustainably sourced. core business after undergoing detailed investigation and
• We hold regular performance and business reviews, focusing trialling over the years since 2016.
on our ongoing relationship and health and safety. • A number of key actions relating to technology and innovation,
• Letters were sent to all sub-contractors and suppliers to skills, training and research, from the net zero carbon
explain our approach to temporarily closing the business and and electric only heating workshop have been fed into our
to reassure them of our continued support, particularly in roadmap towards net zero carbon.
terms of paying them on time. • Restarted on all of our sites with minimal disruption in the
• We engaged with our sub-contractors and suppliers on the availability of key supplies or on site labour in line with our
plans and timetable to reopen our construction sites and sales build requirements in a safe and secure manner.
centres to ensure that they were able to restart their own • All on site employees aware of our safe working procedures.
businesses safely and sustainably. We also notified them of the • Received positive feedback about our engagement during
new safe working protocols that they would need to comply with the COVID-19 pandemic, strengthening our reputation as a
in order to safeguard the health and safety of themselves, our trusted partner that does the right thing.
employees, customers and the general public.
• Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we leveraged our
• On site materials clearly explaining site safety procedures investment in supplier relationship development to secure
were provided in a number of languages. supplies of PPE and other consumable material requirements
directly related to new COVID-19 operating protocols.

Effect of engagement with sub-contractors

and the supply chain on Board decisions
• Instigated a review to ensure that the provision of key
materials were not reliant on sole providers.
• Created a sustainability supplier maturity matrix to support
our supply chain in building the capacity to address future
• Agreed a science-based target to reduce scope 3 emissions
for the business, and consequently reduce the emissions of
our suppliers. 45

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 45 07-Sep-20 4:55:09 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Stakeholder engagement CONTINUED

Local communities

How we engage Interests and concerns

Open communication Pre-lockdown

• Views of the local community obtained prior to starting work

on any site. Plans are developed based on the feedback
received and members of the local community are kept fully • Benefits for the
informed of progress throughout the construction of the site. local area

• We visited local schools to educate the children on the

construction process and the importance of health and safety
• Infrastructure • Investment in
around construction sites. the area
• Our socio-economic footprint demonstrates the value our
developments create for local communities.
• We issued letters to local residents informing them of the
• Availability of • Noise and air
COVID-19 working practices and protocols that we had put in public/green pollution
place prior to the phased reopening of our construction sites space
and sales centres. • Site security • Sustainability
• Maintenance of
• We updated our social media, corporate and brand websites • Regular open spaces
with videos and documents, which clearly and concisely monitoring • Charities - cause
explained our new safe working procedures to help us restart of sites awareness and
our business. fundraising
• Charities - survival
• We ensured that there was good levels of local and national
without corporate • SHE measures
coverage of our response to COVID-19, in particular: sponsors or donations
−− Our charitable donations to the NHS, 5,000 masks to St
John Ambulance and St Andrew's First Aid, defibrillators
to hospitals and local fundraising by divisions; • Timetable for
−− Return of CJRS funding; and of sites and
−− David Thomas’ opinion article in Show House magazine. sales centres

• We enhanced our site signage to clearly explain our safe

working procedures. Lockdown ess restart
• We briefed all of our site managers on how to address
concerns from members of the public.
• We arranged for our Customer Care teams to be provided
with scripts on how to appropriately address queries related Outcomes of engagement
to COVID-19.
• Re-planning of sites to take into account needs of the
community such as communal spaces, parks and schools.
• Developed mature-friendly garden guidance with the RSPB.
• Our social and environmental impact is an important concern • Low number of complaints from members of the public
to the Board and we continue to find ways to protect the about the way in which we implemented our temporary
environment through our operations. See Safeguarding the closure and restart of the business.
Environment on pages 68 to 70, and Sustainability Focus Areas
• Strong media coverage helped generate positive public
on pages 36 to 37 for how we maintain and improve our social
perception of our response to COVID-19.
and environmental value.
• Enhanced our relationship with the communities within
which we operate.
Charitable giving and volunteering

• We continued to support charities at a local and a national

level throughout the whole of FY20. During the lockdown Effect of engagement with local communities
period, donations were made at a Group level to support a on Board decisions
number of charities that had been adversely impacted by
COVID-19. More details on our charitable donations can be • The Board has agreed seven UN SDGs through which
found on pages 66 to 67. we can make the greatest contribution, as more local
authorities link their strategies to the SDGs.
• We continued to encourage our employees to volunteer and
spend time out in the community. During the lockdown period • Renewed our commitment, and updated our Great Places
we actively encouraged our furloughed colleagues to volunteer design, to include more elements of importance to
in their local communities. communities particularly health and wellbeing.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 46 07-Sep-20 4:55:09 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Banks and analysts

Strategic Report
How we engage Interests and concerns
Meetings and webcasts Pre-l

• The Chief Financial Officer and Head of Treasury hold update

meetings or calls after the annual results with each of the • Help to Buy
Banks in the RCF and the USPP investors. Additional calls
and meetings are held as appropriate throughout the year
including after our half year results. • Margin • Routes to
• Half yearly events are held for the banks in the RCF and the
USPP investors to mix on a more informal basis with Senior
Management. Due to COVID-19, only one meeting took place
in FY20.
• We held a number of update calls with our banks, USPP
investors and analysts on the impact of COVID-19 on our • 'Green'
products • Volume of
business, how we are mitigating against this and our plans • Covenant mortgage
to gradually reopen construction sites and sales centres compliance enquiries
together with information on the COVID-19 working practices
and protocols and measures that we would be putting in place • Business and • Loss of customers
to safeguard those returning to site and sales centres. financial • Liquidity • Completion
resilience • Cash position levels

Mortgage lender relations • Sales

and build
• We continue to work with mortgage lenders to encourage position
development of Green Mortgage products, which factor the
energy efficiency of our homes into mortgage assessment
B u si
processes. Lockdown ness restart
• Engagement with RICS and main surveying companies, in
order to collaborate with them to allow safe visits to sites.

Outcomes of engagement Effect of engagement with banks and analysts

on Board decisions
• Opportunity for the Group to discuss the market
environment and recent trends and for the banks to • Decision to apply for the CCFF funding to strengthen the
discuss the Company’s latest results and broaden their Company's liquidity position.
understanding of the Company. • Agreed to extend the RCF for a further year.
• In November 2019, we executed an extension on our RCF • Discussed investor concerns around climate risk and
by a year. carbon mitigation, and our response to this.
• Eligible to access CCFF funding if required. • Committed to science-based carbon emission targets and
• Open dialogue with lenders for alternatives to Help to Buy. evolving risk and opportunity disclosures in line with TCFD.
• Updated banks, analysts and lenders of the Group’s
continued resilience, strong balance sheet and liquidity
• Introduced a facility for customers to research mortgages
online with an independent specialist via a link from our
• Contributed to broadening the spread of lenders with
New Build propositions so that customers have greater
choice. Our buyers applied to over 50 different lenders
during the year. 47

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 47 07-Sep-20 4:55:09 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Stakeholder engagement CONTINUED

Government and regulators

How we engage Interests and concerns


• The Chief Executive and the Head of Corporate • Completion • Build

Communications met with members of Government, other volume quality
political parties and senior officials to provide an overview
of the housing industry and to provide feedback on potential
• Building
changes being considered by the Government. • Recession
• Meetings with bodies such as the BEIS Recovery Taskforce,
• Help to Buy
• Sponsorship of the Net Zero All-Party Parliamentary Group • Economic • Climate change
and a signatory to the COP26 Business Leaders Group. recovery

• Emails sent to all MPs, Council Leaders and Council Chief

• Future Homes
Executives outlining our overall approach towards temporarily • Health and safety Standard
closing our construction sites, sales centres, and offices. • Kickstarting the • First time
Followed by information on our phased reopening of our construction industry buyers
construction sites and sales centres and the COVID-19 safely to boost the • Carbon
economy reduction
working practices and protocols.
• We hosted MP site visits throughout the year.
• We attended a number of webinars and policy consultation
events to understand and provide feedback on Government’s Busi
Lockdown ness restart
plans on matters such as zero carbon homes and the Build
Back Better scheme.
Outcomes of engagement
• We provided feedback on a variety of consultations such as the
Future Homes Standard and the First Homes Scheme. • Help to Buy build complete deadline date extended enabling
• We maintain regular contact with officials in key departments: thousands of purchasers to buy their new homes.
Number 10, the Cabinet Office, the Treasury, MHCLG, BEIS, • Received a COVID-19 assurance statement certificate from
Homes England, and the Department of Health. the British Safety Council. Protocols and associated control
• Social media updates, and videos about our safe-working arrangements considered to be in accordance with current UK
procedures shared by the official Number 10 Twitter account. Government and sector specific guidelines and arrangements
for continual monitoring of their effectiveness are in place.
• We lobbied the Government to consider an extension to the
Help to Buy scheme in support of those customers whose • Contributed to initiatives to define how the Environment Bill
homes had been delayed beyond the build-complete deadline could legislate successfully to create biodiversity net gain on
of December 2020. new developments.
• Contributed to discussions on how to drive forward net zero
homes and green growth.
Regulators and local authorities • MPs saw first hand the working practices and protocols that
we had implemented and how we continue to monitor them.
• The Board is committed to ensuring that it is open and • Reassurance provided to the Government and the regulators
transparent with regulators and take their regulatory that we are doing the right thing by:
responsibilities very seriously. −− Our employees, by keeping them safe and on normal pay;
• We welcomed the British Safety Council’s request to undertake −− Our customers, by ensuring they can complete their
a robust COVID-19 Assurance Assessment of the COVID-19 purchases; and
working practices and protocols that we had implemented in −− The general public, through our industry leading site
order to restart our business. safety protocols and charitable contributions.
• We work closely with local authorities to ensure that our
developments meet the relevant planning requirements and
enhance the facilities and housing within the local area. Effect of engagement with Government and
regulators on Board decisions
• Broad understanding of Government policy and regulation
and the environment in which we operate.
• Greater understanding of the key drivers for housing policy
at a national and local level and impact on the land bids.
• Better idea of the potential legislation around biodiversity
net gain, and the Future Home Standards to help plan
investment and set targets such as new standard
housetypes designs being net zero carbon in use from 2030.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 48 07-Sep-20 4:55:10 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Strategic Report
↑ Boris Johnson, Prime Minister, Andrew Swindell, Regional Director East and Managing Director Northampton, Darren Price, Project Manager, and Matt
Quinn, bricklayer from our Northampton division at Willow Grove, Wixams, Bedfordshire. Image taken prior to the introduction of social distancing guidelines.

↑ Carl Sobolewski, Managing Director of our North East division, and Alex Cunningham, Labour MP for Stockton North – then Shadow Housing Minister at
our development Jubilee Gardens, Stockton–on-Tees. Image taken prior to the introduction of social distancing guidelines. 49

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 49 07-Sep-20 4:55:15 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Customer first
Our priorities

Britain needs more homes to address its long term Progress

housing shortage. While the industry needs to
increase volumes, it must also provide quality and Customer service
customer service. Our purpose is to lead the future of
housebuilding by putting customers at
the heart of everything we do. We have
Strategic priority made a significant investment over many
years in our processes and procedures in
support of this. During the year, we were
Customer satisfaction is key to our ongoing success. We deliver this through building high awarded the maximum HBF 5 Star status
quality homes and providing a good customer experience throughout the sales process, for the 11th consecutive year, the only
with quick resolution of post occupational issues. We anticipate our customers’ needs by major national housebuilder to achieve this
continuously improving the homes and places we build to meet changing lifestyles and tastes. record. We continue to drive improvements
to our customer journey and have adapted
our processes to protect and support our
Value created for customers as a result of COVID-19. In
March 2020, we decided to temporarily close
Our objectives stakeholders our construction sites, sales centres and
customer care operations, with the exception
of customer emergencies, in order to protect
Short term Short term our employees and our customers. We have
• Support our customers at this remained focused on the health and safety of
• D
esign, implement and update
challenging time. our employees and customers, throughout
COVID-19 secure sales processes and
this challenging time.
protocols. • Deliver homes to customers who are
• Develop virtual show home tours. in the sales journey to allow them to A range of safety measures have been
complete safely. introduced to our sales centres, which
• E
nsure adherence to revised process allowed them to commence a phased
and precautions for undertaking • Adapt our sales process using reopening from 21 May in England, 11 June
remedial work within customer homes. technology to support prospective in Scotland and 25 June in Wales. These
lan and adapt our sales processes and
• P customers to purchase a new home. measures meet or exceed government,
homes for the tapering and end of Help • Address after care issues, prioritising industry and public health agency advice
to Buy. those issues which cause any and include protective acrylic screens,
inconvenience for our customers. retractable barriers, strict social distancing,
Medium term and where necessary PPE, plus intercom
• Replace our CRM system and deliver an Medium term systems and door locks to enable customers
online portal providing customers with • Use insight gained from consumer to engage with sales teams before entering
a repository for documentation through research to improve and adapt our offices. Visits to sales centres and physical
the sales process and beyond, as well homes to suit the changing needs of viewings are currently only by appointment
as the ability to log any issues after customers. with one household visiting one property
legal completion. at a time. We have also signed up to the
• Work with mortgage lenders, new government and industry Charter for
• Develop content for customers to distributors and third party providers to Safe Working Practice – COVID-19, which
access regulated mortgage help, direct ensure appropriate finance is available supports best practice being adopted across
from our website. for customers. the industry. We are also able to complete
Long term Long term the sales process remotely through virtual
one-to-one show home tours where required
• S
upport the HBF with the launch of • Explore alternative tenures to improve by our customers.
the New Homes Ombudsman and affordability, allowing access to home
supporting Consumer Code. ownership to as many customers as Since starting to reopen our construction
possible. sites in mid-May, we have completed
homes to support our customers who were
• Continue to improve the energy already in the sales process before the
efficiency of our homes. disruption caused by COVID-19. To do this,
↓ The Mahmoud family, customers at our
Westburn Gardens development in Aberdeen. we developed a full suite of procedures to
allow homes to be completed and handed
over to customers safely. Our Customer
Care teams have restarted after-sales
repairs with a phased and prioritised
approach, with enhanced precautions to
enable social distancing during the work.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 50 07-Sep-20 4:55:16 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Strategic Report
Training and development We understand the importance of building Scheme giving a 5% deposit, (up to
We are committed to acting on our homes that are right for our customers £15,000), to help the country’s 1.5 million
customers’ feedback and in particular lifestyles. Those lifestyles can change NHS employees buy any new Barratt
driving improvements to our training over time and our products should too. or David Wilson home. We have also
and development to improve customer We expect that the ability to work from announced a new and improved Armed
experience. Our people are key to providing home will become more important for a Forces Deposit Contribution Scheme to
an excellent customer service experience large number of our customers, so we are help Armed Forces personnel climb the
and we are continuing to invest in training looking at options to demonstrate how work housing ladder. The scheme is available to
and development programmes for our stations can be incorporated into those all UK Armed Forces personnel who are
Construction, Sales & Marketing and housetypes within our core range that do
currently employed by the Army, Navy or
Customer Care teams to ensure they not currently include a separate work area.
RAF, or who have left in the past 12 months,
remain best in class. Our commitment to design and placemaking
includes considering the wellbeing of our and also offers a 5% deposit contribution,
Training has been provided to all our customers. We expect access to private (up to £15,000,) towards any new Barratt or
sales employees throughout the year external space, communal green spaces and David Wilson home.
including the latest measures for social access to walking and cycling will be even
distancing, customer safety and remote more desirable for customers going forward.
working. To enhance the digital skills See our Great places section on pages 52
of our sales team and to maximise the and 53 for more details.
Key material issues
usage and the effectiveness of our online
marketing channels, we have a formal We are continually striving to improve the • Development and training of our
sales methodology programme, which all energy efficiency of our homes and are employees.
sales employees have now completed. We adapting our home designs in response • Lifetime environmental
trained over 200 Customer Care employees to the Future Homes Standard and other performance of our homes and the
on new customer handling procedures changes to Building Regulations. 99% of
buildings we build.
and writing skills to improve our written our homes currently have an EPC rating of
A or B, and we are installing smart meters • Affordability.
on a number of our properties to help
Effective communication using our customers limit and understand their
energy and water usage.
technology KPIs
We understand buying a home is a big Finance and mortgage –

decision and customers need timely and affordability
relevant communications throughout
the process. One of the main channels Following the onset of COVID-19, the
of communication and marketing is our prospects for the wider UK economy and

5 Star
website, which provides interactive site the medium term impact on the new
plans across all device types. These enable homes market remain uncertain. Key to
customers to see real time plot availability the health of the new homes market is
across their chosen development. mortgage availability. Whilst there is a
We have continued to develop an online reduced level of availability of higher LTV
mortgages, demand from first time buyers (2019: HBF 5 Star)
portal to support home buyers during the
sales journey and after they have moved in. looking to use Help to Buy in England has Why we measure
In response to COVID-19 we have developed been significant since the housing market
reopened in mid-May. • Customer satisfaction is
personalised virtual show home tours using
mobile technology. We plan to use this fundamental to our business. The
Most of our customers require advice HBF Homebuilder Survey is an
technology much more going forward to
support prospective customers. on mortgages and financial assistance, industry-recognised, independently
which they can obtain through our measured indicator of our customer
Quality of our products network of recommended independent service and build quality.
We deliver high quality, sustainable, energy- mortgage advisers. To provide a seamless
efficient places to live that satisfy the and efficient service we have an online
needs of customers and communities. We mortgage advice service via a regulated
address local housing needs by providing third party to better inform our customers. Risks A I J K L
quality housing in the right locations to We are currently trialling a regulated
create communities that are right for our decision in principle functionality through Industry leading quality and customer
customers. this medium to support customers further. service are key to our brand and
Our new product ranges have been During the year, we were pleased to reputation, and to demand for our
consolidated and refined to ensure announce a number of initiatives in homes.
consistency across the Group without support of getting NHS and Armed Forces Changes in the economic environment
affecting our quality or design standards. employees onto the housing ladder. To
As part of our continuous review, we have and our sales market could affect
say thank you to all NHS employees customer confidence and the availability
optimised internal floor plans to achieve
working hard to look after people during of mortgages which could reduce sales
more usable living space for our customers.
the COVID-19 pandemic, in May 2020 we rates and volumes.
launched a new NHS Deposit Contribution 51

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 51 07-Sep-20 4:55:16 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Great places
Our priorities

The future of our business depends on securing the Progress

right land in the right locations where quality homes
are most needed, whilst exceeding our investment Land bank
hurdle rate. Our priority is to build in locations where
people aspire to live. We purchase land in
targeted locations which at least meet our
Strategic priority hurdle rates. Land is our key component
and our land bank remains an important
Our priority is building long term relationships to secure good value land and planning driver of value as it enables us to build
consents where people aspire to live. Our developments are of great design, are a pleasure the right product and create the right
to live on and will enhance local communities for years to come. communities, while supporting our volume
delivery. Ensuring our hurdle rates are
met based on current estimates of cost
Value created for and income is important for ensuring the
financial health of our business.
Our objectives stakeholders
In FY20, we approved the purchase of 9,441
plots, the reduction from the prior year
Short term Short term reflecting a pause to our land buying activity
• The designs of our homes are very from March to August 2020 in response
• C
ontinue to promote our Great Places
important to our customers and lead to the COVID-19 pandemic. In FY20, 24%
principles to our customers.
to long term satisfaction. We design (2019: 26%) of our home completions came
• Emphasise the wellbeing benefits of from strategic land and we continue to
placemaking to customers and other outstanding homes that suit our
customers’ lifestyles and needs, in target 30% of completions from strategic
stakeholders. land in the medium term.
developments that enhance existing
• Create a net positive impact for local communities. Our land bank measures our supply of
ecology and biodiversity across all
• Meeting the Group’s hurdle rates land, being the number of plots in our
developments that we progress through
reduces financial risk in the land land bank divided by the last 12 months
planning from 2020 onwards.
purchase process. Ensuring an of home completions. Home completions
Medium term attractive margin protects investment reduced in the current year as a result of
• Amend and improve our housetypes as for future growth. the closure of our construction sites in
necessary in order to meet changing response to COVID-19. As a result, our land
Medium term bank years have increased to 6.7 years of
planning, regulatory and customer
requirements, through collaboration • We engage actively with local owned and controlled land (2019: 4.7 years).
between divisions and the Group’s authorities in each of our 27 divisions, This provides appropriate visibility for our
technical team. as we believe this local knowledge immediate operational needs.
ensures we purchase the right land and
Long term obtain effective planning permission for Bringing land through the planning
our sites. system and into production is important
• Ensure that the Group can respond to
to support our business objectives. The
customer needs in terms of affordable • Our planning teams build good
new NPPF published in July 2018 provides
places to live, which enhance wellbeing relationships with local planners to
the framework for the planning system
and community connections as understand their priorities and ensure
to continue to provide a stable supply of
customer preferences adjust to new our developments maximise benefit for
consented units into the land market.
and very different needs. local authorities.
We have maintained good momentum in
• Considering environmental risks achieving planning consents despite the
and opportunities in land buying and challenges posed by COVID-19. During the
design ensures we retain a sustainable year we secured planning on 14,768 plots
housebuilder reputation and can avoid (2019: 18,280 plots). We have detailed or
adaptation and retrofit costs for our
business and our customers.
Long term
• We continue to invest in design
and placemaking to ensure all our
developments become communities
that are socially, environmentally and
economically viable and sustainable.

David Wilson Homes
at Gateford Park,


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 52 07-Sep-20 4:55:18 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Key material issues

Strategic Report
• The lifetime environmental
outline planning permission on all of our features that have a positive impact on
performance of our homes and
FY21 expected home completions and 98% ecology, and we design our developments to
buildings we build.
of FY22 expected home completions. include these areas.
• Affordability.
Building the right homes In FY20, we upgraded our Great Places
• Biodiversity.
guidance to increase focus on how the
We build homes in locations where our
design of our developments supports good
customers want to live with good access
physical and mental health, and helps
to open space and amenities, transport
to improve people’s wellbeing. We shape
connections, schools and workplaces. Our KPIs
our developments around green spaces,
highly specialised divisional land teams
walk ways and cycle paths to integrate

6.7 years
have extensive local knowledge and strong
healthy activities and experiences into
relationships with landowners. This,
people’s everyday lives. This encourages
combined with detailed research into local
social interaction between the users of the
market conditions, means we are able to
development and developing a sense of
secure land in locations of strong customer
ownership and pride in the surroundings.
demand, which can drive higher returns.
Our land buying also reflects Government
We have also emphasised that all the Owned and controlled land
individual elements of placemaking and
policy towards affordable housing and first-
design should work together to contribute bank
time buyers.
to the overall sense of quality. (2019: 4.7 years)
We aim to build high quality homes that
The continued focus on placemaking has Why we measure
are long lasting and energy efficient for our
continued our ongoing success in achieving
customers. We have set a target to ensure • D
rives ownership of the optimum
Built For Life accreditations. We have now
new standard housetype designs will be net amount of land to support business
achieved 93 accreditations, of which 23
zero carbon in use by 2030. activities.
have been rated Outstanding.

We have a standard housetype range
for both Barratt and David Wilson, with Water efficiency
the most popular and build-efficient We are currently working with a water
housetypes featuring prominently in the utility company to investigate opportunities
core ranges. We continuously review, for further collaboration on smarter meters
consolidate and update our housetypes in to identify leaks and benchmark use.
response to customer, divisional and design Guidance has been provided to divisions Land approvals (plots)
feedback. These ranges comprised 60.2% with the aim of increasing uptake of (2019: 18,448)
of homes completed in the year (2019: infrastructure credits for homes with high
36.4% of homes completed). Feedback from levels of water efficiency. Why we measure
building teams continues to be positive; • Monitors the Group is approving
sub-contractors like them because their Biodiversity enough land for purchase to
simpler designs and footprints mean they An in-depth Biodiversity Net Gain support future business activity.
are easier and quicker to build. The Group’s good practice guide for our technical, • E
nsure land is approved at
central Technical team continues to assist commercial and construction teams has minimum hurdle rates.
divisions and their external consultants in been developed in conjunction with working
choosing the right housetypes in the right groups set up to share and encourage best
places, to ensure plotting efficiency while practice. Our expert Biodiversity Manager
not compromising on quality or design. hosts net gain training events for technical
We continue to adapt our housetypes to
and land teams in our divisions. Three case Risks B C D I J L
study developments were selected to build
emerging legislative requirements, such
capacity across our divisions and to test The inability to secure sufficient
as mitigating overheating in standard
our biodiversity net gain framework, and consented land and strategic land
apartment and housetypes, the Future
we will be sharing the information with our options at appropriate cost and quality
Homes Standard, National Space Standards
partners such as the RSPB. would affect our ability to provide
and Mobility Building Regulations, without
attractive developments that address
compromising to architectural value and We have launched an initiative to encourage the housing shortage. A failure to
quality of design. the uptake of swift bricks in the ten ‘Swift collaborate with our partners would
Cities’ identified as having experienced restrict development opportunities.
Designing great places the steepest decline in swift populations.
Placemaking principles are fundamental to We have also set ourselves a target that Changes to the regulatory environment
our business: our customers want to live in all of our show home gardens should be could affect our ability to achieve our
great places that create a positive legacy. rated ‘Bronze’ or better for their wildlife medium term targets.
Our internal ‘Great Places’ principles, friendly credentials by the RSPB with 42
aligned to the Government endorsed of our show homes having achieved the
Building for Life 12 criteria, ensure that our certificate. We have also contributed to the
developments have well connected streets British Standards Institute consultation on
and spaces. We seek to retain existing biodiversity net gain. 53

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 53 07-Sep-20 4:55:18 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Leading construction
Our priorities

The long term housing shortage has increased Progress

demand for new homes, which has resulted in
pressures on the availability of materials, skilled The long term housing shortage in the UK
labour and sub-contractors. has increased demand for new homes,
which has resulted in pressures on the
availability of materials, skilled labour
Strategic priority and sub-contractors. In response to these
pressures and our wider environmental
impact we focus on three principal areas:
We deliver the highest quality homes by focusing on excellence across all aspects of delivering high quality, safe sites which help
construction. We continue to work with our partners to develop MMC at scale, to increase us maintain customer demand and attract
build efficiency whilst minimising the environmental impacts of construction. the skills we need; using MMC to improve
the efficiency of our construction process;
and using our resources more effectively.
Value created for
Our objectives stakeholders Delivering high quality homes
We are committed to playing our part in
addressing the housing shortage. Building
Short term Short term high quality homes is a key priority for
• E
nsure sites can operate safely and • We build outstanding quality homes for business resilience over the longer term
efficiently in response to COVID-19 and our customers and we seek to ensure and attracting ongoing customer demand.
that quality of build remains a that our sites are well managed and safe We put customer satisfaction at the heart
key objective. for our employees and sub-contractors. of our construction processes with a focus
on getting things right first time. This also
• Continue to increase use of MMC. Medium term drives operating efficiencies in the build
Medium term • Protect the natural environment by process.
• D
evelop our 2040 roadmap for reducing using MMC, minimising resources used
Prior to the onset of COVID-19 and the
waste. and waste created from our operations.
closure of our construction sites, we were
• M
ake further progress towards Long term making good progress on our target to
achieving scope 1 and 2 carbon • Our investment in innovative approaches increase volumes. The unprecedented
emission reduction targets by reducing provides opportunities to address the impact of COVID-19 and the closure of our
diesel emissions from plant and skills shortage facing the industry, construction sites has significantly reduced
equipment on our construction sites. diversify the types of materials we use, our total home completion volumes this
• C
ontinue integrating Oregon into our use resources more efficiently, build at a year to 12,604, (2019: 17,856).
business and working towards our greater speed and increase efficiency.
MMC target.
Long term
• D
eliver 25% of completions using MMC
by 2025.
• I mprove data quality, availability and
learnings from the AIMCH research
to open up new opportunities for
improving and increasing modern
methods of construction, minimising
resource use, and waste generation.
• Minimise diesel use on our sites.

→ An Oregon timber

frame home being
constructed at
Heritage Grange,
Edinburgh, Scotland.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 54 07-Sep-20 4:55:19 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Key material issues

Strategic Report
Our approach to health and safety.
We pride ourselves on the quality of our more than any other housebuilder for
sites and how they are managed. We 16 consecutive years. This achievement • Lifetime environmental
understand that sub-contractors and demonstrates the high standard of work performance of the homes and
employees prefer to work on safe, well- that our site managers and their teams buildings we build.
managed sites. This has become even more deliver, and it also helps highlight our high • H aving an energy efficient and low
important in the wake of COVID-19. The standards and quality to our customers. carbon supply chain.
reopening of our sites from 11 May 2020 • T he energy we use and carbon
was undertaken in a safe, controlled and Innovating to improve efficiency emissions of our operations.
efficient manner. Detailed Construction During the year, we have delivered 21.0% • W aste created by our operations.
Recommencement Plans where provided to of our total home completions using MMC. • Innovation (MMC).
construction teams to assist in the process As a result of COVID-19, there was a delay
as well as detailed briefings to our sub- to the delivery of home completions, which
contractors and suppliers. Our enhanced meant we delivered less homes using MMC
COVID-19 working practices and protocols than planned for in FY20. Despite these KPIs
are in place on all of our construction sites. challenges, we have made good progress

These working practices and protocols towards our target of 25% of completions
meet or exceed current government, using MMC by 2025, a target set after
Public Health authorities and Construction achieving our previous goal of 20% of units.
Leadership Council guidance. The proper
management of sites supports our principle MMC provides opportunities to address the
skills shortage facing the industry, diversify
of Keeping People Safe. See pages 62 and
the types of materials we use and build with
63 for more details on the changes we have
made to adapt our sites. greater speed and efficiency, while also (2019: 17,856 homes)
delivering returns for our investors. We now
Our long term focus on quality and site have experience of over 100 sites where we Why we measure
management is demonstrated by our have applied one or more MMC solutions. • Reflects activity and growth.
success in the NHBC Pride in the Job We have collected knowledge which has • Method by which business capacity
Awards, which recognise site managers allowed us to clearly define the key criteria is monitored.
who achieve the highest standards in needed to both obtain the benefits of MMC

7.70 tonnes
housebuilding across the UK. In January, and deliver a successful site. This has
Mark Summersgill, a site manager from meant we are now able to use MMC under
our North East division, was named the correct circumstances to compete with
Supreme Winner in the Large Builder traditional brick and block construction,
category for the 2019 NHBC Pride in mainly due to the time savings we have
the Job Awards. In June 2020, our site been able to obtain. Details of the MMC per 100 sq.m. of build
managers won 92 (2019: 84) awards, used during the year can be found in the
table below. Waste intensity
(2019: 6.53 tonnes per 100 sq.m. of build)
Why we measure
Timber frame 2,031 2,321 • To maximise operating efficiency
and use materials as efficiently as
possible in the construction process.
Roof cassettes 269 1,699
• M
onitors progress in waste
Offsite ground floors 143 718

Large format block 209 242 Risks E F I J L

Delays in build programmes, poor

Light gauge steel frame – 63
product quality, or a failure to
maintain sufficient material and
Offsite garages – 17 sub-contractor availability could
hinder the achievement of excellence
in construction, harming reputation,
Total¹ 2,652 3,609
increasing costs, reducing revenue and
resulting in litigation and uninsured
Percentage of completions¹ 21.0% 20.2% losses.

1. Total and percentage of completions includes JVs and has been adjusted for homes where more than one
technology has been used. 55

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 55 07-Sep-20 4:55:19 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Leading construction CONTINUED

Our priorities

“A key aspect of our MMC A key aspect of our MMC and carbon and the challenges posed. We recognise it
reduction strategy is the delivery of timber is critical the whole sector takes on MMC
and carbon reduction frame homes. Timber frames are built in and delivers robust solutions, and therefore
factories to high standards, and provide a important we share our knowledge.
strategy is the delivery of low carbon cost method of construction
Technologies new to us go through
timber frame homes.” with low levels of embodied carbon. In June
a rigorous New Product Introduction
2019, we acquired Oregon, a manufacturer
testing and analysis process before full
and previously one of the Group’s valued
implementation. Studies are conducted
suppliers of timber frames. During the year,
with a number of key stakeholders,
we have integrated Oregon into the Group.
including the NHBC, BBA, TRADA and UK
Our core English housetypes have now
Finance, who add a further level of analysis,
been designed to reflect the use of Oregon
factoring in any implications for mortgages,
timber frames and we delivered 469 timber
insurance and customer satisfaction.
frames from Oregon to our sites this year.
We recognise that there is more research Waste and resource efficiency
to be done in exploring the advantages of The industry is seeing high levels of
MMC, in terms of design, construction, and demand for materials, many of which cause
use through the whole life of a building. environmental and social impacts in their
We are partners in the AIMCH project, extraction, manufacture and transport, so
jointly funded by Innovate UK and the it is important that we focus on waste and
private sector to identify, develop and grow resource efficiencies.
new housebuilding technology. We have
↓ Mark Summersgill, Site Manager and the held numerous visits to MMC sites with
Supreme Winner in the Large Builder category suppliers and peers across our sector to
at the NHBC Pride in the Job Awards. show them how we are delivering MMC


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 56 07-Sep-20 4:55:24 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

We continue to focus on being efficient in As part of efforts to investigate the root
skip utilisation and segregation; however, causes of waste, we conducted a survey of
our diversion of waste from landfill reduced 72 suppliers to investigate the extent and

Strategic Report
during the year to 96% (2019: 97%). types of single use plastic packaging on
site identifying opportunities to reduce it
Though our absolute waste tonnage
reduced by 16%, waste intensity has risen
through collaboration. Our latest ASPIRE Percentage of home
graduate cohort followed this with a study
18% compared with last year to 7.70 tonnes to assess the plastic waste created on two
completions using MMC
per 100 sq.m. build area (2019: 6.53 tonnes different sites across a number of sample (2019: 20.2%)
per 100 sq.m. legally completed build area). plots resulting in a set of recommendations
We were aware of some increase in waste to reduce it, such as improving recycling
tonnage from our operations; however,

facilities and awareness materials in
the increase has mostly been driven by site cabins.
the delay in legal completions resulting
from COVID-19. We therefore recognise To investigate the potential of MMC to
that waste must remain a priority area if reduce waste, we completed an audit into
we are to meet our 2025 target of a 20% the impacts of timber frame on waste
reduction on 2015 levels. Our approach generation in the construction process. This Percentage of construction
will be to conduct analysis of the data from small-scale study found that a traditionally
each of our construction sites, and to use built home generated 25% more waste than
waste diverted from landfill
these insights to drive performance across its timber frame equivalent. We are taking (2019: 97%)
every area. We will increase our waste action to find ways to reduce the amount of
management efforts and bring in leaner waste generated by timber frame homes
and more efficient working methods. even further.

← Above and left: Oregon timber frame

installation at Heritage Grange,
Edinburgh, Scotland. 57

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 57 07-Sep-20 4:55:25 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Investing in our people

Our priorities

The housebuilding industry continues to face a Progress

skills shortage. We are playing our part to address this
shortage and to reduce the impact on our business. Our continued success and growth is
achieved through the hard work and
Strategic priority dedication of our employees. We aim
to attract and retain the best people by
engaging with our employees, promoting
Our people are the heart of our business and we aim to attract and retain the best people their wellbeing, investing in their
by investing in their development and success. We have well-established apprenticeship development, recognising their dedication,
schemes to attract the next generation to enter our industry. We seek to create a great place and ensuring our employee packages
to work, founded on an open and honest culture that embraces diversity and inclusion. are effective and competitive. We are
committed to becoming a more diverse and
inclusive company. Having a diverse team
Value created for creates a stronger, more dynamic business,
Our objectives stakeholders makes us a more attractive employer, and
is better for our customers.

The development and

Short term Short term training of employees
• I ncreased online training and • We will continue to develop high
We are playing our part to address the
development, which is available to all potential employees, and create more
industry skills shortage and to reduce its
employees, and is designed to fit around opportunities for young people by
impact on our business. We have a number
their schedules and facilitate learning at extending our apprenticeship offer
of award winning and well-established
their own pace. including non-trade disciplines.
development programmes which have
• Manage our social media platforms to • Recognising the specific needs of our continued to be successful during the year.
ensure our employer brand is enhanced. sector, we continue to raise awareness
of effective ways our employees can In total we have developed or are developing
• Support employees following restart in
support and improve their mental, 100 delegates through our Armed forces
their adjustment to new ways of working.
physical and financial wellbeing. transition programme, 30 of whom are
• Continue to support the health and currently on programme. We have found that
wellbeing of all employees. Medium term the skills developed in the Armed Forces
Medium term • By ensuring our employees have the translate well to site management, and the
right skills at all levels, we will continue scheme has brought a large number of high
• Reconfigure our existing recruitment
to provide excellent award-winning calibre individuals into our business.
programmes to explore modern
quality and service for our customers.
methods of delivery. To date, 168 people have completed or
• Our Customer First Employee are working towards our Residential
• Enhance our resourcing and onboarding
Recognition Scheme recognises Construction and Commercial degree at
strategy to ensure our recruitment
our employees who go ‘above and Sheffield Hallam University, and 32 have
and resourcing model can be delivered
beyond’ for both external and internal graduated with a BSc Honours degree.
through online mechanisms.
• Reward and recognise employees Following the success of the Higher and
with enhanced benefits via an easily- Long term Degree Apprenticeships, we are now
accessible online benefits platform and • We comply with relevant Government working with Sheffield Hallam to develop
bespoke employee communications to and Regulator guidelines including the a similar qualification for our Technical
raise awareness of what we offer. Health and Safety regulations, Gender departments. This will support individuals
• Continue to listen and respond to the Pay Gap Reporting and Diversity and who are looking for a career in Technical
feedback from our Workforce Forum. Inclusion. We are an accredited Living Design and/or Project Management.
Wage Employer.
Long term Our new programme for bricklaying and
• Our long term focus is to ensure our carpentry apprentices enables participants
• Continue with our diversity and inclusion business is representative of the to achieve apprenticeship level within a
strategy, to create an environment where communities in which we operate, and reduced time frame. Our schemes focus
everyone: feels like they belong; can be our programmes to address the skills not only on bringing new talent to the
themselves; and knows that their voice shortage in our industry. industry but also on retaining it for the
will be heard.
future. To date, 119 apprentices have
• Reward and recognise our diverse range attended and 112 apprentices are due to
of employees and provide segmented complete the course in FY21. We currently
benefit offerings. employ 492 apprentices, graduates and
• Continued enhancement of the health trainees, around 7% of our workforce. A
and wellbeing of all employees based on further 57 apprentices have been recruited
mental, physical and financial wellbeing. in FY20 for our FY21 intake. Whilst
• To conclude our strategy to achieve a COVID-19 has resulted in us being able to
future-proof, integrated HR payroll system. bring fewer apprentices into our business
at the start of FY21, apprenticeships remain
a vital route to develop skilled tradespeople
for our industry.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 58 07-Sep-20 4:55:25 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Key material issues

Strategic Report
• Development and training of our
We can also address the skills shortage We achieved 4.1 training days on average
and prepare for the future by developing per employee (FY19: 4.7 days) maintaining
our people across all aspects of the our target of over 4.0 days training days per • How we recruit and retain the best
business. In November 2019 we launched employee on average. This slight decrease talent.
the MyLearning Mobile App, providing our is a result of our being unable to deliver • How we are creating opportunities
colleagues with even more flexibility and classroom-based training for four months for young people.
choice in how they access and consume of the year due to COVID-19. • How we are engaging with our
learning content. employees.
How we recruit and retain
We want to support our leaders and the best talent • Our approach to health and safety.
managers of the future, and effective • Promoting the physical and mental
succession planning is an important It is vital for us to recruit the best
candidates and to develop talent within wellbeing of employees.
element in our long term success. In
FY20, 227 high potential employees have our business to ensure that we have the
attended or are attending our Rising Stars necessary skills for continued operational
programme. We recently launched a more delivery and future growth.
robust development programme for our For our 2020 recruitment, 25% (2019: 21%) KPIs
potential future leaders and in FY20, 16 of our apprentices were recruited from the

completed our assessment process. most deprived areas according to the Index
Following the onset of COVID-19, we for Multiple Deprivation.
identified a greater need for development Our Construction and Sales Academy
and training of our employees as they programmes develop talent within our
adjusted to different ways of working or business and we continue to work with
a temporary suspension of their role. the House Building Skills Partnership. We
Employee engagement
Through a combination of online training have developed a new sales apprenticeship, 2020
activities and short webinars we were able aimed at Sales Development Coordinators
to provide training and development to all (2019: 84.5%)*
and Sales Advisers, focusing on
our colleagues including those on furlough. customer service in a sales discipline and Why we measure
The emphasis was on our employees’ delivered over 12 months. Additionally, • T
o gain an insight of, and provide a
health and wellbeing and in total over we are exploring a Digital Marketing forum for, employee views.
23,000 learning activity completions were apprenticeship, aimed at Marketing
recorded in March, April and May 2020. The • T
o retain and invest in the
Coordinators, Marketing Executives or
average number of unique users using our best people and focus on their
Marketing Managers, who wish to gain
online platform over the same period was development and success.
further qualifications.
2,700 per month, compared to an average Surveying employees shows we care
of 2,000 per month last year. and have the courage to listen to
them. We asked questions that can
↓ Harrison Godfroy, a help drive actions.
commercial apprentice in our
Southampton division. * Our 2019 engagement score was been re-
calculated (from 82%) to use our updated
2020 definition. As part of the transition from
our previous independent provider, we made
a planned change to the definition of the
Engagement Index in 2020. We replaced an
engagement measure with a more valid and
robust measure of engagement.

Risks G H I J L

The provision of a safe working

environment is a fundamental priority;
without looking after the health and
wellbeing of our employees, including
in regard to the short and long term
impacts of COVID-19, our employees
could not work with confidence.
The skills shortage in our industry
means it is of utmost importance to
recruit and retain best-in-class people. 59

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 59 07-Sep-20 4:55:28 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Investing in our people CONTINUED

Our priorities

Our updated careers website and new As a result of our ongoing efforts in this and wellbeing hubs on every site and in
applicant tracking system provide an area, and the uncertainties created by every divisional office, stress awareness
integrated recruitment process, improving COVID-19, our total Group employee training for employees and mental health
on the experience and efficiency for turnover has reduced to 10% for the year awareness training encouraging openness
candidates, with over 26,000 applications to 30 June 2020, (2019: 16%) ahead of our and appropriate responses between line
since its implementation. Our increased target of 15%. managers and colleagues.
use of social media linked to this system
How we are creating opportunities Mates in Mind ‘Manage the Conversation’
enables us to better understand our
for young people training was rolled out to all line managers
audiences, what information channels they
to provide them with the skills and
use and what business highlights they We engage with our future workforce confidence to listen and talk to someone
want to hear about. It has also resulted in through our work with schools, national who feels they need to share a problem
increased interest in our opportunities – for apprenticeship bodies, universities and regarding their mental health. We also
example our Trade Apprentice programme Armed Forces resettlement organisations. introduced annual health checks via drop
saw twice the volume of applicants during This includes getting involved with campus in medicals in offices and on sites so
this year’s campaign than previous years. activities, attendance at Careers Fair and all employees benefit from access to a
We have incorporated video interviewing employer led events. health check.
technology into the recruitment process, In January 2020 we launched our Higher Our focus on health and wellbeing
providing further opportunities for and Degree Apprenticeships in Residential resulted in being shortlisted for the
efficiencies as well as allowing candidates Construction and Quantity Surveying, which prestigious Personnel Today Health and
to get closer to our business and the teams build on our existing degree and provide Wellbeing Award.
they will potentially be working with, early enhanced learning for those on programme.
in the process. We will continue to enhance This includes on the job training to ensure Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, one
our resourcing and onboarding strategy their academic learning is applied in their of the Group’s key objectives has remained
to ensure our recruitment and resourcing roles, a work based learning coach who the health and safety of its employees. Our
model can be delivered through online guides them through the programme, and colleagues needing to self-isolate were
mechanisms. support in working towards professional immediately reassured that they would
accreditation. In the last three years, 72% be provided with special paid leave, over
In response to some of the findings from
of those who have graduated with the and above SSP. When schools closed, all
the engagement survey, we are working to
Residential Construction Degree have been employees with childcare responsibilities
improve the visibility of career paths in all
promoted during their time on programme were given one week of special paid
functions and we are proactively prioritising
and 53% of them were in management and leave to enable them to make necessary
and tracking internal promotions.
senior management positions by the time arrangements.
Remuneration and benefits are an they finished.
When our construction sites, sales centres
important element of employee retention.
How we are engaging with our and offices closed, the Group furloughed
We continue to review our employee
the majority of employees, and maintained
packages to ensure they are effective and employees their normal pay. All employees who were
competitive. We carry out biannual market We seek to create a great place to work, not shielding returned by 30 June. We have
benchmarking and revise our internal founded on an open and honest culture. To committed to paying those who are required
performance related salary increments to achieve this we need to regularly engage to follow shielding advice as normal. We
ensure competitiveness and proactively with our employees to understand and have also provided some employees with
adjust salaries. Due to COVID-19, we did address their issues and concerns. Our additional special paid leave as a thank you
not annually review salaries for FY21. Group engagement score has been in the for their hard work.
In April 2020, we invited all eligible upper quartile consistently since 2014.
Throughout the pandemic, we have
employees to participate in the 12th grant As part of our embedded approach to endeavoured to support the physical and
under the Group’s Sharesave scheme, engagement, all divisions and functions mental wellbeing of our employees. Weekly
which allows eligible employees to proactively agreed and delivered action communications from our Chief Executive
contribute a maximum of £500 per month plans. Interim Pulse Surveys were carried to all employees included valuable health
in one or a combination of Sharesave out in specific teams to support and and wellbeing support information. We
schemes. At 30 June 2020, approximately improve engagement where appropriate. partnered with our benefits providers to
51% of employees participated in one or
Our Workforce Forum, comprised of offer training to support physical, mental
more of the active Sharesave schemes,
employees representing all regions and and financial wellbeing, and our Talent
compared to 46% as at June 2019.
levels of our business, continues to meet team provided regular in-house mental
We are pleased to be listed in the Glassdoor and provide insight to inform our actions. wellbeing webinars. We issued a ‘Working
Employees’ Choice Awards, recognising the We share our engagement results with the From Home Guide’ to all employees, and
50 Best Places to Work in 2020. There is Forum and seek recommendations on all specific support was provided for those
no self-nomination or application process, aspects of our business which impact our balancing work whilst home schooling.
instead we have gained this position entirely people. See pages 42 and 43 for more detail.
based on current and former employees Diversity and inclusion
voluntarily and anonymously sharing Promoting the physical and mental We seek to build without barriers and we
insights and opinions about us. wellbeing of employees have continued to implement our diversity
and inclusion strategy to achieve this.
During the year, we continued to progress
our health and wellbeing strategy, The diversity policy relating to the
endorsed by the Chief Executive and the appointment of PLC Directors is set out on
Executive Committee. This includes health page 103.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 60 07-Sep-20 4:55:28 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Male and female employees

Strategic Report
PLC Directors Senior Managers Employees Executive Committee Reports to
Executive Committee

2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
n Male 63% 63% n Male 86% 85% n Male 69% 69% n Male 67% 67% n Male 67% 68%
Total 5 5 Total 246 247 Total 4,391 4,288 Total 4 4 Total 24 21
n Female 38% 38% n Female 14% 15% n Female 31% 31% n Female 33% 33% n Female 33% 32%
Total 3 3 Total 40 43 Total 1,970 1,918 Total 2 2 Total 12 10

We aim to create an atmosphere that ensure that ethnic minority employees are We have redefined our Agile and Flexible
provides equal opportunities for all. represented at all levels in our business. Working policy to give line managers
Selection for employment and promotion greater freedom to respond to requests,
We have continued our focus on female and to monitor and ensure the effectiveness
is based on merit, following an objective leadership development with our Catalyst
assessment of ability and experience, of those with different working
diversity mentoring programme. This year arrangements.
after giving full and fair consideration to over 60 delegates were nominated and
all applications. We are also committed have been enrolled on the programme.
to ensuring that our workplaces are free
Human rights and Anti-bribery
We have also matched 120 people as part
from discrimination and that everyone During the year, we received Living Wage
of our reciprocal mentoring programme.
is treated with dignity and respect. We accreditation, showing our commitment to
We launched our first employee network,
strive to ensure that our policies and our employees by paying an independently
which is focused on gender equality, and
practices provide equal opportunities in calculated rate of pay that is based on the
the committee of the network have taken a
respect of issues such as training, career actual cost of living.
number of initial actions. At 30 June 2020,
development and promotion for all existing women held 14% (2019: 15%) of senior Our respect for human rights underpins
or potential employees irrespective of manager roles within the Group. our strategic priorities. We have policies
age, disability, gender reassignment, and procedures in place that support the
marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy The requirement to publish a Gender Pay
core values of the United Nations Universal
and maternity, race, nationality, religion or Gap report in 2020 was suspended by
Declaration of Human Rights and the
belief, sex, and sexual orientation. HMRC due to COVID-19. However, as a
UN Guiding Principles of business and
business, we agreed that it was important
All new employees receive mandatory human rights, and we ensure we act in
to keep stakeholders informed of our
diversity and inclusion training as part accordance with our principles in relation to
gender pay position. Accordingly, we will be
of their induction and we have continued diversity and the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
publishing our report in September 2020.
to deliver our Building Without Barriers Concerns can be raised anonymously to our
workshop to newly appointed or promoted We have revisited our policies and changed whistleblowing process, details of which
leaders. the language in our family friendly policies can be found in the Audit Committee Report
to make them gender neutral. We have also on page 118.
We have improved across all our diversity introduced paid leave for carers and those
metrics, with most significant progress Our non-financial KPIs in respect of health
undergoing assisted fertility.
being made in female and BAME leadership and safety, and employee engagement
representation. At 30 June 2020, 7% of In 2020, for the first time we made a reflect our belief that it is a fundamental
employees were from BAME backgrounds submission to the Stonewall Equality Index human right to work in a safe and
(2019: 6%) and 2.1% of senior leadership and we are reviewing the feedback from supportive environment. Employees
positions were held by BAME employees, our submission to ensure we continue to undertake training in respect of modern
(2019: 1.8%). We still have some way to develop actions which demonstrate our slavery and we are rolling out diversity and
go in this area, and in the last year we commitment to the LGBT+ community. inclusion training to all employees.
have looked in more detail at how we can Every effort is made to retain and support We have a strict anti-bribery and corruption
improve. We held focus groups to hear employees who become disabled while policy and conduct our business in a
colleagues’ perspectives on what it’s like working within the Group. We completed fair, open and transparent manner. All
to work at Barratt, and to understand an initial disability access audit of all our employees are required to undertake
what we should do differently. We used divisional offices. Our intention in the training under our anti-bribery and
this information to help create our BAME coming 12 months is to seek to remove corruption policy at regular intervals.
Strategy, which we launched at the start of physical barriers for disabled colleagues
the year. We have recently signed up to the or applicants.
Business in the Community Race at Work
Charter, which supports the actions set
out in our BAME strategy and our aim to 61

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 61 07-Sep-20 4:55:29 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Keeping people safe

Our principles

To ensure our operations are safe and we have a Progress

positive health impact on all those employed and
affected by what we do. We prioritise health and safety across our
business and seek to manage the inherent
risks by applying our management system
across our operations and continuously
Strategic priority reviewing our safe systems of work.
The challenges this year were increased
Health and safety is a fundamental priority. All of our people are responsible for achieving by the COVID-19 pandemic, which required
our commitment to the highest industry health and safety standards. us to implement controls to ensure the
safe lockdown of our operations and
enhanced safe systems of work to enable
our operations to recommence. Plans
Value created for were developed based on Government,
Our objectives stakeholders Public Health and Industry guidance, and
in consultation with colleagues and other
stakeholders who would implement our
Short term Short term enhanced COVID-19 working practices
• We continue to evaluate our processes • A key objective is to provide a safe and protocols.
to ensure that we respond to any working environment for all our We have put in place controls to ensure
Government or public health guidance employees, sub-contractors and social distancing and hygiene measures
on controls for COVID-19. customers, especially in response to are implemented on our construction sites,
COVID-19. We will ensure our COVID-19 and we developed a new set of working
Medium term
working practices and protocols remain practices and protocols to ensure our
• We will continue to work with our in line with the latest Government, sales and customer interactions could be
suppliers and contractors to improve Public Health and Industry guidance. undertaken in accordance with relevant
systems and processes and in Government guidelines.
particular controls for plant and Medium term
equipment on site. • We continue to engage with our sub- To assist all our stakeholders in
contractors in developing appropriate understanding these controls, we provided
Long term
management systems to enhance their guidance and advice as well as videos
• Our work on enhancing our health and controls on our sites. demonstrating the measures put in place.
wellbeing strategies will continue by We have also liaised with our stakeholders
providing mental wellbeing training Long term on the controls that they consider
for those in line management roles • We are committed to achieving the appropriate and adapted and amended our
with the aim of providing guidance on highest industry health and safety approach where required.
identifying signs of potential issues with standards and the wellbeing of our
themselves and colleagues. people is a key element of our strategy. Our colleagues have been key to
implementing the enhanced controls.
• We are enhancing our site induction
We provided e-learning modules for
process with an off-site element, which
our management, construction and
will be completed via a mobile app. This
sales teams, and once our operations
will enable a passport to work on our ↓ Bruce Constantine, Commercial Director, and recommenced, carried out wellbeing
sites, complemented by a site-specific Paul Ley, Construction Manager, in our Kent
division. surveys to enable us to further understand
induction process.
how our teams consider the COVID-19
controls have been implemented and
reflect on any learning outcomes.
Our key objective with recommencing
operations was to ensure we minimised
the risk of spread of infection. We have
received an Assurance Statement from
the British Safety Council certifying that
our COVID-19 workplace safety, health
and environmental arrangements are in
accordance with current guidance and best
practice, demonstrating our commitment to
providing a safe and healthy workplace.
We have enhanced our approach to
inductions on site and have worked
with ‘Site Safety Systems’ to develop an
induction App linked to industry wide


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 62 07-Sep-20 4:55:33 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Key material issues

Strategic Report
• Our approach to health and safety.
competency cards. This will provide a We believe all injuries are avoidable and,
more user-friendly approach to recording whilst it is not possible to entirely eradicate • Promoting the physical and mental
inductions of site workers and ensuring risk, we are determined to improve our wellbeing to our employees.
they have the required competency to carry performance and reduce the number
out the tasks necessary. of injuries occurring in our working
environment. The Group IIR for the year
We have also continued to develop an App
for recording incidents and accidents, near
is 256 (2019: 297) per 100,000 persons KPIs
employed (including sub-contractors). We
misses, environmental incidents, non-

are pleased with this reduction but are
conformances and good practice, providing committed to continuing to improve.
an increased ability to evaluate trends and
consider any improvements. We have continued to work with our
suppliers to reduce the risk of falls and,
In order to ensure that health and safety in conjunction with one of our suppliers,
procedures are adhered to, compliance with
our SHE management system is verified
we have developed an interactive tool to Health and safety (SHE
allow our teams to better interpret the monitoring compliance)
by a programme of site monitoring and requirements for protecting stairwell
internal and external audits, which assures configurations during construction. We will (2019: 96%)
all of our operations. Our SHE audit continue to collaborate with our suppliers
compliance scores and IIR are assured in Why we measure
and contractors to improve our processes
accordance with ISAE 3000 revised. and in particular controls for plant and • T
o demonstrate compliance with
Positive engagement is key. Our team in equipment on site. safety standards on our sites.
the Midlands has facilitated a group with • L
ead indicator highlighting areas of
Engagement with our stakeholders is key to
the Working Well together campaign, which SHE focus.
improving our operational health and safety
has promoted collaboration with others in standards. We continued to engage with
the sector, suppliers and contractors, and our groundworks contractors in developing
organised events such as health, safety and appropriate management systems to
awareness days. enhance their controls on our sites. This Risks mitigated
Our approach to health and safety continues to be a positive intervention by this principle G H
strategy and although COVID-19 interrupted
The wellbeing, health and safety of all progress, we continue to work with this Prioritising the safety of our employees
affected by our operations, including the group of stakeholders to improve standards minimises SHE incidents. Looking after
local communities in the locations we build, on our sites. their health and wellbeing over the
is of paramount importance. long term, including in regard to the
The Group’s dedicated SHE team has Promoting physical as well as impact of COVID-19, gives employees
considerable experience in providing mental wellbeing the confidence and ability to provide
proactive support and advice to our teams We recognise that positive emotional industry leading performance and
and an reactive incident led approach to wellbeing and mental health is fundamental contributes to the creation of a great
identify and mitigate health and safety risk. to colleagues and our continued business place to work.
success. We already had support structures
We issued updates to our SHE management
for our colleagues and in conjunction
system in January 2020, reflecting
with our key partner Mates in Mind have
our continued drive to improve all our
complemented this by providing mandatory
processes and procedures. These updates
mental wellbeing training to all our line
are a result of feedback and consultation
managers, including identifying signs
with our teams, on their implementation
within self and others. We will enhance this
of requirements, and any learning from
programme by providing mental health first
incidents or near misses.
aid training for colleagues to provide initial
Compliance to our SHE management key support within our workplaces.
system is verified by a programme of
We have continued with our strategy to
site monitoring and internal and external
improve the focus on occupational health,
audits. During the year, our in-house team
conducting awareness campaigns on
carried out 5,968 (2019: 6,916) monitoring
mental wellbeing and general health issues
visits and an average compliance rate of
that could affect our workforce.
96% (2019: 96%) was achieved. Our internal
audit programme of all our operating We have also continued with a programme
divisions was interrupted by COVID-19, of random drug and alcohol sampling
but we have committed to complete those and responding to suspicion reports across
locations that were not reviewed in the first our business.
quarter FY21. 63

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Barratt Developments PLC

Being a trusted partner

Our principles

Housebuilding is a long term business and the Progress

development of sustained partnerships with
landowners, local authorities, suppliers and sub- Working with our partners
contractors is critical to our success. to build homes
We are committed to delivering high quality,
Strategic priority sustainable, energy efficient places to
live that satisfy the needs of customers
and communities. Key to this is ensuring
We build meaningful, long term relationships that make us the developer of choice for we provide quality housing in the right
our partners. We are innovating in our supply chain to drive efficiency and meet our locations. It is vital that we have good
customer needs. relationships with landowners and other
partners to ensure we are their developer
of choice. We have a comprehensive Group
Value created for Partnerships Policy to ensure proper
Our objectives stakeholders engagement with our key land partners and

Short term Short term Working with our suppliers and

• Continue the deployment of our • Ongoing engagement with suppliers, sub-contractors
strategic supplier capability particularly as the impact of COVID-19 We recognise our suppliers and sub-
assessment, a process designed evolves, is important to help them contractors are critical to the delivery of
to work with our suppliers in identify risks and plan accordingly to our strategic objectives and we invest in our
highlighting and addressing potential ensure they can meet our demand. relationships with them. We continuously
supply performance risks to ensure communicate with our suppliers, holding
Medium term regular performance and business reviews
deliverability and reliability.
• We engage with local authorities and focusing on our ongoing relationship
• Highlight and address potential supply
other key Government agencies to and health and safety. This engagement
performance risks, including through
understand their priorities and needs has become vitally important during the
our strategic supplier capability
and ensure we build quality homes in COVID-19 pandemic. We are committed
the right locations. to providing a safe place in which our
Medium term • We are developing offsite solutions to employees and sub-contractors can work.
• Work with our suppliers on ways we can reduce embodied carbon and make our We engaged with our suppliers throughout
manage and reduce embodied carbon operations efficient and effective. the lockdown and remobilisation periods
in our supply chain. of our site operations to ensure we had
Long term clear visibility of each other’s plans. This
• Adapt our business and supply chain
• Suppliers and sub-contractors are exchange of business planning information,
requirements to meet the Future
critical to our business success, carrying such as our build programmes and
Homes Standard.
out the majority of construction on our their manufacturing plans, enabling a
Long term sites and providing the materials and smooth transition between our respective
• Work with our offsite partners on more services we require. It is essential for us operational phases.
advanced forms of MMC. to build good, long-lasting relationships
that make us the developer of choice to The procurement for the majority of our
• Investigate, develop and grow construction materials, site equipment
work and partner with.
industrialised offsite solutions to meet and business consumables is centralised.
housing demand through our AIMCH This arrangement enables us to manage
project. supply, cost, sustainability specifications
and supplier relationships effectively.
We believe it is important to engage
openly with our suppliers regarding the
challenges they are facing and to help
them identify and address opportunities
and mitigate risk. Through the COVID-19
pandemic we have been able to leverage
our investment in supplier relationships
to ensure we have appropriate supply
of scarce resources such as PPE and
other consumable material requirements
directly related to new COVID-19 operating
protocols. We have also been able to ensure
that whilst our supply chain returns from
hibernation and material supply in some
areas is constrained, they support our build
requirements as required.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 64 07-Sep-20 4:55:34 PM

27218   4 September 2020 4:35 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Key material issues

Strategic Report
• The lifetime environmental
We are focused on the measurable steps collected knowledge and information in
performance of the homes and
that we can take to reduce both the order to refine this process and ensure we
buildings we build.
embodied carbon in our supply chain and maximise the benefits of MMC.
in-use carbon from our homes. During • Having an energy efficient and low
The AIMCH is a collaboration between carbon supply chain.
the year, we set a science-based target to
leading organisations in our sector focused
reduce indirect carbon emissions by 11% • Our approach to health and safety
on industrialising the delivery of MMC.
from our supply chain and our homes by • Innovation (MMC).
The project aims to identify and develop
2030. Our scope 3 data is reported on page
industrialised offsite solutions, which
235. Partnerships with our suppliers are
are needed to meet current and future
key to the delivery of this and we shared our
housebuilding requirements such as low
goals and key actions with suppliers at our
embodied carbon emissions. During the Risks mitigated
virtual supplier conference in July 2020. We
remain fully supportive and engaged with
year we have continued our work on this by this principle B D E F
project and have successfully completed six
the SCSS and retain our own Gold status.
advanced closed panel timber frame homes. Acting with integrity in all of our
Our focus with key suppliers is to move
relationships fosters future land and
from “education” to “implementation” of The Future Homes Standard will lead to development opportunities, allows for
environmental initiatives, with a target of changes in how we build our homes. We smooth and efficient construction, and
50% of our high carbon intensive suppliers, are actively looking at how we can design ensures that our suppliers and sub-
measured by spend, to be members of the homes which are not connected to the gas contractors benefit from continuing to
school by FY21. To support our suppliers we grid. Our Group Design and Technical team work with us.
have developed a performance assessment have visited other countries to understand
approach with the school, launched how they are delivering low carbon homes,
after our conference that will promote the challenges they are facing and solutions
implementation of initiatives. they are applying. We are also bringing
our suppliers together to understand each
We are signatories to the Gangmasters
other’s drivers and challenges in relation to
Labour Abuse Authority Construction
net zero carbon and electric, and this has
protocol, helping us share and receive
driven a number of key actions in relation
information and training materials to
to our future plans to reduce carbon
prevent modern slavery and are also a
emissions created by our operations.
signatory to the Prompt Payment Code.
The increased customer interest in Smart
During the year we received accreditation
technologies in the home has seen us
as a Living Wage Employer. All of our ↓ Members of the AIMCH
partner with Nest, part of the Google Group,
suppliers and sub-contractors are project at our Kings Quarter
to look at how we can offer smart solutions
encouraged to contact our confidential development in Warrington.
to our customers. We have done a number
Safecall hotline if they are not being paid Image taken prior to the
of trials with this technology and continue introduction of social
the Living Wage. It is a condition of all our
to work with Nest to develop a solution. distancing guidelines.
supplier and sub-contractor contracts that
they comply with the Bribery Act and our
anti-bribery and corruption policy, which is
available on the Group’s website.
As we purchase substantial amounts of
timber, we implemented a sustainable
timber sourcing policy in December 2013.
All centrally procured timber was FSC or
PEFC certified in our last timber sourcing
survey. We have implemented an external
assessment of policy to ensure we comply
with its requirements.

Innovation with our suppliers

We invest time and resource in working
with our MMC partners to ensure the
development of their products meets our
needs and there is a smooth transition into
our operations. All new MMC products and
innovations go through our established
New Product Introduction Process, which
includes developing their design, ensuring
third party certification and detailed trialling.
Since we started our MMC journey, we have 65

Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 65 07-Sep-20 4:55:48 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Building strong community relationships

Our principles

To ensure our work creates a positive legacy that Progress

helps local communities thrive. To build strong
communities in our developments. Building strong communities in our
Our principle In order to build high quality homes and
developments where people want to live, it
is vital that we put a great deal of time and
We engage fully with local communities and customers when creating new developments. investment into forging strong community
We seek to ensure that our work creates a positive legacy that helps local communities thrive. relationships and providing the facilities
that people want and need.

