Efficient Implementation of Superquadric Particles in Discrete

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Comp. Part. Mech.

DOI 10.1007/s40571-016-0131-6

Efficient implementation of superquadric particles in Discrete

Element Method within an open-source framework
Alexander Podlozhnyuk1 · Stefan Pirker2 · Christoph Kloss3

Received: 11 March 2016 / Revised: 12 August 2016 / Accepted: 13 August 2016

© The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract Particle shape representation is a fundamental model and robustness of the implemented superquadric DEM
problem in the Discrete Element Method (DEM). Spherical code.
particles with well known contact force models remain pop-
ular in DEM due to their relative simplicity in terms of ease Keywords Discrete Element Method · Granular flow ·
of implementation and low computational cost. However, Contact detection · Superquadric · Non-spherical particles ·
in real applications particles are mostly non-spherical, and Angle of repose · Hopper discharge
more sophisticated particle shape models, like superquadric
shape, must be introduced in DEM. The superquadric shape
can be considered as an extension of spherical or ellipsoidal 1 Introduction
particles and can be used for modeling of spheres, ellip-
soids, cylinder-like and box(dice)-like particles just varying In many engineering applications different types of particles
five shape parameters. In this study we present an efficient have to be stored, transported, mixed, or segregated. Despite
C++ implementation of superquadric particles within the that, knowledge of the static and dynamic behavior of partic-
open-source and parallel DEM package LIGGGHTS. To ulate solids is still not fully understood. Such knowledge is of
reduce computational time several ideas are employed. In the major importance for a proper design of processing units of
particle–particle contact detection routine we use the mini- silos, rotating drums, and others [23]. The Discrete Element
mum bounding spheres and the oriented bounding boxes to Method (DEM), developed by Cundall and Strack [14], has
reduce the number of potential contact pairs. For the particle– proven to be an efficient tool for modeling granular materials.
wall contact an accurate analytical solution was found. We In DEM granular material is treated as a system of distinct
present all necessary mathematics for the contact detection interacting particles. Each particle has own mass, velocity,
and contact force calculation. The superquadric DEM code position, and contact properties; it obeys Newton’s second
implementation was verified on test cases such as angle of law and is tracked individually. Together with the rapidly
repose and hopper/silo discharge. The simulation results are increasing computational power available, DEM becomes
in good agreement with experimental data and are presented more and more popular among engineers and researchers.
in this paper. We show adequacy of the superquadric shape A comprehensive overview of major DEM applications can
be found in [56].
Many DEM codes still employ disks (in 2D) and spheres
B Alexander Podlozhnyuk (in 3D) to represent particle shapes due to their imple-
mentation simplicity and efficiency in speed of contact
1 DCS Computing GmbH, Industriezeile 35, 4020 Linz, Austria detection, which results in faster code development and lower
2 Christian-Doppler Laboratory on Particulate Flow Modelling,
computational time. The rolling friction correction can be
Johannes Kepler University, Altenberger Strasse 69, theoretically linked to various physical effects to model par-
4040 Linz, Austria ticle non-sphericity using spherical particles, as emphasized
3 DCS Computing GmbH, CFDEM Research GmbH, by Ai et al. [2]. Moreover, the contact force models that
Industriezeile 35, 4020 Linz, Austria include normal and tangential forces for a pair of interact-

Comp. Part. Mech.

ing spheres are already established. An overview of the most

popular contact forces is given in [55]. However, particles
in granular and powder materials in nature and industry are
mostly non-spherical. Moreover, spherical particles behave
differently than complex-shaped particles, not only on the
single grain level but also as an assembly. As summarized by
Cleary [10], non-spherical particles differ from the spherical
ones in the following ways: compacity of packed heap, resis-
tance to shear and roll, and, as a result, ability to block the
flow. Therefore, the physical validity of results obtained from
simulations using spherical particles is usually questionable
Many approaches have been suggested in the literature
to handle particle non-sphericity. Previously, Lu et al. [34]
have summarized the main theoretical developments in non-
spherical DEM and reviewed its applications. The most pop-
ular approach in the DEM community, according to Lu et al.
Fig. 1 Four examples of superquadric particle shape composed by dif-
[34], is the multisphere (MS) approach [1,19,30,31,37,50]. ferent shape parameters (a, b, c, n 1 , n 2 ) as defined in Eq. (1)
In this method simple spheres are allowed to overlap and
glued together to represent complex shapes. The method has
the advantages that any shape can be represented by a set 2D DEM and by Cleary in 3D DEM simulations [9,12] and
of glued (or prime) spheres and contact detection together later used by Lu et al. [35]. The superquadric equation given
with force calculation is based on that for spheres. One by Barr is as follows:
of the disadvantages is the fact that high accuracy of the
 x n 2  y n 2 n 1 /n 2  z n 1
shape approximation requires a significant number of prime      
f (x) ≡   +   +   − 1 = 0,
spheres. Markauskas et al. [37] showed that approximation a b c
of ellipsoidal particles by 25 prime spheres increases CPU x = (x, y, z)T , (1)
time by factor of 17. Marigo and Stitt [36] studied the influ-
ence of particle shape representation by the MS approach where a, b, c are the half-lengths of the particles along its
for a system of cylindrical pellets and found that about 160 principal axes, and n 1 and n 2 are blockiness parameters. Para-
primary spheres are required to be in agreement with exper- meters n 1 = n 2 = 2 give an ellipsoid, and a cylinder is
imental data. Another disadvantage of the MS method is the obtained if n 1 = 2 and n 2  2 and a box-like particle if
occurrence of multiple contact points [31] since an approx- n 1  2 and n 2  2 (Fig. 1). Superquadrics give an excel-
imation of a convex particle (e.g., ellipsoid) by MS-particle lent trade-off between model complexity and shape flexibility
is always non-convex if the number of primary spheres is by simply changing 5 shape parameters (a, b, c, n 1 , n 2 ) in
more than one. The number of interparticle contacts increases formula (1). However, the use of superquadric particles
with the increase of the number of the prime spheres [37]. is limited in that sense that only ellipsoidal, box-like and
Thus, a reasonable number of prime spheres should be cylinder-like particles can be modeled. Another disadvan-
chosen. tage of the superquadric approach is that the contact detection
Polygonal (in 2D) and Polyhedral (in 3D) particles as procedure can be implemented, possibly, only by using typi-
introduced by Cundall [13] have been widely used in DEM cally computationally expensive iterative methods (Newton’s
to model granular materials. In this approach the particle method), convergence properties of which decrease with
surface is approximated by line segments (in 2D) or by trian- increase of blockiness parameters n 1 and n 2 .
gles (in 3D), thereby providing a high level of versatility in Unfortunately, there is a lack of literature that could
particle shape representation. Different algorithms for colli- provide detailed descriptions of algorithms necessary for
sion detection were developed by Cundall [13], Chang and implementation of superquadric particles in DEM. In this
Chen [8], Boon et al. [5], and Nezami and Hashash [41]. The study we will present the non-spherical DEM approach
major drawback of this method is that the question of how providing all necessary mathematical tools for an efficient
contact forces between two colliding polyhedral bodies are implementation of superquadric particles in the DEM based
calculated is still not completely answered. on open-source DEM package LIGGGHTS [28], such that
The superquadric shape is an extension of spheres and the reader can understand the underlying algorithms and ana-
ellipsoids. This shape was first introduced in mathematics lytical expressions for particle–wall contact and minimum
by Barr [3], used in DEM by Williams and Pentland [52] in bounding sphere. We show good versatility of the approach

