Dunya Chapter 7 Legendary Items
Dunya Chapter 7 Legendary Items
Dunya Chapter 7 Legendary Items
Artificers create magic items and some of these Each of these fabled orbs contains the essence
items are very powerful. However, there are and personality of an ancient dragon of a
some items that are extremely well known; different variety (one for each of the major ten
famous or renowned. These items are the stuff of different chromatic and metallic dragons). The
legends, there existence considered mythical and bearer of an Orb can dominate dragons of its
their powers fabulous. The majority of these particular variety within 500 feet (as dominate
items were considered myths decades or even monster), the dragon being forced to make a DC
centuries before the Erupting Earth. 25 Will save to resist. (Spell resistance is not
useful against this effect.) Each Orb of
When one finds one of these legendary items, Dragonkind bestows upon the wielder the AC
they find themselves thrust onto a stage that and saving throw bonuses of the dragon within.
covers the world and beyond, most of these These values replace whatever values the
items have a purpose or at least a legend that character would otherwise have, whether they
says there is one. This means whomever possess are better or worse. These values cannot be
the item will be believed (right or wrong) to be a modified by any means short of ridding the
great hero or villain and destined to save character of the Orb. A character possessing an
everyone from some horrifying fate or they are Orb of Dragonkind is immune to the breath
the horrifying fate. When it comes to legendary weapon-but only the breath weapon-of the
items, our best bet is not a sorcerer or magic dragon variety keyed to the Orb. Finally, a
school. If you believe you are in possession of character possessing an Orb can herself use the
what you believe to be a legendary item you breath weapon of the dragon in the Orb three
should take it to a bard or bardic college. Bard times per day.
deal in legend in myth and they can identify the
item and tell you, its history. This allows the All Orbs of Dragonkind can be used to
possessor to know what lies ahead and if they communicate verbally and visually with the
find the item must be destroyed, the bardic possessors of the other Orbs. The owner of an
college can provide all pertinent legends and Orb knows whether there are dragons within 10
myths regarding that and what they believe to be miles at all times. For dragons of the Orb's
the way to destroy it. particular variety, the range is 100 miles. If
within 1 mile of a dragon of the Orb's variety,
Note: The powers listed here are but the base the wielder can determine the exact location and
known powers. GMs should feel free to add to age of the creature. The bearer of one of these
each one as necessary to fit your world. Orbs earns the enmity forever of all dragonkind
for profiting by the enslavement of one of their
kin, even if she later loses the item.
The Moaning Diamond
Each Orb also has an individual power that can
The Moaning Diamond appears to be an uncut be invoked once per round at 10th caster level.
diamond the size of a human fist. At all times, it
Black Dragon Orb: Fly (Will DC 17
gives forth a baleful moaning sound, as if in
pain. Despite the noise, the Moaning Diamond is
Blue Dragon Orb: Haste (Fortitude DC
not evil. The wielder of the stone can, three times
17 negates).
per day, call upon it to reshape earth and stone as
if by the spell stone shape, affecting 5,000 cubic Brass Dragon Orb: Teleport (Will DC
19 negates).
feet of material. The Moaning Diamond can
summon an elder earth elemental with maximum Bronze Dragon Orb: Scrying (Will DC
hit points that serves the caster until it is slain. 18 negates).
Only one such elemental can be summoned at a Copper Dragon Orb: Suggestion (Will
time; if it is slain, a new creature cannot be DC 17 negates).
summoned for 24 hours.
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
Gold Dragon Orb: The owner of the When worn by a magician, it increases the power
gold Orb can call upon any power (e.g. range, damage, duration etc) of any spell
possessed by one of the other Orbs- they cast by 50 percent. It is like the "Extension"
including the dominate and breath class of spells, but affects all cast spells,
weapon abilities but not AC, save regardless of the wearer's level.
bonuses, or breath weapon immunity-
but can only use each individual ppwer However, every use of the ring in this manner
once per day. She can use dominate on necessitates a Saving Throw versus Sanity loss.
any other possessor of an Orb within 1 This is in addition to any saves required if the
mile (Will DC 23 negates). ring is being used to cast Black Magic.
Green Dragon Orb: Spectral hand.
Staff of the Eladrin
Red Dragon Orb: Wall of fire.
Silver Dragon Orb: Cure critical
In the hands of a non-magic-using person, the
wounds (Will DC 18 half).
Staff of the Eladrin is simply an ornate six or
White Dragon Orb: Protection from seven foot walking-staff, engraved with ancient
energy (cold) (Fortitude DC 17 text (which translates as "to hold life and death
negates). in your hands") topped by a blue crystal of
The Shadowstaff indeterminate value.
This artifact was crafted centuries ago, weaving
together the wispy strands of shadow itself into a However, in the hands of someone gifted with
twisted black staff. The Shadowstaff makes the magical ability, the staff becomes a deadly
wielder slightly shadowy and incorporeal, weapon, capable of generating a powerful energy
granting him a +4 bonus to AC and Reflex saves bolt with a range equal to (20ft x the level of the
(which stacks with any other bonuses). However, wielder).
in bright light (such as that of the sun, but not a
torch) or in absolute darkness, the wielder takes Against a normal mortal, or a non-magical
a -2 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and checks. creature, the energy causes 3d6 (+ any INT
The Shadowstaff also has these powers.
bonus the wielder may have) of damage.
Summon Shadows: Three times per day
The impact is such that a normal man will also
the staff may summon 2d4 shadows.
Immune to turning, they serve the be thrown backwards a number of feet equal to
wielder as if called by a summon the damage (halved for a stocky person, but
monster V spell cast at 20th level. doubled for a slight person or child), and
Summon Nightshade: Once per month, knocked prone.
the staff can summon a nightcrawler
nightshade that serves the wielder as if Against a magical creature - or a being not
called by a summon monster IX spell originally from the prime material plane (which,
cast at 20th level. ironically includes the Eladrin), the damage
Shadow Form: Three times per day the automatically doubled.
wielder can become a living shadow,
with all the movement powers granted In the hands of a human wizard, the staff draws
by the gaseous form spell. its power from the mage's own energy and thus
Shadow Bolt: Three times per day the each use drains one of the wizard's unused spells
staff can project a ray attack that deals for the day - starting with his remaining first
10d6 points of cold damage to a single level spells (roll at random to determine exact
target. The shadow bolt" has a range of spell lost, if there is more than one remaining)
100 feet. and gradually draining more powerful spells if
the staff is used repeatedly in a single day.
The Ring of the Old Religion
The One Ring
A finely crafted silver ring, bearing a sigil of the
heathen, old religion.
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
The One Ring will have the following effects (4) If threatened with damage the ring will
regardless of the race of the person carrying it. teleport to somewhere else on the bearer's
To let the One Ring go out of his possession the The Ring' s teleport power can only be nullified
bearer must save as described for the Lesser if it is exposed to heat radiating from the lava
Rings - but if he does give it up he must continue pita in the heart of Mount Doom - and even then
to save daily for one year (game time) or attempt it has 50% or DM option to plane shift away
to regain it. from destruction therein.
(3) The bearer has complete control over all (5) Ihe Zombie Master's Ring (DS) Bearer of
goblins, trolls and nazguls created by the powers this ring will never be attacked by and he has
of the Lesser rings. Should he summon them, 50% to control any undead creature in line of
1d100 goblins, ld20 trolls, and ldl0-1 nazgul will sight, He can also summon and control 1-6
appear within 10-60 turns. They will address the zombies per round (maximum 1000 in any one
ring bearer as 'Dark Lord'. They remain till the 24 hour period). Zombies will continue to arrive
bearer dismisses them or till he changes to a each round until he commands the ring to stop,
gollum. If dismissed, they are free until called rising up through the ground (even if stone etc).
again (ie. they can continue as player characters
between summonings). (6) The Trader's Ring (DS) The person
carrying this ring will pay a maximum of 50% of
the base price for anything purchased.
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
Conversely, he will receive a minimum of 150% Additionally, he can use his hands to shape 1
of the base price for anything he sells. cubic foot of stone per minute to any shape
desired . Thus he might create an entire castle
(7) The Plague- Searer's Ring (DS) Anyone and furnishings, given time.
carrying this ring is 100% immune to all types of
disease or plague. In addition, if he chooses he (6) The Ring of the Earth (DS) The bearer is
may cause ld6 diseases in any one person per able to summon and command ld3 16HD earth
day (victim saves on constitution at -10). elementals. This may be done ld6 times per day.
When in contact with the earth he may question
(8) The Alchemist's Ring (DS) The bearer has a it concerning the location of any item in contact
75% chance to create any type of potion with the earth or any significant event taking
(assuming ingredients available). Should the place in contact with or within the earth.
bearer be an alchemist, the chance rises to 95%
and he may substitute 1d3 common ingredients (7) The Ring of Reassurance (DS) This gives
for the same number of rare or expensive ones. the bearer powers to protect his goods against
being stolen.
(9) The Ruler's Ring (DS) the bearer will,
within one game year, come to rule an area of The user may place one pemanent wall of force.
land of at least 10,000 square miles. His This must be around land that he owns
charisma is immediately raised to 18 and he will (maximum 1000' long - can surround
within 6 months gain as henchmen 2 1st-8th approximately 10 acres). Only he can dispell it -
level mages, ld4 1st-4th level clerics and 4+ld4 he alone can also walk through it without
1st-10th level fighters (total will not exceed ten). dispelling it. (Should the ring change owners, the
previous wall will be dissolved).
