Pangasinan Dictionary
Pangasinan Dictionary
Pangasinan Dictionary
Richard A. Benton
Spanish Phonemic/Pangasinan
c before a, o, u k
c before i, e s
f P
gu before e, i g
g before e, i h (see note below)
hu before vowel w
h elsewhere –
j h (see note below)
ll ly
ñ ny
qu k
v b
z s
The following special abbreviations are used.
esp. especially
f. feminine (i.e. applying only to female human beings)
m. masculine (i.e. applying only to male human beings)
pl. plural form
usu. usually
Indicative, neutral
man- (np) (e.g. + taném ‘plant’, Mantáem ak. ‘I will plant (it).’)
nan- (p) (Nantaném ak. ‘I planted (it).’)
mi- (np) (e.g. + tindáan ‘market’, Mitindáan irá. ‘They will (go
to) market.’)
aki- (p) (Akitindáan irá. ‘They went marketing.’)
-en (np) (e.g. + alagár ‘wait for’, Alagarén ko si Pedro. ‘I’ll wait
for Pedro (lit. will-be-waited-for by-me mkr Pedro).’)
-in- (p) (e.g. + táwag ‘call’, Tinawág ko si Pedro. ‘I called
i- (p) (e.g. + taném ‘plant’, Itaném koy pónti. ‘I’ll plant the
banana (lit. was-planted by-me-the banana).’)
in- (np) (Intaném koy pónti. ‘I planted the banana.’)
pan-, ipan- (np) (e.g. + taném, Pantaném nen Pedro imáy limá
to ed sáray pónti. ‘Pedro will plant the banana with his
hands (lit. will-be-planted-with by Pedro the hands his to the
-an (np) (e.g. + taném, Si Pedro tanemán toy pónti imáy jardín
nen Juan. ‘Pedro will plant the banana in John’s garden (lit.
mkr Pedro will-be-planted-at by-him-the banana the garden
of Juan).’)
-in-…-an (p) (Si Pedro tinanemán toy pónti imáy jardín nen Juan.
‘Pedro planted the banana in John’s garden.’)
pan- …-en (np) (e.g. + potér ‘cut’, Panpóteren to kamí na kiéw
da. ‘He’ll make us cut their wood (lit. will-be-made-to-cut by-
him we the wood their).’)
pinan- (p) (Pinanpotér to kamí na kiéw da. ‘He made us cut their
a interjection marking hesitation,
agreement, disagreement, etc.
a linking particle, uniting adjectives or
descriptive phrases with verbs and nouns,
relative sentences to main sentence, etc.
(also ya)
-n form of a following a vowel
ababués gone, departed
ábak to consume too much
ábakábak to be (an) auspicious (time) for formally
finalizing a marriage arrangement
between the families of the bride and
groom (man-)
abakáda alphabet
abalá shoulder
abála be busy or occupied; to annoy, be a
disturbance (man-)
abalayán co-parent-in-law, i.e. the relationship
holding between the parents of the bride
and those of the groom (term of address
and reference)
sanaabalayán the parents of the bride and groom
abaníco fan
ábang rent, interest
abásto supplies
ábay side, proximity; to approach, go near
person or object close by (on-); put beside
kaábay (pl. person or object close
kabkaábay) by; neighbor
sanábay (pl. relative
abél cloth
abét to meet (on-)
abétabét reenactment of Christ’s meeting
with his mother after the
paabét to give as a gift
aviadór pilot
ábig good, fine; be well (on-)
maábig good, fine, well, sound, healthy
mabábig agreeable
makapaábig be pleasant, agreeable to one
kabkaabigán just right
pamaábig betterment (of community, town,
abilidád ability
abóbon agree, consent, approve
abóbot article, things
abogádo lawyer
abóloy readily allow or agree to (on-)
aboloyán agreement
abúno fertilizer
abóng home, house, dwelling; set up house
paabóng feel at home; make (one) at home
sankaabongán neighbors, people from same
aborído distraught; ill at ease, worried
aboróg rash of red spots on skin caused by
allergic reaction to something eaten, esp.
abosádo throw a tantrum (man-)
ábot to catch up (with)
abót hole, pit; dig a hole (man-)
abracÉtE to hold someone by grasping the upper
abríl April
adiós goodbye
admíra to admire
aduána Bureau of Internal Revenue
adóbo way of preparing meat by cooking with
vinegar, spices, etc.
adórno to decorate, garnish
aeropláno airplane
ag not (usually phonologically bound to
following word, as in agák ‘not I’)
agá (ag + 3rd pers. singular pronoun)
not he, she, it
agáag of light: to be bright, widely distributed
agága attracted, become attracted (on-)
agagá to miss
agamáng small shrimp; seasoning made from salted
agát ginger
aliwá untoward, improper
alíwliwá ugly
alcáldE mayor
alkansiá piece of bamboo tube, tin can, etc. used
as ‘bank’ for storing money
álmirol starch; to starch (man-)
álmo to find, encounter, meet (usu. by chance)
nálmo found
almusál breakfast; to eat breakfast (man-)
álneb moist
álo pestle
aluár careful; be careful (man-)
aloboób hurricane; great anger
álog stream, stream or river bed; acres,
lowland field or farm
kaalogán wide tract of farmland
alógpos release, escape
alolóng a small hut esp. constructed with nipa
álolot worse; become worse (on-)
alombáyar worm (general term)
alopísing the temples (of the head)
alfilÉr pin
alfómbra carpet, rug, or other soft covering esp. on
álsa to put up, draw up, lift (man-)
altéy liver
álwas space between two nodes (e.g. of
amá father
áman that (= saman)
ámay the (= samay)
amáy eventful
amayámay very many, great in number
amáyo dream of, contemplate (-en)
amáyo toy
ámba to denounce; raise one’s hand to strike
ambegiá to join, attend a gathering (mi-)
AmÉrica United States of America
amEricána (f.), amEricáno (m.) American
amés to bathe (man-)
ántiñg-ántiñg amulet
antióhos eyeglasses
antipára eyeglasses
antó what
antokamán whatever
ányos age
áñgan believed, thought (by)
añgáy to fit well (on-)
añgés to breathe (man-)
añggá end, termination
añggaán furthest extent, limit
añggán during, throughout, until
añggáno whatever, even if
añggapó not existing
añghÉl, angél angel
áñgkas to ride with another
añgkát to buy wholesale (i-)
añgló odor or taste of sour milk or spoiled, meat
añgób to smell (-en); to kiss (-an)
añgóyob small bamboo tube used for blowing fire;
to blow fire (man-)
áñgsab out of breath
aón to draw out, hide out from something or
some place (maN-)
aúto car, automobile (= óto)
ápa emptiness, sterility, desolation
maápa destroyed, sterile
apág to share equally (man-, mi-); a share
apáp to put something under something else,
as leaves in the bottom of a pot before the
rice, so the latter will not stick to the pot
itself (man-)
apáp gate to, way to
apáñgat fly (insect)
maapáñgat infested with flies
aparadór wardrobe, closet
apát four
apatáplo forty
apatpatíra four only
kakápat one fourth, quarter
kápat that which makes four (i.e. fourth,
but not in any order of ranking)
baág G-string or similar covering for private
parts of body
báat to stop, detain
báaw cooked rice
bába cradle (esp. hammock for small
children); to rock (child) in cradle (i-)
bábañg rice bran
babóy Pig
baég a tree species the leaves of which are
used as food
baét between; place between (i-)
bag hand bag
bagá tell, say, invite or ask by word of
mouth (man-)
kabagaán people usually invited
bágabága kite (made from paper or suitable
bagát social occasion; to host an occasion
bagbág to destroy, ruin (maN-)
bágel foolish, mad; become mad (on-)
ambágel foolish, silly
kabaglán madness
bágio storm, bad weather
abágio, nabágio was, could be affected by storm
bagís to eat something raw or half cooked
bagisén dish prepared by cooking meat
or entrails in pig’s blood (=
bagó to uproot, plough up (man–)
bái grandmother, woman of grandparent’s
generation (address or reference)
báile dance (occasion for dancing); to dance
baíntE, vEínte /baíntE/ twenty
baíñg shame, shyness, inhibition resulting
from respect, shyness, etc.; be
ashamed, shy, discouraged
ambaíñg ashamed, inhibited
mabaíñg shy
báldE to sprinkle
baldó to skip rope (on-)
báleg big; grow up (on-)
añgkabáleg quite big
abálgan grown out of (items of clothing,
kabáleg area, size
baléñg odor of stale urine
ambaléñg smelling of stale urine
báles to put, place (man-)
balés retribution, vengeance, price (of
action, etc.)
bálet but, however
balewét lock
báley town
kabaleyán person from the same province
or town as another
báli import, matter (in ándi báli ‘that’s
okay; it doesn’t matter’)
báli lie
mabáli given to lying, untruthful
bálibáli pleasing, very nice
balikás to pronounce (man-); pronunciation
kabaliksán implied, meaning to say
balikátkat instrument for scraping coconut
balikuát jump suddenly out of bed (on-)
abalikuát suddenly awakened
balikúcha sugar candy
balimgáan misunderstanding
balíntawak a type of dress for women consisting
of a gown with butterfly sleeves,
shawl, and overskirt
baliñgás nickname, pet name
baliñgít sweet, pleasant odor
ambaliñgít sweet smelling, fragrant
balisóñg hunting knife
balisóñgsoñg cone-like arrangement; to roll
something up, make into a cone
balíta news, information (p1. balbalíta); to
inform (mañgi-)
balitók gold
bánco /báñgko/ (commercial) bank
báñgko bench
bañgkíto, small bench, stool
bañgno when (not interrogative)
bañgón to arise, wake, get up from bed (on-)
bañgós milk fish
báñgta but then
báog skin
baráan to make excuses, complain
baráñg bolo, large knife, machete
baríber to surround (on-)
bárrio division of municipality equivalent to
barís measles; small spots on legs, arms,
etc. symptomatic of measles and
similar diseases
baríta bar of soap
barkó vessel, ship
bároy to journey
baróñg to resent (on-)
bása to read (man-)
basá to become wet (on-); to wet (maN-)
ambasá wet, damp
básarot to pout (on-)
básbas future
basbás chaperone
bási base (usu. military base)
basí liquor made from fermented sugar
basíg to be shaken violently (e.g. by the
wind) (man-); be struck by the ground
etc. when falling
basíkaw curve; archway
básil to go out, go away (on-, man-); banish
basiñgkáwel campaign
básis to sneeze (on-, man-)
básket basket
báso drinking glass
basúra rubbish, trash
báston cane
kablían priceless
mablí costly, expensive
bilín education, advice, counsel; to advise,
counsel (man-)
biloñgét darkness; become dark (on-)
ambiloñgét dark
binári queen
bínat to suffer a relapse
bindíta holy water
bínel clearly visible in the distance or from
a distance
biní seeds saved for sprouting; seedlings
bínti = baíntE, q.v.
bíntiñg twenty five centavos; twenty-five
centavo piece
binyág baptism; to baptize (man-)
kabinyág one who has been baptized
biñgaló prawn
bíñggo bingo, housey
biñggoán bingo parlor
bíñgkol broken crust that results from plowing
during dry season
birbír to recognize, know, accord recognition
to (man-)
birbirén notable person
birhÉn, virgÉn (statue of) the Virgin Mary
bírtud virtue (pl. birtúdEs)
bisél hard; become hard, harden (on-)
bisíbis to sprinkle water by hand (man-)
bisíta visitor; to visit (on-)
biskég strength, power, might, force
mabiskég strong, inflexible
bislák stick, piece of cane split lengthwise
bisuák to splash (man-)
bisuát to broach a topic, mention
abisuát mentioned, spread about,
‘leaked’ (of news etc.)
bisóg bloat
abisóg bloated, puffed up
bisokól snail
bísyo vice
bitamína vitamin
bítay to hang, execute by hanging (man-
self, maN- another)
bitéwen star
bitíl (of a woman) determined to marry
someone not approved of by her
family etc.
abitíl (of a woman) flirty, of loose
bitlá to pronounce, enunciate (man-, maN-)
abitlá mentioned
pabitlá riddle
bitúen = bitéwen, q.v.
bitón shoe polish
buábo rocking chair
buág to eat heartily
buágen food, sustenance
buál tear out, break off (as a branch from a
tree (maN-)
buáñg to open a dike or irrigation canal so
the water can flow into the field
buás morrow
nabuás tomorrow
kabuasán morning
buát start; to start (on-)
buáya crocodile
bobón well (for water)
bódbor to pick fruits
bodéga warehouse
buék hair
buék drink excessively
abuék drunk
kabuék, inkabuék drunkenness
buéna máno first thing sold in the day, often given
away at a bargain price for good luck
panbuenamanoán source of bargain; first sale
buér sand
bogák to disturb, be disorderly
bógbog welt resulting from a beating
bogtóñg only (in the sense of ‘none other’;
applied esp. to offspring of people,
plants or animals)
buís tax
buká sprout, shoot (of plant); to sprout (on-)
vocál member of the Provincial Board
chá tea
chíco tree with fruit about the size of a plum and having
sweet, coarse-grained flesh
chiÉsa tree with pear-shaped fruit having yellow orange
dry flesh
chinÉlas slippers
chocolátE drinking chocolate
chóñggo monkey
da by them, their (attributive pronoun)
irá, ra they (subject/topic pronoun)
sikará they, them (independent pronoun)
dáan old (i.e. not new)
kadaanán old, ancient
dabóg to manifest displeasure by e.g. stamping
or dragging the feet while walking (man-)
daboláp = dakuláp, q.v.
dabók dust
marabók dusty, full of dust
daég overcome, surpass, overpower, prevail,
deliver (maN-)
dagá dagger
dágdag hasten, hurry (-en)
dagém air, wind
dagés to bear down (as a woman in labor) (on-);
be forced to take stringent measures
dáget to touch with pressure, lean on or against
dageyám evoking tender emotions
madageyám sweet (emotionally)
dagó to go to a reception (on-)
dágom needle
dágop sum, total
dágop place where people happen to meet or
come together without prearranged plan
dáges immediately, hastily; to hasten (on-)
daíñg dried salted fish
daisét small in number, few, a little, rarely; tend
to be few (man-) become few (on-)
dagdaisét very few; almost
dáit to sew (man-)
dakát footprint; to step on (on-)
dakél many, much, often
dakerakél abundant
marakél many
dakép be nice, pleasant to (on-)
marakép nice, pretty, fine (quality)
dakuláp palm of the hands
dakót handful, to take a handful
dakmómo to bow very low
dalá blood
e interjection usu. to get or maintain
attention of addressee, draw attention to
what one has said, etc.