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for the practical range of blockiness parameters. Validation where sign “◦” denotes quaternion multiplication [22], ωi =
work along with several application examples is presented. (ωi x , ωi y , ωi z )T = Ai−1 Ω i is the angular velocity in the
particle-based (canonical) coordinate system, and Ω i is the
angular velocity in the observer-fixed coordinate system.
2 Numerical model Rotational motion of a particle is tracked by the following
equation in the observer-fixed coordinate system:
2.1 Motion of an arbitrarily shaped particle
L̇ i = T i , (6)
In DEM each particle i obeys Newton’s second law and is
tracked individually by solving explicitly their trajectories: where L i = I i · Ω i is the angular momentum of the particle
i, I i is the tensor of inertia, and T i is the total torque acting
m i Ẍ Ci = F i , (2)
on a particle i with respect to the particle center. Note that
the normal force can also produce torque and must be taken
where m i and X Ci are the mass and the position of a particle
into account while calculating T i . For a spherical particle
center, Fi is the total force acting on a particle i that is the
Eq. (6) above can easily be resolved with regard to Ω since
sum of normal particle–particle, tangential particle–particle
its tensor of inertia is always constant and only possesses non-
and external non-particle forces like gravity.
zero elements in the diagonal: I spher e = 25 m R 2 E, where E
The contact force and the contact point between two
non-spherical particles depend on particles’ orientation, and is the identity tensor. In general case the t A · Î · A−1 , where
hence accurate determination and integration of orientation Î is the principal tensor of inertia, i.e., the tensor of inertia
becomes critical. Accurate determination of a particle’s ori- in particle-based coordinate system which contains non-zero
entation is also critical for the determination of the angular entries only in the diagonal: Iˆx , Iˆy and Iˆz . Moving to the
velocity of a particle. Orientation of a non-spherical par- body-fixed coordinate system yields the following general
ticle is usually described as a rotation of the coordinate form of Eq. (6):
vectors {e1 , e2 , e3 } that define the global observer-fixed ref-
erence frame to the coordinate vectors {ê1 , ê2 , ê3 } that define Iˆi ω̇i + ωi × Iˆi ωi = t i ⇐⇒

the local body-fixed reference frame. This rotation can be ⎨ Iˆi x ω̇i x + ( Iˆi z − Iˆi y )ωi y ωi z = ti x

tracked by rotation vectors [7] or by quaternions [22] that ⇐⇒ Iˆi y ω̇i y + ( Iˆi x − Iˆi z )ωi z ωi x = ti y (7)

⎩ Iˆ ω̇ + ( Iˆ − Iˆ )ω ω = t ,
are singularity-free in contradistinction to the methods based iz iz iy ix ix iy iz
on Euler angles. The quaternion of rotation q can easily be
constructed from the unit axis of rotation e and the angle of
where t i = (ti x , ti y , ti z )T = Ai−1 T i is the total torque acting
rotation α around this axis:
on a particle in the particle-based coordinate system.
q = (q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 )T = cos (α/2) + esin (α/2). (3) Equation (7) in conjunction with Eq. (5) can be solved
by various methods, such as described by Miller et al. [38],
The rotation matrix A = A(q) is constructed from the quater- Walton and Braun [51] and Omelyan [42–45]. Corresponding
nion components: analytical expressions for volume and principal moments of
⎛ ⎞ inertia can be found in works by Jaklič et al. [25,26].
1 − 2(q22 + q32 ) 2(q1 q2 − q0 q3 ) 2(q1 q3 + q0 q2 )
A = ⎝ 2(q1 q2 + q0 q3 ) 1 − 2(q12 + q32 ) 2(q2 q3 − q0 q1 ) ⎠ .
2.2 Neighbor search
2(q1 q3 − q0 q2 ) 2(q2 q3 + q0 q1 ) 1 − 2(q12 + q22 )
(4) In this section we describe the broad phase of the contact
detection algorithm. To perform simulations of large-scale
systems, it is essential to optimize the computational strat-
By definition of the rotation matrix: A · e1 = ê1 , A · egy. The number of potential contact pairs can be minimized
e2 = ê2 , A · e3 = ê3 , A−1 = AT . The orientation of a by employing a neighbor list to exclude particle pairs that are
particle can be updated every time step using the following a priori too far from each other to be in contact [28]. Different
expression [32]: techniques for constructing neighbor lists have been pro-
1 posed in the literature. These include the Verlet-Neighbour
q˙i =q ◦ ωi ⇐⇒
2⎧i List [49], Linked Cell method [46], NBS algorithm [39],

⎪ q̇i0 = (−qi1 ωi x − qi2 ωi y − qi3 ωi z )/2 and MR linear contact detection algorithm [40]. The number

q̇i1 = (qi0 ωi x + qi2 ωi z − qi3 ωi y )/2 of potential contact pairs in a neighbor list can be reduced
⇐⇒ (5)

⎪ q̇ = (qi0 ωi y + qi3 ωi x − qi1 ωi z )/2 with the help of bounding volumes. A bounding volume is
⎩ i2
q̇i3 = (qi0 ωi z + qi1 ωi y − qi2 ωi x )/2, a simple volume that encapsulates a more complex body.

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⎧  n /n −1

⎪ a x̃ + aλ x̃ n 2 −1 x̃ n 2 + (α x̃)n 2 1 2 = 0

⎨ αb x̃ + λ (α x̃)n 2 −1 x̃ n 2 + (α x̃)n 2 n 1 /n 2 −1 = 0


⎪ βc + λ
(β x̃)n 1 −1 = 0

⎩  n2 c n /n
x̃ + (α x̃)n 2 1 2 + (β x̃)n 1 − 1 = 0.

