Tobril Special 0408
Tobril Special 0408
Tobril Special 0408
Additional Design by: Neil Burton and Richard Connery deign to attend, much to the relief of the gathered gods. At the
Cover & Illustrations by: Diego Andres Paredes last possible moment Nuitari also excluded himself.
Cartography & Layout by: Richard Connery Hidukkel spoke first with his honeyed tongue, outlying
the new shape of the world where their worshippers would be hunted and killed. Next spoke Chemosh, fearing that his
“children”, the undead, would be hunted by the forces of Good.
Zeboim remained silent but concerned, while Morgion spoke
Introduction of the need to create a safeguard should all of their worshippers
be killed, a safeguard that would convert normal people into
The Brand is the first adventure on the “Scent of Evil” fanatical worshippers of the Evil gods.
campaign and it is designed for a party of four 2nd-level The plan was approved and for years they worked, pouring
characters. The adventure takes place in the city of Sanction their essence and giving it a mortal shell to better corrupt the
and environs. During or at the end of the adventure the PCs people of Krynn. After 15 long years, their efforts yielded a
should gain enough experience to advance to third level. candle that did not burn, but its smell could convert anyone to
The adventure does not include a detailed description of the worship of the god who lighted it. This artifact, the Scent of
the city of Sanction nor of the surrounding countryside, as Evil, was tested in a small hamlet of Solamnia and the people
that is not its purpose. For a map of Sanction check The Atlas of became fanatical worshippers of the evil gods, before they were
the Dragonlance Saga or Tales of the Lance, but bear in mind that killed by their minions to avoid suspicion.
in the Fifth Age the lava does not flow into the city but it is This test doomed their efforts. Gilean alerted Paladine and
used as a moat. Also there are no Dragonarmies camps within together they put forth a plan to get hold of the candle for this
the city. The Clandestine Circle and the War of Souls trilogy are artifact opposed the free will of mortals. In a daring raid
recommended reads to understand the city and its current Knights of Solamnia stole the Scent of Evil and sealed it under
political and social situation. Of course the Dragonlance the surface of Krynn, somewhere near Estwilde. To prevent
Campaign Setting and the Age of Mortals sourcebook are the Evil gods from retrieving it, they provided a safeguard:
invaluable for the campaign. only people of good alignment bearing the symbol of all the
This adventure is unofficial and the events told here are to Evil gods who created the candle could enter the chamber and
be considered strictly non-canon. retrieve it.
The gods of Evil were not overly concerned about the loss,
Adventure Background until the time of the Kingpriest came. The rise of Good forced
their hand and they knew they had to use the scent or be
The campaign and the adventure are set about six months after diminished in power. They used all their means to corrupt
the events described at the end of the War of Souls trilogy. heroes to get the scent, but ultimately they failed. A corrupted
Takhisis lies dead and her corpse has vanished from the eyes of person could not penetrate the chamber and good people
mortals, while Sargonnas and his minotaur children have would not willingly carry the symbols of Evil deities. Another
launched an attack against the Silvanesti lands, displacing the plan, set in motion after the War of the Lance, failed for the
elves. Three Dragon Overlords lie dead and the Knights of same reason.
Solamnia hold Sanction. Valthonis, the exiled fallen god
Paladine, tries to inspire the people to defeat adversity on this
Age of Mortals.
Recent Events
The world is still rocking over the news of the return of When the War of Souls ended the Evil gods conveyed a
the gods, and how they did not leave Krynn but were tricked Council. They desperately need worshippers and the Candle
by Takhisis, who stole the world from them. Most of the gods would be the ideal artifact to increase their power. Since no
are busy rebuilding their power base and are in desperate need good people would willingly wear their symbol, they resorted
of worshippers. The Evil gods, with the notable exception of to trickery.
Sargonnas, think they do not have enough time to rebuild Morgion was chosen to start the plan. A cultist of him,
their churches and have turned towards an ancient artifact Ayla, currently residing in the Sanction area contacted Curom
they created a long time ago just for this eventuality... Rom, a warlord with a band of loyal draconians. She promised
Curom a great reward if they could capture a band of
“adventurers” to brand them with the symbol of her god and
The Scent of Evil set the divine plans in motion. She recently heard of a new
After the Third Dragon War, the gods of Evil called a council band of adventurers in the area that would be perfect for her
to discuss their future on Krynn. Takhisis, recently defeated by plan...
