Homeroom Guidance: Quarter 1 - Module 2
Homeroom Guidance: Quarter 1 - Module 2
Homeroom Guidance: Quarter 1 - Module 2
Homeroom Guidance
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Accepting the Individuality of Others
Learning Objectives
Week 2
In this module, you will have a better understanding about your role
in promoting respect for individual differences. This aims to give you an
opportunity to view other’s perspectives and feelings. Accepting attitude
and openness to other’s unique characteristics will help you to have
healthy relationships.
Let’s Try This
Suggested Time Allotment: 20 Minutes
Processing Questions:
1. Were you able to fill out all related descriptions for each person?
Which of the descriptions is the most observable?
2. What is the most difficult description to observe? Explain.
3. What can you say about the differences that you observed among
these three persons?
Let’s Explore This
Suggested Time Allotment: 20 minutes
Processing Questions:
1. What do you notice with your answers?
2. Which of the situations is the most difficult to handle or manage?
3. What type of support or help is the easiest to provide? Explain.
4. What have you realized after doing this activity?
Keep in Mind
Suggested Time Allotment: 20 minutes
c. Be open-minded with others. You can always learn from the
experiences of your friends and peers and they can also do the same
with you. The manner they overcome life challenges and how they
impact their living could be your insights to improve your lifestyle or
even the way you see things around you. You can also learn from their
culture, traditions and values.
d. Try to consider where others are coming from. Your family set-up
may be different from what your friends have. People might have grown
up in a province or in a highly urbanized city. There are those who have
a complete set of parents and those that have a single parent or no
parents at all. Additionally, people have different childhood
experiences which greatly affect their attitude and personality now.
There are also those who struggle financially and those who are well
off. Keep in mind that people are coming from different backgrounds
and they act, decide and make choices based on those things.
e. If your differences with others are getting in the way, try to have a
common ground. You cannot impose your beliefs, values and culture
to others, the same way that they cannot do that to you. However,
instead of trying to prove who’s better and who’s not, you may want to
find an area where you can both improve yourself while learning from
each other. There are differences that are worthy to talk and celebrate,
and there are those that we just accept unconditionally just like in the
second item. There’s no point in comparing people as each of us have
our own potentials and abilities.
Always remember that you co-exist with others. There are things
that you cannot control like the people around you but you can always
manage the way you deal with them. The choice is always with you, either
you make the most out of those individual differences and have a happy
life or you make that as your limitations.
Week 3 You Can Do It
Suggested Time Allotment: 30 minutes
“I Care” Policies
Copy the table below on a separate sheet of paper. Write at least
five policies at home, in school, in the community or online that you
personally do to respect individual differences. Answer the processing
questions after.
Processing Questions:
1. How do you compare your answers in each column?
2. Given the current situation, how do you intend to practice them?
3. What made you practice such ways to respect individual
differences and care for others?
Share your Thoughts & Feelings