Doing one more substitution γ = (1 + α n 2 )n 1 /n 2 −1


Fig. 2 Bounding spheres and oriented bounding boxes
⎪ a x̃ + aλ x̃ n 1 −1 γ = 0

⎨ αb x̃ + λ α n 2 −1 x̃ n 1 −1 γ = 0

⎪ βc x̃ + λc (β x̃)n 1 −1 = 0
According to Ericson [18] doing cheap bounding volume ⎪
⎩ n /n
intersection tests before performing more complex geomet- 1 + α n 2 1 2 x̃ n 1 + (β x̃)n 1 − 1 = 0.
ric tests results in a significant performance gain since the
amount of work needed to determine a collision is reduced The solution of this system provides the following:
and computational time is saved by rejecting contact pairs ⎧
whose bounding volumes do not intersect. Such bounding ⎪
⎪ α = (b/a)2/(n 2 −2)

⎪ n 2 n 1 /n 2 −1
volumes include bounding spheres and oriented bounding ⎪
⎨ γ = (1 + α )
boxes (OBB) (Fig. 2). 1/(n 1 −2)
β = γ c2 /a 2 (12)
The bounding sphere is the most memory-efficient bound- ⎪
⎪ 1/n 1

⎪ x̃ = 1/ (1 + α n 2 )n 1 /n 2 + β n 1
ing volume. The spheres’ intersection check consists in ⎪

x = a x̃, y = αb x̃, z = βc x̃.
evaluating if the distance between the centers of the spheres
is less or equal than the sum of their radii. If the answer
The minimum
 bounding radius can now be easily obtained:
is yes, than the narrow phase of the contact detection must
r = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 . For spherical and ellipsoidal parti-
be used. In this section we present an accurate analytical
cles (n 1 = n 2 = 2), the system of equations degenerates,
solution for the minimum bounding sphere, i.e., the bound-
which has four solutions: x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 or
ing sphere of minimum volume, for a superquadric particle
x = a, y = 0, z = 0 or x = 0, y = b, z = 0 or
using its implicit shape equation. We seek the point (x, y, z)
x = 0, y = 0, z = c. The minimum bounding radius
on the particle’s surface which has the largest distance to
becomes r = max(a, b, c). For the case of the cylinder
the particle center. This distance is the minimum bounding
(n 1 > 2, n 2 = 2), without loss of generality, let a > b.
radius, which gives the minimum volume. This condition in
This will give α = 0. Other unknowns can be found using
terms of an optimization problem can be expressed as fol-
the equations above.
While the bounding sphere is an orientation invariant
approximation of a particle, the oriented bounding box
maximize r 2 = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 (OBB) can capture orientation and aspect ratio of the par-
subject to f (x, y, z) = 0, ticle. The minimum oriented bounding box is a rectangular
block with semi-axes a, b, c with the center located at the
center of the particle in question and oriented as the particle.
where f (x, y, z) is the superquadric equation in the body- The intersection check methods between two OBBs are usu-
based coordinate system (Eq. (1)). Without loss of generality ally based on the concept of the separation axis and can be
we require x > 0, y > 0, z > 0. Using Lagrange multipliers found in [17,18,47].
this optimization problem can be rewritten as a system of
non-linear equations:
2.3 A contact detection algorithm
λ x n 2 −1
 x n 2 y n 2 n 1 /n 2 −1 Equation (1) defines a superquadric surface in its local
⎪ x + a a 

+ b =0
n −1  x n 2 y n 2 n 1 /n 2 −1
⎨ (canonical) coordinate system. We will refer to the function
y + λb by 2 + =0  n  n n /n  n
⎪z + λ
z n 1 −1 a b (9) f (x) ≡  ax  2 +  by  2 1 2 +  cz  1 − 1 as the shape func-

⎪ =0
⎩  x cn 2 c y n 2 n 1 /n 2 z n 1 tion. If for a certain point (x, y, z)T the value f < 0 then the
a + b + c − 1 = 0.
point is located inside the particle, if f > 0, then (x, y, z)T
is outside the particle. If f = 0, then (x, y, z)T lies on the
Substituting x = a x̃, y = αb x̃, z = βc x̃ gives: particle surface.

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For practical use it is necessary to be able to define a applying the transition formulas:
superquadric particle with respect to a global coordinate
system which is usually observer-fixed. This is done by ∇ X F(X) = A · ∇ x f (x),
applying the usual translation and rotation operations. The
H X (F)(X) = A · H x ( f )(x) · AT , (18)
shape function F of a superquadric particle with center X C
and quaternion q in a global frame is given by the following x = A · (X − X C ).

Now we are ready to formulate the contact detection prob-
F(X) = f ( A · (X − X C )), A = A(q).
(13) lem in terms of an optimization problem. Consider two
superquadric particles with two times continuously differ-
The points X and X C are defined in the global frame. For a entiable (automatically fulfilled if n 1 ≥ 2 and n 2 ≥ 2) shape
contact detection algorithm it is also necessary to be able to functions F1 (X) and F2 (X) defined in global frame. Follow-
calculate 1st (gradient) and 2nd (Hessian matrix) derivatives ing Houlsby [24] and extending the algorithm for 3D case we
of the shape function. The gradient of the shape function seek a “midway” point P between the particles and “clos-
calculated at a point x = (x, y, z)T in the local frame is the est” to both. In other words, solve the following optimization
following: problem:

⎧   minimize F1 (X) + F2 (X)

⎪  n 1  x n 2 −1 n 1 /n 2 −1
⎨ fx = a a  ν sign(x) (19)
n 1  y n 2 −1 n 1 /n 2 −1 subject to F1 (X) = F2 (X).
f y = ν sign(y) (14)

b  b
n 1  z n 1 −1
fz = c c sign(z). Applying the Lagrange multipliers approach gives the
Lagrange function in the following form:
The second derivatives are given by

⎧  x n 2 −2 L(X, λ) = F1 (X) + F2 (X) + λ(F1 (X) − F2 (X)). (20)

⎪  1  

⎪ f = (n
2 1 2
(n − 1)   ν n 1 /n 2 −1

a a The equation ∇ X,λ L(X, λ) = 0 gives the condition for the

⎪  x 2n 2 −2

⎪ 1  

⎪ + (n 1 − n 2 )n 1   ν n 1 /n 2 −2 stationary point:

