Thunbergia Grandiflora

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Compositions of Thunbergia grandiflora Leaf and Root Essential Oils

Article  in  Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences · January 2017

DOI: 10.9734/JAMPS/2017/35836

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2 authors:

Kingsley Mbachu Dorcas O. Moronkola

University of Ibadan University of Ibadan


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Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical

15(1): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JAMPS.35836

ISSN: 2394-1111

Compositions of Thunbergia grandiflora Leaf and

Root Essential Oils
Kingsley Adibe Mbachu1* and Dorcas Olufunke Moronkola1
Department of Chemistry, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author DOM designed the study,
wrote the protocol and managed the analyses of the study. Author KAM performed the statistical
analysis and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Authors KAM and DOM managed the literature
searches. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/JAMPS/2017/35836
(1) Bouzabata Amel, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medecine, University Badji-Mokhtar, Algeria.
(1) Esraa Ashraf Ahmed ElHawary, Ain Shams University, Egypt.
(2) Arun Kumar, Hindu Post Graduate College, India.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 31 July 2017
Accepted 24 September 2017
Original Research Article
Published 13th October 2017


Fresh samples of leaves and roots of Thunbergia grandiflora were collected from forest- reserved
area, Ibadan, Nigeria for extraction of their volatile oils. Hydro-distillation method was used in an all-
glass Clevenger apparatus designed to British pharmacopeia specifications. It gave yields of 0.09%
and 0.10% respectively. The oils were analyzed using gas chromatography [GC], gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry [GC-MS] in University of Botswana. A total of thirty-eight
compounds were identified in the leaf and root essential oils, twenty-seven compounds were
identified in leaf oil, which account for 98.13% of it while seventeen identified compounds are
responsible for 73.98% of root oil. Most abundant compounds in leaf oil are α-3-octanol (45.96%),
3,7 dimethyl 1,6-octadien-3-ol (13.22%) and 2- methoxy-3-(2-propenyl) phenol (8.36%). Dominant
compounds in root oil are methyl salicylate (44.80%), 2,21,5,51-tetramethyl-1,11 - biphenyl (5.05%)
and i-propyl hexadecanoate (2.87%). leaf oil is dominated by following classes of compounds (%);
alcohols (68.58), carboxylic acid (4.01), aldehydes (12.90), ketones (5.18), esters (2.62), aromatics
(0.66) and also sulphurates (0.45). Classes of compounds in root oil are esters (47.67), alcohols
(2.64), carboxylic acids (0.55), aldehydes (7.69), sulphurates (1.61), aromatics (5.05) and alkane


*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected], [email protected];

Mbachu and Moronkola; JAMPS, 15(1): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JAMPS.35836

(5.02). The two oils contain alcohols and esters in good amounts. Our results indicate that alcohols,
esters and aldehydes dominate Thunbergia grandiflora essential oils. We present important
compounds in the leaf and root essential oils of Thunbergia grandiflora, which have not been
reported earlier in literature.

Keywords: Thunbergia grandiflora; acanthaceae; essential oil; terpenoids; Gas Chromatography (GC)
and Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).

