Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering: January 2009

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Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering

Book · January 2009

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84882-472-0


291 7,103

5 authors, including:

Mohamed Ben-Daya Salih o. Duffuaa

American University of Sharjah King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


Jezdimir Knezevic Daoud Ait-Kadi

MIRCE Akademy Laval University


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Dr Jezdimir KNEZEVIC Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 8( Version 7), August 2014, pp.93-100


Mirce Functionability Equation

Dr Jezdimir Knezevic
MIRCE Akademy, Woodbury Park, Exeter, EX5 1JJ, UK

Scientific principles and concepts expressed through the laws, equations and formulas are the bedrock for the
prediction of the deign-in functionality performance of any engineering creation. However, there is no
equivalent when the in-service functionability performance predictions have to be made. Hence, Mirce
Mechanics has been created at the MIRCE Akademy to fulfil the roll. The main purpose of this paper is to
present the development and application of Mirce Functionability Equation which is the bedrock for the
prediction of the functionability performance of maintainable systems.

I. The Concept of Functionality Maxwell's equations are a set of four partial

According to Einstein “Everything that the differential equations that relate the electric and
human race has done and thought is concerned with magnetic fields to their sources, charge density and
the satisfaction of felt needs”. current density.
Human needs for transporting, communicating,
defending, entertaining and many other functions are Navier–Stokes equations, describe the motion of
satisfied by ships, airplanes, tractors, computers, fluid substances. These equations arise from applying
radios and other systems. As they are functioning in Newton’s second law to the motion of fluid, together
accordance to the laws of science, which are with the assumption that the fluid stress is the sum of
independent of time, place and human impact, their a diffusing viscous term (proportional to the gradient
design-in performance, like speed, acceleration, of velocity), plus a pressure term. The equations are
power, fuel consumption and many others, are useful because they describe the physics of many
accurately predictable. [1] things from modelling the weather, ocean currents,
water flow in a pipe, air flow around a wing and
II. The Science of Functionality motion of stars inside a galaxy. In their full and
The theoretical foundations of designing systems simplified forms help with the design of aircraft and
are laws of science that describe observable natural cars, the study of blood flow, the design of power
phenomena, known to humans so far. Among them stations, the analysis of pollution, and many other
laws of motion are the most significant from the life things.
cycle engineering and management point of view, in
respect to functionality of a system. Some of them Boltzmann transport equation, is used to study the
are very briefly addressed in this paper as the motion of physical quantities such as heat and charge
scientific foundation for the development of the laws through fluid, and thus to derive transport properties
of the motion of functionability. Hence: such as electrical conductivity, viscosity, and thermal
conductivity. Physicists today use the equation to
Newton's laws of motion are three physical laws that model gases in everything from nuclear power
form the basis for classical mechanics. These laws stations to galaxies
describe the relationship between the forces acting on
a body and the motion of that body. They were first Heisenberg's equation of motion was the first
compiled by Sir Isaac Newton in his work complete and correct definition of quantum
Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, first mechanics, branch of physics that study the motion of
published on July 5, 1687.Newton used them to subatomic particles. It extended the Bohr model of
explain and investigate the motion of many physical atom by describing how the quantum jumps occur, by
objects and systems, from the “apple” to planets. interpreting the physical properties of particles as
matrices that evolve in time. The Heisenberg
Kepler's laws of planetary motion are three equation of motion, named after Werner Heisenberg
astronomical laws that describe the motion of planets who formulate it in 1925.
around the Sun. From them it is possible to
accurately predict either what the position of the Schrödinger equation describes how the quantum
planet is at a given time, or the time when the planet state of a physical system changes in time. It is as
is in a given position. central to quantum mechanics as Newton's laws are
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Dr Jezdimir KNEZEVIC Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 8( Version 7), August 2014, pp.93-100