Rings for Dwarfs
Possession of one or more of these rings will, If any item is stolen, the ring will cry "'Ware
eventually, turn the bearer into a troll under the thief , 'Ware Thief" and will state the item stolen
command of the 'One Ring'. After this occurs, and the name of the person stealing it. On
the ring will be given to another dwarf in hopes command, it will teleport the stolen item to the
that he too will become a troll. bearer's presence along with the thief or person
possessing the stolen item,
(l) The Ring of The Midas Touch (DS) The
bearer can turn up to 100 lbs (1000 GP) of any Rings for Elves
material into solid gold each day. Originally the elves had more than three Lesser
Rings. However, all but three fell into the bands
(2) The Jeweler's Ring (DS) The bearer may of Sauron and have vanished from the
change ld20 common stones into 10-1000 GP Multiverse. The three remaining rings are the
worth of jewels each day. most powerful which the elves possessed and are
felt by many to be the most powerful of all the
(3) The Seeker's Ring--(DS) This ring allows 19 Lesser Rings.
the distance and direction of any large (1000
GP+) amount of wealth to be known (may be These 3 elven rings are the only remaining rings
anything from a rich vein of ore to a dragon' s which have an extra power when combined.
treasure) ~ The treasure must be within or in While carrying all three at once, an elf can
contact with the earth and the ring also in neither age nor die of old age. However, he can
contact. (Of course, this could be a local bank or still die of violence, disease etc - and be will still
treasure vault) be transformed into an goblin - who can die of
(4) The Armorer’s Ring (DS) Each day the
bearer is able to produce one or more weapons or (1) The Ring of Fire (DS) the bearer is able to
piece of armour with up to five pluses (ie five +l Summon and control ld3 16HD Fire Elementals
weapons or one + 5 weapon etc). ld6 times per day. Also, at will the bearer can
listen to any conversation taking place within 20'
5) The Stone Master's Ring Of Lore (DS) The (line of sight) of any type of flame.
bearer may use any and all spells dealing with
stone (at no cost in spell points, etc).
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
(2) The Ring Of Air (DS) The bearer ia able to number of cards from the deck, either willingly
summon and control ld3 16HD Air Elementals or unwillingly, at the end of one hour the
ld6 times per day. Whenever he is in contact specified number of cards will flip out of the
with the air he may question the air about any deck automatically at the rate of one per turn.
object in contact with air (including objects in Each time a card is drawn it is returned to the
caves if air is around them). Also he may deck before drawing again, making it possible to
question the air about events taking place above draw the same card multiple times.
the ground (eg, a battle between flying, creatures
- the air could tell him only locations of objects The table on the following page is a listing of the
or creatures supported by the earth or other solid various plaques and their effects, following the
objects not their actions). table is more complete description. Included is a
corresponding card, both Tarot and common
(3) The Ring Of Water (DS) The bearer is able playing card, so the GM can have the player
to summon and control ld3 16 HD Water actually draw from
Elementals ld6 times per day. When in contact a deck. Dice may also be used to generate a
with water he may question it about the location random result.
of any object in water or any significant event on
or in the water. • Balance: The character must immediately
change to a radically different alignment. Failure
Dragon's Teeth to act in accordance with this new outlook on life
will result in the player losing a level.
Found in sets of 5-10 (1d6+4), these coin sized • Comet: To gain the xp and level raise benefit,
teeth radiate moderate alteration magic. If the character must defeat the next monster or
planted in the ground, a second level fighter monsters encountered with no aid or assistance
(equipped with Splint Mail + Shield (AC 3), of any kind. If successful, the character gains
Longsword, Spear, and 2 Javelins) will sprout enough xp to gain the next level of
from each seed, and loyally fight at the command advancement.
of the user. The fighters will last for 1 turn or • Donjon: The character is imprisoned, either by
until killed before vanishing. some powerful being or as the ninth level magic
user spell. The character appears in a cell or
Deck of Many Things holding area with absolutely nothing except his
This artifact is the ultimate two-edged sword, or her skin. All additional card draws are forfeit
conferring effects both beneficial and baneful. if this card is drawn.
• Euryale: The -1 penalty is immediate and
It consists of a deck of 22 finely-carved ivory permanent, save by the intervention of a deity or
plaques in an intricately-carved box of polished by The Fates card in this same deck.
ebony. There have also been reports of versions • Fates: The skein of reality, the actual fabric of
of the deck consisting of fine vellum cards space-time will be rewoven by the Fates on
in a leather bag. The individual carvings on the behalf of the player drawing this plaque. This
plaques or cards are composed mainly of an card will prevent something from happening
archetypal character derived from ancient human or undo a past event but the Fates cannot cause
lore and a variety of runes of power. The owner an event to happen. Note well this alteration of
of the deck draws as many plaques as he or she fate only applies to the player actually drawing
wishes from the deck and whatever effect is the card. The remainder of his or her party may
bestowed takes place instantly, whether for weal or may not reap the benefit with him or her.
or woe. • Flames: The flames of wrath are kindled
between the player and an outsider. The slight
The following conditions apply to using this may be real or imagined on the part of the
artifact. First, the owner must declare beforehand outsider but the enmity will burn brightly
exactly how many cards he or she wishes to until either the player or the outsider is slain.
draw from the deck before he or she begins; Determine the exact nature of the foe randomly;
otherwise, he or she will be unable to draw from roll 1d20 for number of days until it attacks or
the deck. otherwise begins to vex the player.
Once the number of cards is declared they must • Fool: Both the redraw and the xp penalty are
be drawn from the deck within an hour of each immediate and mandatory. Discard this plaque
other. If the character does not draw the declared before redrawing.
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
• Gem: The jewellery is exquisitely made and set Attacks: 1
with dazzling gems; each piece is worth 2,000 Damage: 2d6
gp. The gems are flawless and worth 1,000 gp Special Attacks: Level drain
apiece. Special Defences: Only hit by silver or magic
• Idiot: Roll 1d4+1 to generate the total number weapons; immune to certain spells
of points deducted from intelligence ability, Magic Resistance: Standard
imposed on the spot. The redraw is optional, but Lair Probability: 25%
once the player declares a decision out loud it Intelligence: Very
cannot be changed. Alignment: Lawful evil
• Jester: The redraw is optional, but once the Level/XP: 9/ 5,900 +23/hp
player declares a decision out loud it cannot be
changed. This card is discarded before any Dread wraiths are insubstantial undead creatures
redraws take place. that exist partially in the negative material plane,
• Key: A powerful magic weapon of a type the giving them the power to drain one level of
player can use materializes in his or her hand. experience when they score a hit upon an
• Knight: The fighter is equipped with non- opponent. In sunlight, the dread wraith cannot
magical armour, equipment and weapons and is drain levels. Wraiths are shadowy, man-like
of the same sex and race as the character. This shapes, dark and indistinct. Silver weapons
henchman appears from nowhere and offers his inflict only half damage upon a dread wraith;
or her sword to the character, serving loyally Treasure: (in lair only) 5% chance of
until death. 1d10x1,000cp; 25% chance of 1d12x1,000sp;
• Moon: The wishes expire in a number of 25% chance of 1d6x1,000ep; 25% chance of
minutes equal to the number of wishes. Any 1d8x1,000gp; 15% chance of 1d12 gems; 10%
wishes remaining unused at the end of this time chance of 1d8 items of jewellery; 25% chance of
period will be lost forever. 3 magic items plus 1 scroll
• Rogue: The traitor is preferably an NPC in the • Star: The player may choose the ability
player’s employ, and will forever after be increased by this card but the points may not be
completely hostile to him or her. If the player has divided between two abilities.
no cohorts in his employ, the enmity of an NPC • Sun: Roll on the magic items table until an item
at player’s home base area, a powerful political usable by the player is generated.
or religious figure, can be substituted. The • Talons: Immediately upon drawing this plaque,
traitorous former friend will do all in his or her all magical items owned by the character (not
power to ruin the player financially, socially, and just those carried) disappear. They cannot be
politically. recovered by any means.
• Ruin: As stated, all nonmagical items possessed • Throne: The character becomes a charismatic
(not just carried) by the player immediately and and powerful leader of the people. The castle
irrevocably vanish. will appear in any open area of the player’s
• Skull: An unturnable dread wraith appears and choosing but the decision must be made within
attacks the character. The wraith warns any an hour of drawing the card.
companions not to interfere, the only time it will • Vizier: The player acquires the ability to query
speak, and anyone helping the victim will find a deity and receive a truthful answer once, within
themselves facing their own dread wraith one year of drawing the card. The information
in a fight to the death. If the player is slain he received will be useful for solving the player’s
cannot be revived, even by means of a wish or dilemma in question but the player may not
miracle. Stats for the dread wraith are included always be able to act upon what he or she learns.
on the next page (and not in the monster section • The Void: When this completely black card is
—because this is the only situation in drawn, an intangible something visibly passes
which such a beast can appear.) from the player’s face into the card. The
character’s comatose body will continue
Dread Wraith to function at a minimal level but the psyche will
Frequency: Very rare be trapped in a prison in another plane or other
No. Encountered: 2d6 impossibly remote location. The player cannot be
Size: Large restored with a wish, though this spell will reveal
Move: 120 ft, 240 ft flying the plane of entrapment. A player drawing this
Armour Class: 1 card forfeits all further draws.