⎪ a 2

⎪ 1  y n 2 −2 n 1 /n 2 −1

f yy = 2 (n 1 (n 2 − 1)   ν 

⎪ b b ∇ F1 (X) + ∇ F2 (X) + λ(∇ F1 (X) − ∇ F2 (X)) = 0

⎪   (21)

⎨ 1  y 2n 2 −2 n 1 /n 2 −2 F1 (X) − F2 (X) = 0.
+ 2 (n 1 − n 2 )n 1   ν

b  bn 2 −1  n 2 −1

⎪  x  y

⎪  1     n1
−2 Regrouping terms yields

⎪ f = (n 1 − n 2 )n 1     ν n2 sign(x y)

ab  a  b 

⎪  n 1 −2

⎪   ∇ F1 (X)(1 + λ) + ∇ F2 (X)(1 − λ) = 0

⎪ (22)
⎪ f  = n (n − 1)  z 

1 F1 (X) − F2 (X) = 0.

⎪ zz 1 1

⎪ c2

f x y = f yx , f yz = f zy = f xz = f zx 
= 0, Introducing μ2 = (1 − λ)/(1 + λ) brings us to the following
(15) system introduced by Cleary et al. [12]:
 n 2  n 2 
 x  y ∇ F1 (X) + μ2 ∇ F2 (X) = 0
where ν =   +   . The corresponding gradient vector F1 (X) − F2 (X) = 0.
 a  b
and Hessian matrix read
This system of 4 equations with 4 unknowns has to be
solved at each DEM time step for each pair of particles. This
∇ x f (x) = ( f x , f y , f z )T , (16)
⎛  ⎞ system gives a mathematical condition for interparticle con-
f x x f xy f xz tact detection. If for point X 0 conditions F1 (X 0 ) < 0 and
H x ( f ) = ⎝ f yx 
f yy  ⎠
f yz . (17) F2 (X 0 ) < 0 are fulfilled (Fig. 3), the contact between two
f zx f zy f zz
particles takes place with the contact point X 0 and the over-
lap direction n12 = ∇ F1 /||∇ F1 || or n12 = −∇ F2 /||∇ F2 ||
The first and second derivatives of the shape function at calculated at the contact point.
a point X in the global coordinate system now can easily Newton’s method for this system can be expressed as
be established by calculating them in the local frame and Jδ Z = −Φ, Z = (x, y, z, μ)T , Z n+1 = Z n + δ Z, where J

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(2) Choose number of steps N and calculate

δa i = (a0i − r i )/N
δbi = (b0i − r i )/N
δci = (c0i − r i )/N
δn i1 = (n i10 − 2)/N (25)
δn i2 = (n i20 − 2)/N
i = 1, 2
k = 1.

3. Modify shape and blockiness parameters.

Fig. 3 Scheme of particle–particle contact

a i := r i + k · δa i
is the Jacobian matrix of the right-hand side term Φ: bi := r i + k · δbi

⎛ ⎞ ci := r i + k · δci

+ μ2 F2x
⎜ F ⎟ n i1 := 2 + k · δn i1 (26)

+ μ2 F2y
⎜ 1y ⎟
Φ= ⎜   ⎟. (23) n i2 := 2 + k · δn i2
⎝ F1z + μ F2z
2 ⎠
i := 1, 2
F1 − F2
k := k + 1.
For stability reasons it is necessary to find a scalar parameter (4) Calculate the contact point for particles with shape para-
α ∈ (0, 1] such that Z n+1 = Z n + αδ Z, ||Φ(Z n+1 )|| < meters (a 1 , b1 , c1 , n 11 , n 12 ) and (a 2 , b2 , c2 , n 21 , n 22 ) using
||Φ(Z n )|| at every iteration to ensure convergence of the the iterative algorithm described above and the last com-
algorithm. There are several methods to obtain such a scalar puted starting point. Use the found contact point as a new
parameter. One of them is first to check if α = 1 satisfies starting point for the next step.
||Φ(Z n+1 || < ||Φ(Z n )||. If not, let α := α/2 and repeat (5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 for N − 1 times
or use the Golden section algorithm [27] with termination
if any α satisfying ||Φ(Z n+1 )|| < ||Φ(Z n )|| is found. The Steps 1–5 of the iterative procedure listed above define the
solution from previous DEM time step can be used as a start- step-wise linear transition of the spherical shape parameters
ing point (initial guess). Usually a few Newton iterations to the shape parameters of the given particles 1 and 2 where
(1 − 3) are required to converge, depending on a user defined k is the iteration number. After k = N steps the shape and
tolerance ε 1 for termination criterion ||Φ(Z n+1 )|| blockiness parameters will be the same as initial ones by
< ε. construction of the procedure:
If there is no information on the contact point from the
previous step, let (a01 , b01 , c01 , n 110 , n 120 ) and (a02 , b02 , c02 , n 210 , a i := r i + N · δa i = r i + N · (a0i − r i )/N = a0i
n 220 ) be the shape and blockiness parameters of particle 1 and
2. The following approach is suggested: bi := r i + N · δbi = r i + N · (b0i − r i )/N = b0i
ci := r i + N · δci = r i + N · (c0i − r i )/N = c0i
(1) Find the contact point for a pair of volume equivalent n i1 := 2 + N · δn i1 = 2 + N · (n i10 − 2)/N = n i10
spheres with radii r1 and r2 and centers located at the
1 and X 2 . These n i2 := 2 + N · δn i2 = 2 + N · (n i20 − 2)/N = n i20
same points as for given particles, X C C
spheres defined as superquadrics have the following i = 1, 2.
shape and blockiness parameters: a 1 = b1 = c1 = r 1 ,
As a result, this procedure will give the contact point for the
a 2 = b2 = c2 = r 2 , n 11 = n 12 = n 21 = n 22 = 2. The
given pair of particles. This step-wise procedure ensures the
analytical solution for the sphere–sphere contact point is
convergence of the method and does not affect computational
time significantly, since it must be called only once per pair
X = (r2 X C
+ r1 X C
)/(r1 + r2 ). (24) of particles. We found that for the exponents n 1 ,n 2 ≤ 8 con-
vergence is guaranteed. In addition, Cleary and Sawley [11]
Use this point as a starting point. studied influence of the blockiness parameters on the mass

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⎪ n 1 n −1 n n 1 /n 2 −1 = 0
flow rate from a hopper and found that the values n 1 , n 2 > 8 ⎪ n x + λ a x̃ 1 (1 + α 2 )

fail to make any difference to the nature of the flow. Thus, ⎪
⎨ n + λ n 1 α n 2 −1 x̃ n 1 −1 (1 + α n 2 )n 1 /n 2 −1 = 0
y b
we can safely recommend to use blockiness parameters in (31)
⎪ + λ n 1 n 1 −1 n 1 −1

⎪ n z c β x̃ =0
the range between 2 and 8. ⎪
⎩ x̃ n 1 (1 + α n 2 )n 1 /n 2 + β n 1 x̃ n 1 − 1 = 0.