Huma, and Sargonnas, worrying about his minotaurs, did not
2 The Brand
Adventure Synopsis Sanction
The PCs arrive in Sanction and contact Amerio Truesilver, a Sanction is still rebuilding after the events of the War of Souls.
half-elf that has either something they want or know about Many stragglers from Mina’s army remain in the city and the
where it can be found. Amerio will get them what they want, Solamnics are busy ferreting them out. Encounters with
but the PCs must discover the source of the attacks upon the thieves or cutthroats are quite common.
caravans leaving through the North Pass of Sanction. The DM should feel free to introduce special encounters
When the PCs accept they are sent towards the North with the criminal elements of the city or maybe with the
Pass, where they are attacked by draconians who want to displaced elves. That, however, is not the focus of this
capture them. If they are captured they are brought into the adventure and the party should never feel that the city is too
presence of Curom Rom and Ayla, who brand them and, after dangerous to use as a base. For more information on Sanction,
roughing them a little, let them go free. Most PCs will want along with a map of the city, please refer to the Age of Mortals
revenge for this and will return to deal with the branders. sourcebook, page 131.
If the PCs are not captured, or want revenge, they will find What follows is a list of the common services of the city:
a map on a draconian, or will remember where they were held
captive, and head there. The entrance is disguised by a spell,
but the PCs will find it due to the map or their memories.
Once inside they must contend with the draconians
inhabitants until the final showdown with Ayla and Curom
Rom. After the PCs defeat them they will explore the complex
and be branded, so the door is open for the next adventure...
Adventure Hooks
Here are some character hooks the DM can use to kick-start
the adventure. Feel free to devise your own or combine any of
the following:
4 The Brand
Table 1–1: Random Encounters experienced enough to know which targets to hit first (robed
d% Encounter characters and fighter’s mounts, though they will leave any
01–30 — pack mules alive). If the fight goes badly for them, the goblins
31–65 Draconian hunting party will scatter and flee—they haven’t survived this long in this
66–72 Goblin scavengers area by being foolhardy—although they are quite capable of
73–81 Pack of wolves fighting to the death if the PCs corner them.
82–90 Giant spider
91–99 Gnoll hunter Goblins (5): hp 5, 6, 7, 8, 8; Monster Manual, pg. 107.
100 Injured bear These three goblins are equipped with shortbows and 5
arrows each instead of javelins as well as one bag of
Draconian Hunting Party (EL 3) caltrops for the whole goblin group.
Whether the PCs are mounted or not, a force of draconians
attack them, almost always from ambush (A Spot Check Pack of wolves (EL 2 or —)
against DC 15 will reveal the draconians and allow the party to The party encounters a small den of wolves. If this encounter
avoid being surprised). The draconians try to take the PCs alive happens during daytime the pack is present. The parents will
by dealing nonlethal damage and, what is really strange, is that protect their protégée (which does not fight) of all harm. The
the draconians show no fear of death and fight until they are DM should roll a Survival check (DC 10; if the party has a
all killed, not one of them retreats. Inquisitive PCs may notice mount or pack animal or if they are carrying a especially
an unusual greenish tint in the baaz scales with a Spot check strong scent the DC for the check is 5) for the wolves to know
(DC 10). if they notice the party approaching. If so one of the parents
will hide 10 feet away from the den and hope to catch the
Baaz Draconians (2): hp 16, 19; Dragonlance Campaign intruders unaware.
Setting, pg. 217. If this encounter happens during nighttime, both parents
are out hunting leaving the small cub sleeping. Should the
Possessions: A plain ivory scroll case containing a letter and baby wolf awake, it will immediately call out and both parents
a map. The unsigned letter is written in Common and reads: will arrive within 5 rounds of this alert. In this situation parties
should receive no experience points because they forced an
You must capture alive the avoidable confrontation.
following people that recently left
Wolves (2): hp 12, 13; Monster Manual, pg. 204.
Sanction... Remember Ssrak, it is
your priority to get them alive or
Giant spider (EL 2)
He will rot our bones. No excuses.
