Dream Job Nurserina
Dream Job Nurserina
Dream Job Nurserina
Class : AB-45-07
NIM : 1501210056
I want to be a Secretary and i want to work as a Secretary in a big company. There are so many
responsibilities as a Secretary. First, the responsibility of being a Seretary is to be able to ensure meetings
that effectively organised and minuted, circulating agendas and reports and circulating approved minutes.
Second, a secretary must be able to maintain effective records and administration, upholding the legal
requirements of governing documents, charity law, company law etc (where relevant), communication and
correspondence. In other words, communicating and writing are the main duties of a secretary.
The first responsibility is to be able to ensure meetings that effectively organised and minuted. There are
many important tasks that must be done by a secretary as circulating agendas. A secretary must be able to
taking minutes, circulating approved minutes. A secretary must be able to checking that agreed actions are
carried out.
The second responsibility is to maintaining effective records and administration. A secretary must be able
to upholding the legal requirements of governing documents, charity law, company law etc (where
relevant), communication and correspondence. In this digital era, a secretary must be able to reporting the
activities of the organisation and future programmes to members, the press and the public and preparing a
report of the organisation's activities for the year, for the Annual General Meeting. In short, a secretary has
several responsibilities and tasks to complete.
1. Introducing the 1. I want to be a Secretary and i want to work as a
DREAM JOB/ Secretary in a big company
2. Explaining 2. There are many responsibilities as a Secretary
RESPONSIBILITY 3. First, the responsibility of being a Seretary is to be
ONE= Secretary is to able to able to ensure meetings that effectively organised and
ensure meetings minuted, circulating agendas and reports and
circulating approved minutes.
3. Explaining 4. Second, a secretary must be able to maintain effective
RESPONSIBILITY records and administration, upholding the legal
TWO= Secretary must be requirements of governing documents, charity law,
able to maintain effective company law etc (where relevant), communication and
records and administration correspondence.
5. In other words, communicating and writing are the
main duties of a secretary
TASK TWO= Communication 12. In this digital era, a secretary must be able to
and correspondence reporting the activities of the organisation and
future programmes to members, the press and the
TASK THREE= Reporting the public and preparing a report of the organisation's
activities of the organisation activities for the year, for the Annual General Meeting
and future programmes
Closing Concluding the 13. In short, a secretary has several responsibilities and
RESPONSIBILITY and TASKS tasks to complete.
AND and
Independent clause tasks to complete.