Unit - II: Simultaneous Equations (MCQ) : 1 A B C D C 2
Unit - II: Simultaneous Equations (MCQ) : 1 A B C D C 2
Unit - II: Simultaneous Equations (MCQ) : 1 A B C D C 2
Correct Answer: C
2 The aim of elimination steps in Gauss elimination method is to reduce the coefficient matrix to
Correct Answer: D
Correct Answer: A
Correct Answer: C
Correct Answer: A
6 Which of the following method is employed for solving the system of linear equations?
Correct Answer: C
Correct Answer: C
Correct Answer: A
Correct Answer: A
10 The gauss elimination procedure is one of the several methods to solve
Correct Answer: A
Correct Answer: C
Correct Answer: B
Correct Answer: B
14 The process of constructing a sequence of vectors and obtaining the solution of a system using specified
accuracy is called _________
Correct Answer: C
Correct Answer: A
Correct Answer: B
Correct Answer: A
Correct Answer: D
Correct Answer: A
A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5
Correct Answer: A
21 What are the coefficients of the equation obtained during the elimination called?
Correct Answer: B
Correct Answer: C
23 Solve this system of equations and comment on the nature of the solution using Gauss Elimination
method. x + y + z = 0, -x – y + 3z = 3, -x – y – z = 2
Correct Answer: B
Correct Answer: A
A The coefficient matrix B The rate of C Iteration involved in D The coefficient matrix
has no zeros on its convergence is quite Jacobi’s method has zeroes on its main
main diagonal slow compared with converges diagonal
other methods
Correct Answer: A
A x = 2, y = 1 B x = 4, y = 8 C x = 6, y = 1 D x = 2, y = 4
Correct Answer: A
27 Consider the following system of equations 2x1 +x2+x3= 0, x2-x3= 0, x1+x2= 0 This system has
Correct Answer: C
28 The time taken to solve a system of equations using direct method is more than the time taken by iterative
Correct Answer: B
A They yield solution B They have large C They make use of D They do not achieve
after a certain amount calculations involved back substitution the desirable accuracy
of fixed computation
Correct Answer: A
A Iterations involve B Checks occurring C Any error made at any D After each step, validity
repetition during the process stage of computation of the method is
ensure that the errors gets automatically checked.
are reduced corrected in the
subsequent steps
Correct Answer: C
Correct Answer: A
Correct Answer: D
33 Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system has
Correct Answer: C
34 consider the equation Ax=B where A=[-1 2; 2 -1], B=[3 ; 1], then
A the equation has no B [0 ; 0] is a solution of C there exist a non zero D the equation has
solution the equation unique solution infinitely many solution
Correct Answer: C
Correct Answer: B
Correct Answer: D
Correct Answer: B
A x=0, y=1, z=0.5 B x=0, y=0.5, z=2 C x=1, y=0.5, z=2 D nonexisstent
Correct Answer: D
Correct Answer: C
41 The rate of convergence in gauss seidel method is ______ that of gauss jacobi method
Correct Answer: B
42 As soon as a new value for a variable is found by iteration, it is used immediately in the following equation,
this method is called_______
Correct Answer: C
43 Choose correct hierarchy for reduce set of simultaneous equation in upper triangular form i. Make all
elements in first column below first row to zero
ii. Similarly make all elements in second column below second row to zero
iii. Write given set of equa
A iii, i, ii, iv B i, iv, ii, iii C i, ii, iii, iv D iv, ii, iii, i
Correct Answer: A
Correct Answer: A
45 Find the values of x, y, z in the following system of equations by gauss Elimination Method. 2x + y – 3z =
-10 -2y + z = -2 z = 6
A 38752 B 38755 C 38780 D 38387
Correct Answer: A
46 Solve the given system of equation by Gauss Elimination method. 3x + 4y – z = -6, -2y + 10z = -8, 4y –
2z = -2
A (-2, -1, -1) B (-1, -2, -1) C (-1, -1, -2) D (-1, -1, -1)
Correct Answer: D
47 While solving by Gauss Seidal method, which of the following is the first Iterative solution system; x – 2y =
1 and x + 4y = 4?
Correct Answer: A
48 Solve the following equations by Gauss seidal method. [one Iteration] 10a - 2b - c - d = 3, - 2a + 10b - c -
d = 15, - a - b + 10c - 2d = 27, - a - b - 2c = 10d = -9
Correct Answer: A
A x = 3, y = -1 B x = 2, y = 3 C x = 4, y = 1 D x = 5, y = 4
Correct Answer: A
A x = 12, y = 3 B x = 1, y = 4 C x = -3, y = 24 D x = 3, y = 10
Correct Answer: D
Correct Answer: B