Earopláno = aeropláno, q.v.
ebá to carry (esp. carry a child) (man-)
ebák to peel (a fruit etc.) (man-)
ebák = ebá
Evaporáda evaporated; evaporated milk
ebát reply, answer; to answer (on-)
ebéb a variety of banana with large sweet fruit,
the skin of which remains green even
when the fruit is ripe
ébeg (of a lover) jealousy, possessiveness; to
become jealous (on-)
ebéñg thinness; become thin (on-)
mabéñg thin, lean
ebés to be behind time, too late; of rice:
maturing too late, therefore with little
harvestable grain
ebét anus, rectum
ed marker for unfocused referent in verbal
sentences; to, for, at, on
Edád age
educación education
egáb yawn; to yawn (man-)
egát eel
egés abdomen, stomach, belly
egná to hold (man-)
égpañg to compare (man-)
ekál to remove, take off, get out (on-)
ekát absence of water in a river, brook, etc.; to
reduce the amount of water (on-)
Exámin /Eksámin/ to examine (usu. in an official capacity or
as a doctor examines a patient etc.) (man-)
elék to laugh (on-)
palék cause to laugh
maelék laughing
ElEcción election
eléng nose
elét rigor, firmness
malét strong, well founded
Espíritu spirit
Estádo state (political entity; condition in life,
Estádos United States of America (EE.UU.
Unídos U.S.A.)
Estación station; stop for passengers etc. at depot
Estátua statue, figurine
et however, but
etá raw, uncooked or undercooked
maetá unripe, green (fruit), uncooked
etél constipation; difficulty or hardness in
bowel movements
ey particle marking questions
eyág to scream, shout (on-)
eyéy call, demand; to demand (on-)
gabáy desired, wanted, liked (by) (= labáy)
gabiáñg rip, tear; to tear something violently
gabinÉtE cabinet (governmental)
gábot unsalted lard
gaém group of persons
gaér dedication, conscientiousness
gaér residue, dregs
gágal to chew betel nut prepared with lime and
pepper leaves
gágalen betel nut prepared for chewing
gagála aim, purpose
gála come! (imperative) (plural form often gáli)
gálañg respect, honor; to respect (man-)
magálañg respectful, polite
galáw game; to play (man-); to play a trick (on
galáwgálaw toy
pangalawán source of amusement
galáw to move (on-)
kagagálaw action
gáli = gála, q.v.
gálip to slice (man-)
galís slipperiness; become slippery (on-)
galóñggoñg sea fish about the size of a herring but
with rounded body
galót to print
pagalótan printing press
gamál to invite help in harvesting one’s crops;
provide food etc. for one’s harvesters
gamét finger, toe; claw
gámor witchcraft; to bewitch (man-)
gamór to achieve, obtain
gána become beautiful (on-)
magána beautiful, pretty
magangána quite nice, not too bad
ganáganá everything, every, all
gánas appetite
gánat hurry (man-); be in a hurry (on-)
ganchílyo crocheting hook; to crochet, (man-)
gangán order, direction; to order, direct (man-)
igagangán servant
gánilgil to speak in a broken or trembling voice
ganó proximate (of time)
aganó soon, not for long
maganó for a minute, shortly
kaganó soon
gánso goose
gáor to row (a boat) (man-); oar
gápil weakness
magápil thin
gapó to start (on-); beginning, cause, origin
kagapógapó apprentice; having just begun
garbánzos chick peas
gáriñg rag doll
garíta small store, often located in house or
house-lot of owner
garól the crust that forms where boiled rice is in
contact with the bottom of the pot
garóñg storehouse for rice etc.
gasáñg smarting pain; (of food) hot, pungent,
gasolína gasoline
gáspang coarse, rough
gastós expense; to spend (man-)
gatá coconut milk
gátañg coconut milk
gátas coconut milk
gatél itching, scratchy; become itchy (on-)
gátgat to chew well (man-)
gáton to put down (i-)
gáton a part, separate portion, unit of a whole
gawá task; to do, work, make (man-)
kagawaán instrument, tools
gáwat famine
gawíñg to be connected (on-)
gayága to become happy (on-)
magayága happy
gayágay happy, joyful (= gayága)
magayágay = magayága
gayamán centipede
gayáñg pointed object, arrow
gáyat slit; to slit (man-)
jardín garden
haciÉnda large landed estate
hacEndÉro owner of hacienda
háyskol high school
jÉfE chief (esp. chief of police; the term jefe may
be used as a title preceding the surname of a
chief of police)
híbE dried shrimp
higántE, gigántE giant
ginÉbra /hinÉbra/ gin
juÉvEs Thursday
juÉtEng a very popular (although illegal in most
places) gambling game involving the
selection of numbers
juÉz judge (term of reference or address)
júlio July
júnta ruling committee, esp. of a political party
juzgádo court (in administrative sense)
júsi silk-like thread spun from banana fibre, cloth
made from this thread
justícia justice
jústo adequate, enough
íba companion; to accompany (-an); to help
kaíba accompaniment; servant, helper,
maid, houseboy; mate; chaperon
Ibále Manila
ibég to covet, desire, fall in love with (on-)
makakaibég jealousy, possessiveness
igadó dish consisting of liver sauted with
onions, garlic, etc.
ígar to grate (man-)
igát eel
igólot Igorot--minority groups living in the
Benguet and Ifugao provinces in the
mountains north of Pangasinan
igót niggardly, thrifty
ígsa time (general term; includes time of the
ígtad evasive move, sudden jump
ikál to abort (man-)
kaikalán abortion
ikamén mat; to sit, sleep on a mat (man-)
íkaw earrings
ikbán to release, become free (on-)
ikét net
íkit stepmother, stepfather
iknól egg
ikól tail
iládo fresh fish
ilák to gyrate, turn around (on-)
ilálak children, direct descendants; to have
children, direct descendants (man-)
ilálo await, hope for, expect (man-)
iláñg tower
ílañgílañg large tree having fragrant flowers with
long yellow-green petals; the flowers
iláp to cut finely (man-)
ilík unhusked rice
ilít to confiscate (man-)
ilíw homesickness; be homesick (on-)
ílog river
ilóp to sip (on-)
ka you, sg., familiar (topic pronoun)
siká you, sg. familiar (independent
kabakáb covered with any kind of skin disease
(na-, a-)
kabán cavan, a dry measure approximately
equivalent to a bushel; a trunk for
storing clothes etc.; deposit
kabarét cabaret, night club
kábat to know (man-); knowledge;
pakábat to inform (mañgi-);
advertisement, notice,
sankakábat intimate, close associate
kabátyan female
kabáyo horse; to ride a horse (on-)
kabkabáyo toy horse
kábil to attack, whip, punish
kabít attach; joint; share a part
kabkáb to gnaw; body dirt
káblit to touch lightly
kábtang duty
kádkad to scrape
kagáy to shave (man-)
kágter privilege, opportunity
cajÉro cashier
kahón box
káhoy cassava
kaíli, sankaíli alien, foreigner, stranger
kaláb to climb a tree, well, etc. (on-)
kálaba honeycomb, similar nest of insect
kaladkád rake made from bamboo or wood
kalaéng small clay stove
kalág interpreted dream
kalákal do well, behave well (man-);
intelligence, good judgement
kalamansí small citrus fruit, somewhat like lime
in flavor
kalamór the pity of it! pathetic, grieving
kalánsing tinkle (man-)
kálap to catch fish with a net (man-)
káwat wine
kawayán bamboo
kawés clothes, clothing; to dress (man-
(oneself), maN-)
kawéy beckon; get somewhere, find a place
kawigí the left hand
kawíl large fishhook
kawíñg link in a chain; to link with chain or
kawkáw to wash the private parts with water
káya advantage, ability to do something
kayás to clean a cane or reed by scraping it
with a knife
káykay cleaning material
káyo piece of cloth
kayó see yo
kebét dry, wither
nakbetán affected by poor harvest or
kekéng little finger
kelág small, small object
añgkelág small
kelát convulsion, paralysis
keláw surprise, astonish, amaze
makapakeláw strange, amazing
kelpá fog
kémeg lazy person or animal
kemél to catch fish with the hands; to fish
kemkém to hold tightly with the hand; to
kená to hit a target with shot, stone, etc.
kepés to empty a swelling
kepkép to be just above the surface
kepkép to pick up and hold a child or object in
one’s arms
kerá to leave
kerél to be full of people, houses, plants, etc.
makdél thick (of forest or growth);
keréw to ask for, beg
makeréw always, often asking or begging
kesáw to tire
comÉrcio commerce
kómes to crumple clothes or paper (man-)
kómiks comic book
komís to baby sit, watch a child or other
charge constantly (man-)
komón adverb signifying desire, hope, or
comunísta communist
komonyón communion
komósta greeting, usually followed by topic
pronoun ‘how are (you)’
kómot cover oneself with a blanket (also used
in the more general sense of kóbot,
compádrE male co-sponsor in wedding, baptism,
etc. (term of address or reference)
kumpárE ‘assimilated’ form of compádrE
kompápey butterfly
kómpay sickle
kompírma confirm; confirmation
kompisál confession
kompóg large assembly convened for some
specific purpose
convénto rectory
condensáda condensed milk
konÉho rabbit
congrÉso congress
kongríto concrete
konó it is said, indeed
concEjál councillor
kontÉnto contented
kopít to close mouth, eyes, book, etc.
kopkóp pick up, enclosing in both hands
koráñg to walk, step out (on- make a step,
man- go walking)
sankakoráñg a single step
curácha a fast Mexican dance
korámos scarce; needy; lacking necessities
kurít be written
korók to call chickens
koróna crown, esp. crown of flowers placed on
head of fiesta queen, or patron saint on
feast day
koronasión coronation
la already
tíla la ‘let’s go, we’re all going’ (used as
farewell by host to departing
la to go, come (on-)
laén intended destination
láki ‘you go’ (polite)
labá strike with a stick
labajíta small knife, pen knife, pocket knife
labák to divide a butchered animal into big
lában competition, opponent, fight; to fight (on-);
to liberate (i-)
kalában enemy, foe
labandÉra washerwoman
labanós mustard
labás to go beyond, pass through (on-); surplus,
excess above requirements
alabás too much, more than enough
apalabás past (time etc.)
panpalabasán pastime
labát just, only
labáy be wanted, liked (by)
malabáy desirous
lábi night, evening; become night (on-)
kalabián last night, the previous night
labin- teen (in numerals 11–19)
labláb glutton
labnót grab and snatch with violence; plucking
out of hair
labó oil the hair heavily
labóg submerge in water
labóglábog noise made by something going
through the water
labóng young, edible bamboo shoot
labót to pass through or go into a hole or
labóy use clothes, fishing equipment, etc. for the
first time
ladlád to sharpen on a stone etc.
laém center; to steer towards
lámañg adverb signifying close involvement of
actor with action ‘(him-) self just the
lámañg ingratitude, infidelity
lámat crack, fissure
lambáñg to walk with wide strides
lambeñgát only
lambílambí wattles of rooster or turkey
lambóñg to boil
lámbot luxuriant growth of vegetation
lamés trouble; to treat unjustly, aggrieve
lamét again
lamisáan table
lamlám become accustomed to something
lámo a small bamboo raft
lamót root
lampáso to scrub
lampíñg diaper
lána wool
laná fragrant coconut oil
lánañg habitually
lanír to treasure, keep securely
malanír avaricious, self interested, greedy
lanór excited, happy
lánot thick fiber
lánsar to anchor (on-)
lánson to double boil
lansónes tree with small, oblong white-fleshed fruit
with bitter seeds
lantí indeed, very much so
lañgá pottery fragments, shards
lañgáp force a dog to eat by holding its mouth
open and inserting food
lañgís sesame
láñgka jackfruit, a tree with large cylindrical fruit
up to two feet long and about half as wide,
the outer surface of which is covered with
a honeycomb of raised pointed
láñgkap gift
paláñgkap to give away (man-)
lañgó joint (of body)
langóche sack
lasós hundred
sanlasós exactly one hundred
lasóslasós many hundreds
láta tin, can, dipper
de-láta canned
látak beat with force
laták crack, crevice
latí rust, corrosion
latlát to rip cloth etc. with a knife; strip leaves
latók a stake for tethering carabaos etc.
látok big wooden tray
latúp to place one thing over another, cover; to
double a cover (on-)
lawári nearly; it should be so
láwas always
lawér pepper leaf used for wrapping betel nut
lawíg large, long item of clothing
layá to increase the cargo of a boat etc. in such
a way as to be able to make maximum use
of the space available
layág ear
layák fallen leaves, withered leaves about to fall
layláy banner, flag, hanging object; (of plants) to
become limp, wither
layóg excessive tallness; grow very tall (on-)
layón to continue working at something until it
is finished; prolong; continue to hold office
after term has expired
lebág to increase in volume; expand under
lebák fall down, stretched out
lebléb to soak in liquid
leche flan a rich custard-like dessert made from egg
yolks, condensed and evaporated milk,
and sugar
lechúgas lettuce
lechón whole pig roasted on a spit; to prepare
lechon (man-)
leét aisle, space between
légan duration; while
kaleganán while
legáw to go astray, lose one’s way
leglég stupid, unable to learn
leíng to wake up (on-)
leksáb down
paleksáb to bring down, lower (man-)
lección lesson
léktar escape
lemék to become soft (on-), soften
anlemék soft, softened
lemlém incubate, sit on eggs to hatch, artificially
ripen green fruit
lenég only
lenér to drown
leñgát open the mouth; open a pen-knife or
similar instrument
lesá growth which takes place seemingly of its
own accord (e.g. rampant growth of
certain weeds; spread of skin disease on
the body, etc.)
