Worms and Human Disease
Worms and Human Disease
Worms and Human Disease
Former Director
International Institute of Parasitology
St Albans, Hertfordshire, UK
CABI Publishing
00Worms & H.D. - Prelims. 14/11/01 4:24 PM Page iv
Acknowledgements ix
Introduction 1
1. The Trematodes 3
Morphology 5
Life Cycle Stages 6
Classification 6
Family Schistosomatidae 9
Schistosomes 9
Family Paragonimidae 32
Paragonimus westermani 32
Family Achillurbainiidae 37
Family Opisthorchidae 38
Clonorchis sinensis 38
Opisthorchis viverrini 43
Opisthorchis felineus 44
Family Dicrocoeliidae 45
Dicrocoelium dendriticum 45
Family Fasciolidae 46
Fasciola hepatica 46
Fasciolopsis buski 49
Family Heterophyidae 51
Heterophyes heterophyes 51
Metagonimus yokogawai 53
Family Paramphistomidae 55
Gastrodiscoides hominis 55
Family Echinostomidae 56
Echinostoma ilocanum 56
Other Echinostomids 56
Other Occasional and Rare Human-parasitic Trematodes 58
Family Diplostomidae 58
Family Lecithodendriidae 58
Family Plagiorchiidae 58
Family Troglotrematidae 58
Other families 59
00Worms & H.D. - Prelims. 14/11/01 4:24 PM Page vi
vi Contents
2. The Cestodes 63
Classification 64
Order Pseudophyllidea 65
Diphyllobothrium latum 65
Sparganosis 70
Order Cyclophyllidea 71
Family Taeniidae 71
Taenia saginata 71
Taenia solium 76
Cysticercosis 80
Taenia multiceps 83
Echinococcus granulosus 85
Echinococcus multilocularis 94
Echinococcus oligarthrus 97
Echinococcus vogeli 97
Family Hymenolepididae 98
Hymenolepis nana 98
Hymenolepis diminuta 101
Family Dipylididae 102
Dipylidium caninum 102
Very occasional human tapeworms 102
Contents vii
viii Contents
Index 287
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01Worms Intro. & Chap 01 14/11/01 4:24 PM Page 1
While this book is the second edition of concerned with tropical and exotic dis-
Worms and Disease: a Manual of Medical eases and for students taking postgraduate
Helminthology (1975), because of the long degrees and diplomas in aspects of tropical
time that has elapsed since the publication and infectious diseases. It should also
of the earlier book, it has been so exten- prove useful as an accessory text and refer-
sively revised and brought up to date that ence source for undergraduate medical,
virtually every chapter has had to be zoological and tropical health engineering
almost completely rewritten. In the inter- students, and for medical technologists,
vening years the importance to humans of microbiologists and physicians in temper-
some new helminths has emerged, such as ate climates. With increase in air travel,
Oesophagostomum bifurcum and Para- most hospitals and medical practitioners in
strongylus costaricensis, but principally developed countries are meeting cases of
the changes have been necessitated by the parasitic infections that may have been
great strides that have been made in knowl- very rare occurrences in the past, and it is
edge of the diagnosis, treatment, immunol- becoming increasingly necessary to ask of
ogy and molecular biology of parasites. The almost all patients ‘Unde venis?’. Also, if
chapter on the immunology of helminths global warming increases, it is likely that
(now written by Derek Wakelin) has been the endemicity of some helminth infec-
greatly amplified, with the addition of tions will extend to higher latitudes.
more detailed paragraphs in the appropri- The format of this book is fairly conven-
ate sections, together with the latest infor- tional, with parasites considered in order
mation on the prospects for specific of their zoological relationships rather than
vaccines. There has also been exciting their location in the body. The latter
progress in the field of global control of approach may be useful for diagnosis but is
various helminths, such as the schisto- not practical for other aspects of the sub-
somes, soil-transmitted nematodes, filariae ject, as some parasites can occupy a wide
(both those causing lymphatic filariasis and range of sites in the body, so that there
those causing onchocerciasis) and the would be a great deal of repetition, and
guinea worm. Most of these campaigns also because the relationships between
have been possible because of recent many similar parasites that occupy differ-
advances in chemotherapy and, in some ent organs would be obscured. However,
cases, of diagnosis; many have been linked the various possible locations in the body
with efforts to improve sanitation and of all the important helminths are shown
general health. in Fig. 132 and alternative diagnoses are
The book is intended principally as a discussed in the appropriate individual
practical guide in human helminthology sections. An attempt has also been made to
for physicians and medical technologists have the best of both worlds, e.g. all the
01Worms Intro. & Chap 01 14/11/01 4:24 PM Page 2
2 Introduction
Adult trematodes, or flukes, may be found means synonymous with the presence of
in the intestinal tract, bile-ducts, lungs or disease. In contrast to viruses, bacteria or
blood of humans. Some details concerning protozoans, trematodes do not multiply
the medically most important species are within the human body and the few organ-
shown in Table 1. All the trematodes men- isms present in the great majority of
tioned in the table are normal human para- infected persons are tolerated with the
sites, except some species of Paragonimus minimum of inconvenience and are often
and Fasciola and some heterophyids and not diagnosed. It is the small percentage of
echinostomes, which are accidental para- patients with large worm burdens (so-
sites with humans not being involved in called ‘wormy people’) or in whom the par-
their transmission cycles. However, almost asites or their eggs are in ectopic sites in
all trematodes are very catholic in their the body who give cause for alarm.
choice of definitive hosts (a notable excep- The digenetic trematodes are members
tion is Schistosoma haematobium) and of the phylum Platyhelminthes, which also
have a wide range of animal reservoirs; 144 includes the cestodes (tapeworms), mono-
species that have been found in humans geneans (ectoparasites of fishes and
are mentioned in the text, most of which amphibians) and free-living turbellarians
are natural animal parasites. Not shown in (planarians, etc.). Platyhelminthes, or flat-
the table are various aberrant forms, such worms, are acoelomate bilateria (bilaterally
as the cercarial larvae of animal and bird symmetrical and lacking a coelom). The
schistosomes, which can penetrate the skin excretory system is based on the flame cell,
of humans but are not able to mature. or protonephridium, and often the pattern
Pre-eminent in medical and economic of flame cells can be of importance in clas-
importance are the schistosomes, or blood sification. Trematodes are characteristically
flukes, which are the cause of one of the flat and leaflike, or occasionally globular,
major human diseases, schistosomiasis. hermaphroditic organisms (except for the
This is a source of suffering in many warm schistosomes, which have a male folded
countries and is a major cause of morbid- about its long axis and a cylindrical female
ity. No other trematode is the cause of such (Figs 3 and 4)). All have complicated life
widespread morbidity, but liver flukes cycles with alternating sexual and asexual
(Clonorchis and the closely related development in different hosts. Asexual
Opisthorchis) and lung flukes (Paragonimus) multiplication takes place in a snail, and
are important parasites in areas of Asia and for parasites of medical importance this is
their presence may result in severe disease always a gastropod snail. It is believed that
and possibly death. the trematodes were originally parasites of
It needs to be stressed that the presence molluscs and they are still always very
of trematode parasites in the body is by no specific in their choice of snail host;
Table 1. Trematodes of medical importance.
Chapter 1
Situation of Eggs recovered Snail intermediate Other intermediate Geographical
Habitat Species adult from host or transport hosts distribution
Blood Schistosoma Mesenteric veins Faeces Biomphalaria spp. None (active penetration Africa, South America
mansoni by cercariae)
S. japonicum Mesenteric veins Faeces Oncomelania spp. None (active penetration China, South-East Asia
by cercariae)
S. mekongi Mesenteric veins Faeces Neotricula None (active penetration Cambodia, Laos
by cercariae)
S. intercalatum Mesenteric veins Faeces Bulinus spp. None (active penetration Central Africa
by cercariae)
S. haematobium Vesicular veins Urine Bulinus spp. None (active penetration Africa, Middle East
by cercariae)
Lungs Paragonimus Cysts in lungs Sputum and faeces Semisulcospirura Edible crustaceans South-East Asia,
westermani Thiara containing China, Japan
Oncomelania metacercariae
Paragonimus spp. Cysts in lungs Sputum and faeces Various Edible crustaceans South-East Asia,
containing West Africa, South and
metacercariae Central America
Liver Clonorchis sinensis Bile and pancreatic Faeces Bulimus Freshwater food fish South-East Asia
ducts Parafossarulus containing metacercariae
Opisthorchis felineus Bile and pancreatic Faeces Bithynia Freshwater food fish Siberia, East Europe
ducts containing metacercariae
O. viverrini Bile and pancreatic Faeces Bithynia Freshwater food fish Thailand, Laos
ducts containing metacercariae
Fasciola hepatica Bile ducts Faeces Lymnaea Metacercariae encysted Cosmopolitan (mainly
on plants temperate areas)
Intestine Fasciolopsis buski Small intestine Faeces Segmentina Metacercariae on South-East Asia, India
water plants
Heterophyes Small intestine Faeces Pirenella Freshwater food fish South-East Asia,
heterophyes Cerithidea containing metacercariae Middle East, Egypt,
southern Europe
Metagonimus Small intestine Faeces Semisulcospira Freshwater food fish South-East Asia, Russia
yokogawai containing metacercariae (Siberia), southern Europe
Other heterophyids Small intestine Faeces Various Freshwater food fish Worldwide in warm
containing metacercariae countries
Echinostomes Small intestine Faeces Various Freshwater fish or snails Mostly South-East
containing metacercariae Asia, India
Gastrodiscoides Caecum and colon Faeces Helicorbis Metacercariae on South-East Asia
hominis water plants
The Trematodes 5
Fig. 1. Snails that act as first intermediate hosts of the trematodes of medical importance.
(a) Biomphalaria glabrata from Brazil, host of Schistosoma mansoni. (b) Bulinus (Physopsis) globosus
from Nigeria and (c) Bulinus (Bulinus) truncatus from Iran, hosts of S. haematobium. (d) Oncomelania
hupensis nosophora from Japan, host of S. japonicum. (e) Thiara granifera from China and
(f) Semisulcospira libertina from China, hosts of Paragonimus westermani and Metagonimus yokogawai.
(g) Polypylis hemisphaerula from China, host of Fasciolopsis buski. (h) Parafossarulus manchouricus
from China, host of Clonorchis sinensis. (i) Codiella (= Bithynia) leachi from Germany, host of
Opisthorchis felineus. (j) Pirenella conica (from Egypt) host of Heterophyes heterophyes. (k) Lymnaea
trunculatula from England, host of Fasciola hepatica.
6 Chapter 1
future (Brooks et al., 1985; Rohde et al., The modes of infection of trematodes
1993), but changes are not generally of medical importance shown in Table 2
accepted. Only a very few of the numerous reflect quite well the taxonomic divisions
families comprising the subclass Digenea are (the odd one out being Echinostoma, in
included (Yamaguti, 1971) – those which which it might be expected that the
have members of medical importance. cercariae would encyst on vegetation).
Fig. 3. Diagrams of the shape and principal organ systems of the hermaphrodite trematodes of medical
importance (schistosomes are shown in Fig. 4). Comparative sizes shown in silhouette.
8 Chapter 1
Cercariae encyst in arthropods and have an
oral stylet. Family Schistosomatidae
Family Dicrocoeliidae (MBRA)
Found in intestine, liver, gall-bladder and Schistosomes
pancreas. The oral sucker is subterminal.
Testes adjacent or in tandem, anterior to At least seven species are parasites of
ovary. Vitellaria posterior to ventral humans: Schistosoma haematobium
sucker. (Bilharz, 1852); Weinland, 1858; S. mansoni
Dicrocoelium Sambon, 1907; S. japonicum Katsurada,
1904; S. intercalatum Fischer, 1934; S.
SUPERFAMILY OPISTHORCHIOIDEA (MBR) malayensis Greer, Ow-Yang and Yong,
Cercariae encyst in or on fish. 1988; S. mekongi Voge, Bruckner and
Family Opisthorchiidae (MB) Bruce, 1978; S. sinensium Pao, 1959.
Suckers weak. Semi-transparent flukes
found in bile-ducts and gall-bladder. Testes
in tandem behind ovary.
SYNONYMS (for S. haematobium)
Clonorchis, Opisthorchis, Metorchis
Distoma haematobia Bilharz, 1852;
Family Heterophyidae (MB) Bilharzia haematobium Diesing, 1859.
This is a large family. All members are
potential parasites of humans. They are
minute flukes with a spinose tegument. LOCAL NAMES
Testes adjacent behind ovary. Au chung (Chinese), Tsagiya (Hausa, S.
Heterophyes, Metagonimus haematobium), Katayamabayo, Suisho-
SUPERFAMILY PLAGIORCHIOIDEA choman or Harapari (Japanese), Laremo
Family Lecinthodendriidae (MBRA) (Luo, S. haematobium haematuria), Kadi
Small spiny flukes with gonads in fore- dhig (Somali, S. haematobium haema-
body. Oral sucker large, ventral sucker turia), Kichocho (Swahili), Pa-yard bai-
small. Metacercariae in aquatic insects. mai lohit (Thai), Atosi eleje (Yoruba, S.
Phaneropsolus, Prosthodendrium haematobium).
10 Chapter 1
*This is the standardized nomenclature for parasitic diseases advocated by the World Association for
the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) (Kassai et al., 1988. Veterinary Parasitology 29,
299–326) and the World Federation of Parasitologists (WFP), but has not been widely adopted in
medical helminthology, particularly by the World Health Organization (WHO). For instance, of the titles
of references in this book, 112 have -iasis endings and 16 -osis, most of which are mentioning
cysticercosis or echinococcosis – used in both systems.
The Trematodes 11
S. japonicum (S. malayensis and S. ium. Eggs of each species can be recognized
mekongi). The male measures 12–20 mm by differences in size and morphology
0.5–0.55 mm and has no cuticular tubercu- (Table 3 and Fig. 6). On immersion in fresh
lations. There are 6–7 testes. The female water, particularly under conditions of
has the ovary at about the middle of the warmth and light, they hatch almost imme-
body. There are 5–200 eggs in the uterus at diately. The miracidium larvae (Fig. 7)
one time. swim actively by means of the cilia with
which they are covered and attempt to pen-
S. intercalatum. The male measures etrate any freshwater snail they come into
11–14 mm 0.3–0.4 mm. There are 2–7 contact with. The miracidia die in 16–32 h
testes. The female has 5–60 eggs in the if they do not succeed in reaching a suitable
uterus at one time. snail intermediate host. Like all trematodes
Of the complete 270 Mb genome of they are extremely host-specific in regard to
Schistosoma, 18–24% has so far been the snails in which they will develop, often
deposited in a database (Williams and far more so than in the definitive host. The
Johnston, 1999). species of snail parasitized depends on the
geographical region, but S. haematobium
LIFE CYCLE and S. intercalatum develop in snails of the
The eggs are passed in urine in S. haemato- genus Bulinus, S. mansoni in Biomphalaria
bium and in the faeces in all the other and S. japonicum in Oncomelania.
species and contain a fully formed miracid- Oncomelania differs from the other two
12 Chapter 1
Situation in human Mesenteric veins Mesenteric veins Vesical veins Mesenteric veins Mesenteric veins
Length (mm) 10–20 6–12 10–14 11–14 15
Width (mm) 0.5 1.1 0.9 0.3–0.4 0.4
No. of testes 6–7 4–13 (usually 6–9) 4–5 2–7 (usually 4–5) 6–9
Tuberculations None Coarse Fine Fine None
Caecal junction Posterior third of body Anterior third of body Middle Middle Posterior third of body
Length (mm) 20–30 10–20 16–20 10–14 12
Width (mm) 0.3 0.16 0.25 0.15–0.18 0.23
Uterus Anterior half of body Anterior half of body Anterior two-thirds of body Anterior two-thirds of body Anterior half of body
Number of eggs in
uterus 50–200 1–2 10–50 5–60 10+
Position of ovary Middle Anterior third of body Posterior third of body Posterior half of body Posterior half of body
Mature egg shape Round with small knob Lateral spined Terminal spined Terminal spined Round, small knob
and mean size 85 µm 60 µm 140 µm 61 µm 150 µm 62 µm 176 µm 61 µm 57 µm 66 µm
Mode of voiding eggs Faeces Faeces Urine Faeces Faeces
Egg production per 3500 100–300 20–300 150–400 ?
female per day (in
experimental animals)
Reaction of egg to Positive Positive Negative Positive Positive?
Ziehl–Neelsen stain
Intermediate Oncomelania Biomphalaria Bulinus Bulinus Tricula
host snail
The Trematodes
Distribution overlap None Over most of Africa Throughout range None
14 Chapter 1
Fig. 4. Diagram of the structures of the three major schistosome species. Only the male of
S. mansoni is shown. The males of the other species differ principally in the number of testes, while
that of S. japonicum has a smooth tegument.
Fig. 5. Integument and double outer membrane of S. mansoni. Electron micrograph. Original
magnification 83,500.
venous vessels and are carried to the lungs pairs. The schistosomula are usually
4–7 days after penetration (Figs 9 and 10). assumed to travel to the liver via the blood
The schistosomula move from the lungs to system (against the blood flow) but, at least
the portal vessels and there grow into adult for those of S. japonicum, some penetrate
schistosomes, which mate and remain in directly through the diaphragm. The adult
Fig. 6. Eggs of (a) S. haematobium, (b) S. mansoni and (c) S. japonicum. Actual size of (a) is 125 µm.
The Trematodes
16 Chapter 1
Fig. 7. Ciliated miracidium of S. mansoni. Note anterior penetration glands. Dark field. Actual size 80 m.
ADULTS mature
in 6–12 weeks.
In veins of bowel:
S.m., S.j., S.i.
In veins of bladder:
Some EGGS retained
lungs in tissues
lymph and veins
to heart
in skin
Male and female In urine: S. haematobium
CERCARIAE In faeces: all others
penetrate skin
Asexual Biomphalaria spp. .
reproductive S .j
SPOROCYSTS stages in
gland weeks
penetrate snail
Bulinus spp.
Fig. 9. The life cycle of schistosomes. Figure from Book of the Dead papyrus. S.m., S. mansoni; S.j.,
S. japonicum; S.h., S. haematobium; S.i., S. intercalatum.
S. haematobium
Fig. 12. Intravenous pyelogram of a woman infected with S. haematobium showing bilateral hydronephrosis
with deformity of both ureters.
factors, such as the presence of nitrosamines parts of the genital tract, including the
in the urine, are probably involved (Mostafa cervix, vagina and vulva, and about 6–27%
et al., 1995). Squamous carcinoma is more of such cases result in sterility.
common than transitional carcinoma (Fig.
13). It has been estimated that schistosomia-
S. japonicum, S. mekongi, S. mansoni
sis is responsible for about 16% of cases of
and S. intercalatum
bladder cancer in Egypt. In the Nile Delta
region, men do most of the agricultural
work and thus become infected, resulting in Invasive phase. As for S. haematobium.
a 12:1 male-to-female bladder cancer ratio.
Pulmonary arteritis progressing to irrevers- Acute phase. Allergic manifestations, such
ible and lethal cor pulmonale because of as pyrexia, headache, oedema, cough,
capillary damage by eggs sometimes occurs dysenteric symptoms, pruritus and
when eggs are swept back into the lungs. urticaria, occur 3–8 weeks after infection
The presence of adult worms in the lungs with S. japonicum. This is known as the
following drug treatment is also a possible Katayama syndrome and may be accompa-
cause of pulmonary damage. In women, nied by tenderness in the liver region, mild
eggs may cause lesions in the ovaries, abdominal pain, lymphadenopathy and
Fallopian tubes and uterus or in the lower splenomegaly, with an accompanying
20 Chapter 1
Fig. 13. Section of bladder. Eggs of S. haematobium (many are calcified or ‘black’ eggs) can be seen
with epithelial squamous cell metaplasia (arrowed).
Fig. 14. Egg granuloma of S. mansoni in liver with surrounding epitheloid cells and some leucocytic
infiltration (see Plate 1 for more advanced stage).
Fig. 15. Two boys with advanced schistosomiasis mansoni. Note collateral venous circulation in nearest
lobules. Liver enlargement is common and Sahara and signs of portal hypertension are
splenomegaly often follows the portal hyper- always present in such cases. Anaemia may
tension (Fig. 15). Hepatosplenic schisto- be found when there is splenomegaly and is
somiasis mansoni is more common in more severe after repeated haematemesis.
Brazil and Egypt than in Africa south of the The reaction to the eggs in the liver may
22 Chapter 1
Fig. 16. ‘Symmer’s clay pipestem’ fibrosis caused by eggs of S. japonicum surrounding portal veins in liver.
eventually cause the periportal fibrotic distributed throughout the body, and the
reaction termed ‘Symmer’s clay pipestem’ greater longevity of the adult worms.
fibrosis (Fig. 16). Liver function tests, how- Brain involvement is most common in S.
ever, are not altered in schistosome fibrosis, japonicum infections and two types of brain
as they are in true cirrhosis, and, although lesions have been reported. In the first type
there may be severe pathological lesions, there is diffuse involvement with scattered
there is no liver failure. Severe disease, lesions, probably caused by eggs being car-
with hepatosplenomegaly, occurs in about ried to the brain in the bloodstream, and
10% of cases of schistosomiasis mansoni, this type usually results in no symptoms. In
but takes 5–15 years to develop, and in the second type a localized granulomatous
children infection can have effects on nutri- mass is present, containing large numbers of
tion (Stephenson, 1993). eggs deposited by ectopic adult worms in
As the portal pressure increases, a the blood-vessels of the brain. These granu-
collateral venous circulation becomes lomas can cause a wide range of symptoms,
established and severe or even fatal depending on the anatomical location of the
episodes of bleeding can result from the lesion in the brain.
oesophageal varices. The portal systemic A transverse myelitis can result from the
shunt results in the eggs bypassing the presence of eggs in the spinal cord and is
liver and being deposited in the lungs. An most commonly found in infections with S.
obstructive and destructive arteritis may mansoni and S. haematobium.
follow, which can lead to systematic arter- In order for the eggs to make their way
ial hypertension and eventually to hyper- through the tissues into the gut, the
trophy of the right ventricle. miracidia release proteolytic enzymes and
The adult worms in the blood-vessels do other material, which diffuses through
little damage when living but their death pores in the eggshell. This material (solu-
can lead to focal necrosis of the liver cells ble egg antigen (SEA)) is highly immuno-
and to granulomas. The more severe genic, and the immune response made
pathology thought to be produced by infec- against it leads to the formation of the large
tion with S. japonicum is usually granulomas that are responsible for most of
explained by the greater egg production, the pathology in this phase. Evidence for
the spherical shape of the egg lacking a this and analysis of the mechanisms involved
large spine resulting in more eggs being have come largely from experiments in
The Trematodes 23
mice. Granulomas can be induced in the occur against these species (Wilkins et al.,
lungs of mice by intravenous injection of 1984, 1987; Butterworth, 1998; Kabatereine
eggs, and this process is prevented by et al., 1999), and studies in Brazil link resis-
immunosuppressive treatments that inter- tance to particular genetic characteristics
fere with cellular responses. The degree of (Abel and Dessein, 1997). Infections with S.
response to eggs and the pathology that japonicum do not show this picture,
results, following infection in mice, are although there appears to be an age-related
strongly influenced by genetic factors, and reduction in pathology (Ross et al., 2000).
this also reflects different degrees of The slow acquisition of immunity against S.
immune responsiveness. It has recently haematobium and S. mansoni correlates
been shown in humans that at least some with a change in the balance between
of the variation in pathology seen in antiparasite immunoglobulin E (IgE) and
infected populations is due to the activity IgG4, the former promoting protective
of particular major genes, which are associ- responses against incoming larvae, perhaps
ated with T-cell function (e.g. a codomi- by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic
nant major gene, SM1, on chromosome 5). (ADCC) mechanisms directed against anti-
The immunology of granuloma formation gens expressed on the surface tegument. As
is complex and involves the activity of shown by work carried out in the 1960s,
both major subsets of CD4+ T-helper (Th) adult schistosomes are largely unaffected by
cells. SEA is a powerful inducer of Th2 immunity and continue to survive in hosts
responses, but Th1 cells also play a role. immune to larval stages (concomitant immu-
The cellular response is initiated and con- nity). One way in which this is achieved is
trolled by the cytokines released and in by the adult schistosomes masking the for-
mice the phenomenon of immunomodula- eign nature of their surface antigens by
tion occurs – i.e. early granulomas tend to incorporating host-derived molecules into
be much larger than those formed later in the tegument and by rapid replacement of
infection. the tegument (antigenic disguise).
Antigen–antibody complexes have been Schistosomes, like many other helminths,
shown by fluorescent antibody studies to exert profound effects on the host’s immune
be the cause of the Splendore–Hoeppli response. Not only do these parasites tend to
phenomenon that occurs in sensitized polarize the T-cell response selectively
hosts. Glomerulonephritis has been towards Th2 activity, but they may also
reported as an immune-complex disease in modulate other components in ways that
schistosomiasis mansoni. result in a more general suppression of
immune and inflammatory responses.
IMMUNOLOGY OF SCHISTOSOMES Immunomodulation can influence the
Although it has been established for many ability of the host to respond successfully
years that laboratory animals, including pri- to other infections, and there is recent evi-
mates, develop immunologically mediated dence that schistosomes and soil-transmit-
resistance to experimental infections, defi- ted nematodes may increase susceptibility
nite proof that acquired immunity to schisto- to both AIDS and tuberculosis (Bundy et
some infections occurs in humans has been al., 2000).
very difficult to demonstrate. It is clear that
intensity of infection and prevalence with S.
haematobium and S. mansoni is greatest in
10–14-year-olds and declines in older age- Parasitological. The presence of eggs in the
groups, but this could be explained by a faeces or urine is still the most widely used
decrease in water contact. However, longitu- method of diagnosis. This usually poses no
dinal studies and detailed monitoring of problems in heavy infections but diagnosis
reinfection after elimination of an existing may not be so easy in light infections, as
infection by chemotherapy have demon- occur in the majority of cases, particularly
strated that age-dependent resistance does in tourists, who have probably been infected
24 Chapter 1
only once. In general, it is only the presence each species more accurate estimates are
of eggs containing live miracidia that possible (Guyatt et al., 1999).
indicates an active infection requiring treat- Portable ultrasound can be used for
ment. diagnosis of the degree of pathology, partic-
The eggs of S. haematobium, which occur ularly in the liver or bladder, and can
in the urine, can be detected by sedimenta- screen populations at the community level;
tion of a 10 ml sample (best collected around it can also be used for determining the
midday) in a urinalysis flask, the deposit effect of chemotherapy (Hatz, 2000).
being examined under the microscope for
eggs. Alternatively, a 10 ml sample can be Immunological. There are numerous
passed through a polycarbonate or poly- immunological tests for diagnosis but those
amide membrane, washed, removed and involving various ELISA and immunoblot-
stained in 1% trypan blue (or 2.5% ninhy- ting techniques are the most convenient. A
drin, 5% iodine, eosin or methylene blue) dipstick ELISA for urine samples, using an
for a few minutes. After washing again (and SEA can effectively diagnose schistosomia-
drying at 37°C if wished), the filter is exam- sis and correlates well with quantitative
ined in a few drops of saline on a micro- egg counts. Circulating cathodic antigen
scopic slide. It is probably not wise to reuse (CCA) is the dominant antigen in the urine
filters. In about 5% of patients, eggs may also of S. mansoni patients and can be detected
be found in the faeces. by a monoclonal antibody (mAb) of 41/42
Cytoscopy may be performed as a final kDa. There are also circulating soluble
diagnostic measure when no eggs can be adult-derived antigens (Sm31/32 and
found in the urine, but the danger of Sj31/32) in serum, which can be detected
secondary infection makes this a possibly by dot ELISA, and an IgG ELISA can be
hazardous procedure. used to detect antibodies against them.
The eggs of the other species occur in
the faeces and concentration techniques, TREATMENT
such as the formol–ether or Kato–Katz Chemotherapy. Praziquantel (usually in a
thick-smear methods (p. 258), are necessary. single oral dose of 40 mg kg1) is the drug of
A modification of the thick-smear method choice for all species of schistosome and has
can be used for quantitative determinations virtually superseded almost all the agents
and, in some studies, has given a good previously used. It has few side-effects
indication of the number of adult worms, (except sometimes in patients with very
as can filtration staining techniques. In the heavy worm loads), although it is probably
latter, eggs from faeces are stained with better not to give it during early pregnancy.
ninhydrin on filter-paper and counted. Praziquantel is a heterocyclic pyrazine-
Rectal biopsy is often effective (even in isoquinoline unrelated to other
about 50% of cases of S. haematobium), an anthelminthics – chemical formula 2-(cyclo-
unstained squash being examined under hexylcarbonyl)-1,2,3,6,7,11-b-hexahydro-4H-
the microscope. pyrazino[2,1a]isoquinolin-4-one. It is quickly
metabolized, crosses the blood– brain barrier
Clinical. In the field, haematuria can provide and appears to act by causing spastic paraly-
a quick and inexpensive indicator of urinary sis and vacuolization of the tegument of the
schistosomiasis; microhaematuria (measured worm, possibly from interference with inor-
by means of a reagent strip) or proteinuria ganic ion transport and an increase in mem-
correlates well with the intensity of infec- brane permeability; it may also destroy
tion. Even self-reporting by children can lysosomes. Two target antigens are also
provide a useful epidemiological record of affected (a surface tubercle glycoprotein of
community prevalence, although this is 200 kDa and an esterase of 27 kDa) and
likely to give an overestimate, depending on maybe epitopes become exposed so that the
the species of worm and level of infection drug evokes an effective immune response
(Ansell and Guyatt, 1999); using models for (Brindley, 1994; Dupre et al., 1999).
The Trematodes 25
*It is probable that in these countries transmission has now ceased and these are residual cases.
26 Chapter 1
Gabon (29% in one area), São Tomé and munity that has levels of egg output likely
Principe 0.005 (4%). Confirmation needed to cause morbidity (Jordan et al., 1993).
for presence in Central African Republic, This demonstrates the importance of quan-
Chad, Mali and Nigeria. titative determinations of egg output in
schistosomiasis (p. 260). The ecological fac-
S. mekongi. Cambodia 0.07 (0.7%), Laos tors associated with the transmission of
0.12 (2%) and recent cases in refugee schistosomiasis vary markedly with the
camps in Thailand. species of schistosome, owing to the differ-
ing habitats of the snails involved. The
S. malayensis. Malaysia very rare (Shekar, amphibious snail hosts of S. japonicum live
1991). mainly in rice paddies and muddy habitats
beside rivers; the aquatic snail hosts of S.
In most areas endemic for S. haematobium mansoni live principally in gently flowing
there is a very high prevalence rate, with running water (less than 0.3 m s1 ) such as
almost everyone in the community lightly irrigation channels, streams, lakes and
infected before the age of 10 years. Studies ponds (Plate 2); those transmitting S.
in Brazil, St Lucia, Tanzania and Uganda haematobium live almost entirely in still
demonstrated a relationship between egg water, such as ponds, pools, lakes and
output and prevalence of S. mansoni in marshy areas. Snail populations usually
children (Fig. 17). Above 50–60% preva- show marked seasonal fluctuations, the
lence, a small extra rise is accompanied by most important factors influencing numbers
a considerable increase in egg output and being rainfall and temperature. The effect
thus in the severity of disease. Post-mortem of rainfall varies, depending on the yearly
studies and blood-filtration studies after rainfall figures. In drier regions of Africa
chemotherapy for counting adults have rainfall stimulates the production of young
shown a good relationship between the last bulinid and planorbid snails, while in
two parameters so that intensity of infec- equatorial regions with a higher rainfall,
tion can be expressed in terms of eggs per snails are washed away during the rainy
gram of faeces or per 10 ml of urine. To season and breeding takes place principally
determine the intensity of infection of dif- in the months following. Temperature is
ferent age-groups, the frequency of occur- another factor limiting population densi-
rence of the different levels of egg output ties, the temperature range for optimal
can be conveniently plotted and provides a expansion of snail numbers being
good indicator of the proportion of the com- 20–28°C.
100 x ZAIRE
Prevalence (%)
75 x EGYPT
50 x KENYA
Fig. 17. Relationship between overall prevalence and intensity of S. mansoni infection as determined by
egg output (measured by Kato–Katz technique) in various endemic areas. Each determination is based
on studies by different workers. e.p.g., eggs per gram. (From Jordan et al., 1993.)
The Trematodes 27
Seasonal variations in the cercarial trans- hemisphere B. glabrata is the most impor-
mission rates in snails are most marked with tant snail host, with seven other species
the bulinid hosts of S. haematobium living locally involved.
in temporary bodies of water. In hyper-
endemic habitats, such as canals, there may S. haematobium. Bulinus is a turreted pul-
be large numbers of snails producing cer- monate snail with a left-handed opening
cariae of S. mansoni throughout the year. when looked at with the spire upwards
Diurnal fluctuations in the production (Fig. 1). The height varies from 4 to 23 mm.
of cercariae occur; cercariae of S. japon- The subgenus B. (Physopsis) is differenti-
icum (which is adapted for transmission ated from B. (Bulinus) by having a truncate
among the nocturnal animal reservoir columella and a pointed end to the foot in
hosts) are mostly produced in the evening, living specimens. Two main groups of
while those of S. mansoni and S. haemato- bulinid snails are important as hosts: (i) the
bium are produced in the middle of the africanus group (ten species) of the sub-
day. This factor is not usually of practical genus Physopsis is the more important
importance except where S. mansoni trans- group in eastern and southern Africa and
mission occurs in running water, in which in most parts south of the Sahara; and (ii)
case washing and bathing are likely to be the truncatus, forskali and reticulatus
much safer in the morning and evening, groups (27 species) of the Bulinus sub-
when cercariae are less abundant. genus of snails act as hosts in the Near East
(Iran, Egypt and Sudan), in Madagascar
SNAIL HOSTS OF SCHISTOSOMES and in parts of both East and West Africa.
S. japonicum. Oncomelania is a conical,
amphibious, prosobranch snail measuring S. intercalatum. B. (Physopsis) africanus acts
3–10 mm and having 4–8 whorls, a dextral as snail intermediate host in Congo Republic
opening and an operculum covering the foot. and B. (Bulinus) camerunensis in Cameroon.
Species involved are O. hupensis from main- It must be borne in mind when attempting
land China, O. nosophora from south-west to identify a snail that there are usually
China (and Japan), O. formosana from many other types of snail present in the
Taiwan, O. quadrasi from the Philippines same body of water as the ones transmit-
and O. lindoensis from Sulawesi. ting schistosomiasis, and they may be
difficult to differentiate. Specialized mono-
S. mekongi. Neotricula aperta is an aquatic graphs need to be consulted (Brown, 1980)
snail found in the Mekong River and it or expert advice sought. It is also important
probably also transmits S. sinensium. to distinguish clearly the cercarial species
Robertsiella spp. are found in Malaysia and emerging, because of the large number of
transmit S. malayensis. animal and bird schistosomes that use the
same snail hosts and produce cercariae
S. mansoni. Biomphalaria is a flattened pul- similar to the human schistosomes. In
monate, planorbid snail with 3.5–7 whorls, detailed epidemiological studies, it may be
measuring 7–22 mm. Four main groups are necessary to expose laboratory animals to
found in Africa: (i) the pfeifferi group (four the cercariae and to identifiy any adult
species), which include the most important schistosomes that develop.
hosts in Africa and the Middle East; (ii) the
sudanica group (three species), which occur
in both East and West Africa; (iii) the PREVENTION AND CONTROL
choanomphala group (three species), which Personal prevention is by avoidance of
live in the great lakes and act as hosts in water sources containing cercariae, impos-
Lake Victoria; and (iv) the alexandria group sible for fishermen to carry out and
(two species), which occur sporadically in extremely difficult for children to be con-
North, East and South Africa. In the western vinced of the necessity thereof. The most
28 Chapter 1
or 0.2 g m2 on moist soil for amphibious avoiding contaminated water needs to be
hosts of S. japonicum. effectively communicated, particularly to
children and adolescents. While it is prob-
Biological control. Carnivorous snails, such ably impossible in Africa to prevent chil-
as Marisa cornuarietis, or competitors, dren swimming in the water, they could be
such as Melanoides tuberculata and taught to urinate (and perhaps defecate)
Tarebia granifera, have been added to habi- before entry.
tats in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Puerto
Rico and St Lucia, with the result that Present position and future outlook for con-
Biomphalaria has vanished from all or trol. Present control methods are capable of
almost all areas (Giboda et al., 1997; substantially reducing transmission and
Pointier and Jourdane, 2000). particularly morbidity in most areas pro-
vided that they are properly designed and
Ecological methods of control. Habitats can carried out and if adequate funds are avail-
be made unsuitable for snails by alternate able. However, new irrigation and hydro-
flooding and drying of water channels or electric schemes in many endemic
covering and lining of canal systems, as in countries have increased the number of
Egypt and Sudan, and filling in of marshy snail habitats. New human-made lakes
areas. In many areas such measures are have followed the building of dams in
likely to be permanently successful, but many countries: Côte d’Ivoire (Lakes
they require close cooperation between Kossou and Taasbo), Egypt and Sudan
irrigation engineers and public health (Lake Nasser); Ghana (Volta Lake); Nigeria
workers. In rice-growing areas of mainland (Kainji Lake); Zambia and Zimbabwe (Lake
China and in Leyte Island (Philippines) Kariba); Senegal (Lake Guiers below the
widespread cleaning of irrigation ditches Diama dam and Manantali dam in Mali).
and filling in of ponds have resulted in a The incidence of schistosomiasis in the
great reduction in schistosomiasis japon- populations bordering these lakes or the
icum infection in recent years. irrigation channels coming from them (as
in Egypt and the Gezira scheme in Sudan)
Prevention of water contact. The provision almost always rises. In Côte d’Ivoire
of piped water supplies and alternative around Lake Kossou there used to be an
bathing and clothes-washing places can be infection rate of 14% with S. haemato-
effective in preventing human contact with bium, which has now risen to 53%, and
infested water and, while expensive, does around Lake Taabo the rate has risen from
have wide-ranging health benefits. 0% to 73% (although the 2% infection rate
For visitors and tourists, prevention can with S. mansoni has not changed so far);
be achieved by avoidance of contact with around Lake Kainji the infection rate with
water in ponds, canals, slow-flowing S. haematobium is now 14% in children
streams and the shallow edge of lakes in (from nothing); around Lake Kariba there is
endemic areas (although in Lake Victoria in now a 70% infection rate in children with
East Africa the snail Biomphalaria S. haematobium; infection has spread
choanomphala transmits S. mansoni in greatly in the Senegal River basin since the
water 2 m deep). For tourists, swimming in building of the dams and there is now a
Lake Malawi or Lake Kariba is often fol- prevalence of 91% with S. mansoni (from
lowed by infection. Dibutyl phthalate or 1%) and of 28% with S. haematobium
hexachlorophene spread over the skin will (Southgate, 1997). One trend in Africa
protect for about 4 h. caused by changes in ecology following the
building of dams in Africa (e.g. in delta
Health education. Knowledge of the role of areas of Cameroon, Ghana and Egypt) is the
indiscriminate defecation and urination in replacement of S. haematobium by S. man-
spreading the disease to members of a com- soni. The new opportunities for agriculture
munity and the personal importance of are also attracting possibly infected
30 Chapter 1
migrants and this is particularly apparent Progress to date indicates that a vaccine is
in the Gezira and in Ethiopia (although the feasible, since protection against sheep
building of the Koka dam initially reduced schistosomiasis (a problem in Sudan) using
transmission). irradiated cercariae has been successfully
Infection has been eliminated from achieved. However, any human vaccine
Japan, Tunisia and Montserrat recently and will have to consist of defined components,
campaigns against S. haematobium are as cercariae might introduce viruses.
being mounted in Mauritius (1.3% in adults Various types of vaccine are being inves-
only), Morocco (2.3% overall) and Tanzania tigated (Capron, 1998). These include the
(45% in Zanzibar), against S. mansoni in following.
Brazil, Burundi, St Lucia and Venezuela
1. Peptide components of protective anti-
(risen from 0.1% to 0.9% in under-10-year-
gens. These can be used to generate
olds in the last few years) and against both
differential responses, e.g. one elicits
species in Egypt, Ghana, Madagascar,
eosinophil-dependent ADCC, another stim-
Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan
ulates delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH)
and Zimbabwe; against S. japonicum in
reactions with macrophage activation.
China, Indonesia (1% overall infection rate)
and the Philippines (3.6%); and against S. Recently a multiple antigen peptide (MAP)
mekongi in Laos (72%) (WHO, 1993). vaccine has shown very promising results,
China has had control campaigns involv- inducing both T-cell and B-cell responses
ing mass treatment of people and cattle with in mice and in monkeys, reducing parasite
anthelminthics (nowadays praziquantel), fecundity and egg viability and decreasing
snail control and environmental engineering liver pathology by over 70%.
for the last 50 years but there were still esti- 2. Excretory/secretory (ES) antigens. ES
mated to be 1.06 million cases in humans material obtained from postcercarial schisto-
and 0.25 million cases in cattle in 1997. somula kept in vitro is effective in immu-
However, S. japonicum has been eliminated nizing rats to subsequent infection. The
from 150 of the formerly 378 endemic coun- secretions contained proteins in the range
ties in 12 provinces south of the Yangtze 22–26 kDa (amplified by PCR) and induce
River (Ross et al., 1997), while in 1955 there an IgE-dependent ADCC.
were estimated to be over 11 million cases. 3. Membrane antigens. Molecules with a
Unfortunately, recent flooding has increased molecular weight of 23 kDa (e.g. Sm23 and
the extent of snail habitats. The Three Sj23) occur in the tegument of all stages of
Gorges dam under construction on the the parasite but are often species-specific.
Yangtze River will, within the next 10 years, 4. Paramyosin. This 97 kDa internal anti-
create the largest lake in the world in a gen (e.g. Sm97), obtained from schisto-
highly populous region where schistosomia- somula or adults, induces responses that
sis japonicum already occurs and where affect the muscles and tegument of adults
there will have to be about 2 million extra (Gobert, 1998).
migrants from highly endemic areas, which 5. DNA vaccines. Direct injection of the
will be flooded. The building of the dam coding sequence for known antigens is
should reduce the overall density of snails being investigated. Such a vaccine can be
along the river banks but will provide many used alone or combined with chemother-
more suitable, contaminated, marshland apy, e.g. immunization with DNA for Sm28
habitats and an increased contact with water. glutathione-S-transferase (GST) together with
praziquantel prevented the formation of
Towards a vaccine. The need for a vaccine pathological lesions in mice (Dupre et al.,
against schistosomiasis is underscored by 1999).
the fact that, although chemotherapy with 6. Irradiated live cercarial vaccines.
praziquantel is very effective, in the Although these are not directly suitable for
absence of an effective immune response human use, they might provide useful
reinfection tends to occur quite quickly. pointers to promising leads (Coulson, 1997).
The Trematodes 31
The most promising six antigens were on the island of Leyte in the Philippines,
recently selected by the World Health although many other species of animals are
Organization (WHO) for testing as vaccines infected, as they are on Sulawesi (Indonesia)
but at best gave only a maximum of 60% and used to be in Japan. Molecular studies
protection (Katz, 1999). indicate that S. japonicum is a species com-
A general problem facing the develop- plex of many sibling species, and in Taiwan
ment of vaccines against any infectious dis- the local form of S. japonicum occurs only
ease is the generation of an appropriate in animals and is not infective to humans.
T-cell response (e.g. CD4+ or CD8) and, if The dog appears to be the only reservoir host
CD4+, then the appropriate Th subset, Th1 of S. mekongi in Laos. S. sinensium is a little
or Th2. In addition, where the disease asso- known species with a laterally spined egg
ciated with infection is immune-mediated, found a few times in humans and rodents in
as in schistosomiasis, vaccination must not China and Thailand (Greer et al., 1989),
induce pathological responses. There is while the ‘Tonle Sap schistosome’ has been
controversy about whether Th1 or Th2 newly discovered in humans living around
responses are most important and appro- Lake Tonle Sap in Cambodia (Pecoulas et al.,
priate for vaccine-induced resistance to 1995).
schistosome infection, but it is probable S. mansoni has been reported frequently
that a balanced response would be best from animals (of 38 species) but in many
(Wynn and Hoffmann, 2000). cases they do not appear to have any epi-
The route of administration of any vac- demiological significance. However, baboons
cine is also very important, as is the choice and green monkeys are apparently main-
of a suitable adjuvant. Presentation of anti- taining infections among themselves in
gens via an engineered vector organism can areas of East Africa and rodents may act as
overcome both problems. For example, reservoir hosts in East Africa, Senegal and
Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) has been Guadeloupe and particularly in Brazil,
engineered to produce an intracellular where up to 15 species appear to be of
schistosome GST and this has induced a increasing importance in maintaining
strong and long-lasting response in mice infection in urban and periurban areas of
when given by the intranasal route (a the north-east (Mott et al., 1995).
mixed response of GST-specific immuno- Animals appear to be of little or no
globulin – IgG2a, IgG2b and IgA in serum importance in the transmission of S.
and IgA in bronchial lavage fluids). A vac- haematobium, although various primates
cine against schistosomiasis haematobium have been found infected, nor are they for
(Sh28GST – Bilhvax) together with prazi- S. intercalatum.
quantel treatment is undergoing field trials The schistosomes found in humans and
in Senegal. animals in Africa can be divided into two
groups of sibling species. Hybridization
ZOONOTIC ASPECTS can occur experimentally within members
Animal hosts are extremely important in the of each group but is not common in nature.
transmission of S. japonicum and S. In the S. haematobium/S. intercalatum
mekongi and in some countries can maintain group, S. mattheei Veglia and Le Roux,
the parasite in the absence of humans. In 1929, is a parasite of sheep, cattle, wild
mainland China infection occurs in 40 animals and occasionally humans in south-
species of domestic and wild animals ern Africa. The eggs in the faeces or urine
(Jordan et al., 1993) and is important as a have a terminal spine and measure
serious cause of morbidity and mortality in 120–180 µm in length (Fig. 124). Curiously,
cattle and goats. In the Dongting Lake area of in all human cases, the eggs have occurred
Hunan, 60% of cattle and buffaloes, 24% of together with those of S. haematobium or
pigs, 9% of dogs and 7% of people were S. mansoni; the females of S. mattheei are
found to be infected. Dogs and pigs play an known to be capable of producing eggs
important part in maintaining transmission parthenogenetically and are perhaps carried
32 Chapter 1
34 Chapter 1
LIFE CYCLE the water, where they can survive for only
The eggs are usually swallowed and pass 24–48 h.
out in the faeces but may also escape in If cercariae find freshwater crabs, princi-
sputum. For further development they pally Eriocheir, the mitten crab in Asia and
have to reach water. The miracidia hatch also Potamon (Fig. 19) and Sesarma, or
after 3 weeks in water (at an optimum tem- freshwater crayfish (Astacus), they penetrate
perature of 27°C) and penetrate freshwater and encyst in the gills or muscles as meta-
snails. These are operculate genera, of cercariae (measuring 250–500 µm).
which the most important is Semisulcospira Freshwater crustaceans can probably also
(S. libertina is an intermediate host species become infected by ingesting unencysted
in China, Japan, Taiwan and Korea). Other cercariae in the water or even inside an
important snails are S. amurensis, Thiara infected snail.
granifera and Oncomelania nosophora (see The crustacean intermediate hosts are
Fig. 1). eaten by humans as food. If they are eaten
In the snail the miracidia develop into raw, the metacercariae hatch in the duode-
sporocysts followed by two generations of num and young worms penetrate through
rediae, and finally, in about 3 months, give the intestinal wall and pass across to the
rise to very short-tailed cercariae. The cer- abdominal wall in about 6 h. The immature
cariae emerge from the snail and swim in flukes burrow through the diaphragm to the
Fig. 18. Cut portion of lung (of a tiger) with cysts containing pairs of adult Paragonimus. Note large
excretory bladder in each fluke.
pleural cavity in 6–10 days and enter the become surrounded by a cyst, possibly
lung capsule in 15–20 days. The first eggs caused by softening followed by fibrosis
are passed 60–70 days after infection. (Plate 4). However, as the cyst wall is usu-
Although Paragonimus is hermaphrodite, ally lined with columnar epithelium, it is
two worms are necessary for fertilization to probable that, in most cases, it represents
take place (Fig. 19 and Plate 4). This is true the expanded wall of a bronchus. The cap-
for the usual diploid form of P. westermani, sule is collagenous and oedematous, with
but there is also a triploid form, in which plasma cells, eosinophils, neutrophils,
parthenogenesis can occur; the adults of the macrophages and fibroblasts. The cyst mea-
latter are larger and more pathogenic and sures about 1 cm in diameter after 90 days
the eggs differ in size and shape (see Blair and is filled with a thick brownish fluid
et al., 1999). The adult worms can live for containing eggs. Bronchopneumonia may
20 years but usually die after about 6 years. result when a cyst bursts or retains an
opening into a bronchus. Eggs are often
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS present in the lung tissues and cause
There are no recognizable symptoms pseudotubercles similar to those caused by
accompanying the migratory phases. schistosome eggs, with infiltration by
The first signs are usually fever with a eosinophils and lymphocytes, followed by
dry cough, sometimes accompanied by giant cells and fibroblasts.
bloodstained sputum containing eggs after
rupture of the cysts. Chest pain can be Extrapulmonary. Adults are sometimes
severe and, if the infection is heavy, there found in many parts of the body, particu-
is sometimes increasing dyspnoea and larly in the organs of the abdominal cavity
bronchitis. Many patients with haemo- or subcutaneous tissues. In these sites the
ptysis are diagnosed as suffering from worms are rarely fertilized and presumably
pulmonary tuberculosis. have developed from larvae that lost their
Cerebral paragonimiasis may result in way. This occurs more frequently with
epileptic seizures, as well as headaches, species of Paragonimus which are less
visual disturbances and symptoms of adapted to humans than P. westermani.
meningitis. Most serious complications follow the
presence of flukes in the brain (Fig. 20).
This may be common in areas of high
Pulmonary. As flukes grow in the lungs endemicity (e.g. over 5000 cases per
they cause an inflammatory reaction and annum in South Korea). Adults found in
Fig. 20. Radiograph of head of a girl with soap-bubble type of calcification surrounding cysts containing
adult Paragonimus in occipital lobes.
