Basic Concepts and Theory: Bearing History and Timeline
Basic Concepts and Theory: Bearing History and Timeline
Basic Concepts and Theory: Bearing History and Timeline
In ancient times, bearings may have taken the form of roller (cylindrical) bearings in
the wheel hubs of wagons or, more probably, of a conveyor-belt system of logs designed by
the Egyptians to transport large sections of stone for the construction of their pyramids. The
first ball-shaped bearings, made of bronze, were invented by the Romans to assist the
movement of metal turntables on ship decks.
2006 – ABMA partners with the American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA)
for Joint Meeting in Tucson, AZ.
2006 – ABMA, the Japanese Bearing Industrial Association (JBIA) and the
Federation of European Bearing Manufacturers Association (FEBMA) create
the World Bearing Association (WBA) to focus on issues affecting the global
bearing industry.
Examples of forms of bearing suitable for continuous movement
The surface of metal consists of a thin, often transparent oxide film (0.01 – 0.1 μm
thick), containing cracks and pores. Molecules of water, oxygen and grease are weakly
attached to the oxide. Below the oxide may be a layer of mixed-up oxide and metal, often
extremely hard, (perhaps 0.1 μm thick), and below this the metal will be work hardened to a
depth of 1-10 μm. (Fig. 1.1)
All surfaces, even those which feel smooth and give good reflections, are rough. (Fig.
1.2) Chemical measurement show that the real surface area of an abraded metal can be
three or more times the apparent area.
0.2 N
12.7 mm
Contacts between flat surfaces at light loads occur at asperity tips only – the scale of
the surface roughness does not matter. (Fig 1.3)
In concentrated contacts, as between a ball and its race, contacts still occurs at
discrete points. (Fig. 1.4)
450 N
38.1 mm
Fig. 1.5 Metal transfer from a copper-coated steel ball loaded against steel plate X 38
At practical loads, contacts are still non uniform. Even in a Brinell indentation contact
occurs at the asperity tips, and the asperities persist, though rather deformed.
Fig. 1.6 Talysurf trace of a bead-blasted surface before and after indentation
Fig. 1.7
Elastic contact between a ball and a plane, or between two balls, is described by the
Hertz equations:
Contact Radious
3 WR
a = ---- ---------
4 E
Maximum (or Hertz) pressure
2 1/3
0.6 WE
PH = --------
2 2
Where 1/E = (1- υ1 )/E1 + (1-υ2 )/E2
E1 & E2 being Young’s Moduli and υ1 & υ2 Poisson’s ratios for two bodies.
R1 and R2 the radii of curvature of the two bodies, for a ball in a cup radius of
curvature are taken negative.
At heavy loads plastic flow takes place, beginning when PH reaches 1.8 x (yield stress
in tension of softer body). The area then increases more rapidly with load, approaching the
value (load/hardness), and on unloading leaves a permanent impression (‘Brinelling’). But
even in this range, the real area of contact is only 1/3 to 1/2 of the area of the impression.
Asperity deformation
Individual asperity contacts probably behave like the ball and plane just described, so
that each contact deforms elastically when it carries a small load and plastically when it
carries high one.
But as the total load increases the surfaces move closer together and the number of
asperity contacts increases. The new small contacts which form balance the growth of the
existing contacts, and the average contact size is unchanged. The number of contacts is
roughly proportional to the load, and the fraction of the load carried by elastic contacts will not
change, even though the original elastic contacts have become plastic. Contact between flat
surfaces is therefore elastic or plastic depending on the surface geometry and material
properties, but does not change from elastic at low loads to plastic at high ones.
Plasticity index
The plasticity index is (E/H) (σ/ß) where E is Young’s modulus, H is the hardness of
the softer component, is the standard deviation of asperity heights and ß the mean asperity
radius of curvature. Values below 1 indicate mainly elastic contacts; values above 3 indicate
mainly plastic contacts. Very few manufactured surface come below 10 -- ball and roller
bearings being an important exception with an index around 1.
Running-in produces smoother surfaces (σ decreases and ß increases) and contact
then becomes elastic, though this is partly due to better conformity between the surfaces as
well as lower roughness. But non-geometric effects like toughening and surface oxidation are
also involved in running in.
Individual contacts have a large range of sizes with a few large ones and very many
small ones. But the mean contact width does not very greatly with the pressure, provided this
Fig. 1.9 Contact width Vs Frequency Fig. 1.10 Zero crossings and contact widths
is less than one tenth of the hardness, nor even between surfaces finished in different ways.
