Fourth Year Class: University of Baghdad College of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering

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University of Baghdad

College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering


Reinforced Concrete Design II


- Structural system and load paths

- Types of slabs
- Design of one-way slab
- Minimum slab thickness of two-way slabs
- Design of two-way slab
- General design concept of ACI Code
- Direct design method
- Total static moment in flat slab
- Equivalent frame method
- Shear in slab system with beams
- Shear strength in flat plate and flat slab (one way and punching shear)
- Transfer of moment at columns
- Yield line theory
- Prestressed concrete
- Design of stair case

Reinforced Concrete Design II


- Design of Concrete Structures; Arthur H. Nilson, David Darwin, and Charles W. Dolan.

- Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design; James K. Wight and James G. Macgregor.

- Building Design and Construction Handbook; Frederick S. Merritt and Jonathan T. Ricketts

- Structural details in Concrete; M. Y. H. Bangash.

- Manual for the Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures; the Institute of Structural

- Reinforced Concrete Analysis and Design; S. S. Ray.

- ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318M-14) and Commentary
(ACI 318RM-14), ACI Committee 318, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2014.

- Shear Reinforcement for Slabs; Reported by ACI-ASCE Committee 421.

Reinforced Concrete Design II

Structural system and load paths

The structural system shall include (a) through (g), as applicable:
(a) Floor construction and roof construction, including one-way and two-way slabs
(b) Beams and joists
(c) Columns
(d) Walls
(e) Diaphragms
(f) Foundations
(g) Joints, connections, and anchors as required to transmit forces from one component to another.

Load factors and combinations

According to ACI 318M-14, the required strength (U) shall be at least equal to the effects of
factored loads in Table 5.3.1, with exceptions and additions in 5.3.3 through 5.3.12.

All members and structural systems shall be analyzed for the maximum effects of loads
including the arrangements of live load in accordance with 6.4.

Design strength of a member and its joints and connections, in terms of moment, axial force, shear,
torsion, and bearing, shall be taken as the nominal strength (Sn) multiplied by the applicable
strength reduction factor (ø).
Structures and structural members shall have design strength at all sections (ø Sn) greater
than or equal to the required strength (U) calculated for the factored loads and forces in such
combinations as required by ACI-Code.

design strength ≥ required strength

ø Sn ≥ U

Reinforced Concrete Design II

Types of slabs
1. One-way slab: Slabs may be supported on two opposite sides only, in such case, the
structural action of the slab is essentially "one-way", and the loads are carried by the slab in
the direction perpendicular to the supporting beams, Figure (1-a).
2. Tow-way slab: Slabs have beam or support on all four sides. The loads are carried by the
slab in two perpendicular directions to the supporting beams, Figure (1-b).
3. If the ratio of length to width of one slab panel is larger than 2, most of the load is carried by
the short direction to the supporting beams, and one-way action is obtained in effect, even
though supports are provided on all sides, Figure (1-c).
4. Concrete slab carried directly by columns, without the use of beams or girders, such slab is
described by flat plates, and are commonly used where spans are not large and loads are not
heavy, Figure (1-d).
5. Flat slabs are also beamless slab with column capitals, drop panels, or both, Figure (1-e).
6. Two–way joist systems (grid slab), to reduce the dead load of solid-slab, voids are formed in
a rectilinear pattern through use of metal or fiberglass form inserts. A two–way ribbed
construction results (waffle slab). Usually inserts are omitted near the columns, Figure (1-f).

One-way slabs: slabs reinforced to resist flexural stresses in only one direction.

Two-way slabs: reinforced for flexure in two directions.

Column capital: enlargement of the top of a concrete column located directly below the slab or
drop panel that is cast monolithically with the column.

Drop panel: projection below the slab used to reduce the amount of negative reinforcement over a
column or the minimum required slab thickness, and to increase the slab shear strength.

Panel: slab portion bounded by column, beam, or wall centerlines on all sides.

Column strip: a design strip with a width on each side of a column centerline equal to the lesser of
0.25 ℓ2 and 0.25 ℓ1. A column strip shall include beams within the strip, if present.

Middle strip: a design strip bounded by two column strips.

Reinforced Concrete Design II


(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure (1) Types of slabs (a) one-way slab, (b) two-way slab, (c) one-way slab, (d) flat
plate, (e) flat slab, (f) two–way joist

Reinforced Concrete Design II

Size and projection of drop panel

In computing required slab reinforcement, the thickness of drop panel below the slab shall
not be assumed greater than one – quarter the distance from edge of drop panel to edge of column
or column capital.

