College of Education: Part I: Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives

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Course Code: PE 1 ______ No. of Units: 2____

Descriptive Title: ____PHYSICAL FITNESS No. of Units: 2____
__1st __ Semester, AY 2020 - 2021 Schedule of Meetings (dates OR day & week):
Pre-requisite: ________NONE__________ F2F ____N/A___
Co-requisite: _______NONE_________ Online ___Week 1 to 18_
Total Contact Hours: (Lecture)__36___ (Lab) ___0___

University Vision University Mission

A globally engaged University excelling in science, Caraga State University endeavors to produce globally competitive and socially responsible human capital
engineering, and the arts. towards the sustainable and inclusive development of Caraga Region and beyond.

College Goals Program Educational Objectives

1. To provide quality and relevant teacher education programs that are responsive students;
2. To provide students with rich experiences to reinforce their knowledge and skills in their N/A
respective fields of specification; (Remarks: PE1 is a General Education course)
3. To produce graduates with internalized values imbued with the love of God, country and
the human kind; and
4. To produce graduates with enhanced skills in researche and extension services.

General Education (GE) Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students must be able to:
A. Knowledge
1. analyze the movements used in the different exercises critically;
2. demonstrate effective analysis on the different movements for physical fitness development;
3. use basic concepts across the domains of knowledge;
4. demonstrate critical, analytical, and creative thinking;
5. apply different conditioning exercises using the principles of training for fitness;

B. Values
1. appreciate the complexity of the human condition;
2. interpret the human experience from various perspectives;
3. examine the effects on practice of doing physical activity;
4. take responsibility for knowing and being Filipino;
5. reflect critically on shared concerns;
6. generate innovative practices and solutions guided by ethical standards;
7. make decisions based on moral norms and imperatives;
8. appreciate various exercise and art forms;
9. contribute to aesthetics movements;
10. advocate respect for human rights;
11. contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development;

C. Skills
1. work effectively in a group;
2. apply physical activity effectively;
3. use current technology to assist and facilitate learning and research;
4. negotiate the world of technology responsibly;
5. create solutions to problems in various fields;
6. manage one’s knowledge, skills, and values for responsible and productive living; and
7. organize one’s self for lifelong learning and living a physically active and healthy life.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) 21st Century General Education (GE) Learning Outcomes(b)
Upon completion of the course, students must be able to: Skills(a) Knowledge Values Skills

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1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. demonstrate physical, mental, emotional, social and
psychological wellness for ‘self’ and in the university life; C1, C2, C3, C5, C6 L P L O O O O O L O O O O O O O P O O O O L L

2. appreciate and apply the significance of exercise concepts,

principles and strategies in a range of physical activities; C1, C3, C5, C6 P P P L O O O L L O O O L O L O O O O L L L O

3. demonstrate safe practices during physical and daily activities

with respect to themselves, others and the environment; C1, C2, C3, C4, C6 P P L P O P O O L O O L O O L O P O O O O L L

4. practice and assume responsibility to value ‘self’ and to show

concern for ‘others’; C1, C2, C3, C4, C6 P P L P O P L O L O O L O O L L P O O O O L L

5. create and perform exercise program suitable to ‘self’ with

regards to one’s strengths and weaknesses; and C1, C2, C4, C5, C6 P P L P O L L O L O O O O O L P P O O O O L L

6. acquire, maintain, enjoy and value the benefits of living a

physically active and healthy life. C1, C3, C4, C5, C6 P P L P O P L O L O O O O O P P P O O O O L P

(a) - 6 Cs: Character (C1), Citizenship (C2), Collaboration (C3), Communication (C4), Creativity (C5), Critical Thinking (C6) (b) - L = Learned P = Practiced O = Opportunity to learn


Course Description

Physical Education 1 (PE 1) with a descriptive title ,physical fitness is intended to equip students with the knowledge of a systematic approach of improving and maintaining
the level of fitness and wellness in their daily lives by adopting and maintaining healthy lifestyle. It also covers self-testing and developmental activities pertinent to physical

Course Schedule
Week Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Topic Assignment Due
1 At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: CSU VMGO Lecture-discussion video (Class Schedule
a.Explain the CSU VMGO and relate to personal goal and Course Introduction Video transcript on Week 2)
F-CDD-US-002, Rev. 1, 06-29-2020
objective Introduction of Instructors
b.define academic honesty; and Importance of Academic Honesty PowerPoint Presentation
c. recall the Physical Education instructors. Overview of the MidTerm
At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Definition of Physical Education
Lecture-discussion video
a. recognize the significance of physical education; Objectives of Physical Education (Class Schedule
2 Video transcript
b. Interpret how physical education activities shape the total Main Goal of Physical Education on Week 3)
PowerPoint Presentation
development of a person..
At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:
Lecture-discussion video
a. differentiate health related from skill related fitness Definition of Physical Fitness
Demonstration video (Class Schedule
3 components ; and Components of Physical Fitness: Health
Video transcript on Week 4)
b. relate the important functions of physical fitness in the Related Fitness Components
PowerPoint Presentation
performance of physical activity.
At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Lecture-discussion video Quizzes
Components of Physical Fitness: Skill
4 a. identify the components of physical fitness. Video transcript (Class Schedule
Related Fitness Components
PowerPoint Presentation on Week 5)
At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Performance of the Physical Fitness Test
a. perform each physical fitness test correctly; (Pre Test) Lecture-discussion video
Result of the PPFT
b. exhibit honesty in recording the result; and Demonstration video
5 (Class Schedule
c. recognize the significance of following the mechanics of Video transcript
on Week 7)
the PFT correctly. PowerPoint Presentation