palsá to create (maN-)
Manámalsa the Creator, God
pinalsá creature
leták cleft, crack
letáw to float (of object being cooked) (on-)
paletáw, to cook in water or oil so that when
paltáw the object is cooked it will float
letnég to place (oneself or an object); erect on a
lÉtra letter of the alphabet
lewét to beat
liáb flame
liád to produce juice from buri palm
libáñg to distract oneself, forget
libáñgan amusement
libér to go around from house to house visiting,
caroling, etc. (on-, man-)
kalibérlibér about, around, environment
líbo thousand
líbolíbo many thousands
libóg dull, booming sound (e.g. of bass drum)
líbot procession
milíbot take part in a procession
líbro book
librería library
lídEr head, leader, high official of political party
(mlt. lídErEs)
líga lushness, beauty, abundance
maliwáwa bright
paliwáwa explanation; explain, clarify
liyanÉra mold, baking pan
luá tears
luá to eject from the mouth; poke out one’s
luág to boil (liquid)
loáñg to reduce the amount of liquid in a
container; diminish, clear up
loáng a oló mentally deranged
luás to go to town (on-)
lúba to grind rice for a second time; allowance
in size or hem of clothes made for growing
lobír rope, string
loblób to revive a fire or make it flare up by
putting on more wood
lobók grave, tomb
lobós to buy land or goods for sale in their
entirety, leaving nothing for others
ludlúd to strike with the legs
lugá matter, foul smelling secretions in the ear
logán to travel, ride on (on-)
logánan vehicle
lógay to take off one’s hat when greeting
lógi loss in transaction; bankruptcy
lugít tolerance; allowance given in competitive
game; to abandon one’s responsibilities to
one’s children, allowing them to do what
they like
luglúg to clean a bottle, vase, etc. inside by
pouring in some water and shaking it for a
lagór love, affection
lukás to open, uncover
loklók clean a hole, cavity, or tube with a stick or
lóko to fool, play a practical joke
alóko crazy, irresponsible
managlóko irresponsible person given to
mabólo tree with umbrella-like growth and large
fragrant reddish purple fruit the shape of a
small pumpkin
mádrE nun
madríno woman who is a sponsor at a baptism,
wedding, etc. (term of reference only)
maÉstro teacher (m) (term of address or reference)
maÉstra teacher (f.)
magá to dry, wither (on-)
magámagá dryness
amagá dry
magistrádo magistrate, judge
maís corn, maize
mákina sewing machine; machine
makinílya typewriter
makmák covering of leaves on a seed bed
mákpel brave
malága a variety of pompano
malapáti pigeon
malasádo to half cook; soft boil
malét durable; tight
máli superstition
malígno evil spirit
máliw become; change from one state or form to
another (man-)
máma term of address for man of parents’
mámbo mambo (dance)
man that far away, distant from speaker and
onmán like that
manáya so it is, indeed
maní peanuts
manók bird, fowl, chicken
mantíka cooking oil, fat, grease, lard
mantikílya butter
mañgga mango
mañgmáñg ignorant, illiterate, uneducated
maóñg good; something good
marikít maiden, girl of marriageable age
maruñggay a leguminous tree whose leaves and fruit are
eaten as green vegetables
márso March
martÉs Tuesday
mása to mold
macÉtas plant
masitÉra flower pot
máskin needed, important
masyádo too much
matá eye
may topic marking particle (non-personal) (also
rámay plural of may (also irámay)
mayá wait, keep watch for a while
mayá (of women) to go out together
mayámayá shower of rain
mayonísa mayonnaise, salad dressing
mÉdias stockings, socks
mekmék to pound into pieces, pulverize
melág little, small
kamelág smallness
mElokotón apricot
menéñg to be without anything to talk about
mEnúdo meat or fish dish with tomato, onions, chick
peas, green peas, potatoes and raisins,
cooked in tomato sauce
merémeré to murmur
mEriÉnda between meal snack, afternoon tea, ‘light’
meal offered guests
mesmés to squeeze between the hands or arms
met also
mi our (excluding addressee), by us, us (excl)
kamí we (excl) (topic)
sikamí we, us (excl) (independent pronoun)
miÉrcolEs Wednesday
mikmík crumb, morsel
míkñgit grunt
mikroponó microphone
milyón million
minístro minister
minodÉnsia innards of animal (including heart, liver, etc.)
minóto minute (time) (pl. minótos)
mínsan once only (cf. pínsan)
mínto confirm, verify
mísa mass; to attend mass (mi-)
na particle marking attribution: of, by; also
marks objects when latter is not the topic of
the sentence
-y form of na when preceding word
ends in a vowel
naáni later on, after
nágnag slow in working
nána term of address for woman of mother’s
nanám savor, taste appreciatively
mananám savory, tasty
nánay term of address for one’s own mother
nacionál national
nasnás grains of rice which have become separated
from the husk
nátan now, today
nawá have sufficient space, time, etc.
nawnáw dissolve, diminish in volume as sugar, salt,
etc. when exposed to the atmosphere
naynáy often, habitually, always
náyon continue; persist in plan or activity
magnáyon forever, till the very end, lasting
nen when, since (past time)
nen personal non-topic marker denoting object
of sentence or attribution (of, by)
nen than (in comparisons)
nenná pus, matter in wound or sore
neñgnéñg to look at, see
paneñgnéñg to show
nepég utmost expectation; most that could be
manepég adequate
nérs nurse
ni still, yet
nía (it is) here
nilutó cooked rice
níman (be) there, away from speaker and
nimán then, a while ago
nínang godmother; wedding or confirmation
sponsor etc. (f.)
ñgitñgít annoyance or inconvenience caused by
importunity or quarrel; to show such
annoyance (e.g. by gnashing the teeth in
ñgitñgít little by little
ñgodñgór fall on one’s face
ñgoró top portion of plant or other object
ñgósem be grumpy
mañgósem grumbly, grumpy, muttering
ñgosñgós the jumping up and squealing etc. of dogs
greeting their master; noises made by very
young children wanting food or attention
ñgóyñgoy running mucus or saliva
o oh!
o or
oáb to yawn (man-)
obák bark or skin of tree, peeling of banana,
rind of orange, etc.; to peel (man-)
ovaló oval
obán greyish hair; to have white hairs (man-)
úbas grapes
obligación obligation
ubí yam
oból sharpened; to sharpen (man-)
obóñg nest (of bird); be nesting (on-)
obóñg to surround (man-)
ochÉnta eighty (money, street numbers, etc.)
ócho eight (time, money, etc.)
odiém dim, dark (light, weather); become dark
(esp. of clouds or natural light) (on-)
ogágep ambition, hope, purpose; to wish (man-)
ugál lost
ogáli custom; character (of person)
kaogalián tradition
ogáw child; maid, houseboy (pl. ogógaw)
ogés evil
maogés bad (not good)
ogíp sleep; to sleep (on-)
naogíp asleep, sleeping
paogíp to put up for the night
úgma old days, ancient times
úgman real, true, genuine, unaffected
ógoñg to thunder (of any noise) (on-)
ógpos to release, untie
ogtó noon
panañgogtó noon meal, lunch
uhá cry of newborn baby
uká dug, rutted; to dig up (man-)
ukák loose
ocasión occasion, event (esp. social event)
ókbar to untie, release (man-)
ukéd kind, type
okén puppy
ukílkil to persist
pa particle indicating courtesy or respect;
padér wall
pádpar to run aground because of adverse wind
or current; shipwreck
pádrE priest; ‘father’ (term of address to priest)
padríno male sponsor at a wedding, baptism, etc.
(term of reference only)
pága anxiety, state of worry
kapagaán worries
mapága worried, distressed
pagás hoarse; to speak hoarsely
pagátin special wedding celebration held at the
house of the bride’s parents after the
wedding (irrespective of where the latter
takes place)
pagátpat plant species of the genus Sonneratia
pagéw breast, chest
pagéy rice plant; unhusked rice
págod to tie an animal with a long rope for
grazing (man-)
pagpág to scoop up dirt in the hands (man-)
pagpág partially paralyzed
país fish wrapped in banana leaf and cooked in
a kind of rice cake
páit guts, intestines (of animals)
paít bitter tasting
ampaít bitter
pakáw to handle (man-)
pakbét type of vegetable dish
pakiáw to buy up entire stock at bargain price
pákna to release all resources; approve
completely, delight in
pakó edible fern
pakuán watermelon
pakpák to beat cotton or cloth with a rod
pakpák method of fishing or instrument used to
catch fish
paksíw to dismantle the stairs or ladder leading
to the upper part (living quarters) of a
traditional type house
paksíw a dish consisting of fish cooked with
vinegar, garlic, and spices
páktak to drop, fall (man-)
páktañg to warm (man-)
pakwán = pakuán
pála coconut pith
pála place for storing pillows and mats
palá then, so, so it is …
palabuáy to favor
palág to flag, be fatigued, tired
palagpág to uproot, blow over (usu. of the wind)
palakpák to whiten
palakpák applause
palamíre arch, decoration
palánas level, plane, smooth; to level (mañgi-)
palandéy mountain
palánsa iron; to iron (-en)
paláñg to cut or tear cloth or paper diagonally or
in a curve
palápa midrib of coconut leaf
palápa level plot prepared as seed bed
pálapála temporary shed prepared for a special
occasion, esp. wedding reception
pálar lines on palm of hand; luck, fortune; be
affected by fortune (-an)
mapálar lucky, fortunate
pomapálar fortune teller
palás drum beat
paláspas to clear up the way, remove obstructions
from road or path
paláspas equally divided, of same weight, volume,
palásyo palace
paláy wedge made of wood or bamboo
paláyaw caress; pet name, affectionate nickname
palbáñgon dawn; to go at dawn (maN-)
palduá to split into two, to halve (on-)
kapalduá half
pápa pope
pápa appeasement; to appease, calm down
papá (of a roof) gently sloping
papás to escape the memory, erase
papÉl paper
pára for (the benefit of)
pára like, the same; be the same (man-)
kapára (one who is) alike, the same
párapára matching
pará to prepare (food etc.) (man-)
paráda parade; to parade (man-)
páraw traditional type of sailboat
parÉjo the same, side by side; be the same (man-)
kaparÉja (f.), partner
kaparÉjo (m.)
parÉs pairs of sponsors at wedding, baptism,
etc. Each pair is composed of a man and a
woman, who thereby attain the
relationship of compadre and comadre
respectively to the parents of the child or
couple involved.
pári priest (term of reference only)
paroñgtál to appear (on-)
pásak nail; to nail (man-)
pasál to teach to perform a task (mañgi-); to
practice, rehearse (man-)
inpanpasál exercise
pasamáno handshake; to shake hands
pasáñg haughtiness; proud
pásas raisins
pásen place, location
pasiár to go around (from house to house, etc.)
(man-); to take around (i-)
pásig jar (for storing food etc.)
pasílio aisle
pasión gospel account of the passion of Jesus
Christ; to chant the text of the Passion
paskó Christmas; Easter
pamaskoán something (usu. food) with which
to celebrate Christmas
pelés a point of time within that occupied by an
action or activity (translatable by ‘while’
or ‘during’ in most cases)
kaplesán high point, peak of event, career,
pelés force, strength
maplés fast, strong, heavy (of rain),
pelnák (of the sun) to rise (on-)
penér fish trap
pénpen file; to file (man-)
pEpíno cucumber
péra to do something to one’s heart’s content
pErdóna to pardon (man-)
peréñg blindfold
pEriódico magazine, newspaper
perpér to fill a given measure without inflating
the contents; give full measure
pesák to wash (clothes etc.) (man-)
inpesák laundry
pomepesák washerwoman
pesél to have one’s fill (man-)
naksél, is/was, will be satisfied with food
pespés to squeeze (man-)
petáñg to warm (man-); warmth, heat
ampetáñg warm, hot
petég certain, certainly, truly, for sure
peték something straight; fair price
makték, straight
petepét to occur often (on-)
mapetepét always, often
petpét to hold in the palm of the hand
petrólio kerosene, liquid fuel
peyéñg to shake the head to indicate
disagreement or negative response
piá confidence, trust; to have confidence in,
trust (maN-)
napanpiaán trustworthy, honest
pián so that
fiánza bail, bond
prínsipi prince
prisínta to present oneself (man-)
fríto to fry (man-)
prodúctos agricultural produce, products
prográma program, concert
promEtÉ promise, wish, favor sought; to ask a favor
(esp. from God) (man-)
prosEsión (usu. religious) procession
prútas fruit
ProtEstántE Protestant; be a member of a Protestant
church (man-)
Protantísmo Protestantism
ra see da
rádio radio
razón reason, logical argument, cause; to reason out
rEbÉldE rebel; to rebel (man-)
rEvolúcion revolution; to revolt (man-)
rEgálo present
rElación relationship
rEllÉno dish featuring stuffed chicken or fish
rEmÉdio remedy, cure; to remedy (man-)
rEfinádo refined (esp. refined sugar)
rEpóllo cabbage
rEstáuran restaurant
rEtráto photo, picture; to photograph (manpa-)
rÉyna queen (esp. queen presiding over fiesta etc.); to
be queen (man-)
ribál rival
karibál (one) rival (in relation to another); to be
rivals (man-)
ruída cockpit (where roosters fight); ferris wheel
rosário rosary; recite the rosary (man-)
rósas flower, blossom
sabá a variety of cooking banana with large
squarish fruits
sábado Saturday
sabáñg mouth of a river
sábat to intercept, meet on the way (man-)
sabáy to perspire profusely
sabí to arrive (on-); to bring back (mañgi-)
sabít thorn, spine, fish bone
sabít to hang clothes etc. on a peg (man-, i-)
sabláy beating; to beat (man-)
sáblE saber
sabó the overflow from boiling liquid
sabóg Italian millet
saból fountain, spring (of water)
sabón soap
sabóñg immature fruit
sabóy to unravel (-en)
sábsab (of pigs) to eat, (of people) to eat like a
pig, slurping food with smacking lips
sadsád to run aground (on-)
sáew to miss, be absent (on-)
sagána to make preparations for entertaining
sagáp to catch fish with a net or cloth placed
under water
sagár harrow; to plow the ground finely with
aid of carabao
sagáysay comb
saginónor continuous; be continuous (on-)
saglawí to mention, confide
sagó a fine comb
sagó a herbaceous plant the roots of which
are cooked and eaten
sagór hook; to hitch, hook (i-)
sagór west
ságot to intrude, meddle
ságotságot to annoy (man-)
sagrádo holy, blessed, sacred
sagság to puncture (man-)
sisít —
ansisít dwarf
sistÉma system; course of events
sítmat —
nagkasikasítmat of (many) different kinds
sitsaró ‘Chinese pea’—a legume eaten like
green beans
sitsít drain the rice water; rice broth
siwál tossing and turning in one’s sleep,
moving much while asleep
siwáñg crack, space between
siwsíw chick
so particle marking topic of equational
sentence and subject of verbal
sentence usu. when these are ‘general’
and non-personal in character
y- form of so when preceding
word ends in a vowel
suág to relieve another of his work so he
can rest
suál pole or stake with iron point used for
suát reproach someone for having lied,
after falsehood is discovered
súba to bet without having the money to pay
in the case of loss
súba to go upstream, against the current
subég quarrel, argument
subláy to take turns, do in turn (on-)
sobó to put something in an opening (e.g.