Hit Dice: 16
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
Orb of Planar Melding: This orb allows the dark oak into the shape of a long tendril. While
user to overlap planes of existence through a the wielder may use it to have an additional 10
complex ritual. Whether razing cities by spell slots, any spell cast through it will have a
combining it with the plane of fire, or using it to wild effect to it of an evil nature. The woes of
open up the world to an army of demons and the user do not end there however, the rod with
undead, the scale provides dangerous power. also wrap around the wrist of the caster
permanently until a way to remove it is found.
Destroyed by: utilizing the orb to combine The longer one is attached, the more evil and
opposites such as the Positive and Negative chaotic in nature they will become, slowly
Energy planes, or Feywild and Shadow Planes connecting their mind to that of the
together, the artifact will implode taking a radius incomprehensible deity that created the rod. This
of 200 ft with it. link could have it omniscient benefits however if
the user seeks to please their new god.
Ark of Famine: At first glance, this wooden box
appears much like a child's coffin - a long Destroyed by: The cursed wielder must cut off
wooden box, completely unadorned, full of sand the arm that is binded, burning it along with the
and designed to be carried by two pallbearers cursed artifact. If it is simply burned without
using handles over the shoulders. However, the sacrifice the character will have angered the
Ark houses the collective spirits of those killed deity, if it is not purified in flame the mental link
by hunger and crop blights long ago. Drawing on will remain.
these spirits, the Ark consumes any and all crop
or plant matter in a maddened hunt for Gravestone of Decay: By chiseling a name of a
nourishment. person, place, or concept into the stone, it will
begin to wither away across the material plane
Destroyed by: Wherever it goes, any plant and die. A person will take minutes, whereas a
matter or food within 300 feet is destroyed and city could take months or years, and entire
cannot be recovered. Prying the Ark open and concepts (freedom, justice, etc.) could take
filling it with water will destroy it. centuries.
Heart of Magic: The still beating heart of one of Destroyed by: The only way to destroy it is for
the most powerful sorcerers who ever lived. The someone to selflessly carve their own name into
magic in their blood still powers the heart. The the stone.
heart can be used as a spellcasting focus, and
when used as such, all spells made with the heart The Key: It looks and feels very much like a
count as two levels above the level of the normal key, but emits an intense magical aura.
spellslot used. Flaw- the heart is still unstable, The key can open any door in existence. It can
and all physical damage done directly to the even be used, to create and open a door out of
heart causes the heart to violently react. When thin air that leads to where it's user desires. It's
this happens, the heart gives off a violent blast of more than a mere teleport. It can be used to enter
magical energy, dealing radiant damage a parallel room in which the user is able to see
equivalent to the original attack in a 20ft radius the world without anyone seeing him. He can't
sphere. If attacked by necrotic damage this collide or interact with anything in the "real"
ability does not trigger, and the heart takes world though. Even traveling between universes
double damage. and realities is possible. The magical power can
also be used to cast spells.
Destroyed by: The heart has 100 HP total. If the
heart reaches 0 due to physical damage, it Destroyed by: Since once you've unlocked a
violently collapses, dealing 10d10 radiant normal door, it stays unlocked, the doors that the
damage in a 300ft sphere. If the heart reaches 0 Key opens stay open until you have left back
due to necrotic damage, the heart slowly begins through the door you have created. Thus, the
to shrivel up, until it is about the size of a grape, only way to destroy the Key would be to open
at which point it collapses into dust. the room where you are unable to interact with
anything, and then leave the key in that room,
Eldritch Rod: Created by an unknowable and then close the door. This would render the
primordial deity, it appears to be composed of key stuck in a place which no longer exists.
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
Bonus points for going into multiple layers of properties. Spending a short rest inside it restores
that room and leaving it deeper. all hitpoints and cures minor diseases. Spending
a 8h inside of it can bring a man back from the
The Rift Sigil: A sigil of an arcane rune, which, brink of death, regenerate limbs and halt aging.
when placed on a surface creates a hole which Spending time inside of it without any injuries
expands 1d10 feet in all directions each week. starts to drain a person's humanity and they move
The hole is an extradimensional rift which closer to chaotic evil alignment.
consumes objects and creatures that it
encounters: the passage is one way, and creatures Destroyed by: The sarcophagus power can be
and objects that pass through it are destroyed. A disabled by placing a wonderus item of
creature may willingly enter the hole: a creature legendary power that's intent is to cause harm.
that does so survives the trip, as their willpower After that the sarcophagus is able to be destroyed
keeps them from being consumed by the void on by a magical weapon.
the other side. They take 1d10 psychic damage
per minute while here. Metallurgist's Bible: This ancient book conveys
upon it's user the ability to make masterworks of
Destroyed by: A runestone exists inside this war. Any weapon crafted with this artifact's
realm: it is sentient, and has the following knowledge does double the amount of damage
statistics. Rift Sigil Rune: AC 18, HP 100, SPD 0 dice (1d6 shortsword --> 2d6). To retain this
S:10 D:10 C:18 I:22 W:22 C:22 Damage feature, the weapon must be soaked in the blood
Immunities: Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing of an ancient red dragon once a year.
damage made by nonmagical weapons, and
psychic damage. Actions: At will: Confusion, Destroyed by: For every point of damage it
Slow, Eldritch Blast (3 Blasts) Intelligence is the takes, it immediately heals the same amount, and
spellcasting ability for these spells. conjures a spectral weapon that seeks out it's
attacker and does the same amount of damage
Heart of Gold: An artifact that if the user back. The only way to destroy it is to burn it in
holding it kills an unwilling good oriented user, the fires of the forge where it's first weapon was
all evil oriented characters in the nearby vicinity created.
have a one in (number) chance of becoming
increasingly good natured depending on how Clockwork Heart: While in the process of
much good of a person the sacrifice was (up to creating the Modrons, Primus created a
DM's discretion). However, this also works the clockwork heart. Since this heart wasn't useful to
other way around. Introduction: The protagonist making the Modrons he set it aside and forgot
could be either extreme good or extreme evil about it. In order to attune to this artifact you
character killing like-oriented individuals. The must hold it pressed to your heart during a short
PCs then find out about the heart. rest. The artifact slowly enters your chest and
fuses with your heart. Unattuning kills the person
Destroyed by: The heart loses HP for each because the artifact can't be unfused from their
willing participant (depending on how much of a heart. While attuned to this artifact you have
good or bad person they were). The heart advantage on death saving throws. Also you can
originally starts with 1HP but increases with open up a portal that leads to the plane of
every unwilling participant of the ritual by 1 Mechanus or back to the material plane from
point. Mechanus once per day. Modrons recognize
Primus' creation and will avoid fights with the
The Orb of Omniscience: Like a crystal ball person attuned the clockwork heart unless they
with telepathy but anybody can use it any are attacked. Once a creature has attuned to the
number of times per day. Best not to be Clockwork Heart, they begin to gradually lose
destroyed, best if the party takes it for their own the ability to feel emotion and instead become
use. more logical. The process is slow, but speeds up
significantly whenever an aspect of the heart is
Destroyed by: Can be melted in lava. used (such as opening a portal to Mechanus or
making a death saving throw only because of the
Sarcophagus of Rejuvenation: This ancient advantage provided by the artifact). At the end of
sarcophagus has incredible regenerative the process, the creature will be completely
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
unable to experience any emotion and will
become a logic-centered being. Destroyed by: The mark technically steals a
portion of the user's soul when used.
Destroyed by: The heart most be brought to a Additionally, if the mark becomes unbonded
plane of chaos, tainting it. Once the heart is from a user, that user can never bond with the
tainted, it can be destroyed as a normal object. mark again, as their soul has already been
The Ring of Infinite Wisdom: While wearing
this ring you can tap into some of it’s infinite The Machiavellian Mirror: The Machiavellian
wisdom by sucking your thumb. While you are Mirror allows viewers to cast spells through it or
tapping into the ring’s wisdom in this way your freely scry on any location or being the viewers
current wisdom score increases by 10 up to 30 are knowledgeable of. The mirror itself can also
temporarily, and you even receive premonitions cast various mind control spells on targets visible
of the future. in the mirror at the user's behest (DM's discretion
on which and the number of uses per day). The
Destroyed by: The ring can only be destroyed in insidiousness is multiplied because the mirror's
a 10 minute bath in the tub of the demon prince control is such that targets may not realize that
of foolishness. they were influenced by a spell, especially if they
were only instructed to do reasonable things. The
The Brain Staff: A long wooden staff with a mirror can even be used to disadvantage the
pink orb on one end. It can efortlessly control the charisma and wisdom saving throws of targets
minds of any monster it's user desires, and is able visible in it if needed. Other Suggestions: The
to control an infinite number of creatures at once. Machiavellian Mirror's owner should be
The user can give it simple instructions that the intelligent and paranoid, someone who takes all
beast will follow until the day it dies, and keep sorts of mundane and magical precautions to
commanding it. prevent the mirror from being visible and even
having a reflection, especially when not in use.
