St. Paul University Surigao: A. The Teacher As A Person in The Society

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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
Name: Jade Arcallana Paulin Course & Year: BEED 301
Worksheet 6
On Becoming the 21st Century Teacher

A. The Teacher as a Person in the Society Put a check mark on the qualities that you think
you have. Do not put any mark if the description does not fit you.
1. I am mentally alert.
2. I am very imaginative. /
3. I like to try out new things. /
4. I appreciate other people.
5. I am tolerant of others. /
6. I look at the brighter side of life. /
7. I adjust to different situations. /
8. I don’t consider myself as better than others. /
9. I share privileges with others. /
10. I give personal time for the group.
11. I make it a point to do the job well.
12. I make quick solutions. /
13. I volunteer to do task for others. /
14. I work for the group even without affirmation in return. /
15. I am calm. /
16. I am dependable. /
17. I give equal chance for others to be heard. /
18. I am sure of what I do.
19. I hold my anger even when provoked. /
20. I am punctual in attendance. /

1. Apart from the abovementioned qualities, what are other qualities that a
global teacher must possess?
Answer: A global teacher must know how to manipulate technologies
because as of now technologies are really important to cater fast and
broad communication inside and outside the school community.

2. How has ASEAN Integration and 4th Industrial Revolution influence

teacher institutions to produce global teachers?
Answer: - ASEAN Integration and 4th Revolution influence teacher
institutions to enhance and develop their modern technicality. In other words the
teacher are taught to utilize technology.
My Personal Insights and Reflection
I think for me teacher should be flexible in many things. They should balance their time and focus to
their pupils. Most especially on our current situation right now , as a teacher we have to discover and
move out from out nutshell and open our eyes to the current situation . And with that teachers should
master, develop, and familiarize everything so that you will be updated and you will be called as a
digital citizen. Address: Km. 3, Barangay Luna, Surigao City
Telephone & Fax Nos: (086) 826-1332
E-Mail: [email protected]| Website:
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

B. The Teacher’s Philosophy of Education

Observe your Cooperating Teachers (Phase 1 and 2). Based on your observations identify your
Cooperating Teacher’s dominant philosophy of education. Justify your answer.


As what I have observed the Perennialism He always let his
CT 1
subject teacher, teacher pupils to recite by
Retanal, he focuses on the asking certain
prior knowledge of the question which is
pupils, he asked questions to related to the topic
unlock their prior
Maam Aljene, promotes values Progressivism She possesses this
CT 2 integration to her pupils in order for philosophy because she
them to remind themselves that every always reminding her
lesson that they’ve encounter have students to apply their
purposes. knowledge in a
meaningful way.

My Personal Insights and Reflection

I think teaching our students should take a lifelong tasks. We have to be more patience in a way that we
can do the best for our children and we can inspire the aspirants because teaching is not an easy job.

C. The Teacher in School Setting

Fill-in the table below and find out how your Cooperating Teachers perform their duties and
balance their responsibilities.

Duties and Responsibilities CT 1 CT 2

1. Daily tasks After his class, he usually She usually do her tasks
do my daily tasks after her class
2. Weekly tasks He completed his weekly Sunday afternoon
3. Monthly tasks Every last week of the She completed her monthly
month, he completed his tasks before the due date.
monthly task.
4. Quarterly tasks He also complete his She completed her quarterly
quarterly tasks on the last tasks before the due date.
week of the month
5. Yearly tasks He tried his best to She completed her yearly
complete his yearly task a tasks before the due date.
Address: Km. 3, Barangay Luna, Surigao City
Telephone & Fax Nos: (086) 826-1332
E-Mail: [email protected]| Website:
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
month before the year
Growth Dimensions CT 1 CT 2
1. Personal activities Weekdays Weekdays
2. Professional activities Weekdays Weekdays
3. Spiritual activities Weekends Sunday

My Personal Insights and Reflection

I think I consider teaching as an interesting but yet challenging because you are dealing with a number of
people and tasks to be done. It might be hard to accept the reality that being a teaching is an uneasy job
but it’s true to my eyes as I have observed both of my cooperating teachers. I asked my previous
cooperating teacher of how they manage their time in school and their outside life in school and she said
that she balance her time and she should do multitasking in order for her to finish her tasks before the
due dates. And she added that she make a checklist and put a date on when and what time she will do
her tasks. And that made me realize that teacher should possess time management.