to classical mechanics. In the standard interpretation Maximum Takeoff 735,000 lb (333,400 kg)
of quantum mechanics, the quantum state, also called Weight
a wavefunction or state vector, is the most complete
description that can be given to a physical system. Maximum Range 6,100 statute miles (9,800
The equation is named after Erwin Schrödinger, who km)
constructed it in 1926. Solutions to Schrödinger's
equation describe not only molecular, atomic and Typical Cruise Speed Mach 0.84
subatomic systems, but also macroscopic systems, at 35,000 feet 555 mph (895 km/h)
possibly even the whole universe. Basic Dimensions
In summary, scientific principles and concepts Wing Span 195 ft 8 in (59.6 m)
expressed through the laws, equations and formulas Overall Length 231 ft 10.2 in (70.6 m)
are the bedrock of any engineering creation. They Tail Height 63 ft 5 in (19.3 m)
have achieved that status by providing accurate Interior Cabin Width 20 ft (6.1 m)
predictions for all engineering and management
concepts, scenarios and “dreams”.
It is expected that each Boeing 747-100 series
aircraft have the same functionality, under identical
III. Concept of Maintainable System
environmental conditions, because the laws of nature
At the end of production or construction process,
are independent of time and the location in the
when all consisting components are assembled
universe, However, experience teaches us that in-
together and relationships between them established,
service performance of these systems is dominated by
a new physical system is “born” with capability to
phenomena like fatigue, operator induced errors,
deliver all expected functionality characteristics. That
corrosion, creep, foreign object damage, a faulty
unique, infinitesimally short instant of time, is
weld, bird strike, perished rubber, carburettor icing,
denoted as t=0, to mark the beginning of the system
to name just a few. These phenomena generate
operational process. Thus, each system will have its
energy exchanges between systems and environment,
own “birth” time, which is very important from the
leading to the loss of the design-in function or
system life point of view. At that instant the system
performance. Hence, maintaining the deign-in
is, for the very first time in its life, able to satisfy
performance beyond the delivery day requires actions
users’ needs by delivering functionality (function,
like troubleshooting, repairs, replacements,
performance and attributes). Hence, functionality
modifications, diagnostics, “cannibalisations” and
characteristics of the system are inherited from its
similar to be performed.
design process and cannot be changed during the
In summary, any entity that satisfy human needs
system life, apart from implementing some
by performing a measurable function whose design-
modifications and redesigns.
in functionality is maintained by humans is defined
For example, in 1969, engineers and managers of
as a maintainable system.
the Boeing Corporation have deliver to the world first
wide body aircraft, named Boeing 747, series 100
with the known functionality characteristics.: IV. The Concept of Functionability
Thus, the ability of being functional through
time, known as functionability, is an essential in-
Passengers service property of maintainable systems.
3-class configuration 366 From functionability point of view, at any instant
2-class configuration 452 of time a system can be in one of the following two
1-class configuration N/A states:
Cargo; 6,19 ft3 = 30 LD-1  Positive Functionability State, PFS, which is the
containers state of being functional
 Negative Functionability State, NFS, which is
Engines  Pratt & Whitney the state of not being functional
maximum thrust JT9D-7A The motion of the system through functionability
46,500 lb (20,925 kg) states is governed by the occurrence of
 Rolls-Royce functionability events, which are classified as:
RB211-524B2  Positive Functionability Events, PFE, which
50,100 lb (22,545 kg) cause the transition from NFS to PFS
 GE CF6-45A2  Negative Functionability Events, NFE, which
46,500 lb (20,925 kg) cause the transition from PFS to NFS
Maximum Fuel 48,445 U.S. gal (183,380 L) Consequently, the life of a maintainable system
Capacity could be considered as motion of system through

www.ijera.com 94 | P a g e
Dr Jezdimir KNEZEVIC Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 8( Version 7), August 2014, pp.93-100