food in the mouth, the hand into a
hole, etc.)
sóbok to test, try, prove for oneself
soból flowing stream, waterfall
subsúb snout; (of pigs) to root with the snout;
fall on one’s face
subsúb carpenter’s plane; to plane wood
sodsór = sorsór, q.v.
suÉlo floor
suÉrtE fortunate, lucky
sugá prong, spike, to place spikes on the
way (to deter intruders etc.)
sogál game of chance, gambling
solíñg perplexed
solíñgsolíñg go confused, have difficulty in
determining one’s whereabouts
solicitúd application forms; to apply (e.g. for a
license) (man-)
sulít cruelty, perversity, tyranny
súlmiñg begin, start (on-)
solók excess; to exceed (on-)
masolók more than sufficient, more
sóloñg to go ahead, put into effect (on-)
solóñg to wear (mañgi-); put on clothing etc.
solót to thrust (man-)
solót to wear clothes (man-)
súlsul first stage of husking rice
súman delicacy made from sticky rice, sugar
and coconut milk and cooked wrapped
in banana leaf
somário summary
sumbát to exchange one thing for another,
barter, return a favor
súmbra withhold, keep from, hold back (i-)
sombrÉro hat
sumpá amulet, antidote; oppose, resist
sompál to finish, accomplish (on-)
sondálo soldier
sóno reserve, keep preserved; substitute,
onsóno next
soñgáw evaporation by exposure; vapor rising
from ground after rain
sóñggo = chóñggo, q.v.
soñgó spike-like projection from head of
soñgót mouth; upper lip
soñgpá to be opposed or resistant to (on-)
managsóñgpa member of the opposition party
súñgpál to complete an undertaking, fulfill a
promise, bring to a close (maN-)
soñgsóñg to contradict; to go against wind,
current or tide
soób to fumigate (man-)
sópas soup
ta we two (topic pronoun) (includes only
speaker and single addressee)
itá form of ta (topic) when
preceding word ends in a
sikatá we two, us two (independent
tá (also:) by us two, of us two
(attributive pronoun); by me
(when preceding word is ka or
talá let’s go
ta because
ta particle marking interrogative
tabá fat, grease or oil for cooking; fatness,
health; become fat (on-)
matabá fat, stout, healthy
tabák a large and long variety of bolo
tabáco tobacco
tabáñg tasteless
matabáñg (of water) potable
tábas cut (of dress etc.)‚ style
tabék sustain serious wounds or injury
tabiáyoñg a white variety of squash
tabíl to be talkative
matabíl garrulous
tábla plank, wood, wooden floor
tábla draw, tie (in a game)
taból juice
matabotaból juicy
tabón to cover (-an); bury (mañgi-)
taboríti chair
tabóy to cast out, expel (on-)
tadtár to chop up (-en)
taép to winnow (man-)
taéw middle of river; ocean, deep sea
tagá from (a place or point of origin)
tagá type of fishhook
taganó sustenance
tagéy above, top, summit
atagéy high, tall; to get higher (on-)
paatagéy to go up; raise (price etc.)
kaatagéy height, altitude
tagíbi to care for a baby
tagláñg rib‚ frame
tagleéy loud cry (esp. of grief), wail
tágnaw to frighten
tágpas to cut down, mow (man-)
tágpi patch; to patch (man-)
taí excrement; to defecate (maN-)
tákal to measure (man-)
takátak to scatter messily, make a mess (man-)
takáyan stairway, staircase
takbá to fall forward (on-)
tákbono to arrive at a party or reception (on-)
takél forest, woods
takér rope; to tie with rope (-an)
takéw to steal (man-)
takiás to escape, go away (on-)
takíling to peep (man-)
takkén‚ tatkén to grow old (on-)
matakkén adult
takláy arm; sleeve of a dress
táklab covering
takúbuno to witness (mi-)
takót fear; to frighten (-en)
antakót shy, timid
matakót afraid
talabá oyster
tálag rarity
matálag rare, scarce
talagá surely, indeed, truly, really, certainly
talápos to run over (man-)
taláran to wait, stand watch (man-)
tálba all, every
talék trust, confidence; to trust (man-)
talém to soak (e.g. clothes in water) (man-)
talém —
matalém bright, intelligent, scholarly
talikoróg to vie with one another
toktók to peck (esp. of birds when feeding)
(on-); to get two fighting cocks to peck
at each other before releasing them for
fight (pan-…-en)
toktók to knock (man-)
tolák to push (i-); thrust (mañgi-)
tolín to roll (man-)
toló ahead of; be ahead of (spatially, or in
the sense of overpriced, i.e. the price is
‘ahead of’ the true value) (on-)
tolók to obey (on-)
tóloñg help, aid, assistance; to help (on-)
matóloñg helpful
katoloñgán ally
tolór to take (mañgi-)
patolór to send (mañgi-)
tolór funeral; to attend a funeral (mi-)
tolót to fight unarmed, wrestle (man-)
tóloy always; to be always (on-)
tolóy to be able to proceed; to go
immediately (on-)
tomá body louse
tombalík inverted order
tombók key; to use a key (i.e. lock or unlock)
tombók to follow (of speech: carry on, or
repeat) (on-)
tonáw to melt, dissolve
tondá to stop, cease (on-)
tónog to go from house to house (on-)
managtónog itinerant vendor
tonóng reasonable, just, convenient
katonongán justice, obligation
tontón to trace, follow (a road etc.) (on-)
tontónan small bridge
tonggál every, for each, to each, apiece
tóngkab to force open with any instrument
tongtóng story, tale, conversation; to converse,
talk with (man-)
tongtongán agreement
toó person, man (pl. totóo)
wáb = oáb, q.v.
wagwág shake out a sack, empty a container (i-)
walá being in existence (often translatable by
English ‘to have’ when referring to
possessions etc.)
wadiá existing here
wadmán existing there
wadtán existing there (near addressee)
walná character, attitude
waló eight
labinwaló eighteen
komawaló eighth
sanwawaló eight each
walsík to sprinkle (man-); instrument for sprinkling
holy water in church ceremonies, blessings,
wandág direct illumination from the sun or other
source of light; to eye something, see
wári nearly, it should be so, ‘if you like’ (may also
indicate that an action etc. actually took
place or was desired by someone)
wÉlga, huÉlga (industrial) strike
-y see na
-y see so
ya this
ya = 2a‚ q.v.
yabét to hand something over (i-)
yagyág falling; to fall (man-)
yakét sap
yálay offer
yáman wealth
mayáman wealthy
yamót secret
yan to put (i-, past = ínan)
íyan contents
paniínan container, storage place
yánoyáno playful
yaóng deep plate
yapák to step on, tread on (-an)
yapákyapák to stamp, trample
yári completion; to finish completely, bring to
kayári after, afterward
kayarián right to property, ownership
nayári possible, able (to be done)
pakayári ability, ascendancy, force, might,
yátol see átol
yatyát width; unnecessary length or prolongation
of action
yegyég tremor, earthquake, shaking of building etc.
reminiscent of earthquake
yÉlo ice
yo your, by you (more than one addressee)
(attributive pronoun)
kayó you (pl.) (topic pronoun)
sikayó you (pl.) (independent pronoun)
yo ray (sea creature), shark
yogtán younger sibling; produce a younger sibling
for one’s children (man-)
kayogtanán youngest (last) child
yogyóg to shake (i-)
yókyok to bow the head in discouragement (on-)
yókyok to wash something by putting it in water
and lifting it out again (man-)
yomáñg something apparently commonplace and
little appreciated, usu. in negative
sentences where sense of negation plus
yomáñg is that whatever is referred to is
more difficult, valuable or worthwhile than
might appear
mayomáñg commonplace, deprecated (but see
yomáñg note above)
yómbañg cured (of boils and similar skin eruptions);
to heal, become better (of boils etc.) (on-)
yómis neat
yóñgyoñg shelter, shed
yoñgyóñg to bend to look at what someone is writing
or doing; to bend over, as ends of branches
with weight of fruit or leaves (on-)
yopót to empty completely (i-)
yóro knife, dagger
yosáos to tell (man-)
yóyo yoyo
abandon pulyán
abandoned kaíndan
abdomen losók
ability abilidád, káya, pakayári
able masarág (sarág), aliméng,
nayári (yári)
abnormal nidumá (dumá)
abort ikál
abortion kaikalán (ikál)
above kepkép‚ tápew
abrupt biglá
absence ekát
absorb sepsép
abstain ngílin
abundant dakerakél (dakél)
abuse lóor
accent púnto
accept aksúbi, áko
accident desiáng
accommodating alingiáda
accomplish sompál‚ ságwat
according onóng
accuse dalém, demánda
accustomed ilwám, lamlám
achieve gamór
acidity akséng
act pidráma (drama)
action kagagálaw (galáw)
acute segáng
addiction nailwám (ilwám)
adjust isnéto
administration podér
admire admíra
admonish bána
adopted child ampón
adorn árte
adult matákken (tátken)
advance paúna, bulaslás
advertisement anúnsio, palápag (lápag)
advice bilín, ópit
adze darás
arch arcó
archipelago kapolóan (pólo)
ardent maáldeg (áldeg)
ardor áldeg
area súkat, kabáleg (báleg)
argue ngatngát
arise bangón
arm takláy, depá
armpit kilíkilí
around timbukél
arrange dáseg, alásir
arrive sempét, sabí, tákbono
arrow pána, gayáng
ascend segép, sañgát
ash dapól, delsáng
ashamed ambaíng (baíng)
ask keréw, osísa, opápet,
olipét‚ tepét
asleep naogíp (ogíp)
asphalt asfálto
assemblage pantitíponán (típon)
assemble togióp
assembly kómpog‚ típon
association moyong
asthma ásma
astride sakláñg
assortment bángil
astonishment kígtot
at ed, dimád, (dimán ed),
diád (diá ed)
at (an hour of the clock) alás
atom sapók
attach kabít
attend dúknal
attitude walná
attract baláni, dóyo, áyat, sopíl
attracted agága
attractive bonígas
make oneself attractive atés
August Agósto
authorities (oléy)
aunt tiá, nána
auspicious time for finalizing a ábakábak
marriage arrangement
baby bíbi, ogáw, anák
baby sit komís
bachelor balólakí
back benég
bad maogés (ogés)
bag bayóng
bail fiánza
baking pan liyanéra
baldness kóskos
ball bóla
ballot balóta
balloting botásyon
bamboo kawayán, kilíng
bamboo bank alkánsiá
bamboo matting sawáli
bamboo pith pátpat
banana púnti
banana: bigger b. in ñgáñga
banana species ebéb, sabá, lakatán
band bandá
bank bánco
bankruptcy lógi
baptism binyág
bar baríta
barefoot akatapák
bargain táwal
bark (dog) taól‚ dangól
bark (of tree) obák
barricade alábat
barrio úma, barrio
barter sumbát
base bási
basin plangána, bátya
basket alpít, kalóng, búksot
bat panikí
bathe amés
bathroom bányo
beam sínag
beans agáyep, taúsi
bear down dagés
beat pakpák‚ dampalís, laták, lemét
beat (drum) palás
beat (egg) batí
beating sabláy
beautiful magána (gána)
beauty gána
because lapód, ta
beckon kawéy
become máliw
bedroom kuárto
bee potiókan‚ bayaóng
bumble bee alimbobóyog
beer cervéza
before kasakbáy (sakbáy), antés
beg payábol, keréw
begin súlmiñg
beginning manéntra, gapó
beggar pomapayábol (payábol).‚ duká
behave daléyet, kalákal
belief sísia
bell kampána, batíñgtiñg
bellowing ngalngál
below leksáb
belt balkés
bench báñgko
bend pílko, bikuér
bend over yóñgyoñg
beside sanábay (ábay)
bet súba, pústa
betel nut prepared for chewing gágalen (gágal)
better half ámsing
between salét‚ baét
beyond labás
bible bíblia
big báleg
bile apgó
bingo bíñggo
bird manók
bird song úni
bird species gíkgik, saláksak
bite kuláb, ketkét‚ kalát
bitten tokláw
bitter paít, ampaít
bitter melon palyá
black ulípba, asirég, andekét (dekét)
black clothing balíwan
black patch panés
black rice deremén
blackness dekét
blacksmith pomapánday (pánday)
blame tetél
blanch lága
blanket olés
bleach kuláda
bleed buri palm, to liád
blend laók
blessing bendisyón
blind bulág
blindfold peréng
bloated abisóg
block saníb
blood dalá
blow, to sibók
blow over palagpág
blue asúl
blunt epél
body lamán
body dirt kabkáb
boil lámbong‚ lánson
boil over páti
boiled rice bolból
bolo baráng
bomb bómba
bone pokél
book líbro
booming sound libóg
borrow bayés
bottle botélya
bottle cap polét
boundary ketég
bow, to dakmómo, ósdong, toék, yókyok
box kahón, poníti
boy lakí, batáan, bológ
bracelet pulséras
brain oték
brainy maoték
bran bábañg
branch sañgá, lapá
brand taták
brave mákpel
bravery belér
bread tinápay, pan de sal
break betág, pisít, tepék, mísmis, lapák,
break off buál‚ lópak
breakfast almusál
breast sosó
breath doñgáp, áñgsab, áñges
breathing iñgás
bribe soksók
bridge taytáy
bridgelet tontónan
bright agáag, masnág (sínag)
bright (talented) matalém (talém)
brightness liwáwa
brilliance síkat
bring tarók, alainót, alá
broken nabtág (betág), naksít (pisít)
brook kolós
broom káykay, pánis
broth sitsít
brother kúya, agí
brother-in-law bayáw
brown sanantónio
brush sepíllo, sepílyo, síkat, eskóba, nisnís
bullet bála
bumble bee alimbobóyog
bundle berbér
Bureau of Internal aduána
buri palm silág
burn palís, siláb
burst bótnak
bury kátneb
busy abála
but bálet, báñgta, et
butcher labák, mamatéy (patéy)
butter mantikílya
butterfly kompápey
buy salíw, ángkat
buy up, to lobós, pakiáw
by na, nen
by and by nagonóyan
cabaret kabarét
cabbage repóllo, repólyo
cabinet gabinéte
cackle koták
cake: rice cake bibíngka, póto
calabash kalobása
caldron káwa
call táwag
call chickens korók
calm línak, malinák
calmly palná (lená), tantán
camote kamóte
camp kámpo
campaign basiñgkáwel
can (tin) láta
canal banáwang, buáng
cancer cáncer
candidate kandidáto (m.), kandidáta (f.)
