CASE Formulation and Treatment
CASE Formulation and Treatment
CASE Formulation and Treatment
Lillian Nyagaya
Counselor/ lecturer
Egerton university Njoro
Despite integrative case formulation being
referred to as the core skill of a trained
psychotherapists, and despite published attempts
to explain what it is and how to do it, in practice,
psychotherapists have difficulty developing these
skills and have high degrees of uncertainty as to
what is required .The challenge is not so much
ascertaining what should be included in a
formulation but rather linking it to the development
of a comprehensive and individualized treatment
plan.( Ingram ,L.B. 2006) .
This scenario leaves many therapists
confused and frustrated, the result is that
they try to integrate ideas from different
models haphazardly and through trial and
error or squeeze clients into their preferred
formulation. The answer to this confusion is
that one needs a specific set of skills that are
not taught in graduate programmes-
integrative case formulation the focus of this
Introduction cont
Further emphasis is put on
learning to use the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders, fourth edition(DSM-IV-TR;American psychiatric
association,2002) which leads to the faulty assumption that in
diagnosis, a labeling ,categorization process with specific set of
inclusion criteria ,is equivalent to case formulation.
The message to “to choose an orientation‟‟ from well established
theoretical approaches results in the adoption of a ready- made
formulation that is choosen before the therapists lays eyes on a new
client. Despite the evidence that most therapists combine ideas from
different approaches and that no single model is comprehensive
enough to incorporate biological, psychological, interpersonal and
social factors in human functioning,.
besides faculty and supervisors often discourage an integrative
Inroduction cont
The presentation includes:
i ) Definition of the terms case formulation,
integrative case formulation, core
hypotheses, treatment planning
ii) Benefits of integrative formulation
Treatment planning
It is how the therapists will work with client to achieve
the goals of treatment and resolve the problem
How am i going to know what to do?
Choose an orientation
By choosing an orientation you develop case formulations
using theories of your preferred theoretical model. This is
attractive because
i. It offers structure
ii. Guarantees consistency and coherence among your ideas
iii. Wins you approval from members of the profession who
have followed this path
iv. Removes ambiguity and stress from clinical decision making
v. Gives you access to professional organizations and training
programs with likeminded professionals.
Choose an orientation-cont