Information Sheet: Seychelles Companies (Ibcs)
Information Sheet: Seychelles Companies (Ibcs)
Information Sheet: Seychelles Companies (Ibcs)
Information Sheet
Standard authorised capital Deadline for the IBC to submit this declaration to the
Companies are normally incorporated with a share capital of Registered Agent is 31 December of each year.
Must accounts be prepared by the directors?
Statutory minimum paid-up capital requirements In order to comply with section 65(1) of the International
None. However, all issued shares shall be paid for in money Business Companies Act, 1994 (as amended), the company
or other valuable consideration. must keep or cause to be kept proper accounting records:
Denomination of share capital (i) that are sufficient to show and correctly explain the
Share capital may be denominated in any recognised company’s transactions;
(ii) to enable the financial position of the company to be Annual licence fee
determined with reasonable accuracy at any time; and For all companies irrespective of the share capital US$100
(iii) to enable for accounts of the company to be prepared Annual Licence fee is payable, plus Government tax of 7.5%.
In addition, the directors are required to advise the Payable by the anniversary of the company’s registration.
Registered Agent of the location of the company accounting
Company seal
The company may have a common seal.
Re-domiciliation provisions
A company incorporated under the laws of a foreign
jurisdiction may continue its existence in Seychelles.
Similarly, IBCs may transfer their domicile to foreign
territories that permit such procedures.