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Activities For Module 3: Activity

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443 Mabini Street, Zone II, Atimonan, Quezon

(Recognized by the Government)
No. 010 s. 1986

…teaching minds …changing lives …moving forward

Name:   MAROU REMPILLO                 Learning Area:   Oral Communication
Grade and Section: 11 HUMSS BLOCK 2 Date Deployed:  __________________
Date Returned:  ___________________
Act out on a certain scenario to show a Communication Activity in the form of a Vlog that
highlights one or a pair of Dimensions of Communication.

Using the Class List of Communication Activities, identify the Dimensions of Communication that
apply to each activity.

I used in my activities about the class list of communication is the selection of

audience/ recipients because when I am speaking, I want the listeners to understand and

respond favorably to what I am saying. An audience is one or more people who come

together to listen to the speaker.


What I need to know?

Have you encountered a person who is a “head-turner,” and who always gets the attention
of many by the time he speaks? That person may have known the many ways in speaking.
In this lesson, you will be exposed to the various models of communication.

What I Know?

Suppose you are to make your own model of communication; how will it be?
Directions: Make your own Flow Chart of Communication using boxes and arrows. Position
the words from the oval to the appropriate box of your flow chart.

a source (producer of message); a transmitter (encoder of message into signals); a

channel (signals adapted for transmission); a receiver
(decoder of message from the signal); and a destination.
Source transmitter

Have your flow chart in the box below



What’s In

Our previous lesson tells us that Communication is a process which occurs between two or
more people. It can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions (nonverbal), or
both spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same time.
The process of communication has several components: a sender, a channel, a receiver,
decoding, and feedbacking. These components interplay in coming up with models of

What’s New

1. Shannon-Weaver Model
Known as the mother of all communication models, the Shannon-Weaver model (1949)
depicts communication as a linear or one-way process consisting of five elements: a source
(producer of message); a transmitter (encoder of message into signals); a channel (signals
adapted for transmission); a receiver (decoder of message from the signal); and a
destination. This model, however, has been criticized for missing one essential element in
the communication process: feedback. Without feedback, the speaker will not know
whether the receiver understands the message or not.
2. Transaction Model
Transaction Model is a two-way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.

As shown in Figure 2, this model is more interactive. There is a collaborative exchange of

messages between communicators with the aim of understanding each other. It also shows
that a barrier, such as noise, may interfere with the flow of communication.

What is It

TASK: Illustrate the five elements of the linear or one-way communication process according
to Shannon-Weaver Model in the boxes inside the big box.

Basic Elements of the Communication Process

The person who makes the The sender who uses The medium used to
message, chooses the channel machine, which converts send message.
and send the message. message into signals or
Source Channel
binary data. It might aso
directly refer to the
The person who gets the The machine used to convert
message or the place where signals or binary data into
the message must reach. The message or the receiver who
destination provides feedback translates the message from
according to the message. signals.
Destination Destination Receiver

What’s More

TASK: Match the example inside the box to the appropriate process of communication as
shown in the statements at the right side in bullet forms.
She thinks of how to tell him using their native language.
She tells him, “Rico, mahal kita bilang kaibigan.”

Rico hears what Daphne says.

Daphne loves Rico, her suitor, as a friend.

He frowns and does not say something, because he is in


He tries to analyze what she means based on the content

and their relationship and he is heartbroken.

 The speaker encodes an idea or converts the idea into words or actions.

 The speaker generates an idea.

 The receiver gets the message.

 The speaker transmits or sends out a message.

 The receiver sends or provides feedback.

 The receiver decodes or interprets the message based on the context.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Illustrate one (1) Model of Communication using your own Flow Chart of
Communication stressing the use of boxes and arrows to depict the process of


Information Source Transmitter CHANNEL Receiver Destination



Shannon-Weaver’s Model of Communication

What I Can Do

Knowing the two (2) Models of communication, sketch a group of five (5) persons having a
conversation. Show the interplay of the components of communication.

Conversation on Messenger

Me: Hey! How are you?

Mikky: “Hey, I’m good what about you?”

Me: I’m fine. So “anong episode na kayo?

Chelsey: “I’m good too, kamusta na?”

Ara: “Same, what you all doin’?”

Irysh: “I’m already in episodes 6. I’m really curious.”

Chelsey & Ara: “Me too, we are also curious about the drama, I want to jump at the last episode.

Me: You dare, HAHAHAHA!!


Type of Communication model: Interactive

Process: My friends responds to my messages and proves that they decodes the intendd meaning
of the idea

passed to them. That is what we call feedback. There is an exchange of ideas or information verifies

both parties understand the messages.

Notes to the Teacher

Answers of the activities and exercises in this lesson differ. Make sure to jot down
comments and remarks in checking the returned modules in order for the students to
confirm the correctness of their answers or check some mistakes of their answers.

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