Destroyed by: The Staff is also able to control The owner should also take precautions to make
the minds of creatures emotionally bound to sure they are knowledgeable of even potential
people, like pets and familiars. However, the threats, and that they are visible and findable at
person who the creature was bound with can all times (e.g. command a ring of spies).
attempt to break the spell by making the monster
recognize him/her (which would take some time Destroyed by: If the Machiavellian Mirror can
and Wisdom checks). When that happens, both "see" its own reflection clearly, (e.g. another
the staff and it's user are overpowered and mirror or smooth surface polished finely is
explode in a 300 feet radius. brought into close range in appropriate lighting
conditions), the mirror spontaneously smashes
The Infinite Locket: This mysterious pendant, itself into smithereens and becomes useless.
when viewed, takes the viewer to a realm of their Viewing another mirror through the
own memories, where they relive their favorite Machiavellian Mirror does not count.
memories. The pendant slowly drains them of
their life until nothing remains. Seed of Iron: As the first seed of the first iron-
wood tree, the small seed holds the power of a
Destroyed by: Must be opened and viewed to strong nature deity. Whenever the seed is
work. Because it can't move, it's very easy to allowed to touch dirt, the seed immediately
become lost. If somebody closes the pendant, the burrows into the earth. In a 2000ft radius, a
spell is broken, but the victim is left with a forest of iron wood trees will begin to grow.
feeling of longing. They require no water and will dig through
anything in their way. When the forest is done
The Mark of Ancestry: This wrapping bonds to growing, a small tree made entirely of iron will
the user, allowing them commune with all those appear in the center of the forest. In a year it will
who have bore the mark before. They lend the produce another seed of iron. The forest is
user their wisdom and muscle memory, allowing neither good nor evil but flows with wild magic
the user to perform feats beyond that of their and may become home of fey creatures if given
skill. time.
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
soul of the wearer of the crown is sucked into the
Destroyed by: If delt 75 points of damage the vacant gem and becomes its new slave.
seed will be destroyed. When the forest is in the
possess of growing the seed will stay 30 feet The Cornucopia of Plentiful Harvest: A small
below where it was planted, surrounded by a wooden cornucopia, which, at the dawn of each
hostile plant creature made of ironwood. If killed day, fills itself magically with whatever food the
, the seed with die and the forest will die with it. possessor desires. Any food summoned this way
to the cornucopia is taken from somewhere else
The Dionysus Rod: The wielder of this item can in the world, and is magically enhanced, giving a
loosen the inhibitions of anybody the wielder +4 bonus to a stat based on the food. (Dm's
sees fit. Promiscuity, risk, eccentricity, and choice on what food will give what stat)
general impulsiveness. The more the rod is used,
the more the wielder slips into madness, Destroyed by: Placing food into the Cornucopia
eventually being unable to control the rod's removes its magic.
The Most Humorous Jest in the Plane: A
Destroyed by: It can only be broken by those small scrap of non-magical paper, which has a
who have broken free from the rod's will. Once Jest written upon it. When it is read by a user, it
you restrain yourself from the rod's call to causes them to be consumed by unstoppable
impulse, snapping the rod in two is as simple as laughter which continues until their death. Upon
finding the holder. viewing a single word of the Jest, the user must
succeed at a DC 15 will save or read the entire
Chalice of Plenty: A solid gold wine chalice Jest. The user reads the Jest in their native
encrusted with a diamond and ruby rim. The one language.
who possesses this item will find themselves
increasingly successful in matters of finance and Destroyed by: The Jest is easily torn, if the user
trade. The chalice influences its owner to can pass a DC 20 will save (read the Jest on
become increasingly gluttonous in all aspects, to Failure). The Jest only loses the ability to cause
the point of eventual demise. mayhem if torn into multiple pieces which
cannot be reassembled (E.g. tearing the Jest into
Destroyed by: The curse can be lifted if its 10 pieces, and then burying them at various
owner uses the wealth gained strictly for locations).
benevolent purposes, which reverses the effect.
To fully destroy the item, the wielder must adopt Eroded River Rock: This mundane looking flat
an ascetic lifestyle and resist temptation until rock has been washed smooth by eons of swift
their death, upon which the chalice will melt rapids flowing over it. It still drips as if recently
down into liquid gold and evaporate. removed from the river that created it. It has
been imbued with the power and fury of the
The Crown of Hosts: A silver crown with six river. When water is dropped onto it, the rock
vertical ornate peaks that reach straight up one accelerates the water into a powerful stream
foot, each inset with a translucent green sphere. which has the power to erode any non-magical
Each sphere houses the trapped spirit of a surface. Combined with the Create Water spell,
spellcaster that slightly glows within. The wearer the effects can be devastating. Locks cut through
of the crown must be a spellcaster and can in seconds, buildings eroded to the foundation in
command the spirits to cast whatever spells they minutes, landscapes sculpted in hours, mountain
knew in life. This can be potentially devastating, passes cut in days. Used offensively, the jets of
allowing 6 actions, plus the spellcaster's, per water can do serious damage to anyone foolish
turn. The wearer knows the power level of each enough to get in the way.
of the spirits, but does not know the exact
number of spells they had memorized when they Destroyed by: If Destroy Water is cast upon it
died. The trapped spirits regenerate spells at the while it is not carried, the stone will erode into a
usual rate afterwards. fine sand. Alternatively, placing the stone back
into the river where it was created will cause the
Destroyed by: If any of the trapped spellcasters stone to erode.
uses its last spell, it is immediately freed. The
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
Devil's Crown: Summons and enslaves fiends. sand will run out, allowing them to perceive time
Radiant damage is doubled against the wearer. in reverse, and thus, changing the future.
The Teleorb: a massive purple orb. Can be Seeker’s Stone Pendant (Fallen Relic -
attuned to by performing an odd psionic ritual, Stygia/Divination): Some legends say the
and the person attuned to it can use telekinetic wearer of this pendant can see through solid
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
walls at will, penetrating even the mind. Allows
the user to see through walls when activated. The Destroyed by: It is destroyed when both positive
pendant may be activated 3 times per day and negative energy are attack it at the same
allowing the attuned user to see outlines of living time, falling to pieces once more.
things through walls, as well as hear
conversations held. The user may also use this The Manual of Monsters: A magical tomb that
amulet to cast Detect Thoughts as normal, using holds absolutely every single monster (including
a charge. races) and has stats for each entry. Not only does
Destroyed by: If brought to a holy Temple of this hold the entirety of Monster knowledge, but
Bahamut this item could be destroyed with a its also in alphabetical order.
number of priests and a ceremony.
Destroyed by: It could be destroyed with the
The Ambiguity (Fallen Relic - venom of a purple worm used as ink in a quill of
Malbolge/Illusion): Tale tells of an object that aarakocra feather. When the names of each
has no true form… none at all. This object when monster are scribbled out with this writing
held by its attuned user can be transformed into instrument, one monster of that kind dies. When
any basic weapon, small items, or shield. It can all the names are gone, the book falls to ash.
do this 5 times a day. ALL MORPHS ARE TO
THE DM’S DISCRETION. Boots of Grounding- All energy based attacks
do no damage to the wearer and instead are
Destroyed by: If brought to a holy Temple of directed through the heel into the ground.
Bahamut this item could be destroyed with a
number of priests and a ceremony. Destroyed by: The boots explode if touched
together while attacked by an energy attack.
The Crown of Madness (Fallen Relic -
Maladomini/Enchantment): Legend tells of a Hangman's Rope: A sentient rope that stays
crown that can make others lose their mind, wrapped around the forearm of the user. If you're
possibly even control them. Allows the attuned hidden behind or above an enemy you can make
user to cast Crown of Madness DC 20 up to 3 an action to hang them. The rope will shoot out
times per day. and wrap quickly around the neck and hoist them
upwards. If you were behind them it will simply
Destroyed by: If brought to a holy Temple of tighten. The rope can be cut but will regrow after
Bahamut this item could be destroyed with a a long rest.
number of priests and a ceremony.
Destroyed by: It can only be destroyed by
Crown of the Faceless King: A golden crown learning how to perform the coveted infini-knot
inlaid with rubies, requires attunement. A person and using it on the rope which will kill its
who is wearing this crown and is attuned to it sentience.
can sense the deepest desires of any humanoid
within 20 feet. Book of Babel: A small book that can be turned
into a medium-sized portal. When you enter you
Destroyed by: The Crown can only be destroyed go to the Library of Babel, a nearly infinite
if the person who is attuned to it and is wearing library with every book that has been written and
it is beheaded to the cheers of a great crowd. will be written. All combinations of letters on
pages can be found within the uncountable
Aspect of the Thought Seer: A powerful stone shelves. You have to come back to where you
that was imbued with the Goddess Elutil's power. entered the library to leave.
When She fought with the evil God Naphistim,
their combined power fused and the stone Destroyed by: The book can only be destroyed
cracked into many pieces, birthing a new Lesser with the most powerful fire spell in the current
God Nephim. The villain collected these pieces world.
and brought them together, in doing so, he is
able to control Nephim to some degree and learn The Lost Battle Standard of Vandria
the answer to any question Nephim could Gilmadrith: Elves are drawn to this banner
answer. which doubles as a war hammer with an extra
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
long handle. The divine nature of this artifact ring who is of the opposite sex of the wearer
means different spell effects can occur. Stories while the wearer is using the ring.
tell of clouds of fire obliterating armies, or a ray
of light has smote ruin from across the The Elder's Staff: a staff that allows the user to
battlefield. take a brief look into there future to see their
future-self in order to give him or her advice
Destroyed by: The core of the standard is about anything they believe is important.
corruptible with the essence of an elven god of a
chaotic alignment. Destroyed by: Once the staff is used to see the
few brief moments of one's life before their death
Heart of the Titan: An amulet that cracks the the staff burns violently to the point that with in
earth, enslaves earth elementals, and creates seconds the users hand is melted onto the staff.
mountains. It cannot be destroyed, only buried in The burning glows as bright as the sun, and will
a mountain range to keep the power in check. continue until the staff explodes killing the
"Flesh begets Flesh. Stone begets Stone. Jagged person who used it to see their death.
rocks will remake the throne." -inscription.