candle kandíla
candy balicúcha, bokáyo, kíndi
cane báston
canned (goods) de-láta (láta)
cannon kanyón
capital poonán (póon)
captain kapitán
car aúto, óto
carabao duég
care asikáso, iwi, tagíbi
careful aluár
caress aplós
caring (about) kabilañgán (biláñg)
carpet alfómbra
carried kípkip
carry akbíbit, ebá, agto, awít, sakbát,
sakláy, baklóy
cart karitón
case asúnto, káso
cashier cajéro
cassava kamóteng káhoy, káhoy
casserole kaseróla
cast (away) polisáy
cat pusá
catch erél, singkát
catch fish kálap‚ kemél, sagáp
catch up with ábot
caterpillar bigís
catholic católico
cause señgegán (señgég)
cautery pások
cavan kabán
cease teldón
celebrate selebrár
celery kínchay
cement cementó
cemetery kamposánto
centavo séntimos
center laém
centipede gayamán
certain petég
chair taboríti, iroñgán (iróñg), butáka
chalice kális
change salát, máliw
change clothes salát, poláw
change (coins) sinsílyo
change one’s mind poláw
chant pasión‚ kánta
chaperone basbás
chapter tekáp
character ogáli
charcoal oríñg
cheap mamúra (múra)
cheeks apíñg
cheeks: having big cheeks maáping
cheese késo
chest pagéw
chew gátgat, notnót
chew betel nut gágal
chewy makónet
chick siwsíw
chicken manók
chief jéfe, dátu
child ogáw, anák
children ilálak‚ ogógaw‚ ának
chin timír
Chinese sañgláy, inchik, dáldal
Chinese pea sitsaró
chip sapsáp
chisel likóp
chocolate chocoláte
choose pilí
chop tádtar, bálsig, sigsíg
Christian Cristiáno
Christianity cristianísmo
Christmas Paskó, Krísmas
Christmas Day ágew na Paskó
church simbaán
cicada andírit
cigarette sigarílyo
circle limbó
circumference timbukél
circus sirkós
citrus fruit: small kalamansí
lime-like var.
clam gilitán, dukiáng
clasp sakém
clay bónton
clean patáy, dalós, línis, loklók, kayás,
kalás, palín
clear malinéw (linéw), malíway (líway)
clear, become líway
clear, to paláspas
cleft leták
clerk escribiénte
climb kaláb
cloistered entérna
close (proximate) lápit, pateñgél
close (shut) kapót, kopít, sará
close the eyes kirém
close the lips tíkom, kopít
cloth abél, sápin, káyo
clothes kawés
clothes, large láwig
clothes, new palít
clothing: make lágay
excessively long
cloud lorém
cloudy malorém (lorém)
clue panándaán (tandá)
cluster kaláykay
clutch pañgét
cockfight búlang
cockpit ruída
cockroach buláki, asípet
coast burakán
coat (jacket) amerikána
coat, to apís
cocoa cocoá
coconut nióg
coconut, dried, fallen cocót
coconut milk gatá
coconut scraper balikátkat
coconut shell lapís
coffee café
coffin loñgón
coins sinsílyo
cold (temperature) ambetél (betél)
cold (illness) panaténg
colic baltík
collar kápa
collect siñgíl, cóbra
collection dánop
collector cobradór
color kolór
comb sagáysay, sagó
comb of rooster palóñg
come gála, gáli, la
come out doñgét
comfortable ináwa, kanawnáwa
comic book kómiks
commerce comércio
commission páslek
committee júnta
communion komónyon
communist comunísta
compact sedsér
companion íba
comparable alíling
compare ámpar, égpañg
compassion sinagém
complete sapót
completion yári
comprehend dandán
conclude sigpót
concrete kongríto, ceménto
condensed milk condensáda
condition alíling
conduct urbanidád, ogáli
cone-like balisóñgsoñg
confession kompisál
confide saglawí
confine pokók
confirm mínto
confirmation kompírma
confiscate ilít
confused solíñgsolíñg
congeal ketél
congress congréso
congressman diputádo
connect gawíñg
conscientiousness agél
conscientious makolí (kolí)
consider tóring
considerate amóyot
constipation etél
consult patáñg
consume dérak, ábak, opót
container kalúpi, paniínan (yan)
container, bamboo bóñgboñg, pisí, tobóñg
contemplate amáyo
content: do to one’s péra
heart’s content
contented konténto, áyap
contents íyan
contest laslásan
continue náyon
continuing elétneg
continuous layón, saginónor
contradict soñgsóñg
contribution osós
convince lagiát
convulsion kelát
cooccurring katepét
cook cusinero, cusinera
cook, to lotó
cooked rice nilutó, báaw
cooking oil mantíka
cool pabetél (betél)
coolness betél
copy sakál
coquette solámbi
cork tapón
corn maís
corner sokóñg
coronation koronácion
corpse báñgkay
correct sústo, tuá
cotton kapés
cough akók
councillor concejál
count biláng
counters balsák
country bánsa
court juzgádo, okóm, córte
court, to káraw
cousin pínsan
cover sakób, kolób
cover, to sakób‚ kolób, tabón, pólnit
cover lightly kobót
cover with blanket kómot
covering táklab
cow báka
coward matákot
crab alamá, daliwéy
crack leták, lámat, laták, siwáng
cracked síra
cradle bába
crane sípol
crave inám
crawl koróñg
crazy ambágel (bágel), (tiwél)
creased silót
create pálsa (lesá)
creator manamálsa (lesá)
creature pinálsa (lesá)
crevice laták
crib (Christmas) belén
cricket kóryat
criminal criminál
criticism bandáy
crochet ganchílyo
crocodile buáya
crooked kiwét
cross kurus‚ cruz
cross, to béltañg
crossbeam salása
cross eyed gilábot, dolíñg
crow owák
crow, to kukáok
crown balañgét, koróna
cruel ínglet, marúksa (dúksa)
cruelty dámsak, dúksa
crumb mikmík
crumple kómes, kumanét
crush bañgár, banél, pitpít, danél, ligís,
temék, ngalngál
crust garól, bíñgkol
cry akís, uhá
cucumber pepíno
cultivate bayúbo
cunning sikáp
cup tása, losór
curly kolót
curtain kurtína
curve bikotkót‚ basíkaw
custom ogáli
customer: favored súki
cut gergér, iláp, kisáp, tágpas, pegpég,
potót, pópo, potér
cymbals piáñg
dagger dagá, yúro
daily inágewágew (ágew)
damage déral
damages danyós, dañós
damp ambasá (basá)
dance sayáw, baíle, curácha
dandruff balakúbak
dark ambiloñgét, seloñgét
darkness biloñgét
dashing of waves sipáksipák
date fécha
dawn palbáñgon
day ágew
dead aléplep, inatéy
deaf télek
debate siñgbát, sañgsáñg
debt ótañg
deceased inatéy
December deciémbre
decorate adórno‚ potík
decoration palamíre, árkos
dedication gaér
deduce pintás
deep aralém (dalém)
deep marsh lóma
defeat tálo
defeated atálo
defect defécto
delay bayág, liwág
delegate delegádo
delicious mananám (nanám)
delight in pákna
deliver delíver
demand eyéy
demanding matrabájo (trabájo)
democracy democrácia
deny tatuá, tilá
depart sipót, patánir (tánir)
departing pasó
department departaménto
deprecated mayomáñgyomáñg
depth kaaralém (dalém)
descend akséb
desire ibég, linawá
detach laknít‚ lapnít
destination destíno
dessert: varieties leche flan, támbotámboñg
destroy gebá, bagbág
determine getár
deviate sipá
devil demónio
devoted masimoóm (simoóm)
devotion devoción
devour síbar
dew linaó
diagonal paláñg
dialect salíta
diaper lámpiñg
die patéy
difference síki
different nagkasikasítmat (sitmát), sananéy,
dig seká, kotkót, beká, uká
dike pilápil
diligence kolí
dim odiém
dine sakláñg
dip in sauce délnet
diploma diplóma
direct gangán, áwir
directly talós
directorate directória
dirt diñgót, duták‚ salá
dirty mariñgót (diñgót), kilót
disabled inútil
disappear lípat, sikmát
disappointed dismáyo
discuss saít, aláwat
disembowel sótsot
dishes: various see: adóbo, buláñglañg, dinalaán,
igadó, ókoy‚ pakbét, paksíw, pansít,
pañgát, polótan and relléno
disintegrate mógmog
dislocate lotáñg
dismantle stairs paksíw
dismissal detéra
displeased disgústo
dissatisfied kíbot
dissemble sakmál
dissolve nawnáw, molmol
distance distánsia
distribute bónog, ótob
district polók, distríto
disturb bangén, bogák, poká
divide pisáñg
division división
dizziness eléw
doctor doctór
document doccoménto
dodge líkid
doff one’s hat, to lógay
dog asó
dole gáring
dollar dólyar
donation tokdól
door pínto
double latúp, dóble
doubts duarúa, álañgabañg
dough tápay
down leksáb
drag gayógoy, sáyar
drama móromóro, dráma
draw out aón
dream kúgip
dregs gaér
dress balíntawak, bestído, áysing
drift anór
drink inóm‚ lagók
drink excessively buék, alabáb
drip paták
drive ándar
drive a vehicle paakár (akár)
drive away paalís (alís)
drive stake into ground pálpal
drop, to páktak‚ pelág, páta
drop in samár
drop of liquid sankapaták (paták)
drought nakbetán (kebét)
drown lenér
drowsiness lápat
drum tamból
drunk abuék (buék)
drunkenness inkabuék, kabuék (buék)
dry kebét, amagá (magá)
duck ítik, páto
duet duéto
dug uká
dull makapasawá (sawá)
dulling of edge of blade sése
dumb emél
dunk sawsáw
durable málet
duration ándo
during pelés, kaleganán (légan)
dust dabók
dust pan sañgkáp
dusty marabók (dabók)
duty kábtang
dwarf bolílit, ansisit
dwell áyam
dye sapáñg
each bálañg; tóñggal
eagle ágila
ear layág
ear: having only one ear piñgól
early betbét, sakbáy
earn ánap
earrings íkaw
earth dálin; múndo
earthen sayáp
ease inomáy
east bokíg
Easter Sunday Domíngo de Pásco
easy mainomáy
eat kan
eat heartily buág
eat little omít
eat raw meat or fish kiláw
eat with the hands kamót
eaten nakán
edge tarém, gilíg
edible tuber (variety) kalót
education educación
eel igát, egát
egg iknól
eggplant talón
egret dolákak
eight ócho, waló
eight each sanwawaló
eighteen labinwaló
eighth komawaló
eighty ochénta, walómplo
eject from the mouth luá
elbow síkil, sikó
eldest sankapañguloán
election elección
elector manamíli
eleven labinsakéy, ónse
eleven times maminlabínsakéy
eleventh komalabinsakéy (ikalabinsakéy)
else díno
embalm bálsamo
embrace lakáp, sapál
embroider bórda
empathize dámay
emphasis amó
employee empleádo
emptiness ápa
empty kepés, kapís, yopót
encircle, to lokób
encounter daténg
encourage bálap
end pospós, sañgpót, añggá
endorse indórso
endure tepél, ándo
enemy kabosól (bosól)
engineer ingeniéro/inheniéro
England Inglatérra
English inglés
enmity bosól
enough malaém, salipotpót, jústo
enter tobóng, loób
entire entéro, simoóm
entrance éntra
erase púrak‚ borál
eroded tebág
eruption on skin balyangét
escape alógpos, alíker, léktar, takiás, papás
especially nagkalálo (lálo)
estate haciénda
estimate tántiya
estuary loók
Europe Európa
evaporated evaporáda
evasive ígtad
even patí, bañg
even if añggáno
eventful amáy
everything ganáganá
every toñggál
everyday ágewágew
evil malígno, ogés
examine eksámin, saláysay
example kaalimbáwaán, bílang
exasperation koliteptép
excess solók
excessive tallness layóg
excessively laíñgen
exchange glances líñggis
excited lanór
excrement taí
excuses baráan
exercise inpanpasál (pasál), ersísio
exert bonék
existing walá
exit papawayán
expect ilálo
expel tabóy
expense gastós
expensive mablí (bilí)
expert expérto, sanáy
explode terák
extract pañgpáñg
extremely alímbos
eye matá
eyebrow kirép
eyeglasses antipára, antióhos
eyelid talókap
face lúpa
fade paspás
failure atráso
faint alimoréng
fairness putí
fairy tales inkantáda
faithful tóor
fake búlaw
fall potpót
fall down lebák
fall forward takbá
fall on back tirakiáñg
fall on face ñgodñgór
fall (tears) dalígdig
fall upside down tobakiár
fallen agebá
fallen leaves layák
falling órot, yagyág
false pálso
fame púri
family família‚ bolég, sankabolég
famine gáwat
famous bántog
fan abaníco, paypáy
far arawí (dawí)
fare pléte
fast kuyát, maplés (pelés)
fat tabá‚ matabá
father tátay, amá
fatigued palág, naksawán (kesáw), alipanós
faucet grípo
faulty sála
glory glória
gloves guántes
glutton labláb
gluttony sibá
goat kandíng
go la
go ahead sóloñg, laslás
go around tónog, pasiár
go astray legáw
go away básil; puéra!
