Out of This World: Doing Things The Semco Way: "Mr. Semler - .
Out of This World: Doing Things The Semco Way: "Mr. Semler - .
Out of This World: Doing Things The Semco Way: "Mr. Semler - .
The Brazilian company Semco may be one of the flour, biscuit, beer, and car dealership businesses.
world’s most unusual workplaces. Instead of a mis- When we first met he was already a billionaire, and
sion statement, business plan, and long-term budget, by the time I was invited to speak at the conference
it has relied on democratic processes and employee in question, he had earned my utmost respect.
autonomy to produce a two-decade record of envi-
able growth and profits. Its cardinal operating phi- Most people would allow themselves to be insulted
losophy? Harness the wisdom of the people. Em- by such an exchange. At first blush, you too might
ployees control their work hours, location, and pay think I should have considered Senator Macedo’s
to achieve the work/life balance they need, and par- question an affront. After all, I had just finished
ticipate in all decisions, including what businesses giving an hour-long presentation in a hot, humid
Semco should pursue. By continually asking why, auditorium and deserved to be afforded the respect
they avoid the trap of fixed assumptions, opening of an honored guest. Surely, I didn’t deserve to be
the organization to learning and the discovery of laughed at for being different.
new approaches and opportunities. © 2006 Hewitt
Associates. The thing is, though, my company, Semco, is differ-
ent. We have no official structure, no organizational
“Mr. Semler . . . can you please tell us what planet chart, no business plan or company strategy, no two-
you’re from?” I had just finished giving a speech or five-year plan, no goal or mission statement, and
at a conference in the far north of Brazil and was no long-term budget. And while many journalists
preparing to field questions from the hundreds of and commentators brand me “CEO” when describ-
people in attendance when a man seated in the front ing the company, the fact is that Semco doesn’t have
row posed this provocative question. Before I could a fixed CEO. We also have no vice presidents and
open my mouth to reply, the crowd erupted in gales no chief officers for information technology or op-
of good-natured laughter, and it took several min- erations. There are no standards or practices, no
utes for the room to quiet down enough for the human resources department, no career plans, no
Q&A portion of the session to continue. job descriptions or employer contracts. No one ap-
proves reports or expense accounts, and supervision
Who would have the audacity to pose such or monitoring of employees is a rarity.
an inflammatory—albeit, humorous—question? Be-
lieve it or not, it was the man who invited me to Semco’s history can be traced back to my father,
speak at the conference—Senator Jose Macedo, a Antonio Curt Semler, a Viennese immigrant. Shortly
prominent Brazilian politician and wonderful self- after moving to Brazil from Argentina in the mid-
made man. Senator Macedo began his working life 1950s, he patented a centrifuge for separating oils.
as a soap salesman before branching out into the Building on his invention, my father founded a small
machine shop, which quickly became a $2-million-a-
This article is reprinted from the book, Workforce Wake-Up year business. In the late 1960s, he grew the business
Call: Your Workforce Is Changing, Are You? edited by Robert
Gandossy, Elissa Tucker, and Nidhi Verma (New York: Wiley,
exponentially when he formed a partnership with
2006). two British marine pump manufacturers, making
c 2006 Hewitt Associates. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons.
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com)
Global Business and Organizational Excellence • DOI: 10.1002/joe.20161 • July/August 2007 13
Semco a major supplier to the Brazilian shipbuild- weekend.” Operating under the conviction that peo-
ing industry. Over the next quarter-century, Semco ple are the best judges of where and when they can
built marine pumps and its name became synony- best get the job done, we give our employees the free-
mous with the shipping industry. dom to customize their workdays. For Semco em-
ployees, the hours they work are determined by their
As far back as I can remember, my father assumed own self-interest, rather than by company mandates.
I would accept responsibility for managing Semco
when I got old enough. As for me, I wasn’t so sure I
wanted to take the reins of a company I considered Operating under the conviction that people are the
too rigid and steeped in tradition. After all, I was best judges of where and when they can best get
having too much fun playing in a rock band to con-
the job done, we give our employees the freedom to
template spending my life doing what I considered
customize their workdays.
babysitting people just to make sure they clocked in
on time.
After much debate and negotiation, I agreed to take Don’t get me wrong. The seven-day weekend isn’t
over Semco and my father agreed to step back and about giving employees permission to play hooky.
allow me to make over the company as I deemed fit. It’s about creating an atmosphere and culture in
Within just days of accepting the reins, I had fired which employees have permission to be whole peo-
two-thirds of my father’s most senior managers. ple seven days a week. We humans are complex
Sure, it was a risky move, but one I felt was necessary creatures with many facets, interests, talents, and
to quickly implement reforms without having to en- personalities. If forced to shut off any portion of
dure the inevitable foot-dragging of long-entrenched ourselves from Monday morning until Friday night,
executives. My reinvention of dear old Dad’s com- we are not living truly fulfilling lives. No one should
pany didn’t end there. I spent the next two decades feel they have to leave half of themselves in the park-
questioning, challenging, and dismantling the tra- ing lot each and every day. It’s a lousy way to live
ditional business practices my father had spent the and a lousy way to work.
previous three decades instilling at Semco.
At Semco, we not only allow but also actively en-
Starting to think Senator Macedo was justified in courage our employees to pursue their interests,
asking me what planet I’m from? It’s okay if you leaving it to them to perform their work duties where
do. You wouldn’t be the first and you most certainly and when they feel they are likely to deliver the
won’t be the last. I guess you could say I come from best results. If a Wednesday morning rock-climbing
the planet Semco because life sure is a lot different expedition is more inviting than a budget-planning
here than it is just about any other place on Earth. meeting, then by all means, break out the rope and
pitons! If lighter traffic on a Saturday afternoon
makes the commute to the office more bearable, then
The Seven-Day Weekend feel free to spend a few hours at work. We don’t care
I’ll be the first to admit that Semco is one of the when you get your work done, just as long as you
world’s most unusual workplaces. Many of our ba- get it done. It’s up to employees to decide when they
sic tenets fly in the face of even the most progressive will best be able to perform their duties.
owners or managers. For starters, we don’t do the
standard Monday to Friday workweek. Instead, we One of the best examples of living the seven-day
operate in a fashion that I like to call the “seven-day workweek can be found in Jose Carlos Reis de
At Semco, we believe success is not measured only At Semco, we don’t play by the rules. We are
in profits and growth, but in helping our people unabashedly, unapologetically different, and we’re
achieve balance in their lives. Our people are free— proud of it. In fact, we revel in it. We’ve changed
free to work odd hours; free to work closer to their the way work works and improved the quality of
homes (even at their homes!); free to come to the our lives, and so can you. The workforce does need
office whenever they feel it’s necessary; free to take a wake-up call, and it’s up to you to join the chorus
off to the beach, the tennis court, or the concert hall and lend your voices (and your actions) to the cause.
in the middle of a weekday in exchange for working It’s going to be quite an exciting ride.
on a Sunday. In the end, it’s all about the same
Ricardo Semler is president of Semco, the Brazilian machin-
thing—creating balance. When people have balance
ery manufacturer and service provider. He is internationally
in their lives, they are better equipped to discover renowned as the creator of the world’s most unusual work-
where their talents and interests lie and thus better place and is currently a visiting Scholar at Harvard University
able to merge their personal aspirations with the and teaches leadership at MIT.
goals of the company.