functionability states. The pattern generated by the perceptions. They recorded the results of their
motion of functionability through functionability measurements in the form of numbers. Supplied with
states, in respect to the passage of time, forms the these numbers they began to seek relationships
functionability trajectory. between them and to write down in the form of
formulas. Then the formulas became the only things
V. Functionability Questions they came to trust when they began to predict things
One of the major concerns of design engineers they could not physically experience.
and project managers are predictions of operation, Consequently, to address functionability
maintenance and support resources required for questions the author established the MIRCE
maintaining systems in positive operational state Akademy in 1999. Staff, Fellows, Members and
through their life. These include diagnostic students of the Akademy study in-service behaviour
equipment, skilled and trained maintenance of maintainable systems to:
personnel, maintenance facilities, spare parts,  Physically observe the emerging trajectory of the
inspection tools, technical data, storage facilities, motion of functionability through the life of
means of transportations and so forth. Often the cost maintainable systems and to measure emerging
of these resources considerably exceeds the purchase in-service performance
cost of system itself. Equally, the lack of  Scientifically understand mechanisms that cause
maintenance resources causes further delays in the the motion of a functionability through the life
recovery of functionality. Hence, some balance of maintainable systems, within the physical
between investment in the resources and the time scale from 10-10 to 1010 metre [2,3,,4,5,6,7]
delays incurred by their deficiency is required. To  Mathematically define the scheme for the
make that trade off, engineers and managers, need to prediction of in-service performance of a given
find the answer to the following functionability design-in system, for a given in-service
related questions: conditions and rules.
• How many Negative Functionability Events are A science based body of knowledge, formulated
going to occur? through axioms, formulas, methods, rules and
• What types of Negative Functionality Events are algorithms for predicting the in-service performance
going to occur? of the future systems, resulting from their motion
• What frequencies of Negative Functionability through the functionability states in respect to time
Events are going to be? constitutes Mirce Mechanics.
• How the cause of Negative Functionability Event The ability to simultaneously predict the design-
will be detected? in functionality performance and in-service
• How long systems are going to be in Negative functionability performance of the future systems is
Functionability State? of fundamental importance for the engineers,
• How long systems are going to be in Positive managers, investors, regulators and other specialists
Functionability State? who are responsible for the satisfaction of the
“human felt needs”, in reliable, economical and safe
Unlike the functionality questions to which manner, for the future transportation, communication,
existing laws of science readily provide the answers, defence, energy, entertainment and many other
the above raised functionability questions stayed functions delivered by maintainable systems.
unanswered. Existing equations of motion, some of
which are briefly presented at the beginning of this VII. The Concept of Motion in Mirce
paper, are not able to even the address the above Mechanics
questions, not because they are incorrect, but because Motion is one of the most complex concepts of
they are not created to address these phenomena. science. The images it creates in our minds are
In summary, without ability to provide accurate diverse as the “jiggling” of atoms and molecules to
answers to functionability questions design the movement of planets, and beyond.
engineering and project management are not in the Since the earliest years of science the only idea
position make the trade off between the cost of of motion imagined was that of mechanical motion,
resources required to maintain systems in positive so there is a tendency to view all other kinds of
functionability states and the consequential losses motion in terms of the concept of trajectory. As the
while they are in negative functionability states. science progressed, this naturally became impossible,
for instance when the attempt was made to conceive
VI. Concept of Mirce Mechanics the electrical motion. It could be possible, of course,
The development of science started when people to think in the case of a high-voltage transmission
began to study phenomena not merely observing line that wire is the “trajectory” of the electric
them. People developed instruments and learned to signals. However, such a mental picture would have
trust their readings, rather than to rely on their own no practical purpose, as the electromagnetic waves
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Dr Jezdimir KNEZEVIC Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 8( Version 7), August 2014, pp.93-100

