Mansfield Et Al-1999-Prenatal Diagnosis
Mansfield Et Al-1999-Prenatal Diagnosis
Mansfield Et Al-1999-Prenatal Diagnosis
159 21,285
3 authors, including:
Suellen Hopfer
University of California, Irvine
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The aims of this systematic literature review are to estimate termination rates after prenatal diagnosis of one
of five conditions: Down syndrome, spina bifida, anencephaly, and Turner and Klinefelter syndromes, and
to determine the extent to which rates vary across conditions and with year of publication. Papers were
included if they reported (i) numbers of prenatally diagnosed conditions that were terminated, (ii) at least
five cases diagnosed with one of the five specified conditions, and (iii) were published between 1980 and 1998.
20 papers were found which met the inclusion criteria. Termination rates varied across conditions. They were
highest following a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome (92 per cent; CI: 91 per cent to 93 per cent) and
lowest following diagnosis of Klinefelter syndrome (58 per cent; CI: 50 per cent to 66 per cent). Where
comparisons could be made, termination rates were similar in the 1990s to those reported in the 1980s.
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
: Down syndrome; Klinefelter syndrome; spina bifida; anencephaly; Turner syndrome; prenatal
diagnosis; termination
series, however, rarely provide sufficiently large sample termination rates was reached in all cases by two raters
sizes to enable reliable estimations of termination rates. (CM and SH or TMM).
Data pooled across studies could also be used to
examine the extent to which termination rates for Statistical analyses
particular conditions may be changing over time.
The aims of this systematic literature review are to Chi-square tests were used to test for associations
describe termination rates for five conditions: Down between termination rates and (i) condition diagnosed,
syndrome, spina bifida, anencephaly, and Turner and and (ii) year of publication.
Klinefelter syndromes, and to determine the extent to
which they vary across conditions and year of publi-
cation. The conditions were chosen to comprise the
more common prenatally diagnosed conditions, and RESULTS
to reflect a range in terms of severity and type of
disability, ranging from a lethal condition (anen- 20 papers were identified which met the inclusion
cephaly) to one compatible with an average life expect- criteria. Details of each of these are presented in the
ancy (Klinefelter syndrome). They also ranged in terms Appendix. Altogether, these papers included 37 data
of public awareness of the condition, from conditions sets from 11 different countries.
that much of the public are familiar with, such as
Down syndrome, to ones that are largely unfamiliar, Condition
such as Klinefelter syndrome.
Termination rates varied across conditions (Chi
square=269; df=4; p<0.0001). The largest proportion
of pregnancies was terminated for Down syndrome;
METHOD the smallest proportion of pregnancies was terminated
for Klinefelter syndrome (Table 1).
Selection criteria
Papers were included in the systematic review if they
met the following criteria: The number of papers published in each year was
insufficient to allow analysis based upon annual rates.
(i) The number of women who had been diagnosed Rates in papers published in the 1980s were therefore
with a fetal abnormality and the number of compared with those published in the 1990s (Table 2).
these women who terminated their pregnancies Statistical comparisons were not made for neural tube
were both reported. defects given that confidence intervals could not be
(ii) The fetal abnormality was one of the following calculated for this condition from papers published in
five: (i) Down syndrome; (ii) spina bifida, (iii) the 1980s. For Down syndrome and Turner and
anencephaly; (iv) Turner syndrome or (v) Klinefelter syndromes there was no difference in the
Klinefelter syndrome. rates of termination in 1980 compared with series
(iii) A minimum of five cases involving a particular reported in the 1990s.
diagnosis were reported.
The following strategies were used: Termination rates varied across conditions. They were
(i) searching computerized databases of psy- highest following a prenatal diagnosis of Down syn-
cINFO, Medline and Bath Information and drome and lowest following diagnosis of Klinefelter
Data Services (BIDS) Embase using the follow- syndrome. Where comparisons could be made, termin-
ing MeSH headings: abortion, prenatal diag- ation rates were similar in the 1990s compared with
nosis, chromosome abnormalities and neural those reported in the 1980s.
tube defects; Before discussing the possible explanations for these
(ii) references drawn from previously obtained findings, it is necessary to consider what termination
papers; rates reflect. It seems likely that they reflect a myriad of
(iii) consultation with health professionals in the factors which may differ for different conditions,
UK, Europe and the US with known expertise including the way tests are initially offered and to
in the area under review. whom. They will also reflect values of the women
undergoing tests as well as those of the health profes-
sionals providing any counselling. Thus, high rates
Data extraction might reflect thorough counselling and systematic
decision-making before a diagnostic test is undergone,
Data relating to termination rates were transferred with all those not inclined to terminate a pregnancy
onto a data extraction sheet. Agreement concerning affected by the condition being tested for, declining
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prenat. Diagn. 19: 808–812 (1999)
Table 1—Systematic literature review based on 20 studies of trisomy 21, spina bifida, anencephaly and sex chromosome
Total Total
Study Year of numbers percentage Confidence
numbera study terminating Country terminating intervals
See Appendix.