Value created for This year we have made over £599m

(2019: £665m) in local contributions
Our objectives stakeholders and physical works contributions for
section 106 or equivalent agreements
and the Community Infrastructure
Short term Short term Levy to benefit local communities
• Reduce disruption to the construction • Mitigate disruption of development through affordable homes, highways,
and sales process. Reduce the risk of for existing residents. Reduction of environmental and other improvements.
health and safety incidents occurring delays accelerates our provision of new These contributions form part of the cost
on site. housing for customers. Employees of our developments. At a national level, it
gain new skills, team building and is estimated that our activities generated
Medium term £2.9bn of Gross Value Added to the UK’s
health and wellbeing benefits through
• Make a positive impact in the charitable partnerships. economic output and supported 44,359 jobs
communities where we build. this year.
• Reduce objections to new development,
Medium term
• Improve the quality of developments, Community engagement is a vital element
avoiding costly and time-consuming of our planning process, and we seek
planning delays. benefiting customers, existing residents
and the wider public. Charitable to maintain a dialogue with residents
• Improve accessibility and quality of throughout the development process. We
partnerships do lasting good work in
developments through infrastructure do this through local discussion forums
investment. and the writing of letters to local residents,
• Forge links with external organisations Long term as well as any other means requested by
to help improve our own processes. • Economic growth through additional the Local Planning Authority. This allows
tax and consumer spending generated residents to make their voices heard, but
Long term it benefits us as well. Less than 5% of the
by new housebuilding benefiting all
• Grow our reputation as a responsible stakeholders. units we build require a planning appeal at
business among all stakeholders, a local level.
including customers, landowners, local
and national politicians, and the general In particular, we work hard to engage with
public. children in local schools as they play such a
big part in any community. We go to schools
• Improve perception of our business to teach children about the importance of
and industry among potential future health and safety on our developments,
employees. ↓ Tony Palmer, Construction Director for our
Bristol division. During the year we donated as well as the construction process,
• Promote economic growth in the areas all 400 of our defibrillators to St John sustainability and careers in the industry.
where we build. Ambulance and St Andrew’s First Aid.
Charitable giving
Charitable activities are a key part of
our strategy for building community
relationships. We support a number of
national and local good causes, as well as
encouraging our colleagues to get involved
with fundraising and volunteering. During
the year, the Group raised and donated
£4.4m to charities (2019: £2.9m).
COVID-19 has made it all the more
important to do what we can to support our
communities. We have donated £100,000
to the NHS Charities Together directly, and
an additional £50,000 to NHS Charities
Together through The Sun’s Who Cares
Wins campaign, and £25,000 to The Big
Issue to support vendors who are unable


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Key material issues

Strategic Report
• Promoting the physical and mental
to sell the magazine during the lockdown. These new commitments are in addition
wellbeing of our employees.
In the early days of the pandemic, we also to our existing collaborations. We have
donated 5,000 medical-standard facemasks maintained an industry leading partnership
to the NHS and all 400 of our defibrillators with the RSPB since 2014, which enables
to St John Ambulance and St Andrew’s First us to design and implement nature-friendly
Aid. This is in addition to our Big Barratt features into our developments, like swift Risks mitigated
NHS Thank You, under which we provide a bricks and wildlife-friendly garden guides, by this principle C K L
deposit contribution to NHS workers trying and to develop best practice on how we can
get onto the property ladder. design our developments to help nature Community relationships form part
thrive. We are currently developing a project of our strategy to be a responsible
Charitable partnerships to create digital content for residents, so business. Working together helps
The Group has also entered into new they can learn more about biodiversity us to build communities that benefit
partnerships with a number of charities and share their knowledge. We are also local people and the environment.
this year. in the second year of our partnerships These achievements mitigate the need
with the St Mungo’s Putting Down Roots for Government regulation and are
In September 2019, we signed up to a programme, which uses the therapeutic recognised during the planning process
three‑year £1.0m partnership agreement benefits of horticulture to support the for future developments.
with Outward Bound Trust. The Trust uses recovery of homeless people with mental
outdoor adventure programmes to help health challenges in London and elsewhere
young people access nature and build in England.

resilience and self-belief. Our partnership
will help around 2,400 children, while 82 Barratt and David Wilson
of our employees will get the opportunity Community Fund
to act as mentors on Outward Bound
courses. From 2020 onwards, the Trust will The Community Fund allows each of our
also manage our annual Big Barratt Hike, divisions to donate £1,000 each month
providing support in planning, managing to a local charity or organisation doing Raised and donated to
and fundraising for the event, in return for positive work in their area. This allows charities in the year
which our teams will raise money for the our employees to support the causes
that matter to them. This year we have (2019: £2.9m)
organisation itself.
supported a range of different causes, from
We have also entered into a three year, new equipment for a local cricket club to

£100,000 partnership with HighGround, to playgroups at a children’s hospice, and
help fund horticultural therapy services for from support groups for cancer sufferers to
injured service personnel Defence Medical library buses for local schools. A number
Rehabilitation Centre at Stanford Hall. of our divisions chose to use this money
Part of their activity is to help maintain the to support the fight against COVID-19,
grounds at the new Friends of the Tenth donating to Meals for the NHS and St John Jobs supported
memorial at Somerby, Leicestershire, to the Ambulance.
building of which we contributed £20,000. (2019: 47,360)
We also have links to the RBLI, whom we Getting our employees involved
have previously supported. The Group also has a generous matching
scheme, under which the charitable
This year we became the official sponsors
fundraising efforts of our divisions are
of the Whizz Kidz Kidz Board, a group of
eligible for £15,000 of match funding each
young wheelchair users from across the
year, with £20,000 available for Group
country who meet four times a year to
Support functions. In FY20, our colleagues
discuss and develop recommendations
raised and the Group matched, a total of
around the issues facing disabled
£901,000. We also provide up to £1,000 of
youngsters. We will donate £60,000 to help
match funding for the efforts of individuals.
cover the transport and accommodation
We encourage employees to volunteer for a
costs for the Board for the next three years.
charity of their choice, and they are entitled
In September 2019, David Wilson Homes to one day of paid leave per year to do so. We
donated £50,000 to Canine Partners to fund also partner with Payroll Giving in Action to
the training of one of their support dogs enable employees to make regular, tax-free
and to help fund the construction of new donations to their chosen charity.
kennels at one of their training centres in
Leicestershire, near to our Group Support
Centre and registered office. 67

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Barratt Developments PLC

Safeguarding the environment

Our principles

The global challenge of climate change has implications Progress

for every nation and industry sector. The UK
Government’s response to this challenge, achieving net Our business seeks to drive progress
zero carbon emissions by 2050, will impact construction against all the environmental issues where
we have an impact. This includes carbon
processes and the built environment where people live. emissions and fossil fuel reduction, the
need to reduce waste and resource use,
Interconnected environmental concerns over air quality, and taking the opportunities from MMC
such as timber frame and protecting world
water resources and habitats are already important forests through sustainable sourcing. These
to the way we operate and over future years this will issues ultimately apply to our supply chain,
our own operations and the homes and
only increase. place we design and build.
We aim to be at the forefront of the
Our principle drive to Build Back Better following the
COVID-19 pandemic, engaging closely with
Government and collaborating within the
Our operations should be energy efficient and low carbon, minimising waste, air pollution sector. We will do our part in the national
and water use. We aim to build homes and places that are adapted to climate change challenge to ensure economic recovery
with reduced carbon emissions over their lifetime. We seek to enhance local habitats and goes hand in hand with the UK’s net zero
biodiversity on developments and source from sustainably managed forests, while utilising carbon by 2050 target. We set science-
the possibilities in MMC. based targets in the reporting year based
on a 1.50C scenario, and conducted early
Value created for scenario analysis.
Our objectives stakeholders We are putting ever more ambitious
plans in place to reduce all aspects
of our environmental footprint, from
Short term Short term reducing carbon emissions and fossil
• H
aving set science-based targets we • Adoption of TCFD recommendations fuel consumption, to reducing resource
will reduce our diesel consumption in will enable the Board to make more consumption and waste. We aim to enhance
our operations and put in place a plan informed decisions factoring in biodiversity and natural capital and source
to reduce scope 3 emissions from our environmental risks and opportunities. responsibly.
supply chain and implement upcoming By supporting and contributing to
changes to Building Regulations Part L. the development of a net zero carbon Our divisions hold certification to
UK roadmap we can support the Environmental Management Standard ISO
• W
e are developing an updated waste 14001:2015
reduction strategy and researching development of legislation that yields the
best results and works for the industry.
the benefits of MMC as well as how to The energy use and carbon
enhance them. Medium term emissions of our operations
• W
e will improve our CDP Forests • By actively supporting a low carbon Scope 1 and 2 emissions
disclosure and continue to improve supply chain now, we can promote the
data collection on timber product Our greenhouse gas emissions in absolute
growth of UK suppliers in providing terms have reduced by 23% (location based)
certification from our suppliers. those innovative technologies and 28% (market based). This is mainly
Medium term and materials that housing and driven by office and site closures resulting
infrastructure needs, at scale. Reducing from COVID-19, though we have also seen
• Develop our strategy on water use
fossil fuel dependence can avoid some benefits from our renewable energy
reduction, addressing the adaptation
increased costs as these are dis- purchases. Our acquisition of Oregon,
risks of water shortages and flooding in
incentivised by Government. included in our carbon reporting for the
our operations and in our homes.
• F
urther explore how materials and Long term first time this year has contributed 1% of
• Low carbon homes and developments our absolute carbon emissions.
construction method choice can impact
our scope 3 emissions. can insulate our customers against
higher bills, secure our leading national
Long term sustainable housebuilder reputation
• We have set a target to ensure new and build trust that our developments
standard housetype designs will be net leave a positive legacy.
zero carbon in use by 2030.
• We are focused on sustainability in
• Achieve broader environmental net the benefits we offer by incorporating
gains utilising new technologies and electric vehicles in our car fleet and
building methods. enabling employees to access electric
• Further investigate the carbon, cars through our partnerships.
water and other resources which
are embodied into the materials and
services we purchase.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Key material issues

Strategic Report
• The energy use and carbon
Our carbon KPI is a measure of carbon battery assisted generators, which have the
emissions of our operations.
emissions per area of legally completed potential to reduce diesel use, as well as
units. A large proportion of emissions minimising noise and air pollution. • Having a low carbon supply chain.
are generated during construction. The • Reducing waste created from our
Office energy reduction plans are underway
significant delay to unit completions this operations.
at our Eastern Counties, Yorkshire West
year has therefore meant that we have • The lifetime environmental
and South Midlands offices. The results
seen a significant rise in our scope 1 and 2 performance of the homes we build.
will inform further energy improvements
location based carbon intensity – as a result
at our other offices. We have increased
of the combination of carbon emitted during
our purchase of renewable tariff REGO
the construction stages, coupled with the
backed electricity from 46% to 68%. We
fact that these units did not legally complete.
have identified further energy savings for KPIs
We have a target to reduce our carbon sites and offices as part of compliance with

intensity for scope 1 and 2 greenhouse Phase 2 of the Energy Saving Opportunities
gas emissions by 29% by 2025 from 2018 Scheme.
levels. In order to help achieve this, we
We have pledged to buy 100% of our
are introducing telematics technology to
electricity on renewable tariffs by 2025.
all generators to provide new insights on
This will prepare the way to achieving our
diesel reduction opportunities and are
working with plant manufacturers and
target of becoming net zero carbon in our Carbon intensity (per 100
operations by 2040 at the latest.
hire companies to provide telematics sq.m. of legally completed
reports, to alert our equipment handlers
on our construction sites when there are
Our scope 1, 2 and scope 3 business build area)
travel and transmission and distribution
opportunities to reduce diesel consumption. emissions, have limited assurance to (2019 (restated): 1.75)
We are conducting trials of solar and the ISAE 3000 (revised) standard by an
Why we measure
independent third party.
• M
onitors environmental impact of
our business activities.
• M
onitors progress in carbon
reduction arising from our
Greenhouse gas emissions 2020 2019 2018 2015
Scope 1 tCO2e 18,374 24,832 24,966 24,019

Scope 2 Location tCO2e 4,700 5,016 6,594 11,809

based Risks mitigated
Market tCO2e 2,089 3,411 4,992 – by this principle C L
Proactively safeguarding the
Total gross scope 1 Location tCO2e 23,074 29,848 31,560 35,828 environment through our designs and
& scope 2 emissions based construction methods keeps us ahead
Market tCO2e 20,463 28,243 29,958 – of Government regulation and planning
based policy, such as in meeting the UK’s
target of net zero by 2050 and ensures
Energy consumption MWh 97,686 117,551 116,998 – we are playing our role in combating
climate change.
Carbon intensity (per Location tCO2e/ 1.92 1.75 1.82 2.32
100 sq.m. of legally based 100m²
completed build area) Market tCO2e/ 1.70 1.66 1.73 –
based 100m²
Scope 31 tCO2e 3,130,717 3,835,725 3,857,428 –
Total gross scope 1, Location tCO2e 3,153,791 3,865,573 3,888,988 –
2 & 3 emissions based
Market tCO2e 3,151,180 3,863,968 3,887,386 –
1.  84 tCO2e of transmission & distribution losses from electricity and district heat and steam under
category 6, have been assured to ISAE 3000 (revised) standard by an independent third party. 69

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Barratt Developments PLC

Safeguarding the environment CONTINUED

Our principles

↑ An eco-friendly garden at our Ladden Garden Having a low carbon supply chain The lifetime environmental
Village site in North Yate, Bristol.
Scope 3 emissions performance of the homes we build
We have set a science-based target to Water

68% reduce scope 3 emissions by 11% by 2030.

This encompasses all material scope 3
categories identified by the science-based
targets initiative, the most significant
We have published our ‘Approach to
Water’, which explains the ways in which
the business is mitigating the risks from
flooding and freshwater scarcity both to our
being purchased goods and services which business and to the communities in which
of electricity purchased account for 65% of scope 3 emissions, and we operate.
from renewable REGO our products in use over their lifetime,
We are collaborating with water companies
accounting for 30%. This is a major step –
backed tariffs scope 3 emissions account for 99% of the to install smart water meters, which will
total carbon footprint of our value chain. enable a better understanding of how
(2019: 46%)
water use can be reduced in homes, and
Currently emissions from purchased goods have issued new guidance to divisions on
and services are estimated on industry eligibility for infrastructure credits available
averages, and we will improve the accuracy for water efficient homes. We contributed
of scope 3 data over time by obtaining to a new ‘Bricks and Water’ report on
actual emissions from top carbon intensive water use and housebuilding, making clear
suppliers and sub-contractors. This will our support for water labelling, water
enable us to better target our efforts in saving measures and support for further
carbon reduction. measures in Building Regulations.
As part of our commitment to reducing the Biodiversity
lifetime emissions of homes, we have set
In line with our target to create a net
a target to ensure new standard housetype
positive impact for ecology and biodiversity
designs will be net zero carbon in use
across all developments that we progress
by 2030. We continue to work on making
through planning from 2020 onwards, we
reductions as part of our net zero journey,
have tested our approach and embedded it
and contributing to governmental and
into our work, allowing us to monitor and
industry forums on the topic.
track progress. 42 show home gardens
Reducing waste created from have been certificated as wildlife friendly
by the RSPB and we have contributed to
our operations
the British Standards Institute consultation
We recognise that waste must remain a on biodiversity net gain. Read more about
priority area for us if we are to meet our biodiversity in Great places on pages 52
2025 target of a 20% reduction on 2015 and 53.
levels, see Leading construction on pages
54 to 57.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Risk management

Process of identifying our The Risk Committee considers the new and Overall assessment
principal risks emerging risks identified by the business The Board has completed its assessment
and the need for mitigation.

Strategic Report
In pursuing our strategic priorities to create of the Group's principal and emerging
value for stakeholders, we experience During the year, climate change and social risks, including those that would threaten
risk. The Board is responsible for the trends have been identified as emerging its business model, future performance,
overall stewardship of our system of risk risks. The Group is currently undertaking solvency or liquidity.
management and must ensure that the scenario analysis to determine the potential The current risk profile is within our
Group maintains the appropriate level of risk impact of and mitigations available for tolerance range; the Group is willing to
to achieve its objectives whilst remaining climate change and will identify it as accept a moderate level of operational risk
true to its principles. a principal risk in future if warranted. in order to deliver financial returns.
Emerging risks are detailed on page 77. No
Risk management controls are integrated new principal risks have been identified. There may be instances in which these
into all levels of our business and across risks could have a moderate adverse
all of our operations, including at site, In addition, reputational risk could impact on the Group, be it financially or
divisional, regional and Group level. The potentially arise from a number of sources operationally. To ensure that the Group’s
roles and responsibilities of the Board, its including external and internal influences business model remains resilient over
committees and all levels of management relating to the housebuilding sector which, the medium and long term, the Group
from a risk management perspective are when combined or over a period of time, has modelled these scenarios alongside
summarised on page 78. could create a new principal risk. The achievable mitigating actions. The results
Group actively manages the impact of are presented in the Viability statement on
We evaluate risks, how these have changed reputational risk by carefully assessing the
over time and what actions are being taken page 79.
potential impact of all the principal risks and
to mitigate them. They are then fed into the implementing mitigation actions to minimise
Group’s detailed risk register which also those risks. Impact of COVID-19
includes a number of cross-functional Group
wide risks. There is an overarching risk of a significant COVID-19 presents a risk to the
unexpected event, such as the COVID-19 health and safety of our employees,
Risks are reviewed by divisional and pandemic, having a material impact on
regional management as well as by sub-contractors and customers. The
the business, manifesting through the Group prioritises health and safety and
Senior Management and the Board, which Group’s principal risks. Our business has
ensures there is a regular ‘bottom-up’ and has implemented COVID-19 working
an established action plan for significant practices and protocols in line with the
‘top‑down’ consideration of risks. unexpected events, the effectiveness of latest guidance from the Government,
The risk register is reviewed on a regular which has been demonstrated by our Public Health Authorities and the
basis by the Risk Committee which response to COVID-19 this year. Construction Leadership Council.
considers the severity of each risk, the The Risk Committee reports its
required mitigating actions and business In addition, the pandemic has
recommendations on changes to and actions heightened the Group’s other principal
procedures and controls. The severity of to mitigate against the Group’s principal and
the risk is determined based on a defined risks: it has required the Group
emerging risks to the Audit Committee. The to quickly adapt to a new working
scoring system assessing risk impact and Audit Committee assesses these reports
likelihood after the implementation of risk environment, involving changes to
in light of business performance and the construction methods and IT systems,
mitigation strategies. environmental social and governance coupled with economic uncertainty and
The Group has identified ten principal risks matters embodied in our strategic principles challenges for our supply chain.
that it considers to be of high impact and and makes recommendations to the Board
likelihood, detailed on pages 72 to 76. The as to the appropriate actions to adopt. As the pandemic has evolved, the
principal risks are presented by reference to Board has reassessed its impact on
the strategic priorities to which they relate. Risk appetite principal risks. In addition, a ‘bottom-
The illustration of the probability does not The risk appetite for the Group is set by up’ evaluation was completed to ensure
consider the relative size of any associated the Board. It has identified operational a comprehensive consideration of
financial or reputational impact of each item. categories against which both our current the risks to the business. Additional
risk profile and our risk tolerance range are mitigating actions have been
Why and how our risks change defined. Tolerances are dependent on the implemented where necessary.
The principal risks identified, separately macroeconomic context and we may adjust The impact of COVID-19 on each risk
or in combination, could have a material our risk appetite accordingly. and the mitigating actions adopted in
adverse effect on the implementation of In defining our risk appetite, the Board has response are detailed on pages 72 to
the Group strategy, our business, financial taken into account the expectations of its 77. Changes arising from the virus are
performance, shareholder value and shareholders and other stakeholders. denoted by the symbol .
returns and reputation.
The Group has updated its forecasts
At each Risk Committee, updates on with its best estimate of the impact of
principal risk areas are presented and these risks and reflected this within its
ongoing mitigating actions reviewed. The going concern and Viability statement.
Chairman of the Audit Committee routinely
attends Risk Committee meetings in order
to provide independent challenge to the risk
management process. 71

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Principal risks

Principal risk

The Group has identified ten principal risks that it considers to be of material operational impact and likelihood:

A Economic environment, including housing demand F Availability of raw materials, sub-contractors

and mortgage availability and suppliers
B Land availability G Safety, health and environmental
C Government regulation and planning policy H Attracting and retaining high-calibre employees
D Joint ventures and consortia I Availability of finance and working capital
E Construction J IT

The principal risks are further detailed on pages 72 to 76, categorised by the strategic priorities to which they relate.
Emerging risks are detailed on page 77.

Key risk
Principal risk Risk level (net of mitigation) Risk appetite and response/mitigation indicators

Customer first

A H — M —

Economic environment, including COVID-19 and the ongoing • Continual monitoring of the market at a Gross and
housing demand and mortgage requirement for social Board, Executive Committee, regional and operating
availability distancing has disrupted divisional level, leading to amendments margins,
Changes in the UK macroeconomic the UK economy and greatly in the Group’s forecasts and planning as PBT, ROCE,
environment may lead to falling heightened uncertainty over necessary. EPS, TSR,
demand or tightened mortgage employment levels in the  ssessed likely market impact of
A total home
availability, on which the majority of short and medium term. COVID-19. The Group’s Viability statement completions
our customers are reliant, reducing Future developments of the is on page 79.
the affordability of our homes. virus or an unfavourable • Comprehensive sales policies and regular
An inability to meet customers’ needs outcome to negotiations review of pricing, local markets and
will lead to reduced volumes and regarding the UK’s developing good working relationships with
affect our ability to provide profitable relationship with the mortgage lenders.
growth. EU could cause further • Quarterly site valuations based on the
economic disruption. latest market data.
From April 2021, the • Maintenance of an appropriate capital
Executive Committee Government’s Help to Buy structure and balance sheet control.
scheme will be subject to • Planning for the end of the transition
regional caps and restricted period for the UK’s exit from the EU and
to first time buyers. The adapting business operations as necessary.
scheme is due to end in
• Development of alternative strategies
March 2023.
to drive sales following the announced
changes to Help to Buy.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Key risk
Principal risk Risk level (net of mitigation) Risk appetite and response/mitigation indicators

Strategic Report
Great places

B M — M —

Land availability  he Group temporarily

T • All potential land acquisitions are subject Land
The inability to secure sufficient suspended land purchasing to formal appraisal and approval by the approvals
consented land and strategic land between March and August Land Committee. (plots)
options at appropriate cost and quality 2020. The temporary • Group, regional and divisional review of
in the right locations which enhance closure of construction land currently owned, committed and
communities. sites and sales centres due identified against requirements.
to COVID-19 reduced sales
Securing favourable sites that meet • Formal relationship management with
volumes and cash inflows.
our margin and site ROCE hurdle key land suppliers, landowners and local
rates will enable volume growth. Our land bank is sufficient authorities.
to meet current operational • Review by Land Committee and
Responsibility: needs. management on strategic land and sites.
Land Committee
• Land forum and academy training events.
• Increased usage of strategic land.

C M — M —

Government regulation and The Government continues • Considerable in-house technical Gross and
planning policy to reiterate its commitment and planning expertise focused on operating
Changes in the regulatory to facilitating the provision complying with regulations and achieving margin,
environment affect the conditions and of new homes, but the implementable planning consents that PBT, ROCE,
time taken to obtain planning approval planning process remains meet local requirements. EPS, TSR,
and technical requirements including lengthy and complex. • Robust and rigorous design standards for total home
Building Regulations, increasing the the homes and places we develop that completions
Changes to Building
challenge of providing quality homes Regulations, such as exceed current and expected statutory
where they are most needed. the Future Homes requirements.
Sufficient, appropriate planning Standard effective in • Policies and technical guidance manuals
permissions on new sites will enable 2025, will increase design for employees on regulatory compliance
the Group to deliver disciplined requirements. and the standards of business conduct
volume growth at our target margins. expected.
• Consultation with Government agencies,
Responsibility: membership of industry groups to
Operations Committee help monitor, understand and plan for
proposed regulation change.

D L — M —

Joint ventures and consortia Our investment in JVs is  ontinual communication with our JV and
The Group can facilitate large or £152.1m (2019: £189.0m) a consortia partners concerning the impact total home
complex developments through joint reduction from the previous of COVID-19 on trading arrangements and completions
ventures or consortia arrangements, year. contractual requirements.
allowing the provision of housing in  he temporary closure of
T • All potential JVs are subject to formal
particular areas of need by sharing our construction sites and appraisal and approval by the Group’s
risk and capital requirements. sales centres as a result of Land Committee and the Board.
Securing more JV sites that meet COVID-19 also affected our • Once operational, the performance of
our hurdle rates enables disciplined JV and consortium sites. JVs and consortia are subject to regular
volume growth, but the arrangements review.
may be complex and capital intensive.
Operations Committee

Risk level/appetite H High risk M Medium risk L Low risk Change from previous year ↑ Increase ↓ Decrease — No change 73

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Barratt Developments PLC

Principal risks CONTINUED

Key risk
Principal risk Risk level (net of mitigation) Risk appetite and response/mitigation indicators

Leading construction

E H ↑ L —

Construction  he temporary closure of

T  rogramme of site inspections to ensure
P Customer
Failure to achieve excellence in construction sites during protection of sites during lockdown. service,
construction, through delays from the year caused a delay • Review of revised construction delivery total home
adverse conditions, a failure to identify to construction. Sites are against expected sales rates. completions,
cost overruns promptly, design and now operating COVID-19 gross
• Executive Committee, regional and
construction defects, and deviation working practices and margin,
divisional reviews and quarterly site
from environmental standards. protocols in line with the operating
valuations assess expected margins.
latest Government and margin, PBT,
Delays or deficiencies in construction industry guidance to ensure • Continuous review of quality of design and ROCE, EPS,
could increase costs, expose the the safety of our employees materials, which are both evaluated by construction
Group to liabilities, and result in poor and sub-contractors. This external and internal technical experts, waste
product quality, reduce selling prices has increased costs and is including the NHBC, to ensure compliance intensity
and sales volumes. expected to increase site with all building and other regulations. and carbon
Inefficiency and competitive duration. • Monitoring and improving the intensity
disadvantage from a failure to develop environmental and sustainability impact reduction
The Group continues to
and implement new and innovative of construction methods and materials.
increase its use of MMC to
construction methods. address skilled employee • Appropriate insurance cover.
Responsibility: shortages and reduce its • Detailed build programmes and
environmental impact. quality reviews.
Operations Committee
• Implementation of MMC by Design and
Technical teams.
• Technologies new to us go through a
rigorous testing and analysis process
before full implementation.

F H ↑ L —

Availability of raw materials,  he COVID-19 pandemic

T  ecured supply continuity for all supplies
S Customer
sub-contractors and suppliers has increased pressure on with high potential to be disrupted by service,
Shortages or increased costs of the availability of certain COVID-19. gross and
materials and skilled labour, the build materials in the short • Adhere to the Prompt Payment Code to operating
failure of a key supplier or the inability term, with potential for support the liquidity of our partners. margin,
to secure supplies on appropriate further disruption if further PBT, ROCE,
• Centralised team procures the majority
credit terms. outbreaks occur. EPS, TSR,
of the Group’s materials from within the
total home
Maintaining sufficient material and There also continues to UK including subcontractor materials,
skilled sub-contractor availability be a shortage of skilled ensuring consistent quality and cost.
will enable disciplined growth in labour in the housebuilding • Development of long-term supplier and
the provision of high-quality homes. industry, which may be sub-contractor partnerships with all
Failure to do so may lead to increased affected by an unfavourable significant supply agreements fixed in
costs and delays in construction. outcome to the negotiations advance, usually for 12 months.
regarding the trading
Responsibility: • Key supplier audit programme to assess
relationship between the
risks to the reliability of supply continuity.
Operations Committee UK and EU.
• Requirement to develop multiple supplier
Around 10% of the relationships for both labour contracts
Group’s materials, by and material supplies, with contingency
spend, are imported and plans should any key supplier fail.
a further 30%, by spend,
• Control of build and material costs
contain some imported
throughout build programmes.
• All key suppliers have confirmed that they
have plans in place to seek to minimise
disruption on the UK’s exit from the EU.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Key risk
Principal risk Risk level (net of mitigation) Risk appetite and response/mitigation indicators

Strategic Report
Investing in our people

G H ↑ L —

Safety, health and environment The Group continues to  ites and sales centres are operating
S Health
Health and safety or environmental focus on health and safety, under a detailed set of social distancing and safety
breaches can result in incidents ensuring consistent controls and hygiene practices and protocols in line (SHE audit
affecting employees, sub-contractors are in place to reduce with the latest Government guidance. compliance)
and site visitors and undermine the accidents and injuries. • Nominated social distancing marshal
creation of a great place to work. The Group IIR rate for the present on all sites.
SHE breaches affect the wellbeing year is 256 (2019: 297) per • Internal committed health and safety team.
of our employees and could result 100,000 persons employed • Regular health and safety monitoring,
in reputational damage, criminal (including sub-contractors). internal and external audits of all
prosecution and civil litigation, and  he Group has acted
T operational units, and regular Senior
delays in construction or increased to minimise the risk Management reviews of developments.
costs. to its employees, sub- • Continued reinforcement of Group SHE
Responsibility: contractors and customers policies and procedures.
of contracting COVID-19 • Dedicated SHE Board and SHE Operations
Safety, Health and Environment
whilst at work, incurring Committee that review key performance
Operating Committee
additional cost. indicators and improvement plans.
The pandemic and the • Quarterly performance reviews by
workplace changes it divisional management within all
has required present a operating units.
challenge to the physical, • Independent reviews of our SHE processes.
mental and financial
 artnered with benefit providers to offer
wellbeing of employees.
additional online training to support
the wellbeing of employees during the
COVID-19 lockdown, including on their
mental health, and working from home.

H M ↓ M —

Attracting and retaining Whilst competitiveness • Comprehensive human resources Employee

high-calibre employees for employees in the programme including apprenticeships, engagement
Failure to recruit and/or retain operational business a graduate development programme, score
the best people so that both our continues, this has succession planning and training
employees and the business reduced due to the current academies tailored to each discipline.
can benefit from the available economic uncertainty. • Ongoing monitoring of employee turnover
development opportunities. and absence statistics and feedback from
 he pandemic has
Development of skilled employees exit interviews.
necessitated a wide change
is critical to delivery of the Group’s in working practices. • Annual employee engagement survey to
strategy of profit and volume growth measure employee satisfaction.
through quality and efficiency. • Remuneration benchmarking against
Responsibility: industry competitors.
Executive Committee  aintained normal pay for furloughed
employees and committed to paying those
who are required to shield. When schools
closed, all employees with childcare
responsibilities were granted one week
of special paid leave to enable them to
make necessary arrangements. Additional
paid leave provided to non-furloughed

Risk level/appetite H High risk M Medium risk L Low risk Change from previous year ↑ Increase ↓ Decrease — No change 75

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Barratt Developments PLC

Principal risks CONTINUED

Key risk
Principal risk Risk level (net of mitigation) Risk appetite and response/mitigation indicators

Underpinning all priorities

I M ↑ L —

Availability of finance and working In November 2019 the • Committed bank facilities and private Average net
capital Group extended its £700m placement notes of around £900m with cash
Unavailability of sufficient borrowing RCF until 2024 with the maturity on the RCF in 2024 and the
and surety facilities to settle option to extend this further USPP in 2027.
liabilities, manage working capital, by one year. In addition, Increased frequency of monitoring of
respond to changes in the economic the Group holds £200m of working capital and cash requirements
environment, and take advantage fixed rate USPP notes that and compliance with banking covenants.
of appropriate land buying and mature in 2027.
 btained confirmation of eligibility for
operational opportunities to deliver  he temporary closure
T CCFF until March 2021, should it be
strategic priorities. of construction sites and required.
Responsibility: sales centres in the year in • Policy requiring minimum headroom of
response to the COVID-19 £150m of drawings against committed
Treasury Committee pandemic significantly facilities.
reduced cash inflows to the
• Maintenance of an appropriate capital
Group. The Group actively
managed its cash flows
with average net cash for • Assessed the medium and long-term
the year of £348.3m and net viability of the business model (page 79).
assets of £4,840.3m as at
30 June 2020.

J M — L —

IT  herever possible, the

W • Centrally maintained IT systems. Customer
The Group continues to integrate its Group has facilitated home • Fully tested disaster recovery programme. service,
IT systems to enhance control and working for its employees, gross and
• Regular reviews to seek to reduce the risk
drive efficiency. The failure of any of prioritising their safety operating
of successful cyber-attacks.
these systems, in particular those during the pandemic. margin, PBT,
relating to customer information, This has necessitated • GDPR compliant business processes and ROCE, EPS
surveying and valuation, could the adoption of new and data management.
restrict the Group’s operations and changes to existing IT • Technology Risk Sub-committee provides
disrupt progress in its strategic systems. Whilst presenting oversight of technology risk.
priorities. Failure to comply with an initial challenge, this • Group-wide compliance and policies
data regulations could also incur has also encouraged the on passwords and transferring data to
significant financial penalties and improvement of the Group’s third parties.
reputational damage. IT environment.

Responsibility: The threat of external

cyber attacks and phishing
Technology Risk Sub-committee
attempts persists with
a number of high profile
incidents being reported in
the media during the year.


Barratt-AR2020 Strategic.indd 76 07-Sep-20 4:55:55 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Emerging Risks
Key risk

Strategic Report
Emerging risk Current status Response/mitigation indicators

Customer first

The Group’s marketing must • Weekly monitoring of our media Customer

K remain relevant to the latest performance, including monitoring service
Social trends developments in communications of our competitors and other
and social media or it will fail to industry best practice.
Social developments drive changes in
engage with new customers. • Procurement of a social media
customers’ expectations of the service
they receive, the ways in which they Our customers expect timely specialist team to monitor and
communicate with the Group, and the and relevant communication advise usage.
manner in which the Group engages throughout the sales process • Communications and Investor
with its stakeholders. through channels that fit their Relations teams regularly assess
lifestyle. the effectiveness of the Group’s
Operations Committee Our customers increasingly
consider the Group’s social and • Replacing the CRM system with an
environmental impact when online customer portal that allows
deciding to buy our homes. The for easy communication throughout
Group must highlight the value the customer experience.
it creates for communities and • Active working party focused
wider society. on delivering the Diversity and
Inclusion strategy to ensure that the
 he COVID-19 pandemic has
business is representative of and
accelerated certain social
acts in the interests of all within the
changes, such as the manner
communities in which we operates.
in which our customers wish to
communicate.  elephone and video appointments,
including video tours of show homes.

Underpinning all priorities

A great global effort is required • Committed to reduce the Group’s Carbon

L to keep climate change below operational and indirect carbon intensity,
Climate change 1.5 degrees and avoid the most emissions significantly (including waste
severe effects of climate change. those from its completed homes and intensity
In the short-to-medium term,
The UK Government is aiming to its supply chain) by 2025 and 2030
Government regulations and
become net zero carbon by 2050, respectively. This is ahead of the
customer and investor expectations
with key environmental legislation expected statutory requirements.
will require the Group to further
likely to accelerate in the future. • Review of Future Homes Standard,
enhance its sustainable business
Local planning authorities are effective in 2025, adapt and plan for
declaring climate emergencies, compliance.
In the long-term the Group must many with ambitions of carbon
• The business has prepared for
adapt to the physical changes to the neutrality by 2030.
upcoming legislation, for example
climate in which it operates.
The introduction of the Future with the tools to create measured
The Group currently manages the Homes Standard in 2025 and the biodiversity net gains on new
impacts of climate risk separately potential for overheating due to developments.
through its principal risks, for increased average temperatures • Appointment of Group Sustainability
example the Future Homes in summer requires the Group to Director to co-ordinate the Group’s
Standard is considered through reassess its designs. response and advise the Board on
the management of Government sustainability matters.
The increased frequency of
regulation and planning policy and
extreme weather disrupts • Commenced scenario analysis to
increased flooding risk is considered
construction and requires our determine the resilience of the
in the management of land
developments to be resilient to Group’s business model under
its effects. different climate related scenarios.
Executive Committee

Risk level/appetite H High risk M Medium risk L Low risk Change from previous year ↑ Increase ↓ Decrease — No change 77

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Barratt Developments PLC

Principal risks CONTINUED

Monitoring risk
throughout the Board
Overall responsibility for corporate strategy, governance, performance, internal controls and risk management.
Defines the Group’s appetite for risk and monitors risks to ensure they are effectively managed,
including agreeing actions where necessary.

Audit Nomination Remuneration Safety, Health Disclosure

Committee Committee Committee and Environment Committee
Reviews the Ensures an Assesses the Committee Responsible for
effectiveness of appropriate balance appropriate Responsible for compliance with
internal controls, of skills, knowledge incentivisation the stewardship the requirements of
including systems and experience on of the Executive of safety, health the Market Abuse
to identify, assess the Board Directors and Senior and environmental Regulation
and monitor risks Management performance

Regular performance and risk reports to the Board

Executive Committee CONSIDERS ALL RISKS

Monitoring business and operational performance and changes in key risks facing the business.
Responsible for ensuring that the Risk Management Policy is implemented and embedded within the business and
appropriate actions are taken to manage risks.
line and
audit reports
throughout Operations Risk Committee Treasury Land Committee Safety, Health
the year Committee CONSIDERS Operating and Environment
ALL RISKS Committee Operating
Considers identified Reviews and Committee
I authorises all
F K risks and their
mitigation Manages liquidity proposed land G
Reviews operating
and counterparty acquisitions to Reviews the
performance Identifies new and
risk and ensures manage land effectiveness
emerging risks
that treasury acquisition risk of health and
policies are safety policies
Technology risk implemented and and establishes
sub-committee embedded within controls and
J the business procedures to
manage these risks
Identifies and
technology related
risks and their

Implementation and embedding of the Risk Management Policy

Site management Regional and divisional Independent assurance

Maintains an effective system of risk management Internal Audit, External Auditors
management and internal control at Responsible for risk identification, and other independent experts test
site level including construction and management and control within the design and effectiveness of
sub-contractor risks and SHE their region or division procedures and controls

Denotes responsibility for principal risk A Economic environment, including housing demand and mortgage availability B Land availability
C Government regulation and planning policy D Joint ventures and consortia E Construction F Availability of raw materials, sub-contractors
and suppliers G Safety, health and environment H Attracting and retaining high-calibre employees I Availability of finance and working capital
J IT K Social trends L Climate change


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Viability statement

Going concern The Group continues to be subject to its Where necessary, mitigating actions were
In determining the appropriate basis of principal risks, which have been reassessed modelled that would be adopted by the
in light of COVID-19. The principal risks, Group in response to these circumstances.

Strategic Report
preparation of the Financial Statements,
the Directors are required to consider including developments resulting from the These primarily involved a reduction in
whether the Group can continue in pandemic, are detailed in pages 72 to 76. In investment in inventories in line with the
operational existence for the foreseeable particular, the economic outlook remains fall in expected sales and the actions
future. Accordingly, after making enquiries unclear. This Viability statement considers successfully deployed during the Group’s
and having considered forecasts and the impact that these risks (particularly closure of its operations in March 2020. It
appropriate sensitivities, the Directors those related to the economic environment is assumed that the Group does not receive
have formed a judgement, at the time of and availability of finance and working Government assistance and does not utilise
approving the Financial Statements, that capital) might have on its ability to meet its the CCFF.
there is a reasonable expectation that the targets in current market conditions over
the review period. Under the described scenarios, the
Group has adequate resources to continue Group is able to operate within its current
in operational existence for the foreseeable To assess the Group’s resilience to adverse facilities, meet its liabilities as they fall due,
future, being at least 12 months from outcomes, its forecast performance over and remain in compliance with its financial
the date of these Financial Statements. the three-year period, including dividends, covenants in the assessed period. The
(More information on the going concern was sensitised to reflect a series of mitigating actions required do not disrupt
judgement can be found in note 1.3 to the scenarios based on the Group’s principal the Group’s ability to grow over the long
Financial Statements.) For this reason, risks and the downside prospects for the term.
they continue to adopt the going concern UK economy and housing market presented
basis in the preparation of these Financial in the latest external economic forecasts. Based on this review, the Directors confirm
Statements. that they have a reasonable expectation
This assessment included a reasonable that the Group will be able to continue in
Viability statement worst-case scenario in which the Group’s operation and meet its liabilities as they
In accordance with the Code, the Directors principal risks manifest to a severe but fall due over the three-year period of their
have assessed the prospects and financial plausible level. The assessed risks, assessment.
viability of the Group over the longer term, for which the impacts were applied in
aggregate, were as follows: Assessing the Group's prospects beyond
taking into account both its current position the review period, the Directors consider
and circumstances, and the potential impact that the demand for high-quality new
of its principal risks. The Group’s business homes will remain strong due to long term
model is presented on pages 30 and 31 and Principal risk Impact modelled undersupply. The Group has maintained
its future prospects are primarily monitored a well-capitalised balance sheet and
through the risk management processes A operates a resilient business model
detailed on page 71. focused on quality and customer service. As
A decline in demand
Economic a result, the Group is well placed to emerge
For the long term viability statement, leading to a 25%
environment, from the short to medium term disruption
the Directors consider that a three-year reduction in total
including caused by COVID-19 and rebuild completion
review period is appropriate. This period sales volumes
housing demand pre-COVID-19 volumes towards its medium term target of
is aligned with the Group’s bottom-up
three-year planning and forecasting cycle, and mortgage levels and 10% 20,000 wholly owned completions. Through
during which a wide range of information availability fall in private this, disciplined land acquisition and the
relating to present and future business ASP, followed by a optimisation of performance across build
conditions is considered, including those gradual recovery. and sales, the Group will look to rebuild to
impacting on expected profitability, cash achieve margin improvement and target
flows, and funding requirements. Reduced ROCE of 25%.
trading arising as a result of COVID-19 F
The Strategic Report on pages 2 to 79 was
has increased our land bank years metric, A 5% increase in
Availability of raw approved by the Board and is signed on its
but future land investment will continue to the cost of material
materials, behalf by
focus on our return on capital and aim for a and labour arising
shorter than sector average supply of owned from shortfalls in David Thomas
and suppliers supply, for instance
land of c. 3.5 years, with which the three- Chief Executive
year review period is broadly consistent. following the end of
the transition period 1 September 2020
The Group has adapted its business plan for withdrawal from
in response to COVID-19. This is reflected the EU.
in the Group’s forecasts through reduced
sales volumes and increased build times as
we prioritise the safety of our employees, E
sub-contractors and customers. The A two month
plan also incorporates the likely market nationwide closure
impact of the planned changes in the Help of sales centres and
to Buy Scheme in 2021 and 2023. The construction sites.
Group is forecast to remain profitable and
sustainable in the new trading environment. Safety, health and
environment 79

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Barratt Developments PLC

Board of Directors

We have an experienced
and committed Board,
which continues to focus
on promoting the success
and long term sustainable
value of the Group. N R D

John Allan David Thomas

Non-Executive Chair Chief Executive

Key Appointment to the Board: Appointment to the Board:

A Audit Committee John joined the Board as a David joined the Board as an
Non-Executive Director on Executive Director and Group
N Nomination Committee 1 August 2014 and became Finance Director on 21 July
Chair on 12 November 2014. 2009 and was appointed Chief
R Remuneration Committee Executive on 1 July 2015.
Skills and qualifications:
John has significant board, Skills and qualifications:
D Disclosure Committee
business and retail experience David brings a wealth of finance
gained from both the and leadership experience
S Safety, Health and commercial and financial acquired over a number of
Environment Committee sectors. He was CEO of Exel PLC years in senior positions and
and, when it was acquired by is an Associate of the Institute
Chair of Committee
Deutsche Post in 2005, he joined of Chartered Accountants in
the board of Deutsche Post, England and Wales. He was
becoming CFO in 2007 until previously Group Finance
his retirement in 2009. John Director and Deputy Chief
was also chair of Dixons Retail Executive of The GAME Group
plc, and, following its merger plc and Group Finance Director
with Carphone Warehouse, at Millennium and Copthorne
was deputy chair and senior Hotels plc. He has also held
independent director of Dixons senior financial roles with House
Carphone until 2015. He was of Fraser plc and Forte plc.
also previously a non-executive
External appointments:
director of Worldpay Group
PLC (where he was previously David is a Non-Executive
Chair), National Grid plc, the UK Director of the HBF.
Home Office Supervisory Board,
3i plc, PHS Group plc, Connell
plc, Royal Mail plc, Wolseley plc
and Hamleys plc and chair of
London First.
External appointments:
John is currently Chairman of
Tesco PLC, Chair of the Council
at Imperial College and a regent
of the University of Edinburgh.
Having recently come to the end
of his term as President of the
CBI, John has been elected Vice
President of the CBI for a one-
year term.


Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 80 07-Sep-20 4:54:44 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020


Steven Boyes Jessica White Richard Akers Nina Bibby

Chief Operating Officer Chief Financial Officer Senior Independent Non-Executive Director

and Deputy Chief Executive Director

Appointment to the Board: Appointment to the Board: Appointment to the Board: Appointment to the Board:
Steven joined the Board as an Jessica joined the Board as an Richard joined the Board as a Nina joined the Board as a
Executive Director on 1 July Executive Director and Chief Non-Executive Director on Non-Executive Director on
2001 and subsequently Chief Financial Officer on 2 April 2012 and became Senior 3 December 2012.
Operating Officer on 5 July 2012. 22 June 2017. Independent Director on
16 November 2016. Skills and qualifications:
He became Deputy Chief
Skills and qualifications: Nina brings a wealth of
Executive on 24 February 2016
Jessica brings significant Skills and qualifications: marketing experience to the
and is responsible for
the Group’s housebuilding financial experience to the Richard has considerable board Board. She was formerly the
operations. Board. She joined the Group experience and a broad range Global Chief Marketing Officer
in 2007 as Head of Financial of property knowledge. He at Barclaycard, the payments
Skills and qualifications: Accounting and was promoted was a senior executive at Land subsidiary of Barclays plc, until
Steven has over 40 years’ to Group Financial Controller Securities Group plc (joining the 2013. Prior to Barclaycard Nina
experience in the housebuilding in 2010. Prior to this, Jessica main Board in 2005), a Non- was Senior Vice President,
industry, having joined us held various positions at Wilson Executive Director of Emaar Global Brand Management at
in 1978 as a junior quantity Bowden plc (2005–2007) and Malls PJSC, a member of the InterContinental Hotels Group
surveyor and progressing PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Board for Battersea plc, and worked at Diageo plc,
through the business to assume LLP (2000–2005). Jessica is Power Station Development latterly as Commercial Strategy
the roles of Technical Director a member of the Institute of Company, and a Director and Director.
and Managing Director of Chartered Accountants of President of the British Council
Scotland. of Shopping Centres, the main External appointments:
Barratt York, before being
appointed Regional Director for industry body for retail property Nina is currently Chief
External appointments: Marketing Officer at O2
Barratt Northern in 1999. Steven owners. Richard is a Chartered
was also previously a trustee of Jessica holds no external Surveyor. (Telefonica UK) and a Trustee
the UK Green Building Council. appointments. for the Great Ormond Street
External appointments: Hospital Children’s Charity.
External appointments: Richard is a Non-Executive
Steven holds no external Director and Senior Independent
appointments. Director of Shaftsbury plc. He is
also a Non-Executive Director of
Unite Group plc. 81

Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 81 07-Sep-20 4:54:46 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Board of Directors CONTINUED


Jock Lennox Sharon White Tina Bains

Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Company Secretary

Key Appointment to the Board: Appointment to the Board: Appointment to the Board:
A Audit Committee Jock joined the Board as a Sharon joined the Board as a Tina was appointed to the role
Non-Executive Director on Non-Executive Director on of Company Secretary on
N Nomination Committee 1 July 2016. 1 January 2018. 1 January 2016.
Skills and qualifications: Skills and qualifications: Skills and qualifications:
R Remuneration Committee
Jock, a Chartered Accountant, Sharon is Chair of the John Tina joined the Group in 2008 as
brings a multitude of business Lewis Partnership and also Assistant Company Secretary,
D Disclosure Committee
and finance experience to the brings over 25 years’ experience and was promoted to the role
Board. Until last year, he was in the public sector to the of Deputy Company Secretary
S Safety, Health and Chairman of Hill and Smith Board. She was, until recently, in 2011. Prior to this, Tina held
Environment Committee Chief Executive of Ofcom and various Company Secretarial
Holdings plc and Enquest
plc. Jock was previously was formerly Director General, positions within the private and
Chair of Committee
Senior Independent Director Public Spending and Second professional services sectors
of Oxford Instruments plc Permanent Secretary to HM including TMF Corporate
and Non-Executive Director Treasury. She also previously Secretarial Services Limited
and Chairman of the Audit held roles at the British and Ernst & Young LLP. Tina
Committees of Dixons Carphone Embassy in Washington, the is a Fellow of the Institute of
plc and A&J Mucklow Group No 10 Policy Unit, the World Chartered Secretaries and
plc. He also spent 30 years with Bank and various Government Administrators.
Ernst & Young LLP, holding a departments including the
External appointments:
number of leadership positions Department for International
in the UK and globally, including Development, the Department Tina holds no external
20 years as a partner. of Work and Pensions and the appointments.
Ministry of Justice.
External appointments:
Jock is Chair of the Audit External appointments:
Committee Chairs’ Independent Sharon is Deputy Chair of
Forum. Sadlers Wells, a contemporary
dance company.


Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 82 07-Sep-20 4:54:48 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of:

David Thomas Steven Boyes Jessica White

Chief Executive Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer 

Deputy Chief Executive

See page 80 See page 81 See page 81

Rob Tansey Jeremy Hipkiss Tina Bains

Group HR Director Group Sales and Marketing Director Company Secretary

Rob has responsibility for the Group’s Jeremy is responsible for the Group’s See page 82
human resources strategy, including overall sales, marketing and customer
recruitment, remuneration and benefits, experience strategy and delivery. In addition
talent and performance management and to these responsibilities, Jeremy has
training and development programmes. executive responsibility for IT, business
change and sustainability.
Career and experience:
Rob joined the Group in August 2012 from Career and experience:
Dairy Crest Plc where he was Group HR Jeremy joined the Group in 2008 and has
Director for six years. Before joining Dairy wide experience in marketing and retail
Crest, Rob was HR Director at Travis operations, having held a similar role at the
Perkins Plc and previously held senior Spirit Group. Prior to that, Jeremy worked
HR roles at Celesio AG and Wickes. Rob for Allied Domecq PLC and Marston’s PLC,
was a member of the CITB Council until having graduated in Economics at Leeds
December 2017 and is now a member of University.
the new CITB Nation Council for England. 83

Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 83 07-Sep-20 4:54:49 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Regional Managing Directors

From 1 July 2020, the Group operates through five geographic housebuilding
regions and a commercial division. During the year ended 30 June 2020, the
Group operated from six geographical regions. Each operation has a Managing
Director as follows:

Doug McLeod Mike Roberts Bernard Rooney Richard Brooke

Regional Managing Regional Managing Regional Managing Regional Managing
Director – Director – Director – Director –
Scotland Northern Central East

Doug is responsible for the Mike is responsible for the Bernard is responsible for Richard is responsible for the
Group’s operations in the Group’s operations in the the Group’s operations in the Group’s operations in the East
Scotland Region, which consists Northern Region, which consists Central Region, which consists Region, which consists of six
of three divisions and our timber of four divisions. He is also of five divisions. In addition, he divisions. He is also responsible
frame operations at Oregon. responsible for the Group’s heads up Barratt Partnerships, for the Group’s procurement
commercial which is responsible for function.
Career and experience:
and construction functions. identifying and securing
Doug joined the Group in Career and experience:
public land and partnering
January 1974. Formerly Career and experience: Richard joined the Group in
Regional Director of Barratt Mike joined the Group in June 2007 following the acquisition
Scotland and Managing Director 2004. Formerly Managing Career and experience: of Wilson Bowden plc, where
of Barratt North Scotland, he Director of Barratt North East, Bernard joined the Group in he was Operations Director and
was appointed to his current he was appointed to his current 1981. Formerly Managing previously Finance Director for
role in January 2017. role in January 2017. Director of Barratt Newcastle, David Wilson Homes Limited.
he was appointed to his current He was appointed to his current
position in July 2010. position in July 2008.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Chris Burton Gary Ennis Nick Richardson
Regional Managing Regional Managing Managing Director –
Director – Director – Wilson Bowden
West London and Southern Developments
(retired 30 June 2020) (until 30 June 2020);
London, West and
(from 1 July 2020)

Chris was responsible for the Gary is responsible for the Nick is responsible for the
Group’s operations in the West Group’s operations in the Group’s commercial business,
Region, which consists of three London and Southern Region, Wilson Bowden Developments.
divisions, prior to his retirement which consists of six divisions.
on 30 June 2020. Following Chris Burton’s Career and experience:
retirement, Gary has assumed Nick joined Wilson Bowden plc
Career and experience: in 1991 and was appointed to his
responsibility for the Group’s
Chris joined the Group in 1985. operations in the West Region. current role in 1999. Nick joined
Formerly Managing Director of the Group in 2007 following
Barratt Yorkshire West for 13 Career and experience: the acquisition of Wilson
years, he was appointed to Gary joined the Group in 1995. Bowden plc. Nick is a Chartered
the role of Regional Managing Formerly Managing Director of Surveyor.
Director in July 2012. Barratt North London he was
appointed Regional Managing
Director of Southern in January
2006, of London in October 2016,
and West on 1 July 2020. 85

Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 85 07-Sep-20 4:54:51 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Corporate governance report

Introduction and overview

“The foundation of any resilient business is a strong

corporate governance framework and a positive culture
that is embedded throughout.”
John Allan
John Allan Chair
11/11 Introduction
The Board provides effective and
Corporate governance statement
The Company is subject to the Code, which
entrepreneurial leadership in promoting was issued by the FRC in 2018. The Code
the long term sustainable success can be found on the FRC’s website, www.frc.
Other Board members: of the Company, generating value for The Board confirms that throughout
shareholders and contributing to wider the year ended 30 June 2020, and as at
society. It establishes the Group’s purpose, the date of this report, the Company has
values and strategy, ensuring these are complied with all relevant provisions set
aligned with the culture of the business out in the Code. This report, together with
and that each of these is embedded the reports from the Nomination, Audit,
throughout the organisation. In addition, SHE and Remuneration Committees and
David Thomas Steven Boyes the Board ensures that the necessary the other statutory disclosures, provides
resources are in place to deliver on its details of how the Company has applied
11/11 11/11 purpose and strategy, and that we work
within a framework of prudent and effective
the principles of the Code (pages 80 to
155). The Company has also complied with
controls, which enable risk to be assessed the relevant requirements of the FCA’s
and managed. The Board also considers Disclosure and Transparency Rules and
and assesses the opportunities and risks the FCA’s Listing Rules; BEIS’ Directors’
to the future success of the business and Remuneration Reporting Regulations and
the sustainability of the Group’s business Narrative Reporting Regulations and the
model. Throughout its decision making FRC’s Guidance on Risk Management,
Jessica White Richard Akers process, the Board takes into account the Internal Control and Related Financial and
11/11 11/11 feedback received from its stakeholders.
Details of this can be found on pages 38 to
Business Reporting.

48 in the Strategic Report.

The last few months of our financial
year have proved to be a challenge as a
consequence of COVID-19. It has become
even more apparent that the foundation of
any resilient business is a strong corporate
Nina Bibby Jock Lennox governance framework and a positive
11/11 11/11 culture that is embedded throughout.
The Board acted quickly and decisively
in response to the impact of COVID-19,
leading the business through a full
closure to re-opening of all operational
sites. Details of these actions are set out
throughout this report.

Sharon White

n Board meetings attended
n Board meetings held


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Implementation of the Code

Section of the Code How we have applied the Code Further information

Board leadership and company purpose

The Board is collectively responsible for the long This section details:
term sustainable success of your Company. The • the main activities and outcomes of the Board in See pages 89 to 91
Group’s purpose, values and strategy are set by FY20 and how governance contributes to strategy;
the Board, and the Group’s culture is aligned with
• the Board’s ongoing work on culture; and See pages 92 to 95
these and promoted by the Board, which leads by
example. • the Group’s control framework. See page 99
The Board is responsible for ensuring the Information on the Board’s work on the Group’s See pages 32 to 35

necessary resources are available to meet the purpose, values and strategy is given in the
Group’s objectives, measure performance and Strategic Report.
establish an effective risk and internal control Information on the Group’s stakeholders (including See pages 38 to 48
framework. the workforce), how we engage with them and the
The Board recognises the importance of engaging impact of that engagement on the Board’s decisions is
with the workforce and other stakeholders and set out in the Section 172 Statement and Stakeholder
using feedback from them to inform its decisions. engagement section in the Strategic Report.
Information regarding the management of conflicts See page 108
of interest is provided in the Nomination Committee

Division of responsibilities
The Chair leads the Board, facilitates constructive This section outlines:
relations amongst its members and ensures • Board balance and how responsibilities are divided See pages 96 to 99
information received is accurate, timely and clear. amongst the Board, its Committees and individual
Executive Directors manage the business on a day- Directors;
to-day basis. • Chair and Non-Executive Director independence; See pages 97 and 102

The Non-Executive Directors, all of whom are • membership and attendance at the Board; and See page 86
independent, provide an appropriate level of scrutiny • the structure and composition of the Board and its See pages 80 to 82
and constructive challenge, strategic guidance and Committees. and 98 to 99
specialist advice and hold management to account.
Information regarding the evaluation of individual See pages 103 and
Board policies and processes are in place to ensure Directors, and the time commitments of the Chair and 108
that the Board functions effectively and efficiently. Non-Executive Directors is given in the Nomination
Committee report.

Composition, succession and evaluation

The Board regularly reviews its composition to This section details:
ensure it retains a balance of skills, experience, • the main activities of the Nomination Committee and See page 101
independence and knowledge, which enables it to their outcomes;
discharge its duties and responsibilities effectively.
• a breakdown of the Board’s composition; See page 102
Board appointments are subject to a formal, • the process for Board appointments; See page 102
rigorous and transparent procedure and an effective
• details of how succession plans are monitored and See page 103
succession plan has been established and is
maintained for Board and Senior Management.
• Board and Senior Management diversity; and See page 103 and 104
Appointments and succession plans are based on
• Board and committee evaluation, progress on the See pages 105 to 108
merit and are objective, and promote diversity.
FY19 actions and results of the FY20 evaluation.
The Board undertakes an annual evaluation of its
own effectiveness, that of its committees as well
as that of individual Directors. This evaluation is
facilitated by an external third party every third year. 87

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Barratt Developments PLC

Corporate governance report CONTINUED

Introduction and overview
Implementation of the Code

Section of the Code How we have applied the Code Further information

Audit, risk and internal control

The Board is mindful of the risk environment in This section summarises:
which it operates when making any decisions. • the main activities of the Audit Committee and their See pages 112 to 115
It has established formal and transparent policies outcomes;
and procedures to ensure independence and • the significant issues the Audit Committee considered See pages 115 to 117
effectiveness of internal and external audit functions. relating to the financial statements and how these
issues were addressed;
The Board satisfies itself on the integrity of the
financial and narrative statements, and that they • the approach to risk management, internal control See page 118
present a fair, balanced and understandable and risk management systems and the Audit
assessment of the Group’s position and prospects. Committee’s review of their effectiveness; and
• an explanation of how the Audit Committee has See page 119
It maintains sound risk management and internal
assessed the independence and effectiveness of the
control systems and regularly reviews the principal
external audit process and the approach taken to the
and emerging risks impacting the business.
re-appointment of the External Auditor, including
The Board assesses the appropriate appetite for risk information on non-audit services.
in striving to achieve the Group’s strategic objectives. • the Directors’ statement of responsibility for a fair, See page 155
balanced and understandable Annual Report and
The following additional information can be found in the
Strategic Report:
• the Board’s assessment of the Group’s emerging See pages 71 to 78
and principal risks and information on how these are
being managed;
• the long term viability statement; See page 79
• the Going Concern statement; and See page 79

The Board, through its Remuneration Committee, This section sets out:
has established a formal and transparent procedure • details of the Group’s remuneration policy and See pages 127 to 136
for developing its policy on executive remuneration proposed changes for FY21;
and determining Director and Senior Management
• how the policy operated during FY20, including See pages 142 to 151
remuneration outcomes based on the Company’s
The remuneration policy and practices are designed performance and taking into account independent
to support the strategy and promote the long term judgement and discretion applied for the Company’s
sustainable success of the Group. and individual performance and wider circumstances;
Executive remuneration is aligned to the Group’s
purpose and values to support the successful • how policy will be applied in FY21. See pages 139 to 141
delivery of the Group’s long term strategy.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Corporate governance report CONTINUED

Board leadership and company purpose
Main activities undertaken during the financial year
The Board follows an annual agenda to ensure that all key matters are allocated adequate time for discussion. During the lockdown period,
the Board scheduled additional meetings to ensure that it remained apprised on the steps being taken to safeguard the health, safety and
wellbeing of its employees, customers, suppliers, sub-contractors and the general public, whilst maintaining the liquidity and balance
sheet resilience of the business. A description of the main activities of the Board during the year under review and how these contributed to
the delivery of strategy is set out below.

Link to strategic priorities

Key activities and discussions in FY20 and principles

Following the Prime Minister’s lockdown announcement on 23 March 2020, the Board closely

Customer first
monitored and actively managed the impact of COVID-19 on the business and in particular the
Group’s employees, customers, suppliers and sub-contractors.
The Board took immediate measures to manage the Group’s cost base and cash flows to ensure Investing in our people
resilience whilst ensuring the health and safety of its employees, customers, suppliers and sub-
contractors. The measures implemented included: Keeping people safe
• temporary closure of all of our sales centres, construction sites and offices by
27 March 2020;
Being a trusted partner
• suspension of all land buying activity;
• cessation of all recruitment activity;
• postponement of non-essential capital expenditure; Ensuring the financial health
of our business
• active management of cash flows whilst ensuring that our suppliers and sub-contractors
continue to be paid on time;
• cancellation of the interim dividend, which was due to be paid on 11 May 2020, the final
ordinary and special dividends payable in November 2020 and the special dividend proposed
for payment in November 2021;
• furloughing around 85% of our employees at their normal pay in order to safeguard jobs;
• a successful application for access to funding under the CCFF to enhance the Group’s liquidity
position. Utilisation of the CCFF is not anticipated;
• a voluntary 20% reduction in base salary and fees for all Executive Directors,
the wider Executive and Regional Managing Director team, the Chair and the
Non-Executive Directors for the period our sites were closed;
• supported the recommendation of the Executive Directors and the decision of the
Remuneration Committee that there would be no payments to any Director or employee under
the FY20 annual bonus scheme;
• monitored the establishment of extensive COVID-19 working practices and protocols, to enable
site operations to gradually restart from 11 May 2020 in England and Wales and from 1 June
2020 in Scotland; and
• return of the funding received under the CJRS taking into account the Group’s financial

Purpose, strategy, values and culture

The Board undertook a review of the Group’s purpose and culture and the extent to which both
are aligned to the strategy and values of the business. COVID-19 interrupted this work but we are Customer first
committed to continuing this review in FY21.
Further details on this work can be found on pages 32 to 35. Great places
Reviewed the Group’s modern slavery statement and the dissemination of this around the
workforce and processes associated with the policies. Leading construction

Investing in our people

Keeping people safe

Being a trusted partner 89

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Corporate governance report CONTINUED

Board leadership and company purpose

Link to strategic priorities

Key activities and discussions in FY20 and principles

Business performance and resourcing

Details of the performance of the Business are provided in the Strategic Report on pages 2 to 27.

Routes for growth

The Board identified a number of key opportunities the business should pursue to grow in terms Customer first
of volume and improve margin as well as enhancing its efficiency by leveraging the Group’s strong
brand position and the use of more digital platforms. Great places
Modern methods of construction
The Board undertook a review of the progress made with enhancing the Group’s MMC capability. Leading construction
Agreed updates should be made to tighten timber sourcing policies and include Oregon.
Concluded that MMC sites should be included in the annual Board visit schedule to further
Investing in our people
educate the Board.
Internal aspirational targets to be set for each type of MMC.
Safeguarding the environment
Reviewed a number of significant land investments and transactions.
Ensuring the financial health
Considered strategic acquisitions and disposals of joint ventures and subsidiaries. of our business

Environmental, social and governance

The Board reviewed and agreed amendments to the Group’s sustainability policies to ensure that
they remain appropriate and fit for purpose.
Discussions around ensuring adequate resource being available to drive the sustainability agenda
forward resulted in the appointment of a new Group Sustainability Director. In addition, the Board
is exploring the benefits of establishing a Sustainability Committee to enhance its focus in this
The Board considered and approved science-based targets to show the Group’s commitment to
reducing carbon emissions. Under these targets, the Group aims to reduce direct emissions by 29% by
2025 and indirect emissions by 2% by 2025, and 11% by 2030.
Reviewed, considered and updated potential conflicts of interest at each meeting and reviewed the
recommendations of the Nomination Committee’s more detailed annual review.
The Board reviewed and updated its Terms of Reference (including Matters Reserved) and that
of the Chair, Senior Independent Director and the Chief Executive in line with the Code and best
practice guidance.

Attraction, recruitment and retention

Considered work done by the Group to mitigate workforce skills shortages and steps taken to aid
retention, development, attraction and recruitment.

Financial and liquidity

Reviewed the proposed budget and five-year business plan, approval of which is subject to the
impact of COVID-19.
Reviewed half and full year results and announcements and the Group’s Annual Report and Accounts.
Approved dividend policy for FY20 and considered the policy for FY21 and beyond. Further details
can be found in the Chairman’s Statement on page 11.
Agreed a one-year extension on the Group’s RCF.
Closely monitored the forecast liquidity and cash flows of the Group following the temporary
closure of all construction sites, sales centres and offices and the gradual reopening of the same.

Reviewed reports on performance against budget and forecast.

Group pension scheme and Share Awards

Agreed to support the pension trustee with the buy in of the Group’s Defined Benefit pension
scheme (see page 148 for further details).
Given the reduced share price, and to limit the dilution of shareholdings, made the decision to
satisfy options and awards vesting in FY21 with shares purchased in the market and authorised
the EBT to purchase the number of shares required.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Link to strategic priorities

Key activities and discussions in FY20 and principles

Risk management and internal controls

Based on lessons learnt from previous downturns the Board undertook a review of the Group’s Customer first
resilience prior to the onset of COVID-19. The business is seen to be in a strong position, however
further consideration is to be given to the resilience of the Group’s supply chain, potential impact Great places
of the result of trade negotiations between the UK and the EU, organisational structure and land
strategy and land bank.
Keeping people safe
Risk appetite, risk management and internal controls

Reviewed the Company’s appetite for risk, identified emerging risks and approved the principal
Being a trusted partner
risks and uncertainties affecting the business. See pages 71 to 78 for further information.
Robustly reviewed and approved the effectiveness of internal control and risk management
Building strong community
systems. For further information see page 99.
Received regular updates from the Audit Committee in respect of internal and external
audit reviews.
Ensuring the financial health
Considered recommendations of the Audit Committee regarding year end matters, including of our business
Annual Report and Accounts: fair, balanced and understandable; letter of representation;
re-appointment of External Auditor; long term viability statement and adoption of going concern
basis of accounting. See the Audit Committee report on pages 109 to 119.

Cladding and Citiscape

The Board continually reviewed the progress being made with the replacement of cladding on our
multi-storey buildings and also the issues identified, as part of this review, relating to the design
of the reinforced concrete frame at Citiscape, which requires extensive remedial work. At its
meeting on 5 July 2020, and as announced on 6 July 2020, the Board agreed to pay for the required
remedial action, which would otherwise be borne by leaseholders, despite the Group having no
legal liability to cover the costs of this work. The decision reflects our commitment to customers
and recognises the responsibility we have for the work of our partners.

Stakeholder engagement
Stakeholder engagement is a key focus for the Board and its importance was brought to the
forefront during the COVID-19 lockdown. Details of how the Board engaged, directly and Customer first
indirectly, with its stakeholders prior to, during and since the lockdown period and how this
impacted the Board’s decisions can be found on pages 38 to 49 in the Strategic Report.
Great places

Leading construction

Investing in our people

Keeping people safe

Being a trusted partner

Building strong community

relationships 91

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Barratt Developments PLC

Corporate governance report CONTINUED

Board leadership and company purpose

Culture in the workplace Our purpose

For any organisation, it The Company’s purpose is to lead the future of

is important to have a housebuilding by putting customers at the heart of
clear understanding of everything we do.
the culture within which The way in which the Board has led the business towards achieving our purpose can
be found on pages 89 to 91 activities during FY20, and also pages 38 to 49 relating to
it operates. Whilst the stakeholder engagement.
Board sets the culture and
tone from the top, each Understanding our culture
and every employee is Prior to COVID-19, the Board initiated a review to better understand and assess the culture
responsible for ensuring of the business. This involved a variety of activities, which ranged from all employee surveys
and discussions with Senior Management, to reviewing feedback from exit interviews and
that the right culture comments from current and former employees through Glassdoor and customer feedback
is embedded within (see the Stakeholder Engagement section on page 42 for more details). A SWOT analysis
was then undertaken and themes collated.
everything that we do. A
strong culture, which all
employees own and which
furthers our purpose,
underpins our success.

↑ Rebecca Roberts, a Site Manager in our South Wales division.


Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 92 07-Sep-20 4:54:57 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Our culture
The key traits that were identified as the culture of the business were:

Do the right thing Customer focus
always ensure that what we do is in line with our policies and always strive to meet the expectations and needs of our
procedures and looks after the interests of our stakeholders customers, both internal and external

Resilience and adaptability Pride in what we do

always look for new and innovative ways to do things in always aim to operate in a way that satisfies the expectations
order to improve efficiencies across the organisation and of our stakeholders particularly in terms of quality and service
recognise there is always room for improvement. Always
be willing to change the way in which we do things to meet
the requirements of stakeholders as well as those set by
legislation or regulation

Our work on enhancing the culture of the business was impeded by the onset of COVID-19. Therefore during FY21, the Board will revisit
the outcomes of the review to confirm our culture and to formally approve and agree the cascading of the values that will underpin this. In
addition, the Board will lead the way in determining what actions are required to further enhance the culture within which we operate. This
review will take into account the feedback received from the business and look to ensure continued consistency in our approach throughout
the organisation, further support open, honest and transparent communication and ensure that we continue to learn from our mistakes to
make Barratt an even better place to work. Details of how culture aligns with our purpose, and strategy can be found on pages 32 to 35 in
the Strategic Report. 93

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Barratt Developments PLC

Corporate governance report CONTINUED

Board leadership and company purpose

How the Board measures complete them on a regular basis.

The Board is notified of the levels of
and assesses culture completion and pass rates. Our Internal

Audit team undertake regular reviews
on the compliance against policies,
The Board is responsible for monitoring and processes and procedures and reports
assessing our culture. The Chair ensures its findings to the Audit Committee,
that the Board is operating appropriately and who ultimately report to the Board. The
sets the Board’s culture. This, in turn, forms Internal Audit team also provide updates
Health and safety (SHE the culture of the Company, which the Chief to the Board on any matters raised via
Executive, supported by the other Executive
monitoring compliance) Directors and Senior Management, is
the Group’s whistleblowing procedure
(see page 118).
(2019: 96%) responsible for ensuring is embedded
throughout the business and its operations • HBF Five Star rating – employees
and in our dealings with our stakeholders. across all levels of the organisation
recognise the importance of

The Board measures the culture of the maintaining high standards of quality
workplace through internal and external to support our strategic priorities of
KPIs, which also enable it to identify further Customer First (page 50 and 51) and
actions that may be required to ensure that Great Places (pages 52 and 53) and
the culture remains appropriate. These are to be seen to be doing the right thing.
Employee engagement set out below: This is supported by the NHBC Pride
in the Job Award achievements by our
2020 • Safety, health and the environment –
individual site managers (page 55).
there is zero tolerance towards
(2019: 84.5%)* breaches relating to the health and
safety of our employees, suppliers, Culture in action
sub-contractors and the general
* Our 2019 engagement score was been re- public. The Group is also conscious COVID-19 may have hampered our progress
calculated (from 82%) to use our updated of the impact that its operations have with completing the review in to our culture
2020 definition. As part of the transition from on the environment, so the Board are and values, but it certainly confirmed how
our previous independent provider, we made updated regularly of any environmental well, our culture especially, is embedded
a planned change to the definition of the breaches and of any new or ongoing
Engagement Index in 2020. We replaced an within our business. Below are some
investigations and outcomes of such. examples of our culture in action during
engagement measure to be a more valid and
robust measure of engagement. • Employee engagement survey – this FY20:
survey is conducted annually and

Doing the right thing
contains a number of culture-related
questions; the answers to which are • Temporarily closed all construction
reviewed by the Executive Directors and sites, sales centres and offices to
Senior Management team. The Chief protect our employees, customers,
Executive reports the findings to the suppliers, sub-contractors and the
Board. We are looking to further adapt
Employee turnover the survey to include questions relating
general public.
• Continued to pay furloughed employees
(2019: 16%) to the core values underpinning our their normal pay.
culture once these have been formally
* Reduction due to our ongoing efforts in • Due to the resilience of the Group’s
this area and the uncertainties created
financial position, decided to return the
by COVID-19 • Employee retention – our employees funding received from the CJRS.
are our greatest asset. It is important
that we do everything that we can to • Put in place new health and safety
retain them. The Board is provided with practices and protocols, which are
regular updates on the steps being aligned to Government guidance and
taken to attract, recruit and retain verified by the British Safety Council.
employees. • Continued to make charitable donations
• Policies and procedures compliance – throughout the year including during the
all policies, processes and procedures lockdown period (see pages 18 and 19)
are reviewed and signed off by • Offered support to employees on
appropriate members of Senior maintaining physical and mental
Management and the Executive Directors wellbeing whilst working from home or
twice a year. In addition, the Board on furlough, and where assistance can
annually reviews its core policies relating be sought from if required (see page 60)
to important governance areas such as
anti-bribery and corruption; modern
slavery; health and safety, sustainability
and anti-money laundering. E-learning
modules have been developed for each
of these and employees are asked to


Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 94 07-Sep-20 4:55:04 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Customer focus Engagement with shareholders and significant shareholdings

• Launched deposit contribution schemes The Board engaged with its shareholders in a number of different ways throughout the
for the Armed Forces and also for NHS financial year. Details of this engagement can be found in the Strategic Report on pages 40
employees. and 41.
• Continued to develop our new CRM In accordance with the UKLA’s DTRs, all notifications received by the Company are
system and customer portal to ensure published on the Company’s website and via a Regulatory
that customers have a single source Information Service. As at 30 June 2020, the persons set out in Table 1 below have notified
of information and a repository to keep the Company, pursuant to DTR 5.1, of their interests in the voting rights in the Company’s
everything in a central location. issued share capital:
• Introduced virtual appointments to help
customers progress their purchases Table 1 – Notifiable interests
and enabling safe handover of keys
whilst adhering to social distancing Number of voting % of total issued

measures. rights1 share capital2 Nature of holding
• Provided appropriate PPE for Customer FMR LLC 34,579,199 8.24 Indirect
Care teams to ensure that they can BlackRock, Inc. 56,413,704 5.60 Indirect
enter the homes of our customers Royal Bank of Canada 30,741,978 3.02 Direct
to undertake remediation works,
protecting our employees and our 1. Represents the number of voting rights last notified to the Company by the respective shareholder in
customers. accordance with DTR 5.1.
2. Based on the Total Voting Rights as at the relevant notification dates.
Resilience and adaptability On 9 July 2020, the Company was notified that the Royal Bank of Canada’s interest in the
• Efficiently and effectively moved voting rights in the Company’s issued share capital has reduced to below the disclosable
all employees to home working threshold. The Total Voting Rights of the Company as announced on 31 August 2020, are
arrangements at the onset of the 1,018,308,218.
lockdown, including distribution of
laptops and other essential equipment
to home addresses.
• Deployed innovative pre-cast insulated
concrete floor solution form NuSpan
and Spantherm into business as usual.
• Took action to conserve cash within the
business to increase financial resilience
such as cancelling the interim dividend
and the final ordinary and special
dividends, freezing recruitment, and
ceasing or deferring land acquisitions.