D. The Teacher in the Community

Request your Cooperating Teachers (both Phase 1 and 2) to answer the following questions:

1. What community resources do you utilize in your class/subject?
Answer: Community Pantry
2. What community activities have you and your students participated in?
Answer: His pupils are wiling to donate something in the community activity that is being
implemented by the school which is called as PAGINAMBITAY.
3. What learning do your students gain from the participation?
Answer: They learned how to be more actively participative.

4. What community resources do you utilize in your class/subject?
We have a community Pantry here in school every Monday-Saturday, we give food for free
every lunch time.
5. What community activities have you and your students participated in?
My Pupils give some donation in PAGINAMBITAY.
6. What learning do your students gain from the participation?
This time of pandemic my pupils learned to be generous, they learned that Sharing is a wonderful
thing, especially to those you've shared with.

My Personal Insights and Reflection

As a teacher, you have to expose your pupils on an outdoor activities such as community activities.
These enables them to develop their cooperative and collaborative skills that they would like you
embark to other pupils. This is a way for them to realize that sharing is a great values that we should
possess as a students. I am very amazed of my cooperating teachers for Address:
they put
Km.effort and Luna,
3, Barangay encourages
Surigao City
his and her students to be expose and participate the certain activity. Telephone & Fax Nos: (086) 826-1332
E-Mail: [email protected]| Website:
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

E. The Global teacher

Interview your Cooperating Teachers (Phase 1 and 2) on what makes a global teacher.


A global teacher should be a digital citizen, the teacher should be

CT 1
proficiently effective in utilizing the technology.

Teachers today must prepare pupils for an increasingly complex, interconnected,

CT 2 and interdependent world. Being a globally competent teacher requires
embracing a mindset that translates personal global competence into professional
classroom practice. It is a vision of equitable teaching and learning that enables
students to thrive in an ever-changing world. A global teacher practices the

 Empathy and valuing multiple perspectives.

 A commitment to promoting equity worldwide.
 An understanding of global conditions and current events.
 The ability to engage in intercultural communication.
 A classroom environment that values diversity and global engagement.

My Personal Insights and Reflection

To turn into a worldwide instructor, an educator should have the option to address the difficulties of the
globalized world's developing interest for schooling. To make learning plausible, a worldwide educator
with character and capacity is required. As a future educator and student, I will look at the significance
of the present learnings. However much I can, I'll be a contender. For my learnings, I will be more
imaginative in my reasoning. As far as strategies and system. I'll attempt to be as hopeful and liberal as
conceivable on the grounds that I accept our practices are impacted by our own musings. It is a huge
assignment for us to ingrain more data and abilities in overcoming any issues among globalization and
our regular routines.

F. The Teacher as a Professional

Interview your Cooperating Teachers (Phase 1 and 2) and discover his/her professional journey.

1. How long have you been teaching? I’ve been teaching now here in St. Paul for 3 years.
2. Are you satisfied with your job as a teacher? Indeed . I truly love being an instructor, yet
some of the time I feel burnt out on a ton of paper works.
3. What is most unforgettable experience as a teacher?
Address: Km. 3, Barangay Luna, Surigao City
Telephone & Fax Nos: (086) 826-1332
E-Mail: [email protected]| Website:
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
My most remarkable experience as an instructor is, getting a appreciation from my students
4. How has the pandemic changed your perspective of teaching as a profession?
It's truly difficult to instruct essentially, I can't give prompt input to my understudies about their
presentation, I'm not completely certain that they gained from my conversation, I don't know that
they are the ones who answer the Il's, and Mastery Assessment.


5. How long have you been teaching? I’ve been teaching in a private school for 4 years. My 1 st
year was in UCCP KNS as a kindergarten teacher, and now I’m teaching here in St. Paul for
3 years.
6. Are you satisfied with your job as a teacher? Yes I am. I really love being a teacher, but
sometimes I feel tired of a lot of paper works. For me to be motivated to do the tasks, I
always say to my self “ I love my Job”.
7. What is most unforgettable experience as a teacher?
My most unforgettable experience as a teacher is, receiving a message from my pupils that
WE LOVE YOU” even though we meet only via zoom but they let me feel that I am so
8. How has the pandemic changed your perspective of teaching as a profession?
It’s really hard to teach virtually, I cannot give immediate feedback to my pupils about their performance,
I’m not really sure that they learned from my discussion, I’m not sure that they are the ones who answer
the IL’s, and Mastery Assessment. Sometimes I ask my self “Am I still an effective teacher? It
really changed my perspective of teaching as a profession. Teaching this time of pandemic really broke
my heart because it will not the same as before. 