The column capital is normally 20 to 25 % of the average span length.

Reinforced Concrete Design II

Design of one–way slab systems

At point of intersection (P) the deflection must be the same
5 w L4 5 wa La 4 5 wb Lb 4
∆ = 384E I ⇒ =
384 E I 384 E I
wa Lb 4
∴ = 4
wb La Lb
Lb wa P
if =2 ∴ = 16 ⇒ wa = 16 wb
La wb

For purposes of analysis and design a unit strip of such a slab cut out at right angles to the
supporting beam may be considered as a rectangular beam of unit width (1.0 m) with a depth (h)
equal to the thickness of the slab and a span (La) equal to the distance between supported edges.

Simplified method of analysis for one-way slabs

It shall be permitted to calculate Mu and Vu due to gravity loads in accordance with Section 6.5 of
ACI Code for one-way slabs satisfying (a) through (e):
(a) Members are prismatic
(b) Loads are uniformly distributed
(c) L ≤ 3D
(d) There are at least two spans
(e) The longer of two adjacent spans does not exceed the shorter by more than 20 percent

Mu due to gravity loads shall be calculated in accordance with Table 6.5.2. Moments
calculated shall not be redistributed.

For slabs built integrally with supports, Mu at the support shall be permitted to be calculated
at the face of support.

Floor or roof level moments shall be resisted by distributing the moment between columns
immediately above and below the given floor in proportion to the relative column stiffnesses
considering conditions of restraint.

Reinforced Concrete Design II

A minimum area of flexural reinforcement (As,min) shall be provided in accordance with


Table—As,min for nonprestressed one-way slabs

fy As,min
Reinforcement type
(MPa) (mm)
Deformed bars < 420 0.0020 Ag
0.0018 × 420
Deformed bars or welded Ag
 420 Greater of: fy
wire reinforcement
0.0014 Ag

Reinforced Concrete Design II

Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses normal to the principal reinforcement
should be provided in a structural slab. ACI Code specifies the minimum ratios of reinforcement
area to gross concrete area, as shown in Table

Table—Minimum ratios of deformed shrinkage and temperature

reinforcement area to gross concrete area
Reinforcement type Minimum reinforcement ratio
Deformed bars < 420 0.0020
0.0018 × 420
Deformed bars or welded fy
 420 Greater of:
wire reinforcement

The spacing of deformed shrinkage and temperature reinforcement shall not exceed the
lesser of 5h and 450 mm.

Vu due to gravity loads shall be calculated in accordance with Table 6.5.4.

For slabs built integrally with supports, Vu at the support shall be permitted to be calculated
at the face of support.

Minimum slab thickness

For solid nonprestressed slabs not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction likely to
be damaged by large deflections, over all slab thickness (h) shall not be less than the limits in Table, unless the calculated deflection limits of 7.3.2 are satisfied.

Reinforced Concrete Design II

For fy other than 420 MPa, the expressions in Table shall be modified.

For nonprestressed slabs not satisfying 7.3.1 and for prestressed slabs, immediate and time-
dependent deflections shall be calculated in accordance with 24.2 and shall not exceed the limits in

Reinforced Concrete Design II

Minimum slab thickness for two-way slabs

To ensure that slab deflection service will not be troublesome, the best approach is to compute
deflections for the total load or load component of interest and to compare the computed deflections
with limiting values.
Alternatively, deflection control can be achieved indirectly by adhering to more or less
arbitrary limitations on minimum slab thickness, limitations developed from review of test data and
study of the observed deflections of actual structures.
Simplified criteria are used to slabs without interior beams (provided by table), flat plates
and flat slabs with or without edge beams. While equations are to be applied to slabs with beams
spanning between the supports on all sides. In both cases, minimum thicknesses less than the
specified value may be used if calculated deflections are within code specified limits.

Slab without interior beams (Flat plates and flat slabs with or without edge beams)
For nonprestressed slabs without interior beams spanning between supports on all sides, having a
maximum ratio of long-to-short span of 2, overall slab thickness (h) shall not be less than the limits
in Table, and shall be at least the value in (a) or (b), unless the calculated deflection limits of
8.3.2 (ACI 318) are satisfied:
(a) Slabs without drop panels as given in 8.2.4........... 125 mm.
(b) Slabs with drop panels as given in 8.2.4................ 100 mm.