36 Chapter 1
the brain usually have eggs, unlike those Immunological. The intradermal (ID) test has
recovered from other extrapulmonary been widely used for many years and is use-
sites; it is believed that they migrate from ful in differentiating paragonimiasis from
ruptured lung cysts along the soft tissues tuberculosis, but it is very non-specific and
surrounding the veins into the cranium. the test lasts for many years after cure or the
The flukes cause necrosis of the surround- death of parasites. There have been numer-
ing brain substance and are eventually ous trials of ELISA tests in the last 20 years,
encapsulated, with granulomas surround- some using crude antigens, but recently
ing released eggs lying along the fibrous more specific ES antigens (probably cysteine
wall of the cyst. When a fluke dies, the proteases) and tests for parasite antigen
cavity of the lesion becomes filled with using mAbs have increased sensitivity and
purulent material. Lesions may occur in specificity (Ikeda, 1998; Blair et al., 1999).
the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, basal gan- Dot ELISAs using dried antigens dotted on
glia and medulla oblongata. Cerebral nitrocellulose plates are also being used.
paragonimiasis can easily be confused Immunological techniques can differentiate
with brain disease caused by other between species of Paragonimus, particu-
helminths, such as Schistosoma japon- larly between P. heterotremus and P. wester-
icum, Gnathostoma spinigerum and mani (Dekumyoy et al., 1998).
Parastrongylus cantonensis or larvae of
Echinococcus granulosus and Taenia TREATMENT
solium, as well as with viral or bacterial The drug praziquantel has revolutionized
infections and with brain tumours. treatment in the last few years when given
Levels of non-specific IgE are elevated at 25 mg kg1, three times a day after meals
in infection and IgG4 levels are also very for 3 days. Side-effects are usually minor
high, possibly to obstruct IgE-mediated and short-lived. Triclabendazole at 5 mg
immunopathogenicity. Immune evasion kg1 daily for 3 days has also proved to be
mechanisms are probably employed by the effective in cases in Africa and South
parasites, with periodic sloughing of the America, one of which was resistant to
outer calyx layer on the tegument. praziquantel.
Surgery, which used to be necessary for
cerebral cases, is now rarely used since the
advent of effective drug therapy, except for
Clinical. A cough with brown sputum but some cases of cutaneous infection where
otherwise good health is often indicative of flukes can be easily removed.
a light infection in a patient from an
endemic area. Characteristic nodular or ring
Paragonimiasis can be contracted from
shadows apparent on X-ray or computer-
both raw and pickled crabs and crayfish. In
assisted tomography (CT) scan can be recog-
the Philippines a dish called kinagang is
nized by an expert, but the disease is often
made from crab juice and in the Chekiang
mistaken for tuberculosis.
province of China ‘drunken crabs’
(Potamon sp.) are eaten alive after steeping
Parasitological. A certain method of diagno- in rice wine. In Japan crabs (usually
sis is to find the characteristic eggs in spu- Eriocheir sp.) are usually eaten well-
tum or faeces, which need to be cooked but the metacercariae contaminate
differentiated from those of Achillurbainia knives, hands and chopping-boards during
(see below). Various concentration tech- preparation in the kitchen and are then
niques may be necessary for detection of accidentally transferred to salad vegetables.
eggs in faeces (see p. 258) as, in chronic Crushed crayfish juice is used as a treat-
infections, very few eggs may be passed; ment of measles in Korea and in this way
centrifugation with 2% NaOH is a method young children become infected. In Japan,
that can be used. wild boar, hens and ducks appear to act as
The Trematodes 37
paratenic hosts. Paratenic hosts (including eastern Nigeria and occasionally also in 12
rodents) are likely to be important in trans- other countries of West and Central Africa
mission to large carnivores. (WHO, 1995).
Metacercarial cysts accumulate during
the life of the crab and in large specimens Americas. P. caliensis Little, 1968, is a nat-
there may be as many as 1000 cysts g1 of ural parasite of opossums in Central and
tissue. South America. P. kellicotti Ward, 1908, is
found in many carnivores, pigs and opos-
PREVENTION AND CONTROL sums in North America, with a few cases in
Metacercarial cysts in the crustaceans are humans in Canada and two in the USA. P.
killed by heating in water at 55°C for 5 min mexicanus Miyazaki and Ishii, 1968, is
and even light cooking renders them safe. found in many carnivores and opossums and
However, cysts can live for up to 48 h occasionally humans in North, Central and
when frozen at 20°C, although they die in South America; most cases are in Ecuador
minutes when dried. and cerebral infections are not infrequent.
Where zoonotic infections are rare, sani-
tary improvements to prevent eggs reaching Asia. P. bangkokensis Miyazaki and
snail habitats in water can be used. In Vajrasthira, 1967, is found in cats and other
Korea there has been a reduction in preva- carnivores in China, Russia and Thailand.
lence caused by increasing industrialization P. heterotremus Chen and Hsia, 1964, is
and pollution of habitats. found in carnivores and rodents in China,
National campaigns need to involve Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. P. miyazaki
public awareness and community participa- Kamo et al., 1961, is a parasite of carni-
tion, food control, sanitary waste disposal vores in Japan, and adults do not mature in
and adequate monitoring and surveillance humans. P. ohirai Miyazaki, 1939, is a para-
(WHO, 1995). site of rats and mice in Japan. P. philip-
pinensis Ito et al., 1978, is primarily a
ZOONOTIC ASPECTS parasite of dogs in the Philippines. P. pul-
Paragonimus westermani is a natural parasite monalis (Baelz, 1883) Miyazaki, 1978, is
of carnivores; in fact, the specific name hon- found in cats and dogs in Japan, Korea and
ours a director of Amsterdam zoo, where the Taiwan. P. sadoensis Miyazaki et al., 1968,
first specimens were found in the lungs of a has been found only in humans in Japan. P.
tiger. It is found especially in the members of (= Pagumogonimus) skrjabini Chen, 1960
the cat family, such as the tiger, leopard and (= P. hueitungensis Chung et al., 1975) is a
domestic cat, in most parts of its range but has parasite of cats, dogs and palm civets in
also been reported from dogs, pigs and mon- China: in human infections worms do not
keys. In China, Japan and Korea, animal hosts mature and the young migratory worms are
are probably not of importance in transmis- often subcutaneous or cerebral.
sion to humans, while in Indonesia, Malaysia
and Sri Lanka infection is confined entirely to
animals and human cases do not occur. Family Achillurbainiidae
Over 30 probably valid species of
Paragonimus have been described (Blair et Achillurbainia nouveli Dolfuss, 1939, was
al., 1999) differing (often slightly) in mor- first found in a palpebro-orbital abscess from
phology and life cycle. Many cause zoonotic a Malayan leopard in a zoo in France. An
infections in humans in various parts of the adult was subsequently found in a 10-year-
world (WHO, 1995), as outlined below. old Chinese girl. The adults are common in
the lungs of rats (Rattus muelleri) in West
Africa. P. africanus Voelker and Vogel, Malaysia and freshwater crabs probably act
1965, and P. uterobilateralis Voelker and as second intermediate hosts. A. recondita
Vogel, 1965, are parasites of the mongoose, Travassos, 1942, developmental stages have
civet cat and humans in Cameroon and been found in humans in Brazil, Honduras
38 Chapter 1
10 mm
fish Embryonated EGG
raw (30m 16m) in
nu d i faeces reaches water
but does not hatch.
uode te
st in d inges
act as
reservoir hosts ed
excretory bladder st
S il
G a
rectum EG sn
CE ave snail digestive gland
a n RCARIAE le
d p enetrate fresh water
fish gills
0.01 mm
stages in MIRACIDIUM
hatches in gut of
REDIA in LATE snail (unlike most
digestive gland SPOROCYST trematodes where
CERCARIA by 17th day miracidium hatches
hangs in water then pharynx in water and actively
developing penetrates snail)
attaches and penetrates developing redia
into any fish it comes cercaria
into contact with.
0.05 mm
0.1 mm
Fig. 21. Life cycle of Clonorchis sinensis. Figure of courtesan and cat by Kaigetsudo.
Death is only likely to occur where there found in about 10% of autopsies, but there
is an intercurrent bacterial infection (apart is no evidence that it is directly related to
from the possibility of cholangiocarcinoma); the presence of the parasite and it may be
salmonellae in particular flourish in bile- coincidental or accentuated by an accom-
ducts attacked by Clonorchis. A similar rela- panying bacterial infection. Clonorchis
tionship has been reported with urinary often enters the pancreatic ducts and
schistosomiasis, where it has been shown causes pancreatitis, with adenomatous
that Salmonella typhi may live on the inside hyperplasia; occasionally there may be
and outside of the body of the schistosomes. acute inflammation.
Carcinoma of the bile-ducts is found in
PATHOGENESIS association with clonorchiasis in Canton
At operation the presence of severe infec- and Hong Kong and is far more common
tion is obvious from gross examination of than in non-endemic regions (IARC
the liver because the thickened bile-ducts Working Group, 1994); it has also been
appear as pale patches on the surface. If the reported from experimental infections in
liver is cut, the slimy, brownish flukes dogs and cats.
often emerge from the ducts.
The adult worms presumably feed mainly IMMUNOLOGY OF LIVER FLUKES
on the biliary epithelium but, unlike Immunological aspects of infection with
Fasciola hepatica, have no spines on the Fasciola hepatica (see p. 46) have been
tegument to cause mechanical damage. In extensively studied in domestic ruminants
the early stages there is an inflammatory and in laboratory rodents. Infections are
reaction in the biliary epithelium and in associated with blood eosinophilia, strong
heavy infections there is cellular infiltration, antibody responses and immune-mediated
consisting mainly of lymphocytes and leuco- inflammation in the liver and bile-ducts.
cytes, particularly in the outer part of the Evidence sluggests that infection elicits
fibrous wall. This is followed by hyperplasia strongly polarized Th2 responses but also
and metaplasia of the epithelium, with that flukes are capable of down-regulating
much mucus, and there may be the forma- host immunity in various ways. Infections
tion of new biliary ductules (Fig. 22). with Clonorchis sinensis similarly induce
Because immature Clonorchis migrate up the eosinophils and profound inflammatory
bile-ducts, there is not the pathology associ- responses in the liver (in some cases result-
ated with early Fasciola infections, which ing in cholangiocarcinoma) as well as para-
burrow through the liver parenchyma (see p. site-specific IgA, IgE and IgG; it can be
47). In the chronic stage there is an encapsu- assumed therefore that a similar polariza-
lating fibrosis of the ducts and destruction of tion of the immune response occurs.
the adjacent liver parenchyma. A fibrotic Evidence for immunity to reinfection in
reaction surrounds eggs that reach the liver humans is not strong, there being no decline
parenchyma, but there is not the granuloma in prevalence or intensity of infection
formation around intact eggs which occurs in chronically exposed populations.
in schistosomiasis (Fig. 14). Experimental studies using Opisthorchis
Stones are common in the bile-ducts viverrini in hamsters have clarified some
and gall-bladder in cases of C. sinensis aspects of the immune response and sug-
infection and were found in 70% of autop- gested the operation of a degree of immune
sies in a study in Hong Kong. The remains protection. This has also been proposed in
of adult worms are sometimes found inside human infections with this species. In an
the stones. Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis endemic area individuals who were egg-
is one of the most important complications negative had higher levels of IgA, IgG and
of clonorchiasis, as well as of ascariasis (p. IgM than those who were egg-positive and
151). The cholangitis often follows a long they showed recognition of specific anti-
relapsing course, eventually leading to bodies not detected by antigens of infected
widespread fibrosis. Cirrhosis of the liver is individuals. Studies in hamsters have also
42 Chapter 1
Fig. 22. Section of liver with two adult Clonorchis in bile-duct. There is marked epithelial proliferation,
oedema of the mucosa and some fibrosis (see also Plate 6). The ventral sucker, uterus filled with many
eggs and testes (in fluke on left) are apparent.
In South Fukien province in China, fish about 30% of dogs are infected and these
is not commonly eaten raw, but decoctions are almost entirely responsible for perpetu-
of raw crushed fish are used as a cure for ating infection.
asthma and freshwater shrimps (which can
act as a secondary intermediate host in this
area) are eaten as a cure for nosebleeds.
Opisthorchis viverrini
Human cases in this province are mostly in
(Poirer, 1886) Stiles and Hassall, 1896
children; the parasite being maintained in
dogs. In South Korea, infection formerly
occurred in men, who traditionally eat raw
fish to increase their thirst at rice wine
Distoma viverrini Poirer, 1886. The name
drinking parties.
should more correctly have been O.
In rural areas of China, human faeces
(‘night-soil’) was commonly used to enrich
ponds containing food fish and, as these
ponds also often contain suitable snails,
Opisthorchiasis or opisthorchiosis viverrini;
maximum opportunities for continuation
Pa-yard bai-mai nai tub (Thai).
of the life cycle were provided (Plate 5).
Nowadays, however, untreated faeces are
not commonly used in mainland China.
Thailand, Cambodia and Laos, with about
There is a recent tendency in many peo-
9 million cases (and 50 million at risk), of
ple in Europe and North America to eat
which 7.3 million are in Thailand (see Map
more raw and lightly cooked fish and there
4, p. 39).
is a danger of cases of food-borne
helminths increasing in tourists and from
imported foodstuffs.
Adults inhabit the bile-ducts.
The most obvious method of prevention is MORPHOLOGY
thorough cooking of fish, but this is not The adults are very similar to those of C.
always feasible as raw fish is a traditional sinensis but the testes are lobed rather than
item of diet in endemic regions. Deep- dendritic, and there are differences in the
freezing of fish at 30°C for 32 h is recom- flame-cell pattern.
mended for killing cysts.
Control is possible by sanitary disposal LIFE CYCLE
of faeces to prevent eggs reaching ponds or Very similar to that of C. sinensis. Snails
slow-flowing streams and canals. Even involved in Thailand are subspecies of
storage of faeces for a few days or addition Bithynia siamensis, with 15 species of fish
of ammonium salts as fertilizer before belonging to seven genera acting as second
adding to ponds is an effective measure. intermediate hosts (WHO, 1995), such as
The use of molluscicides is difficult Puntius orphoides (‘pla pok’ in Thai) and
because of toxicity to fish. Hampala dispar (‘pla suud’), which are
National campaigns should follow the eaten either raw (‘koi pla’) or semi-
same guidelines as for Paragonimus and other fermented (‘pla ra’).
food-borne trematodes (see WHO, 1995).
ZOONOTIC ASPECTS The majority of infected individuals (about
Dogs are the most important reservoir hosts 80%) show no symptoms or signs attribut-
but infections occur in most fish-eating able to the parasite apart from eosinophilia
carnivores. Pigs and rats can also be and there are likely to be less than 1000 eggs
naturally infected. g1 faeces. Although there may be local
In the South Fukien province of China, damage to the bile-duct epithelium, there is
44 Chapter 1
no noticeable damage to liver function. With ponds dry in March. Infection is very uncom-
heavier infections (10,000–30,000 eggs g1 mon in children under the age of 5.
faeces), diarrhoea, epigastric and upper The metacercarial cysts are slightly less
right-quadrant pain, anorexia, lassitude, resistant to pickling than those of C. sinen-
jaundice and mild fever may slowly sis, but thorough cooking or deep-freezing
develop. In long-standing infections there of fish is the only sure method of personal
may be oedema of the legs, accompanied by prevention.
ascites, mild periportal fibrosis, hepato-
megaly, inflammation and biliary epithe- ZOONOTIC ASPECTS
lium hyperplasia. O. viverrini is a natural parasite of the civet
In heavy infections the gall-bladder cat but is common in domestic cats and
becomes enlarged and non-functional, with dogs, which play a role in maintaining
cholecystitis, cholangitis, liver abscess and transmission, although human-to-human
gallstones. Cholangiocarcinoma is strongly transmission is common.
correlated with O. viverrini infection (Plate
6) and few patients live longer than 6
months after diagnosis (Elkins et al., 1990; Opisthorchis felineus
IARC Working Group, 1994). (Rivolta, 1884) Blanchard, 1895
The immunology of liver-fluke infec-
tions is discussed on p. 41.
DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT Distoma felineum Rivolta, 1884; D. sibir-
Diagnosis is by finding eggs in the faeces. icum Winogradoff, 1892 (first report from
They are similar to those of C. sinensis but humans).
are slightly narrower (30 µm 12 µm) and
more regularly ovoid, without such a clear DISEASE AND POPULAR NAME
shoulder at the operculum (Fig. 123). The Opisthorchiasis or opisthorchiosis felineus;
eggs of an intestinal fluke, Phaneropsolus cat liver-fluke disease.
bonnei (see p. 59), which has been reported
from humans in north-east Thailand, are GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION
similar in size but are smoothly ovoid and About 1.5 million cases (with 14 million at
contain an undifferentiated ovum when risk): Russia (Siberia with 1.2 million
passed in the faeces. cases), Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine (0.3
Immunodiagnosis is not widely used million) (see Map 3, p. 33).
but a mAb ELISA using mAbs that can
detect an 89 kDa metabolic antigen from O. LOCATION IN HOST
viverrini in faeces is stated to be both sensi- Adults are found in the distal bile-ducts
tive and specific (Sirisinha et al., 1995). and sometimes proximal ducts also.
Praziquantel can be given as for
Clonorchis and is equally effective. MORPHOLOGY
Adults are identical to those of O. viverrini.
EPIDEMIOLOGY Differentiation is based on differences in
There are prevalence rates of over 70% in the flame-cell patterns of the cercariae and
ethnically similar rural communities of in the life cycle.
north-eastern Thailand (35% overall) and
Laos, and it has been estimated that infection LIFE CYCLE
costs $120 million annually in lost wages Very similar to the previous two species.
and medical care. Infection in humans occurs The snail intermediate hosts are species of
principally at the end of the rainy season and Codiella (= Bithynia), particularly C.
the beginning of the dry season (September leachi. Twenty-two species of fish belong-
to February), as fish contain more metacer- ing to 17 genera transmit infection (see
cariae and are more easily caught before WHO, 1995).
The Trematodes 45
development the free-living miracidium in the wall of the peritoneal cavity, and
must penetrate an amphibious snail, usually cause granulomas.
a species of Lymnaea (mainly L. truncatula The parasite is responsible for few
in Europe, L. tomentosa in north-west deaths but in one case 40 flukes were found
Africa and L. viatrix in South America). to be blocking the bile-ducts at autopsy.
Once inside the snail, there is a sporo-
cyst, followed by two redia stages; the cer- PATHOGENESIS
cariae, which emerge 30–40 days after Most of the knowledge on pathology is
penetration at 24°C, encyst as metacercariae based on studies in animals. In sheep, the
on vegetation (Fig. 23). This is usually wet tracts of the migrating flukes show a coagu-
grass, but watercress, water mint (in Iran) or lation necrosis of the liver cords, with
other salad vegetables are of most impor- numerous neutrophils, lymphocytes and
tance in human infections (or perhaps erythrocytes. The traumatic damage caused
sometimes in drinking water). When cysts is roughly proportional to the number of
are ingested, the larvae excyst in the duode- parasites present and, in sheep, death is
num, migrate through the intestinal wall usually caused by the presence of over 600
and reach the bile-ducts by eating their way worms. The mature flukes in the bile-ducts
through the hepatic parenchyma from the cause a secondary adenomatous hyper-
surface of the liver. The adult worms mature plasia and desquamation of the lining
in 3–4 months and live for 5–12 years. epithelium of the bile-ducts (which
becomes over 2.0 mm thick) with exagger-
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS ated Aschoff–Rokitansky crypts. The
There is an acute phase corresponding to plasma cells, lymphocytes and eosinophils
the period when the young flukes are in the periductal tissues are replaced by a
migrating through the liver tissues (4–8 fibrotic reaction leading to great thickening
weeks). Symptoms of dyspepsia, nausea of the walls and a much reduced lumen
and vomiting, abdominal pain localized to (Plate 7). Bile-duct hyperplasia and fibrosis
the right hypochondrium or epigastrium of portal tracts has been seen in biopsy
and high fever (up to 40°C) ensue, often specimens in human infections.
with sudden onset. Allergic symptoms, The immunology of liver-fluke infec-
such as pruritus and urticaria, can also tions in general is discussed on p. 41.
occur. Anaemia is found in a proportion of
cases and the erythrocyte sedimentation
rate is often raised. There is a leucocytosis
in 50–100% of cases, with high
eosinophilia (up to 60%).
The chronic phase ensues when the
flukes reach the bile-ducts. There is often
painful liver enlargement and occasionally
an obstructive jaundice develops later;
there may also be pains in the lower chest,
with loss of weight. Symptoms are due to
inflammation of the epithelial lining of the
duct or to obstruction of its lumen and they
closely resemble those of biliary disease,
with obstructive jaundice and centrilobular
cholestasis. Cholelithiasis can also occur as
a complication. Many chronic cases are
probably asymptomatic and undiagnosed,
so the proportion of such cases is
unknown. Sometimes parasites in humans Fig. 23. Metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica on
develop in ectopic sites in other organs or blades of grass (actual size 0.3 mm).
48 Chapter 1
A vaccine for infections in cattle and Lymnaea truncatula acts as first intermedi-
sheep is being investigated (Dalton, 1998). ate host for all three species.
Fasciola gigantica Cobbold, 1856, is a
common parasite of cattle, camels and
Fasciolopsis buski
other herbivores in Africa, in Asia and on
(Lankester, 1857) Odhner, 1902
some Pacific islands. The eggs are larger
than those of F. hepatica (160–190 µm
70–90 µm) and the adults are longer
Distoma buski Lankester, 1857, Distoma
(25–75 mm 12 mm), with more anterior
crassum Busk, 1859.
testes, a larger ventral sucker and not so
pronounced ‘shoulders’. Sporadic cases
have been reported from humans in tropi-
Fasciolopsiasis or fasciolopsiosis; Busk’s
cal Africa, China, Egypt, Hawaii, Iran,
fluke infection; Pa-yard bai-mai nai lumsi
Thailand, Turkey and Uzbekistan. The life
cycle and clinical effects are similar to
those of F. hepatica except that the snail
hosts, such as Lymnaea natalensis in
The largest endemic foci of infection are in
Africa, are often aquatic, not amphibious.
the Yangtze basin provinces of China but
Immunodiagnostic tests, such as SDS-
infection also occurs in Bangladesh,
PAGE using an ES antigen of 27 kDa or a
Cambodia, India (particularly Assam, but
somatic antigen of 38 kDa, or IgM or IgG
also in Bihar, Madras and Orissa), Indonesia,
ELISA, appear to be as effective as for F.
Laos, Taiwan and central Thailand.
hepatica and do not cross-react with schisto-
Fasciola indica Varma, 1953, is found in Adult flukes are found in the small intes-
buffaloes and other herbivorous mammals tine, attached by the ventral sucker. In
in Asia, with a very few human cases heavy infections they may also be present
reported from India and Korea. In Russia in the stomach and colon.
Fig. 24. Effect of weather on the life cycle of F. hepatica in western Europe.
50 Chapter 1
although the latter had some failures with Night-soil, as once commonly used in
children. China, should be stored before being added
as fertilizer to submerged fields. Sanitary
EPIDEMIOLOGY disposal of faeces would probably be effec-
There are often high prevalence rates in tive, although there is still the possibility
endemic areas: 39% in Dacca, Bangladesh, of zoonotic infections. Molluscicides could
70% in Jiangxi, China, 70% in Maharashtra possibly be used for snail control but their
and 29% in Bombay, India, 27% in South efficacy has not been tested.
Kalimantan, Indonesia (57% in children),
3.8% in Vientiane, Laos, and 17% in ZOONOTIC ASPECTS
Supanburi, Thailand (Yu and Mott, 1994). Pigs act as important reservoir hosts. The
The seed pods of water caltrop (also endemic region in central Thailand is a
known as water ling) are probably the most perennial flood basin where rice is grown
important source of human infection, and houses are built on stilts. Pigs are also
because this plant is grown in ponds fertil- kept in pens on stilts and fed on water
ized with night-soil, while the other plants plants; the faeces of the pigs passes into the
involved are usually grown in running water below, in which snails live and food
streams. Before the nuts of the water cal- plants are grown.
trop or the bulbs of water chestnut are There are high prevalence rates in pigs
eaten, the outer covering is removed with in areas of Bangladesh, Burma (Myanmar),
the teeth and this provides the principal Cambodia and India but few human infec-
mode of infection. This habit is particu- tions, as the appropriate plants are not
larly common in children, who are usually eaten raw.
more heavily infected than adults. In
markets caltrop nuts are kept fresh by
sprinkling with water and thus the cysts Family Heterophyidae
are prevented from drying.
In Vietnam the roots of the water bam-
Heterophyes heterophyes
boo (Zizania aquatica, Salvinia natans and
(von Siebold, 1852) Stiles and Hassall, 1900
Lemna polyrhiza) and water hyacinth
(Eichornia crassipes) are also eaten, and in
Thailand lotus (Nymphoea lotus), a water-
cress (Neptunia cleracea) and water morn-
Distoma heterophyes von Siebold, 1852;
ing glory (Ipomea aquatica).
Heterophyes aegyptiaca Cobbold, 1866;
In Taiwan and Thailand water plants are
Heterophyes nocens Onji and Nishio, 1915.
collected and fed to pigs, which helps to
maintain a reservoir of infection. In
Thailand infection is confined to regions DISEASE AND POPULAR NAMES
growing water caltrops although the nuts Heterophyiasis, heterophyosis; von Siebold’s
are grown in many other non-endemic fluke infection, dwarf-fluke infection.
areas also; this is probably because cysts
dry up during transport or because the nuts GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION
are only eaten cooked in these other Asia (southern China, Japan, Indonesia,
regions. Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan), North
Africa and Middle East (Egypt, Iran, Sudan,
PREVENTION AND CONTROL Tunisia, Turkey) and southern Europe
Water vegetables need to be carefully (Greece and Romania).
peeled and washed. Boiling for 1–2 min is
sufficient to kill the metacercarial cysts. In LOCATION IN HOST
some areas free metacercarial cysts have Adults are attached to the wall of the
been found floating on the water surface jejunum and upper ileum, often in the
and may be ingested in drinking water. crypts of Lieberkühn (Fig. 25).
52 Chapter 1
0.05 mm
Fig. 25. Section of the intestinal mucosa (of cat) with adult Heterophyes attached by the oral sucker. The
ventral sucker and uterus filled with eggs can also be seen.
uncooked the metacercariae escape and knob. The contained miracidium also has
develop in the small intestine. The flukes bilaterally symmetrical penetration glands
mature in 15–20 days and the adults live (Fig. 123).
for about 2 months.
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Niclosamide (2 g day1 for 2 days for an
In light infections there are usually no adult) has been used for many years but
symptoms. In heavy infections, nausea and more recently praziquantel (a single dose
intermittent chronic diarrhoea, sometimes of 20 mg kg1) has become the drug of
with the passage of blood and abdominal choice.
discomfort with colicky pains and tender-
ness, have been reported beginning 9 days EPIDEMIOLOGY
after ingestion of cysts. Symptoms resem- Transmission is by eating fresh or salted
ble those of amoebiasis or heartburn and uncooked fish. There may be heavy infec-
there may be vomiting, simulating a peptic tions in both rural and urban communities
ulcer. Slight eosinophilia is sometimes in the Nile Delta region of Egypt, who tra-
found. ditionally eat pickled mullet (‘fessik’) at
the feast of Sham-el Nessim. An infection
PATHOGENESIS rate of 10% has been reported from school-
A mild inflammation of the mucosa at the children in the area. However, most infec-
site of attachment and sometimes a superfi- tions are in 20–40-year-olds, who eat
cial necrosis occur if there are thousands of freshly salted mullet; metacercariae can
worms present; up to 4000 have been live for up to 7 days in these.
Eggs of many species of heterophyids PREVENTION AND CONTROL
have been found at necropsy from various Personal prevention is by thorough cooking
sites in the body, either because the eggs of fish. Partial cooking (mostly of Tilapia
themselves have succeeded in filtering nilotica) carried out around Lakes Manzala,
through the intestinal wall to the mesen- Borollos and Edco in the Nile Delta
teric lymphatics or venules or because the destroys only about 70% of cysts.
adults have penetrated the gut wall and Preventing pollution of the water with
laid eggs in the peritoneal cavity. This faeces, which in Egypt is mainly by fisher-
phenomenon appears to be a reaction to men, is a possible long-term objective.
humans as abnormal hosts, and emboliza-
tion of the eggs may occur. Cardiac lesions ZOONOTIC ASPECTS
caused by Heterophyes or other members Dogs, cats, foxes and other fish-eating
of the same family include fibrosis sur- mammals act as reservoir hosts and can
rounding eggs in the mitral valve and maintain the infection in the absence of
myocardium, with consequent heart fail- humans.
ure. Eggs have been found in the brain on a
few occasions, as have encapsulated
Metagonimus yokogawai
DIAGNOSIS Katsurada, 1912
This is by recovery of eggs following sug-
gestive clinical findings, either by direct SYNONYM
faecal smears or by concentration methods. Heterophyes yokogawai Katsurada, 1912.
The eggs can be differentiated from those
of opisthorchids by the less well-developed DISEASE AND POPULAR NAME
shoulders at the operculum giving a more Metagonimiasis or metagonimosis;
oval outline and by the smaller posterior Yokogawa’s fluke infection.
54 Chapter 1
Family Paramphistomidae The eggs measure 146 (127–160) µm 66
(62–75) µm. They are rhomboidal in shape,
Gastrodiscoides hominis have a small well-fitting operculum and are
(Lewis and McConnell, 1876) Leiper, 1913. transparently greenish in colour (Fig. 123).
They contain about 24 vitelline cells and a
central unembryonated ovum. After the
SYNONYMS AND DISEASE eggs are expelled in the faeces and reach
Gastrodiscoidiasis or gastrodiscoidosis; water, a miracidium develops in 9–14 days
Amphistomum hominis Lewis and at 24°C. The miracidium that emerges from
McConnell, 1876, Gastrodiscus hominis the egg can develop experimentally in the
Fischoeder, 1902. snail Helicorbis coenosus found in Uttar
Pradesh and cercariae emerge 28–152 days
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION after infection. The cercariae form meta-
Infection is most common in India, particu- cercarial cysts on water plants; probably
larly Assam, Bihar and Orissa, but also the water caltrop is involved in human
occurs in Burma (Myanmar), China, infection but the life cycle has not been
Kazakhstan, the Philippines, Thailand and elucidated in nature.
LOCATION IN HOST Pigs, monkeys (rhesus), apes (orang-utan),
Adults attach to the wall of the caecum and field rats and the Napu mouse deer are
ascending colon by their suckers. natural hosts, but it is not known what the
56 Chapter 1
relationship is between human and animal occasional cases have been reported since
hosts. from China (Yunnan), Indonesia, the
Philippines (11–44% in northern Luzon),
Watsonius watsoni (Conyngham, 1904)
Thailand (8.2% in one area) and recently
Stiles and Goldberg, 1910 (synonym
India (Grover et al., 1998).
Amphistomum watsoni, Conyngham,
1904), has been reported once from north-
ern Nigeria in a patient who died of severe
Adults live in the jejunum; they attach by
diarrhoea. Many worms were seen in the
insertion of the oral end into the mucosa.
stools and after autopsy many more were
found attached to the wall of the duode-
num and jejunum and a few in the colon.
This is a natural parasite of dogs and cats,
Presumably infection was contracted from
and eggs (measuring 100 µm 65–70 µm)
ingestion of metacercarial cysts on vegeta-
in the faeces are undifferentiated. If they
tion. Watsonius is a natural parasite of
reach water, the contained miracidia
monkeys in West Africa and Singapore.
develop in about 8–14 days at 26°C. They
Fischoederius elongatus (Poirer, 1883) emerge and penetrate into suitable fresh-
Stiles and Goldberger, 1910, is a parasite of water snails (particularly Hippeutis) and
ruminants in Asia, contracted from ingest- multiply asexually. Cercariae that emerge
ing cysts on vegetation. Human infection then enter a wide range of other snails
has been reported from China. (such as Pila) and encyst as metacercariae.
When these snails are eaten raw by dogs,
cats or humans, they excyst and develop
into adult worms. Other echinostomes
utilize fish and amphibians (usually frogs)
Family Echinostomidae
as second intermediate hosts, which are
also eaten raw. It appears that cercariae can
Most of the members of this large and
also be swallowed while swimming and
rather heterogeneous group are parasites of
cause infection.
the gut of birds and lower vertebrates, but a
few are found in mammals and at least 24
species are occasional parasites of humans.
Typically, members have a collar of spines Other Echinostomids
behind the oral sucker.
E. echinatum (= lindoense) (Zeder, 1803)
formerly had a high infection rate
Echinostoma ilocanum (24–96%) around Lake Lindu in central
(Garrison, 1908) Odhner, 1911 Sulawesi but has been very uncommon
since the 1970s because of changes in eat-
SYNONYMS ing habits consequent on the introduction
Fascioletta ilocanum Garrison, 1908; of tilapia into the lake. The first intermedi-
Euparyphium ilocanum Tubangui and ate host is a planorbid snail or a type of
mussel (Corbicula) and the metacercariae
Pasco, 1933.
encyst in edible pulmonate and bivalve
snails, which used to be eaten raw and are
now rare (partly because they are eaten by
Echinostomiasis or echinostomosis;
the fish).
Garrison’s fluke infection.
E. hortense Asada, 1926, has an infection
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION rate of up to 22.4% in southern Korea and
Five human cases were found by Garrison is not uncommon in north-eastern China,
in prisoners in Manila jail in 1907 and where loach (the usual second intermediate
The Trematodes 57
host) are eaten raw as a cure for jaundice; it Taiwan), Echinostoma melis (= Euparyph-
has also been reported from Japan. The nat- ium jassyense) (China, Romania and
ural definitive hosts are rats and dogs. Taiwan), Episthmium caninum (Thailand)
and Himasthala muehlensi (one case in
E. malayanum Leiper, 1911, has been
Colombia or USA).
recovered from humans in India, Indonesia
(Irian Jaya and Sumatra), the Philippines
(20% in areas of Luzon) and north-east
These species of echinostomes are mostly
Thailand (3–8%). It is probably a natural
small flukes measuring 2.5–8.0 mm and all
parasite of dogs or rats and human infec-
have a collar of spines behind the oral
tion is through ingestion of edible molluscs
(particularly Pila and Vivipara), which act sucker (Fig. 3).
as second intermediate hosts.
E. revolutum (Froelich, 1802) Looss, 1899, In most infections there are no signs apart
is a common parasite of the caeca of duck, from the presence of eggs in the faeces. In
goose and muskrat, and most human cases heavy infections (e.g. 14,000 worms were
come from Taiwan (2.8–6.5% infection) recovered from one child at autopsy),
and north-east Thailand, with reports from symptoms are similar to those of
China and Indonesia. Edible molluscs, Fasciolopsis buski, with vague abdominal
such as Corbicula, act as second intermedi- manifestations, such as flatulence, intesti-
ate hosts. nal colic and diarrhoea (Graczyk and Fried,
1998). Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal
Hypoderaeum conoideum (Bloch, 1872) pain and swelling of the feet were reported
Dietz, 1909, is a parasite of birds, but there in one case in a child (Grover et al., 1998)
can be up to 55% infection rates in nort- and there may be anaemia and oedema.
east Thailand. Snails, such as Planorbis There have been fatalities in children from
and Lymnaea spp., act as both first and dehydration. The adult worms attach to the
second intermediate hosts. mucosa of the small intestine and may pro-
duce inflammatory lesions and necrosis at
There are many species of echinostomes
the site of attachment, with increased cel-
that can act as occasional or rare parasites
of humans, the numbers increasing as the lular infiltration in the intestinal mucosa.
use of praziquantel allows voided adult There may also be a generalized toxic
worms to be examined (for further informa- process. In an experimental infection with
tion, see Haseeb and Eveland, 2000): 113 metacercariae of Echinochasmus
Artyfechinostomum malayanum (Thailand), japonicus, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and
A. mehrai (India), A. oraoni (India), A. (= intestinal gurgling developed about 10
Paryphostomum) sufrartyfex (four cases in days after infection (Lin et al., 1985).
India), Echinochasmus fujianensis (up to
7.8% in southern Fujian, China), E. japoni- DIAGNOSIS
cus (China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan), E. Eggs found in the faeces are similar to
jiufoensis (one fatal case in Canton, China), those of Fasciolopsis or Fasciola, although
E. liliputanus (up to 23% in areas of Anhui somewhat smaller (most are about 100 µm
province, China), E. perfoliatus (Japan, 70 µm); specific identification is almost
Taiwan and Europe), Echinoparyphium impossible without recovery of adults after
paraulum (Russia), E. recurvatum (Egypt, treatment.
Indonesia and Taiwan), Echinostoma (=
Echinochasmus) angustitestis (two cases in TREATMENT
China), E. cinetorchis (Japan, Korea and Cure is simple with a single oral dose of
Taiwan), E. japonicum (Japan and Korea), 10–20 mg kg1 of praziquantel (or 5 mg
E. macrorchis (Indonesia, Japan, Korea and kg1 for Echinochasmus fujianensis).
58 Chapter 1
Other Occasional and Rare Human- site of birds, with metacercariae in the eyes
parasitic Trematodes of fish, and there have been a few cases of
swimmer’s itch in the former Czecho-
Family Diplostomidae slovakia, but more importantly cercariae
have entered the eye and caused cataracts
Alaria americana Hall and Wigdor, 1918, in the lens.
and A. marcianae (La Rue, 1917) Walton,
1950, are very similar parasites of wild
carnivores and dogs and cats in North Family Lecithodendriidae
America, in which the anterior portion of
the body is spoon-shaped, with an organ Phaneropsolus bonnei Lie Kian Joe, 1951,
that secretes proteolytic enzymes. They and Prosthodendrium molenkampi Lie Kian
have an unusual life cycle. When eggs from Joe, 1951, were both discovered in Indonesia
faeces reach water, the miracidia hatch out at autopsy and are also present in rural pop-
and penetrate and multiply in suitable ulations of north-east Thailand and Laos.
species of snails (including Heliosoma Eggs of both species are similar to those
spp.). The emerging cercariae develop in of Opisthorchis and heterophyids, and
amphibian tadpoles into a larval stage insects act as second intermediate hosts.
known as a mesocercaria (midway between Phaneropsolus spinicirrus, Paralecithoden-
a cercaria and a metacercaria). Frogs and drium obtusum and P. glandulosum are
snakes ingest tadpoles and act as paratenic three other poorly characterized species
hosts. When these are eaten by young commonly found in Thais (Yu and Mott,
carnivores, metacercariae develop in the 1994).
lungs, are coughed up and become adults
in the small intestine in about 20 days.
However, in pregnant animals the mesocer- Family Plagiorchiidae
cariae migrate to the mammary glands and
infect the suckling young through the milk, Plagiorchis harinasutai Radomyos, Bunnag
and adults develop in these (known as and Harinasuta, 1989, P. javensis
‘amphiparatenesis’). They can also infect Sandground, 1940, P. muris Tanabe, 1922,
subsequent litters (Shoop, 1994). A fatal and P. philippinensis Sandground, 1940,
case in Canada occurred in a man who have insects as second intermediate hosts
ingested frogs’ legs while hiking. He was and have been found in humans in
thought to be suffering from gastric flu but Thailand, Indonesia, Japan and the
died 9 days later from extensive pulmonary Philippines, respectively.
haemorrhage and at autopsy was found to
have thousands of mesocercariae in many
tissues. In other cases mesocercariae have Family Troglotrematidae
been found in the eye (Smyth, 1995).
Another species in carnivores, A. alata Nanophyetus salmincola Chapin, 1927, is
(Goeze, 1782), has occasionally infected an intestinal parasite of wild carnivores,
humans with mesocercariae in the Middle birds and domestic dogs in the Pacific
East. Neodiplostomum (= Fibricola) north of the USA and in Siberia.
seoulensis (Seo, Rim and Lee, 1964) Hong Metacercariae encyst in salmonid fishes
and Shoop, 1994, a parasite of rats, has and in the USA, in dogs that eat the fish.
developed to adulthood in the human Adults cause a haemorrhagic enteritis, with
small intestine in a few cases in South high fever, anorexia, vomiting and lymph-
Korea and is contracted from eating raw adenopathy (‘salmon poisoning’), with a
amphibians or snakes (paratenic hosts). high mortality 10–14 days after infection,
Diplostomum spathaceum (Rudolphi, caused by a rickettsia (Neorickettsia
1819) Olsson, 1876, is a cosmopolitan para- helminthoeca), which is transmitted by the
The Trematodes 59
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Further Reading
Bergquist, N.R. (1992) Immunodiagnostic Approaches in Schistosomiasis. John Wiley & Sons,
Chichester, UK.
Jordan, P., Webbe, G. and Sturrock, R. (eds) (1993) Human Schistosomiasis. CAB International,
Wallingford, UK.
Rollinson, D. and Simpson, A.J.G. (eds) (1986) The Biology of Schistosomes: from Genes to Latrines.
Academic Press, London, UK.
Wellcome Trust (1998) Schistosomiasis. Topics in International Health CD-ROM, CAB International,
Wallingford, UK.
The Cestodes
All adult cestodes (or tapeworms) inhabit proglottid just anterior to the vagina. The
the intestinal tract or associated tracts of female organs lie ventrally in the proglot-
vertebrates. tid. The ovary is usually bilobed and lies
They are flat, ribbon-shaped worms con- posteriorly. The ova pass into the oviduct,
sisting of a chain of a few or many separate which joins the spermatic duct from the
proglottides, the whole chain being known terminal part of the vagina or seminal
as a strobila. At the anterior end is the receptacle. The ova then pass into the
scolex or holdfast organ, which usually oötype, where fertilization occurs. The
attaches to the intestinal mucosa by means vitelline ducts from the vitellaria also open
of suckers or sucking grooves and often has into the oötype and provide shell material
hooks. Posterior to the scolex is the narrow and yolk cells. The uterus extends anteri-
undifferentiated neck region, from which orly from the oötype and ends blindly. The
growth takes place to give rise to the devel- uterus fills with eggs and, when gravid, has
oping proglottides. a shape characteristic of its family (e.g.
In the order Cyclophyllidea, to which with lateral branches in taeniids and a
most of the adult tapeworms of humans lobate transverse sac in hymenolepids).
belong, the proglottides become succes- Members of the order Pseudophyllidea
sively mature and then gravid, when they show structural and life-history differences
are filled with eggs. At the gravid stage from the Cyclophyllidea, which are
they become detached and pass out with mentioned in the section dealing with the
the faeces. All tapeworms of humans are only member that is an important parasite
hermaphroditic, the male organs develop- of humans, the broad fish tapeworm,
ing first. Thus male organs alone are found Diphyllobothrium.
in the mature proglottides nearer to the As cestodes have no gut, all nutritive
scolex; further back the organs of both and waste material must pass through the
sexes are present but the female organs outer covering or tegument; this functions
only are functional. With large tapeworms almost as an inside-out gut wall and con-
there is often a single specimen present tains specific systems of molecular and ion
and cross-fertilization occurs between transport, e.g. of amino acids, hexose sug-
proglottides. The genital organs are well ars, nucleotides, lipids, vitamins, purines
developed in each proglottid. The male and pyrimidines. The tegument consists of
system consists of the testes (three in num- a syncytial distal cytoplasm with a superfi-
ber in Hymenolepis to over 500 in Taenia), cial anucleate zone and an inner nucleated
the vasa efferentia, which unite to form a cytosomal zone. The external surface is
vas deferens, and a protrusible, muscular covered with a row of michrotriches,
cirrus or penis. The cirrus opens into a similar to intestinal microvilli, which
common genital pore on the margin of the increases the surface area in a similar way
64 Chapter 2
(increasing the functional area by 1.7–11.8 operculate. Life cycle includes procercoid
in some cestodes investigated, compared and plerocercoid larvae.
with a 26 times increase for mouse Diphyllobothrium, Spirometra
microvilli). On the tip of each microtriche
Order Cyclophyllidea (MBRA)
there is a glycocalyx, composed of
Length variable, from 3 mm to 10 m.
mucopolysaccharide and glycoprotein
Holdfast typically with 4 large suckers.
acidic groups, which absorbs and incorpo-
Apical end often with row of hooks.
rates hexose sugars and amino acids, con-
Proglottides usually wider than long.
centrates inorganic and organic ions, binds
Genital apertures marginal. Vitellaria sin-
host amylase and carries out ‘contact diges-
gle, compact, postovarian. Gravid uterus
tion’ (Smyth and McManus, 1989).
without aperture and sometimes broken
In the great majority of infections the
into capsules. Eggs non-operculate. Larva
adult tapeworms that normally occur in
commonly a cysticercus (bladder-worm) in
humans do not cause any serious pathol-
a vertebrate, or a cysticercoid in an arthro-
ogy, although their presence can be
extremely unpleasant. Accidental adult
tapeworms contracted zoonotically are Family Taeniidae (MB)
encountered rarely, principally in children, Rostellum of scolex non-retractable and usu-
and are usually short-lived. However, ally with 2 circles of hammer-shaped hooks.
infection with larval tapeworms is poten- Testes numerous. Gravid proglottides longer
tially very serious and in some countries than broad. Gravid uterus has median stem
cysticercosis (caused by the metacestodes and lateral branches. Larva a cysticercus,
of Taenia solium) and echinococcosis are coenurus or hydatid in a vertebrate.
important public health problems (56 Taenia, Echinococcus
species of adult and larval cestodes are
Family Hymenolepididae (MB)
included as having occurred in humans).
Rostellum retractable, hooks thornlike.
Testes rarely more than 4. Gravid uterus a
transverse tube. Larva a cysticercoid in
insects (except H. nana).
KEY: Members are parasites of M = mammals,
B = birds, R = reptiles, A = amphibians, F = Family Dipylididae (M)
fish. Rostellum retractable, hooks typically
thorn-shaped. Genitalia single or double.
Testes usually numerous. Mature proglot-
CLASS CESTODA tides longer than wide. Gravid uterus a
No digestive system. Presence of calcare- transverse lobed sac or replaced by egg
ous corpuscles. Usually hermaphrodite. sacs. Larval stage a cysticercoid in insects.
Body typically divided into short proglot- Family Anoplocephalidae (MBR)
tides with anterior holdfast organ, often No rostellum. Testes numerous. Gravid
with suckers and hooks. Egg with 6 hooks. proglottides much wider than long. Gravid
There are many orders of no medical uterus often replaced by paruterine organs.
importance, which are not included (see Eggs often with characteristic membrane
Khalil et al., 1994). drawn out into a pair of cross-tapered
processes (pyriform apparatus). Larva a
Order Pseudophyllidea (MBRAF)
cysticercoid in oribatid mites.
Length very variable but may be up to
Bertiella, Inermicapsifer
30 m. Holdfast typically with dorsal and
ventral sucking grooves. Genital apertures Family Davaineidae (MB)
usually on ventral surface. Testes and vitel- Rostellum retractable, hooks T-shaped.
laria scattered and follicular. Eggs usually Suckers often spinose. Gravid uterus
The Cestodes 65
replaced by egg pouches. Larva a cysticer- Volga Rivers), Poland and Ukraine, with
coid in insects. sporadic cases in Italy/Switzerland (Lake
Raillietina Maggiore) and Slovakia (Danube basin); in
Asia, in Japan, north-eastern Russia (Amur
Family Mesocestoididae (MB)
River basin) and with a few cases in China,
No rostellum. Mature proglottides wider
India (one case) and Korea; in the
than long, genital apertures median.
Americas, in the Great Lakes regions of
Posterior paruterine organ. First larval
Canada and the USA, Argentina and Chile
stage probably in oribatid mites, second
(Valdiva River basin).
tetrathyridium in vertebrates.
The adult worm or worms inhabit the
Order Pseudophyllidea lumen of the small intestine with the
scolex embedded in the mucosa.
Diphyllobothrium latum
(Linnaeus, 1758) Lühe, 1910 MORPHOLOGY
Diphyllobothrium is the longest tapeworm
SYNONYMS infecting humans. It measures 3–10 m in
Taenia lata Linnaeus, 1758; Dibothrio- length and may have 4000 proglottides.
cephalus latus Lühe, 1899; Bothrio- Each proglottid measures 2–7 mm
cephalus latus Bremser, 1918. 10–12 mm, and contains both male and
female reproductive organs (Fig. 26).
DISEASE, POPULAR AND LOCAL NAMES Diphyllobothrium differs from all other
Diphyllobothriasis or diphyllobothriosis; human tapeworms in having a uterine pore
broad fish tapeworm infection; Lapamato through which eggs are discharged (this is
(Finnish), Breda binnikemaskens (Swedish). typical of the order Pseudophyllidea and
similar to the situation in trematodes). This
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION pore and the cirrus and vagina open on the
It is estimated that there are about 20 mil- ventral surface, not at the lateral margin as
lion cases worldwide. In Europe it is found in the Cyclophyllidea. The scolex measures
principally in countries with many lakes, 1–2 mm and has no suckers but attaches to
such as Finland, Estonia, Russia (Don and the mucosa by two sucking grooves (Fig. 27).
testes genital pore
uterus vagina
vas deferens
1 mm
ovary vitelline duct
Fig. 26. Mature proglottid of Diphyllobothrium latum. The vitellaria are shown principally on the right-
hand side, the testes on the left. Note genital uterine pore, through which eggs emerge.
66 Chapter 2
small intestine
mature in 3–5
EGGS (55–80m
x 40–60m)
in faeces
Fish ingested
by human
EGGS develop
in 2 to many
weeks in water
larva lives for
Copepod ingested by 1–2 days
in muscles infective
in 4 weeks Ingested by copepod:
develops in 2–3 weeks
Fig. 28. Cartoon illustrating the life cycle of Diphyllobothrium latum (after Tiedoksianto Information,
1971, 12, 3–9).
The Cestodes 67
Fig. 29. Larval stages of D. latum. (a) Free-living coracidium. (b) Procercoid from copepod.
(c) Plerocercoid from fish.
If the copepod is ingested by a plankton- life of the fish. The small copepods (about
eating freshwater fish, the procercoid larva 1 mm long) are often ingested by small fish
penetrates the intestinal wall in about 4 h and, when these are eaten by a larger fish,
and develops into a plerocercoid larva in such as pike, perch, burbot or salmon, the
the connective tissues and muscles. The released plerocercoids can penetrate the
plerocercoid is an elongate wormlike larva intestinal wall and remain viable. In this
with an inverted scolex and takes about 4 way the larval parasites become concen-
weeks to become infective (Fig. 29c). The trated in the larger carnivorous food fishes,
larvae eventually become encysted but which act as paratenic hosts (e.g. the pike).
usually remain infective throughout the Human infection occurs when fish are eaten
68 Chapter 2
raw or semi-cooked. The released larva up the gut, in the jejunum and nearer to the
attaches to the intestinal wall by the everted stomach; (ii) because of a reduction in
scolex and develops proglottides. Diphyllo- intrinsic factor resulting from damage to
bothrium reaches maturity in 3–5 weeks and the gastric mucosa; (iii) principally because
can live for up to 25 years in humans. of a low dietary intake of B12 (supported by
Usually only a single worm is present. After the finding that pernicious anaemia has
voiding eggs, a chain of the oldest proglot- decreased greatly since the diet has
tides breaks off and is often passed out in the improved); (iv) because of human genetic
faeces (pseudoapolysis). A small form of D. factors. There can be up to 25%
latum, measuring about 60 cm 2.3 mm, eosinophilia in early infections.
has been reported from Japan. Occasional cases of multiple infection
have been known to cause obstruction of
Often none. In a proportion of cases there
is abdominal pain, loss of weight, anorexia DIAGNOSIS
and vomiting. Sometimes the worm This is by discovery of the characteristic
becomes lodged in the jejunum, where it eggs in the faeces but they need to be dif-
causes acute pain and vomiting of seg- ferentiated from similar trematode eggs,
ments. such as those of Paragonimus (Fig. 123).
