NEW Seychelles IBC CDD Requirements

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Seychelles Companies

Compliance Requirements

IMPORTANT 3. Group structure:

Failure to supply the following information will delay the Where the company is to be part of a group then we require
incorporation of your company. an understanding of the structure of the group from a reli-
able and independent source, such as a structure chart.
1. Due diligence required for all beneficial owners:
Note A: Acceptable evidence of identity
The following information must be provided in relation to
each beneficial owner who holds more than 25% of the Certified copies (not originals) should be provided.
shares or voting rights in the company.
• Current signed passport (this is the preferred form of
In almost all circumstances the ultimate beneficial owners evidence). The copy should show the unique reference
will be individuals: number, the issuing office, expiry date, full name,
signature and photograph.
a) 1 certified copy document evidencing identity (see note
A below on page 2). This document must contain a • Current provisional or full driving licence bearing
photograph which must be certified as a true likeness of photograph and signature.
the individual; AND
• Government issued National Identity Card bearing
b) 1 separate document evidencing residential address photograph and signature.
(see note B ).
Note B: Acceptable evidence of residential address
Where a certified copy document is required see note C on (separate to evidence of identity)
page 2.
The original or a certified copy may be provided.
2. Due diligence required for each director:
• Recent utility bill (not more than 3 months old and not
The following information must be provided in relation to all a mobile phone bill) or local authority tax bill (this is the
the directors of the company. preferred form of evidence).

If the director is an individual the documentation listed in • Current provisional or full driving licence bearing
1(a) and (b) above. photograph and signature.

If the director is a body corporate: • Recent bank or building society account or mortgage
statement (not more than 3 months old).
a) A certified copy of the certificate of incorporation and
any certificate of incorporation on change of name of
the body corporate; AND

b) A certified copy of the memorandum and articles of as-
sociation of the body corporate; AND

c) Evidence of the registered office address of the body
corporate; AND

d) A list of directors of the body corporate.
Note C: Certifying documents

Any copy documents supplied must be certified, preferably

in English, as being a true copy of the original. Where the
document contains a photograph, the photograph must be
certified as a true likeness of the individual.

Documents may only be certified by a person who is an

independent and reliable person.

Examples of an acceptable certifier in relation to a UK

resident are a UK lawyer, banker, authorised financial
intermediary, accountant or doctor.

Examples in relation to a non-UK resident are a qualified

lawyer, notary, accountant, banker (from a recognised bank)
or embassy official.

The certification should be signed by the certifier, dated and

contain his name, address and occupation.

Certificates should appear on the copy document. If they

appear on a separate document the copy document which
is being certified must be clearly identified.

If certificates are not provided in English we reserve the right

to require that an appropriate translation is provided.

Seychelles Companies
Compliance Requirement

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