F. Scott Fitzgerald And: Il Tempo Di Diventare Maturo
F. Scott Fitzgerald And: Il Tempo Di Diventare Maturo
F. Scott Fitzgerald And: Il Tempo Di Diventare Maturo
We were in Rome two weeks. You can see the fascination of the place. We
stayed two weeks even though we could have left in two days — that is we
could have left if we had not run out of money. I met John Carter, the author
of "These Wild Young People," in the street one day and he cashed me a
check for a thousand lira. We spent this on ointment.
The ointment trust thrives in Rome. All the guests at the two best hotels are
afflicted with what the proprietors call "mosquitos too small for screens." We
do not call them that in America.
John Carter lent us "Alice Adams" and we read it aloud to each other under the
shadow of Caesar's house. If it had not been for Alice we should have collapsed
and died in Rome as so many less fortunate literary people have done.[. ..]
By bribing the ticket agent with one thousand lira to cheat some old general
out of his compartment — the offer was the agent's, not ours — we man
aged to leave Italy.
"Vous avez quelque chose pour déclarer" Asked the border customs officials
early next morning (only they asked it in better French).
I awoke with a horrible effort from a dream of Italian beggars.
"Qui!' I shrieked, "Je veux déclare que je suis trés, trés heureux a partir d 'Italie"
I could understand at last why the French loved France. They have seen
This sketch was the only thing he managed to produce from his
European and, in particular, Italian experiences. In spite of being
urged by many, Fitzgerald didn't feel like writing anything; as he told
Perkins in December 1921: "I think I may be able to use my Euro
pean impression a little later but at present [...] I haven't many ideas
on the subject" (DS/DM, 44). No, he had no desire to recount any
thing, partly because he had no fond memories (even the despised
"carabinieri" make their first appearance in this sketch of 1921), and
partly because, at this point, he was deeply involved with an elabo
rate revision (on the proofs as was his habit) of The Beautiful and
Damned which was to come out in March 1922. Perhaps that de
pressing trip caused alterations in the Roman frame of his novel, par
ticularly apropos of its 'ironic' ending. One may argue as well that
the Roman setting which appears at first so desirable, albeit with a
touch of irony, starts to look like an increasingly decadent and even
3 RSA Journal 10
ber in "a large city where everyone was driving on the wrong side
of the street, except me. The man who tried to arrest me told me
this was Rome and I had better do as the Romans do."10 The new
Roman stay occurred in a particularly difficult time for the Fitzger
alds: Zelda was "trying to have a baby" (LL, 192), and the fascist
rise to power was in full swing 11 together with the hysteria of the
Holy Year. The immediate outcome of this sojourn was a third, lit
tle known sketch, an unfinished essay full of gaps, with the mean
ingful title "The High Cost of Macaroni," published posthumously
in 1954. It was conceived as the final part of a triptych on the ma
terial (merely 'material'?) cost of living on Long Island, the Riviera
and in Rome.
Why Rome again? Was it just because it was cheaper? Or wasn't
Fitzgerald ideally following other pilgrimages: that of Monsignor Fay,
for example, or of his dear Keats, who with his nightingale is im
mortalized once more in the title of Tender Is the Night and in its epi
graph? Actually, it was the reading of Roderick Hudson in October
1924 that enticed Zelda deeply. Truly there could not have been a
more intriguing and foreboding reading, a more appropriate repre
sentation of the unraveling of a curious destiny lurking for Fitzgerald
in the Roman ruins, the same pathetic destiny of those Jamesian
characters for whom Rome plays a fatal role: Daisy Miller, Roderick
Hudson, Isabel Archer.