Pride in what we do
• Achieved HBF 5 star status for the 11th
consecutive year.
• Our site managers won 92 NHBC Pride
in the Job Awards – more than any
other housebuilder for the 16th year in
a row.

↑ Brendan Saba, Senior Site Manager, Megan Wilson, Sales Adviser and Shaun McGrath, Assistant
Site Manager, our team at our Huntingtower site in Perth, Scotland. Image taken prior to the
introduction of social distancing guidelines. 95

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Barratt Developments PLC

Corporate governance report CONTINUED

Board leadership and company purpose

Board balance

The composition of the Board, including the names, responsibilities and other details of each of the Board Directors, is set out on pages 80
to 82. The Board believes the current balance of Executive and independent Non-Executive Directors remains appropriate having regard to
the size and nature of the business, and ensures that the Board’s decision making is not dominated by any single individual or small group.
In addition, the combination of the experience, diverse backgrounds, length of service and calibre of the Non-Executive Directors further
enhances this balance and the ability to deliver the Group’s strategy whilst mitigating against the risk of ‘group think’. The responsibilities
and roles of Board members are clearly defined and set out below.
Board roles and their responsibilities

Chief Operating Officer and

Chair Chief Executive Deputy Chief Executive
John Allan David Thomas Steven Boyes

• Leads the Board in the achievement of its • Develops the Group’s strategy for the • Responsible for the Group’s operations
objectives, sets its agenda and chairs its enhancement of long term shareholder including day-to-day responsibility for SHE
meetings. return taking into account the needs of the ensuring stakeholder requirements are
• Shapes the culture in the Boardroom. Group’s stakeholders. appropriately addressed.

• Responsible for the effectiveness of the Board • Leads the implementation of the Group’s • Chairs the Operations Committee meetings,
and its governance. Strategy approved by the Board. the other members of which include the
• Responsible for the day-to-day leadership Regional Managing Directors.
• Facilitates the effective contribution of Non-
Executive Directors and constructive relations and management of the operational activities
between Executive and Non-Executive of the Group in accordance with overall
Directors. strategy and policy as determined by the
• Ensures the Board receives accurate, timely
and clear information. • Chairs the Executive Committee through
which he carries out his duties.
• Responsible for the identification and
provision of inductions and continued • Oversees corporate relations with
development needs of each Director. shareholders and other stakeholders.

• Ensures effective communication with • Board responsibility for sustainability policies

shareholders and other stakeholders and and practices of the Group.
participates in corporate relations activities
as appropriate.

Senior Independent Non-Executive Directors
Chief Financial Officer Director Nina Bibby, Jock Lennox Company Secretary
Jessica White Richard Akers and Sharon White Tina Bains

• Devises and implements the In addition to his role and • Support and constructively • Supports the Chair and Chief
Group’s financial strategy and responsibilities as an Independent challenge the Executive Executive in fulfilling their
policies. Non-Executive Director, the Senior Directors using the broad duties especially in respect of
Independent Director is available range of their experience and induction, training and Board
• Responsible for the
to shareholders, when required, to: external perspective, ensuring and Committee effectiveness
management of the Finance,
Tax, Internal Audit, Treasury and • address any material issues or the needs of stakeholders are evaluations.
Investor Relations functions. concerns which the Chair and/ appropriately considered. • Available to all Directors for
or Chief Executive have failed to • Develop proposals on strategy. advice and support.
• Supports the Chief Executive
with his corporate relations • Monitor the implementation of • Keeps the Board regularly
responsibilities with • listen to their views to gain a the Group’s strategy within its updated on governance matters
shareholders and other balanced understanding of their risk and control framework. and best practice.
stakeholders. issues and concerns;
• Ensures Group policies and
• Manages the Group’s • evaluate the performance of the procedures are maintained and
Chair, at least annually, and meets
relationship with the External updated on a regular basis.
with the Non-Executive Directors to
Auditor. • Attends and maintains a record
appraise the Chair’s performance;
of the matters discussed
• act as a sounding board for
the Chair and, if necessary, and approved at Board and
an intermediary for the other Committee meetings.
Directors; and
• provide a conduit from the
workforce to the Board as the
designated Non-Executive Director
for workforce engagement.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Board independence the Board and disclosed to the Company’s

shareholders and other stakeholders. Their
his role and commits the time necessary
to discharge his duties effectively and
The Company recognises the importance independence is of the utmost importance completely.
of its Non-Executive Directors remaining when considering the appointment or
independent throughout their appointment, The commitment that the Chair and each
removal of Executive Directors and in the
as it enables them to provide objective advice of the Non-Executive Directors have to
determination of succession planning
and guidance to the Executive Directors (and the business was further demonstrated
for Board positions and other Senior
Senior Management). This year’s review of during the lockdown whereby each of them
Management roles within the Group.
Directors’ conflict of interests confirmed that attended the additional Board calls to
All Non-Executive Directors remained
none of the Non-Executive Directors has discuss COVID-19, cladding and Citiscape
independent in character and judgement
related matters, which were scheduled

any business or other relationship with the during the financial year.
Group (or other outside interests) that might at short notice and more frequently than
influence their independence or judgement. John Allan was considered to be normal.
None of the Non-Executive Directors, or the independent on appointment to the Board
The Chair and the Non-Executive Directors
Chair, has been an employee of the Group and on taking up the role of Chair. As part
meet regularly without the Executive
companies or had a material business of the FY20 annual review of the Chair’s
Directors being present, usually prior
relationship with them. None of them has effectiveness, the Non-Executive Directors,
to or immediately following Committee
close family ties with any of the Company’s led by Richard Akers as Senior Independent
meetings, and have held six of these
advisers, directors or senior employees, or Director, considered John’s other business
meetings during the financial year.
holds cross-directorships or has significant commitments and confirmed that they do
links with other directors. None of them not impinge upon his availability to fulfil Membership and attendance
represents a significant shareholder or has his duties to the Company. John Allan has
demonstrated this throughout the year
at Board meetings
served on the Board for more than nine years.
by ensuring full attendance at each of the Members of the Board throughout the
This independence allows the Non- Board and Committee meetings, being financial year and attendance at each of
Executive Directors to constructively available to Board members whenever its scheduled meetings, as well as at the
challenge and scrutinise the performance required and, prior to the lockdown, he additional meetings scheduled at short
of the Executive Directors and provide spent time in the business and at the notice to discuss the impact and response
an independent perspective on business Group’s corporate office in London. John to COVID-19, cladding and Citiscape, are
strategy, performance and the integrity Allan continues to show dedication to shown on page 86.
of the financial information considered by

↑ David Wilson Homes at Drayton Meadows, Market Drayton, Shropshire. 97

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Corporate governance report CONTINUED

Board committees and delegation to committees
Decisions, matters reserved to the Board and delegated authorities
The Board takes decisions on strategy and in relation to items set out in the matters reserved for the Board. It has also delegated various
operational decisions to several Board and Management committees (see below). The schedule of matters reserved to the Board and
the Terms of Reference of the Board committees are available on the Company’s website at

Board committees

Audit Committee
• Monitors the integrity of the Group’s Financial Statements and formal announcements relating to its
financial performance, including reviewing financial reporting judgements contained within them.
• Advises the Board on whether the Group’s Financial Statements are fair, balanced and
understandable and provide the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group’s
position and performance, business model and strategy.
• Reviews the Group’s internal financial controls and its systems for internal control and risk
• Monitors and reviews the independence, objectivity and effectiveness of the External Auditor and
the Internal Audit function, and reviewing and recommending to the Board the re-appointment,
remuneration and terms of engagement of the External Auditor.
• Development and implementation of the Group’s policy on the engagement of the External Auditor to
supply non-audit services.
 See pages 109 to 119 for full report
The Board

Remuneration Committee
• Designs and implements the Group’s overall remuneration strategy and policy, ensuring alignment
with purpose and strategy.
• Sets the remuneration of the Executive Directors and Senior Management.
• Monitors performance against targets.
• Determines remuneration outcomes for Executive Directors and Senior Management.
• Considers workforce remuneration and related policies and the alignment of incentives and rewards

Chief Executive
with that of the wider workforce.
 See pages 123 to 151 for full report

Nomination Committee 
• Monitors the composition and balance of the Board to ensure the right combination of skills,

experience and knowledge, and progressive refreshing of the Board and its Committees.
• Reviews succession plans for Board and Senior Management roles and oversees the development of
a diverse pipeline for succession. Committee
• In carrying out the above, promotes diversity of Board Directors and Senior Management. Supports the Chief Executive
• Ensures effectiveness evaluations of the Board, its Committees and individual Directors are carried in carrying out the day-to-day
out on an annual basis. management of the activities
 See pages 100 to 108 for full report of the Group.

Disclosure Committee 
• Ensures that the Company remains compliant with the requirements of the Market Abuse Regulation.
Chief Operating
Safety, Health and Environment Committee 
• Oversees the SHE issues impacting the business including, but not limited to, the Group’s
compliance with the SHE management system.
• Monitors any significant SHE risks and exposure to the business and the steps taken to mitigate
against these.
 See pages 120 to 122 for full report


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Membership of and attendance at Disclosure Committee

The members of the Disclosure Committee are David Thomas, Jessica White and Tina
Bains. The Disclosure Committee held four meetings during the year. At two of these
meetings all three members were present. Due to the immediacy of the matters discussed
at the meetings, often at short notice, the other two meetings were held with a quorum of
two out of the three members present.
Internal controls and risk management
The Board monitors and regularly reviews the effectiveness of the Group’s risk
Group management committees management and internal control systems, including controls related to the material
financial, operational and compliance performance (see the Audit Committee report on
Risk Committee pages 109 to 119).
• Reviews the effectiveness of the Group’s
Internal Audit has developed a risk framework for all business functions, which has been

internal control policies and procedures for
the identification, assessment and reporting approved by the Audit Committee. This framework forms the basis of the internal control
of risks. audit plan for the year ahead, which tests if key controls are being applied effectively in each
• Assesses individual key risks on a rolling basis operating division. Material issues identified during internal audits and follow-up action
(including the identification of the Group’s plans are reviewed by the Executive Directors and by the Board on a quarterly basis. Any
principal and emerging risks) together with the necessary actions are immediately taken to remedy any significant failings in the internal
appropriateness of any mitigations. control system. Further details of the work undertaken by Internal Audit as a consequence
of COVID-19 can be found on page 118.
The Group’s system of internal control is designed to manage risks that may impede the
achievement of the Group’s business objectives, and identify and appropriately manage
Land Committee activities where there is a high risk of corruption (including bribery) amongst employees,
• Reviews and approves all land acquisition and partners or intermediaries, rather than to eliminate those risks entirely. The system
disposal proposals across the Group.
of internal control therefore provides only reasonable, not absolute, assurance against
• Refers proposals to the Board for approval material misstatement or loss. The system of internal control does, however, provide
depending on the value of the land acquisition
or its complexity, e.g. high-rise apartments or
reasonable assurance that potential issues can be identified promptly and appropriate
joint venture arrangements. remedial action taken. Further details can be found in the risk management section of the
Strategic Report (pages 71 to 78).
The Group operates internal controls to ensure that the Group’s Financial Statements are
reconciled to the underlying financial ledgers. A review of the consolidated accounts and
Treasury Operating Committee Financial Statements is completed by management to ensure that the financial position and
• Reviews the Group’s treasury arrangements results of the Group are appropriately reflected.
and approval of changes to debt facilities.
We continue to cooperate fully with the Metropolitan Police on the ongoing investigation
• Obtains Board approval for certain types of
we instigated regarding possible misconduct in our London business. As stated in October
facility and where the facility is above the
levels delegated to the Treasury Operating 2016, we do not anticipate any materially adverse financial effect and our London business
Committee. continues to operate well.
The Board has not identified, nor been advised of, any failings or weaknesses that it has
determined to be significant. Therefore, a confirmation of necessary actions has not been
considered appropriate.
Allotment Committee
• Approves the allotment of shares within Fair, balanced and understandable
dilution limits and the authorities obtained The Board has considered whether the Annual Report and Accounts are fair, balanced and
from shareholders.
understandable. As part of their considerations, the Board has reflected on the feedback
shareholders provided in respect of our 2019 Annual Report and Accounts. It has also set
aside adequate time to review and discuss significant areas of the 2020 Annual Report
and Accounts. The Board assessed the tone, balance and language of the document being
Operations Committee mindful of the requirements of the Code and the need for consistency between the narrative
• Manages operational performance. section of the Annual Report and the Financial Statements in arriving at its conclusion.
It also received a paper from the Company Secretary explaining the process that had been
undertaken to provide assurance to the Audit Committee that the report was ‘fair, balanced
and understandable’. The Board’s formal statement on the Annual Report and Accounts
Safety, Health and Environment being fair, balanced and understandable is contained within the Statement of Directors’
Operations Committee Responsibilities on page 155. The process undertaken by the Audit Committee to assist the
• Develops the SHE strategy for the Group. Board in their assessment can be found on page 117. After considering the paper from the
• Ensures that SHE policies and procedures are Company Secretary and following its own reflections, the Board was happy to endorse the
adequately implemented and adhered to. recommendations of the Audit Committee that the FY20 Annual Report and Accounts are
• Monitors the effectiveness of the Group’s fair, balanced and understandable.
SHE systems.
On behalf of the Board
• Keeps up to date with changes in legislation
surrounding SHE matters.
John Allan
1 September 2020 99

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Nomination Committee report

Composition, succession and evaluation

“The Nomination Committee continues to play a vital

role in ensuring that not only the Board, but also Senior
Management, comprise the right individuals to deliver
the strategy of the Group.”
John Allan John Allan
Chair Chair of the Nomination Committee
Statement from the Chair of the Diversity and inclusion
Nomination Committee The Committee reviewed the Board
Other members: I am pleased to present the Nomination Diversity Policy during the year. We
Committee report for the financial year also ensured that the Board considered
ended 30 June 2020. The Nomination whether diversity and inclusion across
Committee is given its authority by the the wider business was being progressed
Board and acts in accordance with its satisfactorily. Further information on
written Terms of Reference, which can the Company’s progress on diversity and
be found in the corporate governance inclusion initiatives is available on pages 60
section of the Company’s website. Our and 61 in the Strategic Report.
Richard Akers Nina Bibby
responsibilities are also summarised
2/2 2/2 on page 98. The Nomination Committee
continues to play a vital role in ensuring
Succession planning
A number of recommendations have
that not only the Board, but also Senior been made by the FRC and other key
Management, comprise the right individuals organisations for Nomination Committees
to deliver the strategy of the Group. to focus on diversity, including gender
and ethnicity. The Nomination Committee
Skills and experience of the Board fully supports the aims of these
The Nomination Committee reviewed recommendations and will take appropriate
Jock Lennox Sharon White the composition, skills and experience action to continue to promote and

2/2 2/2 of the Board and its Committees during

the financial year. The Nomination
strengthen diversity within the Company.

Membership and attendance

n Meetings attended n Meetings held Committee remained satisfied that no
changes were required to the Board or its at meetings
Committees during the year under review. The membership of the Nomination
The Committee will continue to consider Committee and the attendance at each of
FY20 key achievements: succession planning at both Board and its scheduled meetings is set out to the left.
• Supported the business in Senior Management levels and recommend The majority of Committee members are
reviewing the process for changes to the Board as and when it deems considered independent by the Company
succession planning for senior appropriate to do so. and in accordance with Code provision 10.
managers and other key Their biographies and qualifications are
management positions within the shown on pages 80 to 82.
The following pages set out the work
• Reviewed and updated succession
undertaken by the Committee during
plans for the Chief Executive.
the year.
Areas of focus in FY21: John Allan
• Continue to work on succession Chair of the Nomination Committee
• Continue to support the 1 September 2020
development of potential internal
candidates and increase insight to
external talent pools.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Nomination Committee role and activity FY20

Main activities undertaken during the financial year

Priorities Work carried out and outcomes

Governance Conflicts of interest

Undertook an annual review of the full register of Directors’ conflicts of interest and considered changes
to existing conflicts of interest and any new ones notified by Directors, to determine whether these should be
authorised and on what terms and conditions the authorisation should be given. Recommendations were then made
to the Board.

Nomination Committee report

Reviewed, and recommended to the Board, the Nomination Committee Report for inclusion in the Annual Report
and Accounts.

Terms of Reference
Reviewed and updated its Terms of Reference in light of the new Code provisions.

Board Diversity policy
Reviewed the Board Diversity policy and agreed not to implement formal quotas for gender and ethnicity. Agreed that
promotion of diversity and inclusion across the business was effective.

Composition Board and Committees

Reviewed the structure, size and composition of the Board and of its Committees. The conclusion was that the Board
remains appropriate across each of the above categories. However, it was agreed that consideration should be given
to how the business can increase focus on sustainability and what additional skills and/or experience, if any, this may
require on the Board.

Individual Directors and Board balance

Reviewed the skills, experience and knowledge of each Board member and of the Board as a whole, against the
needs of the business.

Agreed that all Non-Executive Directors (excluding the Chair) remain independent.

Chair and Non-Executive time commitments

Reviewed the time commitment required from the Chair and Non-Executive Directors to fulfil their roles, confirmed
that this remains appropriate and concluded that the Chair and each of the Non-Executive Directors have either met
or exceeded the required time commitments during the year.

Succession Length of service

Assessed the tenure of Board members and held discussions with Directors on expected length of service in order to
inform the succession plan.

Following a review of his effectiveness, it was agreed that the Chair, having served for six years, would
be appointed for a further three-year term.

Succession plans
Considered succession plans for Directors and Senior Management. Going forward, the Nomination Committee will
increase focus on how employees are being developed and the level of potential candidates available from internal
and external talent pools.

Evaluation Committee effectiveness

Reviewed and monitored progress against matters arising from its annual evaluation for FY19.
Participated in an internal evaluation of its own performance and discussed and agreed an action plan
to address issues arising.
More information on Board and Committee effectiveness can be found on pages 105 to 108.

Effectiveness of Chair and Chief Executive

Considered and discussed the effectiveness of the Chair and the Chief Executive (without either being present)
and concluded that both remain effective in their respective roles.

Training and development

An assessment of the training and development needs for the Board highlighted the following areas: sustainability;
SHE; brand values; and IT (particularly cyber security and GDPR). 101

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Nomination Committee report CONTINUED

Composition, succession and evaluation

Board composition
statistics Board appointment process
The Board and the Nomination Committee
are mindful of the importance of diversity to Stage 1
the success of the Company and continue
to assess this on a regular basis. Nomination Committee determines any gaps in experience or balance on the Board.
Gender diversity


Stage 2

Nomination Committee reviews and approves an outline brief and role specification
and appoints an external recruitment consultancy for the assignment, including
62.5% preferences relating to gender or ethnicity if this is required for Board balance.

Female Male
Stage 3
Independence 12.5% Recruitment consultancy prepares an initial longlist of candidates from which it
50% develops a shortlist.

Stage 4

62.5% 37.5% Nomination Committee considers the shortlist and holds interviews with potential

Chair Executive Directors

Non-Executive Directors
Stage 5
Board tenure
Nomination Committee makes recommendations to the Board for consideration.

Stage 6
Board agrees terms with the chosen candidate and makes an announcement to
40% investors.
0–3 years 3–6 years 6+ years

Skills and experience (number During the year, there were no new appointments to the Board or any of its Committees.
of Directors with certain skills)
Property Industry 5
Finance/Accounting 3
Housebuilding 4
Leadership 8
Retail 3
Public Policy 3
Marketing 1


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

How this supports diversity As in previous years, all Board members will Executive Directors
In considering its brief to the external stand for re-election by shareholders at the During the year, the Board undertook its
recruitment consultancy, the Committee 2020 AGM. Each of the Directors has been annual review of the Group’s succession
considers the combination of skills, subject to a formal performance evaluation plans, and met with the Chief Executive
experience and knowledge that it requires process, including the appropriateness of to discuss the succession plans for the
and identifies any gaps. As part of this a particular Director’s experience and the other Executive Directors and Senior
process, the Nomination Committee will effectiveness with which such experience is Management below Board level.
also consider the existing balance of utilised in furthering the Company’s strategy.
Following these reviews, the Nomination The aim of this review is to identify suitable
gender, ethnicity and social backgrounds
Committee and the Board are satisfied that individuals who are capable of filling senior
to help inform a candidate profile.
each Director continues to be effective in, managerial positions on a medium and
The Nomination Committee and the and demonstrates commitment to, their long term basis, whilst ensuring their
Board will continue to work only with respective roles. Biographical details of development needs are identified and
external recruitment consultancies each of the Directors are set out on pages addressed. It also seeks to ensure that

who have adopted a voluntary code of 80 to 82 of this report and reasons why the Board’s future needs are met. As part
conduct addressing gender diversity. The their contribution is, and continues to be, of their development, senior managers
Nomination Committee and the Board also important to the Company’s long term who are not at Board level are invited to
require external recruitment consultancies sustainable success can be found in the attend part of a Board meeting to present
to identify and present potential candidates Notice of the 2020 AGM. Details of the on their specialist area. This also enables
in accordance with the Parker review and Executive Directors’ service contracts can be the Board to assess the quality of internal
its recommendations regarding the ethnic found in the Remuneration report on page talent and for the individual to get a greater
diversity of boards. 133. The letters of appointment of all Non- understanding of the workings of the Board.
Executive Directors (alongside the service
Re-appointment and Succession plans are in place across
contracts for the Executive Directors) are
the business at all levels for the wider
re-election of Directors available for inspection by any person at the
workforce. Further details on the process
All of our Non-Executive Directors are Company’s registered office during normal
used are set out in the Strategic Report on
appointed by the Board for an initial office hours or via the Company’s website
page 59.
three-year term and normally serve a ( Copies
second three-year term, subject to annual will also be available at the 2020 AGM for 15 How this supports a diverse pipeline
re-election by shareholders. Beyond this, minutes before the meeting and throughout. The Board continues to seek to appoint
a third term of up to three years may be The Board, in light of the results of the on merit. However, when considering
served subject to particularly rigorous performance evaluation and the breadth of succession plans the Board remains
review and taking into account the need experience of each Director, recommends cognisant of the need to ensure that there
for progressive refreshment of the Board. that shareholders approve the resolutions is a diverse range of individuals who are
Non-Executive Directors will normally step to be put forward at the 2020 AGM for the included in the plan. The business as
down from their position on the Board and re-election of the Directors. a whole continues to promote diversity
its Committees at the AGM following their and inclusion from within, particularly in
ninth anniversary. Given the long term Succession planning respect of supporting female employees
and cyclical nature of our business, it is Succession planning is a live topic at the to progress up the career ladder. Further
important to retain adequate experience on Board and Nomination Committee meetings. details of the work that has be undertaken
the Board over successive economic cycles. in this area can be found on page 104.
The length of tenure of the Board members Non-Executive Directors
is shown on page 102. The Nomination Committee reviews
Diversity and inclusion
During the year, the Nomination Committee annually the length of service of Non- Board Diversity
considered the re-appointment of John Executive Directors to support the During the year, the Nomination
Allan as Chair for a further three years, progressive refresh of the Board. As part Committee, and subsequently the Board,
given that in July 2020 he would have of this review it takes into account the reviewed the Board’s policy on diversity and
served six years on the Board. In particular, cyclicality of the business, because lessons inclusion. Our policy remains to identify
it looked at his availability outside Board gained through one property cycle can be the most suitable candidate to join the
meetings as well as his commitment useful during the next. Board having regard to the individual’s
to the business of the Group given his In accordance with our succession plan for skills, experience and knowledge. It also
other directorships and positions. The Non-Executive Directors, discussions are seeks to ensure that, in managing an
Nomination Committee was satisfied currently under way to determine what skills appointment and in succession planning,
that throughout his six year tenure, John any new Non-Executive Director would need the Nomination Committee has regard to
Allan had positively demonstrated his to possess to support the succession plans the recommendations of the Parker and the
availability in and outside of meetings for the Non-Executive Directors and the McGregor-Smith reviews on ethnicity and
and his dedication to the Company. His continuous refresh of the Board. race and the benefits of diversity, including
effectiveness in directing the Company gender, ethnicity, social background and
and his objective judgement throughout cognitive and personal strengths.
his tenure was also noted. Accordingly, the
A copy of our Diversity Policy for
re-appointment of John Allan as Chair for a
Board appointments can be found at:
third three-year term was recommended to,
and endorsed by the Board.
Board composition statistics are provided
on page 102. 103

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Nomination Committee report CONTINUED

Composition, succession and evaluation
Group Diversity Policy
The Nomination Committee and the Board recognise the importance of a diverse workforce, at all levels of seniority. Promoting diversity at
a Senior Management level and more generally across the workforce remains an objective for the Chief Executive and Group HR Director.
The Group’s aim is for its employee profile to mirror that of the communities in which it operates. Further information on the Group’s
progress on diversity and inclusion can be found on pages 60 and 61. The main objectives, how they are implemented and progress towards
them are set out below.

Objectives Implementation Progress

Hold leaders accountable for diversity and Data tracking and distribution. Diversity data down to divisional level
inclusion goals. produced and distributed every month
to enable progress measurement.

Ensure that diversity and inclusion actions Local actions. Each division has a Diversity and Inclusion
and results are communicated and visible action plan, which is reviewed regularly and
across the workforce, to help embed discussed with the Chief Executive and Chief
appropriate behaviours. Operating Officer annually.

Improve the representation of women, as Launch of second intake of Catalyst – our 64 delegates attended launch event in
well as BAME, LGBT+, disabled people and female leadership development programme. January 2020. All delegates were offered
other minorities across the group. one-to-one coaching.
Submission to Stonewall Equality Index.
Submission made and feedback received
Implementation of BAME action plan.
in early April 2020, which will inform future
Supporting work placements. actions.
Profiles of colleagues collected and shared
internally for role modelling. Signed up to
Business in the Community’s Race at Work
Identified 14 disability work placement
opportunities working with various charities.
Working with Women In Construction to
facilitate work placements in London and
the Midlands.

Create an inclusive work environment Reciprocal mentoring. 2020 scheme launched. 128 people
that fosters creativity and innovation, and matched – 64 of which are on the Catalyst
Launch employee network.
promotes employee engagement. Programme.
Policy review.
Launched gender equality employee-led
network called ‘Under One Roof’.
Introduced paid leave for carers and those
undergoing assisted fertility. Updated
family friendly policies with gender neutral

Create strong relationships with a more Dignity and respect toolbox talks. Dignity and respect toolbox talks rolled
diverse customer base. out to all sites for employees and sub-
contractors in October 2019.
Issued a Dignity, Respect and Equality Policy
across the business.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Board and Committee evaluation

Each year, the Board undertakes a formal and rigorous annual evaluation of its own performance and that of its Committees and individual
Directors. At least every three years, the Board undertakes an externally facilitated evaluation. Last year, the Board appointed Lintstock to
facilitate the evaluation. This year, Lintstock supported the Chair and the Company Secretary with the delivery of an internally conducted
evaluation. Lintstock has no other connection with the individual Directors or the Company.

Progress on FY19 evaluation

We reported the outcomes of the internal Board evaluation for the last financial year in the 2019 Annual Report and Accounts. Details of
progress made on these are set out below.

Table 2 – The Board

Stakeholder engagement Culture Succession and diversity

FY19 To continue to be involved in engaging To ensure that the Group’s culture is To increase focus on management
outcomes with internal and external stakeholders recognised and understood across development, succession and
and to take their views and interests the business. diversity.
into consideration throughout the
decision making process.

Actions for To explore opportunities to gain Gain insight into how the culture To develop further the succession
FY20 further insight into the views and of the business is perceived by plans for the Chief Executive, Chief
concerns of our stakeholders and stakeholders and identify ways to better Operating Officer and Chief Financial
into overall stakeholder dynamics. communicate the culture and ensure Officer, and to continue to progress
that it continues to drive appropriate our diversity agenda.
behaviours throughout the business.

Progress The Board received various updates Steps have been taken to understand This continues to be a key area
made in FY20 on how the business engaged the culture of the business and how of focus for the Board. The Board
with its stakeholders and the this is perceived throughout the formally met with the Chief Executive
feedback received. This was taken organisation. How the culture of to discuss succession plans in detail
into consideration when making the business will be communicated for all levels of the organisation.
decisions on various areas. Details to the workforce and how it will be Updates were provided throughout
can be found in the Strategic Report measured was being developed the year as deemed appropriate and
on pages 38 to 49. pre-COVID-19. Work in this area will necessary.
continue throughout FY21. Further
details on the work undertaken to
date can be found on pages 92 to 95. 105

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Nomination Committee report CONTINUED

Composition, succession and evaluation

Table 3 – The Committees

Nomination Committee Audit Committee Remuneration Committee

FY19 To increase focus on succession To continue to enhance the To undertake a more risk-based
areas of in respect of key management relationship between the Audit assessment of remuneration
improvement positions. Committee and the Risk Committee, structures and continue to simplify
and to further streamline the agenda Executive Directors’ and Senior
items and papers for the Committee Management’s remuneration.

Actions for To support further the Group HR Jock Lennox to continue to attend To work with our remuneration
FY20 Director in reviewing succession plans. Risk Committee meetings in FY20. consultants in terms of best practice
and risk assessment and refine
To undertake an assessment of To undertake a review of the
structures accordingly following
the Group’s succession planning Committee’s annual agenda and to
consultation with shareholders.
processes to identify any areas of promote the use of more executive
improvement. summaries.

Progress Information on succession planning, The Chair of the Audit Committee is The Committee continuously reviews
made in FY20 which has taken place during the now invited to all Risk Committee its remuneration structures to
year, can be found on page 103. meetings and attends either part ensure that they do not inadvertently
or all of each meeting. He also has encourage inappropriate behaviours
separate discussions with the Chair and to ensure that they focus the
of the Risk Committee to ensure that workforce on the right things. As
it is focused on the right things and the business recovers from the
addressing them appropriately. impact of COVID-19, remuneration
structures have been reviewed to:
There has been a move to
(i) mitigate against risks around
consolidate agenda items over the
retention, succession and rewarding
past year and for papers to have
inappropriate behaviours; and (ii) to
a more risk-based focus. Work on
ensure that the focus is on getting
streamlining papers will continue
the business back to full capacity
throughout FY21.
efficiently as possible.
The Committee is mindful of the
various elements that comprise
remuneration for Executive Directors
and Senior Management, and the
wider workforce. The impact of
COVID-19 has further highlighted
areas where remuneration
structures can be simplified
throughout the organisation, as well
as to ensure that there is alignment
throughout. Changes have therefore
been made to the metrics for Annual
Bonus and LTPP awards for FY21.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Board and Committee FY20 external Board effectiveness evaluation outcomes

evaluation process Overall the results of the evaluation were positive and showed that the Board continues to
be run effectively. It is seen as being cohesive and comprising the appropriate balance of
experience, skills and knowledge to implement the Group’s strategy over the short term.
Stage 1
Board meetings operate in a spirit of openness, fostered by the Chair, in which Directors are
able to challenge and discuss openly ideas of importance to the Group, its strategy and risk.
Online questionnaires issued to Board
and Committee members, and also
those who attend Committee meetings Table 4 – Key areas of improvement for the Board
on a regular basis.
Re-establish the
business following
COVID-19 Risk Sustainability

FY20 To get the business To perform more To increase the
Stage 2 outcomes performing at pre- horizon scanning knowledge and
COVID-19 levels as for remote but understanding of the
(External evaluation only) Interviews quickly as possible potentially significant Board and Senior
conducted with Directors and regular across all metrics. unidentified risks. Management on the
attendees. key areas and how the
business may address

Actions for Implement the To identify an Organise training

FY21 COVID-19 recovery appropriate process, sessions for the
Stage 3 plan and business which will help Board and Senior
renewal plans. capture risks that Management team,
may potentially have which explain
A summary of the results of the Look at lessons
not been identified the key areas of
questionnaire and interviews were learnt and determine
and to determine the sustainability focus
provided to the Company Secretary for what, if any, changes
best forum to discuss in a comprehensive
an initial review. need to be made to
findings and stipulate manner, whilst
the organisational illustrating how the
mitigations against
structure, working business can have an
those risks that are
practices and impact in this area
most likely to impact
protocols and strategy and the benefits of
the business.
once the economic doing so.
Stage 4 impact of COVID-19 To include risks that
is clearer. are not just specific
The reports are shared with the Chair to the business but
and Chairs of the Committees. which may impact
the wider economic
and/or political
environment in
which we operate,
which ultimately may
affect our business
Stage 5
Reflect findings within
Results are presented and discussed at our principal risks as
the next Board or relevant Committee appropriate.

Stage 6

Actions for improvement are agreed for

the next financial year. 107

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Nomination Committee report CONTINUED

Composition, succession and evaluation

Table 5 – Areas of improvement for the Committees

Nomination Committee Audit Committee Remuneration Committee

FY20 Continue to monitor and improve Consider lessons learnt from the Improve the use of non-financial
outcomes succession plans. impact of COVID-19 and the risks metrics for variable pay including
that arose from this. ESG metrics whilst recognising the
constraints and difficulties around
More training around accounting
delivery as we come out of the
and risk management, and the
risks associated with sustainability
and ESG including climate change Increase training around wider
and how the business can look to workforce pay matters and the
mitigate against these. broader executive remuneration

Actions for Continue with the one-to-one Engage with the wider business to Consider the use of more non-
FY21 meeting with the Chief Executive gain an understanding of the short financial metrics for variable pay
to understand his thoughts around and long term risks faced by all as part of the overall remuneration
the succession plans for Executive levels of the organisations during policy review in 2021.
Directors and Senior Management. the lockdown, understand how
Engage remuneration consultants
these were mitigated, and what, if
Ensure that the succession plans to provide annual training on latest
anything, could be done further to
for the Chief Executive, Non- thinking on executive remuneration
address these risks.
Executive Directors and the Chair and on wider workforce pay
continue to be regularly reviewed Arrange for external advisers and/ matters.
and remain fit for purpose and or internal specialists to provide
relevant. comprehensive teach in sessions
on their respective topics.

Evaluation of the Chair and The Chair held one-to-one meetings with Throughout FY20, the Company Secretary
Non-Executive Directors each Director to assess the effectiveness maintained a register of Directors’
of their contributions and to agree any conflicts of interest. A summary of
The evaluation of the effectiveness of areas of improvement or training and this register is reviewed at each Board
the Chair was conducted by the Senior development based on the outcomes of the meeting so that it remains accurate and
Independent Director with assistance from questionnaires each of them had completed current. The full register is reviewed
the Company Secretary. A questionnaire on themselves. There were no issues of any annually by the Nomination Committee
was issued to each Board member substance arising from this review. and recommendations are made to the
(excluding the Chair) and the result Board in respect of any changes to the
was unanimous support for the Chair. Directors’ conflicts of interest authorisations that may be required. The
Of particular note was how supportive Board, when authorising any conflict or
The Board has, in accordance with the
the Chair is of other Directors and his possible conflict of interest, does not count
Articles and best practice guidelines,
willingness to listen to all contributions in the quorum the Director whose conflict
authorised the Nomination Committee
during the course of a debate. In addition, or possible conflict is being discussed and
to oversee the process for reviewing and
Board members found him engaging and
making recommendations to the Board
encouraging of building Board cohesion reserves the right to exclude a Director
concerning any actual or potential conflicts
through activities outside of formal from a meeting whilst a conflict or possible
of interest that may arise for any Board
Board meetings. The Directors were conflict is being considered. The Board
member, including details of any terms
complimentary of the way in which the may revoke or vary any authorisation at any
and conditions that it deems necessary to
Chair managed his other commitments, time.
impose on any authorisation given. This
always ensuring sufficient time is given
process was carried out satisfactorily This report forms part of the Corporate
to his role with the Company. The Senior
during the year in respect of all Directors. Governance report and is signed on behalf
Independent Director shared the feedback
of the Nomination Committee by:
with the Chair.
John Allan
Chair of the
Nomination Committee
1 September 2020


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Audit Committee report

Audit, risk and internal control

“The arrival of COVID-19 has

had a dramatic effect on
the business and therefore
the priorities of the Audit
Jock Lennox Committee changed as

Chair explained below.”
4/4 Jock Lennox
Chair of the Audit Committee
Other members:
Statement from the Chair
of the Audit Committee
I am pleased to present the Audit
Committee’s report for the year ended
30 June 2020. The report sets out our
work over the year and details how
responsibilities in relation to audit, risk and
Richard Akers Nina Bibby Sharon White internal control have been implemented.
4/4 4/4 4/4 In last year’s report I set out the priorities
for this year. The arrival of COVID-19 has
had a dramatic effect on the business
n Meetings attended n Meetings held
and therefore the priorities of the Audit
Committee changed as explained on the
following pages.
FY20 key areas of focus FY21 key areas of focus
• In light of COVID-19, realigning • C
ontinuing to review the impact
Role and responsibilities
priorities for internal audit and of COVID-19 especially around the The Audit Committee is given its authority
consideration of the continuing “lessons learnt” review and the by the Board and acts in accordance with its
integrity of internal controls and the related impact on internal controls, written Terms of Reference, which can be
financial impact of the pandemic, risk management and financial found in the corporate governance section of
including liquidity. judgements; aligning responses the Company’s website. Our responsibilities
with the stakeholder reporting are also summarised on page 98. In
• Working with the Risk Committee to
obligations. performing our duties during the year, we
improve the focus on emerging risks
have complied with the requirements of
and receiving in depth reviews on key urther consideration of the
• F
the Code and followed the best practice
risk areas, including changes to Help continuing review of reporting
guidance set out by the FRC. We work
to Buy. and audit (Kingman, Brydon and
closely with our finance, internal audit and
• Reviewing the Group’s response CMA) and the implications for the
external audit teams. This helps us to ensure
to the replacement of cladding on Group, including anticipating the
that our internal control processes remain
legacy properties and related issues. formalisation of internal controls
robust, our financial reporting remains clear
reporting in the UK.
he Group’s response to climate
• T and concise and our critical accounting
change reporting including • Developing further the Group’s judgements and key sources of estimation
consideration of data and systems approach to climate reporting ahead uncertainty are appropriate.
required to meet future reporting of the deadline for reporting under
obligations. TCFD in 2022.
• T
he implementation of IFRS 16 for • In depth review of fraud risk to the
lease accounting; the continuing business and the appropriateness
development of systems, including of the control framework in place to
the implementation of the new mitigate against it.
valuation system; and the impact • Implementation of the new valuation
of COVID-19 on the assumptions system.
underpinning the Group’s key
financial judgements. 109

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Barratt Developments PLC

Audit Committee report CONTINUED

Audit, risk and internal control
Areas of focus FY20 The disclosure of the financial impact of Help to Buy
COVID-19 has been debated thoroughly by The tapering of Help to Buy from April 2021
the Audit Committee with management and cessation of the scheme from 2023,
In common with most UK businesses the and the External Auditors. We have taken was leading to changes that were being
arrival of COVID-19 had a dramatic effect into account the FRC guidance in this area actively managed by the business. The
on the Company. Prior to lockdown we with the aim of ensuring there is adequate temporary closure of our construction sites
were delivering strong progress against our transparency in both the financial review/ and resultant delays in our build programme
medium term targets including increasing commentary and the financial statements. further developed the risks of operating
completion volumes. By 27 March 2020 all
In addition and as outlined in the 2019 under the Help to Buy Scheme. Our site
of our construction sites had temporarily
Annual Report and Accounts, the other management teams are focussed on the
closed and all production ceased. At 30
areas of focus for FY20 were as follows. delivery of homes reserved using Help to
June 2020 all sites had reopened, albeit at
a lower level of productivity than “normal”.
Cladding on legacy properties
This sequence of events has dominated the Climate change reporting systems
work of the Audit Committee through this We considered in detail the accounting and
year end period. presentation in the financial statements of Climate change reporting as part of an
payments which are made in connection increased interest in ESG more generally
In April 2020, following discussions with cladding on legacy properties. was further heightened as a result of the
between myself and the Head of Internal COVID-19 experience and has continued
Audit, the internal audit plan was realigned Changes in regulation and accounting to occupy the Audit Committee’s attention.
to reflect the changed circumstances. standards The Government and stakeholders are
Closer attention was paid to the risk The key focus in this area has been pushing for enhanced reporting on progress
of fraud given the changed working adoption of IFRS 16 ‘Leases’, which is now made on helping to reduce climate change.
environment and, as a consequence of the in force and has been fully adopted for the It is therefore imperative that we have the
lockdown, our employees working remotely FY20 half and full year financial statements. systems and processes in place to collate
from home. We therefore had to review Processes and reporting in respect of the required data and ensure that it is
our internal controls, particularly around IFRS 16 have been developed to ensure accurate and reliable. Disclosure under
manual processes and adapt them for accounting disclosures required under the the TCFD is not applicable to the Group
the new working arrangements, including standard are met. until FY22; however, we will seek to report
updates to the delegation of authority against the requirements in our FY21
operated across the business. Systems Annual Report and Accounts.
We reviewed the governance and status of
Adequacy of liquidity was a high priority for External audit
the Group’s projects to upgrade the COINS
the Board and various reviews, including
financial reporting system to the latest In last year’s Audit Committee report, I
scenarios to reflect a potential further
version on the market and to upgrade the wrote about the paramount importance
lockdown, have fed into the consideration
valuation system on a number of pilot to the Committee of the quality of the
of going concern and viability presented by
divisions in the Group. Presentations and external audit. I also acknowledged the
management to the Audit Committee.
regular updates on both projects were increasing regulatory demands being
The changed environment has impacted a received from the Group Commercial placed on the audit profession. This has
number of the assumptions that underpin Director and will continue to be provided resulted in additional costs for the auditor
the key accounting judgements. These in FY21. In addition, I met with Jeremy in conducting the audit. For FY20, we
together with scenario assessments have Hipkiss, Group Sales and Marketing have agreed an audit fee (including JVs) of
been reflected in the proposals presented Director who has executive responsibility £790,000 (2019: £614,000). This increase
by management to the Audit Committee. for IT, and the Group IT Director to discuss, reflects inflationary increases for the year,
This included the impact of the sudden and gain further insight into, the Group’s IT additional audit procedures required as a
deterioration in financial performance systems and associated risks. result of COVID-19, and an increase in the
as a result of the temporary closure over scope of the audit to include the testing of
Principal risks and uncertainties
the lockdown period, increasing the risk controls for the upgraded COINS system,
of impairment of the Group’s assets. The We have continued to undertake in-depth and changes in the regulatory environment.
Audit Committee has considered in detail reviews of any key areas of risk impacting Further information regarding the audit
management’s reviews of the carrying the business, particularly in respect of fees, including fees for the JVs in which we
value of goodwill, intangibles and land COVID-19, the UK leaving the EU and participate, are shown in Note 2.3.4 on page
and work in progress. Additional meetings emerging risks from climate change. 182.
were arranged post the year end to ensure Relationship with the Risk Committee
adequate time was available for review.
We have continued to enhance the
relationship with the Risk Committee and
I have attended each of the meetings held
during the year. Further progress has been
made by the Risk Committee to further
embed risk management into the business
and the Risk Committee has considered
the impact of COVID-19 on risk and related


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Audit reform Audit Committee role and activity FY20

The Kingman, CMA and Brydon reviews were
commissioned in 2018 to review and make
recommendations for the reform of audit Membership and attendance at At its June meeting, the Audit Committee
and corporate reporting. While some change Audit Committee meetings established a sub-committee to finalise
is already underway much will hinge on the certain matters delayed due to COVID-19.
consultation by BEIS which is expected later In compliance with the Code, the These meetings took place in July and
this year. We are considering our readiness Committee is comprised exclusively of August 2020.
in certain areas, for example the potential Non-Executive Directors and each member
is considered to be independent by the After each meeting, the Chair of the
formalisation of reporting on internal controls
Company. The Chair of the Board is not a Committee reported to the Board on
in the UK. Thought is also being given to
member of the Audit Committee. The Board the business undertaken by the Audit
ideas like the Public Interest Statement. We
is satisfied that Jock Lennox has recent Committee and made recommendations to
will detail in next year’s Annual Report and
and relevant financial experience to Chair the Board as appropriate.

Accounts which recommendations we have
decided to adopt and what progress we have the Audit Committee. Jock is a Chartered
The Audit Committee met the Chief
made in implementing them. Accountant who has previously chaired a
Financial Officer, the Head of Internal Audit
number of other listed companies’ Audit
and the External Auditor separately and
Set out in the following pages is more detail Committees. He is also the Chair of the
independently of management and the
of how we have discharged our duties in Audit Committee Chairs’ Independent
Chair of the Board.
respect of the financial year under review. Forum. As part of the effectiveness review,
the Nomination Committee was satisfied Main role and activities undertaken
Jock Lennox that the Audit Committee as a whole has
Chair of the Audit Committee competence relevant to the sector in which
during the financial year
the Group operates. The main role of the Audit Committee is to
1 September 2020 assist the Board in fulfilling its governance
Details of the members and attendance at obligations relating to the Group’s financial
each of the scheduled meetings is shown reporting practices, internal control and
on page 109 and the biographies and risk management framework. It follows an
qualifications of the members are shown on annual work programme to ensure that its
pages 80 to 82. In addition to the Company roles and responsibilities are completed
Secretary, the Head of Internal Audit, Group throughout the year. In agreeing the annual
Financial Controller and representatives programme, the Committee takes into
from the External Auditor attended each of account the external environment, internal
the Audit Committee meetings. The Chair, operation of the business and regulatory
Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer, changes to ensure that all the main
Chief Financial Officer, and other members priorities are included.
of Senior Management also attended
meetings (or parts thereof), by invitation.
Members of Senior Management included,
amongst others, the Group Procurement
Director, Group Commercial Director and
Group IT Director. 111

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Barratt Developments PLC

Audit Committee report CONTINUED

Audit, risk and internal control
Main activities undertaken during the financial year
Priorities Work carried out and outcomes

Integrity of Financial Accounting judgements and estimates

Statements and Considered and approved the material accounting policies, and key sources of estimation uncertainty and
announcements critical accounting judgements for the Financial Statements. This included management’s approach and
conclusions regarding revenue and margin recognition, costs associated with legacy properties, quality of
earnings, impairment of goodwill and indefinite life brands, the nature and carrying value of inventories,
and completed development provisions. Also considered were the External Auditor’s views and findings
and the impact of COVID-19. Further information can be found on pages 115 to 117.

Financial Statements
Reviewed and approved the Financial Statements for the half and full year.

Results announcements
Reviewed drafts of the half and full year results announcements prior to consideration by the Board.
Reviewed the process established for ensuring that the Annual Report and Accounts are fair, balanced and
understandable and concluded that it remains appropriate (further information can be found on page 117).
Considered and agreed management’s proposals for the improvement of disclosures highlighted by the
External Auditor during the audit.
Considered, approved and recommended to the Board the drafts of the management representation
letters for the half and full year, as provided by the External Auditor, for signature.

Accounting Standards and key regulatory changes

Received updates on the implications of new accounting standards and key regulatory changes,
including going concern, cash sources and uses and environmental disclosures under TCFD (including
improvements in climate change disclosures in line with the Financial Reporting Lab’s report on climate
change disclosures).

Tax rate
Reviewed and agreed the Group’s effective tax rate and the disclosure in the Group’s Financial Statements.

Finance function
Received an update on finance function benchmarking against best practice including results of a survey of
internal customers.

Response to FRC letter

Assessed and approved the Group’s response to a letter from the FRC regarding disclosures in the FY19
Annual Report and Accounts, including additional disclosures and explanations in the FY20 Annual Report
and Accounts. Further information is given on pages 117 and 118.

Going concern and Preparation of Financial Statements on a going concern basis

long term viability Reviewed and discussed updates to sensitivity modelling for stress tests to reflect current risk scenarios in light
statements of COVID-19, and any mitigating actions required as a result of running the stress tests. The Audit Committee
concluded that the stress tests had been carried out on an appropriate basis and agreed with the outcome and
mitigating actions.
Considered and agreed to recommend to the Board that the Financial Statements be prepared on a going
concern basis.

Going concern and long term viability statements

Reviewed and agreed the going concern and long term viability statements for disclosure in the Annual
Report and Accounts (see page 79).
Assessed the long term prospects of the Company, and agreed the timescale to be covered by the long
term viability statement (see page 79).
Considered the sustainability of the Company’s strategy and business model in view of the principal risks
faced by the business and mitigating factors and the appropriate length of the period chosen for the long
term viability statement.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Priorities Work carried out and outcomes

Internal control and Risk Committee

risk management Regularly reviewed the work of the Risk Committee, which included assessment of risks and mitigations
systems in place for various functions across the business. These comprised, amongst other things, construction
risk, mortgage availability, skills shortages, a ‘no-deal’ exit from the EU, a change in Government, supply
chain risk, and emerging risks including climate change. Additionally, the risks to the Group as a result of
COVID-19 and mitigations available have also been reviewed.
During FY21, the Audit Committee will further explore the emerging risks around sustainability and
climate change to ensure appropriate mitigations are developed and put in place.

Effectiveness of risk management

Regularly reviewed and challenged the Group’s risk framework, including the Group and Operational
risk matrices, and monitored and reviewed the effectiveness of the risk management systems. The risk
committee received formal strategic updates from the Group’s technical experts on responses to its
principal risks, including future house design solutions.
Reviewed the newly designed business risk map, including revised risk framework, mitigations identified
and controls implemented.
The Audit Committee Chair reported to the Board on a regular basis to assist it with its own assessment of
risk management systems.

Principal risks
Undertook a robust assessment of the principal risks including those that could threaten the business
model, future performance, solvency and liquidity, and the disclosures for inclusion in the half and full year
Financial Statements.
Due to COVID-19 a number of the Principal Risk ratings have increased (see page 71 to 77 for more

Effectiveness of internal controls

Internal controls systems were considered to have been effective throughout the year, and the Committee
Chair reported to the Board on a regular basis to assist the Board with its own assessment of internal
control systems.
Approved the review and update of the delegation of authority matrix and a number of key financial
reporting controls as a result of COVID-19 to cater for the revised working practices due to remote
working. Internal Audit carried out regular tests on the revised controls and were comfortable that there
was no weakening of the control environment.

Encouraged the re-circulation of the details of the whistleblowing hotline to the business together with
information on the process for reporting any incidents anonymously.
Further details on whistleblowing matters can be found on page 118.
Reviewed the Group’s procedures for the protection of whistleblowers and were satisfied that these were

Risks and processes – in depth assessments of specific areas

Reviewed the impact of IR35, implementation of the new valuation system and related risks, the internal
controls around joint ventures, supply chain risk and mitigation.
The Head of Internal Audit updated the Committee on progress towards implementation of the new
valuation system. The Audit Committee acknowledged that the risks associated with the upgrade to the
new valuation system will extend into FY21. Going forward there will be an annual review of the risks
associated with joint ventures. 113

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Barratt Developments PLC

Audit Committee report CONTINUED

Audit, risk and internal control

Priorities Work carried out and outcomes

Internal audit Meeting without management

Met with the Head of Internal Audit without management present.
No material issues of concern were identified.

Internal audit plan

Approved the annual Internal Audit plan for FY20 and monitored progress against this throughout the year.
Due to COVID-19 the FY20 Internal Audit plan was suspended in March 2020 and replaced with a flexed
approach approved by the Audit Committee.
Considered and approved a new approach to divisional audit for the first half of FY21. The new approach
combines traditional divisional audits (undertaken remotely) with continuous monitoring and group wide
audit themes, which have been assessed based on key risk priorities. Given the success of this approach
during the lockdown period, the Internal Audit plan for FY21 has been adapted accordingly.

Internal audit work during COVID-19

During the lockdown period, a programme of new, continuous monitoring, data analytics and weekly/
monthly remote auditing was commenced to monitor trends, identify any unusual transactions and to
ensure that key controls over areas such as orders, invoice and payment approval and balance sheet
reconciliations continued, as well as ensuring that risks around duplicate payments and employee and
supplier master data changes continued to be mitigated and controlled.
The Head of Internal Audit kept the Audit Committee fully informed on the outcomes of audits undertaken
throughout the business. Appropriate action plans have been agreed to address areas of improvement
identified. The Head of Internal Audit monitors the completion of these action plans.

Effectiveness of the Internal Audit function

Reviewed the Internal Audit improvement plan following the strategic review of the internal audit function
(carried out by a third party and including external benchmarking).

Internal Audit Code of Practice

Reviewed and approved the changes proposed to the Group’s code of practice to bring it in line with the
requirements of the Institute of Internal Audit’s Code of Practice issued in January 2020.

External audit Audit plan

Reviewed and approved the FY20 external audit plan.

External auditor’s reports on half and full year Financial Statements

Considered and discussed the audit findings for the half year and full year, including presentation of
adjusted items and disclosure of segmental reporting. CJRS grant income has been presented as an
adjusted item in, and segmented reporting has been removed from, the FY20 Financial Statements.

Meeting without management

Met with the external audit partner without management being present to discuss any concerns.
No material matters of concern arose from the discussion.

Audit and non-audit fees and services

Regularly reviewed the ratio between audit and non-audit fees to ensure that it remains within authorised limits
(further information is provided on page 119 and in Note 2.3.4) and also the provision of non-audit services.
Reviewed and agreed the proposal to increase audit fees, subject to scope of the audit being agreed for
each financial year.

Independence of the External Auditor

Assessed and satisfied itself of the independence of the External Auditor and sought confirmation from the
audit partner of its compliance with the relevant ethical standards (more information is given on page 119).

Effectiveness and performance of the External Auditor

Reviewed the results of questionnaires from different areas of the business to understand the overall
effectiveness of the External Auditor, and areas for improvement.
Determined that the External Auditor continued to be effective in its performance and agreed to
recommend its re-appointment to the Board for FY21. The Audit Committee noted areas for improvement
and the External Auditor’s own intention to carry out a review of the quality of its services and present its
findings to the Audit Committee.


Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 114 07-Sep-20 4:55:18 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Priorities Work carried out and outcomes

Governance Corporate governance disclosures for the Annual Report and Accounts
Reviewed the Corporate Governance Report, including whether as part of the Annual Report and Accounts,
it was fair, balanced and understandable and recommended the same to the Board for approval.

Received updates on general corporate governance requirements

Considered the content and potential impact of the recommendations from the Kingman, CMA and
Brydon Reports.

Terms of Reference
Reviewed and updated its own Terms of Reference to align them with best practice.

Policies on anti-bribery, anti-money laundering, competition compliance and ethics
Each policy was reviewed, updated and approved in the context of evolving governance, regulation and
best practice.

Committee effectiveness and evaluation

Progressed actions arising from the FY19 externally facilitated evaluation and discussed and agreed an
action plan to address issues identified by the evaluation of its performance in FY20. A description of the
work carried out on effectiveness evaluation can be found on pages 105 to 108.

FY20 Financial • reviewed management’s detailed

analysis, which included forecasts and
presented set out how the Group’s activities
would be affected under each scenario and
Statements scenarios considering the Group’s the potential mitigations available in each
Significant issues considered principal risks and the downside case. Having reviewed the scenarios and
prospects for the UK economy and sensitivities in detail, the Audit Committee
during the financial year housing market, including changes concurred with management’s conclusion
The significant issues considered by the to the Help to Buy scheme in March that the Company and the Group continue
Audit Committee in relation to the Financial 2021, the UK’s withdrawal from the EU to be a going concern and the Financial
Statements during the financial year were and potential further disruption to site Statements should be prepared on a going
addressed as set out below. This is not a activities as a result of COVID-19; concern basis.
complete list of all the accounting issues, • satisfied itself, and subsequently the
estimates and policies, but includes those 3. Financial reporting
Board, that the going concern basis of
which the Committee considers are the preparation continues to be appropriate The Audit Committee reviewed the
most significant, due to their potential in the context of the Group’s funding integrity of the Financial Statements of the
impact on the performance of the Group’s and liquidity position; Group and the Company, and all formal
• considered the going concern announcements relating to the Group’s
COVID-19 has presented a pervasive requirements of the Code to ensure and Company’s financial performance. This
challenge to the business .The Audit compliance; and process included the assessment of the
Committee required Senior Management following primary areas of judgement and
• continued to monitor market conditions
to demonstrate that the Annual Report and took into account the views of the External
to ensure any appropriate adjustments
Accounts give a true and fair representation Auditor.
are made to the Group’s strategic and
of the impact of the pandemic, including on financial planning. In the year the Company adopted and
the judgements made in the preparation of
revised the application of certain accounting
the Financial Statements and the Group’s Further details on the Group’s going
standards. IFRS 16 (Leases) was applied
future prospects. External audit have concern assessment can be found in note
from 1 July 2019 for the first time. In view
provided assurance over this matter. 1.3 on pages 173 and 174, and the Group’s
of the significant reduction in significance
going concern statement can be found on
1. Critical accounting judgements over time the Commercial segment has
page 79.
now been absorbed into Residential to form
and key sources of estimation a single segment. In addition, in accordance
Senior Management considered various
uncertainty scenarios and sensitivities relating to with IFRS 32 (Financial Instruments -
These are set out in the table on page 116 each of the above significant issues. This Disclosure), it was determined that the
and 117. included a reasonable worst case scenario Group’s cash balances and bank overdrafts
in which sales volumes and average selling should be presented gross rather than net
2. Going concern prices fall below their pre COVID-19 levels with prior periods being represented. There
The Audit Committee: by 25% and 10% respectively, construction was no change to net cash. In each of these
• using the Group’s business plan, costs increase by 5%, and that the Group cases the Committee received reports from
assessed the Group’s available temporarily closes its operations for management and the external auditors and
facilities, headroom and banking two months in response to a national agreed with the proposed treatment and
covenants; resurgence of COVID-19. The information disclosure. 115

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Barratt Developments PLC

Audit Committee report CONTINUED

Audit, risk and internal control
Significant issues considered by the Audit Committee relating to the Financial Statements for FY20 comprise:

Significant issues relating to Financial Statements: How these issues were addressed:

Margin recognition
The Group holds £5,027.9m of land and WIP across housebuilding The Audit Committee received feedback from Senior Management,
and commercial developments and during the year has recognised including the Executive Directors, in respect of their attendance
£614.3m of gross profit. The Group’s key control is the site at valuation meetings, including assurance on the efficiency and
valuation process in which assessments are determined over the consistency of the approach on valuation throughout the business.
valuation and profit recognised from housebuilding developments. In addition, the External Auditor reported on its findings and
In order to determine the profit that the Group is able to recognise recommendations following their attendance at valuation meetings
on its developments in a specific period, the Group allocates as part of the external audit process. The Audit Committee also
site-wide development costs between homes built in the current considered the results of the Group’s internal audit reviews across
year and in future years. It also has to estimate costs to complete the business.
on such developments and make estimates relating to future
The Audit Committee considered management’s assumptions and
sales prices on those developments and units, in making these
estimates in the assessment of margin recognition based on site
assessments there is a degree of inherent uncertainty.
performance and the valuation of inventory including the impact of
The Group has reassessed its estimates on a site-by-site basis the expected extension of site durations following COVID-19, based
to incorporate the expected extension of site duration caused by on recoverability over the remaining activity of the site. Based on the
COVID-19 and the adoption of COVID-19 safe working practices results of the internal audits, the views of the External Auditor and
and protocols. It has also assessed costs incurred during the the presentations received, the Audit Committee was comfortable
controlled closure of construction sites and directly charged any with the process and controls adopted by management around
relating to non-productive site overheads or safety to cost of sales the estimation of future income and costs to complete, and thus
in the income statement. the process by which the Group’s inventory is valued and margin

Costs associated with legacy properties

The Group has undertaken a review of all of its current and The Audit Committee reviewed and agreed the basis on which the
legacy buildings where it has used cladding solutions. Approved costs associated with legacy properties have been accrued and
Inspectors signed off all of the Group’s buildings, including the their classification within the Balance Sheet. Representations
cladding used, as compliant with the relevant Building Regulations for the amounts recognised were obtained from both Senior and
at the time of completion. Following this review, the Group has local management and the underlying judgements challenged.
incurred and accrued £11.4m of costs for work involved at legacy Corroboration of the extent of the issues was obtained from
properties associated with removing and replacing cladding. independent experts. The Audit committee also sought the opinion
of the External Auditor prior to making any conclusions.
When cladding was removed from ‘Citiscape’, issues relating
to the design of the building’s reinforced concrete frame were The Audit Committee also considered and agreed the
identified, requiring extensive remedial work. As a responsible appropriateness of presenting these costs as adjusted items in the
developer, the Group appointed independent structural engineers income statement, assisted by feedback from the External Auditor.
to review all other developments where reinforced concrete
frames were designed by either the same original engineering
firm or by other companies within the group of companies which
has since acquired it. The Group has incurred and accrued £28.5m
of costs relating to Citiscape and the associated review.
While in most cases the Group has no legal liability, in line with
its commitment to put customers first it has ensured that no
costs associated with these remedial works will be borne by


Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 116 07-Sep-20 4:55:19 PM

27218   3 September 2020 12:12 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Significant issues relating to Financial Statements: How these issues were addressed:

Impairment of goodwill and indefinite life brands

The Group has £805.9m of goodwill and £101.1m of intangible The Audit Committee considered the level of goodwill and intangible
assets with an indefinite useful life. Goodwill of £792.2m was assets with an indefinite useful life held on the Group’s balance
recognised on the acquisition of Wilson Bowden in 2007 and sheet of £907.0m and whether, given the future prospects of the
£13.7m from the acquisition of Oregon in 2020, all of which is Group and Oregon, the value of goodwill held on the Balance Sheet
attributable to its housebuilding business. The Group reviews the remains appropriate. As part of the review, the Audit Committee
carrying value of these assets on an annual basis to ensure that considered the appropriateness of the calculation of the discount
the present value of the future cash flows that the housebuilding rate, the Group’s risk adjusted cash flows and scenarios, and
business is expected to generate is greater than the carrying value the probability of each scenario arising. The paper, which was
of these assets. This review includes a number of judgements considered at the August Audit Committee meeting, outlined the

around the estimation of future cash flows and the determination assumptions made, the sources for these assumptions, and the
of an appropriate rate with which to discount these cash flows. resulting valuation. The External Auditor also reported on goodwill
and intangible assets valuation at this meeting in the context of
A further £2.3m of intangible assets was also recognised on the
the year end audit. Following detailed consideration of the Material
acquisition of Oregon. These assets are amortised as set out on
Accounting Policies, the Estimates and Judgements paper and
page 195.
the findings of the External Auditor, the Audit Committee agreed
with the estimates made by management and concluded that the
valuation of goodwill and intangible assets remains appropriate.

Fair, balanced and understandable considerations and conclusions During the year the Group received
correspondence from the FRC’s Corporate
The Audit Committee received a draft of the Annual Report and Accounts prior to its August
Reporting Review Team who had reviewed
2020 meeting, together with supporting material from management and the External
the FY19 Annual Report and Accounts. The
Auditor. At the meeting it considered and assessed the process undertaken in drafting the
FRC’s role is to consider compliance with
Annual Report and Accounts to determine whether the 2020 Annual Report and Accounts
reporting requirements and consequently
were fair, balanced and understandable.
their review does not provide assurance
that the FY19 Annual Report and Accounts
Considerations were correct in all material respects. The
FRC raised a number of enquiries, on
• The feedback provided by shareholders in respect of the 2019 Annual Report and
which the Group was required to respond,
to help the FRC Corporate Reporting Team
• The assurances provided in respect of the financial and non-financial management to understand how the Group had satisfied
information. relevant reporting requirements.
• The balance between statutory and adjusted performance measures.
The queries related to:
• The internal processes underpinning the Group’s reporting governance framework and
• The disclosure of contract assets,
the reviews and findings of the Group’s external legal advisers and the auditor.
contract liabilities and revenue
• A report from the Company Secretary, which confirmed that: i) the process involved recognised over time;
collaboration between various parts of the Group including the Group Finance team,
• Accounting for local contributions and
Company Secretariat, Group Communications, Investor Relations and the Sustainability
physical works;
team; ii) the Annual Report and Accounts had been reviewed by the Executive Directors;
and iii) the Company had received confirmation from its external advisers that the Annual • The sensitivity of pension scheme
Report and Accounts adhered to the requirements of the Companies Act, the Code, the liabilities to changes in the discount
Listing Rules and other relevant regulations and guidance. rate; and
• Supply chain financing and reverse
factoring arrangements.
Conclusions: The Annual Report and Accounts
In addition, the Group was encouraged to
• Clearly, concisely and accurately reflected the Group’s and Company’s performance in make improvements in relation to a number
the year under review, including the impact of COVID-19. of observations made by the FRC in the
• Contained an accurate description of the business model. FY20 Annual Report and Accounts if these
• Correctly reflected the Group’s and Company’s purpose, strategy and culture. were material and relevant.
• Included consistent messaging and clear linkage between each of the sections of the
Report and Accounts.
• Included KPIs, which were consistent with the business plan and remuneration strategy.
The decision was reached that the Annual Report and Accounts was fair, balanced and
understandable, and contained sufficient information for shareholders to assess the
Group’s and Company’s position, performance, business model and strategy and should be
recommended as such to the Board. 117

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Barratt Developments PLC

Audit Committee report CONTINUED

Audit, risk and internal control
The Group, assisted by the External Auditor,
compiled a comprehensive response to
The Group’s operations and financing
arrangements expose it to a variety of
Internal audit
the FRC’s queries and agreed to enhance financial risks that include the effects of Information regarding the Internal Audit
disclosures in the FY20 Annual Report and changes in borrowing and debt profiles, matters considered by the Committee is
Accounts to address the matters raised. Government policy, market prices, credit given in the activities table on page 114.
The Group’s response was approved by the risks, liquidity risks and interest rates. To further improve the effectiveness
Chair and the Chair of the Audit Committee There is a regular, detailed system for the of Internal Audit, the Head of Internal
and submitted within the requested time reporting and forecasting of cash flows Audit continued the strategic review of
requirements. from operations to Senior Management, the Internal Audit function started in
including Executive Directors, to ensure FY19. The results of internal surveys of
The FRC were satisfied with the response that risks are promptly identified and
and the proposed disclosures for FY20 Senior Management and key users were
appropriate mitigating actions taken. supplemented by external benchmarking.
and confirmed that no further response
was required and closed the enquiry. The These forecasts are further stress tested Improvements recommended by the Head
Group has reflected the agreed changes to at a Group level on a regular basis, with of Internal Audit included:
specific disclosures relating to the matters additional testing performed as a result
• consolidation of the different types of
listed above in the FY20 Annual Report of and reflecting the impact of COVID-19
divisional audits undertaken into one
and Accounts. including the temporary closure over the
risk-based divisional audit approach;
lockdown period, to ensure that adequate
Internal controls and headroom within facilities and banking • implementation of a formal
management action tracker; and
the risk management covenants is maintained. In addition, the
Group has in place a risk management • improvement and simplification of
process programme that seeks to limit the adverse audit reporting.
effects of the other risks on its financial
The Audit Committee monitors the Group’s performance, for example using fixed rate Two key strategic objectives of the
risk management and internal control debt to manage interest rate risk. The function were identified in response to the
systems, including their effectiveness, on Group does not use derivative financial benchmarking, comprising:
behalf of the Board. The key aspects of the instruments for speculative purposes. • development of an Internal Audit
Group’s system of internal control and risk Activities are delegated, by the Board, to a Improvement Plan with the aim of
management framework are as follows: centralised Treasury Operating Committee. ensuring provision of value added risk
• a clear organisational structure The Treasury department operates in based assurance, improvements to
with defined levels of authority and accordance with the guidelines contained business partnering and ensuring the
responsibility for each operating within approved treasury policies that are team has adequate and relevant skills;
division; established by the Board and the Treasury and
• financial and management reporting Operating Committee. • the Introduction of the Barratt Risk and
systems under which financial and Internal Control Framework (BRICK).
operating performance is consistently
reviewed against budget and forecasts The Head of Internal Audit updated the Progress on achievement of these
at divisional, regional and Group levels Audit Committee on whistleblowing objectives, due to commence in the second
on a monthly basis; incidents at each meeting. Concerns can half of the year, was stalled by COVID-19.
be raised with managers, or reported Plans for FY21 have been agreed and are
• identification and review of principal progressing now that the business has
anonymously to a confidential and
operational risk areas to ensure they returned to full capacity. This includes the
independent hotline. The hotline is
are embedded in the Group’s monthly rollout of business-wide reviews of key
available 24 hours a day, with any issues
management reporting system. processes and policies, supplemented by
notified immediately by email. Any issues
This embeds the identification and continuous monitoring of risk areas and
requiring urgent attention, (including
control of risk as routine aspects of in-depth divisional audits.
corruption, human rights abuses and
managerial responsibility. Details of the
safety) are notified to the Head of Internal The closure of construction sites, sales
management of risk system utilised and
Audit by phone, including over the weekend. centres and offices in response to COVID-19
the principal risks and their relevance
The Head of Internal Audit reviews and required the Group to adapt its ways of
to the operations and financial
investigates the issues raised. The Audit workings, including its control framework.
performance of the Group are set out
Committee reviews the overall procedure, Internal Audit provided continual feedback
on pages 71 to 78; and
the investigations and outcomes as well as concerning the appropriateness of
• assessment of compliance with the the availability and frequency of use of the
internal control and risk management proposed changes to controls. In addition,
whistleblowing hotline. During the year, the Group’s audit programme was adapted
systems. This assessment is supported the Audit Committee reviewed the Group’s
by the Group’s Internal Audit team, to be workable under and more applicable
process for protection of whistleblowers to the new working environment. This
which is responsible for undertaking and is satisfied that this remains
an annual audit plan, ad hoc audits and resulted in improvements to the efficiency
appropriate and that the investigations have and relevance of audit work that will be
reporting to the Audit Committee, and if been dealt with sensitively and in a timely
necessary, the Board, on the operation continued after our offices reopen.
manner. Therefore, the Audit Committee
and effectiveness of those systems and is comfortable with the outcomes reached. The Audit Committee considered the
any material failings. The Chair of the Audit Committee updated effectiveness of the Internal Audit team and
the Board on whistleblowing reports and confirmed that in its opinion, Internal Audit
investigations on a regular basis and had operated effectively and provided an
the Board reviewed the whistleblowing appropriate level of independent scrutiny
arrangements and discussed the most of the operations of the Group.
material issues.


