Unit - II: Simultaneous Equations (MCQ) : 1 A B C D C 2

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Unit – II: Simultaneous Equations [MCQ]

1 The iteration method is a ______ method

A direct B indirect C self correcting D step by step

Correct Answer: C

2 The aim of elimination steps in Gauss elimination method is to reduce the coefficient matrix to

A diagonal B identity C lower triangular D upper triangular

Correct Answer: D

3 The Elimination process in Gauss Elimination method is also known as _____________

A Forward Elimination B Backward Elimination C Sideways Elimination D Crossways Elimination

Correct Answer: A

4 Gauss seidal method is similar to which of the following methods?

A Iteration method B Newton Raphson C Jacobi’s method D Regula-Falsi method


Correct Answer: C

5 The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or symmetric________ definite


A Positive B Negative C Zero D Equal

Correct Answer: A

6 Which of the following method is employed for solving the system of linear equations?

A Runge Kutta B Newton Raphson C Gauss Seidal D Simpson’s Rule

Correct Answer: C

7 What is the limitation of Gauss-seidal method?

It cannot be used for B It is more complex C It doesn’t guarantees D It is an iterative

the matrices with non- than Jacobi’s method convergence for each technique
zero diagonal and every matrix

Correct Answer: C

8 How the transformation of coefficient matrix A to upper triangular matrix is done?

A Elementary row B Elementary column C Successive D Successive division
transformations transformations multiplication

Correct Answer: A

9 The modified procedure of complete pivoting is called as ____________

A Partial B Additional C Reduced D Modified

Correct Answer: A
10 The gauss elimination procedure is one of the several methods to solve

A Inverse of matrix B Determinant matrix C Procedure matrix D Eliminated matrix

Correct Answer: A

11 Converting square matrix into upper triangular matrix is called

A Forward substitution B Inverse substitution C Backward substitution D

method method method

Correct Answer: C

12 Jacobi iteration method is _____substitution method

A Indirect B Direct C Forward D Backward

Correct Answer: B

13 Jacobi’s method is also known as

A Displacement method B Simultaneous C Simultaneous method D Diagonal method

displacement method

Correct Answer: B

14 The process of constructing a sequence of vectors and obtaining the solution of a system using specified
accuracy is called _________

A Elimination B Reduction C Iteration D Raphson method

Correct Answer: C

15 Numerical techniques more commonly involve _______

A Iterative method B Direct method C Elimination method D Reduction method

Correct Answer: A

16 In an iterative method, the amount of computation depends on the _________

A Number of variables B Degree of accuracy C Rounding of errors D Ease of using the


Correct Answer: B

17 Number of iteration depends on the _________

A Initial value taken to B Type of linear C Number of unknowns D Approximations to be

start the iteration equations done

Correct Answer: A

18 Thomas algorithm can be used to solve __________

A any matrix B all square matrices C only penta-diagonal D only tri-diagonal

matrices matrices

Correct Answer: D

19 Thomas algorithm is a ___________

A Linear equations B Quadratic equations C Discretization method D Linear least square
solver solver system

Correct Answer: A

20 How many types of pivoting are there?

A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5

Correct Answer: A

21 What are the coefficients of the equation obtained during the elimination called?

A Joints B Pivots C Calculated coefficients D Operative coefficients

Correct Answer: B

22 The following system of equation has: x – y – z = 4, 2x – 2y – 2z = 8, 5x – 5y – 5z = 20

A Unique Solution B No solution C Infinitely many D Finite solutions


Correct Answer: C

23 Solve this system of equations and comment on the nature of the solution using Gauss Elimination
method. x + y + z = 0, -x – y + 3z = 3, -x – y – z = 2

A Unique Solution B No solution C Infinitely many D Finite solutions


Correct Answer: B

24 Compared to Gauss-Seidel method, Newton-Raphson method takes

A Less number of B Less number of C More number of D More number of

iterations and more iterations and less time iterations and more iterations and less time
time per iteration per iteration time per iteration per iteration

Correct Answer: A

25 Which of the following is an assumption of Jacobi’s method?

A The coefficient matrix B The rate of C Iteration involved in D The coefficient matrix
has no zeros on its convergence is quite Jacobi’s method has zeroes on its main
main diagonal slow compared with converges diagonal
other methods

Correct Answer: A

26 Solve simultaneous equations 13x - 6y = 20, 7x + 4y = 18

A x = 2, y = 1 B x = 4, y = 8 C x = 6, y = 1 D x = 2, y = 4

Correct Answer: A

27 Consider the following system of equations 2x1 +x2+x3= 0, x2-x3= 0, x1+x2= 0 This system has

A A unique solution B No solution C Infinite number of D Five solutions


Correct Answer: C
28 The time taken to solve a system of equations using direct method is more than the time taken by iterative