The party comes across a big web covering an area about ten
feet wide. A spider will detect the party due to its tremorsense
Include the description of the PCs when you read the note ability (unless the PCs have to extraordinary means of
aloud. The map makes it easy for the PCs to locate the entrance concealing their movement vibrations) and will attack as soon
to the compound from where the draconians raided them. If as they are close enough. The party hope to catch a glimpse of
the PCs are captured, the draconians gag them, blind them and the spider before it attacks if they succeed at a Spot check (DC
tie their hands. They then proceed to knock them 15) otherwise they are surprised.
unconscious. They wake up in Encounter Area 10 (The Cells)
described below. Monstrous Spider, Large (1): hp 22; Monster Manual,
Should the PCs manage to capture a draconian, he will pg. 208.
refuse to talk except to tell that the great rotting disease is
killing him. A common Knowledge check (DC 10) revels that Possessions: In a bulge in the silken web there is a small plain
draconians are immune to disease so there is something wooden box imprisoned there for some weeks. A Search check
strange going on here. A bard needs only succeed at a Bardic (DC 5) will reveal the box, which holds a wedding bracelet
Knowledge check DC 5 to gain the game information. made of silver (around 70 steel value). It was caught here when
This encounter can happen more than once up to a a disgruntled (and rejected) male human threw it into the
maximum of three times. After the first one, remember to wild. The bracelet has a small inscription that reads “May our
subtract the members of these subsequent draconian raids love be as strong as the northern wind - JC”.
vanquished in the wilderness from the total number of
draconians found in the Stronghold. Gnoll Hunter (EL — or 1)
This encounter only happens during the day. This hunter is on
Goblin Scavengers (EL 1) his way home with a couple of rabbits and a weasel tied to his
A small band of rag tag goblins are hunting game and whatever waist. Unless the party presents itself in very poor condition,
they can scrounge. They will try to evade any confrontation he knows he is outmatched so will appear friendly and
with the PC party unless they appear to have been in combat conciliatory, he introduces himself in the Gnoll tongue but he
recently in which case they’ll try to set-up an ambush firing knows enough of Common to maintain a conversation. He
their ranged weapons from trees or large boulders. They are does have an agenda, however. Through conversation he will
There are no sentinels outside, though you may want your PCs
to do Listen and Spots checks to keep them guessing. Curom
Rom is so sure that no one can find his stronghold that feels no
The Stronghold guards are needed.
6 The Brand
Mercenaries (varies): hp 5, 6, 6, 8; see the NPC
Two small rooms appear before you, to section at the end of the adventure for detailed
your left and to your right. By what little is statistics.
inside they resemble guard posts, since
Possessions: A small key made of bone.
there are only three stools along with a hay
hammock and the floor is worn out with 3. Main Hall (EL 3)
heavy use. The Main Hall does not have many enemies, but their actions
in this room change whether they were warned from
If it is night there are only two sentinels in each guard post, Encounter Area 2 or not. If the guard managed to warn his
one of them sleeping. If challenged the warrior who is awake companions read the following text:
will use a move-equivalent action to wake its companion.
If the mercenaries hear the arrow traps being sprung, they The man manages to open the door and cry
charge out of the room and one goes to Encounter Area 3 to something. Suddenly a flight of arrows
warn his friends and prepare against the invaders. flies towards you. They come from a
There are three warriors in each room. If the PCs do not section of a wall covered with arrow slits.
stop the runner, who takes 2 rounds opening the door, the
draconians on the other side have a surprise round where they
If the mercenaries didn’t warn them:
can pepper the PCs with arrows. The doors open outward from
the room, towards the passageway not towards Encounter Area The door opens and a stinking smell
3. There is no treasure in the guard posts, as they prefer to stow
assaults your senses. What was, a long time
their personal belongings in the barracks. There is, however, a
small key the party can hope to find with a Search check (DC ago, a meeting place in this dwarf fortress
10). This key is one of a pair that can open the door leading to now is nothing more than a monument to
Area 8 (Barracks). The other one is kept with the second shift filth. Before you rises a section of a wall
sleeping in the barracks. covered with arrow slits but no one is
manning it.