1. INTRODUCTION and hanging groups of large, pale lavender

flowers [8]. Other species of Thunbergia includes
Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb.exRottler T. laurifolia, T. laevis nees, T. alata, T. erecta, T.
(Acanthaceae) is an evergreen vine. It is a large coccinea. Traditionally, some of these species
climbing and twining plant, native to China, India, have been used for treating fever, wounds, skin
Nepal, Indochina and Burma and many tropical problems, back and joint pains, eye
countries of Africa [1-4]. It is also found inflammation, piles and rectal cancer. They have
throughout the Bangladesh, especially in forests also been used as aphrodisiac and antidote for
of Gajipur and Chittagong [5]. Generally; it is snake bite [9-11]. Thunbergia laurifolia was found
known as black clock vine and blue trumpet vine. to possess antioxidant, hepaprotective,
Other common names include Bengal clockvine, neuroprotective and hypoglycaemic properties
Bengal trumpet, blue skyflower, blue thunbergia, [12-15]. Thunbergia laurifolia have been reported
clock vine, skyflower and skyvine [3]. In to contain compounds such as grandifloric acid,
Bangladesh, it is known as “Kauathuti”, “Nallata” 8-epigrandifloric acid, 3′-O-β-glucopyranosyl-
and “Nillata” [4]. This Plant grows to about 20 stilbericoside, benzyl β-glucopyranoside, (E)-2-
metres in height and has a tuberous root system hexenyl-β-glucopyranoside, hexanol-β-
with a deep tap root [2]. The stalked, opposite glucopyranoside and 6,8-di-
leaves, which have rough surface, are quite Cglucopyranosylapigenin [16]. T. laevis nees
variable in shape, they may be triangular or was reported to display significant antioxidant
ovate and the margins may be toothed, lobed or and anti-diabetic properties [17,18]. Iridoid
entire. Length of the leaf is up to 20 cm and width glucosides, apigenin glucosides, stilbericoside
is up to 6 cm broad, broad-based narrowing to a and thunbergioside were also obtained from T.
pointed tip, usually with deeply scalloped lobes laevis nees [19-21] as well as essential oil
towards the base. The shape and texture of the constituents, phytochemical analyses, and
leaf as well as being oval and narrowing to antimicrobial studies on leaf and stem of
pointed tip makes the plant different from other thunbergia laevis nees [22]. Thunbergia
thunbergia species. The trumpet-shaped flowers grandiflora is used for the treatment of blood
have a short broad tube, blue to mauve on the dysentery, cataract, conjunctivitis, diabetes, gout,
outside, pale yellow inside, which expands to five hydrocele, hysteria, malaria, marasmus,
rounded, pale lavender-blue petals, one larger ophthalmia, postpartum pre-eclampsia,
than the others. The seed is flat, up to 1 cm long rheumatism, spermatorrhoea, stomach
and covered with brown scales, the pods complaints, elephantiasis and urinary bladder
containing the seeds are ejected several metres stone [23-25]. They are used as traditional
upon ripening [2]. The plant is cultivated as medicines for cardiac diseases and blood
house plant in temperate regions and has gained purification. Leaves and stem of T. grandiflora
the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of are used as a poultice in stomach complaints
Garden Merit [6,7]. and to treat eye diseases in Chittagong Hill
Tracts and it has anthelmintic activity [26]. The
Thunbergia grandiflora has very rampant growth methanolic extracts of T. grandiflora flowers
habit and is great for the quick covering of showed presence of alkaloids and phenols
arbors, trellises and fences. It is used as [27,28]. The novel iridoid glycosides;
container plant, marvelous cascading over wall. isounedoside and grandifloric acid were isolated
The plant climbs and blankets native vegetation, from thunbergia grandiflora [29]. Research has
with the weight of the vine often pulling down not been done on the essential oil composition of
mature trees. T. grandiflora is the most T. grandiflora; we therefore report the leaf and
widespread pest species, having been used as a root essential oil compositions of thunbergia
garden ornamental for its attractive large leaves grandiflora, which is scarce in literature.

Mbachu and Moronkola; JAMPS, 15(1): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JAMPS.35836

2. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS was set at m/z 50– 600 and the electron
multiplier detector voltage was auto set to 1082
2.1 Plant Material V. The mass spectrometer source and
quadrupole mass analyzer temperatures were
Fresh samples of leaves and roots of Thunbergia set to 230°C and 150°C respectively. The
grandiflora were collected from forest reserved filament emission current was auto set to 34.610
area, Ibadan, Nigeria for extraction of their μA.
volatile oils on 8th June, 2015. Plant was
authenticated at the Herbarium, Department of 2.5 Identification of Components
Botany, University of Ibadan, where voucher
samples have been deposited, with voucher Identification of the essential oil components
number UIH-22440. were based on their retention indices
(determined with reference to a homologous
2.2 Isolation of Essential Oils series of n-alkanes), and by comparison of their
mass spectral fragmentation patterns with the
Sample of Thunbergia grandiflora was collected,
National Institute for Standards and Technology
about 1.5 Kg, which was separated into leaf and
(NIST) library version 8.0. The AMDIS software
root parts giving 235 g of leaf and 865 g of root.
version 2.71 build 134.27 was used for
They were crushed separately and hydro distilled
deconvolution i.e. to compare the NIST library
for 2.5 to 3 hours in an all glass Clevenger-type
spectra with component spectra. The minimum
apparatus designed to British Pharmacopeia
match factor was for deconvolution on AMDIS
specifications. Oils were collected under iced
was set to 70 and all identified components had
condition with very small quantity of distilled n-
match factors between 70 and 100. Some mass
hexane, which the analyzing GC corrected. Leaf
spectral fragmentation patterns with
and root essential oils were procured in 0.09%
characteristic retention were compared with
and 0.1% yields respectively.
standard inbuilt data of Adams (1995) [30].
2.3 Gas Chromatography
Leaf and root essential oils were analyzed using
an Agilent 5975C series Gas Chromatograph - 3.1 Results
Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) system. Data
analysis was done using Productivity Volatile oils from leaf and root parts of
Chemstation Version E.02.01.1177 in Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb.exRottler, a
conjunction with the Automated Mass Spectral medicinal plant, were obtained by hydro-
Deconvolution and Identification System distillation and gave yields of 0.09% and 0.1%
(AMDIS). The oven program for the column was respectively [Table 1]. The oils were analyzed
as follows: The equilibration time was set at 0.25 using gas chromatography [GC], gas
min; the initial temperature was set at 70°C, held chromatography-mass spectrometry [GC-MS].
there for 4 minutes, and then ramped at 6°C/min The chromatograms are presented in Figs. 1 and
to 140°C for 6 min. It was further ramped at 2. Twenty-seven compounds were identified in
15°C/min to 300°C for 4 minutes. The total run leaf and seventeen compounds in root. Results
time was 33.60 minutes. 1 μL of sample extract of the 38 identified compounds in both are
was injected in the splitless mode. The injector presented in Table 2. Comparison of the
temperature was set at 280°C and the column amounts of the ten classes of compounds found
head pressure was 56.756 kPa yielding a total in the two T. grandiflora essential oils studied is
flow of 64 mL/min. The transfer line temperature presented in Table 3.
was 280°C. A HP-5MS 5% Phenyl Methyl Silox
column with dimensions of 30 m x 250 μm x 0.25 3.2 Discussion
μm and maximum recommended temperature
(MRT) of 325°C was used throughout. Helium Volatile oils from leaf and root of Thunbergia
was used as a carrier gas at a flow rate of 1 grandiflora gave characteristic distinctive notes:
mL/min. Leaf oil obtained in 0.09% yield had a leafy odour
while root oil in 0.10% yield, had woody smell
2.4 Mass Spectrometry (Table 1). Compounds identified in each are
listed in Table 2. Thirty-eight volatile compounds
The acquisition mode was full scan with a solvent were identified in the two essential oils. The leaf
delay of 4.00 minutes. Acquisition mass range oil contain 27 compounds, which make-up