Amulets of The New Order: A set of five
Destroyed by: Using the heart to crack open a pieces of one amulet that once assembled create
mountain and pitching the heart into its core an amulet that has the power to enchant the
allows the mountain to envelope it. This people around the wearer, simply by the wearer
mountain would then constantly be growing ever rolling a Charisma check of sixteen DC.
so slightly.
Destroyed by: The enchantment is broken once
Jester's Mask: The mask attaches itself to the someone knows that they are under the influence
wearer who is then transformed into a powerful of the enchantment.
demigod of chaos. Imbued with immense powers
of deception and trickery, the wearer aims to sow The Adamantine Arm: If someone severs off
destruction from the shadows wherever it can. their own arm and attaches this enchanted,
indestructible arm on, than they become stronger
Destroyed by: First, the wearer must be killed, than the strongest giants.
and then the mask be exposed to an artifact from
a lawful deity. Destroyed by: The arm can only be destroyed if
it is attached to a mortal and that mortal is cast
Eye of Odin: Amulet that shakes the entire into a forge at the heart of a great mountain.
plane, disrupts time, and shoots lightning.
Uwadru’s Paint Brush: Anything painted with
Destroyed by: Return it to Odin. this paint brush can be brought into reality. The
paint brush can’t create anything larger than ten
Box of Nothing: A small, simple looking chest feet in any dimension, or anything magic, other
that, when opened, violently sucks everything than that your imagination is the limit.
around it into itself. Anything that enters the
chest is erased from existence. Destroyed by: It can only be destroyed if it is
eaten and digested by a powerful demon.
Destroyed by: The Box of Nothing can only be
destroyed if it tries to destroy another artifact of Chalice of Immorality: This fabled cup goes by
great power, than the box erases itself from many names. Any water drank from the chalice
existence instead. permanently restores youth.
The Ring of Overly Charismatic Destroyed by: The chalice can’t be destroyed by
GentlemenThis ring has enough illusion magic any means, but if it is filled to the brim with an
to change the appearance of anyone wearing the alcoholic drink brewed by a fiend for 6 days, it
ring into a well dressed noble gentleman who is loses all it’s magic.
charismatic as hell.
Destroyed by: Rolling a 100 after the wish on Mask of Thespari: This mask, when worn,
d100 and destroying the lamp. Wishing the genie allows the wearer to imitate any person perfectly,
to be free of his bounds. This may result in a using a combination of illusion, enchantment,
powerful NPC ally to the party. and transmutation magics. Not even close friends
or family members will be able to easily see
through the disguise.
The Chaotic Heart: If someone manages to
survive having their own heart removed and Destroyed by: If the wearer of the mask says
replaced with this one, they will have incredibly their own real name while disguised, the mask is
destructive, red lighting based powers, and have destroyed.
their mind corrupted by the chaotic intent of the
Plow of Blight: This ordinary looking wooden
Destroyed by: The only way to destroy this plow corrupts any ground it plows. Any crops
artifact of chaos is to have it squished between planted in this corrupted soil grow to become
the great gears of the extraplaner machine, hoards of evil plant creatures.
Destroyed by: Certain archdruids can learn an
ancient ritual to destroy this accursed plow.
Ravenheart: a black half-cloak (only covering
down to about lower back) that is greased in wax
and has a silver raven as a pin. 1/short rest, Powerseeker: This purple orb knows where
active with a bonus action: turn into a flock of many artifacts of great power lie, and it will
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
show where they are to those who it deems artifact on this list.
Destroyed by: There is no known way to
Destroyed by: The Powerseeker crumbles to destroy this thing, your best bet is to cast it out of
dust when all the great artifacts it knows about reality itself. USE WITH CAUTION!
are destroyed.
The Black Ring: A glass ring with darkness The Bow of Qo'nos
inside it. Any corpse that the wearer touches
rises to become a zombie under the wearer’s The short bow itself looks very ordinary, with a
control and the wearer can try to bring undead primitive (although unbreakable) string, and in
not under their control under their control. fact doesn't radiate magic if tested, but acts as a
+5 bow (bonus to hit, not damage) when firing
Destroyed by: The ring is destroyed if it is ordinary arrows.
thrown into the sun, good luck!
However, if the string is pulled back in anger
Whistle of the Imperator: This whistle when (i.e. during a combat) without an arrow nocked,
heard requires a save to not fall into a temporary a magical blue arrow of energy will materialize.
catatonic state prone to suggestion. Reflex save
for a chance to block your ears, fortitude save to When this arrow is released it divides into
not fall into the standing coma, and a will save to numerous, identical blue bolts of energy that will
resist against the suggestion. The blower of the
strike at all enemy combatants within an arc of
whistle requires some sort of ear impairment or
risks knocking themselves vulnerable to sleep 70ft (70 yards outdoors) from the archer (it has
and suggestion. the range of a long bow) at +2 to hit for 1d6+2
Destroyed by: The whistle itself is actually quite
ordinary aside from functionally protecting what These energy bolts also travel through solid,
is inside. The magic comes from a small stone of non-flesh objects - up to their full range - making
enchanted onyx inside the chamber. Removing all cover useless against them (and thus
the stone neuters the enchantment, but providing no defense).
destroying it requires using the onyx as a
component in another spell or ritual. The bow bonds with its owner when first
obtained - it must be given freely - and can 'fly
Ascot of the Serpent: This shiny silk ascot through the air' to its owner's hand from a
woven with various shades of green thread holds distance of up to 200 feet if bow and owner are
the power of a demonic snake god. Wearing the separated for some reason.
scarf will fill the user with power, while slowly
transforming them. After a period of time, the
It also grants the power of teleportation (with a
wearer is reborn as a snake servant of the
demonic snake god. 100 per cent chance of success, even if the target
location is unknown to the archer), up to a mile
Destroyed by: After days of careful study, a distance, once per day.
practiced tailor of seamstress can discover the
locking knot to begin unwinding the fabric. Once As stated above, for a new owner to take up the
reduced to a single continuous string, the bow it must have been freely given. If the
enchantment is broken and the string can be previous owner has died before passing on the
destroyed by any normal means. bow, the new owner must complete a ritual
which involves cremating the previous owner
Needle of Unstoppable Destruction: This and then coating himself with the previous
needle looks perfectly mundane, but it is perhaps owner's ashes. These must stay on until the first
the most dangerous instrument of entropy in the time the bow is fired in anger (i.e. in genuine
multiverse. Anything that touches the point of combat). At that point the bow will bond with its
the needle cracks and unravels and crumbles to new owner.
dust, and I do mean anything, including any
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
A wish-level spell is required (or they must lose
If the Bow of Qo'nos is ever used by someone it their soul!) to cleanse a person of this taint .
has not bonded to it simply acts as a standard
short bow. Kandarian Dagger
5) It regenerates all damage done to the wielder 12) The swords are sentient, of massive
at 1 point per second (6 per melee round), up knowledge (both arcane and mundane), can
to 10 points total for each “life force” stored communicate with their wielder by a form of
within it. To further clarify the “life force” empathic rapport, and hate each other with a
concept, if one of the swords were to absorb the violence and virulence that knows no equal in
“life force” of Rinaldo the Barbarian, it the Multiverse.
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
13) Once drawn (and they must be drawn for any weapon appears to all viewers to be a long
of the above powers, except #’s 10, 11, or 12 sword, and it inflicts damage as if it were a true
which operate at all times, to work), each must sword of that sort, but the individual using a
have a soul, or it will turn on its wielder. sunsword feels and reacts as if the weapon were
a short sword. Any individual able to use either a
This is then is the “Black Triad”, the “Trilogy of long sword or a short sword with proficiency or
Terror”; seek them not at all if you can help it, expertise will be able to use a sunsword. While
for to do so is to set loose the “Harbingers of grasping the hilt, you can use an action to cause
Change” upon all the lands! Beware the Three!! a blade of pure radiance to spring into existence,
or make the blade disappear.
The Three Swords of Light
In normal combat, the glowing golden blade of
Where there exists the Three Swords of Sorrow, the weapon is equal to a + 2 magic sword.
there evil is met by the Three Swords of Light. Against evil creatures, its bonus is doubled to+ 4.
Ad the Black Triad is legendarily formed of When it is used against creatures from the
three Arch Demons, the three Swords of Light Negative Material Plane or those that draw
are supposedly three Arch Angles. power from that plane (such as many of the
undead), the sword will inflict double normal
It is said the Gods of Light had these three damage, regardless of whether the bonus of the
swords forged to oppose the Black Triad. Each weapon is+ 2 or + 4. The sword's luminous blade
weapon is unique in appearance and type. The emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim
swords are usually wielded by the truly heroic light for an additional 15 feet. The light is
that fight to defend the helpless, upholds the sunlight. While the blade persists, you can use an
weak, speaks only truth and whose wrath undoes action to expand or reduce its radius of bright
the wicked. and dim light by 5 feet each, to a maximum of 30
feet each or a minimum of 10 feet each.
Sunsword Se11tie1ice The Sunsword is a sentient chaotic
The Sunswors has the following stats: good weapon with an Intelligence of 11, a
Wisdom of 17, and a Charisma of 16. It has
INT: 13
hearing and normal vision out to a range of 60
Ego: 19
feet. The weapon communicates by transmitting
Personality: 32 emotions to the creature carrying or wielding it.
One Handed 1d8/1d12 Excalibur
Two handed 1d10/1d12 Excalibur is the finest sword ever crafted.
The smith who forged this weapon is
Specifications: unknown. Some say it was an elf, others a
Weight: 3 pounds, 9 ounces dwarf and some the gods themselves.