The most important pathological effect Sometimes a chain of proglottides is
of diphyllobothriasis is anaemia, which passed in the faeces at intervals and these
occurs only in Finland and is of the perni- can be recognized by the characteristic
cious megablastic (macrocytic) type. It shape of the uterus (Fig. 30), but there is no
used to occur in about 20% of cases but is regular expulsion of gravid proglottides, as
not so common since diet has improved. with taeniid tapeworms.
The cause appears to be a competitive
uptake of vitamin B12 by the worm, rather TREATMENT
than any substance released by it interfer- Praziquantel is the drug of choice at a sin-
ing with Castle’s intrinsic factor (von gle oral dose of 15–30 mg kg1, but it is
Bonsdorff, 1977). Diphyllobothrium has a important to make sure that the scolex has
vitamin B12 content 50 times that of Taenia been expelled .
saginata and absorbs 80–100% of radio- Niclosamide (2,2-dichloro-5,4-nitro-
active B12 added to the diet of symptomless salicylanilide) at 1 g first thing in the morn-
carriers. The North American strain of ing and then 1 g 1 h later (scolex is
Diphyllobothrium takes up only 6–7%, destroyed) and bithionol (50–60 mg kg1,
however, and anaemia is very rare. repeated a day or so later if no scolex is
Anaemia in Finland possibly occurs: (i) recovered) have been used for many
because the strain of worm is found higher years.
0.5 mm
Fig. 30. Chain of proglottides as sometimes passed in the faeces. The characteristic branched uterus
can be recognized by the tanned eggs.
The Cestodes 69
Fig. 31. Cyclops with procercoids of Spirometra sp. in the haemocoel. Calcareous bodies can be seen
in the bodies of the parasites.
The Cestodes 71
Spargana wander in the deep tissues of adult or larval worms which works
and usually migrate to the subcutaneous well.
tissues, where they eventually encyst, ‘Sparganum proliferum’ is a rare form,
resulting in a fibrous nodule about 2 cm in of unknown relationship, in which the
diameter. Surgical excision of the nodule is plerocercoids become disorganized and
usually possible, and the enclosed larva, proliferate in the tissues by lateral budding
which has a scolex similar to that of (DNA analysis shows that they are of the
Diphyllobothrium but with a tail many cen- genus Spirometra but of unknown species).
timetres in length, is sometimes mistaken In human cases found at autopsy many
for a guinea worm in Africa. The most seri- thousands of larvae have been present in
ous effects are caused by larvae in the the viscera as well as in the subcutaneous
brain, which can cause repeated seizures tissues. It is possible that virus infection of
(in 84% of patients), hemiparesis (59%) a normal sparganum may be responsible.
and headache (56%) with convulsions, and Three fairly recent similar cases, probably
can be diagnosed by computer-assisted of proliferating spargana, have been
tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance described, one in an abdominal mass from
imaging (MRI) scans (Chang et al., 1992). an Amerindian in Paraguay (Beaver and
The lesions need to be removed surgically; Rolon, 1981) and two others from the lungs
high dosages of praziquantel have not of a man and the spinal cord of a woman in
always been successful. Very rarely, larvae Taiwan (Lo et al., 1987).
may enter the eye and cause endoph-
thalmitis, leading to blindness (Sen et al.,
1989) and larvae may also enter various
visceral organs. Sparganosis can be diag- Order Cyclophyllidea
nosed by a chemiluminescence ELISA.
Many species of Spirometra have been The majority of tapeworms of medical and
described from various areas of the world, veterinary importance belong to this order.
but most are morphologically variable and
the species position is very confused.
Parasites from Asia or Europe are usually Family Taeniidae
termed S. mansoni (Cobbold, 1882), S.
houghtoni (Kellogg, 1927) or S. erinacei (= This group of taeniid tapeworms includes
S. erinaceieuropei) (Rudolphi, 1819), with the most important cestode parasites of
plerocercoids in frogs and snakes and humans. The adults of two species, Taenia
adults occurring naturally in carnivores, saginata and T. solium, are only found in
including cats and dogs (16% in Thailand), humans but are usually of minor medical
those from Africa S. theileri (Baer, 1925), importance. The larval stages are always in
with plerocercoids in wild herbivores and mammals and consist of a fluid-filled cyst,
adults in large carnivores, and worms from which may contain a single or many proto-
the Americas S. mansonoides (Mueller, scolices, each of which is capable of devel-
1935), with plerocercoids in frogs and oping into an adult tapeworm in a
snakes and adults in wild carnivores and definitive host (Fig. 32). Human infection
cats and dogs (the adults of this species can with larval cestodes can be a very serious
be differentiated morphologically from all medical problem indeed.
the others and produce a growth hormone-
like cysteine proteinase that causes weight
Taenia saginata
gain in experimentally infected mice).
Goeze, 1782
The presence of spargana is becoming
more commonly identified with an increas- SYNONYMS
ing concern about strange growths, and Taeniarhynchus saginatus Weinland, 1848;
there is an ELISA using crude antigens Taenia africana Linstow, 1900; T. confusa
72 Chapter 2
Fig. 32. The various types of taeniid larvae. They contain one or many protoscolices.
DISEASE AND POPULAR NAME Female organs. The ovary is in the post-
Taeniasis or taeniosis saginata; beef tape- erior part of the proglottid and has two
worm infection. large lobes. The follicular vitellaria (which
produce the eggshell and nutrient yolk
LOCAL NAMES cells) lie in a band behind the ovaries. The
Dooda shareatia or dedan (Arabic), Than uterus extends forwards as a tube, slightly
kaung (Burmese), San-chik (Cantonese), dilated anteriorly. In contrast to the uterus
Sanadu mushi (Japanese), Miliny (Luo), of Diphyllobothrium, it has no opening to
Tegu (Swahili), Nada puchi (Tamil), Pa- the exterior. Gravid proglottides contain a
yard tua tued (Thai), Sonsono (Twi), Arán characteristic taeniid type of uterus filled
inú (Yoruba). with eggs (Figs 33 and 34).
0.5 mm
1 2 7
T. solium
T. saginata
1 mm
opening ovary
cirrus vagina
Mehlis’ gland
Either species
T. solium T. saginata
Fig. 33. Comparative morphological features of Taenia solium and Taenia saginata.
1 and 2. Scolices (6 and 7 are the scolices of Hymenolepis nana and H. diminuta at the same scale).
3. Mature proglottid of either species. 4 and 5. Gravid proglottides showing the typical numbers of
branches of the uterus in each species.
74 Chapter 2
Fig. 34. Section of proglottides of T. saginata in the appendix. The uterus contains eggs.
may pass out through the anus and for fur- umbilical pain, nausea, weakness, loss of
ther development need to be ingested by weight, alteration of appetite, and head-
cattle, when the contained oncosphere larva ache. These symptoms and signs are possi-
hatches in the duodenum. The oncospheres bly caused by toxic products produced by
penetrate through the intestinal wall with the worms or are allergic reactions, and are
the aid of the six hooklets and enter the characteristically alleviated by taking
venous capillaries (or the mesenteric lym- food.
phatics) in about 30 min. The embryos are Occasionally, generalized allergic mani-
carried by the circulation until they reach festations, such as urticaria with pruritus
the voluntary muscles, where they lose the ani or widespread pruritus, result. The
hooks and develop into an infective cys- presence of a lump in the throat is a not
ticercus larva in 10–12 weeks, or sometimes uncommon symptom, reported particularly
longer. The fully formed cysticercus is by middle-aged women in Poland. Perhaps
ovoid and white in colour and measures unsurprisingly, symptoms often increase in
about 8 mm 5 mm (it is known to veteri- frequency and severity once patients are
narians as a ‘cysticercus bovis’). The invagi- aware they have a tapeworm. Occasionally
nated protoscolex has four suckers but no a worm causes obstruction due to bolus
hooks. The outer wall of the fluid-filled impaction in the intestine and it has been
bladder has microvilli, possibly serving a known for proglottides to be vomited and
trophoblastic function. then aspirated.
Humans become infected from eating A moderate eosinophilia occurs in
raw or undercooked beef. The protoscolex 5–45% of patients.
of the cysticercus evaginates in the duode-
num, attaches to the wall of the ileum and PATHOGENESIS
begins to form proglottides. Little pathology can be directly attributed
to the physical action of the scolex on the
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS mucosa, although inflammation of the
Often the first and only sign of infection is mucosa of the ileum sometimes occurs.
the presence of active proglottides in the Over 100 cases of intestinal obstruction,
faeces, perhaps preceded by the feeling of perforation or appendicitis have been
them ‘crawling’ out through the anus. reported. In a recent case in Reunion
As the tapeworm matures, 6–8 weeks island, intestinal perforation led to death
after infection, there may be epigastric or from septic shock.
The Cestodes 75
anus and may contaminate pastures when an inspection is the most important public-
infected person walks over them. In devel- health measure possible. The most heavily
oped countries transmission is primarily due infected muscles for inspection may vary
to inadequate treatment of sewage. Eggs are from region to region but usually include
very resistant and can survive the activated the heart, masseters, shoulder muscle and
sludge process; thorough drying or sand fil- tongue, and also the liver of cattle or pigs
tration is necessary to remove them. In some in Asia. The cysts can be easily recognized
parts of the world improperly treated efflu- in ‘measly beef’ (or pork) about 6 weeks
ent finds its way back to the fields. after infection.
The role of birds, particularly seagulls, in Infection rates have been reduced some-
the dissemination of T. saginata eggs from what in recent years in eastern Europe and
sewage beds to fields has not been clearly East Africa by sanitation measures, and
established but they have been implicated mass diagnosis and treatment campaigns
in Denmark and England. Flies have also have been tried in Russia.
been implicated in Russia and in one survey
4.8% of all flies, particularly sarcophagid ZOONOTIC ASPECTS
flies, were found to be infected. In the strict sense this is an obligatory
Cysts in calves survive for longer (for up cyclo-zoonotic infection, the life cycle nec-
to 2 years) than those in mature cattle essarily involving both cattle (or pig) and
(maybe as little as 3 weeks). Cysticerci in humans (sometimes termed a euzoonosis
cattle are economically very important and or an anthropozoonosis). However, there is
are estimated to cost $1000 million annu- no animal reservoir host of the adult tape-
ally in Africa. In addition to cattle, cys- worms, which occur only in humans.
ticerci occur in buffalo and have been
reported from reindeer in Siberia, from
Taenia solium
wild game animals in Africa and from pigs
Linnaeus, 1758
in Asia and Africa (but see below).
Taenia saginata asiatica Fan, Lin, Chen SYNONYM
and Chung, 1995, is a recently named sub- Taenia cucurbitina Pallas, 1766.
species, in which cysticerci are found in the
liver and mesenteries of pigs and wild boars, DISEASE AND POPULAR NAME
as well as in cattle (and goats and monkeys), Taeniasis or taeniosis solium; pork tape-
in Burma (Myanmar), China, Indonesia worm infection.
(western islands), Korea (Cheju Island) and
Taiwan (Ito, 1992); a similar form has been LOCAL NAMES
reported from areas of Africa. The cysticer- As for T. saginata.
cus has a sunken rostellum with two rows of
rudimentary hooks and there are many GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION
branches to the uterus in gravid proglottides Taenia solium infection has a cosmopolitan
(Fan et al., 1995). It has been estimated to distribution in countries where pork is eaten
cause an annual economic loss of $34 mil- raw or undercooked. It is most common in
lion in Indonesia, Korea and Taiwan (Fan, Africa, Central and South America (particu-
1997). Cysticercosis can also occur in larly Mexico and Chile) and China.
humans, as with T. solium. In Taiwan, cysts Prevalences fell greatly in eastern European
of T. s. saginata, as well as T. s. asiatica, can countries but with less efficient control are
develop in pigs as well as in cattle. beginning to rise again.
78 Chapter 2
The eggs are roughly spherical and measure
47–77 µm in diameter (Fig. 123). They have
an outer vitelline layer, which is often lost,
and then a thick brown embryophore made
up of keratin blocks, giving it a striated
appearance (the true outer eggshell is lost).
Inside there is an embryo, termed an oncos-
phere or hexacanth, which has six hooklets.
The eggs are morphologically identical to
those of T. saginata.
Eggs may burst free from the proglottid,
whether in the gut or on the ground, and
can survive on soil for weeks. Often, how-
ever, the pig, which acts as the intermediate
host, ingests the gravid proglottid in human
faeces. The cement substance between the
embryophore blocks is dissolved by the gas-
Fig. 35. Stereoscan photograph of the scolex of tric secretions and the oncosphere hatches
T. solium. in the duodenum. It penetrates through the
intestinal wall with the aid of the hooklets
and enters the venous capillaries (or the
mesenteric lymph vessels) in about 30 min.
Taenia solium is a long tapeworm, 2–3 m
The embryos are carried by the circulation
in length and having up to 4000 proglot-
until they reach the voluntary muscles,
tides (usually around 1000). The scolex
where they lose the embryonic hooks and
measures 1 mm in diameter with four large
develop into cysticerci (known to veterinar-
suckers and a conspicuous rostellum with
ians as ‘cysticerci cellulosae’) or bladder-
two rows of alternating large and small worms in 60–75 days. Cysts in pigs are
hooks. There are 25–30 of these hooks, the commonly found in the heart muscle (in
large hooks measuring about 170 µm in 80% of infected animals), masseters (50%),
length and the short ones about 130 µm diaphragm (50%) and tongue (40%).
(Fig. 35). The shape of the hooks is charac- Cysticerci may also be found in the liver,
teristic of the family Taeniidae. The neck kidneys, brain and eyes. The fully formed
region is thin and measures 5–10 mm. cysticerci are ovoid and white in colour
The mature proglottides are roughly and measure about 8 mm 5 mm. They are
square (12 mm 10 mm) (Fig. 33) and are thus easily visible to the naked eye as white
superficially identical to those of T. sagi- dots and give rise to the condition known
nata. The gravid proglottides are about as ‘measly’ pork. Each cyst consists of a
12 mm long by 6 mm wide. Eight to ten are fluid-filled bladder with a minute proto-
usually passed in the faeces each day, often scolex invaginated into the lumen; the
in a short chain. The uterus ends blindly, protoscolex has four suckers and two rows
as in all cyclophyllidean tapeworms, and of hooks (Fig. 36a,b).
when it becomes filled with eggs (up to Humans can become infected with cys-
90,000) it has branched lateral extensions. ticerci from ingestion of eggs (or possibly
There are 7–13 main branches and this is occasionally by retroinfection of gravid
the feature used to differentiate the gravid proglottides), similarly to pigs; this is dis-
proglottides in faeces from those of T. sagi- cussed on p. 81.
The Cestodes 79
Fig. 36. The invaginated protoscolex of a cysticercus of T. solium. That of T. saginata is identical apart
from the absence of hooks. (a) In section. (b) In solid view, arrow indicates beginning of evagination. (c)
Whole cysticercus after invagination in stomach of new host.
Human infection with the adult tape- perforate the wall of the intestine, very
worms occurs through eating raw or inade- rarely causing death.
quately cooked pork. The protoscolex There is often an eosinophilia of
invaginates in the duodenum (Fig. 36b, c), 10–13%.
and attaches to the mucosa of the small intes- Far more serious than the presence of an
tine, and the worm matures in 5–12 weeks. adult tapeworm of T. solium is human
infection with cysticerci.
Usually the presence of an adult tapeworm DIAGNOSIS
causes no distinct clinical symptoms or As for T. saginata. An immunoblot assay
signs. Sometimes vague abdominal pain, utilizing ES antigens is specific to adult T.
with diarrhoea or constipation, is found. solium infections (Williams et al., 1999),
Excessive appetite is also occasionally not reacting to T. saginata or to cases of
reported, with loss of weight and weak- cysticercosis. There are also specific anti-
ness. Symptoms may be psychological in body-based dot ELISAs for diagnosis of
origin or perhaps due to toxic waste prod- cysticercus antigens.
ucts produced by the worm.
There is usually slight traumatic damage TREATMENT
to the mucosa at the site of attachment of The theoretical risk with T. solium infec-
the scolex, although it has been known to tion that regurgitation of proglottides
80 Chapter 2
Fig. 37. Section of cysticercus in human muscle. Arrow points to the hooks.
Treatment with praziquantel at 50 mg kg1
daily for 10–15 days has some effect while
the cysts are still alive (treatment at double
this dose for 21 days has been used in non-
responding cases). Albendazole at 15 mg
kg1 daily for 30 days and flubendazole at
40 mg kg1 daily for 10 days have also been
used, with variable results..
Neurocysticercosis may need to be
treated with anti-inflammatory agents and
It has been estimated that in Latin America,
where about 75 million people live in
endemic areas there are 0.4 million sympto-
Fig. 38. Radiograph of the thigh region of a young
matic cases, with 24,000–39,000 cases in
adult with numerous calcified cysticerci (these can
be visualized while still living by CT or ultrasono- Peru in highland and high jungle areas
graphy (US) scans). (Bern et al., 1999); in a survey of soldiers in
Mexico City, 14.7% were infected (they
often ate pork from street vendors).
Serological. There have been numerous
recent studies and an ELISA using Taenia crassiceps (Zeder, 1800) Rudolphi,
recombinant antigens was found to be both 1810, is a tapeworm of dogs and wild car-
The Cestodes 83
nivores with cysticerci in various rodents, lymph) and normally develops only in the
and human cases have been reported from brain or spinal cord. Once lodged, the
Canada and the USA. The cysticercus (‘cys- embryo grows into a bladder-worm stage,
ticercus longicollis’) in the intermediate known as a coenurus. This differs from a
host is unusual, as it multiplies by a cysticercus in measuring about 3 mm in cir-
process of asexual budding and produces cumference and in having as many as 100
many hundreds of new cysticerci. In a protoscolices invaginated from the wall into
recent patient who also had AIDS, there the central cavity. Each protoscolex mea-
was a painful spreading tumour in the sub- sures 3 mm in length and has 26–36 hook-
cutaneous tissues containing a tapioca-like lets in two rows.
material with numerous cysticercus-like The normal intermediate hosts are
small vesicles and with a marked granulo- sheep and goats, in which the coenurus in
matous reaction (Francois et al., 1998). the brain is known as a ‘gid worm’, produc-
Small tapeworm cysts (up to 1 mm) were ing the ‘staggers’, but development may
recovered post-mortem from all the deep also occur in cattle, horses and other rumi-
organs of a man in the USA who died with nants, as well as humans.
Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Connor et al., 1976).
These might be multipying metacestodes of CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND PATHOGENESIS
an animal taeniid, such as T. crassiceps, or In the majority of human cases from tem-
aberrant cysticercoids of Hymenolepis perate countries, including Australia,
nana, which behave similarly in immuno- France, Great Britain, Russia, South Africa
suppressed mice (Lucas et al., 1979). and the USA (six cases), the coenurus has
been in the brain. However, in many cases
from tropical Africa; in Ghana, Nigeria,
Taenia multiceps
Senegal and Uganda, a cyst often presents
Leske, 1780
as a subcutaneous or intramuscular nodule,
SYNONYMS diagnosed as a lipoma, ganglion or neurofi-
Multiceps multiceps (Leske, 1789) Hall, broma (Fig. 39). A papillary oedema with
1910; Coenurus cerebralis (Batsch, 1780) punctiform haemorrhages occurs about a
Rudolphi, 1808 (larvae); Multiceps gaigeri month before the onset of clinical signs.
Hall, 1916 (larvae in goats). Symptoms include headache and vomiting.
In many human cases (over 50%) cysts are
DISEASE sterile, without the presence of protoscol-
Coenurus infection; cerebral coenuriasis or ices, which makes diagnosis difficult.
coenuriosis; multicepsosis (adults in carni- There is no clinical way of differentiating
vores). infection with this parasite from cases of
cysticercosis or echinococcosis (apart from
MORPHOLOGY AND LIFE CYCLE imaging techniques).
The adult taeniid tapeworm is a natural par- A fatal cerebral case in a Nigerian
asite of dogs and wild Canidae. The strobila resulted in intermittent seizures, dizziness,
measures 40–60 cm and the scolex has a ros- headaches and blindness. At autopsy
tellum with two rows of hooks (large hooks numerous cysts measuring 0.5–2.0 cm were
measuring 150–170 µm, small ones 90–130 found in both cerebral hemispheres
µm) of typical taeniid shape. The gravid (Malomo et al., 1990).
proglottid has 18–26 small branches to the Treatment has been with praziquantel
uterus and is passed in the dog’s faeces. The but concern has been expressed that it
eggs are identical to those of Echinococcus might cause inflammation.
in dogs or human Taenia and measure 31–36 In Uganda, cases in the eye may be due
µm in diameter; when ingested by a suitable to Taenia brauni (Setti, 1897), with dogs
intermediate host, the oncosphere is liber- and wild carnivores as normal definitive
ated and bores through the wall of the intes- hosts and rodents as intermediate hosts
tine. It is then carried by the blood (or (Fig. 40).
84 Chapter 2
0.5 mm
Fig. 39. Section of a portion of a coenurus cyst removed from the neck of a child.
Fig. 40. Sagittal section through an eye with a coenurus in the vitreous chamber from Uganda (possibly
of Taenia brauni).
Taenia serialis (Gervais, 1847) is a tape- from the USA, usually in nervous tissue
worm of the dog and other carnivores with and sometimes with extensive involvement
coenuri in herbivorous mammals (rabbits (Ing et al., 1998). One case was treated with
and hares) and primates in Africa (Senegal, praziquantel but this caused marked
South Africa and Uganda), the Americas inflammation. Intramuscular cysts in a man
(Brazil and the USA) and Europe (France in Nigeria were ascribed to Taenia glomer-
and the UK). Six cases have been reported atus Railliet and Henry, 1915.
The Cestodes 85
Table 4. Estimates of percentage prevalence of hydatid cysts in humans and domestic animals and of
adult Echinococcus granulosus in dogs in various countries.
Hydatid cysts (%)
Country Humans Sheep and cattle Adults in dogs
La Pampa 0.03
Chaco 0.019 2.3
Australia 170 cases in 10.2
3 years 48–93 (wild)
Azerbaijan 0.0014 20 15
Bulgaria 0.003–0.006 32 7
Chile 0.009 5–22 8
Xinjiang 0.044 10–89 10–40
6.8–18.2 locally
Gansu 12 locally 2 (4 in yaks) 7–27
Ningxa 56
Quinghai 7.6 locally 22–80 11–47
Bavaria 0.0011
India 60
Iraq 10 20–56
Iran 3 2–7 3–63
Israel 0.01 8
North 0.002
Sardinia 0.017 50
Jordan 0.0029 9.4
Kazakhstan 0.0044
0.015 locally
Kenya 10–16 5–30 10–72
Kuwait 0.0036
Libya 0.0017–2 16 (48 in camels) 30
Morocco 5–45 33
Kathmandu 1.8–5.7
Peru 0.009 8–46
Southern Sudan 0.5–3.5
Switzerland 0.0004
Maasailand 0.011 30
Tunisia 0.057–3.5
Turkey 3 (Izmir) 50 8–29
Florida 0.0056 60 13.2
Mid-Wales 0.0023 13 9.2
germinal layer, 10–25 µm thick, with many develop into invaginated protoscolices with
nuclei (Fig. 42). The germinal layer forms four suckers and a double row of hooks.
small masses, which give rise to the brood Many small brood capsules and freed proto-
capsules. These enlarge and 5–20 small scolices are released into the fluid of the
buds, about 0.1 mm in diameter, appear on original cyst and, together with calcareous
the inner surface of their walls. They bodies, form the ‘hydatid sand’ (Fig. 43). In
The Cestodes 87
0.5 mm
proglottid ovary
eggs in
addition to the sand grain-like proto- The cysts are ingested in offal by dogs and
scolices, there may be many large, thin- the adult worms become mature in the intes-
walled, daughter cysts inside the outer tine of the carnivore in 6–7 weeks. There
hydatid cyst. The host tissues, especially in may be many thousands of worms in wild
the liver, form an adventitious fibrous wall carnivores in tropical Africa and Australia
around the cyst. Fertile cysts may vary in but usually only a few hundred in domestic
size from 10 to 300 mm. The cyst cavity is dogs (Macpherson and Craig, 2000).
filled with a bacteriologically sterile fluid,
which is clear or slightly yellowish, with a CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
specific gravity less than 1.012. The fluid These depend very much on how many
contains salts (with a higher concentration hydatid cysts are present and where they
of sulphur than in other parasitic cysts) and are found. Cysts are usually single and in
enzymes, plus a little protein and toxic sub- about 50% of infected adults are in the
stances. right lobe of the liver towards its lower
88 Chapter 2
brood capsule
cuticular layer
outer fibrous
Fig. 42. Section of a portion of an early hydatid cyst of E. granulosus (the outer fibrous layer
consists of host tissues).
The Cestodes 89
50 m (b)
Fig. 43. Protoscolex of E. granulosus free inside a cyst (‘hydatid sand’). (a) Invaginated as in cyst.
(b) Evaginated in gut of a new definitive host (dog).
surface, while the lungs are involved in up and sometimes not for 20 years after expo-
to 40% of cases. In children cysts are some- sure (Fig. 44). In a proportion of cases (pos-
times diagnosed more often in the lungs sibly up to 60%; Eckert et al., 2000) the
than in the liver. presence of the hydatid never becomes
Symptoms and signs are those of slowly apparent during life and the cysts eventually
increasing pressure in the area of the cyst, calcify and are only diagnosed at autopsy.
resembling a slowly growing tumour. The If a cyst ruptures, allergic reactions,
incubation period is usually at least 5 years such as pruritus and an urticarial rash,
and, except for cysts in the brain or orbit, occur. If the patient has been previously
symptoms rarely appear before adolescence sensitized by slow leakage of antigenic
Fig. 44. Group of Turkana people waiting for an operation to remove hydatid cysts.
90 Chapter 2
The pathology caused by the presence of a
single unilocular cyst depends very much
on its site in the body.
In over 90% of liver cysts, the onco-
sphere is trapped in the central veins of the
hepatic lobules; only occasionally does it
lodge in the portal vein. The resultant cyst
may be deep or superficial and it causes
compression of the liver cells, which can
lead to biliary stasis and cholangitis. The Fig. 45. Bronchogram showing blockage of
cholangitis arises because of secondary bronchus caused by a cyst of E. granulosus.
infection, sometimes following the rupture
of a cyst into the biliary tract. Because of
compression, the cyst may take many
result, many small cysts form, which
shapes and often gives the mistaken
destroy the cancellous bone, long bones
impression of being multivesicular with
sometimes collapsing without warning.
many finger-like processes.
Renal cysts sometimes occur and, if they
Lung cysts are more spherical than
burst into the kidney pelvis, may become
those in the liver because of the spongy
secondarily infected, but these and pancre-
nature of the pulmonary tissues (Fig. 45).
atic cysts are usually silent. Splenic cysts
The cysts are always intracapsular and
are often palpable and cause pain and dis-
their rupture may result in protoscolices
comfort in the left upper quadrant.
being coughed up in the sputum.
Sometimes only hooks can be seen, which
can be recognized microscopically. The
presence of bile in the sputum is suggestive Clinical and parasitological. Symptoms of a
of a hepatic cyst that has ruptured through slow-growing tumour if accompanied by
the diaphragm. Haemoptysis (blood in the eosinophilia in a patient from an endemic
sputum) can result from rupture of the pul- area are suggestive of a hydatid.
monary capillaries. Occasionally, the hydatid ‘thrill’ can be
About 3% of hydatid cysts occur in the elicited by tapping an abdominal cyst.
brain or spinal cord. The cysts are usually Protoscolices or hooks may be found in the
small and cause symptoms earlier than in sputum following rupture of a pulmonary
other sites. Most brain cysts are in the cyst. Needle aspiration is not to be advo-
white matter and are surrounded by a thin cated because of the danger of producing
adventitious layer. secondary infection or anaphylactic shock,
Osseous cysts, which form 1–2% of the but sometimes protoscolices are found
total, grow very slowly and have no wall as unexpectedly on a subsequent stained
they do not elicit any host reaction. As a smear.
The Cestodes 91
Radiological. The cavity of a cyst usually ELISA kit is available (LMD Laboratories,
shows up as a characteristic shadow on X- Carlsbad, California). Immunoglobulin G4
ray, although cysts in the lungs cannot (IgG4) subclass antibodies appear to be most
always be differentiated from tumours important in serodiagnosis. E. granulosus
unless they become detached and float free. can be differentiated from E. multilocularis
The water-lily sign (sign of Camelotte) is infections by Western blotting using specific
caused by air filling the space between ecto- antigens and the test does not cross-react
cyst and pericyst, and the characteristically with any other parasitic infection or other
shaped air cyst containing debris shows up condition (Ito et al., 1999).
on X-ray. In the last few years many new and
more accurate non-invasive techniques have TREATMENT
been used. CT is widely used (Fig. 46) and
both CT and MRI can be used for diagnosing Surgery. This is still the most common
deep-seated cysts and also for estimating the form of treatment, particularly when the
size of cysts (this can be useful for evaluating cysts are large and in a site such as the
chemotherapy). Thin, ring-shaped or cres- brain or heart. Great care must be taken
centic calcifications surround the cysts in that the cyst wall does not burst, as
5–10-year-old infections. Completely calci- released living protoscolices can be carried
fied cysts are not likely to be pathogenic if to new sites by the bloodstream and form
causing no symptoms. Ultrasonography (US) new cysts (Plate 10). The cyst cavity can be
is another cheaper technique that can be sterilized with an injection of 0.5% silver
very helpful for diagnosis of liver cysts and a nitrate or 2% formalin. For further safety
portable apparatus can be employed in the an exposed portion of the cyst can be deep-
field, making it particularly useful for epi- frozen before removing the sterilized con-
demiological surveys in remote areas. tents. The laminated membrane of the
parasite usually separates readily from the
Immunodiagnosis. The indirect haemaggluti- fibrous host tissue reaction. No attempt
nation (HA) test with cyst fluid as antigen should be made to remove the adventitious
has been used for the last 25 years and gives fibrous layer in the liver, because of the
a sensitivity of about 80%. More recently, serious danger of bleeding. If the cyst is too
ELISA and dot ELISA techniques, using large for closure of the cavity to be possi-
hydatid cyst fluid (fraction B, containing an ble, marsupialization may be necessary.
antigen of 8 kDa) as antigen, give over 90% Pulmonary cysts are preferably removed
specificity and sensitivity and a commercial by enucleation of the intact cyst by making
Fig. 46. A computer-assisted tomography (CT) scan of the liver visualizing a large cyst of E. granulosus.
92 Chapter 2
an incision through the adventitia, aided Four species of Echinococcus are gen-
by increasing the intrapulmonary pressure erally recognized (E. granulosus, E. multi-
with an inflated cuff tube in the trachea. locularis, E. oligarthrus and E. vogeli) but
Cysts in the long bones are very difficult to the characteristics of E. granulosus differ
deal with and may call for amputation. greatly in various parts of the world and in
Removal of a cyst is followed by a recur- different intermediate hosts (Thompson
rence in up to 25% of cases, possibly and Lymberry, 1995; Thompson et al., 1995;
caused by release of protoscolices during Eckert and Thompson, 1996; Lymberry and
operation, but more probably by increase Thompson, 1996). These are usually desig-
in size of another small silent cyst when nated as strains, but with sequence data
the first is removed. Mortality is about 2% from mitochondrial and nuclear genes the
in primary operations but is much higher if molecular distances between some strains
another operation is required. can be greater than between the recognized
Percutaneous aspiration under US guid- species (Bowles et al., 1995).
ance, followed by irrigation with hyper- The principal strains are given below,
tonic (20%) saline, has been used for liver with suggested specific names in square
cysts causing obstructive jaundice and brackets (Rausch, 1995; Thompson et al.,
endoscopy for evacuating biliary cysts and 1995):
for irrigating the main liver cyst. Similar
guided percutaneous aspiration of liver 1. Dog/sheep (also goat and other herbi-
cysts in general, followed by injection of vores) strain, which is cosmopolitan and
95% sterile ethanol, puncture, aspiration, uniform (European biotype) [E. granulosus].
injection and reaspiration (PAIR) and then 2. Wolf/wild cervids (moose and reindeer)
a course of chemotherapy is proving to be strain in northern Alaska, Canada, Eurasia
an alternative to surgery. and Scandinavia (northern sylvatic bio-
type) [E. granulosus].
Chemotherapy. This is with albendazole or 3. Dog/cattle or buffalo strain is found in
mebendazole at high dosages over a long Asia, Europe and South Africa and is
period; the former is slightly more effective genetically very distinct from the others
as it is absorbed better. Albendazole is given [E. ortleppi].
at 10 mg kg1 daily and mebendazole at 50 4. Dog/horse strain is widely distributed
mg kg1 daily, both for at least 3 months. but does not appear to be infective to
Prognosis is uncertain but about one-third humans [E. equinus].
of patients appear to be cured and about 5. Dog/pig (and camel?) strain in North
two-thirds improved. Side-effects are com-
and East Africa and the Middle East, east-
mon while the drugs are in use, including
ern Europe, Russia and Mexico is also
possible liver toxicity. The drugs will prob-
probably not infective to humans [E. suis?].
ably be of use before and after surgery (to
6. Dingo/marsupial strain in Australia and
prevent the growth of new cysts).
wild carnivore/wild suid strain in Africa
Praziquantel is also being evaluated but its
are probably the same as dog/sheep strain
effectiveness has not been proved (Craig,
[E. granulosus].
1994); however, there is evidence that it has
a synergistic effect when used at 25 mg kg1
week1 for 7–14 days and then 40–50 mg PREVENTION AND CONTROL
kg1 once a week for 8 weeks together with Personal prevention is by taking hygienic
albendazole. measures to avoid eggs voided from dogs
being ingested, particularly by children.
EPIDEMIOLOGY Control measures should include the sani-
Although echinococcosis is not a common tary disposal of offal following slaughter of
disease in most endemic areas, its serious sheep, goats and cattle, both in small abat-
nature and the difficulty of cure make it an toirs and at home (often for religous festi-
important public health problem in many vals), and campaigns to treat dogs (Meslin
countries. et al., 2000). Dogs can be successfully
The Cestodes 93
treated with praziquantel (at 5 mg kg1) or cestodes. There have been many experi-
the older arecoline hydrobromide, mental studies on taeniid metacestodes in
although reinfection is common. Infections domestic animals, such as sheep, as well as
in dogs can be specifically diagnosed using in rodents, and detailed studies have been
an ELISA for detection of coproantigens made of hydatid disease and cysticercosis
(Craig et al., 1996). In sheep-rearing areas, in humans. Humans infected with these
the treatment of farm dogs is particularly parasites make strong antibody responses
important. In North African countries, and these can be used in diagnosis. The
there are often high infection rates in feral antigens of hydatid cysts and the cysticerci
dogs which feed on discarded offal, and of T. solium have been analysed in detail;
these might have to be killed. two (antigen 5 and antigen B) can be used
The disease has been eliminated from as diagnostic antigens for both conditions.
Iceland in the last 100 years by a combina- The immunological relationships between
tion of treatment of dogs and public health hydatid cysts and the host are complex.
measures, particularly by preventing offal There is evidence for antiparasite
from reaching dogs. There used to be very responses, and for specific and non-specific
high infection rates and pamphlets pointing immune suppression. Established cysts can
out the importance of control, first distrib- survive in hosts that are resistant to incom-
uted in 1863, provided welcome reading ing larvae (concomitant immunity) and evi-
matter in the long winter nights. Changes in dence from animal studies suggests that
animal husbandry, involving slaughtering of resistance operates against larvae at an
lambs rather than older sheep, so that cysts early stage, particularly invading oncos-
have no time to develop, also aided eradica- pheres and developing cystic stages. Fully
tion (the last case was diagnosed in 1960). developed cysts are surrounded by thick
The disease was eradicated in New Zealand protective layers and possess a variety of
50 years ago by similar measures, including defensive mechanisms that reduce the
compulsory dosing strips, followed by effectiveness of host responses (e.g. inacti-
infection checks for dogs, and a successful vation of complement).
campaign was carried out in Tasmania. Recombinant vaccines have been devel-
Infection has returned (or was not com- oped that provide protection against the
pletely eliminated) in Cyprus, which is now cysts of Taenia ovis in sheep, T. solium in
in the consolidation phase, and there are pigs and E. granulosus in sheep. The anti-
control campaigns under way in regions of gen Eg95, a specific protein on the onco-
Argentina and Chile, the Falkland Islands, sphere coat of E. granulosus has been
northern Kenya, Extramadura (Spain) and expressed as a fusion protein with soluble
western Australia. However, prevalences are glutathione-S-transferase (GST) from a
rising in most countries of eastern Europe, schistosome. Purified and injected into
as controls have been relaxed. sheep, this fusion protein gave 98% protec-
tion against subsequent egg infection for at
IMMUNOLOGY OF TAPEWORM INFECTIONS AND least 12 months in field trials in Argentina
POSSIBILITIES FOR VACCINES and Australia. The vaccine, which is stable
There is little or or no evidence for immu- for over 1 year, protects against the estab-
nity in humans against adult tapeworms lishment of cysts in sheeps; human trials are
and reinfection occurs readily. Infected also envisaged. A similar vaccine against
humans do make immune responses, how- the larvae of T. ovis, which is of veterinary
ever, and antibodies can be demonstrated importance with a cycle involving dogs and
in serum. Immunity can be demonstrated sheep, is already commercially available,
against intestinal tapeworms in rodents, with 98% protection against natural infec-
but the underlying mechanisms are still tions in pastures, and is also likely to have
not clear. Much more is known about future relevance for human tapeworm infec-
immunity and immune responses to larval tions (Lightowers et al., 2000).
94 Chapter 2
Fig. 47. Section of alveolar cyst of E. multilocularis from a liver of vole. The wall is thin and protoscolices
are embedded in a semi-solid matrix (cysts in humans are almost always sterile without protoscolices).
The Cestodes
Map 6. Distribution of Echinococcus multilocularis.
96 Chapter 2
dangerous helminth infection of humans. cysts may be present in the lymph glands,
There are no symptoms due to pressure lungs and brain – almost always fatal.
effects, because of the absence of a thick- In patients susceptible to disease, there
walled hydatid cyst surrounded by a is a specific lymphoproliferative host
fibrous host reaction, although there is an response to cyst antigens containing pre-
outer laminated cyst layer, which appears dominantly CD8+ cells and a T-helper
to protect the parasite from host immune (Th2) cell response develops slowly, with a
responses. still unknown functional potential of inter-
The parasite destroys the liver paren- leukin 5 (IL-5). In a proportion of cases the
chyma, bile-ducts and blood-vessels, result- symptomless cysts become calcified and
ing in symptoms of biliary obstruction and contain no living cells and there is a
portal hypertension; necrosis of the cyst, marked host response containing primarily
with abscess formation may also occur. CD4+ T cells in the periparasitic granuloma
Hepatomegaly is often the first sign of infec- (Gottstein and Felleisen, 1995).
tion. There may be wasting in the later stages
and the condition is often mistaken for a car- DIAGNOSIS
cinoma. The cysts often metastase via the As for E. granulosus. US can be helpful.
bloodstream to form new cysts, particularly Serological tests using antigen obtained
in the lungs and brain. Clinical symptoms from protoscolices (Em2 or Em18) are
may not appear for 10–15 years after infec- extremely specific. Early diagnosis is very
tion but in untreated cases there is 94% important in determining the success of
fatality within 10 years. There is an surgery.
eosinophilia of over 5% in 15–20% of
patients. TREATMENT
Surgical resection of the liver is very difficult
PATHOGENESIS and prognosis is rather poor; however, about
In humans the multilocular or alveolar cysts 90% of non-resectable patients die within 10
form pseudo-malignant growths with a years. Liver transplantation has been
spongy mass of proliferating vesicles attempted in patients with advanced infec-
embedded in a dense fibrous stroma, almost tions (mortality rate of 30%).
always in the liver. They differ from the Very long-term chemotherapy with
hydatid cyst by the thinness of the outer albendazole (10–15 mg kg1 day1) or
layer, by exogenous budding and usually by mebendazole (50 mg kg1 day1) inhibits
the absence of protoscolices. The germina- the growth of cysts and prevents the occur-
tive membranes are hyperplastic and folded rence of metastases. Patients have a better
on themselves and the vacuole is filled with quality of life and greater longevity,
a gelatinous matrix rather than with fluid. although disease may recur, as both these
The germinal layer is often absent in human drugs appear to be parasitostatic, not para-
infections, so that there are no protoscolices sitocidal. Albendazole is better absorbed
present in 85% of cases, and many cysts but can occasionally be hepatotoxic, while
atrophy and disappear. Calcified cysts may there should be breaks – say, every 28 days
be found in Inuit at autopsy, undiagnosed – with both drugs to prevent leucopenia
during life. The relatively slow growth and (Tornieporth and Disko, 1994).
few germinal cells indicate that humans are
not very suitable hosts. EPIDEMIOLOGY
In humans cysts cause necrosis of the Prevalence rates in various countries (per
surrounding liver tissue with an oblitera- 100,000 population) are: Alaska 7–98,
tive endarteritis. The outer zone consists of China (Gansu) 2200, Central Europe
an inflammatory response, with the pres- 0.02–1.4, Germany (Bavaria) 0.6, northern
ence of giant cells and jaundice, and ascites Siberia 170, northern Russia in general 10,
might result from portal hypertension. Switzerland 0.18. There can be high infec-
Cysts sometimes metastase and secondary tion rates with adult tapeworms in the red
The Cestodes 97
fox: Austria 3.6%, Czech Republic 10.6%, India, Panama, Surinam and Venezuela;
Germany 18.4%, Japan (Hokkaido) characteristic cysts have also been reported
52–67%, Poland 2.6%, Slovakia 10.7% from Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico,
and Switzerland 35%. Nicaragua and Uruguay (these might have
The life cycle of E. multilocularis, been due to E. vogeli but are outside the
involving wild carnivores and rodents, usu- host range of the bush dog, its natural
ally involves ecosystems separate from definitive host).
humans so that human infection is much Cysts in humans are usually in the liver
less likely than with E. granulosus. (80% of cases), with most of the remainder
However, the distribution appears to be in the lungs, although there have been two
spreading in Europe, Japan and North orbital infections. Clinically, cysts in the
America (Eckert et al., 2000). In Arctic liver have caused abdominal pain,
regions 50% of tundra voles (Microtus hepatosplenomegaly, marked weight loss
oeconomus) may be infected at some time and fever, with the presence of hard, round,
of the year and 100% of Arctic foxes may masses. Ascites and obstructive jaundice
have up to 200,000 adult tapeworms. Many can also occur. Portal hypertension is found
human infections are reported from fur in about 25% of cases and often results in
trappers, who ingest eggs when skinning death following biliary drainage or partial
wild canids. Eggs may also be ingested on hepatectomy. The cysts are of the hydatid
salad vegetables during Arctic summer, as type but form polylobed masses (polycystic
they can withstand very low temperatures echinococcosis (PE) spilling into the peri-
(240 days at 18°C: a temperature as low as toneal cavity (Plate 11); the rostellar hooks
70°C is necessary to be sure they are are larger than those of other species.
killed). In Alaska and areas of Russia over Treatment is with albendazole at 10 mg
50% of dogs are infected. kg1 daily for 2–8 months and has given
In woodland and agricultural areas of encouraging results in most cases. Side-
central Europe, human infection is thought effects stop when treatment is finished.
to be primarily from eating fruits, berries
and vegetables (wild strawberries, cran-
berries, fallen apples and lettuce) picked Echinococcus vogeli
off the ground and contaminated with Rausch and Bernstein, 1972
faeces from foxes or dogs. Adults of this species are found in the bush
dog (Spetheos venaticus), with cysts in the
PREVENTION AND CONTROL paca (Cuniculus paca), in South and
Thorough washing of fruit and vegetables Central America. Human cases have been
likely to become contaminated. Chemo- reported from Argentina, Brazil (Amazon),
therapy of dogs is possible, as for E. granu- Ecuador and Surinam. Infection is very
losus. rare in humans, partly because the bush
dog avoids human habitations, and may
Echinococcus oligarthrus result from dogs that have been fed on the
(Diesing, 1863) Lühe, 1910 viscera of pacas. The polycystic hydatid
cysts (causing PE) are similar to those of E.
This species is in many features intermedi- oligarthrus but the outer membrane is
ate between the other two (see Table 5). thicker and the rostellar hooks on the
Adults occur in the jaguarundi (Felis protoscolices are smaller and morphologi-
yagouaroundi) in Panama, the puma (Puma cally distinct. Clinical effects are similar
concolor) in Panama and Brazil and the also, with both exogenous budding of cysts
bobcat (Lynx rufus) in Mexico. The inter- into the peritoneal cavity which grow in
mediate hosts are agoutis (Dasyprocta other organs and also endogenous budding
aguti). It is an infection of tropical sylvatic with daughter cysts inside the main cyst.
areas and identified human cases have Treatment with albendazole at 10 mg kg1
been reported from Brazil (Minais Gerais), daily for up to 10 months has some effect.
98 Chapter 2
0.1 mm
H. nana H. diminuta
Fig. 48. Diagrams of the scolices of Hymenolepis nana and H. diminuta (see also Fig. 33).
The Cestodes 99
0.1 mm
0.3 mm
0.25 mm
1 mm
Fig. 49. Mature proglottides of H. nana (left) and H. diminuta (right). Note the different scales – the
proglottides of H. diminuta are comparatively much larger than shown.
dent when the eggs are preserved). The with abdominal pain, diarrhoea, irritabil-
enclosed oncosphere measures about 18 ity, loss of appetite, vomiting and dizzi-
µm in diameter and has the usual six hook- ness, presumably due to systemic toxaemia
lets. The egg is immediately infective. caused by the waste products or to allergic
When ingested by another person, the responses. Epileptoid fits have been
oncosphere is liberated in the small intes- reported from children. Necrosis of the
tine and penetrates a villus by means of the mucosa has been found in rats but has not
hooklets. It then loses the larval hooklets been demonstrated to occur in humans.
and becomes a tailless cysticercoid (some- An eosinophilia of up to 15% occurs in
times known as a cercocystis) in about 90 about 7% of infected individuals.
h. This stage re-enters the intestinal lumen
after 4 days and develops into a tapeworm DIAGNOSIS
with mature proglottides in 10–12 days This is by the identification of eggs in the
(Fig. 50). Eggs are passed in the faeces faeces (p. 254 and Fig. 123).
about 30 days after infection.
Autoinfection is possible, eggs and freed TREATMENT
oncospheres having been obtained by Praziquantel at a single dose of 15 mg kg1
intestinal aspiration from an infected child. has about 80% effectiveness; the presence
This accounts for reports of infections last- of cysticercoids in the tissues may necessi-
ing many years although, in children tate re-treatment.
removed from an endemic area, the adult Niclosamide can be given at 60–80 mg
tapeworms live for only a few months. kg1 for 5 days and perhaps repeated 10
days later.
In most cases no symptoms can be attrib- EPIDEMIOLOGY
uted to a light infection but the presence of H. nana is more common in children than in
more than 2000 worms results in enteritis, adults, particularly children from institutions
100 Chapter 2
0.3 mm
Fig. 50. Diagrammatic section of adult and cysticercoid of H. nana in a villus of the ileum. In heavy
iinfections the mucosal lining may become abraded.
logically and does not usually cause infec- (Fig. 49). The reproductive organs are simi-
tion in humans. The situation is further lar in structure to those of H. nana,
complicated because the human tapeworm although the three testes are more widely
can also develop in insects and these are separated.
subsequently infective when ingested, and The egg is slightly ovoid and has a thick
possibly rodents sometimes act as reservoir yellow outer shell and a thin colourless
hosts of the human strain without the pres- inner membrane (embryophore), with a
ence of an intermediate host. granular intermediate layer. There are no
polar filaments. The egg measures 60–80
µm in maximum diameter (Fig. 123).
Hymenolepis diminuta
(Rudolphi, 1819) Blanchard, 1891
For further development, the eggs passed
SYNONYMS in the faeces need to be ingested by an
Taenia diminuta Rudolphi, 1819; Taenia insect intermediate host. They can survive
flavopunctata Weinland, 1858; Taenia min- in the environment for about 1 week.
ima Grassi, 1886. The most important intermediate hosts
are flour beetles (Tribolium confusatum
DISEASE AND POPULAR NAME and Tenebrio molitor) and rat fleas
Hymenolepiasis or hymenolepiosis dimin- (Xenopsylla cheopis and Nosophyllus fas-
uta; the rat tapeworm. ciatus). When ingested, often on contami-
nated grain, the oncosphere larva inside
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION the egg develops into a tailed, solid, cysti-
This is a common and cosmopolitan para- cercoid larva in the body cavity of the
site of rats, mice and wild rodents in many insect. If the infected insect is ingested by a
parts of the world. It is an occasional para- rat (or a child), the liberated cysticercoids
site of humans, most cases being reported attach to the intestinal mucosa and the
from children. In a few countries infection worm matures in 18–20 days. There is not
in children is not uncommon (1.9% in the the invasive tissue phase characteristic of
New Guinea highlands; 1.3% in India H. nana.
(Uttar Pradesh); 0.4% in Morocco (Agadir); Infection in children appears to cause
0.05–0.1% in Turkey). no clinical symptoms apart from diarrhoea.
Some cases have been referred for neuro-
LOCATION IN HOST psychiatric problems but these may be
Adults are found in the upper three-quar- coincidental. Diagnosis is by finding the
ters of the ileum, with the scolex usually characteristic eggs in the faeces, and treat-
embedded in the mucosa. However, in rats ment is as for H. nana; repeated doses have
it has been shown that the tapeworm proved necessary in some cases. A single
moves backwards and forwards in the dose of 500 mg of niclosamide is an older
intestine and this may be generally true of treatment.
this and other tapeworms in humans. Although H. diminuta has little direct
medical importance, it is of great scientific
MORPHOLOGY interest as a laboratory model, and is being
In spite of its name this species is consider- used in many research studies on the phys-
ably larger than H. nana. The entire tape- iology, biochemistry and immunology of
worm measures 300–600 mm 4 mm and cestodes and for chemotherapeutic screen-
has 800–1000 proglottides. The scolex ing tests.