Reinforced Concrete Design II

Slabs with beams on all sides:

For nonprestressed slabs with beams spanning between supports on all sides, overall slab thickness
(h) shall satisfy the limits in Table, unless the calculated deflection limits of 8.3.2 are







At discontinuous edges of slabs conforming to, an edge beam with αf ≥ 0.80 shall be
provided, or the minimum thickness required by (b) or (d) of Table shall be increased by at
least 10 percent in the panel with a discontinuous edge.

Reinforced Concrete Design II

Example 1
Find the minimum thickness of a slab for an interior panels due to deflection control for the
following: Use fy = 350 MPa.
a- Slab with beams (8.1 × 8.2) m clear span with αm = 2.3
b- Flat plate (4.4 × 4.6) m clear span.
c- Flat slab with drop panels (6.2 × 6.2) m clear span.

a- Slab with beams (8.1 × 8.2) m clear span with αm = 2.3
m = 2.3  2.0
 f 
l n  0.8 + y 
= 
1400  L n 8. 2
 t min ; = = = 1.012
36 + 9  S n 8 .1
 350 
8200  0.8 + 
t min =  1400 
= 190.875 mm  90 mm O.K.
36 + 9  1.012
Use t = 200 mm

b- Flat plate (4.4 × 4.6) m clear span.

From table
L 4600
For fy = 280 t = n = = 127.778 mm
36 36
L 4600
For fy = 420 t = n = = 139.394 mm
33 33
For fy = 350 (by linear interpolation)
127.778 + 139.394
t= = 133.586 mm  125 mm O.K.
Use t = 140 mm

c- Flat slab with drop panels (6.2 × 6.2) m clear span.

From table
L 6200
For fy = 280 t = n = = 155 mm
40 40
L 6200
For fy = 420 t = n = = 172.222 mm
36 36
155 + 172.222
For fy = 350 (by linear interpolation) t = = 163.611 mm  100 mm O.K.
Use t = 170 mm

Reinforced Concrete Design II

Example 2
Find the minimum thickness of a slab for an interior panels due to deflection control for the
following: Use fy = 420 MPa. (60000 psi).
a- Slab with beams (8.2 × 7.7) m clear span with αm= 2.3
b- Slab without drop panels (5.4 × 4.8) m clear span with αm= 0.18
c- Flat plate (4.2 × 4.6) m clear span.
d- Flat slab with drop panels (6.0 × 6.2) m clear span.
e- Slab with beams (5.8 × 5.8) m clear span with αm= 1.5

a- Slab with beams (8.2 × 7.7) m clear span with αm= 2.3
m = 2.3  2.0
 f 
ln  0.8 + y 
 t min = 
1400  L 8 .2
; = n = = 1.065
36 + 9  S n 7 .7
 420 
8200  0.8 + 
t min =  1400 
= 197.872 mm  90 mm O.K.
36 + 9  1.065
 Use t = 200 mm

b- Slab without drop panels (5.4 × 4.8) m clear span with αm= 0.18
m = 0.18  0.2
L 5400
From table t = n = = 163.636 mm  125 mm O.K.
33 33
 Use t = 170 mm

c- Flat plate (4.2 × 4.6) m clear span.

L 4600
From table t = n = = 139.394 mm  125 mm O.K.
33 33
 Use t = 140 mm

d- Flat slab with drop panels (6.0 × 6.2) m clear span.

L 6200
From table t = n = = 172.222 mm  100 mm O.K.
36 36
 Use t = 175 mm

e- Slab with beams (5.8 × 5.8) m clear span with αm= 1.5
0.2   m = 1.5  2.0

Reinforced Concrete Design II

 f 
ln  0.8 + y 
 t min =  1400 
36 + 5 ( m − 0.2)
L 5 .8
= n = = 1 .0
S n 5 .8
 420 
5800  0.8 + 
t min =  1400 
= 150.118 mm  125 mm O.K.
36 + 5  1.0  (1.5 − 0.2)
 Use t = 160 mm

Example 3
Find the minimum thickness of a slab for an interior panels due to deflection control for the
following: Use fy = 420 MPa.
a- Flat slab with drop panels (7.0 × 5.6) m clear span.
b- Slab with beams (5.0 × 6.3) m clear span with αm= 2.3
c- Slab with beams (5.0 × 5.5) m clear span with αm= 1.7
d- Flat plate (4.2 × 4.5) m clear span.
e- Flat slab without drop panels (5.9 × 4.2) m clear span.