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27218   3 September 2020 12:12 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

External audit In addition, the Audit Committee was

satisfied that management had provided
explaining why it believed that it remained
independent within the requirements of
Audit performance and effectiveness the External Auditor with appropriate the applicable regulations and its own
The Audit Committee assessed the access to its operations and head office professional standards. The report also
performance of the External Auditor and teams, systems, records and supporting explained why the ratio of audit to non-audit
the effectiveness of the external audit information, whilst acting professionally fees and the extent and type of non-audit
for FY20. In coming to its conclusion the and with appropriate challenge, enabling services provided was appropriate.
Audit Committee reviewed amongst other the audit to be conducted effectively.
Following receipt of confirmations from
Auditor independence and the External Auditor, and the completion
• feedback on the effectiveness, of its own review, the Committee endorsed
performance and knowledge of the non-audit fees
the External Auditor’s conclusions that the
external audit from Group, divisional Following the review reported in the 2019 Policy had been appropriately complied
and regional management and the Annual Report and Accounts, with effect with throughout the year under review,

Head of Internal Audit, and their from 1 July 2020, the Company’s Policy on that there were no items that might affect
responses to previous management Auditor Independence and Non-Audit Fees the independence of the External Auditor,
feedback; caps non-audit fees at 70% of the average and that the non-audit fees remained at an
• Deloitte LLP’s fulfilment of the agreed audit fees over the previous three years. The appropriate level.
audit plan for FY20; Audit Committee continually monitors the
ratio of non-audit to audit fees to ensure External audit tender
• reports highlighting the material issues that it does not exceed this cap. For FY20,
and critical accounting judgements and Deloitte LLP were first appointed as
non-audit fees (including audit-related external auditor to the Group in 2007.
key sources of estimation uncertainty assurance services) for the Company, its
that arose during the conduct of the The Group therefore put the audit out to
subsidiaries and JV’s represented 7.8% of competitive tender in FY17, as reported
audit; and the total audit fee. Further details of the fully in the FY17 Annual Report and
• Deloitte LLP’s objectivity and audit and non-audit fees incurred by the Accounts. Following the tender, the Board
independence during the process, Group can be found in Note 2.3.4 on page unanimously agreed to re-appoint Deloitte
including its own representation about 182. The non-audit fees related to the work LLP with effect from the FY18 audit. Having
its internal independence processes. undertaken by Deloitte LLP in its role as conducted this competitive tender, the
external auditor to the Group for the review Company has complied with the provisions
During the course of the audit, the External
of the half year report, technical support of The Statutory Audit Services for Large
Auditor challenged management’s
provided in drafting the response to a letter Companies Market Investigation (Mandatory
judgements and assertions on the following
from the FRC’s Corporate Reporting Review Use of Competitive Processes and Audit
Team and a short term, limited scope, piece Committee Responsibilities) Order 2014
• Margin recognition, and in particular of advisory support. It was felt that this work
the impact of COVID-19 on current and issued by the CMA on 26 September 2014.
was best performed by the Group’s auditor Claire Faulkner was appointed as lead audit
future site margins; given its experience and knowledge of the partner for the FY18 audit and continues in
• T
he presentation of adjusted items and Group. Accordingly, the Audit Committee this role. The team’s second audit partner
COVID-19 related costs in the income was satisfied that both the work performed was rotated for the FY20 audit. The Group’s
statement; by Deloitte LLP, and the level of non-audit policy is to rotate the lead audit partner
• Costs relating to legacy properties; and fees paid to it, were appropriate and did not every five years.
raise any concerns in terms of Deloitte LLP’s
• T
he assumptions underlying the independence as auditor to the Group. Under current regulations the Company
presentation of the Financial is not due to re-tender its audit until 2027;
Statements on the basis that the Group The Policy sets out the duties of the however, the Audit Committee will continue
is a going concern. Committee with respect to protecting the to monitor the performance of the External
objectivity and independence of the auditor. Auditor during this time and will make
The Audit Committee asked the External The pre-approval levels and conditions
Auditor to confirm if they felt that the recommendations accordingly.
required for different non-audit services
Financial Statements provide a true and
fair reflection of the impact of COVID-19 on
which might be required from the auditor, Assessment of the External Auditor
together with those services that are not
the performance of the business, which the Having considered the External Auditor’s
permitted under any circumstances are
External Auditor subsequently did. performance, the Audit Committee
detailed in the Policy. The Policy also
recommended to the Board that the External
The Audit Committee concluded that sets out restrictions on the recruitment
Auditor remains independent, objective and
the audit process as a whole had been of employees from the Group’s external
effective in its role and therefore should
conducted robustly, the External Audit auditor. The policy is available at www.
be re-appointed for a further year. On the
team selected to undertake the audit had
recommendation of the Audit Committee, the
done so thoroughly and professionally, corporate-governance. There are no
Board is putting forward a resolution at this
and the External Auditor had applied conflicts of interest between the members
year’s AGM that Deloitte LLP be re-appointed
sufficient experience and understanding of the Audit Committee and Deloitte LLP.
as External Auditor for a further year.
of the housebuilding industry, consulted The Audit Committee requires written
with accounting and real estate experts This report forms part of the Corporate
confirmation from the External Auditor
as necessary, and is of sufficient size to Governance report and is signed on behalf
annually that it remains independent.
conduct a national audit. Deloitte LLP’s of the Audit Committee by:
For FY20 Deloitte LLP provided a
performance as auditor to the Group during comprehensive report to the Audit
FY20 was therefore considered to Jock Lennox
Committee verifying that it had performed Chair of the Audit Committee
be satisfactory. its audit and audit-related services in
line with independence requirements and 1 September 2020 119

Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 119 07-Sep-20 4:55:19 PM

27218   3 September 2020 12:12 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Safety, Health and

Environment Committee report

“The SHE team were fully engaged in

assessing the risks associated with COVID-19
in advance of the temporary closure of our
Richard Akers construction sites, sales centres and offices
and afterwards in planning for the re-opening.”
1/1 Richard Akers
Chair of the Safety,
Health and Environment Committee
Other members:

Statement from the Chair of the SHE Committee

The health and safety of our workforce, customers and members
of the public and the protection of the environment around our
developments remains a fundamental priority and is embedded within
the day-to-day operations of the business.
Steven Boyes Vince Coyle The final quarter of FY20 has been particularly challenging for the
1/1 Group SHE Director1 business as a consequence of COVID-19. The SHE team were fully
1/1 engaged in assessing the risks associated with COVID-19 in advance
of the temporary closure of our construction sites, sales centres and
offices and afterwards in planning for the re-opening.
n Meetings attended n Meetings held
The pandemic presented particular challenges in ensuring
1. The Group SHE Director is not a member of the Board or the our operations could re-commence following lockdown, whilst
Executive Committee. implementing enhanced safe systems of work. We assessed
our specific operations including activities and interfaces
with stakeholders on our construction sites, in sales centres,
manufacturing operations and within our customers’ homes. In
FY20 key achievements accordance with Government, Industry and Public Health guidance
we put in place mitigating working practices and protocols to ensure
• Managed the risks associated with the temporary that social distancing could be effectively managed. In considering
closure of our construction sites, sales centres and appropriate measures, we consulted with employees who would be
offices during the COVID-19 lockdown, and their required to implement them and this feedback was invaluable in the
subsequent re-opening. development of proportionate and flexible controls. The SHE practices
• Continued with our wellbeing and occupational health and protocols that we put in place were subsequently verified by
programmes, and supported our supply chain to meet the British Safety Council. The focus for FY21 will be on monitoring
this obligation. compliance with the risk mitigation measures put in place and
• Progressed our programme of random drugs and adjusting those measures where necessary to ensure the workforce,
alcohol testing in line with our policy in this area. customers and suppliers are kept safe.

Areas of focus in FY21 The SHE Committee’s activities continue to help mitigate some of
our key operational risks relating to SHE. By receiving reports and
• Ongoing focus on compliance with social distancing
challenging those tasked with SHE performance where necessary,
requirements and management of COVID-19 related
the SHE Committee helps the business to improve its SHE standards.
It supports and oversees the direction and implementation of SHE
• Revisit training and induction of Board members to Policy and Procedures through underpinning efficient working
ensure that they can continue to visit sites safely. practices, preventing direct costs associated with incidents, and
• Formalise the use of more regular reporting on supporting the culture and ongoing sustainability of the Group.
progress and adaptation of policy to reflect the fast
changing circumstances of COVID-19, as adopted
during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 120 07-Sep-20 4:55:23 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

This SHE Committee continues to work • establish and maintain policies in Membership and attendance
closely with the SHE Operations Committee respect of all areas relating to SHE; at SHE Committee meetings
to oversee and provide stewardship of the • review the scope of and assess the
Group’s SHE operational performance. The members of the SHE Committee and
outcome of annual SHE internal and their attendance at the scheduled meetings
The Group SHE Operations Committee is external audits and agree necessary
responsible for implementing and oversight during the year are shown on page 120.
actions with the Group SHE Director; The Company Secretary acts as Secretary
of the overall SHE improvement strategy for
• receive assessments from the Group to the Committee.
the Group. The SHE Operations Committee
SHE Director on specific incidents to
reports directly to the SHE Committee with Only members of the SHE Committee have
gain an understanding of how they
the Group SHE Director presenting direct the right to attend meetings; however, other
were caused, details of the internal
reports to these Committees and to the individuals may be invited, at the request
and external (if any) investigations that
Board. We hold at least one joint meeting of the Chair, to attend all or part of any
are being/have been undertaken and
during each year enabling the members meeting where it is deemed appropriate.
details of what steps have been taken or
of the SHE Committee to gain more of an

controls put in place to mitigate against Two SHE Committee meetings had been
in-depth understanding of the operational
the incident recurring; and scheduled for FY20; however, due to the
issues and to discuss them directly with
those responsible for day-to-day SHE • agree and recommend to the onset of COVID-19 and the lockdown, the
management. The SHE Committee has Remuneration Committee targets for meeting in March 2020 was cancelled to
formal Terms of Reference, which it has any SHE performance measures, which enable individuals to focus on the safe
reviewed and approved during the year. are to be applied to the annual bonus temporary closure of our construction sites,
scheme and monitor performance sales centres and offices. Richard Akers, as
The key aspects of the SHE Committee’s against such measures. Chair of the SHE Committee, was kept fully
role as defined in these Terms of Reference informed of changes to SHE practices
are to: and protocols and policies throughout the
• oversee the Group’s compliance with whole period.
the SHE management system;
• identify and monitor SHE risks or
exposures for the business and
determine how best to mitigate against
them; ↓ Andy Robson a Project Manager
at our Exeter division. 121

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Barratt Developments PLC

Safety, Health and

Environment Committee report CONTINUED
Main activities undertaken during the financial year

Priorities Work carried out and outcomes

Social distancing Agreed new SHE practices and protocols to be put in place to protect our employees, customers, suppliers and
and other SHE sub-contractors as they return to our construction sites and also agreed the controls put in place to monitor
compliance with the new measures.
Board SHE visits Under normal circumstances all Directors will attend a SHE site visit with the Group SHE Director.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, these were not completed during FY20.
These SHE site visits are invaluable as they not only play an important role in ensuring our Board has a
full understanding of SHE policies and processes, it also shows the Board’s commitment to SHE and its
importance to the business and our culture.

IIR We continue to monitor our SHE performance targets, our key performance indicators and our IIR, all of which
are available in the Strategic Report on pages 62 and 63.

SHE management Updated and reviewed the SHE management system.

System Monitored and updated SHE policies and procedures to ensure they are aligned with latest regulations and best
practice, and continuously improved to ensure continued relevance.
As a consequence of COVID-19, a series of rapid reviews and changes have been implemented to our SHE
management system, policies and procedures throughout the last few months of FY20 to ensure that they
remain effective, relevant and market leading during the rapidly changing situation. A review by the British
Safety Council of our policies, procedures and arrangements relating to the control of COVID-19 confirmed
that the protocols and associated control arrangements put in place were in accordance with Government and
sector-specific guidelines, and that arrangements for continual monitoring of their effectiveness were in place.

SHE training and Reviewed and confirmed that the SHE training provided to employees and site-based workers remains fit for
compliance purpose and up to date.
Continuously monitor attendance by employees at prescribed SHE courses and ensure that they familiarise
themselves with the SHE policies, processes and procedures during their induction.
Received reports on the compliance, application and implementation of our SHE management system and the
outcomes of site monitoring visits undertaken and agreed the action plans put in place to address areas of

Drugs and alcohol testing Working from home or being on furlough • enhanced levels of training for onsite
Following feedback from our initial is a new experience for many of our supervision; and
programme of random sampling, we employees. It was therefore vital that • improved standards for all types of
reviewed and updated our Drugs and we continued to support their physical plant provided onsite.
Alcohol Policy and put additional controls and mental wellbeing throughout this
unprecedented time. With support from our Many of these items were put on hold due
in place to ensure we remain GDPR
HR team, employees were provided access to COVID-19, however the SHE team are
compliant. The programme has been
to a variety of webinars, e-learning modules committed and eager to get these up and
accepted by the business and is seen as key
and newsletters, all of which contained tips running again during the course of FY21.
to helping keep our workforce safe. This
testing was postponed during the lockdown and guidance on staying healthy physically
and mentally. Virtual ‘drop-in’ sessions Good housekeeping campaign
period but will recommence during FY21.
were also introduced to enable employees Throughout the year, the SHE team
Occupational and mental health to interact not only with the experts on have been focused on a campaign to
hand but with other colleagues to share enhance housekeeping and safe access to
We continue to concentrate on occupational
experiences and learn from one another or workplaces. Communication of key points
and mental health, offering advice on
just to have a social chat. has been through the use of posters,
healthy lifestyles and achieving a healthy
briefing cards and a safety alert being
work-life balance. A health and wellbeing Engagement with sub-contractors issued to site teams.
calendar has been made available to
all employees and provides advice on During FY20 we continued to work with Our most important asset is our workforce
different health related topics each our groundworks contractors following and therefore it is important that the safety
month. We are implementing occupational the seminars we held with them in FY19. and wellbeing of all employees (direct and
health surveillance for directly employed As part of the improvement plan we have indirect) remains a fundamental priority for
employees and continue to provide embarked on the following initiatives: this Committee and the Group Board.
mental health awareness training for line • provision of cabs on dumpers (six
managers and raise awareness of health tonnes or over) from January 2022; Richard Akers
related issues through poster and leaflet • further controls for segregation of plant Chair of the SHE Committee
campaigns. and pedestrians, including onsite trials 1 September 2020
of auto-detection equipment;


Barratt-AR2020 Governance.indd 122 07-Sep-20 4:55:24 PM

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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Remuneration report
Annual statement from the Chair of the Remuneration Committee

“Our Remuneration Policy continues to be fit for purpose,

aligning the interests of our Executive Directors with those
of our shareholders and our business strategy. It also
continues to drive appropriate behaviours for the long term
success of the Company.”
Richard Akers
Chair of the Remuneration Committee

Richard Akers

Chair On behalf of the Board, I am pleased dividend, on the recommendation of the
4/4 to present our Remuneration report
for the year ended 30 June 2020. Our
Executive Directors, the Remuneration
Committee used its discretion to decide
Remuneration report comprises three that there would be no payments made
parts: this Annual Statement, the under the FY20 annual bonus scheme. In
Other members: Remuneration Policy and the Annual Report line with our commitment to shareholders,
on Remuneration. we have set out the targets for the FY20
annual bonus scheme in Table 12 on page
Remit of the Remuneration
144. No other discretion was exercised in
Committee the year.
Last year, I reported that we would be
working to further embed the extension of Given that the Group remained financially
the Remuneration Committee’s remit as resilient throughout the lockdown period,
John Allan Nina Bibby set out in the 2018 Code. For the first nine following the business restart, we made the

4/4 4/4 months of the year this was one of our key
focus points, however, this all changed
decision to return the funding received from
the CJRS in July 2020.
with the onset of COVID-19. Details of how FY20 performance and reward
we have applied the requirements of the
2018 Code can be found throughout this The lockdown period has had a significant
Remuneration report. Our policy operated impact on our financial performance this
as intended through the year, including year and on the strong progress that we
enabling us to effectively manage the had been making against our medium term
impact of COVID-19 on remuneration. targets. Having decided not to make any
Jock Lennox Sharon White
payments under the FY20 annual bonus
4/4 4/4 COVID-19 – actions taken scheme this only left performance against
the 2017/18 LTPP to be considered by the
On 27 March 2020, we temporarily closed
all of our construction sites, sales centres Remuneration Committee. Unfortunately,
n Meetings attended n Meetings held
and offices to ensure the health and safety neither of the EPS nor the ROCE targets
of our workforce as COVID-19 gripped the were achieved but the TSR performance
country. As a consequence, the business condition was partially met, resulting in
FY20 key achievements 19.35% of the 2017/18 LTPP award vesting
furloughed c. 85% of its workforce and took
• Embedded extension of advantage of the CJRS to safeguard jobs. The for Executive Directors. The Remuneration
Remuneration Committee remit. Executive Committee recognised that the Committee believes that as the 2017/18
current circumstances were unprecedented LTPP recognises the long term performance
• Reviewed and agreed changes of the Company over a three-year period,
to FY20 remuneration in light and that steps needed to be taken to assure
furloughed employees that they would and given the strong alignment to the
of COVID-19 and proposals for shareholder experience through TSR, it is
how to deal with FY21 variable continue to be supported by the Group
financially. Accordingly, it was agreed with the appropriate to allow this award to vest in line
remuneration with the ongoing with performance outcomes. Full details
uncertainty. Remuneration Committee to continue to pay
all furloughed employees their normal pay are set out on Table 14 on page 145. The net
• Updated Remuneration Policy throughout their period of furlough. shares (after the payment of any tax and NI
to bring it in line with market due on release) will be subject to a further
practice. Members of the Board, the Executive two-year holding period. The Remuneration
Committee and the Regional Managing Committee considers the bonus and LTPP
Areas of focus in FY21 Directors all took a voluntary 20% reduction outcomes are appropriate and reflect the
• Consider whether a fuller in their salaries/fees effective from April overall performance of the Group during the
review of Remuneration Policy is 2020 until the Group was able to restart on relevant performance period.
appropriate. its construction sites. In addition, following
the Board’s decision to cancel the interim
• Set suitable targets for FY21
bonus and LTPP in light of
ongoing uncertainties. 123

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Barratt Developments PLC

Remuneration report CONTINUED

Annual statement from the Chair of the Remuneration Committee
Remuneration Policy review Executive Directors, will be reduced FY21 remuneration
Shareholders last approved the to the rate available to the wider Aligned with the decision made for the
Remuneration Policy in 2017 with over workforce, currently 10% of salary. wider workforce, the Remuneration
98% of votes cast in favour. This policy This is in line with the IA’s guidance on Committee has agreed that there will be
operated as intended during the year. Executive Directors’ pensions. no salary or fee increases for the Executive
We are required to present a new policy • Remuneration Committee discretion Directors and the Non-Executive Directors
to shareholders for approval at our 2020 The review of our Remuneration respectively for FY21.
AGM. The Remuneration Committee has Policy has highlighted some areas For the FY21 bonus, performance measures
carefully considered the appropriateness where the Remuneration Committee are set out on page 140 along with the
of an in-depth review of our policy at feels that it should have discretion to details of changes made since last year and
the current time. In particular, we have make adjustments to executive pay the rationale for these. In line with previous
taken into account the IA’s guidance in certain circumstances. Should the years we will disclose the targets for the
encouraging companies not to undertake Remuneration Committee decide to use FY21 annual bonus and our performance
extensive policy reviews while the COVID-19 this discretion, the impact of this and against them in our Remuneration Report
pandemic continues. The Remuneration the reasons surrounding the discretion for the financial year ending 30 June 2021.
Committee agreed that whilst we are would be disclosed in my statement for
required to put our Remuneration Policy the relevant financial year. The main In line with guidance from the IA, it is our
to shareholders for a binding vote at the scenarios for use of discretion being intention to defer the target setting of the
2020 AGM, the policy will essentially be included in the proposed policy include 2020 LTPP for no more than six months
a continuation of our current policy and overriding formulaic outcomes where from the date of grant, at which point the
include no major changes. However, we they are considered excessive, and Remuneration Committee will give full
are cognisant of recent developments in flexibility in relation to LTPP payments to consideration to the performance of the
governance and best practice, which we leavers in relation to pro-rating awards Company. The 2020 LTPP will be granted
feel should be incorporated in this policy and timing of release. Further details of to all eligible participants, including the
and which we believe will be welcomed by these changes are set out on page 131. Executive Directors, as usual in October.
our investors. I detail these below. Details of the targets under the 2020 LTPP
• Post cessation shareholding will be disclosed on our website when they
Over the course of the coming months, we requirements are set and in the FY21 Remuneration report.
will deliberate on whether or not to bring Our shareholding policy for Executive
more substantial policy amendments to our Directors previously included a Shareholder engagement
2021 AGM, based on consideration both of requirement for the Chief Executive and
our future business strategy and the evolving In August 2020, we consulted with our major
the other Executive Directors to commit
economic environment. We will engage with shareholders and the main institutional
to holding 100% or 75% of their salary
shareholders as part of this process. voting agencies on the proposed minor
respectively, for a period of two years
changes to our Remuneration Policy and
The Remuneration Committee is proposing after they leave employment, in order to
on the proposed remuneration for FY21. No
the following minor changes to the be classified as a ‘good leaver’. In order
areas of concern were raised.
Remuneration Policy that will be presented to align this policy to IA guidance, we
for approval at our 2020 AGM. All other have introduced some amendments so Gender pay gap
aspects of our Remuneration Policy remain that Executive Directors will be required
The requirement to publish a Gender Pay Gap
unchanged: to hold 100% of their shareholding
report in 2020 was suspended by HMRC due to
requirement (currently 200% of salary),
COVID-19. However, as a business, we agreed
• Executive Directors’ pension or their actual shareholding if lower
that it was important to keep stakeholders
contributions (based on the share price at the date
informed of our gender pay position.
We are supportive of the requirements of leaving), for a period of two years
Accordingly, we will be publishing our report in
of the Code, and the guidance of after they leave employment. In order to
September 2020.
various advisory bodies (including transition to the revised policy, any share
the IA) on the alignment of Executive awards vesting from 2020 onwards will Employee engagement on
Directors’ pension contributions with be included in calculating the post-
those of the wider workforce. For new cessation shareholding requirement
Executive Directors as of November above the limits in the previous policy. We are mindful of the value of engagement
2017 (including Jessica White, who was with the wider workforce on various matters,
promoted to Chief Financial Officer in We believe that with these changes, the including remuneration policies and
2018), we had reduced the maximum Remuneration Policy continues to be fit practices. This became more prominent
contribution to 15% of salary from 25%. for purpose, aligning the interests of our during the lockdown period. We continued
As of 1 July 2019, this was reduced Executive Directors with those of our to utilise our Workforce Forum during
further for new joiners to 10% of salary, shareholders and our business strategy. this period and sought their views on our
equal to the maximum employer It also continues to drive appropriate approach to pay and furlough of employees.
contribution available to the workforce behaviours for the long term success of In addition, we set up a dedicated COVID-19
in general. Having given this matter the Company. email address through which the workforce
much consideration, the Remuneration was encouraged to raise queries, share
Committee has agreed that with effect experiences and make suggestions to the
from 1 January 2023, the pension management team on a variety of matters
contribution rate for incumbent including remuneration. David Thomas,
Chief Executive, also provided weekly
updates to the workforce via email.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

I have attended each of the Workforce Our remuneration strategy • To ensure that there is no reward for
Forum meetings during the year, in my Without our people, we would not have a failure and that termination payments
capacity as the designated Non-Executive business. It is therefore imperative that (if any) are limited to those that the
Director for employee engagement, and our remuneration strategy appropriately Executive Director (or member of Senior
have been impressed by the engagement rewards our employees for their Management) is legally entitled to.
of both management and workforce performance against the Group’s key • To ensure that in exercising its
representatives and how well the meetings performance indicators, both financial and discretion, the Remuneration Committee
have been run. Further details on the non-financial, whilst delivering sustainable robustly applies the aims above.
Workforce Forum and the matters it has shareholder value.
discussed can be found on page 42. In developing its Remuneration Policy, the
Aims of our Remuneration Policy Remuneration Committee has regard to:
Conclusion • the Group’s business strategy, ensuring
• To promote the long term sustainable
The Remuneration Committee believes that success of the Company and be fully that targets support the achievement of
the decisions we have taken in respect of business strategy and key KPIs;

aligned with the performance and
FY20 pay outcomes, the proposed minor strategic objectives of the Group in • the performance, roles and
amendments to our Remuneration Policy, order to enhance shareholder value. responsibilities of each Executive
and the proposed approach to implementing Director or member of Senior
• To attract, retain, motivate and
the Remuneration Policy in FY21 are in the Management;
competitively reward Executive
best interests of our shareholders, align with
Directors and Senior Management with • arrangements that apply across the
our strategy and appropriately reflect the
the requisite experience, skills and wider workforce, including average
wider business and economic environment.
ability to support the achievement of the base salary increases and pension
We therefore hope that you will support the Group’s key strategic objectives in any contributions;
revised Remuneration Policy, and also the financial year. • information and surveys from internal
Annual Report on Remuneration, which • To take account of pay and employment and independent sources; and
will be proposed at the AGM in October conditions of employees across the
2020. On behalf of the Board, I would like to • the economic environment and
Group whilst reflecting the interests underlying financial performance
thank you for your continued support of our and expectations of shareholders and
remuneration framework. of the Group.
other stakeholders.
Richard Akers • To reward the delivery of profit, margin
improvement, the maintenance of an
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
appropriate capital structure and the
1 September 2020 continued improvement of return on
capital employed by the business, whilst
ensuring that Executive Directors and
Senior Management adopt a level of risk,
which is in line with the risk profile of the
business as approved by the Board.

↑ Barratt London homes at the Ridgeway Views, Mill Hill, London 125

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Barratt Developments PLC

Remuneration report CONTINUED

Overview for FY20
The summary below outlines the remuneration outcomes for Executive Directors for the year under review, together with the minimum,
on-target and maximum (with and without share price growth) opportunities, targets set for variable remuneration and our performance
against them. Full details can be found in the Annual Report on Remuneration on pages 137 to 151. Details of Executive Directors’
shareholding requirements and whether they have been met are given in Table 19 on page 147.

Executive Director remuneration policy scenarios for FY21 and FY20 single figure outcomes

4,500 4,382


3,500 3,480

3,000 2,881

2,500 2,300 2,400

2,000 1,978 Pension

1,833 Benefits
1,240 Annual Bonus
1,226 LTIP
1,000 975 976
785 636

Minimum On-target Maximum Maximum SF FY20 Minimum On-target Maximum Maximum SF FY20 Minimum On-target Maximum Maximum SF FY20
plus 50% plus 50% plus 50%
CEO share price growth COO share price growth CFO share price growth

Notes: For the FY21 policy scenarios, salary levels (which are the base on which other elements of the package are calculated) are based on those applying at 1 July
2020. The value of taxable benefits is the cost of providing those benefits in the year ended 30 June 2020. Minimum pay is fixed pay only (i.e. salary + benefits + pension).
On-target pay includes fixed pay, 50% of the maximum bonus (equal to 75% of salary) and 50% vesting of the LTPP awards (with grant levels of 200% of salary). Maximum
pay includes fixed pay and assumes 100% vesting of both the annual bonus and the LTPP awards. Maximum pay plus 50% share price growth is the same as maximum
pay in respect of fixed pay, but assumes a 50% increase in the share price over the performance period for the LTPP. All amounts have been rounded to the nearest £1,000.
The following items are included in the single figure FY20, but excluded from the scenario chart for simplicity: i. Executive Directors’ participation in HMRC tax advantaged
all-employee share plans; and ii. the dividend equivalents permitted on vesting LTPP awards.

FY20 performance pay outcomes

Annual bonus outturn
As announced in July 2020, the Remuneration Committee approved management’s recommendation that no bonuses would be paid to
Executive Directors or the wider workforce for FY20. Further details of the performance targets are disclosed on page 144 in the Annual
Report on Remuneration.
LTPP vesting outturn
Further details are set out on page 145 of the Annual Report on Remuneration.
Percentage of award vesting (%) for each performance condition
Shares Shares Estimated Value
awarded EPS ROCE TSR Total vesting (£000)
David Thomas 226,307 0 0 19.35 19.35 43,790 219
Steven Boyes 179,103 0 0 19.35 19.35 34,656 173
Jessica White 126,222 0 0 19.35 19.35 24,423 122

Alignment of incentive performance measures with strategy

Strategic priorities
Customer first Great places Leading construction Investing in our people
Anticipate our customers’ evolving Secure good value land Deliver highest quality homes, Attract and retain the
needs by continuously improving and planning consents where focus on excellence, embrace best people, invest in their
the homes and places we build people aspire to live MMC development
How our incentive structures are aligned to delivering the strategic priorities
Annual Capital Employed PBT
Quality and service Capital Employed
bonus Quality and service Quality and service
Trading outlets
Margin improvement


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Remuneration report CONTINUED

Directors’ Remuneration Policy
The Company’s current Directors’ post cessation holding requirements and on our website www.barrattdevelopments.
Remuneration Policy (the ‘Policy’), was Remuneration Committee discretion and A description of how the
approved by shareholders at the 2017 AGM. flexibility. Consultation with shareholders Company implemented the Policy in FY20
A new Remuneration Policy is therefore due has taken place and the revised can be found on pages 142 to 146.
to be presented for approval by shareholders Remuneration Policy will be proposed to
at the 2020 AGM (the ‘Remuneration shareholders at the AGM in October 2020. If Policy table
Policy’). Due to the current uncertainties approved by shareholders, it will take effect The revised Remuneration Policy is set out
as a consequence of COVID-19 and in line from the date of the 2020 AGM and remain in below. A summary of the main changes is
with the IA’s guidance, the Remuneration force for at least three years unless changes given on page 131 and details of how the
Committee has made the decision to only are required. Remuneration Policy will be applied for
make minor changes to the Policy to bring it FY21 are set out on pages 139 to 141.
The full version of the current Policy can be
in line with best practice regarding Executive
found on pages 80 to 89 of the 2017 Annual
Directors’ pension contributions,
Report and Accounts, which is available

Purpose and link to
Company’s strategy How operated in practice Maximum opportunity Description of performance metrics
Base salary
To help promote the Normally reviewed annually and fixed for 12 There is no prescribed maximum N/A
long term success of the months with any increases usually effective annual increase.
Company. from 1 July. The Remuneration Committee is
To reward individuals based The Remuneration Committee considers: guided by the general increase
on the scope of the role. • individual responsibilities, skills, for the broader UK employee
To attract and retain high experience and performance; population but on occasions may
calibre Executive Directors need to recognise changes in the
• the level of pay increases awarded role and/or duties of a Director;
to deliver the Group’s across the Group (with the exception of
strategy. movement in comparator salaries;
and salary progression for newly
To provide a competitive • the size and responsibility of the role; appointed Directors.
salary relative to
comparable companies
• economic and market conditions; and The Remuneration Committee
in terms of size and • the performance of the Group. retains the right to approve a
complexity. higher increase in exceptional
The Remuneration Committee, when setting
cases, such as major changes
salaries, does take into account salary levels
to the Executive Director’s role/
for similar positions in the housebuilding sector
duties; new recruits; or internal
and within companies of a similar size to the
promotions to the position of
Executive Director whose salary
The Remuneration Committee does have the was set lower than the market
discretion to vary salaries in the event there are level for such a role and a
changes to any of the above within the 12 month higher increase is justified as
period for which salaries have been fixed. the individual becomes more
Salaries are paid monthly in arrears. established in the role. In these
circumstances a full explanation
of the increases awarded will be
provided in the Annual Report
on Remuneration.

Benefits (taxable)
To help promote the Benefits normally include: There is no formal maximum. N/A
long term success of the • company car; Benefits are provided based on
Company. market rates.
• private medical insurance;
To attract and retain high-
calibre Executive Directors.
• some telephone costs; and

To remain competitive in the

• contributions towards obtaining
independent financial advice.
Other benefits offered to the wider workforce
will also be offered to Executive Directors on
the same basis.
The Remuneration Committee does have the
discretion to offer other benefits it deems
appropriate to secure the appointment of a
new Executive Director or retain an Executive
Director (including relocation benefits) and to
ensure that the benefits package for existing
Executive Directors remains competitive in the
UK market. 127

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Barratt Developments PLC

Remuneration report CONTINUED

Directors’ Remuneration Policy

Purpose and link to

Company’s strategy How operated in practice Maximum opportunity Description of performance metrics
To help promote the In accordance with legislation, Executive Existing Directors: Defined N/A
long term success of the Directors are enrolled into a workplace pension. contribution scheme or salary
Company. If Executive Directors choose to opt out of the supplement not exceeding:
To attract and retain high- workplace pension they can elect to either: • 25% of base salary to
calibre Executive Directors. • participate in the Company’s money 31 December 2022; and
To remain competitive purchase pension plan; or • the Company’s contribution rate
in the marketplace. • receive a salary supplement. available to the majority of the
wider workforce, currently 10%
Executive Directors are also eligible to
of base salary, from 1 January
an insured lump sum of up to five times
pensionable salary on death in service.
Defined benefit scheme: 1/60
The Remuneration Committee retains the
accrual rate and a retirement age
discretion to honour the pension contribution
of 65.
for those individuals who are internally
promoted to Executive Director. New Directors: Defined
Steven Boyes remains a member of the defined contribution scheme or salary
benefit section of the Group’s pension scheme, supplement not exceeding the
which closed to new entrants in 2001 and future Company’s contribution rate
accrual of defined benefits for current members available to the majority of the
ceased to be offered on 30 June 2009. wider workforce, currently 10%
of base salary.

Annual bonus
To motivate and reward The Remuneration Committee has an absolute The potential annual maximum The performance targets set are stretching whilst
Executive Directors for the discretion whether or not to award a bonus and bonus is 150% of base salary. having regard to the nature and risk profile of
achievement of demanding as to the level of bonus to be awarded up to theThe level of bonus payable at the Company, its strategy and the interests of its
financial and non-financial prescribed maximum. threshold is set annually but shareholders.
objectives and key strategic The Remuneration Committee annually sets will not exceed 20% of potential When setting bonus targets, the Remuneration
measures over the financial financial and non-financial performance targets maximum bonus (30% of salary). Committee considers the effect of corporate
year. by taking account of the Company’s goals and performance on ESG risks and sustainability
50% of the potential maximum
Variable remuneration budget for the relevant financial year. bonus (75% of salary) is payable issues generally to ensure that remuneration
allows the Group to manage Group and individual performance against for achievement of on-target structures do not inadvertently motivate
its cost base by giving it the these targets is measured at the end of the performance. irresponsible behaviour.
flexibility to react to changes financial year and the level of bonus payable The focus of the performance targets is to deliver
in the market and any is calculated at that point. This also takes into profit growth and to ensure we have an adequate
unforeseen events. account the underlying financial and operational land bank acquired within the constraints of our
performance of the business relative to the Balance Sheet commitments.
sector (as noted in the column to the right). Performance measures include:
Bonuses up to 100% of base salary are paid in • financial items (e.g. profit before tax, margin
cash. Any bonus earned in excess of this (up to growth, net debt/land creditors; or land
a maximum of 50% of base salary) is deferred commitment), with a weighting greater than
into shares under the DBP. or equal to 50%; and
Malus and clawback can be applied in certain • non-financial items (e.g. quality and service,
circumstances to both the cash and deferred health and safety and personal objectives).
element of the bonus. For full details see
The Remuneration Committee has the discretion
page 132.
The Remuneration Committee retains the
• choose appropriate measures for each award;
discretion to decide whether or not to pay an
annual bonus to an Executive Director who • vary the elements of each of these items,
has handed in their notice and to determine, in including targets, and the weightings of each
respect of any employee who is a ‘good leaver’, component on an annual basis; and
whether any annual bonus earned in excess of • ensure that they remain aligned to the strategy
100% of base salary should be paid in cash and of the business and to market conditions.
not deferred into shares.
Where the Remuneration Committee believes
that performance does not warrant the level of
bonus determined, it may use its discretion to
reduce the award (possibly to nil) as it deems
No Executive Director has any contractual right
to receive a bonus.
Annual bonus is not pensionable.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Purpose and link to

Company’s strategy How operated in practice Maximum opportunity Description of performance metrics
Any annual bonus earned Deferred shares are normally granted in the Any bonus paid in excess of 100% No performance conditions apply to the vesting
in excess of 100% of salary form of a conditional award (but may also be of base salary is deferred into of awards other than a continued employment
is deferred into shares granted as nil cost options or restricted share shares and held in the DBP, unless condition.
and held in this plan for a awards in accordance with the rules of the the Remuneration Committee
period of three years and DBP). determines otherwise in the case
is normally subject to a Deferred shares will normally accrue dividend of a ‘good leaver’.
continued employment equivalents during the three year deferral The Remuneration Committee
condition. period. Dividend equivalents may be paid in retains the discretion to adjust the
The aim is to encourage cash or shares on the vesting of the award. proportion of bonus deferred in

long term focus and to Malus and clawback can be applied in certain exceptional circumstances.
further align interests circumstances to both the cash and deferred
with those of shareholders element of the bonus. For full details see
and discourage excessive page 132.
risk taking.

To motivate and reward LTPP awards: In accordance with the rules Any LTPP awards are subject to performance
Executive Directors and • are normally granted annually in the form of the LTPP, the Remuneration conditions, which are stretching and aligned
Senior Management for the of conditional awards or nil-cost options at Committee has the discretion to with the Group’s strategy and the interests of
delivery of the long term no cost to the Executive Director; grant an award up to 200% of base shareholders.
performance of the Group. salary to each of the Executive Financial performance conditions will have a
• are at the discretion of the Remuneration Directors in respect of any
To facilitate share ownership Committee, taking into account individual weighting of at least 50%.
by Executive Directors to financial year of the Company.
performance and the overall performance The performance conditions are set on the basis
align their interests with of the Group; that they are:
those of our shareholders.
• are subject to the achievement of • realistic and attainable;
stretching performance conditions • for the long term benefit of the Group; and
measured over three financial years with a
• do not encourage inappropriate business risks.
subsequent two-year post vesting holding
period. Awards may therefore only be The Remuneration Committee has the discretion
realised on conclusion of the five-year to determine the weighting of each performance
combined period; condition on the grant of an LTPP award.
• can be satisfied by either newly issued No more than 25% of an award will vest at
shares or shares purchased in the market. threshold performance (0% will vest below the
Newly issued shares are subject to the threshold level) increasing pro-rata to 100%
dilution limits set out in the scheme rules vesting for maximum performance.
and in accordance with guidelines from Overall, the Remuneration Committee must
the IA; and be satisfied that the underlying financial and
• may, at the discretion of the Remuneration non-financial performance of the Group over the
Committee, accrue dividend equivalents performance period warrants the level of vesting
which may be paid in cash or shares as determined by applying the above targets.
on vesting of the award (or following If the Remuneration Committee is not of this
completion of the holding period for awards view, then it is empowered to reduce the level of
made as nil cost options). Any accrued vesting (potentially to nil).
dividend equivalent will be prorated,
depending on the level of award vesting.
Malus and clawback can be applied in certain
circumstances to the LTPP award. For full
details see page 132.

To promote long term share Under the standard terms, employees must Save up to the maximum monthly Continued employment for the duration of the
ownership amongst all have completed the requisite length of service amount as specified by legislation scheme and ‘good’ and ‘bad’ leaver provisions in
employees of the Group in as at the invitation date to be eligible to or HMRC and as approved by the line with the rules of the Sharesave.
a tax-efficient way. participate in the Sharesave. Remuneration Committee and the
To link employee benefits Employees can elect to save between a Board.
to the performance of the minimum of £5 and the maximum monthly The Remuneration Committee
Group. savings limit as approved by the Remuneration reserves the right to amend
To aid retention of Committee and the Board within the limits contribution levels to reflect
employees. prescribed by legislation and HMRC, for a changes made by HMRC or the
period of three or five years. Government from time to time.
At the end of the savings period the employee
has six months in which to exercise their option. 129

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Barratt Developments PLC

Remuneration report CONTINUED

Directors’ Remuneration Policy

Purpose and link to

Company’s strategy How operated in practice Maximum opportunity Description of performance metrics
Shareholding requirements
To further align the interests Executive Directors are required to build and N/A N/A
of Executive Directors to retain a shareholding equivalent to 200% of
those of shareholders. base salary in the Company’s shares within
five years of the shareholding requirement
coming into force or the Executive Director
being appointed to the Board, whichever is the
later. The share price used for the purposes
of determining the value of the shares is that
prevailing on 30 June of the given year.
Executive Directors are also subject to a post
cessation shareholding requirement of 200% of
their salary or their actual shareholding if lower
(based on their salary and the share price at the
date of leaving), for a period of two years after
they leave employment.
The Remuneration Committee reserves the
right to amend the percentage holding required
by the Chief Executive and the other Executive
Directors depending on market conditions and
best practice guidance.
Details of the Executive Directors’
shareholdings can be found in Table 19 on
page 147.

Non-Executive Directors’ fees (including the Chair)

To attract and retain high The remuneration of the Non-Executive Non-Executive Director fees must N/A
quality and experienced Directors is set by the Board on the remain within the aggregate limit
Non-Executive Directors recommendation of a committee comprising approved by shareholders from
(including the Chair). the Chair and the Executive Directors. time to time.
The Board sets the remuneration of the Chair. The current aggregate limit is
The Chair and the Non-Executive Directors’ fees £800,000.
are reviewed annually and are normally set by
reference to the level of fees paid to the Chairs
and Non-Executive Directors serving on boards
of similarly sized, UK-listed companies, taking
into account the size, responsibility and time
commitment required of the role.
The Chair’s and Non-Executive Directors’ fees
are paid in cash, monthly in arrears.
Neither the Chair nor the Non-Executive
Directors participate in any performance-
related schemes (e.g. annual bonus or incentive
schemes) nor do they receive any pension or
private medical insurance or taxable benefits
other than the potential to receive gifts at the
end of a long-standing term of appointment.
Expenses incurred by the Chair and the Non-
Executive Directors in the performance of their
duties for the Company (including taxable travel
and accommodation benefits in connection with
travelling to a permanent workplace) may be
reimbursed or paid for directly by the Company,
as appropriate.
No additional fees are payable for membership
of Board Committees; however, additional
fees are paid to the Chairs of the Audit, the
Remuneration and the SHE Committees and to
the Senior Independent Director.
Additional fees may be paid where, in
exceptional circumstances, the normal time
commitment is significantly exceeded.


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Changes to Remuneration Policy

The Remuneration Committee is only proposing minor changes to the Remuneration Policy, with all other aspects remaining unchanged.
The minor amendments are to reflect best practice and governance requirements only. The table below summarises these changes.

Area of policy Changes to 2020 /21 Remuneration Policy from the previous year
Executive Directors’ With effect from 1 January 2023, the pension contribution rate for incumbent Executive Directors will be
pension contributions reduced to the rate available to the wider workforce, currently 10% of salary.

Post cessation holding Introduction of requirement for Executive Directors to hold shares equivalent in value to 200% of their salary
requirements or their actual shareholding if lower (based on their salary and the share price at the date of leaving), for a
period of two years after they leave employment, with a transitional arrangement for incumbents.

Remuneration Committee Amendments to discretion provisions to align to best practice. These changes include:

discretion and flexibility • increased overall discretion to adjust outcomes where the formulaic outcome is not aligned with the
underlying financial and/or non-financial performance of the Group, or where environmental incidents,
health and safety incidents or other wider economic or market circumstances warrant an adjustment;
• discretion to adjust outcomes to avoid windfall gains due to a materially fallen share price at grant;
• amendments to flexibility under recruitment/termination policy;
• discretion to adjust bonus deferral in exceptional circumstances; and
• discretion to provide relocation benefits included.

Performance conditions Targets are set within the context of both • whether or not to make a bonus award
and target setting internal and external forecasts and are and whether payment should be made
designed to be appropriate within the to anyone who has handed in their
The Remuneration Committee reviews context of the Group’s strategic objectives notice to leave the business;
annually the performance measures and and historic and expected performance
targets taking into consideration a number • what performance conditions should
levels. The performance targets are be attached to annual bonus and LTPP
of factors including the performance of the designed to be sufficiently stretching in
Group throughout the previous financial awards and the weighting of each to be
order to ensure that maximum payout is applied;
year, internal and external forecasts and only achieved for delivering exceptional
consensus figures for the performance performance. • determining the timing of grants of
period and the Group’s strategy. awards and/or payments;
The annual bonus scheme is measured Guidelines on responsible • determining the quantum of awards and/
against key financial and non-financial investment disclosure or payments (within the limits set out in
metrics. PBT and Capital Employed are In line with the IA’s Guidelines on the policy table on pages 127 to 130);
fundamental key performance indicators Responsible Investment Disclosure, the • determining the application of dividend
for the Group. Non-financial measures Remuneration Committee is satisfied equivalents, whether they should be
such as customer care, and land and sites that the incentive structure and targets issued in shares or cash and retaining
are aligned to our strategy, and allow for Executive Directors do not raise any the ability to adjust the amount paid;
individuals to focus on the key factors that ESG risks by inadvertently motivating • determining the extent of vesting based
will help drive short and long term success irresponsible or reckless behaviour. The on the assessment of performance
of the business. Remuneration Committee considers that no or such other factors as it considers
element of the remuneration package will appropriate;
The LTPP is assessed against measures that
encourage inappropriate risk taking within
focus on delivering attractive cash returns to • making the appropriate adjustments
the Company.
our shareholders and encouraging efficiency required in certain circumstances
throughout the business. Remuneration Committee (e.g. change of control, rights issues,
corporate restructuring events, and
Value delivered to shareholders is discretion special dividends); and
recognised through relative TSR, which is The areas of the Remuneration Policy over
measured against both the 50+/50- group • determining ‘good leaver’ status for
which the Remuneration Committee has
and a housebuilder index. This ensures incentive plan purposes and applying
discretion are included in the policy table set
that strong returns are delivered against the appropriate treatment, including the
out on pages 127 to 130. However, we have
an appropriate size group of companies timing of any vesting.
summarised the key discretions below:
and an index of our peers. Absolute EPS If an event occurs which results in the
• amendment of salary or the award
and underlying ROCE ensure that we are annual bonus plan or LTPP performance
of higher increases in exceptional
efficiently and effectively managing the conditions and/or targets being deemed
business, whilst aligning the Executive no longer appropriate (e.g. a material
Directors with the objectives • vary benefits offered to secure new
acquisition, divestment or wider market
of shareholders. appointments;
or economic circumstances that the
• honour pension contributions for Remuneration Committee deem relevant),
internal promotions; then the Remuneration Committee will
have the ability to adjust appropriately
the measures and/or targets, and/or to 131

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Remuneration report CONTINUED

Directors’ Remuneration Policy
alter the weighting of the measures. The bonus is paid and/or the deferred or • that the number of deferred or LTPP
Remuneration Committee also has the LTPP shares vest; shares be retrospectively recalculated.
discretion to increase or decrease any b. an error in assessing any applicable If the deferred or LTPP shares have
annual bonus or LTPP awards (potentially performance target or the amount of been granted, the number of shares
reducing them to nil) in the event that the bonus to be paid and/or the number of awarded will be reduced accordingly.
formulaic outcome is not aligned with deferred or LTPP shares subject to an If the deferred or LTPP shares have
the underlying financial and/or non- Award; vested and shares have been issued to
financial performance of the Group, or the individual(s), they will be required to
c. the assessment of any applicable repay the value of the relevant number
where environmental incidents, health and
performance target and/or the amount of shares based on the Company’s
safety incidents or other wider economic
of bonus to be paid and/or the number closing share price as at the date the
or market circumstances warrant an
of deferred or LTPP shares subject to shares were issued.
adjustment to the final outcome in order
an Award being based on inaccurate or
to determine a reasonable and appropriate
misleading information; Recruitment of Executive Directors
result. The Remuneration Committee also
retains discretion to adjust LTPP vesting d. serious misconduct on the part of an The Remuneration Committee will
outcomes to avoid windfall gains in the individual(s); determine the remuneration for any new
event the share price has fallen materially e. where, as a result of an appropriate Executive Directors in accordance with
before a given award is made. Any exercise review of accountability, the the Remuneration Policy then in force and
of discretion will be fully explained in the Remuneration Committee determines will take into consideration each of the
corresponding year’s Remuneration report. that an individual(s) have caused wholly following elements:
or in part a material loss for the Group
Malus and clawback as a result of:
Salary and benefits – the Remuneration
Committee will take into account
Both the annual bonus (including any −− reckless, negligent or wilful actions market data for the scope of the job, the
deferred bonus) and the LTPP are subject or omissions; or remuneration for the relevant role, the
to the malus and clawback provisions
−− inappropriate values or behaviour; salaries of and benefits provided to existing
contained in the plan rules for a period
f. material breach of health and safety or Executive Directors, the new Executive
of two years following vesting. Malus and
environmental regulations; Director’s experience, location and current
clawback is applicable in respect of any
base salary and benefits package. In the
annual bonus paid or deferred and to any g. material failure of risk management; event an Executive Director is recruited at
share awards granted under the LTPP,
h. a member of the Group is censured below market levels, their base salary may
subject in the case of HMRC-approved
by a regulatory body or suffers, in the be re-aligned over a period of time (e.g. two
options, to such approval.
Remuneration Committee’s opinion, to three years) subject to their performance
In the case of malus, the Remuneration a significant detrimental impact in the role. The Remuneration Committee
Committee may, at any time prior to the on its reputation, provided that the may also agree to cover relocation costs if it
payment of any bonus or any deferred or Remuneration Committee determines deems it appropriate.
LTPP shares becoming vested shares, that, following an appropriate review
of accountability, an individual(s) were Pension – Executive Directors will be
decide to reduce the amount of bonus to be
responsible for, or had management auto-enrolled from the date of recruitment
paid and/or reduce the number of deferred
oversight over, the actions, omissions or unless they opt-out. If an Executive Director
or LTPP shares (including to nil) on such
behaviour that gave rise to that censure chooses to opt–out they may elect to
basis as it considers to be fair, reasonable
or detrimental impact; or receive a pension supplement in cash. The
and proportionate where, in the opinion of
Remuneration Committee has discretion to
the Remuneration Committee, there are i. the Company or entities representing determine the level of pension supplement
exceptional circumstances (as defined below). a material proportion of the Group to be awarded to the Executive Director, up
In the case of clawback, the Remuneration become insolvent or otherwise suffer to a maximum which is equivalent to the
Committee may decide at any time within a corporate failure so that ordinary percentage normally offered to the wider
two years of the date on which the bonus is shares in the Company cease to have workforce. Alternatively, the Executive
paid or the deferred or LTPP shares become material value, provided that the Director may choose to join the defined
vested shares (or such longer period as may Remuneration Committee determines, contribution money purchase pension plan
be applicable pursuant to the rules of the following an appropriate review of provided they meet all of the eligibility
relevant plan) that the individual to whom the accountability, that an individual(s) criteria. The Executive Director also has
payment was made and/or deferred and/or should be held responsible (in whole or the option to receive some of their pension
LTPP shares were granted shall be subject to in part) for that insolvency or failure. entitlement in cash and have the remainder
clawback if in relation to the bonus paid and/ Where clawback is to be applied, contributed to the defined contribution
or the deferred or LTPP shares granted, in the Remuneration Committee may money purchase pension plan, provided this
the opinion of the Remuneration Committee determine that: does not, in aggregate, exceed the agreed
there are exceptional circumstances (as percentage.
defined below). • Any bonus will be retrospectively
recalculated and, if bonus monies have
Exceptional circumstances include been paid, the relevant individual(s) will
(without limitation): be required to reimburse the Company
a. a material misstatement in the for an amount up to the total amount
published results of the Company or of the original net bonus paid less any
Group or any member of the Group in bonus that the Remuneration Committee
relation to any period of time up to and determines would have been paid
including the financial year in which the regardless of the event in question; and


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Annual bonus and LTPP – new Executive Directors may be able to participate in the annual Executive Directors’ policy on
bonus scheme and the LTPP on terms to be considered by the Remuneration Committee payment on loss of office
on a case by case basis. Any award made to a new Executive Director will usually be on the
same terms as set out in the policy table on pages 128 and 129. The level of the award will There are no specific provisions for
be no greater than that made to existing Executive Directors (150% of salary for the annual compensation on early termination (except
bonus and 200% of salary for the LTPP) and will be pro-rated based on the number of weeks for payment in lieu of holidays accrued
remaining outstanding of the relevant performance period. but untaken) or loss of office due to a
change of ownership of the Company. The
Buyout of existing entitlements – the Remuneration Committee may also consider buying Remuneration Committee reserves the
out existing entitlements that an individual would forfeit on leaving their current employer, right to make additional payments where
again this would be reviewed on a case by case basis. In determining any potential awards such payments are made in good faith:
to be granted to a new recruit, the Remuneration Committee will consider the relative (a) in discharge of an existing legal
levels of certainty and balance of fixed to variable compensation in the forfeited package obligation (or by way of damages for breach
in totality, including salary, benefits and other components. The Remuneration Committee of such an obligation); or (b) by way of

would however in all cases seek validation of the value of any potential entitlement that is settlement or compromise of any claim
being forfeited and take into account the proportion of any performance period remaining arising in connection with the termination
of the award, the type of award (i.e. cash or shares) and the performance achieved (or of an Executive Director’s office or
likely to be achieved). Replacement share awards, if any, will seek to reflect (to the extent employment. The Remuneration Committee
possible) the value, degree of conditionality and form of award of the entitlement foregone. may also provide a contribution towards
In structuring any buyouts, existing arrangements will be used where possible, however, the reasonable legal costs and the provision of
Company may also make use of the flexibility provided by the UKLA Listing Rules to make outplacement services. The Remuneration
awards without prior shareholder approval. Buyouts may therefore fall outside normal Committee will apply mitigation against any
policy maximum levels. contractual obligations as it deems fair and
reasonable and will seek legal advice on the
Where an individual is recruited internally to the position of Executive Director, the Company
Company’s liability to pay compensation.
will seek to honour any pre-existing contractual commitments, taking into account the
The Remuneration Committee also seeks
remuneration of the existing Executive Directors.
to reduce the level of any compensation
Executive Directors’ service contracts payable and takes into account, amongst
other factors, the individual’s and the
Details of the Executive Directors’ service contracts are included in Table 6 below and their Group’s performance; the Director’s
emoluments are shown in Table 10 on page 142. The Company’s policy is for all Executive obligation to mitigate their own loss; and
Directors’ (including new appointments) service contracts to be for a rolling 12-month the Director’s length of service when
period, which can be terminated by 12 months’ notice given by either the Company or by the calculating termination payments. The
Executive Director at any time. The service contracts normally entitle Executive Directors Remuneration Committee reserves the
to the provision of a company car, annual medical screening, permanent health insurance, right to phase any such payments if it
private medical insurance, some telephone costs, contributions to the cost of obtaining deems that it is appropriate to do so. Any
independent financial and tax advice and payment of legal fees on cessation of employment. amount that the Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee regularly reviews contractual terms for Executive Directors decides to pay an Executive Director will be
to ensure that they continue to reflect best practice. based on the main elements of executive
All Executive Directors’ appointments and subsequent re-appointments are subject to remuneration namely, base salary, annual
election and annual re-election by shareholders at the Company’s AGM. bonus (subject to the Remuneration
Committee’s discretion), benefits and
pension. The Remuneration Committee
Table 6 – Executive Directors’ service contracts also takes into account the rules of the
Executive Director Service contract date Date of appointment Notice period annual bonus and LTPP schemes when
determining any payments for loss of office
David Thomas 16 January 2013 21 July 2009 12 months
as follows:
Steven Boyes 21 February 2013 1 July 2001 12 months
Jessica White 21 June 2017 22 June 2017 12 months Annual bonus – in accordance with the
provisions contained within the service
Executive Directors’ service contracts are available for inspection by any person at the contracts, Executive Directors are not
Company’s registered office during normal office hours and on the Company’s website at usually entitled to any bonus payment (other than in circumstances where they are
deemed by the Remuneration Committee
as a ‘good leaver’, which includes but is
not limited to redundancy, retirement,
ill-health, disability, death or any other
circumstances which the Remuneration
Committee may decide), unless they remain
employed and are not under notice as at
the payment date. The default position will
be that such payment will be pro-rated
depending on the proportion of the bonus
period worked by the relevant individual.
Any bonus payment to the leaving Executive
Director will normally be paid entirely in
cash. The Remuneration Committee retains 133

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Remuneration report CONTINUED

Directors’ Remuneration Policy
the ultimate discretion to make bonus Change of control – the rules of each share • Executive Directors are able to
payments and determine the basis on scheme operated by the Company contain participate in the LTPP. A number
which they are made and their value, taking provisions relating to a change of control. of select employees at Senior
into account the individual circumstances In the event that a change of control does Management level may be invited
of the departure, the treatment of other occur any unvested options or awards will to participate in the LTPP at the
incentive awards and the performance of become vested on the date of the relevant Remuneration Committee’s discretion;
the individual. event. However, the number of options or and
awards that vest will be prorated depending • in each of the last two years, employees
Deferred bonus – if the Executive Director on the number of weeks completed within
is deemed to be a ‘good leaver’ (as defined below Senior Management have been
the relevant performance period and the awarded a smaller number of shares
on page 133 above), they will be entitled to level of performance conditions achieved
retain the shares subject to settling any tax under an employee long term incentive
during that period. The Remuneration plan. This award was not made
and national insurance liability that may Committee has discretion to assess
become due on release of the shares and available to Executive Directors.
the performance outcome in respect of
shares will normally be released on the unvested awards and determine the extent In general, these differences arise
usual vesting date (other than in the case of to which unvested awards may vest. Options from the development of remuneration
death when the shares will be released as or awards which have already vested as at arrangements that are market competitive
soon as practicable). In all other cases, the the date of the relevant event may still be for the various categories of individuals.
shares will lapse immediately on the date exercised within the prescribed time scales They also reflect the greater emphasis
that the Executive Director’s employment set out in the rules. placed on performance-related pay for
with the Company ends and there is no Executive Directors.
entitlement to any compensation for the Differences between Executive
loss of the shares. Deferred shares can, Directors’ and employees’ Performance scenario charts
at the discretion of the Remuneration Performance scenario charts setting out
Committee, be released to the Executive remuneration
policy minimum, on-target, maximum and
Director on cessation of employment. The following differences exist between the
maximum plus 50% share price growth for
Company’s Policy for the remuneration of
LTPP – under the rules of the LTPP, unless FY21, are shown on page 126, along with
Executive Directors as set out in the Policy
the Executive Director is deemed by the the single figure outcome for FY20. The
table on pages 127 to 130 and its approach
Remuneration Committee to be a ‘good figures are split by the different elements
to the payment of employees generally:
leaver’ (as defined on page 133 above) any of pay.
LTPP awards held by them will lapse on • a lower level of maximum annual bonus
cessation of their employment. For ‘good opportunity may apply to employees Non-Executive directorships
leavers’, the Remuneration Committee other than the Executive Directors. All Subject to Board approval, Executive
would normally prorate the number of employees, including Executive Directors, Directors are permitted to accept one
awards for time measuring performance are subject to similar performance Non-Executive directorship outside the
over the original performance period and targets; however, the weightings against Company and retain any fees received from
vesting shares at the end of the vesting the various targets may vary; such a position. Board approval will not be
period. In exceptional circumstances the • Executive Directors and some members given for any Non-Executive position where
Remuneration Committee has discretion of Senior Management may earn an such appointment would lead to a material
to test performance at an earlier date and annual bonus in excess of 100% of conflict of interest or would have an effect
shorten the vesting period. Any exercise salary. Any bonus earned in excess of on the Director’s ability to perform their
of discretion would be explained in full 100% of base salary is deferred into duties to the Company.
to shareholders in the following year’s shares for a period of three years;
Remuneration report. Following the vesting • Executive Directors and some members
of each scheme (absent a life changing of Senior Management may opt to
event such as retirement and the consent receive a cash supplement in lieu
of the Remuneration Committee), the of pension. The cash supplement or
Executive Directors must retain any shares employer’s contribution rate for existing
vesting under the LTPP for a period of two Executive Directors until 31 December
years commencing from the end of the 2022 does not exceed 25% of base
relevant performance period. salary. With effect from 1 January 2023,
the pension contribution for Executive
Directors will be at the maximum rate
of employer’s contribution for the wider
workforce, currently 10%. Any new
Executive Directors appointed on or
after 1 July 2020 will receive a maximum
contribution in line with the average
pension contribution available to our
employees, which is currently 10%;


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Chair and Non-Executive Directors’ letters of appointment Process for determining the
The Chair and each of the Non-Executive Directors are appointed under terms set out in Remuneration Policy
a letter of appointment. They do not have service contracts and their appointments can The process used to formulate the
be terminated (by the Board) without compensation for loss of office and by giving the remuneration policy was as follows:
appropriate length of notice as prescribed in their respective letters of appointment. The
notice period applicable, from either party, for the Chair is three months and for each of the
other Non-Executive Directors is one month. Stage 1
Under governance policies approved by the Board, Non-Executive Directors are appointed
for a three-year term and usually serve a second three-year term subject to performance Remuneration consultant
review and re-election by shareholders. Beyond this, a further term of up to three years benchmarks best practice to help the
may be served subject to rigorous review by the Chair and the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee determine
re-election by shareholders. Details of Non-Executive Directors’ letters of appointment can areas of focus.
be found in Table 7 below.

Table 7 – Non-Executive Directors’ letters of appointment as at 30 June 2020
Date last Stage 2
Non-Executive Date elected/re- Date first appointed re-appointed
Director elected at AGM to the Board to the Board Remuneration consultant and
John Allan 16 October 2019 1 August 2014 1 August 2020 management provide detailed insight
Richard Akers 16 October 2019 2 April 2012 1 April 2018 into the areas of focus to determine
Nina Bibby 16 October 2019 3 December 2012 3 December 2018 how the policy might be amended.
Jock Lennox 16 October 2019 1 July 2016 1 July 2019
Sharon White 16 October 2019 1 January 2018 N/A

The letters of appointment for Non-Executive Directors are available for inspection by any
Stage 3
person at the Company’s registered office during normal office hours or are available on
the Company’s website:
Remuneration Committee discusses
Gifts to Directors on leaving employment and approves proposed policy, taking
The Remuneration Committee reserves the discretion to approve gifts to long serving into account remuneration of the
Directors who are retiring or who are ‘good leavers’ e.g. those leaving office for any reason wider workforce.
other than dismissal or misconduct. The value of the gift for any one Director shall be limited
to a maximum of £5,000 (excluding any tax or VAT liability). Where a tax or VAT liability is
incurred on such a gift, the Remuneration Committee has the discretion to approve the
payment of such liability on behalf of the Director in addition to the maximum limit.
Stage 4
Legacy arrangements
For the avoidance of doubt, in approving the Remuneration Policy, authority is given to the Consultation with shareholders and
Company to honour any previously disclosed commitments entered into with current or main investor representative bodies
former Directors including, but not limited to, payment of pensions or the vesting/exercise to obtain their views.
of past share awards.

Stage 5

Feedback from the consultation is

considered by the Remuneration

and final proposals approved.