Overall length: 45 inches Excalibur is forged from mithril, it has runes
Blade length: 36 inches along the bottom part of the blade and a
Blade width: 1 3/4 inches at base, small diamond in the pommel. The hilt is
tapering to 1 1/4 inch wrapped in brown leather. Excalibur is a
Fuller length: 25 inches bastard sword.
Grip length: 8 1/2 inches
Guard width: 9 inches Whenever its powers are used the wielders
Blade Material: Mithril eyes glow a bright blue as do the runes on
Blade Features: the blade.
Blade Sharpness: Honed to a razor edge
Excalibur has the power to kill anything,
mortal or magical, living or undead, and it
The Sunsword is a unique blade. It has a gives those who wield it amazing fighting
platinum hilt and guard, and a thin crystal blade skills. However it does not guarantee victory
as strong as steel. An individual possessing a sun
against superior foes.
blade may wield it as if it were a short sword
with respect to encumbrance, weight, speed Excalibur has the following stats:
factor, and ease of use. In other words, the
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
INT: 13 cannot be extinguished, even if
Ego: 19 submerged
Personality: 32 7. Excalibur protects its wielder,
granting a +4 bonus to AC
One Handed 1d8/1d12 8. Excalibur can glow upon command;
Two handed 2d4/2d8 this glow can become so intense
anyone that sees it must save vs.
Specifications: petrification or go blind. Even if the
Weight: 3 pounds, 9 ounces save is successful they are still
Overall length: 45 inches dazzled by the light and are at -2 to
Blade length: 36 inches
hit and AC for 1d4 rounds
Blade width: 1 3/4 inches at base,
tapering to 1 1/4 inch 9. Any foe slain by Excalibur is dead;
Fuller length: 25 inches they cannot regenerate or be
Grip length: 8 1/2 inches brought back. Not even by
Guard width: 9 inches Resurrection spells.
Blade Material: Mithril a. Even a Lich slain by
Blade Features: Etched Runic Inscription:
Excalibur cannot come back
"Take me up, cast me away."
Blade Sharpness: Honed to a razor edge even if it’s phylactery is not
Excalibur has the following abilities and 10. The most fearsome property of
restrictions: Excalibur is the whirlwind attack.
The wielder of Excalibur bursts
1. May strike any creature regardless
into a blurring whirlwind of
of the requirements (magical or
motion. With this attack the
otherwise) needed to hit that
wielder can attack all opponents
within 20 feet of him once in the
a. Example Excalibur can
same round. Both sides must roll
strike were-creatures
for initiative. However, all other to
without being silver.
hit and damage bonuses apply.
2. It will always damage foes.
The wielder can attack every
Excalibur’s damage will never be
opponent within range at the
modified to lesser damaged despite
instant of the attack; regardless of
the foe it strikes.
the number of attacks he normally
a. Example: normally skeleton
is allowed. All attacks occur when
takes half damage from
dictated by the initiative roll.
bladed weapons, if struck by
Excalibur the damage is not a. This attack is accompanied
halved, the total amount by a large blast of wind.
rolled is damage done. This wind causes all in a
3. Foes that can regenerate damage 100-foot radius to make a
(i.e. Trolls) cannot regenerate Dexterity check or be
damage done by Excalibur knocked down. If they fail
4. Excalibur grants its wielder 50% the roll by more than 4
Magic Resistance in a 5-foot radius they are flung 5o-feet away
5. Excalibur can Dispel Magic at the from the wielder.
level of its weilder in a 20-foot b. This wind will also cause
radius all dust, dirt, small pebbles
6. Flames on command causing 3d6 to fly about, this causes
point fire damage. The flame 2d4 points of damage to all
in a 50-foot radius and
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
obscures vision in a 20- bonus to save vs. Fear spells
foot radius. This equates and effects.
to a n-3 to hit to all in this d. It will never bond with
radius. anyone evil; it will act as
11. Excalibur will only accept Cursed Sword -5 for anyone
someone of Good alignment. of evil alignment that wields
Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic does it.
not matter, they must only be
Good. Scabbard
12. True Neutral characters can use Excaliburs scabbard is a brown leather
Excalibur but it will only function scabbard bond with brass fittings. It is
as a +1 sword for them. attached to a leather strap that allows the
13. To use Excalibur the wielder must wearer to wear it on his hip or on his back.
perform a ritual that creates a Excalibur's scabbard has powers of its own.
magical bond between themselves Loss of blood from injuries, for
and Excalibur. example, will not kill the bearer. The
wounds received by one wearing the
a. The ritual consists of
scabbard do not bleed at all.
comparing Personality
The scabbard prevents the wearer
scores of the Character to from being cut by any attack.
Excalibur. What is different Thrusting and slashing attacks
here is that instead of against them do half damage (from
resisting the Personality of the force of the blow), and
Excalibur the wielder must bludgeoning attacks do full damage.
surrender to it. The wielder
Master Sword
will not know that, thus they
A powerful weapon of light, the Master Sword is
should try to resist it. an ancient artifact which predates recorded
Excalibur will bombard the history. Only those who are pure of heart may
wielder’s mind with images wield the legendary blade. The Master Sword
of their most traumatic grants its wielder the ability to banish evil beings
event, the wielder must to the Sacred Realm, giving mere mortals a
surrender to this memory to fighting chance against otherwise immortal
give into and bond with terrors.
Excalibur. Excalibur will
not dominate a wielder that The Master Sword grants a +5/+5 to hit
and damage. While in contact with the Master
bonds with, but without
Sword, you are immune to all curses and other
bonding to the sword it is such magical effects, excluding combat magic
only a sword. Though it will damage rolls.
act to defend the wielder, While wielding the Master Sword,
using its powers without when a spell is cast at you, you may roll a Save
letting the player decide vs. Paralyzation. If successful, you deflect the
which ones to use. spell, redirecting it at the entity which cast it.
b. Once bond to a wielder only While within 60 feet of a nefarian, fiens
they may use Excalibur’s or undead, the Master Sword glows with radiant
light which can dispel darkness
powers. It will act as a
While within 60 feet of a nefarian,,
regular sword in anyone fiend, or undead, the Master Sword deals an
else’s hands. additional Xd12 radiant damage, where X is your
c. Once the bond is complete level..
the wielder receives a +2 If a demon or undead creature is
impaled with the Master Sword, and it remains
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
impaled by the end of that creature's next turn, with this weapon, they must make a wisdom
the creature's consciousness is transported to the save (dc 15) or fall under the mace's power. The
Sacred Realm, and it's body turns to stone. In next time they see any evil creature, they will be
100 years the creature will have the option to compelled to strike them down. In addition to
return to the plane of existence it was banished this, the mace become a +2 and does 2d6 damage
from, at the location it was initially banished. to any evil creature. Upon killing an evil
individual, they must make another wisdom
save. If they fail, the mace becomes a +3 weapon
and the wielder is compelled to kill any neutral
Valheru Sword or evil creature it sees from there on out,
+6 unbreakable sword that cannot be dulled by behaving more like a bloodthirsty monster than a
any means known. Each of these mighty magical humanoid. If they kill 20 creature, the transform
weapons bears the colors of the Valheru that into either an imp or a dretch (their choice) and
wields it. These weapons are vorpal swords. can never use the mace again.
When a score on the "to hit" die as shown below
is made, it will sever the neck/head of its Destroyed by: The mace has no power over
opponent: someone until they kill a fiendish or abyssal
Opponent is Modified score to sever* creature. After this, removing the mace from the
Normal/armored 20-23 person's possession and casting lesser restoration
Larger than man-sized 21 -23 will cure them. After they kill a neutral creature,
Solid metal or stone 22-23 a greater restoration spell will be needed.
Considers only the sword's bonus of +6 However, they will have an urge to get back to
the mace for 1d6 days after a restoration spell is
The DM will note that there are many creatures cast.
that cannot suffer decapitation due to lack or
mutability of form. There are also certain The Lunar Sickle: A sickle with a glowing
creatures that may have heads but will not white blade shaped like the moon, and an
necessarily be killed by decapitation (among embelished navy blue hilt adorned with marble
these are dopplegangers, elementals, and stars. Requires attunement, and can be attuned to
golems). by any class. Unlike standard sickles, if attuned,
creates a magic resistance of 50% in a 5' it deals 1d10 melee damage while still being
radius Light and a simple weapon, and can be used as a
dispels magic in a 5' radius at the level spellcasting focus. Once per day if attuned, user
of magic use equal to the experience can activate its Lunar Shine ability, revealing the
level of the wielder moon as huge and bright in the sky, sending
inflicts +10 hit points of bonus damage 10d10 radiant damage in a 20 foot radius,
It also acts as a type of parasitic sword, affecting only enemies within that radius.
bestowing half the damage done by the
sword as hit-points. Destroyed by: The Lunar Sickle can be
destroyed only by a 1d4 hour long ritual to
Spear of Thirst: This spear is +4 to hit and does purposely destroy it, which must begin at
1d12 piercing damage plus 1d12 necrotic midnight. this ritual must be performed by
damage as it sucks fluids from the victim's body. someone attuned to the item.
On a critical hit, the victim must make a DC 15
CON save or die, drained to a husk. The wielder The War Fan of Admiral Huztin: Enchanted
gets 1d4 temporary HP each time it kills with the soul of a fused elemental, the war fan
someone with a spear. summons violent storms over any target area.