From the very start the Roman sojourn was not under a good
star. The search for an apartment, for example, was complicated by
those whom Fitzgerald calls "speculators":
This was Holy Year. Only one year in every twenty-five is Holy Year — and
we had blundered right into it. To the Roman business man, Holy Year is that
period when he counts on making enough profit out of foreign pilgrims to
enable him to rest for twenty-five years more. A host of speculators — army
officers, black-handers, waiters, mule drivers, morticians and princes of the
blood — round up every edifice that can be disguised as an apartment house
and wait for the Americans. 13
Via Nazionale, and later at the Hotel des Princes in Piazza di Spagna
(formerly Albergo di Londra, closed in 1931 14) , but neither place left
them with very good memories. The somewhat gloomy atmosphere
of the Quirinale was later summoned in "Show Mr. and Mrs. F. to
Number — ": "Marion Crawford's mother died in the Quirinal Hotel
at Rome. All the chamber-maids remember it and tell the visitors
about how they spread the room with newspapers afterwards"
(CU, 44).
Everything that happened in Rome in those months found its
way into Tender Is the Night. It is in the rooms of the Quirinale that
the love-story between Dick and Rosemary ends. Francis Marion
Crawford, too, makes an appearance in the novel, not at the Quiri
nale, but at the Excelsior, where late at night: "Baby Warren lay in
bed, reading one of Marion Crawford's curiously inanimate Roman
stories" (TN, 247). Truly a very peculiar irony! For, during that
reading, the most agitated and animated night of the novel takes
The situation at the Hotel des Princes was not any better. In
"The High Cost of Macaroni" it is morbidly renamed "Hotel de la
The building itself had been erected over the tomb of one of the early em
perors and the elevator shaft was obviously in direct communication with the
open mausoleum. There was an atmosphere for you. [...] There was some
thing very foreign and "old-world" about it. It was awful. ... 15
We were too superior at that time to use the guide books and wanted to dis
cover the ruins for ourselves, which we did when we had exhausted the
night-life and the market places and the campagna. We liked Castello San
t'Angelo because of its rounded mysterious unity and the river and the debris
about its base. It was exciting being lost between centuries in the Roman
dusk and taking your sense of direction from the Colosseum. (CU, 44-45)
in the hot mysterious shin of the Italian boot where the Mafia sprang out of
rank human weeds and the Black Hand rose to throw its ominous shadow
across two continents. [... ] "I'm glad I'm American," [the girl tells her com
panion]. "Here in Italy I feel that everybody's dead. So many people dead and
all watching from up on those hills - Carthaginians and old Romans and
Moorish pirates and medieval princes with poisoned rings." (BP, 125-126)
and heavy roses in the "liquid dark." Nevertheless, the Roman win
ter, however depressing, was of remarkable importance in his career.
The reasons are manifold; all in all, Rome brought about: a success
ful revision of The Great Gatsby, a renewed relationship with Henry
James's work; the seed of Tender Is the Night, with the Roman-Jame
sian motif of the gradual ruin of the protagonist; and last but not
least, a direct contact with the American movie world: in those
months, on the Appian Way, by the Porta San Sebastiano, against
grandiose cardboard backdrops, Fred Niblo was filming Ben Hur,
starring Carmel Myers and Ramon Novarro. The Fitzgeralds often
joined the crew -actually, it became their favorite pastime in those
unhappy months. Ben Hur (1925), the last colossal of Hollywood's
adolescence, is a story of ancient Rome at the beginning of her deca
dence. In Tender Is the Night it will be ironically renamed, perhaps
after Du Bellay, or Pound, or Poe, The Grandeur That Was Rome.
So it was in Rome that Fitzgerald set himself to work on a care
ful revision of The Great Gatsby, on the galley proofs which arrived
from New York. He worked on them for over two months and sent
them back in such a tormented shape he had to admit to Perkins on
December 20 that they were "one of the most expensive affairs since
Madame Bovary. Please charge it to my account" (DS/DM, 89). The
correspondence with Perkins records the various phases of revision
and rearrangement, of the structural balance of parts and chapters, of
the orchestration of the symbolic details. Moreover, the famous
scene of the Plaza was thoroughly rewritten; the meaning of Doctor
Eckelburg's eyes was clarified; the evocation of the "old island" and
of the "fresh, green breast of the new world" which closed the first
chapter was moved to the end 17 . And while Scott worked, Zelda this
time worked with him too, drawing repeatedly the face of Gatsby
"until her fingers ached" (DS/DM, 89). At the end of such a trial he
could assert with satisfaction: "I know Gatsby better than my own
child" (DS/DM, 89). Of course, this is not to say that Rome had any
part at all in the revision of the novel, Fitzgerald would have done it
anyway: it was his habit to create his masterpieces from proofs.
