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Module 1: Community Health Nursing: Ipcs For Covid-19, Uhc, and Copar

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Davao Doctors College, Inc

General Malvar St., Davao City

Nursing Program


IPCs for COVID-19, UHC, and COPAR

A Case Study Presented to the Nursing Clinical Instructors 

of Davao Doctors College, Inc. 

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

NRG 302: Community Health Nursing 2
(Population Groups and Community as Clients)

Beloy, Michelle D.
Beltran, Jeshan Y.
Cali, Amer Jr. N.
Caspillo, Marinelle L.
Chi, Krixanne Beatrice T.
Chua, Kamille A.
Cruz, Rhea Anne A.
Dubduban, Janice A.
Esguerra, Bea Marie C.
Galan, Patricia Anne B.
Idulsa, Jenny Lou V.
Lakag, Carl Adrian

NOVEMBER 15, 2021

Phases in COPAR Activities Nurse’s Responsibilities

 Pre-Entry  Preparation of the institution  Train faculty and students in

 Formulate plans for
institutionalizing COPAR
 Revise/enrich curriculum and
immersion program
 Coordinate participants of
other departments

 Setting of
issues/considerations related  Make a list of sources of
to site selection information and possible
facility resources both
government and private

 Development of criteria for site

selection  Design a plan for community
development including all its
activities and strategies for
care development

 Site selections  Initial networking with local

 Conduct preliminary special
 Make a long/short list of
potential communities.
 Do ocular survey of listed

Criteria for Initial Site


 Must have a population

of 100-200 families.
 Economically
depressed. No strong
resistance from the
 No serious peace and
order problem.
 No similar group or
organization holding the
same program.
 Make long/short list of
 Identifying potential
potential municipalities
 Do the same process as in
 Identifying potential community
selecting a municipality.
 Consult key informants and
 Coordinate with local
government and NGOs for
future activities.

 Conduct informal interviews

 Choosing final community with community residents and
key informants.
 Determine the need of the
program in the community.
 Take note of political
 Develop community profiles
for secondary data.
 Develop survey tools.
 Pay courtesy call to
community leaders.
 Choose foster families based
on guidelines
 House is strategically located
 Identifying host family in the community.
 Should not belong to the rich
 Respected by both formal and
informal leaders.
 Neighbors are not hesitant to
enter the house.
 No member of the host family
should be moving out in the

 Entry  Integration with the community  Recognize the role of local

 Sensitization of authorities by paying them
the community/information visits to inform their presence
campaigns and activities.
 Continuing social investigation  Avoid raising expectations of
 Core group (GG) formation people
 Development of criteria for   Living with the community
selection of CG members   Establishing rapport with the
 Defining the roles/ functions/ people in continuing effort to
tasks/ of CG imbibe community life.
 Coordination/ dialogue/  Seek out to converse with
consultation with other community people where they usually
organizations congregate
 Self-awareness and leadership  Lend a hand in household
training (SALT)/ action planning  chores
 Deepening social
investigation/community study
 Verification and enrichment of
data collected from initial
 Conduct baseline survey by
students, results relayed
through community assembly. 

 Community  Selection of the research team  Gather basic information on

 Training on data collection socio economic conditions
methods and including religious practices,
techniques/capability-building overall physical environment,
(includes development of data general health patterns and
collection tools) available health resources
 Planning for the actual  Discard the visitor or guest
gathering of data image
 Data gathering  Respect for community culture
 Training on data validation and traditions are utmost
(includes tabulation and important
preliminary analysis of data)
 Community validation 
 Presentation of the community
study/diagnosis and
 Prioritization of community
needs/problems for action  

 Community  Meeting with the officials.  Gather team members.

Capability -Building  Participate in community
Phase meetings with the officials to
draw guidelines for the
organization of the community
health organization (CHO).
 Courtesy calls to existing
leaders and identification of
potential leaders.

 Identifying problems.  Establish rapport to develop

trust and effective
communication with the
members of the team.
 Develop management
systems and procedures,
including delineation of the
roles, functions and tasks of
officers and members of the
 Determine possible threats
and formulate effective
 Recruit members (Engaging
 Spreading awareness and the community in resource
soliciting solutions or enhancement activities)
suggestions.  Brainstorming with the
members to come up with
problem solving solutions.
 Encouraging individuals to be
part of the development
program for better and faster

 Interpret suggested ideas for

 Analysis of presented solution. development.
 Elaborate plan to the members
to conduct recommended

 Organize working committees/

 Planning of the activities. task groups (e.g., education
and training, membership of
 Dissemination tasks
 Encourage leadership
 Networking and building
alliances with other
 Strengthening socio-economic
services and resource
 Consolidating organization's
operating procedures.