Stage 6

Final proposals are disclosed in

the Annual Report and Accounts
and presented to shareholders for
approval at the AGM. 135

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Remuneration report CONTINUED

Directors’ Remuneration Policy
Statement of consideration of Company, and to comment on the Group’s of our Annual Report and Accounts. The
pay and employment conditions Remuneration Policy in the same way as Remuneration Committee takes into
all of our other shareholders. In addition, account shareholder feedback received
elsewhere across the Group the Group provides a number of ways in from this exercise and any additional
The level for all employees’ salaries which employees can ask questions on feedback received during any meetings
is determined with reference to the such matters should they so wish. This from time to time, as part of the Company’s
rate of inflation, salaries for similar includes the Employee Communications annual review of the Remuneration Policy.
positions throughout the industry and mailbox, personal development reviews, the In addition, the Remuneration Committee
general themes and trends in respect of Workforce Forum, a dedicated Workforce will seek to engage directly with major
remunerating employees. Forum email address and an email address shareholders and their representative
When reviewing Executive Directors’ for employees to contact the designated bodies should any material changes be
remuneration, including increase in base Non-Executive Director for workforce proposed to the Remuneration Policy. In
salary, the Remuneration Committee takes engagement. Further details are given in August 2020, we consulted with our major
into consideration the pay and employment the Stakeholder engagement section of the shareholders and the main institutional
conditions of all employees across the Strategic Report on page 42. voting agencies over the proposed minor
Group. During the year, the Workforce change to the policy, and no areas of
Statement of consideration of concern were raised. Details of the votes
Forum discussed remuneration strategy,
including executive reward strategy, and shareholder views cast for and against the resolution to
provided feedback to management. The Each year we normally update our major approve last year’s Remuneration report
Company also operates a Sharesave shareholders on the Remuneration can be found on page 151.
scheme and in the last two financial Committee’s application of the
years has made conditional awards of Remuneration Policy and our performance,
shares to all employees. This enables all following the release of the July Trading
employees to become shareholders in the Update and in advance of the publication

How the Committee has addressed the requirements of the Code in determining Directors’ Remuneration Policy
and practices
Code requirement How requirement was addressed in determining Remuneration Policy and practices
Clarity – remuneration arrangements Variable remuneration for any year is set out clearly in the prior year’s Annual Report, together
should be transparent and promote with performance targets (unless they are deemed to be commercially sensitive). Outcomes
effective engagement with shareholders are aligned with strategic objectives through the use of appropriate performance targets,
and the workforce. which align them with shareholder interests and the Group’s strategy and provides for the long
term success of the Company, which is in the interest of the workforce and other stakeholders.
Simplicity – remuneration structures The Company operates a UK market standard approach to remuneration which is familiar to
should avoid complexity and their stakeholders. Performance targets are readily understandable and published as part of the
rationale and operation should be easy to year end results.
Risk – remuneration arrangements The Remuneration Committee has discretion to ensure that variable pay outcomes are in line
should ensure reputational and other with Company and individual performance. Share awards are subject to post vesting holding
risks from excessive rewards, and periods, and malus and clawback are applicable to both LTPP and the annual bonus (including
behavioural risks that can arise from deferred shares) for up to two years after payment or vesting in cases where the outcome is
target-based incentive plans, are subsequently deemed inappropriate.
identified and mitigated.
Predictability – the range of possible Minimum, on-target and maximum outcomes for Directors are shown annually in this report
values of rewards to individual Directors (see page 126). Limits and discretions for each type of reward are explained in the policy table
and any other limits or discretions should on pages 127 to 130.
be identified and explained at the time of
approving the policy.
Proportionality – the link between The Company’s incentive plans reward the successful implementation of strategy through
individual awards, the delivery the alignment of performance targets with strategic KPIs. The performance underpin which
of strategy and the long term applies to both the annual bonus and LTPP outcomes ensures that poor performance is not
performance of the company should be rewarded. The Remuneration Committee also has discretion to override formulaic outcomes.
clear. Outcomes should not reward poor
Alignment with culture – incentive Our remuneration strategy ensures that performance targets do not encourage inappropriate
schemes should drive behaviours behaviours. The targets that are selected help align the interests of the workforce with those
consistent with company purpose, values of the Company’s purpose and strategy as illustrated on page 126.
and strategy.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Remuneration report CONTINUED

Annual Report on Remuneration
In this section, we provide an overview During the year, the Remuneration
of the Remuneration Committee and its Committee has taken advice from PwC
advisers, as well as how the Remuneration on its Remuneration Policy and practice,
Policy will be applied in FY21 and how it implementation of its decisions and
has been implemented throughout FY20, remuneration benchmarking. The Chair
together with the resulting payments of the Remuneration Committee also
to Directors. The Annual Report on sought advice from PwC independent of
Remuneration will be subject to an advisory management on various matters to be
vote at the 2020 AGM. discussed at Committee meetings. The
fees payable to PwC are based on an
Membership and attendance at annual fixed fee for a specified service
Remuneration Committee meetings with anything outside this scope being
Membership of the Remuneration charged on a time and disbursement basis.
PwC fees for services provided to the

Committee and attendance at each of its
scheduled meetings during the year is set Remuneration Committee during the year
out on page 123. The Company Secretary under review were £149,550.
acts as Secretary to the Remuneration The Remuneration Committee also receives
Committee. To prevent conflicts of interest, input into its decision making from the
the Executive Directors are not members of Chief Executive (David Thomas), the
the Remuneration Committee and no-one is Company Secretary (Tina Bains) and the
present at the Committee’s meetings when Group HR Director (Rob Tansey), none of
their own remuneration is being considered. whom were present at any time when their
own remuneration was being considered.
Advisers to the Remuneration
In carrying out its principal responsibilities,
the Remuneration Committee has the
authority to obtain the advice of external
independent remuneration consultants
and is solely responsible for their
appointment, retention and termination. In
line with best practice, the Remuneration
Committee assesses annually whether
the appointment remains appropriate or
if it should be put out to tender. The last
such tender took place in 2017, resulting in
PwC being appointed as the advisers to the
Remuneration Committee with effect from
1 January 2018. PwC is a signatory to the
Remuneration Consultants Group’s Code of
Conduct. As part of the annual review and
re-appointment process, the Remuneration
Committee satisfied itself that PwC
remained objective and independent during
the year.
In addition to remuneration advice, PwC
also provides taxation, consultancy and
internal audit services to the Group. PwC
has no other connections with individual
Directors or the Company. 137

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Remuneration report CONTINUED

Annual Report on Remuneration
Main activities undertaken during the financial year
The Remuneration Committee’s role is to determine and agree the Remuneration Policy for Executive Directors and Senior Management
whilst taking into account the remuneration of the wider workforce. It follows an annual work programme which was fully completed during
the year. The Remuneration Committee’s responsibilities, as delegated by the Board, are formally set out in its written Terms of Reference,
which are available from our website at

Priorities Work carried out and outcomes

Executive Directors’ Remuneration Policy
and Senior Management Reviewed the Directors’ Remuneration Policy and agreed to propose changes only to bring the current
remuneration, policy into line with current market practice, with a view to a more fundamental review in FY21. Changes
in the context of to existing Executive Directors’ pension contributions, post cessation shareholdings and Remuneration
Committee discretion approved.
overall workforce
remuneration Salary/fees
Considered and agreed that there would be no salary or fee increase for FY21 Executive Directors, Senior
Management and Non-Executive Directors respectively.
Approved the payment of normal salaries for all of the workforce, including those on furlough, during the
COVID-19 lockdown period.

Undertook commercial discussions around potential pension contributions for incumbent Executive
Directors going forward. See page 124.

Variable pay
Reviewed annual performance of the Executive Directors for FY20 in terms of variable pay.
Annual bonus
Considered annual bonus for FY20. Due to the impact of COVID-19 on the performance of the Company the
Remuneration Committee agreed with the recommendation of the Executive Directors, that there would be
no payments made under the FY20 annual bonus scheme.
Agreed the structure and performance conditions for FY21 annual bonus scheme. See page 140.
Long term incentives
Reviewed and approved the partial vesting of the 2017/18 LTPP. See page 145.
Considered and finalised the structure, performance conditions, participants and level of awards for FY21.
Agreed to defer the setting of targets for six months from the date of grant in line with IA guidance in the
hope that there will be more clarity around the full impact of COVID-19 on the business. See page 141.

Supported management’s proposal to utilise the CJRS to preserve jobs and the subsequent decision to
return the funds given the Group’s continued financial resilience during and post the lockdown period.

Remuneration FY19 review

Committee Reviewed and made progress against all matters arising from the FY19 annual evaluation. See page 106.
FY20 review
Participated in the evaluation of its performance and discussed and agreed an action plan to address
issues identified. See page 108.
Assessed the effectiveness of the Committee’s remuneration consultants during FY20. See page 137.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Priorities Work carried out and outcomes

Governance Remuneration report
Considered and approved remuneration disclosure requirements for the Remuneration report.

Annual agenda and terms of reference

Reviewed and approved its annual agenda and terms of reference.

Remuneration Committee discretion
Reviewed and agreed its approach to the use of discretion, where this should be applied and how our
disclosures could be enhanced through revisions to the Remuneration Policy.

Shareholder engagement
Consulted with shareholders on the changes to and implementation of the Remuneration Policy, indicative
outcomes for FY20, and the remuneration proposals for FY21 and used the feedback received to finalise
the Remuneration Policy.

Statement of implementation of the Remuneration Policy for FY21

Executive Directors’ remuneration for FY21 will be based on the Remuneration Policy to be proposed at the October 2020 AGM, subject to
approval by shareholders. The Remuneration Policy is set out on pages 127 to 136.

Base salary
The Remuneration Committee reviewed the salaries of the Executive Directors in June 2020 and it was agreed that neither the Executive
Directors, nor the workforce as a whole, would receive an increase in base salary for FY21. This decision took into account the ongoing
impact of COVID-19; the consequent deterioration of trading conditions due to the temporary closure of all our construction sites, sales
centres and offices; the continued economic uncertainty; and the cancellation of the interim, full and special dividends for FY20. The
salaries for the Executive Directors with effect from 1 July 2021 will therefore remain unchanged:

Table 8 – Executive Directors’ salaries:

Salary with effect Salary with effect
from from
1 July 2020 1 July 20191
Executive Director £000 £000
David Thomas 757 757
Steven Boyes 599 599
Jessica White 422 422
1. The Executive Directors voluntarily agreed to a reduction in their salaries of 20% during the period for which our construction sites were closed due to COVID-19. The
amounts they received were therefore lower during FY20 than stated in the above table. Actual amounts received for the year to 30 June 2020 are given in the single
figure of remuneration table on page 142.

The salaries for each of the Executive Directors take into account the performance of the Company and remain within the range for similar
sized companies and the housebuilding sector. 139

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Remuneration report CONTINUED

Annual Report on Remuneration
Pension Annual bonus SHE – has been introduced as a separate
In FY17 the Remuneration Committee Executive Directors and Senior element for the first half of the year to
agreed that any new Executive Director Management will participate in the Group’s focus the business on compliance with
would be given a pension equivalent to that annual bonus scheme in accordance the new social distancing practices and
of Managing Directors, currently 15% of with the Policy. In view of the economic protocols implemented to safeguard the
salary. Accordingly, during FY21, Jessica challenges and disruption to our business workforce against COVID-19 as well as the
White (who was appointed to the Board resulting from COVID-19, we have normal SHE scoring mechanism. SHE will,
in 2018) will continue to receive a cash undertaken a comprehensive review of for the full year, continue to be a penalty/
supplement of 15% of salary. David Thomas the measures and their weightings for the gateway for the customer care element.
and Steven Boyes (both appointed prior to FY21 bonus. We are making the following Land and sites – this is a new measure
2017) will both continue to receive a cash changes to the scheme, which will ensure which will be focused on normalising the
supplement of 25% of salary. Executive Directors are incentivised in line length of land bank and the creation of new
with our core business priorities for the sites from existing land, land contracts in
During FY19, the Remuneration Committee
year, and in particular our focus on balance progress and any new land approvals.
agreed that any new Executive Director
sheet strength and workforce safeguarding:
(or other employee) joining the Group The Remuneration Committee is of the
on or after 1 July 2020 will receive a Profit before tax – reduced weighting from view that the individual annual bonus
pension contribution (or cash supplement) 82.5% of salary to 63.75% to support the performance targets are commercially
equivalent to that of the wider workforce, increase in the weighting of the capital sensitive in terms of the Group strategy and
currently 10% of base salary. employed element. therefore targets are not disclosed until the
In line with the IA’s guidance, with effect Capital employed – increased weighting relevant performance year is completed.
from 1 January 2023 incumbent Executive from 15% of salary to 30% of salary to We will, as always, disclose the annual
Directors’ pension contributions (or cash ensure that improving the efficiency of bonus targets and performance against
supplement) will be reduced to a level capital employed is prioritised as a result of them in next year’s Remuneration report.
equivalent to the workforce, currently 10% the significant impact of COVID-19 reducing
of base salary. home completion volumes.

The performance measures, their reasons for selection and the maximum bonus payment against each of them expressed as a percentage
of salary for FY21 will be:
Financial/ Weighting (% of salary
Performance measure non-financial Reason for selecting maximum)
Profit before tax Financial Rewards outperformance against stretching
targets and is a key measure of our 63.75
Capital employed Financial Ensures efficient use of available capital. 30.0
Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Non-financial Ensures a focus on the health and safety of
(measured in first half of FY21) our employees, customers, suppliers and sub-
contractors particularly during the period that
COVID-19 continues. 11.25
Customer care (with health and safety Non-financial Ensures a focus on quality and service to our
underpin) customers without compromising the health
and safety of our employees, customers,
suppliers and sub-contractors. 22.5
Land and sites Non-financial Focus individuals on specific factors required
to meet the long and short term strategy of the
business whilst aligning their interests with
those of shareholders. 22.5
Total bonus achievable as a % of salary 150.01

1. Any bonus earned in aggregate in excess of 100% will continue to be deferred into shares and held in the DBP. Dividend equivalents will accrue against any shares
deferred into the DBP.

The Remuneration Committee will continue to have an overriding discretion in respect of any bonus payment in accordance with its
Remuneration Policy. In addition, any bonus awarded for FY21 will be subject to the malus and clawback provisions set out on page 132.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

The Remuneration Committee has agreed to grant an LTPP award to Executive Directors in FY21 (2020/21 LTPP) of 200% of base salary, in
line with the Remuneration Policy. The Remuneration Committee is cognisant that such an award should be subject to performance targets
which are stretching and challenging whilst aligned with the short and long term performance of the Group and its strategy as well as the
interests of shareholders. The Remuneration Committee has again agreed that three independent performance conditions: TSR, EPS and
Underlying ROCE, will apply to the 2020/21 LTPP. The 2020/21 LTPP will be granted as normal in October 2020; however, given the current
uncertainties caused by COVID-19, the EPS and Underlying ROCE targets for this award will be determined as soon as practicable following
the grant and no later than six months from the grant date. This approach is in line with the guidance issued by the IA. The targets, once
set, will be published on our website and in the FY21 Remuneration Report.
Weighting (of threshold (0% Threshold Maximum
Performance condition Reason selected total award) vesting) (25% vesting) (100% vesting)
TSR against a 50+/50- To ensure that the comparator group 20% Below Median Upper

comparator group remains current and relevant whilst median quartile
factoring in the continued movement in
the Company’s market capitalisation.

TSR against a To ensure rewards are linked to 20% Below Index Index
housebuilder index1 outperformance of our peers. index average of average
average of peer group +8%
peer group per annum

Absolute EPS for the To ensure efficient and effective 20% To be set in To be set in To be set in
financial year ending management of our business and align March 2021 March 2021 March 2021
30 June 2023 interests with those of shareholders.

Underlying ROCE for the To ensure efficient and effective 40% To be set in To be set in To be set in
financial year ending management of our business and align March 2021 March 2021 March 2021
30 June 2023 interests with those of shareholders.

1. The housebuilder index will comprise: Bellway, Berkeley Homes, Countryside Properties, Crest Nicholson, Galliford Try, Persimmon, Redrow, Taylor Wimpey and
Vistry Group.

Vesting will be on a straight-line basis between threshold and maximum. In addition, all LTPP awards are subject to overriding
Remuneration Committee discretion, as set out in the Policy table on page 131.
The 2020/21 LTPP will also be subject to the malus and clawback provisions set out on page 132 and a two-year post vesting holding period.

Non-Executive Directors’ fees

It was agreed that there would be no increase in Non-Executive Directors’ fees for FY21, in line with the rest of the business. The annual
fees payable to the Chair and Non-Executive Directors with effect from 1 July 2020 will therefore remain as follows:

Table 9 – Non-Executive Directors’ fees

Fee as at Fee as at
1 July 2020 1 July 20191
Role £000 £000
Chair 333 333
Non-Executive Director base fee 63 63
Chair of Audit Committee 12 12
Chair of Remuneration Committee 12 12
Chair of Safety, Health and Environmental Committee 6 6
Senior Independent Director 8 8
1. The Non-Executive Directors volunteered a reduction in their fees of 20% during the period in which our construction sites were temporarily closed due to COVID-19.
The amounts they received were therefore lower during FY20 than stated in the above table. The actual amounts received for the year to 30 June 2020 are given in the
single figure of remuneration table on page 142. 141

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Barratt Developments PLC

Remuneration report CONTINUED

Annual Report on Remuneration

Directors’ remuneration outcomes for the year ended 30 June 2020

Single figure of remuneration
The total remuneration for each of the Directors for the financial year ended 30 June 2020 is as set out in Tables 10 and 11. The salary
for all Directors is the amount received in the year, and takes into account a 20% voluntary reduction in base salary in April and May 2020
covering the period our construction sites were temporarily closed as a consequence of COVID-19. Details of the base salaries to which
they were entitled in FY20 are set out in Tables 8 and 9 on pages 139 and 141.

Table 10 – Executive Directors’ single figure of remuneration (Audited)

Benefits1 Pension Total Annual Sharesave Total FY20 FY19
Salary (taxable) benefits fixed pay bonus3 LTPP scheme variable pay Total Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/202 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/20 2018/19 2019/204 2018/195 2019/206 2018/197 2019/20 2018/19

Thomas 741 739 29 25 189 185 959 949 – 1,066 257 1,712 10 – 267 2,778 1,226 3,727
Boyes 586 585 36 41 150 146 772 772 – 872 204 1,355 – 1 204 2,228 976 3,000
White 413 412 16 16 63 62 492 490 – 615 144 105 – – 144 720 636 1,210
Total 1,740 1,736 81 82 402 393 2,223 2,211 – 2,553 605 3,172 10 1 615 5,726 2,838 7,937
1. Benefits (taxable) include the provision of a company car or car allowance, private medical insurance, some telephone costs and contributions towards obtaining
independent financial advice.
2. David Thomas and Steven Boyes received a pension benefit that was equal to 25% of their base salaries. Jessica White received a pension benefit equal to 15% of
her base salary. The Directors’ base salaries are set out in Table 8 on page 139 and the pension benefit was not reduced to take into account their temporary 20%
voluntary reduction in base salary during April and May 2020.
3. Annual bonus includes amounts deferred for David Thomas, Steven Boyes and Jessica White (see Table 13 on page 144).
4. Performance conditions for the LTPP were tested after 30 June 2020. 19.35% of the award granted to each of the Executive Directors is due to vest in November 2020
(see Tables 14 and 15 on page 145 for further details). The market price of the shares has been calculated based on an average market value over the three months
to 30 June 2020 (£5.00 per share). As the value of shares at vesting was lower than that at grant, no portion of the award is attributable to share price growth.
5. In accordance with regulatory requirements, the values in this column have been re-calculated using a share price of £6.31 per share being the market value of
the shares on the vesting date, 26 September 2019, as opposed to the market price of £5.89 per share calculated based on an average market value over the three
months to 30 June 2019 disclosed in last year’s Remuneration report.
6. The Sharesave Scheme granted in April 2014, which matured on 1 July 2019, was subject to no performance measures other than a continued employment condition
and completion of a savings contract. The value is calculated using the difference between the exercise price of £3.49 and a share price of £5.77 (the mid-market
close price of a share on the date of maturity).
7. The Sharesave Scheme granted in April 2015, which matured on 1 July 2018, was subject to no performance measures other than a continued employment condition
and completion of a savings contract. The value is calculated using the difference between the exercise price of £4.47 and a share price of £5.15 (the mid-market
close price of a share on the date of maturity).


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

↑ David Wilson homes at Winnington Village,
Northwich, Cheshire.

Table 11 – Non-Executive Directors’ single figure of remuneration (Audited)

Fees Benefits (taxable) 2020 total 2019 total
£000 £000 £000 £000
2019/20 2018/19 2019/202 2018/193
John Allan 325 325 1 2 326 327
Richard Akers 87 88 – – 87 88
Nina Bibby 62 62 – – 62 62
Jock Lennox 74 74 – – 74 74
Sharon White1 62 62 – – 62 62
Total 610 611 1 2 611 613
1. Between 1 July 2019 and 31 December 2019, Sharon White’s fees were paid directly to Ofcom on a monthly basis. From 1 January 2020 until the end of FY20, her fees
were paid directly to her.
2. Benefits (taxable) for 2019/20 include expenses incurred in attending the Company’s main corporate office and are £1,093 for John Allan and £237 for Richard Akers.
3. Benefits (taxable) for 2018/19 include expenses incurred in attending the Company’s main corporate office and were £2,114 for John Allan, £393 for Richard Akers,
£17 for Nina Bibby and £179 for Sharon White.

Annual bonus
For the year under review, in order to better align the Executive Directors’ remuneration to that of Senior Management and where possible,
the wider workforce, the Remuneration Committee had, as disclosed in last year’s Remuneration report, agreed to: i) introduce capital
employed as a performance measure for the Executive Directors’ annual bonus for FY20 and ii) remove personal objectives from the
Executive Directors’ annual bonus scheme to increase focus on the metrics required to drive the strategy of the business and the return
of value to shareholders.
As in previous years, Executive Directors had the potential to earn an annual bonus of up to 150% of base salary based on the attainment of
Group performance targets which are linked directly to the Group’s strategy. Any bonus earned in excess of 100% of base salary is deferred
into shares for a period of three years and is subject to a continued employment condition. As a result of the impact of COVID-19 and the
associated ongoing uncertainty, the Committee accepted the recommendation of the Executive Directors to cancel the FY20 annual bonus
scheme. The Committee considers the outcome is appropriate and reflects overall performance of the Group over the year.
Performance targets for the FY20 bonus scheme are set out in Table 12 on page 144. 143

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Remuneration report CONTINUED

Annual Report on Remuneration

Table 12 – Annual bonus (Audited)

Potential bonus
Bonus measure Strategic objective Targets % of salary
Profit before tax To support profitability. Threshold: £890m 16.5%
Target: £910m 41.25%
Maximum: £950m 82.5%
Quality and service To create a quality product that Divisions to achieve SHE audit of 94% and 22.5%
improvement1,2 customers recommend in a customer service recommend score of 90%.
safe way for our employees and Target assessed by number of divisions
stakeholders. meeting both targets.
Capital Employed To incentivise improvement of Threshold: £1,687m 3%
capital management. Target: £1,687m 7.5%
Maximum: £1,612m 15%
Strategic objective – To deliver an improvement in Threshold: 18.3% 3%
Group Operating Margin regional trading margin to support Target: 18.5% 7.5%
the profitability of our business. Maximum: 18.7% 15%
Strategic objective – To open the optimum number of Threshold: 103 3%
trading outlets trading outlets to ensure growth Target: 106 7.5%
and delivery of our business plan. Maximum: 108 15%
1. In the case of a material breach of SHE policy or procedures, the SHE Committee retained the discretion to recommend the withholding of all or part of the bonus
depending on the nature of the breach.
2. The quality and service measure is pro-rated based on the number of divisions achieving both targets.

Executive Directors’ deferred bonus

No deferred bonus is payable in respect of FY20, as a consequence of the decision not to pay any bonus referred to above. As announced on
28 October 2019, conditional awards of shares were granted to each of the Executive Directors in respect of their deferred bonus for FY19.
The number of shares awarded was as follows:

Table 13 – Executive Directors’ deferred bonus (Audited)

FY19 deferred bonus
% of Amount
salary deferred Number of
deferred1 £000 shares2,3
David Thomas 44.3 327 53,677
Steven Boyes 49.2 287 47,157
Jessica White 49.2 203 33,233
1. The Executive Directors received between 144.3% and 149.2% of base salary for FY19. The bonus earned in excess of 100% of base salary was deferred into shares.
2. Shares are held in the DBP for a period of three years commencing from the date of the award and subject to a continued employment condition.
3. The number of shares granted during the year were calculated at a share price of 609.5 pence being the average of the closing middle-market quotations, as derived
from the daily official list of the Stock Exchange, for the first five dealing days following the date of the final results announcement of the Company for the financial
year ended 30 June 2019.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Long Term Performance Plans

Vesting of 2017/18 LTPP (included in 2019/20 single figure of remuneration) (Audited)
The 2017/18 LTPP award granted on 24 November 2017 was based on the three year performance period to 30 June 2020. The award
is subject to three performance conditions, 40% TSR (half of which is measured against a 50+/50- comparator group and the other half
against a housebuilder index), 20% EPS and 40% ROCE. The resulting vesting levels are as follows:

Table 14 – Vesting of 2017/18 LTPP

of award
Metric Performance condition Threshold Maximum Actual vesting
EPS Absolute EPS growth for the financial year ended 30 66p 74p Basic 0%

June 2020. EPS
Underlying ROCE To increase underlying ROCE. 19% 22% 12.5% 0%
TSR TSR against the 50 companies above and below the Median Upper Rank of 13.65%
(FTSE) Company in the FTSE index measured over three ranking of quartile 32.7 (TSR
financial years with a three-month average at the 45.5 (TSR of ranking of of 6.1%)
start and end of the performance period. 25% of this -12.2%) 23.3 (TSR
element vests for median performance and 100% of of 25.8%)
this element vests for upper quartile performance or
TSR TSR of at least the Index average of a housebuilder Unweighted Unweighted Above 5.70%
(Housebuilder)2 Index measured over three financial years with a Index average Index average unweighted
three-month average at the start and end of the (TSR of 4.8%) + 8% index average
performance period. 25% of this element vests for (TSR of 30.8%) (TSR of 6.1%)
Index average of peer group and 100% of this element
vests for Index average +8% per annum or above.
Total level of award vesting 19.35%
1. The actual EPS of 39.4 pence has been re-based using the corporation tax rate applicable at the date on which the 2017/18 LTPP targets were set, as the subsequent
reduction to the rate of corporation tax was not performance related. The actual EPS has also been re-based using the same number of shares in issue as used in
the 2017/18 LTPP targets. The re-based EPS used for the purpose of determining vesting, which is directly comparable to the 2017/18 LTPP targets, was 39.7 pence.
2. The housebuilder Index comprises: Bellway, Berkeley Homes, Vistry Group, Countryside Properties, Crest Nicholson, Galliford Try, Persimmon, Redrow and Taylor

The Remuneration Committee believes that as the 2017/18 LTPP recognises the long term performance of the Company over a three-year
period, and given the strong alignment to the shareholder experience through TSR, it is appropriate to allow this award to vest in line with
performance outcomes and is justified. No Remuneration Committee discretion was exercised in relation to the LTPP vesting outcome,
including in relation to share price depreciation. The 2017/18 LTPP accrued dividend equivalents in accordance with the rules of the
scheme. The amount of dividend equivalent to be paid, in cash, on vesting will be pro-rated in line with the number of shares that vest. The
gross number of shares to be released to each of the Executive Directors and the value of the dividend equivalents are as follows:

Table 15 – 2017/18 LTPP vesting outcomes

Value of
Estimated equivalents
Total value of earned Total
Number of Number of number of vested on vested Estimated
shares at shares to shares to shares2 shares2 value2
Executive Director grant lapse vest1 (£000) (£000) (£000)
David Thomas 226,307 (182,517) 43,790 219 38 257
Steven Boyes 179,103 (144,447) 34,656 173 31 204
Jessica White 126,222 (101,799) 24,423 122 22 144
1. The relevant number of shares will be released to each participant as soon as is practicable following the vesting date. The awards are subject to a two-year post
vesting holding period commencing 1 July 2020.
2. The estimated values of the vested shares and the dividend equivalents are based on the average share price during the three months to 30 June 2020 (£5.00 per
share). 145

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Remuneration report CONTINUED

Annual Report on Remuneration
LTPP granted during the year (2019/20 LTPP) (Audited)
On 24 October 2019, the following 2019/20 LTPP awards were granted to Executive Directors:

Table 16 – LTPP granted during the year

% of face Vesting
Share price Number of value that determined
at date shares over Face value of would vest by
Executive Type of Basis of award of grant1 which award award at threshold performance
Director award granted (pence) was granted (£000) performance over
Conditional 200% of salary
David Thomas award £757,155 636.2 238,024 1,514 25 Three
Conditional 200% of salary
years to
Steven Boyes award £599,225 636.2 188,376 1,198 25
30 June
Conditional 200% of salary 2022
Jessica White award £422,300 636.2 132,756 845 25
1. Based on the average of the closing prices, as derived from the London Stock Exchange daily official list, for each of the dealing days in the period of three months
ending on 23 October 2019, being the day before the date of grant.

The 2019/20 LTPP for Executive Directors is subject to three performance conditions, 40% TSR (half of which is measured against a
50+/50- comparator group and the other half against a housebuilder index), 20% EPS and 40% ROCE. The levels of vesting against TSR are
measured over a three-year period commencing 1 July 2019, and against EPS and ROCE for the financial year ending 30 June 2022. On
completion of the performance period, assuming that shares vest, they will be subject to a further two-year holding period.

Performance of 2018/19 and 2019/20 LTPP awards

The following tables show the targets set on grant for each of the current LTPP awards together with performance to date.
The potential level of vesting if performance was measured over two years to 30 June 2020:

Table 17 – 2018/19 award performance against targets

Level of vesting had
Below threshold Threshold Maximum Performance as the award vested as
Performance target (0 % vesting) (25% vesting) (100% vesting) at 30 June 2020 at 30 June 2020
TSR FTSE1 Below median Median Upper quartile Upper Quartile 20.0%
TSR Housebuilder2 Below unweighted Unweighted Unweighted index Above unweighted 16.1%
index average index average average +8% p.a. index average

EPS <75 pence 75 pence 84 pence 39.7 pence 0%

Underlying ROCE <19.0% 19.0% 22.0% 12.5% 0%
Total 36.1%

The potential level of vesting if performance was measured over one year to 30 June 2020:

Table 18 – 2019/20 award performance against targets

Level of vesting had
Below threshold Threshold Maximum Performance as the award vested as
Performance target (0% vesting) (25% vesting) (100% vesting) at 30 June 2020 at 30 June 2020
TSR FTSE1 Below median Median Upper quartile Above median 6.8%
TSR Housebuilder2 Below unweighted Unweighted Unweighted index Below unweighted 0%
index average index average average +8% p.a. index average
EPS <76 pence 76 pence 85 pence 39.7 pence 0%
Underlying ROCE <19.0% 19.0% 22.0% 12.5% 0%
Total 6.8%

For both Table 17 and Table 18:

1. The comparator group for TSR FTSE is each of the members ranking 50 above and 50 below the Company in the FTSE Index.
2. The housebuilder Index comprises: Bellway, Berkeley Homes, Vistry Group, Countryside, Crest Nicholson, Galliford Try, Persimmon, Redrow and Taylor Wimpey.

The 2018/19 and 2019/20 LTPP awards will accrue dividend equivalents in accordance with the rules of the scheme. The amount of dividend
equivalent to be paid, in cash, on vesting will be pro-rated according to the number of shares that vest.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Statement of Directors’ shareholding and share interests (Audited)

For the financial year ended 30 June 2020, Executive Directors were required to hold shares in the Company equivalent in value to 200% of
salary. The Executive Directors are expected to meet this requirement no later than the fifth anniversary of joining the Board, with progress
being made towards its achievement throughout the period. The share price used for the purposes of determining the value of the shares is
that prevailing on 30 June of the given year. Participants who have not built up the required level of shareholding by the fifth anniversary of
joining the Board, will not be eligible for inclusion in future share-based incentive schemes. In addition, they will not be allowed to sell any
of the net of tax shares released from incentive schemes until they reach the levels specified, unless exceptional circumstances exist in the
opinion of the Remuneration Committee. The Remuneration Committee retains discretion to adjust the length of time in which the required
amount of shareholding needs to be accrued in order to adjust for events out of the Director’s control. The Remuneration Committee
reserves the right to amend the percentage holding required by the Executive Directors depending on market conditions and best practice
guidance. At 30 June 2020, both David Thomas and Steven Boyes have met the shareholding requirement. Jessica White has until 21 June
2022 to meet the shareholding requirement.
Taking into consideration recent changes to market practice and investor guidelines, the post cessation shareholding requirement for

the Executive Directors is the lower of their shareholding requirement (currently 200% of salary) or their actual shareholding on the date
of leaving.
The interests of the Directors serving during the financial year and their connected persons in the ordinary share capital of the Company at
the beginning and end of the year are shown in Table 19 below.
On 13 July 2020, Sharon White purchased 363 shares. No other notification has been received of any change in the interests shown during
the period 30 June 2020 to 31 August 2020 inclusive.

Table 19 – Directors’ interests in shares as at 30 June 2020 (Audited)

Other shares held Options Shareholding requirements
Interests not
subject to
Interests subject performance Interests in Shareholding Current Shareholding
Beneficially to performance conditions Sharesave requirement % shareholding requirement
owned conditions (LTPP) (DBP) options1 salary % salary4 met?
Executive Directors
David Thomas2 1,000,766 736,757 156,624 6,002 200% 758% Y
Steven Boyes3 457,890 583,081 136,286 5,916 200% 492% Y
Jessica White 67,825 410,923 66,964 6,465 200% 158% N5
Non-Executive Directors
John Allan 76,705
Richard Akers 60,000
The Chair and Non-Executive Directors are not awarded incentive shares and
Nina Bibby 8,500
are not subject to a shareholding requirement
Jock Lennox 10,000
Sharon White6 -
1. All of these options were unvested at 30 June 2020. On 1 July 2020, 1,939 of Steven Boyes’ Sharesave options matured. The exercise price is £4.64. Steven has not yet
exercised his option to purchase these shares.
2. On 22 July 2019, David Thomas exercised his option to purchase 4,297 Sharesave shares, all of which he retained. The exercise price was £3.49 and the share price
on the date of exercise was £6.43, giving an aggregate gain of £12,633.
3. Steven Boyes was granted 1,973 Sharesave options during the year. The option price of the award was £4.56, representing a 20% discount on the average share price
for the five business days immediately before the invitation to participate in the award (£5.69). The number of shares granted was based on the option price and the
total savings amount forecast at the end of the three-year savings period. The face value of the options based on the average share price above was £11,226. There
are no performance targets associated with this award. The shares are exercisable between 1 July 2023 and 31 December 2023.
4. The share price used for the purposes of determining the value of the shares is £4.96, being the mid market closing price on 30 June 2020.
5. Jessica White was appointed to the Board on 22 June 2017 and has five years from this date to meet the shareholding requirement.
6. Sharon White purchased 363 shares on 13 July 2020.

All conditional awards and share options are subject to an overriding Remuneration Committee discretion, in that the Remuneration
Committee must be satisfied that the underlying financial performance of the Group over the performance period warrants the level of
vesting as determined by applying the relevant targets. If the Remuneration Committee is not of this view, it has the authority to reduce the
level of vesting, including to nil, as it deems appropriate. 147

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Remuneration report CONTINUED

Annual Report on Remuneration
Executive Directors’ pension Until 30 June 2009, Steven Boyes was Members of the Scheme are also eligible
arrangements an active member of the defined benefit for an insured lump sum on death in
section of the Scheme. His entitlement was service in accordance with their terms of
The Company’s pension policy for Executive based on a 1/60 accrual rate and a normal employment. Current employees who were
Directors is that on joining the Group they retirement age of 65. This benefit became members of the defined benefit section
will be auto-enrolled unless they choose deferred on 30 June 2009 and it will be of the Scheme at closure also retain their
to opt out. On opting out, the Executive revalued over the period from that date to dependants’ pension entitlements.
Director may choose to receive a cash retirement in line with the Scheme Rules.
supplement (which does not count for No excess retirement benefits have been
Steven Boyes’ accrued pension as at 30
incentive purposes) and/or participate paid to or are receivable by current and/
June 2020 was £63,510 per annum. Steven
in the Company’s defined contribution or past Directors in respect of their
Boyes may take early retirement, subject to
money purchase pension plan. Each qualifying services during the financial
him meeting certain legislative restrictions,
Executive Director has opted to receive a year and there are no arrangements in
but the accrued pension will be reduced to
cash supplement in lieu of pension. For place that guarantee pensions with limited
take account of its early repayment.
FY20, David Thomas and Steven Boyes or no abatement on severance or early
received an amount equal to 25% of base Since 1 July 2009, Steven Boyes has been retirement.
salary in line with market practice at the entitled to receive a cash supplement which
time of their appointment. Jessica White is currently equal to 25% of his base salary Payments to former Directors
received an amount equal to 15% of base per annum. (Audited)
salary in line with Remuneration Policy for No payments were made to any former
The actuarial valuation of the Scheme
new Executive Directors at the date of her Directors during the year ended 30 June
as at 30 November 2019 showed a deficit
appointment. Only the base salary element 2020 (30 June 2019: £nil).
of £14.0m calculated on the basis of the
of a Director’s remuneration is pensionable.
Scheme’s technical provisions. On 16
Payments for loss of office
The Executive Directors’ cash supplement June 2020, the Trustees of the Scheme
in lieu of pension will reduce to be in line purchased a bulk annuity policy. Under (Audited)
with that of the wider workforce, which is the policy, the insurer will pay to the No payments were made in respect of loss
currently at 10% of base salary, with effect Scheme an amount equal to the benefit of office during the year ended 30 June
from 1 January 2023. payments due to be paid by the Scheme 2020 (30 June 2019: £nil).
to the members. The Company paid
Defined benefit section contributions totalling £8.5m for FY20
Steven Boyes was a deferred member of under the previous contribution plan, of
the defined benefit section of the Barratt which £1.2m was paid in December 2019
Group Pension and Life Assurance Scheme whilst the valuation was being undertaken.
(the ‘Scheme’) during the year ended 30 Allowing for these contributions and
June 2020. combined with experience after the
valuation date, investment experience and
The Scheme was closed to new entrants the purchase of the bulk annuity policy, the
in 2001 and on 30 June 2009, the Company Scheme has a surplus of assets and so no
exercised its consent under the rules of the further contributions are required from the
Scheme and agreed to cease offering future Company. The valuation for the Financial
accrual of defined benefits for current Statements was updated as at 30 June 2020
members. Members of the Scheme became by a qualified independent actuary and a
eligible to join the defined contribution surplus of £3.5m (2019: surplus of £62.6m)
money purchase section of the Scheme is included in the Group Balance Sheet
with effect from 1 July 2009. as shown in note 6.2.2 to the Financial
Statements on page 216.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Chief Executive’s relative pay

Table 20 sets out: (i) the total pay, calculated in line with the single figure methodology; (ii) the annual bonus payout as a percentage of
maximum; and (iii) long term incentive vesting level for the Chief Executive over a ten-year period.

Table 20 – Chief Executive’s pay

Ten years to 30 June 2020
Mark Clare David Thomas
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Chief Executive’s total 1,220 2,099 4,310 6,430 7,363 3,155 3,331 2,720 3,727 1,226
pay (£000)
Bonus outturn (as a percentage 36.6 99.2 100.0 100.0 93.2 97.4 97.5 92.2 96.2 0

of maximum opportunity)
LTI vesting (as a percentage of 0.0 32.8 73.9 95.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 76.4 92.8 19.4
maximum award)

TSR performance graph

The graph below, prepared in accordance with the regulations, shows the TSR performance over the last ten years against the FTSE 100 and
against an unweighted index of listed housebuilders. The Board has chosen these comparative indices as the Group and its major competitors
are constituents of one or both of these indices. The TSR has been calculated using a fair method in accordance with the regulations.





(£000 OR £m)





June 2010 June 2011 June 2012 June 2013 June 2014 June 2015 June 2016 June 2017 June 2018 June 2019 June 2020

Index of currently listed housebuilders FTSE 100 Barratt Developments PLC

Source: Datastream by Refinitiv 149

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Remuneration report CONTINUED

Annual Report on Remuneration
Annual percentage change in remuneration of Directors compared to employees
Table 21 shows the percentage change in salary, taxable benefits and annual bonus set out in the single figure of remuneration tables
(Tables 10 and 11 on pages 142 and 143) paid to each Director in respect of the financial years ended 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2020,
compared to that of the average pay of all employees of the Group.

Table 21 – Percentage change in remuneration


Salary/fees Benefits bonus
% change % change % change
Executive Directors1
David Thomas 0.3 16.0 -100.0
Steven Boyes 0.2 -12.2 -100.0
Jessica White 0.2 0 -100.0
Non-Executive Directors1
John Allan 0 -50.0 N/A
Richard Akers -1.1 0 N/A
Nina Bibby 0 0 N/A
Jock Lennox 0 0 N/A
Sharon White 0 0 N/A
Average pay of all employees 2 0.8 -1.5 -100.0
1. The percentage changes in salary and fees of the Directors differs from the salary increase awarded to them for FY20, as it takes into account a temporary 20%
voluntary reduction in base salary in April and May 2020 covering the period our construction sites were temporarily closed as a consequence of COVID-19.
2. Average pay is determined using all employees in the Group, as the parent company employs only a very few senior employees. The figure represents the mean
employee pay.

Chief Executive pay ratio

In our 2019 Remuneration Report, we voluntarily disclosed our Chief Executive pay ratios ahead of the reporting requirement formally
applying to us this year. The table below compares the single total figure of remuneration for the Chief Executive with that of the Group
employees who are paid at the 25th percentile (lower quartile), 50th percentile (median) and 75th percentile (upper quartile) of its UK
employee population.

Table 22
25th percentile Median 75th percentile
Year Method pay ratio pay ratio pay ratio
FY20 Option B 40:1 32:1 21:1
FY19 Option B 123:1 88:1 59:1

The remuneration figures for the employee at each quartile were determined with reference to the financial year ending 30 June 2020.
Under Option B of The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018, the latest available gender pay gap data (i.e. from April 2020)
was used to identify the best equivalent for three Group UK employees whose hourly rates of pay are at the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles for
the Group. The Committee is comfortable that this approach provides a fair representation of the Chief Executive to employee pay ratios and is
appropriate in comparison to alternative methods, balancing the need for statistical accuracy with internal operational resource constraints.
A full-time equivalent total pay and benefits figure for FY20 was then calculated for each of those employees. This was also sense checked
against a sample of employees with hourly pay rates either side of the identified individuals to ensure that the appropriate representative
employee is selected. The pay ratios outlined above were then calculated as the ratio of the Chief Executive’s single figure to the total pay and
benefits of each of these employees.
Each employee’s pay and benefits were calculated using each element of employee remuneration on a full-time basis, consistent with the
Chief Executive. No adjustments (other than the approximate up-rating of pay elements to achieve full-time equivalent rates) were made and
no components of pay have been omitted.
The table below sets out the salary and total pay and benefits for the three identified quartile point employees:

Table 23
25th percentile Median 75th percentile
(P25) (P50) (P75)
Salary £30,098 £35,112 £52,598
Total pay and benefits £31,044 £38,674 £59,133


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

The FY20 pay ratios are significantly lower than last year. This is primarily attributable to a reduction in this year’s Chief Executive
single figure of remuneration compared to FY19, driven by no bonus being payable to Executive Directors in respect of FY20 as a result
of COVID-19, as well as the 2017/18 LTPP vesting at a lower level than the 2016/17 LTPP award. No bonuses were payable to the wider
workforce in respect of FY20, with the exception of awards earned and paid prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Committee considers that the median pay ratio is consistent with the relative roles and responsibilities of the Chief Executive and the
identified employee. Base salaries of all employees, including our Executive Directors, are set with reference to a range of factors including
market practice, experience and performance in role. The Chief Executive’s remuneration package is weighted towards variable pay
(including the annual bonus and LTPP) due to the nature of the role. This also means that the ratio is likely to fluctuate depending on the
outcomes of incentive plans in each year (as illustrated by the FY20 ratios).
The Committee also recognises that, due to the nature of our business and the ways in which we pay our employees, the flexibility permitted
within the regulations for identifying and calculating the total pay and benefits for employees, as well as differences in employment and
remuneration models between companies, the ratios reported above may not be comparable to those reported by other companies.

Relative importance of spend on pay
The following table shows the Group’s actual spend on pay (for all employees) relative to dividends and profit from operations:

Table 24 – Relative importance of spend on pay

FY20 FY19 %
£m £m change
Employee costs (including Executive Directors)1 374.7 427.1 -12.3
Profit from operations2 493.4 901.1 -45.2
Total capital return3 0 469.2 -100.0
1. During the year the Group utilised the CJRS. The Group recognised £26.0m of income under this scheme in the Income Statement in the financial year. Since the
year end, this amount has been returned and accordingly this income is not reflected in the FY20 employee costs figure above. Further details are provided in notes
6.1 and 7.3 to the Financial Statements.
2. Profit from operations has been chosen as a metric to compare against as it shows how spend on pay is linked to the Group’s operating performance. The figure
used is from the Consolidated Income Statement on page 166.
3. For FY19, this includes the interim dividend paid in May 2019, and the final and special dividends paid in November 2019. For FY20, no dividends are being paid due to
uncertainties arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. There have been no share buybacks during the year ended 30 June 2020.

Non-executive directorships
Details of the Group’s policy on non-executive directorships held by Executive Directors is given in the Directors’ Remuneration Policy table
on page 134. Neither Steven Boyes nor Jessica White held any non-executive directorships with other companies during the year. David
Thomas joined the board of the HBF as a non-executive director on 26 April 2018 for which he does not receive a fee.

Statement of shareholding vote at AGM

The latest resolution to approve the Directors’ Remuneration Policy (binding vote to remain in place for three years following its approval by
shareholders) was proposed to shareholders at the 2017 AGM and the following votes were received:

Table 25 – Vote on Remuneration Policy – 2017 AGM

Number of votes % votes cast
Votes cast in favour 687,989,418 98.78
Votes cast against 8,526,959 1.22
Total votes cast 696,516,377 100.00
Votes withheld 2,232,003 –

At the 2019 AGM, a resolution was proposed to shareholders to approve the Annual Report on Remuneration (advisory vote) for the year
ended 30 June 2019 for which the following votes were received:

Table 26 – Vote on Remuneration report – 2019 AGM

Number of votes % votes cast
Votes cast in favour 685,316,685 98.39
Votes cast against 11,234,681 1.61
Total votes cast 696,551,366 100.00
Votes withheld 133,008 –
This Remuneration report was approved by the Board on 1 September 2020 and signed on its behalf by:

Richard Akers
Non-Executive Director
1 September 2020 151

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Other statutory disclosures

Directors’ Report
For the financial year ended 30 June 2020, the Strategic Report is set out on pages 2 to 79 and the Directors’ Report on pages 80 to 155.
Together, these constitute the management reports required under Rules 4.1.8R of the FCA’s Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.
The table below sets out the location of information required to be disclosed in the Directors’ Report (in accordance with Listing Rule 9.8.4R,
and otherwise) which can be found in other sections of this Annual Report and Accounts and is incorporated by reference:

Page numbers
An indication of likely future developments in the business of the Company and its 2 to 29
Details of arrangement under which a Director has waived emoluments from the 123 and 142
Company and details of such waiver
Arrangements under which a shareholder has waived or agreed to waive a dividend, 212
and details of the waiver
Financial instruments 206 to 211
Post balance sheet events 225
Employment of disabled persons 61
Employee involvement and the Company’s approach to investing in and rewarding 58 to 61
its workforce
Principal risks 71 to 78
Stakeholder engagement 38 to 49
Greenhouse gas emissions 234 and 235

Results and dividends Directors and their interests of special notice, under the Articles, the
The profit from continuing activities for Details of the Directors who held office Company may, by special resolution,
the year ended 30 June 2020 was £402.7m during the financial year ended 30 June remove any Director before the expiration
(2019: £739.4m). 2020 and as at the date of this report can of their term of office. The office of Director
be found on pages 80 to 82. shall be vacated if: (i) they resign or offer
The Board has previously announced that to resign and the Board resolves to accept
given the uncertainties caused by the The beneficial interests of the Directors such offer; (ii) their resignation is requested
impact of COVID-19, the interim dividend of and their connected persons in the ordinary by all of the other Directors and all of the
9.8 pence per share, equating to c. £100m, share capital of the Company, together with other Directors are not fewer than three in
would be cancelled, and that it would not the interests of the Executive Directors in number; (iii) they are or have been suffering
propose an ordinary dividend in respect of share options and awards of shares as at from mental or physical ill health; (iv)
FY20 or the intended special dividend of 30 June 2020, and as at the date of this they are absent without permission of the
£175m in respect of FY20. report are disclosed in the Remuneration Board from meetings of the Board for six
report in Table 19 on page 147. consecutive months and the Board resolves
The Board continues to recognise
that their office is vacated; (v) they become
the importance of dividends to all its Appointment and bankrupt or compound with their creditors
shareholders. The Board however, also removal of Directors generally; (vi) they are prohibited by law
feels that given the unprecedented impact
In accordance with the Articles, there shall from being a Director; (vii) they cease to be
of COVID-19 and the importance of a
be no fewer than two and no more than 15 a Director by virtue of the Act; or (viii) they
resilient balance sheet, it will no longer
Directors appointed to the Board at any are removed from office pursuant to the
propose the FY21 special dividend of
one time. Directors may be appointed by Articles.
£175m which would have been payable
in November 2021. Further information the Company by ordinary resolution or by Details relating to the retirement, election
regarding future dividend policy can be the Board. The Board may, from time to and re-election of Directors at each AGM
found on page 11. time, appoint one or more Directors to hold can be found in the Nomination Committee
employment or executive office for such report on page 103.
Annual General Meeting period (subject to the Act) and on such
Our 2020 AGM will be held on Wednesday terms as they may determine and may
14 October 2020. We are closely monitoring revoke or terminate any such appointment.
the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and Directors are not subject to a maximum
developments in UK regulation in relation to age limit.
how AGMs may be held during this period. In addition to the power under the Act
Further details about the AGM will be for shareholders to remove any Director
provided in the Notice of AGM. by ordinary resolution upon the giving


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Powers of the Directors Disclosure of information to auditor Company’s issued share capital as at
Subject to the Articles, the Act and any So far as each of the Directors is aware, 6 September 2019), such authority to
directions given by special resolution, the there is no relevant audit information (that is, remain valid until the end of the 2020 AGM
business of the Company is ultimately information needed by the Company’s auditor or, if earlier, until the close of business on
managed by the Board who may exercise in connection with preparing its report) of 16 January 2021. A resolution to renew this
all the powers of the Company, whether which the Company’s auditor is not aware. authority will be proposed at the 2020 AGM.
relating to the management of the business Rights and obligations
Each Director has taken all reasonable
of the Company or otherwise. In particular,
the Board may exercise all the powers of the
steps that they ought to have taken in attaching to shares
accordance with their duty as a Director Subject to any rights attached to existing
Company to borrow money and to mortgage
to make themselves aware of any relevant shares, shares may be issued with such
or charge any of its undertakings, property,
audit information and to ensure that rights and restrictions as the Company may
assets and uncalled capital and to issue
the Company’s auditor is aware of that by ordinary resolution decide, or (if there is
debentures and other securities and to give
information. This confirmation is given and

security for any debt, liability or obligation of no such resolution or so far as it does not
should be interpreted in accordance with make specific provision) as the Board may
the Company to any third party.
the provisions of section 418(2) of the Act. decide.
Qualifying third party
Political donations and expenditure Subject to the Act, the Articles specify
indemnity provisions that rights attached to any existing class
The Company’s policy is not to make
At the date of this Annual Report and donations to any political party. No political of shares may be varied either with the
Accounts, there are qualifying third party donations were made during the year. The written consent of the holders of not less
indemnity provisions governed by the Act definition of political donations under the than three-fourths in nominal value of
which are or were in place during the Companies Act 2006 is very broad and may the issued shares of that class (excluding
financial year, under which the Company catch activities such as funding seminars any shares of that class held as treasury
has agreed to indemnify the Directors, and other functions to which politicians shares), or with the sanction of a special
former Directors and the Company are invited, supporting certain bodies resolution passed at a separate general
Secretary, together with those who have involved in policy review and law reform meeting of the holders of those shares.
held or hold these positions as officers of and matching employees’ donations to The rights conferred upon the holders of
other Group companies or of associate certain charities. Therefore, to ensure the any shares shall not, unless otherwise
or affiliated companies and members of Company remains in strict compliance with expressly provided in the rights attaching to
the Executive Committee, to the extent the Companies Act, the Board has again those shares, be deemed to be varied by the
permitted by law and the Articles, against decided to seek shareholders’ authority for creation or issue of further shares ranking
all liability arising in respect of any act or political donations and political expenditure pari passu with them.
omission in the course of performing their (as defined by the Companies Act) at the
duties. In addition, the Company maintains Details of restrictions of voting rights are
2020 AGM. The Board has no intention of provided in the Notice of AGM.
directors’ and officers’ liability insurance making donations to any political party.
for each Director of the Group and its The Trustees of the EBT may vote or abstain
associated companies. Offices from voting on shares held in the EBT in
No Director of the Company or of any The Group had 27 offices (excluding non- any way they think fit and in doing so may
associated company shall be accountable housebuilding divisions and those offices take into account both financial and non-
to the Company or the members for any undertaking an administrative function financial interests of the beneficiaries of the
benefit provided pursuant to the Articles only) located throughout Britain at the end EBT or their dependants.
and receipt of any such benefit shall of the financial year. The Group also has a
not disqualify any person from being or representative office in Beijing, China. A full Transfer of shares
becoming a Director of the Company. list of the Group’s offices and their locations Shares in the Company may be in
can be obtained from the Company uncertificated or certificated form. Title to
Related party transactions Secretary at the Company’s registered uncertificated shares may be transferred by
The Board and certain members of Senior office or from its website means of a relevant system and certificated
Management are related parties within shares may be transferred by an instrument
the definition of IAS 24 (Revised) ‘Related of transfer as approved by the Board. The
Capital structure transferor of a share is deemed to remain the
Party Disclosures’ (‘IAS 24’) and the Board
The Company has a single class of share holder until the transferee’s name is entered
are related parties within the definition
capital, which is divided into ordinary into the Company’s register of members.
of Chapter 11 of the UK Listing Rules
shares of 10 pence each. All issued shares
(‘Chapter 11’). There is no difference There are no restrictions on the transfer
are in registered form and are fully paid.
between transactions with key personnel of shares except as follows: the Board
Details of the Company’s issued share
of the Company and transactions with key may, in its absolute discretion and without
capital and of the movements in the share
personnel of the Group. giving any reason, decline to register any
capital during the year can be found on
During the year, the Group did not enter page 212. Subject to the Articles, the Act transfer of any share that is not a fully
into any transaction which, for the purposes and other shareholders’ rights, shares are paid share. Registration of a transfer of an
of IAS 24, is considered to be a ‘related at the disposal of the Board. At each AGM uncertificated share may be refused in the
party transaction’. the Board seeks authorisation from its circumstances set out in the uncertificated
shareholders to allot shares. At the AGM securities rules (as defined in the Articles)
No related party transactions that require
held on 16 October 2019, the Directors and where, in the case of a transfer to
disclosure have been entered into during
were given authority to allot shares up to a joint holders, the number of joint holders
the year under review.
nominal value of £33,936,815 (representing to whom the uncertificated share is to be
one-third of the nominal value of the transferred exceeds four. 153

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Other statutory disclosures CONTINUED

The Board may decline to register a A special resolution to update the immediately due and payable. The RCF
transfer of a certificated share unless the Company’s Articles will be proposed at Agreement also contains a provision
instrument of transfer: (i) is duly stamped the 2020 AGM and further information such that, following a change of
or certified or otherwise shown to the regarding the changes proposed is given in control, a lender is not obliged to fund
satisfaction of the Board to be exempt the Notice of Meeting, which can be found any further drawdown of the facility
from stamp duty and is accompanied by on the shareholder centre section of the (other than rollover loans). For these
the relevant share certificate and such Barratt Developments PLC website. purposes, a ‘change of control’ occurs
other evidence of the right to transfer as if any person or group of persons
the Board may reasonably require; (ii) is Approach to tax and tax governance ‘acting in concert’ (as defined in the City
in respect of only one class of share; (iii) if For all taxes, it is the Group’s aim to ensure Code on Takeovers and Mergers) gains
joint transferees, is in favour of not more it accurately calculates and pays the tax control (as defined in the Corporation
than four such transferees; or (iv) where that is due at the correct time. Whilst Tax Act 2010) of the Company.
the transfer is requested by a person with the Group does seek to minimise its tax • The note purchase agreement
a 0.25% interest (as defined in the Articles) liabilities through the use of legitimate dated 22 August 2017 in respect of
if such a person has been served with a routine tax planning, it does not participate the Group’s £200m privately placed
restriction notice after failure to provide in aggressive tax planning schemes. The notes contains a change of control
the Company with information concerning Group also seeks to be transparent in prepayment provision. Such control
interests in those shares required to be its dealings with HMRC and has regular provision provides that promptly after
provided under the Act, unless the transfer dialogue with its representatives to discuss the Company becomes aware that a
is shown to the Board to be pursuant to both developments in the business and the change of control has occurred, (and in
an arm’s length sale (as defined in the ongoing tax position. In accordance with UK any event not later than ten business
Articles). legislation, we have published details of our days thereafter) the Company shall
tax strategy and this can be found at www. notify all the holders of the notes of
There are no special control rights in the same and give the noteholders
relation to the Company’s shares and the
Company is not aware of any agreements The Chief Financial Officer retains overall the option to require the Company to
between holders of securities that may responsibility for oversight of the tax prepay at par all outstanding amounts
result in restrictions on the transfer of affairs of the Group. Jessica White, (principal and interest) under the notes.
securities. Chief Financial Officer, was Senior If a noteholder accepts such offer of
Accounting Officer throughout the year prepayment, such prepayment shall
Shareholder authority for ended 30 June 2020. The Senior Accounting take place on a business day that is
purchase of own shares Officer receives regular updates on tax not less than 30 nor more than 60
matters. In addition, taxation is discussed days after the Company notified the
At the Company’s AGM held on 16 October
by the Audit Committee at least annually. noteholders of the change of control.
2019, shareholders gave authority to the
For these purposes a ‘change of control’
Company to buy back up to an aggregate of
101,810,446 ordinary shares (representing
Significant agreements means the acquisition by a person or a
with change of control provisions group of persons ‘acting in concert’ (as
10% of the Company’s issued share capital).
defined in the City Code on Takeovers
This authority is valid until the end of the The following significant agreements as at and Mergers) such that they gain
2020 AGM or, if earlier, until the close of 30 June 2020 contained provisions entitling control (as defined in the Corporation
business on 16 January 2021. Under the the counterparties to exercise termination Tax Act 2010) of the Company. The note
authority there is a minimum and maximum or other rights in the event of a change of purchase agreements also impose upon
price to be paid for such shares. Any control of the Company: the holders customary restrictions on
shares that are bought back may be held • The RCF agreement dated 14 May resale or transfer of the notes, such
as treasury shares or, if not so held, will 2013 (as amended in December 2014, as the transfer being subject to a de
be cancelled immediately upon completion June and December 2016, December minimis amount.
of the purchase, thereby reducing the 2017, November 2018 and November
Company’s issued share capital. 2019) made between, amongst others, In addition, the Company’s share plans
the Company, Lloyds Bank plc (as contain provisions relating to a change
No purchases had been made under this
the facility agent) and the banks and of control. Outstanding awards and
authority as at the date of this Annual Report
financial institutions named therein options would normally vest and become
and Accounts. A resolution renewing the
as lenders (the ‘RCF Agreement’) exercisable on a change of control subject
authority will be proposed at the 2020 AGM.
contains a prepayment provision at the to the satisfaction of any performance
Articles of Association election of each lender on change of conditions at that time.
The Company’s Articles contain regulations control. The Company must notify the There are no other significant agreements
that deal with matters such as the facility agent promptly upon becoming that take effect upon a change of control.
appointment and removal of Directors, aware of the change of control. After
the occurrence of a change of control, On behalf of the Board
Directors’ interests and proceedings
at general and Board meetings. Any the facility agent shall (if a lender so
requests within 20 days of being notified Tina Bains
amendments to the Articles may be made
in accordance with the provisions of the of the change of control) by notice to Company Secretary
Companies Act 2006 by way of a special the Company, on the date falling 30 1 September 2020
resolution at a general meeting. days after the change of control, cancel
the commitment of such lender under
the RCF Agreement and declare all
amounts outstanding in respect of
such lender under the RCF Agreement


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Statement of Directors’ Responsibilities

Financial Statements and Directors are also required to: Fair, balanced and understandable
accounting records • properly select and apply accounting The Board considers, on the advice of the
The Directors are responsible for preparing policies; Audit Committee, that the Annual Report
the Annual Report and Accounts including • present information, including and Accounts, taken as a whole, is fair,
the Directors’ Remuneration report and the accounting policies, in a manner that balanced and understandable, and provides
Financial Statements in accordance with provides relevant, reliable, comparable the information necessary for shareholders
applicable law and regulations. and understandable information; to assess the Company’s and the Group’s
position, performance, business model
Company law requires the Directors to • provide additional disclosures
and strategy.
prepare financial statements for each when compliance with the specific
financial year. The Directors are required requirements in IFRS are insufficient to Directors’ responsibility statement
by the IAS Regulation to prepare the Group enable users to understand the impact
of particular transactions, other events The Directors confirm that, to the best of
Financial Statements under IFRS as adopted each person’s knowledge:
and conditions on the entity’s financial

by the EU and have also elected to prepare
position and financial performance; and a. the Group and Parent Company
the Parent Company Financial Statements in
• make an assessment of the Company’s Financial Statements in this Annual
accordance with IFRS.
and the Group’s (as the case may be) Report and Accounts, which have
The Financial Statements are also required ability to continue as a going concern. been prepared in accordance with
by law to be properly prepared in accordance IFRS, SIC interpretations as adopted
with the Companies Act 2006 and Article 4 The Directors are responsible for keeping and endorsed by the EU, IFRIC
of the IAS Regulation. Under company law, adequate accounting records that interpretations and those parts of
the Directors must not approve the Financial are sufficient to show and explain the the Companies Act 2006 applicable
Statements unless they are satisfied that Company’s and the Group’s transactions to companies reporting under IFRS,
they give a true and fair view of the state of on an individual and consolidated basis give a true and fair view of the assets,
affairs of the Company and the Group and and disclose with reasonable accuracy liabilities, financial position and profit or
of the profit or loss of the Company and the at any time the financial position of the loss of the Company and of the Group
Group for that period. Company and the Group and enable them taken as a whole; and
to ensure that the Financial Statements b. the Annual Report and Accounts
IAS1 requires that financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They
present fairly for each financial year the includes a fair review of the
are also responsible for safeguarding the development and performance of
relevant entity’s financial position, financial assets of the Company and the Group and
performance and cash flows. This requires the business and the position of the
hence for taking reasonable steps for the Company and the Group taken as a
the faithful representation of the effects of prevention and detection of fraud and other
transactions, other events and conditions whole, together with a description of
irregularities. the principal risks and uncertainties
in accordance with the definitions and
recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, The Directors are responsible for the they face.
income and expenses set out in the maintenance and integrity of the corporate The Directors of the Company and their
IASB’s ‘Framework for the preparation and financial information included on functions are listed on pages 80 to 82. By
and presentation of financial statements’. the Company’s website. Legislation in order of the Board
In virtually all circumstances, a fair the UK governing the preparation and
presentation will be achieved by compliance dissemination of financial statements may David Thomas Jessica White
with all applicable IFRS. differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer
1 September 2020 1 September 2020
The Directors’ Report from pages 80 to 155
inclusive was approved by the Board on
1 September 2020 and is signed on its
behalf by

Tina Bains
Company Secretary 155

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Barratt Developments PLC

Financial Statements

Independent Auditor’s Report 157

Primary Statements
Consolidated Income Statement 166
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 167
Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity – Group 168
Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity – Company 169
Balance Sheets 170
Cash Flow Statements 171

Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Basis of preparation 5  Capital structure and financing

1.1 Introduction 173

5.1 Net cash 204
1.2 Basis of consolidation 173
5.2 Net finance costs 205
1.3 Going concern 173
5.3 Financial instruments 206
1.4 Application of accounting standards 174
5.4 Financial risk management 208
1.5 Impact of changes in accounting policies 176
5.5 Share capital 212
1.6 Impact of standards and interpretations in issue but
not yet effective 178
6 Directors and employees

2 Results for the year and utilisation of profits 6.1 Key management and employees 213

179 6.2 Retirement benefit obligations 214

2.1 Revenue
180 6.3 Share-based payments 218
2.2 Adjusted items
2.3 Profit from operations 180
7 Contingencies, related parties, post balance sheet events
2.4 Earnings per share 183 and subsidiaries
2.5 Dividends 184
7.1 Contingent liabilities 223
2.6 Tax 184
7.2 Related party transactions 224
7.3 Post balance sheet events 225
3 Working capital 225
7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings

3.1 Inventories 187

3.2 Trade and other receivables 188 Key to financial icons
3.3 Trade and other payables 189 Throughout the Financial Statements you will see
3.4 Contract assets and liabilities 190 these icons used; they represent the following:

3.5 Leases 191 Group accounting policies:

3.6 Provisions 192
3.7 Secured loans 193

4 Business combinations and other investing activities

4.1 Business combinations 194 Critical accounting judgements and key sources of
4.2 Goodwill and other intangible assets 195 estimation uncertainty:
4.3 Investments in jointly controlled entities and
associated entities 197
4.4 Jointly controlled operations 202
4.5 Property, plant and equipment 203


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Independent Auditor’s Report

to the members of Barratt Developments PLC

Report on the audit of the Financial Statements

1. Opinion
In our opinion:
• the Financial Statements of Barratt Developments plc (the ‘Company’) and its subsidiaries (the ‘Group’) give a true and fair view of the
state of the Group’s and of the Company’s affairs as at 30 June 2020 and of the Group’s profit for the year then ended;
• the Group Financial Statements have been properly prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as
adopted by the European Union;
• the Company Financial Statements have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union and as
applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006; and
• the Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 and, as regards the
Group Financial Statements, Article 4 of the IAS Regulation.
We have audited the Financial Statements which comprise:
• the Consolidated Income Statement;
• the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income;
• the Consolidated and Company Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity;
• the Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets;
• the Consolidated and Company Cash Flow Statement; and

Financial Statements
• the related notes 1 to 7.4.
The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and IFRSs as adopted by the European Union
and, as regards the Company Financial Statements, as applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006.

2. Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)) and applicable law. Our responsibilities
under those standards are further described in the auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the Financial Statements section of our report.
We are independent of the Group and the Company in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the
Financial Statements in the UK, including the Financial Reporting Council’s (the ‘FRC’s’) Ethical Standard as applied to listed public interest
entities, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. The non-audit services provided
to the Group and Company for the year are disclosed in note 2.3.4 to the Financial Statements. We confirm that the non-audit services
prohibited by the FRC’s Ethical Standard were not provided to the Group or the Company.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

3. Summary of our audit approach

Key audit matters The key audit matters that we identified in the current year were:
• Margin recognition
• Costs associated with legacy properties
Within this report, key audit matters are identified as follows:
 Newly identified       Similar level of risk
  Increased level of risk    Decreased level of risk

Materiality The materiality that we used for the Group Financial Statements was £35m which was determined on the basis of
considering a number of different metrics used by investors and other readers of the Financial Statements. These
• Profit before tax;
• Revenue; and
• Net assets.

Scoping Our scoping focused on the audit work of the two components, being housebuilding and joint ventures (JVs). All audit
work was completed directly by the Group audit team.

Significant changes The following additional key audit matter was identified in the current year:
in our approach since
• Following review of its legacy properties for potential cladding issues during 2019/20 and where potential
the prior year
additional structural remediation was identified, estimates as to the costs of future remediation works for those
affected properties have been made. Given the estimation uncertainty in making these assessments, accordingly
this was identified as a key audit matter.
The basis for determining materiality was changed from profit before tax to a number of different metrics used by
investors and other readers of the Financial Statements to reflect the volatility in the results of the Group arising
from the impact of COVID-19. 157

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Independent Auditor’s Report

to the members of Barratt Developments PLC

4. Conclusions relating to going concern, principal risks and viability statement

4.1. Going concern

We have reviewed the Directors’ statement in Note 1.3 to the Financial Statements about whether they Going concern is the basis of
considered it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing them and their preparation of the Financial
identification of any material uncertainties to the Group's and the Company’s ability to continue to do so Statements that assumes
over a period of at least twelve months from the date of approval of the Financial Statements. an entity will remain in
operation for a period of at
We considered as part of our risk assessment the nature of the Group, its business model and related
least 12 months from the date
risks including where relevant the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and Brexit, the requirements of the
of approval of the Financial
applicable financial reporting framework and the system of internal control. We evaluated the Directors’
assessment of the Group's ability to continue as a going concern, including challenging the underlying
data and key assumptions used to make the assessment, and evaluated the Directors’ plans for future We confirm that we have
actions in relation to their going concern assessment. nothing material to report,
add or draw attention to in
We are required to state whether we have anything material to add or draw attention to in relation to that
respect of these matters.
statement required by Listing Rule 9.8.6R(3) and report if the statement is materially inconsistent with
our knowledge obtained in the audit.

4.2. Principal risks and viability statement

Based solely on reading the Directors’ statements and considering whether they were consistent with Viability means the ability of
the knowledge we obtained in the course of the audit, including the knowledge obtained in the evaluation the Group to continue over
of the Directors’ assessment of the Group's and the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, the time horizon considered
we are required to state whether we have anything material to add or draw attention to in relation to: appropriate by the Directors.
• the disclosures on pages 71-78 that describe the principal risks, procedures to identify emerging We confirm that we have
risks, and an explanation of how these are being managed or mitigated; nothing material to report,
add or draw attention to in
• the Directors' confirmation on page 71 that they have carried out a robust assessment of the respect of these matters.
principal and emerging risks facing the Group, including those that would threaten its business
model, future performance, solvency or liquidity; or

• the Directors’ explanation on page 79 as to how they have assessed the prospects of the Group,
over what period they have done so and why they consider that period to be appropriate, and their
statement as to whether they have a reasonable expectation that the Group will be able to continue
in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due over the period of their assessment, including
any related disclosures drawing attention to any necessary qualifications or assumptions

We are also required to report whether the Directors’ statement relating to the prospects of the Group
required by Listing Rule 9.8.6R(3) is materially inconsistent with our knowledge obtained in the audit.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

5. Key audit matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the Financial Statements
of the current period and include the most significant assessed risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) that we
identified. These matters included those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy, the allocation of resources in the audit;
and directing the efforts of the engagement team.
These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the Financial Statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and
we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

5.1. Margin recognition

Key audit matter The Group’s valuation and cost allocation framework determines the total profit forecast for each site. This allows the
description land and build costs of a development to be allocated to each individual unit, ensuring the forecast margin per unit
is equalised across a development. This cost allocation framework drives the recognition of costs, and hence profit,
as each unit is sold, which is the key judgement in the Income Statement and is where fraud could potentially occur.
Accordingly, we consider the recognition of cost per unit and therefore the appropriate margin to be a key audit matter.
For each development there is judgement in:
• Estimating the inputs included within a site budget, including future revenues and cost to complete, in order
to determine the level of profit that each unit of the development will deliver. Estimation includes the use of
forecast data in respect of sales volumes and prices together with construction costs;
• Appropriately allocating costs such as shared infrastructure relating to a development so that the gross profit

Financial Statements
margin (in percentage terms) achieved on each individual unit is equal;
• Recognising site contingencies and their impact on margin; and
• Recording the variation when a deviation from the initial budget occurs and ensuring such variations are
appropriately recognised to those units impacted by the deviation.
As a result of COVID-19, in the current financial year Management supplemented their existing margin valuation
control to address the risk of remote working, to include a non-productive costs control to identify costs incurred
during lockdown which should be directly expensed in the Income Statement under IAS 2 'Inventories' as well as a
specific control to identify site extension costs which were estimated and recorded based on expected activity on a site-
by-site basis. There is a judgement in relation to the assumptions applied by Management such as house pricing and
cost estimates.
These judgements impact the profit recognised on each unit sold and reported margin is a key metric for the Group.
Refer to page 116 (Audit Committee report) and note 2.3 (Financial Statement disclosures including the related critical
accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty).