Should the war fan approach its own storm, a
Destroyed by: Submerge it in the body of a 100ft rad. circle of perfect weather surrounds it.
radiant creature like an angel. Or an undead: it
can't drink from the undead. Destroyed by: Used to conquer countless pirates
at sea, the admiral doomed its power to the water
The Zealous Mace: this +1 mace does an extra depths in case of his defeat-- the fan disintegrates
2d6 damage to any fiendish or abyssal creature. when submerged in water.
If the welder kills a fiendish of abyssal creature
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
The Dagger of God Killing: This weapon is a Destroyed by: The rightful wielder of the
+3 dagger. If you speak the name of a god while Weeping Blade must hold it while something
you are on the same plane of existence as them happens that causes the wielder to feel nothing
they become mortal for 24 hours, this ability can but joy.
only be used once per day, while a god is mortal
in this way any attack with this weapon against Sordid Sickle (Fallen Relic -
them deals an extra 3d6 necrotic damage. Minauros/Necromancy): Legend tells of a
mighty black sickle that can harvest fallen crops
Destroyed by: They say the Dagger of God as if they were new, sometimes it was even told
Killing can only be destroyed by a powerful of it bringing those freshly dead back to life. The
force older than the gods themselves. Sickle allows the attuned user to bring back
freshly dead (1 hour) creatures back to life twice
Soulrender: The Soulrender is a small iron per day. However, if these creatures are not
sphere with necromantic sigils and black healed, or a DC 16 Medicine check is not made
diamonds on the outside. If a humanoid spends 6 on them within the next hour after revitalization,
hours chanting an incantation while holding the they die again.
Soulrender, the sphere emits a magical blast that
goes through all nonmagical barriers and most Destroyed by: If brought to a holy Temple of
magical barriers in a 600 foot radius. Any Bahamut this item could be destroyed with a
humanoid within the blast has its soul torn from number of priests and a ceremony.
it’s body and dies, the blast is otherwise
harmless. The Soulrender survives the blast, the Esintur: Esintur is a bone white magical
person who activated it doesn’t. longsword that requires attunement. While
attuned to this weapon and kill a humanoid with
Destroyed by: The Soulrender is indestructible it, the humanoid’s soul is trapped in the weapon.
unless it is robbed of it’s magic by an extremely Esintur can hold multiple souls at a time and has
powerful healing spell. two uses for the souls. Use #1 for every 10 souls
within the sword weapon attacks with the sword
The DNA Sword: a sword with two razor sharp, gain +1 to attack and damage rolls.
helicoidal blades, that emit a faint green glow.
On the other side of the hilt, there is a steel Destroyed by: If the person who is attuned to
needle. The sword does 3d8 + 3 base damage, Esintur drops to 0 hit points, a soul is expended
and stores the genome of the creatures killed and he/she drops to 1 hit point in stead, when a
with it. The needle can then be used in an egg, or soul is expended in this way it is destroyed
womb, to fuse the baby's DNA with one or more forever. Esintur cannot be destroyed be outside
stored DNAs, leading to the birth of a hybrid. means but if it collects 52 or more souls the
sword immediately explodes, dealing 10d10
Destroyed by: The sword cannot understand radiant damage in a 30 foot radius.
hybrid DNA. If used to kill a hybrid creature, it
will shatter, and release deadly radiation, Dagger of the Golden Hind: A ceremonial
growing massive tumors in any creatures in a dagger made of a now extinct creature and her
60ft radius. horns adorn the handle. Her blood has been
feared by all creation because it is fabled to be
The Weeping Blade: This gleaming dagger able to kill a god. Nine out of ten ampules of her
shines brightly, the way someone’s eyes do blood remain on the sheath.
before they cry. When it is drawn, it becomes
covered in tears. These tears are a deadly poison, Destroyed by: Using the True Resurrection spell
that can kill anything within a day. Even god’s on the item will destroy it, replacing it with an
have fallen to this weapon’s touch. Worse, once immortal creature of legendary tranquility.
it becomes attuned to its wielder, it will always
return to their hand. To wield this weapon, one Shapestealer: A Morningstar that allows the
must have known great sorrow, and must user to immediately become anything that the
sacrifice something precious and irreplaceable to user kills with Shapestealer.
Destroyed by: Shapestealer can only be
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
destroyed if it is chewed up by a legendary Woundhealer; the wielder inherently knows the
behemoth that slumbers deep beneath the earth. abilities.
Blade of the Soulripper: This rune-decorated All of the Swords look identical except for a
katana is said to envelop the soul of whoever it small white symbol etched into the side of the
kills. If the blade is not sated daily, it begins to black hilt. The blade is a little over three feet
eat at the life force of the wielder. long, and with a pure steel color. There are no
forging marks on the blades or hilts and no
Destroyed by: If the blade is locked away for a weapon smith of today, no matter how talented,
long period of time (determined by the GM), it can tell how they were forged.
will turn to dust.
Game Statistic:
The Shattered Sword of Quo Yang: This once They are treated as a bastard sword. All of the
ornate and beautifully crafted sword is broken swords are unbreakable (except as noted in
into several shatters of steel and a hilt with a Shieldbreaker's description).
jagged cracked blade still attached. If the sword
can be reforged to its former glory, it is believed They retain an extremely keen edge no matter
that the wielder can unite and rule a broken and what they cut or are struck against.
divided kingdom to return it to power.
Unless otherwise stated each weapon is +1 "to
Destroyed by: Only by offering all the pieces to hit" and +3 damage.
an active volcano.
Dragonslicer, Sword of Heroes.
The Twelve Swords
Symbol: Dragon, Sound: Shrill Cry
D&D rules: Artifact, always strikes its target Soulcutter, Sword of Despair, Tyrant’s Blade
regardless of wielder’s skill, except unarmed
Symbol: None, Sound: None
combatants, as above. The special abilities offer
no saving throw. When going up against When drawn, Soulcutter cause total,
Shieldbreaker, your party should really have a incapacitating despair, starting with the wielder
Monk. and spreading throughout the field of battle.
Nothing seems worth the effort. Whole armies
Skulltwister, the Mindsword, Sword of Glory.
have been known to disarm under Soulcutter’s
Symbol: Banner, Sound: Dull roar, like a influence. When opposed by Skulltwister,
cheering throng Soulcutter will prevail.
The Mindsword causes those around the wielder D&D rules: Artifact, +6 keen bastard sword w/
to perceive the wielder as the ultimate lord. They special abilities as above, although once drawn,
will spontaneously walk up and pledge their the despair would prevent the wielder from using
undying loyalty to the wielder. The Sword must it. The Despair ability offers no save.
be unsheathed for the power to initiate, but the
Stonecutter, Sword of Siege.
effects last when the Sword is sheathed, slowly
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
Symbol: Wedge Splitting a Block, Sound: sword for assassins, or any character needing to
Heavy, slow hammering kill at a distance.
Stonecutter will cut any kind of stone, from D&D rules: Artifact, +6 keen throwing bastard
diamonds to sandstone, with almost no effort, sword w/ special abilities as above. Does NOT
“like a hot knife through butter”. return. Special ability offers no saving throw.
The Sword of Siege struck a hammer's blow Morax - (summoning of evil spirits)
With a crash, and a smash, and a tumbled wall.
Stonecutter laid a castle low
With a groan, and a roar, and a tower's fall.
The Unbreakable Buckler (Fallen Relic - Destroyed by: A mirror may kill the host, but
Avernus/Abjuration): As legend tells, this the helmet has to be pinned by a magic spear and
shield can never break. Even under the force of set on fire.
the Gods. +1 Shield. Can be thrown as an action
(20/60), and will bounce back to the user who ITEMS SETS
has attuned with it. Allows for the protection The Sword Of Justice: One of the "Three Great
fighting style to be used for allies up to 20 feet Powers", this two-handed sword (base 1d10
away. damage) is +4 to hit and damage in combat,
while acting as a 'sword of sharpness' (a modifier
Destroyed by: If brought to a holy Temple of roll to hit of 19+ severs a random limb from
Bahamut this item could be destroyed with a opponent - roll random location), but also grants
number of priests and a ceremony.
a bonus of four points to Armor Class while on
its owner's body or in his hands.
The Adapter’s Helm (Fallen Relic -
Cania/Transmutation): The Legends say this
While these conditions are met, the wielder will
powerful helmet can transform the material of
also only take half damage from any blows that
anything living or not. Allows the user to cast
spells, instantly, using its 10 charges. DC 18. strike him and regenerate up to four hit points
Barkskin (3 Charges), Stoneskin (4 Charges), per round (can never regain in a single combat
Flesh to Stone (8 Charges), Gaseous Form (6 more damage than he has sustained).
Charges), Stoneshape (2 Charges), Major
Transformation (2 Charges). Once per day, the sword's owner may - through
his strength of will alone - cause The Sword Of
Destroyed by: If brought to a holy Temple of Justice to come to him from up to a distance of
Bahamut this item could be destroyed with a 10 feet (although not if it is in someone else's
number of priests and a ceremony. hands... because then THEY are the owner of the
Tenlock’s Armor: Tenlock’s Armor is a +3 suit
of plate armor engraved with many ancient Amulet Of Life: The second of the "Great
occult symbols, it requires attunement. While Powers". When worn, this amulet grants its
you are attuned to Tenlock’s Armor, gods,
wearer the abilities of polymorph self (Swords &
angels, and other divine beings cannot see,
Wizardry Complete Rulebook, page 66) twice
detect, or directly hurt you, and you have
advantage on saving throws against divine per day and polymorph other (Swords &
magic. Wizardry Complete Rulebook, page 65) once per
day. Polymorph other only lasts for (2d10 x 10
Destroyed by: Tenlock’s Armor can only be minutes).
destroyed by submerging it in a specific holy
spring for a year, finding the spring will be a The amulet also grants the wearer a "cushion" of
challenge as it is almost as old as time itself. 10 temporary Hit Points every day (non-
cumulative) which absorb the first ten points of
Helm of the Valkyrie: Enraptures aasimar & damage the character takes in each 24 hour
celestials, reaps the souls from battlefields, and period.
grants the wearer scaling radiant damage.