8 The Brand
The grotto is the home of a colony of centipedes, but they first, can treat their comrades with a Heal check (DC 10) to
ignore the draconians because their mandibles cannot have them awake after some minutes.
penetrate their scales. The draconians feed them with refuse Using detect magic in the room or altar reveals an
and the centipedes serve as guardians of the grotto against overwhelming aura, but attempts to divine the school of magic
anything that might come from the water. fail. Read to all the PCs that suffered damage:
Have the PCs make Listen checks (DC 7) to hear a sound
like feet taping on the rocks. When the characters enter the A cold sensation grips your bodies, so cold
room have them make Spot checks (Against the +10 Hide skill and clammy that makes you lose
the centipedes have) to see the naturally camouflaged consciousness. While you fall unconscious
centipedes. Those who succeed see that small strips of rocks it appears that the cold is concentrating
are moving; those who do not are surprised. The objective of
below your elbow.
this encounter is to try to scare the PCs, not to deal a lot of
damage or disable them. Try to keep the player’s guessing
about what is attacking them. Should the PCs investigate their arms, they find that they are
Those who jump in the pond find that it is not terribly branded with a 5 strange symbols: A hood with two red eyes, a
deep (only 6 feet) and it is an excellent measure against the goat´s skull, a human skull, a broken scale and an evil looking
centipedes, which cannot enter the water. turtle. A Knowledge (Religion) check (DC 10) can identify
them as the symbols of Morgion, Chemosh (which has two
Monstrous Centipede, Medium (5): hp 3, 3, 4, 6, 6; symbols instead of one), Hidukkel and Zeboim.
Monster Manual, pg. 206.
All the PCs must pass a Reflex save (DC 15) or suffer 2d6
points of non lethal damage followed by a Fortitude Save (DC
18): PCs who succeed suffer a –2 permanent penalty to
Constitution (but see below), if they fail the Fortitude save
they fall asleep along with losing the Constitution point. This
magical sleep is of divine influence and it’s not troubled by
such mundane protections as an elf’s immunity to sleep
(although elves can claim the +2 bonus to Enchantment saves
when they roll their Fortitude save).
The Constitution loss is permanent and cannot be
recovered by any spell or power until the PCs rid themselves of
the symbol embedded in their flesh. No mortal method can
remove it, but bathing the arm in holy water lets the PCs have
their original constitution score for 24 hours. The PCs can
hope to learn this by researching obscure practices of the Evil
gods. For the character to do this needs at least 10 ranks in
Knowledge (Religion) and succeed at a Knowledge (Religion)
check (DC 25). 8. Barracks
If she still lives, Ayla is alerted whenever the altar claims The door to this room is always locked. There are a pair of keys
any victims and she will dispatch a squad of draconians to that open this door: one for each guard shift. One of the keys is
apprehend the shrine’s defilers immediately. If the party is always present with the guards stationed at Area 2 (Guard Post)
captured here, the adventure continues in Area 10 (The Cells). while the door is inside the barracks with the second guard
If the PCs defeated everyone in the fortress before shift. If the players don’t have the key can force the door open
entering this room, they awake after 1d20 – their constitution with a successful Strength check (DC 15) or batter it down
in hours pass (but always at least 1 hour). The ones who awake (the door has 40 hit points and a hardness of 10). Either way,
Inside this room you can see a small When the door opens you see an imposing
wooden altar with two candelabra at each figure clad in studded leather armor sitting
side of it. A symbol of a hood with two red in a throne of bones in the center of the
eyes is prominently displayed above the room. It appears to be human, but he is so
altar. The strangest thing you see in this scarred by disease that it is difficult to tell.
room is the big fluffy bed and a wooden Standing alongside him are two
closet lying closely to it. A curtain of a draconians, attired with the symbol of
similar hue covers part of the opposite Morgion. Despite the brutish warrior in the
wall. throne, your gaze is swept to a woman
wearing gray tattered robes. Smiling
cruelly she simple says “I want them
A Knowledge (Religion) check (DC 10) can easily identify the
symbol as the symbol of Morgion. Inside the closet there are alive”, before the battle is joined.
plenty of robes and a bag with 20 steel pieces. The Cultist of
Morgion is here only by night, sleeping, otherwise she is with
10 The Brand
If they are unaware only Ayla and Curom Rom are here, potentially deadly for a 2nd-level party, in this situation
with two draconian bodyguards. If it is nighttime Ayla will be Curom Rom is simply trying to apprehend, not kill them.
in her room. Curom hasn’t slept in some days and it has taken a
toll on his health.