(0.2–0.4 mm in diameter) is spherical and Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (Bloch,
has four small suckers and a retractable 1782) Railliet, 1892, is a hymenolepid par-
rostellum; but no hooks (Fig. 48). asite of water-birds with cysticercoids in
The mature proglottides are broader copepods and with a single case in a boy in
than long and measure 0.75 mm 0.25 mm Germany.
102 Chapter 2
This is a very common and cosmopolitan
parasite of dogs and cats and is found Very occasional human tapeworms
sporadically in humans; a few hundred
cases having been reported, almost all in Bertiella studeri (Blanchard, 1891) Stiles
children. Recent reported cases in children and Hassall 1902 and B. mucronata
and infants have been from Austria, (Meyner, 1895) Stiles and Hassall, 1902
Bulgaria, Chile, China, India, Italy, Japan, (family Anoplocephalidae)
Russia, Sri Lanka and the USA. These are parasites of monkeys with cysti-
cercoids in oribatid mites. About 60 cases
of B. studeri in humans, mostly in children,
Dipylidium caninum is a short tapeworm
have been reported from Equatorial Guinea,
measuring 200–400 mm 2.5–3 mm and
India, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia,
has 60–175 proglottides. The scolex mea-
sures about 0.37 mm, has four prominent Mauritius, Nigeria, Philippines, Sri Lanka,
suckers, a retractable rostellum and 30–150 Thailand and Yemen and of B. mucronata
thorn-shaped hooks in 3–4 rows. Mature in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba and Paraguay
proglottides are longer than broad. The (Denegri and Perez-Serrano, 1997). A chain
genital organs are in two sets, one set each of thick, very broad proglottides passed in
side of the midline. The two common geni- the faeces usually provides the first evi-
tal pores open at the centre of both lateral dence of infection. A woman in Equatorial
margins. Guinea had suffered abdominal discomfort
The gravid proglottides are filled with for 6 years before proglottides were passed
eggs in egg capsules (Fig. 124), each con- and she was cured by 40 mg kg1 of prazi-
taining up to 20 eggs, proglottides are quantel (Galan-Puchades et al., 1997).
passed in the faeces. In shape, the proglot-
tides are an elongate oval, measuring
12 mm 2.7 mm, and are very active when Inermicapsifer madagascariensis
passed; frequently they are mistaken for (Davaine, 1870) Baer, 1956 (syn. I. cubensis)
trematodes when seen in the faeces of dogs (family Anoplocephalidae)
or children.
This is a small tapeworm (5 cm) of rodents
LIFE CYCLE and hyraxes with cysticercoids presumably
The egg capsules are liberated on the in mites. Human cases have occurred in
ground or stick to the anal hairs of dogs. Cuba, Comoros Islands, Congo, Kenya,
They cannot survive drying for more than Madagascar, South Africa, Venezuela,
1–2 days and live only 1–2 minutes in Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is not uncom-
water. The eggs are ingested by the larval mon in children around Havana, Cuba, and
stages of ectoparasitic insects, such as is probably more common in East Africa
Ctenocephalides canis or C. felis (the dog than reported.
and cat fleas) and develop in the body Mathevotaenia symmetrica (Baylis,
cavity into tailed cysticercoids in about 18 1927) Akhumian, 1946, is widely distrib-
days. uted in rodents in Thailand, with cysticer-
The Cestodes 103
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03Worms & H.D. - Chap 03 14/11/01 4:26 PM Page 106
The Acanthocephala
03Worms & H.D. - Chap 03 14/11/01 4:26 PM Page 107
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04Worms & H.D. - Chap 04 14/11/01 4:26 PM Page 108
The Nematomorpha
This phylum includes the gordiids or Numerous species have been implicated:
hair-worms, in which the adults are free- Gordius aquaticus, G. chilensis, G. ges-
living in water and the larvae are para- neri, G. inesae, G. ogatai, G. perronciti,
sitic in insects. Often adults have been G. reddyi (a case in India with worms in
found in water in a toilet bowl from an the orbit), G. robustus (abscess in orbit),
insect that fell into the water and were G. setiger, G. skorikowi, Chordodes
thought to have been passed in the faeces capensis, Neochordades columbianus
or urine. However, in isolated cases from (from the ear in Colombia),
many parts of the world, worms do seem Parachordodes alpestris, P. pustulosus, P.
to have been passed in the faeces or per raphaelis, P. tolusanus, P. violaceus, P.
urethra or have been vomited out wolterstoffi, Paragordius cinctus, P. esa-
(Uchikawa et al., 1987) or removed from vianus (in urethra), P. tanganyikae, P. tri-
the eye or ear; in some cases, infection cuspidatus and P. varius (see Coombs
was probably acquired while swimming. and Crompton, 1991).
Coombs, I. and Crompton, D.W.T. (1991) A Guide to Human Helminths. Taylor and Francis, London,
UK. pp. 177–190.
Uchikawa, R., Akune, K., Tinone, I., Akune, K., Inove, J., Kagei, N. and Sato, A. (1987) A human case
of hair worm (Gordius sp.) infection in Kagoshima, Japan. Japanese Journal of Parasitology 36,
The Nematodes
110 Chapter 5
To L3 in land To L3 in To L2 in To L3 in biting
snail or slug cyclopoid cyclopoid insect
L3 ingested
Fig. 51. Diagram of (a) a female (8–13 mm long) and (b) male (2.5 mm long) Enterobius vermicularis to
illustrate typical nematode features (oesophagus = pharynx).
SUPERFAMILY FILARIOIDEA (MBRA) (‘Filariae’) Many members are parasites of plants and
Family Onchocercidae insects.
Filiform. Mouth usually without lips.
Female longer than male with vulva in Order Enoplida (MBRAF)
anterior region and double uterus. Spicules SUPERFAMILY TRICHINELLOIDEA
very unequal in male. Non-intestinal para- Family Trichuridae
sites. Usually ovoviviparous, with larvae in Sexes separate. Anterior region of body
bloodsucking insects (or arachnids). much thinner than posterior. Vulva near end
Wuchereria, Brugia, Loa, Onchocerca, of oesophagus. Male with single spicule.
Mansonella, Dirofilaria Trichuris, Aonchotheca, Calodium, Eucoleus
Family Dracunculidae
Sexes separate. Anterior region of body
Similar in structure to filariae but females
slightly thinner than posterior. Male with
very much longer than males, with vulva
single or no spicule. Female with one
and anus atrophied in gravid female and
single uterus. Ovoviviparous with larvae in ovary and uterus, vulva near middle of
copepods. oesophagus. Ovoviviparous.
Dracunculus Trichinella
The section on the nematodes has been worms but the prevalence is usually much
split into two parts, those that are intesti- lower – an estimated 100 million cases
nal and others that are tissue parasites. worldwide (Grove, 1996).
This has allowed the control of the com-
mon intestinal nematodes to be considered LOCATION IN HOST
together. However, it has resulted in treat- Parthenogenetic females live embedded in
ment of one of the main zoologically the mucosa of the small intestine – the
related group of nematodes being divided duodenum and the first part of the jejunum
by the other as below: in light infections, back to the terminal
Intestinal nematodes | Tissue nematodes
ileum in heavy infections.
Class Secernentea | Class Adenophorea |
Class Secernentea
Parasitic females are small, transparent, fili-
form nematodes, measuring 2.0–2.7 mm in
Intestinal Nematodes length by 0.03–0.075 mm in width. The cuti-
cle is finely striated and the tail pointed. The
Geohelminths oesophagus occupies the anterior third of the
body and joins the midgut, which opens at
This is a group of intestinal nematodes the ventral anus a short distance from the
which, while not closely related zoologi- posterior end. The vulva opens ventrally at
cally, are all soil-transmitted and have the junction of the middle and posterior
great similarities in epidemiology and in thirds of the worm. The uteri, oviducts and
methods of control: it includes ovarian tubules are paired, one branch
Strongyloides, the hookworms (Necator extending forwards from the vulva and the
and Ancylostoma), Ascaris and Trichuris. other backwards. About 10–20 eggs are pre-
sent in the two uteri at one time. The eggs are
Order Rhabditida thin-shelled, transparent and ovoid; they
Family Strongyloididae measure 50–60 µm 30–35 µm when laid.
The eggs are partially embryonated and usu-
Strongyloides stercoralis ally hatch in the tissues of the mucosa, so
(Bavay, 1876) Stiles and Hassall, 1902 that larvae rather than eggs are passed out in
the faeces (Figs 123 and 125).
SYNONYMS The females produce eggs partheno-
Anguillula stercoralis, Bavay, 1876 (larvae genetically and, although parasitic males
from faeces); A. intestinalis, Bavay, 1877 similar to free-living ones described below
(parasitic females from intestine); were recorded twice, they have never been
Pseudorhabditis stercoralis Perroncito, 1881 seen since.
(free-living adults). Strongyloides is also capable of undergo-
ing a complete life cycle in the soil, living
DISEASE AND POPULAR NAME as a free-living nematode with a distinct
Strongyloidiasis or strongyloidosis, anguil- morphology. The free-living female is
losis; Cochin-China diarrhoea. Included as shorter and stouter than the parasitic form
one of the geohelminths. (1.0 mm 0.06 mm) and has a short rhab-
ditiform oesophagus (muscular and with an
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION enlarged posterior bulb, similar to that of
Strongyloides infection is widely distrib- the saprophytic soil nematode Rhabditis).
uted in tropical regions of Africa, Asia and The free-living male measures about
Central and South America (particularly 0.7 mm 0.04 mm and has a pointed tail,
Brazil, Colombia and Guyana); it also curving ventrally, with two spicules and a
occurs in eastern Europe and sporadically gubernaculum (this is a chitinous sheath in
in the USA and southern Europe. which the spicules can slide up and down;
Distribution is similar to that of hook- it is presumed to aid in the transference of
Chapter 5
Map 7. Distribution of Strongyloides stercoralis (and S. fuellebornius in New Guinea).
The Nematodes 117
sperm during copulation and is often of sure 250 µm 20 µm and can be differenti-
taxonomic importance). The oesophagus is ated from those of hookworms by the
rhabditiform. smaller buccal capsule (Fig. 53). The larvae
feed on bacteria in the soil and moult twice
LIFE CYCLE (Fig. 52) to give the infective filariform stage, mea-
Parasitic (= direct) life cycle. Eggs are laid in suring 550 µm 20 µm, in the surface lay-
the mucosa and submucosa of the small ers of the soil. The infective larvae differ
intestine. There they hatch as rhabditiform from those of hookworms by the lack of a
first-stage larvae, which escape into the sheath, by the triradiate tip to the tail and
intestinal lumen and pass out in the faeces, in the greater length of the pharynx. They
where they are very active. The larvae mea- ascend soil particles and damp vegetation
Parthenogenic ADULT LARVA
FEMALE in small intestine (2.0 mm) 1ST-STAGE
matures in 17 days LARVA
in faeces and
Penetrates skin and reaches soil
reaches gut via blood,
lungs, trachea, 1ST-STAGE
LARVA (0.25 mm)
Direct th
Moults twice
Or in
LARVA (0.55 mm)
lives about 12 days vulva
in soil
FEMALE (1.0 mm)
(0.8 mm)
Fig. 52. The possible life cycles of Strongyloides stercoralis. (Portrait of Dionysus from a Greek cylix.)
118 Chapter 5
Fig. 53. The anterior ends of the first-stage larva (L1) of Strongyloides (left) and hookworm (right) in soil.
The former has a shorter buccal capsule.
in the surface film, often standing on their for only a few months. In severely ill
tails in tufts or aggregates. Under optimum patients or in chronic carriers, rhabditiform
conditions the larvae live in the soil for larvae passing down the gut may develop
about 2 weeks but, when they come into into filariform larvae without reaching the
contact with the skin, usually of the feet (or exterior at all, and these then penetrate the
more rarely the buccal mucosa), they pene- intestinal mucosa. Exceptionally, when the
trate and reach the small cutaneous blood- patient’s resistance is low, all larval stages
vessels and then the lungs. After may be found in many of the visceral organs
penetration of the alveoli, the larvae moult and rhabditiform and filariform larvae may
twice and the young adults pass up the even appear in the sputum.
bronchi and trachea and then down the
oesophagus to reach the small intestine Free-living (= indirect or heterogonic) life
(although it has recently been suggested cycle. A free-living cycle often occurs in
that they may use other routes). Once there, warm climates, provided that there is plenty
the female burrows into the mucosal tis- of moisture and nutrients in the soil. The
sues, becomes mature and lays its partheno- rhabditiform larvae passed out in faeces
genetically produced eggs in the mucosa feed and undergo four moults in the soil to
and crypts about 17 days after penetration. become free-living adult males and females
Very unusually among human helminths in 24–30 h. The eggs, which develop in the
is the possibility of replication within the uterus of the free-living female after mating,
human host. Autoinfection is usually occupy a large portion of the body and are
brought about because the rhabditiform lar- laid in a partly embryonated state. They
vae in faecal matter are deposited on the hatch in a few hours after completing devel-
perianal skin and develop into filariform lar- opment and rhabditiform first-stage larvae
vae, which penetrate through the skin. This emerge. These first-stage larvae moult twice
accounts for the persistence of strongyloidia- and develop into non-feeding, filariform,
sis in patients up to 65 years after they have third-stage larvae in a few days. The infec-
left an endemic region (most notably in for- tive larvae survive on soil and vegetation in
mer Second World War prisoners in the Far warm moist conditions and penetrate the
East, who are still suffering from recurrent skin when they come in contact. There is no
larva currens), although the adult worms live second free-living cycle.
The Nematodes 119
(d) 20
16 Ascaris lumbricoides
Prevalence (%)
40 4
Ascaris lumbricoides
0 10 20 40 60
0 20 40 Age (years)
Age (years)
(e) 3
(b) 100
e.p.g. (10–3)
Prevalence (%)
Trichuris trichiura
40 Trichuris trichiura 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 50
Age (years) Age (years)
(c) 100 (f) 3
Prevalence (%)
e.p.g. (10–3)
2 Hookworm
20 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0
Age (years) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Age (years)
Fig. 55. Left: Graphs showing the relationship between prevalence and age for (a) Ascaris, (b) Trichuris,
(c) hookworms. Each graph is based on a different research study. Right: Graphs showing the
relationships between intensity of infection and age for (d) Ascaris, (e) Trichuris, (f) hookworms. Curve
(d) is based on recovery of worms after chemotherapy and (e) and (f) on egg counts. e.p.g., eggs per
gram. Each graph is based on a different research study (all graphs from Crompton, 1998).
goblet cells and altered muscular activity between levels of IgA and level of infection
have all been implicated. Although infec- with Trichuris and between the levels of
tion does elicit Th2-dependent antibodies IgE and development of Necator.
(e.g. in mice IgA, IgE and IgG1), these are The reasons for the apparent lack of pro-
not thought to play a major role. Little or tective immunity against intestinal worms
nothing is known of comparable mucosal are not fully understood, although many
changes in infected humans and, although suggestions have been made. In countries
antibody responses are made, these are where these infections are common, nutri-
often positively correlated with the dura- tional levels are often low and immunity
tion and intensity of infection, suggesting impaired as a consequence. The pathologi-
no role in protection. Arguments have been cal consequences of the worm infection may
made, however, for inverse correlations exacerbate nutritional problems, leading to
122 Chapter 5
2. In the agar plate method, 2 g of faeces is infections. A skin test using extracts of
placed in the centre of an agar medium in a filariform larvae has been in use for 70
9 cm plastic Petri dish, covered and sealed years. It measures IgE and is about 80%
round the edge with adhesive tape, and reliable, although, like other tests, it cross-
incubated at room temperature (about reacts with filarial infection.
28°C) for 48 h. For greater safety, a double- The ELISA is fast and efficient, using
walled Petri dish (or a smaller dish inside stored antigen, and is in routine use in
the larger) can be used, the outer area con- some laboratories (Mangali et al., 1991).
taining 25% glycerine to prevent infective The test gives sensitivity and specificity of
larvae from reaching the edge of the lid. about 95% when measuring IgG. Specificity
The tracks of larvae can be seen with the of the indirect test can be improved by
naked eye but the dish should also be prior absorption with filarial and hook-
examined under a compound microscope worm antigens (Conway et al., 1993).
with a green filter at 40 magnification. The indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA)
For generic identification, a hole can be test has been used with living larvae as anti-
made in the agar with hot forceps, 10% for- gen, preabsorbed against other nematodes,
malin added, liquid removed from the bot- and recently a simple gelatine agglutination
tom with a Pasteur pipette, sedimented and test has been proposed (Sato et al., 1991).
the sediment examined on a microscope There is as yet no method for measuring
slide at high power. This is probably the circulating antigens.
most sensitive method.
3. In the watch-glass culture method sev- TREATMENT
eral grams of faeces are spread out on a Chemotherapy is principally by benzimida-
watch-glass, moistened with water, placed zoles, which appear to act by binding to
in a Petri dish containing a 2–3 mm layer tubulin and disrupting the assembly of
of water, covered and re-moistened as microtubules and by altering transmembrane
required. Free-living adults may be seen on proton discharge (Grove, 1996).
the watch-glass after several days or infec-
tive larvae after 3 days. Thiabendazole. Given orally twice a day for
4. A charcoal culture method is also some- 3–7 days, 25 mg kg1 body weight has a
times employed. Five to 10 g of faeces is cure rate of about 80%. This is still the
mixed with activated charcoal in a 10 cm drug of choice – unfortunately, since side-
diameter Petri dish, well dampened with effects (nausea, dizziness and anorexia) are
distilled water and left covered for 4 days common – chemical formula: (2-(4-thia-
in an incubator at 26–28°C. The infective zolyl)-1-H-benzimidazole-2-yl)-carbamate.
larvae can be recovered with a soft paint-
brush from the condensation drops on the Mebendazole. If given at 100–200 mg twice
lid. For large quantities of faeces, a sealed daily for 3 days, it is probably effective
jam jar can be used, 5 cm full, and large against adult worms but not against migrat-
numbers of larvae will be found in the ing larvae. Treatment for several weeks is
meniscus around the edge of the mixture more effective, probably because it kills
when left as before. autoinfecting larvae when they develop
5. The entero-test involves swallowing a into adults. Higher dosages may be more
brushed-nylon thread inside a gelatin cap- effective for cases of disseminated strongy-
sule and then withdrawing it together with loidiasis – chemical formula: methyl(5-
entrapped larvae, fixing in 10% formalin (benzyl)-1-H-benzimidazole-2-yl)-carbamate.
and examining under the microscope. In
cases of hyperinfection, larvae may be Albendazole. When given at 400 mg twice
found in sputum or even urine. daily for 3 days, it has given variable
results in trials, with 50–85% cure rates.
Immunological. These tests cannot usually Long-term treatment will probably prove to
differentiate between current and past be as effective as mebendazole, perhaps with
124 Chapter 5
fewer side-effects and greater action against below 8°C or above 40°C for more than a few
larvae – chemical formula: methyl-(5- days. They have little resistance to drying,
propylthio-1-H-benzimidazol-2-yl)-carbamate. excessive moisture or marked changes in
temperature. Infective larvae live for about
Ivermectin. In clinical trials of uncompli- 14 days in soil.
cated cases, this macrocyclic lactone was Where Strongyloides occurs together
fairly effective (over 80% cure rate) against with hookworms, the former is almost
adults and larvae at a single dose of 0.2 mg always found to be rarer. This is rather sur-
kg1 body weight (Marti et al., 1996). Long- prising when it is considered that the para-
term treatment (0.2 mg kg1 once a week for sitic females are more prolific than female
4 weeks) with ivermectin may prove to be hookworms and the presence of free-living
the best option for complete cure in patients generations should increase the numbers of
who fail to respond to initial treatment. For larvae in the soil. There are three possible
disseminated strongyloidiasis, treatment explanations: the first is that the first-stage
over 3–4 weeks is necessary (Grove, 1996). larvae in the faeces are not as resistant as
It is very difficult to treat cases of dissemi- hookworm eggs; the second that the filari-
nated strongyloidiasis with intestinal form larvae have shorter longevity; and the
obstruction, where patients usually need third that reported prevalence rates are
suction and drainage, intravenous fluids and much too low because of the difficulties of
thiabendazole given daily for a week, per- diagnosis.
haps rectally, since there is no intravenous Infection rates reported recently from
formulation. Since patients often die, par- surveys in various countries are:
enteral ivermectin or use of cyclosporin (3 Aborigines in Queensland, Australia (large-
mg kg1 daily) could be tried as a last resort. scale survey) 2%; north-eastern Brazil
5.3% and 9.6%, São Paulo (infants) 2%;
EPIDEMIOLOGY Dagestan (large-scale) 1–1.4%; Bihar, India
In many areas strongyloidiasis is coextensive 10%; Jamaica 1%; Laos 19% (10% in
with hookworm infection since the environ- under-10s); Bauchi in Nigeria 0.4%;
mental conditions favouring the free-living Okinawa (Ryuku Islands) 4–22%; USA
stages and the mode of infection are similar, (large-scale) 0.2%, Kentucky 0.9%,
but this is not always true. Like hookworm, Tennessee 3%.
it is primarily a disease of poverty and
insanitary conditions, particularly where PREVENTION AND CONTROL
there are poor conditions for disposal of Personal prevention is aided by the wear-
human waste and inadequate water sup- ing of shoes. Control is principally by the
plies. In a study in Bangladesh, occupants of provision of adequate sanitation facilities
an urban slum community were more likely consequent on a rise in living standards; it
to be infected if they used communal is sobering to realize that 2400 million
latrines rather than individual latrines, if people (45% of the population of the
they had an earth floor rather than a concrete world) still do not have sanitation. In some
floor and if they were aged between 7 and 10 areas water is recycled from sewage sys-
(Hall et al., 1994). Both are primarily rural tems and larvae can still survive on the soil
infections, particularly common in coffee, or grass, and water thus needs further treat-
cocoa and banana plantations. Infection is ment or storage. Targeted chemotherapy of
also common in closed communities, such those groups most at risk may prove to be
as mental institutions. Infection appears to of use (Conway et al., 1995), but occasional
be acquired progressively between the ages mass chemotherapy is unlikely to be effec-
of about 6 and 20 and then prevalence tive. However, the repeated mass chemo-
remains constant for the whole of adult life. therapy campaigns against all geohelminths
The larvae of both parasitic and free-living in general being carried out in many coun-
forms are unable to survive temperatures tries may have some effect (see p. 134).
The Nematodes 125
in ileum
Via skin, venules,
heart, lungs (alveoli,
bronchi, trachea),
oesophagus, ileum
LARVAE. Feed on
Moult twice
3 and 5 days
rhabditiform because the structure of the Hookworm larvae may also need to be dif-
oesophagus (with an anterior portion con- ferentiated from other nematode larvae in
nected by a thin region to a posterior bulb) soil or cultured from faeces (Table 9).
resembles that of the free-living nematode The filariform larvae are most numerous
Rhabditis. They measure 280–300 µm 17 in the upper 2 cm of soil, or they may be
µm and resemble closely the first-stage lar- supported singly or in tufts in the surface
vae of Strongyloides, except that hook- film of water on blades of grass. They wave
worm larvae are slightly longer, less their anterior ends in the air in a questing
pointed posteriorly and have a longer buc- (nictating) manner. They thrive best in
cal cavity (Fig. 53). The larvae feed on bac- shady, moist open soils covered with vege-
teria and organic debris in the soil and tation; drying, flooding or direct sunlight
moult twice; once on the 3rd day when 400 are rapidly fatal (Plate 2). Their average life
µm long and again on the 5th day when in the tropics is about 2–6 weeks but some
500–700 µm long. The third-stage or filari- larvae may survive under favourable condi-
form larvae do not feed and retain the shed tions for up to 15 weeks. The optimal tem-
cuticle for a time. The mouth becomes perature range is 28–35°C. They are
closed with a plug and the oesophagus capable of ascending 60–90 cm of sandy
occupies one-third of the length of the loam but lateral movement is probably lim-
body. The larvae are now infective; those of ited to about 30 cm (Udonsi and Atata,
Necator and Ancylostoma can be differen- 1987).
tiated by the apparent space between the On coming into contact with human
oesophagus and intestine in Necator and skin, the larvae become active and pene-
by differences in the structure of the trate, usually between the toes or fingers.
oesophageal spears (Fig. 60 and Table 8). The penetrating larvae respond to essential
The Nematodes 129
fatty acids; they release proteolytic venules and are carried by the venous cir-
enzymes and secrete eicosanoids, which culation to the heart and then to the lungs.
are immunomodulative. They enter The larvae grow in the lungs, penetrate
through into the alveoli and ascend the
bronchi and trachea. They are then swal-
lowed and reach the small intestine within
about 7 days after infection, where they
undergo a third moult; this is followed
about the 13th day by a fourth moult, by
which time they are sexually differenti-
ated. Fertilized females begin egg-laying
4–7 weeks after infection and each pro-
duces 2000–11,000 (usually 3000–6000)
eggs per 24 h. Each female contains only
about 200 eggs at one time, so that the pro-
tein turnover involved in egg production is
The adults can live for 1–14 years but
usually for about 4. However, in endemic
areas, continuous reinfection and loss
occur. This is demonstrated by the fact that
in many areas infection rates are much
higher after the rainy season (e.g. in west-
ern Tanzania there is a variation from 15 to
There is an intense itching and burning at
the site of entry. Pruritis may be followed
by secondary infection, leading to the con-
dition known as ‘ground itch’, with
papulovesicular dermatitis, subsiding in
about a fortnight (Fig. 61).
The larval migration through the lungs
can cause a cough due to bronchitis or
pneumonitis and patients may pass blood-
stained sputum containing eosinophils, but
pulmonary manifestations are less marked
than with Ascaris larvae and these early
signs are not usually reported among
indigenous populations.
Enteritis, with Charcot–Leyden crystals
in the faeces (resulting from breakdown of
eosinophils) and a high eosinophilia char-
acterize the early stages of intestinal infec-
tion but there is not usually any
eosinophilia in the chronic phase.
A variety of gastrointestinal symptoms,
Fig. 60. The third-stage infective larvae (L3s) of such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea
Necator (left) and Ancylostoma (right). (a) and (b) and loss of appetite, have sometimes been
Anterior ends; (c) and (d) junction of oesophagus attributed to hookworm infection, but the
and intestine; (e) and (f) tail ends. most serious possible effect of an established
130 Chapter 5
Size 5–9 mm 0.3 mm 8–11 mm 0.45 mm
9–11 mm 0.35 mm 10–13 mm 0.6 mm
Shape Head small, bent acutely in Bow-shaped curve; head
opposite direction to general curve in same line as body
Table 9. The differentiation of infective filariform larvae found in cultures from human faecal specimens.
Strongyloides Trichostrongylus Ancylostoma Nectator Ternidens Oesophagostomum
Length of
as proportion
of total body
Intestine Straight Intestinal lumen Anterior end Anterior end Following Large triangular
zigzagged narrower in as wide as the oesophagus cells and lumen
diameter than oesophagus is a pair of zigzagged
oesophageal bulb. Gap sphincter cells.
bulb. No gap between the Intestinal
between the oesophagus lumen
oesophagus and the somewhat
and the intestine intestine zigzagged
Tail Divided End of tail Blunt Sharply pointed Pointed Sharply pointed
into three knoblike
at the tip
Fig. 61. ‘Ground itch’ at site of entry of larvae of Necator in a sensitized individual. With some non-
human species of hookworms, the larvae continue to wander in the skin, causing creeping eruption (also
see p. 160).
anaemia will not become apparent until This is usually because of an adequate diet,
the iron reserves have been completely as in Costa Rica or the southern USA but it
depleted. may also be because other resistance fac-
In many areas there is widespread infec- tors limit the numbers of hookworms pre-
tion but hookworm anaemia is uncommon. sent, as in India.
132 Chapter 5
Anaemia occurs because the adult nutrition, malaria, amoebiasis and other
worms pass a steady stream of blood helminthiases.
through their intestines in order to obtain
oxygen for respiration as well as food, with Parasitological. Recovery and recognition of
a consequent loss of erythrocytes and pro- eggs in faecal samples (Fig. 123) are the
tein-containing fluid. The amount of blood standard method of diagnosis. The eggs are
passed by an adult Necator (0.03–0.05 ml identical to those of Ancylostoma and very
per worm day1) is less than in an equiva- similar to those of Ternidens and
lent Ancylostoma infection (0.14–0.25 ml Oesophagostomum. Ova must be cultured
per worm day1) because of its smaller to the infective larva stage if it is required
size. Reabsorption of haemoglobin from the to differentiate between the two hookworm
intestine occurs, but the amount (about species (Table 8 and Fig. 59). The Harada–
11%) is less than often assumed in the Mori culture method is given on p. 262).
past; in many areas an adequate diet
accompanied by intravenous iron would be Serological. Not often employed.
more effective in suppressing the clinical Complement fixation and indirect haemag-
signs than anthelminthic treatment. glutination tests work well with antigen
There is no proof that hookworms obtained from adult worms. ELISA and
depress haemopoiesis but they do appear radioimmunological assay (RIA, measuring
to decrease erythrocyte life. In addition to IgE) both have good specificity when ES
anaemia, a characteristic hookworm antigens are used.
oedema occurs in heavy infections, resem- Recently a gene for Ancylostoma
bling the nephrotic syndrome. This is secreted polypeptide (ASP), a protein pro-
caused by low plasma protein (particularly duced by infective larvae of A. caninum,
albumin) but usually only becomes appar- has been cloned and the amino acid
ent when there is a low iron intake. sequence determined. This is very similar
However, a heavy worm load of about 2000 to an insect venom that elicits a strong
adults can cause a loss of 4 g of albumin immune response and is being researched
even with an adequate dietary supply of as a possible vaccine (Hotez and Prichard,
iron. 1995).
The extensive damage to the mucosa,
including necrosis and haemorrhage, some- TREATMENT
times recorded in cases of hookworm infec- A single course of chemotherapeutic treat-
tion is probably due to secondary causes, ment aimed at permanent cure in outpa-
as is vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency. tients living in an endemic area is unlikely
Similarly, there does not appear to be a to be successful, but it is nevertheless
direct relationship between hookworm important to reduce the number of worms
infection and malabsorption (contrast present below the level causing clinical
Strongyloides (p. 119)). symptoms. This level will vary in different
As with the other geohelminths parts of the world, depending mainly on
(Haswell-Elkins et al., 1987a) and the iron intake and nutritional status. Any
schistosomes, a small minority of infected drug given should also be supplemented by
individuals have high worm burdens with oral (or intravenous where supervision is
serious disease and are responsible for not possible) iron therapy. In light infec-
most of the eggs reaching the environment tions a single annual treatment is suffi-
(Anderson and Schad, 1985). cient, but in heavy infections 6- monthly
treatment is necessary. The properties of
DIAGNOSIS the various drugs are given in Albonico et
al. (1998).
Clinical. Chronic anaemia and debility in
patients living in an endemic area are sug- Albendazole. A single dose of 400 mg for all
gestive, but may also be caused by mal- ages above 2 (60–90% effective) is also
The Nematodes 133
active against most other intestinal nema- ern Nigeria, 68% in Bobei County in China,
tode and cestode infections. 2.5% in Burma (Myanmar), 69% in
Indonesia and 54% in Surinam.
Mebendazole. A single dose of 500 mg for Soil type is of great importance to the
all ages above 2 or 100 mg twice daily for 3 larvae, which migrate up against the water
days (20–90% effective) is also effective flow and down again when the top layer of
against other intestinal nematodes. soil is drying. Clay soils are less well aer-
ated and, where there is heavy rainfall, the
Levamisole. A single dose of 3 mg kg1 larvae are not able to survive so well as in
body weight is more effective against sandy soils. This is in contrast to the situa-
Ancylostoma than against Necator tion with Ascaris and Trichuris eggs, which
(20–60%). survive better on clay soils, as they dry out
less in drought and have better adhesive
Pyrantel pamoate. A daily dose of 10 mg properties. Larvae are also better able to
kg1 body weight (max. 1 g) for 3 days. migrate in well-filled soil that has a crumb
More effective against Ancylostoma than structure than in highly compacted soil.
against Necator (20–90%) – chemical for-
mula: (E)-1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-1-methyl-2-(2- PREVENTION AND CONTROL
(2-thienyl)vinyl]-pyrimidine. Personal prevention is provided by the
wearing of shoes.
Bitoscanate, bephenium and tetrachlor- The control of hookworms has a long
ethylene can no longer be recommended, history, beginning with the campaign of the
while ivermectin is not effective. Rockefeller Sanitary Commission to elimi-
In a study of 3000 young children in nate the infection from the southern USA
Zanzibar, it was estimated that 1260 cases in 1909, followed by the international
of moderate and 276 cases of severe efforts of the Rockefeller Foundation in
anaemia were prevented by treatment with 1913. The strategies used then of mass
mebendazole, with improved motor devel- chemotherapy and improvements in sanita-
opment. In children in East Africa learning tion are still appropriate today. Such mea-
potential improves for months after treat- sures were also very effective in Japan in
ment, with much higher school attendance the 1950s–1980s (from 4.5% with hook-
(about 100 million children worldwide do worms and 60% with Ascaris in 1950 to 0
not attend school because of soil-transmit- and 0.01% in 1987).
ted nematode infections). The newer single-dose, broad-spectrum,
anthelminthics are a great advance for
EPIDEMIOLOGY mass campaigns against morbidity caused
It has been estimated that there are from by all the geohelminths, which are under
1050 to 1277 million cases worldwide way in many countries, funded by many
(about two-thirds due to Necator) with international and national agencies and by
90–130 million suffering morbidity and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
65,000 deaths annually, principally from For instance, a campaign for annual treat-
the anaemia. Hookworm infection is essen- ment of all schoolchildren (6–14 years old)
tially a rural disease of poverty and is par- in Ghana with albendazole has begun, pri-
ticularly common in cocoa, coffee and marily to reduce disease rather than inter-
banana plantations, owing to the dense rupt transmission, which is not feasible at
shade and high rainfall (Plate 13). Heavy present. The World Health Organization
infections are not found in areas with (WHO) target is that by 2010 regular
much less than 100 cm of rain per year and chemotherapy will be provided for at least
are rare in arid regions. 75% of schoolchildren in endemic coun-
Recent estimates of infection rates in tries at risk of morbidity (a global school
various regions are: 46% in Cameroon, 6% health initiative against both geohelminths
in peninsular Malaysia, 14–50% in south- and schistosomes is being supported by
134 Chapter 5
many international agencies). However, the infection, although the fecundity of the
possibility of resistance to drugs needs to parasites is suppressed.
be carefully monitored, particularly
because of the sale of substandard products
Ancylostoma duodenale
in some countries (Crompton, 2000).
(Dubini, 1843) Creplin, 1845
There are three possible strategies for
chemotherapy campaigns against all the
Agchylostoma duodenale Dubini, 1843;
1. Universal (= mass) campaigns, in which Ankylostomum duodenale; Uncinaria duo-
communities are treated irrespective of denalis.
infection status, age, sex or social charac-
2. Targeted campaigns with group-level Ancylostomiasis or ancylostomosis, unci-
application, irrespective of infection status. nariasis; Old World hookworm infection.
3. Selective campaigns with individual
application, based on diagnosis of current LOCAL NAMES
infection or on level of infection. As for Necator.
The first is feasible if there are sufficient
funds; otherwise, the second is most cost-
Ancylostoma extends into more temperate
effective, with treatment aimed at high-risk
regions than Necator. It is present in the
groups, such as school and preschool chil-
North African and European
dren and women of childbearing age, while
Mediterranean littoral; Asia (northern
the third is expensive, difficult to imple-
India, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam,
ment and likely to be unacceptable to the
Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Taiwan,
majority of infected individuals.
Japan); the South Pacific; and the Americas
Wider utilization of cheap and effective
(particularly Chile, Mexico, Venezuela).
sanitation technologies, such as the venti-
lated improved pit (VIP) latrine, first intro-
duced in Zimbabwe, or the pour-flush
As for Necator.
toilet, which provides a water seal and
does not require piped water, needs to be
encouraged in addition to chemotherapy.
Ancylostoma is a larger and more robust
Health education and the provision of
worm than Necator. The head is curved
latrines are also needed to prevent indis-
dorsally in a smooth curve so that speci-
criminate defecation in the fields.
mens do not have the hook-like appearance
Integrated campaigns, together with
characteristic of Necator. The large buccal
immunization or general school health
capsule has bilaterally symmetrical curved
efforts, can often make the most effective
cutting processes, consisting of two fused
use of primary health-care workers.
There are large-scale control campaigns teeth, and there is a pair of internal teeth at
under way in Mexico, Seychelles, South the bottom of the capsule, with histolytic
Africa (Natal), Sri Lanka and Zanzibar glands at the base. These aid the attach-
(Albonico et al., 1998). ment of the worm to the mucosa and also
assist in cutting off portions for food (Figs.
ZOONOTIC ASPECTS 62 and 63). The features differentiating
Virtually none, although Necator is found Ancylostoma from Necator are shown in
occasionally in chimpanzees and pigs. Table 8.
Young hamsters can be successfully The male measures 8–11 mm
infected in the laboratory, which is stimu- 0.4–0.5 mm; the shape and structure of the
lating research into the physiology, pathol- caudal bursa differs from that of Necator
ogy and particularly the immunology of (Fig. 58).
The Nematodes 135
Fig. 62. Stereoscan of anterior end of A. duodenale showing two pairs of cutting teeth in mouth capsule.
The larger females of Ancylostoma lay
about twice as many eggs (20,000–30,000
per female per 24 h) than those of Necator.
The eggs of the two genera in faeces are
identical and develop in a similar manner
in the soil.
In contrast to Necator, oral infection
with infective third-stage, filariform, lar-
vae, presumably principally on salad veg-
etables, is thought to be more important
than skin penetration. Following oral infec-
tion, the larvae travel directly to the intes-
tine without visiting the lungs. They enter
the mucosa of the duodenum for 2–3 days
before emerging and undergoing the third
moult. Adults mature in 4–7 weeks and
usually live for about 1 year.
If infection is by skin penetration, there
Fig. 63. Section of jejunum with anterior portion of
can be an itching and burning at the site of
Ancylostoma biting off a piece of mucosa.
entry, followed by a pruritic response.
Pulmonary reactions are more pronounced
than with Necator. In Japan, ‘Wakana dis-
ease’, caused by the migrating larvae, was
The female differs principally in having characterized by dyspnoea, cough, nausea,
the vulval opening posterior to the middle vomiting and high sputum and blood
of the body (Fig. 64). eosinophilia (up to 90%).
136 Chapter 5
seminal vesicle
ejaculatory duct
cement gland
ovary gubernaculum
dorsal ray
Fig. 64. Vulval region of female of A. duodenale and caudal bursa of male showing process of fertilization.
Weakness, anorexia and pica (dirt-eat- China (Fujien Province) 50%, (Sichuan
ing) are sometimes found in heavy chronic Province equally with both species) 74%,
infections. Egypt 6–8%, Ethiopia 67%, Kenya
(preschool children in Kilifi) 29%, south-
PATHOGENESIS ern Nepal 11–79%, Paraguay (school chil-
This is similar to infection with Necator dren) 59% with both species.
but, because an adult Ancylostoma is The ova can develop at a lower tempera-
larger, the anaemia caused by an equivalent ture (a minimum of 14°C) than those of
number of worms is more severe. Necator, so that infection is more common
in subtropical and temperate climates. The
DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT optimum temperature for hatching of eggs
As for Necator. is 20–27°C and they fail to develop above
40°C. Infection was formerly common in
EPIDEMIOLOGY tin miners in England and in workers
As for Necator. In many areas both types of building the St Gotthard tunnel between
hookworm are present, possibly in the Switzerland and Italy.
same patient.
Infection rates recorded recently for var- PREVENTION AND CONTROL
ious areas where specific identification has As for Necator except that the thorough
been made are: north-eastern Australia in washing of salad vegetables is more impor-
Aboriginals 31–77%, Benin 25–35%, tant than the wearing of adequate footwear.
The Nematodes 137
can sometimes be recovered from humans. pointed ends, and they usually contain a
Almost all are principally zoonotic infec- segmented ovum at the morula stage when
tions, but a few, such as Trichostrongylus, passed in the faeces.
Ternidens and Oesophagostomum, do have
human-to-human transmission in some LIFE CYCLE
areas. Eggs passed in the faeces at the morula
stage hatch in the soil in about 24 h. The
larvae reach the infective third stage in
Family Trichostrongylidae about 3 days. These occasionally penetrate
the skin, but in human infections they are
almost always ingested. When this hap-
Trichostrongylus spp.
pens, the larvae develop into adults in 25
Looss, 1905
days; in contrast to hookworms, they never
undergo a lung migration.
Wireworms (when in domestic stock). CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND PATHOGENESIS
Infection is usually light and causes no
DISTRIBUTION clinical symptoms. In heavier infections (a
Species of Trichostrongylus occur locally few hundred worms) there may be abdomi-
in humans in Iran (67% in Isfahan), Iraq nal pain, diarrhoea and a slight anaemia,
(up to 10%), Israel, Egypt (11–60%), accompanied by a mild eosinophilia
Ethiopia (23%), Armenia, Japan, Korea (under 10%).
(80% in one area), Indonesia and the Cape The head of the adult worm produces
Verde Islands. Sporadic cases may occur in traumatic damage to the mucosa, with
many areas where people and cattle are in inflammation at the site of attachment. The
close proximity (e.g. Africa, Australia, worms may also suck blood but the amount
India and South America). is not sufficient to cause anaemia.
Fig. 66. Nodular lesion caused by O. bifurcum presenting as a para-umbilical mass in an 8-year-old girl
in Nigeria. At laparotomy the mass was found adhering to muscles and fascia of the anterior abdominal
wall of the ascending colon (magnification 11). Sections of the nematodes can be seen.
dozens of nodules, each 2–3 cm in diame- (Polderman et al., 1991, 1999; Polderman
ter. The wall of the colon becomes grossly and Blotkamp, 1995). Nodules sometimes
thickened, although the mucosa and serosa calcify and then show up on X-ray. In a
remain intact. There is no definite cyst wall case of infection in Brunei, probably
but there is a layer of macrophages, epithe- caused by O. aculeatum, a single worm
lial cells and fibroblasts, and often many was removed from a painless lump on the
plasma cells and eosinophils. Nodules con- back measuring 3 cm and containing thick
tain thick pus or caseous material. In the brown pus. Infection may have been con-
majority of cases the infection is self- tracted by direct penetration (Ross et al.,
limiting and eventually resolves without 1989).
In northern Ghana and Togo and proba- DIAGNOSIS
bly southern Burkina Faso, infected indi- Clinical diagnosis is often difficult and
viduals often have an epigastric or oesophagostomiasis has often been mis-
periumbilical swelling recognized by local taken for other conditions, such as carci-
people and known as a ‘tumeur de noma, appendicitis or amoebiasis;
Dapaong’ (Plate 15). These may be accom- laparotomy will provide a positive diagno-
panied by considerable pain, and abdomi- sis and ultrasound can be useful.
nal occlusion or the presence of the In order to differentiate the eggs in fae-
abscesses may require surgical interven- ces from those of hookworms, the larvae
tion. Many cases are in children, most have to be cultivated to the third stage
about 10 years old. The wall of the colon is (Table 9). An activated charcoal/faeces
often oedematous and the whole of the filter-paper technique for 5–7 days works
bowel loop becomes hardened and sur- well (p. 123). The larvae measure 720–950
rounded by adhesions. There may also be µm and have a cuticle with prominent stri-
involvement of the liver, and worms in the ations, 28–32 (or sometimes 20) large, char-
abdominal cavity can cause peritonitis acteristic triangular-shaped intestinal cells
142 Chapter 5
and a buccal capsule that differs from that name Syngamus is now used only for the
of hookworm larvae (Blotkamp et al., 1993; species in birds, such as S. trachea causing
Pit et al., 1999). ‘gapeworm’ in poultry, although S. laryn-
An ELISA based on detection of specific geus may still be found in some textbooks.
IgG4 in sera had a specificity of over 95%
in one study and may prove useful in DISEASE NAME
differentiating Oesophagostomum from Mammomonogamiasis or mammomonog-
hookworm in epidemiological studies amosis.
(Polderman et al., 1993).
TREATMENT There have been over 90 reported cases
Surgery to resect the infected portion of the from humans, the majority in South
colon is sometimes necessary. America (25 from Brazil), with a few cases
Albendazole (400 mg or better 10 mg in North America, the West Indies and
kg1 body weight daily for 5 days) and China and single cases from Australia,
pyrantel pamoate (two doses of 10 mg Korea, the Philippines and Malaysia (or
kg1) are both effective but thiabendazole possibly Thailand).
and levamisole are not.
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL Adults inhabit the air passages of the upper
It is likely that infection with O. bifurcum respiratory tract, particularly the larynx or
in northern Ghana and Togo and maybe pharynx.
Uganda now involves human-to-human
transmission and monkey reservoirs are no
longer necessary. In the focus identified in
West Africa it is estimated that there are The male worm (4 mm 0.35 mm) is
about a quarter of a million cases and in much smaller than the female (20 mm
some villages in rural areas there are infec- 0.5 mm) and the two are joined in perma-
tion rates of 30–60%, although infections nent copulation, giving a characteristic Y
are rarely found in young children shape (family Syngamidae). The buccal
(Polderman et al., 1991, 1999; Polderman capsule of both sexes is well developed
and Blotkamp, 1995). Transmission is lim- and globular. It is used to attach the worms
ited to the rainy season, but it is not clear to the air passages, where they suck blood.
exactly how humans become infected. The copulatory bursa and supporting rays
Another species, O. apiostomum (Willach, of the male have characteristic structures
1891) Railliet and Henry, 1905, a parasite that are of specific importance.
of monkeys in West Africa, has been The eggs measure 85–90 µm 50 µm
reported from the colon of a patient in and have a sculptured appearance.
Togo, but specific identification of human Infective third-stage larvae develop from
cases is difficult unless adults are expelled. eggs in 9–15 days at 26–30°C and are prob-
Infections are easier to treat than hook- ably ingested on salad vegetables. Larvae
worm infections and should be much are believed to reach the trachea via the
reduced by any hookworm control campaign. bloodstream and lungs.
Family Angiostrongylidae In rats, the eggs hatch in the lungs and first-
stage larvae are passed out in the faeces;
they can survive up to 2 weeks in water. For
Parastrongylus cantonensis
further development the larvae need to be
(Chen, 1935) Chabaud, 1972
ingested by or to penetrate into snails or
SYNONYMS slugs. They moult twice in the muscles and
Pulmonema cantonensis Chen, 1935; Angio- the infective larvae remain coiled up in the
strongylus cantonensis Dougherty, 1946. mantle. They are infective in 2–3 weeks at
26°C. When an infected mollusc is eaten by
DISEASE another rat, the larvae penetrate the intesti-
Parastrongyliasis or parastrongylosis, nal wall and are carried by the circulatory
angiostrongyliasis. A cause of eosinophilic system via liver, heart and lungs to the main
meningitis. arterial circulation. They then reach the
CNS and congregate in the spinal cord,
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION medulla, cerebellum and diencephalon.
This is entirely a zoonosis, occasional After moulting, the fourth-stage larvae
cases occurring in Indonesia, Laos, migrate into the subarachnoid space and
Malaysia, many Pacific islands, the 26–33 days after infection they reach the
Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and pulmonary arteries. Here they become sexu-
Vietnam. In recent years it has also been ally mature in another 7 days.
reported from humans in Australia, China, In humans the third-stage larvae
Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Dominican Republic, ingested in snails or slugs can migrate via
India, Japan, Mauritius, Puerto Rico, the liver, heart and lungs to reach the CNS.
Reunion and the USA and the infection
appears to be spreading. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
There is an incubation period of 12–36
LOCATION IN HOST days before symptoms of severe headache,
P. cantonensis does not usually develop to back and neck stiffness, extreme tiredness,
maturity in humans, the third-stage larvae photophobia, nausea, vomiting and vertigo
migrating to the brain, CNS or eyes. occur. There is a generalized hyperaesthesia
144 Chapter 5
of the skin, with signs of paralysis of one or granulomatous lesions with necrotic debris
more nerves and eye muscles and facial in the cerebellum, pons and medulla, death
paraesthesia (burning, tingling, etc.). The in these cases probably being due to impair-
symptoms usually last for about 2 weeks ment of the bulbar functions.
but may be prolonged. Eosinophilia is common in this infec-
Mortality due to the disease is generally tion and there is a raised cell count in the
low (although in Thailand a mortality rate cerebrospinal fluid (in one fatal case there
of 1.2% has been reported) and most cases were 880 cells mm3, of which 92% were
are self-limiting, with recovery occurring eosinophils). In experimental animals an
in about 4 weeks. inflammatory reaction develops after a few
weeks, with leucocytic infiltration and a
PATHOGENESIS preponderance of eosinophils in the
There are two distinct forms of the disease; meninges and the parenchyma of the CNS.
more typical is the cerebral form, with a The severity of the disease is related to the
meningitic syndrome, but there is also a number of third-stage larvae that reach the
much rarer ocular form, with acute inflam- CNS, most of the pathology being caused
mation of the eye but no signs of meningi- by the dead worms.
tis (Wariyapola et al., 1998).
Most of the knowledge of the pathology of DIAGNOSIS
the disease has been obtained from experi- Clinical diagnosis is usually possible, par-
mental infections in animals. However, in ticularly if there is evidence of raw snails
autopsy cases, worms have been found in having been eaten. Particularly important
the brain, with inflammation spreading is the eosinophilic pleocytosis of the cere-
along the perivascular spaces into the brain brospinal fluid (at least 25% eosinophils)
substance. The inflammatory reaction in the with Charcot–Leyden crystals; foreign-
brain and meninges is localized, particularly body giant cells and sometimes larval
in the vicinity of the parasites under the worms can also be seen in a lumbar punc-
arachnoid (Fig. 67). Eosinophils, Charcot– ture (about 10% of patients).
Leyden crystals and giant cells are apparent The meningitis must be differentiated
histologically. Dead larvae are found inside from that caused by a cerebral tumour or
Fig. 67. Larvae of P. cantonensis migrating through the meninges of the central nervous system, exciting
meningeal infiltration, eosinophilic pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid and sometimes subarachnoidal
haemorrhage (magnification 50).
The Nematodes 145
haemorrhage or from the presence of other The natural hosts are many species of
helminths, such as T. solium cysticerci and rodents, for human infections principally
Gnathostoma, or possibly Paragonimus, Rattus norvegicus and R. rattus (now com-
Schistosoma eggs, Echinococcus, Trichinella monly infected in ports such as
and Toxocara. Isolated instances of Alexandria, New Orleans and Port
eosinophilic meningitis have been reported Harcourt, Nigeria, although human infec-
from parts of the world where P. cantonen- tion has not yet been proved). The bandi-
sis is not known to occur and may be due to coot rat is another natural host.
other helminths, although this is clearly a
Parastrongylus mackerrasae possibly
helminth that is being carried to new parts
causes eosinophilic meningitis in Australia
of the world inside the rat hosts (Cross,
and P. malaysiensis in South-East Asia
1987; Kliks and Palumbo, 1992).