Correct Answer: B

29 What is the primary drawback of using direct methods of solution?

A They yield solution B They have large C They make use of D They do not achieve
after a certain amount calculations involved back substitution the desirable accuracy
of fixed computation

Correct Answer: A

30 Why iterative methods are called as self correcting?

A Iterations involve B Checks occurring C Any error made at any D After each step, validity
repetition during the process stage of computation of the method is
ensure that the errors gets automatically checked.
are reduced corrected in the
subsequent steps

Correct Answer: C

31 How the transformation of coefficient matrix A to upper triangular matrix is done?

A Elementary row B Elementary column C Successive D Successive division

transformations transformations multiplication

Correct Answer: A

32 Which of the following step is not involved in Gauss Elimination Method?

A Elimination of B Reduction to an upper C Finding unknowns by D Evaluation of cofactors

unknowns triangular system back substitution

Correct Answer: D

33 Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system has

A a unique solution B no solution C an infinite number of D zero solution as the

solutions only solution

Correct Answer: C

34 consider the equation Ax=B where A=[-1 2; 2 -1], B=[3 ; 1], then

A the equation has no B [0 ; 0] is a solution of C there exist a non zero D the equation has
solution the equation unique solution infinitely many solution

Correct Answer: C

35 Consider the system of equations x+y=2, 2x+2y=5 This system has

A one solution B No solution C infinite solution D four solution

Correct Answer: B

36 A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1 0 1; 0 0 0 1]

and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] the rank of matrix A is
A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4

Correct Answer: D

37 A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1 0 1; 0 0 0 1]

and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] which of following statement is true

A x is a null vector B x is unique C x does not exist D x has infinitely many


Correct Answer: B

38 Let A be 3x3 matrix with rank 2 then Ax=0

A only the trivial B one independent C two independent D three independent

solution x=0 solution solution solution

Unit No: 2 Correct Answer: D

39 The solution for the following system is 4y+3z=8, 2x-z=2, 3x+2y=5

A x=0, y=1, z=0.5 B x=0, y=0.5, z=2 C x=1, y=0.5, z=2 D nonexisstent

Correct Answer: D

40 The _______ matrix in the normal equations is symmetric

A square B scalar C coefficient D upper triangular

Correct Answer: C

41 The rate of convergence in gauss seidel method is ______ that of gauss jacobi method

A once B twice C thrice D reciprocal

Correct Answer: B

42 As soon as a new value for a variable is found by iteration, it is used immediately in the following equation,
this method is called_______

A Gauss Jordan B Gauss Elimination C Gauss seidal D Factorization

Correct Answer: C

43 Choose correct hierarchy for reduce set of simultaneous equation in upper triangular form i. Make all
elements in first column below first row to zero
ii. Similarly make all elements in second column below second row to zero
iii. Write given set of equa

A iii, i, ii, iv B i, iv, ii, iii C i, ii, iii, iv D iv, ii, iii, i

Correct Answer: A

44 Gauss seidal requires less number of iterations than Jacobi’s method.


Correct Answer: A

45 Find the values of x, y, z in the following system of equations by gauss Elimination Method. 2x + y – 3z =
-10 -2y + z = -2 z = 6
A 38752 B 38755 C 38780 D 38387

Correct Answer: A

46 Solve the given system of equation by Gauss Elimination method. 3x + 4y – z = -6, -2y + 10z = -8, 4y –
2z = -2

A (-2, -1, -1) B (-1, -2, -1) C (-1, -1, -2) D (-1, -1, -1)

Correct Answer: D

47 While solving by Gauss Seidal method, which of the following is the first Iterative solution system; x – 2y =
1 and x + 4y = 4?

A (1, 0.75) B (0.25,1) C (0,0) D (1,0.65)

Correct Answer: A

48 Solve the following equations by Gauss seidal method. [one Iteration] 10a - 2b - c - d = 3, - 2a + 10b - c -
d = 15, - a - b + 10c - 2d = 27, - a - b - 2c = 10d = -9

a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = B a = 0.8869, b = C a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = D a = 0.986, b = 1.9899,

2.886, d = -0.1368 1.9523, c = 2.886, d = 2.9566, d = -0.1368 c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

Correct Answer: A

49 Solving following simultaneous equations, 4x - 5y = 17 and x - 5y = 8, we get

A x = 3, y = -1 B x = 2, y = 3 C x = 4, y = 1 D x = 5, y = 4

Correct Answer: A

50 Solve for value of x and y if 5x - y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 29

A x = 12, y = 3 B x = 1, y = 4 C x = -3, y = 24 D x = 3, y = 10

Correct Answer: D

51 Apply Gauss Elimination method to solve the following equations. 2x – y + 3z = 9, x + y + z = 6, x – y + z


A X = 5, y = 14, z = 5 B X = -13, y = 4, z = 15 C X = -13, y = 1, z = -8 D X = 13, y = 1, z = -8

Correct Answer: B

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