However, it was Rome where, by his own admission, he definitely
had more time and fewer distractions.
With the corrected proofs back in New York and some regret at
RSA Journal 10 39
the discarded 'Roman' title ("My heart tells me I should have named
it Trimalchio" [DSDM, 94]), in February the family moved to Capri:
"I've brought Gatsby to life," he writes Perkins on February 18, at the
end of his Roman stay: "We're moving to Capri. We hate Rome. I'm
behind financially and have to write three short stories. Then I try
another play, and by June, I hope, begin my new novel" (L, 177).
In fact, as the labored revision of The Great Gatsby was coming
to an end, the seed of Tender Is the Night started germinating and,
unlike Gatsby, it owes everything to the Roman sojourn and to the
so far underestimated influence of Henry James that Fitzgerald ab
sorbed also through Van Wyck Brooks's The Pilgrimage of Henry
James (1925) 18.
If, as has been mantained, Roderick Hudson is a remaking of
The Marble Faun19, then Tender Is the Night can be read in turn as a
remaking of Roderick Hudson, since it seems to inherit not only the
very subject but also some of its structural faults20. A comparison be
tween the two novels would take us astray. However, it is worth re
calling that both of them focus on the dissipation of a young and
promising American against the background of Rome. Roderick
Hudson and Dick Diver - incidentally, both from Virginia- are ru
ined by a woman and perhaps by too much drinking. After their Ro
man "catastrophe" (the word "catastrophe" is used by James and by
Fitzgerald as well 21 ), both of them end up in Switzerland. As with
Daisy Miller, the Switzerland-Rome axis proves fatal to them.
Let's now come to the Roman "catastrophe" of Fitzgerald/
Dick Diver and to Tender Is the Night. Besides all the discomforts of
a cold — albeit politically 'hot' — winter in a Holy-Year-dishonest-vi
olent-petty-fascist-vulgar-Rome, something else occurred around 20
December 1924 which marked Fitzgerald deeply. He would never be
able to open-heartedly recount the serious, debasing incident that
happened to him in the 'eternal city.' On 23 January 1925, replying
to Harold Ober who was urging him to write about Rome, he was
forced to decline: "I hate Italy and the Italiens [sic], so violently that
I can't bring myself to write about them for the Post" (LL, 94). And
in a note apparently written in 1929 he states cryptically: "I've lain
awake whole nights practicing murders. After I — after a thing that
happened to me in Rome I used to imagine whole auditoriums filled
40 RSA Journal 10
We jumped into a taxicab and drove up to the Hotel Mazuma Americana. The
afternoon tea dance was beginning and our eyes lighted upon the Princess
Dumbella and her two cavaliers of the month before leisurely approaching
the last vacant table. I rushed up to the head waiter. "Look here," I said. "I
have to have that table. I'm Claude Lightfoot, the great American money king
and if I can't have that table I'll call the Italian loan."
"But Signor, the Princess Dumbella—"
"Enough! Get me Signor Mussolini on the telephone."
In a moment the Dumbella party was intercepted. A barricade of waiters
formed in front of them, on both sides of them, jostling, tripping, apologiz
ing 23
albeit confusedly described, fight over the reserved table takes place.