2.4 Particle–wall contact

The solution of this system provides the following expres-
For industrial applications of DEM it is necessary to be able

to resolve the contact between a particle and a flat surface. A
⎪ α = (bn y /an x )1/n 2 −1

flat surface (the wall) is usually defined by any point x w on ⎪ γ = (1 + α n 2 )n 1 /n 2 −1 :

it and the unit normal vector n defined in the particle-based ⎪
⎨ β = (γ n z c/n x a)1/(n 1 −1)
coordinate system. This yields the equation of the wall: x̃ = 1/((1 + α n 2 )n 1 /n 2 + β n 1 )1/n 1 (32)

⎪ x = a x̃
n · (x − x w ) = 0. (28) ⎪

⎪ y = bα x̃

z = cβ x̃.
To establish the contact point we first seek a point x =
(x, y, z)T on the particle surface that has the minimum/
For the outer normal n = (n x , n y , n z )T with components
maximum distance to the wall (Fig. 4). The mathematical
of any signs the solution can be generalized:
condition in terms of an optimization problem is expressed
by ⎧

⎪ α = (|bn y |/|an x |)1/n 2 −1
maximize n · x ⎪
(29) ⎪
⎪ γ = (1 + α n 2 )n 1 /n 2 −1
subject to f (x, y, z) = 0. ⎪

β = (γ |n z c|/|n x a|)1/(n 1 −1)
The optimization problem has two solutions with different ⎪ x = a/((1 + α n 2 )n 1 /n 2 + β n 1 )1/n 1 sign(n x )

signs for (x, y, z, λ). Without loss of generality the normal ⎪ y = αb|x| sign(n y )/a

vector n is directed outwards with respect to the particle and z = βc|x| sign(n z )/a.
its components n x , n y , and n z are positive. Hence, we seek a
point x, y, z with positive signs. Applying the Lagrange mul- The normal overlap vector δ between the particle and the
tipliers approach we can rewrite the optimization problem as wall now can be easily established by calculating the projec-
follows: tion x ∗ of the contact point onto the wall:

⎪ n x n 2 −1 x n 2 n n /n −1 x ∗ = ((x w − x) · n)n + x
⎪ n x + λ a1 a
⎪ + by 2 1 2 = 0 (34)
⎪ a δ = x ∗ − x.
⎨ n + λ n 1 y n 2 −1 x n 2 + y n 2 n 1 /n 2 −1 = 0

y b b a b
n 1 z n 1 −1

⎪ n + λ = 0 To calculate the overlap vector and the contact point in the

⎪ z c c

⎩ x n 2 y n 2 n 1 /n 2 z n 1 global coordinate system, transition formulas (see Eq. (18))
a + b + c − 1 = 0. can be applied. A corresponding algorithm for interaction
between superquadric particles and walls of arbitrary shape
Performing the same variable change as in the previous sec- has been developed in LIGGGHTS. This algorithm employs
tion gives the following system: the solution for the contact between a particle and a flat wall
presented above. However, the description of this algorithm
is beyond the scope of this paper.

2.5 Contact force calculation

In the spherical Discrete Element Method the two fol-

lowing approaches are common: the hard-sphere and the
soft-sphere approach. In the hard-sphere approach (event-
driven), particles are assumed as rigid bodies, a sequence
of collisions is processed, one collision at a time with-
out the contact forces being explicitly considered. In the
soft-sphere approach (time-driven) particles are allowed to
deform slightly(overlap), and the contact forces are calcu-
Fig. 4 Scheme of particle–wall contact lated as functions of the overlap [55]. This overlap is not

Comp. Part. Mech.

real but intends to model the deformation of the interacting X 0 and the contact direction ni j define the contact line. We
particles at a contact point in an indirect way. seek points X i and X j as the nearest (with respect to X 0 )
Di Renzo and Di Maio [15] suggested using the linear intersection points between the contact line and the particles’
spring Hertzian model without cohesion for the particle– surfaces. In other words, we solve the following non-linear
particle and particle–wall contacts. This model employs the algebraic equations separately with respect to the scalars
following formula for the interparticle contact force, acting αi > 0 and α j < 0 at every DEM time step for each pair of
from a spherical particle i with radius Ri and center at point overlapping particles:
X Ci on a spherical particle j with radius R j and center at
point X C j : Fi (X i ) = 0, where X i = X 0 + αi ni j ,
 F j (X j ) = 0, where X j = X 0 + α j ni j .
F n,i j + F t,i j , if δn,i j ≥ 0
Fi j = (35)
0, if δn,i j < 0, Then the normal overlap vector is δ n ≡ X i − X j = (αi −
α j )ni j .
where These equations with respect to αi and α j are easier to
solve if moved to their own local reference frames:
• F n,i j = kn,i j δ n,i j + γn,i j v n,i j is the normal force com-
ponent, f i (x i0 + αi n̂ii j ) = 0,
• F t,i j = kt,i j δ t,i j + γt,i j v t,i j is the tangential force com- f j (x j0 + α j n̂i j ) = 0,
• δ n,i j = δn,i j ni j is the normal overlap vector, where x l0 = AlT · (X 0 − X Cl ), n̂li j = AlT · ni j , l = {i, j}.
• ni j = (X C j − X Ci )/||X C j − X Ci || is the normal overlap Note that in both reference frames scalars αi and α j are the
direction, same for each particle. The equations can be easily solved
• δn,i j = Ri + R j − di j is the normal overlap distance, by Newton’s iterations:
• di j = ||X C j − X Ci || is the distance between particles’
centers, f i (x i0 + αim n̂ii j )
αim+1 = αim − ,
• v n,i j = ((v j − v i ) · ni j )ni j is the normal component of ∇ f i (x i0 + αim n̂ii j ) · n̂ii j
the relative velocity, j (37)
• v t,i j = v j − v i − v n,i j is the tangential component of the f j (x j0 + α mj n̂i j )
α m+1
j = α mj − j j
relative velocity, ∇ f j (x j0 + α mj n̂i j ) · n̂i j
• δ t,i j = T0 v t,i j dτ is the tangential overlap [28].
Calculation of the coefficients kn , kt , γn , γt in(35) requires
Both normal and tangential forces contain a spring force knowledge of the equivalent radius Req [15]:
and a damping force. The coefficients kn , kt , γn , γt are cal-
culated from the material properties (density, coefficient of Ri R j
Req = , (38)
restitution, Poisson ratio, Young’s modulus, shear modulus), Ri + R j
overlap, and radii of the particles. The corresponding expres-
sions can be found in [4]. where Ri and R j are the radii of particles i and j. We will use
However, the models above are only applicable for spher- R = 1/K as the particle radius, where K = K mean = 21 (κ1 +
ical particles. Feng and Owen [20] proposed theoretical κ2 ) is the mean local curvature coefficient [21] calculated at
framework for developing energy-conserving normal contact X i and X j for each particle correspondingly, and κ1 and κ2
models for arbitrarily shaped particles. It has been estab- are the principal curvature coefficients:
lished that the normal force must be a potential field vector
associated with a potential function φ that is a function of the K mean = (∇ F T · H(F) · ∇ F
overlap volume [20]. However, the accurate calculation of the (39)
− |∇ F|2 (FX X + FY Y + FZ Z ))/2|∇ F|3 .
overlap volume may be computationally expensive and thus
become not applicable for a case with millions of particles. Alternatively, one can use the Gaussian curvature coefficient
Previously, Zheng et al. [54] modified the Hertzian model √
K = K Gauss = κ1 κ2 [21]:
taking into consideration two principal radii of curvature
and applied it to ellipsoidal particles. They showed good A = FZ (FX X FZ − 2FX FX Z ) + FX2 FZ Z ,
agreement with the results calculated by means of the finite
B = FZ (FY Y FZ − 2FY FY Z ) + FY2 FZ Z ,
element method (FEM). However, the extension of the model
to superquadric particles becomes quite complex. In this C = FZ (FX Y FZ − FX Z FY − FX FY Z ) + FX FY FZ Z ,
study we propose the following approach. The contact point D = FZ2 (FX2 + FY2 + FZ2 )2 ,