testing. Alternatively, they may reflect directive coun- birth to a child with serious cognitive impairments
selling from health professionals putting pressure on (Faden et al., 1987; Drake et al., 1996). The lower rates
women to undergo a termination. Clearly the results of for Klinefelter syndrome reflect the greater tolerance
this review cannot address this. It is, however, import- for giving birth to a child with relatively minor physical
ant to avoid evaluating rates that are high or low as and cognitive impairments and the fact that this is a
good or bad. chance finding. There is a greater range of severity
The results of this review confirm results from amongst spina bifida and Turner syndrome than for
smaller series in showing that termination rates vary Down and Klinefelter syndromes. As severity of these
across conditions (Pryde et al., 1993; Drugan et al., diagnoses was not reliably reported in published series,
1990; Hassed et al., 1993). The high rates for Down it is difficult to comment upon how terminations may
syndrome reflect the negative attitudes towards giving reflect severity of the diagnosed condition. In addition
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prenat. Diagn. 19: 808–812 (1999)
Table 2—Termination rates (95 per cent CI) following prenatal diagnosis by year of publication
See Appendix.
to severity, many other factors seem to affect decisions gram of New York City III: the first 7,000 cases.
about whether or not to continue with a pregnancy Am J Med Genet 20: 369–384.
affected by a fetal abnormality (Marteau and 3. Birdsall M, Fisher R, Beecroft D, Bailey R. 1992.
Mansfield, 1998). These include timing of diagnosis Chorionic villus sampling in Auckland 1989–90.
as well as the information parents receive about the NZ Med J 105: 332–333.
diagnosed condition. 4. Clayton-Smith J, Andrews T, Donnai D. 1989.
The data in this review suggest that termination rates Genetic counselling and parental decisions follow-
have remained stable over the past 18 years. Fears have ing antenatal diagnosis of sex chromosome aneu-
been expressed that increasingly widespread prenatal ploidies. J Obstet Gynaecol 10: 5–7.
testing for fetal abnormalities may result in a lower 5. Crandall B, Lebherz T, Rubinstein L, Robertson
tolerance of disability resulting in higher termination R, Sample W, Sarti D, Howard J. 1980. Chromo-
rates (Stacey, 1996). The results of this review suggest some findings in 2,500 second trimester amnio-
that, over a relatively short time period, these fears centeses. Am J Med Genet 5: 345–356.
may be unfounded. 6. Daniel A, Stewart L, Saville T, Brookwell R, Paull
The strength of conclusions that can be made on the H, Purvis-Smith S, Lam-Po-Tang P. 1982. Pre-
basis of this review are weakened by the sample sizes natal diagnosis in 3,000 women for chromosome,
both in relation to the number of series that have been X-linked & metabolic disorders. Am J Med Genet
published and the relatively small numbers of cases 11: 61–75.
reported in many of the papers. This makes it difficult 7. EUROCAT Working Group. 1991. Prevalence
to determine how much variability there is in termin- of neural tube defects in 20 regions of Europe
ation rates within conditions across different centres and the impact of prenatal diagnosis, 1980–1986.
within the same country and across countries. The J Epidemiol Commun Health 45: 52–58.
strength of conclusion is further weakened by little or 8. Hojbjerg Gravholt C, Juul S, Weis Naeraa R,
no information being provided on the representative- Hansen J. 1996. Prenatal and postnatal prevalence
ness of the women included in the series of prenatal of Turner’s syndrome: a registry study. BMJ 312:
diagnoses. While acknowledging these weaknesses, this 16–21.
review provides good estimates of termination rates 9. Holmes-Siedle M, Rynanen M, Lindenbaum R.
following the diagnosis of more commonly diagnosed 1987. Parental decisions regarding termination of
conditions. More precise estimates and fuller expla- pregnancy following prenatal detection of sex
nations for these will come from publication of existing chromosome abnormality. Prenat Diagn 7: 239–
registers containing large unselected series of prenatal 244.
diagnosis and outcomes. 10. Julian-Reynier C, Aurran Y, Dumaret A, Maron
A, Chabal F, Giraud F, Aymé S. 1995. Attitudes
towards Down’s syndrome: follow up of a cohort
of 280 cases. J Med Genet 32: 597–599.
11. Lindfors K, McGahan J, Tennant F, Hanson F,
Walter J. 1987. Midtrimester screening for open
1. Mutton D, Ide RG, Alberman E. 1998. Trends in neural tube defects: correlation of sonography
prenatal screening for and diagnosis of Down’s with amniocentesis results. Am J Radiol 149: 141–
syndrome: England and Wales, 1989–97. BMJ 145.
317: 922–923. 12. Murken J, Stengel-Rutkowski S. 1984. Klinefelter’s
2. Benn P, Hsu L, Carlson A, Tannenbaum H. 1985. syndrome in prenatal diagnosis: incidence and con-
The centralized prenatal genetics screening pro- sequences for genetic counselling. In: Bandmann
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prenat. Diagn. 19: 808–812 (1999)
Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Prenat. Diagn. 19: 808–812 (1999)