How the scope of Our work included the following:

our audit responded
• Tested the controls governing site valuations, the control changes as a response to COVID-19 and specifically
to the key audit
those relating to the valuation of sites and margin review;
• Assessed the non-productive and COVID-19 related site extension cost assumptions in the valuation for each site
by testing a sample and agreeing to underlying support;
• Made enquiries of Management to support their assumptions and sought external corroboration including from
our internal real estate specialists, regarding forecast sales prices and costs to complete;
• Used bespoke analytics to analyse the cost to complete. This enabled us to analyse disaggregated elements of
cost to complete on all the sites and compare against budgeted positions and Group averages. We performed
enquiries and obtained corroborative evidence from divisions for exceptions identified;
• Analysed completions in the period for a sample of sites and compared the achieved margin to the equalised
margin determined within the original budget and the prior year. We also evaluated and assessed significant
variances with Management; and
• Analysed journal postings and additions made to the inventories balance to highlight any items, which potentially
should have been recorded as an expense. We also tested the valuation of these additions by agreeing to
supporting invoices.

Key observations Based on the procedures performed, we concluded that margin was recognised appropriately in the year. 159

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Barratt Developments PLC

Independent Auditor’s Report

to the members of Barratt Developments PLC

5.2. Costs associated with legacy properties

Key audit matter Following the events at Grenfell Tower in 2017, the Group undertook a review of all legacy developments to identify
description those that have been constructed with aluminium composite materials (“ACM”). Upon removal of the cladding work in
relation to the Citiscape development in Croydon during 2020, structural concerns were identified in the building. Given
the issues identified, the Group appointed independent structural engineers to review all of the other developments
designed by either the same original engineering firm that designed Citiscape or by other companies within its wider
corporate group, to assess whether there were other legacy properties with similar structural issues.
As at the end of the financial year the Group holds a provision of £28.2m (2018/19: £nil) in relation to legacy properties
following a charge of £39.9m (2018/19: £nil) recognised as an adjusted item.
The accounting for these provisions involves a number of assumptions when estimating the future costs. The key
judgements related to this key audit matter are:
• Determining which buildings the Group has an obligation to remediate at the balance sheet date; and
• The cost of the future works.
After the balance sheet date the Board committed to pay for the remedial work at Citiscape. The total estimated cost in
relation to the work is expected to be c.£48m and will be charged in 2020/21 financial year.
Further details are included in Note 3.6 to the Financial Statements and in the Audit Committee report on page 116.

How the scope of Our work included the following:

our audit responded
• Obtained an understanding of controls relevant to the recognition and estimation of costs associated with the
to the key audit
legacy developments;
• Assessed how the value of the provision has been determined, whether a present obligation to rectify the
properties existed at the balance sheet date and that the associated costs have been recorded in the appropriate
accounting period;
• Validated a sample of cost estimates to underlying support and involved our internal real estate specialists to
perform independent external research and challenge the estimates;
• Assessed the associated disclosures, including consideration of costs classified as adjusted items.

Key observations Based on the procedures performed we concluded the provision recorded by Management to be appropriate.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

6. Our application of materiality

6.1. Materiality
We define materiality as the magnitude of misstatement in the Financial Statements that makes it probable that the economic decisions of
a reasonably knowledgeable person would be changed or influenced. We use materiality both in planning the scope of our audit work and in
evaluating the results of our work.
Based on our professional judgement, we determined materiality for the Financial Statements as a whole as follows:
Group Financial Statements Company Financial Statements

Materiality £35m (2018/19: £44m) £31.5m (2018/19: £39.6m)

Basis for determining We considered the following metrics: Our basis for materiality was determined based
materiality • Profit before tax; upon 3% of the Company's net assets capped at
90% of Group materiality.
• Revenue; and
• Net assets.
Using professional judgment we determined
materiality to be £35m.
In the prior year, materiality was determined on the
basis of 5% of statutory profit before tax.

Financial Statements
Rationale for the In determining our benchmark for materiality we Net assets was used as the benchmark because
benchmark applied considered a number of different metrics used it provides a stable basis and there are volatile
by investors and other readers of the Financial earnings between periods.
This approach is a change from the prior year to
reflect the volatility in the results of the Group
arising from the impact of COVID-19.
Materiality for the current year represents 7.1% of
profit before tax (2018/19: 5%),
1.0% of revenue (2018/19: 0.9%) and
0.7% of net assets (2018/19: 0.9%).

6.2. Performance materiality

We set performance materiality at a level lower than materiality to reduce the probability that, in aggregate, uncorrected and undetected
misstatements exceed the materiality for the Financial Statements as a whole. Group performance materiality was set at 70% of Group
materiality for the 2020 audit (2018/19: 70%). In determining performance materiality, we considered the following factors:
• Our risk assessment, including our assessment of the Group’s overall control environment and that we consider it appropriate to rely
on controls over a number of business processes; and
• Our past experience of the audit, which has indicated a low number of corrected and uncorrected misstatements identified in prior
periods. 161

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Barratt Developments PLC

Independent Auditor’s Report

to the members of Barratt Developments PLC

6.3. Error reporting threshold

We agreed with the Audit Committee that we would report to the Committee all audit differences in excess of £1.8m (2018/19: £2.2m),
as well as differences below that threshold that, in our view, warranted reporting on qualitative grounds. We also report to the Audit
Committee on disclosure matters that we identified when assessing the overall presentation of the Financial Statements.

7. An overview of the scope of our audit

7.1. Scoping
Our Group audit was scoped by obtaining an understanding of the Group and its environment, including Group-wide controls, and assessing
the risks of material misstatement at the Group level. The entire Group is audited by one audit team, led by the Senior Statutory Auditor.
Controls are common across the Group and there are two identified components, being housebuilding and joint ventures, which take
into consideration all of the Group’s divisions, as well as the head office consolidation. The commercial business was not identified as a
separate component in 2019/20.
7.2. Our consideration of the control environment
We obtained an understanding of the internal controls over significant risks, including the key audit matters of margin recognition and
legacy properties. Controls over margin recognition were also tested as part of the current year audit process. In addition, we obtained an
understanding of other key controls which we would expect in a housebuilder, namely those over land and work in progress and those over
subcontractor and other expenses. In 2019/20, due to the potential impact of COVID-19 on the operation of controls, we fully tested controls
relating to subcontractors, expenditure and land and work in progress in the year rather than relying on testing performed in previous
years. Our IT specialists assessed the internal controls over the three key IT systems and gained an understanding over other supporting

8. Other information
The Directors are responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the We have nothing to report in
information included in the Annual Report, other than the Financial Statements and our Auditor’s respect of these matters.
Report thereon.
Our opinion on the Financial Statements does not cover the other information and, except to the extent
otherwise explicitly stated in our report, we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the Financial Statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with
the Financial Statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially
If we identify such material inconsistencies or apparent material misstatements, we are required
to determine whether there is a material misstatement in the Financial Statements or a material
misstatement of the other information. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that
there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact.
In this context, matters that we are specifically required to report to you as uncorrected material
misstatements of the other information include where we conclude that:
• Fair, balanced and understandable – the statement given by the Directors that they consider the
Annual Report and Financial Statements taken as a whole is fair, balanced and understandable
and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group's position and
performance, business model and strategy, is materially inconsistent with our knowledge obtained
in the audit; or
• Audit Committee reporting – the section describing the work of the Audit Committee does not
appropriately address matters communicated by us to the Audit Committee; or
• Directors’ statement of compliance with the UK Corporate Governance Code – the parts of
the Directors’ statement required under the Listing Rules relating to the Company’s compliance
with the UK Corporate Governance Code containing provisions specified for review by the auditor
in accordance with Listing Rule 9.8.10R(2) do not properly disclose a departure from a relevant
provision of the UK Corporate Governance Code.
In reaching this conclusion, we agreed financial and a sample of non-financial information included
in the Annual Report to supporting documentation, considered the completeness of the principal
risks and uncertainties compared to the audit risks we identified during the audit and the Group’s
risk register and reviewed board papers where the Board set out their rationale as to why the other
information was fair, balanced and understandable.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

9. Responsibilities of Directors
As explained more fully in the Directors’ responsibilities statement, the Directors are responsible for the preparation of the Financial
Statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view, and for such internal control as the Directors determine is necessary
to enable the preparation of Financial Statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the Financial Statements, the Directors are responsible for assessing the Group’s and the Company’s ability to continue as
a going concern, disclosing as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the
Directors either intend to liquidate the Group or the Company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

10. Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Financial Statements as a whole are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high
level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material misstatement
when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could
reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these Financial Statements.
Details of the extent to which the audit was considered capable of detecting irregularities, including fraud and non-compliance with laws
and regulations are set out below.
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the Financial Statements is located on the FRC’s website at: This description forms part of our Auditor’s Report.

11. Extent to which the audit was considered capable of detecting irregularities, including fraud

Financial Statements
We identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the Financial Statements, whether due to fraud or error, and then design and
perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, including obtaining audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis
for our opinion.
11.1 Identifying and assessing potential risks related to irregularities
In identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement in respect of irregularities, including fraud and non-compliance with laws and
regulations, we considered the following:
• The nature of the housing market, control environment and business performance including the design of the Group’s remuneration
policies, key drivers for Directors’ remuneration, bonus levels and performance targets;
• The Group’s own assessment of the risks that irregularities may occur either as a result of fraud or error;
• Results of our enquiries of Management, internal audit, Group’s in-house legal counsel and the Audit Committee about their own
identification and assessment of the risks of irregularities;
• Any matters we identified having obtained and reviewed the Group’s documentation of their policies and procedures relating to:
−− identifying, evaluating and complying with laws and regulations and whether they were aware of any instances of non-compliance;
−− detecting and responding to the risks of fraud and whether they have knowledge of any actual, suspected or alleged fraud;
−− the internal controls established to mitigate risks of fraud or non-compliance with laws and regulations;
• Discussions among the audit engagement team including relevant internal specialists, including tax, valuations, pensions, real estate
and IT regarding how and where fraud might occur in the Financial Statements and any potential indicators of fraud.
As a result of these procedures, we considered the opportunities and incentives that may exist within the organisation for fraud and
identified the greatest potential for fraud in the following areas: margin recognition and the valuation of costs associated with legacy
properties. In common with all audits under ISAs (UK), we are also required to perform specific procedures to respond to the risk of
management override.
We also obtained an understanding of the legal and regulatory framework that the Group operates in, focusing on provisions of those laws
and regulations that had a direct effect on the determination of material amounts and disclosures in the Financial Statements. The key
laws and regulations we considered in this context included the UK Companies Act, Listing Rules, pensions and tax legislation.
In addition, we considered provisions of other laws and regulations that do not have a direct effect on the Financial Statements but
compliance with which may be fundamental to the Group’s ability to operate or to avoid a material penalty. These included the Group’s
environmental regulations, planning, and health and safety law. 163

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Barratt Developments PLC

Independent Auditor’s Report

to the members of Barratt Developments PLC

11.2. Audit response to risks identified

As a result of performing the above, we identified margin recognition and costs associated with legacy properties as key audit matters. The
key audit matters section of our report explains the matters in more detail and also describes the specific procedures we performed in
response to those key audit matters.
In addition to the above, our procedures to respond to risks identified included the following:
• Reviewing the Financial Statement disclosures and testing to supporting documentation to assess compliance with provisions of
relevant laws and regulations described as having a direct effect on the Financial Statements;
• Enquiring of Management, the Audit Committee and in-house legal counsel concerning actual and potential litigation and claims;
• Performing analytical procedures to identify any unusual or unexpected relationships that may indicate risks of material misstatement
due to fraud;
• Reading minutes of meetings of those charged with governance, reviewing internal audit reports; and
• In addressing the risk of fraud through Management override of controls, testing the appropriateness of journal entries and other
adjustments; assessing whether the judgements made in making accounting estimates are indicative of a potential bias; and evaluating
the business rationale of any significant transactions that are unusual or outside the normal course of business.
We also communicated relevant identified laws and regulations and potential fraud risks to all engagement team members including
internal specialists, and remained alert to any indications of fraud or non-compliance with laws and regulations throughout the audit.

Report on other legal and regulatory requirements

12. Opinions on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006
In our opinion the part of the Directors’ Remuneration report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies
Act 2006.
In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit:
• The information given in the Strategic report and the Directors’ report for the financial year for which the Financial Statements are
prepared is consistent with the Financial Statements; and
• The Strategic report and the Directors’ report have been prepared in accordance with applicable legal requirements.
In the light of the knowledge and understanding of the Group and the Company and their environment obtained in the course of the audit,
we have not identified any material misstatements in the Strategic report or the Directors’ report.

13. Matters on which we are required to report by exception

13.1. Adequacy of explanations received and accounting records

Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion: We have nothing to
• We have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit; or report in respect of these
• Adequate accounting records have not been kept by the Company, or returns adequate for our audit have
not been received from branches not visited by us; or
• The Company Financial Statements are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns.

13.2. Directors’ remuneration

Under the Companies Act 2006 we are also required to report if in our opinion certain disclosures of We have nothing to
Directors’ remuneration have not been made or the part of the Directors’ Remuneration report to be audited report in respect of these
is not in agreement with the accounting records and returns. matters.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

14. Other matters

14.1. Auditor tenure
Following the recommendation of the Audit Committee, we were appointed at the AGM in 2007 to audit the Financial Statements for the
year ending 30 June 2008 and subsequent financial periods. Following a competitive tender process, we were re-appointed as auditor for
the year ending 30 June 2018 and subsequent financial periods. The period of total uninterrupted engagement including previous renewals
and re-appointments of the firm is 13 years, covering the years ending 30 June 2008 to 30 June 2019.
14.2. Consistency of the audit report with the additional report to the Audit Committee
Our audit opinion is consistent with the additional report to the Audit Committee we are required to provide in accordance with ISAs (UK).

15. Use of our report

This report is made solely to the Company’s members, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our
audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an
auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other
than the Company and the Company’s members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Claire Faulkner (Senior statutory auditor)

For and on behalf of Deloitte LLP
Statutory Auditor
United Kingdom

Financial Statements
1 September 2020 165

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Barratt Developments PLC

Consolidated Income Statement

Year ended 30 June 2020

2020 20191
Continuing operations Notes £m £m
Revenue 2.1 3,419.2 4,763.1
Cost of sales (2,804.9) (3,678.9)
Gross profit 614.3 1,084.2
Analysed as:
Adjusted gross profit 631.4 1,087.4
Cost associated with legacy properties 2.2 (39.9) (3.2)
CJRS grant income 2.3 22.8 –
Administrative expenses 2.3 (124.5) (186.3)
Part-exchange income 327.5 341.1
Part-exchange expenses (323.9) (337.9)
Profit from operations 2.3 493.4 901.1
Analysed as:
Adjusted operating profit 507.3 904.3
Cost associated with legacy properties 2.2 (39.9) (3.2)
CJRS grant income 2.2, 2.3 26.0 –
Finance income 5.2 5.1 7.1
Finance costs 5.2 (35.0) (35.9)
Net finance costs 5.2 (29.9) (28.8)
Share of post-tax profit from joint ventures 4.3 28.3 39.2
Analysed as:
Adjusted share of post-tax profit from joint ventures 4.3 28.3 46.2
Cost associated with legacy properties 4.3 – (7.0)
Loss on disposal of joint ventures – (1.7)
Profit before tax 491.8 909.8
Analysed as:
Adjusted profit before tax 505.7 920.0
Cost associated with legacy properties 2.2 (39.9) (10.2)
CJRS grant income 2.2, 2.3 26.0 –
Tax 2.6 (89.1) (170.4)
Profit for the year 402.7 739.4
Profit for the year attributable to the owners of the Company 399.7 740.0
Profit/(loss) for the year attributable to non-controlling interests 4.1.2 3.0 (0.6)
Earnings per share from continuing operations
Basic 2.4 39.4p 73.2p
Diluted 2.4 38.9p 72.3p
 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

The notes on pages 173 to 233 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Year ended 30 June 2020

2020 20191
Notes £m £m
Profit for the year 402.7 739.4
Other comprehensive income/(expense):
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Actuarial loss on defined benefit pension scheme 6.2.2 (69.2) (15.4)
Tax credit relating to items not reclassified 13.1 2.9
Total items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (56.1) (12.5)
Total comprehensive income recognised for the year 346.6 726.9
Total comprehensive income recognised for the year attributable to
the owners of the Company 343.6 727.5
Total comprehensive income/(expense) recognised for the year attributable to
non-controlling interests 4.1.2 3.0 (0.6)

 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

The notes on pages 173 to 233 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Financial Statements 167

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Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity –

Group Group
retained retained
earnings earnings
due to due to
Share- share- share- Non-
Share Merger Own based holders holders controlling
capital Share reserve shares payments of the of the interests Total
(note 5.5.1) premium (note 4.1.1) (note 5.5.2) (note 6.3) Company Company (note 4.1.2) equity
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
At 1 July 2018 as adjusted for
changes in accounting policies1 101.3 232.6 1,109.0 (1.2) 18.0 3,126.0 3,142.8 7.5 4,593.2
Profit/(loss) for the year – – – – – 740.0 740.0 (0.6) 739.4
Actuarial loss on pension
scheme – – – – – (15.4) (15.4) – (15.4)
Tax on items above taken
directly to equity – – – – – 2.9 2.9 – 2.9
Total comprehensive income/
(expense) recognised for the
year ended 30 June 2019 – – – – – 727.5 727.5 (0.6) 726.9
Dividend payments – – – – – (452.3) (452.3) – (452.3)
Issue of shares 0.4 6.7 – – – – – – 7.1
Share-based payments – – – – 14.1 – 14.1 – 14.1
Purchase of own shares – – – (21.7) – – (21.7) – (21.7)
Transfers in respect of
share options – – – 7.8 (12.4) 4.7 0.1 – 0.1
Tax on share-based
payments – – – – 1.2 0.4 1.6 – 1.6
At 30 June 20191 101.7 239.3 1,109.0 (15.1) 20.9 3,406.3 3,412.1 6.9 4,869.0
Profit for the year – – – – – 399.7 399.7 3.0 402.7
Actuarial loss on pension
scheme – – – – – (69.2) (69.2) – (69.2)
Tax on items above taken
directly to equity – – – – – 13.1 13.1 – 13.1
Total comprehensive income
recognised for the year ended
30 June 2020 – – – – – 343.6 343.6 3.0 346.6
Dividend payments – – – – – (373.2) (373.2) – (373.2)
Distributions to non-controlling
interests – – – – – – – (8.5) (8.5)
Issue of shares 0.1 5.9 – – – – – – 6.0
Share-based payments – – – – 6.8 – 6.8 – 6.8
Purchase of own shares – – – (5.9) – – (5.9) – (5.9)
Transfers in respect of
share options – – – 0.9 (9.7) 8.1 (0.7) – (0.7)
Tax on share-based
payments – – – – (1.4) 1.6 0.2 – 0.2
At 30 June 2020 101.8 245.2 1,109.0 (20.1) 16.6 3,386.4 3,382.9 1.4 4,840.3
 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. The adoption of IFRS 16 had no effect on
the opening reserves at 1 July 2019. Further information on the initial application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.
In the prior year, the Group’s equity at 1 July 2018 was adjusted for the initial application of IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ and IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from contracts with

The notes on pages 173 to 233 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity –

Share Merger Own based Total
capital Share reserve shares payments Retained retained Total
(note 5.5.1) premium (note 4.1.1) (note 5.5.2) (note 6.3) earnings earnings equity
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
At 1 July 20181 101.3 232.6 1,109.0 (1.2) 18.3 1,938.0 1,955.1 3,398.0
Profit for the year – – – – – 576.9 576.9 576.9
Actuarial loss on pension scheme – – – – – (15.4) (15.4) (15.4)
Tax on items above taken directly
to equity – – – – – 2.9 2.9 2.9
Total comprehensive income
recognised for the year ended
30 June 2019 – – – – – 564.4 564.4 564.4
Dividend payments – – – – – (452.3) (452.3) (452.3)
Issue of shares 0.4 6.7 – – – – – 7.1
Share-based payments – – – – 14.1 – 14.1 14.1
Purchase of own shares – – – (21.7) – – (21.7) (21.7)
Transfers in respect of share
options – – – 7.8 (12.4) 2.7 (1.9) (1.9)

Financial Statements
Tax on share-based payments – – – – 0.4 – 0.4 0.4
At 30 June 20191 101.7 239.3 1,109.0 (15.1) 20.4 2,052.8 2,058.1 3,508.1
Profit for the year – – – – – 504.4 504.4 504.4
Actuarial loss on pension scheme – – – – – (69.2) (69.2) (69.2)
Tax on items above taken directly
to equity – – – – – 13.1 13.1 13.1
Total comprehensive income
recognised for the year ended
30 June 2020 – – – – – 448.3 448.3 448.3
Dividend payments – – – – – (373.2) (373.2) (373.2)
Issue of shares 0.1 5.9 – – – – – 6.0
Share-based payments – – – – 6.8 – 6.8 6.8
Purchase of own shares – – – (5.9) – – (5.9) (5.9)
Transfers in respect of share
options – – – 0.9 (9.7) 3.6 (5.2) (5.2)
Tax on share-based payments – – – – (0.9) 1.0 0.1 0.1
At 30 June 2020 101.8 245.2 1,109.0 (20.1) 16.6 2,132.5 2,129.0 3,585.0

 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. The adoption of IFRS 16 had no effect on
the opening reserves at 1 July 2019. Further information on the initial application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.
In the prior year, the Group’s equity at 1 July 2018 was adjusted for the initial application of IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ and IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from contracts with

The notes on pages 173 to 233 form an integral part of these Financial Statements. 169

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Barratt Developments PLC

Balance Sheets
At 30 June 2020

Group Company
2020 20191 1 July 20181 2020 20191 1 July 20181
re-presented2 re-presented2 re-presented2 re-presented2
Notes £m £m £m £m £m £m
Non-current assets
Other intangible assets 4.2.2 101.1 102.3 100.0 – – –
Goodwill 4.2.1 805.9 805.9 792.2 – – –
Property, plant and equipment 4.5 19.0 17.4 11.6 9.5 7.7 5.4
Right-of-use assets 3.5 46.7 – – 4.8 – –
Investments in subsidiary undertakings 4.1.3 – – – 3,086.2 3,085.9 3,085.3
Investments in joint ventures and associates 4.3 152.1 189.0 234.1 – – –
Retirement benefit assets 6.2.2 3.5 62.6 58.7 3.5 62.6 58.7
Secured loans 3.7 1.0 1.4 1.9 – – –
Deferred tax assets 2.6.3 – – – 1.0 – –
Trade and other receivables 3.2 1.3 1.5 3.1 – – –
1,130.6 1,180.1 1,201.6 3,105.0 3,156.2 3,149.4
Current assets
Inventories 3.1 5,027.9 4,824.3 4,516.7 – – –
Secured loans 3.7 1.1 1.2 0.3 – – –
Trade and other receivables 3.2 84.9 223.6 226.5 405.4 87.2 86.0
Cash and cash equivalents2 5.1 619.8 1,136.0 1,176.2 424.0 889.3 874.5
5,733.7 6,185.1 5,919.7 829.4 976.5 960.5
Total assets 6,864.3 7,365.2 7,121.3 3,934.4 4,132.7 4,109.9
Non-current liabilities
Loans and borrowings 5.1 (200.0) (200.0) (191.1) (200.0) (200.0) (191.1)
Trade and other payables 3.3 (319.7) (413.5) (566.3) – – –
Lease liabilities 3.5 (36.1) – – (3.9) – –
Deferred tax liabilities 2.6.3 (2.4) (17.6) (25.3) – (7.8) (8.6)
(558.2) (631.1) (782.7) (203.9) (207.8) (199.7)
Current liabilities
Loans and borrowings2 5.1 (117.7) (177.7) (193.8) (111.0) (52.6) (78.2)
Trade and other payables 3.3 (1,305.4) (1,587.9) (1,465.8) (33.6) (364.2) (434.0)
Lease liabilities 3.5 (11.7) – – (0.9) – –
Current tax liabilities (2.8) (99.5) (85.8) – – –
Provisions 3.6 (28.2) – – – – –
(1,465.8) (1,865.1) (1,745.4) (145.5) (416.8) (512.2)
Total liabilities (2,024.0) (2,496.2) (2,528.1) (349.4) (624.6) (711.9)
Net assets 4,840.3 4,869.0 4,593.2 3,585.0 3,508.1 3,398.0
Share capital 5.5.1 101.8 101.7 101.3 101.8 101.7 101.3
Share premium 245.2 239.3 232.6 245.2 239.3 232.6
Merger reserve 4.1.1 1,109.0 1,109.0 1,109.0 1,109.0 1,109.0 1,109.0
Total retained earnings 3,382.9 3,412.1 3,142.8 2,129.0 2,058.1 1,955.1
Equity attributable to the owners of the Company 4,838.9 4,862.1 4,585.7 3,585.0 3,508.1 3,398.0
Non-controlling interests 4.1.2 1.4 6.9 7.5 – – –
Total equity 4,840.3 4,869.0 4,593.2 3,585.0 3,508.1 3,398.0
 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.
The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4). There is no impact on the net
assets of the Group or the Company.
The notes on pages 173 to 233 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.
The Financial Statements of Barratt Developments PLC (registered number 00604574) were approved by the Board and authorised for issue
on 1 September 2020.
Signed on behalf of the Board:

David Thomas Jessica White

Chief Executive Chief Financial Officer
Parent Company Income Statement
In accordance with the provisions of section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, a separate Income Statement for the Company has not been
presented. The Company’s profit for the year was £504.4m (2019: £576.9m).


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Cash Flow Statements

Year ended 30 June 2020

Group Company
2020 20191 2020 20191
re-presented2 re-presented2
Notes £m £m £m £m
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (page 172) (121.0) 361.3 (667.0) (85.4)
Investing activities:
Purchase of property, plant and equipment 4.5 (7.5) (7.2) (4.9) (4.1)
Consideration, net of cash acquired, paid on acquisition of
subsidiaries – (15.8) – –
Proceeds, net of cash disposed of, from the disposal of
subsidiaries – 4.6 – –
Increase in amounts invested in entities accounted for using
the equity method 4.3 (31.2) (51.0) – –
Repayment of amounts invested in entities accounted for using
the equity method 4.3 72.2 66.9 – –
Dividends received from investments accounted for using the
equity method 4.3 24.2 60.3 – –
Proceeds from the disposal of investments accounted for using
the equity method – 18.6 – –

Financial Statements
Dividends received from subsidiaries – – 519.3 593.6
Interest received 3.5 5.1 3.0 3.2
Net cash inflow from investing activities 61.2 81.5 517.4 592.7
Financing activities:
Dividends paid to equity holders of the Company 2.5 (373.2) (452.3) (373.2) (452.3)
Distribution made to non-controlling partner 4.1.2 (8.5) – – –
Purchase of own shares (5.9) (21.7) (5.9) (21.7)
Proceeds from issue of share capital 6.0 7.1 6.0 7.1
Payment of dividend equivalents (0.7) – – –
Loan drawdowns – – 58.4 –
Loan repayments2 (60.0) (16.1) – (25.6)
Repayment of lease liabilities1 3.5 (14.1) – (1.0) –
Net cash outflow from financing activities (456.4) (483.0) (315.7) (492.5)
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (516.2) (40.2) (465.3) 14.8
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year2 1,136.0 1,176.2 889.3 874.5
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year2 5.1 619.8 1,136.0 424.0 889.3
 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.
The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4).

The notes on pages 173 to 233 form an integral part of these Financial Statements. 171

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Barratt Developments PLC

Cash Flow Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

Group Company
Reconciliation of profit/(loss) from operations to cash flow 2020 20191 2020 20191
from operating activities Notes £m £m £m £m
Operating activities:
Profit/(loss) from operations 493.4 901.1 (5.7) (10.1)
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 4.5 5.5 4.3 2.7 1.8
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 0.4 – 0.4 –
Depreciation of right-of-use assets¹ 3.5 13.6 – 0.9 –
Amortisation of intangible assets 4.2.2 1.2 – – –
Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertaking – (0.6) – –
Impairment/(reversal of impairment) of inventories 3.1 8.2 (14.8) – –
Profit on redemption of secured loans (0.4) (1.2) – –
Share-based payments charge 6.3 6.8 14.1 1.4 6.3
Imputed interest on deferred term payables² 5.2 (19.9) (21.5) – –
Imputed interest on lease arrangements1 5.2 (2.0) – (0.1) –
Amortisation of facility fees 5.2 (2.3) (2.8) (2.3) (2.8)
Finance income related to employee benefits 5.2 1.6 2.0 1.6 2.0
Total non-cash items 12.7 (20.5) 4.6 7.3
Increase in inventories (211.8) (291.9) – –
Decrease/(increase) in receivables 129.3 (2.3) (322.1) (13.4)
Decrease in payables (373.8) (53.3) (328.8) (55.3)
Increase in provisions 3.6 28.2 – – –
Total movements in working capital and provisions (428.1) (347.5) (650.9) (68.7)
Interest paid (11.7) (11.6) (15.0) (13.9)
Tax paid (187.3) (160.2) – –
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (121.0) 361.3 (667.0) (85.4)

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.
The Balance Sheet movements in land payables include non-cash movements due to imputed interest. Imputed interest is therefore included within non-cash items in
the statements above.

The notes on pages 173 to 233 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Notes to the Financial Statements

Year ended 30 June 2020

1 Basis of preparation

1.1 Introduction
These Financial Statements for the Group and Parent Company have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB, IFRIC
interpretations and SIC interpretations as adopted and endorsed by the EU and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to
companies reporting under IFRS. The Financial Statements therefore comply with Article 4 of the EU International Accounting Standards
Regulation. The Financial Statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of secured
loans and share-based payments.

Group accounting policies

The significant Group accounting policies are included within the relevant notes to the Financial Statements on pages 173 to 233.

Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported
amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the Financial Statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting period. Although these estimates are based on the Directors’ best knowledge of the amounts, actual results may ultimately
differ from those estimates. The Directors have made no individual critical accounting judgements that have a significant impact upon

Financial Statements
the Financial Statements, apart from those involving estimations.
The most significant estimates made by the Directors in these Financial Statements are:
• Margin recognition – see note 2.3
• Costs associated with legacy properties – see note 3.6
• Impairment of goodwill and indefinite life brands – see note 4.2.3

The Group has exercised judgement in evaluating the impact of COVID-19 on the Financial Statements. In addition to the key sources of
estimation uncertainty, the areas where COVID-19 has been considered are:
• Going concern – see note 1.3
• Nature and carrying value of inventories – see note 3.1

1.2 Basis of consolidation

The Group Financial Statements include the results of Barratt Developments PLC (the Company), a public company limited by shares and
incorporated in the United Kingdom, and all of its subsidiary undertakings, made up to 30 June. The Financial Statements of subsidiary
undertakings are consolidated from the date that control passes to the Group using the acquisition method of accounting and up to the date
control ceases. All transactions with subsidiaries and intercompany profits or losses are eliminated on consolidation.

1.3 Going concern

In determining the appropriate basis of preparation of the Financial Statements, the Directors are required to consider whether the Group
and Company can continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.
The Group’s business activities, together with factors which the Directors consider are likely to affect its development, financial
performance and financial position are set out in the Strategic Report on pages 2 to 79. The material financial and operational risks and
uncertainties that may have an impact on the Group’s performance and their mitigation are outlined on pages 72 to 77 and financial risks
including liquidity risk, market risk, credit risk and capital risk are outlined in note 5.4 to the Financial Statements.
At 30 June 2020, the Group held cash of £619.8m and total loans and borrowings of £317.7m, consisting of £117.7m of overdrafts repayable
on demand and £200.0m sterling USPP notes maturing in August 2027. These balances, set against pre-paid facility fees, comprise the
Group’s net cash of £308.2m presented in note 5.1.
Should further funding be required, the Group has a committed £700m RCF, subject to compliance with certain financial covenants, that
matures in November 2024. In addition, on 28 April 2020 the Group received confirmation that it was eligible to access funding under the
CCFF until March 2021. Utilisation of the CCFF is not anticipated.
As such, in consideration of its net current assets of £4,267.9m, the Directors are satisfied that the Group has sufficient liquidity to meet its
current liabilities and working capital requirements.
The future financial performance of the Group is dependent upon the wider economic environment in which it operates. The factors that
particularly affect the performance of the Group include flat or negative economic growth, buyer confidence, mortgage availability and
affordability, competitor pricing, new housing supply, falls in house prices or land values and the cost and availability of raw materials, sub-
contractors and suppliers. 173

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

1.3 Going concern CONTINUED

COVID-19 has heightened the inherent uncertainty in the Group’s assessment of these factors. Since the release from lockdown, UK
housing market activity has shown a marked rebound and demand relative to supply remains strong. However, the outlook remains unclear:
unemployment is expected to rise and market activity could be affected by an unfavourable outcome to negotiations regarding the UK’s
relationship with the EU or changes to the Government’s Help to Buy scheme. The suspension of trading under COVID-19 has increased the
Group’s short term sensitivity to its RCF covenants. Future outbreaks of the disease may cause further disruption.
The Group’s financial forecasts reflect the outcomes that the Directors consider most likely, based on the information available at the
date of signing of these Financial Statements. This includes the implementation of COVID-19 safe working practices and market changes
following revisions to the Help to Buy scheme.
To assess the Group’s resilience to more adverse outcomes, its forecast performance was sensitised to reflect a series of scenarios based
on the Group’s principal risks and the downside prospects for the UK economy and housing market presented in the latest available
external economic forecasts.
This exercise included a reasonable worst-case scenario in which the Group’s principal risks manifest in aggregate to a severe but
plausible level. This assumed that sales volumes and average selling prices fall below their pre-COVID-19 levels by 25% and 10%
respectively, construction costs increase by 5%, and that the Group temporarily closes its operations for two months in response to a
national resurgence of the virus.
The effects were modelled over the three-year period covered by the Directors’ viability review, alongside reasonable mitigation that the
Group would expect to undertake in such circumstances, primarily a reduction in investment in inventories in line with the fall in expected
sales and the actions successfully deployed during the Group’s closure of its operations in March 2020, without Government assistance.
In all scenarios, including the reasonable worst case, the Group is able to comply with its financial covenants, operate within its current
facilities without utilising the CCFF, and meet its liabilities as they fall due.
Furthermore, a reverse stress test was performed to determine the market conditions in which the Group, without mitigating action, would
cease to be able to operate under its current facilities. Based on past experience and current economic forecasts, the Directors consider
the possibility of this outcome to be remote and have identified mitigation that would be adopted in such circumstances.
Accordingly, the Directors consider there to be no material uncertainties that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue
to operate as a going concern. They have formed a judgement that there is a reasonable expectation that the Group and Company have
adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, being at least 12 months from the date of signing
of these Financial Statements. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in the preparation of these Financial

1.4 Application of accounting standards

During the year ended 30 June 2020 the Group has applied accounting policies and methods of computation consistent with those applied
in the prior year except in respect of IFRS 8 ‘Operating Segments’ and IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: Presentation'; and as amended by the
adoption of new and revised standards including IFRS 16 ‘Leases’.
• IFRS 8 ‘Operating segments’:
This standard requires disclosure of a segment’s information if its revenue, profit or assets constitute 10% of the Group’s total. In
recent years, the Group’s Commercial operating segment has consistently not met these criteria and its disclosure does not give useful
information to investors concerning the value and risks of the Group. Therefore it is no longer disclosed separately.
• IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: Presentation':
The Group’s cash balances and bank overdrafts are subject to cash pooling arrangements. In accordance with IAS 32: ‘Financial
Instruments: Presentation’, cash balances are presented gross within cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts are presented
gross within current loans and other borrowings. In prior periods, these amounts were presented net in cash and cash equivalents. For
presentational purposes, the balances have been re-presented as at 30 June 2019 and 1 July 2018. The impact of this change is to increase
both cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts within current loans and other borrowings as at 30 June 2019 by £177.7m and as at 1
July 2018 by £193.8m in the Group’s Balance Sheet. This has had no impact on net assets.


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1.4 Application of accounting standards CONTINUED

During the year the Group has adopted the following new and revised standards and interpretations:
• IFRS 16 ‘Leases’:
This standard became effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019 and was applicable to the Group for the year
beginning on 1 July 2019, replacing IAS 17 ‘Leases’ and IFRIC 4 ‘Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease’.
The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach, under which any cumulative effect of initial application is
recognised in retained earnings at 1 July 2019. Comparative information has not, therefore, been restated and is reported under previous
accounting policies.
IFRS 16 specifies how leases are recognised, measured and disclosed.
The Group has elected to apply the practical expedient in respect of the assessment of transactions as leases. Contracts not previously
assessed as leases under IAS 17 were not reassessed.
The Group as a lessee
Prior to the application of IFRS 16 the Group’s property and equipment leases were classified as operating leases. Under IFRS 16 right-
of-use assets and lease liabilities are recognised in the Balance Sheet. At transition, lease liabilities were measured at the present value
of remaining lease payments, discounted at incremental borrowing rates which ranged between 1% and 6% at 1 July 2019. Incremental
borrowing rates were calculated based upon risk free UK government bond rates adjusted for the average term of each lease portfolio and
Group specific spread adjustments. Lease liabilities are re-measured when the Group changes its assessment of whether it will exercise a
termination or extension option. Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost comprising the initial measure of the lease liability plus

Financial Statements
any direct costs less any lease incentives. Subsequently, right-of-use assets are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and any
accumulated impairment losses.
The following practical expedients were used when applying IFRS 16 to leases previously classified as operating leases under IAS 17:
• a single discount rate is applied to portfolios of leases with similar properties
• the exemptions not to recognise right-of-use assets and liabilities for leases with a low-value underlying asset or a lease term of less
than 12 months are applied
• initial direct costs were excluded from measurement of the right-of-use asset at the date of initial application
• hindsight was used in determining the lease term
The Group as lessor
The Group is not required to make any adjustments on transition to IFRS 16.
Information on the impact of the adoption of IFRS 16 on the Financial Statements is provided in note 1.5.
There has been no impact on the Financial Statements as a result of:
• IFRIC 23 ‘Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments’;
• Amendments to IFRS 9 ‘Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation’;
• Amendments to IAS 28 ‘Long-term Interests in Associates and Joint Ventures’;
• Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2015-2017 Cycle; and
• Amendments to IAS 19 ‘Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Settlement’. 175

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

1.5 Impact of changes in accounting policies

On transition to IFRS 16 the Group recognised £55.4m of right-of-use assets, £55.0m of lease liabilities and £0.4m of accruals.
The table below presents a reconciliation from operating lease commitments disclosed at 30 June 2019 to lease liabilities recognised at
1 July 2019.
Group Company
£m £m
Operating lease commitments disclosed under IAS 17 at 30 June 2019 58.3 5.8
Effect of discounting (10.4) (0.2)
Other adjustments including adjustments for short term leases and hindsight adjustments 7.1 –
Lease liabilities recognised at 1 July 2019 55.0 5.6

The Group has elected to adopt IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach, under which any cumulative effect of initial application
is recognised in retained earnings at 1 July 2019. Comparative information has not been restated. The tables below and on pages 177 and
178 summarise the impact of the adoption of IFRS 16 on the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement.
Year ended
Year ended Adjustments in 30 June 2020 before
30 June 2020 respect of the adjustments for the
as reported adoption of IFRS 16 adoption of IFRS 16
Impact on Consolidated Income Statement: £m £m £m

Revenue 3,419.2 – 3,419.2

Cost of sales (2,804.9) 0.5 (2,805.4)
Gross profit 614.3 0.5 613.8
Administrative expenses (124.5) 0.8 (125.3)
Part-exchange income 327.5 – 327.5
Part-exchange expenses (323.9) – (323.9)
Profit from operations 493.4 1.3 492.1
Finance income 5.1 – 5.1
Finance costs (35.0) (2.0) (33.0)
Net finance costs (29.9) (2.0) (27.9)
Share of post-tax profit from joint ventures 28.3 – 28.3
Profit before tax 491.8 (0.7) 492.5
Tax (89.1) 0.1 (89.2)
Profit for the year 402.7 (0.6) 403.3
Earnings per share from continuing operations
Basic 39.4p (0.1p) 39.5p
Diluted 38.9p – 38.9p


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

1.5 Impact of changes in accounting policies CONTINUED

Group Company
As at As at
30 June 30 June
Adjustments 2020 before Adjustments 2020 before
As at in respect of adjustments for As at in respect of adjustments for
30 June 2020 the adoption of the adoption of 30 June 2020 the adoption of the adoption of
Impact on Balance as reported IFRS 16 IFRS 16 as reported IFRS 16 IFRS 16
Sheet: £m £m £m £m £m £m
Non-current assets
Right-of-use assets 46.7 46.7 – 4.8 4.8 –
Other non-current assets
per Balance Sheet 1,083.9 – 1,083.9 3,100.2 – 3,100.2
1,130.6 46.7 1,083.9 3,105.0 4.8 3,100.2
Current assets 5,733.7 – 5,733.7 829.4 – 829.4
Total assets 6,864.3 46.7 6,817.6 3,934.4 4.8 3,929.6
Non-current liabilities

Financial Statements
Lease liabilities (36.1) (36.1) – (3.9) (3.9) –
Other non-current
liabilities (522.1) – (522.1) (200.0) – (200.0)
(558.2) (36.1) (522.1) (203.9) (3.9) (200.0)
Current liabilities
Lease liabilities (11.7) (11.7) – (0.9) (0.9) –
Other current liabilities (1,454.1) 0.5 (1,454.6) (144.6) – (144.6)
(1,465.8) (11.2) (1,454.6) (145.5) (0.9) (144.6)
Total liabilities (2,024.0) (47.3) (1,976.7) (349.4) (4.8) (344.6)
Net assets 4,840.3 (0.6) 4,840.9 3,585.0 – 3,585.0
Retained earnings 3,382.9 (0.6) 3,383.5 2,129.0 – 2,129.0
Other reserves and capital 1,456.0 – 1,456.0 1,456.0 – 1,456.0
Non-controlling interests 1.4 – 1.4 – – –
Total equity 4,840.3 (0.6) 4,840.9 3,585.0 – 3,585.0 177

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

1.5 Impact of changes in accounting policies CONTINUED

Group Company
Year ended Year ended
30 June 30 June
Adjustments in 2020 before Adjustments in 2020 before
Year ended respect of the adjustments for Year ended respect of the adjustments for
30 June 2020 adoption of the adoption of 30 June 2020 adoption of the adoption of
Impact on Cash Flow as reported IFRS 16 IFRS 16 as reported IFRS 16 IFRS 16
Statement: £m £m £m £m £m £m
Profit/(loss) from operations 493.4 1.3 492.1 (5.7) 0.1 (5.8)
Depreciation of right-of-use
assets 13.6 13.6 – 0.9 0.9 –
Imputed interest on lease
arrangements (2.0) (2.0) – (0.1) (0.1) –
Other non-cash items 1.1 – 1.1 3.8 – 3.8
Total non-cash items 12.7 11.6 1.1 4.6 0.8 3.8
Increase in inventories (211.8) – (211.8) – – –
Movement in payables and
receivables (244.5) 1.2 (245.7) (650.9) 0.1 (651.0)
Increase in provisions 28.2 – 28.2 – – –
Total movements in working
capital and provisions (428.1) 1.2 (429.3) (650.9) 0.1 (651.0)
Interest paid (11.7) – (11.7) (15.0) – (15.0)
Tax paid (187.3) – (187.3) – – –
Net cash (outflow)/inflow
from operating activities (121.0) 14.1 (135.1) (667.0) 1.0 (668.0)

Net cash inflow from

investing activities 61.2 – 61.2 517.4 – 517.4
Repayment of lease liabilities (14.1) (14.1) – (1.0) (1.0) –
Other financing activities (442.3) – (442.3) (314.7) – (314.7)
Net cash outflow from
financing activities (456.4) (14.1) (442.3) (315.7) (1.0) (314.7)
Net decrease in cash and
cash equivalents (516.2) – (516.2) (465.3) – (465.3)
Cash and cash equivalents
at the beginning of the year1 1,136.0 – 1,136.0 889.3 – 889.3
Cash and cash equivalents
at the end of the year 619.8 – 619.8 424.0 – 424.0
The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4).

1.6 Impact of standards and interpretations in issue but not yet effective
At the date of approval of these Financial Statements, there were a number of standards, amendments and interpretations that have been
published and are therefore mandatory for the Group’s accounting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2020 and later periods. None of
these are expected to have a material impact on the Group. The Group has not early-adopted any standard, amendment or interpretation.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

2 Results for the year and utilisation of profits

2.1 Revenue
The Group’s revenue derives principally from the sale of the homes we build and from the sale of commercial property.

Revenue from the sale of residential and commercial properties

Revenue is recognised at legal completion in respect of the total proceeds of building and development. Revenue is measured at the fair
value of consideration received or receivable and represents the amounts receivable for the property, net of discounts and VAT.

Revenue on contracts recognised over time

The Group considers all contracts with commercial customers and registered providers on a contract by contract basis and determines
the appropriate revenue recognition based on the particular terms of that contract. For the majority of such contracts, there is a single
performance obligation for which revenue is recognised at a point in time, when construction has been completed and control is
transferred to the customer. The Group recognises revenue over time in relation to certain contracts with registered housing providers
only in circumstances in which control of the associated land is transferred to the customer before or during construction. Revenue is
only recognised from the point at which control of the associated land is transferred. Revenue is recognised because the construction
activity enhances an asset that is controlled by the customer.

Financial Statements
Where the outcome of a contract on which revenue is recognised over time can be estimated reliably, revenue is recognised by reference
to the stage of completion of contract activity at the balance sheet date. This is normally measured by surveys of work performed to
date. The Group is satisfied that it is appropriate to measure performance by reference to surveys of work performed to date, because
these surveys identify the extent to which benefits have been transferred to the customer. Variations to, and claims arising in respect of
such contracts are included in revenue to the extent that they have been agreed with the customer. Where the outcome of a contract on
which revenue is recognised over time cannot be estimated reliably, revenue is recognised to the extent of contract costs incurred. When
it is probable that the total costs on a contract will exceed total contract revenue, the expected loss is immediately recognised as an
expense in the Income Statement.

Other revenue
Revenue from separate contracts related to the development of homes is recognised on completion of the performance obligation to
which it relates and included in other revenue. Revenue from warranties is recognised on a straight-line basis over the warranty period.
Revenue from commercial contract management fees is recognised in the period in which it becomes receivable and included within
other revenue.

An analysis of the Group’s continuing revenue is as follows:

Residential completions1 Revenue
2020 2019 2020 2019
number number £m £m
Revenue from private residential sales 9,568 13,533 2,971.5 4,222.6
Revenue from affordable residential sales 2,466 3,578 402.0 473.1
Other revenue including commercial sales – – 45.7 67.4
12,034 17,111 3,419.2 4,763.1

¹ Residential completions exclude JV completions of 570 homes (2019: 745) in which the Group has an interest.

Included within Group revenue is £140.9m (2019: £76.8m) of revenue from construction contracts on which revenue is recognised over
time by reference to the stage of completion of the contracts (note 3.4). Of this amount, £19.2m (2019: £3.3m) was included in the contract
liability balance at the beginning of the year.
Revenue includes £464.5m (2019: £521.4m) of revenue generated where the sale has been achieved using part-exchange incentives.
Proceeds received on the disposal of part-exchange properties are not included in revenue on the basis that they are incidental to the main
revenue-generating activities of the Group. 179

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

2.2 Adjusted items

Adjusted items
Items that are material in size or unusual or infrequent in nature are presented as adjusted items in the Income Statement. The
Directors are of the opinion that the separate presentation of adjusted items provides helpful information about the Group’s underlying
business performance. Examples of events that may give rise to the classification of items as adjusted are charges or credits in respect
of legacy properties, the restructuring of existing and newly acquired businesses, refinancing costs, government grants received under
unusual circumstances, gains or losses on the disposal of businesses or individual assets, and asset impairments, including land, work
in progress, goodwill and investments.

Cost associated with legacy properties:

During the year, charges of £39.9m were recognised in respect of costs associated with legacy properties (2019: £6.9m charged in respect
of costs associated with legacy properties and £3.7m released following the disposal of a legacy property). These amounts have been
separately disclosed as adjusted items in the Income Statement. Further details are provided in note 3.6. No charge (2019: £7.0m) was
recognised in adjusted items in the year in respect of costs associated with legacy JV properties.
CJRS grant income:
During the year, the Group recognised grant income of £26.0m in respect of the UK Government’s CJRS (2019: £nil). This was a one-off,
temporary Scheme, from which the income has been voluntarily refunded by the Group after the balance sheet date. No income in respect
of CJRS will be recognised in future periods. It has therefore been presented as an adjusted item. Further information regarding the
repayment of the grant is included in note 7.3.

2.3 Profit from operations

Profit from operations includes all of the revenue and costs derived from the Group’s operating businesses. Profit from operations excludes
finance costs, finance income, the Group’s share of profits or losses from JVs and associates and tax.

Margin recognition
In order to determine the profit that the Group is able to recognise on its developments in a specific period, the Group allocates site-
wide development costs between homes built in the current year and in future years. It also has to estimate costs to complete on
such developments and make estimates relating to future sales price margins on those developments and homes. In making these
assessments there is a degree of inherent uncertainty.
The Group’s site valuation process determines the forecast profit margin for each site. The valuation process acts as a method of
allocating land costs and construction work in progress costs of a development to each individual plot and drives the recognition of costs
in the Income Statement as each plot is sold. Any changes in the forecast profit margin of a site from changes in sales prices or costs to
complete is recognised across all homes sold in both the current period and future periods. This ensures that the forecast site margin
achieved on each individual home is equal across the development.
The Group has reassessed its estimates on a site-by-site basis to incorporate the expected extension of site duration caused by
COVID-19 and the adoption of COVID-19 safe working practices and protocols. On average, the Group estimates that site durations will
increase by around six months, resulting in an additional allocation of £29.1m of site-wide development costs to homes sold in the
current year.
Management have performed a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of a change in estimated costs for developments on which sales
were recognised in the year. A 1% increase in estimated costs recognised in the year, which is considered to be reasonably possible,
would impact cost of sales and work in progress and would reduce the Group’s gross profit by £22.9m, a reduction in gross margin of
70 bps.

Depreciation of right-of-use assets

Right-of-use assets are depreciated in the Income Statement in equal instalments to the earlier of the end of the lease term or the end
of the useful life of the asset.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

2.3 Profit from operations CONTINUED

Lease income
The Group enters into leasing arrangements with third parties following the completion of constructed developments until the date of
the sale of the development. Rental income from these operating leases is recognised in the Income Statement on a straight-line basis
over the term of the lease.

Government grants
Government grants are not recognised until there is reasonable assurance that the Group will comply with the conditions attaching to
them and that the grants will be received.
Government grants are recognised in the Income Statement so as to match with the related costs they are intended to compensate for.
Grants related to assets are deducted from the carrying amount of the asset. Grants related to income are included in the appropriate
line within the Income Statement.

Part-exchange income and expenses

Income on the sale of a part-exchange property is recognised at legal completion at the fair value of consideration received or receivable

Financial Statements
for the property.
Part-exchange properties are recognised in inventories at the lower of cost, being their fair value at acquisition, and their net realisable
value. The amount of any write-down of inventories to net realisable value, or reversal of a previous write-down, is recognised in the
income statement in the period in which it occurs.
The carrying amount of a part exchange property is recognised as an expense in the period in which the related income is recognised.
Maintenance costs are recognised in the Income Statement in the period in which they are incurred.

2.3.1 Profit from operations is stated after charging/(crediting):

2020 2019
Notes £m £m
Cost of inventories recognised as an expense in cost of sales 2,511.9 3,502.7
Of which relate to incremental costs of extensions in site durations due to the adoption of
COVID-19 safety practices 29.1 –
Employee costs (including Directors)2 6.1 374.7 427.1
Of which relate to non-productive site employees expensed during the COVID-19 closedown
period that would ordinarily be capitalised as work in progress 25.4 –
Other non-productive site and safety costs expensed during the COVID-19 closedown period
that would ordinarily be capitalised as work in progress 19.8 –
Government grants 2.3.3 (26.0) –
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 4.5 5.5 4.3
Depreciation of right-of-use assets1 3.5 13.6 –
Lease income 3.5 (1.2) (1.2)
Operating lease charges – hire of plant, machinery and vehicles1 – 35.5
Operating lease charges – other1 – 14.5
 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.
The employee costs reported above are before the deduction of government grants receivable in respect of these costs of £26.0m (2019: £nil). Further details are
provided in notes 2.3.3 and 6.1.

Profit from operations is stated after charging the Directors’ emoluments disclosed in the Remuneration report on pages 142 and 143 and
in note 6.1.
The Group does not recognise income from supplier rebates until it can be calculated reliably and it is certain that it will be received from
suppliers. During the year, £30.8m (2019: £33.5m) of supplier rebate income was included within profit from operations. 181

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

2.3 Profit from operations CONTINUED

2.3.2 Cost of sales
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Group took the decision to temporarily close its sales centres, construction sites and offices
during the year and implemented extensive working practices and protocols to enable a safe return to operations. Included within cost
of sales are £45.2m (2019: £nil) of non-productive site overheads and safety costs incurred during the controlled closure and restart of
our sites that would ordinarily be capitalised as work in progress including £25.4m of employee costs. Additional site-wide development
costs arising from extensions in site durations of £29.1m (2019: £nil) have been allocated to homes sold in the current year in line with the
Group’s margin recognition policy, more detail of which is included note 2.3.

Cost of sales is presented net of £22.8m in Government grant income received in respect of the CJRS (2019: £nil).
2.3.3 Government grants and assistance
During the year the Group recognised CJRS grant income from the Government designed to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. Amounts
receivable during the year are disclosed below. No Government grants were receivable or received during 2019.
and received
Grant income in respect of the CJRS included in cost of sales 22.8
Grant income in respect of the CJRS included in administrative expenses 3.2

At 30 June 2020, receivables in respect of the CJRS of £4.4m (2019: £nil) were included in other receivables.
On 6 July 2020 the Group announced that it would return all Government grants received in respect of the CJRS. These grants have been
repaid since the balance sheet date (see note 7.3).
2.3.3 Administrative expenses
Administrative expenses of £124.5m (2019: £186.3m) include sundry income of £29.0m (2019: £26.3m) which principally comprises
management fees receivable from joint ventures, property management income, the sale of freehold reversions, ground rent receivable and
Government grant income.
2.3.4 Auditor’s remuneration
The remuneration paid to Deloitte LLP, the Group’s principal auditor, is disclosed below:
2020 2019
£000 £000
Fees payable to the Company’s auditor for the audit of the Parent Company and Consolidated Financial
Statements 275 148
Fees payable to the Company’s auditor for the audit of the Company’s subsidiaries 290 253
Total audit fees 565 401
Audit-related assurance services¹ 32 28
Other services² 20 30
Total fees for other services 52 58
Total fees related to the Company and its subsidiaries 617 459
Audit-related assurance services comprise the review of the interim report.
Other services comprise a short term, limited scope, piece of advisory support; and in the previous year were in relation to the provision of planning related
information required in the sale of a subsidiary.

Details of the Group’s policy on the use of the Company’s principal auditor for non-audit services, and auditor independence are set out in
the Audit Committee report on page 119. No services were provided under contingent fee arrangements.
In addition to the remuneration paid to the Company’s auditor for services related to the Company and its subsidiaries, the auditor received
the following remuneration from JVs in which the Group participates:
2020 2019
£000 £000
The audit of the Group’s JVs pursuant to legislation 163 145
Other audit-related services¹ 10 10
Total fees related to joint ventures 173 155

Other audit-related services comprise reporting to the auditors of our JV partners.


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2.4 Earnings per share

The earnings per share from continuing operations were as follows:
2020 2019¹
pence pence
Basic earnings per share 39.4 73.2
Diluted earnings per share 38.9 72.3

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial

application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Parent Company by
the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, excluding those held by the EBT that do not attract dividend
equivalents which are treated as cancelled.
Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit for the year attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Parent Company by
the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue adjusted to assume conversion of all potentially dilutive share options from the
start of the year.
Note 2020 2019¹
Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Parent Company (£m) 399.7 740.0

Weighted average number of shares in issue (million) 1,018.2 1,014.2

Financial Statements
Weighted average number of shares in EBT (million) (4.3) (3.8)
Weighted average number of shares for basic earnings per share (million) 1,013.9 1,010.4

Weighted average number of shares in issue (million) 1,018.2 1,014.2

Adjustment to assume conversion of all potentially dilutive shares (million) 10.0 10.0
Weighted average number of shares for diluted earnings per share (million) 1,028.2 1,024.2

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5. 183

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

2.5 Dividends
2020 2019
£m £m
Amounts recognised as distributions to equity shareholders in the year:
Final dividend for the year ended 30 June 2019 of 19.5p (2018: 17.9p) per share 197.8 180.6
Special dividend for the year ended 30 June 2019 of 17.3p (2018: 17.3p) per share 175.4 174.6
Interim dividend for the year ended 30 June 2020 of nil (2019: 9.6p) per share – 97.1
Total dividends distributed to equity shareholders in the year 373.2 452.3

2020 2019
£m £m
Proposed final dividend for the year ended 30 June 2020 of nil (2019: 19.5p) per share – 197.1
Proposed special dividend for the year ended 30 June 2020 of nil (2019: 17.3p) per share – 175.0

2.6 Tax
All profits of the Group are subject to UK corporation tax.
The current year tax charge has been provided for, by the Group and Company, at a standard effective rate of 19.0% (2019: 19.0%) and the
closing deferred tax assets and liabilities have been provided in these Financial Statements at a rate of 19.0% (2019: between 17.0% and
19.0%) of the temporary differences giving rise to these assets and liabilities, dependent upon when they are expected to reverse.

The tax currently payable is based on the taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from net profit as reported in the Income
Statement because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items
that are never taxable or deductible. The Group’s liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or
substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.

Deferred tax
Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in
the Financial Statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the
balance sheet liability method. Deferred tax is measured on a non-discounted basis using the tax rates and laws that have then been
enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date, and is charged or credited to the Income Statement, except when it relates
to items charged or credited directly to other comprehensive income or equity, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in other
comprehensive income or equity.
Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised to the
extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised. Such assets
and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from goodwill or from the initial recognition (other than in a business
combination) of other assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither the taxable profit nor the accounting profit. Deferred tax
liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and interests in JVs, except where the
Group is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the
foreseeable future.
The carrying amount of deferred tax assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer
probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available to allow all or part of the asset to be recovered. Deferred tax assets and liabilities
are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and when they relate to
taxes levied by the same tax authority and the Group intends to settle its current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis.


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2.6.1 Tax recognised in the Income Statement
The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred tax.
2020 2019
Analysis of the tax charge for the year Notes £m £m
Current tax:
UK corporation tax for the year 100.0 176.3
Adjustment in respect of previous years (7.4) (1.7)
92.6 174.6
Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of temporary differences (3.1) (5.0)
Adjustment in respect of previous years (1.5) 0.2
Impact of change in corporation tax rate 1.1 0.6
2.6.3 (3.5) (4.2)
Tax charge for the year 89.1 170.4

Factors affecting the tax charge for the year

The tax rate assessed for the year is lower (2019: lower) than the standard effective rate of corporation tax in the UK of 19.0% (2019: 19.0%).
The differences are explained below:
2020 2019

Financial Statements
£m £m
Profit before tax 491.8 909.8
Profit before tax multiplied by the standard rate of corporation tax of 19.0% (2019: 19.0%) 93.4 172.9
Effects of:
Other items including non-deductible expenses 4.8 0.5
Additional tax relief for land remediation costs (1.3) (2.0)
Adjustment in respect of previous years (8.9) (1.5)
Adjustment for post-tax profits of certain JVs included in Group profit before tax – (0.1)
Impact of change in tax rate on deferred tax liability 1.1 0.6
Tax charge for the year 89.1 170.4

Legislation was substantively enacted during the year to repeal the reduction of the main corporation tax rate, thereby maintaining 19.0%
throughout the financial year. Accordingly, the rate change includes the re-measurement of opening temporary differences to 19.0% where
these were previously measured at between 17.0% and 19.0% depending on the timing of expected reversal.
Completion volumes were significantly reduced by the Group's decision to pause activity in response to COVID-19, reducing profit before
tax for the financial year. Adjustments in respect of previous years reflect the latest estimates and assumptions and truing up to final
corporation tax computations. The proportional impact of those adjustments has a greater impact on this year’s effective tax rate due to the
lower profit before tax.
2.6.2 Tax recognised in equity
In addition to the amount charged to the Consolidated Income Statement, a net current and deferred tax credit of £13.3m (2019: £4.5m
credit) was recognised directly in equity. 185

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020


2.6.3 Deferred tax
All deferred tax relates to the United Kingdom and is stated on a net basis as the Group has a legally enforceable right to set off the
recognised amounts and intends to settle on a net basis.
The Group recognised a net deferred tax liability with the following movements in the year:
Pension Share Indefinite capital Other
scheme options Losses life brands allowances (net) Total
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m
At 1 July 2018 (11.1) 2.9 – (17.0) 1.2 (1.3) (25.3)
Income Statement (charge)/credit (3.4) 1.2 – – – 6.4 4.2
Acquired with subsidiary
undertakings – – – – (0.1) (0.5) (0.6)
Amounts taken directly to equity 2.9 1.2 – – – – 4.1
At 30 June 2019 (11.6) 5.3 – (17.0) 1.1 4.6 (17.6)
Deferred tax assets – 5.3 – – 1.1 5.9 12.3
Deferred tax liabilities (11.6) – – (17.0) – (1.3) (29.9)
Year ended 30 June 2020
Income Statement (charge)/credit (2.2) (1.3) 0.1 (2.0) (0.4) 9.3 3.5
Amounts taken directly to equity 13.1 (1.4) – – – – 11.7
At 30 June 2020 (0.7) 2.6 0.1 (19.0) 0.7 13.9 (2.4)
Deferred tax assets – 2.6 0.1 – 0.7 14.1 17.5
Deferred tax liabilities (0.7) – – (19.0) – (0.2) (19.9)

The deferred tax liability in respect of indefinite life brands represents the amount of tax that would become due if the brands were sold
at their book value. There is no intention to sell the indefinite life brands in the foreseeable future and, therefore, it is not anticipated that
any of the deferred tax liability in respect of brands will reverse in the 12 months following the balance sheet date. The deferred tax asset
in respect of share schemes represents an estimate of the future tax deduction available on the exercise or vesting of awards under those
While it is anticipated that an element of the remaining deferred tax assets and liabilities will reverse during the 12 months following the
balance sheet date, at present it is not possible to accurately quantify the value of all of these reversals.
In addition to the deferred tax liability shown above, the Group has not recognised a deferred tax asset of £2.1m (2019: £2.0m) in respect of
capital and other losses amounting to £10.9m (2019: £11.6m) because these are not considered recoverable in the foreseeable future.
The Company recognised a net deferred tax asset with the following movements in the year:
Pension Share capital Other
scheme options allowances (net) Total
£m £m £m £m £m
At 1 July 2018 (11.1) 1.5 0.7 0.3 (8.6)
Income Statement (charge)/credit (3.4) 0.8 (0.1) 0.2 (2.5)
Amounts taken directly to equity 2.9 0.4 – – 3.3
At 30 June 2019 (11.6) 2.7 0.6 0.5 (7.8)
Deferred tax assets – 2.7 0.6 0.5 3.8
Deferred tax liabilities (11.6) – – – (11.6)
Year ended 30 June 2020
Income Statement (charge)/credit (2.2) (1.2) 0.1 (0.1) (3.4)
Amounts taken directly to equity 13.1 (0.9) – – 12.2
At 30 June 2020 (0.7) 0.6 0.7 0.4 1.0
Deferred tax assets – 0.6 0.7 0.4 1.7
Deferred tax liabilities (0.7) – – – (0.7)


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3 Working capital

3.1 Inventories

Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost of work in progress comprises direct materials, direct labour
costs and those overheads that have been incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. Overhead costs
include, but are not limited to, roads and other infrastructure costs required for a site and local contributions and physical works
contributions required under planning permissions granted for our developments
Land held for development, including land in the course of development, is initially recorded at discounted cost. Where, through deferred
purchase credit terms, the carrying value differs from the amount that will ultimately be paid in settling the liability, this difference is
charged as a finance cost in the Income Statement over the period of settlement.
Due to the scale of the Group’s developments, the Group has to allocate site-wide development costs between homes built in the current
year and in future years. It also has to estimate costs to complete on such developments. In making these assessments, there is a
degree of inherent uncertainty. The Group has developed internal controls to assess and review carrying values and the appropriateness
of estimates made.


Financial Statements
2020 2019
£m £m
Land held for development 3,112.3 3,071.6
Construction work in progress 1,852.4 1,632.8
Part-exchange properties and other inventories 63.2 119.9
5,027.9 4,824.3

The Company has no inventories.

Nature and carrying value of inventories
The Group’s principal activities are housebuilding and commercial development. The majority of the development activity is not contracted
prior to the development commencing. Accordingly, the Group has in its Balance Sheet at 30 June 2020 current assets that are not covered
by a forward sale. The Group’s internal controls are designed to identify any developments where the balance sheet value of land and work
in progress is more than the projected lower of cost or net realisable value. During the year the Group has conducted six-monthly reviews
of the net realisable value of specific sites identified as at high risk of impairment, based upon a number of criteria including low site profit
margins and sites with no forecast completions. Where the estimated net realisable value of a site was less than its current carrying value
the Group has impaired the land and work in progress value.
During the year, due to performance variations, changes in assumptions and changes to viability on individual sites, there were gross
impairment charges of £18.8m (2019: £5.5m) and gross impairment reversals of £10.6m (2019: £20.3m), resulting in a net impairment of
£8.2m (2019: £14.8m reversal) included within profit from operations.
The key estimates in these reviews are those used to estimate the realisable value of a site, which is determined by forecast sales rates,
expected sales prices and estimated costs to complete. The effects of COVID-19 have been considered and the expected extension in the
time period required to trade through each site has increased site costs to complete.
The Directors consider all inventories to be essentially current in nature, although the Group’s operational cycle is such that a proportion
of inventories will not be realised within 12 months. It is not possible to determine with accuracy when specific inventory will be realised as
this will be subject to a number of variables such as consumer demand and planning permission delays. 187

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

3.2 Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables are financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. They are
included in current assets, except for those with maturities greater than 12 months after the balance sheet date, which are classified as
non-current assets. Amounts recoverable on certain construction contracts where revenue is recognised over time are included in trade
receivables and stated at cost plus attributable profit less any foreseeable losses. Payments received on account for these construction
contracts are deducted from amounts recoverable on these contracts.
Trade and other receivables are initially recognised at their transaction price and subsequently measured at amortised cost, being their
nominal value less a loss allowance for expected credit losses which are assessed on the basis of an average weighting of the risk of
default. Any impairment is recognised immediately in the Income Statement.
For this purpose, a default is determined to have occurred if the Group becomes aware of evidence that it will not receive all contractual
cash flows that are due or if payment has not been received within 60 days of the due date. After this time, it is probable that contractual
cash flows will not be fully recovered.
The Group does not hold any collateral over these balances.
Trade receivables are receivables and contract assets arising from the Group’s contracts with customers. The loss allowance is equal to
the lifetime expected credit loss, assessed on an individual basis.
The loss allowances for other receivables and amounts due from subsidiary undertakings are equal to 12-month expected credit losses
unless there has been a significant increase in credit risk since the date of initial recognition, in which case the loss allowance is equal
to the lifetime expected credit loss. A significant increase in credit risk is judged to have occurred if a review of available information
indicates an increased probability of default, or if contractual payments are more than 30 days past due.
Where amounts due from subsidiary undertakings can be satisfied by the subsidiaries through the recovery of a debt from fellow
subsidiaries with strong capacity to meet that debt, the amount is considered to have low credit risk at the reporting date and it is
therefore assumed that the credit risk has not significantly increased.
Trade and other receivables that are more than two years overdue are deemed to have no reasonable expectation of recovery and
are therefore written off in the Financial Statements, but are still subject to enforcement activity. Subsequent recoveries of amounts
previously written off are credited to the Income Statement.