Comp. Part. Mech.

AB − C 2
K Gauss = . (40)
Obviously, K mean = K Gauss = 1/R for a spherical particle
of radius R.
One of the disadvantages of the proposed methodology
(and hence of the possible extension of the method by Zheng
et al. [54] to superquadrics) is that the curvature coeffi-
cients may become zero leading to infinite curvature radii if
superquadric exponents n 1 and n 2 are more than 2, especially
in face-to-face contact. The mean curvature radius becomes
infinite if both principal curvature coefficients are zero. This
occurs at 6 points on the particle surface: x = y = 0, z = ±c,
y = z = 0, x = ±a and x = z = 0, y = ±b (in the local
reference frame). The Gaussian curvature radius becomes
infinite if any of the principal curvature coefficients is zero.
This occurs if x = 0, y = 0 or z = 0 (in the local refer- Fig. 6 Normal force as a function of the overlap distance for different
ence frame). For this reason, we limit the curvature radius: models of the equivalent radius. Results are compared with the FEM
Rcur vatur e = min(Rcur vatur e , q Rvol ), where Rvol is radius simulation results by Zheng et al. [54]
of the volume equivalent sphere, q is the limiting coefficient
that must be chosen in advance. In the current implementation ered to be elastic and frictionless. The overlap distance was
of LIGGGHTS q = 10 is used. The influence of the choice varied in the range between 0 and 5μm. Three radius models
of the curvature radius and the limiting coefficient q on the were tested: the mean curvature radius, the Gaussian curva-
simulation results is to be studied in the future publications. ture radius, and radius of the volume equivalent sphere. The
normal contact force between overlapping ellipsoidal parti-
cles is plotted as a function of the overlap and presented in
3 Validation Fig. 6. Calculated results are compared with the FEM analy-
sis carried out by Zheng et al. [54] and added to Fig. 6.
3.1 Contact force between two ellipsoidal particles It can be observed that for elastic contacts the normal
force can be well described by the Hertz theory using the
Here we bring in contact two ellipsoidal particles (Table 1) Gaussian curvature radius for the particle radii Ri and R j in
oriented parallel to each other (Fig. 5). Particles are consid- Eq. (38) since it gives minimal discrepancy with respect to
the FEM results. Despite this, only the mean curvature radius
Table 1 Particle parameters for ellipsoids is used in the further test cases in this paper since it becomes
Parameter Value infinite only at 6 points of the non-ellipsoidal (superquadric
exponents n 1 , n 2 > 2) particle surface rather than on the
Three semi-axes, a, b, c (mm) 5, 2.5, 2.5 infinite number of points if the Gaussian curvature is used,
Young’s modulus (GPa) 10 as described in the previous section. A more comprehensive
Poisson ratio 0.3 comparison of different curvature radii using different par-
Density (kg/m3 ) 2500 ticle shapes at different orientations is to be discussed in a
future paper.

3.2 Settling of particles under gravity and simulation


In the following test case we compare particles (Table 2) with

different blockiness parameters in terms of computational
time. The code was compiled with g++ (5.2) compiler and
run in serial mode on an Intel Core i7-4790 processor-based
desktop computer. A total of 1000 particles were distributed
randomly (Fig. 7, left) in the simulation box 0.1 × 0.1 ×
0.25 m and allowed to settle under gravity along Z-direction
Fig. 5 Two ellipsoidal particles and form a static packed bed (Fig. 7, right). Periodic boundary

Comp. Part. Mech.

Table 2 Simulation parameters used in settling simulation

Parameter Value

Three semi-axes, a, b, c (m) 0.0025, 0.0025, 0.005

Blockiness N = n 1 = n 2 Varied: 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
Density (kg/m3 ) 2500
Young’s modulus (GPa) 1
Poisson’s ratio 0.3
Coefficient of friction 0.5
Coefficient of restitution 0.5
Sizes of the simulation domain 0.1 × 0.1 × 0.25 m
Time step t (s) 10−5
Number of time steps 105