(Prociv et al., 2000). Another species, P.
Recently there has been a good deal of
vasorum, which occurs in dogs and foxes
work on serodiagnostic tests. Two mono-
in Europe and South America, does not
clonal antibodies (AcJ1 and AcJ20) are able
have a neurotropic cycle.
to recognize the epitope on an antigen with
a molecular mass of 204 kDa. A double-
antibody sandwich ELISA showed good Parastrongylus costaricensis
specificity with sera, but not with CNS (Morera and Céspedes, 1971) Ubelaker,
fluid (Chye et al., 1997), and an 1986
immunoblot technique is promising.
Larvae have been recovered from the SYNONYM AND DISEASE
eye on three occasions (a recent case in Sri Angiostrongylus costaricensis Morera and
Lanka may have been of a new species). Céspedes, 1971; Morerastrongylus costa-
ricensis Chabaud, 1972. Abdominal para-
TREATMENT strongyliasis or parastrongylosis (or
It is not certain that chemotherapy is advis- abdominal angiostrongyliasis).
able, as live worms cause far less tissue
reaction than dead ones and the infection GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION
is usually self-limiting. This parasite was discovered by Morera
and Céspedes in the mesenteric arteries of
EPIDEMIOLOGY patients in Costa Rica in 1971. In the fol-
Human infection usually occurs from eating lowing 30 years it has been found in
the giant African land snail (Achatina humans in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia,
fulica), which is popular among people of Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Chinese descent and has been introduced by El Salvador, Guadeloupe, Guatemala,
them to Hawaii and other Pacific islands. Honduras, Japan, Martinique, Nicaragua,
Another snail, Pila, is similarly eaten in Panama, Peru, the USA and Venezuela,
Thailand, as are freshwater prawns in with a possible case in Congo Republic
Tahiti. In addition, small slugs (e.g. (Zaire).
Veronicella), snails and planarians may be
ingested inadvertently in salads. It is poss- LOCATION IN HOST
ible that larvae escape from the invertebrates Adult worms that lay eggs but do not pro-
in faeces or slime and are ingested on veg- duce larvae are found in the ileocaecal
etables or fruit. At least six species of terres- branches of the anterior mesenteric artery
trial snails, nine species of aquatic snails or occasionally in the liver or testicles. Full
and five species of slugs, freshwater prawns, development occurs in the natural host, the
frogs and toads have been found naturally cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus.
infected, and many other invertebrates and
probably fish can serve as paratenic hosts. MORPHOLOGY
In some Asian countries some of these hosts Adult males measure 17.4–22.2 mm
are ingested for medicinal purposes. 0.28–0.31 mm. The caudal bursa is well
146 Chapter 5
developed and symmetrical with six papil- usually some degree of leucocytosis, with
lae and equal spicules. Females measure 20–50% eosinophilia. In children, symptoms
28.2–42.0 mm 0.32–0.35 mm, with the may mimic appendicitis, Crohn’s disease or
vulval opening about 0.26 mm from the tip Meckel’s diverticulum. Some cases have
of the tail. Both sexes lack a buccal cap- bright red blood in the faeces.
sule. The adult worms and eggs in the arteries
provoke damage to the endothelium, caus-
LIFE CYCLE ing thrombosis and necrosis of tissues, and
Twelve species of rodents can act as final the eggs cause inflammatory reactions in the
hosts, as well as marmosets, dogs and the small vessels. The whole wall of the intes-
coatimundi. First-stage larvae (L1s) in the tine can become thickened and hardened,
faeces of these hosts enter slugs as interme- with yellowish granulatomous areas of
diate hosts, where they develop into the inflammation (Fig. 68). In lighter infections
infective third stage (L3) and are often only the appendix is damaged but in heavy
excreted into the mucus left on vegetation. infections the terminal ileum, caecum and
In Central America the veronicellid slug, ascending colon may have to be excised.
Vaginulus plebeius, which is common up to If the liver is infected, there is likely to be
an altitude of 2000 m, is commonly pain in the upper right quadrant, with some
infected (50% overall in Costa Rica) some- degree of hepatomegaly. Palpation is painful
times with large numbers of larvae (Morera, and there are enzyme abnormalities and a
1994). When these slugs are ingested by high eosinophilia; the syndrome resembles
cotton rats or other natural hosts, the L3s visceral larva migrans (p. 157). The presence
penetrate the intestinal wall within 4 h and of adult worms in the spermatic cords of
migrate to the lymphatics of the intestinal males can result in acute pain from obstruc-
wall and mesentery. Following a further tion by adult worms, leading to haemor-
two moults, the young adults (females mea- rhagic necrosis of the testicular parenchyma.
suring 28–44 mm and males 20 mm in Even without treatment, recovery usually
length) migrate to the mesenteric arteries takes place in a few weeks to many months.
after 10 days. They mature and release eggs
by 18 days. The eggs are deposited in the DIAGNOSIS
intestinal wall, where they hatch, and the Symptoms in children of an appendicitis-
L1s are excreted in the faeces by 24 days like illness with a high eosinophilia are
postinfection. Humans become infected by suggestive. Clinical diagnosis can be greatly
ingesting infected slugs, either intention- aided by X-ray. Contrast medium shows fill-
ally, in the case of young children, or acci- ing defects in the terminal ileum, caecum
dentally, on salad vegetables. The L1s in and ascending colon, with irritability and
mucus can also be ingested from food or thickening of the wall. There is also a sud-
from the hands of children after playing den contraction of the caecum observed by
with slugs. fluoroscopy after a barium enema, typical of
chronic granulomatous inflammatory reac-
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND PATHOGENESIS tions and found also in tuberculosis and
Infection is found predominantly in children, amoebic abscesses. Newer imaging tech-
but all ages can be susceptible. If worms are niques would probably be even more use-
present in the tissues of the caecal region, ful. Parasitological diagnosis is only
there is usually pain in the right flank and possible following biopsy or resective surgery
iliac fossa. There may be fever, often accom- since L1s are not produced in the faeces.
panied by anorexia and vomiting and consti- Serological diagnosis is thus very
pation or diarrhoea in children. In many important. There is a latex agglutination
patients a tumour-like mass can be palpated test and an ELISA, both of which are sensi-
in the lower right quadrant (although this tive and specific, and immunoelectrophore-
procedure may be painful), and this may be sis or Ouchterlony immunodiffusion can
mistaken for a malignant tumour. There is also be employed.
The Nematodes 147
Fig. 68. Cross-sections of five adult P. costaricensis in a mesenteric vessel. The inflammatory exudate
and eosinophils surrounding them are undergoing necrosis (perhaps following the death of the
worms), suggesting both immediate and delayed hypersensitivity responses.
Fig. 69. Egg of Ascaris. Left: Fertile unembryonated egg as seen in faeces. Centre: Infertile egg from
faeces. Right: Second-stage infective larva in egg after at least 10–15 days’ development in soil (original
magnification 350).
The Nematodes 149
in ileum
Duodenum, blood or
lymphatics, lungs
(bronchi, trachea),
oesophagus, ileum
swallowed and hatch
Unsegmented EGGS
2ND-STAGE LARVA (60m 40m) in
in egg. Can survive faeces reach soil
in soil for up to 7 years
in e
or water. The first-stage larva inside the egg oesophagus to reach the ileum. They
moults after about a week and it is the egg develop into adult males and females in
containing the second-stage larva that is about 65 days and live for 1–2 years.
infective (Fig. 69). In moist loose soil with
moderate shade, infective eggs may survive CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
for up to 7 years (Plate 2). Although the majority of infections are
When the infective eggs are ingested, apparently symptomless (about 85%), the
the larvae hatch in the duodenum. The presence of even a few worms can be
eggshell is dissolved when there is a tem- potentially dangerous and there are still
perature of 37°C, high CO2 concentration, over 200 million cases showing morbidity.
low oxidation-reduction potential and a pH The first clinical signs and symptoms are
of around 7.0. The second-stage larvae a pneumonitis with cough, dyspnoea, sub-
measure 0.2–0.3 mm 0.014 mm and have sternal pain, fever and sometimes a blood-
a rhabditiform oesophagus extending back stained sputum (which may contain larvae).
about a quarter of the length of the body. These symptoms begin 5 to 6 days after infec-
They penetrate the mucosa and are carried tion and usually last 10–12 days. This is
in the lymphatics or veins through the liver known as Loeffler’s syndrome and the X-ray
and heart to reach the lungs in 3 days. findings often show dense pulmonary infil-
With A. suum in pigs, at least, the larvae trations, resembling acute tuberculosis. There
penetrate the colon and caecum, not the is moderate eosinophilia (which increases to
ileum, and reach the liver in 6 h causing a maximum of 40% 3 weeks after infection).
lesions (Murrell et al., 1997). The larvae The severity of symptoms depends both
moult twice in the lungs (at 5–6 days and on the number of eggs ingested and on the
10 days) and then penetrate the alveolae, previous infection history; hypersensitive
ascend the trachea and pass down the individuals may have severe symptoms,
150 Chapter 5
with perhaps urticaria and asthma from the Adult worms causing obstruction can often
presence of only a few larvae. The relation- be seen outlined as a shadow on X-rays
ship between pneumonitis and ascariasis after a barium meal. In many areas this is
was well shown by a study in Saudi the commonest cause of intestinal obstruc-
Arabia, where there is a short transmission tion in children. Occasionally worms may
season in spring when infection can occur. cause peritonitis or may wander in the
In young adults (and probably children) appendix and possibly give rise to appen-
Loeffler’s syndrome occurs at this time of dicitis (but see p. 163).
year, with eggs appearing in the faeces 2–3 Adult Ascaris appear to be particularly
months later. However, in Colombia, where prone to a ‘wanderlust’, perhaps an attempt
there is constant transmission, this syn- to repeat the migrations of their youth
drome does not occur. when the larvae were only 0.3 mm long
The second phase of clinical disease is (Plate 17). They may migrate up the bile-
due to the presence of the adult worms in duct or even up the pancreatic ducts. In
the intestinal lumen (Fig. 71). The usual children this causes severe colicky pain in
symptoms of heavy infections are digestive almost all patients, with nausea and vomit-
disorders, nausea, vomiting and colic and, ing. After a few days fever develops,
in children, restless sleep and tooth grind- accompanied by a slight jaundice.
ing. Complications include ascending cholangi-
Intestinal obstruction is a serious com- tis (in about 15% of cases), obstructive
plication of Ascaris infection, which usu- jaundice (1%), acute pancreatitis (4%), and
ally occurs in children, often as young as 2 occasionally multiple liver abscesses. Such
(Plate 16). Mortality in such cases admitted worms can be removed endoscopically. In
to hospital is about 9%. Because of the China ascariasis has been estimated to
danger of causing obstruction, it is advis- account for about 13% of all cases of bil-
able in an endemic area to examine the iary obstruction (Zhou Xianmin et al.,
faeces, followed by appropriate treatment if 1999).
necessary, before carrying out an intestinal Sometimes adults may develop in
operation or before giving chemotherapy ectopic sites such as the abdominal cavity
for other parasites, which may irritate and infrequently worms pass out through
Ascaris. The symptoms of intestinal various orifices – mouth, nose, lachrymal
obstruction are recurrent abdominal pain, duct, urethra, vagina – much to the con-
loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. sternation of the infected person.
Fig. 71. Portion of ileum removed at autopsy containing many adult Ascaris.
The Nematodes 151
may require surgical removal. Biliary faeces up to 7 days after the adults have
obstruction, which is more common in been expelled. Males are expelled first, so
adults than in children, can sometimes be that in long-established infections without
treated by using retrograde endoscopy. reinfection there is a preponderance of
Chemotherapy The use of human faeces as a fertilizer
(‘night-soil’) is common in some parts of
● Albendazole
the world and can result in eggs getting on
This is 100% effective at a single oral
to salad vegetables. In China and other
standard dosage of 400 mg for all indi-
areas raw faeces is now being stored. Over
viduals except pregnant women and the
90% of ova are killed by storage for 15 days
under-5s and will have action against all
at 29°C or 6 days at 33°C; but for complete
the geohelminths.
destruction 40 days at 30°C is required
● Mebendazole (Muller, 1983).
This can similarly be used at a standard Untreated sewage is sometimes dis-
single oral dose of 400 mg for all geo- charged into rivers and lakes, which repre-
helminths although best against Ascaris sents a clear health hazard. Even more
(100%). common is discharge into the sea and eggs
are able to continue development in sea
● Pyrantel pamoate (= embonate)
water, as is said to occur in coastal villages
This is given as a single oral dose at
of Samoa.
5–10 mg kg1 body weight. It is not
Properly designed modern sewage treat-
effective against Strongyloides and
ment plants will remove or destroy all
Trichuris (0–20% cure rate) and only
Ascaris eggs, the bacterial bed treatment
partially against hookworms (20–90%);
not being so effective as the activated
possibly it may also encourage obstruc-
sludge process or sand filtration. However,
tion by paralysed worms.
eggs need to be retained for 10–12 months
● Levamisole in septic tanks and cesspits before they are
When given at 150–250 mg (2.5–5 mg all destroyed. Eggs will not embryonate
kg1) it is completely effective (para- below 18°C but can survive for many
lysing Ascaris) but less so against other weeks at much lower temperatures and
intestinal nematodes. continue development when the tempera-
ture is raised. In experiments in Russia
EPIDEMIOLOGY eggs have survived in soil for 7 years, but
Ascariasis is prevalent in most tropical in most natural habitats they will be
countries, with estimated infections of: destroyed by sunlight, fungi or acarines in
China 523–539 million, Côte d’Ivoire 17% 2–6 months and in temperate climates they
and Kenya 38%. Infection rates are often survive for shorter periods in summer.
high in urban (particularly slum) areas: The soil type is important in transmis-
25% in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), 47% in sion; clay soils favour survival of eggs,
Egypt (Alexandria), 35% in India since they retain water better. Complete
(Hyderabad), 64% in Malaysia (Kuala lack of aeration is not lethal, ova remaining
Lumpur), 55% in Mexico (Coatzacoalcos), viable for months without oxygen,
68% in Nigeria (Lagos), 80% in the although their development is interrupted
Philippines (Manila) and 43% in Sierra (Mizgajska, 1993).
Leone (Freetown).
The adults are not usually very long- PREVENTION AND CONTROL
lived and there is often an annual cycle of Where there is a marked rise in standards
infection. Evidence from people who move of sanitation over a large area, Ascaris
to a non-endemic area shows that eggs infection falls quickly, usually within a
cease to be passed in under 18 months. year. At the personal level, thorough wash-
Eggs may continue to be passed in the ing and preferably cooking of vegetables
The Nematodes 153
and supervision of children’s play areas are abscesses, so that repeated life cycles occur
important. However, it is difficult to pre- (de Aguilar Nasumento et al., 1993). In the
vent infection and reinfection in young mastoid region, temporal bone can be
children, particularly where pica (geopha- invaded, with numerous mastoid sinuses
gia) is common (Geissler et al., 1998). Mass and perhaps involvement of the CNS. In
chemotherapy campaigns for all geo- one woman worms emerged into the mouth
helminths are discussed on p. 133. and in a young girl a worm was recovered
from a tooth abscess. The zone of indura-
ZOONOTIC ASPECTS tion grows deeper and sinus tracts develop,
The relationship of human A. lumbricoides the openings oozing pus. Eventually a
to the very common parasite of the pig still chronic granulomatous inflammation
remains unresolved. Slight morphological ensues, which can last for months. Some
differences have been described, such as cases are fatal, including one with worms
the labial denticles being concave in the in the lungs.
former and straight-sided in the latter, but The natural definitive hosts are
these have been challenged by other workers unknown but are probably carnivores or
(Gibson, 1983). Cross-infection can opossums. Cats have been found naturally
undoubtedly occur but in Guatemala, for infected in Argentina and Brazil and, in
instance, there appears to be little gene cats experimentally infected with cysts
flow between infections of humans and of from mice containing third-stage infective
pigs, which is encouraging for control cam- larvae, the larvae excysted in the stomach
paigns. In North America, however, a non- and penetrated the oesophagus, trachea,
endemic region, molecular evidence pharynx and cervical lymph nodes, devel-
indicates that most human cases are of pig oping to adults in 9–20 days postinfection.
origin (Anderson and Jaenike, 1997). There However, the worms did not produce eggs,
also appear to be genetic differences although they did in animals fed infected
between the two forms (Xingquan et al., mice. In mice infected orally with ova from
1999) and pig parasites are usually humans, the first-stage larvae hatched in
regarded as a separate species, A. suum the gut, penetrated the wall and migrated
Goeze, 1782. It is probable that human to the liver, lungs, skeletal muscles and
infections originally came when pigs were subcutaneous tissues, where they encysted
first domesticated in neolithic times, possi- as third-stage larvae. How humans become
bly in China (Peng Weidong et al., 1998; infected is not known, although presum-
Crompton, 2000); infections of A. lumbri- ably it is either from ingestion of wild ani-
coides in other primates appear to have mals containing cysts or from ingestion of
been contracted from humans (cases of eggs in the environment.
‘nosozootic’ infections). Long-term treatment with levamisole
and thiabendazole has not been effective,
but albendazole (200–400 mg each day for
Lagochilascaris minor
5 days) and perhaps mebendazole (200 mg
Leiper, 1909
each day) have some (although perhaps a
There have been occasional human cases temporary) effect. Ivermectin (300 µg kg1
recorded from Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, daily for 4 weeks) has resulted in long-term
Ecuador, Mexico, Surinam, Trinidad and cure in single cases in Ecuador and Brazil.
In humans the first sign of infection is a
Baylisascaris procyonis
pustule, usually on the neck, which grows
(Stefanski and Zarnowski, 1951)
in size to give a large swelling. After the
skin breaks, living adults, larvae and eggs This is a common parasite of racoons in the
are expelled at intervals in the pus. Eggs USA. In humans and small rodents, such
are continually developing into larvae and as squirrels, or porcupines, rabbits, birds
then adults in the tissues at the base of and dogs, it causes a form of visceral,
154 Chapter 5
neural or ocular larva migrans. There are tion of eggs in the environment. A biologi-
about a dozen species of Baylisascaris from cal quirk, shared with A. suum, is that
carnivores and the full life cycle is known nuclear DNA is greatly reduced in all
only for a species in badgers, which somatic cells but not in germ cells.
requires an intermediate host. It is likely
that racoons ingest small mammals and
birds with granulomas containing larvae in Family Anisakidae
the somatic and particularly CNS tissues
(although eggs can also be infective); the Anisakis and other anisakids
worms then develop into adults in the
intestinal lumen and eggs are evacuated in DISEASE AND POPULAR NAMES
the faeces, with second-stage larvae devel- Anisakiasis or anisakidosis; herring-worm
oping inside them in soil. They are then disease, cod-worm disease (from
infective to the mammalian and bird inter- Pseudoterranova).
mediate hosts, where development to the
third stage takes about 2 weeks. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION
In a fatal case in a 10-year-old boy, the Anisakis simplex (Rudolphi, 1809), syn-
larvae evoked a sessile polyploid mass in onym A. marina, is a natural parasite of
the left ventricular myocardium, protrud- marine fish-eating mammals. Human cases
ing into the ventricular lumen (Boschetti occur where fish are eaten raw and was
and Kasznica, 1995). In other cases, with first recognized in The Netherlands in
larvae in the brain, a sometimes fatal 1960. Cases (almost 34,000 in total) have
eosinophilic meningoencephalitis ensues been reported from Japan (over 16,000),
(Plate 18). In an infant who recovered after Korea (196 up to 1992), Canada, France,
treatment with a single dose of ivermectin Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Russia,
and multiple doses of thiabendazole and Spain, the UK and the USA.
prednisolone, there was permanent neuro-
logical damage (Cunningham et al., 1994). LOCATION IN HOST
Other cases in adults have resulted in lar- Larvae are found in abscesses in the wall of
vae in one eye causing a diffuse neuro- the intestinal tract, usually the stomach in
retinitis. In most cases diagnosis is based Japan but also the small intestine and
solely on ELISA or immunoblot techniques colon.
although L3 larvae have been found in usu-
ally granulomatous biopsy specimens. MORPHOLOGY AND LIFE CYCLE
Larvae measure 930–1300 µm 50–65 µm L3s in humans measure about 29 mm
and have well-developed lateral alae. 0.45 mm, with the typical ascarid three lips
Neurological cases present with extreme and a dorsal boring tooth at the anterior
lethargy, with 30–40% eosinophilia end. The tail is short and rounded, with a
(Kazacos, 1983). small projection at the end. Occasionally
The adult worms resemble those of larvae in humans develop to the fourth
Ascaris in size but have cervical alae and an stage but never to adults.
area rugosa, while the eggs are pitted. The Thin-shelled eggs (50 µm 40 µm) are
larvae inside eggs can survive for long peri- discharged in the faeces by the adults,
ods in soil, and infection is widespread in which inhabit the stomach of marine mam-
racoons throughout North America; similar mals. Larvae develop inside the egg and
species parasitize skunks, martens and bears. moult once to give the L2. The sheathed
larvae hatch and can live in sea water for
Parascaris equorum (Goeze, 1782) Yorke many weeks. If ingested by planktonic
and Maplestone, 1926, is a widespread par- euphausid crustaceans (krill), the larvae
asite of horses and other equines that has penetrate the gut wall and develop to the
caused occasional cases of human visceral L3 stage. When krill is ingested by many
larva migrans and pneumonitis from inges- (164) species of fish, such as herring, mack-
The Nematodes 155
erel, cod and salmon, or by squid, the lar- may be severe erosive gastritis, hyperaemia
vae encyst in the muscles or viscera. These and bleeding. There are usually only one to
act as paratenic hosts, since the larvae do nine worms, but in one patient 56 worms
not develop further, but if they are eaten by were removed (Kagei and Isogaki, 1992).
any of many species of marine mammals Contrast X-rays can reveal filling defects
(26 cetacean and 12 species of pinniped) and oedematous, obstructed, areas in the
the contained larvae develop into adults in stomach wall (Ishikura et al., 1992).
the stomach.
Immunodiagnosis. Various monoclonal anti-
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND PATHOGENESIS bodies have been discovered that recognize
If the parasite is in the stomach, the most specific epitopes from A. simplex larvae.
common symptoms are nausea, vomiting One (An2) recognizes epitopes from intesti-
and epigastric pain, simulating a peptic nal cells and ES products and has been
ulcer or a tumour, beginning 1–12 h after used in a micro-ELISA. Another IgG1κ
ingestion of infected fish (Plate 19). antibody (UA3) of 139 kDa is more specific,
Sometimes there may be symptoms of but both only detect the presence of the
acute chest pain. The parasites can elicit worms about 4 weeks after infection. An
severe IgE-mediated hypersensitivity, immunoblot technique with larval whole-
which might require emergency treatment. body antigen to detect IgE is positive after a
There is sometimes urticaria, angioedema few days (Garcia et al., 1997). An antigenic
and even anaphylaxis. If abscesses are pre- -galactosidase helminth-derived recombi-
sent in the intestine or colon, there is likely nant fusion protein (FP) obtained by
to be lower abdominal pain, but sometimes recombinant DNA techniques and used in
it can resemble acute appendicitis (Plate an ELISA is stated to be completely spe-
20). This develops after about 2 days and cific, in contrast to soluble antigens
lasts for a further few days before ileus or (Sugane et al., 1992).
perhaps ascites results. Gastric cancer is The most effective method of treatment
much more common in Japan than in any for gastric worms is by endoscopy and
other country and the presence of Anisakis removal of the larval worms using biopsy
larvae has been suggested as a cofactor forceps; symptoms clear up within hours of
(Petithory et al., 1990). Occasionally removal.
worms may penetrate through to the
abdominal cavity and in one patient a larva EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PREVENTION
was discovered in the liver. With the ability to easily remove larval
In the early stages there is an abscess worms, it is becoming increasingly evident
infiltrated by neutrophils and later an that other anisakids may be involved, as
eosinophilic granulomatous reaction. The well as Anisakis simplex. There is A. phy-
affected portion of the intestinal tract setis Baylis, 1923 (previously known as
becomes oedematous (up to 1.5 cm thick), Anisakis type II larvae), Pseudoterranova
with ulcerations and petechial haemor- decipiens (Krabbe, 1878) in Japan and
rhages in the mucosa, each containing a North America, Contracaecum osculatum
larval worm. Dead worms become sur- (Rudolphi, 1802) and Hysterothylacium
rounded by foreign-body giant cells. (syn. C.) aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802). Larvae
Submucosal lesions of the ileum or colon of all are found in marine fish; C. oscula-
also have larvae in them, surrounded by an tum caused an infection in Spain from eat-
area of necrosis. ing sardines and H. aduncum, with adults
in piscivorous fish, not mammals, was
reported from Chile. All cause similar
lesions in the gastric and possibly the
Clinical and parasitological. Endoscopy can intestinal wall. A fourth-stage larva of P.
be very useful for viewing the stomach decipiens that had been removed measured
abscess, which is oedematous, and there 29.7 mm 0.94 mm (Sohn and Seol, 1994)
156 Chapter 5
and an adult worm (reported once only) Infection can be divided into two cate-
33 mm 1.0 mm. This is a natural parasite gories:
of seals and requires two crustacean inter-
1. Visceral larval migrans results when
mediate hosts (a copepod and an amphipod).
ingestion of eggs or larvae leads to the pres-
The various larvae can be distinguished.
ence of wandering larvae in the deep
Those of Anisakis have no lateral alae and
organs. Potentially, this group constitutes
in section have characteristic Y-shaped lat- the most serious danger to humans.
eral cords. A. simplex larvae measure on Species that may be involved include the
average 28.4 mm 0.45 mm and have a larvae of Toxocara canis, T. cati,
short tail with a terminal spine, while Lagochilascaris major, Parascaris equorum,
those of A. physetis measure 27.8 mm Gnathostoma spinigerum and other
0.61 mm and have a long tail without a ter- spirurids, Parastrongylus cantonensis, P.
minal spine. Larvae of Pseudoterranova costaricensis, Anatrichosoma cutaneum,
decipiens measure 32.6 mm 0.8 mm and Alaria spp. and Spirometra spp. This defi-
have a short tail with a spine and the nition does not strictly include Ascaris
proventricular–caecal junction is not suum and Calodium hepaticum, which
straight but diagonal. reach maturity in the human body,
A high proportion of food fish may be Baylisascaris procyonis, which develops in
infected with anisakid larvae, up to 90% in humans as in its usual intermediate hosts,
herring and cod. Fish should be gutted as or Anisakis simplex, which develops nor-
soon as caught, since larvae are thought to mally in humans until it dies in the tissues,
move into the tissues after death, and deep- although these species are often included.
freezing (20°C) will kill the larvae. Raw 2. Cutaneous larva migrans is caused by
(green) herrings are popular in The skin-penetrating larvae that continue to
Netherlands but infection appears to have wander in the superficial layers of the body.
vanished, since all fish sold must now be Larvae that may be responsible include
deep frozen first. Thorough cooking will hookworms, Strongyloides, Gnathostoma
also kill the larvae, but raw fish are eaten hispidum, fly larvae and spargana of
in some countries, particularly Japan, Spirometra spp. Some animal schistosomes,
where ‘sashimi’ is popular. Also, it has including zoophilic strains of Schistosoma
been reported recently that cases of severe japonicum, Heterobilharzia and
allergic symptoms, such as urticaria, dysp- Orientobilharzia and bird parasites, such as
noea and even anaphylaxis, have occurred Australobilharzia, Bilharziella, Gigantobil-
in patients after eating thoroughly cooked harzia, Microbilharzia, Schistosomatium
fish and it is probable that the individuals and Trichobilharzia, cause ‘swimmers’ itch’
had become sensitized by previous infec- at the site of penetration but without wan-
tion with live larvae. dering in the superficial layers.
This is a term used to describe human Only the dog and cat ascarids will be con-
infection with helminth larvae that do not sidered in this section, the other possible
grow to maturity but wander in the body, causative agents being considered in their
sometimes with serious results. The condi- appropriate sections.
tion is caused by natural parasites of ani-
mals, with humans acting as abnormal Toxocara and Toxascaris
paratenic hosts, in which the parasites do
not develop but are not destroyed, and may DISEASE AND POPULAR NAME
also result from invasion by larvae belong- Toxocariasis or toxocarosis; ‘arrowhead
ing to zoophilic strains of species normally worms’. Most important cause of visceral
found in humans. larva migrans (VLM).
The Nematodes 157
Toxocara canis (Werner, 1782) Johnston, when a ‘tracheal’ type of migration similar
1916, is a very common ascarid nematode to that of Ascaris results. Adult females in
of dogs in many parts of the world. T. cati the ileum produce eggs in the faeces after
(synonym T. mystax) (Schrank, 1788) 4–5 weeks.
Brumpt, 1927, is found in cats and foxes Eggs hatch as second-stage larvae in
and Toxascaris leonina (von Linstow, mice (or in the case of Toxocara cati or
1902) Leiper, 1907, in dogs, cats and many Toxascaris leonina in invertebrates such as
wild carnivores. Each of these parasites is cockroaches and earthworms also) and
more common in young animals during the these act as paratenic hosts, the larvae
first few months of life. invading many tissues and becoming
encapsulated after 12 days. Further devel-
MORPHOLOGY opment occurs if these are eaten by the
The adults are smaller than those of definitive hosts.
Ascaris and have characteristic cervical In humans the eggs are ingested and the
alae or wings (Table 10). second-stage larvae hatch out in the intes-
tine and undergo a similar ‘somatic’ migra-
LIFE CYCLE tion but do not develop further. They
The egg is unsegmented when passed, but measure 350–530 µm and are considerably
in soil the ovum inside embryonates to thinner than the larvae of Ascaris and this
give the infective second-stage larva in 9 may explain why they are not filtered out
days at 26–30°C and 11–18 days at 20°C in the liver and lungs.
with a relative humidity above 85%.
The natural hosts are usually infected CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND PATHOGENESIS
before birth by the mother ingesting eggs Disease occurs mainly in young children
containing second-stage larvae. The (typically 1–4 years old) who have had
hatched larvae penetrate the gut wall and close contact with infected household pets
then undergo a ‘somatic’ migration, reach- or have been exposed to eggs in the envi-
ing the lungs, liver and kidneys and, in ronment and is due mainly to T. canis. In
pregnant females, penetrating through the over 80% of cases there is a marked
placenta to infect the fetus. Young puppies eosinophilia (over 50% with 20,000
or kittens may also be infected with larvae eosinophils mm3) and hepatomegaly. In
through the milk or by ingesting eggs, over 50% of cases, pulmonary symptoms,
such as coughing and wheezing with dysp- Another form of the disease, which usu-
noea and fever (Loeffler’s syndrome), last- ally occurs in older children or adults
ing up to 3 weeks, are found and there may when larvae invade the eye but do not
be acute bronchitis with pneumonia. Chest cause the typical visceral symptoms, can
X-rays often show bilateral infiltrates. be termed ocular larva migrans (OLM). The
These are followed by gastrointestinal dis- larvae cause unilateral chronic granuloma-
turbances, with larvae present in the liver tous endophthalmitis (in 60% of cases) or
and maybe the brain as well as the lungs, peripheral retinitis (in 10% of cases).
causing eosinophilic granulomas. These granulomata cause distortion or even
Hepatomegaly and eosinophilia can last for detachment of the retina, and blindness is
many months. Larvae in the brain can common (Gillespie, 1993; Gillespie et al.,
cause convulsions or hemiplegia (Plate 21). 1993). There can also be papillitis, leading
There is the possibility that Toxocara lar- to glaucoma. One danger is that the lesion
vae are responsible for carrying viral will be mistaken for a retinoblastoma and
(including poliomyelitis and Japanese B the eye hurriedly removed. However, the
encephalitis), bacterial and protozoal eye lesions in toxocariasis are raised and
pathogens into the brain and other organs. always unilateral (Fig. 72).
Very rarely there can be myelitis. A few human infections with adult T.
Fig. 72. Top: Ophthalmoscope view of the retina with raised area near the optic disc (haemorrhage on
left). Bottom: Section of granulomatous lesion of retina, with a larva in the centre of fibrinoid necrosis.
The Nematodes 159
canis and T. cati have been recorded, possi- nized by infected sera show a very high
bly from ingestion of larvae in an inverte- specificity in an SDS-PAGE or enzyme
brate intermediate host. immunotransfer blot assay.
70, Strongyloides on page 115, Gnatho- and fox in Europe and North America and
stoma on page 184 and fly larvae on page Bunostomum phlebotomum (Railliet,
241, and only the animal hookworms are 1900) is a widely distributed parasite of
considered here. cattle.
Fig. 73. Section of appendix with adult female Enterobius vermicularis in lumen.
162 Chapter 5
ileum and moult twice. The young adults apart from a mild inflammation. Ulcerative
move down to the colon, attach to the and haemorrhagic lesions of the small and
mucosa and become mature in 15–43 days. large intestine have been reported but may
Retroinfection can occur if the larvae be coincidental.
hatch on the perianal skin and migrate The relationship of pinworm infection
back up the anus. The adult females live to acute appendicitis has not been clearly
for 5–13 weeks and males for 7 weeks, but demonstrated, although Enterobius has
infection in humans is usually maintained been found in many patients with symp-
for very much longer by repeated reinfec- toms of appendicitis and where no other
tion. Retroinfection is more common in cause has been found. Sometimes
adults than in children and results in eosinophilic granulomas are found (Al
recurrent infections with a few worms Rabia et al., 1996), but recent large-scale
every 40–50 days. examinations have not supported an asso-
Biologically, this group of nematodes is ciation between Enterobius, or any other
interesting since it appears to be the only helminth, and appendicitis. In one study in
endoparasitic haplodiploid taxon, i.e. Venezuela, 3500 removed appendices were
females are diploid while males are hap- examined and Enterobius found in 11%,
loid and derived from unfertilized eggs Trichuris in 33% and Ascaris in 25%, but
(Adamson, 1989). there were just as many in normal organs
as in diseased ones (Dorfman et al., 1995).
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Indeed, in another study in Denmark, look-
The majority of cases are symptomless, ing at 2267 appendices, 4.1% had E. ver-
although children often suffer from loss of micularis but in 72% they were in normal
appetite and irritability; it is usually organs and only 7.4% were in inflamed
regarded as primarily an infection of chil- organs. Possibly E. vermicularis is the
dren. cause of appendicitis-like symptoms
The most common symptoms are due to (pseudo-appendicitis) or, on the other
the pruritus ani, which can be very severe hand, worms may leave an appendix that is
and lead to disturbed sleep. In females the inflamed (Addiss and Juranek, 1991). A
vulva can also be involved from vaginal few cases of perianal mass have been
migration of adult worms and in girls is the reported with recurrent cellulitis.
commonest cause of pruritus vulvae; there Occasionally worms lodge in ectopic sites,
may also be acute urinary tract infection. such as the Fallopian tubes or the ovary
Scratching may lead to secondary infection and in peritoneal granulomatous nodules.
of the anal region. In about 20% of infected young girls gravid
Mild catarrhal inflammation, with nausea female worms migrate into the vagina and
and diarrhoea, sometimes occurs and symp- uterus, occasionally evoking an endometri-
toms of appendicitis have been reported. tis (Sun et al., 1991). Eggs are sometimes
Low eosinophilia of 4–12% may be found, found in cervical Papanicolaou smears.
but eosinophilia is not so pronounced as in
many other intestinal nematodes, perhaps DIAGNOSIS
because there is no tissue phase. Adult worms are often observed on the sur-
If female worms reach the peritoneal face of stools. Sometimes they can also be
cavity from intestinal perforations or fol- seen around the anus or in the vulva in the
lowing migration into the female reproduc- evening.
tive tract, worms can die and become Ova are rarely found in the faeces and
surrounded by granulomas (Gilman et al., are better looked for in the perianal and
1991). perineal regions, using a swab technique.
The National Institutes of Health cello-
PATHOGENESIS phane swab has been in use since 1937, but
Little internal pathology can be directly nowadays cellophane is replaced by adhe-
attributed to the presence of Enterobius, sive tape (Sellotape or Scotch tape). The
The Nematodes 163
tape is usually stuck by one end to a micro- µg kg1, has given about 85% activity in
scope slide and turned back over a tongue clinical trials.
depressor or finger to make a swab
Levamisole (2.5 mg kg1 body weight in a
(Graham swab). The sticky tape is rubbed
single dose) and piperazine adipate (9 mg
over the anal region and stuck to the slide.
kg1 daily for 7 days) have been used for
A very convenient single-use flexible plas-
many years and can still be employed.
tic slide is manufactured in Japan. In
Russia an adhesive-covered glass ocular
spatula is stated to be more sensitive and
Enterobiasis is particularly a group infec-
cheaper. Ideally the swab should be taken
tion, being most common in large families
first thing in the morning and repeated for
and in institutions, such as boarding-
7 days before a negative diagnosis can be
schools, hospitals, mental homes and
made (and even then only at about the 90%
orphanages. Transmission may be termed
level). If it is necessary to confirm whether
contaminative, as the eggs are immediately
the eggs are viable, the slide can be gently infective, and normally takes place
heated, when the enclosed larvae should indoors; this is in contrast to the soil-
become active. Where there is a lot of transmitted geohelminths, in which the
extraneous material, a drop of toluene may eggs or larvae continue development in the
be placed on the slide first to increase soil. Eggs may be found in large numbers
transparency. inside houses, particularly in soiled bed-
clothes, in night clothes and in dust in bed-
TREATMENT rooms and lavatories (up to 50,000 m2).
Enterobius is one of the easiest of helminth Once embryonated (at above 22°C), the
infections to treat and a wide range of eggs can survive for 6–8 weeks under cool,
anthelminthics are effective. The benzimi- moist, conditions but are killed in a few
dazole compounds inhibit microtubule days by a dry atmosphere. Direct contami-
function and glycogen depletion and are nation from anus to fingers to mouth is also
the most effective. However, whichever a common mode of infection.
drug is used, it is advisable to treat the Recent estimates of infection rates in
entire family or group on several occasions; various countries using sticky tape are:
otherwise reinfection is almost inevitable. preschool institutes in Azerbaijan 36%;
Where the cost is important, treatment is Brisbane, Australia 43% (adults 23%);
probably not worthwhile for symptomless mental patients in Tasmania, Australia
cases unless used primarily for other 19%; Bulgaria 6.5%; Chile 16–22%; chil-
helminths. dren’s homes in Santiago in Chile 87%;
Denmark 12.5%; the Dominican Republic
Albendazole. The standard treatment of a 12.5%; Shoubra, Egypt 45%; children in
single dose of 400 mg, or a divided dose of hospital in England 55%; Germany 34%;
200 mg twice a day, usually gives 100% Greece 22%; adults in Bengal, India 12%;
cure rates in children over 2 and adults Tamil Nadu, India 14%; Basrah, Iraq 18%;
(but should not be given to pregnant women). children in Lithuania 21%; Macao 23%;
Penang, Malaysia 58%; Quetta, Pakistan
Mebendazole. At a single dose of 100 mg 4%; children in Peru 43%; Poland 30%;
with the same proviso, this is equally effec- South Korea 2077%; orphanages in South
tive. Korea 74–84%; Slovenia 40%; children in
Moscow, Russia 30%; Tainen City, Taiwan
Pyrantel pamoate. Given in a single dose of 38%; Turkey 40–97%; primary schools in
10 mg kg1 body weight or with a repeat California, USA 12–22%; Venezuela
dose 1 week later, this is also effective. 12.5%. Numerous other studies have been
carried out using faecal examination only
Ivermectin. At a single dosage of 50–200 µg and these have given much lower infection
kg1 body weight or two doses of 100–200 rates.
164 Chapter 5
The female lays about 2000–20,000 eggs
24 h1. The characteristically shaped egg is
barrel-shaped with transparent terminal
polar prominences with a high chitin con-
tent, and measures 57–58 µm 26–28 µm,
with an outer, brown bile-stained, shell
and two inner shells (Fig. 123). The very
resistant egg contains an unsegmented
ovum when laid, which takes from 2 weeks
to many months to develop in moist soil,
depending on the ambient temperature
(4–6 months at 15°C, 3–4 weeks at 26°C, 17
days at 30°C, 11 days at 35°C).
Embryonated eggs are usually ingested on
contaminated food, such as salad vegeta-
bles, or ingested in soil by infants. The
contained second-stage larvae, measuring
260 µm 15 µm, hatch in the distal por-
tion of the small intestine or colon. They
penetrate the crypts of Lieberkühn of the
colon or caecum, where they live coiled up
and after about a week move under the
Fig. 74. Adult male of Trichuris trichiura. Insert epithelium to the tip of the villus. The thin
shows two females and a male (with coiled tail) anterior end of each worm remains buried
attached to the mucosa of the colon by their in a tunnel in the mucosa, while the rest
anterior ends. emerges and hangs freely in the lumen.
After the usual four moults, the females
worm, as they resemble the coaching whip mature and lay eggs about 60–90 days after
once used in Europe or a stock-whip (Fig. ingestion of the eggs.
74). The mouth is simple, without lips, but The adult worms normally live for about
with a stylet for penetration of the mucosa. 1–2 years where there is repeated reinfec-
In the living worm the stylet is constantly tion, but can survive for much longer in
probing and slashing, like a fencer wield- some circumstances.
ing a rapier. The mouth is followed by a
simple non-muscular oesophagus, sur- CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
rounded by a single row of cells with an In the great majority of infected individuals,
intracellular lumen and extending about only a few eggs can be found in a faecal
166 Chapter 5
Fig. 75. Adults of T. trichiura in colon showing the slender anterior ends ‘threaded’ beneath the
Fig. 76. Section of colon with adult T. trichiura. Note thinner anterior end embedded in mucosa.
sample and no overt symptoms can be Cooper et al., 1995; Ramdath et al., 1995;
attributed to the presence of the worms, Gardner et al., 1996).
except perhaps for diarrhoea; there is also
usually an eosinophilia of up to 25% in PATHOGENESIS
the early stages. In heavy infections, The anterior portions of the worms embed-
Trichuris causes dysentery with blood in ded in the mucosa cause petechial haemor-
the stools, abdominal or epigastric pain, rhages and there is evidence that the
headache, anorexia and weight loss, with presence of T. trichiura predisposes to
prolapse of the rectum in children (in amoebic dysentery, presumably because
about 30% of cases) (Plate 22). Iron- the ulcers provide a suitable site for tissue
deficiency anaemia, pallor, malnutrition, invasion by Entamoeba histolytica, and it
stunting of growth, clubbing of fingers and may also be involved in the spread of viral
poor school performance are associated and bacterial pathogens (particularly
with heavy chronic infections in children Shigella). Cases have been reported in
(Forrester et al., 1990; Simeon et al., 1994; which the lumen of the appendix was
The Nematodes 167
filled with worms and consequent irrita- In heavy infections sigmoidoscopy may
tion and inflammation has led to appen- show the white bodies of adult worms
dicitis (but see p. 163) or granulomas. The hanging from the inflamed mucosa – the
mucosa of the large intestine becomes so-called coconut-cake rectum.
chronically inflamed, the extent depending
on the number of worms present. In heavy TREATMENT
infections there may be at least 1000 adult This is entirely by chemotherapy and,
worms present (with about 30,000 eggs g1 because of the sites of the adults, complete
faeces), which can cause an insidious elimination used to be difficult. Recently,
chronic colitis, similar to Crohn’s disease, the newer benzimidazoles are proving to be
with inflammation extending to the rec- very effective.
tum. A flexible fibre-optic colonoscope Albendazole is given at a single oral
shows that the wall of the caecum and dose of 200 mg but for symptomatic cases
ascending colon is also hyperaemic and should be given each day for 3 days. It is
oedematous, with ulceration and bleeding. not recommended for pregnant women or
The bleeding might be partly due to blood infants under 1 year old (Savioli, 1999).
ingestion by the parasites but is mainly Combined treatment with albendazole and
caused by enterorrhagia. Blood loss has ivermectin, as recommended for filariasis
been estimated at about 0.005 ml per worm (p. 199), appears to have a synergistic effect
day1. The rectal prolapse results from also in trichuriasis.
straining (tenesmus) consequent on irrita- Mebendazole at a single oral dose of
tion and oedema of the lower colon simu- 400–500 mg is similarly effective.
lating a full bowel (Plate 22). Oxantel pamoate with pyrantel (for
Immune responses in humans have only other intestinal nematodes), at 10–15 mg
recently been demonstrated; ES antigens of kg1 body weight, has the advantage that it
16–17 kDa appear to be immunogenic in does not cause ectopic migration of
children (Needham and Lillywhite, 1994). Ascaris, but it does require weight mea-
Previously all knowledge on immunology surements – chemical formula: (E)-3-(2-
of infection was based on T. muris in the (1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-1-methyl-2-pyrimidinyl)-
mouse. In this host, parasites are rapidly ethenyl)-phenol.
expelled, with subsequent immunity to Thiabendazole is unpleasant to take and
challenge infection, unlike the situation in not very effective and is no longer recom-
human infection. However, predisposition mended.
to infection has been demonstrated for all
the geohelminths, some individuals not EPIDEMIOLOGY
becoming infected in spite of being exposed Trichuris infection is very common in
as much as those who do (Crompton, many countries where there is heavy rain-
1998). The immunology of all the intestinal fall, dense shade and a constant tempera-
nematodes is discussed on p. 122. ture between 22 and 28°C.
Recent estimates of infection rates are:
DIAGNOSIS 25% in South and Central America, 31% in
This is by finding the characteristic eggs in Africa (with 76% in Nigeria and 70% in
the faeces. In very light infections concen- Cameroon), 12% in the Middle East, 12%
tration techniques can be used. More than in southern India, 36% in Bangladesh,
1000 eggs in a 50 mg Kato–Katz faecal 58% in South-East Asia except China and
smear (20,000 eggs g1 faeces) (p. 257) rep- 0.01% in Japan.
resents a heavy infection with overt symp- Fertile eggs are ingested with soil or on
toms. It has been estimated that 2000 eggs salad vegetables. This is similar to the mode
g1 faeces indicates the presence of 5–15 of infection in Ascaris and the two worms are
adult worms but the relationship is not commonly present together. They are both
reliable. Each female worm produces about particularly common where human faeces is
200–370 eggs g1 stool 24 h1. used as a fertilizer (‘night-soil’). The larvae
168 Chapter 5
inside the eggs develop only under moist are taking place against all the soil-
conditions and are killed by direct sunlight or transmitted nematodes (see p. 135).
a low relative humidity. Under conditions of Sanitation measures are likely to be very
poor sanitation both infections are peri- slow to act. For instance, a campaign in
domestic and the areas around houses may be northern Italy in the 1950–1960s took 25
heavily contaminated with eggs (Plate 2) up years to reduce prevalence from 25 to 5% in
to a depth of 20 cm; the habit of eating earth is schoolchildren. The basic reproductive rate
an important reason why infants are often of Trichuris is much higher than that of
infected by the age of 1. In the past, infection hookworms or Ascaris, which makes it more
was also common in temperate countries, resistant to control. Children acquire approx-
even though the eggs took a long time to imately 90 new parasites per year and, in the
become infective in the soil. Infection is absence of constraints, each female worm
overdispersed with a small proportion of the would produce four to six new egg-laying
infected population having a high worm females (Bundy and Cooper, 1989).
burden and producing most of the eggs reach-
ing the environment (Bundy and Medley, ZOONOTIC ASPECTS
1992). The same species occurs in monkeys and
Eggs of Trichuris were found in the rec- primates, such as lemurs, catarrhine mon-
tum of the Alpine ‘ice man’, who lived about keys and the orang-utan, but they are of no
5300 years ago. He also had a bag containing importance as reservoir hosts. The pig par-
a fungal purgative and anthelminthic asite, T. suis Schrank, 1788, is almost iden-
(Capasso, 1998). tical to the human parasite, although the
eggs are stated to be slightly larger (64 µm
PREVENTION AND CONTROL 30 µm). Experimental infections in
Personal protection is by the thorough humans are possible and it is likely that
washing of salad vegetables. natural infections also occur where there is
Until recently, control was almost intensive pig farming. A few cases of
entirely by sanitary disposal of faeces, but human infection with the dog and fox
mass chemotherapy has recently become whipworm, T. vulpis (Froelich, 1789), have
much more practical, with the develop- been reported. Other species occur in
ment of broad-action agents that can be sheep and cattle (T. ovis) and mice (T.
used in a standard single oral dose against muris) and over 70 species have been
many intestinal helminths, and campaigns reported altogether; all from mammals.
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Further Reading
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Farthing, M.J.G., Keusch, G.T. and Wakelin, D. (eds) (1995) Enteric Infections 2: Intestinal Helminths.
Chapman and Hall, London, UK.
Gilles, H.M. and Ball, P.A. (eds) (1991) Hookworm Infections. Human Parasitic Diseases, Vol. 4.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Grove, D.I. (ed.) (1989) Strongyloidiasis: a Major Roundworm of Man. Taylor and Francis, London, UK.
Holland, C. (1987) Neglected infections – trichuriasis and strongyloidiasis. In: Stephenson, L.S. (ed.)
Impact of Helminth Infections on Human Nutrition. Taylor and Francis, London, UK, pp.
Miller, T.A. (1979) Hookworm infection in man. Advances in Parasitology 17, 315–384.
Sakanari, J.A. and McKerrow, J.H. (1989) Anisakiasis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 2, 278–284.
Schad, G.A. and Warren, K.S. (eds) (1990) Hookworm Disease: Current Status and New Directions.
Taylor and Francis, London, UK.
The Nematodes 173
The stools contain large amounts of fat,
protein and minerals, particularly potas-
sium, which results in a marked protein-
losing enteropathy. Malabsorption also
occurs. Muscle wasting, emaciation, weak-
ness and cardiopathy were reported from
73% of early patients. Without treatment,
death often ensues 2 weeks to 2 months
after the onset of symptoms, due to cardiac
Fig. 77. Section of ileum with female
failure or to intercurrent infection.
Aonchotheca (cut tangentially) invading the villi
Necropsy studies on ten Philippinos and containing many unembryonated thick-shelled
showed the presence of adults and larvae eggs in the vagina. A section of the same worm
embedded in the mucosa of the jejunum, above shows a portion of the stichosome and
together with numerous eggs (Fig. 77). oesophagus.
Family Trichinellidae
Trichinella spiralis
(Owen, 1835) Railliet, 1895
Trichina spiralis Owen, 1835.