Mbachu and Moronkola; JAMPS, 15(1): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JAMPS.35836

98.13% of it, while root oil have 17 compounds significant amount of oxygenated compounds
accounting for 73.98% of it; Dominant (esters, alcohols, acids, terpenoids) in these oils
compounds (%) in leaf essential oil are:α-3- is an important quality determining factor, they
octanol (45.96), 3,7 dimethyl 1,6-octadien-3-ol are known to have flavouring and
(13.22) and 2-methoxy-3-(2-propenyl) phenol pharmacological properties as well as being
(8.36). While dominant compounds (%) in root important precursors in acetate and shikimate
essential oil are: methyl salicylate (44.80), biosynthesis of important metabolites [31]. Phytol
2,21,5,51-tetramethyl-1,11 - biphenyl (5.05) and i- present in both oils, is an important compound
propyl hexadecanoate (2.87). Leaf oil is used in cosmetics, shampoos, toilet soaps, and
dominated by the following classes of household cleaners as it shows antimicrobial,
compounds (%): alcohols (68.58), carboxylic acid anticancer, antidiuretic, antioxidant, anti-
(4.01), aldehydes (12.90), ketones (5.18), esters inflammatory, antitumor, antimicrobial, and
(2.62), aromatics (0.66) and sulphurate (0.45). chemopreventive properties and used in vaccine
Classes of compounds (%) in root oil are esters formulations [32,33]. Methyl salicylate in root oil
(47.67), alcohols (2.64), carboxylic acids (0.55), is used in high concentrations as analgesic to
aldehydes (7.69), sulphurate (1.61), aromatics treat joint and muscular pain [34]. 3-Octanol in
(5.05) and alkane (5.02). Leaf and root oils leaf oil is utilized in alcoholic beverages as a
contain different amounts of ten classes of flavouring agent. n- hexadecanoic acid in leaf oil
compounds shown in Table 3. The root essential is reported to possess anti-inflammatory,
oil is a good source of esters while the leaf antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic and
essential oil is a good source of alcohols. antibacterial activities. Medicated oils rich in n-
Compounds present in both leaf and root hexadecanoic acid is used for the treatment of
essential oils include (%);2,21, 5, 51, tetramethyl rheumatic symptoms in the traditional medical
1,1 - biphenyl (0.66 in leaf and 5.05 in root), system [35,36]. The identified 38 compounds
6,10,14, - trimethyl – 2- pentadecanone (0.35 in play important role in the vast ethno-medicinal
leaf and 0.92 in root), (Z) 9,17 octadecadienal uses and biological activities demonstrated by T.
(0.96 in leaf and 2.84 in root), pentadecanal grandiflora [23,27,29,28]. The ubiquitous
(1.18 in leaf and 2.06 in root) and phytol (2.00 in terpenoids are not common in these essential
leaf and 1.15 in root) (Table 2). The presence in oils.