Fig. 8 Elapsed computational time versus number of elapsed time

steps. The dash-dot line is the tangent line to the curves at their inflection
conditions are applied to the vertical faces x = 0, x = 0.1, point
y = 0 and y = 0.1. The horizontal walls z = 0 and z = 0.25
are considered as rigid walls of the same material as the
particles. From Fig. 8 it is interesting to observe that the 3.3 Particle–wall impact
blockiness N does not affect the computational time signifi-
cantly. A possible explanation is that after a certain moment In this test, as described by Kodam et al. [29], a cylindrical
of time (after about 23000th time step, inflection point of the particle oriented at a specified angle, impacts a wall with
curves) the contact point for each contact pair does not move a specified translational speed normal to the wall and zero
significantly; Newton iterations are skipped since the contact angular velocity. The contact is assumed to be frictionless and
point from previous time steps already satisfies the termina- without gravity. The post-impact angular and translational
tion criterion for the Newton’s method on the next DEM time velocities, ω+ +
y and Vz correspondingly, according to Kodam
steps. As a result, computational speed is increased (angle of et al. [29], are given by
the tangent lines to the curves is decreased). It was obtained
that for particles with high order of blockiness (N = 10), mVz− (1 + ε)r cos(α + θ )
y = , (41)
the simulation time is about 1.6 μs per contact pair in static I yy + mr 2 cos2 (α + θ )
regime and about 3 μs in dynamic regime. These values are Vz+ = ω+ −
y r cos(α + θ ) − εVz , (42)
relative good in comparison with different studies [6,16,53].
However, in order to make an accurate comparison between where m is the mass of the cylinder, ε is the coefficient of
different methods, the program codes must be run on the restitution at the point of contact, Vz− is the pre-impact trans-
same hardware. lational velocity of the cylinder, α is the angle between the

Fig. 7 Initial particl e

distribution (at T = 0 s, left) and
the resulting packed bed (at T =
1 s, right)

Comp. Part. Mech.

cylinder’s face and the line joining the contact point and the
center of the particle, θ is the angle between the cylinder’s
face and the wall, and I yy is the moment of inertia around the
y-axis. The parameter r is the distance between the cylinder’s
center and the corner point C (Fig. 9), which is assumed to
be fixed. Particle parameters are listed in Table 3.
The post-impact angular and translational velocities were
calculated for various orientation angles θ for the DEM sim-
ulations and compared with analytical expressions in Fig. 10.
The wall was removed immediately after collision to prevent
the secondary contact that occurs in reality at low and high
impact angles and is not taken into account in Eqs. (41) and
For angles 5◦  θ  86◦ the superquadric DEM gives
Fig. 9 Scheme of cylinder–wall impact, X Z projection relative good agreement with analytics; however, for other
angles there is small disagreement mainly due to the error
Table 3 Simulation parameters in particle–wall impact simulation in shape approximation, and, as a result, because of the
corner point C, that is non-static with respect to the particle-
Parameter Value
based coordinate system. This corner point is always static
Cylinder diameter, D (m) 8 × 10−3 at impact angles θ = 0◦ and θ = 90◦ for true cylinders.
Cylinder length, L (m) 5.3 × 10−3 According to [29], multisphere simulations (with 54 prime
Volume (m3 ) 2.49 × 10−7 spheres) show significant errors over most of the orientation
Density (kg/m3 ) 1245 range.
Mass (kg) 3.1 × 10−4
Moment of inertia I x x (kg/m2 ) 1.834 × 10−9 3.4 Piling of particles
Moment of inertia I yy (kg/m2 ) 1.834 × 10−9
Moment of inertia Izz (kg/m2 ) 2.362 × 10−9 For the second validation test case superquadric particles
Shear modulus (GPa) 1.15
with the following shape parameters were used: a = 2.0 mm,
b = 2.0 mm, c = 1 mm, n 1 = n 2 = 4. Particle parameters
Poisson’s ratio 0.35
along with simulation setup data are listed in Table 4. They
Coefficient of friction 0.0
were compared with volume equivalent spherical particles of
Coefficient of restitution 0.85
radius R = 1.836 mm. Domain boundaries are represented
Time step t (s) 5 × 10−7
by rigid walls of the same material as the particles. In both

Fig. 10 The dimensionless post-impact angular velocity r ω+ − + −

y /Vz (left) and translational velocity Vz /Vz (right) as functions of impact angle θ

Comp. Part. Mech.

Table 4 Simulation parameters used in pilling test case particles fall and leave the computational domain, while other
Parameter Value particles remain on the plate and form a heap as a result.
For this test case a set of experiments was conducted and
Density (kg/m3 ) 957 compared with the simulations. The corresponding shape
Young’s modulus (Pa) 2.5 × 107 parameters for each sort of the particles were found and are
Poisson’s ratio 0.25 listed in Table 5. Corresponding superquadric approxima-
Coefficient of friction 0.5 tions of the particles in question are presented in Fig. 12.
Coefficient of rolling friction 0 Material properties were chosen the same for each particle
Coefficient of restitution 0.5 shape and are listed in Table 6.
Sizes of the simulation domain 0.31 × 0.03 ×0.24 m
Time step t (s) 5 × 10−6
Table 5 Superquadric shape parameters for particles in the “Angle of
Number of time steps 600, 000
repose” test case
Particle a (mm) b (mm) c (mm) n1 n2

Sugar cube 8.5 7.5 6 10.0 10.0

cases the heap was formed by continuously dropping parti- “M&M’s” dragee 6.5 6.5 3 2.0 2.0
cles from a small area located above the center of the heap. Chewing gum 9.5 3.25 6.4 3.0 2.0
As can be seen from Fig. 11 the heap shape for spherical
particles (angle of repose 31◦ ) differs from the heap shape
for superquadric particles (angle of repose 40◦ ). The heap
becomes stable 1s after the dropping is stopped with almost
zero maximum angular and translational velocity, which tes-
tifies the stability of the algorithms.
These simulations show importance of using non-spherical
particle shapes in the Discrete Element Method. Having
the same material properties the non-spherical particles can
demonstrate different behavior in comparison to spherical
ones just by changing the shape of the particles. Fig. 12 Superquadric representation of the particles used in the exper-

Table 6 Material properties of particles in the “Angle of repose” test

4 Numerical experiments case
Parameter Value
4.1 Angle of repose
Density (kg/m 3 ) 957
In this test case the following particles were used: sugar Young’s modulus, particle and wall (Pa) 1.0 × 106
cubes, “M&M’s” and chewing gum. The particles are ran- Poisson’s ratio, particle and wall 0.3
domly distributed in a cylindrical volume with random Coefficient of friction, particle–particle 0.6
orientation. They are allowed to settle under gravity in the Coefficient of friction, particle–wall 0.4
cylindrical volume. After the settling is completed, the ver- Coefficient of restitution, particle and wall 0.2
tical wall of the cylinder moves upwards such that some

Fig. 11 Piling problem, simulation snapshots at the final time step, superquadrics (left) and volume equivalent spheres (right) without rolling
friction, 4680 particles

Comp. Part. Mech.