go directly lárgo
go down lasór
go from house to house likót
go from one place to the other libér
go out together (of women) mayá
go to a reception dagó
go to town luás
go together olóp
God Diós, Amalsá, Manamalsá
god-father nínong
god-mother nínang
goddess diósa
gold balitók, iróg‚ gínto
gold mine kalí
gone benegán (benég)‚ ababués
good ábig, maóng
good afternoon masantós a ñgárem
goodbye tíla la, onla kamí la
good day masantós a ágew
good morning masantós a kabuasán
goodness talinó
Goodness! ay
goose gánso
gossip monger kiáwkiáw
government gobiérno
governor gobernadór
grade grádo
grain bokél
grammar gramática
granary kamálir
grandchild apó
grandfather láki
grandmother bái
grapes úbas
grapple alipospós
grass diká
grasshopper durón
grate igár, koskós, kudkúd
grave lobók
grazing págod
grease piyók
greedy maágom (ágom), malanír
green bérde
green peas gisántes
grief makapasinagém (sinagém)
grind ligíg, gíliñg
grocery groserí
growth which takes place lesá
seemingly of its own accord
group bóñggoy, dupóng, gaém
growing season onboboyág (boyág)
grown out of abálgan (báleg)
growth lámbot, tobó
grumpy ñgósem, mañgósem
grunt míkñgit
G-string baág
guava bayáwas
guide gíya, guía, ákay, antábay,
gun paltík, páltog
gun: fire a gun paltóg
guts páit
gyrate ilák
habitual dáti
habitually lánang
hair buék
half kapalduá
half cooked malasádo
halve palduá
hammock andóyan
hand limá
hand, to dérew, yabét
hand bag bag
hand of bananas sapár
handful gémgem, dakót
handkerchief pányo
handle pasolán, pakáw
handshake pasamáno
handsome mataríkin (taríkin), guápo, guapíto
hang (clothes etc.) sabít
hang (kill by hanging) bítay
hang one’s head domég
hanging object layláy
happiness gayága
happy magayága (gayága), masayaksák
(sayaksák), malikét (likét)
happy; to be happy sayaksák
Happy Christmas Malígan Paskó
hard maírap (írap), bisél
hardness awét
hardships írap
harp árpa
harrow sagár
harvest áni, gamál
harvested naáni (áni)
harvest time panagáni (áni)
hasten dágdag
hat baláñggot, sombréro, góra
hatch lemlém
he sikató
head oló
head of group púno
headcloth dalungdóng
headgear talókbong
heal yómbañg
healthy lagó, malagó, matabá (tabá)
heap átip
hear deñgél
hear something líkas
heard nañgelán (deñgél)
heart púso
heart of banana posó
heart shaped sinampúso
heat deláñgdeláñg, petáñg
heat clams in water lápay
heaven táwen
heaviness belát
heavy ambelát (belát)
heed siñgléw
height kaatagéy (atagéy)
held benbén
helpful matóloñg (tóloñg)
hen ñganák
her to, sikató (to)
herb-variety of arbáka
medicinal herb
here niá, diá
here: existing here wadiá
hero bayáni
hey! oy
hide amót
high school háyskol
him sikató (to)
his to
hiss sótsot, ngísiw
hit dúklos, kená
hitch sínta
hoarse pagás
hold égna
hold between the palms ampát
of both hands
hold by upper arms abracéte
hold in one’s arms kepkép
hold in the palm of hand ampáya, petpét
hole abót, labót
holy sagrádo, masagrádo
holy water bindíta
homesickness ilíw
homosexual bákla
honey comb kálaba
honor dáyew
hook sagór
hook: crocheting hook ganchílyo
hope piráwat (dáwat), ilálo
hopefully komón
horn of animal saklór
horn of car bosína
horse kabáyo
hospital ospitál
hot ampetáñg (petáng)
house abóng
housemate kaámoñgán (amóñg)
how pánon
how (are you) komósta (ka)
how many? pigára
how much sampíga, pigá
hundred lasós, ciéntos
hunger erás
hungry narasán (erás)
hunt anóp
hunter managanóp (anóp)
hurry gánat, apurá, pugá
hurt asugát (sugát), amíñggay, imbél
husband asawá
husband and wife sanasawá
hut alolóng
I ak, siák
ice yélo
idea kanónotan (nónot)
if no
ignite sinít
ignorant mañgmáñg
Igorot igólot
illness béblay
image talíntao
imitate álig
immature fruit sabóñg
immediately tampól, dágos
immigration imigrásyon
implied kabaliksán (balikás)
important máskin
impossible désparate
inadequacy kokoláñgan
inch pulgáda
incline the head forward akbáb
include tekép, sapól
increase aróm
increase cargo layá
increase in price pátoñg
increase in volume lebág
indecision irí
indeed konó, lantí
independent independiénte
Indian bombayána
Indian mango paó
individual katáo
induce sogsóg
industrious makolí (kolí)
inform dalátdat, pakábat (kábat)
ingratitude lámang
ingredients ikaná
inheritance tawír
injury tabék, sugát
ink tínta
innards bágis, minodénsia
innermost sokék
inside dalém, otél, loób
insist pórek, déldel, gítgit
inspiration inspiración
instead ímbis
instrument for removing corn grains esér
insufficient kólang
insufficient means banikél
insult insúlto
intelligent intelegénte/intelihénte
intercessor manañgiesél (esél)
interest pilálek
interest (money) ábang
interesting mapilálek (pilálek)
intermediate intermédia
interpret talós
interpreted dream kalág
interrupt salabát
intersperse salétsalét
intimate associate sankakábat (kábat)
intrude salangát, ságot
inverted pigár
inverted order tombalík
investigate úsig
invitation invitación
invite inbitá, bagá
invite to follow itá
Ipomea reptans kañgkóñg
iron pláncha, palánsa
irrigation system paranúm (danúm)
island pólo, ísla
islet pogó
isn’t it kasí
it sikató (to)
its to
itchy gatél
jackfruit láñgka
jail cárcel
January Enéro
jar boyóg, pásig, pasó
jealous damág, ébeg, guyaét
jealousy makakaibég (ibég); ébeg
jeepney dyípni
jelly-like dessert guláman
jewels aláhas
jinx buísit
job ánapan (anáp), trabájo
join soldóñg
join end to end saíñg
join pieces of wood álep
join someone típkel
joint of body lañgó
jolly arísga
jolt óntog
journey bároy, viáje
joy liglíwa, likét
judge juéz
juice taból
juicy matabotaból (taból)
July júlio
jump kógtot, loksó
just (adj.) tonóñg
just the same lámañg
justice katonoñgán (tonóñg) justícia
keep átol
keep securely lanír
kerosene petrólio
ketchup cátsup
kettle kaldéro
key tombók
kick depák, sípa
kidnap limás, dókot
kidney batók
kill dóot, patéy
kilogram kílo
kilometer kílométro
kind maános (ános)
kind (type) kláse
King Ári
kinky (hair) makolót (kolót)
kiss añgób
kiss the hand pinsíw
kitchen kosína
kite bágabága, sapí
kitten kotíng
knee poég
knife kámpit, cuchillo, labajíta, yóro
knife: hunting knife balisóng
knife: pocket knife labajíta, kartaplúma
knife: table knife cuchillo
knock patók, toktók
knot búknol
know kábat, antá, birbír
know! I don’t know áwey
known antaén (antá), asákop (sákop)
lack of time gipít
lacking kólang
laden with fruit maboñgá (boñgá)
ladle akló, baláok
lady señora, bíi
lady: old lady akuláw
lady: unmarried young marikít
lake lóok
land: piece of land báñgkag, pangá, solár
landing place dápo
lap akualán (akuál)
lap up díldil
lard gábot, mantíka
lasso silót
last (adj.) onór, ultimó, otít
last (adv.) sanén
last night kalabián (lábi)
last year katantaón (taón)
late atrasádo; ebés
later on naáni
laugh elék, ñgiréyet
laughing manélek (elék)
laughter karakkák
laundry inpesák (pesák)
lavish gránde
law oléy
lawyer abogádo
lazy kémeg, ngirás, soyát
lead, to pangólo (oló)
lead prayers poón
leader pangúlo, líder
leaf bolóñg
leaf: dry leaves of sugar laklák
leak térter
lean dagét
learn áral
leather katát
leave taynán, liwás, kerá, alís, paolí
left kawigí
leg bikkíng, saláp
legitimate derétsa
lemon limón
lend pabayés (bayés), paótañg (ótañg)
length dukéy
lesson lección
letter súlat
letter of alphabet létra
lettuce luchúgas
liar madúmsis (dúmsis): matilá (tilá)
library librária
license licéncia
lie tilá, burí, dumsís, báli
lie down dokól
life biláy
lift álsa
lift by means of a pole aksíw
lift out of a hole etc. aguát
light siléw
light: festive lights árlong
light (weight) anleméw (leméw)
lightning kimát
like siñgá
like, to gústo, gabáy, labáy
like that onmán, ontán
like this onyá
liked malabáy (labáy)
lily lírio
lime dalayáp
lime (chemical) dená
line golís, línya
link kawíng
lips bibíl
liquor álak
listen dirlíng
little (few) daisét
little (small) melág
little by little ñgitñgít
little finger kekéng
live amóng, áyam, biláy
lively masayá (sayá)
liver altéy
living room sála
lizard: house lizard tikí
lock balewét
lock, to tombók
lone oriém
long (duration) mabayág (bayág)
long (measurement) andukéy (dukéy)
look neñgnéñg
look after talíma
look back liñgáw
look out window doñgáw
look up tañgáy, tañguá
loop salók
loose malagós (lagós), okák
loose garment lápak
lord katawán
lost ugál, tawtáw, bálang
loud kasíl
loudly bakát
louse: body louse tomá
louse: head louse kotó
love áro
low abebá (bebá)
lower pabebá (bebá), loslós, paleksáb
lowland pisák
luck pálar
lumber tróso
lunch panañgogtó (ogtó)
lungs balá
lush mabuná (buná)
lushness líga
machete tabák, baráñg
machine mákina
magistrate magistrádo
maiden marikít
mailbox bosón, buzón
maimed pokól
malediction lasí
mambo mámbo
mango máñgga
manifest affection etc. tambáyo, tóyaw
Manila Ibále
many dakél, amayámay
many times aminpólo
March márzo
market tindáan
marriage kasál
marriage rite involving paloáran
exchange of wine
mass (church service) mísa
massage ilót, kemkém
master ámo
mat ikamén
match (stick) gorábis
matching párapára
mate kaíba (íba)
May máyo
may it be so sapá
mayonnaise mayonísa
mayor alcálde
me siák
meander sámat‚ likáw
meandering likáwlikáw
measles barís
measure tákal
meat kárne
meddle lagót
medicine tambál
meet Sábat, abét‚ bána
meeting míting
melon gundól
melt tonáw
member kamóyong (móyoñg); kaíba
member of Provincial Board vocál
member of the opposition managsúngpa (súngpa)
mend salóbay
mentioned abisuát (bisuát), abitlá (bitlá),
merchandise lakoán (láko)
mercy kási
microphone mikroponó
middle pegléy
middle finger pangándo
middling kapegleyán (pegléy)
midrib of coconut leaf tíngting, palápa
midrib of taro leaf lalá
milk gátas
milk: coconut milk gatá
mill dápil
millet sabóg
million milyón
mind ísip, nónot
minibus jeépney
minister minístro
minute minóto
mirror salmíng
miss agagá, daplís, saláy
miss (be absent) líwat, saéw
missal dasálan (dasál)
mistake liñgó
mistiness of the eyes kóspay
misunderstanding balimgáan, gótgot
mix timplá, kamés, sasamék,
mixture kalatkát
mode úso
moderate kanéney
modern alindáway
moist álneb
molar pañgál
Monday lúnes
money kuárta, pilák
monggo balatóñg
monkey chóñggo, bakés
monosodium glutamate vétsin
month bolán
moon bolán
more masulók (sulók)
moreover iñgén
morning kabuasán (buás)
morrow buás
mosquito agéyet
mosquito net moskitéro
mother nanay, iná
motion of snake when travelling kiwél
mold, to mása
mount sapát
mountain palandéy
mouth sañgí, songót
mouth: type of infection in mómo
mouth of river sabáñg
move galáw‚ akár
movement dásel
movement in body of water kiwás
movement in stomach síkal
movie cíne, síni
much dakél
much more laót
mud piték
mudfish gelégelé, dalág
muddy makilót (kilót), mapiték (piték)
municipal hall município
murmur merémeré
mushroom óoñg
music músico, tógtog, lainéng
mustard labanós
my ko
mysterious agnarandán (dandán)
nails (finger, toe) kokó
nail (metal) pásak
name ñgarán
narrow iñgét, makísir (kísir)
national nacionál
naughty beñgér
navigate sakáy
near sibég, kaábay (ábay), asinggér
nearly lawári, wári
neat yómis
neatness linggas
necklace kolíntas
needed kaokolán (okól)
needle dágom
needy korámos
ne’er do well áwel,
negrito pogót
neigh ariñgíñg
nest abóñg
nest: basket for nesting chicken balólang
net sayorsór, ikét, salambáw
new bálo, móda
news balíta, damág
newspaper periódico
next onsóno, ansalát
next time mamínsan (pínsan)
nice masantíng (santíng), dakép
nickname baliñgás
niggardly igót
night lábi
nine siamirá, nuéve, siám
nine each tigsisiám
nineteen labinsiám, desinuéve
ninety novénta, siamáplo
ninth mikasiám, komasiám
ninth day after burial lompós
nipa palm nipá
nipa thatch pinaór (paór)
no andí
nod tañgér
node pongét
noise ingál
noise: loud noise tanól
noise: rustling noise kalóskos
noise of children ñgósñgos
noise of water around object pisákpisák
noise of wind banesbés
none añggapó
noon ogtó
nose eléng
not aliwá
notable person birbirén (birbír)
notch siñgít
novel inpanbiláy (biláy)
November noviémbre
now nátan
nun mádre
nurse nérs
obey onór, tolók
obligation obligación, okól
obliterate polák
observe imatón, kilíng
observe effect of paleén
observe keenly óyot
obtain dápat
occasion ocasión
occasionally samuét
occupation ocupación
occupy laknáb
occupy against other’s salín
ocean taéw
odor añgób
odor or taste of sour añgló
offer yálay, oprecé
offering to spirits átang
office opisína
office workers mañgoopisína (opisína)
offspring anák
often mabetbét (betbét), petepét, naynáy
oh o
oh dear! aráy
oil lárak‚ tabá