could not have been viewed as a liquid flowing  Human actions, where the transition from
through the wires. positive to negative state results from direct
Consequently, the question by which the motion decision taken by humans. Most frequently these
of functionability through the life of maintainable actions are performed as a part of scheduled
systems is to be described must contain only those maintenance tasks performed to check the state
quantities that can be measured physically. Research of a system, to preventively replace
performed shown that it could only be seen as the predetermined components or to install modified
change in the functionability state of a system components.
through time. Hence, a life of any maintainable
system could be viewed as a sequence of occurrences All physical phenomena that cause the motion of
of positive and negative functionability events that a system from the negative to positive functionability
“move” systems through functionability states. states are known as positive functionability events.
In summary, in Mirce Mechanics the motion of Mechanisms that generate positive events belong to
functionability is perceived as the change in the the following categories [8]:
functionability state of a system in relation to  Servicing: replenishment of consumable fluids,
functionability state variables, with respect to the cleaning, washing, painting, etc.
passage of time. Functionability state variables are  Lubrication: installing or replenishing lubricant.
measures of functionality performance of a system  Inspection: Examination of an item against a
that uniquely determine the functionability states of a defined physical standard.
system.  General visual inspection: performed to detect
obvious unsatisfactory conditions.
VIII. Mechanisms of Motion  It may require the removal of panels and access
As statistics does not study the cause of doors, work stands, ladders, and may be required
statistical behaviour, to understand that motion of to gain access.
functionability it was necessary to scientifically  Detailed visual inspection: consists of intensive
analyse the mechanisms that generate functionability visual search for evidence of any irregularity.
events. Inspection aids, like mirrors, special lighting,
To understand the mechanisms that generate hand lens, boroscopes, etc. are usually required.
negative functionability events analysis of over tens Surface cleaning may be required, as well as
of thousands of components, modules and assemblies elaborate access procedure.
of systems in defence, aerospace, transportation,  Special visual inspection: an intensive
motorsport, nuclear, communication and other examination of specific area using special
industries, had been studied at the MIRCE Akademy. inspection equipment such as radiography,
As it has a profound impact on all aspects of the in- thermography, dye penetrant, eddies current,
service life on any maintainable system several high power magnification or other NDT.
research studies have been performed by the Master Elaborate access and detailed disassembly may
and Doctoral students of the MIRCE Akademy with be required.
aim to understand the physical mechanisms that
 Check: a qualitative or quantitative assessment
caused their occurrences.
of function.
All physical phenomena that cause the motion of
 Examination: a quantitative assessment of
a system from the positive to negative functionability
one/more functions on an item to determine
states are known as negative functionability events.
whether it performs within acceptable limits.
Mechanisms that generate negative functionability
events belong to the following three categories:  Operational: a qualitative assessment to
determine whether an item is fulfilling its
 Overstress mechanisms, where acting stresses
intended function. It does not require quantitative
generated by mechanical, electrical, thermal,
radiation, chemical and other type of energy
exceed that strength of components and systems  Restoration: perform to return an item to a
subjected, resulting from phenomena like foreign specific standard. This may involve cleaning,
object damage (birds, hail, rain, snow), repair, replacement or overhaul.
lightening, abuse by operators, maintenance  Discard: removal of an item from service.
errors and similar
 Wearout mechanisms, where cumulative All of the above listed mechanisms of the motion
damage, generated by mechanical, electrical, of systems through positive and negative
thermal, radiation, chemical and other type of functionability states are observable physical
energy, is accumulated through processes like, processes or recognisable human actions. [9]
corrosion, fatigue, creep, wear and similar.

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Dr Jezdimir KNEZEVIC Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 8( Version 7), August 2014, pp.93-100