(Fig. 1.9)
A good approximation is to count the number of times n the surface profile crosses
the mean line per unit length: the mean contact width is about 0.2/n. The contacts in the figure
follow this rule. For many surfaces, especially surface ground ones, n is about 100/mm,
giving a mean contact width of 2 μm- This value can generally be used except at high
pressures when the contacts get bigger and closer together (as in the photographs of contact
areas under heavily loaded balls.)
In practice surface waviness and misalignment can often give high apparent
pressures locally when the nominal pressures are low, and the real contact areas tend to be
ground instead of occurring randomly.
Opposing initial movement.
Opposing continuous movement
The opposition due to friction depends to a large extent upon the nature of the
surfaces in contact, and these contact surfaces may be improved by lubrication.
For clean surfaces the adhesion easily dominates. For lubricated surfaces the
ploughing term may be an appreciable fraction of F.
With metals the junctions have shear strength comparable to the bulk shear strength
of the softer of the two metals in sliding contact. With similar metals, the junctions, due to
heavy work-hardening during shear, are stronger than both and large fragments may be torn
out of both surfaces. For this reason it is generally bad practice to slide similar metals
together. If they must be similar it is desirable to choose hard materials which do not work
harden further during sliding and which have limited ductility: or to use materials of non
homogeneous structure such as cast iron.
process itself. This is essentially the way in which copper-lead alloys function. The other is to
fall back on a chemically-formed surface film which can replenish as it is worn away. This
involves the use of ‘oiliness’ or extreme pressure additives dissolved in the lubricating oil.
Here it is important to avoid too reactive an additive since it may lead to excessive corrosion.
Another approach to the reduction of friction and wear is to coat the rubbing surfaces
with lamellar materials such as graphite or molybdenum disulphide. These substances are
strong in compression and weak in shear. However, because the cleavage planes are low-
energy surfaces one of the major difficulties is to achieve strong adhesion to the underlying
Yet another way of reducing friction, and especially wear, is to coat the solids with
layers of very hard materials such as those that are produced by plasma or flame spraying.
There is evidence that because of their extreme hardness the surfaces are scarcely deformed
during sliding so that even adsorbed films of oxygen or water vapour can provide some
lubricating action. In addition, because of their limited ductility they will tend to be wear-
resistant. On the other hand, if ductility is completely absent the films may crack and fragment
during sliding and the consequent behavior will be catastrophic.
Broadly speaking, the coefficient of friction for metals in air, when dry, is of order µ =
1 for the softer metals and µ » 0.4 for harder metals such as steel. For surfaces operating with
a good boundary lubricant such as a fatty acid, µ is of order 0.05 to 0.1, and the amount of
wear may be 1000 to 10000 times less than for unlubricated surfaces. However, this is only
achieved when the adsorbed film is in a condensed form. As the temperature is increased
these films are melted or desorbed and for most surface-active materials the films cease to be
effective as friction- and wear-reducing agents when the surface temperature reaches 150 to
200 C. At higher temperatures E.P. additives containing sulphur or chlorine or phosphorus
must be used. The friction is of order µ = 0.1 to 0.2. Under very severe running conditions
oxygen can often provide a useful protective film and in many cases this is provided by air
dissolved in the lubricant itself.
Rheology is the study of the flow of materials under stress. In tribology, the flow
properties of liquid lubricants are of primary interest.
Viscosity is a measure of the internal friction of a fluid. It is the most important
physical property of a fluid in the context of lubrication. The viscosity of a lubricant varies with
temperature and pressure and, in some cases, with the rate at which it is sheared.
Dynamic viscosity is the lubricant property provides a relationship between the shear
stress and the rate of shear which may be expressed as:
Shear stress = Coefficient of Dynamic Viscosity x Rate of Shear
Fig. 1.11 Shear stress / Viscosity / shear rate characteristics of non-Newtonion liquids.
This ratio not only indicates the mode of lubrication, but it has a direct bearing upon
the effective life of lubricated machine components.
Boundary lubrication
The friction and wear characteristics of the lubricated contact are determined by the
properties of the surface layers, often of molecular proportions, and the underlying solids. The
viscosity of the bulk lubricant has little effect upon the performance of boundary lubricated
contacts and the frictional behavior broadly follows the well-known laws for unlubricated
surfaces. This mode of lubrication is encountered in door hinges and many machine tool slide
The thickness of the protective layers formed by physical and chemical reaction
between the solids and the surrounding bulk lubricant, additives or atmosphere is usually
small compared with the roughness of the solid surfaces. The length of fatty acid molecules,
which are frequently used as boundary lubricants, and the thickness of protective oxide films
is often as small as 2nm (10 in). Hence, for boundary lubrications.( Fig. 1.12)
Mixed lubrication
Although it is usual to classify the mode of lubrication in many machine elements as
either ‘boundary’ or ‘fluid film’, it is not generally known that a very large proportion of them
operate with a mixture of both mechanisms at the same instant. There may be region of close
approach where surface interactions and boundary lubrication contributes to the overall
friction and wear characteristics in addition to a substantial fluid film lubrication action from
most of the contact. In addition it is recognized that local hydrodynamic effects between
surface irregularities can contribute to the total load carrying action; a mechanism known as
asperity lubrication.
