Annual Program Statement: I. Summary
Annual Program Statement: I. Summary
Annual Program Statement: I. Summary
7A. APS CLOSE DATE & TIME September 30, 2021 – 5:00 PM
7B. QUESTIONS ACCEPTED UP TO (DATE & TIME) Responses will be updated on ACBAR.ORG on a
rolling basis until September 2021.
If informed by MSI, Awardee will submit a detailed annual work plan for the renewal period along with a
detailed budget to be considered for the renewal opportunity. Any renewals shall be at the sole
discretion of MSI based on the best interests of its client.
Organizations may form consortiums to apply for this grant as long as there is a primary leading
organization to enter into binding contracts with MSI.
The following are not eligible for grant support: individuals and government entities; political parties or
organizations; organizations that advocate, promote, or espouse anti-democratic policies or illegal
activities; faith-based organizations pursuing exclusive religious purposes or whose programs and
services discriminate based on religion, and whose main objective of the grant is of a religious nature;
and any entity whose name appears on the:
1. List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement and Non-Procurement Programs
While not an evaluation factor for which points will be assigned, please note that the applicant's
proposed budget will be reviewed to determine if the applicant's approach is cost-effective and makes
use of existing resources, capacities, materials, tools, and other leveraged sources of funding. An
application will be viewed more favorably if it proposes results that are objective, quantifiable, and
measurable and if the costs can be tied directly to specific corresponding results.
Although the price is not a factor for technical consideration, it is an important element in evaluation
for award. The price must show demonstrated "reasonableness" and be "balanced" among the
respective components of performance. The significance of price will increase the closer technical
rankings become. Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide their best price proposals with the
submission of their offer. MSI recognizes that price is often the single most significant factor in the
determination of best value.
c) Cost Application
All grants will be awarded in local currency ONLY. Cost applications must include the total cost necessary
for the implementation of the grants program your organization is proposing, and detailed budget notes
to explain the unit rates and the number of units proposed. Detailed budget notes should describe each
proposed budget line item -- including the basis for each price and provide a justification for why the
line item is needed for the program. The evaluators should be able to identify from the cost proposal a
direct link to the proposed activities.
• Travel and Transportation. Applicants should justify any in-country travel budgeted and
provide detailed information on the kind of travel, purpose, and associated expenses (e.g.,
origin and destination of travel, type of transportation, etc.).
• Other Direct Costs (ODCs). This category includes other costs associated with the
implementation of the project that is not included in any other cost category specified above,
such as training workshops or conferences; office/facility rent; communication and post-office
expenses; photocopying, printing, and publishing; translation costs; bank charges; and other
expenses essential for project implementation. The budget notes should provide as many
details as possible. For example, costs related to training workshops should specify the
expected number of participants, duration of the training, location of the training, site costs
per participant, or per day, etc.
• Cost Share. Though not a requirement, MSI encourages applicants to explore different cost-
share possibilities within their organization as well as pursuing other potential donors that
could contribute to project costs. This contribution may be in cash, goods, or services. For
instance, the cost-share may be in the form of funds from other (non-US Government) donors;
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it may be the labor of grantee employees or volunteers (timesheets may be required to
substantiate); or it may be the use of a grantee's meeting room to hold a workshop for the
grant project. Full guidance on cost share, including allowable and unallowable cost share,
reporting cost-share, and links to U.S Government regulations on cost-share, will be provided.
Applicants should feel free to propose alternate and/or additional line items and costs that accurately
reflect project activities. Budget line items must show unit type, unit price, and a number of units, and
must be justified in the budget notes, including the basis of the costs (e.g., quotes were obtained, costs
are actual currently incurred costs of the organization etc.) and how the costs further project objectives.
Detailed requirements for allowable costs are provided in the applicable U.S. Government "Standard
Provisions for Non-U.S. Nongovernmental Organizations: A Mandatory Reference for ADS Chapter 303,"
which can be found at
All the sums indicated in the budget must include associated taxes.