My Personal Insights and Reflection

For me, certain individuals accept that educating is an honorable calling, while others accept that it is
just for the people who are sufficiently proficient to show kids, but then others accept that it is finished
by somebody with power, accordingly this is the thing that I accept. Instructing is a profession, a mission,
and a work. Instructors became educators not through possibility or setback, but rather on the grounds
that they were destined to do as such. Being an educator requires a lot of gain and even penance. Thus,
God won't put somebody in this field in case they are not equipped for doing as such or on the other
hand if their fate does exclude instructing.

G. The Paulinian Catholic Educator

Interview your Cooperating Teachers (Phase 1 and 2) and learn how he/she demonstrates the
qualities of a Catholic Paulinian educator.


I am a Disciple of Jesus Christ, I generally request the direction of We teachers attend the
striving for an ever-deeper the person who directed by Eucharistic Mass, PSFP and
relationship with Him, continually understudies at the zoom to allow every Friday we have our
nourished by my participation in the them to do the legitimate situation BEC.
sacraments and personal prayer. of hand in supplicating and I let

Address: Km. 3, Barangay Luna, Surigao City

Telephone & Fax Nos: (086) 826-1332
E-Mail: [email protected]| Website:
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
them likewise follow to me while I
am imploring
I am a Paulinian Model of As an educator ive I attend seminars for my
Excellence, aiming for wholeness, professional development
attempted to be a model to and apply those strategies in
quality, order, and creativity, and
equipping myself with suitable my nursery class in light of teaching that I’ve learned
professional qualifications and the fact that as we as a during the conduct of
pedagogical skills and strategies. whole realize kids are seminar.
acceptable imitator so as
an instructor ive made an
honest effort to act
I am a Paulinian Community I generally recognize the gifts of Being a teacher, I must be
Builder, respecting other’s my nursery class when they had flexible, because everyone is
giftedness and capabilities, execution task unique.
affirming the best in them, and
joyfully working with them for the
common good.
I am a Paulinian Servant Leader, As an educator of a I do always my
manifesting my disposability, responsivities as a teacher, I
catholic school I make sure to finished the
tranquil daring, competence, and
productivity: and committed to participative at our mass tasks and submit it on time.
work, duties, responsibilities, and each Friday.
professionalism in carrying out the
mission of the school.
I am a Compassionate Paulinian I joined and participate at As a teacher, I am fair with
Steward, overcoming my prejudices my pupils. I show respect to
“panginambitay” which is them because they are
and biases; showing reverence to
other faiths and cultures; and a community activity diverse learners.
exemplifying kindness, warmth,
empathy, and generosity, especially
to the poor and suffering.

Let your Cooperating Teachers answer these also:

1. What made you decide to teach in Catholic school?

Catholic education strives to make a difference in the lives of individuals and the wider
community by challenging young people, through God, to find meaning and value in their
lives and reach their full potential as compassionate, contributing, life-giving members of
society who are highly skilled, informed, tolerant, open and just.

2. What makes teaching in a Catholic school extra challenging?

Not all the learners are Catholics, they have different faiths and cultures. During virtual a
mass we considered those pupils who are not catholic.

Address: Km. 3, Barangay Luna, Surigao City

Telephone & Fax Nos: (086) 826-1332
E-Mail: [email protected]| Website:
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

My Personal Insights and Reflection

For me st paul college surigao had extraordinary effect on my relationship with God in light of the fact
that in these school it assists me with find out about our all-powerful God the Father. also, I can say that
contrasted before my relationship and god had fortify with this establishment. What's more, if at any
point likewise I would be allowed an opportunity to educate in a catholic school I would presumably
snatch the chance.


Address: Km. 3, Barangay Luna, Surigao City

Telephone & Fax Nos: (086) 826-1332
E-Mail: [email protected]| Website:
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

Address: Km. 3, Barangay Luna, Surigao City

Telephone & Fax Nos: (086) 826-1332
E-Mail: [email protected]| Website:

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