Form C - Certificate of Good Moral Character
Form C - Certificate of Good Moral Character
Form C - Certificate of Good Moral Character
has consistently maintained good moral character, there having no disciplinary action taken against
him/her as of the date of application.
Printed Name & Signature of Principal/Guidance Counselor
Date: ______________________________________
NOTE: Failure to maintain good moral character before the award of the scholarship shall cause
forfeiture thereof. DOST-SEI may require another certification before the signing of the
Scholarship Agreement should the applicant qualify.
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Printed Name & Signature of School/Barangay
Health Center/Private Physician/Nurse
Date _________________________________
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
for SY 2021-2022.
Printed Name & Signature of Principal
Date __________________________________
graduating class under the NON-STEM Strand for the SY 2021-2022 and is classified within the
NOTE: Please certify based on Applicant’s academic Printed Name & Signature of Principal
standing as of Grade 11 (i.e. Top 5% of his/her class)
Date ___________________________
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Printed Name & Signature of Barangay Official/Principal
Date ____________________________________
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
has no pending application for immigration to the USA or any other country.
Printed Name & Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian
Date ____________________________________
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
This is to certify that the undersigned has (Check all that apply):
2. Taken the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Examination but did not qualify for the scholarship.
3. Qualified for the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship but did not avail of the award.
Printed Name & Signature of Applicant
Date ________________________________
Date _________________________________
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
We, the Applicant and my Parent/Legal Guardian, hereby certify to the truthfulness and
completeness of information provided. Any misinformation, misrepresentation or withholding of
information will automatically disqualify me/our son/daughter from the DOST-SEI Scholarship
Program. We are also willing to refund all the financial benefits received plus the appropriate interest
if such misinformation is discovered after my/our child accepted the award.
In connection with this application for scholarship, we hereby authorize the DOST-SEI
designated representative to conduct a background check on our socio-economic status and to visit
our family dwelling.
Moreover, we hereby express our consent for the Science Education Institute of the Department
of Science and Technology (SEI-DOST) to collect, record, organize, update or modify, retrieve,
consult, use, consolidate, block, erase or destruct our personal data as part of our information. We
hereby affirm our right to be informed, object to processing, access and rectify, suspend or withdraw
our personal data, and be indemnified in case of damages pursuant to the provisions of the Republic
Act No. 10173 of the Philippines, Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its corresponding Implementing Rules
and Regulations.
Applicant’s Signature over Printed Name
Date ____________________________
_________________________________ OR ___________________________________
Father/Mother’s Signature over Printed Name Legal Guardian’s Signature Over Printed Name
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