CE Syllabus Primer Soil Mechanics
CE Syllabus Primer Soil Mechanics
CE Syllabus Primer Soil Mechanics
An internationally - accredited University dedicated to innovation and excellence in the service of God and
Lyceum of the Philippines University, espousing the ideals of Jose P. Laurel, is committed to the following
1. Advance and preserve knowledge by undertaking research and disseminating and utilizing the
results. – RESEARCH
2. Provide equitable access to learning through relevant, innovative, industry
based and environment-conscious programs and services in the context of nationalism and
internationalism. – INSTRUCTION and QUALITY SERVICES
3. Provide necessary knowledge and skills to meet entrepreneurial development and the managerial
requirements of the industry. – INSTRUCTION
4. Establish local and international linkages that will be the source of learning and growth of the
members of academic community. – INSTRUCTION AND INSTITUTIONAL
5. Support a sustainable community extension program and be a catalyst for social transformation
and custodian of Filipino culture and heritage. – COMMUNITY EXTENSION
6. Build a community of God-centered, nationalistic, environment conscious, and globally
competitive professionals with wholesome values and attitudes. – PROFESSIONALISM and
7. Entrepreneurial To have relevant knowledge and skills from multiple
technical application in different areas to effective
industrial plans and entrepreneurial ventures.
No. PEO M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
1 Are fully equipped with the fundamentals of
Civil Engineering that will allow them to be
immediately competitive in the local or
international industries while providing the
best opportunity for achieving their full
2 Have developed a strong sense of professional
responsibility and social awareness;
3 Are dedicated to engineering innovation and
excellence serving the people for the love of X X
God and country.
M1=Research; M2=Instruction & Quality Services ; M3=Instruction ; M4=Instruction and
Development ; M5= Community Extension; M6= Professionalism and Values
By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the ability to:
related problems
b Design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and Perform laboratory experiments
interpret data; and make laboratory reports.
c Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs Construct an engineering design
within realistic constraints, in accordance with standards; and evaluate if it conforms to the
d Function in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams; Application of knowledge gained
from General Education and
Basic Engineering subjects to
professional subjects and
engineering design subjects.
e Identify, formulate, and solve Civil Engineering problems. Perform engineering calculation
manually and/or by use of
applicable software to solve CE
related problems
f Understand professional and ethical responsibility; Observance of professional
responsibility and professional
ethics during the proposal,
construction, and oral
presentation of a project.
g Communicate effectively Civil Engineering activities with the Identify potential topics or
engineering community and with society at large; projects with high impact of
implication in a national level.
h Understand the impact of Civil Engineering solutions in a Identify potential topics or
global, economic, environmental, and societal context projects with high impact of
implication and benefits in the
environment, economy, and
i Recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning Value participation in the in-
house review and mentoring.
j. Know contemporary issues Recommend engineering
solutions to contemporary issues.
k Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary Perform laboratory experiments
for Civil Engineering practice and design projects related to
industrial engineering
l Know and understand engineering and management principles Perform group activities and
as a member and leader of a team, and to manage projects in a involvement in group projects
multidisciplinary environment. and related activities.
Lyceum of the Philippines University
College of Engineering, Computer Studies and Architecture
Effective First Semester, AY 2020-2021
Course Description:
Soil formation and identification. Engineering properties of soils. Fundamental aspects of soil
characterization and response, including soil mineralogy, soil-water movement, effective stress,
consolidation, soil strength, and soil compaction. Use of soils and geosynthetics in geotechnical and geo-
environmental applications. Introduction to site investigation techniques. Laboratory testing and evaluation
of soil composition and properties.
Course Outcomes:
degree of saturation, specific gravity, Recitation Laboratory Output
unit weight and their determination.
Atterberg limits, sieve analysis,
hydrometer and Pipette analysis,
Stoke’s Law, grain size distribution.
4 CO1 Soil Classification Lecture Quizzes
CO2 Grain size classification, Bureau of Seatwork Problem Sets
soils. AASHTO and ASTM Recitation Laboratory Output
classification systems. Textural
Classification by triangular chart, united
soil classification system.
6 Prelim Examination
12 Midterm Examination
Principles of geotechnical engineering – 8th Edition by Das, Braja M. and Sobhan , Khaled
Call Number: TA 710 D37
Principles of Foundation Engineering – SI Edition – 8th Ed. (2016) by B. M. Das – Cengage Learning
Call Number: TA 775 D372
Course Requirements:
1. Problem sets or Seatwork (must be submitted on the deadline set by the instructor).
2. Research work related to the course (preferably related to the program took by the student).
3. Assignments (must be submitted on the deadline set by the instructor).
4. Attendance (Should not exceed to the maximum allowable number of hours required for this subject.
Refer to Student Handbook)
5. Quizzes
6. Examinations
a. Preliminary Examination
b. Midterm Examination
c. Final Examination
7. Recitation and participation.
Computation of Grades
Prelim Term Grade Midterm Grade Final Term Grade
Prelim Examination 40% Midterm Examination 40% Final Examination 40%
Creative Academic Creative Academic Creative Academic
60% 60% 60%
Performance Performance Performance
Total 100 Total 100 Total
% %
Engr. Carmelo
Zapanta Jr.
August 6, 2021
Lyceum of the Philippines University
College of Engineering, Computer Studies and Architecture
Evaluated by:
Faculty Member
Program Coordinator Chairperson / Dean