At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Phases of Exercise Program: Lecture-discussion video
a. identify the phases of exercise program; and Warm-up Exercise Demonstration video Video
6 b. recognize the purpose of each phase; Stretching Exercise Video transcript (Class Schedule
c. perform warm up exercises Benefits PowerPoint Presentation on Week 8)

At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Phases of Exercise Program:
Lecture-discussion video
a. identify the different conditioning exercises and its Conditioning Exercise(aerobic exercise, weigth Video
Demonstration video
7 purpose. and strength training Exercises and Speed and (Class Schedule
Video transcript
b. Distinguish the different conditioning exercises from Agility training exercises on Week 9)
PowerPoint Presentation
one another based on its benefits. Benefits
8 At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Phases of Exercise Program: Lecture-discussion video Video
a. recognize the purpose of each phase; and Cool Down Exercise Demonstration video (Class Schedule
b. appreciate the benefits of each phase when performed Benefits Video transcript on Week 10)

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MS PowerPoint Presentation

Online midterm
9 administered via LMS
(w/ limited time & take)

At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Overview of the Final Term
Lecture-discussion video Quizzes
a. recognize the importance of the fitness training principles Principles of training:
10 Video transcript (Class Schedule
for the enhancement of man’s fitness ; and Specificity, Individualisation, Progression,
MS PowerPoint Presentation on Week 11)
b. differentiate each principle from the other.. Overload and Reversibility

At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Video

11 c. recognize the significance of performing cardiovascular Lecture-discussion video (Class Schedule
exercises; and Performance of aerobics/cardiovascular Demonstration video on Week 13)
d. apply the principles of fitness training following the exercises Video transcript
phases of exercise. MS PowerPoint Presentation

At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Lecture-discussion video
a. performed weight and strength training exercise and apply Performance of weight and Strength Demonstration video
13-14 (Class Schedule
the principles of fitness training. Exercises Video transcript
on Week 15)
MS PowerPoint Presentation
At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:
Lecture-discussion video
a. recognize the significance of performing agility and speed Video
Performance on Agility and Speed Demonstration video
15-16 exercises; and (Class Schedule
Training Exercises Video transcript
b. apply the fitness principles of fitness training in the on Week 17)
MS PowerPoint Presentation
performance of the exercises.
At the end of the lesson, students must be able to: Physical Fitness Test (Post Test)
Lecture-discussion video
a. perform each physical fitness test correctly;
Demonstration video Performance video
17 b. exhibit honesty in recording the result; and
Video transcript submitted via LMS
c. recognize the significance of following the mechanics
MS PowerPoint Presentation
of the PFT correctly.
F-CDD-US-002, Rev. 1, 06-29-2020
Performance video
submitted via LMS

Note: This schedule is subject to change as needed during the semester.

Course Materials/Resources:

 Demonstration video
 Lecture-discussion video lesson
 Lecture-discussion video transcripts
 PowerPoint Presentations
 CSU Learning Management System / Moodle
 Desktop computers/laptop/tablet/smart phone/headset


Course Management and Class Policies Dimension Evaluation

(See CSU Student Handbook for details) (Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective; Incorporating 6Cs)

Course Requirements Cognitive Learning

Midterm Finals 6Cs
 .pdf copy of Physical education 1 Course Packet Domain
 Class Attendance via CSU LMS and /or teleconferencing platforms (e.g. Cisco Webex, Zoom Remembering 10% 10% C1, C2, C3 C6
Google Meet, Facebook Room, etc.) Understanding 20% 25% C1, C2, C3, C6
 Term Examinations (administered online via CSU LMS) Applying 25% 25% C1, C2, C3, C6
 Performance Tasks (submitted online via CSU LMS) Analyzing 20% 20% C1, C2, C4, C6
 Activated CarSU account (Address inquiries to CSU Office of Management and Information Evaluating 15% 15% C1, C2, C4, C5, C6
System) Creating 10% 10% C1, C2, C5, C6
 Online Class Extension Registration via CSU LMS and/or SNS (e.g. Facebook, etc.) Total 100% 100%

Class Policies For output-based assessment (like projects, laboratory reports, term
1. Begin, always, by listening. papers, etc.), rubrics should be provided to students before giving them

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2. Take yourself seriously as an intellectual being. the assessment.
3. Be informed, at all times, by the guiding principles of ‘academic honesty’.
4. Always wear proper attire in the performance of any physical activity. The final grade corresponding to the student’s general average is given in
5. Observe netiquette. the table on the following page. Any deviation from this grading system
must be approved by the Dean.