a) Flat slab with drop panels (7.0 × 5.6) m clear span.
From table
 7000
t= n = = 194.444 mm  100 mm O.K.
36 36
 Use t = 200 mm

b) Slab with beams (5.0 × 6.3) m clear span with αm= 2.3
m = 2.3  2.0
 f 
 n  0.8 + y 
 t min = 
1400 
36 + 9 
 6.3
= n = = 1.26
s n 5 .0
 420 
6300  0.8 + 
t min =  1400 
= 146.388 mm  90 mm O.K.
36 + 9  1.26
 Use t = 150 mm

Reinforced Concrete Design II

c) Slab with beams (5.0 × 5.5) m clear span with αm= 1.7
0.2  m = 1.7  2.0
 f 
 n  0.8 + y 
 t min =  1400 
36 + 5 ( m − 0.2 )
 5 .5
= n = = 1.10
s n 5 .0
 420 
5500  0.8 + 
t min =  1400 
= 136.723 mm  125 mm O.K.
36 + 5  1.1 (1.7 − 0.2)
 Use t = 140 mm

d) Flat plate (4.2 × 4.5) m clear span.

From table
 4500
t= n = = 136.364 mm  125 mm O.K.
33 33
 Use t = 140 mm

e) Flat slab without drop panels (5.9 × 4.2) m clear span.

From table
 5900
t= n = = 178.788 mm  125 mm O.K.
33 33
 Use t = 180 mm

Example 4
Thickness of a flat slab with edge beams
Column capital diameter = 1000 mm
(fy = 420 MPa)

exterior panel
t = ℓn/33
ℓn = 8000 – 0.89 × 1000 = 7110 mm

t = 7110/33 = 215.4 mm > 125 mm

interior panel
t = ℓn/33 = 215.4 mm > 125 mm
∴ use t = 220 mm
6m 6m 6m

Reinforced Concrete Design II

Example 5
Thickness of a flat slab without edge beams
Column capital diameter = 1000 mm
(fy = 420 MPa)

exterior panel
t = ℓn/30
ℓn = 8000 – 0.89 × 1000 = 7110 mm

t = 7110/30 = 237.0 mm > 125 mm
interior panel
t = ℓn/33 = 215.4 mm > 125 mm
∴ use t = 240 mm
6m 6m 6m

Example 6
Find the minimum thickness of a slab for an interior panels due to deflection control for the
following: Use fy = 420 MPa.
a) Flat slab with drop panels (6.4 × 6.0) m clear span.
b) Flat plate (4.4 × 4.0) m clear span.
c) Slab with beams (5.8 × 5.6) m clear span with αm = 1.7
d) Slab with beams (8.0 × 6.5) m clear span with αm = 3.4
e) Slab without drop panels (5.5 × 4.8) m clear span with αm = 0.19

a) Flat slab with drop panels (6.4 × 6.0) m clear span.
From table
ℓn 6400
t= = = 177.8 mm > 100 mm O. K.
36 36
 Use t = 180 mm

b) Flat plate (4.4 × 4.0) m clear span.

From table
ℓn 4400
t= = = 133.3 mm > 125 mm O. K.
33 33
 Use t = 140 mm

Reinforced Concrete Design II

c) Slab with beams (5.8 × 5.6) m clear span with αm= 1.7
0.2 < 𝛼𝑚 = 1.7 < 2.0
ℓ𝑛 (0.8 + 1400)
36 + 5𝛽(𝛼𝑚 − 0.2)𝑚𝑖𝑛
ℓ𝑛 5.8
𝛽= = = 1.035
𝑠𝑛 5.6
5800 × (0.8 + 1400)
t min = = 145.8 mm > 125 mm O. K.
36 + 5 × 1.036 × (1.7 − 0.2)
 Use t = 150 mm

d) Slab with beams (8.0 × 6.5) m clear span with αm= 3.4
𝛼𝑚 = 3.4 > 2.0
ℓ𝑛 (0.8 + 1400)
⇒ 𝑡𝑚𝑖𝑛 =
36 + 9𝛽
ℓ𝑛 8.0
𝛽= = = 1.231
𝑠𝑛 6.5

8000 × (0.8 + )
t min = = 186.9 mm > 90 mm O. K.
36 + 9 × 1.231

 Use t = 190 mm

e) Flat slab without drop panels (5.5 × 4.8) m clear span with αm = 0.19.
From table
ℓn 5500
t= = = 166.7 mm > 125 mm O. K.
33 33
 Use t = 170 mm


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