oil: fragrant coconut oil lána
oil hair too much labó
okra ókra
old (objects) dáan
old (persons) takkén, tatkén, sikén
old man masikén (sikén)
omit lágsan
on sanó
on time sambót
once mínsan
once more olíolí
once only maminpínsan, amínsan
one sakéy, úno, isá, úna
one by one sakéysakéy
one each sansakéy
one hundred sanlasós
one only saksakéy
onion sibúyas
only lambeñgát, labát, lenég, bogtóng,
open búskag, lengát, lukás
open: force open tóñgkab
open mouth ngangá
opinion kaísipán (ísip)
opponent kalában (lában)
opportune sapák
opposed sóngpa
opposite biék
or o
orange dalándan
orator oradór
order dantál, gangán
order, to sipán‚ pawít
orderliness sinóp
orderly dánay
ordinance ordinánza
organization limbóng‚ móyong
orphan olilá
orphaned sígpot
ouch! agí
our mi, ta, tayo
out pawáy
outhouse patiáñg
outrigger kásig
other aróm
oval ovaló
oven órno, pogón
overcome daég
overdo (an activity) lápot
overflow sabó
owner makankién (kién)
owner of hacienda hacendéro
ownership kayarián (yári)
oyster talabá
padlock kandádo
pail timbá
pain sakít, otót
painful ápges
paint pínta
pair páres, topág
palace palásyo
palm of hand dakuláp
pan kawáli
pants pantalón, karsón
papaya apáyas
paper papél
parade paráda
paralyzed pagpág
pardon perdóna
parent áteng
parent-in-law katólangán
parent-in-law: co-parent-in-law abalayán
parry sañggá
part gáton
part, to sián
partner samák; kaparého
pat píkpik
patch tágpi
path dalán
patience tepél
patter of raindrops tayaketék
patron patrón
pay báyar
payment bayarán (báyar)
peak of event kaplesán (pelés)
peanuts maní
pea: chick pea garbánzos
pea: green pea gizantes
peck toktók
peel ebák, obák
peel: dried peel popót
peep takíliñg‚ sílip
pen (writing) plúma
pen: pig pen koloñgán (kolóng)
pencil lápis
pensive lonós
pepper pamínta, síli
pepper leaf lawér
perfection genáp
perfume aguá
perplexed salíñg
persist lólot, ukílkil
person sansankataó, kataó, toó
perspire profusely sabáy
perspiration liñget
peso píso
pestilence sálot
pestle álo
pet name paláyaw
petition a superior court dológ
pick getél, bódbor
pick out demét
pick up dokdók
pick up enclosing in both hands kopkóp
picture retráto
piece pidáso, botíl
pierce botáw
pig babóy
pigeon malapáti
piglet belék
pile bontón
pile in line salónson
pile of produce atádo
pillar sékder
pillow dañganán (dañgán)
pilot aviadór
pimples kamóro
pin aspilí, alfilér
pin, to pekét
pincers of crab sípit
pinch karót
pineapple pínya
pink dirósa
pipe túbo
pith of coconut pála
pity kalamór
place pásen
place: meeting place dagóp
place, to letnég
place in ascending lines teén
place right side up tirakiáñg
plane palánas
plane (carpenter’s) subsúb
plant macétas, tanáman
plant, to taném
plant species pagátpat, sagó
planting season panagtánem
plaster pikít
plate lípoñg, pláto
plate: deep plate yaóñg
plate: small plate platíto
platter bandejádo
play dráma
play, to galáw
play musical instrument tógtog
playful yánoyáno
please pa
pleasing santíñg, bálibáli
pledge sambá, sapatá
plot palápa
plough lókoy
pluck off sipsíp
pluck out ákdot
pocket búlsa
poem anlóñg
poetical speech anláy
point otók, toró
point at toyóñg
pointed maotók (otók)
poison samál
poke dórot
pole sampót
pole for striking down fruit kaláwit
police policiá
policeman polís
polisher bitón
poor mamaírap (írap)
poor work dukámil
pope pápa
popular tóyak
position puésto
possible nayári (yári)
post lósek
postman cartéro
pot bañgá
potable matabáñg (tabáñg)
potatoes patátas
pound tapóng, mekmék, báyo
pour kálbo, bálsan
pout bósarot
powder púlvo
powder: reduce to powder mokomók
practice pasál
praise tandúro
prawn biñgaló
prayer dasál
prepare pará, sagána
present (be present) dopág
present (gift) gongóna, sarabó
present: Christmas present aginaldó
present oneself prisínta
president presidénte
press pisél
pretty marakép (dakép)
price bilí, balór, prício
priceless kablían (bilí)
prick torók, torék
prick foot on thorn lósob
priest pádre, pári
primary primariá
prince prínsipi
princess princésa
print imprénta, galót
printing press pagalótan (galót)
private privádo
privilege kágter
problem gonígon
proceed dalí
proceed: able to proceed tolóy
proceeding awáwey
procession prosesión, líbot
produce (agricultural) prodúctos
products prodúctos
profit tóbo
program prográma
prohibit sebél
prolongation yatyát
promise prometé
prong sugá
pronounce bitlá, balikás
proper manepég, (nepég)
prosper aliguás
prostitute patótot
protect lágak
Protestant Protestánte
Protestantism Protestantísmo
proud pasáñg
provided that dápot
province lúyag
proximate ganó
prune new shoots saliñgsíñg
publicize bawág
pull goyór
pull out pálot, oyós
pulley kaló
pump bombá
puncture sagság
pungent gasáñg
punishment dosá
punishment (corporal) dámit
puppy okén
pure dalísay, púro
purpose gagála
pus nenná
push tulák
push-button botón
put yan
put between sokáb
put down gáton
put in opening sobó
put inside tobóñg
put into kargá
put on or over toón
put on the lap akoál
put palms of hands together daóp
put under apáp
quack doctor arbolário
quail pógo
quality súri
quarrel kolkól, sebég, sobég
queen réyna, binári
question tepét, opápet
quiet deén
rabbit koného
rabies tiwél
radio rádio
raft bálsa, lámo
rag lópot
rag doll gáriñg
rain orán
rainy season mamaóran (orán)
raise paatagéy (atagéy)
raise hand in anger ámba
raisins pásas
rake kaláykay, kaladkád
rare matálag (tálag)
rarity tálag
rashness tálkan
rat otót
raw etá
ray (sea creature) yo
reach dándan
read bása
real úgman, agnáp (genáp)
realization kagnapán (genáp)
really talagá
reason razón
reasonable tonóñg
rebel rebélde
rebuke póot
receive arísibi, awát
recognize birbír
recoil kokót
records expediénte, espediénte
recover from illness imásmas
recover from surprise ákal
recover something lost báwi
recreational area pláza
rectory convénto
red ambalañgá (balañgá)
reddish balañgá
reddish brown óro
reddish colored soil or pottery polá
reddish purple granáte
reduce bawás‚ kawás
reduce amount of liquid in loáñg
referee of cockfight largadór
regulate arégla
relapse bínat
relationship relación
relative kanáyon
relax imásmas
release kibolós, ókbar
relieve suág
remedy remédio
remember nónot
remnants of cloth lagás
remove ekál
remove from fire or stove akír
remove sticky food with fingers sipót
repair soliáb, omán, apíger
repeat omán
repetition of annoying act dáma
reproach suát
resent baróng
reserve tárya
resistance salóñgsoñg
respect gálañg
respectful magálañg (gálañg)
resplendent lináb
restaurant restáuran
restless alikóteg
restlessness ligálig
resurrected olí
retribution balés
return bótay, pawíl
reveal bónyag
revive a fire loblób
revolution revolución
rib tagláñg
rice belás
rice (unhusked) ilík
rice: boiled rice báaw
rice: first stage of husking rice súlsul
rice: late maturing variety ombés
rice bird anóyaw
rice bran bábañg
rice fields kapásolán (pásol)
rice grain dawá, emék
rice husk epá
rice plant pagéy
rice stalks: bundle of rice stalks poñgó
rich makuárta (kuárta)
riddle pabitlá (bitlá)
ride a horse kabáyo
ride on vehicle logán
ride with another áñgkas
right kawanán
ring (for finger) siñgsíñg
ring, to batiñgtíñg
ring finger pañgánsi
rinse begnáw
rip latlát
rise, to alagéy, atagéy
rise (sun) pelnák, borák
ritual: performance of healing táwas
rival ribál
river ílog
riverside pañgpáñg
road karsáda, dalán
roar balañgabóñg, óñgol
roast kalót
roast pork lechón
robust malagó (lagó)
rocket cuétis
rocking chair buábo
roll tolín, lokót
romantic makarínyo (karínyo)
roof atép
rooster lalóñg
root lamót, señgég
rope takér, lobír
rosary rosário, balsákan
rotten bolók
rough gáspang
roughness (of surface) salíksik
round malimpék (limpék)
row dásig
row, to gáor
rowdy maiñgál (iñgál)
rub gorágor, górgor, puyók,
rude bástos
run batík
run after osíl
run over talápos
running race lómba
rust latí
rustling gilás
saber sáble
sack sáko, langóche, súpot
sack of grain búlto
safety pin aspilí
said kuán
sail boat páraw
saint sánto
salad saláda
sale: first sale of day buéna máno, panígo
saliva kátay, lópda
salt asín
salty maasín (asín)
same pára, paréjo
sand buér
sandals tapakán
sandpiper payí
sap yakét
sarcastic uyám
satisfied with food pesél, naksél
Saturday sábado
sauce sawsawán (sawsáw)
saucer platíto
saute gisá
save gímper
savor nanám
savory mananám (nanám)
say salíta, kuán, bagá
saying sanáysay
scald lunák
scales siksík
scandal escandaló
scarce matálag (tálag)
scatter (as seed) sibwág
scatter messily takátak
scattered in a heap tarátar
scent: strong scent aliñgérñger
school eskuelaán
scissors kátli
scoop dirt pagpág
scorpion alakdán
scour isís
scrape kídkid, kádkad
scrape food on plate simót
scratch gúgu, kógkor
scream eyág
screw turnílyo
scrub lampáso
scrutinize omámeñg
sea baybáy, dáyat
search súkay
search for anáp
season panaón
seaweed (edible sp.) dámpig
second komaduá, segúndo
second time piduá
secret yamót
secret: keep a secret limlím
secretary secretário
secretion: foul smelling lugá
secretion in ear
see nengnéng, bántag
see curiously wandág
see to imáno
seed biní, bokél ilík
seedbed: covering of leaves on makmák
seedless fruit kapít
seedling biní
seek anáp
self díli
selfish siblét
sell láko
senate senádo
senator senadór
send patulór (tolór), báki
sensitive olaól
separate biíg
separate: be separated sián
sermon polóñg
servant alíla, aripén, igagangán
(gangán), muchácha,
serve, to linkór
serve food paroñgó (doñgó)
serve as kaná
service linkór
sesame lañgís
set, to (sun) selék
set (table) poní
seven siéte, pito, pitóra
seven each sanpipitó
seventeen labinpitó, desisiéte
seventh mikapitó, komapitó
seventy pitómplo, seténta
sever tegtég
severe masegáñg (segáñg)
sew daít
shade siróm
shadow aníno
shake yogyóg
shake bottle luglúg
shake cloth payág
shake head peyéñg
shake off pokpók
shake out wagwág
shake up and down kalóg
shaken basíg
shame baíng
shape argólyo, típay
shapely ímus
share betáñg, apág
sharp mákdem
sharpen ladlád, oból
sharpened oból
shatter pisít
shattered dalikirík
shave kiskís, áhit
shawl kagáy
sheathe soksók
shed siróm, pálapála
sheep karnéro
shell: cowrie shell sígay
shelter yóñgyoñg, siróm
shelter of nipa leaves kárañg
shift íwas
shine (sun) sérnak
shiny gínlep
shipwreck pádpar
shirt kamisadentro
shiver ketél
shoes sapátos, sapín
shoot, to paltóg
shoot (of plant) boká
short antikéy (tikéy), abebá (bebá)
shortly maganó (ganó)
shoulder abalá
shout bándo, boliáw, iñgál
show paneñgnéñg (neñgnéñg)
shower of rain mayámayá
shrimp oráñg, agamáñg
shrimp: dried shrimp híbe
shrivel kulubót
shut sará, kapót
shut one’s eyes toglép
sickle kómpay, kárit
sickness sakít
sickness characterized by sokótsokót
side dikíng, ábay
sift sápit
sign tandá
sign (one’s name) fírma
signal tandá
signal with the hand áwes
signify alimbáwa
silent ulimék
silk-like thread from banana júsi
silt lináñg
similar olíbay
simple símple
simultaneously banság, tampól
sin kasalánan
since sípor
sincere matoór (toór)
sing kansión, kánta
singing contest kansiónan (kansión)
sip ilóp
sister: older sister agí
sister-in-law ípag
sit iróñg
six aném, saís
sixty saísenta, anemáplo
size kamelág, kabáleg
skewer saloksók
skill dónoñg
skilled marónoñg (dónoñg)
skin báog
skin, to pánit
skin disease kamanéw, girí
skin disease; affected by kabakáb
skip báldo
sky táwen
slanting eyes pinkít
sled galósa
sleep ogíp
sleep together akdól
sleep under same blanket balábag
sleepless púyat
sleeve takláy
slice gálip
slipperiness galís
slippers chinélas
slippery galís
slit gáyat, salgér
sloping papá
slow kálna, makálna, matantán
slow: excessively slow dañgáldañgál
slow in working nágnag
slowly: do slowly ínot
slurp food sábsab
small kelág, añgkelág, melág, makísir
smallness kamelág, kisír
smallpox bulotóng
smell añgób
smile ímis
smiling ímis
smith pánday
smoke aséwek (maaséwek)
smoke a cigarette sigarílyo
smoky maaséwek (aséwek)
smooth píno, palánas
smuggling poslít
snack meriénda
snail bisokól, alirég
snake olég
snatch sikwát, labnót, samsám
sneeze básis
snout subsúb
snow linéw
so palá
so it is manáya
so that pián
soak lebléb, talém, pisá
soap sabón
social occasion bagát, ocasión
socks médias
soft anlemék (lemék), belyér
soften danél
soldier sondálo
sometimes no aróm
song kansión, kánta
soon aganó (ganó)
sorrow ermén
sorrowful maermén (ermén)
soul kamarérua
sound tanól
sound of clapping lipák
sound of whipping larís
soup digó, sópas
sow (seeds) sukít
soy sauce taúyo