Fig. 13 Angle of repose, chewing gum, experiment (left), and simulation (right)

Fig. 14 Angle of repose, sugar cubes, experiment (left), and simulation (right)

Fig. 15 Angle of repose, “M&M’s”, experiment (left), and simulation (right)

From the pictures (Figs. 13, 14 and 15) it can be seen Table 7 Static packing of cylinders, experimental and simulation data
that there is only a qualitative agreement between the exper- Parameter Experiment Simulation
iments and the simulations mainly due to relatively big
size of the particles used in comparison to the cylinder Cylinder diameter, D (m) 8 × 10−3 8 × 10−3
diameter. Cylinder length, L (m) 5.3 × 10−3 5.3 × 10−3
Volume (m3 ) 2.664 × 10−7 2.49 × 10−7
Density (kg/m3 ) 1160 1245
4.2 Static packing of cylinders Mass (kg) 3.1 × 10−4 3.1 × 10−4
Shear modulus (GPa) 1.15 1.15
In this validation test we simulate a static packing of cylin- Poisson’s ratio 0.35 0.35
ders, defined as superquadric particles. The particles were Coefficient of friction 0.5 0.5
dropped into a cylindrical container, and compared to the Coefficient of restitution 0.85 0.85
experimental data provided by Kodam et al. [29]. The DEM Container diameter (mm) 50.6 50.6
material properties along with particle properties are listed Container height (mm) 130 130
in Table 7. Particle size parameters, a, b, and c, were chosen
Time step t(s) − 10−5
such that particles in the simulation have the same diam-
eter and length as in the experiment: a = b = D/2,

Comp. Part. Mech.

Fig. 16 Packing of cylinders after dropping 250 particles, superquadric DEM (left), and experiment [29] (right)

Fig. 17 Comparison of experimental (Liu et al. [33], top) and simulation (bottom) snapshots of the discharging candies from a hopper at different
moments of time: t = 0 s, t = 0.9 s, t = 1.8 s, t = 2.7 s, t= 3.6 s, and t = 6.6 s (from left to right)

c = L/2 (Table 7). Volume and principal moments of iner- which is in good agreement with the experiment. Kodam et al.
tia of the cylinders defined as superquadrics have values [29] simulated packing of the cylinders with the multisphere
smaller than those for true cylinders due to the rounded edges. approach and found that 9-sphere particles underpredict the
The difference between a true cylinder and its superquadric bed height by 21 %, while 54-sphere particles underpredict
approximation decreases with the increase of the blocki- the fill height by 8 %.
ness/roundness superquadric shape parameter n 1 , however,
leading to less stability of the method. Hence, a compro- 4.3 Hopper discharge
mise value must be chosen. The superquadric cylinder in
this simulation was set to have the same mass as the true We also use the method in simulating the discharge of Smar-
cylinder by increasing density by 7 % and setting blockiness ties®chocolate candies from a flat bottom hopper. These
parameters to n 1 = 6.0, n 2 = 2.0. DEM time step was set candies have ellipsoidal shape with the following shape para-
t = 10−5 s. meters: 2a = 13.56 mm, 2b = 2c = 7.19 mm, n 1 = n 2 =
The image of the final state from the simulation is shown 2.0, and density 1338 kg/m3 . The hopper is 290 mm along
in Fig. 16. The final experimental fill height according to the X-direction, 55mm in Y-direction, and has an orifice
Kodam et al. [29] is 53.3±2.0 mm, while superquadric DEM of 54 mm in X-direction and 55mm in Y-direction. Grav-
simulation gives the fill height of roughly 52.0 ± 3.0 mm ity is oriented along the Z-direction. The particle–particle

Comp. Part. Mech.

Fig. 19 Snapshot of discharging oblate cylinders with aspect ratio α =

Fig. 18 Ratio of the particles remaining in the hopper as a function of 0.5
time. Experimental data (Liu et al. [33]) vs. simulation

and particle–wall coefficient of friction was set 0.4. Young’s

modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and coefficient of restitution were
chosen to be 10 GPa, 0.29, and 0.5 correspondingly. The
hopper geometry and particle properties used in the DEM
simulation are the same as those used by Liu et al. [33]
and Dong et al. [16]. The DEM time step size was set
t = 2 × 10−5 s. A total of 5500 particles are dropped in the
hopper to form a bed of 0.4 m height and remain motionless
until the orifice is opened. After the settling is completed,
the orifice located at the center of the bottom is opened and
particles discharge from the hopper by gravity exhibiting V-
shaped flow pattern. The simulation results are shown in Fig.
17 at different time steps during the discharge along with
the snapshots observed in the experiment by Liu et al. [33].
Good agreement between the simulation and the experiment
can also be found in terms of discharge rate, i.e., ratio of Fig. 20 Volume of discharged particles as function of time for different
the remaining particles in the hopper at different times (Fig. aspect ratios α : 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5. Coefficient of friction μ = 0.1
18), which proves validity of the shape model. However, one
can see that experimental results are consistently higher than
the numerical results. The discrepancy between experimen-
tal and simulation values may be due to the coefficient of conditions are applied in the Y-direction. The orifice is 3.6D
friction that must be calibrated to fit experimental data. along X-direction and 4D along Y-direction. A total of 2100
particles were simulated with aspect ratio α = 0.33, 1400
4.4 Hopper discharge-influence of the aspect ratio particles with α = 0.5, 700 particles with α = 1, and 467
particles with α = 1.5 correspondingly. As a consequence,
In the next validation test case we apply the superquadric the total volume of particle before the discharge was 514 mm3
DEM code to modeling of the discharge of cylindrical par- for all shapes. If the coefficient of friction is small (μ = 0.1),
ticle from a flat bottom hopper (Fig. 19). The simulated it can be seen (Fig. 20) that the volume of discharged par-
particles have density ρ = 2500 kg/m3 , fixed bottom diam- ticles as function of time is comparable for different shapes
eter D = 1 mmf, while the aspect ratio α = h/D, i.e., the and is almost linear until the discharging is about to end [16],
ratio between the height and the bottom diameter, was varied. while the number of discharged particles, obviously, varies
Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and coefficient of restitu- for different shapes. This phenomenon occurs in rheology of
tion are the same as in the previous section. The hopper is 11D granular particles and can be a test case for validation of a
along X-direction, 4D along Y-direction. Periodic boundary non-spherical DEM code [32].

Comp. Part. Mech.

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