At this point Dick is totally drunk. However, it is in the brawl with
the taxi drivers that the uncivilized ways of the Italians take on a def
inite shape. "I decided to try my fascisti methods" —Fitzgerald writes
in "The High Cost of Macaroni"—, "I had no castor oil handy but I
approached the first chaffeur with a menacing eye."24 There is no
mention in the sketch of his broken nose, the night in prison with
the hated "carabinieri" and the humiliation suffered as a result of
knocking out "John Alexander Borgia, the chief of the secret police
of the carbonieri [sic]."25 Apparently unharmed, the protagonist of
the sketch decides to leave for Capri, "where the Emperor Tiberius
used to go when Rome got too hot for him. People have been going
there for much the same reasons ever since ... "26
Although it would be worthwhile expanding upon the docu
mentary significance of "The High Cost of Macaroni" — indeed, it is
a colorful, angry indictment against fascist Rome—, it seems more
appropriate to emphasize the importance that it holds in relation to
Fitzgerald's new novel. This posthumous and unfinished sketch is, in
fact, to be considered in every respect the ur-text (albeit an unpre
tentious one) of Tender Is the Night. Even by 20 December 1924, he
announces to Perkins:
I'm a bit (not very - not dangerously) stewed tonight & I'll probably write you
a long letter. We're living in a small, unfashionable but most comfortable ho
tel at $525.00 a month including tips, meals etc. Rome does not particularly
interest me but its (sic) a big year here, and early in the spring we're going to
Paris. [...] I've got a new novel to write - title and all, that'll take about a year.
Meanwhile, I don't want to start it until this is out & meanwhile I'll do short
stories for money. (DS/DM, 88)
He had already in mind "title and all" of his new novel. In fact,
the unfortunate and not at all "tender" Roman night, started giving
life to the "Francis Melarky version" of Tender Is the Night, on which
Fitzgerald worked from 1925 to 1930 when he shifted to the "Kelly
shipboard version" and then to the final "Dick Diver version." In the
original version (with its four different titles: "Our Type", "The
World's Fair", "The Melarky Case" and "The Boy Who Killed His
Mother") it is Francis Melarky, in Rome with an American movie
42 RSA Journal 10
There was dirty water in the gutters and between the rough cobblestones; a
marshy vapor from the Campagna, a sweat of exhausted cultures tainted the
morning air. (TN, 244)
Beautiful and Damned (op.cit.), BD; The Great Gatsby, with an introduction by
Tony Tanner, Harmondworth, Penguin, 1990, GG; Tender Is the Night, Har
mondsworth, Penguin, 1986, TN, The Crack-Up, edited by Edmund Wilson, New
York, New Directions, 1956, CU; Afternoon of an Author: A Selection of Uncollected
Stories and Essays, edited by Arthur Mizener, New York, Scribners, 1957, AA; Bits of
Paradise, selected by Scottie Fitzgerald Smith and Matthew J. Bruccoli, Har
mondsworth, Penguin, 1976, BP; The Letters of F.S.Fitzgerald edited by Andrew
Turnbull, New York, Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1965, L; Dear Scott/Dear Max: The
Fitzgerald-Perkins Correspondence, edited by John Kuehl and Jackson R. Bryer,
New York, Scribners, 1971, DS/DM; A Life in Letters, edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli
with the assistance of Judith S. Baugham, New York, Touchstone, Simon & Schus
ter Inc., 1995, LL.
2 On "the extraordinarily effective irony of the last few paragraphs" see, in
particular, Perkins's letters of December 27 and 31, 1921 (DS/DM, p.49-50) and
Matthew J. Bruccoli, Some Sort of Epic Grandeur: The Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald, New
York, Carrol and Graf Publishers, Inc., 1991, p. 176-184.
3 Elio Chinol, "Due storici della crisi americana: F. Scott Fitzgerald and James
T. Farrell" in Comunità , VII (18 aprile 1953), p. 53-54.
4 Alberto Arbasino, Fratelli d'Italia, Milano, Adelphi, 1993, p. 869.
5 See Tom's tribute to the Northern races, under the influence of Lothrop
Stoddard's The Rising Tide of Colour. " 'The idea is if we don't look out the white
race will be - will be utterly submerged. It's all scientific stuff; it's been proved.' [...]
'It's up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out or these other races will have
control of things.' [...] 'This idea is that we are Nordics. I am, and you are, and you
are, and [...] (GG, 18).
6 Edmund Wilson, Letters on Literature and Politics 1912-1972, selected and
edited by Elena Wilson, introduction by Daniel Aaron, foreword by Leon Edel, New
York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1977, p. 63.