In mixed lubrication it is necessary to consider both the physical properties of the bulk
lubricant and the chemical interactions between the bulk lubricant or additives and the
adjacent solids.
This mode of lubrication is encountered in many gears ball and roller bearing, seals
and even some conventional plain bearings. It is now recognized that it is difficult to eliminate
‘fluid film’ action from boundary lubrication experiments and ‘boundary’ effects occur in ‘fluid
film’ investigations more often than is generally acknowledged. This indicates the growing
importance of recognition of the regime of ‘mixed’ lubrication.
If mixed lubrication is to be avoided there must be no possibility of asperity interaction
and hence the total fluid and boundary film thickness must exceed the sum of the surface cla
values by a factor which varies from about two to five depending upon the method of surface
manufacture. There is a possibility of mixed lubrication whenever, (fig. 1.13)
film lubrication is found in the mixed phase flow regions where cavitations has occurred in
bearings, its effect on foaming and on viscous lifting in devices like ring oiled bearings.
Since a requirement for successful fluid film lubrication is the absence of asperity
interaction the film thickness is usually at least two to five times greater than the sum of the
surface cla values. It is more difficult to give an upper limit to the film thickness in relation to
roughness, since there is no physical boundary to the definition presented earlier. However,
thick films do not normally carry much load and in engineering situations it is rare to find a
fluid lubricating film thicker than one hundred times the sum of the surface rough nesses.
Fluid film lubrication can reliably be expected when R ≥ 5 and hence, in engineering
5 ≤ R ≤ 100
A special form of fluid film lubrication in which the development of effective films is
encouraged by local elastic deformation of the bearing solids is known as
‘elastohydrodymanic lubrication’
It is now recognized that this is the principal mode of lubrication in many gears, ball
and roller bearings, cams and some soft rubber seals. In counter formal contacts where the
local pressures are high an additional important feature is the effect of high pressure upon the
viscosity of many liquid lubricants. In all cases the elastic deformation creates a near parallel
lubricating film in the central region of the conjunction with a restriction giving the minimum
film thickness near the outlet or sides of the effective load bearing region.
Many nominal elastohydrodynamic contacts operate with film thickness which is small
by conventional fluid-film lubrication standards and there is often an associated ‘mixed’
lubrication action. If local elastic distortion of the bearing surfaces occurs in the load carrying
region the range of effective fluid film lubrications is often extended well into the region
normally associated with ‘mixed’ or even ‘boundary’ lubrication. A typical range of film
thickness ratios for elastohydrodynamic conditions (Fig. 1.15) is given by,
1 ≤ R ≤ 10
Fig. 1.16 A simplified picture of adhesive wear Fig.1.17 Some aspects of adhesive wear
Fig. 1.18 Wear by fluids containing abrasive particles
Notes: 1. θb is not normally known; values of θb must be assumed initially to obtain a curve
relating Hh to θb ; this curve, together with other relating Hs, H1 and the heat generation
in the bearing to θb, can then be used to determine the actual value of θb (see
paragraph entitled Bearing Operating Temperature).
2. For housing which are an integral part of a machine or structure some experience
and judgment may be required to decide appropriate effective boundaries of the
housing and hence the size of the equivalent disc. Joints between the housing and
the rest of the structure can only be taken as boundaries of the housing if they lie
across the direction of heat flow and have low conductivity. Factors which reduce joint
conductivity are low interface pressure (e.g. bolted joints), rough surface finish and
low temperature difference across the joint.
The shaft may either supply heat to the bearing assembly or remove heat from it,
depending on the temperature and location on the shaft of any other heat sources or sinks
(such as the rotor of an electric motor or the impeller of an air circulating fan). In the absence
of heat sources, the shaft will remove heat from the bearing. In estimating the heat transfer to
or from the assembly the parts of the shaft extending on each side of the bearing must be
considered separately and their contribution added.
Most practical situation is covered by one or other of the two cases following.