Infection with Trichinella species is world-
wide in carnivorous or scavenging animals
but is particularly important in humans in
Alaska and Canada in Inuit, Chile, eastern
Europe, Kenya and Russia. Other endemic
areas include Central and South America
(including the Caribbean), central and
western Europe, China, Indonesia, Japan,
New Zealand, the Pacific area (particularly
Hawaii) and the Aleutians.
The short-lived adults are partially embed-
ded in the mucosa of the ileum. The larvae
are present in cysts in all the striated mus-
The adults are minute, threadlike worms,
the females measuring 2.8 (2.4–3.4) mm
0.06 mm and the males 1.5 (1.3–1.6) mm
0.03 mm. Both sexes are wider posteriorly Fig. 78. Adult female and male of Trichinella
than anteriorly. The oesophagus differs spiralis.
from that of all other animal-parasitic
nematodes (apart from Trichuris and capil-
larids), as its posterior part is non- LIFE CYCLE
muscular but is surrounded by a column of The muscle cysts containing larvae are
cuboidal cells, known as a stichosome or ingested in raw or semi-cooked meat. The
cell body (Zellenkörper), with an intracel- cyst wall is digested out in the stomach
lular canal. The oesophagus connects with and the larvae emerge in the duodenum.
a thin-walled intestine, which ends in a The released first-stage larvae invade the
terminal anus. The male has two copula- mucosa of the duodenum and jejunum and
tory appendages at the posterior end but no undergo four moults. The immature worms
spicules. The reproductive system of the emerge into the lumen of the intestine
female consists of a single ovary, oviduct, 22–24 h after ingestion of cysts and, in
seminal receptacle, uterus, vagina and mice, fertilized females have been observed
vulva. Trichinella is ovoviviparous, so that at 30 h. In most experimental hosts,
in the mature female the uterus is filled approximately twice as many females as
with larvae (Figs 78–80). males are present and both sexes re-enter
The Nematodes 177
Fig. 79. Portion of the stichosome of T. spiralis. The first signs and symptoms can be
caused by the development of the adults
and production of larvae in the intestine;
the mucosa. The female begins to produce in heavy infections they can be protean
first-stage larvae (measuring 80–129 µm and infection is often misdiagnosed. With
5–6 µm) approximately 5 days after inges- about 1000 larvae g1 muscle tissue, there
tion of cysts. Each female produces may be a sudden onset of illness, with nau-
200–2000 larvae during its lifetime. The sea, vomiting, epigastric pain and severe
larvae are deposited in the mucosa and watery diarrhoea, followed by pyrexia
reach the active skeletal muscles, travelling (38–40°C), myalgias, facial or generalized
Fig. 80. An electron micrograph of the cuticle and epicuticle of T. spiralis (original magnification 82,000).
178 Chapter 5
oedema (Plate 23) and urticarial manifesta- phobia and blurred vision. Scleral or reti-
tions. There are also likely to be cardiovas- nal haemorrhages with pain on pressure or
cular, renal and central nervous system movement of the eyes and diplopia may
symptoms. Eosinophilia is often the first also occur.
clinical sign and becomes apparent about Flame-shaped splinter haemorrhages
10 days after infection, reaching a maxi- under the fingernails are sometimes seen
mum (usually 25–50%, but may be as high and are almost diagnostic.
as 90% with 4000 eosinophils mm3) dur- About 90% of infections are light, with
ing the 3rd or 4th week, and slowly dimin- fewer than ten larvae g1 of muscle. One of
ishing over a period of months. There is the heaviest infections known was a fatal
also some degree of leucocytosis. When one in a young boy in East Africa, who had
only a few cysts are ingested, these may be over 5000 cysts g1 of tongue muscle and
the only signs and symptoms, and the 6530 cysts g1 in another boy (see T. nel-
majority of cases of trichiniasis are diag- soni below). With massive infections like
nosed only at routine autopsy. this, there is a greater volume of cyst sub-
Larvae in the muscles can cause many stance than of muscle fibre. However, death
effects (Fig. 81). Transient cardiac manifes- may result with as few as 100 cysts g1, the
tations (feeble pulse, cardiac dilatation and severity of the reaction probably being
apical systolic murmur and palpitations), more important than the number of larvae
various nervous system manifestations present. In very heavy infections, death is
(meningitis or meningoencephalitis, hemi- more likely between the 4th and 8th weeks,
plegia, coma and neuritis with muscular from exhaustion, pneumonia or cardiac
paralysis) and pulmonary manifestations failure.
(effort dyspnoea, cough, hoarseness, Some infections in Inuit in northern
bronchopneunomia, chest pain and pul- Canada and Alaska from eating raw walrus
monary oedema) are all possible (Capo and or seal show atypical symptoms of pro-
Despommier, 1996). Ocular signs and longed diarrhoea, with no fever or oedema,
symptoms occur in over one-third of clini- short myalgia, but a high eosinophilia (this
cal cases and characteristically include is caused by T. nativa – see below); this
orbital oedema and waxy yellow chemosis possibly occurs in patients who have been
of the bulbar conjunctiva, with photo- previously infected (infections are likely to
Fig. 81. Section of skeletal muscle with cysts of Trichinella and interstitial inflammatory cells between the
muscle cells. From a fatal case with severe myositis (original magnification 65).
The Nematodes 179
be high since they are almost entirely meat necrosis around each parasite are found in
eaters). the subcortical white matter.
There is usually eventual complete
recovery in most patients, but muscular Lungs. There may be oedema, disseminated
pain (in 60% of sufferers), fatigue (in 52%) haemorrhages and eosinophilic abscesses
and cardiovascular pains may persist for surrounding larvae, indicative of an aller-
1–6 years. The presence of two cysts per gic response.
gram of muscle is likely to result in mild
In general many more migrating larvae are
clinical symptoms.
destroyed in humans than in experimental
A few cases are recorded where death
animals and this is accompanied by more
has occurred about 10 days after infection
pronounced inflammatory changes.
owing to the action of the stages in the
Histopathology of muscle stages. Within 2
days of larval invasion, the muscle fibres
lose their cross-striations and become more
In the early stages the mucosa of the diges-
basophilic. The fibres are changed bio-
tive tract may be hyperaemic, with inflam-
chemically and become oedematous and
mation consisting of eosinophils,
swell. About 17 days postinfection, the
neutrophils and lymphocytes and petechial
remains of the muscle fibres become more
haemorrhages at the site of attachment.
dense and apparently help to form
Antigen–antibody complexes form in the
‘Nevinny’s basophilic halo’ surrounding
tissues and are probably involved in the
each larva. This halo area is actually fluid
occasional severe gut reactions found in
heavy infections (antibodies are produced and contains proliferating, enlarged and
particularly to the stichocyte contents). altered nuclei. The redifferentiation
Most of the important pathology is due changes in the muscle fibres near each
to the larval stages in the muscles. These larva, with an increase in nuclear numbers
cause myositis, which makes the muscle and in mitochondria and with enlargement
tougher than normal, and there may also be of the Golgi apparatus, are followed by an
contractures. The extraocular muscles, inflammatory response, with invasion by
masseter, muscles of the tongue and larynx, lymphocytes, polymorphs and histiocytes.
diaphragm, muscles of the neck, intercostal The larvae become progressively encapsu-
muscles, deltoid muscles and sites of lated and the oedema subsides by the 5th
attachment to tendons and joints are most week.
often involved. The outer homogeneous capsule that
Larvae that invade other organs may be surrounds each larva is derived from the
responsible for more specific pathology, as sarcolemma. It is usually translucent and is
shown below. probably composed of collagen. The size of
the cysts formed varies with the host and
Heart. Larvae often invade the myocardium with the muscle involved. In humans, the
but cardiac muscle cannot form nurse cells cysts measure on average 0.4 mm
and cysts are never found. At autopsy of 0.26 mm. There is usually only one larva
fatal cases, the myocardium is usually soft per cyst, but two may be present and infre-
and flabby and there may be fatty degenera- quently even more. The Trichinella larvae
tion. in the cyst may live for years but the cyst
walls usually calcify a few months or years
Nervous system. Migratory larvae are often after infection (Fig. 82).
present in the cerebrospinal fluid and The cysts in meat are very resistant and
meninges and the brain substance becomes the larvae can probably remain viable until
oedematous and hyperaemic. There may decomposition occurs (at least 10 days).
also be many punctate haemorrhages. They have large glycogen reserves and an
Microscopic nodules, with a clear area of anaerobic type of respiration.
180 Chapter 5
Fig. 82. Calcified cysts seen in the voluntary muscles of a silver fox.
Trichinella down-regulates the host tioning and staining of the other. The best
immune response by antigen-dependent time for obtaining a positive biopsy speci-
mechanisms (molecular mimicry, antigen men is after the 4th week – rather late for
shedding and renewal, anatomical seclu- chemotherapy aimed at killing the adult
sion of the larvae in the cysts and stage worms to be of much use. Digestion of
specificity) and by immunomodulation pooled muscle samples is of use in epi-
(Bruschi, 1999). demiological surveys of prevalence in ani-
mals or in autopsy material. It is carried
DIAGNOSIS out for 30 min in 1% pepsin in saline
containing 1% HCl at 37°C and the freed
Clinical. Blood eosinophilia is usually the larvae are examined under the lower power
earliest sign and almost invariably has of the microscope.
appeared by the 10th day of infection; the
level can be extremely high (90%). It usu- Immunological. Because of the difficulties of
ally continues to rise for 2–5 weeks, parasitological diagnosis, particularly in
remains stable for a further few weeks and the early stages, immunological methods
slowly falls by the 9th week. The combina- are more important for individual diag-
tion of eosinophilia, orbital oedema, mus- nosis than in most other helminth infec-
cle pain, fever and gastrointestinal tions.
disturbances following ingestion of pork is Antibodies can be detected by an ELISA
very suggestive. None the less, trichiniasis as early as 12 days after infection
is often misdiagnosed as typhoid fever or (Ljungstrom, 1983) and there is a commer-
influenza. cial kit available, or by Western blotting of
a characterized fraction of sonicated larvae
Parasitological. Occasionally adults and lar- in an immunoglobulin G (IgG) ELISA with
vae can be seen in the stools and larvae in a molecular mass of 109 kDa, reacted with
the blood during the 2nd to 4th weeks after specific antibodies (Chan and Ko, 1990).
infection. More certain is the recovery of Recently the use of recombinant antigens
larvae by muscle biopsy. A sample of 1 g of (with an excretory/secretory (ES) antigen of
biceps or gastrocnemius is sufficient for 53 kDa) and of DNA probes has given
compression of one half (Fig. 83) and sec- encouraging results in trials.
The Nematodes 181
0.1 mm
Fig. 84. Life cycles of Trichinella species from various regions. Top: T. spiralis; centre: T. nelsoni; bottom:
T. nativa.
and La Rosa, 2000), although not so far Norway and T. spiralis and T. nativa in
from humans. Finland (Pozio, 1998).
In some areas, more than one species (or Experimentally a wide range of mam-
subspecies) is present: for instance in mals can be infected, but cysts do not form
Europe, T. spiralis and T. britovi occur in in Chinese hamsters.
France and Spain, T. britovi alone in Italy Another non-cyst-forming species, T.
and Switzerland, T. spiralis alone in papuae, has been recently described from
Belgium and Germany, T. spiralis, T. britovi pigs in Papua New Guinea, but not so far
and T. nativa in Sweden, T. nativa in from humans (Pozio et al., 1999).
184 Chapter 5
Fig. 86. Third-stage larva of G. spinigerum removed from human subcutaneous tissues.
186 Chapter 5
are ingested by a second intermediate host. Mature adult worms in intestinal nod-
These are usually freshwater fish, frogs ules have also been reported in a few cases.
(such as Rana limnocharis) or snakes. The
second-stage larvae pierce the gastric wall DIAGNOSIS
and moult in about 1 month, and the third-
stage larvae are eventually surrounded by a Clinical. A painless, migrating, intermittent,
cyst in the muscles, measuring around subcutaneous oedema is characteristic,
1 mm in diameter. The natural definitive particularly when there is an eosinophilia
hosts are the dog, cat and large carnivores, of over 50%.
such as the tiger and leopard, which are
infected by eating fish or by eating a Immunological. A purified antigen from
paratenic host (possibly a rodent) that has advanced third-stage larvae (L3s) of 24 kDa
eaten fish. Suitable paratenic hosts are can be used in an indirect ELISA, which is
other fish, amphibians, snakes, rats, mice or stated to be 100% sensitive and specific
chickens, new cysts being formed in these. (Nopparatana et al., 1991). A Western
Twenty-five species of animals from all immunoblot technique with an antigen of
vertebrate classes can act as paratenic hosts 16 kDa has also given good results.
and multiple transfers are also possible.
Prenatal transmission of larvae from TREATMENT
mother to offspring can occur in mice and Surgical excision of worms is often possi-
may account for human cases of gnatho- ble when they are in subcutaneous sites.
stomiasis reported from babies. Albendazole at 400 mg twice daily for
The adult worms take about 100 days to 10–21 days has been used successfully in a
become mature in the stomach of carnivores. few cases (Kraivichian et al., 1992) and is
stated to stimulate larvae to move to the
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS AND PATHOGENESIS surface so that they can be easily excised
Many patients suffer from epigastric pain, (Suntharasamai et al., 1992). Mebendazole
fever, nausea and diarrhoea 24–48 h after at 300 mg daily for 5 days was also effec-
ingestion of the larvae, presumably caused by tive in one case.
the larvae penetrating through the intestinal
wall. There is often a very high eosinophilia EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PREVENTION
of up to 90%, with leucocytosis. Infection in humans usually follows eating
Some of the pathology is apparently raw fish dishes, such as ‘sashimi’ in Japan,
caused by toxic substances secreted by ‘somfak’ in Thailand or ‘ceviche’ (if made
Gnathostoma larvae; these include a with freshwater fish) in Latin America.
haemolytic substance, acetylcholine, Important species of food fish in Japan are
hyaluronidase-like substances and a proteo- crucian carp, Ophiocephalus spp. or goby
lytic enzyme. (Acanthogobius hasta); chicken can also be
The larvae migrate through the liver and a source of infection to humans. The
cause disturbances of liver function. They encysted larvae in fish are killed by cook-
then usually reach the subcutis, moving at ing for 5 min in water at 70°C or by pick-
a rate of about 1 cm h1, where they cause ling in vinegar for 6 h. Skin penetration is
a painless, migrating oedema. The oedema possible experimentally in cats and might
is generally erythematous and remains for occur during preparation of fish dishes.
about 2 weeks in one place (Plate 25). A Prevention is by thorough cooking of
few cases of ocular and pulmonary fish and chicken.
gnathostomiasis have also been reported
and most importantly, an eosinophilic There are at least seven other species of
myelencephalitis, in which the cerebro- Gnathostoma that could infect humans. G.
spinal fluid is grossly bloody or xantho- doloresi Tubangui, 1925, and G. hispidum
chromic. Some fatal cases have presented Fedchenko, 1872, are parasites of pigs in
with paraplegia. Asia and there have been a few cases of
The Nematodes 187
human infection in China and Japan fol- humans in Austria, Bulgaria, China,
lowing ingestion of raw freshwater fish or Hungary, Italy, Morocco, New Zealand,
snakes, usually causing creeping eruption, Russia, Serbia, Sri Lanka and the USA.
sometimes accompanied by stomach con- Adult females measure about 145 mm
vulsions (Akahane et al., 1998). In one case 0.5 mm, males 63 mm 0.3 mm and the
G. doloresi caused colonic ileus, due to anterior end of both sexes is covered with
eosinophilic nodular lesions. G. nippon- cuticular thickenings. The worms live in
icum Yamaguti, 1941, has been recently serpentiginous tunnels in the squamous
described from humans in Japan, where it epithelium of the oesophagus and oral cav-
has caused itching and creeping eruption ity, where they can cause painful abscesses
after eating freshwater fish. (Ando, 1989; of the buccal mucosa (Jelinek and Loscher,
Ando et al., 1991). There has been a ‘rash’ 1994), sometime accompanied by pharyn-
of cases of creeping eruption in Japan gitis, vomiting and irritability. Eggs pro-
recently after eating raw marine fish or duced in these tunnels reach the mouth
squid, with one patient having larvae in cavity and are passed out fully enbry-
the eye (‘type x’ spirurid larvae). onated in the faeces. The eggs from natural
Larvae of the different species can be hosts containing first-stage larvae are
differentiated, although this is likely to be ingested by dung-beetles or, experimentally
impossible in tissue sections (Ando et al., at least, cockroaches, which act as interme-
1991). diate hosts. Adults take about 80 days to
develop when third-stage larvae are
ingested inside these insects. Diagnosis is
by identifying the characteristic tunnels
Other Spirurids
and by extracting adult worms after giving
anti-inflammatory drugs (Jelinek and
Thelazia callipaeda Railliet and Henry,
Loscher, 1994): eggs have been seen in spu-
1910, is a parasite of the conjunctival sac
tum but not in faeces.
and lachrymal ducts of dogs in the Far
East. It has been recorded about 60 times Abbreviata (= Physaloptera) caucasica
from humans in China, Indonesia, Japan, (von Linstow, 1902), is a natural parasite of
Korea, Thailand and Russia (Siberia). The monkeys in the tropics. The adult females
adults of both sexes are filariform and have measure 20–100 mm 2.5 mm, males
a serrated cuticle. The female measures 14–34 mm 1.0 mm, and both live with
7–19 mm, the male 4–13 mm. The move- their heads embedded in the mucosa of the
ment of the adults under the eyelids in the stomach or intestinal wall. Cockroaches
conjunctival sac causes intense irritation and grasshoppers can act as experimental
and the scratching of the cornea can lead to intermediate hosts. It has been reported
scar formation and opacity. Worms can be from humans in Brazil, Colombia, Congo
removed after local anaesthesia. Republic (Zaire), India, Indonesia, Israel,
The intermediate hosts are dipteran Namibia, Panama, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
flies, including Musca domestica (Shi et In a recent case in an Indonesian woman,
al., 1988). adult worms were recovered from the bil-
iary duct, where they had caused biliary
Thelazia californiensis Price, 1930, an eye pain, jaundice and fever. Another species,
parasite of ruminants, particularly deer, Physaloptera transfuga Marits and
has been reported five times from humans Grinberg, 1970, a parasite of cats and dogs,
in the USA, causing keratoconjunctivitis, has been recovered once from the lip of a
and is also transmitted by flies. woman in Moldova.
Gongylonema pulchrum Molin, 1857 (the Cheilospirura sp. Diesing, 1861 (or
gullet worm), is a natural parasite of the Acuaria sp.), a parasite of the gizzard of
oesophagus of herbivores (sheep, cattle, birds with insect intermediate hosts, has
goats, camels, equines, pigs and deer). It been recovered once from a nodule on the
has been reported about 40 times from conjunctiva of a Philippine farmer.
188 Chapter 5
Fig. 88. A generalized microfilaria showing the features of use in identification (some features can be
seen only with special staining techniques and the stylet and sheath are not always present).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 m
The Nematodes
Fig. 89. The tails of human microfilariae in smears: 1. W. bancrofti; 2. B. malayi; 3. Loa loa (stained in haematoxylin); 4. L. loa (stained in Giemsa); 5. Mansonella
perstans; 6. M. ozzardi; 7. Onchocerca volvulus; 8. M. streptocerca.
190 Chapter 5
192 Chapter 5
Fig. 90. Microfilariae of (top) Wuchereria bancrofti and (bottom) Brugia malayi.
(9–10 days) the larvae moult again, grow more and mature and the females produce
much longer (1.2–1.8 mm) and migrate to microfilariae within 1 year (206–285 days in
the head, where they enter the labium and experimental infections in leaf monkeys).
emerge through the tips of the labella while The adult female worms probably produce
the mosquito is feeding. The infective third- microfilariae for about 5 years (Vanamail et
stage larvae can be differentiated from other al., 1996), although greater longevity has
filarial larvae, if the mosquito is dissected been reported in the past (10–17 years).
in a drop of saline, by size and by the three
subterminal papillae (Fig. 91) (there may be CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS
larvae of various animal filariae in mosqui- It has been estimated that currently about
toes, such as Dirofilaria and Setaria). The 44 million people suffer from overt mani-
parasite cannot be transmitted from one festations of lymphatic filariasis. The other
person to another until the larvae have 76 million cases appear to be symptomless,
undergone this essential development to a condition that may last for years, and the
the infective stage in the mosquito. only overt evidence of infection is the pres-
Optimal conditions for filarial develop- ence of microfilariae in the blood.
ment in mosquitoes are about 26°C (range However, recent studies using lym-
16.5–31°C) and 90% relative humidity. Many phoscintigraphy indicate that even these
mosquitoes are killed by heavy infections apparently symptomless cases are probably
and in others larvae often fail to mature, so suffering from subclinical lymphatic and
that the infection rate in mosquitoes is usu- renal damage (Freedman et al., 1994;
ally low (below 0.5%), though under some Noroes et al., 1996).
conditions it can be much higher.
Development in the mosquito takes 11 or Acute disease. From the 3rd month after
more days and the infective larvae escape entry of the larvae, there may be recurrent
through the labella when the insect bites a attacks of acute lymphangitis (inflamma-
new individual and enter the skin through tion of the lymph ducts), with inflamed,
the puncture wound (this is likely to be tender lymph nodes, headache, nausea and
more successful in areas of high humidity, sometimes urticaria (‘filarial fever’), each
where the skin will be moist, although the attack lasting from 3 to 15 days. At this
mosquito does deposit a drop of fluid on the time microfilariae vanish from the blood
skin while feeding). After entering the skin (amicrofilaraemia) and there may be many
of a human, the larvae migrate to the lymph attacks in a year. There is often
vessels and glands, where they moult twice eosinophilia accompanied by chyluria (the
10 m
Fig. 93. Cases of elephantiasis in Guyana caused by W. bancrofti. It is not so evident in males because
of the trousers worn. In the man third from the right there are verrucous lesions of the foot (‘mossy foot’).
The Nematodes 195
Fig. 95. Section of dilated lymphatic of the testis with adult female of W. bancrofti. The vessel wall is
thickened and there is a granulomatous reaction to the worm (magnification 55).
196 Chapter 5
chest pain and fever, resulting from dense lymphatics probably play an important
eosinophilic infiltrations in the lungs last- part in the development of lymphoedema
ing for weeks or months. It occurs particu- and elephantiasis (Dreyer et al., 2000). In
larly in India or Singapore (in persons of chronic infections, lymphoid aggregates
Indian extraction). Patients are amicrofila- and germinal centres develop and eventu-
raemic but have strong filarial serology, ally cause complete occlusion of the
with a high eosinophilia (about 35%). lumen, so that the lymph vessels are no
A similar reaction is known as longer functional. Worms die and become
Meyers–Kouwenaar’s syndrome, found in surrounded by fibrotic tissue, which even-
the Pacific and East Indies. There is a benign tually calcifies. It is not known what trig-
lymphadenitis with enlargement of the gers the initial inflammatory response.
lymph nodes, liver and spleen and with pul- Chyluria is caused by rupture of lymph
monary symptoms but no microfilaraemia. varices into any part of the urinary tract,
Histologically the lymph nodes are hyper- with fatty lymph appearing in the urine. In
plastic with dead microfilariae surrounded cases of renal chyluria there may be pas-
by eosinophils and then hyaline material to sage between the renal pelvis and a dilated
form nodular, granulomatous, abscesses lymphatic to the cisterna chyli. Such cases
(‘M–K bodies’). The condition can easily be show up on intravenous or retrograde pyel-
mistaken for Hodgkin’s disease and the ograms but are not serious and do not
symptoms of both filarial conditions are require surgery. The rupture of varicose
diagnostically rapidly alleviated by treat- lymph vessels near the skin of the scrotum
ment with diethylcarbamazine (DEC). results in lymph oozing on to the surface
(lymph scrotum).
PATHOGENESIS Adults of Wuchereria and Brugia con-
The first phase of clinical disease is charac- tain a bacterium, Wohlbachia, in the lateral
terized by dilatation of the afferent lym- cords and it has recently been postulated
phatic vessels reacting to the presence of that these bacteria are responsible for
masses of adult worms. Initially the inflammatory responses, inducing
sinuses of the smaller lymph vessels cytokines (Fig. 96). The chronic release of
increase in size (lymphangiectasia), but fol- Wohlbachia might lead to desensitization
lowing the repeated attacks of adenolym- of the innate immune response and the
phangitis the enlarged lymph nodes bacterial catalase may protect the filariae
become progressively firm and fibrotic. The from the action of hydrogen peroxide-
nodes become hyperplastic and micro- mediated damage (Taylor, 2000). The pres-
scopical sections show inflammation of the ence of the bacterium appears to be
endothelial lining, with many lympho- essential for the long-term survival of the
cytes, plasma cells and particularly filaria.
eosinophils, and there may be foci of
necrosis, with sections of adults in the Immune responses. Many of the symptoms
lumen. Lymphatics often become invaded associated with filarial infection (e.g.
by bacteria, but some clinical (Dissanayake eosinophilia, urticaria, lymphangitis and
et al., 1995) and experimental (Denham lymphoedema) are immunological in origin
and Fletcher, 1987; Lawrence, 1996) and confirm that infection induces strong
studies indicate that this is not the primary immune responses. Epidemiological stud-
cause of pathogenesis, which is caused by ies show that, in endemic areas, there are
an allergic reaction to the adult worms, individuals who appear to be parasitologi-
allied to cofactors such as a high worm cally negative, despite evidence of expo-
burden, lymphangiectasia, location of adult sure to infection (the so-called endemic
worm nests (e.g. in spermatic cord) and normals). A key question is whether
chronology of adult worm deaths. How- immune responses have the potential to be
ever, recurrent secondary bacterial infec- host-protective as well as pathogenic.
tions superimposed on the damage to the Analysis of immune responses has been
The Nematodes 197
Fig. 96. Section of W. bancrofti with the bacterium Wohlbachia in the lateral cords (the numerous bodies
on right side of electron micrograph).
carried out in many infected populations tant in all of these phenomena and there
and there has been a large amount of labo- have been many attempts to explain each
ratory research with experimental models. in terms of differential T-helper 1 (Th1)
However, it has to be said that no clear pic- and Th2 responses. However, there is no
ture has emerged. straightforward relationship between sub-
Immunological relationships between set activity and host response. It is true
filarial nematodes and their hosts are com- that patients with high microfilarial loads
plex and the cause of much contention. tend to show reduced Th1 responses and
Particular difficulties are caused by the high Th2 (e.g. reflected in high IgG4 levels,
fact that in filarial-infected populations possibly acting as blocking antibody), but
some individuals apear to be immune, oth- not all type 2 cytokines are produced nor-
ers suffer immune-infected pathology, mally. T cells from microfilaraemic indi-
while yet others (microfilaraemic individ- viduals show much reduced proliferation
uals) show a depression of responses to to worm antigens, but can still release
filarial antigens that is reversed after interleukin 4 (IL-4), though IL-5 responses
chemotherapy. T cells appear to be impor- are reduced. The cytokine IL-10 may be
198 Chapter 5
minimus, candidiensis, balabacensis, leu- tration of one larva inhibits the passage of
cosphyrus, maculatus, philippinensis, sub- others, so that only a few larvae are usually
pictus, tesselatus, vagus in Asia; An. found in each mosquito (it also has a pha-
bancrofti, farauti, koliensis, punctulatus, in ryngeal armature, which destroys many
Papua New Guinea), five species of Culex microfilariae). However, there may be many
(C. quinquefasciatus in the Americas, mosquitoes biting each night (over 100 per
Africa and Asia; C. pipiens molestus in the night is common) and in Calcutta it has
Middle East; C. bitaeniorhynchus, sitiens been estimated that one person may be bit-
complex, pipiens pallens in Asia; C. pipi- ten by 6000–7000 infected C. quinquefas-
ens pallens in the western Pacific; C. ciatus per year. This species is extending its
annulirostris, bitaeniorynchus in Papua) 15 range alarmingly in both Asia and Africa.
species of Aedes (Ae. scapularis in the On Polynesian islands (east of longitude
Americas; Ae. niveus group, harinasutai, 160°), such as Fiji, Samoa and Tahiti, a
togoi, poicilius in Asia; Ae. togoi in the diurnally periodic form of LF occurs and
western Pacific; Ae. fijiensis, oceanicus, the vectors are species of Aedes, which can
samoanus, vigilax, futunae, polynesiensis, breed in small bodies of water, such as
pseudoscutellaris, tabu, tongae, upolensis opened coconut shells, leaf bracts, crab
in the South Pacific) and two species of holes and manufactured containers, such
Mansonia (M. titillans in the Americas; M. as pots, tin cans and car tyres. In Thailand
uniformis in Asia and Papua). there is a nocturnally periodic form of LF
Vector Anopheles species breed in transmitted by Ae. niveus.
ponds, slow-flowing streams, rice paddies To determine transmission rates in mos-
and fresh- or salty-water swamps, and LF quitoes they can be dissected individually
transmitted by them is principally a rural (Davies, 1995) or, where rates are very low,
disease. Members of the An. gambiae a pool method using 1000–2000 (possibly
group (An. gambiae, arabiensis, melas, dried) mosquitoes can be employed and
merus) are very susceptible vectors and the presence of larvae shown by DNA
show facilitation, whereby the penetration determination after PCR amplification.
of one larva through the stomach wall facil-
itates the entry of others; this can result in PREVENTION AND CONTROL
high mortality of mosquitoes when microfi- Lymphatic filariasis was identified recently
larial rates are high (Dye, 1992). In rural as one of six potentially eradicable diseases
areas of East Africa, infection rates of by an International Task Force (1993), and
1–1.5% are found in An. gambiae, An. ara- the World Health Organization (WHO) is
biensis and An. funestus, but 0–0.3% in C. coordinating campaigns to eliminate it as a
quinquefasciatus (although this is the only public health problem in the next few
vector in urban areas). In West Africa, years (Ottesen et al., 1997; WHO, 1999; see
transmission is entirely due to Anopheles; also WHO web site: www.filariasis.org).
although C. quinquefasciatus is common in The reason for optimism is partly because
urban areas, it cannot be infected. of new regimes of chemotherapy and from
Culex quinquefasciatus is the most the success of campaigns already carried
important vector in urban areas of Asia and out in various countries. It is possible that
East Africa, as it can breed in very small there is a window of opportunity such as
bodies of water contaminated with organic in retrospect can be seen to have con-
matter (especially leaking septic tanks, pit tributed to the success of the smallpox
latrines and drains). The adult females campaign: just after its eradication mass
readily enter houses, tend to rest indoors vaccination would not have been possible
and are night biters; they can sometimes fly because of the spread of AIDS.
for up to 1 km. They are almost entirely Control is aimed at both alleviating the
anthropophilic and in Singapore infection suffering caused by the disease (morbidity
rates of 20% occur. Culex species show the control) and stopping the spread of infec-
phenomenon of limitation, whereby pene- tion (transmission control).
The Nematodes 201
Morbidity control. Mass treatment cam- Campaigns using these schedules have
paigns with DEC have been tried with started in American Samoa and western
varying degrees of success over the last 40 Samoa and Niue (25 countries by August
years. China, where compliance is good, is 2001). It is intended that 50 million indi-
now in the final stages of a long-term cam- viduals will have been treated at least once
paign: in 1950 there were estimated to be by the end of 2001 and that the disease will
30 million cases, while there were only be eliminated as a problem in any country
about 1.65 million in 1995. In China and by 2020. There is a concerted campaign
other countries, such as Samoa, Solomon starting in all Pacific islands that hopes to
Islands and Tahiti and particularly in the eliminate infection there by 2010. This area
Ryuku Islands (Japan), South Korea and consists of 22 island states with a total
Taiwan, DEC has been added to cooking population of 7 million but extends over
salt (at a dose of about 3 mg kg1 ) and has one-third of the world’s surface. The manu-
greatly reduced disease. In the past it was facturers of both albendazole (GSK) and
thought that DEC only acted against micro- ivermectin (Merck) have donated enough
filariae (at a total dose of 72 g usually of these agents to carry out the programme.
given over 12 days), but recently studies It is very important in ivermectin treatment
have indicated that a single annual dose is that coverage and pattern of attendance at
effective and also has some action against mass clinics should be satisfactory (Plaisier
adults. If microfilarial rates fall below a et al., 2000).
critical breakpoint, then infection should To treat adenolymphangitis and hydro-
die out (this level probably differs in dif- cele, thorough and frequent washing and
ferent areas and with different popula- possibly antibiotic and antifungal treat-
tions). ment can help to prevent bacterial infec-
The real breakthrough in mass treatment tion and this appears to prevent
was the recent finding that combined treat- subsequent elephantiasis also.
ment schedules are much more effective
than the use of a single drug (Ottesen et al., Transmission control. There is no animal
1999; Plaisier et al., 2000). In the new reservoir host and so all efforts can be
WHO initiative two main regimes are rec- directed to breaking the human transmis-
sion cycle.
1. Insecticide-impregnated (usually perm-
1. All areas except sub-Saharan Africa: ethrin) bed nets and curtains, as used for
(a) DEC (6 mg kg1 body weight) combined malaria control, which can be effective for
with albendazole (400 mg) once yearly for months even if the net has a few holes.
4–6 years is the preferred regime; Spraying walls is not as popular as it once
(b) or DEC (6 mg kg1) once a year for 4–6 was, as many mosquitoes, particularly
years alone (this has fewer side-effects than Culex species, are exophilic and do not rest
the traditional 12-day treatment; inside houses. Screening of doors and win-
(c) or DEC in salt (0.2–0.4% w/w) for 6–12 dows and provision of ceilings reduced the
months. biting rate from 200 to 5 per night in a trial
2. Sub-Saharan Africa: in Tanzania.
DEC cannot be given because there may 2. The use of long-lasting polystyrene
also be infections with loiasis or oncho- beads in enclosed breeding sites, such as
cerciasis and this drug can then be danger- latrines, cesspools and ponds to prevent
ous (see p. 210) or very unpleasant (see the air breathing of mosquito larvae and
p. 218). pupae. The ventilated improved pit (VIP)
(a) Single yearly dose of ivermectin (200 latrine with a screened air pipe, which
µm kg1) plus albendazole (400 mg) for traps emerging C. quinquefasciatus adults
4–6 years (optimal); as they move towards the light, can help
(b) or ivermectin alone at same dose. in controlling mosquito numbers. New
202 Chapter 5
biocides, such as Bacillus sphaericus, a Brazil differ in nuclear number and were
self-reproducing, toxin-producing bac- given the name W. lewisi Schacher, 1969,
terium specific against C. quinquefasciatus, but no differences have been found in
will also kill larvae. adults recovered from the same area.
3. Environmental engineering can be
designed to prevent open drains and
sewage systems and to remove unwanted Brugia malayi
water and solid waste safely to prevent (Brug, 1927) Buckley, 1960
mosquito breeding. Cesspools should also
be covered. Measures against Culex are
often welcomed by the local population as SYNONYM
it is an important nuisance biter (Plate 26). Wuchereria malayi Brug, 1927.
Where the same Anopheles vectors are
involved, malaria control measures can DISEASE
help to control LF also and, indeed, in the Lymphatic filariasis or filariosis (LF),
Solomon Islands the latter has almost van- Malayan filariasis or filariosis, cause of ele-
ished in this way, although malaria is still phantiasis.
common. The situation is similar in
Vanuatu, which at present has a prevalence LOCAL NAMES
of 2.8%. In Polynesia, clearing up small As for W. bancrofti. Baku (Japanese in
containers containing water or adding safe Hachijo Koshima Island).
organophosphorus insecticides to drinking-
water pots can help to control Aedes vec- GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION
tors. Infection is confined to Asia and occurs in
The use of larvivorous fish has long Cambodia, southern China, southern India,
been advocated and might have a limited Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Malaysia,
effect against Anopheles vectors. Philippines (Palawan Islands), Vietnam
Integrated control measures are likely to and until recently in Japan.
be necessary for successful control
schemes, involving community participa- LOCATION IN HOST
tion and possibly primary health-care ini- The adults inhabit the lymphatic glands
tiatives. and lymph vessels, usually of the lower
4. Chemotherapy also plays a large part in limbs and groin. Sheathed microfilariae
reducing transmission and in New Guinea occur in the peripheral bloodstream.
the annual transmission potential (ATP) of
the vector Anopheles punctulatus was MORPHOLOGY
reduced enormously after the first year’s The adults are very similar to those of W.
treatment. bancrofti but there are small differences in
the papillae and spicules at the tail end of
ZOONOTIC ASPECTS the male worm.
None, although microfilariae of Wuchereria The sheathed microfilariae in the blood
type have been reported once from a potto can be clearly differentiated from those of
(Peridicticus potto). In experimental infec- W. bancrofti. They measure 170–260 µm
tions, complete development has been 5–6 µm and in stained smears appear stiff
obtained in leaf monkeys (Presbytis and kinky, unlike the smooth curves of W.
cristata) and macaques (Macaca cyclopis) bancrofti microfilariae (Fig. 90). The sheath
and slight development in male jirds. is much longer than the body and stains
Another species, W. kalimantani, is a nat- bright pink in Romanowsky stains, such as
ural parasite of the leaf monkey in Giemsa, at a pH of 6.8 (the sheaths of
Kalimantan (Borneo) and is used in drug microfilariae are sometimes lost in the
trials but has not been recorded from process of making a smear, so more than
humans. Microfilariae from humans in one should be examined). The round
The Nematodes
Map 9. Distribution of Brugia malayi, B. timori, Loa loa and Mansonella ozzardi.
204 Chapter 5
The microfilariae are usually nocturnally
periodic: a subperiodic form occurs in
peninsular Malaya, the Palawan Islands,
Sabah and Thailand.
On being ingested by a mosquito vector
from the blood capillaries of an infected
person, the microfilariae lose their sheaths
in the stomach and penetrate the wall of the
gut. The larvae develop similarly to those of
W. bancrofti and moult twice in the tho-
racic muscles before migrating to the
labium in 6–12 days. Infective third-stage
larvae, measuring 1.3–1.7 mm in length,
migrate out through the tips of the labella
when the mosquito bites another individual
and enter the skin through the puncture
wound (Figs 91 and 97). The larvae reach
the lymph glands, moult twice more and
reach maturity in about 3 months. Fig. 97. Infective larva of Brugia emerging from
labella palp of mosquito.
Brugia malayi causes similar disturbances
of the lymphatic system to those already not cross-react. Specific tests for B. malayi
described under W. bancrofti. Elephantiasis are also being investigated, one of which
is usually confined to the lower leg below uses recombinant ES antigens (Kumari et
the knee and is a common complication in al., 1994).
Malaysia (Plate 27), while hydrocele is In blood films microfilariae of the noc-
uncommon in males. There is also a higher turnally periodic form often lose their
proportion of apparently symptomless car- sheaths, which can be seen separately.
riers than with bancroftian filariasis (proba-
bly because of a lower intensity of TREATMENT
infection). As for bancroftian filariasis, except that
In animals experimentally infected with with DEC only one-third of the normal
Brugia species, developing worms can dose should be given on the first 2 days,
cause dilatation of the lymph vessels and due to likely febrile reactions. These are
enlargement of the nodes within weeks of probably more severe in malayan filariasis
infection (Denham and Fletcher, 1987); because the drug is more effective against
ultrasound studies could help to determine their microfilariae and the count is usually
whether this occurs in humans. higher.
As for W. bancrofti, although new commer- In all endemic areas of malayan filariasis
cial immunological tests for the former do except for Sulawesi (Borneo), bancroftian
The Nematodes 205
filariasis also occurs. However, the infec- copra and, with the help of weed-killers
tion patterns of the two infections differ, as and insecticides against adults (used prin-
explained below. cipally for malaria control), infection has
The nocturnally periodic form of been virtually eliminated. Unfortunately,
malayan filariasis is transmitted by night- bancroftian filariasis is still spreading in
biting species of mosquito; by Mansonia Sri Lanka.
uniformis in most areas, by Anopheles bar- The worldwide measures being started
birostris and Anopheles campestris in against LF should be particularly effective
southern China, India and Japan, and by against the nocturnally periodic form of
Aedes togoi, which breeds in swampy malayan filariasis: a mass treatment cam-
areas, in Cheju Island (Korea) and coastal paign in north-west Malaysia reduced
areas of China. Species of Mansonia (M. microfilarial rates from 26% to below 1%.
anullifera, indiana, uniformis), which
transmit the nocturnally periodic form of ZOONOTIC ASPECTS
infection, lay their eggs in small batches on Subperiodic B. malayi is one of the most
the undersurface of the leaves of water- catholic of filarial worms and natural infec-
plants, such as the water hyacinth in tions have been reported from four species
Assam, mangrove in western Malaysia or of monkeys (particularly the leaf monkey,
water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) in southern Presbytis obscurus), civet cats, domestic
India and Sri Lanka. The larvae and pupae cats and pangolins. Experimentally it will
attach to the underwater stems of these also develop to maturity in various
plants by the specially adapted respiratory rodents.
siphon through which they obtain air from
the plant. This form of B. malayi is also Brugia pahangi (Buckley and Edeson,
transmitted by species of Anopheles (An. 1956) is a natural parasite of cats and wild
aconitus, anthropophagus, barbirostris, carnivores in western Malaysia and has
campestris, donaldi, kewiyangensis, niger- developed to maturity in humans in exper-
rimus, letifer, sinensis complex, whartoni) imental infections. The different forms of
and by Aedes togoi. These species, unlike B. malayi may reflect the presence of a
the Culex vectors of W. bancrofti, cannot species complex with the sibling species B.
breed in small temporary bodies of water pahangi. The microfilariae of subperiodic
and so malayan filariasis is a more rural B. malayi occurring in wild animals can be
disease than bancroftian. The periodic differentiated from those of B. pahangi by
form is highly adapted to humans and the fact that only the former will develop
reservoir hosts are not important. in Mansonia bonneae.
The subperiodic form, with microfilar-
iae occurring in the peripheral circulation Brugia timori Partano, Purnomo, Dennis,
during the day, is transmitted by species of Atmosoedjono, Oemijati and Cross, 1977,
Mansonia (M. annulata, annulifera, bon- causes timoran filariasis or filariosis in
nae, dives, indiana, uniformis), which bite humans on the islands of Timor, Flores and
by day as well as by night and are predomi- Alor (see Map 9, p. 203). Microfilariae are
nantly zoophilic. This form is probably a nocturnally periodic and in blood smears
natural parasite of monkeys and civet cats can be differentiated from those of B.
and human infections occur when rice- malayi as the sheath does not stain in
fields adjoin areas of, often cleared, forest. Giemsa stain.
Clinical manifestations are similar to
PREVENTION AND CONTROL those of B. malayi but the presence of adult
Clearing of the water-weeds necessary for worms in the lymphatics often causes
the development of Mansonia larvae can be abscesses to develop in the groin region
difficult as they re-establish so quickly. (Plate 28). It is transmitted by mosquitoes
However, in Sri Lanka, they have been of the Anopheles barbirostris group (proba-
removed from the ponds used for treating bly An. campestris).
206 Chapter 5
Brugia beaveri Ash and Little, 1964, is a males 30–35 mm 0.3–0.4 mm. The head
natural parasite of wild carnivores (bobcat, is truncated and has a ring of six papillae
mink and racoon) in Louisiana, USA, and just behind the mouth. The cuticle has
an adult male worm has been recovered numerous, randomly arranged, smooth,
once from an enlarged human lymph node round bosses; they are absent from the
(Schlesinger et al., 1977). head end of the female and from both ends
of the male (these bosses must be differen-
Brugia guyanensis Orihel, 1964: adults tiated from the regular annulations found
have been reported once from a human cer- in Onchocerca (Fig. 98), as portions of
vical lymph node in Peru (Baird and either species could be found in biopsy
Neafie, 1988). It is a natural parasite of the material). The lateral cords are much more
coatimundi (Nasua nasua). conspicuous than in other human filariae.
In the female the vulva opens 2.5 mm
from the anterior end. The posterior end is
Loa loa rounded and has a pair of terminal papil-
(Cobbold, 1864) Castellani and Chalmers, lae. The females are ovoviviparous, the
1913 twin uteri containing all stages of develop-
ing eggs and larvae enclosed in egg mem-
SYNONYMS branes (the sheath). The male has a tail
Filaria oculi humani, Microfilaria diurna. curved ventrally, with two lateral, posteri-
orly placed, cuticular expansions and five
DISEASE AND POPULAR NAMES pairs of asymmetrically placed, peduncu-
Loiasis or loaosis; Loa filariasis or filariosis. lated papillae around the cloaca and three
Eye-worm infection. Cause of Calabar pairs of small, sessile papillae. There are
swellings. two unequal spicules, measuring 150 and
100 µm.
LOCAL NAMES The microfilariae are sheathed and mea-
Agan anya (Ibo), Aroro or Aján oju sure 250 (230–300) µm 6–8 µm. They
(Yoruba). have a kinked appearance in stained prepa-
rations (in contrast to the smooth curves of
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION W. bancrofti microfilariae). The tail is short
Confined to forest areas of West and and relatively thick, with large nuclei con-
Central Africa, particularly where equator- tinuing to the tip. The sheath does not
ial rain forest has been cleared and on the stain with Giemsa or Wright’s stain
fringes of guinea savannah. In northern (although it does with haematoxylin) so
Angola, southern Cameroon, Central that the microfilariae are sometimes mis-
African Republic, Congo, Democratic takenly identified as being unsheathed
Republic of Congo (Zaire), Gabon, Ghana, (Figs 99 and 109).
Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Nigeria (Niger
delta region), Sierra Leone, southern Sudan LIFE CYCLE
and western Uganda, with a few infections Microfilariae found in the peripheral blood
reported from Ethiopia (see Map 9, p. 204). show a diurnal periodicity, being most
plentiful from 08.00 to 17.00 h, when up to
LOCATION IN HOST 40 ml1 may be present.
Adults are found in the subcutaneous con- The vectors are large (7 mm long), day-
nective tissues and the sheathed microfilar- biting, tabanid flies, principally Chrysops
iae circulate in the peripheral blood during dimidiata and C. silacea ( also C. centurio-
the day. nis, distinctipennis, langi, longicornis,
zahrai and possibly streptobalius).
MORPHOLOGY Chrysops, known as the mango, mangrove
The adults are thin transparent worms, the or softly-softly fly, usually bites (painfully)
females measuring 70 mm 0.5 mm, the below the knee and is a pool feeder. The
The Nematodes 207
Loa loa
0.1 mm
Onchocerca volvulus
Fig. 98. Portions of Loa and Onchocerca as may be recovered in tissue biopsies.
20 m
Fig. 99. Microfilaria of Loa loa (stained in haematoxylin – compare Fig. 109).
Fig. 101. Section of subcutaneous tissues with dying male Loa causing a host reaction.
stated to be very sensitive and specific of infection are 30% in Calabar and 10% in
(Toure et al., 1997). Gongola State in Nigeria, 30% in
Cameroon, 19% in Bantu and 11% in pyg-
TREATMENT mies in Congo, 10–70% in the Republic of
Congo, 12% in Equatorial Guinea, 30% in
Chemotherapy. DEC kills both adults and Gabon; everywhere infection rates are
microfilariae when given at 2–6 mg kg1 higher in adults than in children.
(usually 300 mg for an adult) for 14–21 Chrysops breeds in densely shaded
days. However, side-reactions, such as streams covered with leaves, in which the
transient oedema, generalized eruptions, sandy bottom is overlaid with mud and
arthralgia, nausea, diarrhoea and fever, decaying vegetation, on which the slowly
often occur and, where there is a high developing larvae feed. In West Africa,
microfilaraemia (over 1000 mm3), more adult Chrysops are particularly common in
serious effects are possible, such as meningo- the rainy season (June–September). The
encephalitis, coma and renal damage. It is adult female flies live in the high canopy of
wise to commence treatment at a very low the forest and possibly feed on monkeys.
dosage in all patients with more than 20 They are attracted to movement below or to
microfilariae ml1, perhaps under corticos- wood smoke rising, and humans get bitten
teroid cover. most often in cleared areas, such as rubber,
Ivermectin (200 µg kg1 body weight cocoa, teak or oil-palm plantations on the
every 3 months for 2 years) decreased forest fringes, where the flies can see a
microfilarial levels by 90% and reduced break in the canopy. C. dimidiata and C.
prevalence from 30% to 10% in a trial in silacea are the principal vectors in West
Cameroon, but these slowly returned to Africa and C. distinctipennis in Central
previous levels after about 2 years. Side- Africa. Flies bite during the day and
effects of pruritus, headache, arthralgia and (except sometimes for C. silacea) do not
maybe fever are common (Chippaux et al., usually enter native houses as they are too
1992). Rare reports (1 per 10,000 persons dark inside. Chrysops ingests 10–20 µl of
treated in one trial) of encephalopathy, blood per meal; it probably feeds about
coma and renal damage have been noted. once a fortnight, since it requires one full
The use of a single dose of ivermectin (200 blood meal in each gestation period of
µg kg1 ) to reduce microfilaraemias before about 12 days.
DEC treatment has also been advocated.
Albendazole (200 mg twice daily for 21 PREVENTION AND CONTROL
days) causes microfilarial numbers to fall For individual protection, repellents and
slowly and may have an adulticidal protective clothing can be used. It has also
(macrofilaricidal) action, since immunolog- been reported that DEC kills infective larvae
ical tests become negative after a few and 5 mg kg1 daily for 3 days every month
months and eosinophilia falls. has been suggested as a prophylactic.
In the past dieldrin sucessfully con-
Surgery. When a worm is seen moving trolled larvae and pupae in forest streams
across the eye, a curved, bayonet-edge, in Cameroon, but treatment (nowadays
surgical needle can be passed under the probably with temephos) is not practical
worm and it can then be removed with a over large areas. A mass campaign with
mounted needle. The conjunctiva and DEC in Nigeria was not successful, but
worm are first anaesthetized with a few prevalence was reduced from 30% to 10%
drops of 10% novocaine. in an area of Cameroon after mass treat-
ment with ivermectin.
The disease is restricted to equatorial forest ZOONOTIC ASPECTS
regions and prevalence is falling in some A sympatric but ecologically separate cycle
areas as forest is cleared. Recent estimates of Loa loa is also found in many species of
The Nematodes 211
forest-dwelling primates, such as the drill Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea,
(Papio = Mandrillus leucophaeus), the Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia,
mona monkey (Cercopithecus mona) and Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Republic of Congo,
the putty-nosed guenon (C. nictitans). Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania,
However, the microfilariae in these hosts Togo and Uganda, with limited foci in
are larger and show a nocturnal periodic- Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Niger and
ity, while the species of Chrysops acting as Yemen) and Central and South America
vectors (C. centurionis and C. langi) are (Brazil, Guatemala, southern Mexico,
also night biters. The parasite is sometimes Venezuela and possibly still Colombia and
given subspecific status as L. loa papionis, Ecuador). It is estimated that there are
with the human parasite called L. l. loa. about 17.5 million cases in Africa and
The monkey and human strains have been 140,000 in the Americas, of whom 0.8 mil-
hybridized experimentally, but it is lion have visual impairment and 0.27 mil-
unlikely that humans become infected with lion are blind.
the monkey strain, because the flies bite
almost entirely in the upper canopy; there LOCATION IN HOST
is also some evidence that humans cannot The adult worms live in the subcutaneous
be infected with the monkey strain (or sub- tissues and in long-standing infections they
species). It is possible, though, that mon- form tangled masses inside fibrous nodules
keys living near the ground sometimes (onchocercomas). Microfilarial larvae are
become infected with the human form and found in the skin (probably mostly in lym-
could then act as reservoir hosts. phatic channels in the dermis) but not usu-
ally in the blood.