Group Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
Notes £m £m £m £m
Non-current assets
Other receivables 1.3 1.5 – –
1.3 1.5 – –
Current assets
Trade receivables 34.6 151.0 – –
Contract assets1 3.4 0.9 1.1 – –
Amounts due from subsidiary undertakings – – 395.5 76.3
Other receivables 33.7 55.5 1.3 1.0
Prepayments and accrued income 15.7 16.0 8.6 9.9
84.9 223.6 405.4 87.2
In the prior year contract assets were included within trade receivables (see note 3.4).
Other receivables include £15.7m (2019: £19.8m) receivable from joint ventures.


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3.2 Trade and other receivables CONTINUED

The carrying values of trade and other receivables are stated after allowance for doubtful receivables. The movements in the loss
allowances for the period were as follows:
due from
Trade receivables and subsidiary
contract balances Other receivables undertakings
Lifetime expected 12 month 12 month
credit losses expected credit expected
(individually assessed) losses credit losses
Group Company Group Company Company
Allowance for doubtful receivables Notes £m £m £m £m £m
Loss allowance at 1 July 2019 6.1 – 1.6 – –
Charge for the year 5.3.4 5.8 – – – –
Amounts written off (0.2) – – – –
Recoveries of amounts previously written off 5.3.4 (4.1) – (0.7) – –
Loss allowance at 30 June 2020 7.6 – 0.9 – –

Movements in loss allowances are principally a result of the derecognition and origination of financial assets in the period. The loss

Financial Statements
allowances written off are equal to the gross carrying amounts of the assets written off in the year. The Directors consider that the carrying
amount of trade receivables approximates to their fair value.
Further disclosures relating to financial assets are set out in note 5.3.

3.3 Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables on normal terms are not interest bearing and are stated at amortised cost.
Trade and other payables on extended terms, particularly in respect of land, are recorded at their fair value at the date of acquisition of
the asset to which they relate by discounting at prevailing market interest rates at the date of recognition. The discount to nominal value,
which will be paid in settling the deferred purchase terms liability, is amortised over the period of the credit term and charged to finance
costs using the ‘effective interest rate’ method.

Group Company
2020 2019¹ 2020 2019¹
Notes £m £m £m £m
Non-current liabilities
Land payables 299.0 385.6 – –
Other payables 20.7 27.9 – –
319.7 413.5 – –
Current liabilities
Trade payables 186.8 353.6 2.0 2.2
Land payables 492.9 575.1 – –
Contract liabilities2 3.4 136.6 101.2 – –
Amounts due to subsidiary undertakings – – 19.3 334.3
Accruals 463.0 533.4 11.5 26.9
Other tax and social security 11.3 13.9 – –
Other payables 14.8 10.7 0.8 0.8
1,305.4 1,587.9 33.6 364.2

 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.
In the prior year contract liabilities were included within other payables.
2 189

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

3.3 Trade and other payables CONTINUED

The carrying amount of trade payables approximates to their fair value.
Accruals include a £2.3m (2019: £4.7m) social security accrual relating to share-based payments (note 6.3). Other payables classified as
non-current liabilities at 30 June 2020 principally comprise payments and deposits received in advance in respect of freehold reversions
and housing association contracts.
The Group has £377.7m (2019: £486.4m) of payables secured by legal charges on land and buildings included within inventories and £20.2m
(2019: £43.5m) supported by promissory notes. Other non-current payables are unsecured and non-interest bearing.
Further disclosures relating to financial liabilities are set out in note 5.3.

3.4 Contract assets and liabilities

Contract assets relate to amounts due from customers primarily for construction work completed but not invoiced at the balance sheet
date in relation to contracts where revenue is recognised over time. These amounts are included in trade and other receivables. The Group
has taken advantage of the practical expedient in paragraph 94 of IFRS 15 to immediately expense the incremental costs of obtaining
contracts where the amortisation period of the assets would have been one year or less.
Contract liabilities relate to payments received from the customer on the contract, and/or amounts invoiced to the customer in advance of
the Group performing its obligations on contracts where revenue is recognised either over time or at a point in time. These amounts are
included within trade and other payables.
Significant changes in contract assets and liabilities are as follows:
Contracts on which Contracts on which
revenue is recognised revenue is recognised
over time at a point in time1
2020 2019 2020 2019
£m £m £m £m
At 1 July:
Amounts included within trade and other payables (22.8) (7.1) (78.4) (72.5)
Amounts included within trade and other receivables 1.1 2.8 – –
(21.7) (4.3) (78.4) (72.5)
Movements in the year:
Performance obligations satisfied in the year 140.9 76.8 3,278.2 4,686.3
Amounts invoiced in the year (131.3) (93.4) (3,199.8) (4,613.8)
Cash received for performance obligations not yet satisfied – – (123.6) (78.4)
Movements in retentions – (0.8) – –
At 30 June (12.1) (21.7) (123.6) (78.4)
Analysed as:
Amounts included within trade and other payables (13.0) (22.8) (123.6) (78.4)
Amounts included within trade and other receivables 0.9 1.1 – –

These balances have previously been accounted for under IFRS 9, and therefore not disclosed as contract liabilities. We believe it is more appropriate to regard these
balances as being within the scope of IFRS 15 and have therefore reclassified them as contract liabilities.

Further revenue of £217.5m (2019: £272.5m) is expected to be recognised in future years in respect of contracts on which revenue is
recognised over time, of which 22.6% (2019: 28.1%) is expected to be recognised within 12 months of the balance sheet date.
The Company has no contract assets or liabilities.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

3.5 Leases
3.5.1 The Group as lessee
The Group and Company have applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparative information has not
been restated and continues to be reported under IAS 17. The impact of changes is disclosed in note 1.5.

A right-of-use asset and a lease liability are recognised at the commencement date of a lease. The right-of-use asset is initially
measured at cost comprising the initial amount of the lease liability plus payments made before the lease commenced and any
direct costs less any incentives received. The right-of-use asset is subsequently depreciated using the straight-line method from the
commencement of the lease to the earlier of the end of the lease term or the end of the useful life of the asset. The right-of-use asset is
also reduced for impairment losses, if any, and adjusted for certain re-measurements of the lease liability.
The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments at the commencement date discounted using the
Group’s incremental borrowing rate of between 1% and 6%, and is subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest
method. The lease liability is re-measured when there is a change in the future lease payments, and a corresponding adjustment is
made to the right-of-use asset.
The Group has elected not to recognise right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short term leases of plant and machinery that have a
lease term of 12 months or less and leases of low value including leases of office equipment. The lease payments associated with these
leases are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
In the comparative period, as lessee, the Group and Company classified its leases as operating leases, and no asset or liability was

Financial Statements
recognised in the Balance Sheet. Payments made under operating leases were recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the
lease. Further information on the transition to IFRS 16 and the initial application of the standard is provided in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

The Group and Company lease assets including land and buildings, vehicles, plant and machinery and office equipment. Information about
leases for which the Group or Company is a lessee is presented below.
Right-of-use assets:
Group Company
Land and Land and
buildings Other Total buildings Other Total
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Balance at 1 July 2019 46.1 9.3 55.4 4.9 0.7 5.6
Balance at 30 June 2020 38.6 8.1 46.7 4.3 0.5 4.8
Net additions during the year including
re-measurements 1.9 3.0 4.9 – 0.1 0.1

Lease liabilities included in the Balance Sheet:

Group Company
2020 2020
£m £m
Current 11.7 0.9
Non-current 36.1 3.9
47.8 4.8

A maturity analysis of the contractual undiscounted cash flows associated with these lease liabilities is presented in note 5.4.1.
Amounts recognised in the Income Statement:
Interest on lease liabilities 2.0
Depreciation of right-of-use land and buildings 9.4
Depreciation of other right-of-use assets 4.2
Expenses relating to short term and low value leases 33.9

The total Group cash outflow for leases in the current year was £47.7m (Company: £1.1m), of which £14.1m (Company: £1.0m) related to the
repayment of lease liabilities recognised in the Balance Sheet. 191

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

3.5 Leases CONTINUED

3.5.2 The Group as lessor
The Group has lease agreements with third parties for certain residential and commercial properties, either in the process of development
or which have been developed by the Group, and units on land to be subsequently developed for residential use. The Group retains the right
to sell these properties, with their future rental income, and it is intended that they will be sold to third parties in the normal course of
business. Therefore, they are classified as work in progress until the date of sale.
2020 2019
Notes £m £m
Property rental income 2.3 1.2 1.2
Carrying value of leased assets 1.2 1.1
Rent receivable during remaining lease period:
Within one year 1.1 1.1
More than one year and no later than five years 3.4 3.0
In five years or more 4.0 4.3
8.5 8.4

2020 2019
Years Years
Average lease term 9.5 8.3

3.6 Provisions

Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation as a result of a past event, and it is probable that the Group will
be required to settle that obligation. Provisions are measured at the Directors’ best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the
obligation at the balance sheet date and are discounted to present value where the effect is material.

Legacy properties
Legacy properties – Citiscape and related
– cladding review Total
£m £m £m
At 1 July 2019 – – –
Additions to provisions in the year 11.4 28.5 39.9
Utilisation in the year – (11.7) (11.7)
At 30 June 2020 11.4 16.8 28.2

The Company has no provisions.


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3.6 Provisions CONTINUED

Costs associated with legacy properties

Following the Grenfell tragedy, the Government issued a number of advice notes aimed at clarifying fire safety and building safety
requirements. These have now been replaced by updated consolidated Government guidance published on 20 January 2020. The updated
guidance applies to multi-storey, multi-occupied residential buildings.
The Government has issued revised guidelines to Building Owners and those deemed the Responsible Person (normally the Management
Company) to consider, as part of their fire risk assessments, the ability of any cladding system to prevent the spread of fire. As a result
there has been more scrutiny of all materials used on building facades. The Group has undertaken a review of all of its current and
legacy buildings where it has used cladding solutions. Approved Inspectors signed off all of our buildings, including the cladding used, as
compliant with the relevant Building Regulations at the time of completion. In line with our commitment to put our customers first, we
have incurred and accrued £11.4m of costs for work involved at legacy properties associated with removing and replacing cladding.
We voluntarily undertook to pay for work to remove and replace ACM cladding on the Citiscape development in Croydon in 2019. This is
a non-standard development which was designed for us in 2001 by a third-party structural engineering firm and was sold to the current
freeholders in 2003. When the ACM cladding was removed, structural concerns were identified and we appointed independent structural
engineers to undertake a full investigation of the building. These investigations have identified significant issues relating to the design of
the building’s reinforced concrete frame, requiring extensive remedial work.
As a responsible developer, we appointed independent structural engineers to review all of the other developments where reinforced
concrete frames were designed for us by either the same original engineering firm or by other companies within the group of companies

Financial Statements
which has since acquired it. The preliminary reviews of all 26 of these developments, the majority of which were designed over ten years
ago, are complete and have not identified any issues as severe as those present at Citiscape. Engineers are now undertaking more
detailed reviews to see if any remediation of the concrete frames is required. Those detailed reviews have so far shown that eleven
developments have no defects while nine developments required some remedial action to address smaller-scale problems. At these
developments, remedial action has either been successfully completed or is underway.
We apologise unreservedly to affected customers that the standards that we set for ourselves and our partners were not met at these
developments. While in most cases we have no legal liability to cover the costs of this work, in line with our commitment to customers
and recognising the responsibility we have for the work of our partners, we have taken the decision to pay for the required remedial action
which would otherwise fall on leaseholders. We are actively seeking to recover costs from third parties, however there is no certainty
regarding the extent of any financial recovery. We have incurred £28.5m of costs for work relating to Citiscape and the associated review.
Management have made estimates as to the future costs, to the extent of the remedial works required and the costs of providing
alternative accommodation to those affected. The Financial Statements have been prepared based on currently available information,
including known costs and quotations where possible. However, the detailed review is ongoing and therefore the extent and cost of any
remedial work may change as this work progresses.
Management have performed a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of a change in their estimate of total costs. A 10% increase in
estimated costs recognised in the year would impact cost of sales and would reduce the Group’s gross margin by 20 bps.

3.7 Secured loans

Secured loans principally comprise interest free loans that were granted as part of sales transactions and for which the cash flows
receivable are based on the value of the property at redemption. These loans are secured by way of a second legal charge on the respective
property (after the first mortgage charge).

Secured loans
Secured loans are classified under IFRS 9 as fair value through profit and loss and are held at fair value calculated as the present value
of expected future cash flows, on a loan by loan basis, taking into account the estimated market value of the property and the estimated
time of repayment. Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value, changes in future cash flows and interest calculated using the
‘effective interest rate’ method in accordance with IFRS 9, are recognised directly in the Income Statement.

2020 2019
Secured loans Notes £m £m
At 1 July 2.6 3.4
Disposals (at cost) (0.9) (1.9)
Other provision movements 0.4 1.1
At 30 June 2.1 2.6
Balance at 30 June analysed as:
Current 5.3.1 1.1 1.2
Non-current 5.3.1 1.0 1.4 193

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

4 Business combinations and other investing activities

4.1 Business combinations

The financial statements of subsidiary undertakings are consolidated from the date when control passes to the Group, as defined
in IFRS 3, using the acquisition method of accounting up to the date control ceases. All of the subsidiaries’ identifiable assets and
liabilities, including contingent liabilities, existing at the date of acquisition are recorded at their fair values. All changes to those assets
and liabilities and the resulting gains and losses that arise after the Group has gained control of the subsidiary are included in the
Income Statement. All intra-Group transactions and intercompany profits or losses are eliminated on consolidation.

A full list of the subsidiary undertakings of the Group and Company is included in note 7.4.
4.1.1 Merger reserve
The merger reserve comprises the non-statutory premium arising on shares issued as consideration for the acquisition of subsidiaries
where merger relief under section 612 of the Companies Act 2006 applies.
4.1.2 Non-controlling interests
2020 2019
Movement in non-controlling interest share of net assets recognised in the Consolidated Balance Sheet £m £m
At 1 July 6.9 7.5
Distribution of profits to non-controlling partner (8.5) –
Share of profit/(loss) for the year recognised in the Consolidated Income Statement 3.0 (0.6)
At 30 June 1.4 6.9

There are no significant restrictions on the ability of the Group to access or use assets and settle liabilities. Detailed arrangements for each
subsidiary are laid out in the relevant shareholder and partnership agreements.
4.1.3 Company investments in subsidiary undertakings

Company investments
The Company’s interests in subsidiary undertakings are accounted for at cost less accumulated provision for impairment.
Where share-based payments are granted to the employees of subsidiary undertakings by the Company, they are treated as a capital
contribution to the subsidiary and the Company’s investment in the subsidiary is increased accordingly.

2020 2019
£m £m
At 1 July 3,173.5 3,172.9
Increase in investment in subsidiaries related to share-based payments 0.3 0.6
At 30 June 3,173.8 3,173.5
At 1 July and 30 June 87.6 87.6
Net book value
At 1 July 3,085.9 3,085.3
At 30 June 3,086.2 3,085.9


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4.2 Goodwill and other intangible assets

4.2.1 Goodwill

Goodwill arising on consolidation represents the excess of the fair value of the consideration over the fair value of the separately
identifiable net assets and liabilities acquired.
Goodwill arising on the acquisition of subsidiary undertakings and businesses is capitalised as an asset but reviewed for impairment at
least annually (see note 4.2.3).
For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill is allocated to each of the Group’s cash-generating units expected to benefit from the
synergies of the combination at acquisition. Cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated are tested for impairment.
If the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit is less than the carrying amount of the unit, the impairment loss is allocated
first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the unit and then to the other assets of the unit pro-rata on the basis
of the carrying amount of each asset in the unit. Any impairment loss is recognised immediately in the Income Statement and is not
subsequently reversed.

2020 2019
£m £m

Financial Statements
At 1 July 830.4 816.7
Arising on acquisition during the year – 13.7
At 30 June 830.4 830.4
Accumulated impairment losses
At 30 June 24.5 24.5
Carrying amount
At 30 June 805.9 805.9

During the prior year the Group acquired all of the share capital of Oregon Timber Frame Limited. Goodwill arising on the acquisition of
£13.7m was capitalised and allocated to the Group’s housebuilding business.
The Group’s goodwill relating to the acquisition of Wilson Bowden Limited in 2007 has a carrying value of £792.2m relating to the
housebuilding business.
4.2.2 Other intangible assets – Brands

The Group has capitalised, as intangible assets, brands that have been acquired. Acquired brand values are calculated using discounted
cash flows. Where a brand is considered to have a finite life, it is amortised over its useful life on a straight-line basis. Where a brand
is capitalised with an indefinite life, it is not amortised. The factors that contribute to the durability of brands capitalised are that there
are no material legal, regulatory, contractual, competitive, economic or other factors that limit the useful life of these intangible assets.
Internally generated brands are not capitalised.
The Group carries out an annual impairment review of indefinite life brands as part of the review of the carrying value of goodwill,
by performing a value-in-use calculation, using a discount factor based upon the Group’s pre-tax weighted average cost of capital
(note 4.2.3).

Customer contract relationships

The Group has capitalised, as intangible assets, acquired customer contract relationships. Customer contract relationships are valued
at the present value of future cash flows and are amortised on a straight-line basis in line with contract relationships at the acquisition
date. Internally generated customer contract relationships are not capitalised. 195

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

4.2 Goodwill and other intangible assets CONTINUED

4.2.2 Other intangible assets – Brands CONTINUED
Brands contract relationships Total
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
£m £m £m £m £m £m
At 1 July 107.9 107.0 1.4 – 109.3 107.0
Acquired during the year through business
combinations – 0.9 – 1.4 – 2.3
At 30 June 107.9 107.9 1.4 1.4 109.3 109.3
At 1 July 7.0 7.0 – – 7.0 7.0
Amortisation in the year 0.5 – 0.7 – 1.2 –
At 30 June 7.5 7.0 0.7 – 8.2 7.0
Carrying amount
At 30 June 100.4 100.9 0.7 1.4 101.1 102.3

The Group does not amortise the housebuilding brand acquired with Wilson Bowden, being David Wilson Homes, valued at £100.0m, as
the Directors consider that this brand has an indefinite useful economic life due to the fact that the Group intends to hold and support the
brand for an indefinite period and there are no factors that would prevent it from doing so.
During the prior year the Group acquired brands valued at £0.9m and customer contract relationships valued at £1.4m. These assets are
amortised on a straight-line basis in line with the contract relationships at the acquisition date.
4.2.3 Impairment of goodwill and indefinite life brands
The Group conducts an annual impairment review of goodwill and its indefinite life brand, David Wilson Homes, together for the cash-
generating unit to which it is allocated, being the housebuilding business.

Impairment of goodwill and indefinite life brands

The impairment review for the goodwill of the housebuilding business and the Group’s indefinite life brand requires an estimation of the
value-in-use of the housebuilding business. The value-in-use calculation requires an estimate of the expected future cash flows from the
housebuilding business, including the anticipated growth rate of revenue and costs, and requires the determination of a suitable discount
rate to calculate the present value of the cash flows. The sensitivity of the valuation of goodwill and brands to changes in expectations is
set out in this note.

An impairment review was performed at 30 June 2020 by comparing the value-in-use of the housebuilding business to the carrying value of
its tangible and intangible assets and allocated goodwill.
The value-in-use was determined by discounting the risk-adjusted expected future cash flows of the housebuilding business. The first year
of cash flows were determined using the Group’s approved detailed site-by-site forecast. The cash flows for the second to the fifth years
were determined using Group level internal forecast cash flows based upon expected volumes, selling prices and margins, taking into
account available land purchases and work-in-progress levels. The cash flows for year six onwards were extrapolated in perpetuity using an
estimated growth rate of 1%, based upon the historical long term growth rate of the UK economy.
COVID-19 has heightened the inherent uncertainty in the prospects for the wider UK economy and housing market in the medium term. The
Group’s financial forecasts reflect the outcomes that Management consider most likely, based on the information available at the date of
signing of these Financial Statements. The key assumptions underlying the forecasts are:
• Expected changes in selling prices for completed houses and the related impact on operating margin: these are determined on a
site-by-site basis for the first year dependent upon local market conditions and product type. For years two to five, these have been
estimated at a Group level based upon past experience and expectations of future changes in the market, taking into account external
market forecasts.
• Sales volumes: these are determined on a site-by-site basis for the first year dependent upon local market conditions, land availability
and planning permissions. For years two to five, these have been estimated at a Group level based on past experience and expectations
of future changes in the market, taking into account external market forecasts.
• Expected changes in site costs to complete: these are determined on a site-by-site basis for the first year dependent upon the expected
costs of completing all aspects of each individual development. For years two to five, these have been estimated at a Group level based
on past experience and expectations of future changes in the market, taking into account external market forecasts.


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4.2 Goodwill and other intangible assets CONTINUED

4.2.3 Impairment of goodwill and indefinite life brands CONTINUED
The forecasts have been sensitised to reflect scenarios based on the Group’s principal risks and the downside prospects for the UK economy
through adjustments to the key assumptions. The adverse scenarios modelled are the Directors’ assessment of a reasonable worst-case
scenario, being that used to assess the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern in note 1.3, and a scenario in which the Group’s
risks manifest to an intermediate level. The risk-adjusted expected future cash flows are the weighted average of these possible economic
outcomes. The value-in-use constitutes the present value of these cash flows through the application of an appropriate discount rate.
The key variables for the value-in-use calculations were:
• Discount rate: this is a pre-tax rate reflecting the Group’s target capital structure, current market assessments of the time value
of money and risks appropriate to the Group’s housebuilding business. In the prior year, uncertainty in the Group’s cash flows was
reflected through an adjustment to the discount rate. In response to COVID-19, Management have reflected future economic uncertainty
in the risk-adjusted cash flows, giving a more accurate representation of the risks specific to the Group. As this risk has been reflected
in the underlying cash flows, no adjustment has been made to the discount rate. Accordingly, a rate of 10.0% (2019: 15.2%) is considered
by the Directors to be the appropriate pre-tax discount rate.
• Probability of variance in assumptions: Management consider the assumptions applied in the Group’s forecast to represent the
most likely outcomes. To reflect ongoing uncertainty, heightened by COVID-19, the likelihood that actual performance will differ from
these assumptions has been estimated at a Group level with reference to external market forecasts and the Group’s current trading
performance. A change in the assigned probabilities changes the weighting of the scenarios in the calculation of the expected cash flows.
The result of the value-in-use exercise concluded that the recoverable value of goodwill and intangible assets exceeded its carrying value

Financial Statements
by £1,182.5m (2019: £2,095.6m) and there has been no impairment. The fall in headroom is due to a reduction in forecast completions
following COVID-19.
If the value-in-use is determined using only the reasonable worst case cash flows, a full impairment of goodwill and indefinite life brands
is required. The sensitivity of the recoverable amount of goodwill to changes in the discount rate and the probabilities of the occurrence of
adverse scenarios is shown below.

+100 bps -100 bps Change

Change in Change in Revised Change in Change in Revised to reduce
value value headroom value value headroom headroom to
Variable £m % £m £m % £m £nil
Discount rate (664.0) (11.1%) 518.5 830.6 13.9% 2,013.0 2.0%
Probability of adverse scenarios (117.5) (2.0%) 1,065.0 117.5 2.0% 1,300.0 10.1%

4.3 Investments in jointly controlled entities and associated entities

4.3.1 Joint ventures
A jointly controlled entity (JV) is an entity, including an unincorporated entity such as a partnership, in which the Group holds an interest
with one or more other parties where a contractual arrangement has established joint control over the entity. An associated entity is an
entity, including an unincorporated entity such as a partnership, in which the Group holds a significant influence and that is neither a
subsidiary nor an interest in a JV.

Jointly controlled and associated entities

Investments in JVs and associated entities are accounted for using the equity method of accounting.
The Group's share of the profit or loss of JVs and associated entities increase or decrease the carrying amount of the investment and
long-term interests.

2020 2019
JVs and associates £m £m
At 1 July 189.0 234.1
Increase in amounts invested in JVs 31.2 51.0
Repayment of investments in JVs (72.2) (66.9)
Equity accounted investment disposed of in the year – (8.1)
Dividends received from JVs (24.2) (60.3)
Share of post-tax profit for the year from JVs 28.3 39.2
At 30 June 152.1 189.0

There are no losses in any of the Group’s JVs or associates which have not been recognised by the Group. 197

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

4.3 Investments in jointly controlled entities and associated entities CONTINUED

4.3.1 Joint ventures CONTINUED
At 30 June 2020 the Group had interests in the following jointly controlled entities:
Percentage Voting rights Country of place of Principal Financial year
JV Registered office owned controlled registration business activity end date
51 College Road Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Housebuilding 31 March*
LLP Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Alie Street LLP2 Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Housebuilding 31 March*
Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Barratt Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 75.0% 50.0% England and UK Housebuilding 30 June
Metropolitan Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales
LLP1 Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Barratt Wates (East Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Holding 30 June
Grinstead) Limited Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales company
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Barratt Wates Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Housebuilding 30 June
(East Grinstead) Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales
No.2 Limited2 Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Barratt Wates Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 78.5% 50.0% England and UK Housebuilding 30 June
(Horley) Limited1 Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Barratt Wates Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Housebuilding 30 June
(Lindfield) Limited Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Barratt Wates Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Housebuilding 30 June
(Worthing) Limited Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
BDWZest Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Holding 31 March*
Developments Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales company
LLP2 Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
BDWZest LLP Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Holding 31 March*
Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales company
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
BK Scotswood LLP Barratt House, The Watermark, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Holding 31 December*
Gateshead NE11 9SZ and Wales company
Blackhorse Road Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 51.0% 50.0% England UK Housebuilding 30 June
Properties LLP1 Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Brooklands Milton Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Housebuilding 30 June
Keynes LLP Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
DWH/Wates Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Housebuilding 30 June
(Thame)Limited Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Enderby Wharf LLP Here East, 13 East Bay Lane, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Housebuilding 30 June
3rd Floor Press Centre, Queen and Wales
Elizabeth Park, London E15 2GW
Fulham Wharf Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Housebuilding 31 March*
LLP2 Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Fulham Wharf Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Dormant 31 March*
One Limited2 Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Fulham Wharf Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Dormant 31 March*
Two Limited2 Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Harrow View Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Housebuilding 31 March*
LLP Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

4.3 Investments in jointly controlled entities and associated entities CONTINUED

4.3.1 Joint ventures CONTINUED

Percentage Voting rights Country of place of Principal Financial year
JV Registered office owned controlled registration business activity end date
Infinity Park Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Commercial 30 June
Derby LLP Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales development
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Nine Elms LLP2 Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Housebuilding 31 March*
Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Nine Elms Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Dormant 31 March*
One Limited2 Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Nine Elms Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England UK Dormant 31 March*
Two Limited2 Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, and Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Old Sarum Park Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Dormant 30 June
Properties Limited Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales

Financial Statements
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Queensland Road Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Housebuilding 31 March*
LLP2 Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Ravenscraig 15 Atholl Crescent, 33.3% 33.3% Scotland UK Commercial 31 December*
Limited1 Edinburgh EH3 8HA development
Ravenscraig Town Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Dormant 30 June
Centre LLP Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Rose Shared Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Investment 30 June
Equity LLP Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales entity
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
Sovereign BDW Woodlands, 90 Bartholomew Street, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Dormant 30 June
(Hutton Close) LLP Newbury, West Berkshire RG14 5EE Wales
Sovereign BDW Woodlands, 90 Bartholomew Street, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Housebuilding 30 June
(Newbury) LLP Newbury, West Berkshire RG14 5EE Wales
Wichelstowe LLP Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Housebuilding 31 March*
Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF
ZestBDW LLP Barratt House, Cartwright Way, 50.0% 50.0% England and UK Holding 31 March*
Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Wales company
Coalville, Leicestershire LE67 1UF

* JV prepares financial statements which are non-coterminous with the Group in order to comply with the terms of their JV agreements and to align with the year ends
and requirements of our JV partners.

Judgements applied in determining the classification of joint arrangements

1. The Group holds three JV investments (Barratt Wates (Horley) Limited, Barratt Metropolitan LLP and Blackhorse Road Properties LLP) not in equal share, and one
(Ravenscraig Limited) with more than one other party. However, in each case, the Group has equal voting rights and control over the activities of the companies with
the other parties. In addition, the Group and the other parties to the agreements only have rights to the net assets of these companies through the terms of the
contractual arrangements. These entities are therefore classified as JVs.
2. The Group’s interests in a number of the entities classified as JVs are held indirectly.

• Barratt Wates (East Grinstead) No. 2 Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Group’s JV, Barratt Wates (East Grinstead) Limited, and is therefore classified as a
JV of the Group.

• BDWZest Developments LLP, Alie Street LLP, Queensland Road LLP, Fulham Wharf LLP and Nine Elms LLP form a group of limited liability partnerships jointly
owned (directly or indirectly) by BDWZest LLP and ZestBDW LLP, both of which are JVs of the Group. Nine Elms One Limited and Nine Elms Two Limited are wholly
owned subsidiaries of Nine Elms LLP, and Fulham Wharf One Limited and Fulham Wharf Two Limited are wholly owned subsidiaries of Fulham Wharf LLP. All of
these entities are therefore classified as JVs of the Group. 199

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

4.3 Investments in jointly controlled entities and associated entities CONTINUED

4.3.1 Joint ventures CONTINUED
Summarised financial information relating to these JVs is as follows:

Harrow View LLP Fulham Wharf LLP Nine Elms LLP

2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Income 58.8 17.0 43.1 105.5 79.7 116.0
Adjusted expenditure (48.3) (14.1) (38.4) (98.2) (67.5) (94.7)
Costs associated with legacy properties – – – – – –
Interest payable – – (0.1) – (0.4) (0.2)
10.5 2.9 4.6 7.3 11.8 21.1
Tax – – – – – –
Profit/(loss) for the year, being total comprehensive
income/(expense) 10.5 2.9 4.6 7.3 11.8 21.1
Group share of profit/(loss) for the year recognised in the
Consolidated Income Statement 5.3 1.5 2.3 3.6 5.9 10.6
Dividends received from JVs in the year 2.5 – – – 6.0 13.0
Current assets 92.7 115.0 44.7 29.7 16.5 134.2
Non-current assets – – – – – –
Current liabilities (12.7) (35.4) (13.7) (3.4) (10.6) (17.1)
Non-current liabilities – – – – – –
Net assets/(liabilities) of JVs 80.0 79.6 31.0 26.3 5.9 117.1
Cash and cash equivalents included in the above net
assets/(liabilities) 11.4 14.4 3.5 3.6 13.2 72.5
Group share of net assets/(liabilities) recognised in the
Consolidated Balance Sheet at 30 June 40.0 39.8 15.5 13.2 3.0 58.5

A reconciliation of the Group’s share of net assets to the carrying value of investments included in the Balance Sheet is presented below:

2020 2019
£m £m
Group share of the net assets of its JVs 70.2 124.6
Group loans to JVs 81.9 64.4
At 30 June 152.1 189.0

The Group has made loans, net of loss allowances, of £81.9m (2019: £64.4m) to its JVs, which are presented with Group investments. The
loss allowances for Group loans to JVs are equal to 12-month expected credit losses unless there has been a significant increase in credit
risk since the date of initial recognition, in which case the loss allowance is equal to the lifetime expected credit loss. A significant increase
in credit risk is judged to have occurred if a review of available information indicates an increased probability of default. At 30 June 2020 the
loss allowance is immaterial (2019: immaterial).
Included within the Group’s share of net assets of JVs is a proportion of the loans to the JVs (net of fair value adjustments made in one JV)
calculated using the Group’s ownership share of £75.1m (2019: £65.7m).
During the year, the Group entered into a number of transactions with its JVs in respect of funding and development management services
(with charges made based on the utilisation of these services) in addition to the provision of construction services. Further details on these
transactions are provided in note 7.2.3. The Group and Company have a number of contingent liabilities relating to their JVs. Further details
on these are provided in note 7.1.2.
The transfer of funds from the Group’s JVs to the Group is determined by the terms of the JV agreements, which specify how available
funds should be applied in repaying loans and capital, and distributing profits to the partners.


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4.3 Investments in jointly controlled entities and associated entities CONTINUED

4.3.1 Joint ventures CONTINUED

Blackhorse Road Brooklands

Barratt Metropolitan LLP Developments LLP Milton Keynes LLP Other JVs Group Total
2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019
£m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
4.2 52.9 18.9 – 61.4 82.6 12.7 106.8 278.8 480.8
(0.7) (49.9) (15.2) – (41.7) (55.3) (10.8) (84.9) (222.6) (397.1)
– – – – – – – (7.0) – (7.0)
– – – – – – (1.3) (0.1) (1.8) (0.3)
3.5 3.0 3.7 – 19.7 27.3 0.6 14.8 54.4 76.4
– – – – – – 0.2 (0.5) 0.2 (0.5)

3.5 3.0 3.7 – 19.7 27.3 0.8 14.3 54.6 75.9

2.7 2.2 1.9 – 9.8 13.7 0.4 7.6 28.3 39.2

– 12.8 – – 10.7 14.8 5.0 19.7 24.2 60.3

Financial Statements
98.4 72.9 31.9 – 14.5 31.8 76.4 110.0 375.1 493.6
– – – – – – 13.9 13.7 13.9 13.7
(95.6) (73.7) (5.2) – (14.3) (29.8) (54.7) (54.2) (206.8) (213.6)
– – – – – – (43.2) (43.9) (43.2) (43.9)
2.8 (0.8) 26.7 – 0.2 2.0 (7.6) 25.6 139.0 249.8

0.5 2.2 13.7 – 5.6 14.1 16.1 32.1 64.0 138.9

2.1 (0.5) 13.6 – 0.1 1.0 (4.1) 12.6 70.2 124.6

4.3.2 Associated entities

The Group has a significant interest in the following associated entity:
Percentage Country Principal
Associate owned of registration activity
New Tyne West Development Company LLP 25.0% England and Wales Housebuilding

New Tyne West Development Company LLP prepares financial statements to 31 December, which is non-coterminous with the Group, as
agreed between the partners at the inception of the joint arrangement.
In relation to the Group’s interests in associates, the Group’s share of assets and liabilities of its associate at 30 June 2019 and 30 June
2020 is £nil. The Group’s share of the associate’s result during the year was £nil (2019: £nil).
The Group has made loans of £nil (2019: £nil) to its associate. Further details of transactions between the Group and its associate are
provided in note 7.2.4.
The Group has no contingent liabilities relating to its associated entity. 201

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

4.4 Jointly controlled operations

Jointly controlled operations

The Group’s share of profits and losses from its investments in jointly controlled operations is accounted for on a direct basis and is
included in the Income Statement. The Group’s share of its investments, assets and liabilities is accounted for on a directly proportional
basis in the Group’s Balance Sheet.

The Group enters into jointly controlled operations as part of its housebuilding and property development activities. The Company has no
jointly controlled operations (2019: none).
The Group has significant interests in the following jointly controlled operation:
Joint operation Share of profits and assets consolidated Principal place of business Principal activity
Chapel Hill 50.0%¹ UK Housebuilding

¹ Subject to achieving forecast profitability, 50% of profits are attributable to the Group. 50% of assets are consolidated excluding land, land creditors and any part-
exchange properties.

The Group’s share of the joint operations’ income and expenses included in the Consolidated Income Statement during the year, and the
assets and liabilities of the joint operations which are included in the Group Balance Sheet, are shown below:
2020 2019
Group share: £m £m
Income 12.2 17.2
Expenses (11.1) (16.2)
Share of profit from joint operations 1.1 1.0
Current assets 13.0 11.0
Current liabilities (1.9) (1.0)
Share of net assets of joint operations 11.1 10.0


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4.5 Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. Depreciation is
provided to write off the cost of the assets on a straight-line basis to their residual value over their estimated useful lives. Residual
values and asset lives are reviewed annually.
Freehold properties are depreciated on a straight-line basis over 25 years. Freehold land is not depreciated. Plant is depreciated on a
straight-line basis over its expected useful life, which ranges from one to seven years.

Group Company
Plant and Plant and
Property equipment Total Property equipment Total
£m £m £m £m £m £m
At 1 July 2018 3.5 36.7 40.2 0.2 18.1 18.3
Additions 0.5 6.7 7.2 – 4.1 4.1
Acquired at fair value 2.3 0.6 2.9 – – –
Disposals – (0.3) (0.3) – – –
At 30 June 2019 6.3 43.7 50.0 0.2 22.2 22.4

Financial Statements
Additions - 7.5 7.5 - 4.9 4.9
Disposals (0.8) (3.3) (4.1) - (2.1) (2.1)
At 30 June 2020 5.5 47.9 53.4 0.2 25.0 25.2
At 1 July 2018 2.9 25.7 28.6 0.2 12.7 12.9
Charge for the year 0.4 3.9 4.3 – 1.8 1.8
Disposals – (0.3) (0.3) – – –
At 30 June 2019 3.3 29.3 32.6 0.2 14.5 14.7
Charge for the year 0.3 5.2 5.5 - 2.7 2.7
Disposals (0.8) (2.9) (3.7) - (1.7) (1.7)
At 30 June 2020 2.8 31.6 34.4 0.2 15.5 15.7
Net book value
At 30 June 2019 3.0 14.4 17.4 – 7.7 7.7
At 30 June 2020 2.7 16.3 19.0 - 9.5 9.5

Authorised future capital expenditure that was contracted but not provided for in these Financial Statements amounted to £0.3m (2019: £1.3m). 203

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

5 Capital structure and financing

5.1 Net cash

Net cash is defined as cash and cash equivalents, bank overdrafts, interest bearing borrowings and prepaid fees.
Net cash at 30 June is shown below:
Group Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
re-presented1 re-presented1
Notes £m £m £m £m
Cash and cash equivalents1 5.1.1 619.8 1,136.0 424.0 889.3
Drawn debt
Sterling US private placement notes (200.0) (200.0) (200.0) (200.0)
Bank overdrafts1 (117.7) (177.7) (111.0) (52.6)
Total borrowings being total drawn debt (317.7) (377.7) (311.0) (252.6)
Prepaid fees 6.1 7.4 6.1 7.4
Net cash 308.2 765.7 119.1 644.1
Total borrowings at 30 June are analysed as:
Non-current borrowings (200.0) (200.0) (200.0) (200.0)
Current borrowings¹ (117.7) (177.7) (111.0) (52.6)
Total borrowings being total drawn debt¹ (317.7) (377.7) (311.0) (252.6)
¹ The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4). There is no impact on net cash.

Movement in net cash is analysed as follows:

Group Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
re-presented1 re-presented1
£m £m £m £m
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents1 (516.2) (40.2) (465.3) 14.8
Repayment/(drawdown) of borrowings:
Loan drawdowns – – (58.4) –
Loan repayments1 60.0 16.1 – 25.6
Other movements in borrowings:
Movement in prepaid fees (1.3) (1.5) (1.3) (1.5)
Movement in net cash in the year (457.5) (25.6) (525.0) 38.9
Opening net cash 765.7 791.3 644.1 605.2
Closing net cash 308.2 765.7 119.1 644.1
The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4) and as a result the
movements reported in the prior year have been amended.

Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities are shown below:

Group Company
Total Lease Total Lease
borrowings liabilities Total borrowings liabilities Total
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Liabilities from financing activities at 1 July 20181 (384.9) – (384.9) (269.3) – (269.3)
Financing cash flows 16.1 – 16.1 25.6 – 25.6
Other movements (8.9) – (8.9) (8.9) – (8.9)
Liabilities arising from financing activities at 30 June 20191 (377.7) – (377.7) (252.6) – (252.6)
Liabilities recognised on transition to IFRS 16 – (55.0) (55.0) – (5.6) (5.6)
Liabilities from financing activities at 1 July 2019 (377.7) (55.0) (432.7) (252.6) (5.6) (258.2)
Financing cash flows 60.0 14.1 74.1 (58.4) 1.0 (57.4)
Other movements – (6.9) (6.9) – (0.3) (0.3)
Liabilities arising from financing activities at 30 June 2020 (317.7) (47.8) (365.5) (311.0) (4.9) (315.9)
The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4).


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5.1 Net cash CONTINUED

5.1.1 Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents are held at floating interest rates linked to the UK bank rate and LIBOR as applicable. Cash and cash
equivalents comprise cash held by the Group and short term bank deposits with an original maturity of three months or less from inception
and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
Further disclosures relating to financial assets are set out in note 5.3.1.
5.1.2 Borrowings and facilities

Loans and borrowings

Interest bearing loans and overdrafts are initially recognised at fair value less directly attributable transaction costs and subsequently
measured at amortised cost, being the amount recorded at recognition plus accrued interest applied to the account less any
repayments made.

All debt facilities at 30 June 2020 are unsecured.

The principal features of the Group’s committed debt facilities at 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019 were as follows:
Amount drawn
Facility 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 Maturity

Financial Statements
Committed facilities:
RCF £700.0m – – 22 November 2024¹
Fixed rate sterling USPP notes £200.0m £200.0m £200.0m 22 August 2027

¹ On 22 November 2019 the Group’s £700.0m RCF was amended and extended from November 2023 to November 2024.

In addition, on 28 April 2020 the Group received confirmation that it was eligible to access funding under the CCFF until March 2021 should
that be required.
The Group also uses various bank overdrafts and uncommitted borrowing facilities that are subject to floating interest rates linked to
the UK bank rate, LIBOR and money market rates as applicable. Publication of LIBOR is expected to cease before the end of 2021, after
which floating interest rates currently linked to LIBOR will be transitioned to an appropriate alternative reference rate under the existing
Weighted average interest rates are disclosed in note 5.2.

5.2 Net finance costs

Finance costs and income

The Group recognises finance costs and income on bank borrowings and deposits and other borrowings in the Income Statement in the
period to which they relate.

2020 2019
Recognised in the Consolidated Income Statement: Notes £m £m
Finance income
Finance income on short term bank deposits (3.0) (2.8)
Finance income related to employee benefits 6.2.2 (1.6) (2.0)
Other interest receivable (0.5) (2.3)
(5.1) (7.1)
Finance costs
Interest on loans and borrowings 9.5 9.7
Imputed interest on deferred term payables 19.9 21.5
Finance charge on leased assets1 2.0 –
Amortisation of facility fees 2.3 2.8
Other interest payable 1.3 1.9
35.0 35.9
Net finance costs 29.9 28.8

1 The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5. 205

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

5.2 Net finance costs CONTINUED

The weighted average interest rates (excluding fees) paid in the year were as follows:
Group Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
% % % %
USPP notes 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8

5.3 Financial instruments

Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the Balance Sheet in accordance with IFRS 9 when the Group becomes a
party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
The Group derecognises a financial asset only when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire or it transfers the
financial asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset to another entity.
The Group derecognises a financial liability only when the Group’s obligations are discharged, cancelled or they expire.

Classification and measurement

Non-derivative financial assets are classified in accordance with IFRS 9 as either ‘fair value through profit and loss’ or ‘subsequently
measured at amortised cost’. The classification depends on the business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual
cash flow characteristics of the financial asset.
All non-derivative financial liabilities are classified as ‘subsequently measured at amortised cost’.
Financial assets and liabilities subsequently measured at amortised cost are initially recognised at fair value determined based on
discounted cash flow analysis using current market rates for similar instruments. They are subsequently measured at amortised cost
using the ‘effective interest rate’ method. Financial assets are also measured after recognition of any impairment.
Financial assets classified as 'fair value through profit and loss' are measured at fair value at the end of each reporting period. Gains
and losses arising from changes in fair value are charged directly to the Income Statement to the extent that they are not part of a
designated hedging relationship.
Financial liabilities are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for
at least 12 months after the balance sheet date.

A loss allowance is recognised for expected credit losses on financial assets as described in note 3.2. Any impairment is recognised
immediately in the Income Statement.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

5.3 Financial instruments CONTINUED

5.3.1 Financial assets
The carrying values and fair values of the Group and Company financial assets are as follows:
Group Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
Fair Carrying Fair Carrying Fair Carrying Fair Carrying
value value value2 value2 value value value2 value2
Notes £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
Cash and cash
equivalents2 5.1 619.8 619.8 1,136.0 1,136.0 424.0 424.0 889.3 889.3
Measured at
amortised cost
Trade and other
receivables¹ 56.0 56.0 177.9 177.9 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2
receivables 3.2 – – – – 395.5 395.5 76.3 76.3
Fair value through
profit and loss
Non-current secured

Financial Statements
loans 3.7 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.4 – – – –
Current secured
loans 3.7 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 – – – –
Total financial
assets2 677.9 677.9 1,316.5 1,316.5 820.0 820.0 965.8 965.8

¹ Excludes amounts recoverable on contracts, prepayments and accrued income, and tax and social security.

2 The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4).

5.3.2 Financial liabilities

The carrying values and fair values of the Group and Company financial liabilities are as follows:
Group Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
Fair Carrying Fair Carrying Fair Carrying Fair Carrying
value value value3 value3 value value value3 value3
Notes £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
Measured at
amortised cost
Bank overdrafts3 5.1 117.7 117.7 177.7 177.7 111.0 111.0 52.6 52.6
Loans and borrowings 5.1 184.5 200.0 196.8 200.0 184.5 200.0 196.8 200.0
Trade and other
payables¹ 1,252.7 1,245.1 1,628.7 1,631.1 11.8 11.8 13.5 13.5
payables 3.3 – – – – 19.3 19.3 334.3 334.3
Lease liabilities2 3.5 47.8 47.8 – – 4.8 4.8 – –
Total financial
liabilities3 1,602.7 1,610.6 2,003.2 2,008.8 331.4 346.9 597.2 600.4

Excludes deferred income, payments received in excess of amounts recoverable on contracts, tax and social security and other non-financial liabilities.

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial

application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

3 The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4).

The fair values of liabilities in the above table are measured in accordance with level 2 as defined in note 5.3.3 and have been determined
using discounted cash flows.
Trade and other payables include items secured by legal charges as disclosed in note 3.3. 207

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

5.3 Financial instruments CONTINUED

5.3.3 Financial assets and liabilities measured subsequent to initial recognition at fair value
The following tables provide an analysis of financial assets that are measured subsequent to initial recognition at fair value, grouped into
Levels 1 to 3 based on the degree to which the fair value is observable:
• Level 1 fair value measurements are those derived from quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical liabilities;
• Level 2 fair value measurements are those derived from inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for
the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices); and
• Level 3 fair value measurements are those derived from valuation techniques that include inputs for the asset or liability that are not
based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).
There have been no transfers of assets between levels of the fair value hierarchy and no non-recurring fair value measurements. Financial
assets measured subsequent to initial recognition at fair value are as follows:
2020 2019
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Notes £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m
Secured loans
Non-current secured loans 3.7 – – 1.0 1.0 – – 1.4 1.4
Current secured loans 3.7 – – 1.1 1.1 – – 1.2 1.2
– – 2.1 2.1 – – 2.6 2.6

The Group had no derivative financial instruments at 30 June 2020 or 30 June 2019 and no financial liabilities were measured at fair value.
The use of financial derivatives is governed by the Group’s policies approved by the Board of Directors as detailed in note 5.4. Neither the
Group nor the Company enters into any derivatives for speculative purposes.
5.3.4 Financial instruments gains and losses
The net (gains)/losses recorded in the Consolidated Income Statement, in respect of financial instruments (excluding interest shown in
note 5.2), were as follows:
2020 2019
Notes £m £m
Financial assets measured at amortised cost
Trade receivables – loss allowance charge 3.2 5.8 7.5
Recoveries of doubtful receivables 3.2 (4.1) (5.0)
Fair value through profit and loss
Net profit transferred on sale of secured loans (0.4) (1.2)

5.4 Financial risk management

The Group’s approach to risk management and the principal operational risks of the business are detailed on pages 71 to 78. The Group’s
financial assets and financial liabilities are detailed in note 5.3.
The Group’s operations and financing arrangements expose it to a variety of financial risks, of which the most material are: liquidity risk,
the availability of funding at reasonable margins, credit risk and interest rates. There is a regular, detailed system for the reporting and
forecasting of cash flows from operations to Senior Management including Executive Directors to ensure that liquidity risks are promptly
identified and appropriate mitigating actions are taken by the Treasury department. These forecasts are further stress-tested at a Group
level on a regular basis to ensure that adequate headroom within facilities and banking covenants is maintained. In addition, the Group has
in place a risk management programme that seeks to limit the adverse effects of the other risks on its financial performance.
The Board approves treasury policies and certain day-to-day treasury activities have been delegated to a centralised Treasury Operating
Committee, which in turn regularly reports to the Board. The Treasury department implements guidelines that are established by the Board
and the Treasury Operating Committee.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

5.4 Financial risk management CONTINUED

5.4.1 Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will be unable to meet its liabilities as they fall due. The Group actively maintains a mixture of long
term and medium term committed facilities that are designed to ensure that the Group has sufficient available funds for operations. The
Group’s borrowings are typically cyclical throughout the financial year and peak in April to May, and October to November of each year,
due to seasonal trends in income. Accordingly, the Group maintains sufficient facility headroom to cover these requirements. On a normal
operating basis, the Group has a policy of maintaining a minimum headroom of £150.0m. The Group identifies and takes appropriate
actions based on its regular, detailed system for the reporting and forecasting of cash flows from its operations. In response to the potential
impact of COVID-19 on the Group’s forecast cash flows, the Group applied for, and has received confirmation that it is eligible to access,
funding under the CCFF until March 2021 should that be required. The Group’s drawn debt, excluding fees, represented 35.3% (2019: 42.0%
(re-presented – see note 1.4)) of available committed facilities at 30 June 2020. In addition, the Group had £619.8m (2019: £1,136.0m
(re-presented – see note 1.4)) of cash and cash equivalents.
The Group was in compliance with its financial covenants at 30 June 2020. The Group’s resilience to its principal risks, including potential
impacts resulting from COVID-19, has been modelled together with possible mitigating actions, over a three-year period. At the date of
approval of the Financial Statements, the Group’s internal forecasts indicate that it will be able to operate within its current facilities and
remain in compliance with these covenants for the foreseeable future, being at least 12 months from the date of signing these Financial
One of the Group’s objectives is to minimise refinancing risk. The Group therefore has a policy that the average maturity of its committed
bank facilities and private placement notes is a minimum of two years with a target of two to three years. At 30 June 2020, the average
maturity of the Group’s committed facilities was 5.0 years (2019: 5.2 years).

Financial Statements
The Group maintains certain committed floating rate facilities with banks to ensure sufficient liquidity for its operations. The undrawn
committed facilities available to the Group, in respect of which all conditions precedent had been met, were as follows:

Group Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
Expiry date £m £m £m £m
In more than two years but not more than five years 700.0 700.0 700.0 700.0
On 28 April 2020 the Group received confirmation that it was eligible to access funding under the CCFF until March 2021 should that be
In addition, the Group had undrawn uncommitted overdraft facilities available at 30 June 2020 of £55.0m (2019: £95.0m).
The expected undiscounted cash flows of the Group and Company financial liabilities, by remaining contractual maturity at the balance
sheet date were, as follows:
Carrying Contractual Less than Over
amount cash flow 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years 5 years
Group Notes £m £m £m £m £m £m
Loans and borrowings (including
bank overdrafts)1 5.3.2 317.7 239.6 5.5 5.5 16.6 212.0
Trade and other payables2 5.3.2 1,245.1 1,276.7 953.4 171.0 136.6 15.7
Lease liabilities3 3.5 47.8 56.7 13.2 10.4 17.9 15.2
1,610.6 1,573.0 972.1 186.9 171.1 242.9
Loans and borrowings (including
bank overdrafts)4 5.3.2 377.7 307.1 19.5 19.5 50.5 217.6
Trade and other payables2 5.3.2 1,631.1 1,668.6 1,249.2 248.9 165.2 5.3
2,008.8 1,975.7 1,268.7 268.4 215.7 222.9
The Group is party to banking agreements that include a legal right of offset which enables the overdraft balances of £117.7m to be settled net with cash balances.

These balances have been excluded from contractual cash flows.

Excludes deferred income, payments received in excess of amounts recoverable on contracts, tax and social security and other non-financial liabilities.

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial

application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

The presentation of prior year balances for bank overdrafts has been adjusted to meet the requirements for offsetting in accordance with IAS 32. Further
details are in note 1.4.

The Group had no derivative financial instruments at 30 June 2020 or 30 June 2019. 209

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

5.4 Financial risk management CONTINUED

5.4.1 Liquidity risk CONTINUED
Carrying Contractual Less than Over
amount cash flow 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years 5 years
Company Notes £m £m £m £m £m £m
Loans and borrowings (including
bank overdrafts) 5.3.2 311.0 350.6 116.5 5.5 16.6 212.0
Trade and other payables1 5.3.2 11.8 11.8 11.8 – – –
Intercompany payables 5.3.2 19.3 19.3 19.3 – – –
Lease liabilities2 3.5 4.8 5.0 0.9 0.8 2.1 1.2
346.9 386.7 148.5 6.3 18.7 213.2
Loans and borrowings (including
bank overdrafts)3 5.3.2 252.6 357.0 69.5 19.5 50.5 217.5
Trade and other payables1 5.3.2 13.5 13.5 13.5 – – –
Intercompany payables 5.3.2 334.3 334.3 334.3 – – –
600.4 704.8 417.3 19.5 50.5 217.5
Excludes tax and social security and other non-financial liabilities.
The Company has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.
3 The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4).

The Company had no derivative financial instruments at 30 June 2020 or 30 June 2019.
5.4.2 Market risk (price risk)
Interest rate risk
The Group has both interest bearing assets and interest bearing liabilities. Floating rate borrowings expose the Group to cash flow interest
rate risk, and fixed rate borrowings expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk.
The Group has a conservative treasury risk management strategy and the Group’s interest rates are set using fixed rate debt instruments.
Due to the level of the Group’s interest cover ratio and in accordance with the Group's policy to hedge a proportion of the forecast RCF
drawings based on the Group’s three-year plan, no interest rate hedges are currently required.
The exposure of the Group’s financial liabilities to interest rate risk is as follows:
Floating rate Fixed rate bearing
financial financial financial
liabilities liabilities liabilities Total
Group £m £m £m £m
Financial liability exposure to interest rate risk – 200.0 1,410.6 1,610.6
Financial liability exposure to interest rate risk1 – 200.0 1,808.8 2,008.8

The exposure of the Company’s financial liabilities to interest rate risk is as follows:
Floating rate Fixed rate bearing
financial financial financial
liabilities liabilities liabilities Total
Company £m £m £m £m
Financial liability exposure to interest rate risk 130.0 200.0 16.9 346.9
Financial liability exposure to interest rate risk1 384.2 200.0 16.2 600.4
The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4).


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5.4 Financial risk management CONTINUED

5.4.2 Market risk (price risk) CONTINUED
Interest rate risk CONTINUED
Floating interest rates on sterling borrowings are linked to the UK bank rate, LIBOR and money market rates. The floating rates are fixed in
advance for periods generally ranging from one to six months. Short term flexibility is achieved through the use of overdraft, committed and
uncommitted bank facilities. The Group retained a strong cash position throughout the year and therefore the use of floating rate facilities
was minimal. The weighted average interest rate for floating rate borrowings in 2020 was 1.7% (2019: 2.0%).
Sterling USPP notes of £200.0m were issued on 22 August 2017 with a fixed coupon of 2.77% and a ten-year maturity. These fixed rate notes
expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk.
Sensitivity analysis
In the year ended 30 June 2020, if UK interest rates had been 0.5% higher/lower (considered to be a reasonably possible change) and all
other variables were held constant, the Group’s pre-tax profit would increase/decrease by £2.6m (2019: £2.2m), the Group’s post-tax profit
would increase/decrease by £2.1m (2019: £1.8m) and as such the Group’s equity would increase/decrease by £2.1m (2019: £1.8m).
5.4.3 Credit risk
In the majority of cases, the Group receives cash on legal completion for private sales and receives advance stage payments from
registered providers for affordable housing. Included within trade and other receivables is £12.0m (2019: £77.6m) due from Homes England
in respect of the Help to Buy scheme. Since this receivable is due from a UK Government agency, the Group considers that this receivable
has an insignificant risk of default. In addition, the Group has £619.8m (2019: £1,136.0m (re-presented, see note 1.4) on deposit with seven
financial institutions. As a result of the pension scheme buy-in (note 6.2) the Group and the Company are exposed to credit risk associated
with the insurer which is assessed to be low. Other than this, neither the Group nor the Company has a significant concentration of credit

Financial Statements
risk, as their exposure is spread over a large number of counterparties and customers.
The Group manages credit risk through its credit policy This limits its exposure to financial institutions with high credit ratings, as set by
international credit rating agencies, and determines the maximum permissible exposure to any single counterparty.
The maximum exposure to any counterparty at 30 June 2020 was £100.7m (2019: £158.3m) of cash on deposit with a financial institution.
The carrying amount of financial assets recorded in the Financial Statements, net of any allowance for losses, represents the Group’s
maximum exposure to credit risk.
As at 30 June 2020, the Company was exposed to £389.4m (2019: £76.3m) of credit risk in relation to intercompany loans. which are
considered to be of low credit risk and fully recoverable, as well as financial guarantees, performance bonds and the bank borrowings of
subsidiary undertakings. Further details are provided in notes 7.1 and 7.2.
5.4.4 Capital risk management (cash flow risk)
The Group’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard its ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for
shareholders and meet its liabilities as they fall due while maintaining an appropriate capital structure.
The Group manages its share capital as equity, as set out in the Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity; and its bank borrowings
(being overdrafts, loan notes and bank loans) and its private placement notes as other financial liabilities, as set out in note 5.3.2. The
Group is subject to the prevailing conditions of the UK economy and the quantum of the Group’s earnings is dependent upon the level of UK
house prices. UK house prices are determined by the UK economy and economic conditions including the impact of COVID-19, employment
levels, interest rates, consumer confidence, mortgage availability and competitor pricing. The Group’s approach to the management of the
principal operational risks of the business, including its mitigating actions in response to COVID-19 are detailed on pages 71 to 78.
Following the lockdown introduced by the UK Government in response to COVID-19, in order to manage its cash flows and capital structure,
the Group cancelled payment of the 2020 interim dividend and no final dividend or special cash payments will be made in respect of the
year ended 30 June 2020. The Group also temporarily suspended land buying activity and carefully managed its operational cash flows. In
addition, on 28 April 2020 the Group received confirmation that it was eligible to access funding under the CCFF until March 2021 should that
be required.
Other methods by which the Group can manage its short term and long term capital structure include: further adjusting the level of
dividends and special cash payments paid to shareholders (assuming the Company is paying a dividend or a special cash payment); issuing
new share capital; arranging debt to meet liability payments; and selling assets to reduce debt. 211

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

5.5 Share capital

Equity instruments
Ordinary share capital is recorded at the proceeds received, net of direct issue costs and is classified as equity.

5.5.1 Ordinary share capital

2020 2019
Allotted and issued ordinary shares £m £m
10p each fully paid: 1,018,302,400 (2019: 1,016,985,862) ordinary shares 101.8 101.7

2020 2019
Options over the Company’s shares granted during the year Number Number
LTPP 2,629,027 2,940,565
Sharesave 3,142,874 1,673,444
DBP 583,505 644,386
ELTIP 1,254,200 1,221,120
7,609,606 6,479,515

2020 2019
Allotment of shares during the year Number Number
At 1 July 1,016,985,862 1,012,722,682
Issued to satisfy early exercises under Sharesave schemes 39,215 39,090
Issued to satisfy exercises under matured Sharesave schemes 1,277,323 1,524,090
Issued to the EBT to satisfy future exercises – 2,700,000
At 30 June 1,018,302,400 1,016,985,862

5.5.2 Own shares reserve

The own shares reserve represents the cost of shares in Barratt Developments PLC purchased in the market or issued by the Company and
held by the EBT on behalf of the Company in order to satisfy options and awards that have been granted by the Company.
The EBT has agreed to waive all or any future right to dividend payments on shares held within the EBT and these shares do not count
in the calculation of the weighted average number of shares used to calculate EPS until such time as they are vested to the relevant
2020 2019
Ordinary shares in the Company held in the EBT (number) 4,708,806 6,172,255
Cost of shares held in the EBT £20.1m £15.1m
Market value of shares held in the EBT at 495.9p (2019: 572.6p) per share £23.4m £35.3m

During the year the EBT purchased 1,174,900 (2019: 4,000,000) shares in the market and disposed of 111,851 (2019: 58,801) shares in
settlement of exercises under the SMSOP 2009/10; and 2,526,498 (2019: 1,400,549) shares were used to satisfy the vesting of the 2016 LTPP
and the 2016 DBP. No shares (2019: 2,700,000 shares) were issued to the EBT at par.


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6 Directors and employees

6.1 Key management and employees

Key management personnel, as defined under IAS 24 ‘Related Party Disclosures’, have been identified as the Board of Directors, as the
controls operated by the Group ensure that all key decisions are reserved for the Board. Detailed disclosures of Directors’ individual
remuneration, pension entitlements and share options, for those Directors who served during the year, are given in the audited sections
within the Remuneration report on pages 123 to 151.
A summary of key management remuneration is as follows:
2020 2019
£m £m
Salaries and fees (including pension compensation) 2.8 2.8
Social security costs1 1.2 0.9
Performance bonus – 2.6
Benefits 0.1 0.1
Share-based payments2 0.4 2.1
4.5 8.5
Excluded from the Executive Directors’ and Non-Executive Directors’ single figure of remuneration tables on pages 142 and 143.

Financial Statements
IFRS 2 ‘Share-Based Payment’ charge attributable to key management.

Total employee numbers and costs are as follows:

Group Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
Number Number Number Number
Average employee numbers (excluding sub-contractors,
including Directors) 6,632 6,419 370 353

The majority of the costs of the Company’s employees are charged to other Group companies.
Group Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
Notes £m £m £m £m
Employee costs (including Directors):
Wages and salaries including bonuses 318.8 357.4 27.4 36.5
Redundancy costs 1.0 1.3 0.2 0.2
Social security costs 34.5 41.1 3.3 5.2
Other pension costs 6.2 13.6 13.2 1.3 2.7
Share-based payments 6.3 6.8 14.1 1.4 6.3
Employee costs before grant income 2.3 374.7 427.1 33.6 50.9
Less CJRS grant income 2.3.3 (26.0) – (0.6) –
Employee costs for the year 348.7 427.1 33.0 50.9 213

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

6.2 Retirement benefit obligations

The Group operates defined contribution and defined benefit pension schemes.

Defined contribution schemes

The Group’s contributions to the schemes are charged in the Income Statement in the year in which the contributions fall due.

Defined benefit scheme

The cost of providing benefits is determined using the Projected Unit Credit Method, with actuarial valuations being carried out at each
balance sheet date. Actuarial gains and losses are recognised in full in the period in which they occur. They are recognised outside
profit or loss and presented in the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Net interest is calculated by applying a discount rate to the net
defined benefit liability or asset.
The retirement benefit asset recognised in the Balance Sheet represents the excess of the fair value of the scheme assets over the
present value of the defined benefit obligation.
The Directors engage a qualified independent actuary to calculate the Group’s liability in respect of its defined benefit pension scheme.
In calculating this liability, it is necessary for actuarial assumptions to be made, which include estimations of discount rates, salary and
pension increases, price inflation and mortality. As actual rates of increase and mortality may differ from those assumed, the gross
pension liability may differ from that included in these Financial Statements; however, in the current year, these liabilities are matched
by an insurance asset.

6.2.1 Defined contribution schemes

The Group operates defined contribution retirement benefit schemes for all qualifying employees, under which it pays contributions to an
independently administered fund. Contributions are based upon a fixed percentage of the employee’s pay and once these have been paid,
the Group has no further obligations under these schemes.
2020 2019
£m £m
Contributions during the year
Group defined contribution schemes' Consolidated Income Statement charge 13.6 11.5

At the balance sheet date, there were outstanding contributions of £2.0m (2019: £2.0m), which were paid on or before the due date.
6.2.2 Defined benefit scheme
The Group operates a funded defined benefit pension scheme in Great Britain ('the Scheme') which, with effect from 30 June 2009,
ceased to offer future accrual of defined benefit pensions. Alternative defined contribution pension arrangements are in place for current
The Scheme provides benefits to members based on their length of service and their salary in the final years leading up to retirement or
date of ceasing active accrual if earlier. The Group operates the Scheme under the UK regulatory framework, with a legally separate fund
that is Trustee administered. The Trustees are responsible for ensuring that the Scheme is sufficiently funded to meet current and future
benefit payments and for the investment policy with regard to Scheme assets. The Group continues to meet the Scheme’s administration
expenses and Pension Protection Fund levy.
On 16 June 2020, the Trustees entered into a bulk annuity insurance contract with an insurer in respect of the liabilities of the defined
benefit scheme. This type of deal is also known as a ‘buy-in’. The insurer will pay into the Scheme cash matching the benefits due to
members. The Trustees are of the opinion that this investment decision is appropriate, reduces the risks in the Scheme and provides
additional security for the benefits due to members of the Scheme. The Trustees retain the legal obligation for the benefits provided under
the Scheme.
As the buy-in policy is a qualifying insurance asset, the fair value of the insurance policy is deemed to be the present value of the
obligations that have been insured. The policy secured exactly matches the benefits due to Scheme members under the Scheme's Trust
Deed and Rules, and the asset has therefore been set equal to the liabilities covered. An additional liability has been recognised in respect
of GMP equalisation, where a small premium will be paid to the insurer once the process of equalisation has been completed.
The buy-in has resulted in a re-measurement of the Scheme’s assets, with a re-measurement loss of £69.2m recognised in the Group and
Company Statement of Comprehensive Income.


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6.2 Retirement benefit obligations CONTINUED

6.2.2 Defined benefit scheme CONTINUED
The Scheme previously exposed the Group to a number of risks. As a result of the buy-in these risks have been reduced and at the balance
sheet date the principal risk is the credit risk associated with the insurer which is assessed to be low.
For the purposes of calculating the accounting costs and obligations of the Scheme, the assets of the Scheme were previously calculated at
fair (bid) value. In the current year they are assumed to match the value of the obligations insured. The liabilities of the Scheme have been
calculated at each balance sheet date using the following assumptions:
Principal actuarial assumptions 2020 2019
Weighted average assumptions to determine benefit obligations
Discount rate 1.58% 2.31%
Pensions-in-payment increase rate 2.94% 3.17%
Rate of price inflation 3.08% 3.38%
Weighted average assumptions to determine net cost
Discount rate 2.31% 2.91%
Pensions-in-payment increase rate 3.17% 3.08%
Rate of price inflation 3.38% 3.30%

Members are assumed to exchange 19% of their pension for cash on retirement. The assumptions have been chosen by the Group following
advice from Mercer Limited, the Group’s actuarial advisers.

Financial Statements
The following table illustrates the life expectancy for an average member on reaching age 65, according to the mortality assumptions used
to calculate the Scheme liabilities:
Assumptions Male Female
Retired member born in 1955 (life expectancy at age 65) 22.7 years 24.3 years
Non-retired member born in 1975 (life expectancy at age 65) 23.9 years 25.5 years

The base mortality assumptions are based on the SAPS SP3MA/S2PFA_M (2019: S2PA) mortality tables with an adjustment to allow for
the Scheme members being treated as if they are 1.5 years younger than the population of the S2PA mortality tables. Allowance for future
increases in life expectancy is made in line with the CMI 2019 projections with a long term trend of 1.25% per annum (2019: CMI 2018
projections with a long term trend of 1.25% per annum).
The sensitivities regarding the principal assumptions used to measure the Scheme liabilities are set out below:
Increase/ Increase/
(decrease) (decrease)
in Scheme in Scheme
liabilities liabilities
Assumptions Change in assumption £m %
Discount rate: Increase of 0.25% (19.2) (4.5)
Increase of 0.50% (37.2) (8.7)
Rate of inflation: Increase of 0.25% 9.3 2.2
Increase of 0.50% 19.0 4.5
Life expectancy: Increase by 1 year 20.7 4.9

The changes in the actuarial assumptions used in the calculation of sensitivities were selected on the basis that they provide a range of
reasonably possible changes. 215

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

6.2 Retirement benefit obligations CONTINUED

6.2.2 Defined benefit scheme CONTINUED
The amounts recognised in the Consolidated Income Statement were as follows:
2020 2019
Notes £m £m
Past service cost – (1.7)
Interest cost (8.9) (10.1)
Interest income 10.5 12.1
Total pension income recognised in net finance costs in the Consolidated Income Statement 5.2 1.6 2.0
Total pension income recognised in the Consolidated Income Statement 1.6 0.3

The amounts recognised in the Group and Company Statements of Comprehensive Income were as follows:
2020 2019
£m £m
Expected return less actual return on Scheme assets (29.6) 28.8
Loss arising from changes in the assumptions underlying the present value of benefit obligations (39.6) (44.2)
Total pension re-measurements recognised in the Group and Company Statements of Comprehensive Income (69.2) (15.4)

The amount included in the Group and Company Balance Sheets arising from obligations in respect of the Scheme is as follows:
2020 2019
£m £m
Net asset for defined benefit obligations at 1 July 62.6 58.7
Contributions paid to the Scheme 8.5 19.0
Income recognised in the Consolidated Income Statement 1.6 0.3
Amounts recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income (69.2) (15.4)
Surplus for funded Scheme/net asset recognised in the Group and Company Balance Sheets at 30 June 3.5 62.6
Analysed as:
Present value of funded obligations (425.8) (393.9)
Fair value of Scheme assets 429.3 456.5

A deferred tax liability of £0.7m (2019: £11.6m) has been recognised in the Group and Company Balance Sheets in relation to the pension
asset (note 2.6.3).