 Training and team building

 Training of leaders and/or
 Organizing the people to build community volunteers to do
their own organization.  organizing work themselves.
 Conduct specialized training
for organizational development
training of potential trainers
and second-line leaders.

 Coordinate with the officials to

work out legal requirements
for the establishment of the
 Registration of the CHO
organization  Strengthening and formalizing
the organization by registering
it with an appropriate agency
through a local government
accreditation process, if

 Participate during conduction

of actions to perform the plan
for development.
 Implementing the said
 Perform health programs
beneficial for the individuals,
family, community, and special
group members from the area.
 Maintain and monitor resource
enhancement measures.

 Periodic assessment
undertaken within the
 Evaluation implementation period to
measure progress.
 Assesses the degree to which
the implementation of
community plans has been
successfully achieved.
 Monitoring of progress and
effectiveness of the projects of
the organization.

 Community Action  Organization and training of  Develop the selection criteria

community health workers for CHWs. Select CHWs that
o Development of criteria are interested, willing, and
for the selection of possess good qualities. Once
CHWs met the criteria and selected,
o Selection of CHWs nurses can now train the
o Training of CHWs CHWs.
 Initiate formulation of CHW
development and training
 Educate elected officials about
the responsibilities and roles
they should fulfill.

 Encourage the people to

 Planning, implementation, identify their problem in their
monitoring, and evaluation of community and to set up goals
health services/interventions for their problem. Once
schemes and community identified, inform them to
development projects  implement an initiative action
to solve the problems.
 Let the health workers and
community leaders monitor if
the action is being
implemented well and to
evaluate the effect of the
project in the community.
 Allow the community to
determine the pace and scope
of implementations.
 Regular monitoring and
continuing community
formation program.
Throughout the mobilization
phase, regular meetings are
conducted for monitoring and
continuous training for
community leaders
 Formulates supervisory plan
and conducts supervisory
visits for implementation of the
projects or programs.
 Setting up of linkages/network
referral systems  Facilitate the community
leaders in setting up the
linkages. They should be the
one to do the connection or to
do the linkages.
 Involves referrals to
appropriate levels of care
when indicated. Establish
linkages and collaborative
relationships with other
agencies and health
 Initial identification and
implementation of resource
mobilization schemes  Inform the people about the
need to identify the available
resources they have in their
community in order for them to
use it in solving their problems
and issues.
 Tell the community that these
resources could be human
resources, material resources
or community resources
 Identify and help the
community for resource
mobilization schemes.
 Share to the community the
possible projects that may
help generate resources for
community development

 Sustenance and  Formulation and ratification of  Encourage client’s to be

constitution and by-laws. independent. 
 Identification and development  Nurses must formulate and
of “secondary” leaders. ratify the constitution to help
 Setting up and and guide the community. 
institutionalization of financing  Education and training of CHO
scheme for community health for monitoring and
programs/activities.  implementing health programs
 Formalization and  Developing secondary
institutionalization of linkages, leaders.
networks and referral systems.  Linkage and networking 
 Development and  Conduct of mobilization on
implementation of viable health and developing
management systems and concerns
procedures, committees,  Implementing of livelihood
continuing education/training projects.
of leaders, CHWs, community

 Turn-Over/ Phase-  Turn-over of works to the  Keeps a written account of

organization services rendered,
observations, condition,
needs, problems and attitude
of the client, in community
activities, accomplishments
made, and etc.
 Responsible for the
dissemination of pertinent
information to appropriate
authorities, agencies, and
most especially to the client

 Documentation  Develops the people’s

capabilities to keep/maintain
their recording and reporting

 Leaving the immersion site  Making sure that members are

self-reliant and empowered


Ido, E. (n.d.). Community Organizing Participatory Action Research. Retrieved from:

Nursingcrib (20080. Phases of the COPAR Process. Retrieved from:

Torio, K. (2014). Community Organizing Participatory Action Research. Retrieved from:


Vera, M. (2013). Community Organizing Participatory Action Research (COPAR).

Retrieved from: https://nurseslabs.com/copar-community-organizing-

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