Interested applicants should submit the completed application in English to
[email protected] with cc to [email protected]. Please contact us if there are
technical or other difficulties with submitting the application by e-mail.
Incomplete or invalid applications, i.e., those that do not include all required application materials,
respond to the APS program objectives, or otherwise comply with the application guidelines, may not
be reviewed.
6. Other Application Guidelines and Notices
The following conditions, guidelines, and notices are included to assist you in preparing a competitive
application. All of them should be reflected in your submission.
a) Pre-Award Surveys
If selected, applicants shall be required to go through a Pre-Award Survey and submit sufficient evidence
of capacity and responsibility for MSI to make an affirmative determination of the applicant's capacity
to complete the activities being proposed. The information submitted should substantiate that the
1. Has adequate financial resources or the ability to obtain such resources as required during the
performance of the award. Has well-established relationships with accredited banking
institutions and access to accounting services as well as legal services.
2. Has the ability to comply with the award conditions, including the proposed delivery or
performance schedule, taking into account all existing and currently prospective commitments
of the applicant.
3. Has the ability to manage funds effectively.
4. The applicant has a satisfactory record of performance on the management and implementation
of projects similar to the proposed project.
5. The applicant has a history of excellent client relationships and has performed its work with the
highest degree of integrity and business ethics.
Applicants must agree that no services will be rendered through a service provider in any foreign
policy restricted country or any designated "prohibited source".
MSI reserves the right to modify by written notice the terms of this NOFO at any time in its sole
discretion. MSI also reserves the right to withdraw this NOFO at any time—with or without a
statement of the cause—prior to actual award.
Applicants are encouraged to review these required rules and regulations to ensure that they will be
able to comply with them if an award is made.
Successful applicants before receiving any USAID grants are expected to provide certifications as
required by U.S. legislation. A copy of all certifications can be found for review at Consequently, the
applicants are required to familiarize themselves with the following:
i. Prohibition on Assistance to Drug Traffickers for Covered Countries and Individuals (ADS 206).
ii. Certification Regarding Support to Terrorists.
iii. Certification Regarding Trafficking in Persons.
iv. Certification Regarding Lobbying (22 CFR 227).
7. Questions
Any questions or clarifications must be submitted via email to [email protected] with
cc to [email protected] by the due date for questions/clarifications listed in Opportunity Cover page.
Responses to questions received shall be shared with all interested parties via on a monthly
8. Applicant Conference
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AMANAT will hold grants workshops periodically for interested applicants to the APS for them to ask
questions about the application process, as well as provide support to them to apply new approaches
to grant proposal writing. These workshops will occur in Kabul and other provinces as required. These
workshops will be announced on ACBAR.ORG. All interested applicants are welcome to attend and
should RSVP to [email protected] to ensure space availability.
Considering the grants application process and the quality of the received proposals, AMANAT's grants
team will include additional grants workshops to build applicants' capacity as may be necessary.
Management Systems International (MSI) is a Washington, D.C metro-area based international development
firm founded in 1981 with a corporate commitment to improving public sector management in the U.S. and
abroad. MSI offers a strong range of technical expertise in the fields of democracy and governance, economic
growth, monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning, organizational capacity building, and health,
education, and the justice sector. MSI assures exceptional technical expertise and strong project
management quality through its reliable cost control capacity and consistent project management
monitoring. The firm is a subsidiary of Tetra Tech, a global multi-specialist consulting business,
headquartered in the USA. In Afghanistan, MSI is the prime contractor implementing the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID)–funded "Afghanistan’s Measure for Accountability and Transparency”
(AMANAT) project.
The overall purpose of AMANAT is to support efforts to reduce and prevent corruption in the provision of
public services, such as health, education, water and sanitation, driver’s licenses and building permits,
refugee and repatriation, and services for people with disabilities and other groups, to name just a few.