Fig. 1. Gas chromatogram of the leaf essential oil of Thunbergia grandiflora [see GC
conditions under experimental procedures]

Mbachu and Moronkola; JAMPS, 15(1): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JAMPS.35836

Table 1. Essential oils procured from leaf and root parts of Thunbergia grandiflora

Plant part Weight of Weight of essential %Yield of essential oil Odour

sample(g) oil procured (g) procured assessment
Leaf 235 0.2 0.09 Leafy odour
Root 865 0.9 0.10 Woody smell

Table 2. Chemical composition of volatile oils of leaf and root Thunbergia grandiflora

S/N RI Compound % composition in

Leaf Root
1 1055 3 - octanol 45.96 -
2 1071 3,7 dimethyl 1,6 – octadien - 3 - ol 13.22 -
3 1762 Methyl salicylate - 44.80
4 2152 2 – methoxy - 3- (2 – propenyl) phenol 8.36 -
5 2226 1 – (2,6,6 – trimethyl – 1,3,cyclohexa – 2 – buten – 1 - one 2.61 -
6 2315 2,3 dihydro -1,1-dimethyl 1H indene – 4 – carboxylic acid 0.52 -
7 2361 4 – (2,2- dimethyl – 6- methylene cyclo – 3 – buten – 2 -one 0.67 -
8 2403 α phenylethylbutanoate 0.69 -
9 2526 Nonylcyclopropane - 2.50
10 2596 4 – (2,6,6, - trimethyl – 1- cyclohexen – 3- buten – 2 - one 1.55 -
11 2761 phytol 2.00 1.15
12 3091 2 – formyl methyl – 4,6,6 – bicyclo [3.1.1] hept – 3 - ene 0.86 -
13 3343 2,21 , 5, 51 , tetramethyl 1,11 - biphenyl 0.66 5.05
14 3348 tetradecenal 3.82 -
15 3446 n - pentadecanol 1.04 -
16 3454 9, 10 – dihydodiethyl – anthracene – 9,10 – biimine – 11,12 0.66 -
- dicarboxylate
17 3501 hexadecanal 3.58 -
18 3535 6,10,14, - trimethyl – 2- pentadecanone 0.35 0.92
19 3577 1 - hexadecanol - 2.64
20 3580 1,3,3 – trimethylbicyclo [2.2.1] heptane 0.43 -
21 3589 (Z) 9,17 octadecadienal 0.96 2.84
22 3596 (Z) 7 tetradecenal - 2.79
23 3597 Cis – 9 - hexadecenal 2.51 -
24 3621 pentadecanal 1.18 2.06
25 3671 n – hexadecanoic acid 3.49 -
26 3697 Ethyl hexadecanoate 0.56 -
27 3702 (Z) – 13- octadecenal 0.85 -
28 3726 i – propyl hexadecanoate - 2.87
1 1
29 3765 2 – (4 – methoxyphenyl ) – 2- (3 – methyl – - 0.63
4 methoxyphenyl) propane
30 3780 (E) 3 - Eicosene - 1.68
31 3849 2 – chloroethyllinoleate 0.31 -
32 3855 Methyl 11,14,17, Eicosatrienoate 0.40 -
33 3953 2,7 dimethyl octane - 0.82
34 3979 Benzo[b] thiophene – 3 – carboxylic acid - 0.55
35 4026 3,3 – dimethyl hexane 0.44 -
36 4095 hexadecane - 1.07
37 4161 Decyl -2- ethyl hexyl sulphurate - 0.63
38 4224 2 ethyl hexyl isohexylsulphurate 0.45 0.98
% identified 98.13 73.98
RI means retention index

Mbachu and Moronkola; JAMPS, 15(1): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JAMPS.35836

Table 3. Classes of compounds in T. grandiflora leaf and root essential oils

S/N Class of compound % in each of Thunbergia grandiflora essential oils

Leaf Root
1 alkene 0.86 1.68
2 aldehyde 12.90 7.69
3 ketone 5.18 0.92
4 alkane 0.87 5.02
5 aromatics 0.66 5.05
6 esters 2.62 47.67
7 alcohols 68.58 2.64
8 carboxylic acid 4.01 0.55
9 sulphurate 0.45 1.61
10 terpenoid 2.00 1.15

Fig. 2. Gas chromatogram of the root essential oil of Thunbergia grandiflora [see GC
conditions under experimental procedures]


Our results indicate that alcohols, esters and It is not applicable.

aldehydes dominate Thunbergia grandiflora
essential oils. This accounts for its important ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
uses in ethno-medicinal activities. Our study
revealed important compounds in the leaf and The authors acknowledge the use of J-laboratory
root essential oils of Thunbergia grandiflora, facilities in department of Chemistry, University
which have not been reported earlier in literature. of Ibadan, Nigeria in essential oils’ isolations. We
also acknowledge TWAS - UNESCO
CONSENT [3240278167] awarded to Dr. Moronkola, that
facilitated the GC-MS analyses provided with
It is not applicable. research space and facilities at NABSA,

Mbachu and Moronkola; JAMPS, 15(1): 1-8, 2017; Article no.JAMPS.35836

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Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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