Attendance and Participation Criteria for Grading Transmutation Table

Attendance in this Physical Education 1 module will be regularly observed online. Attendance and
class participation will be embedded in Class Standing grade component. Term Examination 30% Final Grade Range of MPS(c)
Performance Task 50% 1.0 97 - 100
Class Standing Class Standing 20% 1.25 93 - below 97
Students’ success in this module will depend on the level of their learning responses. Online session Total Grade Percentage 100% 1.50 89 - below 93
each week for 18 weeks will be inclusive of lecture-discussion video lessons, demonstration video 1.75 85 - below 89
online summative tests and via CSU LMS. Note: 2.00 80 - below 85
1) Credit (CRDT) will be given 2.25 75 - below 80
as remarks for student with 2.50 70 - below 75
Term Examination
2.75 65 - below 70
There will be two (2) term examinations—midterm and final term exams. Midterm exam will be passing class standing to an
3.00 60 - below 65
administered online, with limited take and time frame via CSU LMS and for final exam students are enrolled course but lack
Subject to instructor’s
required to send video presentation via CSU LMS. Special Examinations will only be given to necessary requirements; 55-below 60
students who miss term examinations, provided that valid reasons are presented. The instructor will nonetheless, this does not 5.00 below 55
review the evidence or provided documents to see if the circumstances reported have impacted prevent student from
negatively on the student’s capacity in taking the term examination. enrolling subsequent course (c) MPS - mean percent score
that requires the course as
Performance Task pre-requisite.
Performance task will be a major component in students’ overall grade. The program module’s
major performance task requires students to submit video performance based on the physical
activity required from them. Most likely, missed major performance task equates to a possibility for
an incomplete grade (INC).

Course Materials/Resources
The department provides course materials/resources in a form of lecture-discussion videos,
demonstration videos, video transcripts, and other learning materials accessible via CSU LMS or
available at your nearest learning kiosk. Please be reminded that reproduction of these course
materials other than educational purposes is strictly prohibited.

F-CDD-US-002, Rev. 1, 06-29-2020

CSU-Butuan is an ‘affirmative action’ and ‘equal opportunity’ university supporting an inclusive
learning environment where diversity and difference are respected. This means that students are
expected to respect differences and show resilience in understanding other perspectives, behaviors,
practices, and beliefs that may be contrary to their own. If there are moments where inclusivity is
not honored, the instructor/professor and student(s) will discuss the circumstances either as a class
or privately to learn from each other.

Course Evaluation
Students must earn 60% (3.0) or better to pass the course. All course works will be based on points
and rubrics. Students are expected to track their own progress within the term. This means that, at
any given moment, they should know their course standing. Grading rubrics for all course works
will be provided so that they will have the opportunities to ask clarifications about how their work
and performance tasks will be assessed. In case of an INC grade, students must comply the lacking
requirements within a year. Otherwise, they will have to retake the course.

Class Standing (CS), Term Exam (TE), Performance Task (PT)
Prelim Grade (PG), MidTerm Grade (MTG), Final Grade (FG)

MTG = CS (20%) + TE (30%) + PT (50%)

FTG= CS (20%) + TE (30%) + PT (50%)
FG = (PG + MTG + FTG)/2

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Revision Number: _____N/A_____
MARC JOY A. CREDO CHARITO C. RODRIGUEZ, Ed D Date Revised: _______N/A______
Faculty Department Chairperson ROLANDO N. PALUGA, PhD Effectivity: August 11, 2020
Date Signed: ______________ VPAA
JONEL F. CACHO Date Signed: ______________


F-CDD-US-002, Rev. 1, 06-29-2020
Faculty College Dean
Date Signed: ______________
Recommending Approval:


OCID Director
WIKKO A. CUBILLAS Date Signed: ______________


1) Rubrics for performance/product/process -based assessment tools
2) TOS for an objective test
3) Catalogue of TLAs (name and brief description)

N1. Attachment (1) & (3) may reflect the specific manifestation of 6 Cs (Character (C1), Citizenship (C2), Collaboration (C3), Communication (C4), Creativity (C5), Critical
Thinking (C6) and the teaching strategies required in Area III of AACUP survey criteria.


Syllabus for Blended Learning, Center for Teaching Innovation. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, United States
Foundation of Physical Education HandBook. C.T.Andin. Rex Printing Company
F-CDD-US-002, Rev. 1, 06-29-2020

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