Ia Assignment 3

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Evening Co.
Statement of Financial Position
As of Dcember 31, 20x1
(amounts in Philippine Pesos)



Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 6 P 1,100,000
Trade and other receivables 7 1,770,000
Inventories 200,000
Total current assets P 3,070,000

Noncurrent assets
Property, plant and equipment 8 4,400,000
Long-term investments 900,000
Intangible assets 9 560,000
Biological assets 1,200,000
Other noncurrent assets 10 800,000 7,860,000

Total noncurrent assets P 10,930,000

Total assets


Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 11 P 2,680,000
Provisions 430,000
Total current liabilities P 3,110,000

Noncurrent liabilities
Accrued benefit cost 12 1,700,000

Shareholders’ equity
Share capital 13 P 3,900,000
Reserves 14 1,160,000
Retained earnings 1,030,000
Other components of equity 30,000
Total shareholder’s equity 6,120,000

Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity P 10,930,000

Note 6 - Cash and cash equivalents
Cash on hand P 120,000
Cash in bank 980,000
Total cash and cash equivalents P 1,100,000

Note 7 - Trade and other receivables

Accounts receivable P 2,000,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts (300,000)
Advances to employee 40,000
Advances to suppliers 30,000
Total trade and other receivables P 1,770,000

Note 8 - Property, plant and equipment

Land P 1,200,000
Building 4,800,00
Accumulated depreciation - Bldg. (1,600,000)
Total property, plant and equipment P 4,400,000

Note 9 - Intangible assets

Patent P 440,000
Accumulated amortization - Patent (80,000)
Web site costs 250,000
Accumulated amortization - Web site (50,000)
Total intangible assets P 560,000

Note 10 - Other noncurrent assets

Advances to officers (due in 20x3) P 130,000
Advances to affiliates (no agreed due date) 670,000
Total other noncurrent assets P 800,000

Note 11 - Trade and other payables

Accounts payable P 720,000
Utilities payables 80,000
Loans payable (short-term bank loan) 2,500,000
Discount on loan payable (740,000)
Deposit liability for returnable containers (short-term) 120,000
Total trade and other payables P 2,680,000

Note 12 - Accrued benefit cost

Present value of defined benefit obligation P 2,700,000
Fair value of plan assets 1,000,000
Total accrued benefit cost P 1,700,000

Note 13 - Share Capital

Ordinary share capital P 4,000,000
Treasury shares (100,000)
Total share capital P 3,900,000

Note 14 - Reserves
Share premium P 600,000
Share premium - share warrants outstanding 300,000
Share premium - treasury shares 70,000
Reserves for contingencies 190,000
Total reserves P 1,160,000

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