AMANAT is a 5-year project funded by USAID that began in December 2017. Technical assistance is being
provided to several key government ministries and departments to identify major corruption vulnerabilities,
develop detailed plans to reduce these risks, and implement those plans effectively. In addition to working
with the government, a major focus of the project is to promote activities by civil society organizations, the
mass media, and business associations to conduct oversight and monitoring of government agencies and
their anti-corruption reforms, implement communications and public outreach campaigns concerning
corruption and anti-corruption reforms, and conduct advocacy to promote further anti-corruption efforts,
among others.
Through this Annual Program Statement (APS), AMANAT will assist international and Afghan non-
governmental and private sector organizations by supporting innovative and targeted activities that are
intended to reduce or prevent corruption in the delivery of public services. Some examples of potential
activities are provided in Section C below, but applicants are encouraged to propose other innovative
approaches to combat corruption based on the specific needs of individual communities as well as first-hand
experiences with corruption. International and Afghan organizations interested in receiving funding for
programs are invited to carefully read this APS in its entirety and to follow the APS guidance in order to apply
for funds.
All proposed activities shall directly relate to the achievement of the objectives of the AMANAT program.
Applicants are encouraged to propose the best mix of approaches and activities that will lead to the results
envisioned under the proposed program. Grant projects should include innovative, targeted, feasible, and
localized approaches, especially those that mainstream gender and empower women. AMANAT is looking for
project activities that address specific issues and are likely to yield effective and tangible results in reducing
corruption. Proposals should also be thoughtful in how to measure progress and concrete achievements.
Applicants are encouraged to consider the unique needs of citizens in various provinces, districts, and villages
and tailor activities accordingly. For example, in remote, rural areas where general knowledge about
corruption is low or non-existent, creative awareness raising campaigns may be appropriate. However, in
5. AMANAT encourages programs that capitalize on existing opportunities and proven organizational
capacities. Applications that seek to scale-up proven successes are especially welcome, as are
projects aimed at confronting longstanding problems. AMANAT will favorably consider
applications that reflect creative and targeted approaches to advance the range, depth, and
impact of civil society initiatives to reduce or prevent corruption.
In developing innovative program approaches, AMANAT strongly encourages applicants to consider and
apply the following cross-cutting practices:
AMANAT is committed to empowering partners and beneficiaries to take increased ownership of the
development process, including financing, and to sustain project results and impact beyond the life of
the grant. All projects should explicitly address how the project results and impact will continue after
the end of the project.
Corruption in the delivery of public services affects men and women differently. Women are often
confronted with corruption more than men because they are the ones requesting public services for
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their families. As a result, grant proposals must include a discussion of how activities conducted under
the proposed project will be designed to take these disparities into account. It might involve training
that highlights how corruption affects men and women differently, workshops and discussion sessions
to help women combat and report corruption, developing information campaigns that focus on these
differential impacts, and empowering women to apply this knowledge and advocate for anti-
corruption reform in sectors that disproportionately impact women. Overall, the proposed projects
should build the capabilities of both men and women to combat corrupt practices that negatively
affect their lives, economic opportunities, and stable governance. However, proposals must include
ideas on how to engage women in a meaningful way. Recruiting women to participate in trainings and
other activities is necessary, but it alone is not a sufficient benchmark for gender integration.
When designing activities, applicants should consider the effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
AMANAT grantees are required to adhere strictly to guidance from the Ministry of Public Health and
other health authorities on COVID-19 precautions, including wearing masks, social distancing, and
limiting the number of participants in enclosed spaces.
AMANAT recognizes that the security situation across the country is deteriorating and conditions in various
villages, districts, and provinces are changing rapidly and for the worse. This is the case for the population
generally, but there are heightened risks to journalists and civil society activists. Therefore, AMANAT requires
applicants to submit risk mitigation and security plans with their proposals to ensure the safety of project staff
and beneficiaries.