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6.2 Retirement benefit obligations CONTINUED

6.2.2 Defined benefit scheme CONTINUED
Movements in the present value of defined benefit obligations were as follows:
2020 2019
£m £m
Present value of defined benefit obligations at 1 July 393.9 357.3
Past service cost – 1.7
Interest cost 8.9 10.1
Actuarial loss 39.6 44.2
Benefits paid from Scheme (16.6) (19.4)
Present value of defined benefit obligations at 30 June 425.8 393.9

The maturity profile of these obligations at 30 June 2020 was as follows:

Expected total benefit payments: £m
Within one year 17.2
Between one and two years 17.8
Between two and five years 57.2

Financial Statements
Between five and ten years 109.6

Movements in the fair value of Scheme assets were as follows:

2020 2019
£m £m
Fair value of Scheme assets at 1 July 456.5 416.0
Interest income 10.5 12.1
Actuarial (loss)/gain on Scheme assets (29.6) 28.8
Employer contributions 8.5 19.0
Benefits paid from Scheme (16.6) (19.4)
Fair value of Scheme assets at 30 June 429.3 456.5

The analysis of Scheme assets was as follows:

2020 2019
£m % £m %
Quoted equity securities – – 67.4 14.8
Debt securities – – 380.7 83.4
Assets held by insurance company 425.8 99.2 – –
Cash 3.5 0.8 8.4 1.8
Total 429.3 100.0 456.5 100.0

The fair values of the Scheme assets in the above table are measured in accordance with Level 2 as defined in note 5.3.3.
The actual return on Scheme assets was as follows:
2020 2019
£m £m
Actual return on Scheme assets (19.1) 40.9

The expected employer contribution to the Scheme in the year ending 30 June 2021 is £nil. 217

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

6.3 Share-based payments

The Group issues equity-settled share-based payments to certain employees.

Share-based payments
In accordance with the transitional provisions, IFRS 2 ‘Share-based Payments’ has been applied to all grants of equity instruments after
7 November 2002 that had not vested at 1 January 2005.
Equity-settled share-based payments are measured at the fair value of the equity instrument at the date of grant. Fair value is measured
either using Black–Scholes, Present-Economic Value or Monte Carlo models depending on the characteristics of the scheme. The fair
value is expensed in the Income Statement on a straight-line basis over the vesting period, based on the Group’s estimate of shares that
will eventually vest where non-market vesting conditions apply. Non-vesting conditions are taken into account in the estimate of the fair
value of the equity instruments.

Analysis of the Consolidated Income Statement charge/(credit):

2020 2019
£m £m
Equity-settled share-based payments:
LTPP (3.1) 4.1
Sharesave 2.0 1.6
SMIS (0.2) 3.7
DBP 3.5 2.9
ELTIP 4.6 1.8
6.8 14.1

As at 30 June 2020, an accrual of £2.3m (2019: £4.7m) was recognised in respect of social security liabilities on share-based payments.
6.3.1 Share-based payments reserve
The share-based payments reserve represents the obligation of the Group in relation to equity-settled share-based payment transactions.
Details of movements in the share-based payments reserve are shown on the Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity.


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6.3 Share-based payments CONTINUED

6.3.2 Outstanding equity-settled share-based payments
At 30 June 2019, the following options were outstanding:
Option price 2020
Date of grant pence number Not exercisable after
29 April 2015 – 5-year plan 447 145,268 31 December 2020
27 April 2016 – 5-year plan 482 85,610 31 December 2021
24 April 2017 – 3-year plan 464 1,631,118 31 December 2020
24 April 2017 – 5-year plan 464 196,288 31 December 2022
20 April 2018 – 3-year plan 449 1,890,848 31 December 2021
20 April 2018 – 5-year plan 449 201,314 31 December 2023
9 April 2019 – 3-year plan 519 1,276,741 31 December 2022
9 April 2019 – 5-year plan 519 161,246 31 December 2024
7 April 2020 – 3-year plan 456 2,634,371 31 December 2023

Financial Statements
7 April 2020 – 5-year plan 456 483,761 31 December 2025
Total Sharesave options 8,706,565
24 November 2017 – Executive – 1,233,928 –
22 October 2018 – Executive – 1,536,033 –
24 October 2019 – Executive – 1,317,308 –
22 October 2018 – Senior Management – 1,181,785 –
24 October 2019 – Senior Management – 1,185,290 –
Total LTPP awards 6,454,344
17 October 2017 – 524,853 –
22 October 2018 – 629,796 –
24 October 2019 – 569,142 –
Total DBP awards 1,723,791
20 July 2018 – 60th Anniversary Award – 913,063 –
15 July 2019 – HBF 5 Star Award – 1,133,948 –
Total ELTIP awards 2,047,011
Total 18,931,711 219

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Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

6.3 Share-based payments CONTINUED

6.3.3 Further information relating to the share-based payment schemes
The grant of awards under the LTPP is at the discretion of the Remuneration Committee taking into account individual performance and
overall performance of the Group. Vesting under this schemes is dependent upon performance conditions including TSR, EPS and ROCE.
Further details can be found in the Remuneration report on pages 145 and 146.
Deferred shares are held in accordance with the DBP as approved by the shareholders at the 2015 AGM. The DBP is currently utilised to
hold shares awarded in respect of any bonus earned in excess of 100% of base salary. Further details can be found on page 144.
Under the Sharesave, participants are required to make monthly contributions to an HMRC approved savings contract with a bank or
building society for a period of three or five years. On entering into the savings contract, participants are granted an option to acquire
ordinary shares in the Company at an exercise price determined under the rules of the Sharesave. The Sharesave is open to all eligible
employees as determined by the Board and is not subject to the satisfaction of any performance conditions.
The Board approved the grant of share options to employees under the SMSOP, which are normally exercisable between three and ten years
from the date of grant, provided the employee remains employed by the Group. The 2009/10 SMSOP vested on 10 December 2012. There is
currently no intention to make any further grants under the SMSOP.
The Board approved the HBF 5 Star Award in July 2019 and the 60th Anniversary Award in July 2018 under the ELTIP. The Awards were
made to all eligible employees employed as at 15 July 2019 and 19 July 2018 respectively. Participants were entitled to receive shares in
the Company when the 60th Anniversary Award vested on 1 July 2020, and participants of the HBF 5 Star Award will be entitled to receive
shares in the Company when the Award vests on 15 July 2021. Senior Management are not eligible to participate in the ELTIP. The Awards
are not subject to the satisfaction of any performance condition other than that participants remain employed by the Group and have not
resigned before the end of the vesting period.
6.3.4 Number and weighted average exercise price of outstanding share-based payments
The number and weighted average exercise prices of options and awards made under the Group’s share option schemes were as follows:

2020 2019
Weighted average Weighted average
exercise price in Number of exercise price in Number of
LTPP pence award units pence award units
Outstanding at 1 July – 7,110,634 – 5,889,141
Forfeited during the year – (1,222,060) – (522,298)
Exercised during the year – (2,063,257) – (1,196,774)
Granted during the year – 2,629,027 – 2,940,565
Outstanding at 30 June – 6,454,344 – 7,110,634
Exercisable at 30 June – – – –


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6.3 Share-based payments CONTINUED

6.3.4 Number and weighted average exercise price of outstanding share-based payments CONTINUED
2020 2019
Weighted average Weighted average
exercise price in Number of exercise price in Number of
SMSOP pence award units pence award units
Outstanding at 1 July 120 111,851 119 163,685
Exercised during the year 120 (111,851) 118 (51,834)
Outstanding at 30 June – – 120 111,851
Exercisable at 30 June – – 120 111,851

2020 2019
Weighted average Weighted average
exercise price in Number of exercise price in Number of
Sharesave pence award units pence award units
Outstanding at 1 July 470 7,545,862 452 8,320,222
Forfeited during the year 477 (665,633) 459 (884,624)

Financial Statements
Exercised during the year 454 (1,316,538) 437 (1,563,180)
Granted during the year 456 3,142,874 519 1,673,444
Outstanding at 30 June 467 8,706,565 470 7,545,862
Exercisable at 30 June – – – –

2020 2019
Weighted average Weighted average
exercise price in Number of exercise price in Number of
DBP pence award units pence award units
Outstanding at 1 July – 1,639,741 – 1,206,915
Forfeited during the year – (36,214) – –
Exercised during the year – (463,241) – (211,560)
Granted during the year – 583,505 – 644,386
Outstanding at 30 June – 1,723,791 – 1,639,741
Exercisable at 30 June – – – –

2020 2019
Weighted average Weighted average
exercise price in Number of exercise price in Number of
ELTIP pence award units pence award units
Outstanding at 1 July – 1,024,259 – –
Forfeited during the year – (231,448) – (196,861)
Granted during the year – 1,254,200 – 1,221,120
Outstanding at 30 June – 2,047,011 – 1,024,259
Exercisable at 30 June – – – –

The weighted average share price, at the date of exercise, of share options exercised during the year was 637.9p (2019: 499.0p). The
weighted average life for all schemes outstanding at the end of the year was 1.8 years (2019: 1.7 years). 221

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

6.3 Share-based payments CONTINUED

6.3.5 Fair value of options and awards granted in the year
Weighted average fair value of options granted
2020 2019
Valuation model pence pence
Sharesave Black–Scholes model 73.5 86.9
LTPP Black–Scholes model 645.0 495.0
DBP Black–Scholes model 645.0 495.0
ELTIP Black–Scholes model 536.0 453.0

Inputs used to determine fair value of options

The weighted average inputs to the Black–Scholes models were as follows:
Grants Grants
2020 2019
Average share price 625p 471p 646p 646p 532p 605p 496p 496p
Average exercise price – 456p – – – 519p – –
Expected volatility 29.1% 26.8% 24.6% 24.6% 29.1% 29.1% 29.1% 29.1%
Expected life 2.0 years 3.3 years 3.0 years 3.0 years 2.0 years 3.2 years 3.0 years 3.0 years
Risk free interest rate 0.54% 0.16% 0.41% 0.41% 0.77% 0.73% 0.80% 0.80%
Expected dividends 7.51% 2.71% – – 7.93% 7.40% – –

Expected volatility was determined by reference to the historical volatility of the Group’s share price over a period consistent with the
expected life of the options. The expected life used in the models has been adjusted, based on the Directors’ best estimate, for the effects of
non-transferability, exercise restrictions and behavioural considerations.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

7 Contingencies, related parties, post balance sheet events and subsidiaries

7.1 Contingent liabilities

7.1.1 Contingent liabilities related to subsidiaries
The Company has guaranteed certain bank borrowings of its subsidiary undertakings.
Certain subsidiary undertakings have commitments for the purchase of trading stock entered into in the normal course of business.
In the normal course of business, the Group has given counter-indemnities in respect of performance bonds and financial guarantees.
Management estimate that the bonds and guarantees amount to £399.1m (2019: £444.8m), and confirm that at the date of these Financial
Statements the possibility of cash outflow is considered minimal and no provision is required.
As disclosed in note 3.6, the Group has undertaken a review of all of its current and legacy buildings where it has used cladding solutions.
Approved Inspectors signed off all of our buildings, including the cladding used, as compliant with the relevant Building Regulations at the
time of completion.
We recognise that the retrospective review of building materials continues to evolve. The Financial Statements have been prepared based on
currently available information; however, the costs of the removal and replacement of cladding may change as building works progress. In
addition, further changes to Building Regulations and Fire Safety Regulations are currently in the consultation phase and revised requirements
may alter the current position.
Structural issues

Financial Statements
As disclosed in note 3.6, following the issues identified at Citiscape, the Group is conducting a review of developments where reinforced
concrete frames have been designed by either the same original engineering firm which designed Citiscape, or by other companies within
the group of companies which has since acquired it. The Financial Statements have been prepared based on currently available information,
however, the detailed review is ongoing and therefore the extent and cost of any remedial work may change as this work progresses.
While in most cases we have no legal liability, in line with our commitment to put our customers first we will ensure that no costs associated
with remedial works are borne by leaseholders. We are actively seeking to recover costs from third parties, however there is no certainty
regarding the extent of any financial recovery.
7.1.2 Contingent liabilities related to JVs and associates
The Group has given counter-indemnities in respect of performance bonds and financial guarantees to its JVs totalling £10.4m at 30 June
2020 (2019: £12.5m).
At 30 June 2020, the Group no longer has an obligation to repay grant monies received by a JV upon certain future disposals of land
(2019: £0.9m).
The Group has also given a number of performance guarantees in respect of the obligations of its JVs, requiring the Group to complete
development agreement contractual obligations in the event that the JVs do not perform as required under the terms of the related
contracts. These guarantees have been reviewed in the light of COVID-19, and at 30 June 2020 the probability of any loss to the Group
resulting from these guarantees is considered to be remote.
There are no contingent liabilities in relation to associates at 30 June 2020 or 30 June 2019. 223

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

7.1 Contingent liabilities CONTINUED

7.1.3 Contingent liabilities related to legal claims
Provision is made for the Directors’ best estimate of all known material legal claims and all legal actions in progress. The Group takes
legal advice as to the likelihood of success of claims and actions and no provision is made (other than for legal costs) where the Directors
consider, based on such advice, that claims or actions are unlikely to succeed, or a sufficiently reliable estimate of the potential obligations
cannot be made.

7.2 Related party transactions

7.2.1 Directors of Barratt Developments PLC and remuneration of key personnel
The Board and certain members of Senior Management are related parties within the definition of IAS 24 (Revised) ‘Related Party
Disclosures’ (‘IAS 24’) and the Board are related parties within the definition of Chapter 11 of the UK Listing Rules (‘Chapter 11’). There is
no difference between transactions with key personnel of the Company and transactions with key personnel of the Group.
Disclosures related to the remuneration of key personnel as defined in IAS 24 are given in note 6.1.
There have been no related party transactions as defined in Listing Rule 11.1.5R for the year ended 30 June 2020.
7.2.2 Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries
The Company has entered into transactions with its subsidiary undertakings in respect of funding and Group services (which include
management accounting and audit, sales and marketing, IT, company secretarial, architects and purchasing). Recharges are made to the
subsidiaries based on their utilisation of these services.
2020 2019
£m £m
Transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries during the year:
Charges in respect of management and other services provided to subsidiaries 67.2 82.7
Net interest paid by the Company on net loans from subsidiaries 5.0 4.1
Dividends received from subsidiary undertakings 519.3 593.6
Balances at 30 June:
Amounts due by the Company to subsidiary undertakings 19.3 334.3
Amounts due to the Company from subsidiary undertakings 395.5 76.3

The Company and its subsidiaries have entered into counter-indemnities in the normal course of business in respect of performance bonds.
7.2.3 Transactions between the Group and its JVs
The Group has entered into transactions with its JVs as follows:
2020 2019
£m £m
Transactions between the Group and its JVs during the year:
Charges in respect of development management and other services provided to JVs 5.6 8.4
Interest charges in respect of funding provided to JVs 0.5 2.2
Dividends received from JVs 24.2 60.3
Balances at 30 June:
Funding loans and interest due from JVs net of impairment 81.9 64.4
Other amounts due from JVs 15.7 19.8
Loans and other amounts due to JVs (0.9) (1.8)

In addition, one of the Group’s subsidiaries, BDW Trading Limited, contracts with a number of the Group’s JVs to provide construction services.
The Group’s contingent liabilities relating to its JVs are disclosed in note 7.1.2.
7.2.4 Transactions between the Group and its associate
The amount of outstanding loans due to the Group from its associate at 30 June 2020 was £nil (2019: £nil). There were no other amounts
outstanding between the Group and its associate as at 30 June 2020.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

7.3 Post balance sheet events

Structural issues
As disclosed in note 3.6, following the issues identified at Citiscape, the Group is conducting a review of developments where reinforced
concrete frames have been designed by either the same original engineering firm which designed Citiscape, or by other companies within
the group of companies which has since acquired it.
The detailed reviews of these developments is ongoing. We apologise unreservedly to affected customers that the standards that we set for
ourselves and our partners were not met at these developments. While in most cases we have no legal liability, in line with our commitment
to put our customers first we will ensure that no costs associated with these remedial works are borne by leaseholders. After the year end,
the Group has committed to undertake remedial work at additional developments.
Based on our current assessments, it is estimated that the total future costs, in addition to those costs recognised in FY20 and prior, will
be £48.0m. This is for the required remedial programme at Citiscape, the review itself, and any remediation required at other buildings.
We are actively seeking to recover costs from third parties, however there is no certainty regarding the extent of any financial recovery. No
adjustments have been made to these Financial Statements in respect of these costs.
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
During the year the Group utilised the Government’s CJRS. The Group recognised £26.0m of funding under this scheme in the Income
Statement in the financial year. The furlough scheme provided welcome and timely support but on 6 July 2020 the Group announced that
because of the resilience of the Group’s financial position it would return all the furlough funds received. These funds were returned
in August 2020. Given the timing of the decision to repay the CJRS, there was no liability recognised at 30 June and the costs will be
recognised and treated as an Adjusted item in the year ending 30 June 2021.

Financial Statements
7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings
The entities listed below, and on the following pages, are subsidiaries of the Company or Group. All are registered in England and Wales or
Scotland with the exception of SQ Holdings Limited which is registered in Guernsey. Unless otherwise stated, the results of these entities
are consolidated within these Financial Statements.

% of % of
Registered Class of shares Registered Class of shares
Subsidiary office Notes share held owned Subsidiary office Notes share held owned
Acre Developments Limited 2 A Ordinary 100% Barratt Dormant (Thetford)
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Advance Housing Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Tyers Bros.
Ambrose Builders Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Oakham) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Bristol Limited 1 Ordinary 100% Barratt Dormant (Walton)
Barratt Central Limited 1 Ordinary 100% Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Chester Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Barratt Dormant (WB
Construction) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Commercial Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (WB
Barratt Construction (Southern) Developments) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (WB
Barratt Corporate Secretarial Properties Developments)
Services Limited 1 Ordinary 100% Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Developments Barratt Dormant (WB
(International) Limited 1 Ordinary 100% Properties Northern) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Atlantic Quay) Barratt East Anglia Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt East Midlands Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Blackpool)
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Barratt East Scotland Limited 52 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Capella) Barratt Eastern Counties
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Cheadle Barratt Edinburgh Limited 2 A Ordinary 100%
Hulme) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Barratt Evolution Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Harlow) Barratt Falkirk Limited 2 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Leeds Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Riverside
Exchange Sheffield C2) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Barratt London Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Riverside Barratt Manchester Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Exchange Sheffield L/M) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Newcastle Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Riverside
Quarter) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Barratt North London Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Riverside Barratt Northampton Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Sheffield Building C1) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Barratt Northern Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Rugby) Barratt Norwich Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Pension Trustee Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Barratt Dormant (Southampton)
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Barratt Poppleton Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Preston Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% 225

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings CONTINUED

% of % of
Registered Class of shares Registered Class of shares
Subsidiary office Notes share held owned Subsidiary office Notes share held owned
Barratt Properties Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% David Wilson Homes Land
(No 9) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Scottish Holdings
Limited 2 A Ordinary 100% David Wilson Homes Land
(No 10) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt South London Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
David Wilson Homes Land
Barratt South Wales Limited 1 Ordinary 100% (No 11) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt South West Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% David Wilson Homes Land
Barratt Southern Counties (No 12) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 Ordinary 100% David Wilson Homes Land
Barratt Southern Limited 1 Ordinary 100% (No 13) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Southern Properties David Wilson Homes Land
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% (No 14) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Special Projects Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% David Wilson Homes Land
(No 15) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt St Mary’s Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
David Wilson Homes Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt St Paul’s Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
David Wilson Homes Services
Barratt Sutton Coldfield Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Trade And Property David Wilson Homes Yorkshire
Company Limited 2 A Ordinary 100% Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Urban Construction Decorfresh Projects Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
(East London) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Dicconson Holdings Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Urban Construction
(Northern) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% E. Barker Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Urban Construction E. Geary & Son Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
(Scotland) Limited 2 A Ordinary 100% English Oak Homes Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Barratt West Midlands Limited 1 Ordinary 100% Francis (Springmeadows)
Barratt West Scotland Limited 2 Ordinary 100% Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt Woking Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Frenchay Developments Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Barratt York Limited 1 Ordinary 100% G.D. Thorner (Construction)
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Bart 225 Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
G.D. Thorner (Holdings) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Base East Central Rochdale
LLP 1 A N/A N/A Glasgow Trust Limited 2 A Ordinary 100%
Base Hattersley LLP 1 A N/A N/A Hartswood House Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Base Regeneration LLP 1 A N/A N/A Hawkstone (South West) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Base Werneth Oldham LLP 1 A N/A N/A Heartland Development
Company Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Basildon Regeneration (Barratt
Wilson Bowden) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Idle Works Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
BDW (F.R.) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% J. G. Parker Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
BDW (F.R. Commercial) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% James Harrison (Contracts)
Limited 2 A Ordinary 100%
BDW North Scotland Limited 51 Ordinary 100%
Janellis (No.2) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
BDW Trading Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Kealoha 11 Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Kealoha Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Bradgate Development Services
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Kingsoak Homes Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Broad Oak Homes Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Knightsdale Homes Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
C V (Ward) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Lindmere Construction Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Cameoplot Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Marple Development Company
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
CHOQS 429 Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Meridian Press Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Crossbourne Construction
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Milton Park Homes Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
David Wilson Estates Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Mountdale Homes Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
David Wilson Homes (Anglia) Norfolk Garden Estates Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% North West Land Developments
David Wilson Homes (East Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Midlands) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Oregon Contract Management
David Wilson Homes (Home Limited 51 A Ordinary 100%
Counties) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Oregon Timber Frame Limited 51 A Ordinary 100%
David Wilson Homes (North Redbourne Builders Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Midlands) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Roland Bardsley Homes Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
David Wilson Homes (Northern)
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Scothomes Limited 2 A Ordinary 100%
David Wilson Homes (South Scottish Homes Investment
Midlands) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Company, Limited 2 A Ordinary 100%
David Wilson Homes (Southern) Skydream Property Co. Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
SQ Holdings Limited 53 A Ordinary 90%
David Wilson Homes (Western)
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Squires Bridge Homes Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings CONTINUED

% of % of
Registered Class of shares Registered Class of shares
Subsidiary office Notes share held owned Subsidiary office Notes share held owned
Squires Bridge Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Wilson Bowden (Atlantic Quay
Number 2) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Swift Properties Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Wilson Bowden (Ravenscraig)
The French House Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
The Tin Hat Regeneration Wilson Bowden City Homes
Partnership LLP 1 A N/A N/A Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Tomnik Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Wilson Bowden Developments
Trencherwood Commercial Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Wilson Bowden Group Services
Trencherwood Construction Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Wilson Bowden Limited 1 Ordinary 100%
Trencherwood Developments Yeovil Developments Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Abbey Gate Residents
Trencherwood Estates Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Trencherwood Group Services Abbotts Meadow (Steventon)
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Trencherwood Homes Adderbury Fields Management
(Holdings) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Trencherwood Homes Aldhelm Court Management
(Midlands) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A

Financial Statements
Trencherwood Homes (South Alexander Gate Management
Western) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Trencherwood Homes Ambler's Meadow (East Ardsley)
(Southern) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 28 A, B N/A N/A
Trencherwood Homes Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Applegarth Manor (Oulton)
Trencherwood Housing Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A
Developments Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Ash Tree Court Management
Trencherwood Investments Co. Ltd 1 A, D Ordinary 0%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Aspects Management Company
Trencherwood Land Holdings Limited 27 A Ordinary 50%
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Autumn Brook (Yate)
Trencherwood Land Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 13 A, B N/A N/A
Trencherwood Retirement
Homes Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Aylesham Village (Barratt)
Residents Management
Vizion (Milton Keynes) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Company Limited 49 A, B N/A N/A
Vizion (MK) Properties LLP 1 A N/A N/A B5 Central Residents
VSM (Bentley Priory 1) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 23 A, B N/A N/A
VSM (Bentley Priory 2) Limited Baggeridge Village
1 A Ordinary 100%
Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
VSM (Bentley Priory 3) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Barley Fields Management
VSM (Bentley Priory 4) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A
VSM (Bentley Priory 5) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Beaufort Park (Wotton Bassett)
Management Limited 50 A, B N/A N/A
VSM (Bentley Priory 6) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Beavans House Management
Ward (Showhomes) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Company Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A
Ward Brothers (Gillingham) Belle Vue (Doncaster)
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Ward Holdings Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Bentley Fields Residents
Ward Homes (London) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 23 A, B N/A N/A
Ward Homes (North Thames) Biddenham Vale Management
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Ward Homes (South Eastern) Bilberry Chase Residents
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Ward Homes Group Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Bishop Fields (Hereford)
Management Company Limited 20 A, B N/A N/A
Ward Homes Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Bishop Park (Henfield)
Ward Insurance Services Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Bishops Green (Wells)
Wards Construction (Industrial) Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Bishop’s Hill Residents
Wards Construction Management Company Limited 23 A, B N/A N/A
(Investments) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Blackberry Park Residents
Wards Country Houses Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 32 A, B N/A N/A
Waterton Tennis Centre Limited 29 A Ordinary 100% Blackwater Reach
WBD (Wokingham) Limited (Southminster) Management
1 A Ordinary 100%
Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A
Westcountry Land (Union
Blossomfields Residents
Corner) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100%
Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
William Corah & Son Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Bluebell Woods (Wyke)
William Corah Joinery Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A 227

27218-Barratt-AR2020-Financials.indd 227 07-Sep-20 4:55:41 PM

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Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings CONTINUED

% of % of
Registered Class of shares Registered Class of shares
Subsidiary office Notes share held owned Subsidiary office Notes share held owned
Bodington Manor (Adel) Cricket Field Grove
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A (Crowthorne) Management
Bowds House Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A Croft Gardens (Phase 2)
Braid Park (Tiverton) Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A Croft Gardens (Spencers Wood)
Broadstone Mead Management Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Company Ltd 13 A, B N/A N/A Cygnet Mews (Phase 2)
Brook Gardens Barnham Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A Daracombe Gardens
Brooklands (Milton Keynes) Management Company Limited 33 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A Darwin Green Management
Broomhill Park Estates Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Residents Association Limited 1 A Ordinary 87% De Cheney Gardens
Bruneval Gardens (Wellesley) Management Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A De Havilland Place (Hatfield)
Management Company Limited 22 A, B N/A N/A
Buckshaw Village Management
Company Limited De Lacy Fields KM8
8 A Ordinary 50% Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Bure Meadows (Aylsham) De Lacy Fields KM12
Management Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Canal Quarter Resident Deddington Grange
Management Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Cane Hill Park (Coulsdon) Dickens Gate (Staplehurst)
Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A
Cane Hill Park (Gateway) Dida Gardens (Didcot)
Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Canes Meadow (Brixton) Doseley Park Residents
Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Canford Paddock (Poole) Drayton Meadows Management
Management Company Limited 7 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 23 A, B N/A N/A
Carlton Green (Carlton) Earls Park Management
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A
Castle Hill (DWH1) Residents Edwalton (Sharp Hill)
Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 48 A, B N/A N/A
Castlegate & Mowbray Park Elderwood (Bannerdale)
Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A
Cedar Ridge Management Elm Tree Park Management
Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A Company (Beverley) Limited 25 A, B N/A N/A
Central Area Heat Company Embden Grange (Tavistock)
Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Centurion Fields (Adel) Emmet's Reach (Birkenshaw)
Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 42 A, B N/A N/A
Chalkers Rise (Peacehaven) Eton Green Management
Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A
Charfield Gardens Management Fairfield Croft Management
Company Limited 32 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Cherry Blossom Meadow Fairfield (Stony Stratford)
(Newbury) Management Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Fallows Park Management
Chestnut Grange Residents Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Filwood Park Management
Clements Gate (Poringland 2) Company Limited 13 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A Foxcote Mead Management
Clipstone Park (Leighton Company Limited 1 A, B Ordinary 100%
Buzzard) Management Freemen’s Meadow Residents
Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 26 A, B N/A N/A
Coat Grove (Martock) Garnett Wharf (Otley)
Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A
Colliers Court (Speedwell) Gerway Management Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 13 A, B N/A N/A
Gilden Park (Old Harlow)
Compass Point (Swanage) Residents Management
Management Company Limited 7 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A
Coppice Green Lane Gillies Meadow (Basingstoke)
Management Company Limited 20 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Copsewood Management Grange Park (Hampsthwaite)
Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A
Corinthian Place Management Great Denham Park (Phase 11)
Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Great Pastures Management
Company Limited   38 A, B N/A N/A


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings CONTINUED

% of % of
Registered Class of shares Registered Class of shares
Subsidiary office Notes share held owned Subsidiary office Notes share held owned
Greenkeepers Mews (Phase 3) Knights Rise (Temple Cloud)
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
GWQ Management Limited 24 A, C Ordinary 0% KW (Site B) Management
Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
H2363 Limited 50 A, B N/A N/A
Ladden Garden Village
Hallam Park Residents Apartment Blocks BCD
Management Company Limited 23 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A
Harlow Gateway Limited 35 A, B N/A N/A Ladden Garden Village
Hartley Brook (Netherton) Management Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A Ladywell Park Management
Hawley Gardens Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 36 A, B N/A N/A Lakeside Walk (Hamworthy)
Hazelmere Management Management Company Limited 31 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 1 A, D N/A N/A Langham Mews Management
Heather Croft (Pickering) Company Limited 44 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A Lavender Grange (Stondon)
Heathwood Park (Lindfield) Resident Management
Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Helme Ridge (Meltham) Lay Wood (Devizes)
Management Company Limited 28 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 50 A, B N/A N/A

Financial Statements
Henbrook Gardens Management Letcombe Gardens (Grove)
Company Limited 20 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Heron House (Wichelstowe) Leithfield Park (Godalming)
Management Company Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A
Hesslewood Park Management Liberty Rise Phase 1 (Hertford)
Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 22 A, B N/A N/A
Hewenden Ridge (Cullingworth) Lock Keeper's Gate (Low
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A Barugh) Management Company
High Elms Park (Hullbridge) Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A Locksbridge Park (Andover)
Highgrove Gardens (Romsey) Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 46 A, B N/A N/A Lordswood Gardens Residents
Hollygate Park (Cotgrave) Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A Lucerne Fields (Ivybridge)
Holmesgate Place (Hayes) Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 54 A, B N/A N/A Luneside Mills Management
Infinity Park Derby Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A Madden Gardens Residents
Interlink Park Management Management Company Limited 11 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 1 A, C Ordinary 0% Madgwick Park Management
Jenkins House Management Company Limited 7 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A Marham Park Management
Keeper's Meadow Residents Company Limited 18 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 23 A, B N/A N/A Marlborough Grove Estate
Kennett Heath Management Management Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A
Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A Marston Park (Marston
Kilners Grange (Tongham) Moretaine) Management
Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Kingfisher Meadow (Horsford) Martello Lakes (Barratt)
Management Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A Resident Management
Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A
Kingfisher Meadows Residents
Management Company Limited 23 A, B N/A N/A Martindale Place (Southwater)
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Kingley Gate (Littlehampton)
Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A Martingale Chase (Newbury)
Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A
Kingsbourne (Nantwich)
Community Management Meadowfields (Boroughbridge)
Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A
Kingsbrook Estate Management Meadow View Watchfield
Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 13 A, B N/A N/A
Kings Chase Residents Meridian Business Park
Management Company Limited 25 A, B N/A N/A Extension Management
Company Limited 1 A, C Ordinary 2%
Kingsdown Gate (Swindon)
Management Company Limited 13 A, B N/A N/A Mill Brook (Westbury)
Management Company Limited 50 A, B N/A N/A
Kingsley Meadows (Harrogate)
Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A Mill Springs (Whitchurch)
Management Company Limited 39 A, B N/A N/A
Kipling Road (Ledbury)
Residents Management Monarchs Keep (Bursledon)
Company Limited 33 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 46 A, B N/A N/A
Knights Park (Watton) Montague Park (Buckhurst
Management Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A Farm) Management Company
Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A 229

27218-Barratt-AR2020-Financials.indd 229 07-Sep-20 4:55:42 PM

27218   3 September 2020 4:11 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings CONTINUED

% of % of
Registered Class of shares Registered Class of shares
Subsidiary office Notes share held owned Subsidiary office Notes share held owned
Montague Park No2 (Buckhurst Orchid Fields (Phase 2)
Farm) Management Company Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A Park Farm (Thornbury)
Montgomery Place Residents Community Interest Company 30 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A Patch Meadows (Somerton)
Monument House Management Management Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A Pavilion Square (Phase 2)
Mortimer Park (Driffield) Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A Pavilion Square (Pocklington)
Morton Meadows (Thornbury) Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A Peasedown Meadows
Mulberry Park (Poringland) Management Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A Pembridge Park (Phase 2)
Needham's Grange Residents Management Company Limited 26 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 33 A, B N/A N/A Pembroke Park (Cirencester)
N.E. Horley Resident Management Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 25 A, B N/A N/A Penndrumm (Looe)
Newbery Corner Management Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Company Ltd 13 A, B N/A N/A Perry Court (Faversham)
Newbury Racecourse Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Management Limited 19 A N/A N/A Phoenix And Scorseby Park
New Heritage (Bordon) Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 46 A, B N/A N/A Phoenix Quarter – Apt –
New Mill Quarter (BL) Residents Management Company Limited 49 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A Phoenix Quarter Estate
New Mill Quarter Estate Management Company Limited 49 A, B N/A N/A
Resident Management Pinn Brook Park (Monkerton)
Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Nexus Point Management PL2 Plymouth (2016) Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 1 A, C Ordinary 0%
Poppy Fields (Cottingham)
Northfield Park (Patchway) Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 32 A, B N/A N/A
Poppy Fields, Charing Residents
Northstowe Residents Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Portman Square West Village
Northwalls Grange (Taunton) Reading Management Company
Management Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Norton Farm Management Preston Grange Residents
Company Limited 20 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 45 A, B N/A N/A
Nottingham Business Park Priestley House Management
Management Company Limited 1 A, C Ordinary 2% Company Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A
Nottingham Business Park Priory Fields (Pontefract)
(Orchard Place) Management Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 1 A, C Ordinary 2%
Prospect Rise (Whitby)
Notton Wood View (Royston) Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 42 A, B N/A N/A
Pye Green Management
Oak Hill Mews Management Company Limited 20 A, C Ordinary 17%
Company Limited 20 A, B N/A N/A
Quarter Jack Park (Wimborne)
Oakfields Residential Management Company Limited 7 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Raleigh Holt (Barnstaple)
Oakfield Village Estate Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A
Ravenhill Park Management
Oakhill Gardens (Swanmore) Company Limited 20 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 7 A, B N/A N/A
Redhayes Management
Oakhurst Place (Bexhill) Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A
Redlodge (Suffolk) Management
Oaklands (Pontefract) Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A
Redwood Heights (Plymouth)
Oakwell Grange Management Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A
Regents Gate Phase 2
Oatley Park Management Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 50 A, B N/A N/A
Ridgeway Residential
One Eight Zero (Bedhampton) Management Company Limited 11 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 7 A, B N/A N/A
Riverdown Park (Salisbury)
Optimus Point Management Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 1 A Ordinary 0%
River Whitewater Management
Orchard Gate (Kingston Company (Hook) Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A
Bagpuize) Management
Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A Riverside Exchange Ordinary/
Management Company Limited 1 A, C Preference 22.8%
Orchard Green Estate
Management Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A Romans Edge Godmanchester
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A


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27218   3 September 2020 4:11 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings CONTINUED

% of % of
Registered Class of shares Registered Class of shares
Subsidiary office Notes share held owned Subsidiary office Notes share held owned
Romulus Management Swallows Field (Hemel
Company Limited 1 A, C Ordinary 4% Hempstead) Management
Ronkswood Residents Company Ltd 22 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A Swan Mill (Newbury)
Rosewood Park Bexhill Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Residents Management Swinbrook Park (Carterton)
Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
Rosewood Park LH Residents Tarka Ridge (Yelland)
Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A
Runshaw Management Templar's Chase (Wetherby)
Company Limited 8 A Ordinary 100% Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A
Salters Brook (Cudworth) The Belt Open Space
Management Company Limited 42 A, B N/A N/A Management Co Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Sandbrook Park Management The Brackens (Brackley)
Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Sandridge Place (Melksham) The Bridleways (Eccleshill)
Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 28 A, B N/A N/A
Saunderson Gardens The Causeway Park (Petersfield)
Management Co Limited 28 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 34 A, B N/A N/A
Saxon Corner (Emsworth) The Chocolate Works

Financial Statements
Management Company Limited 7 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 37 A, B N/A N/A
Saxon Dean (Silsden) The Fieldings (Worthing)
Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 3 A, B N/A N/A
Saxon Fields (Cullompton) The Foundry (Wakefield)
Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Ltd 9 A, B N/A N/A
Saxon Gate (Leonard Stanley) The Furlongs (Westergate)
Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 39 A, B N/A N/A
Saxon Gate (Stamford Bridge) The Glassworks (Catcliffe)
Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A
Saxon Mills (Hassocks) The Grange (Lightcliffe)
Management Company Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 28 A, B N/A N/A
Saxon Rise (Brixworth) The Hedgerows (Thurcroft)
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A
Silkwood Gate (Wakefield) The Limes (Lindfield)
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Spinney Fields Residents The Meads (Frampton Cotterell)
Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 13 A, B N/A N/A
Spring Valley View (Clayton) The Mounts Residents
Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Springfield Village Estate The Nurseries (Thrapston)
Limited 4 A Ordinary 19% Management Company Limited 47 A, B N/A N/A
St. Andrews Place (Morley) The Old Meadow Management
Management Co. Limited 28 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 41 A, B N/A N/A
St Andrews View (Morley) The Orchards Oakley
Management Company Limited 42 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 1 A Ordinary 60%
Stansted Road (Kingswood The Orchards (Roby)
Place Elsenham) Management Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A
Company Limited 18 A, B N/A N/A The Orchards (Withington)
St Giles Park (Tattenhoe) Residents Management
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
St James Gardens (Wick) The Paddocks (Skelmanthorpe)
Management Company Limited 29 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A
St James Management The Paddocks (Southmoor)
Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 12 A, B N/A N/A
St. John’s Walk (Hoylandswaine) The Pastures (Knaresborough)
Management Company Limited 28 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
St Laurence Meadows The Pavilions Management
Management Company Limited 20 A, B N/A N/A Company (Southampton)
Limited 46 A, B N/A N/A
St Mary's Park (Hartley Wintney)
Management Company Limited 25 A, B N/A N/A The Pavilions Resident
Management Company Limited 23 A, B N/A N/A
Stoneyfield Management
Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% The Spires (Chesterfield)
Management Company Limited 26 A, B N/A N/A
St. Oswald's View (Methley)
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A The Spires (St Ives)
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Stratford Park (Wolverton)
Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A The Vineyards Management
Company Limited 30 A, B N/A N/A
St Rumbolds Fields
Management Company Limited 16 A, B N/A N/A The Zone (Temple Quay)
Management Company Limited 43 A, B N/A N/A
St Wilfrids Walk Management
Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A Tranby Fields Management
Company Limited 10 A, B N/A N/A 231

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27218   3 September 2020 4:11 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Notes to the Financial Statements CONTINUED

Year ended 30 June 2020

7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings CONTINUED

% of % of
Registered Class of shares Registered Class of shares
Subsidiary office Notes share held owned Subsidiary office Notes share held owned
Trinity Square (NW9) Webheath (Redditch)
Management Company Limited 11 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 33 A, B N/A N/A
Trumpington (Phase 8 – 11) Wedgwood Residents
Management Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 5 A, B N/A N/A
Trumpington Vista Management Westbridge Park (Auckley)
Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 26 A, B N/A N/A
Union Park (Falmouth) Weston Meadows, Calne
Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 50 A, B N/A N/A
Victoria Heights (Alphington) West Village Reading
Management Company Limited 40 A, B N/A N/A Management Limited 12 A N/A N/A
Waite House Management Wichelstowe Estate
Company Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A Management CIC 1 A, B N/A N/A
Walton Gate (Felixstowe) Willow Farm Management
Management Company Limited 14 A, B N/A N/A Company Limited 1 A, C Ordinary 3%
Warboys Management Company Willow Grove (Stopsley)
Limited 38 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A
Warren Grove (Storrington) Willow Grove (Wixams)
Management Company Limited 49 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 15 A, B N/A N/A
Waters Edge (Mossley) Willow Lane (Beverley)
Management Company Limited 8 A, B N/A N/A Management Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
Waterside (The Quays Barry) Willowmead (Wiveliscombe)
Management Company Number Management Company Limited 50 A, B N/A N/A
1 Limited 29 A, B N/A N/A Winnington Village Community
Waterside (The Quays Barry) Management Company Limited 26 A, B N/A N/A
Management Company Number Withies Bridge Management
2 Limited 29 A, B N/A N/A Company Ltd 30 A, B N/A N/A
Waterside (The Quays Barry) Woodhall Grange Management
Management Company Number Company Limited 6 A, B N/A N/A
3 Limited 29 A, B N/A N/A
Wychwood Park (Haywards
WBD Blenheim Management Heath) Management Company
Company Limited 1 A, C Ordinary 1% Limited 17 A, B N/A N/A
WBD (Chesterfield
Management) Limited 1 A Ordinary 17%
WBD (Chesterfield) Plot A Owned through another Group company.
Management Company Limited 1 A, C Ordinary 25%
B Entity is limited by guarantee and is a temporary member of the Group.
WBD (Kingsway Management)
Limited 1 A, B N/A N/A Assets are not held for the benefit of the Group and the entity has no profit or
loss in the year.
WBD (Riverside Exchange
Sheffield B) Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% C The Group is a minority shareholder but has voting control.
WBD Riverside Sheffield D The Group does not own any shares but has control via directors who are
Building K Limited 1 A Ordinary 100% employees of the Group.
Weavers Chase (Golcar)
Management Company Limited 9 A, B N/A N/A


27218-Barratt-AR2020-Financials.indd 232 07-Sep-20 4:55:43 PM

27218   3 September 2020 4:11 pm   Self-edit
Annual Report and Accounts 2020

7.4 Group subsidiary undertakings CONTINUED

Registered Office
1. Barratt House, Cartwright Way, Forest Business Park, Bardon Hill, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 1UF
2. 7 Buchanan Gate, Cumbernauld Road, Stepps, Glasgow, G33 6FB
3. 31 Chapel Road, Worthing, BN11 1RG
4. 55 Baker Street, London, England, W1U 8EW
5. One Eleven, Edmund Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 2HJ
6. Unit 11, Omega Business Park, Omega Business Village, Thurston Road, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL6 2NJ
7. Tollbar House, Tollbar Way, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 2UH
8. Rmg House, Essex Road, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 0DR
9. Gateway House, 10 Coopers Way, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS2 5TE
10. Vantage Point, 23 Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 7DN
11. 167 Turners Hill, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, EN8 9BH
12. Norgate House, Tealgate, Charnham Park, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 0YT
13. Units 1, 2 & 3 Beech Court, Wokingham Road, Hurst, Reading, RG10 0RU
14. Barratt House, 7 Springfield Lyons Approach, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 5EY
15. The Maltings, Hyde Hall Farm, Sandon, Hertfordshire, SG9 0RU
16. 2 Hills Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB2 1JP
17. Barratt House, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4SW
18. Fisher House, 84 Fisherton Street, Salisbury, SP2 7QY
19. Newbury Racecourse Plc, The Racecourse, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 7NZ

Financial Statements
20. 60 Whitehall Road, Halesowen, B63 3JS
21. Gem House, 1 Dunhams Lane, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 1GL
22. Wellstones House, Wellstones, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD17 2AF
23. Remus 2, 2 Cranbook Way, Solihull Business Park, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 4GT
24. Wallis House, Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9BS
25. Firstport Property Services Limited, Marlborough House, Wigmore Place, Wigmore Lane, Luton, LU2 9EX
26. Chiltern House, 72–74 King Edward Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1AT
27. 100 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, England, MK9 1FH
28. Raynham House, 2 Capitol Close, Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS27 0WH
29. Oak House, Village Way, Cardiff, CF15 7NE
30. Unit 2 Beech Court, Wokingham Road, Hurst, Twyford, Berkshire, RG10 0RQ
31. 12-14 Carlton Place, Southampton, Hampshire, SO15 2EA
32. Barratt House, 710 Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS32 4TD
33. Whittington Hall, Whittington Road, Worcester, WR5 2ZX
34. Building 4, Dares Farm Business Park, Farnham Road, Ewshot, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 5BB
35. Ranger House, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4UL
36. 4 Brindley Road, City Park, Manchester, M16 9HQ
37. Watson, Glendevon House, 4 Hawthorn Park, Coal Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS14 1PQ
38. Cumberland Court, 80 Mount Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, NG1 6HH
39. PO Box 648, Gateway House, Tollgate, Chandler’s Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 0ND
40. Woodwater House, Pynes Hill, Exeter, Devon, EX2 5WR
41. Unit 7, Astra Centre, Edinburgh Way, Harlow, Essex, England, CM20 2BN
42. Freemont Property Managers Ltd, 3 The Old School, The Square, Pennington, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 8GN
43. 2 Westfield Park, Barns Ground, Kenn, Clevedon, Somerset, BS21 6UA
44. Unit 7, Hockliffe Business Park, Watling Street, Hockliffe, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 9NB
45. C/O Raymond Beer & Co, Manor Road, Chatham, England, ME4 6AG
46. 128 Pyle Street, Granary Court, Newport, Isle of Wight, UK, PO30 1JW
47. A5 Optimum Business Park, Optimum Road, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 0WT
48. 154-155 Great Charles Street Queensway, Birmingham, B3 3LP
49. Thamesbourne Lodge, Station Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5QH
50. 1 West Point Court,Great Park Road, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 4PY
51. Blairton House Old Aberdeen Road, Balmedie, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB23 8SH
52. Telford House, 3 Mid New Cultins, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH11 4DH
53. Cash's Business Centre, Widdrington Road, Coventry, United Kingdom, CV1 4PB
54. C/O Rendall and Rittner Ltd, Portsoken House, 1550157 Minories, London EC3N 1LJ 233

27218-Barratt-AR2020-Financials.indd 233 07-Sep-20 4:55:44 PM

27218   3 September 2020 4:11 pm   Self-edit
Barratt Developments PLC

Greenhouse gas emissions disclosure

Greenhouse gas emissions   2020 2019 2018 2015

Scope 1 tCO2e 18,374 24,832 24,966 24,019
Scope 2 Location based tCO2e 4,700 5,016 6,594 11,809
Market based tCO2e 2,089 3,411 4,992 –
Total gross scope 1 &
scope 2 emissions Location based tCO2e 23,074 29,848 31,560 35,828
Market based tCO2e 20,463 28,243 29,958 –
Energy Consumption   MWh 97,686 117,551 116,998 –
Carbon Intensity (per 100 sq.m.
of legally completed build area)* Location based tCO2e/100m2 1.92 1.75 1.82 2.32
Market based tCO2e/100m2 1.70 1.66 1.73 –
Scope 3 tCO2e 3,130,717 3,835,725 3,857,428 –
Total gross scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions Location based tCO2e 3,153,791 3,865,573 3,888,988 –
Market based tCO2e 3,151,180 3,863,968 3,887,386 –

* Carbon intensity has been restated to include scope 1 and scope 2 emissions only – see section 5

1. Organisational Boundary
The Group has used the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition) as the method to quantify and report
greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions are reported in line with the UK Government’s ‘Environmental Reporting Guidelines:
Including streamlined energy and carbon reporting guidance’ (dated March 2019).
As the Group operates in England, Wales and Scotland only, the Group’s emissions stated above are amounts for UK and offshore
emissions, with no additional global emissions.
In line with the revised Greenhouse Gas Reporting Protocol, the Group reports the sources of material greenhouse gas emissions from
its main activities, categorised as scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Scope 1 comprises direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by
the Group such as the use of red diesel, natural gas and liquid petroleum gas on construction sites and natural gas, biomass fuel and
refrigerant losses in our offices and other administrative activities. Scope 2 comprises indirect emissions associated with the consumption
of energy from purchased electricity, heat and steam. Scope 3 relates to all other indirect emissions that occur in the value chain, including
upstream and downstream emissions.
The Group has increased its breadth of reporting scope 3 emissions in the current year to extend to all scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 emissions
relate to an estimate of the end-to-end carbon emissions from the Group’s activities, comprising indirect emissions such as those from the
supply chain, waste disposal by third parties and carbon emissions incurred throughout the use of sold buildings. In the 30 June 2019 Annual
Report and Accounts, scope 3 emissions included business travel and losses in transmission from scope 1 and 2 sources only. Scope 3
emissions for 2019 have therefore been restated for the purpose of the 30 June 2020 Annual Report and Accounts – see section 4 below.
The Group is reporting location-based and market-based scope 2 electricity data. Market-based footprint is based on the emissions from
electricity purchased by the Group. Location-based refers to the average emissions intensity of the UK National Grid. Purchased renewable
sources of electricity used on sites and in offices is supported by Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (‘REGO’) certificates.
Business travel for sundry journeys by taxi, tram and London Underground have been excluded on the basis of materiality and that at
present, data collection for these transport types is impractical.
The Group reports on sources of material emissions over which it has financial control. The Group has opted to apply this approach in
order to provide a view consistent with the Financial Statements. Emissions from subsidiaries are reported in full. Emissions from joint
arrangements are stated at the Group’s share of profits from the arrangements in the year, which, due to the complexity of funding
arrangements, the Group considers is best representative of the activities and emissions attributable to it, consistent with the Financial
Statements. Emissions from associates are excluded.
See our Carbon Reporting Methodology Statement at for more detail on the
methodology and organisational boundaries applied.


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

2. Methodology
Scope 1 and 2 data are obtained directly such as by obtaining meter readings or using invoices from suppliers. Scope 3 emissions, such as
upstream supplier emissions, are estimated based on total spend and carbon emissions in our completed properties. Carbon emissions in
our completed properties are estimated based on plot-level dwelling emissions rates (DER) and number of properties completed.
The Group has used the greenhouse gas (‘GHG’) emission factors outlined in the BEIS ‘UK Government Conversion Factors for Company
Reporting’, Version 1.2 November 2019 (2019: Version 1.01 June 2018) to convert activities undertaken into tonnes CO2 equivalent. Supply
chain emissions are estimated by applying supply chain emission factors published in the UK Government’s ‘Environmental Reporting
Guidelines: Including streamlined energy and carbon reporting guidance’ (dated March 2019).
Where actual emissions for all of the individual periods that make up the financial year are not available by the reporting date, the Group
applies the use of estimates. Any such estimates are based on identifiable and measurable drivers in accordance with the Group’s
corporate sustainability policies and procedures.
See our Carbon Reporting Methodology Statement at for more detail on the
methodology applied.

3. Carbon intensity measure

In order to capture the global warming impact of carbon dioxide as well as other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide,
greenhouse gas emissions are reported in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Carbon intensity is measured as tonnes of scope 1 and scope 2
CO2e per 100 sq.m. of homes and other properties legally completed in the year.

4. Science-based target

Financial Statements
In January 2020, the Board approved our own new challenging science-based carbon reduction targets in line with efforts to limit global
warming to 1.5⁰C. In our own operations, we will aim to reduce combined scope 1 and 2 emissions by 29% by 2025 compared to the 2018
base year, through measures such as reducing diesel used by generators on site, amending our vehicle policies and implementing energy
efficiency opportunities across our offices, sites, sales centres and show homes.
In addition, we are focused on the measurable steps that we can take to reduce both the embodied carbon in our supply chain and in-use
carbon from our homes, including increasing the use of timber frame in home construction, which is a sustainable, low energy technology.
We have set a target to reduce scope 3 carbon emissions by 11% from our supply chain and our homes by 2030 compared to the 2018 base
year. The charts below illustrate the breakdown of scope 3 emissions by category, which shows the majority of supply chain emissions
come from our purchased goods and services from suppliers. Therefore, partnerships with our suppliers is key to the delivery of our goals
and we are engaging our suppliers and sub-contractors.
Scope 3 Emissions

FY2020 930,797



 se of Sold Products
U  uel and Energy Related
F  nd of Life Treatment
2019: 1,311,087 Activities* of Sold Products
2020: 930,797 2019: 6,229 2019: 37,390
2020: 4,792 2020: 26,580
 pstream Transportation
& Distribution  aste generated in
W  usiness Travel
2019: 143,985 operations 2019: 8,825
2020: 121,032 2019: 4,123 2020: 5,869
2020: 3,648
 urchased Goods & Services
2019: 2,305,017  mployee Commuting
2020: 2,020,341 2019: 19,068
2020: 17,658
* 384 of FY20 tCO2e of transmission and distribution losses from electricity and district heat and steam under category 6 have been assured
to ISAE 3000 (revised) standard by an independent third party. 235

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Barratt Developments PLC

Greenhouse gas emissions disclosure CONTINUED

5. Restatement of comparative year and base year

The Group seeks to provide comprehensive and useful reporting of emissions to the readers of its Annual Report and Accounts, and to
evolve its reporting practices as necessary. The Group’s approach was reviewed during the year in advance of setting new, challenging
carbon reduction targets. The 2019 comparative year and the 2018 base year from which these targets have been set were restated to
include all scope 3 emissions and to reflect an estimate of the end-to-end carbon emissions from the Group’s activities. Scope 3 emissions
previously disclosed were limited to business travel and transmission and distribution losses.
The Group engaged advisers to calculate estimated scope 3 emissions across all 15 categories outlined in the Corporate Value Chain
(Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard by applying the emissions factors outlined above to the Group’s historical data from relevant
The effect of these changes on the total greenhouse gas emissions for the comparative year and base year was:

Greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes CO2e) 2019 2018

Total gross scope 1 & scope 2
emissions (as published) Location based 29,848 31,560
Market based 28,243 29,958
Scope 3
As published 7,896 7,923
Increase in scope  3,827,829 3,849,505 
Restated total gross scope 3
emissions   3,835,725 3,857,428
Restated total annual gross
emissions Location based 3,865,573  3,888,988 
Market based 3,863,968  3,887,386 
Following the expanded reporting on scope 3 emissions, the Group has also restated carbon intensity to include only scope 1 and scope 2
emissions, but exclude scope 3 emissions such as business travel. The effect of this restatement is as follows:
    2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Carbon intensity tCO2e
per 100m2 as published Location based 2.21 2.28 2.52 2.57 2.82
Market based 2.12 2.19 2.35 – –
Less scope 3 emissions
previously reported Location based (0.46) (0.46) (0.48) (0.47) (0.50)
Market based (0.46) (0.46) (0.48) – –
Restated carbon intensity
(scope 1 and 2) tCO2e per 100m2 Location based 1.75 1.82 2.04 2.10 2.32
Market based 1.66 1.73 1.87 – –

6. Assurance
Limited assurance over all scope 1 and 2 emissions and scope 3 business travel, transmission and distribution emissions is provided by a
third party, DNV GL, to the ISAE 3000 revised standard. A copy of their assurance statement can be found at


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Five year record and alternative

performance measures
Five year record (Unaudited)
2020 2019¹ 2018 2017 2016
Revenue (£m) 3,419.2 4,763.1 4,874.8 4,650.2 4,235.2
Profit before tax (£m) 491.8 909.8 835.5 765.1 682.3
Share capital and equity (£m) 4,840.3 4,869.0 4,597.7 4,322.2 4,010.2
Per ordinary share:
Basic earnings per share (pence) 39.4 73.2 66.5 61.3 55.1
Dividend (interim paid and final proposed (pence) – 29.1 26.5 24.4 18.3
Special cash payment proposed (pence) – 17.3 17.3 17.3 12.4
 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

Definitions of alternative performance measures and reconciliation to IFRS

The Group uses a number of APMs which are not defined within IFRS. The Directors use these APMs, along with IFRS measures, to assess the
operational performance of the Group as detailed in the Key performance indicators section of the Strategic Report on pages 4 to 7. Definitions
and reconciliations of the financial APMs used to IFRS measures, are included below:
Gross margin is defined as gross profit divided by revenue:
2020 20191

Financial Statements
Revenue per Consolidated Income Statement (£m) 3,419.2 4,763.1
Gross profit per Consolidated Income Statement (£m) 614.3 1,084.2
Gross margin 18.0% 22.8%
 he Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

Adjusted gross margin is defined as adjusted gross profit divided by revenue:

2020 20191
Revenue per Consolidated Income Statement (£m) 3,419.2 4,763.1
Adjusted gross profit per Consolidated Income Statement (£m) 631.4 1,087.4
Adjusted gross margin 18.5% 22.8%

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

Operating margin is defined as profit from operations divided by revenue:

2020 20191
Revenue per Consolidated Income Statement (£m) 3,419.2 4,763.1
Profit from operations per Consolidated Income Statement (£m) 493.4 901.1
Operating margin 14.4% 18.9%

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

Adjusted operating margin is defined as adjusted profit from operations divided by revenue:
2020 20191
Revenue per Consolidated Income Statement (£m) 3,419.2 4,763.1
Adjusted profit from operations per Consolidated Income Statement (£m) 507.3 904.3
Adjusted operating margin 14.8% 19.0%

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

Net cash is defined in note 5.1. 237

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Barratt Developments PLC

Five year record and alternative

performance measures CONTINUED
Definitions of alternative performance measures and reconciliation to IFRS CONTINUED
ROCE is calculated as earnings before amortisation, interest, tax, operating charges relating to the defined benefit pension scheme and
operating adjusting or exceptional items for the year, divided by average net assets adjusted for goodwill and intangibles, tax, net cash,
retirement benefit assets/obligations and derivative financial instruments:
2020 20191
£m £m
Profit from operations 493.4 901.1
Amortisation of intangible assets 1.2 –
Cost associated with legacy properties 39.9 3.2
CJRS grant income (26.0) –
Defined benefit past service cost – 1.7
Share of post-tax profit from JVs and associates including loss on disposal of JVs 28.3 37.5
Earnings before amortisation, interest, tax, adjusted items and defined benefit scheme charges 536.8 943.5

30 June 31 December 30 June 31 December 30 June

2020 2019 20191 2018 2018
£m £m £m £m £m
Group net assets per Consolidated Balance Sheet 4,840.3 4,849.1 4,869.0 4,551.7 4,597.7
Other intangible assets per Consolidated Balance Sheet (101.1) (101.7) (102.3) (100.0) (100.0)
Goodwill per Consolidated Balance Sheet (805.9) (805.9) (805.9) (792.2) (792.2)
Current tax liabilities/(assets) 2.8 (0.4) 99.5 84.3 85.8
Deferred tax liabilities 2.4 16.2 17.6 21.5 25.3
Retirement benefit assets (3.5) (68.6) (62.6) (53.1) (58.7)
Cash and cash equivalents2 (619.8) (826.0) (1,136.0) (844.5) (1,176.2)
Loans and borrowings2 317.7 399.3 377.7 465.4 384.9
Prepaid fees (6.1) (7.1) (7.4) (8.6) –
Capital employed 3,626.8 3,454.9 3,249.6 3,324.5 2,966.6
Three point average capital employed 3,443.8 3,180.2 3,000.3

2020 20191
Earnings before interest, tax, adjusted items and defined benefit scheme charges (from table above) (£m) 536.8 943.5
Three point average capital employed (from table above) (£m) 3,443.8 3,180.2
ROCE 15.6% 29.7%

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.
The prior year balances for cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts have been re-presented in accordance with IAS 32 (see note 1.4).

Total gearing including land creditors is defined as land creditors and net debt/cash divided by net tangible assets:

2020 20191
Net cash (£m) (308.2) (765.7)
Land creditors (£m) 791.9 960.7
483.7 195.0
Net assets (£m) 4,840.3 4,869.0
Less goodwill and other intangible assets (£m) (907.0) (908.2)
3,933.3 3,960.8
Total gearing including land creditors 12.3% 4.9%

The Group has applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach and therefore comparatives have not been restated. Further information on the initial
application of this standard can be found in notes 1.4 and 1.5.

TSR is a measure of the performance of the Group’s share price over a period of three financial years. It combines share price appreciation
and dividends paid to show the total return to the shareholders expressed as a percentage.


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ACM Aluminium Composite Material COP26 The 26th session of the Conference of the
Act The Companies Act 2006 Parties of the UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change
Active outlet A site with at least one plot for sale
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019
AGM Annual General Meeting
CRM Customer Relationship Management
AIMCH Advanced Industrialised Methods for the
Construction of Homes DBP Deferred Bonus Plan
APM Alternative performance measure DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change
Articles The Company’s Articles of Association DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural
ASP Average selling price
DER Dwelling emissions rates
ASPIRE The Group's two-year graduate programme
DTRs Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules
BAME Black, Asian and minority ethnic excluding
white ethnic groups EBT Barratt Developments Employee Benefit Trust
Barratt Barratt Developments PLC and its subsidiary ELTIP Employee Long Term Incentive Plan
undertakings EPC Energy Performance Certificate
BBA British Board of Agrément EPS Earnings per share
BEIS Department for Business, Energy and Industrial ESG Environmental Social Governance
Strategy EU European Union

Financial Statements
BITC Business in the Community FCA Financial Conduct Authority
Brexit The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the FRC Financial Reporting Council
European Union
FSC Forest Stewardship Council
BRICK Barratt Risk and Internal Control Framework
FTSE4Good Equity index series of companies demonstrating
Building for This is the industry standard, endorsed by the strong ESG practices.
Life 12 Government, for well-designed homes and
FY Financial year ended 30 June
neighbourhoods that local communities, local
authorities and developers are invited to use to GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
stimulate conversations about creating good Group Barratt Developments PLC and its subsidiary
places to live undertakings
Building The requirements relating to the erection and GHG Greenhouse Gas
Regulations extension of buildings under UK Law
GMP Guaranteed Minimum Pension
Capital employed Average net assets adjusted for goodwill and
HBF Home Builders Federation
intangibles, tax, cash, loans and borrowings,
prepaid fees, retirement benefit assets/ HMRC HM Revenue & Customs
obligations and derivative financial instruments HR Human Resources
CBI Confederation of British Industry IA Investment Association
CCFF COVID Corporate Financing Facility IAS International Accounting Standards
CDP Carbon Disclosure Project IASB International Accounting Standards Board
CEO Chief Executive Officer IFRIC International Financial Reporting
CFO Chief Financial Officer Interpretations Committee
CITB Construction Industry Training Board IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
CJRS Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme IIA Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors
CMA Competition and Markets Authority IIR Injury incidence rate
CMI The actuarial profession’s Continuous Mortality IIRC International Integrated Reporting Council
Investigation <IR> Integrated Report
CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent IR35 HMRC off-payroll working rules
Code UK Corporate Governance Code issued in July ISA International Standards on Auditing
2018 (copy available from ISAE International Standard on Assurance
COINS Construction Industry Solutions (software used Engagements
by the Group) ISDA International Swaps and Derivatives Association
Company Barratt Developments PLC ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
Connected As defined in the EU Market Abuse JVs Joint ventures
Persons Regulation KPI Key performance indicator 239

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LGBT+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other Regional trading Basic trading profit (revenue less land costs,
gender expressions margin build costs and site marketing and running
LIBOR The London Interbank Offered Rate costs) divided by revenue for the regional
LTI Long term incentive
REGO Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin
LTPP Long Term Performance Plan
RICS Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
LTV Loan to Value
ROCE Return on capital employed calculated as
MHCLG Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local
described on page 238
RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
MMC Modern methods of construction
RTPI Royal Town Planning Institute
MP Member of Parliament
SAPS Self-Administered Pension Scheme
NED Non-Executive Director
Scheme the Barratt Group Pension & Life Assurance
Net cash Cash and cash equivalents, bank overdrafts,
interest bearing borrowings and prepaid fees
SCSS Supply Chain Sustainability School
Net tangible Group net assets less other intangible assets
assets and goodwill SECR Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting
New Code UK Corporate Governance Code issued in July Sharesave Savings-Related Share Option Scheme
2018 (a copy of which is available from SHE Safety, Health and the Environment SIC Standing Interpretations Committee
NHBC National House Building Council Site ROCE Site operating profit (site trading profit less
NHS National Health Service allocated administrative overheads) divided
NI National Insurance by average investment in site land, work in
progress and equity share
Non-recurring Costs associated with legacy properties,
items CJRS grant income, reversal of impairment/ SMIS Senior Manager Incentive Scheme
impairment of inventories and non-productive SMSOP Senior Manager Share Option Plan
site overheads expensed during the COVID-19 SSP Single Sales Principle – Academy training
lockdown programme
NPPF The National Planning Policy Framework SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Ofcom The regulator and competition authority for the Threats
UK communications industries TCFD The Task Force for Climate-related Financial
ONS Office of National Statistics Disclosures
Operating margin Profit from operations divided by revenue Total completions Unless otherwise stated, total completions
Oregon Oregon Timber Frame Limited and its quoted include JVs
subsidiary Oregon Contract Management Total gearing Land creditors and net debt/cash divided by net
Limited including land tangible assets
PBT Profit before tax creditors
PEFC The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest TRADA Timber Research And Development Association
Certification TSR Total shareholder return
PPE Personal protective equipment UKLA UK Listing Authority
PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Underlying ROCE ROCE as defined on page 238, with net assets
PYEP Prior year equivalent period also adjusted for land creditors
RBLI Royal British Legion Industries UN SDGs United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
RCF Revolving Credit Facility USPP US Private Placement
WACC Weighted average cost of capital
WIP Work in progress


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Annual Report and Accounts 2020

Integrated reporting approach

Reporting approach Sustainability frameworks

Our integrated report is primarily prepared
for our shareholders; however, through Framework
our activities we create value for a range of The International Integrated Reporting Council’s Integrated Reporting Framework
other stakeholders. Purpose
Reporting frameworks Framework that is focused on articulating the value creation of an entity over time.

Our integrated reporting is guided by Framework

various codes and standards outlined in United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
the table here.
Report scope and boundary Outward-looking framework that covers the areas of the UN’s 2030 Agenda focused on
Our Integrated Report covers the people, planet and prosperity.
performance of Barratt Developments PLC
The 17 UN SDGs define global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for 2030
for the financial year ended June 2020.
and seek to mobilise global efforts around a common set of goals and targets.
The report extends beyond financial
The UN SDGs call for worldwide action among governments, business and civil society to
reporting and includes non-financial
end poverty and create a life of dignity and opportunity for all, within the boundaries of the
performance, opportunities and risks that
planet. The UN SDGs were launched in 2015 by the UN.
may have a significant influence on our
ability to create value. Framework
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’) recommendations

Financial Statements
Integrated reporting framework
The primary purpose of an integrated Purpose
report is to explain to providers of financial Recommendations for disclosing clear, comparable and consistent information about the
capital how an organisation creates value risks and opportunities presented by climate change.
over time. An integrated report benefits
Our primary disclosures aligning with TCFD recommendations as we continue on our
all interested stakeholders including
journey towards full alignment, are made through the CDP Climate survey, which we
employees, customers, suppliers, business
submit on an annual basis. In 2018 the CDP Climate Survey format was aligned to TCFD
partners, local communities, legislators,
recommendations. Other TCFD related disclosures can be found within the content of this
regulators and policy-makers.
integrated report, and on the sustainability section of our corporate website.
The IIRC’s vision is to align capital
allocation and corporate behaviour to
wider goals of financial stability and
Legal requirements
sustainable development through the cycle
of integrated reporting and thinking.
International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’)
Global framework for how companies prepare and disclose their financial statements.

Companies Act 2006

Company law in the UK.

UK Corporate Governance Code

Approval by the Purpose

The standards of good practice for listed companies on board composition and
Board of Directors development, remuneration, shareholder relations, accountability and audit.
This Annual Report is an integrated
report and has been prepared and Framework
presented in accordance with the Streamline Energy and Carbon Reporting (‘SECR’)
International Integrated Reporting
<IR> Framework published by the IIRC Purpose
in December 2013. Disclosures required by the UK Government on a company’s energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions.
The Board, which is responsible
for the integrity of this report, has
collectively considered preparation
and presentation of this report and
concluded that it has been prepared
and presented in accordance with the
Framework. 241

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Barratt Developments PLC

Group advisers and Company information

Registrars Registered office

Link Asset Services Barratt Developments PLC
The Registry
Barratt House
34 Beckenham Road
Cartwright Way
Forest Business Park
Bardon Hill
Tel: 0371 664 0300 Leicestershire
LE67 1UF
Statutory auditor
Tel: 01530 278278
Deloitte LLP

Solicitors Corporate office

Slaughter and May Barratt Developments PLC
Brokers and investment bankers Kent House
1st Floor
Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited
14–17 Market Place
Deutsche Bank AG
Company information W1W 8AJ
Registered in England and Wales. Tel: 020 7299 4898
Company number 00604574

Financial calendar
2020 Annual General Meeting and Trading update 14 October 2020
2021 Interim Results Announcement 4 February 2021
Trading update 6 May 2021
Trading update 14 July 2021
2021 Annual Results Announcement 2 September 2021


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We’re supporting responsible management of the world’s forests and being
kinder to the planet by using FSC® certified paper.

The carbon emissions of this paper have also been offset through the World
Land Trust’s Carbon Balanced programme, which protects tropical forests
under imminent threat of deforestation and degradation.

We printed this publication in the UK using biodegradable vegetable inks.


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Barratt Developments PLC Annual Report and Accounts 2020

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