7 Reprinted in F. Scott Fitzgerald in His Own Time, edited by Matthew J.
Bruccoli and Jackson R. Bryer, New York, Popular Library, 1971, p. 124-126, 125.
8 F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The High Cost of Macaroni," with a note by H.D. Piper,
Interim, IV, 1-2 ,1954, p. 3-15, 6.
9 Ibidem, p. 7.
10 Ibidem, p. 8.
11 During the period the Fitzgeralds lived in Rome (from November 1924 to
February 1925) the social and political atmosphere in the city was particularly
strained and violent. These were the months following the assassination of the so
cialist leader Giacomo Matteotti, sanctioned by Mussolini in order to intimidate all
opposition. And, indeed, his fascist squads were ruthlessly imposing their own 'or
der' to ensure the Duce's total control of Italian affairs. During December 1924,
when Fitzgerald suffered the worst experience of his life (he was beaten by the
'carabinieri' and ended up in jail, more or less around December 20), there was an
escalation of fascist violence. By January 1925 Mussolini was able to declare himself
Italian dictator. Undoubtedly, the unpleasant historical events which were taking
RSA Journal 10 45
question is accordingly, for the novelist, always there and always formidable; always
insisting on the effect of the great lapse and passage, of the 'dark backward and
abysm,' by the terms of truth, and on the effect of compression, of composition and
form, by the terms of literary arrangement" (ibidem, p. 44). Thus, possibly, all the
discussion on the shortcomings and structural flaws of Tender Is the Night may even
tually find a new light and a new critical evaluation if matched against James's "Pref
ace" to Roderick Hudson.
21 As already quoted in the previous footnote, in his "Preface" James main
tains that Christina Light is the "sole agent" of Roderick's "catastrophe." In Tender Is
the Night Dick's ruinous behavior in Rome is concordantly termed a "catastrophe"
(TN, 262).
22 See Arthur Mizener, The Far Side of Paradise: A Biography of F. Scott
Fitzgerald, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1951, 165-166.
23 F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The High Cost of Macaroni," op. cit., p. 14.
24 Ibidem.
25 Ibidem, p. 15.
26 Ibidem.
27 For the whole vexed question of the composition of Tender Is the Night and
its many versions, cfr. Matthew J. Bruccoli, The Composition of 'Tender Is the Night':
A Study of the Manuscripts, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1963.
28 Ibidem, p. 36.
29 Dates are often confused in Tender Is the Night. Dick meets Rosemary in
Rome four years after their first encounter on the Riviera (TN, 227), when she is
twenty-four, thus in the autumn (November) of 1929. However, a few hours later,
in Rosemary's room at the Hotel Quirinale, he clearly states that the year is 1928:
"Looking at you as a perfectly normal girl of twenty-two, living in the year nineteen
twenty eight" (TN, 231). Fitzgerald is probably ambiguously playing with dates. If
the Roman episode is placed in November 1929 ("Then in a taxi they rode along
cheerless streets through a dank November night," TN, 241), then the Wall Street
crack-up (October 1929) has already occurred.
30 As far as I was able to check, no review of Main Street appears on the
pages of the Corriere della Sera for the years 1921 (May-June) and 1924-1925 (Oc
tober-April). Carlo Linati, a distinguished Italian critic and an expert of English and
American literature, who was at the time the official reviewer for the Corriere, would
not have mistaken "Main" for "Wall." It is possible that the quotation from the Cor
riere is Fitzgerald's own invention. Always suffering from his colleagues' success, he
may have also been deriding Sinclair Lewis (his feelings towards Lewis always fluc
tuated between admiration and envy). All in all, the quotation is grammatically cor
rect, except for the misspelling of Lewis's first name (it was Fitzgerald's habit to mis
spell names) and the capital 'A' in the word "Americana," which would be right in
the English but not in the Italian orthography. Moreover, 'novella' (meaning 'short
story' in Italian) looks more like a literal translation of the word 'novel.' Incidental
ly, Main Street (1920) was translated into Italian only in 1935.
31 Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Marble Faun, New York, Signet, 1961, p. 235.