IX. Mathematics of Motion in Mirce certain unusual features and clearly delineated
Mechanics domain of application. For example, it can be readily
Results of experiments and observations verify that in the case of a large number of systems
performed thus far unquestionably lead to conclusion failure phenomena will occur in a specific number of
that the deterministic regularity found in the the cases, and the law is more accurate the more
continuous motion of functionality, such as speed, systems are observed. However, this accurate
acceleration and similar, studied by classical knowledge will be of no help in predicting the
mechanics, cannot be found in respect to the motion occurrence of functionability events in each
of functionability through time. What can be found is individual case. This is what distinguishes the laws
discrete motion with statistical variability, as shown of probability: the concept of probability is valid only
in Figure 1. for an individual event and it is possible to work out a
Thus, functionability trajectories, generated by number that corresponds to it. However, it can only
similar individual systems, under similar be measured when identical tests are repeated a great
circumstances vary among them self, to the degree number of times. Only then can the measured value,
that no two trajectories are identical. Therefore, the the probability, be used to assess the occurrence of
proven formulas of Newtonian mechanics that govern each individual functionability event, which is one of
the motion of macroscopic bodies through time the possible outcomes of the test.
cannot be used for predicting the motion of The unusual features of the laws of probability
functionability through time, as far as the have a natural explanation. In fact, most probabilistic
functionability trajectory is concerned events are results of quite complex physical
The relative frequency histogram of the motion processes, which in many cases cannot be studied or
of functionability through the life of sample size of understood in all of its intricacy. Such inability takes
497 systems at specific instances of time is obtained its toll, as it is only possible to predict with certainty
by using well known statistical expression: the average result of numerous identical tests. Thus,
Number fo systems in PFS @ t for each functionability event it is only possible to
y '(t )  indicate its likely outcome.
Total Number of Systems Orserved Probabilistic predictions of the functionability
1. trajectory are based on the framework of the
sequence of occurrences of Positive and Negative

Functionability Events, whose individual and
cumulative times are measured as shown in the
300 Figure below.





0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 480 520 560 600 640 680 720 760 800 840 880 920 960 1000

Figure 1: Relative Frequency Histogram of the

Motion of Functionability through the life of 497
Systems at specific instances of time
Figure 2: Individual and Cumulative Times to
Clearly, functionability histograms can be Functionability Events
produced only after the data have been generated,
which means after the events. However, the objective Based on the Figure 2, the following functions are
of Mirce Mechanics is to develop equation that will used:
be able to predict the data that are going to be Negative Function, Fi(t), which defines the
observed, in the similar manner as the predictions probability that the ith NFE will take place before or
made by Newton’s, Maxwell’s, Schrödinger’s at instant of time t is defined in the following way:
become confirmed by the future events. Fi (t )  P(TNEi  t ), i  1,  . 2.
Mirce Mechanics Formulas, developed at the Positive Function, Oi(t), which define the
MIRCE Akademy, by D Knezevic, are mathematical probability that the ith PFE will take place before or at
expressions of the physically observed processes of instant of time t is defined by the following
the motion of systems through functionability states expression:
and they define and predict physically measurable Oi (t )  P(TPEi  t ), i  1,  . 3.
properties of system functionability in the
probabilistic terms. Probability distribution that defines this event is
The laws of probability are just as rigorous as uniquely determined by the physical properties of the
other mathematical laws. However, they do have process that generate positive functionability event

www.ijera.com 97 | P a g e
Dr Jezdimir KNEZEVIC Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 8( Version 7), August 2014, pp.93-100

(replacement, repair, calibration, modification and 

similar) [9].  (t )   P (TPE i  t ) is the expected number of
Sequential Negative Function, Fi(t), which i 1
defines the probability that the ith sequential NFE will positive functionability events that will take place
take place before or at instant of time t, is defined as: from the birth of a system and a given instant of time
F i (t )  P(TNE i  t ), i  1,  . 4. t.
i This expression is developed by the author and it
Sequential Positive Function, O (t), which is named Mirce Functionability Equation. It defines
defines the probability that the ith sequential PFE will the trajectory of a functionability through the
take place before or at instant of time t: is presented probability of a system being in positive
in the following manner: functionability state at a given instant of time t.
Oi (t )  P(TPE i  t ), i  1,  . 5. The unit of functionability determined in
Equations E3 and E4 define the sequence of accordance to the Mirce Functionability Equation, .is
functionability events for any maintainable system. 1 Senna [1S]. It is quantified by the probability of
Having determined the probability distribution and its maintainable system being in PFS at a given instant
governing parameters of the times to subsequent of time.
functionability event, positive and negative, it is Making use of existing observational data related
possible to develop a mathematical scheme that will to the in-service behaviour of a sample of 497
provide opportunity to predict the future sequence of systems, operating in similar environmental and
functionability events for any given system. This is utilisation conditions, the probability laws that drive
the essence of the Mirce Mechanics, which is the shapes of positive and negative functions defined by
only theory available to design engineers to the equations 2-5 where determined. The obtained
quantitatively predict the consequences of all of their functions are shown in Figure 3, where the green
decisions on in-service behaviour of their future lines represent positive functions and the read lines
systems. represents negative functions.
The functionability trajectory, calculated in
X. Mirce Functionability Equation accordance to the expression 6 is shown with a black
The trajectory of functionability is uniquely line in the Figure 3.