A similar parasite, Loaina sp., of rabbits,
transmitted by mosquitoes, has been recov-
ered once from the anterior chamber of the
Both ends of the filiform adults are tapered
eye in a man in Colombia (Orihel and
but the tail terminates bluntly. The anterior
Eberhard, 1998).
end has two circles of four papillae and a
large lateral pair. The cuticle has conspicu-
ous annular thickenings (rugae), which are
Onchocerca volvulus important in identification as usually only
(Leuckart, 1893) Railliet and Henry, 1910 portions of worms can be obtained from
nodules (Fig. 98).
SYNONYMS The adult female measures 300–500 mm
Filaria volvulus Leuckart, 1893; Oncho- 0.25–0.4 mm and the male 20–40 mm
cerca caecutiens Brumpt, 1919. 0.15–0.20 mm. The vulva of the female
opens about 0.85 mm from the anterior end
DISEASE AND POPULAR NAMES and the uterus is bicornate. The male has a
Onchocerciasis or onchocercosis; river variable number of anal papillae and two
blindness, craw-craw (West Africa), blind- unequal spicules.
ing filaria. The microfilariae measure 280–330 µm
6–9 µm. They are unsheathed and have a
LOCAL NAMES tapered tail, and the head and tail are free
Amar eljur (N. Sudan), Aràn oju (Yoruba), of nuclei (Fig. 102). The head is character-
Firkaw and Ekraw (Twi), Kirci (Hausa), istically expanded and the cuticle is stri-
Sowda (Yemen), Ungoujwa ya usinyi ated. The microfilariae wander in the skin
(Sambaa). but are not usually found in the blood-
stream, except after DEC treatment; they
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION can survive for 6–24 months. Sometimes
Africa (including Angola, Benin, microfilariae are also present in the urine
Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, and sputum.
212 Chapter 5
20 m
Fig. 103. Diagram of head of Simulium feeding on human skin with infective larvae of O. volvulus
emerging from the labium (it is probable that they usually emerge from the posterior surface of the labium
or from the hypopharynx).
214 Chapter 5
Fig. 105. Section of subcutaneous nodule with adult female and microfilariae (one arrowed) in the fibrous
connective tissues.
The Nematodes 215
onchodermatitis can lead in months or shins, is common and can resemble leprosy
years to a secondary stage of thickening (Fig. 106). Skin changes often mimic those
due to intradermal oedema (often giving a seen in vitamin A deficiency. Progressive
‘peau d’orange’ effect) and to pachydermia skin lesions can be roughly divided into
(lichenification or crocodile skin). The loss stages: acute and then chronic papular
of elastic fibres in the skin can lead to onchodermatitis (Fig. 107); lichenified
‘hanging groin’, pendulous sacs containing onchodermatitis; atrophy and depigmenta-
inguinal or femoral glands (Fig. 106) or tion (Murdoch et al., 1993).
hernias, which are particularly found in In Central America, patients, particu-
males in East Africa, and probably to the larly children, may have reddish-mauve
leonine facies encountered in Guatemala. lesions on the face, known as erisipela de
Elephantiasis of the scrotum can also occur la costa. The condition of ‘sowda’ is found
in males but, in contrast to that caused by in Yemen and in East and West Africa, in
Bancroftian filariasis, there is not usually which there are very few microfilariae in
an associated hydrocele. the skin, but the skin of a localized area,
The last stage is characterized by atro- usually one or both legs, is itchy, papular
phy of the skin, with loss of elasticity, giv- and pustular, hyperpigmented and thick-
ing a striking prematurely aged appearance ened, with accompanying groin lymph-
and a paper-thin skin. Mottled depigmenta- adenopathy, distinguishable clinically from
tion (‘leopard skin’), particularly of the ‘hanging groin’. This hyperreactive oncho-
dermatitis, with frequent acute exacerba-
tions, is also encountered in visitors or
new residents to an endemic region.
The most important consequence of
infection is blindness, which has led to the phobia and watering, with chronic con-
popular name for the disease of river blind- junctivitis. This can be followed by a scle-
ness. Blindness occurs more commonly in rosing keratitis, usually starting in the
savannah areas of Africa and America than lower half of the cornea, with an ‘apron’
in forest zones, where it is seldom over 1%. coming in from the sides and below (Plate
In some savannah areas of Africa and 29). Microfilariae may also be seen in the
Guatemala, over 10% of the population may anterior chamber of the eye and their death
be completely blind and another 20% have may produce iridocyclitis and uveitis, with
impaired vision on account of onchocercia- loss of the pigment ruff and a distorted
sis. In endemic savannah areas the sight of a pupil. Secondary glaucoma and cataract
small boy leading a band of blind men to may follow.
their work in the fields is not uncommon. A 2. The aetiology of the posterior-segment
few years ago there were reckoned to be lesions is not so clear but they are associ-
about 70,000 adults with ‘economic blind- ated with heavy O. volvulus infection in
ness’ in the upper Volta basin. both savannah and forest areas. The
The eye lesions can be separated into ‘Ridley–Hissette’ fundus is a well-defined
two types. patch, usually bilateral, in which all retinal
elements have vanished except for the reti-
1. Anterior lesions are caused by micro- nal vessels and in which the choroidal ves-
filariae reaching the cornea from the skin of sels may show marked sclerosis (Plate 30).
the face through the conjunctiva. By the Optical atrophy is of the postneuritic type,
use of the slit lamp, live microfilariae may with dense sheathing of the retinal vessels.
sometimes be seen in the cornea, usually Active optic neuritis appears to be com-
just below Bowman’s membrane, without moner than once thought (WHO, 1995) and
causing any reaction. When microfilariae lasts for several weeks to over 1 year, with
die they first cause a punctate keratitis scarring and pigment disturbance at the
with numerous opacities, with a diameter disc margin. It has a reported prevalence of
less than 0.5 mm, around each dead micro- 1–4% in hyperendemic communities in
filaria (Fig. 108). The fluffy opacities are Cameroon and 6–9% in the guinea savan-
often symptomless, but there may be photo- nah of northern Nigeria. Complete blind-
Fig. 108. Snowflake opacities in onchocercal keratitis (slit-lamp view and section).
The Nematodes 217
ness may result or tubular vision may mectin, carries the risk of adverse reac-
remain. Onchocerciasis can cause severe tions. In part, these follow increased pro-
reduction in peripheral visual fields, so duction of proinflammatory mediators,
that functional blindness might be much such as IL-6, tumour necrosis factor-α
higher than the standard ‘below 3/60 visual (TNF-α) and C-reactive protein, but there
acuity in the better eye’ definition shows. are also changes in T cells and eosinophils.
A new field test, the Wu–Jones computer- Major histocompatibility complex
ized visual function test, should make it (MHC)-linked influences on patterns of
easier to obtain accurate and reproducible infection and pathology have been estab-
measurements of paracentral visual fields, lished and the interesting idea proposed
as well as acuity. that possession of one human leucocyte
antigen (HLA) locus (DQB1*0501), associ-
IMMUNOLOGY OF ONCHOCERCIASIS ated with protection against severe malaria,
There are some overall similarities between may carry the cost of reduced resistance to
the immunobiology of onchocerciasis and onchocerciasis – an example of a trade-off
lymphatic filariasis, but some important between two endemic diseases in West
differences associated with the differences Africa (Meyer and Kremsner, 1996).
in parasite location.
As with lymphatic filariasis, infected DIAGNOSIS
individuals show a spectrum of pathologi-
cal responses and these may reflect genetic Clinical. The acute pruritic onchocercal
as well as environmental influences. rash has to be distinguished from those
Individuals with high microfilarial loads caused by scabies, insect bites, prickly
may show a degree of both specific and heat, contact dermatitis, hypersensitivity
non-specific immune unresponsiveness reactions, post-traumatic or inflammatory
and low-grade skin inflammatory changes. depigmentation, tuberculoid leprosy, dermato-
A small percentage of patients show hyper- mycoses, trepanonemoses and the similar
reactive responses, with severe localized parasite Mansonella streptocerca (see
skin changes typical of sowda. When tested p. 223). The presence of the typical nod-
against worm antigens, patients with ules measuring 0.5–10 cm in diameter,
hyperreactive onchocerciasis showed evi- from which portions of adult worms may
dence of a Th2 bias in their antibody be obtained on excision, allows a positive
responses – for example, making greater diagnosis to be made if no microfilariae can
IgE and IgG1 and lower IgG4 and IgM be found in skin snips. Ultrasound can also
responses than those with generalized be used to confirm whether a nodule is
onchocerciasis. These differences in onchocercal. The presence of nodules in
classes of antibody associated with differ- more than 20% of young males over the
ences in pathology may also be relevant to age of 20 in a savannah area is estimated to
protection – IgE and IgG1 participating in give a sensitivity of 94% and specificity of
ADCC-mediated killing, while IgG4 and 50% (Whitworth and Gemade, 1999) in
IgM antibodies may block effector activity. epidemiological surveys, while skin depig-
Th1-biased responses have been implicated mentation might give a better rapid, but
in the development of immunity, although rough, method in forest regions. In chronic
both infected patients and endemic nor- infections, skin and eye changes are usu-
mals appear to make mixed Th1/Th2 ally pathognomic.
responses. Production of both Th1 and Th2 The Mazzotti or DEC provocation test is
cytokines in putatively immune individu- still sometimes used, in which 50 mg of
als may allow the involvement of both DEC is given orally and, hopefully short-
macrophages and eosinophils in ADCC- lived, itching, rash and lymphadenitis
mediated killing of infective L3 stages. occur 1–24 h later. A much better recent
Chemotherapeutic treatment of oncho- modification uses a DEC-impregnated
cerciasis with drugs, such as DEC and iver- patch and results in a small localized rash.
218 Chapter 5
Parasitological. Microfilariae may some- for recognizing antigens in tears for ocular
times be seen in the cornea and anterior onchocerciasis, in dermal fluid for skin
chamber of the eye and, in heavy infec- microfilariae and in urine for microfilariae
tions, in urine and blood. (Ngu et al., 1998).
The most widely used diagnostic proce-
dure in onchocerciasis is the skin snip. TREATMENT
After cleaning with spirit, a needle is used
to raise a small cone of skin, which is then Surgery. Nodulectomy under local anaes-
cut off under the needle point with a sharp thetic (2% lignocaine) has been widely
razor-blade or fine pair of scissors (the used in Central America and has been
Walser or Holth corneosceral punch is used claimed to markedly reduce the number of
to give a standard-sized sample of skin and microfilariae in the skin and more impor-
enables quantitative microfilarial counts to tantly around the eyes (Plate 31). Results
be made). It is important to take the snip have not been so striking in Africa, where
from an area of maximum microfilarial nodules are often impalpable or the larger
density – from above the iliac crest in ones are merely fibrous reactions around
Africa, from the trapezius in Guatemala dead and dying worms.
and from the lower calf in Yemen. The
bloodless skin snip, measuring about 3 mm Chemotherapy. Ivermectin (Mectizan – a
in diameter and 0.1–1 mm deep (preferably macrocyclic lactone) is the only drug in
taken in the afternoon), is placed in a drop widespread use and has completely
of physiological saline or water and, after replaced DEC, which is no longer advo-
gentle teasing, is allowed to stand for 30 cated. It is given as a single oral dose of
min before being examined under the 150 µg kg1 of body weight once or twice a
microscope. Microfilariae show active year. It should not be given in cases of
thrashing movements and in West Africa severe illness. Side-effects are very rarely
must be separated from those of M. strepto- severe but can include itching and rashes,
cerca, also found in the skin. Microfilariae fever and glandular pain (severe allergic
of the latter have a shivering mode of activ- reactions used to be common after treat-
ity and in stained smears have a thinner ment with DEC, which kills microfilariae
shape, small caudal space and non-over- more rapidly). Ivermectin appears to have
lapping of the anterior nuclei (Fig. 102). little effect against adult female worms
Recently, skin scarification is being widely when given at the standard dose but does
used as an alternative to skin snips. prevent the release of microfilariae from
the uterus for over 6 months. Moxidectin, a
Immunological. Superficial skin scrapings, promising long-persisting relation of iver-
which can be dried on microscope slides, mectin, is now undergoing clinical trials,
can also be used in a PCR-based assay to as is long-term treatment with antibiotics,
show the presence of onchocercal DNA probably directed against Wohlbachia (see
(Toe et al., 1998), but is still expensive. p. 197. (Townson et al., 2000).
This test can also be used to specifically Intravenous suramin (Antrypol or Bayer
identify infections in black-flies and to dif- 205) is the only drug which has a clear
ferentiate between savannah and forest macrofilaricidal effect, but it is toxic and
strains of parasite (WHO, 1995). should only be given rarely and under
Most immunological tests are more use- close medical supervision in hospital
ful for epidemiological studies than for (WHO, 1995).
individual diagnosis. ELISAs using a cock-
tail of recombinant antigens (e.g. MBP/10, EPIDEMIOLOGY
11 and 29) have been tested in many areas Persons involved in agriculture and other
with different levels of endemicity (WHO, outdoor activities, such as fishing, are at
1995; Bradley and Unnasch, 1996; Bradley the highest risk, and in some parts of West
et al., 1998), and tests have been devised Africa in the past onchocerciasis has ren-
The Nematodes 219
dered whole areas bordering rivers unin- in Africa and Central America are probably
habitable. caused by differences in the biting habits of
In Africa, the most important vectors are the species of black-flies.
black-flies belonging to the Simulium Although all species of Simulium are
damnosum complex, small (4 mm long) confined to running water for breeding,
nematocerous flies, which breed on vegeta- adult flies have been found many kilo-
tion and on rocks in a great variety of river metres from water and are probably carried
systems, including the largest rivers, such by winds. In savannah areas of West Africa,
as the Niger, Volta and Nile, as well as flies have a shorter flight range than those
small streams, provided that they are well in forest areas, so that infections tend to be
oxygenated. Members of the S. damnosum heavier but more localized.
subcomplex acting as vectors (S. damno- The epidemiology of onchocerciasis dif-
sum sensu stricto (s.s.), S. sirbanum, S. fers over its range because different disease
rasyani and possibly S. dieguerense) are patterns are associated with different
found in savannah areas, while those of the strains of parasite, with differences in the
S. sanctipauli (S. sanctipauli s.s., S. abundance, anthropophilic nature and vec-
soubrense, S. leonense and S. konkourense) tor capacity of vectors and with differences
and S. squamosum (S. squamosum s.s., S. in the responses of the human host to the
yahense, S. mengense and S. kilibanum) parasite. Because of strain differences
subcomplexes are mostly found in forest between parasites in Africa, microfilariae of
areas. Most of these sibling species are mor- savannah forms will not infect forest flies
phologically identical and can only be dif- and vice versa; also, anterior eye lesions are
ferentiated by the banding patterns of the more common in savannah than in forest
larval chromosomes; many other areas in infections of comparable severity.
cytospecies not known to act as vectors
have also been described. Members of the PREVENTION AND CONTROL
S. neavei complex (S. neavei s.s., S. woodi Control campaigns in the past have con-
and S. ethiopense) are local vectors in east- centrated on the vectors. The disease was
ern Congo Republic (Zaire), Tanzania and eradicated from Kenya and from large areas
Ethiopia; all members breed in small high- of Uganda in the 1950s by using the insec-
land streams and have an obligatory associ- ticide (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane:
ation with freshwater crabs or other DDT). In Kenya the Simulium species
crustaceans. S. albivirgulatum is a local responsible (S. neavei) has a short flight
vector in central Congo Republic. range and lived on land crabs which inhab-
In the Americas, members of the S. itated water-filled holes, and these were
ochraceum complex are high-biting flies easy to treat. In Uganda infection was con-
that are the principal and efficient vectors fined to the Nile, which could be treated.
in highland foci in Mexico and Guatemala. The largest control campaign is that of
They breed in small rivers, streams and the Onchocerciasis Control Programme
small trickles of water flowing through (OCP) (funded principally by the World
highly wooded volcanic slopes of coffee- Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization
growing areas between 1000 and 2000 m (FAO), United Nations Development
above sea level. S. callidum and S. metal- Programme (UNDP) and WHO), which
licum sensu lato (s.l.) are secondary vec- commenced in 1974, dedicated to control-
tors; the latter is low-biting and mainly ling the disease in savannah regions of
zoophilic and is also found in Venezuela. seven West African countries of the Volta
Various other species (S. exiguum s.l., S. River basin, comprising a land area of 0.7
guianense, S, incrustatum, S. oyapockense million km2 (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte
s.l., S. quadrivittatum and probably S. lim- d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, Niger and Togo). In
batum) act as vectors in South America some infected villages in the control area,
(WHO, 1995). more than 10% of the infected population
Variations in the localization of nodules was blind and as many as 30% had
220 Chapter 5
Uganda, Zimbabwe and limited areas of genus Culicoides, which are pool feeders.
South America (Colombia, Guyana and The larvae enter the thoracic muscles, moult
Venezuela). twice and reach the infective third stage by 9
days, when they migrate to the head. They
LOCATION IN HOST exit from the labium of the midge while it is
Adults inhabit the body cavities, mesen- feeding. The parasites take a few months to
teric, retroperitoneal and perirenal tisues; become mature, moulting twice more, in the
unsheathed microfilariae can be found in human body.
the peripheral bloodstream at any time.
MORPHOLOGY There are often none, but infection has
The adult females measure 70–80 mm been associated with allergic symptoms,
0.12 mm, males 35–45 mm 0.06 mm; such as itching, pruritus, joint pains,
both sexes have a smooth cuticle and a enlarged lymph glands and vague abdomi-
ventrally curved tail, which has a trilobed nal symptoms, accompanied by high
appearance (Baird et al., 1987). The tail of eosinophilia.
the male has four pairs of preanal and one
pair of postanal papillae and there are two, DIAGNOSIS
very unequal, rodlike spicules. The micro- By identification of the microfilariae in
filariae in the blood are unsheathed and stained blood smears. More than ten micro-
measure 200 (190–240) µm 4.5 µm (they filariae per millilitre may be present, often
look appreciably smaller and thinner than together with those of L. loa and W. ban-
the sheathed microfilariae of Wuchereria, crofti. Differences in the morphology of
Brugia or Loa); they assume graceful curves microfilariae in various African countries
when fixed and stained. The tail ends have resulted in the name M. semiclarum
bluntly and contains nuclei to the tip (Figs being given to a longer microfilaria (198 µm
89 and 109). 5.2 µm in thick films, 221 µm 5.0 µm
in thin) found in the blood of a man in
LIFE CYCLE Congo Republic (Dujardin et al., 1982).
There is no marked periodicity but microfi-
lariae are slightly more numerous in the TREATMENT
peripheral circulation at night. The microfi- DEC has no effect. Albendazole and
lariae are ingested in a blood meal by small mebendazole given for 10 days have given
(2 mm) female ceratopogonid midges of the equivocal results. Ivermectin appears to
Fig. 109. Microfilariae of Loa loa and Mansonella perstans in same blood smear (stained in Giemsa so
that sheath of Loa has not stained).
The Nematodes 223
Possibly identical microfilariae are found
in chimpanzees and gorillas in Central
Africa and similar ones in New World
monkeys. Recently, new species have been
reported from African primates.
Meningonema peruzzii has been described
from the leptomeninges of Cercopithecus
spp. in Zimbabwe. The microfilariae are
almost identical to those of M. perstans but
have an indistinct sheath that does not
stain with Giemsa. Recently, a fourth-stage
female larva of Meningonema was recov-
ered from the cerebrospinal fluid of a
patient in Cameroon (Boussinesq et al.,
1995). It is possible that the nervous mani-
festations reported from humans in
Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), with the pres-
ence of microfilariae in the spinal fluid,
which led Patrick Manson to postulate that
M. perstans was the cause of sleeping sick-
ness, was due to this species.
Microfilariae found in the blood of a
patient in Thailand may be of Mansonella
digitatum (Sucharit, 1988). Map 12. Distribution of Mansonella streptocerca.
224 Chapter 5
Fig. 110. Section of subcutaneous tissues with adult M. streptocerca above and microfilariae below
(compare with Figs 105 and 107 showing microfilariae of O. volvulus).
The Nematodes 225
Fig. 112. Section of lung with immature Dirofilaria immitis in a branch of the pulmonary artery. A
pulmonary infarct may follow the death of the worm.
Fig. 113. Section of breast from a woman with adult of D. repens, which has evoked a granulomatous
reaction. Note ridges on the cuticle of the worm.
228 Chapter 5
subcutaneous tissues and eye of humans in south of the Sahara (Benin, Burkina Faso,
the USA. It is transmitted by mosquitoes. Central African Republic, C ôte d’Ivoire,
Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria,
Dirofilaria ursi Yamaguti, 1941. This is a Sudan, Togo and Uganda). There are also
natural parasite of the bear and subcuta- very small foci in Cameroon and Ethiopia
neous lesions have been found very rarely and possibly still in Chad, Kenya and
in humans in Canada and the USA. It is Senegal. Infection has been officially elimi-
transmitted by the black-fly Simulium. nated from the formerly endemic areas in
India (1999) and Pakistan (1994) in the last
few years and the disease has probably
Superfamily Dracunculoidea now vanished from Saudi Arabia and
Dracunculus medinensis
(Linnaeus, 1758) Gallandant, 1773 LOCATION IN HOST
Adult females emerge from the subcuta-
SYNONYMS neous tissues, usually of the foot or lower
Gordius medinensis Linnaeus, 1758; limbs but sometimes from any part of the
Filaria medinensis L.; Fuellebornius medi- body.
nensis Leiper, 1926.
DISEASE AND COMMON NAMES The mature female measures 500–800 mm
Dracunculiasis or dracunculosis, dracontia- 1.0–2.0 mm. The mouth has a triangular oval
sis; guinea or medina worm, le dragonneu, opening surrounded by a quadrangular
filaire de Medine. cuticularized plate, with an internal circle of
four double papillae. The vulva opens
LOCAL NAMES halfway down the body but is non-func-
Farentit (Arabic), Mfa (Fanti and Twi), tional in the mature worm. The uterus has
Kurkunu (Hausa), Naru (Hindi), Reshteh or an anterior and a posterior branch and is
Piyook (Persian), Rishta (Uzbek), Orok al filled with 1–3 million embryos; it fills the
Mai (Yemen), Sobiya (Yoruba). entire body cavity (pseudocoel), the gut
being entirely flattened.
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Males recovered from experimental
Dracunculus is now found only in the infections in animals measure 15–40 mm
countries of West and Central Africa just 0.4 mm (Fig. 114). The tail has 4 (3–6)
pairs of preanal and 4–6 pairs of postanal aequatorialis and M. kieferi), Metacyclops
papillae; the subequal spicules are (M. margaretae) and Thermocyclops (T.
490–750 µm long, with a gubernaculum crassus, T. incisus, T. inopinus and T.
measuring about 117 µm. Males remain in oblongatus). The larvae penetrate the gut
the connective tissues surrounding deeper wall of cyclops (Fig. 116) and, after two
muscles, usually in the thoracic region, moults in the haemocoel, reach the infec-
and are either absorbed or eventually cal- tive third stage in 14 days at 24°C. The
cify; they have only doubtfully been recov- infective larva measures on average 450 µm
ered in human infections. 14 µm and has a short bilobed tail. When
infected cyclops are ingested in drinking
LIFE CYCLE water, the released larvae burrow into the
The mature female worm moves to the sur- wall of the duodenum, migrate across the
face of the skin and forms a blister, which abdominal mesenteries and penetrate
bursts. The first-stage larvae are expelled through the abdomen and thorax in about
from the ruptured uterus when the affected 15 days. There is no increase in size during
part of the body (usually the foot or leg) this early migration but, after two moults,
comes into contact with water. The larvae the sexually mature worms meet and mate
on average measure 643 (490–737) µm in the subcutaneous tissue, approximately
23 (18–24) µm and have a fully formed gut, 100 days after infection. After fertilization,
although they do not feed. The tail is long the males become encapsulated and even-
and pointed and the cuticle is striated. The tually die. They are usually absorbed,
larvae in water are very active, their thrash- although occasionally calcified specimens
ing movements resembling those of a free- have been seen on X-ray. The females move
living nematode (Fig. 115). They live for down the muscle planes, reaching the
4–7 days in pond water and for further extremities 8–10 months after infection; by
development have to be ingested by vari- 10 months the uterus contains fully formed
ous predatory species of small (1–2 mm) larvae. The mature females emerge from
microcrustacean cyclopoids. Intermediate the tissues about 1 year after ingestion of
hosts belong to the genera Mesocyclops (M. larvae.
Fig. 115. First-stage larvae of Dracunculus medinensis in water (phase contrast) after being expelled by
adult female (actual size 0.66 mm).
230 Chapter 5
Fig. 117. Section of subcutaneous tissues with portion of an adult female. Removed just after blister
formation so that there is a strong tissue reaction.
The Nematodes 231
The blister fluid consists of a bacteriologi-
cally sterile fluid containing lymphocytes,
neutrophils, eosinophils and larvae.
In a proportion of cases the female
worm bursts in the tissues before emer-
gence, releasing many thousands of larvae.
This results in an intense tissue reaction,
with myositis and formation of an abscess
containing up to 0.5 l of pus, which can
lead to chronic ulcerations, bubo or epi-
didymo-orchitis in males. Adult females
sometimes enter joints and liberate larvae
into the synovial fluid, causing oedema,
congestion and plasma-cell infiltration of
the synovial membrane. This can lead to
arthritis or fibrous ankylosis of joints and
Fig. 118. Female of D. medinensis emerging from contractures of tendons, but in most cases
ankle of woman. There is secondary bacterial the condition resolves eventually.
infection up the track of the worm. Once larvae have been released from
the emerging female worm, there is a
strong adhesive reaction at the cuticle
year-old working population or were along the whole length of the worm. In the
schoolchildren, were disabled for an aver- early stages, the tissue reaction consists of
age of 12.7 weeks during the yam and rice inflammatory cells and is followed by a for-
harvest time and about 12,000 were perma- eign-body giant-cell reaction. This makes
nently incapacitated (Smith et al., 1989). extraction of the worm difficult and
Permanent physical impairment occurs in increases the chances of secondary bacter-
about 0.5% of infected individuals and in ial infection along the track of the worm,
one study in Ghana 28% of patients had with cellulitis.
continuing pain 12–18 months after infec- In many endemic areas, the track of a
tion (Hours and Cairncross, 1994), while in guinea worm on the foot provides an
another study in Benin there was 0.3% important mode of entry for tetanus spores.
mortality from tetanus and septicaemia
(Chippaux and Massougbodi, 1991). DIAGNOSIS
Infection is a major cause of school absen-
teeism and the parasite is unusual among Clinical and parasitological. Patients in an
parasitic helminths as it does not appear to endemic area usually have no doubt of the
confer any immune response, so that indi- diagnosis as soon as, or even before, the
viduals can be reinfected year after year. first signs appear. Local itching, urticaria
Sometimes female worms fail to reach and a burning pain at the site of a small
the surface, usually when unfertilized, and blister are usually the first signs of infec-
become encysted and calcify and are then tion, although sometimes a palpable and
only apparent on X-ray. This occurs in a sometimes moving worm may have been
232 Chapter 5
are at the stage of case containment, p.p.m. kills cyclops for 5–6 weeks but, in
whereby all infected individuals can be areas with a long transmission season, has
quickly identified and stopped from enter- to be added a few times a year. The amount
ing ponds. of temephos estimated to be needed for
There are various possible interventions total eradication in Africa has been
once active surveillance measures have donated by the manufacturer.
been initiated, based on knowledge of the
life cycle of the parasite. It has been esti- Health education interventions by local
mated that passive surveillance identifies health workers are a very important com-
about 2% of cases. ponent of any control or eradication cam-
The provision of safe drinking water, paign, and village development committees
principally from tube-wells, is a priority in are able to assist in other primary health
rural areas of Africa and Asia, and assis- problems.
tance is being provided by many aid agen- Guinea worm was eliminated from the
cies in order to prevent other water-borne Bokhara area of Uzbekistan in the early
diseases, such as typhoid, infantile diar- 1930s and from the south of Iran, where
rhoea, etc., as well as guinea worm. It has infection was confined to large covered cis-
recently been estimated that 1100 million terns (known as ‘birkehs’), in the 1970s. It
people (about 21% of the world’s popula- is interesting to note that infection has not
tion) do not have access to clean water. returned to Bokhara in spite of the fact that
There are various interventions possible still only 33% of the population has piped
but the use of chemotherapy has no part in water (Cairncross et al., 2002). It was elimi-
control, except sometimes in aiding patient nated from Pakistan in 1994, India in 1997,
compliance. Interventions which are being Kenya and Senegal in 1996 and Cameroon,
made include the following. Chad and Yemen by 1999. There are also
very few cases left in Benin, Burkina Faso,
1. Filtering or boiling all drinking-water. Central African Republic, Côte d’Ivoire,
Boiling water is not usually feasible, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Togo and
because wood fuel is a scarce commodity, Uganda. However, there are three countries
but filters are playing an important role in which still have appreciable numbers of
all countries now mounting campaigns. cases. These are Nigeria, which had 11,617
The manufacturer of a monofilament nylon cases in 1999 (but 650,000 cases in 1988),
material has provided enough to provide Ghana, with 5524 cases in 1999 (but
filter nets for all endemic villagers. These 180,000 cases in 1989), and Sudan, with
nets are long-lasting, have a regular pore 56,226 cases reported in 1999. The appar-
size, are easily washed and dry quickly and ent number of cases went up substantially
are being widely used. in 2000 in Ghana, which demonstrates the
2. Persuading or preventing infected per- difficulties in identifying the many hun-
sons with an emerging worm from entering dreds of small isolated endemic villages.
ponds used for drinking water. The identi- However, there are now intensive cam-
fication and bandaging of very early lesions paigns in both Ghana and Nigeria and it is
can also help to prevent subsequent likely that elimination will follow in the
immersion. The cooperation of local teams next few years. The future for elimination
and of schoolchildren can be useful in con- in Sudan is more uncertain. Because of
vincing infected persons of the need for a political problems it has been difficult to
change in behaviour. actively survey, let alone treat, many
3. Treating water sources. The chemical infected villages and there is also the prob-
treatment of ponds can prove a useful adju- lem of migrants from Sudan reintroducing
vant to other measures, particularly when infection into neighbouring countries.
there is only a low level of transmission Thirty-seven other countries where the dis-
remaining. The insecticide temephos has ease used to be present in historical times
low toxicity to mammals and fish and at 1 have been certified as free by the WHO.
234 Chapter 5
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Medicine 320, 1124–1126.
Further Reading
Cairncross, S. (1992) Guinea Worm Eradication: a Selected Bibliography. Bureau of Hygiene and
Tropical Diseases, London, UK.
Chippaux, J.-P. (1994) Le Ver de Guinée en Afrique: Méthodes de Lutte pour l’Èradication. ORSTOM,
Paris, France.
Cross, J.H. (1995) Capillaria philippinensis and Trichostrongylus orientalis. In: Farthing, M.J.G.,
Keusch, G.T. and Wakelin, D. (eds) Enteric Infection 2: Intestinal Helminths. Chapman and Hall,
London, UK, pp. 151–163.
Daengsvang, S. (1980) A Monograph on the Genus Gnathostoma and Gnathostomiasis in Thailand.
Seamic, Tokyo, Japan.
Dissanaike, A.S. (1986) A review of Brugia sp. with special reference to Brugia malayi and to
zoonotic infections. Tropical Biomedicine 3, 67–72.
Goddard, J. (1996) Physicians’ Guide to Arthropods of Medical Importance, 2nd edn. CRC Press,
Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Grenfell, B.T. and Michael, E. (1992) Infection and disease in lymphatic filariasis: an epidemiological
approach. Parasitology 104 (suppl.), S81-S90.
Hinz, E. (1996) Helminthiasen des Menschen in Thailand. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany,
pp. 137–141.
Hopkins, D.R. and Ruiz-Tiben, E. (1991) Strategies for dracunculiasis eradication. Bulletin of the
World Health Organization 69, 533–540.
Muller, R. (1979) Guinea worm disease; epidemiology, control and treatment. Bulletin of the World
Health Organization 57, 683–689.
The Nematodes 239
Peters, W. (1992) Colour Atlas of Arthropods in Clinical Medicine. Wolfe, London, UK.
RSTM&H (2000) Elimination of lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem. Transactions of the
Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 94, 589–602.
Sasa, M. (1976) Human Filariasis. University Park Press, Tokyo, Japan.
06Worms & H.D. - Chap 06 14/11/01 4:29 PM Page 240
Other (Non-helminth) Groups
Included in this section are a hetero- reasons when calcified, or probably are
geneous collection of endoparasites that absorbed and never diagnosed. Severe
are not strictly helminths, but which may pathology is rare and is associated with
be confused with them, particularly in migration of the primary larvae before they
biopsy tissue sections. become encysted, or in a few cases consid-
erable tissue damage has been caused by
the third-stage larvae leaving the fibrous
capsule and undergoing another migration;
in both cases a form of visceral larva
migrans results.
The members of this small group of para-
Human infection is common in some
sites form a separate phylum
areas of the world, such as Malaysia and
(Pentastomida), usually placed somewhere
West Africa (Benin, Cameroon, Congo,
between the annelids and the arthropods.
Gabon, Nigeria and Senegal).
Larvae of seven species have been reported
On X-ray Armillifer may be mistaken for
from humans but only two are of any
guinea worm and in tissue sections they
are superficially similar to spargana,
gnathostomes, fly larvae or the chigoe flea
Armillifer (= Porocephalus) armillata (Tunga penetrans). In tissue sections penta-
stomes may be differentiated by the pres-
This is a parasite of the respiratory tract of ence of a body cavity and intestine (as have
snakes in Africa and Asia, while the larvae all the others except spargana), chitinous
are found encysted in the tissues of rodents tracheae (as have fly larvae and Tunga),
and other mammals. Human infection is striated muscle fibres and the presence of
presumed to be by ingestion of eggs on veg- reproductive organs.
etation or in water. The egg contains an Armillifer agkistrodontis, a parasite of the
embryo (0.2 mm in length), which bores viper, has been recovered once in China
through the intestinal wall and encysts in after treatment with mebendazole at 400
the mesenteries of the peritoneal cavity mg three times daily for 3 days in a patient
(particularly the liver). The coiled larva with abdominal pain who had drunk snake
moults twice and grows until it measures bile and blood (Zhang et al., 1997).
20–25 mm in length. These third-stage lar-
vae have characteristic annulations, giving
a beaded appearance (Fig. 119). Larvae may Linguatula serrata
produce a considerable inflammatory
response but usually cause no symptoms Known as the ‘tongue worm’ this is a nat-
and are only seen on X-rays taken for other ural parasite of the nasal passages of dogs
06Worms & H.D. - Chap 06 14/11/01 4:29 PM Page 241
242 Chapter 6
fly of South America) is the only genus that fortunately was eradicated before it spread
can complete its entire larval development to the rest of Africa (Hall and Wall, 1995).
in humans. The larvae are found in a wide Chrysomya bezziana (the Old World screw-
range of mammalian hosts and in humans worm) is a similar fly in Asia and Africa.
occur in unprotected parts of the body. The Gasterophilus sp. (the horse bot-fly)
eggs are laid by the female fly on mosqui- first-stage larvae occasionally wander
toes, other flies or ticks, which transport under the skin of humans (particularly in
them to humans. The eggs hatch when the Russia, with a recent case in an infant in
mosquito feeds and the larvae penetrate the the USA). The dark transverse bands of the
skin, with a channel remaining to the sur- larvae can sometimes be seen under the
face. The posterior ends of the larvae poke skin (particularly if mineral oil is rubbed
out from an ulcer on the skin at intervals into the skin to make it transparent) inside
before they drop out in 6–12 weeks after a serpiginous tunnel. The larvae may move
infection and pupate in the soil. Larvae several millimetres a day, producing a pru-
produce a severe pruritus, and a suppurat- ritus similar to creeping eruption.
ing wound may result from scratching. Hypoderma bovis (the cattle bot-fly) lar-
Cochliomyia hominovorax (the New vae may bore down deeply into the tissues,
World screw-worm) is widely distributed in while those of Oestrus ovis (the sheep bot-
cattle in the Americas. Eggs are deposited fly) are usually found in humans in the
on the skin next to a wound or on mucous external membranes of the eye, and those
membranes of the nose, mouth or vagina. of Rhinoestrus purpureus (the Russian gad-
The hatched maggots (up to 400) tunnel fly) in the nose.
deeply to produce a communal boil-like Cordylobia anthropophaga (the African
lesion, oozing pus, which often becomes tumbu fly) belongs to a different group
secondarily infected and leads to death in from the previous forms and has larvae that
about 8% of untreated cases. After 1 week of produce a boil-like swelling at the site of
feeding the mature maggots exit and drop to penetration in many animals. The eggs
the ground to pupate. One case was success- hatch in moist soil and penetration is usu-
fully treated with topical application of 1% ally through the feet. The larvae leave the
ivermectin, which killed all larvae by 24 h body in 8–9 days. A recent case in the
(Victoria et al., 1999). This fly was acci- breast of a Nigerian woman appeared to be
dently introduced into Libya in 1988, but a tumour on a mammogram.
Hall, M. and Wall, R. (1995) Myiasis of humans and domestic animals. Advances in Parasitology 35,
Victoria, J., Trujillo, R. and Barreto, M. (1999) Myiasis: a successful treatment with topical iver-
mectin. International Journal of Dermatology 38, 142–144.
Yagi, H., El Bahari, S., Mohamed, H.A., Ahmed, E.R.S., Mustafa, M., Saad, M.B.A., Sulaiman, S.M.
and El Hassan, A.M. (1996) The Marrara syndrome: a hypersensitivity reaction of the upper respi-
ratory tract and buccopharyngeal mucosa to nymphs of Linguatula serrata. Acta Tropica 62,
Zhang, Q.Y., Wang, B.F., Huang, M. and Cheng, T.F. (1997) Viper’s blood and bile. Lancet British edi-
tion 349, 250.
Further Reading
Hall, M. and Wall, R. (1995) Myiasis of humans and domestic animals. Advances in Parasitology 35,
07Worms & H.D. - Chap 07 14/11/01 4:34 PM Page 243
Immunology of Helminths
Parasites, like all pathogens, elicit a wide Immune responses to infection can be
range of immune responses in their hosts. divided into two categories, innate and
The nature of these responses is deter- adaptive. In general terms, the first covers
mined both by the host and by the parasite. responses that are expressed immediately
Even within a single host species there is on exposure to infection, show little mem-
variation in the capacity to express ory or enhancement on re-exposure, have
immune responses, which reflects genetic broad molecular specificity (termed pattern
differences as well as differences in such recognition) and are associated with the
variables as age, sex, nutrition, physiologi- activities of non-lymphoid cells. In con-
cal status and the presence of concurrent trast, adaptive responses depend upon the
infections. Parasite-determined variation in activity of lymphocytes, are induced in an
response arises from differences in the antigen-specific manner, show memory and
level and frequency of infection, as well as consequently are enhanced when the host
from the genetic variation that exists is re-exposed to the same infection. The
within widely distributed species. Much of focus here will be on adaptive responses,
our current knowledge of antiparasite but it should be emphasized that the dis-
responses has come from experimental tinction between the two categories is often
studies in laboratory rodents, and the blurred, that innate responses may be
extent to which this can be extended to essential for the correct induction of adap-
humans is sometimes controversial. tive responses, and that both can con-
However, there is no doubt that the essen- tribute to the overall response be it
tial principles of immune responsiveness protective or pathological.
to parasites apply to all mammalian hosts.
An important principle, which has particu-
lar relevance to helminths, is that very few Adaptive Responses
of the responses elicited by infection are
likely to be functionally protective. Many Adaptive immunity is dependent upon the
are irrelevant to protection and some, as recognition of and the response to specific
seen very clearly in schistosomiasis, may sequences (antigenic determinants or epi-
have severe pathological consequences. topes) associated with molecules that are
One of the important goals for immuno- foreign to the body (i.e. are ‘non-self’).
parasitologists is to identify those Recognition is absolutely dependent upon
responses that are beneficial and devise lymphocytes, a unique population of cells,
ways of promoting these while reducing characterized by possession of epitope-
immunopathological responses. specific receptors on their cell membranes.
07Worms & H.D. - Chap 07 14/11/01 4:34 PM Page 244
244 Chapter 7
Lymphocytes are divided into two major respond directly to certain types of antigen
populations – T (thymus-dependent) cells, (particularly polysaccharides), in almost all
which carry T-cell receptors (TCR) and B cases involving parasites B cells require T-
(bursa- or bone-marrow-derived) cells, in cell help, the T cells helping to determine
which the B-cell receptor is immunoglobu- the class of antibody by the pattern of
lin (Ig). As far as parasitic infections are cytokines they produce. The specificity of
concerned most adaptive immune the antibodies produced is the same as that
responses are initiated when T cells recog- of the surface receptor carried by the B
nize epitopes, and this requires the suc- cells involved initially, but plasma cells
cessful completion of two distinct release large amounts of the molecule in a
processes. The first is presentation of epi- soluble form and modify the molecules to
topes to T cells by non-lymphoid antigen- perform a variety of biological functions.
presenting cells, such as macrophages, Ig molecules are formed from paired
dendritic cells and B cells, and the second heavy and light glycoprotein chains and
is recognition of those epitopes by TCR. can be divided into two functional regions,
Recognition is a complex process that the Fab region, which determines epitope
involves multiple receptor–ligand inter- recognition, and the Fc region, which
actions between antigen-presenting cells determines other biological functions (Fig.
and the T cell concerned, as well as 121). Differences in the Fc regions define
epitope–receptor binding. These inter- the five major classes of antibodies (IgM,
actions involve a variety of molecules car- IgD, IgG, IgA, IgE). Binding of antibody to a
ried on each cell surface, as well as binding target epitope may itself have protective
of receptors on the T-cell surface to soluble value, e.g. if the target is carried by a cru-
signalling molecules (cytokines). Once acti- cial enzyme or sensory cell; more fre-
vated, T cells themselves release cytokines quently, antibody binding serves to
and interact directly and indirectly with identify the target immunologically and
other cells. thus act as a focus for other effector mecha-
T cells can be categorized into a number nisms. An important mechanism involves
of subsets by the surface molecules they the activation of complement, a complex
carry (e.g. CD4+ helper cells or CD8+ cyto- series of plasma proteins capable of trigger-
toxic cells) and by the cytokines they ing non-lymphoid effector cells, of increas-
release (e.g. helper cells can be divided ing phagocytic activity and of damaging
into at least three subsets on this basis). cell membranes to bring about cell lysis.
Different T-cell subsets regulate different Bound antibody also acts to increase inter-
components of the immune system’s effec- actions between the target and non-lym-
tor and memory responses. Key effector phoid cells that carry the appropriate Fc
mechanisms are mediated via antibody receptor. Antibody binding and comple-
production, cytotoxicity and inflammation; ment activation can therefore both be
all three involve the coordinated activity of involved in what is collectively termed
lymphocytes and non-lymphoid cells. antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
The interactions of these components in (ADCC), a mechanism thought to be
the initiation of the immune response are involved in immune protection against a
shown in Fig. 120. number of helminths (Fig. 122).
CELL Costimulatory
ES molecules
Processing Cytokine
and binding Activation release
to MHC II and clonal
WORM Somatic CD4
Effector function
ATIO N Type 1
Fig. 120. Initiation of the immune response to a parasitic worm. Worms release antigens in their
excretions/secretions (ES antigens), from their cuticle, and from their bodies (somatic antigens) when the
worm is killed. Antigen is taken up by antigen-presenting cells and presented by major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) molecules to T cells. Recognition of antigen by the T-cell receptor and ligation of
accessory and costimulatory molecules activate the T cell. The activated cells release cytokines and
undergo clonal expansion to produce clones of cells with identical T-cell receptors. These cells, acting
through cytokines, become effector cells or memory cells. Effector cells, through release of type 1 or type
2 cytokines, coordinate a variety of effector activities against the parasite. Key to symbols: MHC
molecule; Antigen; T-cell receptor.
release a number of potent molecules that damage tissues, but it is probable that
damage cell membranes or cause intra- immune-mediated inflammation plays a
cellular damage. T-cell cytotoxicity is well major role in a majority of infections
established as a protective mechanism in involving helminths. This form of inflam-
infections involving intracellular proto- mation can be mediated by antibodies, par-
zoans, but there is little evidence for its ticularly when complement is involved,
importance in helminths. and by T cells. Antibody of the IgE class is
particularly important in this respect, as it
binds to cells that have the potential to
Inflammation release powerful biological mediators (e.g.
amines) when the bound antibody becomes
Parasites bring about inflammatory changes complexed with its specific antigen. T-cell-
in a variety of ways. Their invasion and mediated inflammation is the result of
activities in tissues cause mechanical and cytokine release and the increased produc-
chemical damage, and their interactions tion, or increased activity, of a wide variety
with non-lymphoid cells cause the release of non-lymphoid cells. Again it is the
of potent mediators, which themselves can release of potent mediators that initiates
07Worms & H.D. - Chap 07 14/11/01 4:34 PM Page 246
246 Chapter 7
Hinge region
Light chain
Heavy chain
Antigen-binding X
Fab Fc
Variable region
Constant region
Disulphide bond
X Carbohydrate group
Fig. 121. Diagrammatic representation of an immunoglobulin molecule (based on IgG). The molecule is
made up of two light (L) chains and two heavy (H) chains, held by disulphide bonds. The bond between
the paired chains can be split by enzymes to break up the molecule into the Fab and Fc fragments. Each
chain forms a number of regions (domains): the variable (V) regions form the antigen-binding site of the
Fab fragments; the constant (C) regions of the Fc fragment confer the biological properties of the
molecule, e.g. binding to receptors and activation of complement.
the inflammatory damage. Some of the cells, the macrophage–monocyte line and
mediators released during inflammation, the granulocyte line. Monocytes circulate
however caused, can damage parasites in the blood and mature as macrophages in
directly; in other cases the tissue changes the tissues. Three groups of granulocytes
associated with inflammation may affect (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils)
the parasite indirectly, essentially by bring- mature in the bone marrow and move into
ing about dramatic changes in its environ- tissues from the blood, while the fourth
ment. (mast cells) matures in tissues. All non-
lymphoid cells can participate in innate
and adaptive responses through their
Non-lymphoid Cells phagocytic activities and through their
ability to release powerful mediators.
Lymphocytes and non-lymphoid cells both Macrophages, neutrophils and eosinophils
arise from precursors in the bone marrow, often infiltrate tissues around worms and
but then follow divergent pathways of may form granulomas when parasite stages
development – the lymphoid and the become trapped in tissues. Basophils and
myeloid. The latter pathway gives rise to mast cells – the amine-containing cells –
the two major categories of non-lymphoid are involved primarily through the capac-
07Worms & H.D. - Chap 07 14/11/01 4:34 PM Page 247
Adhesion not
FcR or C3R
Immune complexes bound Strong adherence Weak adherence
to cell through FcR; by activated (e.g. sugar–lectin)
Fig. 122. Mechanisms by which cells mediate cytotoxic activity against parasitic worms. Adhesion
between cells and parasites can involve cellular receptors for the Fc portion of immunoglobulin
molecules (FcR), or receptors for components of complement such as C3(C3R), when these molecules
are bound to the parasite’s surface. Adhesion can also occur through mechanisms not involving direct
binding of immunoglobulin or complement to the parasite (e.g. via immune complexes, lectin–sugar
binding and intermolecular forces).
248 Chapter 7
result in the responses raised against one thus decrease protective immunity (‘block-
life-cycle stage being ineffective against a ing antibodies’).
later stage. Equally life-cycle stages may
differ in their immunogenicity (their ability
to generate immune responses), although Expression of Immune Responses
this is also influenced by their location.