12 The Brand
Serinda Aspenleaf Tasslehoff Burrfoot
Female Qualinesti Elf Illusionist 2 Male Kender Cleric of Mishakal 2
Strength 9 (–1) Fortitude +1 Armor Class 13 Strength 8 (–1) Fortitude +3 Armor Class 18
Intelligence 17 (+3) Alignment N Base Attack +1 Intelligence 12 (+1) Alignment CG Base Attack +1
Wisdom 12 (+1) Speed 30 ft Melee Attack +0 Wisdom 16 (+3) Speed 20 ft Melee Attack +0
Charisma 11 (+0) Initiative +3 Ranged Attack +4 Charisma 14 (+2) Initiative +4 Ranged Attack +5
Skills: Concentration +6, Spellcraft +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Skills: Concentration +3, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (Religion)
Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (Geography) +8, +6.
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +8. Feats: Improved Turning.
Feats: Spell Focus (Illusion). Equipment: Studded leather, light wooden shield, Masterwork
Equipment: Backpack with waterskin, bedroll, sack, flint and quarterstaff, backpack with waterskin, bedroll, sack, flint
steel, spell components pouch, spellbook, light crossbow and steel.
and case with 20 bolts. Domains: Healing, Protection
Familiar: Toad.
Opposed Schools: Enchantment, Necromancy. Description
When one thinks of a kender it either thinks of a carefree race
Description (such as true kender) or distrustful buggers (as is the case of
Serinda Aspenleaf is one of the exiled Qualinesti elves living in afflicted kender). Tasslehoff Burfoot is the eternal in-
Sanction. Her deep green eyes and her red hair is the only betweener, one moment he is distrustful, the other he is as
feature most people remember about her, as she covers the carefree as any kender.
lower half of her face and her body is hidden under featureless The feature that draws the most attention to him is the
red robes. Medallion of Faith that hangs in his neck, the symbol of
Mishakal clearly visible.
Serinda is the daughter of a senator of Qualinesti and one of Background
the supporters of Gilthas and the Lioness during the Dark Tasslehoff Burfoot, so named after the Hero of the Lance, was
Knight’s occupation. Always a free spirit, her talent for magic born in Hylo and set out to see the world even earlier than
took her towards the path of neutrality instead of the path of most other kender. His travels took him to every corner of
good followed by most elves. Ansalon and his reputation as a wise kender grew from there,
Her new path has been a hard one and her new master, but something was lacking.
and old human wizard by the name of Zarakon, is a demanding It was one month after the War of Souls that he found his
master. On her own time he has befriended a human would be true calling. An old man named Varthonis gifted him with a
knight named George and a dwarven thief, barely tolerating Medallion of Faith and he was one of the first converts of
the company of a kender that hangs with them. Mishakal in the Age of Mortals.
She hopes to one day join the ranks of the Wizards of
High Sorcery under the patronage of Lunitari.
14 The Brand
After a victim is branded he can be commanded to
perform any action and have no memory of it. Thus they can
be ordered to spy and report every couple of days and have no
memory of it. Only one such command can be carried by the
victim, further attempts just makes the target follow the last set
of commands. A Will Save is allowed (DC 30) to resist this
compulsion mind-affecting effect.
Means of Removal
A brand can be easily identified but the means to remove it are
far more difficult. First the victim must be on hallowed and
consecrated ground and must bath for at least 5 hours in holy
water. After the purification is complete the victim must
succeed at two consecutive Will Saves (DC 20) while a cleric of
at least 10th level casts in quick succession: remove curse, break
enchantment, bless and atonement. If the victim succeeded at the
second Fortitude Save during the branding, the DC of the Will
Saves is reduced to 15.
The ritual to remove the brand can only be performed
during a night in which both Solinari and Lunitari are in High
Sanction while Nuitari is in Low Sanction and only one such
ritual can be done per night. A character needs at least 10 ranks
in Knowledge (Religion) and succeed at a Knowledge
(Religion) check (DC 25) so the information needed to
perform the ritual is revealed to him.
Means of Destruction
Unlike most magical items an Altar of Branding can be
destroyed just by smashing it to pieces. An altar usually is made
of stone meaning it has a hardness of 8 and 15 hit points per
inch of thickness. Nearly all of the altar must be destroyed to
completely obliterate the magic. The spell disintegration and
similar effects are more than enough to carry out the task.