Heat flow from the bearing is given by :
Hs = -------- {C2 (θb-θa)}
Where the terms have the same meaning as in Case 1 except for:
L = L' + D/4 if the shaft end is free,
Or L = L' if the shaft end is insulated,
And C2 is another dimensionless factor depending on mL
Fig 1.21 Total heat transfer coefficient h = h c + h r : hc is obtained from (a) and hr from(b)
Fig 1.22 Correlations between C1 C2 D1 Vs mL
Provided the flow rate is not excessive, θ O will normally be nearly equal to the bearing
temperature, θb
Fig. 1.24 f Factors for housings
Methods for reducing the operating temperature of bearings:
These include:
1. Positioning the housing for unrestricted access of the surroundings air to as much
as possible of its surface.
2. Provision of substantial heat flow paths, unimpeded by joints, between the
bearing surface and housing exterior.
3. Use of a material for the housing having a high thermal conductivity.
4. Fins on the housing surface.
5. Forced air cooling – often conveniently achieved by means of a fan on the shaft.
6. Internal cooling – for example by water coil or passages.
7. Fitting thermal insulation in any joints between the housing and hot structure or
8. Maintain cleanliness and recommended viscosity of oil.
If the shaft receives a disturbing force such as a sudden surge or external shock, it
can momentarily increase the eccentricity from its equilibrium position. When this occurs,
additional oil is immediately pumped into the space vacated by the shaft. This results in an
increased pressure of the load-carrying film, creating additional force between the oil film and
shaft. In this case, the oil film can actually drive the shaft ahead of it in a forward circular
motion and into a whirling path around the bearing within the bearing clearance. If there is
sufficient damping within the system, the shaft can be returned to its normal position and
stability. Otherwise, the shaft will continue in its whirling motion, which may become violent
depending on several parameters.
3. Oil whirl is easily recognized by its unusual vibration frequency which 40 percent to
48 percent is generally of shaft RPM. (Reference 2 states that pure oil whirls occur at 43
percent of shaft speed, but that the instability may occur at the first critical speed.)
4. Figure 2 shows the development of oil whirl just after the shaft is brought up to speed.
Note that the shaft went into whirl at a machine speed of approximately 1,800 RPM and
remained in whirl until about 4,000 RPM. At this point, note that the shaft 1X RPM speed
entered resonance, which actually generated sufficient force to overcome oil whirl. However,
once the machine passed through resonance, whirl once again occurred just above 5,200
Figure 1.26 Development of Oil Whirl Just After Startup; Followed by Oil Whip
from 9,200 to 12,000 RPM
5. Oil whirl is considered severe when vibration amplitudes reach 40 to 50 percent of the
normal bearing clearance. At this point, corrective action must be taken.
6. Temporary corrective measures include changing the temperature of the oil (thus, the
oil viscosity), purposely introducing a slight unbalance or misalignment to increase the
loading, temporarily shifting the alignment by heating or cooling support legs, scraping the
sides of or grooving the bearing surface to disrupt the lubricant wedge, or changing the oil
7. Permanent corrective steps to resolve the oil whirl problem include installing a new
bearing shell with proper clearances, preloading the bearing by an internal oil pressure, or
completely changing the bearing type to oil film bearings that are less susceptible to oil whirl
(including axial-groove bearings, lobed bearings or tilting pad bearings). The tilting pad
bearing is a good choice because each segment or pad develops a pressurized oil wedge
tending to center the shaft in the bearing, thereby increasing the system damping and overall
stability. Whip frequency never changed even though the machine continued up in speed to
12,000 RPM. When a shaft goes into oil whip, its dominant dynamic factors become mass
and stiffness in particular; and its amplitude is limited only by the bearing clearance. Left
uncorrected, oil whip may cause destructive vibration resulting catastrophic failure – often in a
relatively short period of time.
Dry whip occurs in journal bearing machines subjected to either a lack of lubrication
or the use of the wrong lubricant. When this occurs, excessive friction is generated between
the stationary bearing and rotating journal. This friction can excite vibration in the bearing and
other components. This kind of vibration is called dry whip. Dry whip can also be caused by
journal bearings having excessive clearance as well as those having insufficient clearance.
The dry whip condition is similar to rubbing a moistened finger over a dry pane of
glass. It will generate a frequency specifically dependent upon the shaft and construction
materials, geometries and lubricant properties. Normally, this frequency will produce a high
squealing noise similar to that generated by dry rolling element bearings. The frequency
content itself will not be an integer multiple of the machine speed. When dry whip is
suspected, it must be taken care of quickly in order to prevent a potential catastrophic failure.
And when dry whip is suspected, both the lubricant itself and the lubrication system should be
closely inspected and the bearings should be checked to ensure they have proper