Metabolically active stages that migrate The detailed understanding of the immune
through tissues, or remain there for long system that we now have enables us to
periods, are often potently immunogenic, interpret in mechanistic terms many of the
Ascaris larvae and schistosome eggs being characteristics of the immune responses
excellent examples. Resting larval stages, that parasitic infections generate. It seems a
particularly those that become encysted or general rule that, whereas many protozoa,
enter immunologically privileged sites, particularly the intracellular species, elicit
such as the central nervous system (CNS), lymphocyte responses dominated by the T-
may generate much less response – tape- helper 1 (Th1) subset, helminth infections
worm larvae are good examples. Some elicit Th2-dominated responses. Th1
parasites living in the intestine (e.g. hook- responses are associated with cellular
worms) can stimulate strong immune immunity (e.g. activation of macrophages)
responses, their antigens being taken up and production of specific classes of IgG
across the mucosa, but others, notably the antibodies. In contrast, Th2 cells coordinate
tapeworms, appear much less immuno- a pattern of antibody responses, which
genic. Many nematodes and larval trema- includes IgE, and regulate the production
todes release antigens that act as allergens and activity of inflammatory cells, particu-
– i.e. stimulate the formation of IgE – and larly eosinophils and mast cells. The reason
thus the host develops hypersensitivity to for this Th subset bias is not fully under-
the parasite, allergic symptoms being com- stood, but it reflects the nature of particular
mon in many helminth infections. antigens, the ways in which these are pre-
Not all molecules released by helminths sented to T cells and the cytokine environ-
act as immunogens, in the sense of stimu- ment in which T-cell responses take place.
lating positive immune responses. Many Thus T-cell responses occurring in the pres-
worms are now known to release ence of the cytokine interleukin 12 (IL-12)
immunomodulatory molecules, which (derived from previously activated NK
suppress, divert or inactivate components cells) become polarized to the Th1 subset,
of the immune response. Good examples while those occurring in the presence of IL-
have been described in infections with 4 (derived from cells such as mast cells)
filarial worms and with hookworms, but become polarized to the Th2 subset.
immunomodulation is probably a wide- The nature and degree of the immune
spread phenomenon. Helminths also response elicited by infection are not only
express, or acquire, molecules that act as dependent on the level and frequency of
immunological disguises (glycolipids in infection and the characteristics of the para-
adult schistosomes, albumin in micro- site concerned, they are also influenced by
filaria larvae, host proteins in cestode lar- the location of the parasite. Helminths
vae), which enable them to reduce the occupy a very wide variety of habitats in
degree of ‘foreignness’ they present to the the host’s body, and the capacity of these to
host’s immune system, effectively being respond to infection and the nature of the
seen as self rather than non-self. Some response expressed can differ quite
molecules, although immunogenic, have markedly. A useful distinction in immuno-
been shown to elicit antibody responses logical terms is seen in the responses to
(e.g. IgM antibodies to carbohydrate anti- parasites living within the intestine and
gens of S. mansoni) that block the protec- those elsewhere in the body, i.e. between
tive action of other antibody classes and parasites living in mucosal and systemic
07Worms & H.D. - Chap 07 14/11/01 4:34 PM Page 249
locations. Although the mucosal and sys- responses in parasitized humans can be
temic immune systems are clearly intercon- measured in a variety of ways. These
nected, the populations of lymphocytes in include tests that demonstrate the presence
each and their patterns of migration are dis- of specific antiparasite antibody, lympho-
tinct. The responses occurring within the cyte responses and cytokine production,
intestinal wall itself are similar in many skin sensitivity to antigen, increased pro-
respects to those elsewhere in the body, but duction of ‘non-specific’ IgM and increased
a major difference is seen in the predomi- numbers of eosinophils, as well as
nant class of Ig produced there and secreted histopathological demonstration of the
into the gut lumen (IgA), whereas the sys- presence of immune cells in infected tis-
temic immune system is dominated by IgG sues. In addition, the capacity of antibodies
and IgM antibodies. The mucosal tissues and cells taken from infected individuals to
are readily infiltrated by inflammatory cells, kill parasites or parasite-infected cells can
characteristically including a discrete pop- be tested in vitro. Demonstrable protection
ulation of mast cells. Interactions between against reinfection, in individuals or in
these cells and IgE can trigger hypersensi- populations (e.g. Leishmania major), is
tivity reactions, which lead to major clear evidence of immunity, but is rela-
changes in intestinal structure and func- tively rare in helminth infections. Evidence
tion. The mucosal immune system operates of age-related declines in infection rates in
not only in the intestine, but also in the endemic areas (e.g. in malaria and in
lungs and urogenital tissues. Systemic helminth infections) suggests the operation
immunity has different characteristics in of host-protective immunity, as does protec-
different locations, and these influence the tion against the pathological effects of
antiparasite responses generated by infec- infection (e.g. malaria), but neither is neces-
tion. Important differences are seen, for sarily conclusive. ‘Experiments of nature’ –
example, between responses in the CNS, i.e. study of infections in individuals with
usually regarded as an immunologically compromised immune systems – can indi-
privileged site (i.e. with reduced respon- cate the importance of immune competence
siveness), and those in the skin, where a in preventing the consequences of infection
separate population of antigen-presenting (e.g. giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis or
cells (Langerhans cells) operates and where strongyloidiasis). However, these lines of
cellular inflammatory responses are readily evidence can often only be deduced from
generated. In contrast to protozoans, rela- detailed and extensive population studies
tively few helminths live for any length of and sophisticated statistical analysis. More
time in the blood, adult schistosomes and direct evidence that host-protective immu-
microfilaria larvae being exceptions. nity can operate effectively against para-
Despite being bathed in antibodies and sites can be gained from studies in
complement and potentially exposed to a experimental models, although it is often
variety of non-lymphoid cells, both survive not possible to use in such models (particu-
for prolonged periods, because they possess larly rodents) the species of parasite that
effective evasion mechanisms which pre- are of interest in humans.
vent them from being recognized. There are experimental models for most
of the major human helminth infections, the
majority of these being in rodent hosts.
Protective Immune Responses in Under controlled conditions, it is possible
Infected Hosts to show that, in many cases, infections elicit
strong immune responses and that these
Although it is easy to demonstrate that may confer substantial protection on the
parasitic infections elicit immune host. Protection developing during an initial
responses in their human hosts, it is more infection can be quantified by determining
difficult to demonstrate the relation of these the numbers of worms recovered at intervals
responses to protective immunity. Immune after infection or by the levels and duration
07Worms & H.D. - Chap 07 14/11/01 4:34 PM Page 250
250 Chapter 7
of larval and egg output. In other cases pro- Demonstration of protective immunity
tection is not seen, and worms persist for in human populations that are naturally
long periods in the presence of specific exposed to helminth infections is much
immune responses. Good examples from more difficult than it is in the laboratory,
work with mouse models include the long- because of the number of confounding fac-
term survival of schistosomes, larval ces- tors that have to be taken into account.
todes, liver flukes, microfilariae and certain Unlike experimental animals, individual
intestinal nematodes. Immunity to reinfec- humans are exposed to varying intensities
tion can be seen in models where there is no and frequencies of infection and differ from
resistance to the primary infection, but the one another in factors that are known to
nature of this reinfection immunity needs to influence immunity (e.g. age, sex, infection,
be examined carefully. For example, the nutritional and physiological status and
resistance of mice to reinfection with genetics), as well as access to anthelminthic
Schistosoma mansoni reflects the pathologi- treatment. What was a general view that
cal changes that the primary infection has there is little immunologically mediated
brought about in the liver, rather than spe- resistance to helminths, despite abundant
cific immune destruction of the incoming evidence of immune responses as such, has
worms. Resistance to reinfection with been considerably modified as a result of
Taenia taeniaeformis in mice carrying immunoepidemiological and in vitro stud-
mature cysticerci reflects the operation of ies. For example, it now seems quite clear,
immune responses against the penetrating from detailed treatment/reinfection studies,
oncospheres and early cysticerci before that humans do develop protective immu-
these have developed resistance to comple- nity to infection with S. mansoni and S.
ment-mediated damage. Resistance of mice haematobium. Correlative studies have
to reinfection with Heligmosomoides poly- linked resistance to levels of parasite-spe-
gyrus (an intestinal nematode widely used cific IgE and to eosinophil activity, data that
as a model of chronic infection) is expressed are supported by in vitro work. Although
only if the previous adult infection and its the picture is much less clear with the
associated immunosuppressive effects have major gastrointestinal nematodes, there are
been removed by anthelminthic treatment. data suggesting that a level of protective
Once the existence of host-protective immu- immunity is acquired, at least in hookworm
nity has been established, potential mecha- and Trichuris infections. Knowledge of the
nisms of immune-mediated resistance and cellular and molecular mechanisms under-
the response components involved can be lying immune responses has increased the
studied using in vitro approaches. Good predictive value of studies that attempt to
examples include analysis of ADCC mecha- correlate infection status with particular
nisms against schistosomula and microfilar- immune components. This is best seen with
iae. However, the demonstration of effective the many studies that now use T-cell and
immune killing under in vitro conditions cytokine data as analytical tools. The vari-
does not necessarily correlate with in vivo ous clinical categories found in populations
patterns of response. The capacity of hosts exposed to lymphatic filariasis (from the
to become immune can also be studied in putatively immune, parasite-negative
experimental models by using attenuated endemic normals to infected individuals
parasites or isolated parasite molecules as with obstructive disease) have been corre-
vaccine antigens. For example, mice can be lated with particular patterns of Th-cell
effectively vaccinated against S. mansoni response and cytokine production,
using irradiated cercariae, rats against the although the relationship is clearly com-
same species with defined recombinant plex. Epidemiological and genetic studies
antigens (e.g. glutathione-S-transferase) and on populations exposed to S. mansoni have
mice against intestinal nematodes with pinpointed a major gene that controls the
defined antigens or synthetic peptides from expression of protective immunity, and
these antigens. have revealed positive correlations between
07Worms & H.D. - Chap 07 14/11/01 4:34 PM Page 251
resistance and the genetic control of Th2- iting factor in all diagnostic tests is the
related cytokines. For many helminth infec- availability of purified antigens to give
tions, however, evidence for protective high levels of both sensitivity and speci-
immunity is slight, and there is little infor- ficity. The use of recombinant and syn-
mation about the underlying basis of the thetic techniques for antigen production is
immune responses that infection elicits. overcoming this limitation.
A number of older diagnostic tests used
cellular responses to injected antigen as an
Exploitation of Immune Responses indicator of infection. These have largely
been phased out, largely because of low
Diagnosis specificity and the danger of adverse reac-
Whether or not immune responses confer The immunology of trematodes is dis-
any protection against helminths their cussed on p. 23 and p. 41, of cestodes on
presence can be used as a means of diag- p. 93, of intestinal nematodes on p. 121 and
nosing infection. A majority of diagnostic of filarial nematodes on pp. 196 and 217.
tests make use of antibody responses, and
these can be measured by many tech-
niques. Perhaps the most widespread at Vaccination
present is the ELISA, which can be used
with very small quantities of serum, can be As with all infectious diseases, vaccination
automated for large-scale surveys and is against helminths is seen as one of the most
read using colorimetric assays. One draw- effective ways in which infections could be
back of antibody-based tests is that the controlled. Until quite recently, success in
presence of antiparasite antibody does not this field has been negligible compared
necessarily imply the presence of a current with the progress made with viral and bac-
infection, although measurement of partic- terial vaccines. Although many of the latter
ular classes of antibody (e.g. IgG4) is a good were initially developed quite empirically,
indicator. The ELISA can be adapted to test this approach has not been successful with
for antigen rather than antibody, and of helminths, where the problems of eliciting
course this is a positive indicator of para- the required protective responses are much
sites in the body. Antigen detection has greater. Experimental vaccines using atten-
been widely used in schistosome and filar- uated larval stages have proved effective in
ial infections. An exciting new develop- rodents against parasites such as schisto-
ment is the development of non-invasive somes, hookworms and some filarial nema-
detection of ES antigens by an antigen-cap- todes. Attenuated larvae have also been
ture ELISA in faeces (coproantigens), urine used to reduce disease in schistosome-
and perhaps saliva (e.g. see p. 24 for schis- exposed cattle, but the ethical problems
tosomiasis in urine and p. 77 for cestodes involved with the use of live vaccines in
in faeces). humans have prevented further develop-
Conventionally, ELISA tests have used ment. Most progress has been achieved
multiwell plates to provide the solid-phase with the development of recombinant vac-
substrate on which antigen or antibody can cines, which were first used successfully
be bound, and they require spectrophoto- against larval cestodes in sheep, show
metric readouts. Recent development of the promise against gastrointestinal nematodes
dipstick technique, where reagents are in sheep and are being tested in trials for
bound to a nitrocellulose strip and coupled use against S. mansoni in humans. The lat-
with built-in controls, allows immediate ter vaccine is based on the use of recombi-
identification of a positive or negative nant glutathione-S-transferase, a molecule
response and can be used in the absence of that also has protective value against other
sophisticated laboratory equipment. A lim- schistosome species.
08Worms & H.D. - Chap 08 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 252
Epidemiological Aspects of
Helminth Infections
Epidemiology may be defined as the study provides the most convenient basic unit of
of the factors influencing the occurrence study, and measurements of worm burden
and distribution of infection. In general, it (e.g. directly by counting worms in faeces
is concerned with populations rather than after chemotherapy, or indirectly, by egg
with individual cases. counts or recently by immunological esti-
Epidemiological studies serve two main mates of circulating worm antigens) can be
functions: first, they provide the necessary very important.
data for determining the medical, eco- Epidemiological studies can be divided
nomic and social importance of an infec- into two main categories. Descriptive stud-
tion, in order to evaluate and plan the ies can be used in order to determine the
effort and funds that should be devoted to frequency and intensity of infections,
it; secondly, they can help to discover the where and when they occur and what kind
relevant factors whose manipulation could of people become infected; repeated stud-
lead to prevention or control of disease. ies over a period of time (longitudinal
There have been many recent studies that cross-sectional studies) are often more use-
have provided important findings on the ful than studies at one period in time (hori-
relative importance of helminth infections zontal cross-sectional studies) and are
as causes of the morbidity discussed in the essential for determining the rate of acquir-
various sections and these are helping in ing infection (incidence).
the evaluation of the benefits (including In general, epidemiology is a quantita-
economic) of control campaigns. tive science and properly designed and
Unlike microorganisms, such as viruses, statistically valid techniques are of critical
bacteria and protozoa, in which a few importance and there should be standard-
organisms can multiply quickly and cause ization of the methods employed. Changes
serious disease, helminths are large para- in technique can often make it difficult to
sites which, in most cases, do not multiply compare older with more recent figures.
directly within the body of their hosts. For For instance, newer serological techniques
this reason the number of parasites present are often considerably more sensitive than
at any one time can be of great importance older parasitological methods (e.g. micro-
in determining the likelihood of morbidity, filarial counts compared with the
and thus helminth infections tend to be immunochromatographic (ITC) test in lym-
chronic and insidious, with increase in the phatic filariasis).
intensity of infection possible through Attempts to control or eradicate human
repeated reinfection. For microorganisms helminth infections are usually aimed at
the infected host provides the most conve- breaking the life cycle by manipulating one
nient unit of study in epidemiological sur- or more of the various transmission factors.
veys, while the individual helminth However, with a well-established endemic
08Worms & H.D. - Chap 08 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 253
parasite, this might be very difficult to 1998), although R0 will vary within the
accomplish. Helminths are almost invari- host population from one geographical
ably overdispersed or aggregated (a nega- locality to another.
tive binomial distribution) within their The search for a more quantitative
hosts, so that many hosts harbour just a expression of the factors involved in the
few parasites while a small proportion transmission of parasitic diseases has con-
(about 15% in the case of ascariasis) have tinued since Ronald Ross applied a system
heavy infections. Thus large sample sizes of differential equations (known as a math-
are necessary in order to obtain accurate ematical model) to the description of
figures of intensity of infection. malaria transmission. A model can be con-
The regulation of the abundance and structed based on the life cycle of the para-
prevalence of helminth infections is mostly site and, provided that the parasite
by density-dependent (or negative-feed- population is at equilibrium, the net repro-
back) factors in the host population or indi- ductive rate should equal unity. For
vidual host, so that herd immunity, degree instance, with the schistosomes, this rate
of input of susceptibles and fluctuations in can be expressed as the product of various
transmission rates do not tend to regulate factors:
the number of parasites present and infec-
net reproductive = (net reproductive rate
tions can be long-lived and stable. While
rate of parasite of parasite in snail
the likelihood of heavy infections is obvi-
ously affected by differences in host behav-
(probability of infecting a
iour, there is also clear evidence, at least
definitive host) (net
for the schistosomes, that it is genetically
reproductive rate of
determined. The age of the host is often an
parasite in definitive
important factor in the occurrence and
host) (probability of
severity of infection and age prevalence
infecting a snail)
and age intensity curves can be calculated
(see Fig. 55). Provided that figures are available in order
The basic reproductive rate or, more to calculate these various components, it
accurately, number (R0) determines the should be possible to predict the effect of
ability of the parasite to perpetuate itself. It variations in each on the overall transmis-
can be defined as the average number of sion picture. Preferably any model should
offspring (or of female offspring in the the include all the factors that have a signifi-
case of dioecious parasites) produced cant influence on transmission, even if this
throughout the lifetime of a female para- complicates the analysis.
site, which themselves achieve maturity in The transmission threshold is the level
the absence of density-dependent con- of parasite transmission, reproduction and
straints. R0 must be > 1 for the parasite to mortality rates that maintain infection and
maintain itself, while, if there were no con- below which the parasite will die out (R0 <
straints, the numbers of parasites would 1) and, by manipulation of various parame-
increase exponentially (provided R0 was > ters in the model, the effect of each on the
1). In practice, helminth populations tend likely ease of elimination of the parasite
to remain stable over time (Anderson, can be forecast.
Anderson, R.M. (1998) Epidemiology of parasitic infections. In: Cox, F.E.G., Kreier, J.P. and Wakelin,
D. (eds) Topley and Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial Infections, 9th edn, Vol. 5. Arnold,
London, UK, pp. 39–55.
Anderson, R.M. and May, R.M. (1985) Helminth infections of humans: mathematical models, popula-
tion dynamics, and control. Advances in Parasitology 24, 1–101.
08Worms & H.D. - Chap 08 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 254
254 Chapter 8
Bundy, D.A.P. and Medley, G.F. (1992a) Epidemiology and population dynamics of helminth infec-
tion. In: Moqbel, R. (ed.) Allergy and Immunity to Helminths: Common Mechanisms or Divergent
Pathways. Taylor and Francis, London, UK, pp. 17–37.
Bundy, D.A.P. and Medley, G.F. (1992b) Immuno-epidemiology of human geohelminthiasis: ecologi-
cal and immunological determinants of worm burden. Parasitology 104 (suppl.), S105-S110.
Giesecke, J. (1994) Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology. Arnold, London, UK.
Woolhouse, M.E.J. (1992) On the application of mathematical models of schistosome transmission
dynamics. II. Control. Acta Tropica 50, 189–204.
09Worms & H.D. - Chap 09 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 255
Helminthological Techniques
The most important laboratory techniques which are passed after eating infected liver,
in medical helminthology are those con- those of free-living or plant-parasitic nema-
cerned with the diagnosis of infection. todes, such as Heterodera, which are
Routine diagnostic techniques include the ingested in or on vegetables, and mite eggs.
recovery of eggs or larvae in faeces or, for The inexperienced operator needs to
the filarial worms, identification of micro- exercise caution in identifying helminth
filariae in blood or skin snips. eggs. Provided eggs are present and are
Immunodiagnostic methods are advanc- seen, it is usually a comparatively simple
ing at a rapid rate and are now the methods matter to recognize them for what they are.
of choice for the diagnosis of fascioliasis, However, when eggs are absent, all too fre-
cysticercosis, echinococcosis, aberrant tis- quently other objects serve as acceptable
sue helminths and lymphatic filariasis, substitutes. Particularly popular are mite
although not, as yet, for the diagnosis of eggs, starch grains, pollen grains and plant
intestinal helminths. Immunodiagnostic cells; but sometimes even air bubbles are
tests are discussed on page 250 and in the mistaken for eggs. Starch grains and plant
diagnosis sections of various helminths cells can be differentiated from eggs by
and details of relevant texts (such as Walls their lack of internal structures and by
and Schantz, 1986; Garcia and Bruckner, their irregular outlines and great size range.
1997; Garcia, 1999) are given in the general Pollen grains are more difficult to distin-
references. guish, as they appear to have an opercu-
While not strictly a helminthological lum, but they are kidney-shaped and much
technique, it is often useful to stain denser than the Clonorchis type of egg,
eosinophils and mast cells in tissues and with which they are usually confused. An
the methods of Ball and Hay or expert system has been devised for identifi-
Kermanizadeh and colleagues (see Cassella cation of helminth eggs (Esterre et al.,
and Hay, 1995) can be used. 1987).
In order to minimize mistakes, the size
of objects seen under the microscope
Faecal Examination should always be considered. As a rough
guide, an egg measures about 1/15
The eggs of helminths commonly encoun- (Clonorchis) to 1/3 (Fasciolopsis) of the
tered in the faeces of humans are shown in diameter of the microscope field at a mag-
Fig. 123 and those of rarer or spurious par- nification of 400 (40 objective and 10
asites in Fig. 124. The eggs most commonly objective).
found in spurious infections (i.e. when no Any larvae found in fresh faeces will be
adults are present) are those of the sheep those of Strongyloides (Fig. 125), but it is
liver flukes, Dicrocoelium and Fasciola, possible for larvae of hookworms to be
09Worms & H.D. - Chap 09 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 256
256 Chapter 9
Fig. 123. Helminth eggs and larva commonly found in human faeces. T1. Schistosoma haematobium (in
urine); T2. S. mansoni; T3. S. japonicum; T4. Paragonimus westermani; T5. Fasciolopsis buski (egg of
Fasciola hepatica is identical); T6. Gastrodiscoides hominis; T7. Clonorchis sinensis; T8. Opisthorchis
felineus (egg of O. viverrini is identical); T9. Metagonimus yokogawai; T10. Heterophyes heterophyes;
C1. Diphyllobothrium latum; C2. Taenia saginata or T. solium ; C3. Hymenolepis nana; N1. Ascaris
lumbricoides; N2. A. lumbricoides (infertile); N3. Enterobius vermicularis; N4. Trichuris trichiura; N5.
Hookworms (eggs of Necator and Ancylostoma are identical); N6. Larva of Strongyloides stercoralis.
09Worms & H.D. - Chap 09 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 257
Fig. 124. Rarer eggs found in human faeces. T11. Schistosoma intercalatum; T12. S. mattheei; T13.
Dicrocoelium dendriticum (often spurious from eating infected liver); C4. Dipylidium caninum egg mass;
C5. Hymenolepis diminuta; N7. Strongyloides fuelleborni; N8. Ternidens deminuta (egg of
Oesophagostomum bifurcum is similar); N9. Trichostrongylus spp.; N10. Physaloptera sp.; N11.
Aonchotheca philippinensis; N12. Gnathostoma spinigerum (rarely reaches adult stage in humans); N13.
Toxocara canis (not found in human faeces, although the similar egg of T. cati has been found a few
times); N14. Dioctophyma renale; N15. Ascaris lumbricoides (decorticated); N16. Hookworms
(embryonated as sometimes found in very old faeces); N17. Meloidogyne sp. (root-knot nematodes,
spurious infection from eating root vegetables).
09Worms & H.D. - Chap 09 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 258
258 Chapter 9
Fig. 125. First-stage larva of Strongyloides stercoralis as found in human faeces (actual size 250 m).
Fig. 126. Illustrations of Kato–Katz technique: (a) Equipment, (b) Strips of hydrophilic cellophane and a
jar with lid, (c, d, e, f, g. and h). Pressing faeces through sieve so that an amount above sieve can be put
into template, covered with cellophane and compressed so that a newspaper can be read through it.
be read through the faecal sample (Fig. ful for measuring the intensity of an infec-
126h); alternatively, a rubber bung can be tion because so many eggs may be present
used. Carefully remove the slide by gently in a sample that they cannot be easily
sliding it sideways and leaving it for 20–30 counted.
min at 37°C or 1 h at room temperature for
the faeces to clear progressively. Hookworm
Formol–ether technique
eggs clear first and will not be visible by 2 h,
while Ascaris, Trichuris and schistosome The advantage of this method is that it is
eggs will still be visible weeks or even quick and can be used to search for proto-
months later. The slide can be turned over zoal cysts and Strongyloides larvae, as well
on to filter-paper to prevent drying tem- as helminth eggs. Using an applicator stick,
porarily. In a modification to allow almost 1 or 2 g of faeces is emulsified in a cen-
immediate observation and long storage, a trifuge tube with 10 ml of 10% formalin.
mixture of 100 ml polyethylene glycol, The suspension is then passed through a
100 ml formalin and 200 ml saturated saline metal or plastic sieve (400 µm mesh) or
(plus 2 ml colour, as above, if desired) can two layers of gauze (for single use) into a
be substituted. beaker, evaporating dish or another cen-
The smear should be examined in a sys- trifuge tube. Replace into another cen-
tematic manner and the number of eggs of trifuge tube (if necessary). Add more 10%
each species recorded. Multiply by 20 to formalin to bring up to 10 ml again, and
give eggs per gram. (A hole of 6.5 mm in a 3 ml of ether or ethyl acetate (or even
0.5 mm thick template will give a sample petroleum, if the others are unavailable).
size of 20 mg, which should be multiplied Ether is very volatile and can explode in
by 50. This has the advantage that clearing the refrigerator so great care is needed. The
time is reduced to 15 min.) Naturally, if tube is then stoppered and shaken vigor-
quantitative measurements are not ously for at least 30 s. It is then centrifuged
required, the template is unnecessary. at 300–500 r.p.m. for 1–3 min until there
are four layers: a top layer of ether or ethyl
acetate, a second layer consisting of a fatty
Concentration methods deposit, a third layer of formalin and a
small deposit containing the eggs at the
Concentration methods are useful for bottom. The fatty deposit at the interface of
prevalence surveys, but are not always use- the liquids is loosened with a glass rod and
09Worms & H.D. - Chap 09 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 260
260 Chapter 9
the centrifuge tube quickly inverted at an its volume of tap water, using a pestle and
angle of 45° to the ground so that the liq- mortar.
uids run out (Fig. 127). Drops of water from 2. About 10 ml is strained through a gauze
a tap can be run down the glass tube while or sieve (350 µm pore size) into a round-
the debris is being cleaned off from the bottomed centrifuge tube.
tube with the rod (the liquid from many 3. After centrifugation for 1 min the super-
samples can be poured into a small beaker, natant is discarded and 2–3 ml of water
centrifuged and the ether recovered and added. After breaking up the deposit by
used again if in short supply). Some water tapping the bottom of the tube, more water
will run up the rod by capillary action and is added to fill the tube.
the deposit at the bottom of the tube is 4. The previous step is repeated until the
shaken and an aliquot removed with a supernatant is clear.
Pasteur pipette when the tube is upright 5. The last supernatant is poured off and
and placed on a microscope slide, covered 2–3 ml of 33% zinc sulphate (or saturated
with a large coverslip and examined using salt solution) added. The sediment is broken
a 10 objective. If there is no tap handy, up by tapping the tube and then this is filled
the debris at the interface can be loosened with more of the zinc sulphate solution.
with an applicator stick and the contents of 6. The tube is centrifuged rapidly for 1
the tube carefully poured away, allowing min and brought to a stop.
one or two drops to return to the bottom. 7. A loopful of the material floating on the
For protozoal cysts, a drop of 1% Lugol’s surface is taken up and placed on a slide
iodine, or Sergeaunt’s stain for amoebae, for examination. The loop should be about
can be added and the sample examined 6 mm in diameter and of wire that is stiff
under a higher power. enough not to bend in routine handling.
The loop is bent at right angles to the wire
and must not be dipped below the surface
Zinc sulphate centrifugal flotation method
of the liquid.
This method is not suitable for trematode
or Diphyllobothrium eggs, as they become
very distorted. Quantitative techniques in faecal
1. A faecal suspension is made by emulsi-
fying 5–10 g of faeces with about ten times
For the schistosomes and most of the
intestinal nematodes, figures have been
given of the average egg production per
female per 24 h. Thus, in theory at least, by
estimating the number of eggs in the faeces,
a measure of the number of adults present
can be obtained. An estimate of the number
of worms present can be of importance in
determining the success of chemotherapy
and in epidemiological studies. The most
commonly used quantitative egg-counting
techniques are given below.
most cases; allowance could be made for However, it is not suitable for less than
the state of the faeces, as shown below for about 200 eggs g1 of faeces.
the Stoll method, but this is not usually
done. The formol–ether method can be 1. Add 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solution
used as a semi-quantitative estimate and up to the 56 ml mark in a Stoll diluting
has the advantage that it is quick, many flask. The diluting flask is made from a
samples being treated simultaneously, and Ehrlenmeyer flask with a neck of 20 mm
that it also picks up protozoal cysts. The diameter glass tube fused on the top and
faecal sample size should be 0.2 g and all graduated at 56 and 60 ml (Fig. 129). They
the deposit counted (or a specified number are closed with a rubber stopper.
of drops of the total in the pipette). Fig. 128 2. Faeces is carefully added with an appli-
shows good correlation between the two cator stick until the meniscus has been dis-
techniques. placed to the 60 ml mark. For greater
accuracy 4 g of faeces can be weighed out.
3. A few glass beads are added, a rubber
The Stoll dilution egg-counting technique
stopper inserted and the flask well shaken.
The method was originally devised in 1926 It is set aside for several hours preferably
for the study of hookworm infection and is overnight, and then shaken again to thor-
still one of the best available today. oughly comminute the specimen.
ris ur
a ich
4 A Tr
Log no. of eggs g–1 (Kato)
Occ. Light Mod. Heavy V. heavy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Estimate (formol/ether)
Fig. 128. Comparison of eggs per gram (e.p.g.) of faeces as determined by Kato–Katz technique and
estimate by formol–ether method on the same 40 faecal samples (occasional = 1–500 e.p.g.; light =
501–2500; moderate = 2501–10,000; heavy = 10,001–20,000; very heavy = 20,000 +). The good
correlation shows that a quick approximate procedure is likely to be satisfactory in many surveys.
09Worms & H.D. - Chap 09 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 262
262 Chapter 9
4. The flask is shaken well to resuspend is therefore 0.15 cm3. It is used principally
the specimen and 0.075 ml removed with a in veterinary studies and is not suitable for
wide-bore Pasteur pipette graduated at this heavy eggs such as those of Fasciola.
level. This must be done with one squeeze
1. 2 g of the well-mixed faecal sample is
of the bulb to prevent loss of eggs.
weighed out and placed in a glass jar con-
5. The drop is expelled on to a microscope
taining a few glass beads. Alternatively, a
slide and covered with a 22 mm 40 mm
pestle and mortar can be used to mix the
coverslip. All the eggs in the preparation are
counted, using a low-powered objective. It
2. 58 ml of a saturated salt solution (or a
is desirable to count several drops to obtain
40% sugar solution or a 33% salt solution)
an average count from each specimen.
is added and the faeces mixed to form a
6. The stool samples can be classified as
smooth emulsion.
formed (F), soft formed (SF), mushy (M) or
3. The suspension is passed through a
diarrhoeic (D) and the egg counts multi-
400 µm metal or plastic sieve or gauze and
plied by the following factors – SF 1,
a sample removed with a wide-bore
M 2 and D 3 – to compensate for the
Pasteur pipette.
amount of fluid in these types of specimen.
4. The suspension is run into the counting
The results are multiplied by 200 for
chamber, which is then set aside for 1–2
expression as eggs per gram. Also 24 h fae-
min to allow the eggs to float to the surface.
cal samples can be weighed and the total
5. The eggs come to rest against the under-
output per 24 h obtained.
surface of the top slide and are in the same
focal plane as the two ruled areas. They are
McMaster counting chamber counted using a low-power objective.
The chamber is commercially available and
consists of two glass slides kept 1.5 mm
Macdonald pipette
apart by glass bridges at the ends and in
the centre. A 1 cm2 square is ruled on the This is an extremely rapid and simple field
underside of the top slide of the two cham- procedure provided there is a glass-blower
bers. The volume beneath each ruled area who can make lots of the special pipettes
(Fig. 130).
Five grams of faeces are weighed out and
45 ml of tap water measured out. The faeces
is mixed with some of the water in a pestle
and mortar, transferred to a closable jar and
washed out with more water. The total vol-
ume is made up to 45 ml, the jar closed and
shaken vigorously and 0.1 ml samples are
withdrawn using a Macdonald pipette and
examined on a microscope slide under low
power. The mean figure is multiplied by
100 to give eggs per gram. With freshly
passed faeces the pestle and mortar can be
replaced by shaking with 45 ml of water
and some glass beads.
Methods in Filariasis
Staining of microfilariae
264 Chapter 9
266 Chapter 9
at 65°C may be used for rapid clearing). 2) should be consulted in order to under-
Worms are replaced in 70% alcohol after stand which organs will be present in
examination. cross-sections cut at different levels (there
2. Permanent. is some variation in different species, par-
(a) Mounts are made in Canada balsam or ticularly in the relative positions of the
DPX after dehydration slowly through alco- ovaries and testes).
hols and xylene. Specimens can be stained If the organism in the tissues is dead
with haematoxylin if desired; however, the and surrounded by a host reaction, then
results often leave much to be desired identification is more difficult. However, a
because of distortion. parasite can usually be identified as a
(b) Specimens are transferred to polyvinyl platyhelminth or nematode even if no
lactophenol from lactophenol. However, organs are recognizable.
specimens go on clearing until completely
transparent. Cotton blue can be dissolved
in the polyvinyl lactophenol for staining. Cestodes
(c) Glycerine. A tiny drop of glycerol on a
coverslip with a cavity slide is used for lar- Larval cestodes in humans may be found in
vae, and ringed slides for adults. Results any tissue. The most important larvae
are good but the preparations are rather encountered in sections are the hollow
fragile. cysts of taeniid tapeworms, which include
(d) Glycerine jelly. A tiny warmed drop on the cysticercus of Taenia solium, the coenu-
a coverslip is used for en face mounts of rus of Multiceps spp. and the hydatid of
the anterior end on a cavity slide Echinococcus spp. In sections the proto-
(Aquamount needs no heat). scolex (or protoscolices) will usually show
clearly demarcated suckers and possibly
hooks (the latter are birefringent and show
Recognition of Helminths in Sections up well under a polarizing microscope).
The characteristic structure of each type of
Before a tentative diagnosis is made of pos- cyst can be seen from Fig. 32. Two solid lar-
sible helminth material seen in a section, it vae may also be found in tissues (ignoring
is important that the size of the specimen the cysticercoid of Hymenolepis nana,
is considered. It is useful first to look at the which occurs only in the villi of the ileum):
slide against the light before placing it on the tetrathyridium of Meocestoides and the
the microscope stage; the cysticercus larva sparganum (plerocercoid) of Spirometra.
of Taenia, for instance, can often be recog- These may show few diagnostic features,
nized in this way. but the former have many large calcareous
The descriptions given below are based corpuscles and perhaps suckers and the lat-
on sections stained in haematoxylin and ter the circular muscles which separate the
eosin. parenchyma into inner and outer zones,
typical also of adult tapeworms.
In sections of living trematodes an outer
tegument, often with spines, is always pre- Adults encountered in sections can usually
sent. Depending on the region of the worm be easily recognized as belonging to the
cut through, one or more of the following phylum. In cross-section they are seen to
organs should also be seen embedded in a have an outer acellular cuticle, enclosing a
loose ground tissue (parenchyma): vitel- thin hypodermis layer, which often con-
laria; gut caeca (usually double); ovaries; sists of longitudinal cords that separate the
testes; suckers; uterus, probably filled with somatic muscles into longitudinal fields
eggs. The diagram of a complete fluke (Fig. and contain the excretory canals (when
09Worms & H.D. - Chap 09 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 268
268 Chapter 9
present). The number and form of the mus- the tissues are filariae; females of non-
cle cells are an important feature in deter- human species are usually not fertilized but
mining to which order a specimen belongs. have the double uterus typical of the group.
The gut is separated from the outer layers A key for differentiating the larvae of
by a body cavity (pseudocoel). Ascaris, Toxocara, Necator, Ancylostoma
The characteristic structures seen in and Strongyloides in tissue sections can be
cross-sections of the various groups of made based on their relative diameters, the
nematodes are shown in Fig. 131. The most structure of the excretory cells and the pres-
common adult nematodes recovered from ence or absence of lateral alae.
Fig. 131. Cross-sections of females belonging to the various groups of nematodes. The dorsal and
ventral cords are not shown (Trichocephalus = Trichuris).
09Worms & H.D. - Chap 09 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 269
Identification Key for Sections of 4. A. Lateral alae present. Vagina long and
Nematodes muscular. Oesophagus has posterior
bulb. Many eggs in uterus. Excretory
1. A. Hypodermal cords few to many gland cells absent. Enterobius
arranged asymmetrically. Lateral excre-
tory canals absent. In the ovaries and B. Lateral alae absent. Vagina very short.
testes the germinal region extends the Ova large. Ovoviviparous, with eggs
entire length of the gonad and gametes developing into larvae. Excretory cells
at various stages of development can be single or paired. Very small and often lar-
found at any level. Oesophagus non- vae (or eggs) in tissues. Strongyloides
muscular. TRICHURIDS
5. A. Somatic musculature divided by
(Aonchotheca, Calodium, Eucoleus,
large lateral cords (often very wide and
Trichinella, Trichuris)
flattened) into two crescent-shaped
B. Hypodermal cords 2–4 arranged sym- fields. 6
metrically. Excretory canals in lateral
cords except at extremities. In the B. Somatic musculature divided into
ovaries and testes the germinal region four fields. 7
confined to proximal extremity of gonad
and gametes at uniform stage of develop- 6. A. Females have double uterus often
ment at any one level. 2 containing microfilariae. Diameter less
than 0.5 mm. FILARIIDS
2. A. Intestine composed of a few large (Brugia, Dirofilaria, Loa, Mansonella,
multinucleate cells rarely with more Wuchereria)
than two cells in a cross-section.
Anterior paired excretory gland cells B. Females with single uterus contain-
present. STRONGYLIDS ing larvae with long pointed tails.
(hookworms, trichostrongyles, Diameter more than 1 mm. Dracunculus
Oesophagostomum, Ternidens)
7. A. Lateral cords very large, stalked and
B. Intestine composed of few to many project into body cavity; frequently
small uninucleate cells. Excretory unequal in size. SPIRURUDS
glands single, paired or absent. 3 (Gnathostoma, Thelazia)
3. A. Somatic muscle cells few, large and
B. Lateral cords large and project into
flat. Lateral alae present or absent. 4
body cavity but not stalked; usually
B. Somatic muscle cells many, U- unequal in size . ASCARIDS
shaped in cross-section. Lateral alae (Anisakis, Ascaris, Toxascaris,
usually absent. 5 Toxocara)
Ash, L.R. and Orihel, T.C. (1991) Parasites: a Guide to Laboratory Procedures and Identification.
ASCP Press, Chicago, USA.
Bawden, M., Slaten, D. and Malone, J. (1994) QBC®: rapid filaria diagnoses from blood. Mansonella
ozzardi and Wuchereria bancrofti. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene 88, 66.
Cassella, J.P. and Hay, J. (1995) Tissue eosinophil and mast cell staining in helminth infections.
Parasitology Today 11, 464–465.
Chitwood, M.B. and Lichtenfels, J.R. (1972) Identification of parasitic metazoa in tissue sections.
Journal of Parasitology 32, 407–519.
Esterre, P., Vignes, R. and Lebbe, J. (1987) Identification assistée par ordinateur de principaux oeufs
d’helminthes en coprologie humaine. Bulletin de la Société Française de Parasitologie 5, 241–244.
09Worms & H.D. - Chap 09 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 270
270 Chapter 9
Gillespie, S.H. and Hawkey, P.M. (eds) (1995) Medical Parasitology: a Practical Approach. IRL Press,
Oxford, UK.
Petithory, J.C. and Ardoin-Guidon, F. (1995) Parasitologie: vrais et faux parasites en coprologie
microscopique. Cahier de Formation – Biologie Médicale no. 3. Bioforma, Paris, France.
Price, D.L. (1993) Procedure Manual for the Diagnosis of Intestinal Parasites. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
WHO (1991) Basic Laboratory Methods in Medical Parasitology. World Health Organization, Geneva,
10W. & H.D. - Appendix 1 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 271
Appendix 1
Summary of Some Landmarks in
Medical Helminthology
10W. & H.D. - Appendix 1 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 272
272 Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Glossary of Helminthological Terms
These terms should be regarded as explanations rather than as strict definitions and do
not necessarily apply to all other helminths not found in humans.
11W. & H.D. - Appendix 2 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 274
274 Appendix 2
the caudal extremity, for carrying the hyperendemic High prevalence of infec-
female. tion in a human community.
hermaphroditic Containing both male and hypodermis In helminths, the layer of tis-
female organs in the same individual; sue immediately below the tegument
monoecious (e.g. cestodes and trematodes (trematodes and cestodes) or cuticle
except schistosomes). (nematodes).
heterogonic Development in which both immunomodulation An alteration, either
males and females are present in a colony negative or positive, of the immune
(see hologonic). response (see immunosuppresion).
hexacanth embryo ‘Six-hooked’ embryo, immunopathology Damage to tissues
the mature embryo containing six hooklets caused directly or indirectly by immune
within the egg of many tapeworms, includ- mechanisms (the importance of this in
ing all species that parasitize humans. helminth infections is being increasingly
hologonic Development in which only one recognized).
sex (usually the female) is present in a immunosuppression A down-regulation of
colony, as in parasitic Strongyloides. the immune response.
host An organism that harbours and nour- incidence of infection The number of new
ishes a parasite. cases of an infection reported in an area in
definitive host One that harbours the a unit of time (taken to be a year if not
sexually mature stage of the parasite (e.g. given) (see prevalence of infection).
humans are the only definitive hosts for infestation Existence of parasitic organ-
Taenia saginata). isms on the outside of the body of a host or
intermediate host An obligate host that in the superficial tissues; ectoparasitism
alternates with the definitive host and (e.g. lice and fleas).
harbours the larval stage of the parasite intensity of infection Number of parasites
(e.g. snails are intermediate hosts for all harboured by a host. The mean intensity is
human trematodes). calculated for the whole host population
paratenic host A carrier or transport (including those uninfected).
host. One in which the parasite remains larva The postembryonic stage of a
viable but does not develop. helminth, in which internal organs are
reservoir host An animal host in which developing or are developed and are at
infection usually resides; also one which least partially functional.
harbours the infection when humans are Laurer’s canal In trematodes, a tubule
not infected (e.g. ruminants are reservoir leading from the dorsal surface to the
hosts for many Trichostrongylus species). region of the ootype and seminal recepta-
hydatid cyst Larval cystic stage of the cle; it may be patent, vestigial or lacking. It
tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus, con- probably functions as a copulatory canal.
taining an inner germinal layer producing LD50 (= lethal dose 50) and LC50 (= lethal
many protoscolices, which when set free concentration 50). The dose or concentra-
into the cystic cavity, develop into daugh- tion of a chemotherapeutic, insecticidal or
ter cysts and usually have a thick lami- molluscicidal agent estimated statistically
nated wall surrounded by an outer fibrous to kill 50% of the helminths, insects or
capsule of host origin (see coenurus and snails being treated (also LD90 and LC90).
cysticercus). Mehlis’ glands In Platyhelminthes, the
hydatid cyst, alveolar (= multilocular) glands surrounding the ootype. They pro-
Larval cystic stage of the tapeworm duce mucus to lubricate the uterus and
Echinococcus multilocularis (AE), similar probably participate in eggshell formation.
to the hydatid cyst (above) but in which metacercaria The stage of trematodes fol-
budding is external (exogenous) as well as lowing the cercaria, with loss of tail, which
internal (endogenous), so that many small becomes encysted and awaits passive trans-
cysts are formed. There is no thick outer fer to the definitive host (present in all
capsule. trematodes of humans except schistosomes).
11W. & H.D. - Appendix 2 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 276
276 Appendix 2
metacestode A collective term for any of obligate One that necessarily lives a par-
the various larval stages of cestodes which asitic existence, e.g. all the other human
are found in the intermediate host (e.g. helminths.
oncosphere, procercoid, plerocercoid, parasitocoenosis (= parasite mix) The
tetrathyridium, cysticercus, cysticercoid, assemblage of parasites associated with a
coenurus, hydatid). host population.
microcercous cercaria Cercaria with a parenchyma In Platyhelminthes, the
short, stumpy tail (e.g. cercaria of loose, usually undifferentiated tissue that
Paragonimus westermani). forms a matrix in which the viscera are
microfilaria The first prelarval stage of a embedded.
filaria, which either escapes from the parthenogenesis Production of progeny
eggshell (i.e. is unsheathed) or stretches the from the ovum without fertilization (e.g.
shell into an elongated sac (i.e. is sheathed) parasitic female of Strongyloides).
and is found in the blood or skin. pastoral cycle See domestic cycle.
miracidium The ciliated free-living first-stage patent infection Open or apparent, as indi-
larva hatched from the eggs of trematodes. cated by unmistakable signs, like eggs in
nosogeography Knowledge concerning the the faeces or microfilariae in circulating
geographical distribution of diseases. blood (see prepatent period).
oncosphere The stage that hatches from pathogen A parasite causing injury to a
the eggshell and later escapes from the host (see commensal and parasite).
embryophore of tapeworms; in human phasmid One of a pair of caudal organelles
tapeworm infections it is six-hooked (i.e. a (sensory receptors?) found in most para-
hexacanth embryo). sitic nematodes (i.e. the Phasmidia),
ootype The chamber in the reproductive including all those in humans except
system of Platyhelminthes where the sev- Aonchotheca, Dioctophyma, Trichinella
eral components of the eggs are assembled. and Trichuris.
ovejector A muscular organ in some pipestem fibrosis (Symmer’s) A fibrotic
female nematodes that forces eggs from the reaction formed around a vein in schistoso-
uterus into the vagina. miasis, so called because of its resemblance
overdispersal Situation where most hosts in section to the stem of an old-fashioned
harbour a few parasites while a few hosts clay pipe.
harbour many parasites. Gives a negative plerocercoid larva A second larval stage
binomial distribution. of pseudophyllid tapeworms in which the
oviparous Producing and laying eggs (see scolex is embedded in a greatly enlarged
ovoviviparous). tail (e.g. larva of Dyphyllobothrium latum)
ovoviviparous Discharging living young (see sparganum and procercoid larva).
rather than eggs (e.g. Dracunculus, filariae, prepatent period The period that a para-
Strongyloides and Trichinella) (see site is present in the body before it gives
oviparous). rise to parasitological evidence of its pres-
papillae Small sensory knobs, either at the ence (e.g. eggs in the faeces or microfilariae
anterior end (dierids) or at the posterior in the blood).
end in the male, where their number and prevalence of infection The number of cases
position may be of taxonomic importance. of an infection present in an area (actually
parasite An organism that lives at the per unit of population) at a fixed point in
expense of another larger organism, its time. Prevalence = incidence average
host; which is physiologically dependent duration (see incidence of infection).
on its host, has a higher reproductive proboscis In acanthocephalans and in the
capacity than it and may kill the host in dog tapeworm Dipylidium caninum an
heavy infections. anterior protrusible organ, typically stud-
facultative One that may employ either ded with hooklets.
a free-living or a parasitic mode of life. procercoid larva The first larval stage
e.g. Strongyloides. of pseudophyllidean tapeworms, which
11W. & H.D. - Appendix 2 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 277
278 Appendix 2
vas deferens The common male duct aris- the action of piperazine against Ascaris
ing from one or more vasa efferentia and and Enterobius).
leading into the seminal vesicle. vitellaria (= vitelline glands) The glands
vas efferens The male duct conveying sper- in Platyhelminthes which produce yolk
matozoa from the testis to the vas deferens. material and the shell of the egg.
vector An intermediate host that carries vulva The outermost, unpaired chamber of
the parasite to the definitive host. the female genitalia in nematodes.
biological vector A host essential to the worm burden The number of worms pre-
development and transmission of a para- sent in the host (this is often estimated
site, in which the parasite undergoes from the egg count).
development (e.g. insects and filariae). xiphidiocercaria Cercaria with a stylet,
mechanical vector A non-essential dis- median dorsal in position in the oral
seminator of parasites, in which the par- sucker; having associated penetration
asite does not develop (e.g. flies glands with duct openings on either side of
sometimes carrying the eggs of Taenia or the stylet (as in Paragonimus).
Ascaris). zoonosis Infection or disease naturally
vermicide Therapeutic agent producing the transmitted between humans and other
death of a helminth (see anthelminthic). vertebrates.
vermifuge Therapeutic agent producing zooprophylaxis The prevention or amelio-
evacuation of a helminth from the intestine ration of disease in humans by prior expo-
without necessarily causing its death (e.g. sure to a heterologous infection of animals.
12W. & H.D. - Appendix 3 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 279
Appendix 3
Location of Helminths in the Human Body
Mammomonogamus* → irritation & cough
Gnathostoma* (larva) → abscess
Anisakis* (larva) → abscess
Fasciolopsis → enteritis
Heterophyes → enteritis
Metagonimus → enteritis
Diphyllobothrium → anaemia*
Taenia spp. → nausea
Hymenolepsis spp. → diarrhoea
Hookworm → anaemia
Trichostrongylus → diarrhoea
Strongyloides → dysentery (malabsorption)
Ascaris → obstruction
Trichinella → dysentery
Capillaria philippinensis* → dysentery (malabsorption)
Pseudoterranova* (larva) → abscess
S. haematobium (eggs) → bladder fibrosis
Fig. 132. Location in the human body of helminths and other metazoa with the possible pathology that
may result. Organs through which a parasite passes without causing any pathology are ignored. Not
included: Oesophagostomum bifurcum in the colon and caecum causing nodules. (Name changes:
Angiostrongylus = Parastrongylus; Capillaria philippinensis = Aonchotheca philippinensis; Capillaria
hepatica = Calodium hepaticum.) (After Muller and Baker, 1990.)
12W. & H.D. - Appendix 3 14/11/01 4:30 PM Page 280
280 Appendix 3
Taenia solium (larva) → blurring of vision*
T. multiceps (larva) → space-filling lesion
Loa → conjunctivitis
Onchocerca volvulus (mf) → keratitis & retinopathy
& nerve atrophy
Toxocara canis (larva) → granuloma*
Dirofilaria* (larva) → conjunctivitis
Oestrus (larva) → inflammation
→ lymphoedema
Schistosoma spp. → fever?
Microfilariae of:
Brugia → fever?
Echinococcus granulosus → space-occupying lesion*
Taenia solium (larva) → oedema
Trichinella (larva) → oedema
Spirometra* (larva) → oedema
T. solium (larva) → nodules
Wucheraria → elephantiasis
Brugia → elephantiasis
Loa → fugitive (Calabar) swelling
Onchocerca → nodules
Dirofilaria* (larva) → nodule
Dracunculus → cellulitis
Gnathostoma* (larva) → oedema
Dermatobia (larva) → abscess
Cochliomyia (larva) → abscess
Bird schistosome (larva) → creeping eruption
Onchocerca (mf) → thickening then atrophy
Dracunculus → ulceration
Mansonella streptocerca (mf) → oedema & papules
Hookworm (larva) → ground itch
Animal hookworm (larva) → creeping eruption
Strongyloides (larva) → larva currens
Sarcoptes → scabies
Tunga (larva) → boil
Demodex → dermatitis*
Paragonimus (+eggs) → abscess
Schistosoma spp. (+eggs) (& granulomas)
E. granulosus (larva) space-
T. solium (larva) → occupying
T. multiceps (larva) lesions
Gnathostoma* (larva) → myelencephalitis
Trichinella (larva) → encephalitis*
Angiostrongylus → meningitis
cantonensis* (larva)
Loa (mf) → encephalitis*
Toxocara canis (larva) → granuloma*
Paragonimus → pneumonia
E. granulosus (larva) → space-occupying
Larvae of:
Ascaris, hookworm
Strongyloides, Toxocara,
→ diffuse pneumonitis
Trichinella, Schistosoma
spp., Paragonimus
Wuchereria (mf) → tropical pulmonary
Brugia (mf) eosinophilia
Dirofilaria immitis* (larva) → coin lesion
Larvae of:
T. solium
Trichinella → cardiomyopathy
Dirofilaria immitis*
Loa (mf) → endomyocardial fibrosis*
→ biliary pathology
Ascaris → cholangitis
Schistosoma spp. (eggs) → portal hypertension
Larvae of:
Fasciola Toxocara → necrosis
Capillaria hepatica*
E. granulosus (larva) → space-occupying
E. multilocularis* (larva) → pseudomalignant
Armillifer (larva) → inflammation*
S. haematobium (eggs) → hydronephrosis
E. granulosus (larva) → space-occupying lesion*
Dioctophyma* → renal colic
E. granulosus (larva) → space-occupying lesion*
Clonorchis → pancreatitis
Opisthorchis → pancreatitis
Ascaris → pancreatitis
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