space between nodes álwas
spacious awáng, maawáng
Spaniard kastíla
spank tampál
speak salíta
speak loudly ayawáw
speak self-deprecatingly olá
speak with broken voice gánilgíl
speaker unable to articulate ámil
spear píka
specialist especialísta
speckling bólik
speechless taniáreg, menéñg
speed siglát
speedy masiglát (siglát), aguánta
spick and span malíñggas (líñggas)
spider geñgéñg
spiderweb sapót
spike on head of shrimp soñgó
espínaca spinach
siít spine
espíritu, kamarérua spirit
lópda spit
tálsik, bisuák splash
splashing about (fish) potók
spleen páli
split beták, salígsig
split off salapsáp
split open piság
sponsor atánor, comádre, komáre,
compádre, kompáre, madríno,
padríno, añganák, mañganák
spoon cucharíta, cucharón, cuchára
spouse asawá
spot baték
sprawl dopisák
spread bóyak, táyak, taplák
spread on ground dapá
spread out belkág, onát
spread out to dry kañgkáñg
sprinkle bálde, bisíbis, walsík
sprout buká, sélnak, boyág, tobó
sprout: about to sprout boyág
spur tári
square (carpenter’s) sáñga
square (geometrical) cuadrádo
square (plaza) kalobása
squash (vegetable) plaza
squash: white squash tabiáyoñg
squeeze pipí, pespés, serét, mésmes
squid pusít
stab saksák
stage entabládo
stain dikét
stairway takáyan
stake latók
stake used for digging suál
stamp, to yapákyapák, karág
stamp feet in anger dabóg
stand, to alagéy
stand: bamboo stand for pots dekén
stand: cloth ring placed under dikén
objects carried on head
star bitéwen
starch álmirol
start buát, gapó
startled by falling object gigiám
state estádo
station estación
statue estátua
stay tilák
steady mapalná (palná)
steal takéw, atrevída
stealth síkot
steel balátyang
steel chain golóñggolóñg
stem sañgá
stem: rooted stem señgég
stem: young plant stems eaten ólnos
as vegetable
stench bañgét
step koráng
step on yapák
step-parent ikít
sterile maápa (ápa)
sterility ápa
stick bislák
stick, to pekét
stick: bamboo fire stick kolilí
stick for striking fruit alawá
stick out ósli
stick out the tongue dilát
sticky kólnet, sapnót, sobnét
sticky rice ansakkét
stiff kígtel
still ni, siánsia
still (calm) mareén (deén)
stir kiwál, kanáw
stockings médias
stomach egés, losók
stone bató
stool bangkíto
stoop to pick up korót
stooped bokót
stop tondá, báat
storage pála, silír
store garíta
store house garóñg
store room pála, silír
storm bágio
story awáran, toñgtóñg
stout matabá (tabá)
stove dalikán, kalaéng
straight makték, mapték (peték)
strain saká
strainer sopót
strategy polaíng
stream álog
streamers cartíles
street karsáda, dalán
street: main street pólong
strength biskég, kasíl
stretch pínat, onát
stretch to the limit sikáng
strike (industrial) wélga, huélga
strike a match kiskís
strike down fruit paspás
strike with hands dampíl, sepák
strike with legs ludlúd
strike with stick sepák
stroke (swimming) kapáy
strong mabiskég (biskég), máksil
(kasíl), málet
strong taste bayáni
student eskuéla, manáaral (áral)
stuff (fish etc.) seksék
stuff mouth with food lonlón
stumble batér
stupid tangá, ótro, musmús, leglég
style tábas
submerge labóg
submerged nalipós (lipós)
substitute sóno, salát
succeeding sóno
suck sopsóp
suck eggs loplóp
suckle sosó, pasosó
sudden biglá
suddenly awakened balikuát
sufficient nawá, magenáp (genáp),
masolók (solók)
sugar refinádo, asúkar
sugar cane unás
suggest sogsóg
suicide bíkkel
summary somário
summit toktók, pantók
sun banwá, ágew
Sunday símba
superstition máli
supervisor supervísor
supper panamandém (erém)
supplies abásto
sure segúro, tuá
surely talagá
surname apelyédo
surpass daég
surplus alabás (labás)
surprising makapakeláw (keláw)
surrender súko
surround kolóng, baríber, kobkób
suspect suspétsa, ínap
suspend cord etc. between sipól
suspicion ínap
sustenance taganó
swallow biklér, akmón
swallow (bird sp.) gíkgik
swear sambá
sweat liñgét
sweep panís
sweet masamít (samít)
sweet (emotionally) madageyám (dageyám)
sweet smelling ambaliñgít (baliñgít)
sweetness samít, dilóy
swell larág
swelling bókol, larág
swim lañgóy
swollen danél
sword espáda
sympathetic masinagém (sinagém)
syrup arníbal
system sistéma
table lamisáan, dúlang, opígan
tail ikól
take tolór, alá
take down from hammock etc. aláwat
tale toñgtóñg
talk salíta
talk much ñgatá
talk with toñgtóñg
talkative dáldal, bosísi, tabíl, ñgatá
tall atagéy (tagéy)
tallow sébo
tamarind salomági
tame maámo (ámo)
tank tángke
tantrum: throw a tantrum abosádo
taste símsim, tawáy, nanám
tasteless tabáñg
tasty mananám (nanám)
tax buís
tea tsá, chá
teach bañgát
teach by example laláng
teach someone a lesson deriá
teacher maéstro, maéstra
team salóñg
tear up pilát
tears luá
tease sutíl
-teen dési-, labín-
telegram telegráma
telephone teléfono
television tibi
tell bagá, yosáos
temple (body part) alopísing
temple témplo
temptation tókso
ten poló, díes, sámplo (poló)
ten (only) samsamplóra
tenant kasamák (samák)
tenderloin lomó
tenderness dageyám
tenth ikasámplo
termination kaóyos (oyós), anggá
termite ánay
termite: flying termite ansisímot
termite hill poñgól
territory balaóñg, sákop
test sóbok
testimony testimónyo
than nen
thanks salámat
that man, may, tan, sáman, sátan,
áman, átan, sámay, ámay
thatch pinaór
the sámay, say, ámay
their da
them sikará
then insán, sírin, saló
there nítan, níman, ditán, dimán
there: existing there wadmán, wadtán
therefore kanián
these saráya, araya, iraya
they irá, ra, sikará
thick mapalét (palét), makapál
thickness palét, kapál
thigh olpó
thimble didál
thin ímpis, karát, magápil (gápil),
mábeñg (ebéñg)
thin (liquid) malasáw (lasáw)
thin skin larés
thing kién
things abóbot
think nónot
thinness ebéñg
third tercer, komátlo
third (fraction) kakatló
thirst pegá
thirsty napgá (pegá)
thirteen trése, labintaló
thirty talómplo, trénta
this sáya, áya, ya
thorn sabít
thought (by) áñgan
thousand libó, mil
thread ináraméy
three taló trés
thrift panaggímper (gimper)
throat kolókolóng
throughout añggán
throw tópak, banták, bontók
throw grain etc. sibó
throw yoyo downwards sóyo
thrust solót, doyók
thumb tañgán
thunder karól
thunder, to ógoñg
Thursday juéves
ticklish kilití
tide etáb
tide: low tide aláal, káti
tie siñgér
tie (draw) tábla
tight málet
tightness ipét
till, to dánop
time ígsa, óras
tinkle kalánsiñg
tiny tíngit
tire ketáng, kesáw
tired álal, banál, pisák, naksawán
tired of sawá
to ed
tobacco tabáco
today nátan
toe gamét
toilet kasílyas, pátiañg
toilet bowl pátiañgán (pátiañg)
tolerance lugít
tolerate ánus
tomato kamátis
tomb pántion
tomorrow nabuás (buás)
tongue dilá
tonsure ordén
too bad sáyañg
too much masyádo
tools kagawaán (gawá)
tooth ñgipén
tooth brush sugígi
toothless ñgilíb
toothpick iñgát
top tagéy, ñgoró
top (toy) trómpo
top: on top tapéw
topic esiáb, sásalítaen (salíta),
tortured éntang
tossing and turning siwál
total dágop
touch diwít, dapígas, kablít, kamá,
karápas, dagét
towards dapít
towel tuálya
tower tórre, iláñg
town báley
townmate kabaleyán (báley)
toy galáwgálaw, amáyo
toy horse kabkabáyo
terms of address and respect agí, ápo, atchí, Don, Dóna,
máma, nána, nánay, tátay,
ináñg, itáw, kúya
trace tontón
tradition kaogalián (ogáli)
transplant rice bonál
trap patít
trap: fish trap penér
trap for birds kolóbong
trash basúra
transistor radio transístor
tray látok
treachery lípot
treasurer tesoréro
tree kiéw
tree species átis, baég, bolawén, chíco,
chiésa, ílañgilañg, ipíl,
kandóñg, labóñg, lanzónes,
laurél, lómboy, mabólo,
marúnggay, pántol, páta
tremble gíwgiw, tayegtég
tremor yegyég
trip biáje
trip someone pátir
tripe góto
trouble lamés
trouble: make trouble goló
trough atótoñg
true tuá
trust pánpia, piá, talék
trusted napanpiaán (pánpia)
try sáli
tube: bamboo tube for blowing añgóyob
tuberculosis tíbi
Tuesday mártes
turban sokóñg
turkey pábo
turn palíng, líko, bokáy
turn upside down sokláy
turtle bakokól
twelfth komalabinduá
twelve labinduá, dóse
twelve only lablabinduá
twenty duámplo, baínte, véinte
twenty-five centavos bínting
twice maminduá
twig of bamboo boláwit
twin siñgín, sipíng
twitch kiwí
two dos, duára, duá
two only duagduára (duá)
two by two sandérua (duá)
two hundred duánlasós
type ukéd
typewriter makinílya
tyranny sulít
ugly alíwliwá (aliwá)
ulcer úlcer
umbrella páyoñg
unbalanced bañgkíñg
uncle tió
under síloñg
undershirt kamiséta
understand talós
uneasy pirípirí, ayerér
unevenly loaded bañgkíñg
unhealthy makápoy (kápoy), masakít (sakít)
uniform unifórme
unique nirumárumá (dumá), bókor
unite laktíp
United States of America Estádos Unídos
universe sansinukubán, sansinakobán
university universidád
unravel sabóy
unripe maetá (etá.)
unsafe maátap (átap)
unstitch satsát, tástas
untie ógpos, ókbar
until añggád
untruthful mabáli (báli)
unwind kalkál
up to date maalindáway (alindáway)
uppermost portion of cooked páwpaw
uproot bagót
upside down tikléb
upstream: go upstream súba
urine sírit
urine: odor of stale urine baléng
use kakanáan (kaná)
use, to usár, kaná
usual gendát
utmost expectation nepég
utterance bekás
vacation bakasyón
vaccination vacúna
valor kabelér (belér)
vanilla banílya
vanish gesáñg
vapor señgáw, songáw
vat talyási
veer líko
vegetables pisíng, ipipísiñg
vegetables: variety like silver beet pecháy
veil vélo, pándoñg
vein olát
venom ditá
venture forth sugbá
veranda balkón
verb vérbo
verdant mabuná (buná)
vessel barkó, sakayán
vexing maráma (dáma)
viand sirá
vice bísyo
vicinity búkid
vie talikoróg
vinegar tuká
Virgin birhén, virgén
virtue bírtud
visible: clearly visible from distance bínel
visit dálaw, payáwar, bisíta
visitor bisíta
vitamin bitamína
vogue: in vogue móda
voice bóses, kaísipán (ísip)
vomit otá
voracious masibá (sibá)
vote bóto, pilí
waddle dopíkpik
wade sakát
wag pilík
wail tagleéy
waist balañgbáñg
wait alagár, taláran
wake up leíñg, bañgón
walk akár, koráñg, saráñg
walk clumsily lúpad
walk in sleep alimógagán
walk with protruding sikár
walk with wide strides kawás, lambáñg
wall díñgdiñg, padér
wallet pitáka
wanderer samót
want, to labáy, gústo
war bakál
ward bárrio
wardrobe aparadór
warehouse bodéga
warm ímeñg, páktañg, petáñg
wash (bathe) orás
wash by repeated dipping yókyok
wash clothes pesák
wash face dilamós
wash private parts kawkáw
washerwoman pomepesák, labandéra
washing place bañggíra; batalán
wasp ákot
waste áwak
watch, to bantáy, pólyan, siim
water danúm
water, to salóg
waterfall soból
watering can asitéra
watermelon pakuán
wattles of rooster lambí-lambí
wave (sea) dalóyon
wax: sticky wax ágkit
way dalán
way to apáp
we ta, tayó, ti, kamí, ití, sikamí, itá,
weak makápoy (kápoy), lopók
weakness kápoy, gápil
wealth biénes, yáman
wealthy mayáman (yáman)
weapon ayúra, ármas
wear solóng
weave lagá
weave cord sañgál
wedding bánsal, kasál
wedding celebration at pagátin
bride’s house
wedding reception bánsal
wedge paláy, bañgén
Wednesday miércoles
week símba
weigh timbáñg
well maóng
well (for water) bobón
welt bógbog
welts resulting from insect batíl
west sagór
wet ambasá (basá)
wet, to basá
what antó
whatever antokamán (antó)
why ákin
wheat trígo
wheel dalíg
when bángno, kapigán
where inér
whereabouts kolaán
which dínan
which in order kumapigá
while légan, kaleganán
while: a while ago nimán
whip kábil, bakbák
whisper ésaes
whistle ñgísiw
white amputí (putí)
white hair obán
whiten palakpák
who siopá (opá)
wholesale: buy wholesale añgkát
wide lápar, maawáñg (awáñg)
widen ñgabñgáb
widow baló
width of hand damá
wife akuláw mísis
wild (animal) maátap (átap)
wild (plants) bálang
wiles sílib
willing bolós
wind dagém
window bentána, doroñgáwen (doñgáw)
wine alák
wine: kind of wine sióktoñg
wing payák
wink kindát
winnow taép
winnowing basket bigaó
wipe punás
wire káwat, alámbri
wise masílib (sílib), todyó, matalinó
wish piráwat (dáwat), ingóngot,
gunaét, labáy
witchcraft gámor, kólam
withhold súmbra
within one’s means sarág
witness tási, takbúno
wood tábla, kiéw
wool lána
work gawá, kímey, trabájo
worm alombáyar
worn out lopók
worried aborído, mapága (pága)
worries kapagaán
worse tóbat, alolót
wound sugát, lagás
wounded alagás (lagás)
wrap balkót, púñggos
wrist ngalóngalóan
write súlat
written kurít
yam ubí
yawn wáb, oáb
year taón
yellow duyáw
yes ón
yesterday karumán
you ka, sika (ka), kayó, sikayó, ki
young malañguér (lañguér)
young leaves of cashew puták
younger sibling yogtán
youngest child kayogtanán (yogtán)
your mo, yo
youthful kalañguerán (lañguér)
yoyo yóyo
zeal kulí, seét
zenith ogtó