defined by the sequence of functionability events, 0.9

from the birth of the system to its decommissioning. 0.8

Thus, the fundamental equation of Mirce Mechanics, 0.7

the functionability equation y(t), that defines the 0.6

probability of a system being functionable at a given 0.5

instant of time t is defined as: 0.4

y (t )  P ( PFS @ t ) 0.3


   P( PFS i @ t ) 

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

i 0
Figure 3: Functionability profile calculated by Mirce

   P TPE i  t   P TNE i 1  t 
Functionability Equation for the Example shown in
Figure 1.
i 0
Making use of equations 3 and 4, while bearing in Analytical solutions for the Mirce
mind that O0 (0)  1 , as a system starts its life in Functionability Equation are seldom possible due to
positive functionability state, the above expression of inability of mathematics to deal with the large
functionability equation could be presented in its number of functions and their interactions. These
final form: types of problems are not specifically related to the
Mirce Mechanics; they are common to all scientific
y ( t )  1   (t )   ( t ) 6. disciplines of this nature, as it is a known
mathematical fact that the integral equations do not
have analytical solutions. [10]
where: However, it is necessary to develop

 (t )   P (TNE i  t )
computational methods to deal with the mathematical
is the expected number of
difficulties as it is unacceptable to simplify observed
i 1
reality of system in-service behaviour in order to
negative functionability events that will take place
cope with mathematical limitations. [11]
from the birth of a system and a given instant of time For the numerical example used in this paper the
t. result of the application of the Monte Carlo
www.ijera.com 98 | P a g e
Dr Jezdimir KNEZEVIC Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 8( Version 7), August 2014, pp.93-100

simulation method performed to obtained quantitative Consequently, the only way to address
solution of the Mirce Functionability Equation is performance targets formulated in the way above is
shown in Figure 4 as dots. to use concept and principles of Mirce Mechanics to
evaluate engineering and management options, at the
time when fundamental and irreversible decision are
made regarding future systems.


XII. Conclusion
This paper clearly demonstrates that
0.3 functionability performance of any maintainable
0.2 system is very much different from its functionality
performance, in physical, technical, engineering and
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 management sense.
Figure 4: Functionability profile calculated by Mirce This paper also demonstrates that functionability
Functionability Equation performance is the time dependent property of the
system and its motion is manifested through the
XI. The Impact of Mirce Functionability sequence of transitions through positive and negative
functionability states.
Equation on System Engineering and
Like in the classical mechanics, where the
Management continuous uniform motion is natural state of the
Although science has to be truthful, rather then
macro world that is fully defined and predictable by
useful, the body of knowledge of Mirce Mechanics is Newton’s equations, or in quantum mechanics where
essential for scientists, mathematicians, engineers, the continuous motion is also natural state of a micro
managers, technicians and analysts in industry, world fully described and predictable by Schrodinger
government and academia to predict functionability equation, in Mirce Mechanics continuous change in
trajectories of the future systems, for a given
the functionability states is a natural state of
configurations, in-service rules and conditions, in
maintainable systems during they in-service life,
order to manage functionability events in the way which is fully defined and predictable by Mirce
that the functionability performance is delivered Functionability Equation.
through the life of system, at least investment in Finally, Mirce Functionability Equation is the
resources and environmental impact. For that to scientific foundation of the System Engineering and
happened, the science proven method is needed, very
Management predictions and analysis regarding the
much different from the classical scientific motion of functionability through the life of
knowledge, described trough the type of the maintainable system.
equations mentioned in the introductory part of the
paper, because functionability performance are
defined in the following way:
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Dr Jezdimir KNEZEVIC Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.com
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