Chalice Of Magic: The last of the "Great
Destroyed by: Can be destroyed by a fiend Powers". The owner - as long as he is already a
cursed melee weapon. natural magic-user - of this chalice, and as long
as it is within 10 feet of him, makes all saves vs
Cursed Helm of the Gorgon: A serpentine magic at +4 and cannot have a mishap when
sentient helmet that constricts onto an unlucky casting spells.
soul and unleashes rows of preserved Gorgon
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
Emaged by the slaughter the reinforcements
If the owner of the chalice is not magically carved the army of Bema Sal Kee to pieces. No
inclined then it grants him a 50 per cent magic quarter was offered even to the non-undead
immunity as long as it remains within 10ft of members of that army.
him. Bema Sal Kee was tracked back to his lair and
was believed destroyed. But the Sword and Star
were never recovered.
The Three Powers Of Creation: If a single
Stories persist that the Sword turns up from time
person controls all three items (The Sword Of
to time, but no reliable sightings have ever
Justice, The Chalice Of Magic and The Amulet occurred. Legends state that anyone can use the
of Life) and can make a Wisdom Saving Throw sword, but it's full powers are available only to
at -4, then all the abilities of the individual items fighter-mages of Lawful alignment.
are doubled (ie. +8 to hit/damage/defence; The location of the Star is shrouded in mystery.
quarter damage, regenerate eight hit points, Learned sages believe that Bema Sal Kee still
100% magic immunity, 20 hit point buffer etc). exists and that the Star is in his possession.
However, if he fails the roll there is a massive The Sword of Kold-Robi is a Long Sword +5
magical explosion (causing 10d6 damage to all with Vorpal ability. It also has the following
within 10ft) - before he has a chance to benefit powers which are activated by the mental
from any of the Great Powers - and three items command of the possessor if the possessor is a
are randomly scattered across the world. Should
• 12 die Cone of Cold once per day, + 1
this individual survive the explosion he will
on each die of damage, saves at -1
never again be able to touch any of the Great • 12 die Fireball once per day, + 1 on
Powers for the rest of his life. each die of damage, saves at -1
• Cure Critical Wounds 4 times per day,
Sword and Star of Kold-Robi
+ 1 on each die
In ages past the Elven fighter-mage Kold-Robi
• Feather Fall at need
obtained from the demon lord Jxtl a pair of
artifacts of great power. Weakened by the loss of
There are two banes: All possessor saving
these items Jxtl later lost a great battle and was
throws are at -1, and none of the powers will
imprisoned by the Archmage lgnatz. He later
work upon a lich or within 20' of one, including
fought his way free and was forced to remain on
the Prime power:
his own plane for many centuries. Kold-Robi felt
One 24 HD Elemental can be conjured once per
himself safe from the revenge and influence of
day. The conjuring takes 1 full round to
the demon lord and rule a small kingdom for
accomplish, and can be whatever type the
many decades.
summoner choose. The elemental has 192 hit
points and is AC0. It has two attacks per round
Kold-Robi had not reckoned with the undead
for the same damage as an elemental of its type.
mind of the Arch-Lich Bema Sal Kee. From afar
It will cooperate fully with the summoner.
the lich watched the prosperity and happiness of
Upon use of this power the user will age 3-30
the Elven kingdom; hatred and envy grew.
years and the magic will be drained from one
Finally, Bema Sal Kee, with a horde of evil and
randomly determined item within 30'. If there is
undead creatures, attacked. The countryside was
no other magic item within range the user will be
laid waste and peasants were kills by the
aged a further 3-30 years.
hundred, bolstering Bema Sal Kee's army with
There is a 3% cumulative chance per use that the
new conscripts. Siege was levied upon the castle
owner will be charmed by the Sword. This is
of Kold-Robi. Help was sent for but did not
calculated daily. A charmed person will not
arrive in time to save the valiant defenders. The
permit the Sword from his possession and will
day before help arrived the castle fell, only a
fight with no other weapon except where a
handful survived. Legends tell of the terrible
dagger or hammer is necessary. In addition, the
battle between the two powerful spell casters,
owner will attack any lich on sight and will fight
one Elven and one undead.
until the lich is dead.
The body of the mighty king was recovered, but
The Sword has an intelligence of 21 and an Ego
not so his Sword and Star.
of 27. If the personality scores of the owner can
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
overweigh that of the Sword the charm can be A cursed Egyptian Khopesh, the Fang Of Anubis
negated. was said to have been forged by the god of the
The Star is a 7 pointed star 5 inches in diameter. dead, and it steals the souls of those it slays
At each point is a 5,000 gp ruby and embedded (recording their names in The Book Of Souls),
in the center is a diamond of 15,000 gp value. channeling their life-force into the wielder of the
The Star and the chain it hangs on are made of blade.
platinum, and as a piece of jewelry it is valued at
100,000 gp. As an artifact it is worth well over
A single-edged weapon, with an outward curve
200,000 gp, as is the Sword.
The following powers activate automatically: halfway down its length and a blunted tip, it is
•Absorb up to 51 points of Magic Missile made for cutting and chopping (and can hook an
damage per day opponent in the hands of a skillful user).
•Absorb up to 3 energy level drains or death rays
per day BASE STATISTICS: 1d6 damage
•Saving throws are gained against spells that do
not normally allow them (see Scarab of MAGICAL BONUS: +5 to hit and damage
POWERS: When wielded the +5 unholy blade
The following powers are activated by touching glows with an unholy heat, and power courses
certain gems in a particular order. The numbers through the wielder, making their eyes glow
in parenthesis indicate which gems must be
touched and in which order, starting with the
bottom gem and going clockwise.
•Teleport without error twice per day (1-4-5) WORTHINESS: The first time a person picks up
•Cure disease at touch at will (2-6-7) the blade by its grip, the blade pulsates with heat
•Move 36" for 1 turn once per day (3-5-7) and they take 2d8 damage. If still alive
afterwards, then the sword has accepted them as
The preceding powers require 3 segments to take its new owner. This test only ever happens once
effect. In addition there are two banes. The per person - so you can own the sword, lose it,
casting of spells that have a verbal component and regain it and not endure this damage again.
require that the caster shout. The second is that
all dogs coming within 20' will try to urinate on SOUL DRAIN: When used to slay someone in
the possessor's legs. battle, The Fang Of Anubis transfers life energy
to the wielder of the blade - granting them a
The prime power of the Star is a Time Stop at temporary (12-hour) bonus to saving rolls and to
30th level spell use. This power takes 5 segments hit rolls equal to one less than the level (or Hit
to activate. There is a 3% cumulative chance per Dice) of the person killed (i.e. killing a Level 3
use, maximizing at 24%, that the user will be fighter grants a +2 bonus).
disintegrated at the completion of the Time Stop
(1-3-5-7-2-4-6-D). SANITY DRAIN: With the creation of The
Book of Souls - to hold all the souls stolen by the
The Star has an intelligence of 21 and an Ego of blade - The Fang Of Anubis no longer drives its
22. If it is possessed by the same person as the user insane quite so quickly. However, even
Sword it will reinforce the charm. now, as the souls pass through the wielder before
going to The Book, he is granted a glimpse of
That the Sword and Star are a set is of little
doubt. In addition to reinforcing the charm of the their torment and most make a Saving Roll
possessor, a third prime power is gained when against Insanity. If he fails, his Sanity score
both are possessed. Once per day the user may drops by one point (instead of the 1d6 it cost
invoke a double-strength Power Word Kill, originally).
activated by placing the hilt of the Sword against
the diamond of the Star. Regardless of the effect WRITTEN IN THE BOOK: The magical power
of the spell, the user must save vs. Death Magic of the sword is such that anyone slain by it has
or be killed. their name automatically written into The Book
of Souls (a second magical artifact). And as long
The Fang of Anubis as their name remains in the book they cannot be
Chapter 24 Legendary Items
restored to life or resurrected, by any means, or
find any kind of peace in the afterlife, move on Thus, Enkidu is terrified of fire (even torches)
to Nirvanna etc and will not approach any source of fire, unless
he makes a save (and must check every round he
The Book of Souls is within 5' of a flame or he will retreat).
The Book of Souls is actually written on the skin He sports an enormous metallic club that
of an attractive young girl. She is an immortal, requires an 18+ STR to wield, if somehow
the daughter of the first owner of the sword who wrestled from his grasp, that does 2d10 damage
was being driven insane by the faces of all those in the hands of a non-golem.
he killed with The Fang Of Anubis.
HD 10;
The words only become visible in the light of a AC 7 [12];
blue moon. Atk 1 massive club (3d10+3) (requires STR 18+
to wield);
Every time someone is slain by The Fang Of Move 8;
Anubis, The Book instantly knows their name Save 5;
and who they were, as new words appear on her CL/XP 14/2600;
Special: Immune to slashing and piercing
Only by killing her can the sword be destroyed.
weapons, immune to most spells.
The moment she dies, both she and the sword
will evaporate.