Module 1 Activity 1

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Prof. Education 4
Module 1- Activity 1


What is a Teacher?
- Expected to prepare young people to become useful, upright and active
citizens in the community;
- Needs to develop certain competencies and skills;
- Calls for a clear understanding of the teaching process , the professional roles
and responsibilities in the classroom;
- Need for an appreciation of the profession by becoming aware of the results
encountered in the discharge of his responsibilities.

Activity Question # 1
1. In what way can you truly appreciate the profession of teaching from the
results encountered or achieved in the discharge of your responsibilities as a
teacher? Cite clear example or situation.

What is Teaching?
- Teaching is an exciting and rewarding activity, but just like all other
occupations, it is demanding. Teaching requires the know-how, the technique,
the system in order to bring about the most desirable learning in the student.
- Teaching and learning are two aspects of the process called education .
Learning is the expected end of teaching in a school setting. However, it has
been observed that not all teaching results in learning, although learning can
take place without teaching.

Activity Question # 2
2.a. Like all other occupations, teaching is demanding. In what way? Cite specific
Example or situation.
2.b. React on the statement that says…not all teaching results in learning,
although learning can take place without teaching.
Some Common Notions of Teaching
- Traditionally by dictionary definition, teaching implies imparting knowledge or
giving instruction. If the emphasis of the school is learning, this definition is
not acceptable. There is no mechanical process by which education can be
imposed upon an unwilling and unresponsive learner

Activity question # 3
3. What does it mean that teaching is not a mechanical process by which
education can be imposed upon an unwilling and unresponsive learner...?
How do you measure or evaluate an individual in the teaching and learning

- Teaching connotes the act of communication. It connotes the achievement of

meaning and understanding between the teacher and the learner to effect
behavior change.

- According to Carter Good (1973) teaching is the act of instructing in an

educational institution. It is a management system by the instructor of the
teaching-learning situations:
- direct interaction between teacher and learner
- pre-active decision-making process of planning, designing and
preparing the materials for teaching-learning conditions
-post-active redirection (evaluation, redesigning,)

Activity question #4
4. How will you put together the process of direct interaction, pre-active
decision and post-active redirection in the setting of the teaching process as
a holistic activity? Explain in a situation.

- Teaching is the process of stimulating, organizing, directing, guiding and

managing learning activities towards effecting desirable changes in the
learner’s behavior in a school setting. It facilitates learning such that the
learner takes active role and feels responsible for his own learning if he needs
to adjust effectively and efficiently to his environment.
THE NATURE OF TEACHING –Is teaching an art or a science?
- Teaching calls for intuition, inspiration, talent and creativity – very little of
which can be learned.
Teacher looks at students as individuals with different abilities and
backgrounds and builds up meaningful programs of study for them.

It requires the ability to see through and responds to individual

differences among learners.

- Teaching requires knowledge of scientific discoveries regarding the teaching-
learning process, the objectives of education, subject matter and the nature of
the learners.
Teacher considers knowledge and application of techniques already
tested to bring about learning as vital in his success as a teacher.


- What is important is that the teacher is able to achieve a proper blending of
the two.
- The measure of good teaching should be the success of teachers in
accomplishing their objective of helping the students learn whatever it is that
they intend to teach.
- The teacher should identify what he would like his students to have
accomplished at the end of a given instruction.

Activity question # 5
5. How will you explain in your own words the relation between teaching as
an art and teaching as a science? Put it in a context of a teaching situation.

________________________ End of Module 1 Activity 1

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